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Bajada, C 2002, Australia's Cash Economy: A Troubling Issue for Policymakers, 1, Routledge, Aldershot, UK.
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Cashman, R & Toohey, KM 2002, The Contribution of the Higher Education Sector to the Sydney 2000 Olympic games, Centre for Olympic Games, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

Clegg, S 2002, Central Currents in Organization Studies I & II, SAGE Publications Ltd.
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Cronin, M & Adair, D 2002, The Wearing of the Green, 1, Routledge, London, UK.
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Garrick, J & Rhodes, C 2002, Research and Knowledge at Work Prospectives, Case-Studies and Innovative Strategies, Routledge.
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Hunt, BF & Terry, C 2002, Financial institutions and markets, 3rd, Nelson ITP, Melbourne, Australia.

McEwen, C 2002, Community Education and Community Building for Justice and the Law, University of Technology, Sydney, Centre for Popular Education.

Schlenker, K 2002, Evaluating the socio-cultural impacts of a festival on a host community: a case study of the Australian festival of the book, University of Western Sydney, Australia., Sydeny, Australia.
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Summers, A 2002, Damned Whores and God's Police.
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Tyler, JV 2002, Accounting 3e, Pearson Education, Australia.

Veal, AJ & Lynch, R 2002, TALM1202 Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality Principles, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW Australia.

Wieder, B 2002, Accounting and ERP: Integrated event-accounting with SAP R/3, Tekniks Publications, Sydney, Australia.


Clarke, T & Clegg, SR 2002, 'Future paradigms for public service' in Jun, JS (ed), Rethinking Administrative Theory - the challenge of the new century, Praeger Publishers, Westport, pp. 171-186.

Clarke, T & Clegg, SR 2002, 'Management paradigms for the new millennium' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies II - Contemporary Trends, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 371-394.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'Bounded rationalities and context dependence' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies i - Frameworks and Applications, Sage Publications Ltd, London, England, pp. 7-23.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'Editor's introduction: contemporary trends' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies II - Contemporary Trends, Sage Publications Ltd, London England, pp. 9-31.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'From frameworks of power' in Frameworks of power, Manchester University Press, New York, USA, pp. 249-273.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'General introduction' in Clegg, S (ed), Management and Organization Paradoxes, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 1-10.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'General introduction' in Advances in Organization Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 1-8.
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Clegg, SR 2002, 'Max Weber and contemporary sociology of organizations' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies II - Contemporary Trends, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 300-333.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'Radical revisions: power, discipline and organizations' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies II - Contemporary Trends, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 162-179.

Clegg, SR 2002, 'Why distributed discourse matters' in Holmes, L, Hosking, DM & Grieco, M (eds), Organising in the information age, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Aldershot, UK, pp. 4-12.

Clegg, SR, Hermens, A & Porras, ST 2002, 'Virtual Collaboration' in BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource, Perseus, New York, pp. 167-168.

Collins, J 2002, 'Arab Entrepreneurs in Australia' in Arab-Australians Today: Citizenship and Belonging, Melbourne University Press, Carlton South VIC, Australia, pp. 92-127.

Darcy, SA & Daruwalla, P 2002, 'Inclusive special event planning for people with disabilities' in Harris, R & Allen, J (eds), Regional Event Management Handbook, The Australian Centre for Event Management (UTS) and the Department of Industry, Science and Resourc, Sydney, Australia, pp. 91-103.
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Dunphy, DC & Griffiths, AB 2002, 'Corporate strategic change', Routledge, London, pp. 1169-1176.

Hardy, C & Clegg, SR 2002, 'Relativity without relativism: reflexivity in post-paradigm - organization studies' in Clegg, S (ed), Central Currents in Organization Studies II - Contemporary Trends, Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 144-162.

Lynch, R 2002, 'Gambling and crime' in Curtis, B (ed), Gambling in New Zealand, Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, New Zealand, pp. 167-179.

Rhodes, C 2002, 'Politics and popular culture' in Advances in Organization Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 119-137.
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Rhodes, CH 2002, 'Dialogue, Learning and Management Education' in McNiff, J (ed), Action Research in Organisations, Routledge, London, pp. 261-264.
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Rhodes, CH 2002, 'Politics and popular culture: Organizational carnival in the Springfield nuclear power plant' in Clegg, SR (ed), Management and Organization Paradoxes Management and Organization Paradoxes Management and Organization Paradoxes, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 119-137.

