Bajada, C, Brown, PJ, Edwards, M & Jonson, PT 2012, Integrating Business Perspectives (2nd edition), 2nd, McGraw- Hill.
Carlsen, A, Clegg, SR & Gjersvik, R 2012, Idea Work, 1, Cappelen Damm, Oslo.
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Prepare to be surprised. This book on idea work significantly enriches how we see, understand and do the everyday work of making ideas transformative. The book is simultaneously simple and profound, playful and serious, practical and theoretical. No doubt it will be useful and used by anyone who is curious about how ideas become real in everyday activities. The book both makes the process of idea work accessible and mysterious at the same time. No matter what your interest is in idea work, read a page, read a chapter, read the whole book any engagement with the book will excite novel thought and practical advice a rare and pleasing combination
Cederström, C & Fleming, P 2012, Dead Man Working, John Hunt Publishing.
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So what does the worker tell us today? "I feel drained, empty… dead." This book tells the story of the dead man working.
EOWA, EOFWITWA, Clarke, T, Nielsen, BB, Nielsen, S, Klettner, AL & Boersma, M 2012, 2012 Australian Census of Women in Leadership, 1, Australian Government EOWA, Sydney, Australia.
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A research book commissioned by the Australian Government Equal Opportunity Agency. This work reports the results of the 2012 Australian Census of Women in Leadership. The survey includes an analysis of the ASX 500 companies boards and executives gender diversity; gender diversity in public sector boards; and comparison with international initiatives in gender diversity in leadership positions. The work provides a detailed analysis of a large data base, and analytical commentary of the results. There is an assessment of remaining obstacles to achieving greater diversity, and analysis of what is required to create a better pipeline for the development of women for leadership.
Fleming, P 2012, The End of Corporate Social Responsibility Crisis and Critique, SAGE.
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Packed with case studies and a wide range of international examples, this highly critical text reveals CSR as an attempt to gain legitimacy from consumers and employees, therefore furthering the exploitative and colonizing agenda of the ...
Haugaard, M & Clegg, S 2012, Power and Politics, SAGE Publications Ltd.
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Jakovich, J, Schweitzer, J & Edwards, M 2012, Practicing: Handbook of design-led innovation, Freerange Press, Melbourne, Australia.
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Design thinking aims to capture designers' creativity-driven approach to innovation that can be applied to anything from physical products and intangible services, to formulating and solving complex social problems. Design thinking promotes a particular mind-set that takes the user experience, or a human-centred perspective, as point of departure. While research into the application of design thinking to business problems is well documented, the utilisation of design thinking in university innovation is limited to few cases, and requires better understanding of specific practices for establishing a design thinking capacity in an academic context. This research develops and tests a series of emerging design thinking practices for application in a university context. Small case studies demonstrate each practice, offering interpretation for use. The research identifies six application areas for the practices: strategy, engagement, knowledge making, enactment, presentation, and reflective practice. Through an enactment of the model and practices described in a non-linear and reflexive way, a design thinking capacity can be established and tested. Design research typically applies design thinking tools to the framing and solving of challenges for products and services. This research demonstrates new ways and new tools for adopting design thinking to address innovation challenges specifically towards establishing and growing a design-led innovation lab. The volume offers fifty practices and several case study examples that form the groundwork for future research. 'Practicing' is published by Freerange Press, Melbourne.
Liburd, J, Carlsen, J & Edwards, D 2012, Networks for Innovation in Sustainable TourismCase Studies and Cross-Case Analysis, Tilde University Press, Victoria.
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The production of these case studies began in 2007 at the Business Enterprises for Sustainable Tourism Education Network (BEST EN) Think Tank at Northern Arizona University and continued with the ongoing support of BEST EN and sponsorship of the Curtin Business School. Ten original international case studies were produced and then substantially updated in 2012 for this publication. Contributions were sourced from BEST EN members and associates, who were encouraged to offer descriptions of innovation that would be of interest to an international audience. The resulting case studies could be considered as a convenience sample, that is, a sample design based on information gathered from members of a population who are conveniently accessible to the researcher (Jennings 2001). Ten international cases are included (four from the United States (US), two from Europe, and one each from Australia, Ghana, Sri Lanka and China).The cases are based on primary and secondary research by the contributing authors and each case has been peer-reviewed prior to publication. Cross-case analysis (Patton 1990) was used to provide a research framework for comparing and contrasting the different types and contexts of innovation and also provide for an integrated analysis of the drivers, barriers and processes of innovation and the networks for innovation.The cases have been prepared for use in research and teaching of innovation networks and sustainable tourism development. The analysis and case notes are both designed to facilitate discussion and further investigation of networks for innovation, not only in tourism, but in other economic sectors as well.
Nauright, J, Parrish, C, ALLEN, D, NAURIGHT, J, LITTLE, C, Amara, M & ADAIR, D 2012, Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, Volume 1: General Topics, Africa, Asia, Middle East, And Oceania, Volume 2: British Isles and Europe, Volume 3: Latin America and North America, Volume 4: Olympic Medalists and Winners and Champions of Major World Sporting Events.
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This multivolume set is much more than a collection of essays on sports and sporting cultures from around the world: it also details how and why sports are played wherever they exist, and examines key charismatic athletes from around the world who have transcended their sports. Sports Around the World: History, Culture, and Practice provides a unique, global overview of sports and sports cultures. Unlike most works of this type, this book provides both essays that examine general topics, such as globalization and sport, international relations and sport, and tourism and sport, as well as essays on sports history, culture, and practice in world regions—for example, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and Oceania—in order to provide a more global perspective. These essays are followed by entries on specific sports, world athletes, stadiums and arenas, famous games and matches, and major controversies. Spanning topics as varied as modern professional cycling to the fictional movie Rocky to the deadly ball game of the ancient Mayans, the first three volumes contain overview essays and entries for specific sports that have been and are currently practiced around the world. The fourth volume provides a compendium of information on the winners of major sporting competitions from around the world. Readers will gain invaluable insights into how sports have been enjoyed throughout all of human culture, and more fully comprehend their cultural contexts. The entries provide suggestions for further reading on each topic—helpful to general readers, students with school projects, university students and academics alike. Additionally, the four-volume Sports Around the World spotlights key charismatic athletes who have changed a sport or become more than just an outstanding player.
Rego, A, Cunha, MPE & Clegg, SR 2012, The Virtues of Leadership, 1, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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Given the power of multinational organizations in developed and emerging economies, and their role in economic growth, their leaders face particular moral and business challenges in the contemporary global economy. Drawing on the Positive Organizational Scholarship movement, this book explores how virtues and character strengths may be put at the service of positive organizational performance, stressing that virtues represent the 'golden mean' between the extremes of excess and deficiency, and discussing the perverse consequences of 'excessive virtuousness'. The book shares theoretical, anecdotal, and empirical evidence on the convergence between good virtues and good results, aiming to disseminate the idea that managers can be competent and competitive, whilst doing 'good things right'.
Wieder, B 2012, Business Process Integration with SAP ERP, AUXILIA, Sydney, Australia.
Wieder, B 2012, Business Process Integration with SAP ERP, 3, Auxilia, Coogee, NSW, Australia.
Wieder, B 2012, Financial Accounting and ERP Integrated Accounting and Control with SAP ERP(R), Auxilia, Coogee.
Adair, D 2012, 'Indigeneity, race relations and sport management' in Leberman, S, Collins, C & Trenberth, L (eds), Sport Business Management in New Zealand and Australia, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, pp. 54-80.
Adair, D 2012, 'Jack Johnson–Tommy Burns Fight, Sydney (1908)' in Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, Volume 1: General Topics, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Volume 2: British Isles and Europe, Volume 3: Latin America and North America, Volume 4: Olympic Medalists and Winners and Champions of Major World Sporting Events, pp. V1-399.
Adair, D 2012, 'Lindrum, Walter (1898–1960)' in Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, Volume 1: General Topics, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Volume 2: British Isles and Europe, Volume 3: Latin America and North America, Volume 4: Olympic Medalists and Winners and Champions of Major World Sporting Events, p. V1-402-V1-403.
Adair, D & Maclean, M 2012, 'Sports History, Culture, and Practice in Oceania' in Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, Volume 1: General Topics, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Volume 2: British Isles and Europe, Volume 3: Latin America and North America, Volume 4: Olympic Medalists and Winners and Champions of Major World Sporting Events, p. V1-315-V1-327.
Adelstein, J & Clegg, S 2012, 'Negotiating a knowledge economy: juggling knowledge, truth and power' in Handbook on the Knowledge Economy, Volume Two, Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Adelstein, J & Clegg, S 2012, 'Negotiating a knowledge economy: Juggling knowledge, truth and power' in Rooney, D, Hearn, G & Kastelle, T (eds), Handbook on the Knowledge Economy, Volume Two, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 38-53.
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3 Negotiating a knowledge economy: juggling knowledge, truth and power Jennifer Adelstein and Stewart Clegg INTRODUCTION When Peter Drucker (1969, p. 349) identified knowledge as the central component of an innovative economy and society, in many ways he was echoing his fellow Austrian Joseph Schumpeter (1942) in recognizing the power of innovation. It took another 30 years or so for knowledge to be catapulted into a titular role in management. In large part, it was the failure of another project that prepared the path for Knowledge Management (KM). The failed path was Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), and its rethinking of old Tayloristic models unwittingly drove out much tacit knowledge that organizations did not know they had until they lost it. It was in the wake of the widespread failure of BPR projects that concerns with Knowledge with a capital K emerged as mainstream management fare. Knowledge became influential in discourses concerned with first-world social and economic development, such as the `knowledge economy (Adler, 2001; Machlup, 1962 [1980]; Mokyr, 2002), `knowledge society (Drucker, 1993; Hargreaves, 2003), `information economy (Boisot, 1998; Brown and Duguid, 1998; Wolff, 2005) and other similar terms. The rhetoric attached to the concepts of a knowledge economy and knowledge society situated the signifier as the basis of global world order. Knowledge began to influence economics discourses and become a constitutive part of the discourses of globalization (Jessop, 2004; Robertson, 2008). In all dominant discourses, particular truths attain a level of authority and legitimacy that transcends the specificity of...
Baker, ML, Brown, DA & Malmi, T 2012, 'An Integrated Package of Environmental Management Control Systems' in Gregoriou, GN & Finch, N (eds), Best Practices in Management Accounting, Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom, pp. 115-129.
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This chapter examines the issue of how management control systems (MCS) can be designed and used to address environmental concerns within organisations. This issue is motivated by the developing awareness of the environmental and social issues caused by industrial activity, as spawned by a scientific consensus that human activities are affecting the Earth’s climate (Oreskes, 2004), levels of biodiversity and ecosystems (Hooper et al., 2005). In response, accounting academics, policy makers and practitioners have developed a range of external sustainability reports which aim to account for environmental activity. However, concerns remain in relation to the completeness and credibility of these reports (Adams, 2004). Moreover, while some researchers argue that reported levels of social and environmental performance are correlated with economic performance (Margolis and Walsh, 2003; Orlitzky et al., 2003), this ‘work leaves unexplored questions about what it is that firms are actually doing’ (Margolis and Walsh, 2003, p. 278).
Baker, ML, Brown, DA & Malmi, T 2012, 'Best Practices in Management Accounting' in Gregoriou, GN & Finch, N (eds), Best Practices in Management Accounting, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 115-129.
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Bardon, T & Josserand, E 2012, 'Penser les pratiques organisationnelles comme des morales avec Michel Foucault' in Germain, O (ed), Les grands inspirateurs de la theorie des organisations, EMS Management et Societe, France, pp. 63-78.
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Michel Foucault est lun des auteurs les plus cités dans les articles en management autant par ses supporters que par ses critiques. Plus de 25 ans après sa mort, le 25 juin 1984, et malgré le nombre toujours croissant de publications foucaldiennes en organisation et management, sa pensée est loin dêtre épuisée. Un tour dhorizon de 20 ans de travaux foucaldiens en management nous permettra de répondre à ces trois questions. Pourquoi cet auteur a-t-il été une source dinspiration ou de controverse si grande en sciences de gestion ? Quel est lhéritage quil nous a légué en management ? Sa pensée peut elle encore être mobilisée de façon originale ?
Chan, THT & Samali, B 2012, 'Preface' in Benn, S, Dunphy, D & Perrott, B (eds), Cases in Corporate Sustainability & Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach, SAGE Publications, Prahhan, Vic, pp. i-ii.
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Clarke, T 2012, 'Markets, Regulation and Governance: The Causes of the Global Financial Crisis' in Clarke, T & Branson, D (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 533-555.
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Corporate governance regulation invariably follows the business cycle. In times of crisis and collapse there is public pressure to increase regulation in order to prevent similar problems occurring in future. When the economy is booming, serious consideration of corporate governance regulation is confined to the desks of company secretaries, regulators and interested academics. This is not to say that corporate governance practices are abandoned in good times, only that the status quo is accepted and there is less impetus for review and improvement.
Clegg, S 2012, 'Transforming Organizations' in Arnaud Sales (ed), Sociology Today: Social Transformations in a GlobalizingWorld, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 197-212.
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In thi chapter I wilJ fust outline what was for much of the post-war era the dominant conventional approach to thinking about organizations, known as contingency theory. When contingen y theory was first developed in the 1960s, looser organic organizations were a novelty and the donlinant form was that of large mechanistic bUJ'eaucracie . How times change. Today, in U1e We t, bureaucra ies are giving way to new organizational fonns that are much closer to organic organizations. Many organizations today are increasing ly adopting a network form, with many of their inputs and ac tivi tie. hived off to other organizations with which they network. The most radical form of network is a rhizome, a freeflowing system of organic rools preading and colonizing available environments. As older form manufacturing is increasingly shifted to organizations in Asia, the best hope for organ izations and jobs in the West may weU be a network of rhizomalic organizations, focused on design, urrounding the global retailers and brand that disseminate the outsourced cheaply provided goods from Asia.
Clegg, S & Baumeler, C 2012, 'From Life in Cages to Life in Projects: Metaphors for Moderns' in Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 185-206.
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Clegg, S & Gray, J 2012, 'Organization theory, power and changing institutions' in Boje, DM, Burnes, B & Hassard, J (eds), The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change, Routledge, USA and Canada, pp. 245-260.
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Clegg, SR 2012, 'Foundations of Organizational Power' in Haugaard, M & Kevin, R (eds), Political Power: The Development of the Field, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, pp. 89-125.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'Lives in the balance' in Haugaard, M & Clegg, S (eds), Power and Organizations, Sage Publications, London, pp. 263-280.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'Radical Revisions: Power, Discipline and Organizations' in Haugaard, M & Clegg, SR (eds), Power and Politics, Sage Publications, London, pp. 345-362.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'Radical Revisions: Power, Discipline and Organizations' in Clegg, SR & Haugaard, M (eds), Power and Organizations, Sage Publications, London, pp. 203-220.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'The Language of Power and Power of Language' in Clegg, SR & Haugaard, M (eds), Power and Organizations, Sage Publications, London, pp. 29-38.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'The Language of Power and the Power of Language' in Grant, D, Hardy, C & Putnam, L (eds), Organizational Discourse Studies, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 29-38.
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In this paper earlier research by the author (Clegg 1975) is used as an occasion for reflecting more generally on the adequacy of approaches to the study of language and power in organization analysis. Three approaches, the ethnographic, conversation analysis and a materialist approach, are discussed. The limitations, both in practical and analytic terms, of a language approach to power are drawn from a discussion of the inclemency rule and other data.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'The Politics of the Copenhagen UN Climate Change Summit' in Ivo Domingues (ed), Organizações Controlo e Sustentabilidade, Humus, Minho, pp. 61-82.
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Clegg, SR & Baumeler, C 2012, 'Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments' in Davila, A, Elvira, MM, Ramirez, J & Zapata-Cantu, L (eds), Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments, Palgrave Macmillan UK, New York / Basingstoke, pp. 185-206.
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Clegg, SR & Pitsis, TS 2012, 'Phronesis, projects and power research' in Flyvbjerg, B, Landman, T & Schram, S (eds), Real Social Science, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 66-92.
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Clegg, SR & Rhodes, C 2012, 'Conclusions: Possible ethics and ethical possibilities' in Clegg, S & Rhodes, C (eds), Management Ethics: Contemporary Contexts, Routledge, Abingdon, OX, UK, pp. 172-191.
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ARC Special Projects (ASSA)
Clegg, SR & Rhodes, C 2012, 'Management Ethics' in Clegg, SR & Rhodes, C (eds), Management Ethics: Contemporary Contexts, Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 1-10.
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ARC Special Projects (ASSA)
Collins, J 2012, 'Integration and Inclusion of Immigrants in Australia' in Frideres, J & Biles, J (eds), International Perspectives: Integration and Inclusion, McGill Queens University Press, Montreal, pp. 17-37.
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The aim of this article is to investigate the extent to which immigrants have been included in, and integrated into, Australian society. This chapter critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of Australian multiculturalism from the point of view of Australiaâs immigrants themselves. It first traces the policy responses to immigrant settlement in Australia from assimilation to integration to multiculturalism. This chapter then looks at the (contradictory) evidence across many different objective and subjective dimensions of immigrant social inclusion, social integration and social cohesion in economic, social, political and cultural life in Australia today. Finally this chapter highlights the key stumbling blocks for immigrant settlement in Australia in the coming decades, suggests the key strengths and weaknesses of Australian multiculturalism and raises the possibility of an introducing elements of cosmopolitanism Australian multiculturalism to address these strengths and weaknesses.
Courpasson, D & Clegg, SR 2012, 'Dissolving the Iron Cages? Tocqueville, Michels, Bureaucracy and the Perpetuation of Elite Power' in Clegg, SR & Haugaard, M (eds), Power and Organizations, Sage Publications, London, pp. 369-391.
Darcy, S, Cameron, B & Schweinsberg, S 2012, '7. Accessible Tourism in Australia' in Best Practice in Accessible Tourism, Multilingual Matters, pp. 79-113.
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Darcy, S, Cameron, B & Schweinsberg, S 2012, 'Accessible Tourism in Australia' in Buhalis, D, Darcy, S & Ambrose, I (eds), Best Practice in Accessible Tourism: Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism, Channel View Publications, United Kingdom, pp. 79-113.
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Over recent years there has been an increasing body of work on the intersections between disability, ageing and tourism. This research aims to provide a review of the last 30 years of the Australian accessible tourism industry.
Denize, S, Purchase, S & Olaru, D 2012, 'Using Case Data to Ensure ‘Real World’ Input Validation within Fuzzy Set Theory Models' in Fuzzy Methods for Customer Relationship Management and Marketing, IGI Global, pp. 61-89.
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Fuzzy set theory models have considerable potential to address complex marketing and B2B problems, but for this methodology to be accepted, models require validation. However, there is relatively little detail in the literature dealing with validation of fuzzy simulation in marketing. This limitation is compounded by the difficulty of using case-based and qualitative evidence (data to which fuzzy models are well suited) when applying more general validation. The chapter illustrates a fuzzy model validation process using small-N cased based data and concludes with recommendations to assist researchers in validating their fuzzy models.
Dickson, TJ & Darcy, S 2012, '23. Australia: The Alpine Accessible Tourism Project and Disabled Winter Sport' in Best Practice in Accessible Tourism, Multilingual Matters, pp. 339-364.
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Docherty, P 2012, 'Keynes’s General Theory, the Quantity Theory of Money and Monetary Policy' in Thomas Cate (ed), Keynes’s General Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing, US, pp. 127-157.
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Thirty-five years after the publication of Keynes's General Theory, Harry Johnson examined what appeared at the time to be the end of the 'Keynesian Revolution'. In that paper, Johnson (1971) examined not only the conditions under which Keynes's General Theory had transformed thinking in the 1930s and 1940s about the operation and management of the macroeconomy, he also considered the conditions under which that transformation was in the process of being superseded.
Dowling, GR & Gardberg, NA 2012, 'Keeping score: the challenges of measuring corporate reputation' in Barnett Michael, L & Pollock Timothy, G (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Reputation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 34-68.
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While corporate reputation's (CR) benetlts arc known and lauded, its nat ure as an intangible asset causes its measurement to remain elusive. We describe methodological issues faced by CR researchers, including the thorny issues of construct definition, conceptualization as a formative and/or reflective construct, item breadth, sampling frames, scales' psychometric properties, and their appropriateness for measurement across industry, national, and ownership contexts. We also discuss the appropriateness of various methodologies such as survey, content analysis, and archival data. Vie then review the most visible academic and practitioner quantitative measures of CR from Fortune's 'America's Most Admired Companies' to the Reputation Institute's RepTrak Pulse that have been published by consultants or business media outlets in over fifty countries. Overall, CR measurement has improved, providing better tools for both academic research and practice. We emphasize the need for multiple methodologies to facilitate triangulation, and conclude with suggestions for future operationalizations of corporate reputation.
Dwyer, L 2012, 'Cost-Benefit Analysis' in Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 290-308.
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Dwyer, L 2012, 'Trends underpinning global tourism in the coming decade' in Global Tourism: Third Edition, pp. 529-545.
Dwyer, L & Pham, TD 2012, 'CGE Modeling' in Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 261-289.
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Fleming, PJ 2012, 'The Birth of “Biocracy” and its Discontents at Work' in Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy From the Bureau to Network Organizations, Emerald Group Publishing.
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From the Bureau to Network Organizations Thomas Diefenbach, Rune Todnem By. RESEARCH. IN. THE. SOCIOLOGY. OF. ORGANIZATIONS. Series Editor: Michael Lounsbury Recent Volumes: Volume 15: Deviance in and of Organizations Volume 16: Networks in and around Organizations Volume 17: Organizational Politics Volume 18: Social Capital of Organizations Volume 19: Social Structure and Organizations Revisited Volume 20: The Governance of Relations in Markets and ...
Gordon, R, Hastings, G, McDermott, L & Siquier, P 2012, 'The critical role of social marketing' in Critical Marketing: Defining the Field, pp. 159-177.
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Gordon, RD, Clegg, SR & Kornberger, MM 2012, 'Embedded Ethics: Discourse and Power in the New South Wales Police Service' in Clegg, SR & Haugaard, M (eds), Power and Organizations, Sage Publications, London, pp. 169-198.
Hardy, C, Phillips, N & Clegg, SR 2012, 'Reflexivity in Organization and Management Theory: A Study of the Production of the Research 'Subject'' in Mills, A & Durepros, G (eds), Case Study Methods in Business Research, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA, pp. 185-212.
Ho, HD & Ganesan, S 2012, 'Learning in Coopetitive Relationships' in Lilien, GL & Grewel, R (eds), Handbook of Business-to-Business Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, pp. 368-385.
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This insightful Handbook provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of business-to-business marketing.
Jordan, K & Collins, J 2012, 'Selling Ethnic Neighborhoods' in Aytar, V & Rath, J (eds), Selling Ethnic Neighborhoods: The Rise of Neighborhoods as Places of Leisure and Consumption, Routledge, New York, pp. 120-137.
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This chapter explores the various attempts to market Northbridgeâs ethnic diversity. It first outlines the history of Northbridge, detailing the changing historical patterns of immigrant settlement and the establishment of ethnic enterprises. It then looks at recent attempts to re-brand part of the neighborhood as a Chinatown, outlining the complex institutional environment of Northbridge and the role of various players in current strategies for redevelopment. The chapter concludes by considering the contradictory history of Northbridge as an ethnic precinct and reflecting on its ethnic identity and safety as an outcome of the interaction between key stakeholders among the critical infrastructure, regulators, immigrant entrepreneurs and ethnic community representatives.
Leung, L, Humphreys, T & Weakley, A 2012, 'Designing E-Mail for Knowledge Management in Distributed Organizations' in Organizational Learning and Knowledge, IGI Global, pp. 1030-1041.
