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Biodiversity resilience in pastoral landscapes

Project Member(s): Ramp, D.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Pastoral Partners Australia (Pastoral Partners Aust)
Pastoral Partners Australia (Pastoral Partners Aust)

Start year: 2023

Summary: This project will establish a protocol for quantifying biodiversity baselines on large pastoral properties managed primarily for livestock and carbon sequestration. Pastoral Partners Australia (PPA) is a livestock and carbon business that seeks to identify pathways for long-term sustainability of farming practices that benefit the environment and local communities. Through a collaboration with PPA we will establish protocols and metrics for measuring important biodiversity metrics and will pilot them on a newly acquired property in south-central Queensland, called Burwah. Using approved Accounting for Nature methodologies, we will collect biodiversity data to report on condition indicators covering pasture, vegetation, and fauna. We will then explore interactivity among metrics to hypothesise potential interventions that may improve overall landscape and business resilience.

FOR Codes: Sustainable agricultural development, Environmentally sustainable animal production not elsewhere classified