Vieira Da Cunha, J, Clegg, SR & Pina E Cunha, M 2002, 'Management, paradox, and permanent dialectics' in Clegg, S (ed), Advances in Organization Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 11-40.
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Wearing, SL 2002, 'Re-centring the self in volunteer tourism' in Dann, G (ed), The Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World, CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 237-262.

Journal articles

Adair, D 2002, 'Sports history in Australasia and the Antipodes', Sporting Traditions, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 23-36.

Adriaanse, JA & Crosswhite, JJ 2002, 'Sharing good practices: teenage girls, sport and physical activities', Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 47-53.

Allen, DE, MacDonald, G, Walsh, KD & Walsh, DM 2002, 'Using Regression Techniques to Estimate Futures Hedge Ratios Some Results from Alternative Approaches Applied to Australian 10 Year Treasury Bond Futures', Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 16.

Archer, DJ & Wearing, SL 2002, 'Interpretation and marketing as management tools in national parks: insights from Australia', Journal of Leisure Property, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 29-39.

Bajada, C 2002, 'How reliable are the estimates of the underground economy?', Economics Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-11.
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Bajada, C 2002, 'How Reliable are the Estimates of the Underground Economy?', Economics Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 14, pp. 1-11.
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Bajada, C 2002, 'The Effects of Inflation and the Business Cycle on Revisions of Macroeconomic Data', Australian Economic Review, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 276-286.
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Betts, J, Clarke, P & Clegg, S 2002, 'The discourse of success and failure in organisational learning', International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, vol. 2, no. 1/2, pp. 97-97.
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Boegelein, L, Hamerle, A, Rauhmeier, R & Scheule, H 2002, 'Parametrisierung von CreditRisk+ im Konjunkturzyklus: Dynamische Ausfallquoten und Sektorenanalyse', Deutsches Risk, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 37-42.

Boegelein, L, Hamerle, A, Scheule, H & Rauhmeier, R 2002, 'Modelling Default Rate Dynamics in the CreditRisk+ Framework', Risk, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. S24-S28.

Bunzel, D, Clegg, S & Teal, G 2002, 'Disciplining Customers at the Grand Seaside Hotel', Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-13.
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Bunzel, D, Clegg, S & Teal, G 2002, 'Disciplining Customers at the Grand Seaside Hotel', Journal of Management & Organization, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-13.
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Chan, A & Clegg, S 2002, 'History, Culture and Organization Studies', Culture and Organization, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 259-273.
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Clegg, S & Kono, T 2002, 'Trends in Japanese management: an overview of embedded continuities and disembedded discontinuities', Asia Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 19, no. 2/3, pp. 269-285.
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Clegg, SR 2002, ''Lives in the balance': A comment on Hinings and Greenwood's 'Disconnects and consequences in organization theory?'', ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 428-441.
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Clegg, SR, da Cunha, JV & Cunha, MPE 2002, 'Management paradoxes: A relational view', HUMAN RELATIONS, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 483-503.
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Clegg, SR, da Cunha, JV & Cunha, MPE 2002, 'Management paradoxes: A relational view', Human Relations, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 483-503.
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Clegg, SR, Pitsis, TS, Rura-Polley, T & Marosszeky, M 2002, 'Governmentality matters: Designing an alliance culture of inter-organizational collaboration for managing projects', ORGANIZATION STUDIES, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 317-337.
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Collins, J 2002, 'Chinese entrepreneurs', International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 8, no. 1/2, pp. 113-133.
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Coulton, J & Taylor, S 2002, 'Accounting for Executive Stock Options: A Case Study in Avoiding Tough Decisions', Australian Accounting Review, vol. 12, no. 26, pp. 3-10.
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Coulton, J & Taylor, S 2002, 'Option Awards for Australian CEOs: The Who, What and Why', Australian Accounting Review, vol. 12, no. 26, pp. 25-35.
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Culvenor, J, Stokes, D & Taylor, S 2002, 'A Review of the Proposals for Reform of Independence of Australian Company Auditors', Australian Accounting Review, vol. 12, no. 27, pp. 12-23.
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Darcy, SA 2002, 'Legal Notes: the disability discrimination act: recreation services and people with disabilities', Australasian Parks and Leisure, vol. 5, pp. 41-42.