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Link, S & Prade, H 2012, 'Preface.', pp. 79-81.
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Nikolova, N 2012, 'Innovating through clients' in Reihlen, M & Werr, A (eds), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 86-104.
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Nikolova, N & Devinney, T 2012, 'The Nature Of Client–Consultant Interaction: A Critical Review' in Clark, T & Kipping, M (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Management Consulting, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 389-409.
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Rhodes, C 2012, 'The moral of the story: Ethics, narrative and organizational change' in Boje, D, Burnes, B & Hassard, J (eds), The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change, Routledge, London, pp. 506-518.
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Roxas, B, Chadee, D & Wu, T 2012, 'Export Knowledge and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Philippines: The Moderating Effects of Relational Capital' in Impacts of Emerging Economies and Firms on International Business, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 250-271.
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Schlenker, K, Edwards, DC & Wearing, SL 2012, 'Volunteering and events' in Page, S & Connell, J (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Events, Routledge, UK, pp. 316-325.
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An event workforce comprises a range of different types of employees including paid staff, external suppliers, contractors and volunteers. Event organisers depend on volunteers who are recognised as an integral part of the workforce at local, regional, national and international events. This chapter describes how event organisations face a series of unique challenges and additional complexity when they are recruiting, training, managing, rewarding and retaining a volunteer workforce. With events increasingly depending on the volunteer worker, it has become essential to develop mechanisms of management that ensure the provision of a positive and satisfying volunteer experience, and the retention of volunteers.
Schulenkorf, N & Adair, D 2012, 'Sport-for-Development' in Leberman, S, Collins, C & Trenberth, L (eds), Global Sport-for-Development, Palgrave Macmillan, South Melbourne, pp. 284-298.
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Fundamentally, sport development is about providing opportunities for individuals and communities to engage in grassroots physical activities in terms of what can be described as 'the common good'. When appropriately conceived and managed, sport allows participants to optimise their physical fitness levels and has the capacity to provide people of varying ages with valuable social experiences. People who work in sport development, therefore, share a similar goal of motivating individuals to participate in sport for purposes of health promotion and wider social benefit. However, as we will see in this chapter, the purposes, values and desired outcomes of sport development are not static; indeed, the more recent move to sport-for-development indicates a fundamental move away from sport participation as the key objective and towards involvement in sport as a vehicle to achieve desired social outcomes. Indeed, the principle goal of sport-for-development managers today is the deployment of sport and physical activity programs to engage people from varying ethnocultural and socio-economic backgrounds, within which ideals of interpersonal respect, intergroup harmony and community cohesion are crucial.
Schulenkorf, N & Edwards, DC 2012, 'Sport event management: Creating engaging experiences' in Leberman, S, Collins, C & Trenberth, L (eds), Sport Business Management in New Zealand and Australia, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, pp. 320-332.
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This chapter is concerned with an increasingly popular area of the experience economy, the management of sport events. Sport events represent a temporary drawing together of resources to create a particular experience for participants, spectators and other stakeholders. Depending on the size of the sport event it can take weeks, months or years of preparation to deliver an experience that is over in a matter of hours or days. Sport event management is fundamentally about creating engaging experiences, and leveraging them to achieve lasting benefits for all those involved. Getting the experience right such that participants, spectators and other stakeholders are satisfied is critically important for the future popularity of any sport event. This chapter focuses on examining sport event experiences and investigates the meanings attached to them. It combines the areas of event planning, management and design and uses examples from Australia, New Zealand and international contexts to illustrate the significance of sport events in our society. In particular, the chapter presents an overview of how sport activities can be designed to impact positively on people, so that engaging experiences (Pine and Gilmore, 2011) can be created.
Schweitzer, J & Jakovich, J 2012, 'A Call for a New Pedagogy for Design Thinking Education' in Schweitzer, J & Jakovich, J (eds), Crowd-Share Innovation: Intensive Creative Collaborations, Freerange Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 257-259.
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Intensive, Creative Collaborations Edited by Jochen Schweitzer & Joanne JakovichComplex problems cannot be solved around a boardroom table. Crowd-Share Innovation is the emerging technique for introducing mass input into tricky problems in face-to-face creative collaboration workshops. Participants include diverse people from the public, your best team players, and your toughest critics. In order to explore this new innovation terrain, we at the u.lab created `Groundbreaker a series of crowd-share innovation workshops and provocative talks held in July and August 2012 at Object Australian Design Centre in Sydney.Through Groundbreaker we enacted our inclusive human-centred design model to infuse our methods into wider practice. The Groundbreaker series broadened the content developed in this field and identified leading innovators and future makers to encourage a community of practice. We asked how intensive, creative collaborations foster innovation in the complex and networked context of contemporary practice and we adapted our design tools to imagine futures of work and communication technologies.
Schweitzer, J, Edwards, M & Nikolova, N 2012, 'Designing Entrepreneurial Work Environments: Exploring Emergent Design Practices' in Schweitzer, J & Jakovich, J (eds), Crowd-Share Innovation: Intensive Creative Collaborations, Freerange Press, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 260-269.
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In this paper we aim to outline an approach for fostering entrepreneurial creativity by utilizing design-thinking methodology. We explore designing as a practice driven approach to entrepreneurship that involves iteration and play during problem solving, team divergence, a stimulating and porous space, and entrepreneurial creativity that emerges from interpersonal relations within and between teams of entrepreneurs embedded in open networks.
Sugden, J & Schulenkorf, N 2012, 'Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport' in Stidder, G & Hayes, S (eds), Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport, Second Edition, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 102-123.
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The idea of using sport for social, cultural and community development has been promoted for decades; however, only limited empirical research can be found that analyses the strategic potential of sport projects in contributing to conflict resolution, reconciliation and peace building in deeply divided societies. This chapter overviews the experiences of a number of Football 4 Peace (F4P) projects operating in Israel between 2001 and 2010, and concentrates in more detail on two typical CCSP (Cross Community Sport Partnerships), one that was established in 2004 and another in 2009. Among other things, the chapter focuses on and assesses the role played by external change agents in facilitating project delivery and development. Following an interpretive mode of enquiry, observations, diary records and focus group discussions with key project facilitators and sport coaches were conducted exploring participant experiences and using this information to develop practical recommendations for social development through sport.
Wearing, SL, Wearing, M & McDonald, M 2012, 'Beyond commodification slow'in down the town to let nature grow: Ecotourism, social justice and sustainability' in Fullagar, S, Markwell, K & Wilson, E (eds), Slow Tourism: Experiences and Mobilities, Channel View Publications, United Kingdom, pp. 36-52.
-, RA, -, JC, -, RR, -, WS & -, HMS 2012, 'Service-Oriented Architecture as A Driver of Service Innovation in Newly Emerging Service Systems An Exploratory View', International Journal of Information Processing and Management, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 85-97.
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Innovation in services can be regarded as an inter-play of service concepts, service delivery practices, client interfaces, and service delivery technologies. Furthermore, innovations in services are increasingly brought to the market by networks of firms, selected for their unique capabilities and operated in a coordinated manner, referred to as a service system or service value network (SVN). Bringing such service innovations to market by a network of firms requires extensive coordination and integration of data, information/knowledge and processes, while ensuring strategic alignment of partnering firms. In this research we examine how Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and its effect on Information Technology Infrastructure Flexibility (ITIF), may act as a potential enabler for recently identified organizational drivers of services innovation in a service system, namely Collaborative Architecture Management (CAM) and Collaborative Organizational Infrastructure (COI). A preliminary qualitative study of a Telco and its partners in the Middle East validates the dynamic capabilities at play in our proposed research model.
Adair, D 2012, 'Ancestral footprints: assumptions of 'natural' athleticism among Indigenous Australians.', Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 23-35.
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This article addresses the fascination with Aboriginal physical acumen in sport, arguing that although performance excellence ought to be appreciated there are risks associated with an obsession about the capabilities of Indigenous athletic bodies. In particular, there is a (generally unspoken) assumption that Indigenous people ought to rely on their sportive proficiency in order to command respect in wider society. This overlooks their potential for success in areas where the body is not centre stage, such as in education, science, business, information technology, fine arts, and so on. In developing a critique of sport performance and Indigenous involvement, the paper presents perspectives from two non-Aboriginal observers, Peter McAllister and Robert De Castella, one an academic and the other a former elite athlete. McAllister, influenced by evolutionary biology, contends that Indigenous Australians are naturally well equipped to be top-flight sprinters, while De Castella, influenced by his interest in endurance athletics, predicts that Indigenous Australians are naturally well equipped to be top-flight marathon runners. It is difficult to imagine a more starkly opposite set of athletic performance expectations from the same population group. The paper concludes that although sport remains a crucial domain for Indigenous pride and confidence, Aboriginal athletes like their non-Aboriginal peers can benefit from a range of skill sets via education, training and other types of professional or cultural development. The well-rounded athlete, whether Indigenous or otherwise, is arguably better placed to adapt to complex socio-economic environments both during elite sport and in a transition phase to life beyond the playing field.
Alexeev, V & Maynard, A 2012, 'Localized level crossing random walk test robust to the presence of structural breaks', COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 3322-3344.
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Anufriev, M & Bottazzi, G 2012, 'Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Investment Horizons', STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1-36.
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We consider an analytically tractable asset pricing model describing the trading activity in a stylized market with two assets. Traders are boundedly rational expected utility maximizers with different beliefs about future prices and different investment horizons. In particular, we analyze the effects of the latter source of heterogeneity on the dynamics of price. We find that in the case with homogeneous agents, longer investment horizons lead to more stable dynamics. This is not true, however, in the case of a mixed population of traders, when the increase of heterogeneity in the investment horizons can introduce instability in the system. Furthermore, the role of heterogeneity turns out to be different for different trading behaviors and its effect on the aggregate dynamics depends on the whole ecology of agents' beliefs.
Anufriev, M & Hommes, C 2012, 'Evolution of market heuristics', KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 255-271.
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The time evolution of aggregate economic variables, such as stock prices, is affected by market expectations of individual investors. Neoclassical economic theory assumes that individuals form expectations rationally, thus forcing prices to track economic fundamentals and leading to an efficient allocation of resources. However, laboratory experiments with human subjects have shown that individuals do not behave fully rationally but instead follow simple heuristics. In laboratory markets, prices may show persistent deviations from fundamentals similar to the large swings observed in real stock prices. Here we show that evolutionary selection among simple forecasting heuristics can explain coordination of individual behavior, leading to three different aggregate outcomes observed in recent laboratory market-forecasting experiments: slow monotonic price convergence, oscillatory dampened price fluctuations, and persistent price oscillations. In our model, forecasting strategies are selected every period from a small population of plausible heuristics, such as adaptive expectations and trend-following rules. Individuals adapt their strategies over time, based on the relative forecasting performance of the heuristics. As a result, the evolutionary switching mechanism exhibits path dependence and matches individual forecasting behavior as well as aggregate market outcomes in the experiments. Our results are in line with recent work on agent-based models of interaction and contribute to a behavioral explanation of universal features of financial markets.
Anufriev, M & Hommes, C 2012, 'Evolutionary Selection of Individual Expectations and Aggregate Outcomes in Asset Pricing Experiments', AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-MICROECONOMICS, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 35-64.
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In recent "learning to forecast" experiments (Hommes et al. 2005), three different patterns in aggregate price behavior have been observed: slow monotonic convergence, permanent oscillations, and dampened fluctuations. We show that a simple model of individual learning can explain these different aggregate outcomes within the same experimental setting. The key idea is evolutionary selection among heterogeneous expectation rules, driven by their relative performance. The out-of-sample predictive power of our switching model is higher compared to the rational or other homogeneous expectations benchmarks. Our results show that heterogeneity in expectations is crucial to describe individual forecasting and aggregate price behavior. (JEL C53, C91, D83, D84, G12)
Anufriev, M, Bottazzi, G, Marsili, M & Pin, P 2012, 'Excess covariance and dynamic instability in a multi-asset model', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1142-1161.
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The presence of excess covariance in financial price returns is an accepted empirical fact: the price dynamics of financial assets tend to be more correlated than their fundamentals would justify. We advance an explanation of this fact based on an intertemporal equilibrium multi-assets model of financial markets with an explicit and endogenous price dynamics. The market is driven by an exogenous stochastic process of dividend yields paid by the assets that we identify as market fundamentals. The model is rather flexible and allows for the coexistence of different trading strategies. The evolution of assets price and traders' wealth is described by a high-dimensional stochastic dynamical system. We identify the equilibria of the model consistent with a baseline assumption of procedural rationality. We show that these equilibria are characterized by excess covariance in prices with respect to the dividend process. Moreover, we show that in equilibrium there is a positive expected marginal profit in choosing more risky portfolios. As a consequence, the evolutionary pressure generates a trend towards more remunerative strategies, which, in turn, increase the variance of prices and the dynamic instability of the system.
Askary, S, Goodwin, D & Lanis, R 2012, 'Improvements in Audit Risks Related to Information Technology Frauds', International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 52-63.
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In this paper, the authors examine how different types of fraud in most Information Technology (IT) environments affect an audit risk model from 2001 through 2008. Variations in IT fraud are questionable for determining the audit risks that affect audit quality and report. The data sources in this study came from the Computer Crime and Security Survey report (CSI) 2008. By relating different IT fraud to audit risk components through trend analysis in IT fraud improvements from 2001 to 2008, the authors measured declined percentages for control risks, inherent risks, and detection risks. They found that an improvement in control risks has been achieved up to 52.80%, 43% for detection risks, and 14% for inherent risks. An overall improvement in audit risk is 47.5%, which is a considerable development in audit quality. The study shows that progress in detecting IT fraud positively reduced audit risks and has significantly increased the audit quality since 2001.
Baddeley, M & Parkinson, S 2012, 'Group decision-making: An economic analysis of social influence and individual difference in experimental juries', The Journal of Socio-Economics, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 558-573.
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Bairstow, N & Young, L 2012, 'How channels evolve: A historical explanation', Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 385-393.
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This paper addresses the nature and drivers of channel evolution. The evolution of the Australian IT industry is investigated using historical methods. Identification of channel issues and descriptions of its evolution are drawn from trade publications,
Bardon, T, Clegg, S & Josserand, E 2012, 'Exploring identity construction from a critical management perspective: a research agenda', M@n@gement, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 350-366.
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In contemporary western society, questions of identity concerning 'who am I?' and 'how should I act?' (Alvesson, 2000: 1105) are now a central concern in people's lives. Indeed, the western, liquidly modern context (Bauman 2000; 2001; 2003; 2005; Bauman & Haugaard 2008; Bauman & Tester 2001) is characterized, precisely, by absences: the loss of traditional sources of authority, such as family, union, or religion, foundations that used to provide individuals with a collective sense of belonging around commonly taken-for-granted bases of identification (Collinson, 2003). The absent spaces are now occupied by a multitude of ephemeral bases of identification that blur old dualisms such as capital and labour, man and woman, married or single. Culturally tribal fashionable codes of speaking, dressing, playing, and so forth, mostly grounded in consumption rather than production, increasingly provide experiences of belonging. In such a fragmented context, constructing a distinctive identity becomes a constantly shifting project (Knights & Willmott, 1989; Giddens, 1991; McAdams, 1996). Consequently, individuals tend now to problematize identity through projects of the self more likely undertaken at an individual or group level rather than as a part of an organized collective process that is automatically reproduced. Slowly, management research has been coming to terms with liquid modernity (Clegg and Baumeler, 2010). Critical post-structuralist perspectives are among the several approaches that are engaged in this process, and provide insight into the question of identity. The goal of this Unplugged is thus to provide our views about the past, present and future of studies about identity from a critical post-structuralist perspective.
Baur, DG & Glover, KJ 2012, 'The Destruction of a Safe Haven Asset?', Applied Finance Letters, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8-15.
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Gold has been a store of value for centuries and a safe haven for investors in the past decades. However, the increased investment in gold for speculative or hedging purposes has changed the safe haven property. We demonstrate theoretically and empirically that investor behaviour has the potential to destroy the safe haven property of gold. The results suggest that an asset cannot be both an investment asset and an effective safe haven asset. This finding has important implications for financial stability since assets are more likely to exhibit excess comovement and volatility in the absence of a safe haven.
Bhattacharjee, B, Azeem, A, Ali, SM & Paul, SK 2012, 'Development of a CNC interpolation scheme for CNC controller based on Runge-Kutta method', International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 445-445.
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The parametric interpolators of modern CNC machines use Taylor's series approximation to generate successive parameter values for the calculation of x, y, z coordinates of tool positions. In order to achieve greater accuracy, higher order derivatives are required at every sampling period which complicates the calculation for contours represented by NURBS curve. In addition, this method calculates the chordal error in a given segment through estimation of the curvature neglecting a fraction of the error. In order to avoid calculating higher derivatives and make the calculations simpler, this paper proposes the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta (RK) method for the determination of successive tool positions requiring the calculation of the first derivatives only. Furthermore, a method of estimating the chordal error on the average value of parameters at the end points of a given curve segment is proposed here that does not require the calculation of curvature at every segment. Finally, a variable feedrate interpolation scheme is designed combining the RK method of parameter calculation and the proposed method of chordal error calculation. Results show that reduced chordal error and feedrate fluctuations are achievable with the proposed interpolator compared to the conventional interpolator based on Taylor's approximation with higher order terms. Copyright © 2012 INDerscience Enterprises Ltd.
Bird, R & Yeung, D 2012, 'How do investors react under uncertainty?', Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 310-327.
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It has long been accepted that risk plays an important role in determining valuation where risk reflects that investors are unsure of future returns but are able to express their prior expectations by a probability distribution of these returns. Knight (1921) introduced the concept of uncertainty where investors possess incomplete knowledge about this distribution and so are unable to formulate priors over all possible outcomes. One common approach for making uncertainty tractable is to assume that investors faced with uncertainty will base their decisions on the worst case scenario (i.e. follow maxmin expected utility). As a consequence it is postulated that investors will become more pessimistic as uncertainty increases, upgrading bad news and downgrading good news. Using Australian data, we find evidence that investors react to bad news at times of high market uncertainty but largely ignore good news which is consistent with them taking on a pessimistic bias. However, we also find evidence of the reverse when market uncertainty is low with investors taking on an optimistic stance by ignoring bad news but reacting to good news. We also find that the impact that market uncertainty has on the reaction of investors to new information is modified by the prevailing market sentiment at the time of the announcement. Besides throwing light on the question of how uncertainty impacts on investor behaviour, our findings seriously challenge the common assumption made that investors consistently deal with uncertainty by applying maxmin expected utility.
Bisen, A, Dalton, B & Wilson, R 2012, 'The Social Construction of the Microfinance Industry: a comparison of donor and recipient perspectives', Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 62-83.
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Microfinance has been one of the fastest growing “industries” of the new millennium, with the sector now containing over 10,000 microfinance institutions (MFIs) worth an estimated USD with over $60 billion in assets (Microfinance Information Exchange 2011). This expansion has stimulated interest from both scholars and the mainstream media. There is a growing volume of academic research which broadly centres on two approaches: an “institutionalist perspective” that highlights microfinance as an innovation in applying market solutions to social problems; and the other approach, often described as welfarist, that questions the capacity of an increasingly commericalised sector to realize a mission of poverty reduction. But do these themes and concerns permeate academic boundaries? Specifically, does media coverage in key donor and recipient countries confirm or challenge or even engage with these debates? To date much of this academic literature has overlooked how “microfinance” has been socially constructed in the public sphere through the mass media. Through its interpretation of events, the media can influence the way an issue is discussed and evaluated and in this way influence individual perceptions (Gamson 1988). In this article we present an analysis of recent media coverage of microfinance in one key donor country, the United States and one major recipient country, India. By conducting a media content analysis of 100 newspaper articles (sorted by level of relevance) that appeared in the top 10 highest circulating English language newspapers in India and the US over a 12 month period January-December 2008 we discuss how media coverage in these two countries differed in significant ways. The Indian media sample tended to focus on operational issues and report on specific business activity within the microfinance industry, in general treating it as a ‘regular’ part of the financial and banking system. While the US media sample made broader gene...
Boersma, K & Clegg, S 2012, 'Strategies for Conceptualizing, Organizing and Managing Resilience in the Globalizing City', Journal of Change Management, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 273-277.
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This Special Issue of Journal of Change Management addresses the idea that the development of a society of organizations (Perrow, 1991) is inextricably linked to an increasing prominence of the city. Cities gain their character as much from the organizations that are found in them as from the people who flow through the cityscape. Most significant organizations are embedded in major urban spaces and, even where they are located in more rural settings, they become major agents of change. More than 50% of all people already live in cities. Cities are thus complex sites in which are constituted the organizing and disorganizing of the everyday lives and (mis)fortunes of half the world's population. Future scenarios suggest that in the next 50 years the number of people living in cities will increase up to 75%, with most living in mega-cities of more than 20 million (Burdett and Sudjic, 2008). The city is increasingly the crucible of change in which organizations organize and are contested, where social movements articulate resistance and mobilize, where public policy issues are hammered out, agendas set and issues defined, where governance approaches are tried and tested, where businesses form networks, innovation occurs and ideas circulate with increasing velocity.
Bond, D, Bugeja, M & Czernkowski, R 2012, 'Did Australian Firms Choose to Switch to Reporting Operating Cash Flows Using the Indirect Method?', AUSTRALIAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 18-24.
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In 2007 Australian accounting standards were amended to allow a choice of presenting operating cash flows using either the direct or indirect method. This study investigates the number of ASX-listed entities that switched to the indirect format. Our results indicate that between 2007 and 2009 nine companies changed their reporting format. The firms adopting the indirect method have similar leverage, liquidity and performance to industry and size-matched controls. Given that previous research indicates that the direct method provides superior information for predicting cash flows and performance, our results will be welcomed by financial statement users and the Australian Accounting Standards Board. © 2012 CPA Australia.
Bond, D, Czernkowski, R & Wells, P 2012, 'A team‐teaching based approach to engage students', Accounting Research Journal, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 87-99.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe the process of renewal undertaken in a large undergraduate financial reporting subject.Design/methodology/approachThe approach taken in the subject is one in which student engagement is critical. Selected quantitative and qualitative data from university course and student feedback surveys were used to assess the effectiveness of the renewal process.FindingsThe renewal process led to increased student engagement, and influenced student learning by demonstrating the relevance of financial reporting regulation. Feedback was also positive in relation to the level of resources, especially technological, provided in the subject.Originality/valueEngaging with students is a critical task in any subject, but especially in a technical accounting subject, as students may not necessarily see the value in the content. This article reveals possibilities for academics to engage with their students and for their students to engage with the subject material.
Bugeja, M & Sinelnikov, K 2012, 'Public versus private takeovers of Australian stock exchange listed targets', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 391-414.
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In this study we investigate the association between bidding firm listing status and the abnormal returns and characteristics of target firms, in the context of Australian takeovers. Similar to the US, target abnormal returns are significantly lower in private bids. However, this difference is only significant when comparing public bidders with private non-operating bidders suggesting the results are driven by a lack of operating synergy available to non-operating bidders rather than public bidder agency problems. We also study how target firm characteristics differ between public and private bidders. The results indicate that different private bidders have alternative motivations for making an acquisition. Private equity targets have a less independent board than targets of public bidders and are more undervalued. In comparison, targets of private bidders without existing business activities are smaller, have higher management ownership, lower growth and lower cash flows than targets of public bidders.
Bugeja, M, Matolcsy, ZP & Spiropoulos, H 2012, 'Is there a gender gap in CEO compensation?', JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 849-859.
