Inclusive planning for health and wellbeing [23039]
Project Member(s): Prior, J., Legg, R.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Greater Cities Commission
Greater Cities Commission
Start year: 2023
Summary: The purpose of the grant is twofold: to provide the opportunity for researchers from universities across the six cities to explore future-focused city planning issues through thought leadership pieces (a discussion paper), and provide GCC with cutting-edge, future-focused perspectives on city planning issues to consider in future regional and city plans
Gorman-Murray, A, Prior, J, Cadorin, R, Vincent, A, Olivier, J-L & de Leeuw, E, 'Urban policy, space and wellbeing: a move towards LGBTQIA+ inclusive planning', Public Health Research & Practice, vol. 33, no. 4.
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FOR Codes: Urban planning, Determinants of health, Urban planning and health