(Fred) Cha, D, Zhang, H & Blumenstein, M 2011, 'Prediction of maximum wave-induced liquefaction in porous seabed using multi-artificial neural network model', Ocean Engineering, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 878-887.
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-, JL, -, CW, -, DP, -, HH & -, XZ 2011, 'Realizing Secure Cloud Computing Environment by ECA Rules', International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 267-274.
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-, JL, -, XZ, -, DP & -, HH 2011, 'Active XML for Service Discovery in Mobile Environment', Journal of Convergence Information Technology, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 47-53.
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Abul Kalam, M & Hj Hassan, M 2011, 'Design, Modification and Testing of a Catalytic Converter for Natural Gas Fueled Engines', Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 677-688.
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Adnan, R, Masjuki, HH & Mahlia, TMI 2011, 'Mathematical modeling on the effect of equivalence ratio in emission characteristics of compression ignition engine with hydrogen substitution', Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 217, no. 13, pp. 6144-6158.
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Aghdam, RF 2011, 'Dynamics of productivity change in the Australian electricity industry: Assessing the impacts of electricity reform', Energy Policy, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 3281-3295.
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Ahmad, RT, Nguyen, TV, Vigneswaran, S & Ho, DP 2011, 'Removal of effluent organic matter by purolite fluidised bed and submerged membrane hybrid system', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 194-200.
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In this study, Purolite® A500PS was used to remove effluent organic matter in a fluidised bed and submerged membrane hybrid system (SMHS). It was found that the fluidised bed purolite column can effectively remove 73% of dissolved organic compound (DOC) from synthetic biologically treated sewage effluent (BTSE). DOC removal can be reduced further, by up to 95% when the fluidised bed purolite column was combined with a treatment by granular activated carbon column. Purolite® was also used as an adsorbent in the SMHS. The results showed that critical flux of the SMHS depend on the purolite size. Critical fluxes of SMHS were 30 and 35 L/m2.h where 0.1 g/L of purolite of sizes below 150 μm and 150-300 μm were used respectively. The removal efficiency of natural organic matter from synthetic BTSE by SMHS was a function of purolite dose. The removal efficiency increased from less than 60% to more than 70% when the purolite dose increased from 0.05g/L to 0.1g/L. © 2011 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.
Ahmed, A, Mubashir Hassan, M, Sohaib, O, Hussain, W & Qasim Khan, M 2011, 'An agent based architecture for cognitive spectrum management', Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 682-689.
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In the recent years, wireless technologies and devices have progressed dramatically that has augmented the demand for electromagnetic spectrum. Some research work showed that spectrum access and provision to user is not possible due to shortage of spectrum but federal communication commission refused to accept this theory and indicated that the spectrum is available since most of the frequency bands are underutilized. In order to allow the use of these frequency bands without interference, cognitive radio was proposed that characterizes the growing intelligence of radio systems can adapt to the radio environment, allowing opportunistic usage and sharing with the existing uses of spectrum. To take this concept a step further, we propose to use intelligent agent for spectrum management in the context of cognitive radio in this paper. In our proposed architecture, agents are embedded in the radio devices that coordinate their operations to benefit from network and avoid interference with the primary user. Agents carry a set of modules to gather information about the terminal status and the radio environment and act accordingly to the constraints of the user application.
Ahmed, W, Aslam, MA, Lopez-Lorca, AA, Shen, J, Beydoun, G & Richards, D 2011, 'Using Ontologies to Synchronize Change in Relational Database Systems', JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 89-107.
Al Fugura, A, Billa, L & Pradhan, B 2011, 'Semi-automated procedures for shoreline extraction using single RADARSAT-1 SAR image', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 395-400.
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Alavi, AH & Gandomi, AH 2011, 'Prediction of principal ground-motion parameters using a hybrid method coupling artificial neural networks and simulated annealing', Computers & Structures, vol. 89, no. 23-24, pp. 2176-2194.
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Alavi, AH, Ameri, M, Gandomi, AH & Mirzahosseini, MR 2011, 'Formulation of flow number of asphalt mixes using a hybrid computational method', Construction and Building Materials, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 1338-1355.
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Alavi, AH, Aminian, P, Gandomi, AH & Esmaeili, MA 2011, 'Genetic-based modeling of uplift capacity of suction caissons', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 12608-12618.