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The gender pay gap generates significant political and social debate. This study contributes to this discussion by examining if a gender pay gap exists at the highest level of corporate management, the CEOs. While previous studies have documented a gender pay gap for most levels of executives the findings with respect to CEOs are conflicting. In this paper we focus only on CEO's as it is the most homogenous of executive roles and does not require us to assume that executives with similar titles undertake identical roles. Our evidence is based on 291 US firm-years for the period of 1998-2010. We do not find any association between CEO pay and gender using both the total sample and a sample matched using propensity scores to control for firm characteristics. These insignificant results hold for total pay, salary and bonuses, and for different matching procedures and econometric specifications. Our results therefore indicate that women who rise through the 'glass ceiling' to the level of CEO are remunerated at similar levels to their male counterparts. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..
Bugeja, M, Rosa, RDS, Duong, L & Izan, HY 2012, 'CEO Compensation from M&As in Australia', JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, vol. 39, no. 9-10, pp. 1298-1329.
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We investigate Australian CEO compensation following mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We find CEOs of acquiring firms receive higher compensation in the year of M&A completion and one year after. We also find a positive correlation between CEO compensation and firm performance, and some measures of CEO effort and skill in completing the deal. However, CEOs of bidding firms receive a lower bonus and other compensation if they wield more managerial power (that is, if the CEO sits on the nominating committee, has a higher level of share ownership, or the board has more executive directors). This result is in sharp contrast to the US where compensation is influenced by CEO power. Overall our findings are more consistent with the predictions of the incentive alignment theory rather than the managerial power theory
Butcher, J, Casey, J & Dalton, B 2012, 'An Australian National Compact - Something old, something new?', Nonprofit Policy Forum, vol. 3, no. 2.
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AbstractThe Australian Labor Party (ALP) formed government under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2007 promising to consult with the not-for-profit sector on the development of a national compact. It was the government’s aim to forge a new settlement with the sector after eleven years of Liberal/National Coalition government during which contractual governance rather than relational governance was the norm. The provenance of the National Compact, launched in March 2010, can be traced back to similar framework documents for inter-sectoral cooperation in the United Kingdom (principally, The Compact) and Canada (the Accord). The National Compact) cannot be explained solely in terms of policy diffusion or the predilection of centre-right political parties for policy instruments of this sort. Rather, explanation requires a more nuanced contextual analysis of the political and policy environment within which these frameworks emerged. In this article we compare the range of factors contributing to the development of The Compact (UK), the Accord) (Canada) and the National Compact (Australia). We apply a similar analysis to policy frameworks in selected Australian states. We conclude that compacts arrive on the policy agenda via the opening of policy windows and through the actions of policy entrepreneurs. Policy windows and the attention of policy entrepreneurs might be both contextual and therefore, time-limited. We consider the range of factors that appear to have a bearing on the impact and durability of inter-sectoral policy frameworks in each jurisdiction in order to draw tentative conclusions about the prospects for the Australian National Compact.
Carabetta, G 2012, '‘Public Sector ‘Wages-Cap’: The New Framework for the Determination of Public Sector Wages and Conditions in New South Wales’', Australian Journal of Labour Law, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 65-65.
Cason, TN, Sheremeta, RM & Zhang, J 2012, 'Communication and efficiency in competitive coordination games', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 26-43.
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Costless pre-play communication has been found to effectively facilitate coordination and enhance efficiency in games with Pareto-ranked equilibria. We report an experiment in which two groups compete in a weakest-link contest by expending costly efforts. Allowing intra-group communication leads to more aggressive competition and greater coordination than control treatments without any communication. On the other hand, allowing inter-group communication leads to less destructive competition. As a result, intra-group communication decreases while inter-group communication increases payoffs. Our experiment thus provides an example of an environment where communication can either enhance or damage efficiency. This contrasts sharply with experimental findings from public goods and other coordination games, where communication always enhances efficiency and often leads to socially optimal outcomes. © 2012 Elsevier Inc..
Chau, VS, Thomas, H, Clegg, S & Leung, ASM 2012, 'Managing Performance in Global Crisis', British Journal of Management, vol. 23, no. S1, pp. S1-S5.
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Chiarella, C & Di Guilmi, C 2012, 'The Fiscal Cost of Financial Instability', STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1-27.
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This paper presents an agent based model that investigates the possible outcomes of different fiscal and regulatory policies in a financially fragile economy. We analyse the consequences of the attempt by the government to counteract a downturn when it ignores the debt dynamics as modelled by Fisher and Minsky. In particular, we formulate an educated guess about the burden that the government and the taxpayer must bear when a bubble bursts, and its relationship with the extent of government intervention and the taxation system. We also evaluate the outcomes of possible alternatives or complementary regulatory policies. We model four different scenarios treating separately a tax on profits and a tax on private wealth and, for both of them, we specify two cases depending on whether the financial system is able to autonomously generate liquidity. Therefore, we can assess the effect of endogenous money and endogenous credit on the different stabilization policies.
Clegg, S, e Cunha, MP & Rego, A 2012, 'The Theory and Practice of Utopia in a Total Institution: The Pineapple Panopticon', Organization Studies, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1735-1757.
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Genocide has been a constant presence in the history of humanity throughout the ages. Recently, calls to study the organization of genocide and genocidal organizations have been increasing. In this paper we study the functioning of the S-21 extermination camp, an instrument of Ângkar, ‘The Organization’, which imposed genocide on the Cambodian people in the 1970s. We analyse the conditions that enable the organization of genocide, showing that three pillars seem to play essential roles: a utopian vision; support of this vision by total institutional spaces, and the control commitments of the people caught in the utopian vortex. Genocide appears as a potential outcome of the particular type of organization combining these three processes.
Clegg, SR 2012, 'The End of Bureaucracy?', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 35, pp. 59-84.
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Bureaucracy is under attack and has been for some time, specially these past 30 years. This chapter will outline the specific qualities of bureaucracy, the challenges to it that different critics have posed and the possible futures of bureaucracy that are being imagined. In the 1980s, as a key part of an extremely liberal and influential critique of bureaucracy, new imaginings of how to organize corporations and public sector organizations began to emerge. By the late 1990s these had morphed into a view of the network or hybrid organization as the way of the future. The chapter will suggest that the global future of bureaucracy is not as simple as some of these criticisms suggest when they see it left behind in the emergence of innovative new forms. Instead, it is suggested, there is a spatial disaggregation of organizations occurring that heralds some unsettling new futures of organizations emerging
Clegg, SR & Gordon, RD 2012, 'Accounting for Ethics in Action: Problems with Localised Constructions of Legitimacy', Financial Accountability & Management, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 417-436.
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Socially constituted systems of order emanate from tacit interaction. While they are reflected in an organization's culture, they do not necessarily align with the organization's authorised rules and codes of conduct. Such misalignment renders legitimacy in organizations problematic. The paper explores the relation between power and legitimacy by showing how such systems of order recursively establish, and are established by, forms of legitimacy that may not be formalised. Empirically, such forms of legitimacy thwarted a police organization's attempt to reform. Theoretically, an understanding of organizational change is connected to the relationship between power and legitimacy. The paper provides insights into how power influences the social construction of legitimacy within the context of public organizations.
Clinch, G, Fuller, D, Govendir, B & Wells, P 2012, 'The accrual anomaly: Australian evidence', ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 377-394.
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This paper investigates whether there is evidence of the accrual anomaly (Sloan, 1996) in Australia, whereby investors overestimate the impact of accruals on the persistence of earnings. While our results provide general support for the existence of the anomaly in Australia, there are a number of idiosyncrasies. First, there is evidence of Australian investors underestimating the persistence of earnings. Second, there is evidence of investors incorrectly assessing the implications of accruals and cash flows for the persistence of earnings (i.e. an accrual anomaly and a cash-flow anomaly). Third, returns to a hedged portfolio trading strategy based on reported accruals are decreasing over the three-year period subsequent to portfolio formation. Furthermore, they are statistically significant only in the first year. Additional analysis of the hedge portfolio results indicates that these results are primarily attributable to a limited number of firm-year observations in the extreme positive tail of returns. © 2010 The Authors. Accounting and Finance © 2010 AFAANZ.
Cohen, A, Brown, B & Peachey, JW 2012, 'The intersection of pop culture and non-traditional sports: an examination of the niche market of quidditch', International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, vol. 12, no. 3/4, pp. 180-180.
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The real sport of quidditch was recently adapted from the fictional sport of the same namesake in the Harry Potter (HP) franchise. Quidditch is played at hundreds of locations across the USA and around the world. Considering the lack of marketing research on non-traditional, co-ed sports and the innovative nature of quidditch, the purpose of this research was to conduct a qualitative, grounded theory study (Strauss and Corbin, 1990) on the athletes and determine how involvement and identification is associated with these individuals becoming a viable niche market within the sports industry. Five factors led towards a desire to partake in quidditch and become involved and identified with the sport: identification with Harry Potter, camaraderie and friendship, desire to have fun, desire to try something new, and desire to get in shape. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Collins, J & Reid, C 2012, 'Immigrant Teachers in Australia', Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 38-61.
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One of the features of contemporary society is the increasing global mobility of professionals. While the education industry is a key site of the demand for contemporary global professional migration, little attention has been given to the global circulation of education professionals. Over past decades, immigrant teachers have been an important component of skilled and professional immigration into Australia, there is no comprehensive contemporary national study of the experiences of immigrant teachers in Australia. This article aims to fill this gap and to answer questions about their decision to move to Australia, their experience with Australian Education Departments in getting appointed to a school, their experiences as teachers in the classroom and in their new Australian community. It draws on primary data sources - in the form of a survey of 269 immigrant teachers in schools in NSW, SA and WA conducted in 2008-9 - and secondary sources - in the form of the 2006 national census and Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants in Australia – to provide insights into immigrant teachers in Australian schools, adding also to our understanding of Australia’s contemporary immigration experience.
Comerton-Forde, C & Putniņš, TJ 2012, 'Stock Price Manipulation: Prevalence and Determinants', REVIEW OF FINANCE, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 23-66.
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We empirically analyze the prevalence and economic underpinnings of closing price manipulation and its detection. We estimate that ~1% of closing prices are manipulated, of which only a small fraction is detected and prosecuted. We find that stocks with high levels of information asymmetry and mid to low levels of liquidity are most likely to be manipulated. A significant proportion of manipulation occurs on month/quarter-end days. Manipulation on these days is more likely in stocks with high levels of institutional ownership. Government regulatory budget has a strong effect on both manipulation and detection.
Courpasson, D & Clegg, S 2012, 'The Polyarchic Bureaucracy: Cooperative Resistance in the Workplace and the Construction of a New Political Structure of Organizations', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 55-79.
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Many bureaucracies still exist, and not just in the public sector. Increasingly, however, we would argue that they are more likely to evolve towards polyarchic forms because of the growing centrality of stakeholder resistance, especially that which is premised on empowerment of key employees. We suggest that managerial responses to this resistance are transforming bureaucracies through process of accommodation: upper echelon managers invent responses to contentious acts and voices so as to reintegrate 'resisters' while rewarding them for contesting decisions in a cooperative way. Understanding these processes help us understand why traditional bureaucracy is currently transforming itself as a resuit of the emergence of new forms of resistance in the workplace.
Courpasson, D, Dany, F & Clegg, S 2012, 'Resisters at Work: Generating Productive Resistance in the Workplace', Organization Science, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 801-819.
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Research has recognized the transformative dimension of resistance in the workplace. Yet resistance is still seen as an adversarial and antagonistic process that management can accept or reject; thus, understanding how resistance can actually influence workplace change remains a challenge for research. In this paper, we offer an analysis of two situations of resistance wherein resisters, organized in temporary enclaves, are able to influence top management's decisions and produce eventual change. Whether or not resistance becomes productive depends on the skillful work of resisters and the creation of powerful “objects of resistance” that enable resisters to modify temporarily the power configuration of a situation and oblige top management to listen to their claims and accommodate to the new configuration. This paper shows that resistance can be better explained by what resisters do to achieve their ends rather than by seeing resistance as a fixed opposition between irreconcilable adversaries.
Culmsee, P & Awati, K 2012, 'Towards a holding environment: building shared understanding and commitment in projects', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 528-548.
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PurposeThe early stages of projects are often characterised by ambiguity arising from differences in stakeholder views regarding project rationale and objectives. The purpose of this paper is to present a viewpoint on how to build a shared understanding of project goals and thus reach a shared commitment to achieving them. One of the ways to achieve shared understanding is through open dialogue, free from political and other constraints. The authors call an environment that fosters such dialogue a holding environment. The main aim is to illustrate, via a case study: how an alliance‐based approach to projects can foster a holding environment; and how argument visualisation tools such as IBIS (Issue‐Based Information System) can be used to clarify different points of view and options within such an environment.Design/methodology/approachFollowing a discussion of theoretical background and literature review, an alliancing case study is used to illustrate the development of a holding environment and demonstrate the utility of IBIS in the creation of such an environment.FindingsIt is seen that an alliance‐based approach to projects can provide the foundation for a holding environment. IBIS is seen to facilitate the building of shared understanding by making arguments explicit and capturing decision rationale.Practical implicationsThe paper outlines a practical framework for improving the quality of dialogue and achieving stakeholder commitment on projects.Originality/value
Cunha, MPE, Clegg, SR & Kamoche, K 2012, 'Improvisation as “real time foresight”', Futures, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 265-272.
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Cunningham, PA, Huijbens, EH & Wearing, SL 2012, 'From whaling to whale watching: examining sustainability and cultural rhetoric', JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 143-161.
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This paper explores whaling and whale watching to determine the viability of their divergent practices - and explains why they coexist in some cases. Whale watching is often viewed as an ecotourism product and presented as an activity that is fast growin
Dardanoni, V, Fiorini, M & Forcina, A 2012, 'Stochastic monotonicity in intergenerational mobility tables', Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 85-107.
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SUMMARYThe aim of this paper is to test for stochastic monotonicity in intergenerational socio‐economic mobility tables. In other words, we question whether having a parent from a high socio‐economic status is never worse than having one with a lower status. Using existing inferential procedures for testing unconditional stochastic monotonicity, we first test a set of 149 intergenerational mobility tables in 35 different countries and find that monotonicity cannot be rejected in hardly any table. In addition, we propose new testing procedures for testing conditional stochastic monotonicity and investigate whether monotonicity still holds after conditioning on a number of covariates such as education, cognitive and non‐cognitive skills. Based on the NCDS cohort data from the UK, our results provide evidence that monotonicity holds, even conditionally. Moreover, we do not find large differences in our results when comparing social class and wage class mobility. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Day, B, Bateman, IJ, Carson, RT, Dupont, D, Louviere, JJ, Morimoto, S, Scarpa, R & Wang, P 2012, 'Ordering effects and choice set awareness in repeat-response stated preference studies', JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 73-91.
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We present an experiment designed to investigate the presence and nature of ordering effects within repeat-response stated preference (SP) studies. Our experiment takes the form of a large sample, full-factorial, discrete choice SP exercise investigating preferences for tap water quality improvements. Our study simultaneously investigates a variety of different forms of position-dependent and precedent-dependent ordering effect in preferences for attributes and options and in response randomness. We also examine whether advanced disclosure of the choice tasks impacts on the probability of exhibiting ordering effects of those different types. We analyze our data both nonparametrically and parametrically and find robust evidence for ordering effects. We also find that the patterns of order effect in respondents preferences are significantly changed but not eradicated by the advanced disclosure of choice tasks a finding that offers insights into the choice behaviors underpinning order effects.
Deakins, D, Battisti, M, Coetzer, A & Roxas, H 2012, 'Predicting Management Development and Learning Behaviour in New Zealand SMEs', The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 11-24.
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Despite concern on the part of policy makers to raise managerial capability in SMEs, there is little evidence on the key drivers of owner-manager participation in management development programmes. The authors argue that such participation is poorly understood. The paper develops a predictive model of the drivers of participation in sources of learning by owner-managers. It tests a theoretical model, based on the small firm as a learning organization, which posits that participation is driven by owner-managers' learning orientation and the extent of their belief in self-improvement. The implications of the results are discussed in light of the provision of management development programmes.
Delavande, A & Kohler, H-P 2012, 'The Impact of HIV Testing on Subjective Expectations and Risky Behavior in Malawi', Demography, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 1011-1036.
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Abstract We investigate the causal impact of learning HIV status on HIV/AIDS-related expectations and sexual behavior in the medium run. Our analyses document several unexpected results about the effect of learning one’s own, or one’s spouse’s, HIV status. For example, receiving an HIV-negative test result implies higher subjective expectations about being HIV-positive after two years, and individuals tend to have larger prediction errors about their HIV status after learning their HIV status. If individuals in HIV-negative couples also learn the status of their spouse, these effects disappear. In terms of behavioral outcomes, our analyses document that HIV-positive individuals who learned their status reported having fewer partners and using condoms more often than those who did not learn their status. Among married respondents in HIV-negative couples, learning only one’s own status increases risky behavior, while learning both statuses decreases risky behavior. In addition, individuals in sero-discordant couples who learned both statuses are more likely to report some condom use. Overall, our analyses suggest that ensuring that each spouse learns the HIV status of the other, either through couple’s testing or through spousal communication, may be beneficial in high-prevalence environments.
Deroy, X & Clegg, S 2012, 'Contesting the Champs-Elysées', Journal of Change Management, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 355-373.
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World-renowned urban places struggle to retain the qualities that made them famous as the fabric of the city changes. Often their specific charms and qualities, indeed, their identity, are threatened by organization changes in the urban environment. This article shows how the `Champs-Elysées is fragmenting into anonymous subspaces that raise the risk of it becoming a non-place. We show the role of a specific institutional influence, the Comité des Champs-Elysées, which seeks to preserve the site despite the heterogeneity of its members. Two strategies emerge from their actions: deceleration of the flows of people is sought to slow and channel people on the Avenue within a modernized iconic space, while the constitution of events seeks to combine different sights and make them coexist together as a mosaic of experiences. The article concludes by showing the limits of influence of regulation that leaves the future of the space undetermined.
Docherty, P 2012, 'Long period interest rate rules in a demand-led Kaldor-Pasinetti-Sraffa-Keynes growth model', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 521-546.
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This paper uses a detailed macroeconomic model characterized by demand-led growth, Sraffian pricing, and the Kaldor-Pasinetti analysis of income distribution at the macrolevel to develop a framework for evaluation of the long-term implications of monetary policy. Focus is placed on the development of interest rate rules that ensure balanced long-run growth with either stable observable unemployment or zero or low underlying unemployment, and comparison is made between these rules and other Post Keynesian policy rules. Strong support is provided for the effectiveness of the Smithin rule, which fixes the real rate of interest although an alternative rationale for this rule is provided.
Dowling, G & Moran, P 2012, 'Corporate Reputations: Built in or Bolted on?', California Management Review, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 25-42.
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While there is widespread support for the notion that organizations with better reputations outperform their rivals, there is uncertainty about how to create such a reputation, especially among the managers responsible for this task. For example, organizations often give money to worthy causes or create social responsibility programs in the hope that this will appeal to their stakeholders. When approaches such as these are only loosely coupled to the strategy of the organization they appear to be “bolted on” rather than “built in.” Thus, they are likely to foster a reputation that is less consistent with the principal actions of the organization and be less credible. They are also easy for competitors to imitate. Because of this, a reputation grounded in the strategy of the organization has a better chance of providing a sustainable competitive advantage. We present a normative framework that illustrates a strategy-led approach to reputation building. It is illustrated with numerous corporate examples.
Dwyer, L & Thomas, F 2012, 'Tourism yield measures for Cambodia', Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 303-328.
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Dwyer, L, Cvelbar, LK, Edwards, D & Mihalic, T 2012, 'Fashioning a destination tourism future: The case of Slovenia', TOURISM MANAGEMENT, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 305-316.
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Achieving competitive advantage for any destination in times of rapid global change requires tourism stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the direction of change and its implications for business or destination management. The challenges are particularly acute for emerging destinations such as Slovenia. The paper discusses tools for measuring destination performance with particular focus on Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Using IPA the paper develops a priority ordering for Slovenian tourism stakeholders to debate, modify and to adopt actions that can help them prepare for the challenges arising from global trends. The survey instrument used for this study asks respondents to highlight both the important areas that should be addressed by tourism stakeholders in Slovenia and also the performance of Slovenia in respect of the success or otherwise of the strategies that are currently being pursued to enhance destination competitiveness. The findings reveal that there are a number of areas in which the Slovene tourism industry considers itself to be underperforming in the implementation of strategies to eliminate drift. The paper explores some of the implications of the findings for strategic action and implementation, making some concluding comments on destination development strategy while highlighting areas for further research. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Dwyer, L, Forsyth, P & Spurr, R 2012, 'Wither Australian Tourism? Implications of the Carbon Tax', Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 15-30.
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This paper estimates the potential economic effects on the Australian tourism industry from the introduction of an economy wide carbon tax to be introduced in July 2012. The manner in which the tax is expected to work is examined together with a discussion of some concerns that have been raised by the tourism industry regarding its impacts on Australia's destination competitiveness, industry profitability and employment. Dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling projects that the tax will lead to changes in key macroeconomic variables, reducing growth in real GDP, real consumption and employment. The simulation results also indicate that while some tourism industries in Australia will gain from the tax, most will experience contractions in output relative to baseline values in line with a general shrinkage of the tourism sector as a whole. In the light of the modelling simulations, the paper concludes with an assessment of the validity of the main stakeholder concerns regarding the implications of the tax for the Australian tourism industry. © The Authors 2012.
Eckert, C, Louviere, JJ & Islam, T 2012, 'Seeing the forest despite the trees: Brand effects on choice uncertainty', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 256-264.
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Prior research on brand equity suggests that consumers use brands as signals to reduce uncertainty and perceived risk. Erdem and Swait (1998) developed a conceptual framework based on information economics and signaling theory to explain how equity is created, maintained and transferred over time that involves seven theoretical constructs. This paper reviews the impact of brand-equity-associated brand utility on the scale of the indirect utility function (i.e., the inverse of the error variance); we argue that higher brand-equity-associated brand utility reduces the need for consumers to review previously formed preferences. We combine a brand utility experiment with a brand feature experiment to estimate the effects of brand-equity-associated brand utility scores on choice. We find that higher brand-equity-associated brand utility leads to higher choice consistency, which can drive increases in market share.
Edwards, M, Baker, E & Onyx, J 2012, 'Organizing Dynamics in Grassroots Networks: Social Spaces as Sites of Emergence', Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 12231-12231.
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Edwards, M, Onyx, J, Maxwell, H & Darcy, S 2012, 'Meso level Social Impact: Meaningful Indicators of Community Contribution', Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 18-37.
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Social impact measures are not widely agreed, nor implemented by third sector organisations. Meso level indicators of social impact are underdeveloped. Financialised methods such as Social Return on Investment can only account for direct outcomes of defined programs and activities. The broader societal impacts of any such activities are undervalued. This paper outlines the findings of a grounded theoretical approach to determining measures of social impact within a large Australian iconic third sector organisation. Several key factors revealed in this study are discussed in regards to their potential for attributing social impact to organisational activities outside of a program specific outcome. Based on these findings the paper concludes that the development of a tool to measure meso level organisational social impact of third sector organisations may be attainable.
Erwee, R, Skadiang, B & Roxas, B 2012, 'Knowledge management culture, strategy and process in Malaysian firms', Knowledge Management Research & Practice, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 89-98.
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Farrell, T & Gordon, R 2012, 'Critical social marketing: investigating alcohol marketing in the developing world', Journal of Social Marketing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 138-156.
