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Cashman, R 2007, The Red and Blue Wickies: Fifty Years of the Randwick CYM Cricket Club, Walla Walla Press, Sydney, NSW.

Clegg, SR, Kornberger, MM & Pitsis, TS 2007, Ledning och Organisation, Liber, Oslo.

Dunphy, DC, Griffiths, AB & Benn, SH 2007, Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability, 2, Routledge, London, UK.
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Fleming, P & Spicer, A 2007, Contesting the Corporation Struggle, Power and Resistance in Organizations, Cambridge University Press.
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Jackson, J, McIver, R & Bajada, C 2007, Economic principles (2nd edition), 2nd, McGraw-Hill, Australia.

Nikolova, N 2007, The Client-Consultant Relationship in Professional Business Service Firms, 1, Koelner Wissenschaftsverlag, Germany.

Pazmandy, G 2007, Use Technology in the Workplace and Create Simple Spreadsheets, Tekniks Publications, Vaucluse, NSW.

Pride, W, Elliott, G, Rundle-Thiele, S, Waller, DS, Paladino, A & Ferrell, OC 2007, Marketing: Core Concepts and Applications, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.
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Pride, W, Rundle-Thiele, S, Waller, DS, Elliott, G, Paladino, A & Ferrell, OC 2007, Marketing: Asia Pacific Edition, 1st edn, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.
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Schlenker, K 2007, Understanding the social impacts of festivals on communities., University of Western Sydney, Sydney.
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Toohey, KM & Veal, AJ 2007, The Olympic games: a social science perspective, CABI, Beijing, China.
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This book looks at the past, present and future of the Olympic Games; and addresses various social issues concerning the Olympic Movement, including politics and nationalism, mass media, doping, the place of women, as well as the economics and financing of the Games. This second edition consists of 11 chapters and a subject index.


Anandakumar, A, Pitsis, TS & Clegg, SR 2007, 'Everybody hurts, sometimes: The language of emotionality and the dysfunctional organization' in Research Companion to the Dysfunctional Workplace: Management Challenges and Symptoms, pp. 187-215.

Anandakumar, A, Pitsis, TS & Clegg, SR 2007, 'Everybody Hurts, Sometimes: The Language of Emotionality and the Dysfunctional Organization' in Research Companion to the Dysfunctional Workplace, Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Arestis, P, Baddeley, M & McCombie, JSL 2007, 'Introduction' in Economic Growth, Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Arthur, D & Chadwick, S 2007, 'International Cases in the Business of Sport' in Chadwick, S, Arthur, D & Beech, J (eds), International Cases in the Business of Sport, Routledge, pp. 287-298.
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Benn, S, Dunphy, D & Griffiths, A 2007, 'Integrating human and ecological factors: A systematic approach to corporate sustainability' in Marinova, D, Annandale, D & Phillimore, J (eds), The International Handbook on Environmental Technology Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 222-240.
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Benn, SH & Dunphy, DC 2007, 'New Forms of Governance: Changing Relationships between Corporates, Government and Community' in Benn, S & Dunphy, D (eds), Corporate Governance and Sustainability: Challenges for Theory and Practice, Routledge, London, UK, pp. 9-35.

Benn, SH, Dunphy, DC & Griffiths, AB 2007, 'Synthesising Governance Themes from Political and Management Theory' in Benn, S & Dunphy, D (eds), Corporate Governance and Sustainability: Challenges for Theory and Practice, Routledge, London, UK, pp. 76-93.
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Carter, C & Clegg, S 2007, 'Institutional Theory, New' in George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley, Oxford, pp. 2351-2352.
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Carter, C & Clegg, S 2007, 'Management Fashion' in George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley, Oxford, UK, pp. 2729-2731.
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Clegg, S 2007, 'Bureaucracy and Public Sector Governmentality' in George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley, Oxford, UK, pp. 376-378.
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Clegg, S & Carter, C 2007, 'The Sociology of Global Organizations' in The Blackwell Companion to Globalization, Wiley, pp. 272-290.
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Clegg, SR & Carter, C 2007, 'Management' in George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 2710-2719.