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Alavi, AH, Gandomi, AH, Modaresnezhad, M & Mousavi, M 2011, 'New Ground-Motion Prediction Equations Using Multi Expression Programing', Journal of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 511-536.
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Aldridge, LP, Vessalas, K, Fernando, K, Costa, MD, Thomas, P & Ray, AS 2011, 'Comparison of durability measures of concrete as a function of cure times', Concrete in Australia, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 42-47.
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This work forms part of a project for evaluating techniques of estimating concrete durability to improve service life. Here compressive strength, chloride diffusivity, void volume, and sorptivity from water cured concretes were measured at seven, 28 and 56 days to evaluate the concrete durability as a function of curing. It was concluded that while void volume and sorptivity were useful as quality control measures they did not reflect the increase in durability found when concrete was cured. This was in contrast to the chloride diffusivity and compressive strength results which showed marked differences during the curing of the concrete. For this study four concrete mixes were prepared using identical compositions of water, sand, and aggregates and having the same amount of cementitious materials with four different compositions: (1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) (2) OPC with 20% replacement of a commercial fly ash (3) OPC with 40% replacement of the same fly ash, and (4) OPC with 20% replacement by pitchstone fines. Pitchstone fines are a waste product made during the production of expandable perlite aggregate which previous work has shown to act as a supplementary cementitious material.
AlFugura, A, Billa, L, Pradhan, B, Mohamed, TA & Rawashdeh, S 2011, 'Coupling of hydrodynamic model and aerial photogrammetry-derived digital surface model for flood simulation scenarios using GIS: Kuala Lumpur flood, Malaysia', Malaysia, Disaster Advances, vol. 4, no. 4.
Al-Harthy, AS, Stewart, MG & Mullard, J 2011, 'Concrete cover cracking caused by steel reinforcement corrosion', Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 655-667.
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The paper reviews previously reported predictive models on corrosion-induced crack initiation and propagation and presents new additional results of ongoing accelerated corrosion tests conducted at The University of Newcastle. In addition to eight concrete specimens previously tested, six new specimens were tested to study the effect of reinforcement confinement, concrete strength (24 and 8 MPa), cover (10 and 20 mm) and reinforcing bar diameter (16 and 27 mm) on corrosion-induced cracking. Time-dependent crack widths were measured for different reinforced concrete slabs for corrosion rates up to 169 μA/cm2. It was found that predictions of time to crack initiation are highly scattered and can differ by as much as two orders of magnitude. It was also found that crack initiation and propagation times increase with increasing cover and decrease with increasing reinforcing bar diameter and compressive strength. In addition, the rate of crack propagation is 10–50% higher for reduced reinforcement confinement such as at the edge of a slab or corner of a column. The experimental results are compared with existing crack initiation and propagation predictive models allowing for the accuracy of existing models to be assessed and showing potential areas for further research.
Ali, A, Hussain, W & Ahmed, A 2011, 'E-learning: Closing the digital gap between developed and developing countries', Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 903-908.
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As there are many gaps between developed and developing countries, Digital Gap is one of them. Research has raised the idea and question of e-learning closing this gap. Research has identified, compared, evaluated and reviewed the issue from both the angels of literature and quantitative research. The focus has been to assess the e-learning potential to provide quality education though electronic means and review to what extent this is going to be feasible. ICT infrastructure, channels of communication, learning styles, the role of teacher and classroom and blended learning has been discussed.
Al-Mahmoud, F, Castel, A, François, R & Tourneur, C 2011, 'Anchorage and tension-stiffening effect between near-surface-mounted CFRP rods and concrete', Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 346-352.
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Al-Rifai, JH, Khabbaz, H & Schaefer, AI 2011, 'Removal of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds in a water recycling process using reverse osmosis systems', SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 60-67.