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PurposeThe World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern regarding alcohol consumption and related harms in developing nations. Concomitantly a growing evidence base suggests that alcohol marketing influences drinking behaviours. The purpose of this paper is to explore how critical social marketing can help assess the nature of alcohol marketing, and the effectiveness of its regulation, in developing countries.Design/methodology/approachA sample of 14 alcohol marketing campaigns from India, Malawi, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand are assessed against the regulatory codes governing alcohol marketing in the UK.FindingsThe study found that alcohol marketing often contravened the UK regulatory codes. Critical social marketing offers a framework for research and analysis to assess the nature and impact of alcohol marketing, and to address alcohol related harms in developing countries.Research limitations/implicationsThis exploratory study is limited to a small convenience sample. Future research to systematically audit alcohol marketing, and consumer studies to assess its impact on drinking behaviours in developing nations would be welcomed.Practical implicationsFindings suggest that initiatives to monitor and effectively regulate alcohol marketing in developing nations should be explored by policymakers. The competitive analysis and insight generated by studies of this nature can aid development agencies in the design and implementation of alcohol social marketing interventions. ...
Fee, A & Gray, SJ 2012, 'The expatriate-creativity hypothesis: A longitudinal field test', Human Relations, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 1515-1538.
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While prior research suggests that the cognitive changes triggered by cross-cultural experiences can enhance an individual’s creative-thinking abilities, this is yet to be verified through empirical field research. We draw on schema theory, and the principle of psychological dissonance experienced during cultural adaptation, to argue that expatriates undergo wholesale cognitive changes that can lead to enhanced creative-thinking abilities. We test this hypothesis by measuring changes in the creative-thinking abilities of a sample of expatriates over the first 12 months of their placement. When compared with a control group of non-expatriates, the expatriates showed significant increases in overall creative-thinking abilities and cognitive flexibility, although not originality, elaboration, or ideational fluency.
Field, J & Chelliah, J 2012, 'Social‐media misuse a ticking time‐bomb for employers', Human Resource Management International Digest, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 36-38.
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PurposeThis article aims to highlight the risks employers face when employees use social media.Design/methodology/approachThe article considers each risk in turn, and suggests how it could be reduced.FindingsThe major challenge for most employers is the development of a co‐ordinated human‐resource strategy that incorporates documented policies and procedures, an internal training program and robust record‐keeping.Practical implicationsThe article guides managers and HR specialists in assessing the exposure of their organizations/clients to the risks identified.Social implicationsAttention is drawn to the growing problem of the misuse of social media across society as a whole.Originality/valueThe article raises the issue of organizational awareness and preparedness to undertake challenges posed by social media.
Fiorini, M 2012, 'FOSTERING EDUCATIONAL ENROLMENT THROUGH SUBSIDIES: THE ISSUE OF TIMING', Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 741-772.
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SUMMARYThe purpose of this paper is to build a dynamic structural model of educational choices in which cognitive skills shape decisions. The model is estimated by maximum likelihood using cohort data where individuals are observed from birth to the middle of their working life. These data are unique in that they include cognitive skills test scores collected as early as age 7. We then investigate how alternative policies foster educational enrolment. In particular, we simulate the effect of two subsidies different in the timing of disbursement. The first consists of grants assigned directly to individuals aged between 16 and 18. The second is assigned to the parents earlier on, when the cohort is still in its childhood. The latter subsidy affects cognitive skills accumulation and in turn educational choices. Our results suggest that a grant fosters enrolment at the lowest cost but the parental income subsidy generates more welfare as measured by a class of social welfare functions. Nevertheless, these differences in costs and welfare are small. Overall, the results reinforce the view that government investments in cognitive skill accumulation during childhood are worthwhile. However, the results also indicate that such investments should be well structured to ensure a high return. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Forsyth, P, Dwyer, L, Seetaram, N & King, B 2012, 'Measuring the Economic Impact of Migration-Induced Tourism', Tourism Analysis, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 559-571.
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Migration induces inbound and outbound tourism flows for a country heavily reliant on migration, such as Australia. Previous research has provided estimates for Australia of the effects of changes in migration on the volume of inbound and outbound tourism. When supplemented with information about tourist spending, estimates can be made of any expenditure changes associated with migration-induced tourism. Such migration-induced tourism expenditures will have economic impacts on the economy. This study estimates the economic impacts of migration-induced inbound and outbound tourism flows using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for Australia projecting the effects on key economic variables such as real GDP, real value added, economic welfare, and employment.
Freeman, L & Spanjaard, D 2012, 'Bridging the Gap', Journal of Marketing Education, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 238-250.
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This article challenges the content of most marketing research courses whereby students are indoctrinated into the qualitative-then-quantitative archetype commonly found in scholarly research, under the assumption that it is both sufficient and appropriate when equipping students with the necessary skills for business. By following this standard format, where discussion of qualitative research methods is usually limited to focus groups and depth interviews, academics are potentially penalizing students and their future employers by providing them with a restricted set of abilities. Are we producing a generation of future marketing managers who rather than embracing the possibilities for deep understanding will instead limit themselves to the mainstream? In the article the authors consider the value and viability of introducing ethnographic techniques into the marketing research curriculum to complement existing qualitative methods and provide four examples to demonstrate this. The authors do not negate the need for marketing courses to continue to teach students the “basics” of marketing research but rather challenge the idea that this archetype provides all the necessary skills. If marketing educators are to truly equip students for future roles as decision makers in business, the authors recommend that ethnography must be considered a viable alternative method of marketing research.
Fu, R, Navone, M, Pagani, M & Pantos, TD 2012, 'The Determinants of the Convexity in the Flow-Performance Relationship', The Journal of Index Investing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 81-95.
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There is substantial evidence that the flow-performance relationship of mutual funds is convex. The authors empirically investigate the determinants of such convexity. In particular, they study how fund fees (for example, marketing and nonmarketing fees) and the uncertainty related to the replacement option of fund production factors (investment strategies and managerial ability) impact the convexity of the flow-performance relationship. The evidence suggests that marketing fees are positively related to the convexity of the flow-performance relationship. Nonmarketing fees appear to have a negative impact on this convexity. Consistent with investment restrictions being relevant in explaining investors allocation decisions, sector and index funds exhibit lower convexity in their flow-performance relationship than respectively diversified and non-index funds. Finally, the dispersion of managerial abilities within a mutual fund segment is associated with higher convexity in the flow-performance relationship
Gaffeo, E, Di Guilmi, C, Gallegati, M & Russo, A 2012, 'On the mean/variance relationship of the firm size distribution: Evidence and some theory', Ecological Complexity, vol. 11, pp. 109-117.
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Firm-level data for a small sample of European countries are used to provide evidence of a positive linear relationship between the mean and the variance of firms' size at a sectoral level, an empirical regularity known in mathematical biology and ecology as Taylor power law. We recur to computational experiments to show how this empirical fact can be fruitfully employed to discriminate amongst alternative theoretical explanations of firms' growth
Gagne, J-F & Josserand, E 2012, 'De l’identification du salarié au discours officiel à l’intention d’action : la mise en évidence de profils ambivalents combinant engagement et résistance', Management international, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 129-146.
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Nous construisons sur le concept de fragmentation d’identification du salarié pour en explorer les conséquences en termes d’intention d’action à l’occasion de la diffusion par le management d’un nouveau discours officiel. Nous mettons l’accent sur des salariés ayant un rapport ambivalent ou neutre à l’engagement organisationnel, en développant trois idéaux-types reposant sur l’opposition des émotions du salarié, la fragmentation d’identification entre les trois niveaux d’identification ou encore l’opposition entre les dimensions cognitive et émotionnelle dans l’identification. Nous proposons ainsi une analyse qui dépasse les profils plus simples – i.e. sans ambivalence – proposés par la littérature actuelle. Il s’agit d’un apport important pour la compréhension de la liaison entre identification et intention action.
Garratt, RJ, Walker, M & Wooders, J 2012, 'Behavior in second-price auctions by highly experienced eBay buyers and sellers', EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 44-57.
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We report on sealed-bid second-price auctions that we conducted on the Internet using subjects with substantial prior experience: they were highly experienced participants in eBay auctions. Unlike the novice bidders in previous (laboratory) experiments, the experienced bidders exhibited no greater tendency to overbid than to underbid. However, even subjects with substantial prior experience tended not to bid their values, suggesting that the non-optimal bidding of novice subjects is robust to substantial experience in non-experimental auctions. We found that auction revenue was not significantly different from the expected revenue the auction would generate if bidders bid their values. Auction efficiency, as measured by the percentage of surplus captured, was substantially lower in our SPAs than in previous laboratory experiments.
Gatti, DD, Di Guilmi, C, Gallegati, M & Landini, S 2012, 'Reconstructing Aggregate Dynamics in Heterogeneous Agents Models', Revue de l'OFCE, vol. N° 124, no. 5, pp. 117-146.
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The Representative Agent (RA) assumption is a methodological shortcut to bypass the problem of dimensionality which arises in heterogeneous agents model. The reasons for dissatisfaction with the RA assumption are well known and have been forcefully discussed in Kirman (1992) and Keen (2011). The efforts to overcome the limits of the exact aggregation (Gorman, 1953) led to methods, such as Lewbel (1992), that are still too restrictive in their basic assumptions to realistically depict an economic system. [2][2] For a review on aggregation methods see Gallegati et...
As a consequence of the dissatisfaction with the RA approach, a few analytical frameworks have been developed to cope with the dimensionality problem mentioned above. One of the most promising methods has been introduced by Duncan Foley and Masanao Aoki who borrowed from statistical mechanics the concept of mean-field interaction and imported it into economics. [3][3] See Foley (1994); Aoki (1996, 2002); Aoki and Yoshikawa...
In the mean-field interaction approach, agents are classified into clusters or sub-systems according to their state with respect to one particular feature (the so-called micro-state, e.g. the level of production for a firm on a scale of production levels). This clustering determines the characteristics and the evolution of the aggregate (the macro-state, e.g. the total level of output). [4][4] An early economic application of mean-field theory... The focus is not on the single agent, but on the number or fraction of agents occupying a certain state of a state-space at a certain time. These numbers or fractions are governed by a stochastic law, that also defines the functional of the probability distributions of aggregate variables and, if they exist, their equilibrium distributions. The stochastic aggregation is then implemented through master equation techniques, that allow for a description of the dynamics of probability flows among states on a space. These probability flows...
Gatti, DD, Di Guilmi, C, Gallegati, M & Landini, S 2012, 'Reply to Comments', Revue de l'OFCE, vol. N° 124, no. 5, pp. 25a-31a.
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Gholam 2012, 'Approaches to Learning in First Year University Physics', Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 216-222.
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Gordon, R 2012, 'Re-Thinking and Re-Tooling the Social Marketing Mix', Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 122-126.
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This article considers the role of the four Ps marketing mix model in social marketing, arguing that given reconfiguration of the marketing mix in the mainstream marketing discipline, and the characteristics of social marketing, a re-thought and re-tooled social marketing mix is required. A brief review of the four Ps marketing mix model in the mainstream marketing and social marketing fields is presented. Criticisms of the four Ps model are then examined. It is argued that the four Ps marketing mix model is outdated for application to social marketing, and an alternative approach to the social marketing mix is proposed. It is posited that an expanded approach recognizing strategies such as relational thinking, and upstream social marketing activities would offer a more suitable approach. Using a more open minded social marketing mix less reliant on the four Ps model can help guide social marketing research and practice.
Gordon, R, Heim, D & MacAskill, S 2012, 'Rethinking drinking cultures: A review of drinking cultures and a reconstructed dimensional approach', Public Health, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 3-11.
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Grant, S 2012, 'Preface.', Adv Cancer Res, vol. 116, no. 22, pp. xi-xii.
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Greenacre, LM, Burke, PF, Denize, SM & Pearce, R 2012, 'The choice of content by information providers in word of mouth communications', Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, vol. 16, no. Special issue, pp. 19-34.
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Word-of-Mouth communication is an invaluable source of information for consumers. A comprehensive understanding of the flow of market information through interpersonal networks is therefore of unique theoretical and practical importance. Present Word-of-Mouth research is receiver centric, largely ignoring the role of the information provider as a gatekeeper to information dissemination. The objective of this research is to develop a more comprehensive understanding of Word-of-Mouth by modelling the decision making behaviour of information providers. Adopting the network theory general assumption of altruistic exchange motivation, this research uses a choice modelling
Gretzel, U, Prebežac, D, Joppe, M & Edwards, D 2012, 'TEFI 2011 World Congress “Activating Change in Tourism Education” May 18–21, 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States', Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 118-122.
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Founded in 2007, the Tourism Education Futures Initiative (TEFI) has organized several meetings to discuss critical issues that need to be addressed in creating desirable and sustainable tourism education futures. In the past, these meetings took on the form of small think tanks with invited participants. In 2011, TEFI decided to open up to the public to share the findings of these previous years in the form of a World Congress that took place May 1821, 2011, in Philadelphia, PA.
Griffin, T & Edwards, D 2012, 'Importance–performance analysis as a diagnostic tool for urban destination managers', Anatolia, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 32-48.
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This paper reports on the application of importanceperformance analysis to two Australian urban tourism destinations, Sydney and Canberra. The study involved asking tourists to rate the importance of 39 destination attributes and how well each destination had performed in relation to these. These importance and performance scores were then combined. From a management perspective, the most significant combination is where the destination is performing poorly in relation to attributes that tourists regard as most important. The technique represents a very useful diagnostic tool for destination managers, who can use it to identify current problems with tourist experiences and then to assign priorities to measures that are designed to improve those experiences.
Hafalir, IE, Ravi, R & Sayedi, A 2012, 'A near Pareto optimal auction with budget constraints', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 699-708.
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In a setup where a divisible good is to be allocated to a set of bidders with budget constraints, we introduce a mechanism in the spirit of the Vickrey auction. In the mechanism we propose, understating budgets or values is weakly dominated. Since the revenue is increasing in budgets and values, all kinds of equilibrium deviations from true valuations turn out to be beneficial to the auctioneer. We also show that ex-post Nash equilibrium of our mechanism is near Pareto optimal in the sense that all full winnersʼ values are above all full losersʼ values
Hanyane, C 2012, 'Experiences in Creating Inclusive Information and Communications Technologies (IICT): Democratizing Software Development in Social Development', 2012 African Conference for Sofware Engineering and Applied Computing, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 40-46.
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this paper challenges the limitations of extant knowledge of social formation by its focus on the ordinary, everyday lived reality of maintaining community and on identifying its operations from the internal perspective of civil society. We aim to explore the actual mobilising processes and structures that underpin the formation of social capital in the community. We examine how networks emerge and operate.
Ho, HD 2012, 'Does Friendship Help in Personal Selling? The Contingent Effect of Outcome Favorability', Psychology & Marketing, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 87-97.
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ABSTRACTAlthough widespread belief holds that salespeople can leverage their personal relationships with prospective customers to gain business, previous research has not investigated the implications of friendships between salespeople and customers for customers’ postpurchase satisfaction and fairness judgment. Findings from two experiments show that friendships benefit salespeople only when the outcome of the transaction is unfavorable. Specifically, when salespeople and customers are close friends rather than acquaintances, the customers perceive an unfavorable outcome as relatively more fair and satisfactory, but such an effect does not occur when the outcome of the transaction is favorable. This paper also shows that customers’ perceived fairness mediates the interaction effect between friendship and the favorability of transaction outcome on customer satisfaction. In summary, this paper advances the understanding of the implications of salesperson–customer friendships for customers’ postpurchase evaluations.
Iannotta, G & Navone, M 2012, 'The cross-section of mutual fund fee dispersion', JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 846-856.
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In this paper, we empirically analyze the factors affecting the cross section of mutual fund fee dispersion. In the context of equity mutual funds, fee dispersion stems primarily from the heterogeneity of products, clienteles and production functions. However, the relevant theory predicts that search costs can also generate fee dispersion. By controlling for observable sources of heterogeneity, we find that fee dispersion decreases with fund size and age, as well as with the amount of assets under management of the investment company. In addition, we find lower levels of fee dispersion for funds that charge marketing and distribution fees. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that these factors are a proxy for some unobserved source of heterogeneity, our results are also consistent with the theoretical prediction that search costs positively affect fee dispersion. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Johar, M & Savage, E 2012, 'Sources of advantageous selection: Evidence using actual health expenditure risk', ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 579-582.
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In a market where insurers are not allowed to risk rate, we find evidence of advantageous selection using observed health expenditure risk. Selection is driven by income and optimism about the future. This may explain insurers' profitability, despite community rating. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Johar, M, Jones, G & Savage, E 2012, 'Healthcare Expenditure Profile of Older Australians: Evidence from Linked Survey and Health Administrative Data', Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 451-463.
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This article provides a comprehensive profile of individual healthcare expenditure using the 45 and Up Study of over 267,000 NSW residents linked to administrative medical service records. Individuals aged 45 and over consume two‐thirds of healthcare expenditure in Australia. We compute annual total healthcare expenditure comprising hospital admissions, emergency presentations, out‐of‐hospital medical consultations and diagnostic tests and subsidised drugs. The average annual expenditure in the sample is $4334 in 2009 dollars. Less than 3 per cent have zero expenditure. Health service mix varies with age, with the share of hospital expenditure increasing with age. The age trends of total expenditure and its components are then examined by key demographic, socioeconomic and health characteristics, providing important insights into future healthcare demand and a foundation for future research into the drivers of healthcare expenditures and the distribution of health subsidies.
Johar, M, Savage, E, Stavrunova, O, Jones, G & Keane, M 2012, 'Geographic Differences in Hospital Waiting Times', ECONOMIC RECORD, vol. 88, no. 281, pp. 165-181.
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Access to elective surgery in Australian public hospitals is rationed using waiting lists. In this article, we undertake a DiNardo-Fortin-Lemieux reweighting approach to attribute variation in waiting time to clinical need or to discrimination. Using data from NSW public patients in 2004-2005, we find the discrimination effect dominates clinical need especially in the upper tail of the waiting time distribution. We find evidence of favourable treatment of patients who reside in remote areas and discrimination in favour of patients residing in particular Area Health Services. These findings have policy implications for the design of equitable quality targets for public hospitals.
Johnston, J & Clegg, S 2012, 'Legitimate Sovereignty and Contested Authority in Public Management Organization and Disorganization: Barangaroo and the Grand Strategic Vision for Sydney as a Globalizing City', Journal of Change Management, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 279-299.
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This article takes an interpretive view of what `public management implies in the context of the strategies and processes involved in major infrastructure development, in this case, of prime harbourside public land, now known as Barangaroo, in the centre of the city of Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. This development, in part, is meant to position Sydney as a globalizing city, at the centre of financial services in the Asia Pacific region. The article uses Clegg's ideas of `circuits of power to develop an analytical framework and employs a qualitative, case study approach based on a wide range of documents and media reports in the public domain. It addresses the processes of public management in the Barangaroo development, focusing on strategic agenda setting and leadership; organizing by rules; contract relations; no-cost-to government policy; organizing by precedent, especially those embedded in institutional responsibilities and responses; and stakeholder management. It demonstrates that at each stage in the process these have been characterized less by the rhetoric of public management and more by a disorganization of this rhetoric by a complex politics flowing through distinct circuits of power. The critical finding is that public management in the context of a large economic infrastructure development, especially when government is attempting to position a city globally, is far more complex and political than the prevailing rhetoric of the New Public Management, of considered rationality, would suggest
Kattiyapornpong, U & Miller, KE 2012, 'PROPENSITY TO SHOP: IDENTIFYING WHO SHOPS TIL THEY DROP', JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 552-565.
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Tourist shopping expenditure is a vital ingredient which contributes significantly to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the nation. Past research has stressed the importance of specific demographic variables related to shopping behavior; however, it has not included interactions between or configurations among demographic variables, shopping related psychographics, and shopping destinations. This study seeks to address that gap. The data was collected from a large representative sample of 26,686 Australian domestic short-stay visitors. Binary logistic regression found that demographic variables and their specific interactions were significantly related to tourist shopping behaviors as well as psychographics, trip motivation, and their shopping destination propensity, when tested simultaneously. The findings assist destination marketing managers to identify and target specific domestic short-stay tourist shoppers.
Kerr, G, Mortimera, K, Dickinson, S & Waller, DS 2012, 'Buy, boycott or blog Exploring online consumer power to share, discuss and distribute controversial advertising messages', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, vol. 46, no. 3-4, pp. 387-405.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of consumer power, in particular the power or bloggers in the online environment and how this might be applied to the regulation of advertising. Design/methodology/approach: Utilising Denegri-Knott's (2006) four on-line power strategies, a content analysis of weblogs of Tourism Australia's 'Where the bloody hell are you?' advertising campaign is undertaken. Blogger behaviour towards this controversial campaign is documented and consumer power strategies are examined. Findings: This study reveals that bloggers are circumventing the traditional self regulatory process by distributing information, opinion, and even banned advertising material, thereby forming power hubs of like-minded people, with the potential to become online pressure groups, augmenting the traditional powers of consumers in the self regulatory process. Research limitations/implications: Limitations include a single case context and its exploration of a single media tool (weblogs). Also, bloggers are not representative of the general public, but do provide an alternative to the general category of complainants. Practical implications: The paper provides evidence that bloggers are defacto regulators in the online environment providing judgements on advertising campaigns, supporting those with like-minded views and disciplining others, and even making banned advertisements publicly available. Advertisers should be mindful of this activity in developing campaigns, especially in formulating controversial campaigns aimed to be disseminated online. Originality/value: The paper is the first to relate consumer power in the online environment to self-regulation. It is also first to study a new group of advertising complainants - the bloggers. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
King, MT, Viney, R, Smith, DP, Hossain, I, Street, D, Savage, E, Fowler, S, Berry, MP, Stockler, M, Cozzi, P, Stricker, P, Ward, J & Armstrong, BK 2012, 'Survival gains needed to offset persistent adverse treatment effects in localised prostate cancer', BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, vol. 106, no. 4, pp. 638-645.
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BACKGROUND: Men diagnosed with localised prostate cancer (LPC) face difficult choices between treatment options that can cause persistent problems with sexual, urinary and bowel function. Controlled trial evidence about the survival benefits of the full range of treatment alternatives is limited, and patients' views on the survival gains that might justify these problems have not been quantified. METHODS: A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was administered in a random subsample (n=357, stratified by treatment) of a population-based sample (n=1381) of men, recurrence-free 3 years after diagnosis of LPC, and 65 age-matched controls (without prostate cancer). Survival gains needed to justify persistent problems were estimated by substituting side effect and survival parameters from the DCE into an equation for compensating variation (adapted from welfare economics). RESULTS: Median (2.5, 97.5 centiles) survival benefits needed to justify severe erectile dysfunction and severe loss of libido were 4.0 (3.4, 4.6) and 5.0 (4.9, 5.2) months. These problems were common, particularly after androgen deprivation therapy (ADT): 40 and 41% overall (n=1381) and 88 and 78% in the ADT group (n=33). Urinary leakage (most prevalent after radical prostatectomy (n=839, mild 41%, severe 18%)) needed 4.2 (4.1, 4.3) and 27.7 (26.9, 28.5) months survival benefit, respectively. Mild bowel problems (most prevalent (30%) after external beam radiotherapy (n=106)) needed 6.2 (6.1, 6.4) months survival benefit. CONCLUSION: Emerging evidence about survival benefits can be assessed against these patient-based benchmarks. Considerable variation in trade-offs among individuals underlines the need to inform patients of long-term consequences and incorporate patient preferences into treatment decisions. © 2012 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved.
Kirsch, C, Chelliah, J & Parry, W 2012, 'The impact of cross-cultural dynamics on change management', CROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 166-195.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce a proprietary survey instrument ChangeTracking Survey® which measures employees' perceptions of organizational change and captures their experiences during the course of change management in their organizations. Design/methodology/approach The authors present an empirical study of employees involved in change management projects in 146 organizations situated in 27 countries across a variety of industries, nationalities and languages, using robust statistical analysis. Hofstede's work is used as a foundation for understanding cross-cultural differences in organizations from across the world. Findings The paper finds significant differences in certain characteristics of change projects between different nationalities.