Clegg, SR & Courpasson, D 2007, 'The emergence of modern management' in Organization Science, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 17-30.

Clegg, SR, Courpasson, D & Phillips, N 2007, 'The curious case of Max Weber' in Organization Science, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 31-47.

Clegg, SR, Courpasson, D & Phillips, N 2007, 'The Hawthorne experiments' in Ybema, S & Bijlsma-Frankema, K (eds), Organization Science, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 61-73.

Clegg, SR, Kornberger, MM & Pitsis, TS 2007, 'Conformance and obedience and groupthink' in Ybema, S & Bijlsma-Frankema, K (eds), Organizational Science, Sage Publications, London, pp. 117-120.

Clegg, SR, Kornberger, MM & Pitsis, TS 2007, 'Managing power and politics in organizations' in Ybema, S & Bijlsma-Frankema, K (eds), Organizational Science, Sage Publications, London, pp. 478-496.

Clegg, SR, Kornberger, MM & Pitsis, TS 2007, 'Whose meaning?' in Ybema, S & Bijlsma-Frankema, K (eds), Organizational Science, Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 111-113.

Clegg, SR, Wang, KY & Berrell, M 2007, 'Business Networks and Strategic Alliances in China: An Introduction' in Clegg, SR, Wang, K & Berrell, M (eds), Business Networks and Strategic Alliances in China, Edward Elgar Publishing, London, UK, pp. 3-27.

Collins, J 2007, 'The Disloyal Loyalty of Economic Rationalism and Neo-Liberalism' in Mason, V (ed), Loyalties, Network Books, Perth, Australia, pp. 87-99.

Collins, J 2007, 'The landmark of Cronulla' in Jupp, Nieuwenhuysen & Dawson (eds), Social Cohesion in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, Australia, pp. 61-69.
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Collins, J 2007, 'Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City' in Rath, J (ed), Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City, Routledge, USA, pp. 67-86.
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Dameron, S & Josserand, E 2007, 'Dan Schendel : de la business policy au strategic management' in Loillier, T & Tellier, F (eds), Les grands auteurs en stratégie, Editions Management et Sociétés, France, pp. 91-104.
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Dwyer, L, Forsyth, P, Spurr, R & Van Ho, T 2007, 'Tourism's economic contribution versus economic impact assessment: Differing roles for satellite accounts and economic modelling' in Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and Strategy, pp. 459-469.
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Felemegas, J 2007, 'Introduction, by John Felemegas' in Benn, S & Dunphy, D (eds), An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, Cambridge University Press, London, UK, pp. 1-38.
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Loo, J 2007, 'Preface', pp. 201-202.
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Navone, M 2007, 'Principi di asset allocation e l'analisi del rischio' in Musile Tanzi (ed), Manuale del private banker, Egea, Italy, pp. 37-66.

Nguyen, DT & Barrett, NJ 2007, 'Internet-based knowledge internalization and firm internationalization in transition markets' in Rialp, A & Rialp, J (eds), International Marketing Research: Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp. 369-390.

Nguyen, TTM, Barrett, NJ & Nguyen, TD 2007, 'The Role of Market and Learning Orientations in Relationship Quality: Evidence from Vietnamese Exporters and their Foreign Importers' in Rialp, A & Rialp, J (eds), Advances in International Marketing, Emerald (MCB UP ), Oxford, UK, pp. 107-133.
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Pitsis, TS & Clegg, SR 2007, 'Interpersonal Metaphysics—“We Live in a Political World”: The Paradox of Managerial Wisdom' in Kessler, EH & Bailey, JR (eds), Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, USA, pp. 399-422.
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Rhodes, C 2007, 'Management Discourse' in George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wiley, London, pp. 2722-2725.
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Rhodes, CH & Pullen, A 2007, 'Humour, Work and Organization' in Westwood, R & Rhodes, C (eds), Humour, Work and Organization, Routledge, London, pp. 161-179.
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Rhodes, CH & Westwood, R 2007, 'Letting Knowledge Go: Ethics and Representation of the Other in International and Cross-Cultural Management' in Carter, C, Clegg, S, Kornberger, M, Laske, S & Messner, M (eds), Business Ethics as Practice: Representation, Reflexivity and Performance, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 68-83.

