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A Green Technology for Enhancing Resource Recovery from Sewage Sludge

A Made in Australia Model for Indigenous-State Treaty-Making

A one-two punch therapeutic strategy to overcome chemotherapy-induced cell plasticity in neuroblastoma

A randomised controlled trial of Standard Of Care versus RadioAblaTion in Early Stage HCC (The SOCRATES HCC Study)

AI-powered digital transformation for the smart circular economy

ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS)

Advanced physics-based fusion concept for the extraction of additional information from noise using nonlinear time series analyses in a stream

Advancing vaccine adjuvant research for tuberccculosis

An evaluation of cotton fibre waste processing and composting alternatives: Comparison of business models, GHG emissions and commercialisation opportunities (BIDA)

Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Secure Signal Processing and Connectivity for Autonomous Sensors (AI-SSPCAS)

Assessing benefits of extended genomic newborn screening trialled on 100,000 infants from Generation Victoria

Aussie Ark Gift - Indigenous Rangers for Broad-headed Snake Conservation

Australia’s First Young Stroke Service: MACH supported.

Bench-Q - An automated system for quantum performance analytics and resource estimation

Boosting Business Innovation Program 2023-2027 Re-fund - Deep Green Biotech Hub

Building the Theoretical Foundation of Refinement Techniques for Quantum Programming

COMmunicating in STroke cAre and Rehabilitation (COM-STAR): Improving staff communication skills for better access to and inclusion in care and rehabilitation for stroke survivors with communication impairments

Centre for Research Excellence for Interstitial Lung Disease – towards Individualised Care (IDILIC)

Childhood febrile convulsions - do treatment patterns determine the risk of early recurrence?

Community fundraising opportunity for The Translational Oncology Group

Corporate Behaviour and Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Decarbonised Infrastructure

Defining the links between climate change, marine disease and food securityNew Project

Defining the role and therapeutic manipulation of the gut-lung axis in respiratory disease

DelivAssure - A novel monitoring device to detect hypoxia during childbirth

Denis Ilin Scholarship: Generation of multi-photon entanglement in time-modulated waveguide and cavity QED systems

Design and development of a calibration device for accessories used in delivery of First Aid / CPR

Developing Personalised and Portable Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) Microtechnologies for Rapid Thrombotic Risk and Anticoagulant Dosage Assessment

Digital Finance CRC Scholarship: Optimal design of automated market makers for illiquid assets - Maximilian Brandl

Digital Finance CRC Scholarship: Regulatory Enablement - Taxonomy of digital assets - Franziska Stefanie Gmeiner

Evaluating the implementation and uptake of prevention programs to support healthy ageing amongst Aboriginal people

GBRF - Coral Nurture Program Cairns Extension

Genomic approaches for better outcomes in pulmonary fibrosis: addressing the knowledge gap.


High-energy breathable batteries supported by quasi-solid electrolytes

IQP Based Secure Quantum Computation Verification - student Karl Rombauts

Illuminating Microbial Communication Networks

Improving the lives of people with Phantom Limb Pain - the TITAN trial

Industry Doctorate Program Scholarship Cellulose fiber cementitious composite for construction sustainability

Low-cost and High Energy Density Room Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries

Melatonin supplementation to reduce the induction of labour rates in first time mothers: The MyTIME Trial

Minimising Adverse drug Reactions and Verifying Economic Legitimacy - Pharmacogenomics Implementation in Children (MARVEL-PIC)

NSW Australia Mukurtu Hub


Nanothermometers on live cell

National Telecom Resilience Centre - Research program to support the Triple Zero emergency calling ecosystem

Node Project Plan Contract (Node Plan)

Non-animal Technologies Network

PFAS transport through landfill clay liners enhanced with proteins.

Protecting oyster aquaculture from heatwaves and flooding rains

Quantum Nanophotonics with Atomically Thin Materials

Raising the Bar: Learning from the Life Stories of Indigenous Lawyers

Research Collaboration - Cardiac Pathophysiology Program

Safe@home - Evaluating effectiveness and cost effectiveness of home telemonitoring supported by primary care for patients living with chronic disease in low socioeconomic neighbourhoods for reducing ambulance ramping, readmission and GP clinic block.

Secondary mathematics teacher education: Perspectives regarding tertiary mathematics

Single molecular antigen rapid test (SMART)

SmartSat HDR: High Performance Beam Steering Antenna Systems for SpaceApplicationsWideband

Stormwater organic matter project

Super Supplement - Boosting coral resilience through nutritional subsidies

Sustainable and Fit for Purpose Concrete Materials for Construction of Assets

Testing of devices and networks using a Controlled Test Facility

The Conference Legacy Project

The NOTUS trial (NOn-pharmacological Treatment for chronic low back pain USing digital health technology)

The development and application of innovative biostatistical methodology for the study of prenatal alcohol exposure and its effect on cognitive and behavioural deficits in children

The wonderful, fluorescent, massive world of tiny invisible things.

Transforming Wound Care through Telehealth in Aged Care

UTS Wool Bioharvesting

Unlocking bacterial shapeshifting and its role in antimicrobial resistance

Upscaling benefits of sustainable management of AMR in the Pacific Region

Water Quality Project Extension

miRNA as therapeutics and biomarkers for mycobacterial diseases


2023 AINSE Postgraduate Research Award - Caitlin Younis

2025 Addiction Neuroscience Australia EMCR symposium

A novel approach to identify and treat mesothelioma

ARC Research Hub for Solutions and Stewardship to fight AMR

ASCA-EDT-CHALLENGES-2023 - Optical Limiting for SWIR EO sensors

Advanced quantum device design for high-performance quantum simulations ( Giorge Gemisis SQA)

An Achilles’ heel of ovarian cancer: targeting ARID1A mutant tumours

Anisotropic single-particle transducers

Applications of Calcined Clay in Lower Carbon Concrete

Artificial intelligence in education: Democratising policy

Ascertaining the optimal lipid packing parameters and lipid head-group selection for the Phospholipase A2 tethered bilayer lipid membrane sensor

Ascertaining the optimal lipid packing parameters and lipid headgroup selection for the phospholipase A2 tethered bilayer lipid membrane sensor

Assessing and Enhancing the Enabling Legal Environment for PLHIV and PLVH

Assessing the potential of Agarwood and its novel nano formulation in allergic airway diseases

Assessing the potential of Curcumin-loaded liposomes in inhibiting cigarette smoke induced inflammation and senescence in human bronchial epithelial cells

Assessment of Dynamic Pile Driving Using Machine Learning

BREATH: Benchmarks of Resilience Evaluated Across Thresholds of Hypoxia

Bacterial symbioses govern the health of Australian aquatic ecosystems

Bioinspired Nanoionic Materials for Watt-scale Nano-Hydroelectric Generator

Bondi Bio Space & Collaboration Use - 2023-2026 - Prof Peter Ralph (C3)

CAPACITY: A telehealth, effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial to increase physical activity in adults with chronic low back pain

Cathode Precursor Production Pilot Plant – Stage 2

Clinical trial – Management of Oral Contraception and Minor Skin Conditions by Community Pharmacists

Co-designing with consumers, carers and other stakeholders a self-management plan for breathlessness crises from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Coral Nurture Program Whitsundays

Determining plant resilience to temperature stress in NSW alpine Threatened Ecological Communities

Developing lithium metal batteries: a game changer for renewable energy

Digital twin of reinforced concrete bridges for intelligent asset management

Digitisation threshold effects and mitigation in small-scale Circuit QED Quantum Simulators

EV Charging as a Service

Effective, efficient and scalable processing of the graph of graphs

End of Life Directions for Aged Care

Engineered nanoparticles for the delivery of miRNA-125 inhibitors to manage influenza virus infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Engineering Bed-Rest-in-a-Dish to Discover the Therapeutic Strategies to Promote Dynamic Resilience in Older Adults

Enhancing Genomic Testing Pathology Orders: A Digital Decision Support Tool

Evaluation of the Early Stage Breast Cancer Bundle Pilot Program

Experimental-numerical-virtual Integrated Inverse Design

Flexible and scalable Bayesian phylogenetics via modern machine learning

Food for thought: identifying dietary influences on decision making

Formulation (Liposomal Curcumin) and Potential Impact on Lung Diseases using Ex-Vivo Testing

Good vibes: how do plants recognise and respond to pollinator vibroacoustic signals?

Graph Representation Learning for Fair Teaming in Crisis Response

Healthy Environments And Lives (HEAL) - National Research Network on Human Health and Environmental Change

High Quality Gallium Oxide for Power Electronics

Homogenous Antibody-Metal Conjugates For Immuno-Mass Spectrometry Imaging

ICRS Ruth Gates Fellowship

Identification and Development of Potential Novel Therapeutic Interventions for Influenza A Virus (IAV) infection in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Indistinguishable Quantum Emitters in van der Waals Materials

Innovative and Sustainable High-Performance Permanent Formwork for Composite Concrete Floors

Investigating the potential of polysaccharides, probiotics based Fisetin loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system in alleviating influenza infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Investigating the synergy of a Lactoferrin-derived peptide Lactofungin and the anti-fungal drug Amphotericin B

Investigating the synergy of a Lactoferrin-derived peptide and the anti-fungal drug Amphotericin B

LAM Research Alliance PhD Scholarship, Supported by the TSANZ & LFA

Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery of gene therapy in inflammatory disease

Long-term healthcare service utilisation and costs of care following allogeneic blood and marrow transplantation in NSW, Australia

Longitudinal Study Phase III (Management)

Maximising Aphasia Treatment and Recovery Across Australia through Innovative Group Telerehabilitation

Mitigating the incidence of Ciguatera Poisoning in Kiribati

Multi-Beam and Beam-Scanning Antenna Arrays for Intelligent Wireless System

NIR-II Fluorescent Toolbox for Organelle-specific Imaging of Three-dimensional Bio-tissues at High Spatiotemporal Resolution

NSW Defence Innovation Network

National Road Safety: Towards Data-Driven Behaviour Understanding of Emerging Personal Mobility Device Users In Mixed Traffic Environments [with UoN]

Navigating Uncertainty & Evidence: Teaching for Epistemic Cognition

New FKBPL-targeting treatments for preeclampsia

Next-Generation Distributed Graph Engine for Big Graphs

Next-Generation Intelligent Robotic Mobility Aid for Vision Impaired People

Optical Metasurface for Single Small Extracellular Vesicle Analysis

Optimising Industry-led Regulation for the Digital Platform Era

Our Recovery – A consumer-led, evidence-based online program to optimise pain self management in the community

Project Restore - Developing a Social and Economic Impact Monitoring Framework for Nature Restoration Activities in Sydney Harbour

Quantum control for advanced gates and quantum simulation protocols ( Adrien Di Lonardo SQA)

Refining Design Deformation Predictions by Improving Concrete Volume Stability Assessment

Resolving the threat of ocean deoxygenation to coral resilience

SAAFE Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow – Genomic Epidemiologist

SIMS & Zimmerman: A fact-finding mission to build coral reef resilience to climate change

Sanaa Harrass Evolution and mechanisms of interactions in biofilm communities

ScreenED: Developing and validating a universal eating disorder screening tool for children 5-12 years

Stabilising soil foundation with biopolymer for enhanced rail transport

Stem Cell Futures Fellowship

Targeted delivery of Berberine engineered nanoparticles as a therapeutic intervention for influenza infection in COPD

Targeted delivery of Berberine engineered nanoparticles as a therapeutic intervention for influenza infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Targeted delivery of berberine engineered nanoparticles as a therapeutic intervention for influenza infection in COPD

The Australian Endometriosis Clinicians Collaborative (AECC)

The detection of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) in the saliva of Head and Neck cancer patients.

The infectome of NSW dairy calves, a genomic microbial surveillance

Thermal hotspots detection in nanoscale two-dimensional electronics

Thrive - Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Graduate Program

Thrive - Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Graduate Program Project - Sarah Lee

Toward Human-Centred Safe Reinforcement Learning in the Real World

Trawalla Foundation - Research Fellowship Stage 2

Treatable Traits in Interstitial Lung Disease (TTRILD) Study: The New Frontier

UTS Sea Dragon Research Donation

Use of Construction and Demolition Waste and Recycled Glass Materials in Sealed and Unsealed Roads

Utilising the potential of quercetin solid lipid nanoparticles to induce immunogenic cell death as a novel strategy for lung cancer treatment

What determines plant sensitivity to heat?: Individual to lifetime impacts

Working Group 3 Deliverables

sEV-derived circRNA in EMT progression and treatment option in Mesothelioma


3D Printed Deep Learning Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces for Beyond 5G and 6G Communications and Sensing

3D Printed Self-Deployable Antenna Arrays for CubeSat Applications

A Seamless One-size-fits-more Sports Bra Design for Adolescent Girls

A novel probe for miRNA detection in living cells - Ziwei Wu

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of Australian deer

A trade between types of electric motors for robotics applications in space

A vascularised lung-on-a-chip model for nanotoxicity testing

AI Expert Technical Advice Project

AI-driven sustainability solution for Fashion

APEX Classification using Artificial Intelligence for scoliosis assessment

Addressing health and care needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with dementia and their communities: A cluster RCT

Advanced Prototype Packaging Facility (APPF)

Alpine plant thermal tolerance in a mosaic of extreme microclimates (Lisa Danzey)

An Intelligent Bibliometric System for Medical Knowledge Discovery – Phase IV

Applications of Calcined Clay in Lower Carbon Concrete

Assessment of the use of EQ-5D and other generic health-related quality of life measures to evaluate the health outcomes associated with extreme weather events and related climate change impacts: A systematic review

Assets Tokenization Using Distributed Ledger Technology

Australia-Vietnam 5G/6G Centre

Australian Program for Drug Repurposing for Treatment Resistant Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Automated Tasking of RAS Teams for Active Modelling of CBRN Threats

Automating E-Waste Management Phase 2

Biodiversity resilience in pastoral landscapes

Bridging the theory-practice gap in leisure/event management education through industry-academia collaboration

Bringing generative AI to the NDIS complaints process: phase 1 and 2

Broad-headed snake - Habitat restoration and species monitoring

Building a non-coding RNA system biology network to identify mechanistic pathways in oral cancers Project

Building a traceability data infrastructure to track provenance and quality in Australian seafood supply chains

Building brain models to bridge brains across multiple species by up-conversion nanoparticle technology - Dan Li

CCAA - Balanced alkali limit in cement for alkali-silica reaction risk-free concrete

CTCP Resilient communication to autonomous systems and operation without GNSS

Cage Fighting with Dementia: Bioengineering protein cages into a next-generation vaccine against Alzheimer’s Disease

Cancer Australia QoL Technical Service (CHERE)

Centre of Research Excellence in Medicines Intelligence (CHERE)

Chichester Dam – determining limiting nutrients to phytoplankton growth and the role of nutrients released from sediments

Circular RNAs - Novel Biomarkers Detectable in Blood Plasma to Facilitate Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Climate Action Research Post-doctoral Fellowship - Behavioural Science CBA

Climate impacts on grass phenology, diversity and pollen exposure

CogSat: Cognitive Satellite Radio - SmartSat CRC

Cold Water pollution monitoring of Pindari Dam

Collaboration in Heterogeneous Autonomous Surface-Aerial Vehicle Teams

Community driven communication and engagement during health crisis periods: co-designing enhanced and transferable strategies

Community health workers extending care in the community

Contextual behaviour predictions in dynamic mobile e-commerce

Coordinated Autonomy through Dec-MCTS with Communicated Behavioural Intent

Coral Nurture Program - David Rockefeller Donation

Coral proliferation in SE Australia: hotspots for temperate and range shifts of tropical fishes

Creating custom microenvironments for anion complexation in water

Creation of a super-resolution map of the bacterial cytokinesis machinery

Cultural Indicators of Drought Resilience.

Cyclophosphamide After Sibling-donor allogeneic stem-cell Transplantation (CAST) in patients with acute leukaemia and myelodysplasia (CHERE)

DHCRC localisation of OECD AI Classification Framework to support governance of investment and commercialisation of AI systems for use in healthcare amongst Australian SMEs

DPE Student Project - Stormwater organic matter project sampling and analysis (extension to PRO23-17276)

Demonstrating the benefits of increasing available green infrastructure in residential homes (BIDA)

Developing Rapid Strip Test for SPINT1, sFlt1 and PIGF detection (next phase from Developing new diagnostics to prevent stillbirth)

Developing a new type of drug for inflammatory lung disease

Developing an electronic nose for frontline detection of illegal forest products

Developing miRNA based therapies for endocrine tumours

Developing phytosystems for the biofiltration of air pollutants

Development and Evaluation of an Internet-based Clinic for Stuttering

Development of antiviral RNA therapeutics targeting SARS-CoV-2 infection

Digital Health CRC- Remote interventions for patients with digestive diseases: an evaluation

Disinformation Defence Initiative: Delivering tools and analysis to fight the growing threat of disinformation for Australia.

Dysregulated cell death and efferocytosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

End-of-Service Life Estimation Model for Concrete Sewers

Energy Matrix - Algae-based carbon capture from power stations (Feasibility Study)

Enhanced helmet protection

Equitable funding for health care: integrating social outcomes (CHERE)

Evaluating Predatory Trading by Activist Arbitrageurs: A Deep Dive into Closed-end Fund Trading Dynamics

Evaluating the Integration of Generative AI in ICT Higher Education: Aligning University Practices with TEQSA Principles for Effective and Ethical Assessment

Evaluation of oromucosal nabiximols and vaporised botanical leaf cannabis in cancer-related anorexia cachexia syndrome in palliative care: A pharmacokinetic study and Phase III double-blind RCT

Eviction: How private renters lose their homes and the consequences

Examining the relationship between EQ-HWB and other quality of life measures.

Forensic Science Response to Crimes Against Journalists

Framework development of soil organic measurement and carbon neutrality management of rangelands through integration of remote sensing technology and data-driven approach

Framework for the application of AI to consumer financial decision making

From Graphs to Quantum Channels: A Complexity and Information-theoretic Study

Gender-Lens Investing: Harnessing Social Innovation for Impact

Generative AI and public Interest Journalism

Harnessing technology to enable mobility in labour and birth for women with increased Body Mass Index (BMI)

Health- and Pharmaco-economic National Technical Service

High Efficiency, High Linearity Gallium Nitride Amplifiers for Space-Based Active Antenna Arrays

High-fidelity tumouroids: accelerating next-generation personalised medicine

How climate-resilient are our temperate fisheries species? Searching for climate-proof fishes in extreme environments

Human/AI Augmentation at the Tactical Edge

ICON-9: A phase 3 randomised trial of cediranib and olaparib maintenance in patients with relapsed platinum sensitive ovarian cancer

ICON9: A phase 3 randomised trial of cediranib and olaparib maintenance in patients with relapsed platinum sensitive ovarian cancer

INOVATe 2.0 Individualised Ovarian Cancer Treatment Through Integration of Genomic Pathology into Multidisciplinary Care - Phase 2: Evaluation, Implementation and Integration into Clinical Practice

Imaging Profiling Platform for Thrombotic Disease and Anti-Platelet Therapeutics - new translational methodologies for characterising, identifying and monitoring thrombotic disease

Impact of diet on the brain, body, and microbiome

Indoor plants and negative air ions

Innovative Bioengineered In-Vitro Model for Studying Bone Aging and Stem Cell Senescence in Joints

Interpretable Behaviour Analysis with External Structured Knowledge

Investigating the potential of liposomal curcumin in alleviating lung diseases

JULES Phenology for Australia

Journeys and Legacies of European Émigré Lawyers in Australia

Lifetime-based NIR-IIb nanothermometer and application in biological deep tissue - Maoxin Zhang

Linking the metallome with biomolecular composition in marine protists: a single-cell study on Fe and Mn co-limitation in Southern Ocean phytoplankton

Living with Urban Heat: Becoming Climate-Ready in Social Housing

Low-cost sodium borohydride production for the hydrogen economy

Mannus Lake - Monitoring of management actions and further research - Year 2

Measuring and valuing changes in child health to facilitate robust decision making

Melanoma Margins Trial-II: A Phase III, Multi-centre Randomised Controlled Trial Investigating 1cm vs 2cm Wide Surgical Excision Margins for AJCC Stage II Primary Cutaneous Melanoma (MelMarT-II)

Membrane phospholipid structure and phase transitions studied by far infrared spectroscopy

Meta-Lattice Composites for Survivability and Resiliency of Satellites from High-Power Microwaves

Metagenomics based diagnostics for control urinary tract infections

Microbe-produced repellents and their roles in marine pathogen behaviours

Milk protein profiling powered by multiplexed single molecule assay

Minimising persistent thermal stratification and algal blooms using improved flow velocity and discharge targets - extended study

Monitoring for food safety in the NSW oyster industry.

NSW Government Sponsored Clinical Trial: Management of Urinary Tract Infections by Community Pharmacists

NSW Health - Nursing and Midwifery Innovation Scholarship: Assessing the impact of an early warning system for bushfire smoke on emergency department presentations among people with health risk factors

Nasal delivered COVID vaccine to block transmission of SARS-CoV-2

NeuroGame: Can neuromodulation of brain rhythms relieve chronic pain?

New Social isolation and volunteering of older Chinese immigrants in Australia

Next-generation quantum spectroscopy diagnostic platforms for heart disease

Non-contact Integrity Assessment on Façade Panels of High-rise Buildings

Novel testing methodologies for deployable detection of water pathogens

OASIS: Organ donAtion converSatIons led by specialist medical and nursing Staff: A qualitative study

Online Behaviour Tree Synthesis for Adaptive Multi-Agent Coordination

Optimising Organic Waste and Cultivating Circularity for Australian Agriculture [24084]

Ordering photon energy carriers for efficient upconversion

PIA property development project

PPHAGE: Precision Public Health in Australia through Integrated Pathogen Genomics - FSPGN000049 Howden - UTS – 2024

Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS): the outcomes of children and young people in out-of-home care

Perception and Acceptability of Presumptive Treatment for Bacterial STIs in High-Risk Groups and Physicians to Assess Chances of Patience Uptake and Clinical Adoption

Plantabox for Targeting the Urban Heat Island Challenge: Phase 2

Pollution action: characterising the occurrence and impacts of chemical and microbial contaminants in Gamay (Botany Bay)

Predicting ecological shifts in the subtropics

Preparing Australia for the next pandemic: Managing controversy; promoting trust.