Klimova, A 2012, 'Gender differences in determinants of occupational choice in Russia', International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 648-670.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse determinants of occupational allocation by gender, in Russia, between 1994 and 2001, using the only available nationally representative longitudinal survey (RLMS).Design/methodology/approachMultinomial logit was chosen as the estimation technique for this analysis.FindingsIt was found that gender significantly affects occupational distribution after controlling for human capital and other characteristics during all years. Educational attainment was significant for professionals and technicians/associate professionals, while work experience was significant for craft and plant workers. Marital status did not affect females' occupational allocation while married males were less likely to be unskilled and craft workers. It appears that women performed primarily non‐geographically dependent jobs and the significance of regional variation for females' employment diminished over time. A comparison of the actual and predicted females' occupation distribution revealed a large over‐representation of females in unskilled occupations.Originality/valueThe paper makes an original contribution to our understanding of occupational distribution by demonstrating that occupational segregation by gender is a large and economically significant factor in the Russian labour market, even after controlling for individuals' human capital and personal characteristics and for regional variations. The paper illustrates the extent of this segregation by comparing the actual occupational distribution of females to that which would occur if they faced the same structure of occupational...
Klimova, A & Ross, R 2012, 'Gender‐based occupational segregation in Russia: an empirical study', International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 474-489.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine trends in gender inequalities in the Russian labour market between 1994 and 2001, the early period of the transition to the market economy from the old Soviet Union.Design/methodology/approachThe paper examines gender occupational segregation using the dataset from a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Russian households, the Russian Labour Market Survey. The occupational segregation index measure developed by Karmel and Maclachlan, known as the KM Index, is applied and extended by decomposing the index into several components.FindingsThe KM Index declined over this period, indicating a reduction in the extent of gender inequality, However, the decomposing of the KM index shows that, in contrast to previous research, the decrease in segregation within individual occupations contributed most of the overall fall in gender segregation. Changes in the overall occupational structure and an increase in female employment contributed, albeit marginally, to an increase in segregation.Research limitations/implicationsBecause of the changes which have continued in Russia since 2001, these research results may lack applicability to current emerging economic circumstances in Russia. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to test the proposed propositions further using data for the period 2005 to 2015 once the data become available.Practical implicationsThe paper provides rigorous estimates of the trends in gender inequalities at an imp...
Koh, B, Freeman, L & Zaslawski, C 2012, 'Alternative medicine and doping in sports.', Australas Med J, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 18-25.
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Athletes are high achievers who may seek creative or unconventional methods to improve performance. The literature indicates that athletes are among the heaviest users of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and thus may pioneer population trends in CAM use. Unlike non-athletes, athletes may use CAM not just for prevention, treatment or rehabilitation from illness or injuries, but also for performance enhancement. Assuming that athletes' creative use of anything unconventional is aimed at 'legally' improving performance, CAM may be used because it is perceived as more 'natural' and erroneously assumed as not potentially doping. This failure to recognise CAMs as pharmacological agents puts athletes at risk of inadvertent doping.The general position of the World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) is one of strict liability, an application of the legal proposition that ignorance is no excuse and the ultimate responsibility is on the athlete to ensure at all times whatever is swallowed, injected or applied to the athlete is both safe and legal for use. This means that a violation occurs whether or not the athlete intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly, used a prohibited substance/method or was negligent or otherwise at fault. Athletes are therefore expected to understand not only what is prohibited, but also what might potentially cause an inadvertent doping violation. Yet, as will be discussed, athlete knowledge on doping is deficient and WADA itself sometimes changes its position on prohibited methods or substances. The situation is further confounded by the conflicting stance of anti-doping experts in the media. These highly publicised disagreements may further portray inconsistencies in anti-doping guidelines and suggest to athletes that what is considered doping is dependent on the dominant political zeitgeist. Taken together, athletes may believe that unless a specific and explicit ruling is made, guidelines are open to interpret...
Koo, TTR, Wu, C-L & Dwyer, L 2012, 'Dispersal of visitors within destinations: Descriptive measures and underlying drivers', TOURISM MANAGEMENT, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1209-1219.
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Promoting greater dispersal of tourists and their spending is important to the regional economic development goals of both developed and developing economies. However, while the concept of dispersal is not complex, in practise existing approaches towards dispersal measurement are largely confined to dispersal description (such as dispersal ratios) without the consideration of causal structure. Using Australia as a context, the goal of this paper is to bridge the gap between descriptive and causal approaches to dispersal, using a publicly available, secondary source of data – the International Visitor Survey (IVS). In so doing, the paper empirically validates factors associated with tourist dispersal, and constructs individual dispersal propensities which are structurally linked with, and provide supplementary information to, dispersal ratios. This research shows that, suitably manipulated, existing surveys of international visitors can be a rich source of information about dispersal.
Kulendran, N & Dwyer, L 2012, 'Modeling Seasonal Variation in Tourism Flows with Climate Variables', Tourism Analysis, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 121-137.
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The purpose of this article is to model and forecast the seasonal variation, the fluctuations in tourist numbers from season to season in Australian inbound holiday tourism, using climate variables such as maximum temperature, humidity, and hours of sunshine. For estimation purposes this study uses quarterly data on arrivals from the US, UK, Japan, and New Zealand to Australia from September 1975 to September 2009. Seasonal variation, which is the respective and predictable movement of visitation around the trend line, was first extracted from the quarterly holiday tourist arrivals time-series using the Basic Structural Model (BSM) approach. Subsequently, the influence of climate variables on seasonal variation in different seasons was identified using the average euclidean minimum distance (AD) statistics. The AD statistics show that climate variables shape the characteristic of seasonal variation of tourism flows but the effect tends to vary between seasons and countries. A time-series model was estimated with climate variables to forecast seasonal variation. The forecasting comparison result shows that climate variables improve the forecasting performance. The approach can be replicated to help destination managers and forecasters determine if climate variables influence tourism flows between other origins and destinations globally.
Lacetera, N, Macis, M & Slonim, R 2012, 'Will There Be Blood? Incentives and Displacement Effects in Pro-Social Behavior', American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 186-223.
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We present evidence from nearly 14,000 American Red Cross blood drives and from a natural field experiment showing that economic incentives have a positive effect on blood donations without increasing the fraction of donors who are ineligible to donate. The effect increases with the incentive's economic value. However, a substantial proportion of the increase in donations is explained by donors leaving neighboring drives without incentives to attend drives with incentives; this displacement also increases with the economic value of the incentive. We conclude that extrinsic incentives stimulate pro-social behavior, but unless displacement effects are considered, the effect may be overestimated. (JEL D64, H41, I12)
Lanis, R & Richardson, G 2012, 'Corporate social responsibility and tax aggressiveness: An empirical analysis', JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 86-108.
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This study examines the association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate tax aggressiveness. Based on a sample of 408 publicly listed Australian corporations for the 2008/2009 financial year, our regression results show that the higher the level of CSR disclosure of a corporation, the lower is the level of corporate tax aggressiveness. We find a negative and statistically significant association between CSR disclosure and tax aggressiveness which holds across a number of different regression model specifications, thus more socially responsible corporations are likely to be less tax aggressive in nature. Finally, the regression results from our additional analysis indicate that the social investment commitment and corporate and CSR strategy (including the ethics and business conduct) of a corporation are important elements of CSR activities that have a negative impact on tax aggressiveness.
Linnenluecke, MK & Griffiths, A 2012, 'Assessing organizational resilience to climate and weather extremes: complexities and methodological pathways', Climatic Change, vol. 113, no. 3-4, pp. 933-947.
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Linnenluecke, MK, Griffiths, A & Winn, M 2012, 'Extreme Weather Events and the Critical Importance of Anticipatory Adaptation and Organizational Resilience in Responding to Impacts', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 17-32.
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ABSTRACTGrowing scientific evidence suggests that more frequent and severe weather extremes such as heat waves, hurricanes, flooding and droughts will have an increasing impact on organizations, industries and entire economies. These findings call for the development of theoretical and practical frameworks to strengthen the capacity of organizations to respond to such impacts. Yet despite the need to understand what is required to build anticipatory adaptation and organizational resilience to expected impacts, the organizational theory literature offers only limited insights. This paper proposes a comprehensive conceptual framework of organizational adaptation and resilience to extreme weather events for addressing the effects of ecological discontinuities in organizational research and strategic decision‐making. Implications and suggestions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
Lu, F, Balatbat, M & Czernkowski, R 2012, 'Does consideration matter to China's split share structure reform?', ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 439-466.
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We investigate the share market response to China's split share structure reform and find average negative daily return around the government announcement on 29 April 2005. However, there is a turnaround at individual companies' decision to implement the reform where we find positive and significant average daily return, contingent on the type of consideration. We attribute this change in market sentiment to the company's announcement that the reform will involve the payment of consideration to holders of tradable A-shares. Our results also show that holders of tradable A-shares earn significant abnormal daily returns when companies propose to pay in cash or warrants or combine any of these payment methods with bonus shares. © 2011 The Authors. Accounting and Finance © 2011 AFAANZ.
Lützenkirchen, K, Rösch, D & Scheule, H 2012, 'Angemessenheit von regulatorischen Kapitalanforderungen für Verbriefungstransaktionen', Frankfurter Institut für Risikomanagement und Regulierung, pp. 93-94.
Lyons, B, Menzies, GD & Zizzo, DJ 2012, 'Conflicting evidence and decisions by agency professionals: an experimental test in the context of merger regulation', Theory and Decision, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 465-499.
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Many important regulatory decisions are taken by professionals employing limited and conflicting evidence.We conduct an experiment in amerger regulation setting, identifying the role of different standards of proof, volumes of evidence, cost of error and professional or lay decision making. The experiment was conducted on current practitioners from 11 different jurisdictions, in addition to student subjects. Legal standards of proof significantly affect decisions. There are specific differences because of professional judgment, including in how error costs and volume of evidence are taken into account.We narrowthe range of explanations forwhy professional decision making matters. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2011.
Lyons, K, Hanley, J, Wearing, S & Neil, J 2012, 'GAP YEAR VOLUNTEER TOURISM Myths of Global Citizenship?', ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 361-378.
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The valorisation of cross-cultural understanding and promotion of an ethic of global citizenship are at the forefront of the recent development and proliferation of international `gap year travel programs and policies. Governments and industry alike promote gap year travel uncritically as a guaranteed pathway to the development of inclusive ideologies associated with global citizenship. In this paper we examine how the neoliberalist context in which gap year travel programs have proliferated does little to promote tolerance. We then consider the recent growth of `volunteer tourism as an alternative gap year youth travel experience and explore how the implied resistance to self-serving neoliberalist values that it engenders can become coopted by neoliberalism.
Lyons, KD & Wearing, S 2012, 'Reflections on the Ambiguous Intersections between Volunteering and Tourism', LEISURE SCIENCES, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 88-93.
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In this paper we critique the intersections between volunteering and tourism and consider how these have been treated in scholarly research. We highlight how current narrow definitions of volunteer tourism may be obscuring activities which could further
Maruyama, S 2012, 'Estimation of Finite Sequential Games', UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper, vol. 178, no. 2010, pp. 716-726.
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Maruyama, S & Yin, Q 2012, 'The opportunity cost of exercise: Do higher-earning Australians exercise longer, harder, or both?', Health Policy, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 187-194.
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Despite the widely documented benefits of exercise, very little is known about how individuals make the decision on exercise. In particular, the decision on the intensity of exercise has attracted only one US study to date, which tests the hypothesis that individuals shift toward less time-intensive but more physically intensive forms of exercise as their wages increase. In this article, we revisit this hypothesis by employing a more credible empirical framework. Studying Australian data we confirm that higher-income Australians tend to exercise more frequently with a longer duration and a higher intensity of exercise. Exercise regimens individualised based on the behavioural patterns of exercise across socio-economic groups will contribute to the efficiency and efficacy of the exercise promotion. © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Massey, GR 2012, 'All Quiet on the Western Front? Empirical Evidence on the “War” between Marketing Managers and Sales Managers', Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 268-274.
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A common assumption in the literature is that ineffective relationships and conflict between Marketing Managers and Sales Managers and their respective departments is endemic. This article challenges that assumption via an exhaustive review of the large sample quantitative studies of this important working relationship. The analysis reveals that the assumption is unsustainable in the light of the evidence, and that Marketing Manager/Sales Manager relationships are generally effective. This is encouraging news for these managers and their firms, as recent work has established that effective Marketing/Sales relationships are positively associated with superior value creation and market performance.
Matolcsy, Z, Shan, Y & Seethamraju, V 2012, 'The timing of changes in CEO compensation from cash bonus to equity-based compensation: Determinants and performance consequences', Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 78-91.
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This study examines the determinants and performance consequences of changes in CEO compensation structure. The study uses the unique setting when Australian companies have changed from cash bonus to equity-based compensation. While most US CEOs receive some form of equity-based compensation, Australian CEOs have not always been paid equity-based compensation. According to efficient contracting theories, we argue that the change to equity-based compensation is driven by changes in firm characteristics and by the occurrence of CEO turnover, the latter of which provides a less costly opportunity for such change. Our results are consistent with the above arguments. We also document a significant negative association between changes in compensation structure and subsequent firm performance in the following year, even after controlling for CEO turnover and poor governance environments. Overall, our results suggest that the initial change to equity-based compensation is part of an error learning process made by firms that leads them towards efficient CEO compensation contracts.
MCEWEN, C 2012, 'Critical Alliance between Researcher & Practitioner: A Model of Reciprocal Professional Development', 10th, pp. 278-278.
Menictas, C, Wang, PZ & Louviere, JJ 2012, 'Assessing the Validity of Brand Equity Constructs', Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 3-8.
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This paper tests both the internal and external validity of the Erdem and Swait (1998) brand equity framework using two measurement modelling approaches, namely the relatively new Best-Worst scaling (BWS) method ( Finn and Louviere, 1992 ; Marley and Louviere, 2005 ) and the more traditional confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method. Data were collected from the Australian banking and mobile services sectors. We find the measurement models derived from BWS outperformed the models based on CFA of the rating data in predicting both stated and real brand choices. The findings have implications for both academics and practitioners in brand equity measurement and management.
Menzies, GD & Hay, D 2012, 'Self and Neighbours', Economic Record, vol. 88, no. SUPPL.1, pp. 137-148.
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The paper notes the findings of a panel survey in the USA to motivate a framework to model altruistic behaviour by members of faith communities. We posit an internal tension within agents to be oriented to self or to neighbours. We model this by a mixed motive valuation function which values both classic utility (based on own consumption), and generosity to neighbours. In the short run, the value assigned to generosity by an agent is fixed; in the long run, it is determined by the agent's understanding and practice of 'love for neighbour' (as discussed in McCloskey, 2006), which, according to the Christian world view, is influenced by the agent's spiritual state. © 2012 The Economic Society of Australia.
Menzies, GD & Zizzo, DJ 2012, 'Monetary policy and inferential expectations of exchange rates', Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 359-380.
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We present a macroeconomic market experiment to isolate the impact of monetary shocks on the exchange rate, as an alternative to SVAR identification. In a non-stochastic treatment, covered interest rate parity holds and predicted exchange rates are tracked well. In a stochastic treatment, we model expectations using a Neyman-Pearson hypothesis test (inferential expectations) and find evidence of belief conservatism and uncovered interest rate parity failure. The market environment magnifies belief conservatism, which is opposite to the standard claim that markets tend to eliminate individual choice anomalies. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Mukherjee, A & Vasconcelos, L 2012, 'Star Wars: Exclusive Talent and Collusive Outcomes in Labor Markets', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 754-782.
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Navone, M 2012, 'Investors' distraction and strategic repricing decisions', JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 1291-1303.
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In this paper I analyze investors reactions to changes in the expense ratios of equity mutual funds. I show that investment ?ows response to fees cannot be fully explained by looking at investors performance sensitivity. While performance sensitivity monotonically increases with past performance, price sensitivity does not: investors who buy top past performers seem to be ``distracted by the funds previous return and pay relatively little attention to the expense ratios. Moreover price sensitivity increases with fund visibility while performance sensitivity decreases, and while looking at data from 1986 to 2006 no discernible trend can be observed in the average performance sensitivity, price sensitivity strongly increases due to the dramatic increase in the availability of mutual funds information for retail investors. Finally I show that investment companies strategically time their repricing decisions in order to exploit time variations in price and performance sensitivities, and that fund governance quality affects the degree to which investment companies engage in this opportunistic behavior
Navone, M 2012, 'Reprint of Investors' distraction and strategic repricing decisions', JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 2729-2741.
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Onyx, J & Dalton, B 2012, 'Academic Programmes for Managers and Leaders of NGOs: Australia', JOURNAL OF NONPROFIT EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 106-109.
Putniņš, TJ 2012, 'Market Manipulation: A Survey', Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 952-967.
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Despite the significant attention that market manipulation has received in recent years many aspects of it are poorly understood. This article identifies from the theoretical and empirical literature what we do and do not know about market manipulation, and suggests directions for future research. We know that manipulation is possible and that it occurs in a wide variety of markets and circumstances. In contrast, we know little about how often manipulation occurs, its effects and how it responds to regulation. Suggested approaches for future research on these issues include: (i) collecting more comprehensive datasets of manipulation cases; (ii) using detection controlled estimation methods to overcome sample selection and partial observability problems; and (iii) conducting controlled experiments. This article also constructs a novel and broad taxonomy of the different types of market manipulation and discusses approaches to defining manipulation.
Rhodes, C 2012, 'Ethics, alterity and the rationality of leadership justice', HUMAN RELATIONS, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 1311-1331.
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This article provides a critical review and re-evaluation of dominant approaches to leadership justice, arguing that they appropriate justice as a rational means to achieve organizational effectiveness. It is shown that in contemporary management thinking justice is a formal rationality rather than a substantive one. This rationalization of justice belies its masculinization and as a result human values such as love and care are sidelined. The ethical theories of Emmanuel Levinas are drawn on to consider how pre-rational affective relations between people form the basis of ethically informed justice. It is proposed that justice is not a particular variety of leadership behaviour but rather that leadership is the practice of justice. Justice is not here regarded as something to be achieved through particular leadership practices, but is an ongoing condition - an unanswerable question whose response defines the ethical quality of leadership. © The Author(s) 2012.
Rhodes, C & Bloom, P 2012, 'The Cultural Fantasy of Hierarchy: Sovereignty and the Desire for Spiritual Purity', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 35, pp. 141-169.
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Bureaucratic hierarchy, as the hallmark of the modern organization, has been remarkably resilient in the face of increasingly pervasive attacks on its fundamental value and usefulness. We investigate the reasons for this from a cultural, particularly psychoanalytic, perspective – one that sees hierarchy's perpetuation not in terms of the efficacy of its instrumental potential, but rather in the values that are culturally sedimented within it. We argue that hierarchy reflects longings for a pure heavenly order that can never be attained yet remains appealing as a cultural fantasy psychologically gripping individuals in its beatific vision. To tease out this cultural logic we examine two representations of it in popular culture – the U.S. television comedy The Office (2005–) and comedian Will Farrell's impersonation of George W. Bush (2009). These examples illustrate the strength of bureaucratic hierarchy as an affective cultural ideal that retains its appeal even whilst being continually the subject of derision. We suggest that this cultural ideal is structured through a ‘fantasmatic narrative’ revolving around the desire for a spiritualized sense of sovereignty; a desire that is always undermined yet reinforced by its failures to manifest itself concretely in practice. Our central contribution is in relating hierarchy to sovereignty, suggesting that hierarchy persists because of an unquenched and unquenchable desire for spiritual perfection not only amongst leaders, but also amongst those they lead.
Rhodes, C & Harvey, G 2012, 'Agonism and the Possibilities of Ethics for HRM', JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 111, no. 1, pp. 49-59.
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This paper provides a critique and re-evaluation of the way that ethics is understood and promoted within mainstream Human Resource Management (HRM) discourse. We argue that the ethics located within this discourse focuses on bolstering the relevance of HRM as a key contributor to organizational strategy, enhancing an organization's sense of moral legitimacy and augmenting organizational control over employee behaviour and subjectivity. We question this discourse in that it subordinates the ethics of the employment relationship to managerial prerogative. In response, we suggest a different model of the relationship between ethics and HRM-one that finds the possibility of ethics in the contestation and destabilization of HRM. Such ethics arises through resistance to moral normalization and the constraint of freedom and difference. The contribution of our paper is in theorising the possibilities of a relationship between ethics and HRM that does not place HRM at its centre, as chief intermediary of the ethics of the employment relationship, but rather sees HRM as being a powerful player in a set of what Mouffe calls 'agonistic' socio-ethical relations. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Rhodes, C & Pullen, A 2012, 'Commercial gender: Fracturing masculinity in the case of OzRock', CULTURE AND ORGANIZATION, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 33-49.
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This paper examines the relation between culture and organizations in terms of the cultural meaning and contradiction that can be located in the 'products' of the entertainment industry. Specifically, we focus on the meaning of Australian masculinity as it is located in the cultural expression of commercial Australian rock, or OzRock as it is commonly referred to. We explore how the myth of Australian masculinity is fractured by complex and subtle gender relations that make its representation in one of its most successful business forms a failed project of the repression of the feminine. Despite its association with mateship, aggression, physicality, sexual prowess and social dominance, we highlight the instabilities inherent in Australian masculinity through a gendered reading of commercially produced and mass-consumed popular culture. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Rochon, L-P & Docherty, P 2012, 'Engagement with the Mainstream in the Future of Post Keynesian Economics', Review of Political Economy, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 503-518.
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This paper examines the reasons for the difficulties Post Keynesian economics has had in supplanting mainstream neoclassical theory and for its resulting marginalization. Three explanations are given: intellectual, sociological and political, where the latter two are largely responsible for the current relationship of Post Keynesian economics to the mainstream. The paper also reviews various strategies for improving the future of Post Keynesian economics, including a focus on methodological issues by maintaining an 'open systems' approach; a strategy of 'embattled survival'; the development of a positive alternative to mainstream economics; a strategy of 'constructive engagement' with the mainstream; and a dialogue with policymakers. While the global financial crisis has increased the potential for constructive engagement with the mainstream, significant barriers remain to the effectiveness of this approach. The crisis has, however, enhanced the possibility of engaging directly with policymakers and gaining a greater role in management education.
Roxas, B & Chadee, D 2012, 'Effects of Informal Institutions on the Performance of Microenterprises in the Philippines: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation', Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 320-348.
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Roxas, B & Chadee, D 2012, 'Environmental sustainability orientation and financial resources of small manufacturing firms in the Philippines', Social Responsibility Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 208-226.
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Roxas, B & Coetzer, A 2012, 'Institutional Environment, Managerial Attitudes and Environmental Sustainability Orientation of Small Firms', Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 111, no. 4, pp. 461-476.
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Roxas, B & Lindsay, V 2012, 'Social Desirability Bias in Survey Research on Sustainable Development in Small Firms: an Exploratory Analysis of Survey Mode Effect', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 223-235.
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ABSTRACTSurvey methodology has become an increasingly popular weapon of choice in conducting research on the topic of environmental sustainability in the small firm context. However, conventional application of survey research in many empirical studies tends to ignore the inherent issues associated with the mode of administration of survey questionnaires. One of these issues is social desirability bias (SDB) arising from survey modes such as face to face, the assisted type of survey questionnaire administration and mailed or purely self‐administered survey. This study is an analysis of survey data generated by two modes: purely self‐administered and survey enumerator assisted. The paper argues that the presence of an enumerator in the workplace or actual site of the business to administer the survey will motivate the respondents to provide more accurate information about the firms' environmental sustainability knowledge and practices. The article offers suggestions to address SDB in carrying out surveys about environmental sustainability in small firms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
Roxas, B, Chadee, D & Erwee, R 2012, 'Effects of rule of law on firm performance in South Africa', European Business Review, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 478-492.