Richards, G 2007, 'Tourism, Creativity and Development' in Richards, G & Wilson, J (eds), Tourism, Creativity and Development, Routledge, UK, pp. 201-214.
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Small, J, Cadman, K, Friend, L, Gannon, S, Ingleton, C, Koutroulis, G, McCormack, C, Mitchell, P, Onyx, J, O'Regan, K & Rocco, S 2007, 'The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies' in Ateljevic, I, Pritchard, A & Morgan, N (eds), The Critcal Turn in Tourism Studies: Innovative research methodologies, Routledge, Amsterdam, pp. 261-278.
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Trayler, R 2007, 'A survey of corporate governance in banking: Characteristics of the top 100 world banks' in Gup, BE (ed), Corporate Governance in Banking: A Global Perspective, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 184-209.

Westwood, R & Rhodes, CH 2007, 'Humour and the study of organizations' in Westwood, R & Rhodes, C (eds), Humour, Work and Organization, Routledge, London, pp. 1-14.

Journal articles

Arestis, P, Baddeley, M & Sawyer, M 2007, 'THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CAPITAL STOCK, UNEMPLOYMENT AND WAGES IN NINE EMU COUNTRIES', Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 125-148.
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Balkrishna, H, Coulton, J & Taylor, SL 2007, 'Accounting Losses and Earnings Conservatism: Evidence from Australian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles', Accounting and Finance, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 381-400.
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Bartolomé, A, Ramos, V & Rey‐Maquieira, J 2007, 'Sport tourism: interrelationships, impacts and issues by Brent W. Ritchie and Daryl Adair (eds), Channel View Publications, Clevedon, 2004. No. of pages: 302 + x. ISBN 1‐873150‐66‐0; ISBN 1‐873150‐65‐2', International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 392-393.
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Bayley, L & Taylor, SL 2007, 'Identifying Earnings Overstatements: A Practical Test'.

Bettinger, E & Slonim, R 2007, 'Patience among children', Journal of Public Economics, vol. 91, no. 1-2, pp. 343-363.
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Birch, S, Haas, M, Savage, E & Van Gool, K 2007, 'Targeting services to reduce social inequalities in utilisation: an analysis of breast cancer screening in New South Wales', Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-9.
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Bird, R & Casavecchia, L 2007, 'Sentiment and Financial Health Indicators for Value and Growth Stocks: The European Experience', The European Journal of Finance, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 769-793.
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Bird, R & Casavecchia, L 2007, 'Value enhancement using momentum indicators: the European experience', International Journal of Managerial Finance, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 229-262.
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Bornholt, LJ & Wilson, R 2007, 'A General Mediated Model of Aspects of Self Knowledge (M‐ASK): Children's Participation in Learning Activities across Social Contexts', Applied Psychology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 302-318.
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Bugeja, M 2007, 'Voluntary use of independent valuation advice by target firm boards in takeovers', Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 368-387.
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Bugeja, M & da Silva Rosa, R 2007, 'The inefficient management and disciplinary motives for takeover in Australia', Corporate Ownership and Control, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 469-481.
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Burke, PF & Reitzig, MG 2007, 'Measuring Patent Assessment Quality - Analyzing the Degree and Kind of (In)Consistency in Patent Offices' Decision Making', Research Policy, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1404-1430.
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Byers, D & Rhodes, C 2007, 'Ethics, Alterity, and Organizational Justice', Business Ethics: A European Review, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 239-250.
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Carpenter, A & Wang, J-X 2007, 'Herding and the Information Content of Trades in the Australian Dollar Market', Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 173-194.
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Cashman, R 2007, 'A Most Memorable Conference: The Inaugural 1977 Sporting Traditions Conference', Sporting Traditions, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1-4.