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A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate the occurrence, persistence and fate of a range of micropollutants at different processing points at a full-scale water recycling plant (WRP) in Queensland, Australia. The WRP, which combines an advanced water treatment plant (AWTP) with a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), produces high quality recycled water for industrial users. The concentrations of 11 pharmaceuticals from various therapeutic categories and two endocrine disrupting chemicals were examined in full-scale microfiltration and reverse osmosis membrane facilities. Salicylic acid was the most abundant analyte in the WWTP influent, with a concentration range of 11-38 μg/L, followed by bisphenol A with concentrations ranging from 6 to 23 μg/L. The concentration of all analytes decreased on average by one order of magnitude following primary and secondary treatment. Gemfibrozil, primidone and carbamazepine were found to have lower removal efficiencies (74-78%) than other compounds during these stages, which could indicate lower biodegradability. The microfiltration and reverse osmosis systems were found to further lower the pollutant concentrations by an order of magnitude. The overall removal efficiencies in the final recycled water were above 97%, resulting in product water concentrations of lower than 0.1 μg/L for most compounds. An exception to this finding was observed for bisphenol A, which was detected in concentrations up to 0.5 μg/L in the final recycled water. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Altaee, A 2011, 'A conceptual membrane arrangement design in the high pressure vessel for seawater desalination', WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 1, pp. 659-670.
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The wide applications of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes in seawater desalination and various industrial processes have encouraged researchers and scientists to investigate the phenomena of water and salt diffusion through the membrane. Typically, the high pressure RO membrane vessel is loaded with membrane elements having the same flux and salt rejection rate. It has been conceived that when different types of RO elements are loaded into the pressure vessel in a special arrangement according to their permeability and salt rejection rate, this arrangement has the potential for reducing the energy consumption of the RO plant. A conceptual design is introduced here to describe this new idea. The effects of feed salinity and temperature were investigated in this paper using the ROSA Filmtec membrane design software. A two pass membrane treatment process was designed for desalting seawater at different salinities varied from 35000 ppm to 43000 ppm. The results showed a net energy saving from 2.5% to 3% (depending on the feed salinity) could be achieved. The effect of the feed temperature was also investigated and the new design was found to be more energy efficient. © 2011 WIT Press.
AlTaee, A & Sharif, AO 2011, 'Alternative design to dual stage NF seawater desalination using high rejection brackish water membranes', Desalination, vol. 273, no. 2-3, pp. 391-397.
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Dual stage NF membrane desalination process was proposed as an alternative approach to RO seawater desalination. Despite of being cheaper than RO desalination, dual stage NF process is not commercially applied yet due to the low overall recovery rate. In an attempt to increase the process recovery rate and to reduce the operation complicity, brackish water RO membrane was used instead of NF in the second stage. ROSA software was used in this study to verify the applicability and cost-effectiveness of the NF-BW dual stage desalination process. Similarly to dual stage NF desalination process, an NF membrane was used in the first stage and BW membrane in the second stage. Permeate from NF membrane was used as a feed into the BW membranes. The effect of membrane type and seawater salinity on the process performance was investigated. For any given recovery rate and seawater salinity, the simulation results showed that the overall cost of NF-NF was slightly lower than the NF-BW process but that was on the cost of higher permeate TDS. For instance, at 43,000mg/l feed salinity the difference in the specific power consumption between NF-NF and NF-BW process was 0.38kWh/m3. The permeate TDS was 125mg/l for NF-BW and 1030mg/l for NF-NF process. The difference in the permeate TDS between NF-NF and NF-BW process increased with increasing the feed salinity. In dual stage NF process, a low permeate was achieved at low recovery rate. For example, at 43,000mg/l feed salinity the permeate TDS from dual stage NF process was 359mg/l when the overall recovery rate was 22%. It was also found that the effect of BW membrane type on the process efficiency was insignificant. Finally, the energy requirements of NF-NF and NF-BW were compared to a single stage RO desalination process. The specific power consumption at 43,000mg/l feed salinity was 4.58kWh/m3, 4.2kWh/m3 and 3.86kWh/m3 for RO, NF-BW and NF-NF process respectively. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Al-Zubaydi, AY 2011, 'Solar air conditioning and refrigeration with absorption chillers technology in Australia–an overview on researches and applications', Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23-41.
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The air conditioning sector demand for energy has increased incessantly in Australia in the past few years due to global warming and the increase of life standards. This added more loads on the electricity demand and a significant increase in peak demand due to the use of conventional air conditioning systems, in addition to the environmental impact of energy producing from fossil fuels. Nevertheless, to minimise the environmental impact associated with air conditioning/ refrigeration system operation it is logical to evaluate the alternative options for energy sources and/or refrigerant systems. The solar assisted air conditioning /refrigeration system is presented as an attractive substance utilise the free, clean and sustainable solar energy. In this study, an overview of the different solar assisted air conditioning technologies available and their applications with a brief literature of the current related research and study in Australia, the review cover the solar thermal assisted cooling system (Absorption, Adsorption, Ejector systems, Desiccant cooling, thermo-mechanical) and the Solar electric cooling technology. From the study, the Solar cooling system applied Absorption chillers present as the most promising technology available.
