Chung, W-Y & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'An Integrated Control Strategy for Multifingered Systems', Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 37-42.
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A method of force allocation by optimizing the friction angles at finger contacts was combined with the computed torque method to find the torques to be commanded at finger joints for multifingered systems. In this way, slip can be avoided when the object is grasped or manipulated. The proposed method can be used to efficiently find the input torques, and is applicable for real-time computation. A history-based method is also proposed to improve the smoothness of the input torque commands. Three-dimensional simulation results are given.
Chung, W-Y & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Wrench reconstruction by using a six-axis force sensor', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 383-389.
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The methods of reconstructing the applied wrench by using a six-axis force/torque sensor are discussed. Various types of contact, such as soft point and soft line contacts, are investigated. The ambiguity problem in reconstructing the wrench for soft poi
Furukawa, T, Yagawa, G, Dissanayake, MWMG & Rye C., D 1995, 'Adaptive Passive Control for Unknown Surface Polishing.', TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, vol. 61, no. 585, pp. 1987-1993.
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In this paper, an automatic system, which was developed for polishing an unknown three-dimensional surface using a passively compliant end-effector mounted on the wrist of an industrial robot, is presented. The end-effector can maintain contact with the work surface within an angular range of 8 degrees and a 10 mm range of normal translatory movement. During polishing, position sensors on the end-effector measure the misalignment: of the robot's wrist from the local surface. A personal computer is used to acquire sensory data, to compute the desired configuration of the robot wrist, and to control the robot in a point-to-point mode. Fuzzy logic is incorporated to achieve adaptive point-to-point control. Experimental performance tests show that the system can function well on complicated surfaces. © 1995, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Lee, KY & Dissanayake, MWMG 1995, 'Near minimum-time trajectory for two coordinated manipulators', Robotica, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 177-184.
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SummaryThis paper presents a method to obtain near minimum-time trajectories for two coordinated manipulators handling a rigid object. A piece-wise constant function is used to approximate the second derivatives of the generalised coordinates of the manipulators of the system. This transforms the time optimal control problem into a non-linearly constrained optimisation problem. The transformed problem is then solved by the sequential quadratic programming technique. A numerical example involving two SCARA type manipulators handling a long beam is used to illustrate the proposed scheme.
Nanua, P & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Energy Comparison Between Trot, Bound, and Gallop Using a Simple Model', Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 117, no. 4, pp. 466-473.
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In this paper, the dynamics of quadruped trot, gallop, and bound will be examined using a simple model for the quadruped. The body of the quadruped is modeled as a uniform bar and the legs are modeled by massless springs. It will be shown that symmetry can be used to study the locomotion of this system. Using symmetry, a technique will be developed to obtain periodic solutions for each of the gaits of the quadruped model. These periodic solutions will be computed at various speeds. The energy levels will be compared for each of the gaits. The exchange of energy between its different forms will be shown for different gaits. It will be shown that even without body flexibility, there are significant savings in energy due to gait transition from trot to gallop. The energy levels will be used to predict the trot-gallop transition speed. These results will be compared with the experimental results for horses and dogs.
Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Terrain Adaptive Vehicles', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 117, no. B, pp. 107-112.
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Research on walking vehicles and variable configuration wheeled vehicles is reviewed. The central feature of the vehicles discussed is terrain adaptive capability. The principal elements of the technical problems of coordination and control are discussed for each vehicle type. Examples of each vehicle type are discussed and an extensive reference list is provided. Although the article is primarily a review article, it contains a new discussion of the coordination problem of robotic mechanisms.
Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Terrain Adaptive Vehicles', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 117, no. B, pp. 107-112.
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Research on walking vehicles and variable configuration wheeled vehicles is reviewed. The central feature of the vehicles discussed is terrain adaptive capability. The principal elements of the technical problems of coordination and control are discussed for each vehicle type. Examples of each vehicle type are discussed and an extensive reference list is provided. Although the article is primarily a review article, it contains a new discussion of the coordination problem of robotic mechanisms.
Gu, F & Dissanayake, MWMG 1970, 'Neural networks for modelling robot forward dynamics', IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN 95), IEEE, UNIV W AUSTRAIA, PERTH, AUSTRALIA, pp. 2715-2719.
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Accurate identification of robot dynamics is essential for the implementation of advanced robot control algorithms. The nonlinearities present in a typical robot system make it difficult to use existing linear methods for this purpose. In this paper a new approach where feedforward neural networks are employed for robot system identification is presented. It is shown that the neural network model can accurately predict the behaviour of the robot system. Dynamic model of a two link IBM robot is obtained using data generated by computer simulation, to illustrate the proposed method.
SANKARAN, S 1970, 'Introducing action learning to develop engineering managers in a business enterprise in Singapore', 1995 IEEE ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF, 1995 IEEE Annual International Engineering Management Conference - Global Engineering Management: Emerging Trends in the Asia Pacific, I E E E, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, pp. 26-30.
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