Chiarella, C, Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C & Schlogl, E 2007, 'A Control Variate Method for Monte Carlo Simulations of Heath-Jarrow-Morton Models with Jumps', Applied Mathematical Finance, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 365-399.
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Clegg, S, Kornberger, M & Rhodes, C 2007, 'Business ethics as practice', BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 107-122.
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Clegg, S, Kornberger, M & Rhodes, C 2007, 'Organizational ethics, decision making, undecidability', SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 393-409.
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Clegg, SR & Courpasson, D 2007, 'The end of history and the futures of power', Twenty-First Century Society, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 131-154.
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Clegg, SR & Courpasson, D 2007, 'The futures of power', Revista de Administração Contemporânea, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 223-248.
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Clegg, SR, Rhodes, C & Kornberger, M 2007, 'Desperately seeking legitimacy: Organizational identity and emerging industries', ORGANIZATION STUDIES, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 495-513.
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Cock, CD, Fleming, P & Rehn, A 2007, 'Organizing revolution?', Management & Organizational History, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 107-114.
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Collins, J 2007, 'Immigrants As Victims of Crime and Criminal Justice Discourse in Australia', International Review of Victimology, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 57-79.
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Coulton, J, Ruddock, CMS & Taylor, SL 2007, 'Audit Fees, Non-Audit Services and Auditor-Client Economic Bonding'.

Cunha, MPE, Cardoso, CC & Clegg, SR 2007, 'Manna from Heaven: The Exuberance of Food as a Topic for Research in Management and Organization', FEUNL Working Paper Series, vol. 61, no. 515, pp. 935-963.
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Cunha, MPE, Cardoso, CC, Rego, A & Clegg, SR 2007, 'From 'This Job is Killing Me' to 'I Live in the Life I Love and I Love the Life I Live', or from Stakhanov to Contemporary Workaholics', FEUNL Working Paper Series, no. 519.

Dameron, S & Josserand, E 2007, 'Le développement d'une communauté de pratique: une analyse relationnelle', Revue française de gestion, vol. 33, no. 174, pp. 131-148.
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Darcy, S 2007, 'Advances in hospitality and leisure by Joseph S Chen (ed.), Elsevier Ltd.; Amsterdam, 2004. No. of pages: 488. (Amazon), ISBN 0‐7623‐1158‐4', International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 231-232.
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Darcy, SA 2007, 'Disablity awareness - Are you losing business?', Our Hotel, vol. Summer, pp. 41-43.

Delli Gatti, D, Di Guilmi, C, Gallegati, M & Giulioni, G 2007, 'Financial Fragility, Industrial Dynamics and Business Fluctuations in an Agent Based Model', Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 11, no. S1, pp. 62-79.
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Denize, S & Young, L 2007, 'Concerning trust and information', Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 968-982.
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Dwyer, L & Sheldon, PJ 2007, 'Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Tourism', Tourism Review International, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 91-95.
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Dwyer, L, Deery, M, Jago, L, Spurr, R & Fredline, L 2007, 'Adapting the Tourism Satellite Account Conceptual Framework to Measure the Economic Importance of the Meetings Industry', Tourism Analysis, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 247-255.
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Dwyer, L, Forsyth, P & Spurr, R 2007, 'Contrasting the Uses of TSAs and CGE Models: Measuring Tourism Yield and Productivity', Tourism Economics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 537-551.
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Dwyer, L, Forsyth, P, Fredline, L, Deery, M, Jago, L & Lundie, S 2007, 'Yield Measures for Special-Interest Australian Inbound Tourism Markets', Tourism Economics, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 421-440.
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Dwyer, L, Jago, L, Deery, M & Fredline, L 2007, 'Corporate Responsibility as Essential to Sustainable Tourism Yield', Tourism Review International, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 155-166.
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Dwyer, L, King, B & Prideaux, B 2007, 'The Effects of Restrictive Business Practiceson Australian Inbound Package Tourism', Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 47-64.
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Edwards, D 2007, 'Corporate Social Responsibility of Large Urban Museums: The Contribution of Volunteer Programs', Tourism Review International, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 167-174.
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Edwards, DC 2007, 'Leisure-seeking volunteers: ethical implications', Voluntary Action, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 19-39.
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Edwards, M & Onyx, J 2007, 'Social Capital and Sustainability in a Community under Threat', Local Environment, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 17-30.
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Fleming, P 2007, 'Sexuality, Power and Resistance in the Workplace', Organization Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 239-256.
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Foley, C, Holzman, C & Wearing, S 2007, 'Moving Beyond Conspicuous Leisure Consumption: Adolescent Women, Mobile Phones and Public Space', Leisure Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 179-192.
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Foley, CT & Hayllar, BR 2007, 'A tale of two caravan parks: friendship, community and the freedom thing', Tourism Today, vol. 7, pp. 7-28.
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Garbarino, E & Slonim, R 2007, 'Preferences and decision errors in the winner’s curse', Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 241-257.
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Graham, A, Lin, B, Michayluk, D & Stuerke, P 2007, 'Sarbannes-Oxley: Some Unintended Consequences', Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 39-46.