Amailef, K & Lu, J 2011, 'A mobile‐based emergency response system for intelligent m‐government services', Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 338-359.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present an intelligent mobile based emergency response system (MERS) framework, a text information extraction and aggregation algorithm to integrate information from multiple sources in the MERS system, and an ontology‐supported case‐based reasoning system for the MERS system.Design/methodology/approachThe paper explains the components of information extraction and aggregation process, and a CBR‐Ontology approach for the MERS system.FindingsThe result of this study will offer a new opportunity to the interaction between government, citizens, responders, and other non‐government agencies in emergency situations, and therefore improve the services of the government in an emergency situation.Originality/valueThe paper indicates the need for usage of mobile technologies to assist the government to get information and make decisions in responding to disasters anytime and anywhere.
Amarjargal, A, Tijing, LD & Kim, CS 2011, 'One-pot synthesis of silver-titanium dioxide nanocomposites using ethylene glycol medium and their antibacterial properties', Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1957-1965.
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We report here for the first time a one-pot simultaneous synthesis and antibacterial properties of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposites via ethylene glycol medium. The salient features of this method include simple operation, large scale production and one medium (solvent) to produce two different nanoparticles. Clusters of Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles with an average size of 20 - 30 nm and narrow size distribution are formed after annealing at 400 and 500 oC. The annealed Ag-TiO2 nanoparticles show excellent antibacterial properties under visible-light irradiation.
Aminian, P, Javid, MR, Asghari, A, Gandomi, AH & Esmaeili, MA 2011, 'A robust predictive model for base shear of steel frame structures using a hybrid genetic programming and simulated annealing method', Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1321-1332.
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Anand, S, Engelbrecht, A & McGloin, D 2011, 'Optically written optofluidic ice channels', Journal of Optics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 044005-044005.
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Anbazhagan, P, Buddhima, I & Amarajeevi, G 2011, 'Characterization of Clean and Fouled Rail Track Ballast Subsurface Using Seismic Surface Survey Method: Model and Field Studies', Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 831-841.
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Abstract The efficiency of track foundation material gradually decreases due to insufficient lateral confinement, ballast fouling, and loss of shear strength of the subsurface soil under cyclic loading. This paper presents characterization of rail track subsurface to identify ballast fouling and subsurface layers shear wave velocity using seismic survey. Seismic surface wave method of multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) has been carried out in the model track and field track for finding out shear wave velocity of the clean and fouled ballast and track subsurface. The shear wave velocity (SWV) of fouled ballast increases with increase in fouling percentage, and reaches a maximum value and then decreases. This character is similar to typical compaction curve of soil, which is used to define optimum and critical fouling percentage (OFP and CFP). Critical fouling percentage of 15 % is noticed for Coal fouled ballast and 25 % is noticed for clayey sand fouled ballast. Coal fouled ballast reaches the OFP and CFP before clayey sand fouled ballast. Fouling of ballast reduces voids in ballast and there by decreases the drainage. Combined plot of permeability and SWV with percentage of fouling shows that after critical fouling point drainage condition of fouled ballast goes below acceptable limit. Shear wave velocities are measured in the selected location in the Wollongong field track by carrying out similar seismic survey. In-situ samples were collected and degrees of fouling were measured. Field SWV values are more than that of the model track SWV values for the same degree of fouling, which might be due to sleeper’s confinement. This article also highlights the ballast gradation widely followed in different countries and presents the comparison of Indian ballast gradation with international gradation standards. Indian ballast contains a coarser particle size when compared to other countries. The upper ...
Anbazhagan, P, Lijun, S, Buddhima, I & Cholachat, R 2011, 'Model track studies on fouled ballast using ground penetrating radar and multichannel analysis of surface wave', Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 175-184.
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Ansari, Y, Merifield, R, Yamamoto, H & Sheng, D 2011, 'Numerical analysis of soilbags under compression and cyclic shear', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 659-668.