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Schlereth, C, Eckert, C & Skiera, B 2012, 'Using discrete choice experiments to estimate willingness-to-pay intervals', MARKETING LETTERS, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 761-776.
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Willingness-to-pay has always been conceptualized as a point estimate, frequently as the price that makes the consumer indifferent between buying and not buying the product. In contrast, this article estimates willingness-to-pay (WTP) as an interval based on discrete choice experiments and a scale-adjusted latent-class model. The middle value of this interval corresponds to the traditional WTP point estimate and depends on the deterministic utility; the range of the interval depends on price sensitivity and the utility's error variance (scale). With this conceptualization of WTP, we propose a new measure, the attractiveness index, which serves to identify attractive consumers by combining knowledge about their price sensitivities and error variances. An empirical study demonstrates that the attractiveness index identifies the most attractive consumers, who do not necessarily have the largest WTP point estimates. Furthermore, consumers with comparable preferences can differ in their purchase probability by an average of 16%, as reflected in differences in their WTP intervals, which yields implications for more customized target marketing.
Schmidt, C, Zhao, L & Terry, C 2012, 'S&p/ASX 200: Does change in membership matter?', JASSA, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 12-18.
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Studies over recent decades of the return effects for the stocks added to and deleted from the S&P 500 have documented the so-called 'S&P game', where traders could profit from stock price reactions to changes in the index's composition. Studies on the All Ordinaries Index covering the 1990s also found profitable trading opportunities over the pre-announcement period. Our study of the effects of changes in the composition of the S&P/ASX 200 from its introduction (in April 2000) to June 2009 found these pre-announcement opportunities were eliminated but that potential exists for the 'S&P/ASX 200 game' between announcement and implementation dates.
Schulenkorf, N 2012, 'Sustainable community development through sport and events: A conceptual framework for Sport-for-Development projects', SPORT MANAGEMENT REVIEW, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-12.
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The number of aid organisations, NGOs and government agencies pursuing the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to improve the everyday needs and social life of disadvantaged communities has been growing over the past decade. Particularly in divided societies, Sport-for-Development projects have increasingly been staged to contribute to intergroup togetherness, social cohesion and community empowerment. While the analyses of individual sport and event initiatives highlights their capacity to impact positively on people and groups, they do not provide strategic guidelines, models or frameworks for community empowerment. However, such models are needed to foster practical research in the area of community development that can inform sport and event planning, management and leverage. In an attempt to fill this gap, this paper presents and discusses the Sport-for-Development (S4D) Framework, which can be used to guide the strategic investigation of sport and event projects and their contribution to understanding and measuring direct social impacts and sustainable social outcomes for (disparate) communities. The S4D Framework presents a holistic yet flexible management tool that can take account of cultural heterogeneity and program diversity, while shaping implementation, directing evaluation, and encouraging future planning of development initiatives. To conclude, this paper suggests different ways in which the S4D Framework can be empirically tested and validated through both qualitative and quantitative research. © 2011 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.
Schulenkorf, N & Edwards, D 2012, 'Maximizing Positive Social Impacts: Strategies for Sustaining and Leveraging the Benefits of Intercommunity Sport Events in Divided Societies', JOURNAL OF SPORT MANAGEMENT, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 379-390.
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Building on the evidence of social impacts generated by sport events, there is a need for research to identify strategies suitable for maximizing event benefits for disparate interest communities. This paper investigates the opportunities and strategic means for sustaining and leveraging social event benefits arising from intercommunity sport events in the ethnically divided Sri Lanka. Following an interpretive mode of inquiry, findings are derived from the analysis of two focus groups and 35 in-depth interviews with Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim and international event stakeholders. To maximize event benefits, findings suggest that event organizers and host communities focus strategically on children as catalysts for change; increase ethnically mixed team sport activities; provide event-related sociocultural opportunities; combine large-scale events with regular sport-for-development programs; and engage in social, cultural, political and educational event leverage. By implementing these strategies and tactics, intercommunity sport events are likely to contribute to local capacity building and inclusive social change, which can have flow-on effects to the wider community. These findings extend the academic literature on strategic event planning, management and leverage, as they provide a focus on community event leverage for social purposes in a developing world context-an area which has thus far received limited empirical research. © 2012 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Schweinsberg, SC, Wearing, SL & Darcy, S 2012, 'Understanding communities' views of nature in rural industry renewal: the transition from forestry to nature-based tourism in Eden, Australia', JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 195-213.
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This scoping paper examines the complex issue of assessing and understanding community views about the restructuring towards nature-based rural tourism of traditional agriculture and forestry rural economies and their activities that had hitherto shaped local identities. It shows how individual resident perceptions can be included within social impact assessment through the use of psychological methods and discusses the relative merits of using personal construct theory -based repertory grids. Ten repertory grid interviews were completed in Eden, New South Wales, Australia. The findings present both the resulting repertory grids and a more detailed discussion of the interpretation of the grids through two narratives that focus on residents considering what, in their opinion, constitutes a sustainable utilisation of local forest land. The discussion examines how the results of this type of analysis can be used to understand individual residents' decisions to support or reject nature-based tourism proposals in favour of traditional extractive forest-industry sectors. It shows how this assessment system could aid planners in reconciling stakeholder conflict over the ideal usage of public forest land by offering a structured means of giving heterogeneous rural communities a formal voice in tourism-planning processes. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Sepehr, S & Kaffashpoor, A 2012, 'Measuring the Ethnocentric Tendencies of Iranian Consumers: An Assessment of Validity and Reliability of the CETSCALE', Journal of International Consumer Marketing, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 263-274.
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Siefken, K, Schofield, G & Schulenkorf, N 2012, 'Womens’ healthy lifestyle behaviour in urban Vanuatu–an in-depth investigation', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, vol. 15, pp. S286-S287.
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Siminski, P & Ville, S 2012, 'I Was Only Nineteen, 45 Years Ago: What Can we Learn from Australia’s Conscription Lotteries?', Economic Record, vol. 88, no. 282, pp. 351-371.
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The Australian conscription lotteries of 1965-1972 are a unique and underutilised resource for studying the effects of army service and veterans’ programs. Drawing on many data sources and 25 years of related US literature, we present a comprehensive analysis of this natural experiment, examining indicators of health, personal economic outcomes, family outcomes and educational attainment. We discuss the numerous potential mechanisms involved and the limitations of available data.
Siminski, P & Yerokhin, O 2012, 'Is the Age Gradient in Self-Reported Material Hardship Explained By Resources, Needs, Behaviors, or Reporting Bias?', REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 715-741.
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Older people report much less hardship than younger people in a range of contexts, despite lower incomes. Hardship indicators are increasingly influential, so the source of this age gradient has considerable policy implications. We propose a theoretical and empirical strategy to decompose the sources of this relationship. We exploit a unique feature of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) survey, which collects reports of hardship from all adult household members. This facilitates within-couple estimates, allowing us to identify age-related reporting bias. The majority of the raw age-hardship gradient is explained by observed resources, particularly wealth and home ownership. One third of the relationship is explained by unobserved differences between households, which we interpret as age-related behavioral choices. Reporting error does not appear to contribute to the age gradient. © 2011 The Authors. Review of Income and Wealth © 2011 International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.
Song, H, Dwyer, L, Li, G & Cao, Z 2012, 'Tourism economics research: A review and assessment', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1653-1682.
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Spanjaard, D & Freeman, L 2012, 'The hidden agenda: emotions in grocery shopping', The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 439-457.
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In this paper, we demonstrate the complexity of consumer decision-making within the supermarket and use videographic techniques to gain greater insight into this. We propose that grocery shopping, often perceived as a routine behavior, can in fact, become quite complex. The broad pattern emerging from our study was that the less time the participant spent looking at the shelves, the less emotion displayed. Where there was longer time spent, there was also increasing physical interaction with the product and a greater display of mostly negative emotion. We suggest that this presents a conundrum for retailers. Does the lack of emotion indicate little or no commitment to the store and/or brand? Or are they so loyal there is no need for consumer engagement? This exploration suggests that further insight can be gained if the emphasis is on how the consumer interacts with their brands rather than assuming that all grocery decisions are predictive. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Spanjol, J, Tam, L & Rosa, JA 2012, 'Unintended effects of implementation intentions on goal pursuit initiation vs. persistence: Substitution and acceleration', Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 40, pp. 924-925.
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When trying to achieve a goal (such as losing five pounds), people run into problems with getting started (begin controlling one's diet), keeping at it (continue cutting out the sugar), or both. Failure at either initiation or persistence in goal striving reduces goal attainment significantly. One way to overcome these challenges is to form implementation intentions (i.e., make detailed plans on when, where, and how to enact goal-directed behaviors, Gollwitzer 1999). Implementation intentions improve action initiation under cognitive load (Brandstaetter, Lengfelder, and Gollwitzer 2001), and shield goal pursuit behaviors from distractions (Bayer, Gollwitzer, and Achtziger 2010). Most implementation intentions research focuses on the outcome (i.e., goal attainment), not distinguishing between initiation and persistence or examining them independently (Gollwitzer and Sheeran 2006). It is unclear if planning out goal-directed behaviors is equally effective for starting and persisting in goal pursuit and what the underlying mechanisms are. The present research addresses this gap. © 2012.
Stavrunova, O & Yerokhin, O 2012, 'Two-part fractional regression model for the demand for risky assets', APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 21-26.
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Empirical studies of household portfolio choices are often interested in quantifying the effects of various covariates on the fraction of a households wealth invested in risky assets such as common stocks. The preferred econometric specification in these studies is the two-limit Tobit model, which can accommodate the fractional nature of the dependent variable. However, it is restrictive, because it assumes that the same data generating process determines both whether households participate in the stock market and the fraction of wealth invested in stocks. This article demonstrates that, in this setting, a two-part version of the fractional response model of Papke and Wooldridge (1996) constitutes an attractive alternative to Tobit by comparing the performance of the two models using data on portfolio choices of Australian households. We find that (1) the Tobit model is rejected by our data in favour of a two-part specification; and (2) marginal effects of covariates on the share of risky assets conditional on participation estimated from Tobit are confounded by the effects of these covariates on the participation decision.
Sutcliffe, PJ, Solomon, A & Edwards, J 2012, 'Computing the variance of tour costs over the solution space of the TSP in polynomial time', Computational Optimization and Applications, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 711-728.
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We give an O(n 2) time algorithm to find the population variance of tour costs over the solution space of the n city symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The algorithm has application in both the stochastic case, where the problem is specified in terms of edge costs which are pairwise independently distributed random variables with known mean and variance, and the numeric edge cost case. We apply this result to provide empirical evidence that, in a range of real world problem sets, the optimal tour cost correlates with a simple function of the mean and variance of tour costs
Suzuki, T 2012, 'Competitive problem solving and the optimal prize schemes', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 1009-1013.
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Agents compete to solve a problem. Each agent simultaneously chooses either a safe method or a risky method to solve the problem. This paper analyzes a prize scheme as an incentive to induce the optimal risk-taking level which maximizes the designer's interest. It is shown that whenever the winner-take-all scheme induces excessive risk-taking, there exists a prize scheme which induces the optimal risk-taking. Moreover, the existence of such a prize scheme is guaranteed if the number of competitors is sufficiently large.
Suzuki, T 2012, 'Complementarity of behavioral biases', Theory and Decision, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 413-430.
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I investigate the complementarity of behavioral biases in a simple invest- ment problem. The agent has incomplete knowledge about the correlation between fitness and the decision environment. Nature endows the agent with a decision pro- cedure so that the induced action can reflect this correlation. I show that the agent with this decision procedure always exhibits (i) present biased time preference, (ii) distorted beliefs, and (iii) cognitive dissonance. The three biases are complements and the absence of one of them destroys the value of the other two. The decision procedure also provides insights into the non-fungibility of savings.
Tam, L & Spanjol, J 2012, 'When impediments make you jump rather than stumble: Regulatory nonfit, implementation intentions, and goal attainment', Marketing Letters, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 93-107.
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This paper examines the relative effectiveness of forming implementation intentions (i. e., making specific plans regarding how to go about achieving a goal) for increasing goal attainment under regulatory fit vs. nonfit. We discuss and empirically test the proposition that regulatory nonfit increases the effectiveness of implementation intentions. Extant research contrasts goals of differing difficulty (e. g., buying a textbook vs. finding an apartment) in order to test the relative effectiveness of implementation intentions. In contrast, the present study focuses on identifying the change in implementation intention effectiveness for the same goal (i. e., collecting and turning in receipts for a reward) under conditions of fit vs. nonfit. We empirically demonstrate that when faced with the same goal, people who experience regulatory nonfit perceive the task to be more difficult to complete than people who experience regulatory fit. In turn, when the task is perceived as being more difficult, implementation intentions prove more effective to enhance goal attainment. Our study provides insight into the interaction between regulatory fit and implementation intentions and subsequent effects on goal attainment. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Taylor, S & Wong, L 2012, 'Robust anomalies? A close look at accrual-based trading strategy returns', ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 573-603.
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The last 40 years have seen an extensive literature documenting so-called anomalies in major capital markets. Evidence of abnormal returns associated with trading strategies based on readily observable phenomena such as accounting-based data involves experimental design choices that can be expected to influence the results. We show how evidence of an accrual anomaly in Australia is sensitive to research design specifications such as the choice of proxy for total accruals; the definition of abnormal returns (i.e. the return generating model); the impact of data trimming as a response to exceptionally large returns; and the choice between value and equal weighting of returns. We show that research design choices do matter and help reconcile conflicting prior evidence of any accrual anomaly in Australia. More broadly, our results suggest the need for caution in drawing inferences from trading strategy tests which claim to identify anomalies.
Teo, STT, Segal, N, Morgan, AC, Kandlbinder, P, Wang, KY & Hingorani, A 2012, 'Generic skills development and satisfaction with groupwork among business students', Education + Training, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 472-487.
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PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine variables explaining students’ positive and negative experiences of groupwork and connect country of residence with the perception of generic skills development and self‐reported satisfaction with groupwork. It also aims to examine the effect of prior training in groups from the perspective of Australian and Non‐Australian permanent residency Business students.Design/methodology/approachRespondents were 389 undergraduate and postgraduate Business students at an Australian metropolitan university. A path model was developed and analysed using partial least squares modeling.FindingsStudents’ country of residence had a significant influence on reporting of generic skill development and experience of groupwork. Self‐reported improvement in generic skills after groupwork assessment was associated with reporting of fewer negative and more positive aspects of working in groups.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings were limited by using data collected from students enrolled in one undergraduate and one postgraduate subject at the conclusion of a group assignment from one university. Future research should test the model by extending it to other universities and non‐Business units. Future research should rely on a longitudinal design, where the survey is carried out at the beginning and the end of the group assessment.Practical implicationsIt is important to ensure both domestic and international students acquire generic skills through groupwork and that prior t...
Vad Baunsgaard, V & Clegg, S 2012, 'Dominant Ideological Modes of Rationality: Organizations as Arenas of Struggle Over Members’ Categorization Devices', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 34, pp. 199-232.
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This chapter explores dominant ideologies theoretically in Gil organizational selling. A framework is developed to advance our understanding 0/ how 'dominant ideological modes 0/ rationality' reflect predictability through the reproduction of accepted truths, hence social order in organization. Dominant ideological modes of rationality constitute professional identity, power relations, and rationality andframe prevailing mentalities and social practices in organization. It is suggested that members' categorization devices structure and constrain social practices. Supplementing the existent power literature, the chapter concludes that professional identity produces rationality. power and truth - truth being the overarching concept assembled through the rationalities assembled in
Van de Venter, G, Michayluk, D & Davey, G 2012, 'A longitudinal study of financial risk tolerance', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 794-800.
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Academics are divided as to whether financial risk tolerance is an enduring psychological trait and as a consequence is less likely to change over the life of an individual, or a variable psychological state which varies readily in response to internal and external influences. In this study we report the findings of a longitudinal study that investigates the annual change in financial risk tolerance scores of individuals over a 5. year period and the factors that influence such change. Our results indicate a relatively small annual change in individuals' financial risk tolerance. Although our regression model is ineffective in providing a clarification for a change in the financial risk tolerance scores of individual respondents, we find a slight decrease in financial risk tolerance associated with a decrease in household size and an increase in financial risk tolerance after terminating the services of a financial planner. From our results we propose that financial risk tolerance is a stable personality trait and is unlikely to change substantially over the life of an individual. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Van den Hoven, P & Frawley, S 2012, '‘Aussie Aussie Aussie, Guus Guus Guus’. Guus Hiddink’s reign as the coach of the Socceroos: a comparative cultural media analysis', Soccer & Society, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 97-106.
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In 2005, a Dutch `super coach by name of Guus Hiddink achieved what many Australian football fans thought was an almost impossible task: he managed to lead the Australian football team to qualification for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. This was only the second time Australia had qualified to play in this tournament, with the previous success being 32 years prior, in 1974. The purpose of this essay is to explore how the Australian and Dutch media covered Hiddinks time as Australias national football coach. The research has utilized Hofstedes cultural dimensions theory in order to understand the similarities and differences between how both media represented Hiddinks time in Australia. As outlined by Hofstede, Australian and Dutch societies maintain a number of similarities. They are similar in respect to the cultural dimensions of power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance. It was found however that both nations were substantially different in relation to Hofstedes cultural dimension termed `masculinity versus femininity.
Veal, AJ 2012, 'FIT for the purpose? Open space planning standards in Britain', Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 375-379.
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Open space is often neglected in academic discussion of leisure policy, yet local authorities in England are responsible for 94,000 ha of formal parks, 4400 ha of equipped playgrounds and 285,000 ha of other public open space, involving a net annual expenditure £750m, which is greater than the expenditure on, for example, indoor sport and sport development (£630m) (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy [CIPFA], 2009). Furthermore, visiting parks is arguably the most popular of publicly facilitated leisure activities after the use of public broadcasting (Veal, 2006) and with continued urban renewal, and population growth in England and Wales of a million every 4 years (Office for National Statistics, 2008), the provision of open space, as a component of new urban infrastructure, remains a significant public policy issue.
Veal, AJ 2012, 'The leisure society II: the era of critique, 1980–2011', World Leisure Journal, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 99-140.
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The ``leisure society thesis was developed primarily in the 1960s and 1970s and a recent paper in the World Leisure Journal summarised the relevant literature from that period and analysed contemporary recollections of it (Veal, 2011). This paper follows the story of the leisure society thesis since 1980. Set against the background of discussions of work and leisure in periods of high unemployment, the work ethic, working hours, post-work and worklife balance, the paper reviews the post-1980 offerings of proponents, analysts and critics of the leisure society thesis. A four-fold typology of leisure society conceptualisations and reduced-work future scenarios is proposed, comprising: the current leisure society; the evolutionary leisure society; the leisure society as a political project; and other reduced-work scenarios/projects. The second half of the paper reviews literature that is analytical, ambivalent and/or definitional regarding the leisure society thesis and that which is critical. This involves discussion of the failure of paid working hours to fall in the second half of the twentieth century as had been predicted, and appraisal of a range of critical theoretical/conceptual issues. While the significance of the leisure society thesis as an early project of leisure studies is debatable, and it is clearly now an historical reference point rather than a current project, the question is raised as to why the leisure studies community has failed to join with others who are pursuing the cause of reduced paid working hours for all.
Veal, AJ, Toohey, K & Frawley, S 2012, 'The sport participation legacy of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and other international sporting events hosted in Australia', Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 155-184.
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The legacy of an Olympic Games in a host city or country can take a variety of forms, including non-sporting benefits, such as enhanced urban infrastructure and national and international tourism profile, and sporting benefits, such as improved sporting facilities, strengthened sports organisations and potential increases in grassroots sport participation. This paper concentrates on the last of these, particularly in regard to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. The paper examines claims by the Olympic movement concerning increased sports participation as a legacy and examines available evidence to consider whether the hosting of the Games boosted sports participation in Australia. While some estimates suggest that participation did increase following the hosting of the 2000 Olympics, the failure of relevant organisations to maintain an adequate and consistent data collection regime makes this conclusion extremely speculative. From 2001 onwards, with the existence of a more stable data collection system and increasing awareness of the idea of a sport participation legacy, it is possible to make more reliable estimates of the pattern of grassroots sports participation following the hosting of the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. However, even when reliable and consistent participation data are available, the question of causality in the context of the wider sport development and participation system remains to be addressed.
Waitt, G & Harada, T 2012, 'Driving, Cities and Changing Climates', Urban Studies, vol. 49, no. 15, pp. 3307-3325.
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The relevance of cars in relation to changing climates seems indisputable: scientific evidence points out the significant contribution of cars globally in causing greenhouse gas emissions. Despite higher levels of general public understanding and concern about climate change, this has not generally resulted in decreased car use. This paper outlines how a spatial perspective drawing on a cultural economy approach may provide insights into the paradox of the environmental ‘value action gap’ by focusing on suburban belongings, passions and anticipations derived from driving. Drawing on insights from Burraneer Bay, an affluent Sydney suburb, the paper illustrates how habituated and embodied knowledge of driving props up class envy, the spatial bordering of the city and the transformation of a love of driving into driving as love, underpinned as much by a desire to consume as by the performance of an identity. The implications for urban policy are considered that look beyond culture as attitudes.
Waller, DS 2012, 'A Longitudinal Study of Pro Bono Activities Reported by WPP Group', Social Marketing Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 234-246.
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As organizations formalize their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, many firms are voluntarily disclosing these activities in their annual report. Some advertising agencies, for example, are discovering the benefits of undertaking pro bono work and reporting them in their annual reports. This article uses a longitudinal approach to observe the pro bono activities presented in the annual reports of the largest advertising agency holding company in the world, WPP Group. The amount of “social investment” has been disclosed in the annual reports including details of the financial cost of pro bono activities and the types of organizations that are the recipients. This study provides an insight into the disclosed pro bono activities of a major organization across a 10-year period (2000–2009).
Waller, DS 2012, ''Truth in Advertising': The Beginning of Advertising Ethics in Australia', JOURNAL OF MASS MEDIA ETHICS, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 46-56.
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In Australia, as in many countries, the early advertising industry had a poor reputation for honesty. However, in 1920 'truth in advertising' and raising ethical behavior became the focus of the Second Convention of Advertising Men of Australasia, held in Sydney. This was a major event in Australia's advertising history and was seen as a way to legitimize the industry in the eyes of those who doubted advertising's honesty. This paper will look at the Sydney Advertising Convention, with particular reference to quotes from presenters and the establishment of self-regulatory bodies, to help gain an insight into the beginning of a system to observe ethical behavior in advertising. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Wang, KY, Clegg, S & Xu, E 2012, 'Bribery and Heterogeneous Networks as Strategies for SME Resource Acquisition in Emerging Economies', Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 12189-12189.
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Wei, L & Xiao, J 2012, 'Factors affecting the take-off of innovative technologies: evidence from digital cameras', Applied Economics, vol. 44, no. 32, pp. 4143-4152.
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While technological innovations are important for many industries, takeoff sales for innovative products can have long lead times due to a variety of factors. This article identifies the main parameters affecting digital camera take-off sales in the US between 2001 and 2004. The study constructs an empirical model for film and digital camera shipments and finds that digital cameras primarily served as a substitute for low-end film compacts rather than high-end film Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras. Also, growth in household PC ownership and Windows XP market share were the main contributing factors to the decline of film cameras, with PC penetration rate as the most important factor for digital camera diffusion. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.
West, A 2012, 'Psychological Capital and Training Transfer Motivation: Review of Pre–training Positive Affect', New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management, vol. 2012, no. Winter, pp. 20-28.
Wieder, B, Ossimitz, M & Chamoni, P 2012, 'The Impact of Business Intelligence Tools on Performance: A User Satisfaction Paradox?', International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 7-32.
