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Li, S, Wang, PZ, Louviere, JJ & Carson, R 1970, 'Archetypal analysis: a new way to segment markets based on extreme individuals', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1674-1679.
Louviere, JJ, Waller, DS & Smith, M 1970, 'Modelling a hierarchy of consumer decision states: the choice of island holiday destinations and dvd players', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 554-559.
Massey, GR & Dawes, PL 1970, 'Functional conflict and the effectiveness of marketing manager/sales manager working relationships', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1846-1853.
Nguyen, DT, Barrett, NJ & Trang, NT 1970, 'Sevice quality of entertainment parks in Vietnam: a replication study', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 2344-2350.
Onyx, J 1970, 'Third sector governance and its contribution to civil society', Third ISTR Asia and Pacific Regional Conference, --, Beijing, China.
Perrott, B 1970, 'Learning skills for ebusiness enablement: a role for simulation', The Learning Conference, --, London.
Perrott, B 1970, 'Towards an e-business enablement model', Proceeding of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Conference, Chartered Institute of Marketing Conference, CIM, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-11.
Perrott, B 1970, 'Transformation in the emerging networked economy: implications for strategic marketing', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 2360-2364.
Pitsis, TS, Clegg, SR & Marosszeky, M 1970, 'Constructing the Olympic dream: A future perfect strategy of project management.', 3rd World Project Management Week, World Project Management Week, Eventcorp, Australia, pp. 1-34.
Robertson, TJ, Hewlett, C, Harvey, S & Edwards, J 1970, 'A role with no Edges: The work practices of Information Architects', Human - Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice (Part 1): Proceedings of HCI International 2003, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, Crete, Greece, pp. 396-401.
Schlenker, K 1970, 'Connecting with Community - Creating Events that Inspire and Engage Local Stakeholders', Festivals and Events Association National Events Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Schlenker, K & Edwards, DC 1970, 'Community perceptions of socio-cultural impacts arising from festivals and events.', Festivals and Events Association (FEA) National Events Conference, 'Shaping the Landscape, Creating Inspiration', Sydney.
Schlenker, K & Edwards, DC 1970, 'Evaluating the socio-cultural impacts of a festival on a host community: a case study of the Australian Festival of the Book', Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association, School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, pp. 580-593.
Schlenker, K & Edwards, DC 1970, 'The Delphi technique as a tool for the evaluation of socio-cultural impacts of festivals and events on host communities', International Festival and Events Association Research Symposium, Anaheim, California.
Trang, NT, Barrett, NJ & Nguyen, DT 1970, 'Cultural sensitivity and its impact on business relationship quality', Proceedings from the 19th Annual IMP Conference, Annual International Marketing and Purchasing Conference, IMP Group, Lugano, Switzerland, pp. 1-9.
Veal, AJ 1970, 'Leisure studies and the challenge of poststructuralism', 6th ANZALS Biennial Conference: Leisure, Change and Diversity, --, Sydney.
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Wang, PZ 1970, 'Assessing consumer vanity in Australia and China', A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, ANZMAC, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1457-1461.
Wearing, SL & Archer, DJ 1970, 'An 'interpretation opportunity spectrum': a new approach to the planning and provision of interpretation in protected areas', Riding the Wave of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education annual conference, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia, pp. 1-18.
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Bajada, C 2003, The Cash Economy and Tax Reform.
Cameron, B, Darcy, SA & Foggin, ES UN ESCAP 2003, Barrier-Free Tourism for People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region, Barrier-Free Tourism for People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region, pp. 1-113, New York, USA.
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Chappell, CS, Hawke, GA, Rhodes, CH & Solomon, N OVAL Research UTS 2003, Major research program for Older Workers; Stage 1 The Conceptual Framework, pp. 1-76,
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Flowers, R, McEwen, C & Trede, FV Centre for Popular Education UTS 2003, Community Cultural Development and Popular Education in Clinical Settings, pp. 1-32, Sydney.
Hayllar, BR, Veal, AJ & Archer, DJ Camden Council 2003, Camden recreation needs study, pp. 1-53, Sydney.
Mann, N, Walsh, R, Bajada, C, Braithwaite, V, Dowling, P, Gabogrecan, B, Harnisch, W, Letheren, R, Moore, S, Raper, M, Stendell, D, Richardson, P, Ward, W, Goddard, T & Histon, A Australian Taxation Office 2003, The Cash Economy under the New Tax System, pp. 1-66, Australia.
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Wieder, B & Davis, D SAP 2003, SAP case study - mySAP supply chain management at Parbury FHS, pp. 1-38, SAP website.
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Non traditional outputs
Adriaanse, JA 2003, 'Role models in sport for adolescent girls - article in Sydney Morning Herald (17/11/03)'.
Adriaanse, JA 2003, 'Role models in sport for adolescent girls - article in Western Advocate (15/09/03)'.
Adriaanse, JA 2003, 'Women in sport - article in VIEW (2/2003)'.
Lynch, R 2003, 'Member, editorial board: 'Australian Leisure Manager'', Academy of management conference.
Lynch, R 2003, 'Member, editorial board: 'Australian Parks and Leisure'', AFFI International conference.
Lynch, R 2003, 'Member, editorial board: 'Journal of Quality of Life Studies'', Quantitative methods in finance 2003 conference.
Lynch, R 2003, 'Member, editorial board: 'Leisure Sciences'', New frontiers in financial volatility modelling conference.
Lynch, R 2003, 'Member, editorial board: 'Managing Leisure: An International Journal'', Keynote address to the US organisational development network's Annual conference 'sustainable organisations' 10-16th October 2003, --, --.
Wearing, SL 2003, 'Chair, editorial board: 'Australasian Parks and Leisure''.
Brown, DA 2003, 'Performance management of information technology investments: a balanced scorecard approach (Acct paper #61)'.
Chiarella, C & Sklibosios, CN 2003, 'A class of jump-diffusion bond pricing models within the HJM framework'.
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Collins, J 2003, 'Ethnic entrepreneurship in Australia (Willy Brandt paper series, Uni of Malmo)'.
Collins, J 2003, 'Immigration and immigrant settlement in Australia: political responses, discourses and new challenges (Willy Brandt paper series, Uni of Malmo)'.
Collins, J, Hiebert, DJ & Spoonley, P 2003, 'Uneven globalization: neoliberal regimes immigration a multiculturalism in Australia, Canada and New Zealand (RIIM paper #03-05)'.
Dalton, BM 2003, 'Ties that bind? the impace of contracting and project-based futures'.
Dawes, PL & Massey, GR 2003, 'Marketing's cross-functional relationship with sales in Australian and UK firms: a model and empirical test'.
Hutcheson, TJ 2003, 'Lead-lag relationship in currency markets'.
Perrott, B 2003, 'Efficiency and effectiveness dimensions from the impact of ebusiness (an explanatory new UTS working papers series 2003)'.
Wearing, S & McDonald, M 2003, 'Interconnected worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia', Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 752-753.
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Wieder, B & Davis, D 2003, 'SAP case study - mySAP supply chain management at Parbury FHS', SAP INC.