Productivity Boosts in the Barwon-Darling River from tributary flows – Stage 2

Project and Portfolio Valuation in Force Design (DSTG)

Provision of External Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and Health Technology Related Submissions For the Department of Health (Health/077/1516)

Provision of Services to review existing Health Technology Assessment processes as per Strategic Agreement between the Commonwealth and Medicines Australia

Pushing the digital limits in quantum simulation for advanced manufacturing

Quality family planning services and referrals in pharmacy: expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice (The Alliance Trial) (CHERE)

Quest for Sustainable Electrochemical Energy Storage System

R1P46 - Low carbon footprint supplementary cementitious materials for concrete and blended cement use from mineral carbonation

RACE for 2030 Industry Scholarship: Fast-track to net zero carbon buildings (Round 2)

Radio Frequency Camera for Low-Complexity and High-Resolution Radar Imaging

Regulation of lung immune-epithelial networks sensing environmental change

Remaking One Health: Decolonial approaches to street dogs and rabies prevention in India

Remotely Sensed Rangelands Carbon Project

Replenishing enzymatic cofactor NAD+ in Heart Failure: Rescuing an “engine out of fuel”

Research on Measuring the Institutional Capacity of Key Productivity-Promoting Institutions in Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) members

Research to Inform Capability Development in Evaluation of Public Communication

Residue and Post Overdose Substance Testing (RePOST)

Role of Himalayan guard dogs in enabling human-wildlife coexistence in pastoral rangelands

Rolex - Coral Nurture Program – Great Barrier Reef expansion


Samara Bridge - 2024 Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Research Internship Program

Seal scat antibiotic resistance

Selecting Low Carbon Concrete For Transport Infrastructures - NOW AND FUTURE

Should you venture into space; using adaptation to a lack of visual gravity to identify key selection factors for astronauts

Single extracellular vesicle analysis to identify high-risk intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm

Socio-economic survey of Thompson Creek Dam recreational fishery

Southern Green Gas - Bio-Film Algae for Carbon Capture

Sport as an Agent of Change

Study of 6G Technology for Military Use

Super Resolution Intracellular Multiple Single Particle Dynamic Tracking - Yitong Zhao

Supporting dynamic multidimensional entrepreneurial resilience in Australia

Sydney Quantum Academy Career Development Funds

Taking a HAT TRICK-Improving integration and social cohesion in Blacktown though Community Cricket

Targeting long non-coding RNAs as a novel therapy for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Team Up Strategic Research Partnership

The Development of a Framework of Consistent and Meaningful Innovation Output Metrics across the Greater Cities Commission (GCC) Innovation Districts

The ORIENT study: imprOving Rural and regIonal accEss to long acting reversible contraceptioN and medical abortion through nurse-led models of care, Tasksharing and telehealth (CHERE)

The curious case of photosymbiotic sponges and their importance for marine productivity

Tools for fault-tolerant resource estimation based on core algorithmic subroutines (Zapata, Aalto, UTD, IonQ)

Top-up Scholarship - Fish Screens - Patrick McSweeney

UTS-Boral Centre for Sustainable Building

Understanding the Genetic Basis of Bushfire Particulate Matter Induced Toxicity

Understanding water quality risk for the sustainable and efficient production of Pacific and Sydney rock oysters

Unravelling the behavioural and brain mechanisms of compulsive disorders, and new ways to treat them

Using Big Data to improve public transport: from model-driven product-centric services to empirically driven customer-centricity- Mathew Hounsell scholarship

Using eDNA to assess how estuarine fish communities respond to consecutive extreme events of drought, bushfire, and flood.

Utility Demand Forecasting Model [24139]

Valuing digital health maturity: Evaluation of the health economic impact of increasing regional digital health ecosystem maturity (CHERE)

What are the implications for valuation of the EQ-5D when using different mental health level descriptors and severity levels? A comparison study using the EQ-5D-5L and the EQ-5D-Y-5L.


"Cage vs Age": Development of an innovative nanotechnology to halt the spread of abnormal Tau protein in Alzheimer's Disease

2022 NSW Education Waratah Scholarship - Clara Liu Chung Ming

A Novel Toolkit to Study Phytoplankton-Bacteria Symbiosis

A framework for generating Social Carbon Credits

A gamified sensory training technology for youth with chronic pain (‘TrainPain’)

A novel non-invasive technology platform for intracranial pressure measurement

A reef reborn: Enhancing coral larvae survival to rebuild coral communities of the Great Barrier Reef New Project

A single dose, globally accessible vaccine to combat emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants

ACT Breathlessness Intervention Service evaluation

AI-Based Conversational Virtual Assistant Utilizing Advanced Generative AI

AI-Powered Scoliosis Assessment with 3D Ultrasound Imaging: A Radiation-Free Breakthrough

AI-Powered Virtual Student Advisor using large language models and Generative AI

AINSE Post Graduate Research Award (PGRA)_Rebecca Duncan

APO/UTS-Guidance for APO member Governments On How To Optimally Deal With The Advancement Of Digital Technologies Through Their Policy Intervention To Maximise The Benefits For The Whole Country(Project title in current extension agreement: Research on Measuring the Institutional Capacity of Key Productivity-Promoting Institutions in Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) members)

Active control of low-frequency noise

Advanced Navigation: Live Mapping

An International Phase III Randomised Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of MTCE CEDIRANIB and OLAPARIB Combination Therapy or OLAPANB Alone in Patients with Relapsed Platinum-sensitive Ovarian Cancer Following a Response to Platinum-based Chemotherapy (ICON9)

Anti Cheat System for chess

Assessing HTA methodology to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of gene therapies and value frameworks for evaluation and policy making for cell and gene therapies.

Australian Shellfish Industry Transformation Project

Australian Treaties Library

Autonomous, bioinspired nanorobotics

BASIX rain-tanks and landscapes [24075]

Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities to the development of Australia's ESCO market

Biomimetic 3D printed model of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis

Boron Nitride Workshop 2024 (BNW2024)

Building capability in food safety in Australian shellfish.

Business Researcher Placement (BRP): Towards Cohesive Storm Water Management Knowledge Using advanced AI and software engineering methods

CRC-P Round 12: Sensor and data innovation for smart triaging and wellbeing in aged-care - Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Caloric heat management space technology - Stage I

Centre for Skills – Identifying the gap between talent required and students trained

Centre of Research Excellence in Tuberculosis Control on both sides of our border

Chinese-language Digital/Social Media in Australia: Rethinking Soft Power

Ciguatera Toxins in the NSW Spanish Mackerel: Where, when and how much?

Civic Sinoburbia? New Chinese migrants and everyday citizenship in Sydney

Climate Resilient Housing Toolkit: Making it work for older Australians

Climate-Smart Adaptive Resilience and Engagement for Animal Evacuation, being the Project described in the Project Plan

Combining health and social outcomes using the EQ-5D-5L and the ASCOT: development of a pilot value set

Coming to terms with the past: Identifying barriers and enablers to truth-telling and strategies to promote historical acceptance

Community preferences for care at the end of life

Conjoint Appointment - Senior Lecturer - UTS and NSLHD

Contribution of Comammox Process to Sustainable Wastewater Treatment

Creating a single-cell diagnostic tool to direct choice of targeted combination therapy in advanced neuroblastoma



Decarbonising built environments with hempcrete and green wall technology

Decarbonising commercial and industrial process heating in Australia

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of parasite-host interactions

Defence acquisition optimisation using quantum algorithms

Defining new and effective therapies against the pathogenesis of accelerated silicosis

Defining the impact of chronic lung disease on COVID-19 and developing effective therapies

Deriving deep insights from user behaviour based on interactive videos

Designing AI & Software Engineering Methods for Storm Water Management Knowledge

Designing a Strategic Payout Policy to Narrow Fund’s Discount to NAV (High-Risk)

Detection of Ciguatera Toxins in the NSW Spanish Mackerel industry

Developing Rapid Point of Care SPINT1 Biomarker Detection to Prevent Stillbirth

Development and testing of EQ-5D-5L bolt-on descriptors for hearing (CHERE)

Development and validation of an applicator for use with adhesive tape for DNA recovery

Development of a microbiological and Brewers’ Spent Grain (BSG) supplement

Development of an active noise control system for Noizend's MVP Grant from the NSW Government

Diatom silica production under future ocean conditions, genes to biomes

Digital Finance CRC Secondment - Research Fellow - Ester Felez Vinas

Digital Twin for 6G Initiative

Digital Twin: Connected Next-Generation Packaging Machinery

Do marine heat waves cause pathogen outbreaks in Australian coastal waters?

Dynamic Speech Therapy for Children with Apraxia

ESA Student Research Award

Economic analysis of the potential value of implementing FET-PET into the management of glioma patients using data from the FIG Study (CHERE)

Effects of Toxicants on Plant and Algal Growth and Metabolism

Empowering coaches with practical strategies to identify and support athlete mental health

Enabling Resilient Space Computing with Advanced Thermal Management

Evaluation of Unilever Australia Four-Day Week Trial (Management)

Experimental reproduction of vibration response of a panel under turbulent boundary layer excitation

Exploring the role of the gut microbiota and diet in COVID-19

Extending the applicability of the ecological dynamics framework to measuring and understanding team performance in a military setting

Fe single atom synergistic Fe cluster catalyst accelerates the sulfur redox reaction (SRR)

Floodplain productivity - FFA River Flows and Connectivity – higher trophic level responses to floodplain inundation in the Murray-Darling Basin (zooplankton and shrimps)

Floodplain productivity - FFA River Flows and Connectivity – lower foodweb responses to floodplain inundation in the Murray-Darling Basin (basal resources, production and zooplankton)

Food web modelling to improve understanding of how river ecosystems respond to flow regimes

Frailty-stratified randomised controlled bayesian adaptive trial of bortezomib versus lenalidomide in transplant-ineligible myeloma - the FRAIL-M study

Future preservation of past life: A multidisciplinary investigation of ancient biological remains from medieval cemeteries (FUTURE PAST)

Future workspaces, future workers

GBRF Community Grants Coral Nurture Program

Geodetic groups: new advances in algebra and computer science

Gmetrik MVP App Phase 2

Harnessing immune plasticity to develop new immune therapies for breast cancer

Healing people with cultural knowledge revival of good fire

Identifying effects of binge-eating in adolescence on cognitive function and the gut microbiome

Identifying the local atomic environment of transition metal in heterostructures of lithium-rich layered oxide cathodes

Indoor Positioning System for Train Stations

Inter-Satellite Links using Millimetre Waves (ISL-MW)

Investigating the efficacy of pine bark liquid extract compared to pine bark extract

Investigating the impact of microplastic inhalation and ingestion in a healthy lungs and pre-existing lungs disease

Investigating the penetration of water in low-carbon concrete using neutron radiography and tomography

IoT Sensors and Networks for Next Generation Autonomous Urban Greening and Hydroponics

Is inclusive science better science? (Finance DG)

Joint research and collaboration between UTS and Infinite Water

Justice Reinvestment - Community Readiness

Laser-free on-chip super-resolution microscopy

Living on the edge: how do Australian plants cope with extreme temerature?

MAC protocol design for reliable underwater communication

Machine learning-based signal processing on vibration data from building mechanical system for system health monitoring

Mango trial using validating MiAC-S: Non-chemical, vibration-based termite control for the protection of fruit and nut tree saplings

Masters Research Scholarship: Macrophyte Allelopathy in Lake Prospect

Microalgae as a new source of agarose-like polysaccharides

Modelling five-year patterns in cancer incidence, staging and related health services (CHERE)

Multi instrument comparison study extension: focus on EuroQol instruments, psychometric protocols, psychometric analysis and view to international replication

Multi-service, Compact and Low-Cost RF and Antenna Systems for Enhancing Rural and Agricultural Connectivity

NF-kB decoy oligonucleotide-loaded functionalized nanoparticles as a novel therapeutic intervention in asthma

NSW Cardiovascular Research Network 2024 Professional Development Awards

New therapeutic option for lymph node metastasis in rectal cancer: radiation-triggered photodynamic therapy in deep tissue

NewEra Bio - Algae Pigments for Clothing Dye - Pilot Project

Novel bio-based bead development for DAC - Southern Green Gas


Optimising Multimodal Transport Networks: Sharing the Road Space - Top Up PhD Scholarship - Delilah Slack-Smith

Overcoming microplastics induced inhibition on waste-to-energy conversion

Pathway to the Elimination of Antibiotic-Resistant Tuberculosis in the Pacific: the PEART study

Phytoplankton Composition Assessment of Warringah Lagoons

Plantabox for Targeting the Urban Heat Island Challenge

Platinum-rich skinned PtRu nanocrystals for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction

Predicting the nutritional value of sea ice microalgae in a 'new Arctic' regime (AINSE PGRA Scholar)

Professional Development Award - Society of Reproductive Biology Annual Scientific Meeting

Real-time phylogenetics for food-borne outbreak surveillance

Replication and transfer of novel plasmid classes in Acinetobacter

Report on Changing Oceans: Science and Synthesis

Responding to need: Technology enhanced brain cancer survivorship (CHERE)

Responsive ‘OFF-ON’ switchable anion receptors for transmembrane transport

Revealing the radial distribution of catalytic Pt atoms in eutectic alloy nanoparticles for efficient water splitting reaction

Revealing the structural descriptor of lead-free halide perovskite Cs3Bi2X9 for optoelectronic application

Reverse Engineering Approaches to Vehicular Networks - Xiaojie Lin

RiMaBoT Operationalisation Collaboration (Sydney Water) - Rising/Sewer Pressure Mains Robotic Inspection - BaU Integration into Sydney Water

Ridhima Wadhwa Career Development Grant 2023

Risk factors and growth barriers for lending to small and medium-sized enterprises

Robotics-ready AI in Viticulture

Robust Federated Learning for Imperfect Decentralised Data

SLAM Research Based on Multi-sensor Fusion

SPHERE - Palliative Care Clinical Academic Group

SPHERE: The Centre of Research Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women: Achieving Better Outcomes through Primary Care

SWEP and VicFacilities Evaluation [24050]

Samara Bridge - Asia Oceania Forum Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR) School

Satellite servicing docking system with Event-based cameras

Simulating complexity: ultrastrong interactions in superconducting circuits (FT170100399)

Single-cell biogeochemistry: an assessment of biomolecular and silica stoichiometries in high Arctic diatom communities

Social Marketing Evidence Guide

Studying scale-dependent complexity in Digital Quantum Simulations in Circuit QED

Support for Cancer Clinical Trials Program 2022-2024 Funding Round for the Multi-site Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Groups

Targeting the GABA system to promote CNS remyelination

The CBAM’s Potential Impact on Australia-China Trade

The I-DIMENSIONS Project: Integrated DMG genomIc Methylomic EpigeNetic Spatial transcrIptomic prOteomic subtypiNg System

The Talking Room: Designing human to robot interaction to promote children's positive development

The molecular mechanism of phospholipid phase transitions studied by far infrared spectroscopy

The role of the osteopath and naturopath in preventive health behaviours in the community: an explanatory sequential mixed methods study

Thermal control for space photovoltaics

Towards Air Quality Forecast in Adverse Conditions: Data Constraints and Extreme Events

Towards a peptide-based adjuvant drug to reduce the toxicity of Amphotericin B in the treatment of invasive fungal infections

Towards a time-temperature-transformation diagram for biogenic aragonite

Towards a time-temperature-transformation diagram for biogenic aragonite

Tracing bioactive transition metals in marine protists: a single-cell study on Fe and Mn co-limitation in Southern Ocean phytoplankton

Uncertainty modelling in underground mine planning and scheduling - Part 2

Vaccine Education Resources for the Pacific Region

Values and Vulnerabilities Atlas (LLNR)

Valuing EQ-5D-5L in Australia: A comparison of the EQ-VT protocol and DCE with duration

Valuing well-being alongside health: What can and should be done? (CHERE)

Vitex - Omega-3 Production

Water filtration challenge: removing plastic microfibers from laundry wastewater - Phase 2

Women and heart disease following high-risk pregnancies

iHA: Hyperspectral imaging and Artificial Intelligence-driven diary food and plastic waste provenance


"Cage fighting" with Neuroblastoma: Engineering a protein nanocage for targeted ionophoric-copper therapy

#thismymob: Digital land rights and reconnecting Indigenous communities [UTS Rapido]

A Scalable Framework for the Verification of AI Ethics with Multiple Diversity Elements in AI-Informed Talent Decision Making

A new nurse-led intervention to re-engage childhood brain cancer survivors (CHERE)

A novel electronic nose to locate victims of mass disaster events

A peptide-based adjuvant therapy to reduce the toxicity of Amphotericin B

A thermodynamic pathway to intracellular delivery

ARC Research Hub for Integrated Device for End-user Analysis at Low-levels

ARC Training Centre for Musculoskeletal Biomedical Technologies

Accelerating next generation personalised medicine

Analytic support for the COVID-19 Vaccines Strategy Project

Apoptotic cell clearance: From basic biology to new therapeutic strategies for chronic respiratory disease.

Automation technology for hydroponic vertical farming

BlueScope: Project Emily Masterplan - Current Site Ecology Opportunities

Bondi Bio CRC Project - Processing & extraction of carotenoids from cyanobacteria

Boosting Business Innovation Program - Deep Green Biotech Hub

Burning Glass Institute: Building a knowledge graph that combines supply and demand-side labour data

CO2 enhanced microbiological methanation for biomethane production at wastewater treatment plants

Characterization of the phytoremediation potential of Ambius' Live Picture GO

Circle 8 – Smart Bin Development

Circulating tumour cells: clinical application in head and neck cancers

Cognitive Trust-Based Task Assignment in Human-Machine Teaming

Complexity, chaos and digitization effects in small-scale Circuit QED Quantum Simulators

Condition Assessment Robotics Tool Kit: Development and Maintenance of Submerged Pressurised PWIT Robotic Tool

Controlling the electronic properties of Ga2O3 by pure thermal and pure fast neutron irradiation

Cooling SmallSats - Thermal lattice metamaterial technology

Cost-effective, deployable photonic sensor system (analytics)


DIN Internship: ISREW using passive S band multibeam antenna

Design and Fabrication of 2D Hybrid Materials

Design of the National Justice Reinvestment Program and Justice Reinvestment Unit

Developing Covid-19 Aware and transparent pharma supply chain system underpinned by advanced AI and software engineering methods

Developing Rapid Strip Test for SPINT1 detection

Developing a valid and reliable screening test item for firefighters: a study into alternative tasks to replicate the ladder raise

Development and validation of a quality of life questionnaire for people with metastatic uveal melanoma

Development of an Outreach Evaluation Framework

Development of new therapies for COPD

Digital Health Literacy and Refugee Project

Digital simulation of the Rabi model quantum phase transition in circuit QED

Disrupting Illegal Wildlife Trade Through Forensic Science

Do EQ-5D valuations differ in palliative care settings? A discrete choice experiment (CHERE)

Donation - Folate for Miscarriage Pilot Study

Dose and Pattern of Adverse Effects in the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Secondary Analysis of Data from Five Cohorts (TBC - resubmission)

Dynamic Capabilities Survey - (BIDA)

E-band Power Amplifiers for HAPS and LEO Satcom Links

Ecological impacts of feral deer in Lake Macquarie

Ecological outcomes of wastewater discharges in contrasting receiving environments [Phase 1 study following National Environmental Science Program Marine and Coastal Hub Water Quality Scoping Study]

Economically Efficient Green Logistics through Cyber Physical Systems

Efficacy of MtH2SDs in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)

Elucidating the roles of steroid receptors in mitochondria

Enhanced durability of concrete materials and structures under harsh mining environments

Enhancing the Management of Antimicrobial Resistance (EMAR) in Fiji

Evaluating a shared care pathway intervention to reduce chemotherapy outpatients’ unplanned presentations to hospital (ESCAPI)

Evoenergy - Battery Dispatch Algorithm (Customer Energy Innovation) [22178]

Extended deep learning for air pollution forecast enhancement: validation and demonstration

Extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells as new treatment for preeclampsia

Fast Approximate Inference Methods: New Algorithms, Applications and Theory

Feasibility and validity of routine collection of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in residential aged care facilities

Feasibility of using Robotics for communication infrastructure deployment - Phase 2

Fetal origins of COPD

Fingerprinting the reef: single-cell metabolomic analyses of corals under threat from ecological change – Part II

Fingerprinting the reef: single-cell metabolomic analyses of corals under threat from ecological change, an in situ study

Foragecaster - Planning Sprint

Foragecaster Sprint Extension

HDR Student Lisa Albino - Tree usage and home range size of threatened brush-tailed phascogales in a fragmented agricultural landscape

Harnessing opto-acoustic interactions for on-chip optical isolation

High-entropy nanomaterials for efficient hydrogen production

Hippocampal regulation of goal-directed decision-making

Industry Doctorate Program (CHERE)

Integration of Live Surround Video for the First Immersive RockCommander VR Digital Twin Prototype

Integrin Activation by Fluid Flow Disturbance: Mechanobiology Approaches

Intelligent platform for storing, provenance and managing Gold-standard Carbon Credits

Investigating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and public health response on the viability of primary care providers in Central and Eastern Sydney: Primary Care Practice Viability Study (CHERE).