Darcy, SA 2002, 'Marginalised participation: physical disability, high support needs and tourism', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 61-72.

Dowling, G 2002, 'Customer Relationship Management: In B2C Markets, Often Less is More', California Management Review, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 87-104.
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Dwyer, L, Forsyth, P & Rao, P 2002, 'Destination Price Competitiveness: Exchange Rate Changes versus Domestic Inflation', Journal of Travel Research, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 328-336.
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Erev, I, Roth, AE, Slonim, RL & Barron, G 2002, 'Predictive value and the usefulness of game theoretic models', International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 359-368.
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Ferguson, A & Stokes, D 2002, 'Brand Name Audit Pricing, Industry Specialization, and Leadership Premiums post‐Big 8 and Big 6 Mergers*', Contemporary Accounting Research, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 77-110.
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Fleming, P & Sewell, G 2002, 'Looking for the Good Soldier, Švejk', Sociology, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 857-873.
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Forsyth, P & Dwyer, L 2002, 'Market Power and the Taxation of Domestic and International Tourism', Tourism Economics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 377-399.
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Griffiths, A & Dunphy, D 2002, 'Heresies to orthodoxies: organizational renewal in Australia 1966‐1996', Management Decision, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 74-81.
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Jones, R, Nielsen, J & Trayler, R 2002, 'The bank selection process and market definition in Australia', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 22-30.
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Lee, PJ, Taylor, SJ & Taylor, SL 2002, 'Auditor Conservatism and Audit Quality: Evidence from IPO Earnings Forecasts'.

Leung, LT 2002, 'It's all there in black and white: media studies and the theorising of race and ethnicitty on the world wide web', Southern Review, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 23-38.

Lynn, LH, Kono, T & Clegg, S 2002, 'Trends in Japanese Management: Continuing Strengths, Current Problems and Changing Priorities', Pacific Affairs, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 291-291.
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Moreno, D & Wooders, J 2002, 'Prices, delay, and the dynamics of trade', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 304-339.
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Orsato, RJ, den Hond, F & Clegg, SR 2002, 'The political ecology of automobile recycling in Europe', ORGANIZATION STUDIES, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 639-665.
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Petty, NJ, Maher, C, Latimer, J & Lee, M 2002, 'Manual examination of accessory movements–seeking R1', Manual Therapy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 39-43.
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Rhodes, C 2002, 'Coffee and the Business of Pleasure: The Case of Harbucks vs. Mr. Tweek', Culture and Organization, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 293-306.
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Rhodes, C & Garrick, J 2002, 'Economic metaphors and working knowledge: enter the 'cogito-economic' subject', Human Resource Development International, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 87-97.
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Rhodes, CH 2002, 'Text. Plurality and organisational knowledge/I like to write about organisations', Ephemera, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 98-118.

Ritchie, B & Adair, D 2002, 'The Growing Recognition of Sport Tourism', Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-6.
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Roberts, PW & Dowling, GR 2002, 'Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance', STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1077-1093.
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Scheule, H 2002, 'Credit Risk and Taxes: A Shareholder Value Analysis', Journal of Risk Management, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 77-89.

Shirley, D, Ellis, E & Lee, M 2002, 'The response of posteroanterior lumbar stiffness to repeated loading', Manual Therapy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 19-25.
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Stenberg, LC & Siriwardana, M 2002, 'Deforestation in the Philippines: a different perspective', International Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 415-415.
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Stokes, J & Clegg, SR 2002, 'Once upon a Time in the Bureaucracy: Power and Public Sector Management', Organization, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 225-247.
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Taylor, SL 2002, 'Executive Stock Options: An Accounting Dilemma', Australian Accounting Review, vol. 12, no. 26, pp. 2-2.
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Veal, AJ 2002, 'Education for tourism: the challenge of a multi-disciplinary curriculum', International Journal fo Tourism Science, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 9-17.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'Fact file 10: gardening for leisure', Australasian Parks and Leisure, vol. 5, pp. 1-1.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'Fact file 7: participating in the arts in Australia', Australasian Parks and Leisure, vol. 5, pp. 34-35.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'Fact file 8: demographics', Australasian Parks and Leisure, vol. 5, pp. 46-46.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'Fact file 9: domestic tourism', Australasian Parks and Tourism, vol. 5, pp. 14-15.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'Leisure studies at the millenium: intellectual crisis or mature complacency?', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 37-45.