Hafalir, IE 2007, 'Efficiency in coalition games with externalities', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 242-258.
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Islam, T, Louviere, JJ & Burke, PF 2007, 'Modeling the effects of including/excluding attributes in choice experiments on systematic and random components', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 289-300.
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Johns, RE, Teo, ST & Harrington, K 2007, 'Pick Me! Perceptual Differences of Graduate Recruitment and Selection Methods', Employment Relations Record, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
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Jordan, K, Krivokapic-Skoko, B & Collins, J 2007, 'Ethnic Minorities and the Built Environment in Rural and Regional Australia: Sites of Segregation or Inter-Cultural Exchange?', The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 167-176.
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Josserand, E 2007, 'Le pilotage des réseaux. Fondements des capacités dynamiques de l'entreprise', Revue française de gestion, vol. 33, no. 170, pp. 95-102.
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Karande, K, Magnini, VP & Tam, L 2007, 'Recovery Voice and Satisfaction After Service Failure', Journal of Service Research, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 187-203.
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Klettner, AL, Clarke, T & Adams, MA 2007, 'Balancing Act - the Tightrope of Corporate Governance Reform', Keeping Good Companies, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 648-653.
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Larssen, AT, Robertson, T, Loke, L & Edwards, J 2007, 'Introduction to the special issue on movement-based interaction', PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 607-608.
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Leonard, R, Onyx, J & Maher, A 2007, 'Constructing short episodic volunteering experiences: Matching grey nomads and the needs of small country towns', Third Sector Review, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 121-139.

Leung, LT 2007, 'Mobility and Displacement: refugees' mobile media practices in immigration detention', M/C Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-5.
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Lock, DJ, Taylor, TL & Darcy, SA 2007, 'Fan identity formation in a revamped league: A-League (Australia)', Sport Marketing Europe, vol. 2007, no. Spring.

Loke, L, Larssen, AT, Robertson, T & Edwards, J 2007, 'Understanding movement for interaction design: frameworks and approaches', PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 691-701.
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Lopes, FD, Clegg, SR, Vieira, M & Gudergan, S 2007, 'Institutional Environments in the Formation of International Joint Ventures: A Brazillian Case Study', Revista Eletrônica deGestão Organizacional, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 171-197.

Lundie, S, Dwyer, L & Forsyth, P 2007, 'Environmental-Economic Measures of Tourism Yield', Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 503-519.
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Massey, GR & Dawes, PL 2007, 'Personal characteristics, trust, conflict, and effectiveness in marketing/sales working relationships', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 9/10, pp. 1117-1145.
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Massey, GR & Dawes, PL 2007, 'The antecedents and consequence of functional and dysfunctional conflict between Marketing Managers and Sales Managers', Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1118-1129.
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Massey, GR & Kyriazis, E 2007, 'Interpersonal trust between marketing and R&D during new product development projects', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 9/10, pp. 1146-1172.
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Mcdonald, M, Wearing, S & Ponting, J 2007, 'Narcissism and Neo-Liberalism : Work, Leisure, and Alienation in an Era of Consumption', Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 489-510.
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McEwen, C 2007, 'An empowering practice?: Questioning the empowerment discourses in Australian performance based community cultural development', Australasian Drama Studies, vol. 50, pp. 123-137.