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While Business Intelligence (BI) initiatives have been a top-priority of CIOs around the world for several years, accounting for billions of USD of IT investments per annum (IDC), academic research on the actual bene?ts derived from BI tools and the drivers of these bene?ts remain sparse. This paper reports the ?ndings of an exploratory, cross-sectional ?eld study investigating the factors that de?ne and drive bene?ts associated with the deployment of dedicated BI tools. BI is broadly de?ned as an analytical process which transforms fragmented data of enterprises and markets into action-oriented information or knowledge about objectives, opportunities and positions of an organization; BI tools are software products primarily designed and deployed to support this analytical process (e.g. data warehouse software, data mining software, digital dashboards applications).
Wright, S, Dyball, MC, Byers, P & Radich, R 2012, 'Preparing Students for an International Career: The Case for Contextualizing and Integrating Ethics Education', Asian Social Science, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 97-108.
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A key aim of IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)'s International Education Standard 4 (IES4) is to raise the ethical awareness of candidates preparing for careers as accounting professionals. This paper reports the results of a survey of undergraduate accounting students at an Australian university, and develops an approach for the implementation of IES4 in business schools with culturally diverse student populations. The survey asks students at different stages of their programs about the contribution of tertiary education to their ethical ideas, drawing conclusions based on their culture, year of study, career intentions, age and gender. It then suggests ways of teaching ethics that value and integrate students' diverse experiences and cultural backgrounds, as well as their existing knowledge. Such initiatives could expand the horizons of students from all cultural backgrounds by increasing their cultural sensitivity and awareness of ethics as an issue of relevance to their professional careers.
Young, KL 2012, 'Transnational regulatory capture? An empirical examination of the transnational lobbying of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision', Review of International Political Economy, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 663-688.
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In January 2008, institutions across the G-lO countries responsible for regulating banks within their jurisdictions implemented the new Basel Capital Accord, now commonly known as Basel II. This new standard for bank regulation replaces the first Basel Accord adopted in 1988 and introduces several innovations designed to improve the effectiveness of bank regulation and to reduce the likelihood of large bank collapses and the associated possibility of financial instability. Such a new policy framework has important implications for welfare and interest rate policy. A framework that successfully reduces the occurrence of financial crises is also likely to reduce the number of damaging episodes of economic downturn (such as that recently observed in the United States as a result of the subprime crisis) 'and the frequency with which monetary policy needs to be called upon to repair the damage of such downturns. Because interest rates affect the distribution of income, these changes also have potential political economy implications.
Yu, KH 2012, 'Formal organizations and identity groups in social movements', Human Relations, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 753-776.
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Formal organizations advancing the goals of identity-based social movements and identity groups have become increasingly interdependent. The former often lacks legitimacy in the eyes of stakeholders and the latter typically possesses insufficient organizational capacity. In principle, the transfer of ideas and resources between formal organizations in social movements and social identity groups can result in organizational innovation that revives the formal organization while at the same time enhancing the status of the identity group. But in practice, collaborations between formal organizations and identity groups often result in identity groups being overpowered by formal organizations. This article compares outcomes for identity groups in two cases of trade unions adopting the causes of identity-based social movements to examine the role of organizational processes in explaining outcomes for identity group members. The findings from the comparative cases analyzed here suggest that identity group members must be able to influence organizational processes in order to impact how they are incorporated into the formal organization. © The Author(s) 2012.
Yu, K-H 2012, 'Formal organizations and identity groups in social movements', Human Relations, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 753-776.
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Formal organizations advancing the goals of identity-based social movements and identity groups have become increasingly interdependent. The former often lacks legitimacy in the eyes of stakeholders and the latter typically possesses insufficient organizational capacity. In principle, the transfer of ideas and resources between formal organizations in social movements and social identity groups can result in organizational innovation that revives the formal organization while at the same time enhancing the status of the identity group. But in practice, collaborations between formal organizations and identity groups often result in identity groups being overpowered by formal organizations. This article compares outcomes for identity groups in two cases of trade unions adopting the causes of identity-based social movements to examine the role of organizational processes in explaining outcomes for identity group members. The findings from the comparative cases analyzed here suggest that identity group members must be able to influence organizational processes in order to impact how they are incorporated into the formal organization.
Zaman, T, Paul, SK & Azeem, A 2012, 'Sustainable operator assignment in an assembly line using genetic algorithm', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 5077-5084.
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This paper addresses the operator assignment in predefined workstations of an assembly line to get a sustainable result of fitness function of cycle time, total idle time and output where genetic algorithm is used as a solving tool. A proper operator assignment is important to get a sustainable balanced line. To improve the efficiency and meet the desired target output within the time limit, a balanced assembly line is a must. Real world lines consist of a large number of tasks and it is very time consuming and crucial to choose the most suitable operator for a particular workstation. In addition, it is very important to assign the suitable operator at the right place as his skill of operating machines finally reflects in productivity or in the cost of production. To verify better assignments of workers, a genetic algorithm is adopted here. A heuristic is proposed to find out the sustainable assignment of operators in the predefined workstations. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.
ZHANG, J & CASARI, M 2012, 'HOW GROUPS REACH AGREEMENT IN RISKY CHOICES: AN EXPERIMENT', Economic Inquiry, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 502-515.
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This paper studies how groups resolve disagreement in lottery choices. In an experiment, subjects submit individual proposals, exchange chat messages, and must reach unanimity. Overall, group choices are more coherent and closer to risk neutrality than individuals'. The proposal of the minority prevails in about one instance out of five. About one third of the groups do not reach immediate agreement after communication. In these groups, extrovert subjects are more likely to lead the group outcome than confused or conscientious subjects. The amount, equality, and timing of chat messages help us to predict which choice prevails in the group. (JEL C92, D81)
Zlatevska, N & Spence, MT 2012, 'Do Violent Social Cause Advertisements Promote Social Change? An Examination of Implicit Associations', PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 322-333.
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Violent content is used in social cause advertising campaigns as a means of discouraging antisocial attitudes and behaviors, despite the fact that findings regarding the effectiveness of including violence in advertisements are equivocal. The present research explores the efficacy of violent advertisements by investigating how such ads affect implicit associations with violent words/acts. The importance of implicit associations is that they can affect judgments and behaviors long after explicit memory for the advertisement has decayed. The findings of the research point to the prevalence of individual differences in response to violent ads. Specifically, social cause advertisements are effective in weakening implicit associations with violence for nonaggressive individuals, as would be desired. However, these campaigns strengthen implicit associations for aggressive individuals. Ameliorating their aggressive associations would be advantageous both to the individual and society; however, the results suggest such advertisements make matters worse. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Agarwal, R & Selen, W 1970, 'The impact of Culture, Leadership, Governance, and ICT Systems on Service Innovation in Service Value Networks', The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2012, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), IEEE, Hong Kong, pp. 1-5.
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This study investigates the impact of organisational leadership and governance, ICT infrastructure and organizational culture on innovation in services, using empirical data from a major Australian telecommunication service provider and its partnering organisations. Our empirical results show that governance, leadership, organisational culture, and ICT integration attributes all contribute significantly to the creation and delivery of innovation in services. Governance strategies tend to structure and regulate the conduct of the parties in an exchange, however when integrated, they constrain the latitude of decision making within the relationship. It is important that an environment of mutual support and culture is created to establish volitional compliance amongst partners. This is possible only through collaborative communication, openness and trust, with seamless integration of ICT systems, which allows transparent flow of information for real-time decision making.
Bajada, C & Trayler, RM 1970, 'Rules versus practice: Governance in the financial services sector', 74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Bajada, C & Trayler, RM 1970, 'Rules versus practice: Governance in the financial services sector', Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Ball, F, Tyler, JV & Wells, PA 1970, 'The professional and personal auditor relationship: Examining auditor tenure at IFRS transition in Australia', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Barton, C, Schlenker, K & Edwards, DC 1970, 'Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Tourism Businesses', The new Golden Age of Tourism Hospitality. Proceedings of the 22th Annual Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, CAUTHE, CAUTHE Conference, CAUTHE, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 59-76.
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It is widely believed that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face many constraints in engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is also believed that SMEs require guidelines and tools to successfully implement CSR. One commonly acknowledged gap in research on CSR in SMEs is that it needs to be sector and region specific, as the tools and guidelines needed by SMEs will differ depending on their industry and geographic location. This research addresses this gap, by examining CSR engagement in Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) based in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. A mixed methods approach was used, revealing that owner-managed SMTEs engage in CSR for personal reasons, whereas non owner-managed businesses engage in CSR mainly for the business benefits they may realise. Finally, a model is presented that reflects three types of CSR engagement identified in SMTEs: reactive, proactive and active.
Bedford, DS 1970, 'Controlling contradictory modes of innovation and implications for firm performance', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Bedford, DS 1970, 'Controlling contradictory modes of innovation and implications for firm performance', Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Brown, BL, Cohen, A & Bennett, G 1970, 'Using Motivational Theories to Enhance Attendance', RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Boston, pp. A92-A92.
Brown, PJ, Agarwal, R, Hooper, M & Pitsis, TS 1970, 'The association between management practices and employee affective state in Australian manufacturing firms', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Bugeja, M & Loyeung, AL 1970, 'Goodwill accounting and takeover premiums: pre- and post- IFRS', American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association, Washington, DC.
Bugeja, M, Czernkowski, RM & Moran, DV 1970, 'Did IFRS 8 increase segment disclosures?', American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association, Washington, DC.
Bugeja, M, Czernkowski, RM & Moran, DV 1970, 'Did IFRS 8 increase segment disclosures?', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Bugeja, M, Czernkowski, RM & Moran, DV 1970, 'Did IFRS 8 increase segment disclosures?', British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, British Accounting and Finance Association, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Bugeja, M, Matolcsy, ZP & Spiropoulos, H 1970, 'Is there a gender gap in CEO compensation?', British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, British Accounting and Finance Association, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Bugeja, M, Matolcsy, ZP & Spiropoulos, H 1970, 'Is there a gender gap in CEO compensation?', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Charki, MH, Josserand, E & Boukef Charki, N 1970, 'Exploring the Role of the Law in Repairing Interorganizational Trust', Academy of Management Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management, Boston, USA, pp. 11652-11652.
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Chiarella, C, Kang, B & Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C 1970, 'Humps in the volatility structure of the crude oil futures market: New evidence'', Seminar Presentation, School of Commerce and the Centre for Applied Financial Studies, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
Chiarella, C, Kang, B, Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C & To, T 1970, 'Humps in the volatility structure of the crude oil futures market: New evidence', Seminar Presentation, University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
Chiarella, C, Kang, B, Nikitopoulos Sklibosios, C & To, T 1970, 'Humps in the volatility structure of the crude oil futures market: New evidence', Asian Finance Association and Taiwan Finance Association 2012 Joint International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chiarella, C, Kang, B, Sklibosios Nikitopoulos, C & To, TD 1970, 'Humps in the Volatility Structure of the Crude Oil Futures Market: New Evidence', Seminar presentation, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK.
Chowdhury, MMH, Dewan, MNA & Quaddus, MA 1970, 'Supply chain resilience to mitigate disruptions: A QFD approach', Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
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With the increase in disruptions and vulnerabilities, demand for more resilient supply chain is echoed vibrantly in business world. It is important to develop resilient capability in right time because supply chain disruptions may be the cause of serious financial loss to the organizations as well as their supply chains. Supply chain managers need to identify supply chain disruptions and vulnerabilities so that they can develop resilience capability corresponding to those disruptions. In this paper, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) integrated Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique has been used to identify prioritized vulnerabilities and corresponding resilience capability requirements. Such approach is still absent in the supply chain literature. An illustrative example has also been introduced to get a clear picture of the research process and future research plan.
Clegg, S & Haugaard, M 1970, 'Power and Organizations', The Nobel Symposium 'Foundations of Organization', SAGE Publications Ltd, Saltsjobaden Swedan.
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Cotton, DJ 1970, 'Ambiguity in emissions markets', Behavioural Finance Working Group/Mergers and Acquisitions Research Centre Conference, London, UK.
Cotton, DJ 1970, 'Econometric analysis of Australian emissions market efficiency', 9th Conference on Applied Financial Economics, Samos, Greece.
Coulton, J, Ruddock, CMS & Taylor, SL 1970, 'The Informativeness of Dividends and Franking Credits', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Czernkowski, RM, Bugeja, M & Moran, DV 1970, 'Did IFRS 8 increase segment disclosures?', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Dalton, BM, Green, J & Edwards, M 1970, 'Social enterprise: challenge or opportunity for university nonprofit management programs.', International Society for Third-Sector Research 10th International Conference - Siena, Italy - July 2012., ISTR, Siena, Italy.
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What should be taught in nonprofit management programs? Is it a time to reposition and rebrand to embrace social entrepreneurship or do we risk challenging the academic legitimacy of distinct nonprofit programs? In 2005, Michael OâNeil described nonprofit management education (NME) as âlargely a phenomenon of the past two decades, [one that] has grown rapidly in the United States. The field was virtually nonexistent in 1980; by 2000 there were ninety-one masterâs degree programs with at least a concentration in NME... nearly one hundred undergraduate programs, and about fifty university based certificate programsâ (OâNeill, 2005, p. 5). In Australia, the status of the nonprofit education has also increased considerably; the number of academics with research and consulting experience in third-sector organizations has grown; new journals have emerged and the numbers of books sharply increased. By the mid-1990s, a small but visible presence of nonprofit sector management education had established itself. This rapid growth of these programs has been attributed to a number of trends. Foremost is the rapid professionalization and growth of the sector and a growing consensus that nonprofit management is distinct in a variety of ways that require suitably tailored university courses. In the last decade or so, however, rapid changes may have blurred sectoral boundaries. One major shift affecting the field has been the growing interest in social entrepreneurship and enterprise, a pattern that has already been observed in the US and UK (McKeown et al 2006; Eikenberry and Drapal Kluver 2004). This is mirrored at the university level, with interest in social enterprise perhaps stemming from the growing stature and prominence of entrepreneurship and business venturing in general within business schools (The number of colleges and universities that offer courses related to entrepreneurship in the US has grown from a handful in the 1970s to over 1,600 in Kuratko 20...
Dewan, MNA, Chowdhury, MMH & Quaddus, MA 1970, 'Obtaining business process from value process in blended value based sustainable e-business modelling', 2012 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2012 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), IEEE, pp. 354-361.
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E-business modelling is already an established term as it converts technology into economic value. Sustainability is another global contemporary issue. While modelling e-business for sustainability it is essential to know the 'blended value process' of the proposed value based on which 'business process' is derived. The ability to incorporate between the blended value process and the business process is one of the imperative factors that play very significant roles for the companies to be competitive in today's exigent market. A number of research works exist on sustainability, e-business modelling, and value creation but none of them clearly explains the importance of incorporation between these two processes or how business process can be obtained from value process in e-business modelling. We, therefore, demonstrate in this article the process of how business process can be derived from blended value process in sustainable e-business modelling using process algebra. We also provide an illustrative example of our approach for enhanced understanding. © 2012 IEEE.
Dewan, MNA, Chowdhury, MMH & Quaddus, MA 1970, 'Qfd based modelling for E-business: A sustainable approach using blended value dimensions', Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
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Business modelling is not new and has had substantial impacts on the way businesses are planned and operated these days. Although 'e-business' and 'sustainability' are the two current major global trends but surprisingly none of the e-business modelling ideas covers the sustainability aspects of the business. Researchers are introducing 'green IT/ICT' concept lately but none of them clearly explains how those concepts will be used by the e-business modelling ideas. Recently, companies are successfully using QFD as a powerful tool in various fields that addresses strategic and operational decisions in businesses. This research approach, therefore, develops a QFD based e-business model in conjunction with blended value and sustainability aspects. The model explores and determines the optimal design requirements in developing the model. This approach also demonstrates how the sustainability dimensions can be integrated with the value dimensions in developing an e-business model. This approach is unique in the sense that in developing the model sustainability concept is integrated with customer's value requirements, business's value requirements, and process's value requirements instead of only customer's requirements. QFD, AHP, and Delphi method are used for the analysis of the data. An illustration is provided for the enhanced understanding of the proposed approach.
Dewan, MNA, Chowdhury, MMH & Quaddus, MA 1970, 'The elements for sustainable E-business modelling: A 3D approach', Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
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The sustainability of the business is a global contemporary issue. E-business modelling is another already established term as it converts technology into economic value. Although e-business modelling and sustainability of the business are the two significant global trends now but still there is no common perception about the elements that are essential for a sustainable e-business model. Surprisingly, none of the approaches even consider sustainability as a major element while modelling e-business. Therefore, after completing extensive literature review on e-business modelling and sustainability of the business we carefully identify and determine the required elements for a sustainable e-business model in this paper. We also clarify the significance for selecting these elements. The elements are three dimensional (3D) and selected from customer value area, business value area, and process value area so that the modelling elements preserve the interests of all stakeholders while upholding the sustainability.
Edwards, DC, Foley, CT & Schlenker, K 1970, 'Legacy of Business Events', Meetings and Events Australia (MEA) National Conference, Sydney.
Edwards, DC, Foley, CT & Schlenker, K 1970, 'The Sydney Entertainment Centre: Measuring the inscope expenditure into Chinatown, Darling Harbour and the City of Sydney.', Darling Harbour Convention and Exhibition (DHCE) Executive Committee, Sydney, Australia.
Edwards, M, Wilden, RM, Jonson, PT & Sivabalan, P 1970, 'Implementing interdisciplinary business learning that is industry relevant', Proceedings of UTS Teaching & Learning Forum, UTS Teaching & Learning Forum, UTS, Sydney, Australia.
Evatt, G, Johnson, P, Cheng, M & Glover, K 1970, 'Optimal bank and regulatory capital reserve strategies under loan-loss uncertainty', Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 2012, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-25.
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We formulate a general model of a commercial bank and its regulator where the bank's loans are exposed to default risk. The bank's objective is to maximise equity value by appropriately controlling the rate at which new loans are issued, early clo- sure, and dividend payments. The regulator's objective is to reduce the probability of the bank's early closure, which they achieve by appropriately controlling the bank's minimum capital requirements. We show that the regulator can in fact minimise this probability of closure, which is achieved via suitably balancing the risk of insolvency (associated with lower capital requirements) and the risk of endogenous closure (as- sociated with higher capital requirements). Both analytic and numerical results are presented, thus allowing for the full non-linearity of the model to be understood.
Ferguson, AC, Pereira Pundrich, G & Raftery, AM 1970, 'Auditor industry specialisation and market segmentation: Evidence from the Perth mining cashbox market', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourme, Australia.
Fernandez, L & Michayluk, D 1970, 'Information content of analyst recommendation revisions under continuous disclosure requirements', 2012 FMA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
Fine, B, Menictas, C, Omiyale, W & Gessner, M 1970, 'The Who, When, Where and How of Smartphone Research', Australian Market & Social Research Society National Conference, Melbourne.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'An Analysis of Attendance and Viewership Patterns in Australian Football', Sport Management Australia and New Zealand, Sydney.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Leadership Development and Succession Management Practices within Sport Organisations: An Australian Study', Sport Management Australia and New Zealand, Sydney.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Major Sport Events and Participation Legacy: The 2003 Rugby World Cup and the 2006 Football World Cup', Worlds of Football ll, Melbourne.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Managing Sport at the Olympic Games: The Case of Sydney 2000', North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Seattle.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Sport Management Australia and New Zealand 2012 Conference Proceedings', SMAANZ 2012 - Sport Innovation and Engagement, University of Technology, Sydney, pp. 1-124.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Sport Participation Legacy and the 2003 Rugby World Cup', Sport Management Australia and New Zealand, Sydney.
Frawley, SM 1970, 'Sport Participation Legacy and the Hosting of Mega-Sport Events in Australia', Australian Event Symposium 2012, Australian Event Symposium, Sydney, New South Wales.
Freeman, LM, Koh, B, Edwards, J & Zaslawski, CJ 1970, 'Defining Alternative Medicine in the Context of Athletic Performance and the Spirit of Sports: D(etermination), O(bservance), P(ermissibility) or E(ducation', Proceedings International Conference on Sports and Society, 3rd International Conference on Sports and Society, Common Ground, Cambridge, UK.
Giacobbe, F, Matolcsy, ZP & Wakefield, JA 1970, 'Control of wholly owned foreign subsidiaries: An integrated approach', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Harris, R, Schlenker, K, Foley, CT & Edwards, DC 1970, 'Australian Event Symposium 2012', Academic Paper Proceedings, Australian Centre for Event Management, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney.
Hassanli, N, Brown, G & Gross, M 1970, 'Concept mapping: Understanding indigenous tourist accommodation businesses in Iran', The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education, Melbourne, Australia.
Jin, K, Shan, Y & Taylor, SL 1970, 'Changes over time in the matching between revenues and expenses: Australian evidence', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Kale, S & Zlatevska, N 1970, 'Understanding Teenage Poker Gambling: Policy and Consumer Behavior Implications', American Marketing Association.
Kattiyapornpong, U & Miller, K 1970, 'Was I born to shop? A comparison between Korean and Australia tourists in Thailand', Proceedings of CAUTHE National Conference 2012, Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education annual conference, The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-12.
Keane, MP & Stavrunova, O 1970, 'Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard and the Demand for Medigap Insurance', Australian Health Economics Society Conference, Sydney, Australia.
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The size of adverse selection and moral hazard e ects in health insurance marketshas important policy implications. For example, if adverse selection e ects are smallwhile moral hazard e ects are large, conventional remedies for ine ciencies createdby adverse selection (e.g., mandatory insurance enrolment) may lead to substantialincreases in health care spending. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the magnitudes of adverse selection vs. moral hazard. This paper sheds new light on thisimportant topic by studying the US Medigap (supplemental) health insurance market.While both adverse selection and moral hazard e ects of Medigap have been studiedseparately, this is the rst paper to estimate both in an uni ed econometric framework.We develop an econometric model of insurance demand and health care expenditure,where adverse selection is measured by sensitivity of insurance demand to expectedexpenditure. The model allows for correlation between unobserved determinants ofexpenditure and insurance demand, and for heterogeneity in the size of moral hazarde ects. Inference relies on an MCMC algorithm with data augmentation. Our resultssuggest there is adverse selection into Medigap, but the e ect is small. A one standarddeviation increase in expenditure risk raises the probability of insurance purchase by0.037. In contrast, our estimate of the moral hazard e ect is much larger. On average,Medigap coverage increases health care expenditure by 32%.
Lai, C, Li, Y & Taylor, SL 1970, 'The impact of IFRS on accrual reliability', American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association, Washington, DC.
Leung, LT 1970, 'Being on the wrong side of the 'digital divide'', Australian Health Workforce Institute Research Workshop Exploring the Use of Telecommunications to Facilitate Access to Health Information for People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds, University of Melbourne.
Lewis, RL, Brown, DA & Sutton, NC 1970, 'The paradox of management control and employee empowerment', AFAANZ Conference, AFAANZ, Melbourne, Australia.
Loyeung, AL & Bugeja, M 1970, 'Goodwill accounting and takeover premiums: pre- and post- IFRS', 35th Annual Congress European Accounting Association Programme, European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Loyeung, AL & Wells, PA 1970, 'Implementation errors and earnings quality', British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, British Accounting and Finance Association, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Meg, Y, McEwen, C & Franziska, T 1970, 'Exploring the educational dimensions of health services management: Perspectives from nurse unit managers', SHAPE.
Metcalfe, M & Hassanli, N 1970, 'Consolidating the ideas of Boomi tourist accommodation providers into a collective conception', Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management, Perth, Australia.
Neil, JA, Freeman, LM, Waller, DS, Hambusch, G & Waite, K 1970, 'Developing graduate attributes in ethics: UTS online ethics portal', Proceedings of UTS Teaching & Learning Forum, UTS, Sydney, Australia.