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Arnison, MR, Morgan-Mar, DP, Deller, CA, Fletcher, PA & Larkin, KG 2011, 'Measurement of the lens optical transfer function using a tartan pattern', Applied Optics, vol. 50, no. 15, pp. 2158-2158.
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Aryal, R, Baral, B, Vigneswaran, S, Naidu, R & Loganathan, P 2011, 'Seasonal influence on urban dust PAH profile and toxicity in Sydney, Australia', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 2238-2243.
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Road dust is one of the major threats to the urban environment due to wash-off of dust to the surrounding catchments during wet weather period. The dust contains wide range of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals. Among the toxic contaminants, PAHs are of environmental concern due to their potential carcinogenic and mutagenic effect besides endocrine disruptive behaviour. Eighteen road dust samples from Sydney were collected in different time periods for a year and analysed for 16 US EPA PAHs. Total PAHs content range in the dust was 9-105 μg/g. Total and individual PAH contents were highest in the finest size fraction (<75 μm) and in winter compared to the other seasons. The PAH profiles in the different particle sizes were similar but different between the four seasons. The concentrations of higher molecular weight PAHs (4- and 5-rings) were much greater than the concentrations of lower molecular weight PAHs (2- and 3-rings). Toxicity equivalency factor application showed that the longer the dry weather period the higher the total PAHs content and toxicity in the dust. © IWA Publishing 2011.
Aryal, R, Kandasamy, J, Vigneswaran, S, Naidu, R & Lee, SH 2011, 'Review of stormwater quality, quantity and treatment methods part 1: Stormwater quantity modelling', Environmental Engineering Research, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 71-78.
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A review of stormwater quantity and quality in the urban environment is presented. The review is presented in three parts. The first part reviews the mathematical methods for stormwater quantity and has been undertaken by examining a number of stormwater models that are in current use. The important feature of models, their applications, and management has been discussed. Different types of stormwater management models are presented in the literatures. Generally, all the models are simplified as conceptual or empirical depending on whether the model is based on physical laws or not. In both cases if any of the variables in the model are regarded as random variables having a probability distribution, then the model is stochastic model. Otherwise the model is deterministic (based on process descriptions). The analytical techniques are presented in this paper.
Aryal, R, Vigneswaran, S & Kandasamy, J 2011, 'Application of Ultraviolet (UV) Spectrophotometry in the Assessment of Membrane Bioreactor Performance for Monitoring Water and Wastewater Treatment', Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 227-232.
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Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy has been widely used in monitoring water and wastewater treatment. In this study UV spectroscopy was used to investigate fouling development on the membrane surface of membrane bioreactors. The chemistry of mixed liquor present in the membrane bioreactor and the foulant deposited on the membrane surface was compared by analyzing the UV spectra. The mixed liquor showed different spectra than did the foulant. The foulant spectra showed a shift in absorbance peaks with operation time. The particle size distribution (<450 nm) was also examined to explain the UV fingerprints.
Aryal, R, Vigneswaran, S, Loganathan, P, Kandasamy, J & Mohammed, T 2011, 'Hydrous iron oxide for removal of inorganic contaminants in simulated stormwater: A batch sorption kinetics study', KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1706-1712.
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Urban stormwater runoff, which consists of inorganic and organic contaminants, is a major source of pollutants to receiving waters and therefore they need to be removed. Simultaneous removal of contaminants, Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ (heavy metal cations), and SeO42- (oxyanion) from a simulated stormwater by a hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) was studied in batch and column sorption experiments. In the batch experiment the rate of sorption of the ions was rapid at the beginning and reached equilibrium in approximately 300 min. The amounts of ions sorbed were proportionate to the respective initial concentration of the ions added to the HFO. Cluster analysis showed that all heavy metals had similar sorption behavior, whereas Se had a distinctly different sorption process. Of the three different kinetic models tested the pseudo-first order kinetic model fitted the data the best. The column experimental results beyond 180 min were consistent with those of the batch experiment that the removal efficiencies of the ions were in proportion to the ion concentration in the feed. Below 180 min, Cu appeared to be preferentially removed than Zn. © 2011 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, Seoul, Korea.
Atabani, AE, Badruddin, IA, Mekhilef, S & Silitonga, AS 2011, 'A review on global fuel economy standards, labels and technologies in the transportation sector', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 4586-4610.