Veal, AJ 2002, 'What is ecotourism?', Australasian Parks and Leisure, vol. 5, pp. 6-6.

Waller, DS 2002, 'Advertising agency-client attitudes towards ethical issues in political advertising', JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 347-354.
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Waller, DS & Fam, K 2002, 'Gender attitudes towards the advertising of controversial products in China', Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 83-91.

Waller, DS & Fam, KS 2002, 'Offence to the advertising of controversial products: a study of gender attitudes in China and Malaysia', Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 59-72.

Waller, DS & Fam, KS 2002, 'Offensive advertising: a challenge for marketing in China', Asian Journal of Marketing.

Wearing, S & Archer, D 2002, 'Challenging interpretation to discover more inclusive models: The case of adventure tour guiding', World Leisure Journal, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 43-53.
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Wearing, S & McDonald, M 2002, 'The Development of Community-based Tourism: Re-thinking the Relationship Between Tour Operators and Development Agents as Intermediaries in Rural and Isolated Area Communities', Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 191-206.
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Wearing, S, Cynn, S, Ponting, J & McDonald, M 2002, 'Converting Environmental Concern into Ecotourism Purchases: A Qualitative Evaluation of International Backpackers in Australia', Journal of Ecotourism, vol. 1, no. 2-3, pp. 133-148.
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Yuan Wang, K & Clegg, S 2002, 'Trust and decision making: are managers different in the People’s Republic of China and in Australia?', Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 30-45.
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Adriaanse, JA 1970, 'How to engage youth in sport and physical activity', World Conference on Women and Sport.

Adriaanse, JA, Crosswhite, JJ & Wilde, K 1970, 'Sport for all and elite sport: partners through elite athletes as role models', 9th World Sport for all Congress, 9th World Sport for all Congress, NOC-NSF, Arnhem, pp. 81-81.

Archer, DJ, Wearing, SL & Griffin, T 1970, 'The interpretation opportunity spectrum (IOS): Developing an approach to managing interpretation and education', 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management.

Brown, DA, Sivabalan, P, Booth, PJ & McKenzie, JA 1970, 'An action research approach to improving student learning outcomes using constructed alignment: Some evidence and implications for teaching cost accounting', Proceedings of the AAANZ Annual Conference, Poster Session at the AAANZ Annual Conference, Perth.

Brown, DA, Sivabalan, P, Booth, PJ & McKenzie, JA 1970, 'An action research approach to improving student learning outcomes using constructive alignment: Some evidence and implications for teaching cost accounting', School of Accounting Seminar Series, School of Accounting Seminar Series, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus.

Cadman, K, Friend, L, Gannon, SM, Ingleton, C, Koutroulis, G, McCormack, C, Mitchell, P, Onyx, J, O'Reagan, K, Rocco, S & Small, J 1970, 'Consuming the feminist methodology of memory-work: unresolved power issues.', 6th Conference on Gender; Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 6th Conference on Gender; Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, ESCP-EAP Printing Services, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 261-274.

Clegg, SR 1970, 'Keynote presentation - 'Paradoxes of virtual collaboration'', The Adoption and Diffusion of IT in an Environment of Critical Change, IFIP TC8 WG8.6 International Working Conference, International Federation of Information Processing, Sydney, Australia, pp. 179-186.

Clegg, SR 1970, 'Paradoxes of virtual collaboration (Keynote presentation)', The Adoption and Diffusion of IT in an Environment of Critical Change, No, International Federation of Information Processing, Sydney, pp. 179-186.

Collins, J 1970, 'Ethnic entrepeneurs and the economic, spatial and social development of Sydney', American Association of Geographers Conference, American Association of Geographers Conference, Los Angeles, USA.

Darcy, SA 1970, 'Disability politics and the Sydney 2000 games', 7th World Leisure Congress, 7th World Leisure Congress, Kuala Lumpur.

Darcy, SA 1970, 'Keynote address: E-learning, disability and equity in education', Pathways V1 Congress Sydney Exhibition & Convention Centre, Pathways V1 Congress Sydney Exhibition & Convention Centre, ADCET, Sydney.