Nikolova, N & Reihlen, MR 1970, 'Trust as a 'Leap of Faith': Trust Granting', Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, pp. 12990-12990.
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Sajib, S & Agarwal, R 1970, 'Mobilizing Innovation Capability From Service Value Network to Partnering Companies: A Theoretical Study', Managing for Volatility and Stability: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, ANZAM, Perth, pp. 1-19.
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Business firms are increasingly becoming dependent on each other to deliver services to their customers. Due to rapid changes in market conditions such as introduction of new technologies, changing customer preferences, and increasing competitive pressures on firms, the ability to build innovative capability has become a key resource and an asset. In the context of service firms, there is a growing trend of collaboration between firms facilitating value creation, Nevertheless, it is important to understand value creation in the reverse manner ie.; do networks facilitate value for individual firms in return, and are there linkages between capabilities of networks, and capabilities of individual partnering companies. As evident from extant literature, the nature and type of linkage between firms in a business network plays a critical role in facilitating innovation capability building of the network. However, in order to effectively learn from the network service firms need to possess sufficient learning capacity to transform that into innovation capability within their own firm. This paper addresses the development of innovative capability of a partnering firm resulting from a collaborative arrangement; with this backdrop the paper presents a theoretical framework.
Saluja, G & Adaval, R 1970, 'Self-construal as a Cultural Mindset and its Relevance for Automatic Social Behavior', NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Saluja, G, Hong, J & Mukhopadhyay, A 1970, 'Silver Linings on Darkened Endorsers: The Ironic Effect of Schadenfreude in Celebrity Scandals', Annual Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 14-14.
Sankaran, S & Agarwal, R 1970, 'Rethinking project management goals and methods to suit service systems', 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences 2012, ISSS 2012: Service Systems, Natural Systems, International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ISSS, San Jose, CA, USA, pp. 704-717.
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Industrial economies of the past are now moving towards becoming service-intensive, creative and knowledge-based economies that incorporate human creativity and social capital as the basis of value creation and productivity improvements. Moreover, they are radically transforming the manner in which they design, deliver and operate, thereby creating new services and market opportunities. Further, the fact that services are varied, have unique attributes - such as intangibility, heterogeneity, perishability, and inseparability (simultaneous consumption and delivery) - with the customer as a provider of input, make them complex in nature and difficult to understand and analyse. This has inspired a flurry of activity in government, industry and universities. There is now a growing recognition of the need for transdisciplinary research and new business models to propel innovation in services, commonly referred to as Services Science - An interdisciplinary cross-functional stream that brings together engineering, social sciences and management. In addition, business success is becoming less associated with tangible outcomes, embedded value and physical transactions, but more reliant on intangible resources, relationships, networks and co-creation of value. In the unfolding global economy, supply chains and value networks play a crucial role, and service organisations have to find innovative ways for attaining sustainable competitive advantage. Beyond this direct economic contribution, service industries have an ongoing role to deliver considerable indirect embodied value to goods production. Transformations in organisational structures and relations can imply changes in some or all of the mechanisms used to govern projects. Moreover, there is a growing consensus that project managers have to be more strategically instrumental than before in transforming organisational practices and processes when accomplishing project objectives. Underpinned by changing dynam...
Schulenkorf, N 1970, 'Benefits of Intercultural Cooperation in Sport-for-Development: Complementing International Expertise with Local Community Knowledge', Sport as a Mediator between Cultures Conference, Sport as a Mediator between Cultures Conference, International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), Wingate Institute, Israel, pp. 161-174.
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There is increasing evidence that government agencies and NGOs are turning to sport-for-development (S4D) projects as a tool for inclusive social change, reconciliation and peace-building in divided societies. In a developing world context, it is particularly challenging for (Western) sport organisers and âchange agentsâ to establish and maintain projects that are both professionally managed and culturally meaningful. Surprisingly, the involvement of international change agents and their cooperation with local communities at intergroup development projects has not received much empirical investigation. In addressing this gap, the purpose of this paper is twofold: First, an analysis of the roles and responsibilities of a sport event change agent in the ethnically divided Sri Lanka is presented. Central to this analysis are the sport and event activities of the Asian-German Sports Exchange Programme, and their contribution to reconciliation and peace building in Sri Lanka. Second, in discussing the research findings and their importance for inclusive and sustainable development, this paper incorporates additional practical experiences from S4D projects such as the âFootball for Peaceâ initiative in Israel, and the âHealthy Communitiesâ program in Vanuatu. Despite their contextual differences, all these sport-based development projects are designed to make a lasting difference within and between disadvantaged communities.
Schweitzer, J, Edwards, M, Nikolova, N & Nicolai, C 1970, 'Designing Entrepreneurial Work Environments: Exploring emergent design processes', European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Helsinki, Finland.
Sivaprakasam, S & Agarwal, R 1970, 'Customers as Co-innovators in Enterprise Innovation of Services - Open Innovation as a Social Experiment', Globalisation of Innovation Strategies: Novel Moves for a Global Game, Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012, Strategic Management Society, Singapore, pp. 1-14.
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The traditional innovation approach of conducting innovation activities within the confines of the enterprise without active participation of the stakeholders is ineffective in the services business. In the connected, digital, service- and knowledge-based economy, where disruptive technologies such as cloud services re-define business models, there is a need to deliver end-user centric and individualistic experience in a sustainable way. The notion of product being the centre of interaction is being replaced with service processes involving customers as participants; generally defined between service provider and service consumer resulting in co-creation of value. The service provider processes therefore need to transform their service operations in order to embrace the change arising from customer interactions. The aim of this paper is to respond to the question with literature and industry analysis. In doing so, this theoretical paper provides a framework based on open innovation as a social experiment.
Sklibosios Nikitopoulos, C & Platen, E 1970, 'Alternative Term Structure Models for Reviewing Expectations Puzzles', Research Paper Number, World Finance Conference, Rhodes, Greece.
Spence, M, Som, A & Zlatevska, N 1970, 'How Shades of Failure and Mental Simulation Affect the Likelihood of Subsequent Actions', AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth MN, pp. 228-236.
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Literature in sequential choice categorizes focal actions and reactions as either goal consistent or inconsistent. In practice, there areshades of consistency: some actions are greater failures than are others. Based on three inter-related studies, we empiricallydemonstrate that the likelihood of performing subsequent actions is affected by the extent of failure of the current action; and, that thiseffect is moderated by a process mental simulation versus an outcome simulation prime.
Van de Venter, G, Michayluk, D & Davey, G 1970, 'A longitudinal study of financial risk tolerance', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, ELSEVIER, Reno, Nevada, USA, pp. 794-800.
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Villeseche, F & Josserand, E 1970, 'Collective Agency to Overcome the “Gender Status Quo”: The Potential of Women’s Business Networks', Academy of Management Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management, Boston, USA, pp. 18002-18002.
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Wakefield, JA & Giacobbe, F 1970, 'Control of wholly owned foreign subsidiaries: A transaction cost economics approach', British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2012, British Accounting and Finance Association, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Waller, DS 1970, 'A media landscape of Gen Y: how does radio compare to other media?', Radio Waves : 90 Years of Radio Broadcasting in Australia' Old, New & Next Wave, ASRA & UTS Joint 2012 Conference, Australasian Sound Recordings Association & Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UTS, Sydney, Australia.
Wang, L, Wang, Y & Pechmann, C 1970, 'Decrease Or Enhance? Assessment of the Effect of Shanzhai on the Original Products', North America - Advances in Consumer Research, North America - Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, USA, pp. 784-785.
West, A 1970, 'Positive Psychological States Relationship to Organisational Training Transfer', Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Perth, Australia.
White, A & Simnett, R 1970, 'Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Auditor Stopping Rules', International Symposium on Audit Research, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
White, A, Simnett, R & Harding, N 1970, 'Auditor decision making under uncertainty: Discovering auditor stopping rules', American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association, Washington, DC.
Wieder, B, Ossimitz, ML & Chamoni, P 1970, 'The Impact of Business Intelligence Tools on Performance: A User Satisfaction Paradox?',, 9 th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics, Chania, Crete, Greece, pp. 1-6.
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While Business Intelligence (BI) initiatives have been a top-priority of CIOs around the world for several years, accounting for billions of USD of IT investments per annum (IDC), academic research on the actual benefits derived from BI tools and the drivers of these benefits remain sparse.This paper reports the findings of an exploratory, cross-sectional field study investigating the factors that define and drive benefits associated with the deployment of dedicated BI tools.BI is broadly defined as an analytical process which transforms fragmented data ofenterprises and markets into action-oriented information or knowledge about objectives, opportunities and positions of an organisation; BI toolsare software products primarily designed and deployed to support this analytical process (e.g. data warehouse software, data mining software, digital dashboards applications).Building upon DeLone and McLean’s (1992, 2002 and 2003) information systems success model, we develop, test and refine a BI quality and performance model adapted for the specific purpose, application, user group and technology of BI tools. The ultimate performance predictors in this model are user satisfaction and the impact of BI tools on managerial decision quality, both of which are determined by data quality.Partial Least Square (PLS) modeling is used to analyse data collected in a surveyadministered to IT executives of large Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listed companies.The results confirm some of the theoretical relationships established in – especially the original – DeLone-McLean model in the specific context of BI. More importantly, the results also confirm the important role of explicit BI management as antecedent of benefits derived from BI tools, and the key impact of data quality on managerial decision making and organizational performance.However, the results also reveal a ‘user satisfaction paradox’: In contrast to the predictions derived from the DeLone-McLean m...
Williams, TM 1970, 'Sustainability Strategy as Practice: Inside the Black-Box of Sustainability Strategy', Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, US.
Wise, C & Swait, JRJD 1970, 'Using neuroscience to identify confusion and improve decision making', Proceedings of ANZMAC 2012, 2012 ANZMAC Conference, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, pp. 1-1.
Wise, C, Burke, PF & Burke, S 1970, 'The impact of esoteric product specifications on choice', Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Conference, Academy of Marketing, Cardiff, Wales, UK, pp. 1-8.
Wise, C, Burke, PF & Burke, S 1970, 'The impact of esoteric product specifications on choice', 2012 AMA Educators' Proceedings, AMA Summer Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, USA.
Yu, K 1970, 'Explaining Patterns of Employment Relations in Asian Societies', Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Conference, Boston, USA.
Zhang, J, Buckley, N, Mestelman, S, Muller, RA & Schott, S 1970, 'How does Communication and Output Sharing Affect Intergroup Competition, Intragroup Effort Provision and Social Efficiency?', European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Zlatevska, N & Cowley, E 1970, 'Failing to Not Think About Failing: The Effects of Thought Suppression on Consumption', Society for Consumer Psychology (Summer).
Zlatevska, N & Cowley, E 1970, 'To Think or Not To Think: The Pros and Cons of Thought Suppression', Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research., ACR Conference Proceedings-Advances in Consumer Research.
Zlatevska, N & Holden, S 1970, 'Small size, big bite: A reassessment and reversal of the dieter's paradox', AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference.
Zlatevska, N & Spence, M 1970, 'Personal consumption norms and their influence on consumption volume', AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference.
Zlatevska, N, Dubelaar, C & Holden, S 1970, 'Sizing up the size effect: A meta analysis of unit size and its influence on consumption volume', AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference.
Zlatevska, N, Dubelaar, C & Holden, S 1970, 'Sizing up the size effect: A meta-analysis of unit size and its influence on consumption volume', Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth: MN.
Collins, J UTS 2012, Korean immigrant entrepreneurs in the Sydney Restaurant Industry, pp. 1-54, Sydney.
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This report presents the findings of a research project, contracted with UTS by Sushi Bay Pty Ltd, a Sydney-based business owned by Korean immigrants, into the dynamics of Korean immigrant entrepreneurs involved in food retailing in Sydney, particularly in the restaurants industry. Koreans have the highest rate of entrepreneurship of any immigrant group in Australia â twice the Australian average. This report analyses the results of a survey of 65 Korean immigrant entrepreneurs with businesses in food retailing in Sydney. Most are restaurant owners, though some own cafes and take-away food businesses. Many of those surveyed have located their restaurants and cafes in key suburban Korean ethnic precincts such as the City of Sydney, Eastwood, Campsie and Strathfield.
Edwards, DC, Foley, CT & Schlenker, K UTS 2012, The Sydney Entertainment Centre: Measuring the inscope expenditure into Chinatown, Darling Harbour and the City of Sydney, The Sydney Entertainment Centre, pp. 1-50, Australia.
Goodall, H, Byrne, D, Cadzow, A & Wearing, S UTS ePRESS 2012, Waters of Belonging: Al-miyahu Tajma'unah: Arabic Australians and the Georges River Parklands , pp. 1-55, Sydney.
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This series arises from Parklands, Culture and Communities, a project which looks at how cultural diversity shapes people's understandings and use of the Georges River and green spaces in Sydney's south west. We focus on the experiences of four local communities (Aboriginal, Vietnamese, Arabic and Anglo Australians) and their relationships with the river, parks and each other. Culturally diverse uses and views have not often been recognised in Australia in park and green space management models, which tend to be based on Anglo-Celtic 'norms' about nature and recreation. UTS and the Office of Environment and Heritage supported this research because they have been interested in how the more diverse cultural knowledges held by Australians today might offer support for managing green spaces more effectively.
Green, R, Toner, P & Agarwal, R McKell Institute 2012, Understanding Productivity - Australias Choice, pp. 1-59, Sydney.
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Australia's productivity challenge - High Road and Low Road
hall, R, Agarwal, R & Green, R Australian Business Deans Council 2012, The Future of Management Education Scoping Paper, pp. 1-32, Sydney.
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The Future of Management Education initiative is being undertaken by the Australian Business Deans Council with funding support from the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) under its Workforce Innovation Program. The Scoping Paper will be the basis of a broad consultation exercise which will encompass two workshops with business leaders in Sydney and Melbourne. The initiative proposal was supported by key industry and professional associations, including AiG, B-HERT, ICAA and Society for Knowledge Economics, and now has the additional participation of the BCA, ACCI, AIM, CPA Australia, AHRI, APESMA, AMI and the Australian Business Foundation. The consultation exercise will be followed by a call for expressions of interest by business schools to participate in `innovative practice trials, which enable the development and delivery of new curriculum and learning concepts. The results will be summarised in a final report in 2013 with a view to disseminating and diffusing best practice in business and management education. A Project Steering Committee is in the process of being established with key stakeholders in the initiative, including DIISRTE, and a Project Management Group is also being established, comprising interested ABDC deans and the Lead Project Consultant. Roy Green, Project Director (University of Technology Sydney) Richard Hall, Lead Project Consultant (University of Sydney) Renu Agarwal, Research Consultant (University of Technology Sydney)
Schuck, SR, Aubusson, PJ, Buchanan, JD, Louviere, JJ, Burke, PF & Prescott, AE UTS: CRLC and CENSOC 2012, Retaining effective early career teachers in NSW schools, pp. 1-193, Sydney.
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This project was commissioned by the NSW Department of Education and Training. This four and a half year research project had the aims of tracking a cohort of final year (2005) preservice teacher education students through their post-graduation experience into 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, in order to understand more clearly the reasons why some early career teachers (ECTs) in NSW public schools choose to leave the profession, and why others choose to remain; and in order to develop strategies to increase the retention rate of effective teachers during their early years of teaching.
Schuck, SR, Aubusson, PJ, Kearney, MD, Frischknecht, BD & Burke, PF University of Technology, Sydney 2012, Choice at the pedagogy-technology interface: Interactive whiteboards for learning, pp. 1-123, Sydney.
Siefken, K, Schofield, G & Schulenkorf, N World Health Organization 2012, Formative assessments of healthy workplace initiatives in Tuvalu, Tonga and Kiribati, pp. 1-72, Suva, Fiji.
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Between May 2011 and January 2012 primary research work was conducted in the three Pacific islands of Tuvalu, Tonga and Kiribati. Activities included NCD Mini Step screenings; the assessment of physical activity programs; and formative work investigating challenges and opportunities for health development. NCD screenings reveal high NCD risk factors: 68.0% and 70.9% of male and female screened individuals were identified as obese in Tonga, Tuvalu and Kiribati. Clearly, severe co-morbidities prevail. Findings indicate the existence of several physical activity programs in each country. Major challenges include sustainability issues and funding options. On-site practitioners are often highly motivated, though financial support and a lack of appropriate facilities and equipment hinder continuous program improvement. Future recommendations are provided for each country.
Jakovich, J & Schweitzer, J 2012, 'Soft Lines: Spaces & Bodies of Collective Creativity', Soft Lines: Spaces & Bodies of Collective Creativity, DAB LAB Research Gallery, University of Technology Sydney.
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Research into creativity processes is common, yet little knowledge exists about the architecture and atmosphere of environments that facilitate creative interactions between groups of designers. Within architectural design research, built form is conventionally conceived as a static encasing for the activity of human behaviour. Limited research exists to demonstrate how human collaborative activity, analysed through sensor technology and computer vision, can better inform the architectural design of creative spaces. This research examines how dynamic spaces for collaborative creativity can be designed by studying the âsoft linesâ of human interaction, as a precursor to the static lines of architectural drawing. A method is developed whereby photos of a space in use over time are utilised as material for analysis and information about spatial design. The current work leads towards a language and process for inductive designing of new forms of creative space. In this exhibition, form, edge, textural, social and contextual information about collaborative interactions is extracted and presented. The research is the first phase in a three-part research project to develop a new approach to designing environments for collective creativity. The goals of this phase include determining the patterns connecting creative innovation and spatial design in three case study environments. 'Soft Lines: Spaces and Bodies of Collective Creativity' was selected for exhibition in the DAB LAB Gallery (702-730 Harris Street, Ultimo) curated by Aanya Roennfeldt. In 2013, this exhibition forms the groundwork for the second phase, industry sponsored research into the design of spaces for collective creativity in corporate, educational, disability-care and library environments.
Leung, LT 2012, 'Trunk Volume Two: Blood', Trunk, Boccalatte, Sydney, pp. 337-338.
Reinmuth, G, Balmforth, S, Jakovich, J, Schweitzer, J & Goodwin, R 2012, 'Parramatta City Ring Road', Design Parramatta, Parramatta Council, -.
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Design proposal
Alexeev, V & Tapon, F 2012, 'Equity Portfolio Diversification: How Many Stocks are Enough? Evidence from Five Developed Markets'.
Auger, P, Devinney, TM, Dowling, G, Eckert, C & Lin, N 2012, 'Inertia and Discounting in the Selection of Socially Responsible Investments: An Experimental Investigation'.
Auger, P, Devinney, TM, Dowling, G, Eckert, C & Lin, N 2012, 'Winning the War for Talent: Back to Basics'.
Bugeja, M, Ghannam, S, Matolcsy, Z & Spiropoulos, H 2012, 'Does Board Gender-Diversity Matter in M&A Activities?'.
Carabetta, G 2012, 'Police Collective Bargaining & Industrial Action: An International Comparative Perspective, Seminar Presentation, Dipartimento di discipline giuridiche dell'economia, Universitá Di Bologna, Italy, 19 September 2012'.
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Seminar Presentation, Dipartimento di discipline giuridiche dell'economia, Universitá Di Bologna, Italy
Dwyer, L, Gill, A & Seetaram, N 2012, 'Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism'.
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This insightful book explores the most important established and emerging qualitative and quantitative research methods in tourism. The authors provide a detailed overview of the nature of the research method, its use in tourism, the advantages and limitations, and future directions for research.
Hambusch, G & Shaffer, S 2012, 'Forecasting Bank Leverage'.
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Standard early warning models to predict bank failures cannot be estimated during periods of few or zero failures, precluding any updating of such models during times of good performance. Here we address this problem using
an alternative approach, forecasting the simple leverage ratio (equity/assets) as a continuous variable that does not suffer from the small sample problem. Out-of-sample performance shows some promise as a supplement to the standard
approach, despite measurable deterioration in prediction accuracy during the crisis years.
Hambusch, G & Shaffer, S 2012, 'Forecasting Bank Leverage'.
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Standard early warning models to predict bank failures cannot be estimated during periods of few or zero failures, precluding any updating of such models during times of good performance. Here we address this problem using an alternative approach, forecasting the simple leverage ratio (equity/assets) as a continuous variable that does not suffer from the small sample problem. Out-of-sample performance shows some promise as a supplement to the standard approach, despite measurable deterioration in prediction accuracy during the crisis years.
Johar, M & Maruyama, S 2012, 'Externality and Strategic Interaction in the Location Choice of Siblings under Altruism toward Parents'.
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When siblings wish for the well-being of their elderly parents, the cost of caregiving and long-term commitment creates a free-rider problem among siblings. We estimate a sequential game to investigate externality and strategic interaction among adult siblings regarding their location choice relative to their elderly parents. Using the US Health and Retirement Survey, we find a positive externality and strategic interaction. The first-mover advantage of eldest children and the prisoner's dilemma are likely to exist but their magnitudes are negligible compared with inefficiency in joint utility. Inefficiency is large in a family with an educated, widowed mother and with educated siblings who are younger (relative to parents), married, and similar to each other. Had siblings fully internalized externality and jointly maximized utility sum in 2010, 17\% more parents with multiple children would have had a child nearby. Public policies that reduce children's private costs may enhance social welfare.
Johar, M, Jones, G, Keane, MP, Savage, E & Stavrunova, O 2012, 'Discrimination in a universal health system: Explaining socioeconomic waiting time gaps'.
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One of the core goals of a universal health care system is to eliminate discrimi-nation on the basis of socioeconomic status. We test for discrimination using patientwaiting times for non-emergency treatment in public hospitals. Waiting time shouldreect patients' clinical need with priority given to more urgent cases. Using data fromAustralia, we nd evidence of prioritisation of the most socioeconomically advantagedpatients at all quantiles of the waiting time distribution. These patients also bene tfrom variation in supply endowments. These results challenge the universal healthsystem's core principle of equitable treatment.
Logue, DM & jarvis, W 2012, 'Is the Toyota way the only way?', The Conversation.
Maruyama, S 2012, 'Inter Vivos Health Transfers: Final Days of Japanese Elderly Parents'.
Menzies, G & Xiao, X 2012, 'Non-traded Factor Appreciation in China'.
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The departure of a factor in excess supply in the non-traded sector leads to a real appreciation, in a setup that combines the canonical Lewis Model (Lewis, 1954, and Fei and Ranis, 1961, 1964) with a Balassa-Samuelson traded/non-traded dichotomy (Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1996). China is a potential candidate for non-traded factor appreciation, since it has not completed its structural transformation. A transfer of rural labor to urban areas will appreciate the real exchange rate.
Okumu, C & Clarke, T 2012, 'China and the shadow of colonialism still looming over Africa', The Conversation.
Roesch, D & Scheule, HH 2012, 'Forecasting Probabilities of Default and Loss Rates Given Default in the Presence of Selection'.
Siminski, P 2012, 'Changing Fortunes: Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Britain', Wiley, pp. 299-300.
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Wearing, S 2012, 'THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF TOURISM GEOGRAPHIES', Elsevier BV, pp. 2222-2224.
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Wearing, S 2012, 'Tourism and Australian beach cultures: revealing bodies', Informa UK Limited, pp. 340-341.
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Wearing, S 2012, 'Tourism and Sustainable Development: Reconsidering a Concept of Vague Policies', pp. 358-360.
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Tourism and Sustainable Development: Reconsidering a Concept of Vague Policies
is about sustainability and, in particular, sustainable development, and this book, by
Jorn W. Mundt, provides a review of its conceptual history, definitions and links to ¨
tourism. I like this book. It is a little eclectic and certainly not a standard text in the
area of tourism and sustainability. I would suggest it is a good read for those looking
for some alternative views and who have read some of the works that are more geared
towards the tourism textbook market. This book certainly is not that, which I see as
a positive thing
Yu, K 2012, 'Explaining Patterns of Employment Relations in Asian Societies'.