Investigation of harmful algal blooms - SafeFish Postgraduate Grant

Investigation of lithium storage capability of silicon nanopowders

Lateral load resisting capacity evaluation for seismic restraints of mechanical services

Leak Sensing and Prediction Integration into Sydney Water - UTS: DSI

Leak Sensing and Prediction Integration into Sydney Water - UTS:RI

MR Roboto - Stage 3 - Integrated Control System Testing

Machine learning based treatment planning for laser-driven multi-ion particle therapy

Manipulating respiratory microbiomes to help prevent virally induced exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Manly Dam and catchment studies - Project 1 - Nutrient inputs to Manly Dam

Measurement, evaluation & learning: Methods and tools for Covid-19 campaigns and World Health days

Midwife-led birthing centres in low- and middle-income countries

Minimum Water Efficiency Standard CBA [23095]

Mitigating Inflammation in asthma and pulmonary fibrosis using Berberine-loaded novel nanoparticles

Monitoring the algae of Manly Dam

NARRATE - Narrative and Relationship Real-time Awareness Topical Explorer

New and improved chlamydial treatment to reduce disease burden

New guardians of the mucosa: Molecular characterisation of M cell biology

Novel ‘Mechano-medicine’ combats deadly sticky blood clots in diabetes

Numerical modelling of flow-induced vibration of structures: Part 2

Operationalisation of the intelligent sewer tools (analytics)

Operationalization of the sewer condition assessment tools

Optical Wavelength Conversion in Nonlinear Dielectric Nano-Resonators

Optimisation of surface chemistry on membranes for biofouling reduction in the treatment of municipal wastewater

Optimise Replacement Bus Services During Network Disruptions – A Data Driven Approach

Post-Bushfire Ecological Assessments of Threatened Flora in NSW

Prerequisite conditions for Indigenous nation self-government

Profiling the reef: toward a biomolecular fingerprint of climate change in corals of the Great Barrier Reef

Reconceptualising Indigenous access to justice in civil law

Red macroalgae identification and characterisation

Reef Breath Testing (RBT): exhaled volatile-gas biomarkers of coral health (resubmission)

Remote presence: a new approach for guidance on physical tasks

Research into the impact of co-working spaces, accelerators, incubators, and startup hubs on the NSW economy

Responsive Passenger Information Systems: evaluating passenger congestion in order to design responsive nudges

Robotic Field deployment and Scoping of the Phase 3

Rong Fu top-up scholarship - Effect of a static magnetic field on the physical properties of electrically conductive liquids

SRN: A multi-modal satellite-based system for vessel classification, recognition, and tracking via optical and synthetic aperture radar imaging.

STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program 2023 - The Australasian SynBio Challenge

Schooling, Parenting & Ethnicity: Asian Migration & Australian Education

Seafood Safety: High throughput diagnostics for ciguatoxin risk assessment

Secure and Trusted Platform with Privacy-Preserving Data Service and Sharing

Shear stimulated Brillouin microscopy for cell mechanobiology in 3D Microenvironments

Sidewinder II 3D printer - Commissioning and Software Support

SiteHive Acoustic Classifier Technologies for Construction Noise Sources

Space Research Network Internship - Giovanni D’Urso - German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Space Propulsion

Susceptibility of leukemia cells to flavonoid co-treatment with ascorbic acid

Technical Paper: Evaluative Approaches for Social Programs (Economics)

Telehealth Use in pregnancy in Lieu of In Person – a pilot randomised controlled study

The creation of a Vietnam Women’s (Em)Powerment Index grounded in international women’s rights norms: Measuring progress on the advancement of Vietnamese women’s participation in government and public institutions

The distribution and quality of ecological significant areas in the Wyong District

The impact of neonatal care on long-term healthcare needs and outcomes (CHERE)

There's no place like home: national scale up of the paediatric low risk febrile neutropenia program

Transfer of Dementia Australia Scholarship - India Boyton "Cage vs Age": Development of an innovative nanotechnology to halt the spread of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein in Alzheimer's Disease

UAV Failure Mode Recognition Framework (DIN PP22)

Uncertainty modelling in underground mine planning and scheduling

Understanding of product-selectivity for room-temperature Sodium-sulfur batteries

Understanding the bottle necks in oyster larvae production

Understanding the role of embayments and coves in the formation of cyanobacterial blooms in Grahamstown Dam

Understanding why in-utero exposure to inhaled oxidants predispose people to develop asthma and COPD

Unravelling Blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) diversity in Australia: integrative systematics of the subfamily Calliphorinae

Use of culturally competent communication and mobile phone application technologies to reduce risk and increase community resilience

Use of patient-relevant human lung epithelial cell models to study acute and long-term effects of COVID-19

Validation of PXS-5370, a non-immunosuppressive anti-inflammatory drug, for the treatment of Covid-19 and related viral infections

Valuing Health-Related Quality of Life: Developing an EQ-5D-5L Value Set for Ghana

Vegetation surveys for Scrub Turpentine in the Central Coast

WOMB study - WOmen’s experiences of Monitoring Baby.

When every second counts: Multi-drone navigation in GPS-denied environments

Women’s Wellness After Giving Birth Program (WWAGBP) for Vietnamese Women

Workforce Snapshot (BIDA)


(Worthington Rail) Repeat of Fatigue testing commuter rail car body floor panel assembly

2020 Max Day Environmental Science Fellowship

A New Molecular Machine Required for Bacterial Development into Spores

A literature review report on scaleup firms and the scaleup landscape in NSW compared to other Australian states and internationally

A national evaluation of cancer and pregnancy outcomes

A novel fused sensor and miniaturised electronics design for the monitoring of a wide range of cardiorespiratory parameters for healthy ageing

A paradigm shift in the management of future cardiovascular risk following hypertensive disorders in pregnancy using mini-hearts and patient-derived stem cells

A secure, open and intelligent Cloud platform for government data analytics

ACRS Terry Walker Award for field studies relevant to Australian coral reefs

AI Meets Quantum: Quantum Algorithms for Knowledge Representation and Learning

ASTHMA AUSTRALIA Career Development Grant

Aerotropolis and Kembla Grange Remediation Potential

Agent Behaviour Modelling via Deep Reward Learning: An Urban Traffic Environment Use Case

An auditing tool for egg differentiation and traceability in real-time using AI

An automatic deepfake technology integration pipeline for benchmarking deepfake detection methods

An industrial CO2 sink using microalgae

Application of membrane distillation (MD) pilot site at the Middle East site and technological development

Aptamer imaging mass spectrometry for biomarker quantification

Army sovereign Software-Defined Battlefield Network

Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making: Decision making in uncertain, dynamic and complex information environments

Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making: Dynamic Planning under Fundamental Uncertainty

Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making: Machine learned models from simulation data

Artificial intelligence based algorithms for managing sudden risk in dynamic and uncertain environment (Management)

Assessing how light influences sympagic microalgal biomolecular stores (AINSE PGRA Scholar)

Assessing the habitat value of oil and gas infrastructure for fish and other marine organisms

Augmented Reality to Support Social Language Skill Development for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Australian Centre for cannabinoid clinical and research excellence (ACRE): quality and safety in the implementation of medicinal cannabis use in the community

Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid - a plant-derived non-protein amino acid as a novel environmental risk factor for MS

Biologics Innovation Facility - NSW RAAP 2019/2020

Biosceptre expression and purification strategy (BIF)

Carbon Savings: Lifestyle and Investment Choices (Finance DG)

Characteristics and Analysis of Water Treatment Coagulants

Chinese Herbal Medicine (T50) As Add-on To Metformin Monotherapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical Trial

Climate Change Learning Partnership, Water for Women 2022 [21244]

Climate KIC Fairwater Project

Climate change induced shifts in sea ice algae nutrient content: a single-cell study (AINSEPGRA Scholar)

Climate change induced shifts in the macromolecular content of sea ice algae: a single-cell study

Clinical Chair in Nursing Research & Practice Development. Conjoint Nursing and Midwifery. (Prof Margaret Fry)

Cloud based Application for Energy and Carbon Footprint Analytics

Customer data architecture and PoC implementation

Cyber-Attack Detection and Information Security for Industry 4.0


Deep Dive Evaluations of the Australian Volunteers Program's Impact Areas [19247]

Deep learning based anormal imaging conditions detection and reducing in medical imaging

Defining the evolvable phenotype landscape for marine phytoplankton

Defining the impact of bushfire dust particle on respiratory physiology and optimising novel treatments

Defining the roles and targeting interferon-epsilon as a new therapy for influenza in asthma and COPD

Detect Liveness Based on dynamic blood vessel pulsations and eye Movements

Developing Scoring Methods for the 25-item EQALY Instrument (CHERE)

Developing a high-throughput single-cell exosome screening tool

Developing a maximum benefit framework for urban plantings

Development and design of a sustainable cooler using post-industrial waste and advanced manufacturing - Phase 1

Development and validation of an Indigenous Quality of life and Wellbeing Index (IQWI) for health decision-making

Digital Twins for AI-based Autonomous Systems

Donation from Matter of Trust


Economic evaluation of the IMBED study

Effect of TBK1 and STING inhibitors on COVID-19 infection

Efficient Deep Learning using Sample Pruning and Optimized Ensemble Training Schedules (Challenge # 3: Effective updating of deep learning models with limited new data)

Electrical Design Machine Management - Sovereign Propulsion Systems Pty Ltd

Elemental stoichiometric diagnostic of coral resilience to future reef climates

Elucidating the role and potential for therapeutic targeting of TLR7 in emphysema and COPD

Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities via Machine Learning curriculum

Estimation of unsteady loads from turbulence ingestion on a realistic airfoil geometry

Evaluation and Improvement of the Robot Systems for Assisting Hip Replacement

Extracellular matrix proteins regulate inflammation and fibrosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Feasibility evaluation of the sensors and robotics for small water pipe liners

Flow and stratification based algal bloom prediction model for the Murray River

Gmetrik App MVP

Hierarchical Learning Agents for Cyber Defence

Hybrid vigour and hybrid mimics in lentils

IMCRC: Just-In-Time Patient-Specific Tumour Implants (CBSI)

Imaging Profiling Platform for Thrombotic Disease and Anti-Platelet Therapeutics

Impact of cigarette smoke and e-cigarete vapour exposure on the health of first and second generations.

Increased Water Efficiency Standards [20313]

Increasing the value of Australian honey as a health food

Indigenous Engagement Survey Analysis (CLAW)

Integrated inclusion: developing best practice for engineering education and the profession

Investigating cyclic behaviour of lime treated clay- Project for the Inland Rail project from Narrabri to the North Star

Legislating for Enforceable Human Rights in Aged Care in Australia

Life Sciences Research Foundation

Low Temperature Far IR Spectroscopy of Water in Opal

Lowering Noise Emissions From Gas Turbines

MR Roboto - Stage 1 - Scoping study and prototype digital twin

MR Roboto - Stage 2 - Towards automated sensing and control

Machine Learning for Accurate Air Pollution Forecast

Machine learning based treatment planning for laser-driven multi-ion particle therapy

Making sense of text (AI Decision Making Initiative) - Document Corpus Analysis

Mapping short-term brain changes in cannabis use

Measurement of the impacts of Slyp’s Smart Receipt solution

Membrane Interaction of Small Molecules Capable of Improving Batten’s Disease Cell Phenotypes

Metamaterials for control of acoustic radiation forces

Microbial metabolic networks: the hidden key to resilience of coral algal endosymbionts

Modification of the microbiome and utilisation of microbial metabolites as novel therapies for lung cancer

Molecular basis of zinc acquisition by Streptococcus pneumoniae

Multi-Stream Drift for Real-Time Decision Support

Multi-band Decoupling Techniques for 4G/5G Base Station Antennas

Multi-band MIMO Antenna for Enabling Long-range Communications in Rural and Remote Areas

NSW CVRN Professional Development Award

National Disability Research Agenda

Neuromorphic Algorithms for Hardware-Based Anomaly Detection – Phase 2

Neuropeptide-based approach to improve myelin repair in Multiple Sclerosis

Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease (Pt 3)

Novel Real-Time Milk Sensor for Ovulation Detection in Dairy Cows

Novel polyelectrolytes to increase NOM removal and floc strength

Optical remote sensing in the water column

Optimise CO2 delivery for Nannochloropsis oculata

Overcoming propagule supply bottlenecks for Asparagopsis New Project

Phase 2 of the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes and Needs in Care (ICCONIC) (CHERE)

Policy Review and Economic Evaluation of the Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy (EFC) Funding Arrangements (CHERE)

Preconception care in priority groups: optimisation and dissemination of an online preconception health self-assessment tool

Protecting corals of the Great Barrier Reef in the face of Climate Change

Proteomic and second harmonic generation imaging of native extracellular matrix in IPF lung

Provision of Commonwealth environmental water services to support the functions of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO)

Purchasing Instruments to Strengthen Quality Health Services for Chronic Illnesses: Case Study for Australia

Quantitative imaging of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex


Radio afterglows of Gravitational Waves

Reejig skill & CV data analytics with data science techniques

Reputation Management

Research on building robust automatic docking recognition system

Research on robust environment recognition technology for automatic docking

Review of the NSW Government Evaluation Framework for Advertising and Communications

Risks from blue-green algal blooms; monitoring emerging neurotoxins

Sequential Monte Carlo methods for TTCP CAGE

Sign Language Translation in the Wild

Similarities and differences between the transcriptional responses between MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2

Skeuomorphic situational awareness platform for strategic data visualisations

Slyp - Smart Receipts Consumer Modelling (Marketing DG)

Solid-state transformations in the Au-Mn system

Space Microgravity to Disrupt GBM Mechanotransduction

Sustainable Wastewater Management

TIA Pipeline Accelerator Voucher 2019-2020

TIA Pipeline Accelerator Voucher 2021 April

Targeted Delivery of antimiR-181c by Hypoxia-Responsive Copolymer Nanoparticles to Reverse Diabetes-Impaired Angiogenesis

Targeting extracellular matrix proteins to regulate idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Teaching each other trust

Testing the validity of EQ-5D-5L respiratory bolt-ons in a large Australian dataset

The impact of environmental flows on the microbial assimilation of dissolved organic carbon and lower food web productivity

The influence of oxidative modification of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on cell-ECM interaction

The language complexity of problems in algebra and logic

Ultra-sustainable concrete with high SCM content

Unique Mandrel Design for Slotted Rocket Motors

Unraveling the structural evolution of sodium layered oxide cathode using operando synchrotron powder diffraction

Unravelling the EQ-5D self-report proxy conundrum for older people (CHERE)

Using AI for real-time victim detection in mass disasters

Valuing Victoria's Wild-Catch and Aquaculture Industries

Variation December 2021- Examination of Bacterial Attachment on Prototype Cochlear Implant Devices

Vow Food - Workability and scalability assessment for a proprietary animal-derived tissue cell line cultivated in suspension condition

Waste avoidance measurement method

Water filtration challenge: removing plastic microfibers from laundry wastewater

Weather Source Analysis for Wine Grower Spray Rules

Willingness to pay for the reduction of mobile phone blackspots in regional NSW (BIDA)

Work Planning tool PoC with attribute based encryption

iYarn project evalution

“"Cage vs Age": Development of an innovative nanotechnology to halt the spread of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein in Alzheimer's disease


3-Dimentional Printing Technology for Millimeter-Wave 5G antenna Designs

A New Tool to Fight Crime: Illicit Drug Profiling in Forensic Intelligence

A Transmission-Blocking Vaccine To Prevent Toxoplasmosis

A biometrically enabled training solution for the measurement of cognitive overload and threat perception in air traffic controllers

A comparison of DCEs with choice sets of size 2 and DCEs with various choice set sizes for the valuation of the EQ-5D

A provable privacy-preserving data sharing system for the cloud environment

A systematic literature and clinical guidelines review of medicines used for smoking cessation (CHERE)

AI and Computer Vision Measurement Technology- Enabling Digital Manufacturing Supply-Chains

APR Internship - Genetic Signatures


ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers of Big Data, Big Models, New Insights

Aboriginal Youth Cautioning Program Research Paper

Accelerating Innovative Local Transport – Community Transport of the Future

Accelerating the kinetics of intermetallic compound formation at low temperatures

Alexander Steele Young Memorial Lions Foundation Top Up scholarship awarded to Lauren Waters

An Australian Value Set for the EQ-5D-Y

Antibiotic resistance: combining microscopy, microfluidics and genomics to target bacterial DNA repair pathways

Application of advanced privacy enhancing methodologies to support research and development of clinical tools using patient data

Applications of evolutionary game theory to resolve Newcomb's Dilemma

Automated industrial energy baselining

Better use of established medications for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CHERE)

Beyond Video Captioning: Video Storytelling and Surveillance Using Deep Learning Techniques

Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure To Improve Sleep Quality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Biological bet hedging in a variable ocean

Cash transfers and behaviour change communications to reduce child undernutrition in rural Bangladesh (CHERE)

Cathode Precursor Production Pilot Plant in Western Australia - Stage 1

Cell free microRNA: a potential biomarker for the early detection of lung cancer

Cell free microRNA: potential biomarkers for the early detection of lung cancer

CiteLearn - an academic tool for learning to cite sources

Condition Assessment Robotics Tool Kit: Sewer Rising Main PWIT Robotic Tool

Continuous Transformation of Government Agencies in the Digital Era

Creating a Society of the Future

Creating partnerships for creative, innovative and holistic K-12 education: Supporting the implementation of the Loreto Normanhurst 2021-2023 Strategy

Current Issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers of Financial Services & Successful Regulatory Measures to Achieve Effective Consumer Protection

Deep Bayesian Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Penetration Testing

Des1 Inhibitors in the treatment of antifibrotic disease

Design and test the NSW Government CX Survey Master Questionnaire (BIDA)

Detecting kangaroos from autonomous vehicles using AI

Developing a Novel Data Driven based Process Monitoring and Reporting System for a Pharmaceutical Company

Developing a novel electronic nose to combat the illegal trade of the native Australian reptile, Tiliqua rugosa

Does coevolution or ecological context determine predator-prey coexistence?

Effect of IDX on COVID-19 infection

Effects of Lateral Pharma compounds in COPD, Asthma, COVID models and in vitro experiments

Elucidating the roles and mechanisms of activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes and developing therapeutic interventions for severe steroid-resistant asthma

Enhance the capability of fleets of maritime robotic vehicles, particularly gliders, to mutually localise and maintain required formations using limited acoustic and satellite-based communications facilities

Enhancing Rehabilitation Services For Aboriginal Australians After Brain Injury

Establishing a new paradigm in cell division: Dual FtsZs in archaea

Evaluation of Appropriate Early Guilty Pleas Reform

Evaluation of the effects of Glycanics on experimental allergic asthma

Exploring the role of the gut microbiota and diet in COVID-19

Extension to EQ20180300 What aspects of quality of life are important to people with experience of cognitive and visual impairment? A qualitative investigation

Fine-scale resolution of genomes in natural microbial communities

FoodBank food security and COVID-19 [21137]

Governing the Blue Economy in Maritime Asia-Pacific

Grahamstown Reservoir Cyanobacterial Bloom Modelling and Management Project: Stage 1

Green roof and solar array - comparative research

Harmless refugee or dangerous invader? Identification of traits that allow a subtropical coral species to thrive in Sydney Harbour

Health Technology Assessment Guidance (CHERE)

Health and pharmaco-economic national technical services for the support for cancer clinical trials program

Hierarchical Multi-Agent Navigation

Identification of genomic mutations associated with the development and progression of lung cancer for use in early diagnosis

Impact of bushfire smoke exposure on respiratory health

Implications of environmental variability on ocean microbes

Improving external validity of stated choice experiments

Investigating the efficacy of Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) and Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as novel treatments for COVID-19

Investigation of zinc dyshomeostasis associated with aging and dementia-related disorders using novel nanodiamond-based markers

Low Temperature Far IR Spectroscopy of Water in Opal

Low cost, efficient and more reliable power switching network

Luminescent Nanoparticles for Controlled Localized Release of Immunomodulatory Agents

MSAC 1635: ADAR commentary for Transcatheter aortic valve implantation via transfemoral delivery using the SAPIEN 3 device for low risk patients (CHERE)

Masters Research project: Seahorse population rehabilitation

Measuring the true cost of cancer (CHERE)

Medicinal Cannabis Detectability Study

Microfluidic encapsulation of tumour tissues for single cell analysis

Minimising persistent thermal stratification and algal blooms using improved flow velocity and discharge targets

Modelling hawkweed dispersal and habitat suitability in NSW

Modifying epigenetics as a novel treatment in COPD

NSW Dept of Education K-2 Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan Phase 2 Evaluation 17113

Nanosilver Antimicrobial Resistance in Target Pathogens

National DNA Program for Unidentified & Missing Persons

Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based Learning Intelligence

New Tools to Decipher, Predict and Manage Pacific Oyster Mortality Episodes

Next generation material imaging, spectrometry and fabrication techniques

Optimising value and equity in access to prescribed medicines (CHERE)

Particle segregation and dynamics in inertial microfluidics systems

Pelagic symbioses: Teasing apart phytoplankton-bacteria relationships

Pilot study to investigate the dynamics of the Kogarah Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Predicting harvest timing and yields with microclimate data

Predictive analytics for the detection of leaks and breaks in CBD areas - Sensing

Preliminary investigating of Peripheral blood stem cells and cytokines

Provision of External Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and Health Technology Related Submissions For the Department of Health (CHERE)

Quantifying the impact of the health services, health outcomes, and medical costs for stroke survivors who adapt a healthy lifestyle compared to those who do not: a data linkage project for recurrent stroke prevention

Quantitative 3-dimensional imaging of membrane proteins


Rapid Point of Care SARS-CoV2 Detection, using a sensitive saliva antigen screening test

Recidivism, health and social functioning following release to the community of NSW prisoners with problematic drug use, an evaluation of the Connections Program

Reframing the future of K-12 education: A transdisciplinary approach to new educational practices

Research and development of an in-road scanning device to identify trucks with potentially faulty brakes

Reshaping superannuation practice in Australia using big data analytics

Response to the discussion paper on Improving Choice in Residential Care; ACAR Discontinuation

Review of the CHSP pricing policy (CHERE)

Review of the Hearing Services Program (CHERE)

Review of the Hearing Services Program (CHERE) - VARIATION

Risk from Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins and Dinophysis to the Australian shellfish industry

Role and potential for therapeutic targeting of dysfunction, oxidative stress and altered metabolism in mitochondria in the pathogenesis of COPD

Self-defined measures of financial performance and CEO pay.

