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The I-DIMENSIONS Project: Integrated DMG genomIc Methylomic EpigeNetic Spatial transcrIptomic prOteomic subtypiNg System

Project Member(s): Gallego Ortega, D., Valdes Mora, F.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Charlie Teo Foundation (Charlie Teo Foundation Research Fellowship)
Charlie Teo Foundation (Charlie Teo Foundation Research Fellowship)

Start year: 2023

Summary: Over the last 15 years, the 5-year overall survival (OS) rate for children diagnosed with cancer has increased from 71% to 84%. However, for children diagnosed with paediatric high-grade gliomas (pHGG), including those localised to the midline of the central nervous system (such as diffuse midline glioma - (DMG)), survival is measured in months; 5-year survival is experienced by less than 1% of patients. Unfortunately, this approach has not improved survival of aggressive brain cancers such as DMG, but, the ZERO program has succeeded in generating critical, disease-specific genetic data. In this grant we propose to characterise the genetics of 210 pHGG samples, and uniquely, integrate the findings to create a ‘methylo-genomic’ tumour subtyping system. This multi-pronged subtyping will provide greater insight than the existing system that categorises tumours into one of only three subtypes and is not predictive of treatment response.

FOR Codes: Bioinformatics and computational biology, Cancer genetics, Paediatrics, Diagnosis of human diseases and conditions, Treatment of human diseases and conditions