Darcy, SA 1970, 'People with disabilities and tourism in Australia: a human rights analysis', Tourism and Well being: The 2nd Tourism Industry and Education Symposium, The 2nd Toruism Industry and Education Symposium, Jyvaskyla Polytechnic, Finland, pp. 137-166.

Darcy, SA & Harris, R 1970, 'Inclusive and accessible special events planning; an Australian perspective', Australian Centre for Event Management: Events and Place Making, Australian Centre for Event Management: Events and Place Making, Australian Centre for Events Management, Sydney, pp. 533-553.

Dunphy, DC 1970, 'Corporate sustainability; challenge to managerial orthodoxies', ANZAM, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Australia.

Dunphy, DC 1970, 'Integrating human and ecological sustainability', International Conference of Ecologically Sustainable Development, International Conference of Ecologically Sustainable Development, Australia.

Edwards, M & Onyx, J 1970, 'Inter-sectorial engagement: multiplexing between business and nonprofit organisations in Australia', Refereed Proceedings of the ANZAM2002 Conference - Enhancing Business and Government Capabilities: Research, Knowledge and Practice, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, ANZAM, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1-9.

Fam, KS, Waller, DS & Erdogan, BZ 1970, 'Islamic faith and attitudes towards the advertising of controversial products', Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) 2002 Conference Proceedings, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 491-497.

Hingorani, A 1970, 'A Conceptual Framework to Measure Internet Advertising Effectiveness in terms of Brand Attitude Change', Marketing Communications Strategies in a Changing Global Environment, Hong Kong, China.
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Hingorani, A 1970, 'Skincare product advertising in Australia', Proceedings of Second International Healthcare Conference: Global Engagement in Creating Financially Viable Healthcare Systems, Second International Conference on Healthcare Systems, Marshall University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 59-62.

Hutcheson, TJ 1970, 'Temporal relationships and foreign exchange market', 9th Annual Conference of the MultiNational Finance Society, 9th Annual Conference of the MultiNational Finance Society, Paphos, Cyprus.

Leung, LT 1970, 'Blowin' at the Rocco: Saturday Night', OzeCulture 2002 Taking the Next Step: a national conference about culture, new media and eBusiness, OzeCulture 2002 Taking the Next Step: a national conference about culture, new media and eBusiness, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Sydney, Australia.

Marosszeky, M, Clegg, SR, Pitsis, TS & Rura-Polley, T 1970, 'Institutionalising Alliances in Construction Projects', European Academy of Management, European Academy of Management, European Academy of Management, Stockholm Sweden.

Matolcsy, ZP, Booth, PJ & Wieder, B 1970, 'The economic benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Some empirical evidence', Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (AAANZ Conference 2002), AAANZ, Perth, Australia.

Miller, K & Waller, DS 1970, 'Attitudes towards DTC advertising in Australia: some preliminary findings', 2002 AMA Educators' Proceedings: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, No, American Marketing Association, San Diego, USA, pp. 302-303.

Nguyen, TT, Barrett, NJ & Fletcher, R 1970, 'Relationship quality between exporters in developing countries and foreign importers', Proceedings of the 18th Annual IMP Conference, No, Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon, France, pp. 1-15.

Nguyen, TT, Barrett, NJ & Fletcher, R 1970, 'Relationship quality between exporters in developing countries and foreign importers', Proceedings of the 18th Annual IMP Conference, 18th Annual IMP Conference, Groupe ESC Dijon-Bourgogne, Dijon, France, pp. 1-15.

Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C 1970, 'A jump diffusion derivative pricing model arising within the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework', Quantitative methods in Finance 2002 Conference, Quantitative Methods in Finance 2002 Conference, Sydney and Cairns, Australia.

Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C & Chiarella, C 1970, 'A jump diffusion derivative pricing model arising within the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework', 2nd World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, 2nd World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, Knossos,Crete.

Onyx, J & Leonard, R 1970, 'The relationship between formal and informal volunteering: a social capital framework', ANZAM, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, ANZAM, Capetown.

Pattinson, HM & Miller, K 1970, 'Combining decision systems analysis and cause mapping of strategic thought: making sense of the dynamics in B2B strategies', Proceedings of 8th Annual Academic Workshop, 8th Annual Academic Workshop, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia USA, pp. 1-10.