Smart Batteries Using Predictive Data Analytics at Cloud

Smart Linings for Pipes and Infrastructure

Sponsorship of Senior Research Fellow - The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) as a New Precision Treatment Option in Kidney Cancer

Strategic Communication Research

Study 1: Effect of GBM-0009 on COVID-19 infection (Pilot Study)

Super-resolution imaging techniques based on van der Waals materials

Support for the Translational Cancer Research Network (TCRN)

TIA Pipeline Accelerator Voucher 2019-2020

Targeting long non-coding RNAs as a novel therapy for alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency

Testing T2D2 in a mouse model of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)

Testing anti-inflammatory drugs in a mouse model of Influenza infection

The clinical and economic impact of a multicomponent digital therapeutic mobile app in multiple subpopulations and different chronic conditions groups: a retrospective analysis

The development of forensic tools to aid in the conservation of one of Australia’s most illegally trafficked reptile, the shingleback lizard (Tiliqua rugosa)

Three dimensional bio-printing - establishing the future of personalised medicine approaches for women's cancers within SPHERE

Top-up Scholarship - Mahnaz Mddahfar - Lanthanide Nanoparticles for improving the sensitivity of mass cytometry at the single cell

Topology optimization for acoustic–structural design in robotics

Towards Deep Learning for Air Quality Monitoring

Tributary flows to the Barwon-Darling River; productivity boosts from flow rules

UTS & Celestino Stakeholder Mapping for Sydney Science Park

Understanding and tracking the learning of 21st century capabilities: A Pilot Study

Understanding emerging opioid-related harms through improved surveillance, drug checking and information sharing systems

Understanding the Australian Festival Industry (Management)

Understanding the role of the immune microenvironment in endocrine resistant ER+ breast cancer - a multi 'omics and machine learning approach.

Upconversion nanothermometry: enabling high brightness in a thermal field

Use of Salivary Non-Coding RNA Biomarkers in Head and Neck Cancer

Validating a novel chemical method for the detection of illegally trafficked reptiles in transit

Variation to tributary inflows project - PRO20-11530

Victorian Healthy Homes Program

Wildfire impact on threatened reptiles

ePrep Research Associate


Adaptive Value-Flow Analysis to Improve Code Reliability and Security

Advance Care Planning in outpatient clinics study – extension

Advances in real-time satellite monitoring of flow in rivers and estuaries

An IR study of true thermochemical stability of ionic liquids

An automation tool for detecting and consulting code compatibility on Android apps

An exploratory analysis of the Pain/Discomfort dimension of the EQ-5D-5L in people living with physical and mental health conditions (CHERE)

Analysis of the Starlight Children's Foundation Social Networking Site

Antibiotic resistance and the ecological effects of selective decontamination of the digestive tract in Intensive Care Units

Assessing preference heterogeneity with respect to MND treatment. A discrete choice experiment

Big data in Australian Research: Issues, challenges and opportunities

Biomagnification of BMAA in the environment: development of new detection tools, determination of exposure routes and neurotoxic mechanisms.

Blockchain driven payroll management application

Boosting coral abundance renewal

Brain-state drift detection and management for uncertainty estimation and human performance modeling (ACA-BSDD) & related projects

BromAc: A new treatment for COVID-19

CA - Design development for geopolymer concrete in precast engineered component applications

CMCRC PhD Scholarship for Marta Khomyn (Supervisor Talis Putnins)

CSRI questionnaire data analysis

Can contaminant monitoring explain spatial changes in the Antarctic benthic marine ecosystem?

Complete blood fractionation using a low-cost microfluidic system

Condition Assesment Robotics Tool Kit: Feasibility for Water Main PWIT Robotic Tool

Coral health in future climates: Diagnosing tipping points under accelerating coastal hypoxia

Defining the functional modes of action, and the therapeutic potential of targeting, the free fatty acid receptor FFA4 in the lung

Deirdre M Radford Family Trust - Donation to Faculty of Science

Develop a procurement brief (scope of requirements) for undertaking an economic evaluation of targeted lung cancer screening in Australia

Developing Global Labour Rights Leadership (CBSI)

Development of adjuvant for cancer treatment using antrodia cinnamomea mycelia and capsicum

Development of improved forward osmosis (FO) membrane in collaboration with Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (MCI) and a comprehensive performance evaluation of MCI FO membranes

Disruptive technologies to trace, track and tackle antibiotic resistance

Do native invasions challenge Australian fisheries species?

Drought-induced mortality in several arid-zone Australian tree species: a study of temperature, vapour pressure deficit and plant water relations

Economic evaluation of the COACH Program (CHERE)

Economic evaluation of the impact of speech pathology on criminal justice outcomes

Effect of predation on virulence traits of opportunistic pathogens

Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma: Development of a Pilot Forecast Program

Evaluating Government Communications

Evaluation of a molecular toolkit to assess impact of heatwave seagrass

Evaluation of early implementation of the Connect to Wellbeing Service (CHERE)

Exact and hybrid algorithms for the Aircraft Landing Problem

Expedited review for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (CHERE)

Exploration of CBNs as Hydrogen Storage Material

Exploring methods to evaluate and compare primary care spending (CHERE)

Exploring the relationship between EQ-5D-5L and PROMIS-29 (CHERE)

Garvan Institute - Transient production of SARS-COV-2 antigen (spike protein)

Glycine Transport Inhibitors for the Treatment of Pain

Heart to Heart: Longitudinal study of first-time NSW mothers with cardiac disease and their babies

Help our marine life to stop eating microplastic "Junk" food

Identifying keystone microbes and planktonic guilds in Australia's oceans

Implementation of a national pollen alert system for better management of allergic respiratory health

Implementing a national clinical pathway for pain to ensure equitable, cost-effective, evidence based, person-centred care for people with advanced breast cancer

Improved biosecurity through the engineering of microbial ecosystems

Improving Outcomes for Australians with Chronic Cardiovascular Disease: Focusing on Peripheral Arterial Disease 

Industry 4.0 Testlab for Industrial Algae Production

Intelligent Multi-agent Coordination and Learning

Investigating the roles, therapeutic targeting, and clinical relevance of microRNAs in COPD

Investigation of circulating miRNA (micro-RNA) expression in LAM for diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression

Investing in Domestic and Family Violence prevention

KAVHA Governance Review (CHERE)

Life Saving Drugs Program (LSDP) Laronidase (Aldurazyme) Evaluation

M-SAKHI: Mobile health solutions to help community providers promote maternal and infant nutrition and health - A community-based cluster randomized controlled trial in rural India (CHERE)

MSAC 1590: Review of Immunoglobulin use funded under the National Blood Agreement for Multifocal motor neuropathy (MNN) - (CHERE).

MSAC 1603: Commentary of Applicant developed Assessment report (ADAR) (CHERE)

MSAC 1623: ADAR Commentry for LuxturnaTM (voretigene neparvovec) for the treatment of biallelic RPE-65-mediated Inherited Retinal Dystrophies (CHERE)

Mannus Lake algal bloom management study.

Materials architecture design for low cost energy storage application

Metal-mediated mechanisms and therapeutic approaches for treating brain injury across age

Micro-supercapacitors on silicon with superior power densities based on solid source MXenes growth

Miniaturising and mechanising outplanting of adult nubbins and/or larval-reared juvenile coral: Stage 2

Mobile Acoustic Sensing to Strategically Detect Leaks

Molecular Interactions with an Antibiotic Target in DNA Replication

Multiplexed Bio-imaging Mass Spectrometry - multiplexed elemental and molecular imaging of the zinc transporter pathway in the ageing mouse brain

NSW Cardiovascular Research Network 2020 Professional Development Awards

NSW Office of Chief Scientist Conference Sponsorship Program 2021

NatHERS Whole of Home Metric Tools [19332]

Next-generation latent fingermark detection using functional nanomaterials

Older persons enablement and rehabilitation for complex health conditions (CHERE)

Optical tweezers for bio-nanotechnologies

Oyster industry transformation : Building sustainability and profitability in the Australian Oyster Industry.

Preventing and reversing population declines of northern quolls

Price setting and price regulation in the residential/long term care sector: Case study for Australia (CHERE).

Product Recommendation Systems with Multimodal Content Analysis and Optimisation

QScreen – A novel and innovative system for pre-employment healthcare assessments

RMS - Load capacity models for ASR-affected field structures

Rapid CYBERNOSE ® detection of illicit drugs and precursor chemicals

Reformulating set design aesthetics via a dialogical model of interactivity

Rehabilitation of Marine Diversity at Sydney Opera House

Reimagining preferable futures for K-12 education post COVID-19

Reimagining preferable futures for K-12 education: Learning in 2021 and beyond

Retirement Income Policies and Products

Running on salt - sodium-ion batteries for renewable energy storage

Safe and Just Futures for People Living with Dementia in Residential Aged Care

Satellite tracking of emerging health threats from grass pollen exposure (old title was: Ecological and climate drivers of changing grass pollen aerobiology)

Semiparametric Regression for Streaming Data

Services for Impact Analysis of Allocating Residential Aged Care Places to Consumers

SharkSafe: Automatic Shark Detection

Showsite, showcase and demonstrate certain GEHC licensed or purchased products at UTS

Single-atom catalysts on carbon substrates as efficient catalysts for water splitting and lithium-oxygen batteries

Smart Infrastructure Data Analytics for Train Timetable Evaluation and Track Inspection

Snowy Hydro Scheme (BIDA)

Stage 1 research development T5 spatial sound project

Strengthening capabilities for communications measurement, evaluation and learning in the Western Pacific Region

TSANZ / LFA / CSL Behring Research Award for Alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency

Targeting IL-33 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic asthma and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)

Temperature-related thresholds for mortality and health service use in Victoria

The Australian carer toolkit for advanced disease.

The analysis of the Extended Medicare Safety Net Reform (CHERE)

The clinical management of mental health by Australian complementary medicine practitioners: A national cross-sectional study

The mechanism for combined immunodeficiency and autoimmunity due to STK4-deficiency and its broader application to human PIDs

The plight of the endemic weedy seadragon

The predictors of asthma and lung function deficits in the third decade of life: A longitudinal sibship study

TreeManager2 Ranking Matrix

Unclonable cryptographic keys for anti-counterfeiting

Understanding Healthcare Professionals use of Financial and Non-Financial Information (Accounting)

Understanding the physiological underpinnings of a massive Mangrove die off in northern Australia

Values and Expectations of a Sensor Network for Oysters

Water governance literature review

Work to strengthen measurement and evaluation in the context of the adoption of a Communications for Health (C4H) approach in the Western Pacific Region

Young Henry's Algal Carbon Capture

ePrep Customisable Stationary Phase development for biomaker quantification

‘Intelligent’ Antibacterial Coatings for Improving Outcomes with Infections Associated with Dialysis Catheters


A Bio-Inspired Climbing Robot for Cleaning and Painting Internal Surfaces of the Arches in the Sydney Harbour Bridge

A New Photo-Bioreactor For The Large-Scale Axenic Culture Of Coral Symbiotic

A Rainbow of Difference: Creating a safe environment for LGBTI people

A national framework for managing malignant plastics in museum collections

A new biomechanical model for understanding aging of stored Red Blood Cells

A portable system for detection of drugs of abuse in healthcare applications

APR Internship: Making any pen SMART!

ARC Research Hub for Energy-efficient Separation

ARC Research Hub for Integrated Device for End-user Analysis at Low-levels (RAAP)


Active Australian Leptospermum honey: new sources and their bioactivity - PRJ-009186

Active photonic and plasmonic components based on parity-time symmetry

Administering and maintaining the APCO Annual Reporting Tool; Updating of the Packaging Sustainability Framework based on review of best practice and feedback from APCO/members [18040, 18293, 19021]

Advanced Data Mining Methods for Analysing Real Estate Data

Advanced Data Mining Models for Stock Market Analysis

Advanced Smart City Data Analysis – Advanced Arabic license plate recognition and Speaker verification through voice signal analysis

Antigen Presentation in Cerebral Malaria Pathogenesis:  A Role for Brain Microvascular Endothelium and Microparticles

Australia-Korea FinTech Regulation Symposium: fostering bilateral relationship through sustainable innovation

Behaviour Discovery for Real Time Strategy Games

Blink Secure Tech: Machine Learning-based approach for enterprise security assessment (Phase 1)

Boosting Coral Abundance

Building a sustainable national approach for the development and governance of interprofessional education

CASS Travel Grant - European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry

CCANZ - Development of protocols for the use of aggregate minimising the likelihood of potentially adverse alkali silica reaction (ASR)

CMCRC PhD Scholarship for Duc Man Nguyen (Supervisor Talis Putnins)

COMPARE- Constraint Induced or Multi-Modal aphasia rehabilitation: An RCT of therapy for stroke related chronic

CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarships - Oceans and Atmosphere - Carla Sbrocchi

Cancer Institute NSW Evidence to Practice Grants Program: Increasing breast screening in women from Italian backgrounds in NSW (10,000 Italian Roses Campaign)

Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) - Extension

Carbon and nutrient transport, food webs and the effectiveness of high flow protection and end of system rules project

Characterisation of Adult Stem Cells for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Characterisation of stormwater in ku-ring-gai catchments

Co-operatives in Australia – Explaining Growth, Decline and Revival

Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Collaboration

Comparative analysis of remote health and aged care services (CHERE)

Connecting Communities: A Project to Prevent Modern Slavery

Data Science Innovation - Customer Representations and Chatbot

Data Security in VANET Cloud

Defining the role of zinc at the host-pneumococcal interface

Designing Responsive Regulation: Consumer and public participation in rule-making within a converged communications environment

Designing and Building Novel 2D Hybrid Materials

Develop Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for Large-scale Electrical Energy Storage

Developing Blockchain-centric quantitative user activeness measures and incentive mechanism over virtual network environment

Development of new tools for surveillance of chlamydial infections in sheep

Development of next-generation fingermark lifters and on-the-spot visualization devices

Elucidation of the Aetiology of Airway Remodelling in COPD

Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Engineering photosynthesis for sustainable food, fuels and chemicals

Enhanced Biometrics and OCR Application in the Digital Identity Verification Process

Eradication of high-risk bacterial clones using bacteriophages APP1107322

Evaluation of the effects of in-utero traffic PM exposure upon offspring lung health

Evaluation of various technologies for engineering GPU-based High-Performance Cloud

Examination of Bacterial Attachment on Prototype Cochlear Implant Devices

Exploring new interaction techniques for mobile applications used by field technicians - Phase 2

Feasibility study of battery powered commercial vacuum cleaner.

Field assessment of the botanical biofiltration of air pollutants

Fingolimod as a novel breast cancer therapy– overcoming its immunosuppressive effect by combination with the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib.

Framing effects when valuing EQ-5D-Y health states in a latent scale DCE

Future Oysters CRC-P

HBGDki collaboration - Quantifying Healthy birth, growth and development knowledge integration

Harnessing chain-forming diatoms for improved lipid biofuel production (DECRA - Dr Justin Ashworth)

Health Destination Pharmacy: Creation of a data base - Industrial scholarship

HealthSense: Technological Human Health sensors capable of providing feedback and Intervention

High-throughput Portable and Wearable Device Fabrication Facilty

Hospital Costs Analysis for IHPA: A Multilevel Modelling Approach

Hybrid supercapacitors with high energy and power densities for rail industry applications

I Care Dust Diseases Care - Can fibrosis in silicosis be reversed?

INT - 0475 & Data Fusion for Household Surveys:

INT - 0527 & Automatic Code Compressions: Kha Anh Vo (Student)

INT 0544 & Applications of a behavioural agent-based simulation model - Firouzeh Taghikah (Student)

Identification of the molecular response of seagrasses to heavy metal pollution and ocean acidification

Identifying keystone microbes and planktonic guilds in Australia's oceans

Impact of maternal vaping on lung infection and asthma development in the offspring.

Impacts of groundwater extraction and variability in groundwater supply on ecophysiology of Australian vegetation

Implementing an 'Architecture of Listening' in Achmea

In pursuit of high performance lithium-oxygen batteries

Independent Review Work with Agency for Care Effectiveness (ACE), Singapore

Indoor farming: Crop Development Project

Innovative Vibration Isolation Unit with Quasi-Zero Dynamic Stiffness

Intelligent digital concierge for hotel micro-stays and recommendations to customers

Interaction of van der Waals attraction and kT for Au@butanethiol model system

Investigating thermosalience in a unique nickel dithiocarbamate using low temperature powder diffraction

Laboratory Study to Evaluate the efficacy of Flavocide against Urban Insect Pests

Lake Macquarie Environmental Research Grant

Landcom UrbanGrowth University Partnership Research Roundtable - Creating the city we want: tackling the barriers to housing diversity in NSW

Leverageing artifical intelligence and genome editing for treatment of AML

Light-bending strategies of next generation scalable plasmonic devices (DECRA)

Linking beachgoer attitudes, behavioural change and management interventions to reduce risk in human-shark interactions in NSW - a participatory approach to management and planning.

Long Title Ngadhuri-nya (To care for): Intergenerational and educational influences on social, mental and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people

Low dose computer tomography (CHERE).

Lurking under the radar: How has the exotic plant pest Verticillium dahliae VCG1A remained undetected for over 30 years?

Mechanisms of impaired bronchodilator response associated with fatty acid intake in obese asthma

Microscale experiments to understand a microscale world: Combining microfluidics and ecogenomics to investigate microbial processes in the ocean. (Marine Microbiology Initiative)

Mining primary care linked data, phase 1

Minitaturising  and Mechanising Outplanting of Adult Nubbins and/or Larval-Reared Juvenile Coral

Mobile officing supported by Data Visualisation & Document Recognition of Archive Documents under Extreme Complex Settings

Namoi Valley changes to supplementary flow rules – impact on food web resources

National Sports Governance Observer (CBSI)

National Volumetric Imaging Facility: Observing the Cell in its Native Environment

Natural language processing for analysis of unstructured data

New Generation Lithium-ion Batteries with High Energy and Long Service Life for Rail Industry Applications

Next-Generation 3D Printed Medical Implant Design and Manufacturing

Novel methods to treat airway remodelling

Novel monitoring of carbon storage in forests and woodlands

On Demand Transport Pilots 

Optimal Design of Solar Photovoltaic & Concentrated Solar Power System for Coal- Fired Power

Optimal stochastic control in multi-period portfolio optimization

PJ Scientific Donation for PG C3 Research Support

Paris Project

People-centred health systems

PhD Scholarship Agreement - Matt Smith: Tennis Australia and UTS -

Power Plants Phytoremediation Gardens

Proteomic analysis of MCT8 knockout and knockdown human iPSCs

Psychometric assessment of the E-QALY item pool in Australia

Quantitative evaluation of patient preferences for diabetes interventions

Random Number Generation and Analytics for Client Understanding

Reef forensics: biomolecular profiles of corals in peril

Regional Communities Development Fund - Round Two (BIDA)

Rehabilitation of Marine Diversity at Sydney Opera House

Remote Tank Diagnostics and Insight

Research Scholarship - Customisable micro solid phase extraction applications

Research-Informed Education Resources for Nepalese Parents Experiencing Difficulty with Child Feeding Project

Resolving the warming East Australian Current's impact on a marine food web

Restoration of tree hollows for hollow dependent mammals

Reversal of diabetes in a humanised mouse using a clinically applicable vector system

Review of European Commission Corporate Communication Campaigns’ (in partnership with Deloitte Europe, Coffey International and Ipsos)

Review of WHO WPRO Strategic Communication Planning & Evaluation

Review of the Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) Program

STATEC: A randomised trial of non-selective versus selective adjuvant therapy in high risk apparent stage 1 endometrial cancer

Safeguarding Northern Quolls from Cane Toads

Scaling the Provision of Personalised Learning Support Actions to Large Student Cohorts

Scatter Correction and Detector Crosstalk Modelling for Fast CT Imaging Systems.

Specialist analysis of the aged care sector

Student Voice Pilot: initiating a sustainable program for student partnership in Australia.

Study of on-road vehicle vibration patterns and their co-correlation and relationship to item use, maintenance events and life cycle

TRGS ACTIveARM project: Economic evaluation of constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) for stroke rehabilitation

Targeting leukaemia specific regulatory elements for the treatment of intermediate and high risk patients

Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN III)- OzFlux Facility

Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network New South Wales (TERN NSW)

The International Wolf Project - Jewish National Fund of Australia Arava-Finkel

The control of archaeal cell shape by tubulin-family proteins (DP160101076)

The role of marine microbes in the global carbon cycle (DECRA - Jean-Baptiste Raina)

Towards multi-factor automation, intelligent processes and data capture for digital Human Resources (HR)

Trophic link between Corals and Planktonic diazotrophs

Understanding acceptor defects in Ga2O3

Understanding and Appreciating Midwives Study

Understanding key processes affecting threatened fish in the Murray-Darling Basin; how cold water pollution and thermal shock affects early life-history stages of native fish

Understanding the immunopathology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infections

Understanding the molecular basis of hybrid vigour in rice - Student: You Zhang

Urban liveability and smart cities

Validation of technology developed for organic micro-pollutant removal from the Sydney Olympic Park Water Reclamation and Reuse Scheme

‘Confidence to Care: A multi-state randomised controlled trial of structured nurse led home-based support and education for carers of people with high grade glioma’

“What lies beneath" Vulnerable populations and patient safety: A new approach to improving the quality of care


A freshwater toxic algal bloom resource kit to improve monitoring

A helminth-derived peptide is a novel prohpylactic and therapeutic treatment for autoimmune diabetes

A matter of fat: is lipid peroxidation the key to coral health and demise?

A new compound in the gold-sodium system?