McEwen, C 2007, 'An empowering practice?: Urban theatre projects' recent work in residence, community cultural development and international arts festivals', AUSTRALASIAN DRAMA STUDIES, no. 50, pp. 123-137.

Michayluk, D 2007, 'The Rise and Fall of Single-Letter Ticker Symbols', Business History, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 368-385.
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Milunovich, G, Stegman, A & Cotton, DJ 2007, 'Carbon Trading: Theory and Practice', JASSA, vol. 2007, no. 3, pp. 3-9.
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Ng, S & Spooner, KB 2007, 'From IR to HRM: Thank God for AACSB!', New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 69-86.

Nguyen, TTM, Nguyen, TD & Barrett, NJ 2007, 'Hedonic shopping motivations, supermarket attributes, and shopper loyalty in transitional markets', Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 227-239.
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Onyx, J & Leonard, R 2007, 'The Grey Nomad Phenomenon: Changing the Script of Aging', The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 381-398.
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Onyx, J, Edwards, M & Bullen, P 2007, 'The Intersection of Social Capital and Power: An Application to Rural Communities', Rural Society, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 215-230.
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Pegg, S & Darcy, S 2007, 'Sailing on Troubled Waters: Diversional Therapy in Australia', THERAPEUTIC RECREATION JOURNAL, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 132-140.
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Perrott, BE 2007, 'A strategic risk approach to knowledge management', Business Horizons, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 523-533.
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Perrott, BE 2007, 'Industry dynamics in practice: Insights from an industry study', Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 236-253.
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Quist, J, Skalen, P & Clegg, SR 2007, 'The power of quality models: The example of the SIQ model for performance excellence', SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 445-462.
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Rama, D & Massey, GR 2007, 'The Impact of Communication Behaviours on New Product Development Speed and Organisational Learning', International Review of Business Research Papers, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 162-182.
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Rauyruen, P & Miller, KE 2007, 'Relationship quality as a predictor of B2B customer loyalty', JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 21-31.
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Ray, T & Clegg, S 2007, 'Can We Make Sense of Knowledge Management’s Tangible Rainbow? A Radical Constructivist Alternative', Prometheus, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 161-185.
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Rhodes, C 2007, 'Outside the Gates of Eden - Utopia and work in rock music', GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 22-49.
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Abstract: This paper develops a real model of financial crisis, and uses it to elucidate the controversy between Joe Stiglitz and the IMF concerning the Asian financial crisis. Borrowers of foreign capital are bound by lending contracts to pay the world rate of return on their borrowing, following an adverse shock; by assumption, they do not default. This is onerous, since the shock makes the marginal product of capital fall to less than the world rate of return, and creates a debt overhang on which interest must be paid. The country faces a choice. It could choose to pay these extra interest obligations on its debt overhang -- a transfer -- in every period, raise taxes in order to meet these obligations, and thereby gradually reduce capital to its new lower level, at which point there would no longer be a debt overhang. We describe this as the `IMF strategy'. Alternatively the country could choose the `Stiglitz strategy': it could immediately borrow internationally the sum of all the future interest obligations on its debt overhang, perhaps with the assistance of the IMF. It would need to raise taxes in order to meet the interest costs on that extra borrowing. But the fiscal cost of doing this would be finite and the fiscal costs would be equally spread across time. The short run tax burden would thus be smaller. We show that balance sheet effects mean that the real exchange rate can greatly overshoot in the IMF strategy, whereas it need not overshoot in the Stiglitz strategy. That will lessen the `crisis' aspects of the short run responses to the shock.