Pitsis, TS, Clegg, SR & Marosszeky, M 1970, 'Managing through the future perfect tense: a project odyssey', Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference 2002, British Academy of Management Conference 2002, Middlesex University, London, UK, pp. 1-29.

Prather, L, Bertin, W, Raiszadeh, F & Michayluk, D 1970, 'The Impact of Announcements on the Bid-Ask Spread', Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 782-785.
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Schlenker, K & Edwards, DC 1970, 'Assessing the socio-cultural impacts of a festival on a host community: a case study of the Australian festival of the book', New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand.

Terry, C & Trayler, RM 1970, 'Too big to fail: The Australian experience', Financial Management Association Conference, Financial Management Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Veal, AJ 1970, 'Leisure is a right', The World Leisure Congress: Global Forces and Local Responses, The World Leisure Congress: Global Forces and Local Responses.

Veal, AJ 1970, 'Leisure, time-use and lifestyles of young people in Australia', International Time Use Conference: Time pressure, Work-family Interface and Parent-child Relationships: Social and Health Implications of Time Use, International Time Use Conference: Time pressure, Work-family Interface and Parent-child Relationships: Social and Health Implications of Time Use.

Veal, AJ 1970, 'Managing economic impacts of leisure, sport and tourism - the continuing role of the state in the common wealth of leisure', Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference: Leisure: Our Common Wealth, Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference: Leisure: Our Common Wealth.

Veal, AJ 1970, 'Research for improving social performance and accountability', International Parks Strategic Partners Best Practice Forum: A Sustainable Future for Parks, International Parks Strategic Partners Best Practice Forum: A Sustainable Future for Parks.

Veal, AJ & Dodd, J 1970, 'Men at midlife: Leisure and life-chances', International Sociological Association 15th World Congress of Sociology: The Social World in the 21st Century, International Sociological Association 15th World Congress of Sociology: The Social World in the 21st Century.

Voola, R, Rugimbana, R, Quazi, A & West, A 1970, 'Intangible organizational capabilities and e-business adoption: A conceptual framework', International Conference on Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services in the Global Environment, Balgalore, India.

Voola, R, West, A, Carlson, J & Malik, I 1970, 'Key success factors for marketing high technology to Australian small and medium enterprises: A practitioner's perspective', Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services in the Global Environment, Bangalore, India.

Waller, DS & Fam, KS 1970, 'Attitudes towards controversial advertising: evidence from Malaysia and New Zealand', Australia - New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference, Australia - New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference, Bond University, Greenmount,Gold Coast.

Waller, DS & Fam, KS 1970, 'Chinese consumers attitudes towards offensive advertising - a challenge for international markets', ACR 2002 Conference Proceedings, ACR 2002 Conference Proceedings, Association for Consumer Research, Beijing, China.

Waller, DS & Louviere, JJ 1970, 'Advertising agency selection: Developing a framework to model decision states', 2002 AMA Educators' Proceedings: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, 2002 AMA Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association, San Diego, USA, pp. 374-375.

Wang, PZ 1970, 'Consumer vanity: A cross-cultural study in the US and China', Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, ACR 2002 Asia Pacific Conference, Association for Consumer Research, Beijing, China, pp. 290-290.

Wang, PZ 1970, 'Motivations for sports volunteerism: Theory and measurement', Society for Consumer Psychology 2002 Winter Conference Proceedings, Society for Consumer Psychology 2002, The Society for Consumer Psychology, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 132-133.

Wieder, B, Booth, PJ, Matolcsy, ZP & Ossimitz, M 1970, 'Information Systems Quality and ERP - Insights into the Links between 'Value' and 'Integration'', European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation (ECITE Conference), ITEVA, University of Dauphine, Paris, France.


Darcy, SA Australian Centre for Event Management 2002, Inclusive event planning for people with disabilities, pp. 91-102, UTS.

McEwen, C Sydney: Centre for Popular Education, University of Technology, Sydney 2002, Frankst & Angst: an Evaluation Report of Maze.

Roe, L, Lockyer, V, White, P & Bajada, C Australian National Audit Office 2002, ATO Progress in Addressing the Cash Economy, pp. 1-84, Australia.

Non traditional outputs

Adriaanse, JA 2002, 'Manly Daily: Role models in sport research'.

Adriaanse, JA 2002, 'North Shore Times: Role model research'.

Waller, DS 2002, 'Radio comment on World Today on product placement'.


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