Acoustic design of large exhaust mufflers for mining applications

Adding Artificial Intelligence into Playtec for user experience enhancement

Advocacy for Energy Transitions - Mapping the Dynamics (ASSA Workshop Program 2018-2019)

Agent Based Conversion of Policy Documents to Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)

An Energy Efficient and Secured Scheme for Adaptive MAC Protocols in Sensor Networks with application to Underwater Acoustic Networks

Analysis of Diversity in ABC Content - External Reviewer

Analysis of supplied ROV videos covering Phase 2 Data collection, and Phase 3 Data Analysis and interpretation

Applications for Image-guided surgery

Applied use of Additive Manufacturing in the production of outdoor furniture.

Attend International Mycological Congress; Congress of Plant Pathology

Australian Red Cross - Joint Research Appointment of a Biostatistician

Australian Wool Innovation - Process Development Australia

Australian-China Young Scientists Exchange Program 2018 - Manoj Kumar

Bacterial enumeration for riverine foodwebs

Better vibrations: nonlinear sound-light interactions in semiconductor chips

CMCRC PhD Scholarship - Mohammad Habibullah Pulok

CSIRO (manufacturing) post graduate top up scholarship

CSIRO - Appointment to adjunct science Fellow within the division of Mathematics, Information & Statistics - Dr Louise Ryan

CSIRO-UTS Joint Phd Program

Characterisation of Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane (tBLM) Architectures

Characterising microbial interactions that drive organic sulphur cycling in Antarctic waters

Close Environment Optimization of Intelligent-Smart LED Systems (Phase 2)

Co-designing the Nepean Blue Mountains Mental Health Centre

Coeliac disease point-of-care diagnostic test

Community Preferences for Regional Infrastructure Projects: Shellharbour (BIDA).

Comprehensive Cloud Application

Conjoint Appointment between UTS and Woolcock Institute of Medical Research - Prof res

Copyright Agency NEW Writers Program

DPC Regional Communities Development Fund (BIDA).

Determining The Best Outcome Measures For Assessing Cost-Effectiveness Of Interventions For Childhood Mental Disorders

Determining the surface coverage and packing of immobilised antimicrobial peptides melimine and melimine-4 and their interactions with model lipid bilayers

Development and augmentation of the Junglefy Breathing Wall

Development of a non-invasive liquid biopsy for prostate cancer: Identification of unique exosome microRNA (exomiR) signatures in patient body fluids for cancer diagnosis and prognosis.

Development of colour tests for in-field screening of new drugs of abuse

Development of novel anti-cancer agents based on cytochrome P-450-mediated epoxides of Omega-3 fatty acids - GNT1087248

Development of self-learning algorithms for decision support tool for smart aviation maintenance

Discovery of Novel Therapeutics for Bacterial Lung Infections

Drone on Demand: additive manufacturing  (DIN Project)

Eco-driving technology for logistics transport fleet to reduce fuel consumption and emissions

Effect of a Novel Immobilised Antimicrobial Peptide on Bacterial Surfaces

Embedding SDN capability into the Exablaze suit of switches and NICS - Stage 2

Energy Sector Development Project

Enhanced interaction of electromagnetics and mechanics in structured media

Evaluation of Smoking Reduction Campaign Among People of Chinese Background

Examining complementary medicine practitioners’ approaches to weight loss

Examining the Thickness and the Volume Fraction of Tethered Bacterial Model Membranes

Experimentation and Evaluation of Clunking Noise Control Strategies

Extending the QALY project – testing the face and content validity of candidate items within the Australian context

Forensic Science Research - Bulgin Fund

Furthering the DCE research agenda: Comparing anchoring and design methods for the valuation of EQ-5D

Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure decommissioning review

Growing the Evidence Base and Research Capacity in Australian Osteopathy

Harvard University international health care costs study

Heuristic-based behavioural models with an application to macroeconomics.

How do Australian desert plants cope with heat stress?

Hunter River Estuary Project - Water Quality Sampling Program

Identification of new Vibrio-specific BioBricks and creation of a temperature-sensitive origin of replication BioBrick for use in Vibrio-specific vectors

Identifying the value of New Caledonia’s “extreme” corals to manage reefs under climate change

Improved Navigation for Underwater Gliders

Improved sample preparation for clinical, environmental and food analyses using the ePrep and novel separation automated technologies

Improved understanding of Tasmanian harmful algal blooms and biotoxin events to support seafood

Improving seagrass conservation using molecular toolkit

Incorporating new knowledge of phytoplankton diversity and nutrient utilisation into an ocean-climate model to improve forecasts of ocean function

Increasing soil carbon in eastern Australian farming systems: Linking management, nitrogen and productivity

Investigation of the thermosalient effect using far-IR spectroscopy

IoT-enabled water controller research and implementation

Joint Research Appointment of a Biostatistician with the Sax Institute

Jollychic Intelligence Design System

Literature review of research-industry collaboration in Australia and NSW

Making antibiotics more effective for treatment of intracellular infections in cystic fibrosis

Managing risk to environmental markets

Mannus Lake algae bloom monitoring study

Maths Inside: Highlighting the role of mathematics in society as motivation to engage more in mathematical activities.

Mechanics of Micro manufacturing novel composite micro drills

Metalloproteomics: A new piece of the systems biology puzzle

Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems with Perturbed Parameters

Multi-scale drivers of spatial heterogeneity in soil characteristics in semi-arid floodplain-wetland systems

NPS Impact Evaluation

Nanostructured Materials for Energy Efficiency Applications

Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings for energy efficient LED lighting - DP150103317

New generation nanostructured coatings with combined control of spectral and angular emissivity

Novel delivery of a HDL mimetic peptide as a therapeutic option to restore insulin sensitivity

OmegaHealth Nutraceutical Project

One year extension to Louise Ryan project with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Optimisation Module for Assigning Dates of Set Arrivals for Maintenance

Pathways to Market: Transforming Food Industry Futures through Improved Sensing, Provenance and Choice

Pharma cluster Australian expert

Phenology product maintenance, updates, and future transitions for AusCover

Phenotypic trait variation in diatoms under climate change

Photosynthetic traits as key performance indicators of coral health

Plotting the Pilbara's thermalscape for conserving climate sensitive species

Port Kembla Community Investment Fund Community Preference

Preclinical assessment of phosphatidylserine targeting mAbs in multiple myeloma

Preparing Undergraduates for the Workforce in the Context of Patient Safety through Innovative Simulation

Price Setting and Price Regulation in Health Care: Case Study for Australia

Proteins Involved in HIV Infection and Host Defence

Reliable parameter estimation for dynamic systems with big data

Right to Farm Agricultural land use survey (16052)

Scaling the Provision of Personalised Learning Support Actions to Large Student Cohorts

Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) - (BIDA)

Success Through Engagement and Listening

Superannuation and Retirement Planning Modelling

Sustainable Process for Treatment of Waste-Water Reverse Osmosis Concentrate to Achieve Near Zero Liquid Discharge

Systematic literature review and a costing model of the Australian patient population with Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis that is hypersensitive to sulphonamides

TRANSFERRED OUT - Cost efficient scheduling of big data application workflows on cloud through information correlation

TRANSFERRED OUT - Non-invasive prediction of adverse neural events using brain wave activity

Tailor’s Mark: UI/UX Prototype Development (Stage 1)

Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) Grant for Initial Teacher Education

The Effect of Enhanced Biological Process Removal (EBPR) on Biosolids Conditioning and Dewatering

The Internet of Things Based Smart Farm

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on law practices : An Australian case

The impact of the new Indigenous Australians’ Health Program Funding

The microbiome and immune dysregulation

The role of airway neutrophilia in the structural and functional characteristics of severe asthma and its effect on steroid-resistance

The role of central carbon metabolism in cell cycle control in bacteria

The role of low-energy excited states in solar-energy capture

Topology Optimization for Integrated Design of Composite Structures and Materials and Applications in Bionic Robots

TreeManager 2

Trial of the REVIEW online criteria-based assessment system for Aviation Science – Tuggeranong Network (ACT) STEM Pilot Program

Understanding how patients and carers make decisions in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment

Understanding the mechanisms by which parasite worms prevent multiple sclerosis

Understanding the stability of core/shell upconversion nanocrystals at elevated temperatures

Vibration Analysis and Control of Clunking Noise for Digital Products

Wireless Data Delivery for Workplace Wearable Technology

“I did want to quit, but…” Women from western Sydney who smoked in pregnancy training Blacktown Mt Druitt antenatal care staff to better support pregnant women to quit: a consumer-led service improvement project


(Duplicated record) Comparative eco-physiology of two contrasting arid zone woodlands in Central Australia

3D imaging for phenotypic trait estimation of beef and sheep carcasses

ARC Centre of Excellence in Ultra-high band-width Devices for Optical Systems CUDOS

Analysis of insulin-secreting human liver cells

Assessment of fish responses to rat baiting program at Lord Howe Is.

Australian coastal health watch: Improved marine primary productivity estimates using advanced Fast Repetition Rate fluorometry

Automated environmental applications development and validation incorporating standard and customisable micro solid phase extraction

Automatic Derivation of JSON from LIXI Standards

Automotive Australia 2020 AUTOCRC (Stage 1 Approved) Stage 2 Approved

Beyond Spectral Detection: Engineering SUPER Dot Probes for High-Throughput Discovery

Birthplace in Australia: A Prospective Cohort Study

Capabilities Framework Research

Capital Markets CRC - PhD support

Chip liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: A new hyphenated microfluidic instrument for metallomics - LP120200079

Chronic Pain and calcium permeable AMPA receptors

Comparative eco-physiology of two contrasting arid-zone woodlands in Central Australia: hydrological niche separation and ecosystem resilience

Comparing DCE designs that can be used to value EQ-5D-5L

Controlling the valence and spin state of ion-beam implanted cobalt via structural disorder and octahedral distortions in the titanates

Credit Risk Modelling - Student: Anthony Tooman

Detection and Monitoring of explosives and other hazardous chemicals on trains through the air conditioning system - Feasibility study

Detection and analysis of new designer drugs

Development of Advanced Electrode and Electrolytes for LIB - 1-111

Development of high efficiency nanocatalysts using novel electron beam fabrication and imaging techniques

Does Continuity of Midwifery Care Increase Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC): A Randomised Controlled Trial - GNT1023352

Early Detection of Seagrass Habitat Loss Caused by Eutrophication

Ecology and natural dispersal mechanisms of Gambierdiscus, the causative organism of the human illness Ciguatera Fish Poisoning

Effects and molecular mechanisms of naturally occurring compounds on polycystic ovary syndrome

Estimation of oxygen consumption based on wireless wearable sensors

Exploring the nexus between behaviour and physiology of coral reef fishes in a warming world

Extreme corals of the Great Barrier Reef unlock secrets to coral reef security

Fabrication Strategies for Nanophotonic Devices

Fast Approximate Inference Methods for Flexible Regression

Feeding and breeding: Rainfall effects on connectivity and fidelity of iconic coastal fishes

Gene and stem cell therapy for Type 1 Diabetes

Heat Transfer Characteristics and its Effects on Biological Nanoparticles DP150101065

Helmedix Development Plan (Head Agreement): Helminth Peptides as Therapeutics for AutoImmune disease

Hybrid Vigour and Hybrid Mimics in crop species

Identification of environmental risk factors for sporadic motor neurone disease in Australia

Impacts of extreme hydro-meteorological conditions on ecosystem functioning and productivity patterns across Australia

Impacts of lantana invasion on habitat use by native and exotic animals in Lake Macquarie bushland

Improving road safety: advanced hybrid vehicle-based technology for monitoring driver drowsiness

In situ pXRD of thermolysis of metal dithiocarbamate complexes

Integrated Market Surveillance System (IMSS) - Student: Kevin Lu

Intelligent cloud based applications for milk logistics (Phase 2)

Introspection, Learning, and Equilibrium in Games: Theory and Experiment

IoT: LED light-based Multichannel Grid Communications Platform – Hardware Design

Kangaroo Meat Safety

LED light-based Urban Positioning System – Software Design

Lithium Ion Battery Module Packaging and Testing - 1-113

Mathematical modelling in mining industry

Meat and Livestock Australia Young Food Innovators

Mentoring Intercultural Learning through Study Abroad

Mission Impossible Engagement Protocol

Model-checking quantum Markov chains: towards verification techniques for quantum cryptographic systems

Monitoring Membrane Fouling Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy.

Monitoring the effectiveness of cold water pollution mitigation at Burrendong Dam; changes in temperature, algae and nutrients over 3 years of management

NSW Government Evaluation Framework Research Extension

Nanny state or good public policy: Do the benefits of mandatory health programs justify the loss of consumer choice?

National Taxonomy Research Grant Programme - Student Travel Grant Arjun Verma

Novel Drugs for the Treatment of Chronic Pain (APP1082570)

Novel single photon sources for new generation of quantum communications

Performance evaluation of Clever Buoy shark detection system

Porous Carbon Based Catalysts for Lithium Air Batteries

Project Car Model

Putting Stimulated Brillouin Scattering to work: tailored optical-phononic interactions for on-chip signal processing.

Quest for zero optical loss

RMCRC Project 3.1.2: Integrated passenger behaviour, train operations diagnostics, and vehicle condition monitoring system

Rapid chemical odor profiling for frontline identification of illegal wildlife products

Restoration of Pandan Reservoir in Singapore using Macrophytes ­- A Mesocosm Study

Scalable IoT Platform for Remote Monitoring in Smart Homes

Scholarship -Durability Assessment of Service Life Loss Through Delayed Ettringite Formation in Australian Manufactured Precast Elements - Student: Johnson Mak

Sniffing out the secrets of the sea: Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in the coral microbiome (STEPH GARDNER - PHD STUDENT)

Social Networking in a Changing Ocean: Microbial-Scale Ecological Interactions Control Ocean-Scale Chemistry

Sponsorship of Forensic Science Research - Australian Federal Police

Statistical analysis of weight-based waste charges

Superior chemical and gas sensors based on novel interface technology

Superresolution light microscope for deep view functional analyses of cancer cells and their microenvironment: a springboard for high resolution correlative microscopy studies in cancer research.

Supra-classical quantum simulation in physically restricted models of quantum computation

Sydney Harbour-ing Unknown Coral Treasures

The Algae Prototype Panel (APP) Project

The Great Escape: Mechanisms for dispersal of microbial communities from surfaces

The atlas of trace metals in the mouse brain: A new tool for neuroscientists - LP120200081

The evolution of Gambierdiscus in the order Gonyaulacales, with a focus on ciguatoxin production in Australia.

The rise of complementary self-care: A national sociological study of women's strategies for coping and living with chronic illness

The role of marine microbes in the global carbon cycle

The role of toxin biosynthesis for marine dinoflagellates-An evolutionary ecological approach

Thought Leadership on NSW Strategic Direction for Innovation in Accessible Tourism

Transcriptome Interrogation of Stem Cell-Based Gene Therapy for Osteoporosis

Transformation of forensic gunshot residue evidence

Uncovering the microbial ecology of Australia's coasts: Friends next-door or enemies at the gate?

Understanding the Cytotoxicity of Pyocin L1 as a Tool for Antibiotic Development - Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr Laura C McCaughey

Universal Immunogenic Reagents for the Detection of Latent Fingermarks

Unstoppable Me: iPad Anxiety treatment for children with intellectual disability

Urban Ecology Renewal Investigation Project

WUHAN - Nano-geopolymer composites for underground prefabricated structures

Water Abstraction Effects on Food Web Linkages - Student: Daniela Cortez

While stocks last: understanding the impacts of habitat degradation on fish reproductive spawning migrations

Working with Councils across Greater Sydney (16158)

importance of Free Living diAzotrophs for COrals


210Pb and radiocarbon dating reveal history of carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands

3-142 SME Engagement in Research Collaborations

A Dynamic Model for Australian Seagrasses

A New Theoretical Approach to Pension Fund Economics, Asset Management and Insurance - DP130104074

A naturalistic observational study of Western herbal medicine practice in selfreported anxiety and depression

Adoption Outcome Research

Advanced Immunogenic Lifting Devices for Fingerprint Detection 

Advice to CRC for Low Carbon Living On project RP2005 Urban Microclimates

Approximate reasoning with qualitative spatial constraints involving landmarks

Architextiles: building with textiles

Assessing the Junglefy novel green wall system for improving indoor air quality

Assessment of crop productivity over intensively managed agriculture regions in India and Australia using cutting-edge fluorescence remote sensing data

Australia's Ocean Microbiome: How the diversity and functionality of microbes influence key oceanographic provinces

Australian Synchrotron Access Program

Australian supply chain regulation: practical operation and regulatory effectiveness

Bovine Theileriosis Molecular Diagnosis and Strain Analysis - Project No. B.AHE.0213

Bovine Theileriosis Molecular Diagnosis and Strain Analysis - Project No. B.AHE.0213

Building Adaptive Enterprise Architecture - Discovery Phase

Building an open access three-dimensional atlas of metals in the mouse brain ES2014/027 (Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Foundation)

Built-in-Brake Wear Sensors II - Digital

Child Cybersex Research Project

Clinical use of CBD among young men with first episode mental illness and cannabis use disorder

Commonwealth Bank of Australia Scholarship Pilot

Concrete Admixtures for Water Tightness - Student: TBA

Continuous Deployment of Data Analytics Applications

Creative Space Guidelines (16105)

Cross-Domain Distributed Data Analytics

Cryogenic correlative light and immunoelectron microscopy using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) – a new way to look at cancer and its microenvironment.

Design and evaluation of direct metal laser sintered alloy automotive components for lightweighting -ID 1503

Design and implementation of the Better Practice Review Program

Design practice at Telstra

Designing and Building Novel 2D Hybrid Materials

Deterministic Scheduling Models with Machine Cost and Buffers - Student: Joey Fung

Developing a Collaborative National Postgraduate Research Program for 22 Australian Film Schools (ALTC)

Development of Mahout-based recommender engine for real-time streaming health data (Phase 1)

Development of a sulfonyl-[18F]fluoride-based radiosynthon for applications in nuclear medicine

Development of an optimisation module for allocating deliveries to trucks of different capacities subject to time windows

Dissecting key steps of the miRNA-mediated gene regulation and its implication in immune response and cancer

Donation - Ameliorating Asbestos and Mesothelioma

EXTREWAFOR Acquiring extremely high resolution maps of water use efficiency of Australian forests to assess the effects of drought, species composition and stand structure

Effects of Bias Potentials on Tethered Lipid Bilayers

Effects of maternal smoking on brain development in offspring - Letter of Intent

Enhanced and highly specific delivery of small interfering RNA and oligonucleotides as therapeutics for gene silencing

Enrolled nurse transition: development of a university preparation program for direct entry to 2nd year

Establish method for analyzing the collagens and Proteoglycans in the intervertebral disc using LC-MS technique

Establishing an accurate chemical volatile profile of decomposition for use in victim recovery in mass disaster and forensic investigations

Estimating the Positive Benefits of Schedule 3 Consumer Advertising

Evaluation Research of Cannabis Public Awareness Communications Campaign

Evaluation of the Living in Harmony Festival

Evaluation of train driver work culture and environment for improving railway safety

Examination of Bacterial Attachment on Prototype Cochlear Implant Devices

Exploration of the wellbeing of international students in the City of Sydney

Extended Life of 3D Injection Moulding Tool Inserts

FEI Sponsored Chair in Materials Physics

FPGA Software Development for CSIRO Wireless Communications Projects

Fabrication of metal-carbon nanomaterials for heterogeneous catalysis by electron beam

Far West Initiative (15199)

Fate of Light in Optically Complex Coastal Waters and the Physiological Implications of Bio-optical Niche Partitioning for Carbon Cycling by Phytoplankton - Student: Charlotte Robinson

Fault Detection and Isolation with Power Optimization in Wireless Body Sensor Networks

Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre - Design Led Innovation Framework

From sink to source: Does microbial priming of degraded seagrasses contribute to global warming? - DECRA DE130101084

Full Utilisation of Reactive Aggregates in High Performance Concrete

Functional Analysis of Melligen Cells

Gender, race, swimming and Australian identity

Gene therapy for diabetes (donations)

Generalising a root-water uptake mechanism for successful land surface modelling

Google Challenge Grant - Dendrometers save trees from groundwater extraction

HELIVAC - Overpowering helminth-mediated immune-modulation is a route towards vaccine development against these major animal pathogens - ERC Advanced Grant

High Performance Cool Roof Coatings

IDEAL project: Improving Dementia End of Life Care at Local Aged Care Facilities

IDTC Scholarship - Efficient Hedging and Replication of Equity-Linked Structured Products (Student: Megh Shah)

Identifying how bacterial cells find their middle: a new perspective

Implementation of intelligent process mining frameworks for IoT-enabled devices

Incorporation of innovations in the 3D scanning process of manufacturing custom-shape inserts

Integrated Power Systems for Caravans and RV's

Integrating Choice Set Formation and Taste Heterogeneity in Market Segmentation

Intelligent Cloud-based system for remote monitoring of production supply chains (Stage 1)

Interior Urbanism: Architecture, John Portman and Downtown America

Investigating the Role of Cholesterol in the Metamorphic Protein CLIC1's Membrane Interactions

Investigating the Role of Cholesterol in the Metamorphic Protein CLIC1's Membrane Interactions - Student: Khondker Hossain - PGRA 10889

Investigating the anti-inflammatory properties of the Hiper Supplement

Investigation of fatigue properties of direct metal laser sintered parts for automotive applications - ID1502

Investigation of the improvement of sustainable management of groundwater resources through use of next generation water quality loggers

It's getting hot in here: how will ocean warming affect reef fish?

Lithium-air battery: a green energy source for the sustainable future

Local Government Growing Tasmania Through Better Workforce Planning (16014)

MCT8 Research Project

Melligen In Vitro Cell and Mouse Study

Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (uPADs) for in-field screening of organic explosives

Modulation Of Gap Junction Channels For The Treatment Of Spinal Cord Injury

Molecular Modification of Carbon Material and the Applications in Lithium Ion Batteries

Molecular imaging advancing stem cell-based gene therapy for osteoporosis and bone fracture regeneration.

Mollusc shell aragonite-calcite strain profile and phase transition

Multi-objective topological optimization with multiple constraints for complex structures

Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings for LED applications

Northcott Accommodations

Novel BMSC delivery of combination gene therapy for treatment-resistant metastatic prostate cancer: Non-invasive molecular and functional imaging in immune intact mouse models.

