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White, S, Bubna-Litic, K, Sansom, J, Riedy, C & Sarac, K 2001, State and Local Taxes in Australia: Towards Sustainability. Research Study No 35, Australian Tax Research Foundation, Sydney.

Journal articles

Aksouh, NM, Jacobs, BC, Stoddard, FL & Mailer, RJ 2001, 'Response of canola to different heat stresses', Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 817-817.
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Briggs, C 2001, 'Australian Exceptionalism: The Role of Trade Unions in the Emergence of Enterprise Bargaining', Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 27-43.
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Halbwirth, S & Toohey, K 2001, 'The Olympic Games and knowledge management: A case study of the Sydney organising committee of the Olympic Games', European Sport Management Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 91-111.
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Lakota, A, Jazbec, M & Levee, J 2001, 'Impact of structured packing on bubble column mass transfer charasteristics: Part 1. Backmixing in the liquid phase', Acta Chimica Slovenica, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 453-468.
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Mitchell, C & McNevin, D 2001, 'Alternative analysis of BOD removal in subsurface flow constructed wetlands employing Monod kinetics', WATER RESEARCH, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1295-1303.
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Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 2001, 'Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 351-409.
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Biswas, W & Mitchell, CA 1970, 'Appropriate biogas technology for sustainable rural development in Bangladesh: increasing the scope for use of spent slurry', International Ecological Engineering Conference, Lincoln University, New Zealand.

Carew, A & Mitchell, CA 1970, 'Understanding sustainability: Stages in conceptual development of postgraduates and undergraduate engineers', AAEE - Annual Conference of Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Brisbane.

Fane, SA & White, S 1970, 'What are the implications of distributed wastewater management in inner Sydney?', International Ecological Engineering Conference, International Ecological Engineering Conference, International Ecological Engineering Society and Engineers for Social Responsibility, Lincoln University, New Zealand, pp. 42-42.

Fane, SA, Ashbolt, NJ & White, S 1970, 'Decentralised water reuse: the implications of scale for cost and pathogen risk', IWA 2nd World Water Congress: Efficient Water Management - Making It Happen Preprints (Abstracts), IWA World Water Congress, International Water Association, Berlin, pp. 20-20.

Giurco, D, Stewart, M & Petrie, J 1970, 'Decision making to support sustainability in the copper industry: technology selection', 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne.

Giurco, D, Stewart, M, Suljada, T & Petrie, J 1970, 'Copper recycling alternatives: an environmental analysis', 5th Annual Environmental Engineering Research Event, Noosa.

Hall, MR, White, S, Lovell, H & Mitchell, CA 1970, 'To centralise or not? Broadening the decision making process', OnSite 01: Advancing onsite waste water systems, Armidale.

Islam, MA, Dowling, PM, Jacobs, BC, Melham, RJ, Garden, DL, Conyers, MK & Van de Veni, R 1970, 'Effect of soil pH on emergence and survival of Austrodanthonia spp.', PROCEEDINGS OF THE XIX INTERNATIONAL GRASSLAND CONGRESS, 19th International Grassland Congress, FUNDACAO ESTUDOS AGRARIOS LUIZ QUEIROZ (FEALQ), SAO PEDRO, BRAZIL, pp. 204-205.

Jha, M, Mouritz, M, Smith, P & Fane, SA 1970, 'Integrated water management system in an urban redevelopment in Sydney', International Ecological Engineering Conference, International Ecological Engineering Conference, International Ecological Engineering Society and Engineers for Social Responsibility, Lincoln University, New Zealand, pp. 53-53.

Mason, C & Bargwanna, S 1970, 'Urban roads. A health asset', Royal Australian Planning Institute (NSW) Conference, Royal Australian Planning Institute (NSW) Conference.

Stewart, M, Giurco, D & Petrie, J 1970, 'Decision making for sustainability: the case of minerals development in Australia', 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne.

Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology, Singapore, pp. 351-409.
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White, S & Fane, SA 1970, 'Designing cost effective water demand management programs in Australia', IWA 2nd World Water Congress: Efficient Water Management - Making It Happen Preprints (Abstracts), IWA World Water Congress, International Water Association, Berlin, pp. 16-16.


Banfield, K, Campbell, S & Mason, C Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS 2001, Submission to SEPP 66: Integrating land use and transport, pp. 1-26, Sydney.

Chong, J & Murtough, G Productivity Commission 2001, The Private Benefits of Being Green, Research Memorandum GA505, Melbourne.

Coenen, P, Plant, R & Bleeker, A Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) 2001, Stikstofdepositieberekeningen voor het gebied Peelvenen (Modeling Nitrogen Deposition Rates for the Peelvenen region, IN DUTCH), Apeldoorn.
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Cordell, DJ University of New South Wales 2001, Improving carrying capacity determination: material flux analysis of Phosphorus through sustainable Aboriginal communities (Hons thesis), Sydney, Australia.

Cordell, DJ & Young, E Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS 2001, Waste minimisation and management strategy: stage 1, pp. 1-65, Sydney.
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Dunstan, C Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) 2001, Inquiry into the Role of Demand Management and Other Options in the Provision of Energy Services: Issues Paper, Sydney.

Duyzer, J, Plant, R, Merkelbach, R, Leendertse, P & Boland, D Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) 2001, Bestrijdingsmiddelen in Zuid-Holland. Concentraties in bodem, water, lucht en bodemfauna (Pesticides in Zuid-Holland: Concentrations in Soil, Water, Air, and Soil Fauna, IN DUTCH), Apeldoorn.
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Mason, C & Lake, R GROW, Sydney's Area Consultative Committee 2001, Transport Access for Job Seeking: a pilot program, Sydney, Australia.

Nijenhuis, W & Plant, R Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) 2001, URBIS - mogelijkheden voor verbreding met de thema's 'bodemvervuiling' en 'externe veiligheid' (URBIS - Possibilities for Extension with the Themes 'Soil Pollution' and 'External Safety', IN DUTCH), Apeldoorn.
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Reardon, CC, White, S, McGee, CM, Shackel, S & Slapp, B Commonwealth of Australia 2001, Your Home: Design for Lifestyle and the Future, Canberra, Australia.

White, S, Aisbett, E, Awad, I, Bubna-Litic, K, Calvert, F, Chanan, V, Cordell, DJ, Hendriks, C, Lee, N, O'Rourke, A, Palmer, J, Robinson, J, Sarac, K & Young, E Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS 2001, Independent Review of Container Deposit Legislation in NSW - Vol 3. Consultation and Social Research, Sydney.

White, S, Aisbett, E, Awad, I, Bubna-Litic, K, Calvert, F, Chanan, V, Cordell, DJ, Hendriks, C, Lee, N, O'Rourke, A, Palmer, J, Robinson, J, Young, E & Sarac, K Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS 2001, Independent Review of Container Deposit Legislation in NSW - Vol 2. Costs and Benefits of Container Deposit Legislation in NSW, Sydney.

White, S, Calvert, F, Cordell, DJ, O'Rourke, A, Waters, SC & Young, E Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS 2001, Independent Review of Container Deposit Legislation in NSW - Vol 1. Extended Producer Responsibility: Principles, Policy and Practice in NSW, Sydney.