Novel Strategies To Boost Tristetraprolin Function: A Critical Anti-Inflammatory Protein In Asthma.

Optimisation of Fingermark Detection Methods for the Improved concurrent Recovery of Explosive Residues

PDE/PIDE Approaches for Pricing and Hedging of Options Involving Several Stochastic Factors

PS Optimization of High Lipid Yield Microalgae

PS and Heterosis in Flowering Plants - Tina Liu (student)

Peer review the NSW statewide environmental threat and risk assessment

Pelvic floor dysfunction, work productivity and work environment: A cross sectional survey and exploratory study of the nursing and midwifery workforce.

Phase 1 - Pharmacyte Biotech Inc research using Melligen Cells

Phonon-Photon Interactions in Nanophotonic Structures - Student: Sayyed Reza Mirnaziry                                                                                                                  

Pine bark extract analysis

Pink Sari Project - evaluation

Plasmons in Graphene Student Scholarship for Kris Fair

Preparation and investigation of PVDF-HFP Based Porous Gel Polymer Electrolytes

Probing the chemical states of rare earth elements in sub-50 nm heterogeneous nanocrystals

Professorial Chair in Official Statistics - James Brown

Provision of expert consultants to evaluate submissions to the pharmaceutical benefits advisory committee

Quantitative metrics for determining aquifer ecosystem state - Flinders lead - LP130100508


Rapid isolation and purification of nucelic acids and proteins from engineerd liver cells

Rebooting Local Governments (16113)

Research Services to Inform the Commissioning and Evaluation of NSW Government Advertising and Communication

Review of Venue Arrangements at City Recital Hall (16064)

Review of existing empirical post-disaster recovery evaluations

Review of resource sharing arrangements between Circular Head and Waratah Wynyard Councils; and Kentish and Latrobe Councils

Risk assessment of climate change mitigation measures

Risk assessment of climate change mitigation measures

SPARK 2015

Safeguarding commercial fishing in NSW from ciguatera fish poisoning

Safeguarding recreational fishing in NSW from ciguatera fish poisoning

Salty gas: the ecological risk of saline effluents from coal seam gas and other hydrocarbon resources.

Scoping literature around costs/health care resource use in cancer patients with an anxiety disorder

Selenium (Se) Accumulation, Translocation and Biological Speciation in Selected Plants Using Tissue Culture and Radiolabelled Se Salts

Services to map the cultural landscape of regional NSW (16042)

SharkSafe: Automatic Shark Detection

Social Research Strategy (15149)

Social and Economic Evaluation of NSW Coastal Aquaculture.

Social and Economic Evaluation of NSW Coastal Commercial Wild-Catch Fisheries

Social and affective factors in bilingual (Japanese-English) children's Japanese language development in families where parents have different language backgrounds.

Spawning dynamics of coral reef fishes

Stakeholder sentiments towards biosolids reuse

Strategic Research into Cement Australia Geoploymer Concrete Systems

Study of Cyanobacterical Toxin Producing Species, their Toxin Production rates and responses to Environmental Factors

Superresolution fluorescence imaging in microbiology (LE160100127 - led by University of Wollongong)

Synthetic Biology Derived Electroactive Whole Cell Microbial Biosensors LP140100459

Technology and Prototype Development of Human Action Recognition in Shopping and CheckOut Areas 

Testing a novel green wall system for bioparticle emission and the abatement of indoor air pollution

Testing the waters: impacts of contaminants on ecosystem structure and function in urban waterways

The Court as Archive: rethinking the institutional role of federal superior courts of record - DP130101954

The Effectiveness of Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System

The Innovation Systems of Australia and Korea in the FTA Era: Deepening Linkages to Promote the Diffusion on Innovation

The WHICH? Trial of standard versus intensified heart failure care

The coral bleaching crisis: what about the fishes?

The effect of pollution on marine macrophytes in New South Wales

The feasibility of algae building technology for inside energy generation in Sydney

The molecular mechanism of phospholipid phase transitions studied by far infrared spectroscopy - 2

The utilisation of complementary and alternative medicine for children: a mixed methods study to examine parental attitudes and information sources

Tri-modal targeted stem cell gene therapy for Prostate Cancer metastases

Understanding and predicting southward range expansions of corals

Understanding career change student teachers in teacher education programs

Value of Libraries project (16046)

Very Early Rehabilitation in Speech: An RCT of aphasia therapy after stroke - NHMRC ECU - APP1044973

Volunteering and Community Development (16070)

Watertight Concrete Structures

Whole of Government Approach to Strengthening Service Delivery in Eden (16099)

Why Local Government Matters in South Australia

Youth Employment Action Plan: Illawarra and Shoalhaven

 Smart Incontinence Management method during normal physical activity with simulated urinary incontinence


A General Bayesian Multilinear Analysis Framework for Human Behaviour Recognition

A novel peptide isolated from a parasitic worm prevents Type 1 diabetes

A study of policies on consumer adoption of electric vehicles

ARC/NWC National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training

Adaptive Cyber-Physical Technologies with Attention Driven Commonsense Behaviours

Advanced Optical Characterisation of Nanostructures in White Light Emitting Diodes

An Image Processing Based Method to Estimate Cotton Requirements for Nitrogen Fertiliser

Arsenic Bioavailability, Biotransformation, and Detoxification/Bioremediation of Arsenic Using in Aquatic Organisms - Mohammad Rahman

Artificial intelligence meets wireless sensor networks: filling the gaps between sensors using spatial reasoning

Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options in the Cotton Industry - Full Proposal

Assessment of the fish and invertebrate communities associated with gas platforms off the northwest coast of New Zealand

Aurecon - Mobility Deep Dive

Aurecon Deep Dive #2

Australian Savannah Landscapes: Past, Present and Future - DP130101566

Bacterial Detection and Infection Control using Tethered membranes

CSI-Sydney: New technologies to treat chronic sinus infection APP1076217

Can coral optics explain coral bleaching susceptibility?

Cardiac Autonomic Activity and Cognitive Function - Student Scholarship Louisa Giblin

Cold Water Pollution at Burrendong Dam - Effect of Mitigation using an Innovative Thermal Curtain & Development of Temperature Modelling Methods for Major NSW Dams - Scholarship - Student Rachel Gray

Conserving the critically endangered northern quoll in Kakadu national Park

Coping with climate change: acclimation of marine fishes to global warming

Council Rating Strategy - Mount Alexander Council

Crack Detection In Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams based on Vibration Analysis and Guided Waves

Cross Car Beam - Aluminium Foam for Down Gauging

Data Envelopment Analysis for Gwydir Shire Council

Designing a systems response for people with severe and persistent mental illness

Development of a molecular biology tool kit to monitor dredging-related stress in Zostera muelleri ssp. capricorni in the Port of Gladstone

Development of assays for the capture and detection of prostate (cancer)-derived exosomes and exosomal markers

Development of low cost, high quality InGaN photovoltaic devices

Dynamic Resilience an Stability Properties of Marine Systems: the Importance of Environment-Engineer Feedbacks in Kelp Forests - DP130101113

EOI: Seagrass resilience in Port Phillip Bay: Developing better predictions of how seagrass respond to environmental change

Electron beam induced etching and deposition

Endgame: managing superannuation in later life

Enhancing the Quality of Science Learning Through a Representation-Intensive Pedagogy

Epigenetic Mechanisms Controlling Heterosis

Evaluation of an Embedded Smoking Cessation Campaign (Stage 2)

Evaluation of trial job roles in TAFE NSW: Extension work

Evidence to Practice Grant - Improving Breast Screening Rates for Indian and Sri Lankan Women (Campaign Evaluation)

Evolution and Ecology of Integron Gene Cassettes: Exploring the Protein Universe - DP130103839

Fisheries, Biodiversity and Contamination study work, Reviewing data gathered during the Griffin 2014 Baseline and relating in wider context to the wider NWS

France-Australia Science Innovation Collaboration (FASIC) Early Career Fellowships Travel Grant

Gas-mediated electron-beam-induced etching John Stocker Scholarship - SIEF -

Harnessing the genome of the Australian paralysis tick to develop effective control products - LP120200836

Heads of Agreement - Centre for Ecotoxicology

Highly ordered and tunable extracellular DNA micro- and nanopatterns for investigating the attachment mechanisms of pseudomonas aeruginosa to surfaces

Hybrid 2D Materials

Identifying the gap between perception and reality for the sustainable actions that matter

Influence of contamination on Sydney Harbour Bacterioplankton

Investigation into Role of Pavement Materials in Mitigation of Construction Defects and Cracking in Concrete Pavements

Investigation of endocrine disruption in Australian aquatic environments

Investigation of horizontal gene transfer and characterisation of stx bacteriophages in southern hemisphere Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 strains

Macromolecular mapping of coral symbionts under bleaching stress conditions

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster - WP 1 - Carbon sequestration, stroichiometry and stores potential or representative Australian coastal ecosystems

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster - WP 2 - Bethnic Community Metabolism and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster - WP 3 - Pelagic Community Metabolism in Australian Coastal Waters

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster - WP 4 - Scaling up to Regional Inventories and Data Assimilation and Parameter and Model Uncertainties

Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster - WP 5 - Communication

Master Planning and Visioning for International Grammar School in Sydney

Matching demonstrators' background with those of their students: does is make a difference? SD13-3429

Membrane adsorption bioreactor hybrid system as a pre-treatment to reverse osmosis desalination - EOI accepted - NCED

Molecular Genetic Methods to Detect Neonicotinoid Resistance in Cotton Aphid

NHMRC Career Development Fellowship APP1026880 - New Therapies to Treat Airway Scaring GNT1026880

Neutron diffraction investigation of shear forces on triacylglycerols for forensic application

Novel Oxygen Sensing Tools for Monitoring the Effects of Dredging on Australian Seagrass Communities

Ocean acidification and marine trophic dynamics: investigating macromolecular changes in Antarctic phytoplankton in high CO2 waters

Optimisation Algortihums for Planning and Scheduling Dedicated Resources

Penrith City Council Service Delivery Reviews

Penrith Neighbourhood Renewal Program

Philanthropy, celebrity and governance in the People's Republic of China

Pricing & Risk Management for High Frequency Cyclical Commodity Motels

Pricing of multiple exercise options in high dimensions - CSIRO Scholarship

Quantitative analysis of pancreatic transdifferentiation of human liver cells

Recommending local vehicle charging standards: a comprehensive review of vehicle charging standards, international trends, Australian fleet trends

Response to and Recovery from Heat Stress: Thermal Tolerance of Australian Arid Land Vegetation

Road-Deposited Sediment Pollutants: Measurement of Mobility and Bioavailability

Role of Tributary Inflows for Carbon Supply in Environmental Flow Management of the Regulated Snowy Mountains Rivers

SAXS - Structural Investigations of NSW Opals

Selenium toxicity and accumulation in selected plants, selenium speciation, and possible incorporation of selenium into proteins using plant tissue culture and proteomics

Simulating the Australian carpark: Modelling vehicle-life CO2, fleet mix and policy levers

Sphere Packing Array Structure of Precious Opal

Strategic Communication for Strengthening Public Confidence in Migration Policy and Practice

Strengthening frontline clinicians' infection control: A multi method study to reduce MRSA infection and transmission

Structural Changes within the Tethering Elements of tBLMs under the Effect of Bias Potentials

Structural Changes within the Tethering Elements of tBLMs under the Effect of Transmembrane Potentials

Studies Investigating the non-protein amino acid BMAA, as an environmental trigger for motor neurone disease

Targeting nucleic acid synthesis and cell division in gram-negative bacterial pathogens

Terahertz spectroscopy of fibrillar self-assembling peptides (1)

The Neurophysiology of Insight: The neurophysiological correlated of insight and the Aha! Moment in 30 Business Leaders

The Value of Characteristics of Australian Wheat

The characterisation of rock art paintings in Arnhem Land using synchrotron infrared spectroscopy

The importance of southern NSW coastal vegetated habitats as carbon sinks

The improvement of whiplash performance through the application of a reactive lumbar support system

The molecular mechanism of phospholipid phase transitions studied by far infrared spectroscopy

Understanding the aetiology of small airway fibrosis in COPD

Understanding the role of viruses in the evolution of new bacterial diseases - Ref ES2013/0110

Use of High Volume SCM with Manufactured Sand in Concrete for Lower Embodied Energy Structures

Using Local Knowledge to Understand Linkages Between Ecosystem Processes, Seagrass Change and Fisheries Productivity to Improve Ecosystem-Based Management

Vision of 2025 research project - Civica Solutions

Volume Reduction and Biosolids Conveyance

“XRD study of sinter-resistant gold nanoparticles”


'Liquid Gold': Establishing the place of donated human milk in the tissue economy

A Holistic Integrated Design Approach for Building Envelopes Incorporating Sustainability, Security and Safety

A Pan Pathogen Diagnostic for COPD

A Research Platform for Exploring the Genotype:Phenotype Nexus

A microfabricated coral to unravel the microbial ecology of coral disease

A new end use of recycled water for sustainable Australian water

A project to examine and strengthen health care incident disclosure communication

A transportable containerised laboratory for rapid cell sorting and high-resolution bioimaging of living aquatic microbes in field locations

ARC/NWC National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training

Advice and Review of Large Mining Proposals to be supplied to the Federal Office of Water

Aerial surveys of juvenile white sharks CSIRO

Analysis of phytoplankton changes in the Alligator River

Auspherix Research Program - Antimicrobial Drug Discovery - (fixed costs)

Auspherix Research Program - Antimicrobial Drug Discovery - (variable costs)

Australia China Research Centre on River Basin Management (water resources and water quality)

Bacterial filamentation as a survival strategy: a goldmine for the discovery of new cell division regulators

Big Data, Big Impact Grant: Generating Actionable Knowledge from Complex Genomic Data for Personalised Clinical Decisions.

Biotic connectivity within the temperate Australian marine protected area network at three levels of biodiversity: communities, populations and genes.

Building Thermal Performance and the Urban Heat Island - Student: Jose Luis Castro Aguilar

Building an electrochemical biosensor for early detection of marine pathogens

Building mental wealth: improving mental health for better health outcomes among indigenous Australians - NHMRC Capacity Building Grant -

CLIC1 penetration of Phospholid/Cholesterol Membranes using neutron reflectivity

Can Lateral Gene Transfer Lead to Ecological Innovation in Eukaryotes? The role of Saxitoxin in the Diversification of Alexandrium. - DP120103199.

Cannabidiol (CBD) for the management of Cannabis withdrawal, test for THC, THC-COOH and CBD in 35 urine and 15 blood samples

Characterisation of Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Characterisation of ochre pigments from Jawoyn rock art paintings of Arnhem Land using infrared microscopy

Characterisation of the States of Water in Opal Using FTIR Microscopy.

Climate-induced range shifts of tropical fish in south-eastern Australia: Survivorship and implications for local fish communities

Clinical Study In-Home Efficacy of Selamectin in Controlling Flea Infestations in Comparison With Other Registered Flea Control Products

Collaborative Sensing and Information Delivery in Future Internet of Things

Control and exploitation of bacterial lifestyles to combat infection - Senior Research Fellowship B (SRFB)

Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) Cultural Fund: Non-fiction Residency and a Chair of Poetry 2012-2014

Design & Emotion conference - How deep is deep? A four-layer model of insights into human needs for design innovation

Design Led Innovation for Export Competitiveness Project

Determining Structure and Mode-of-Action of Insecticidal Peptides - Student: Slawomir Dziemborowicz

Differential Accumulation of Algal Biotoxins within Diploid and Triploid Pacific Oysters and Sydney Rock Oysters

Diversity and Performance on Boards and Directors: An International Comparison of Regulatory Intervention and Corporate and Professional Initiatives.

Does urban greening influence the indoor and outdoor air quality of the City of Sydney?

Does urban greening influence the indoor and outdoor air quality of the City of Sydney?

Downer Part B: Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)

Drug Bag Research for NSW Police Force - Investigate Low Density Polyethylene Evidence Bags

Dynamics of Sedimentary Carbon in Seagrass Meadows - PADI

Effective Profiling and Detection of At-Risk Taxpayers to Strengthen ATO Compliance

Effective clinical handover communication: improving patient safety, experiences and outcomes

Extending the museum `family': including the non-traditional audience

Fish movements, habitat use and connectivity within Jervis Bay Marine Park: implications for conservation and coastal ecosystems management

Flexible Transparent Electrodes for Plastic Electronics (Burn) Flagship Cluster

Graffiti Prevention

Grant from Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation for project Reversal of diabetes using engineered bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells

Graphene - the new frontier electromaterial for rechargeable lithium batteries and supercapacitors

Groundwater Flux Dynamics and the Effect of Climate Change in an Australian Mulga Savanna with a Shallow Water Table - Student: Stephen Fujiwara

Habitat enhancement of boating infrastructure to promote fish recruitment

Helmedix Therapeutics: Prevention of autoimmune disease and transplant rejection using a novel immune-modulatory from a worm - Rebecca Cooper Equipment Grant

How to Deliver the Design for Future Manufacturing Competitiveness Strategy

IFAW Wildlife Report

Identifying critical windows of susceptibility to metal toxicants using a novel biomarker of intrauterine exposure

Immunogenic Fingerprint Reagents

Innovative approaches to identifying regional responses of biodiversity to climate change LP100200080

Integrating remote sensing, landscape flux measurements, and phenology to understand the impacts of climate change on Australian landscapes

Investigating the Ability of Honey to Inhibit Bacterial Biofilms Found in Chronic Wounds

Iron sources and cycling in the Tasman Sea

Is ancient 'blue carbon' stabilized by its chemical composition and mineral environment?

Managing Climate Risk in the Grains industry (GTA10826)

Managing Financial Risks for Small Hydropower Generation

Measuring Care Services Against Person-Centered Principles (PCECAT Research Project Phase 1)

Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices (micro-PADS) for In-Field Screening of Organic Explosives

Microscale insights into ocean-scale processes: Microbial behaviour as a driver of ocean biogeochemistry

Mitigating Cane Toad Impacts on Northern Quolls

Molecular characterisation and evaluation of neutral sphingomyelinase 2 as a novel target in multiple myeloma

NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship - GNT0571905

New Planning System for NSW White Paper

New Valuation and Parallel Simulation Methods for Finance and Insurance

Novel Data Mining Techniques for Complex Network Analysis and Control

Novel Delivery of Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - NTCRU Research Scholar

Novel technologies to resolve the role of organic matter on iron chemistry and bioavailability in the South Pacific Ocean

Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein complex: unraveling the unique photosynthetic apparatus of dinoflagellates in response to climatic variation.

Photodesorption Phenomena and Photoreactive Nanosorbent Materials for Water and Wastewater Purification

Prevention of beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes by immunotherapy using parasite-derived molecules

Primary Production in Space and Time - Australian National Data Service (ANDS) Project - Subcontract

Progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete framed structures with membrane action

RES: Insecticide treatment of canola meal with MSM Milling

Random network models with applications in biology

Reasoning about, and stepwise development of, quantum programs: a predicate transformer semantics approach

Reversal of diabetes in the FRB mouse

Reversal of diabetes in the FRG mouse

Rigs-to-Reefs: Developing a Decision Framework

Schemes of arrangement versus takeovers: implications of the choice for shareholders and directors

Single cell imaging of trace elements by laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry

Southern Ocean phytoplankton: biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem productivity

Stability of ancient blue carbon in seagrass meadows

Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN II): EIF - OzFlux Facility

Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) EIF: AusCover

The Australasian Legal History Library: Creating Historical Depth in Legal Data on AustLII, to Improve all Legal Research - LIEF LE120100062

The Horizon Foundation 2011 Doctoral Fellowship: Importance of Habitat-Forming Species

The Jeenee project: empowering training and support for independence and disability citizenship through personal digital assistants and virtual technology

The Role of Vegetation Structure in Dampening Climate Extremes

Transcriptome Analysis of Prostate Cancer Exosomes: Identifying Circulating Biomakers for the Early Detection and Prognosis of Prostate Cancer - NTCRU Scholarship - Sam Brennan

Travel Grant - Cryptic Diversity of Alexandrium Species in Australian Waters: Developing novel genetic tools for long term monitoring

Travel Grant - Fabrication of energy efficient diamond light emitting diodes

Using Smart Phones and Integrated Methodology in a Field Trial to Understand Tourist Dispersal Beyond Gateway Cities

Waste Oil Project

What happens to coral reefs without cleaner fish?


A novel biological method of monitoring herbicides.

Aboriginal Families Navigating Childhood Disability

Advance care planning in the emergency department: identification of barriers, facilitators and technological solutions (ACP-ED)

Aerial surveys of juvenile white sharks in the HCRCMA region

Assessment of Blue Carbon Reserves in Thailand

AutoCRC - Conduct Life Cycle Analysis on the new 3D Knitted Composite material concept applied to 2nd row 60/40 split RSB - student Nicolas Molina

AutoCRC - Simulation of Hood Slam Using Multi-Body Dynamics - CAE Model Input Testing - student Alan Lavery

BMAA Research

Better Access to Child Care: the national best practice guideline for the planning and development of child care facilities

Beyond metamaterials: new composites for transforming photonics

Biochemistry of the coral symbiosis - Travel Funding Application

Building Local Leadership for Research Education

Building an understanding of seagrass resilience in estuarine management

Can HDL Mimetics be used as a Therapeutic Option to Restore Insulin Sensitivity?

Case Study Analysis on Fisheries Domestication for Policy Advice on Domestication of Pacific Tuna Fisheries for Greenpeace

Centre for Compassionate Conservation

Chemical states of nitrogen in N-doped ZnO nanorods - Synchrotron Access

Choice experiments to improve predictive power for policy makers

Circulating MicroRNAs: Non-invasive biomarkers for Head and neck cancers - NTCRU Research Scholar Award

Collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the area of terrestrial ecosystems

Deuteration of CLIC1 proteins for use in neutron scattering

Development of Low Cost, High Quality Nitrides for Solid-State Lighting and Other Power Saving Applications

Development of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Surface Antigen Proteins of Dientameoba Fragilis For Use in Diagnostic Assays.

Development of New, Innovative and Economical Passive Sampling Technology for G-MW Herbicides - Stage II

Development of direct-write focussed electron beam processing techniques for nano-fabrication applications

Dulux Strategic Partnership Scoping Project

Effect of Carbon Content and Cold Working on Corrosion Resistance of High-Strength Steel in Concrete - Student Nicholas Allan

Efficacy of Perfect Potion Personal Insect Repellent Against Mosquitoes

Efficacy of an IGR Alone Systemic Regime and Comparison to a Combination Adulticide/IGR Systemic Regime and a Systemic Adulticide Regime in the Field Against the Flea

Elucidating foodweb relationships to understand climate-induced changes to ecosystem function

Empty Spaces: Reusing Space for Creative Enterprise Incubation, Community Renewal and Regional Development.

Estimating Incentive Expenditure

Examining Changes in Trace Metal Concentration in Alzheimers's Disease at the Cellular Level

First principles for development of novel hybrid electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems

Fish movements and habitat use: implications for coastal ecosystems management and conservation.

Forensic drug intelligence: A tool in intelligence-led policing

Genomic Analytical services

Gladstone Seagrass Health Studies

Handling and Stability Control of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Novation and Variation

Hunter River Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Hunter Water Corporation Grahamstown Dam Adaptive Management Strategy: Algal Nutrient Limitation & Sediment Source Studies

Identification of products formed from reaction of oxidising adulterants with testosterone and epitestosterone in urine

Identifying and Describing New Lineages of Benthic Marine Alveolates (Alveolata) from the Indian Ocean, Western Australia. - ABRS - (transferred from UNSW)

Immuknowlogy Board Game

Implementing Guidelines to Routinely Prevent Chronic Disease in General Practice

In-Situ Fish Surveillance: detecting and identifying rare fish species

Inquiry-oriented learning in science: Transforming practice through forging new partnerships and perspectives

International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group Sydney 2013

Investigating the Role of Cholesterol in the Metamorphic Protein CLIC1's Membrane Interactions

Investigative Journalism, Forensic Patients and Open Justice

Kidman Donations 2013

Near Infrared (IR) Laser Dyes for Latent Fingermark Detection

Novel lithium iron based olivine phosphates as cathode materials for the development of new generation power batteries

Optimisation of the electrical and optical properties of ZnO nanowires for advanced nanodevice applications

Participation of an Appointee, Dr Elizabeth Dennis, as a member of the Australian Centre for Plant Functionl Genomics (ACPFG) Review Panel - Contract No 12/13-112

Phytanyl Lipid Deuteration for Neutron Reflection Investigations of Tethered Bilayer Membranes

Pricing, Calibration and Hedging of Options on Volume Weighted Average Prices

Production of insulin-secreting bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells - Australian Diabetes Society - Skip Martin Award

Professorial Chair in Analytical Chemistry: Philip Doble

Radiative Cooling Tuned to the Spectral and Directional Infra-red Properties of the Atmosphere

Razor clams in Lake Macquarie: friend or foe?

Research, Evaluation and Analysis Panels RFT PRN 28669 with DEEWR

Reversal of Diabetes in a humanised mouse

Review of Social Risk Assessment and Survey Methods

Science Leveraging Fund Grant for the NSW Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) Electronics Technician

Scoping Study for the Analysis of Intracelluar Biogenic Sulfur with FTIR Spectroscopy - Synchrotron - GR127100

Sino-Australian cooperative study on the forensic toxicokinetics of the metabolite MEGX of Lidocaine

Social Assessments within Solitary Islands and Batemans Marine Park

Strategic Evaluation Framework Development for Anti-Tobacco Media Campaign

Strategies to decrease pain through implementing a dual clinical PAIN PATHway. Stop Pain Path Phase 1

The Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Materials Research Society Joint Symposia, Kyoto, Japan, 16-20 September 2013

The Movement and Status of Marine Turtles in Lake Macquarie, NSW

Understanding the effects of temperature on gene flow and connectivity of Zostera capricornii seagrass- EOI

Using innovative micro-CT approaches to aging sharks and other fishes


American Australian Assoc - Australia to US Fellowship - Adaptation of coastal environments to climate change - seagrass resilience

Capacity Building in Marine Volunteers for Underwater Monitoring of Seagrass Condition - HDR Student Research

Chip Liquid Chromatography, Inductively Coupled Plasma, Mass Spectrometry: A new a micro fluidic chip-based technology for trace element speciation

Commercial sector/smallholder partnerships for improving incomes in the oil palm and cocoa industries in PNG (ASEM/2006/127 End of Project Review)

Connecting the City of Villages: Community Capacity Building in the City of Sydney

Culture, knowledge, 'Spirit of Sport': Understanding alternative therapy use and doping in aquatic-sports.

Deepwater Seagrass Dynamics at the Hay Point Coal Terminal

Detection of banned substances in sports after urinary manipulation by oxidising chemicals

Developing Peptide Toxins as Therapeutics and Biopesticides

Ecosystem services: A concept linking management actions and ecosystem outcomes

Effects of acidification on carbon sequestration by macrophytes

Element labeling antibodies for bio-imaging of proteins: a case study of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease mouse models

Engagement of a growing Australian population with kangaroos - modelling for sustainable futures

Enhanced bio-optical capability to improve the estimation of primary production within the CSIRO environmental modelling suite

Estimating rates of zooplankton grazing and nutrient regeneration

Evaluation of the Open House Project

Examining the utility of the ACFI as a vehicle for improving staff skills and knowledge in care planning and management of BPSDs

Fundamental Study for the Standardisation and Objectification of Pattern Identification (SOPI) in Traditional Korean Medicine for Stroke

Gene and Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus

Gene and stem cell therapy for advanced prostate cancer - TCRN Travel and Professional Development Grant 2012 Round 1

Impact of Invasive Species on Semi-arid Plant Communities and Response to Increased Drought and Temperature Under Climate Change - Scholarship Agreement: Tara Morgan

Impacts of Roads on Swamp Wallaby Populations in Sydney's Northern Beaches

Impacts of climate change on symbolic properties of Hexa and Octocorallia

Implementing INFFER (Investment Framework for Environment Resources) in North-western China

Inhibition of endoplastic reticulum stress early in life to reverse metabolic disorders imposed by maternal obesity

Investigating the therapeutic potential of a helminth-derived peptide as a novel treatment for MS

Investigation of metal-protein attenuated compounds (MPACS) in animal models for Parkinson's disease

Low temperature storage facility for production of insulin-secreting liver cells

Metamorphic protein CLIC1 interactions with model cell plasma membranes - AINSE

NSW Science Leveraging Fund (SLF): New Technology Developments for DeltaVision OMX

Novel effects of metamaterials on propagation and localisation of electromagnetic waves in photonic crystal structures

Optimising train driver vigilance system: reactivation of a fatigued driver

Prevention of type 1 diabetes by using a combination of two novel parasite-derived molecules

Pricing and Hedging Extreme Maturity Contracts

Provision of Health Economics Advice for Schedule 4/Multi-Criteria Analysis Process

Rapid Qualitative and Semi-quantitative Analysis of Illicit Drugs via Desorption Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (DESI-MS)

Robust and sensitive indicators of groundwater health and biodiversity

SEA SERPENT PROJECT: Science Proposal Chevron Research Plan 2008-2012

SEA SERPENT Project ENI Research Plan 2011

SmartData: developing intelligent database system for communicating information to aviation and professional vehicle operators: towards safer transport industries

Social Media Research Report for the Australian Electoral Commission

Socio-technical integration of climate change adaptation strategies

The Australian Future Forensics Innovation Network (AFFIN) - Project 5: Portable CE Device for In-field Analysis

The Role of Estuary Inflows in Structuring the Plankton Community in the Bega River - Scholarship Student: James Hitchcock

The Singapore Exchange (Scholarship: Jun Jie Murphy Lee)

The Singapore Exchange (Supervisor Allowance)

The impact of location-specific urban digital social information networks and public displays on the City of Melbourne

The training and job decisions of nurses: an integrated approach using panel surveys and dynamic choice experiments

Three dimensional lymph node imaging: improving detection of sentinel nodes to reduce false negatives

Unique Soft Coral Habitat in a Temperate Estuary: Significance to Biodiversity and Marine Park Zoning ( Davina Clarke- Student)

Women Doctors in China: Hierarchy, Medicine and Politics, 1949-1978


An Approximation Algorithm for Capacity Planning in a Capital Intensive Supply Chain

An Examination of the Structure, Performance, Trading Activity and Portfolio Compositions of Small-cap Equity Managers

Analysis of human liver cells engineered to store and secrete insulin

Anatomy Services 2010

Assessing groundwater Fungi as novel bioindicators of contamination

Bio-optical model of Antarctic sea-ice algae photosynthesis

Bio-optical properties of Antarctic sea-ice algae

Biomarkers for Assessing Stress to Aquatic Organisms in Sydney Harbour

Boundary Crossing Analysis for Random Processes with Applications to Risk Management

Calibration of IMOS Working Group Bio-optical Problem

Can Histidine containing dipeptides like Carnosine block or reverse protein glycation in a mouse model

Carbon Storage in Seagrass - Proof of Concept

Characterisation of extracellular DNases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their contribution to disease

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Early Psychosis

Collecting oral histories and engaging recreational fishers within the basin

Combining novel techniques to understand coastal marine fish conservation and connectivity.

Development of a green instant cement

Development of high performance metal matrix composites

Development of new methods for the synthesis of plasmonically-active precious metal rods and shells

Devices that use Ion Channels

Effects and Mechanisms of Green Tea Extracts on the Function of Pancreatic Islets in Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Vascular Complications

Effects of age, gender, spinal level and loading conditions on spinal injury risk in children.

Fundamental Research and Development of Lithium Iron Phosphate Electrode Materials for Advanced Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Impact of ocean acidification on sediment dwelling marine calcifiers

Implementing personalised medicine using global genomic similarity

Indoor-plant technology for health and environmental sustainability

Interpretation of underwater video data to characterise coastal-marine habitats and biodiversity

Microalgae Environmental Adaptations - A Technology Transfer Approach

NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Institutional Allowance

New metal-molecule binding motifs for self-assembled monolayers and nanodevices

Performance and safety evaluation of the BioQ Aortic Assist Device in a chronic model of ovine heart failure

Planning and Scheduling Training Courses Using Mathematical Optimisation Methods

Plasmodium falciparum neutral aminopeptidases: structure-function analysis for the discovery of anti-malarial drugs

Population assessments, defining key habits long-term movements of juvenile white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in eastern Australia: (a) aerial surveys

Predator Prey Interactions for Tropical Vagrant Fishes: Interactions with Climate-change Water Temperature Rises - Student: Christopher Baiada

Preventing asbestosis and mesothelioma

Proteomics of Adipose Derived Cells

Regulation of immune mechanisms by pathogen cysteine proteases

Scheduling Deliveries Under the Truck Capacity Constraint

Shape-memory alloy actuators for nanoscale opto-mechanical applications

Silent witness: New analytical approaches to advance and enhance the forensic value of human hair

Specialist Forensic Science Training in Thailand: A Capacity Building Activity

Strategic Service Innovation: The Role of Heterogeneity in Substantive and Dynamic Capabilities

Study Assessing Fish Population Health

The Ongoing Evolution of Class 1 Integrons and the Recruitment of New Resistance and Virulence Genes into Pathogens

The role of proteases of the parasite, Eimeria, in the dissemination of the disease, poultry coccidiosis

Understanding coastal ecosystem resilience in preparation for global change

Using seagrasses as a model ecosystem: empirical test of the importance of genetic variability for ecosystem resilience

Victorian Sustainable Seafood Assessment Project

Victorian Sustainable Seafood Assessment Project - Stage 2

Water Cycle Management in Manly: Masters Research and WCM Assistant


A Molecular Approach to Insulin Resistance in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes by Targeting at RBP-4 and MCP-1 Genes

A Thai-Australian solution to the world's worst water weed: Using Water Hyacinths in building projects

Acupuncture and Major Depressive Disorder: Is Pattern Differentiation Necessary?

An Innovative Approach to Address Invalid Drug Testing Procedures

An Optimal Integrated Immersed Membrane System as Pre-Treatment for Reverse Osmosis Desalination

Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Problems in Bulk Materials Supply Chain

Assessment and Management of Groundwater Fauna at Contaminated Sites - 1-1-08-06/7

Australian Sustainable Seafood Assessment Criteria (ASSAC) SRP pilot assessment projecct

Cheque Fraud Detection Project

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Schizophrenia

Designing effective store release covers for the long term containment of mine waste - The role of vegetation (stage 2)

Development of Planar Patch-clamp Electrophysiology to Investigate Liposome-based Artificial Nanosensor Devices

ER stress and leptin resistance - fundamental element underlying metabolic disorders imposed by maternal obesity

Environmental sustainability of water re-use using pulp mill effluent for irrigation

Evaluation Methods of Correlation Factors Between Concrete and Mortar Trial Mixes

Examination of the role of biofilms in infection with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

Forecasting impacts of changing detrital biodiversity on Australia's estuarine ecosystems

Formation of bone-like materials for bone repair and regeneration

From the Ice to the Open Ocean: Threats to Phytoplankton Productivity in Antarctica from a Changing Climate - Scholarship: Katerina Petrou

Generalised Linear Mixed Models: Theory, Methods and New Areas of Application

Genetic dissection of biofilm development by non-typeable Haemophilus influenza

Greening the Great Indoors for Human Health

Health Psychology Unit - Anthony Kidman - Donations

How Does Grazing Contribute to the Development of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs?

How Does Grazing Contribute to the Development of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs?

ICE-EM Access Grid Room

Impact of The East Australian Current on Water Chemistry, Bio-Optical Properties and Coastal Primary Productivity in the NSW Region

Implied distributions and implied asset dynamics: Calibration and visualisation of models on market data

Innovative hands-free technology to give the severely disabled greater mobility control

Integrons, mobile gene cassettes and pathogencity in vibrio cholerae

Investigating Linkages Among Individual Decision Rules, Properties of Experimental Designs and Choice Models In Environmental Economics Applications

Investigating phytoplankton population structure to assess connectivity along Australia's East coast - Visit to North America.

Large-Scale Simulation Methods for Measuring Financial Performance under the Benchmark Approach

Life-span prediction of cement-based construction materials

Measuring Leaf, tree ring and pholem sap a13C and a180 of groundwater dependant ecosystems in a changing climate

Mechanistic and probabilistic approaches to assessing the impact of pesticide mixtures in Australian waterways

Methods and Devices for Generating a Radiative Cooling Effect

Microbial Oceanography: Community Heterogeneity Fuelled by Environmental Variability

Mitigation of Impacts on Groundwater Dependent Vegetation Through Adaptive Abstraction Regimes

NICM Collaborative Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicines

Nanosonics Scholarship: Determination of H2O2 Concentration in Airborne Droplets

Naturalisation to Invasion: How do Naturalised Plants Become Successful Invaders?

Novel methods for enhancing room temperature figure of merit of project title thermoelectric/thermionic materials for refrigeration applications

Optically-selective window coatings of precious metal nanoparticles

Parasite Immunomodulatory Molecules Prevent Rejection of Islet Transplants

Pre- and Post-remediation Ecological Assessment of Saline Wetlands at Tarban Creek and Tambourine Bay Creek

Projects 2010: CMOTO Review, MotoNAV Data Review and Competitive Positioning

Provision of Production Data to Support Biogeochemical Modelling of Water Storages

Purification of lentiviral vectors for gene theraphy of diabetes

Reversal of Diabetes in Pigs Using Liver-directed Gene Therapy

Reversal of diabetes in dogs using liver-directed gene therapy: A pre-clinical trial

Risk Measurement for Large Portfolios under the Benchmark Approach

Self-assembled surface arrays of mesoscale plasmonic devices for switchable control of coloured surfaces

Spatially integrated estimates of landscape water fluxes at several contrasting sites

Stabilization of hydrology at waste disposal sites through revegetation

Study of Effects of Salt on Two Murrumbidgee Rivers - Native Species of Macroinvertebrates

Subsurface investigations of Marine Plain, Antarctica

The Antimicrobial Effects of Specific Honey Blends

The Bidirectional Liver TRIAL

The biology of integrons and their role in bacterial adaptation

Toyota Small Car Segment Project

Use of effects-based bioassays to assess the endocrine disruption potential of advanced tertiary treated sewage effluent


A Cross-disciplinary Approach to Language Support for First Year Students in the Science Disciplines

A hands-free assistive control system for the severely disabled capable of operating under stressful and fatiguing conditions

A large memory, high performance computing system

ATN Centre For Metabolic Fitness

Aminopeptidases involved in regulating the amino acid pool in malaria parasites

Amphipod embryogenesis as a rapid bio-indicator of sediment quality

Application of discrete choice experiments to value multi-attribute health states for use in economic evaluation

Assessment and management of groundwater fauna at contaminated sites

Australian Research Council Network for Parasitology

Australian Research Council Network for Parasitology - partner contributions

Bacterial Cell Biology: Investigating an Optical Revolution

Bayesian statistical methods for estimating loss reserving in insurance

Biometrics Vulnerability Assessment Finger and Voice Project (PR07-0083)

Coal-ash as a resource for sustainable soil-management in plant production systems

Complex Resistivity Measurements of Interactions between Organic Chemicals and Sediments - 1-1-02-05/6

Consumer preference for green vehicles

Contract Research - Vegetation Water Use and Groundwater Recharge

Design and testing of an object-oriented network flow modelling system

Developing peptide toxins as biopesticides and therapeutics

Development of Luminescent Solar Concentrators

Development of a light detection system for enhanced scanning electron microscopy imaging of fully hydrated biological specimens at room temperature.

Development of an Antibody-Based Therapy for Multiple Myeloma

Development of natural herbal medicines for managing metabolic syndrome in order to prevent type 2 diabetes

Ecological impacts of QX Oyster disease and its management strategies

Effect of Deep-Sea Drilling on Sustainability of Deep-Sea Ecosystems

Enhancing the independence of the severely disabled: Improving the detection rates of an EEG based brain computer interface (BCI)

Establishing how bacterial cells position the division site

Establishing the relationship between water characteristics and fouling of membranes used in water reuse

Estimating Primary Production in Reservoirs Using Advanced Optical Techniques

Examination of pancreatic transdifferentiation in liver cells

Expansion of Tissue Culture Facilities for a Preclinical Trial: Reversal of Diabetes in Dogs Using Liver Directed Gene Therapy

Exploiting the properties of gold nanoparticles for nanolithography using visible wavelengths

Exploration of new catalyst materials for hydrogen/air fed proton exchange membrane fuel cells

Financial Integrity Research Network (FIRN)

Gastrointestinal parasites and their diagnosis

Genome Sequencing of NC-Nowra

Gradient Permeable Reactive Barrier for Groundwater Remediation - 2-5-05-05/6

High Through-Put Screening of Plasmodium Falciparum Aminopeptidases: M1 & M7 Neutral Aminopeptidases

Identification of inhibitors of the plasmodium falciparum M18 Metalloprotease

Identifying novel insecticides and their targets: probing Australian arachnid venoms

Impact of chemicals used in irrigation agriculture on macroinvertebrate biodiversity

Impacts of changing detrital source biodiversity on estuarine ecosystems

Improved Phytoplankton Community Composition Estimates Using HPLC

In-situ nucleation and growth of gold nanorods

Instant Concrete - Phase 2

Managing Ecosystem Change in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area

Market Research: Phone Choice

Measuring tree water use and calculating stand water use

Molecular toxinology of Australian box jellyfish venoms

New Perspectives on Service Teaching: Tapping into the Student Experience

Non-Invasive Delivery of Drugs to the Rabbit Eye

Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Cell Division in Model Pathogenic Bacteria

Parasite virulence: the role of activation and suppression of P2X7 receptors

Photosynthetic condition of Southern Ocean phytoplankton

Pre and Post-Fire Biodiversity Surveys Within Council Reserves

Pricing Project

Reversal of Diabetes in Pigs using Liver-Directed Gene Therapy

Salinity and river biodiversity: varying salinity and other stressors

Seagrass tolerance of oil spills - scaling of pollution impacts

Spider neurotoxins and molecular toxinology of ion channels

Strategic Research Partnership (SRP) CenSoC (Attraction & Retention Statement of Work

Structural Characterisation of AuCuAl Alloys: ANSTO scientist support for Vijay Bhatia during P987 (Bragg Institute)

The Ecohydrology of Australian Landscapes: An Analysis and Synthesis

The biosynthesis of structural proteins in parasites

Thiol Metabolism in Parasitic Nematodes

Towards Improving Indoor Air Quality With Pot Plants: A Multifactorial Investigation

UTS Innovation Seed Grant - Reversal of Canine Diabetes Using Liver-Directed Gene Therapy

Unraveling foodweb relationships in the Northern Tasman Sea: A hotspot for climate change

When corals bleach, what is the weakest photosynthetic link?

Zooplankton as Indicators of Water Quality in Reservoirs


A New Integrated Approach to Managing Risk in Financial Markets

A new approach to understanding community variation in marine soft-sediments

Advanced sensor development for attention stress, vigilance & sleep/wakefulness - SENSATION PROJECT

An Innovative method for monitoring the in-service mechanical performance of advanced metal matrix composite

An Integrated Approach to Credit Risk Management and the Valuation of Credit Derivatives

Approximation and Simulation of Large Diversified Portfolios

Bacterial Proteomics: From Cell Division to Novel Antibiotic Targets

Bacterial cell division: discovering how it begins and the network of protein interactions it requires

Closed-set DNA Project: To develop a field deployable prototype system to carry out DNA screening testing at scene of mass disaster or complex crime

Computational Designs of Inhibitors of P-glycoprotein

Conservation ecology of the black cod (Epinephelus daemelii)

Correction of autoimmune diabetes using insulin secreting liver cells

DBI Scheme: Forging New Directions in Physics Education in Australian Universities

DELIVER: Design of Effective & Sustainable Control Strategies for Liver Fluke infection in Europe

Developing Strategies for the Implementation of a State-Wide Recreational Fishing Survey in New South Wales

Developing vehicle-based advanced warning countermeasures for driver fatigue

Development Of Field Portable Devices For The Detection Of Explosives Residues Project

Development of Field Portable Devices for the Detection of Explosives Residues - Phase 2

Development of Methodology for Phytotoxicity Assessment

Ecology of the Weedy Seadragon and its Implications for Conservation and Management

Electronic and Chemical Structure of Fe Dopants in Zn0 Nanorods

Epping Sewer Mining and Treated Effluent Reuse Project

Evidential value of textiles fibres

FAV8 Project - Agreements with ABIC

Fasciola Hepatica: A model for investigating the regulation of host immune responses by Helminth parasites

Fluorescence Imaging and Analysis of Bacterial Surface Motility

Functional and structural diversity of the cathepsin L peptidase from the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni

Gastrointestinal parasites and their diagnosis

Ground Water Modelling Projects: Cox's Creek Project

Hitchhiking on the EAC: The Expatriation of Tropical Fishes to Southern NSW

Immunomodulation in helminth infection

Impact of industrially based endocrine disrupting chemicals on aquatic biota

Influenza Project - chicken trials at UNE

Instant Concrete

Investigations of the anti-atherogenic properties of a histidine-containing dipeptide, carnosine, in a murine model of diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis

Liver Fluke - Animal Health in the Developing World Initative

Meta-materials for optically-functional devices and coatings

Metal Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MIMS): A New Technique to Probe and Understand Metallonics

Modelling connectivity and metapopulation structures of benthic habitats along the coast of NSW

Molecular Analysis of Preudomonas aeruginosa Pathogenesis - R Douglas Wright Biomedical Career Development Award

Nanostructured materials for development of advanced lithium energy storage system

New routes to highly active zinc active nanoparticles

Pot Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality: How do Size and Light Regime Affect Capacity?

Services Agreement - IP Commercialisation - Bio-Link

Small punch testing of advanced Metal Matrix composites

Spatial and Temporal Variation in CDOM and Trace Element Concentrations in Eastern Australian Ports: Implications of Verifying Ballast Water Exchange by Ships.

Spider neurotoxins and molecular toxinology of ion channels

Spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions

Structure, pharmacology and applications of novel Australian spider toxins

Studies of the Potential Colonisation and Establishment of AEDES Albopictus as an Arbovirus vector in Australia - 2.027RE

The Development of a Model for Confined Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Stormwater Filtration/Infiltration Systems for Australian Conditions

The Effects of Saline Mine Water Discharge on Aquatic Biota

The Hawkesbury Forest Experiment: Impacts of Precipitation and CO2 on Trees

The mechanisms of settlement success in coral reef fishes

The molecular basis for oocyst and cyst wall formation in apicomplexan parasites

Transport Proteins as Drug Targets in Parasitic Nematodes

Trophic cascades in Australian seagrasses: linking nutrients to survival and growth of commercially-important fishes

UTS to Provide Laboratory Space and Associated Laboratory Services for the Development of a Diagnostic Sensor for Surgical Applications

Wellfield Optimisation using Particles as Surrogates for Groundwater Contamination - 1-1-03-05/6


A Study on the Sustainable Urban and Natural Water

ARC Centre for Excellence for Ultra-high bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems

Acetylene Sensor for Transformers

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: development of an AGD vaccine: phase II

Assessing the endocrine disrupting capacity of treated sewage effluent using the estrogen receptor competitive binding assay

Assessing the impacts of inorganic carbon availability on coral bleaching

Bleaching Resilience of Acropora spp. Associated with Two Phylogenetically Different Algal Endosymbionts

Characterisation and Analysis of Sol-Gel Derived Hydroxyapatite and Zirconia Nano-coating Interfaces with Anodised Titanium Sustrates

Compositional Variation of Organic Detritus in Botany Bay during the Holocene

Contribution to the ALO Network

Correction of autoimmune diabetes using gene therapy

Correction of diabetes in an autoimmune model using insulin-secreting liver cells

Dept of Environment S'ship - Nicholas Spolyarich

Development of Male-Specific Antibodies for Use In Immunological Sexing Of Salmon Sperm

Development of a Probiotic Product to Manage Proctitis / Inflammatory Intestinal Conditions (Stage 1)

Development of growth strategies to fabricate wide band gap ferromagnetic semiconductors for spin electronics applications

Electric properties of Sub-3nm Au Nanoparticles

Electronic structure of aligned Zn0 nanowires

High temperature fatigue behaviour and life prediction of advanced engineering materials

Identification of structural proteins in the tissue cyst wall of Toxoplasma gondii

Improving quality of life, learning outcomes and mental health in behavioural school students: An innovation psychosocial intervention.

Invertebrate Identification for Upper Nepean Baseline Ecological Study

Land - use change and ecosystem services: An integrated, transdisciplinary study across environmental, social and economic sciences

Life-History Data Matrix for NSW Commercial Fish Species

Measurement Of Drug Concentration In Rabbit Eyes Following Non-Invasive Delivery From The Front Of The Eye

Mechanisms linking site water status and net primary productivity

Microstructural study of VO2 phase transition

Nanophotonics Laboratory Development

Natural Attenuation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated Solvents and Other Chemicals in Groundwater Environments - 2-4-02-05/6

One Step Pre-forms for Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibre

Pharmacological and biochemical characterisation of Australian mygalomorph spider venoms

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Protein Extraction From Human Faecal Samples

Recruitment and activation of alternatively activated macrophages by thioredoxin peroxidases in helminth infections

Relationships amongst water-use efficiency (carbon isotope discrimination) climate and hydraulic architecture of Australian trees

Sir William Tyree Innovation Scholarship

Statistical Methods for Flow Cytometric Data

Study of bone derived hydroxyapatite powders

Surgical Imaging System for the Treatment and Cure of Diabetes Mellitus

Synthesis of nanowires and application as nanosensors for chemical and biological detections

The impact of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in sewage contaminated waters on aquatic biota and identification of the causative compounds.

The impacts of nutrient enrichment and blue swimmer crabs on seagrass growth and survival in the Hawkesbury river estuary

Theoretical modelling of x-ray reflectrometry - NIST SEMATECH x-ray reflectometry collaboration

Thermal Stress in Seagrass

Utilisation of Fluorescence Microscopy for the Reversal of Diabetes and for Ion Channel Analysis

Utilisation of coal-ash in horticultural and agricultural ecosystems

Vegetation Water Use and Groundwater Recharge

Weedy Seadragon Literature Review


A scoping study of river flow measurements

An innovative wastewater treatment system for the removal of persisting organic pollutants (POPs)

Analysis of Organic Explosives using the Agilent Bioanalyzer

Application of the MIEX DOC process to membrane hybrid systems for water reuse

Characterisation of reinforced hydroxyapatite ceramics and their applications to strengthening biocompatible implants.

Correction of diabetes using primary liver cells

Determining compositional changes in estuarine detritus in Botany Bay since European colonization.

Development of SOP for Inter Sample Rinse Protocol

Development of a passive sampler device for polar pesticides

Development of new-generation autoclaved cellulose fibre-cement composites using alumina-silica rich industrial waste

Evaluating the role and impact of forensic DNA profiling in the criminal justice system

Finalisation of the Monitoring Manual for the National System for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pest Incursions

Functional and Genetic Complexities of Coral Bleaching at Multiple Scales

Gradient Permeable Reactive Barrier for Groundwater Remediation - 2-5-01-05/6 - Literature Review

Groundwater Modelling Project - Scoping Studies

Groundwater Scoping Studies Queensland - Project Number 2.2.10

Identification of the trigger of coral bleaching and the role of photoprotective mechanisms

Immunological characterization and encapsulation of a bioengineered insulin secreting liver cell

Investigation of Ultrasonic-Stimulated Diffusion of Nanoparticles in Gel Matrice

Large-scale rechargeable lithium battery for power storage and electric vehicle applications

Lithium/Sulfur rechargeable battery for power applications funding

Meat and Livestock Association (MLA) Junior Research Fellowship

Modelling the Choices of Individuals

Molecular characterisation of antibiotic resistance genes in Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli recovered from food-producing animals and humans

Nanoparticle fluorescent labels as a platform for high throughput data gathering

New Technologies for the study of parasite genetics

Novel Procedures for the Forensic Analysis of Trace Evidence

OzNano2Life: Australian Nanobiotechnology Cluster Integrated with a European Union Network of Excellence

Photokinetic Adaptation Of Sea-Ice Algae

Physical and mechanical properties of nanoscale sol-gel derived coatings on titanium substrates

Probing the electronic structure of the encapsulated atom in alkali-doped endofullernes

Protocols and Techniques for Characterising Sites with Subsurface Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Literature Review) 1-3-02-05/6

RSA2 Flat-to-Round Converter and Round Cable Project

Resolution Improvement for Bioanalyzer Project Proposal

Reversal of ivermectin resistance in the sheep parasite Haemonchus contorus

Seagrass tolerance of oil spills - scaling and modelling pollution impacts

Technology Evaluation Agreement - Pilot Scale Experimental Investigation of a Combined Powder Activated Carbon Adsorption and Membrane Filtration Hybrid System for Wastewater Reuse

The Feasibility of Forest Face Experimentation in Australia

The development of advanced ternary nitride coatings

The mucosal immune system of fish: analysis of the immune repertoire in gut-and gill-associated lymphoid tissues in trout.

Thiol metabolism as a drug target for parasitic nematodes

Tree water use and amelioration of dryland salinity

Upper Nepean Groundwater Pilot Study

Water Quality and Toxicity Assessment of Wakehurst Golf Course and Surrounds


An analysis of an emerging technology

Are Antarctic macroalgae more sensitive to contaiminants than lower latitude species?

Asian Neighbours Network: Training through Global Change Research

Australian Stock Exchange ASX Operations - School of Finance and Economics

Biodiversity of Golf Course Wetlands

Cellulose co-crystallisation and the ageing of paper

Co-doping and transition metal doping of Gallium Nitride

Cost effective high output polymer fibre optic lighting systems

Current Status of Bionanotechnology

Detection of Insulin Levels in Liver Cells Engineered to Secrete Insulin.

Developing a method for nutrient analysis in the stormwater using algal-based bioassay approach

Developing new cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries using Australian mineral resources

Development of rapid and sensitive technology for SARS diagnosis

Does Beta Cell Death Initiate Autoimmunity in Type 1 Diabetes?

Electrical Imaging of Furrow Irrigation

Elucidation of glucose-responsive insulin secretion in genetically engineered liver cells

Fracture Toughness and Interfacial Fracture Energy of Sol-Gel Developed Nanocoatings

Identification of the photochemical trigger of coral bleaching and the role of photoprotective mechanisms

Late Deglaciation - Early Holocene El Nino variability on Peru margin

Macrophage Function in Type 1 Diabetes.

Mitigating soil acidity and minimising recharge of groundwater through coal-ash treatment

Modelling of the Human Hip Joint, in its Healthy Osteoarthritic State and the Design of an Optimal Hip Resurfacing Device

Optimisation of sample throughput - Professional Services Agreement

Potential of Novel Fort Dodge Compound in the Management of a Field Population of Cat Flea Ctencophalides felis which are Tolerant/resistant to Fipronil

RSA1 - Hybrid Narrow Ribbon Project

Sleep Disorder: psychophysiological implications for driver fatigue and or the development of a fatigue counter measure device

Study of Bone Derived Hydroxyapatite

The association between cortical activity, regional brain chemistry and neuropathic pain in people who have suffered complete/incomplete spinal cord injury

The sedimentary record of ENSO in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean over the past 18,000 years

UTS & AngloGold Australia Limited project into the application of hollow gold spheres (nanoshells)


2nd International Conference on Sustainable agriculture, food, energy and industry - Travel / Conference Grant

A Fundamental Study Of The Behaviour Of Clay Brick Fines In Autoclaved Calcium Silicate Based Building Products

A Novel Diagnostic Test for Diabetic Retinopathy

Antigenic analysis of the surface of Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts

Application of Silver Coatings to medical Devices for Antimicrobial Properties using Electroless Deposition

Aquafin CRC - project 3.4.2: Atlantic salmon aquaculture subprogram: host pathogen interactions in amoebic gill disease FRDC 2001/244

Assessing impacts of urban development on stream invertebrate communities

Assessment of algal blooms consition and composition using Phyto-PAM fluorometry in South-eastern Australia

Australian-European Union Nanotechnology Capabilities Workshop, 17-18 November 2003

Bayesian inference and characterisation of nanaoparticles using synchrotron diffraction data /Characterisation of nanoparticles using Bayesian/Maximum entropy methods applied to synchroton diffraction

Cathodoluminescence microcharacterisation of materials with wide band gaps

Correction of diabetes using insulin-secreting liver cells

Developing natural herbal product to manage metabolic syndrome and prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus

Efficacy trials of a maternally-delivered recombinant vaccine against coccidiosis

Elemental Analysis of Layers in Banded Opals

Engineering surrogate beta cells from primary hepatocytes

Functional and Genetic Complexities of Coral Bleaching at Multiple Scales

Groundwater utilization of riparian and rainforest vegetation in two tropical catchments

High Resolution climate studies in temperate Eastern Australia estuaries

Improving indoor environmental quality through the use of indoor potted plants

Innovative Assistive Technology for Severely Disabled People

Investigation of mangrove algae as bioindicators of metal pollution

Investigation of residual stress distribution in mollusc shells

Light Emission and Localization in Photonic Clusters and Random Lasers

Living on the edge: settlement dynamics of reef fishes across their ranges

Magmatic Evolution and Tectonic Setting of Bitter Ground Volcanics, NSW

Mind Switch control of implantable stimulators for the profoundly disabled

Model Farms High School and Pioneer Street WSUD Investigation - Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust

New Technology to Fight Crime and Terrorism: Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Facilities (LA-ICP-MS)

Novel insecticidal neurotoxins from Australian spider venoms

Palaeo-El Nino activity on the Peru margin over the past 20,000 yr BP.

Population Dynamics and Evolution of Mosquitoes that Transmit Malaria

Promote and develop Nanohouse technology

Regulating the earliest step in bacterial cell division: Z ring assembly

Research into effects of oil and dispersed oil on temperate seagrasses

Simulation of atomistic structures & electronic states of self-assembly system

Single walled carbon nanotubes of one stereochemistry - material for the oncoming carbon age.

Solid-state rechargeable lithium batteries for telecommunication and portable electronic devices

Spatial analysis of the distribution of the Anopheles punctulatus group of malaria vectors in Australia

Sponsorship Research Agreement - Nucleic Acids Encoding Recombinant 56 and 82 KDA Antigens From Gametocytes of Eimeria Maxima and Their Uses

Stormwater Trusts Grant Stage 3 Project

The Evidential Value of Petrol residues in cases of suspected vehicle arson

The Revegetation of Castlereagh Waste Management Centre Project

The impact of exotic plants on ecosystem structure and function

Theoretical and computational modelling of x-ray scattering from bulk and thin film materials

To utilise the siphonic drainage knowledge and programming expertise of UTS researcher


Assessing impacts of derelict mines on stream invertebrate communities

Australian delegation to France to attend a major international nanobiotechnology conference and associated events

Centrifugation system for the production of high titre lentiviral vectors

Characterisation of nanoparticles using Bayesian/Maximum entropy methods applied to synchroton diffraction data

Development of a High Performance Computing Cluster for ac3 Research

Development of methodology to determine oxygen and hydrogen content in GaN and its application to problems of doping and compensation.

Development, investigation, analysis and promotion of novel laminated glazing systems for heat and light control

Development, physical modelling and application of colorants and nanosystems and near infrared spectral, luminous and thermal control

Ecological Conditions required for Biodiversity Conservation of Saltmarsh at Sydney Olympic Park

Elemental analysis of layers in banded opals

Encapsulation of Enzymes and Bacteria in Sol-Gel Matrices

Environmental impact assessment of coastal pollution using macroalgae gamete condition

Field study to determine the repellency of two repellent formulations against the coastal brown and black ant

Maintaining frog habitats: Red-crowned Toadlet pdeudophryne australis and the Giant Burrowing Frog Heleioporus australiacus

Photonic Crystals and Microstructural Optical Fibres for Optical Device Applications

Pricing Interest Rate Exotic Derivatives in a Multi-Factor Framework

Probabilistic Modelling of Load and Deterioration Processes in Structural Reliability

Risk Measurement for Large Diversified Nonlinear Portfolios

Salinity Management in South-Eastern Australia, North-Eastern Thaliand and Lao PDR

Spider neurotoxins: charaterisation, antivenom efficacy and production of monoclonal antibodies

The role of heat-shock protein 70 in parasite virulence


A Study of Moisture Transport between Fresh Mortar and Bricks During Masonry Construction and Curing

A genetically engineered immunotoxin incorporating a cytolytic peptide from ant venom

A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system for the isolation and characterisation of novel insecticidal and prokineticin-like peptides from Australian spider venoms

A new Class of Credit Risk Models

A scientific investigation into the treatment of stuttering in older children

A system for location of insulation faults in high voltage transformers

Determination of cost effective system for highly productive cocoa cultivation in Northern Australia

Development of new-generation autoclaved fibre-cement building materials using waste fired clay products

Examine fractionation and characterisation of organic matter in roots on Western Australian Bauxite deposits

Experimental designs used in choice modelling

Gel imaging system for the analysis of insulin secreting liver cells

Identification of altered gene expression in diabetic pericytes

Ion implantation of polymers for metallisation

Leaf scale attributes of trees in several diverse ecosystems of tropical Australia as determinants of tree, canopy and ecosystem function

Mechanisms underlying stomatal responses to vapour pressure deficit - an experimental and modelling approach

Microcharacterisation of charge trapping in materials with wide band gaps

Modelling and optimisation of groundwater dynamics at irrigated farm scale

Morphology of unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (UPVC) extrudate

Multi-proxy cyclicity in Holocene high-stand estuarine sediments of temperate eastern Australia

Multilayer ultra-thin films for use as mirrors for hard X-rays

Neurological causes of stuttering in children

Non-rigid local registraton of three-dimensional medical images

Oxidative Stress, Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Vascular Permeability in Diabetic Retinopathy

Physiological Adaptations to Migration in Australian Birds

Pollution monitoring programme for Drummoyne Council: Three ways to improve the Bays

Relationship between pesticides in passive samplers to riverwater concentrations and macroinvertebrate populations

Review of environmental risk assessments for Sydney Olympic Park

The impact of rising groundwater on ecosystem structure

The sedimentary record of the Humbold-Peru current over the last 20,000 years and the implications for El-Nino-Southern Oscillation

Tires identification from friction traces left on the road: Development of an analysis sequence and an identification database

Understorey water use in a saline catchment


Ability of Aeromonas media to act as a probiotic by preventing death and infection in shellfish and fish.

Advanced daylighting collection and transfer system

Advanced daylighting in buildings

Asset price dynamics under stochastic volatility

Condition, survival and recruitment of reef fishes

Development and validation of canine accelerant detection program

Efficacy of a range of repellents against bushflies, mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks and leeches

Enhanced quality of life - new metal coated polymer technology

Field study to compare effectiveness of a combination therapy of Capstar + Sentinel to Revolution and Frontline

Groundwater utilization of riparian and rainforest vegetation in two tropical catchments

Improvements in natural lighting

In situ measurements of the tropical atmosphere with Aerosonde

Interaction of phosphorus species with aluminium species in soils - new evidence from nuclear magnetic resonance

Investigation of the photopyhsical properties of (N)IR-colorants in transparent thermoplastics and the development of heat management applications

Mind Switch hands free technology: a better life for the disabled

Novel chromotographic chemistry for the determination of simple carbohydrates in cereal foods

Photosythesis research

Production and characterisation of recombinant antigens of eimeria

Quantification of the capacity of indoor plants to remove volatile organic compounds under flow- through conditions

Stock differentiation and reproduction of freshwater eels in NSW

Textile fibres and crime investigation

Use of novel retroviral vectors for transduction of primary hepatocytes with the human insulin gene

Woy Woy Stormwater Infiltration Project Stage 3


Baseline investigation of capacity of interior foliage plants to absorb VOCs from air in test rooms under flow through conditions similar to those in air-conditioned buildings

Biokinetics of Cu in rainbowfish in relation to its tolerance to copper using Cu-64 and Cu-67

Characterisation of Australian Precious Opals by SIMS

Characterisation of electrophysiological properties of the microsurgical repaired peripheral nerves

Driver related fatigue: studying fatigue patterns and initital development of a fatigue warning

EXAFS Characterisation of Thermally-induced Spin Transitions in Iron (II) Complexes

Effects of group CBT versus support-group for patients with primary cancer

Enhancing the independence of the severely disabled

Estimation of salt transport and salinisation in rice based irrigation systems: part of sub-program 1.4 Groundwater management at a regional scale

Investigation of plant and potting mix components of indoor plants to improve capacity for air pollution reduction

Macromolecular organic Bayer poisons

Mechanisms of lung injury induced by high concentrations of oxygen

PLA2 Inhibitor R&D syndicate

Production and characterisation of recombinant antigens of Eimeria and their potential use in a maternally-delivered vaccine against poultry coccidiosis

Regional hydrological assessment of the Little River Catchment

Relationships between populations of selected macroinvertebrates and pesticides in the Namoi River

Saltmarsh studies at Homebush Bay

The effect of the Enhanced (Continuous) Disclosure Regime on the Informational Efficiency of the Australian Equity Market

Umbrella Fern - Sticherus flabellatus (R.Br.) St John - as a new cut foliage crop

Use of NMR as a petrophysical tool

Use of as novel retroviral vector for transduction of primary hepatocytes with human insulin gene.

Use of new retroviral vectors for the transfection of primary hepatocyles with human insulin and glucose control elements





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