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Atallah, SS, El Saliby, I, Baalbaki, R & Talhouk, SN 2011, 'Effects of different irrigation, drying and production scenarios on the productivity, postharvest quality and economic feasibility of Origanum syriacum, a species typically over-collected from the wild in Lebanon', Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 337-343.
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Background: The potential of Origanum syriacum L. to become a cultivated crop in Lebanon rather than being harvested from the wild was investigated at the production, postharvest and economic levels. Three irrigation schemes were tested on growth paramet
Atanassov, KT & Shannon, AG 2011, 'The digital root function for Fibonacci-type sequences', Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 251-254.
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The base of digit roots of elements of a sequence of numbers is defined, with examples given for the Fibonacci, Lucas, Lucas-Lehmer and Euler sequences. The theory is then applied to extensions of the Pell-Padovan and Tribonacci sequences.
Azadeh, A, Saberi, M & Gitiforouz, A 2011, 'An integrated simulation-based fuzzy regression-time series algorithm for electricity consumption estimation with non-stationary data', Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 1047-1066.
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Azadeh, A, Saberi, M, Anvari, M & Mohamadi, M 2011, 'An integrated artificial neural network-genetic algorithm clustering ensemble for performance assessment of decision making units', Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 229-245.
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Azadeh, A, Saberi, M, Moghaddam, RT & Javanmardi, L 2011, 'An integrated Data Envelopment Analysis–Artificial Neural Network–Rough Set Algorithm for assessment of personnel efficiency', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 1364-1373.
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Baccelli, F, Machiraju, S, Veitch, D & Bolot, J 2011, 'Probing for Loss: The Case Against Probe Trains', IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 590-592.
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Bajan, S & Hutvagner, G 2011, 'Another “Loophole” in miRNA Processing', Molecular Cell, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 345-347.
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In this issue of Molecular Cell, Suzuki et al. (2011) present the intriguing finding that an RNAse known to play an important role in immunity regulates miRNA processing in cancer and inflammation by cleaving the terminal loops of many miRNAs. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Barolli, L, Takizawa, M & Hussain, FK 2011, 'Special issue on emerging trends in cyber-physical systems', JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 249-250.
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Barthassat, V, Carrard, I, Schwarz, V, Bobbioni-Harsch, E, Gay, V, Sittarame, F & Golay, A 2011, 'P60 - Obésité et adhésion thérapeutique : analyse du suivi des patients participant à un programme interdisciplinaire de deux ans', Diabetes & Metabolism, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. A49-A49.
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Barua, B, Abolhasan, M & Safaei, F 2011, 'On the Symbol Error Probability of Multihop Parallel Relay Networks', IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 719-721.
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In this paper we analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) of a cooperative multihop parallel relay network in Rayleigh fading channels for M-ary Phase-shift keying (M-PSK) modulation. The general closed form expression of the SEP is derived. We present numerical results on the performance of the network.
Barua, B, Abolhasan, M, Safaei, F & Franklin, DR 2011, 'On the Error Exponent of Amplify and Forward Relay Networks', IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 1047-1049.
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In this letter we derive the exact random coding error exponent of a dual hop amplify and forward (AF) relay network with channel state information (CSI) assisted ideal relay gain. Numerical results have been presented, which provide insight about the performance tradeoff between the error exponent and the data rate of the network. Finally we present the capacity analysis of this relay network.
Beck, D, Ayers, S, Wen, J, Brandl, MB, Pham, TD, Webb, P, Chang, C-C & Zhou, X 2011, 'Integrative analysis of next generation sequencing for small non-coding RNAs and transcriptional regulation in Myelodysplastic Syndromes', BMC Medical Genomics, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-16.
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Abstract Background Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDSS) are pre-leukemic disorders with increasing incident rates worldwide, but very limited treatment options. Little is known about small regulatory RNAs and how they contribute to pathogenesis, progression and transcriptome changes in MDS. Methods Patients' primary marrow cells were screened for short RNAs (RNA-seq) using next generation sequencing. Exon arrays from the same cells were used to profile gene expression and additional measures on 98 patients obtained. Integrative bioinformatics algorithms were proposed, and pathway and ontology analysis performed. Results In low-grade MDS, observations implied extensive post-transcriptional regulation via microRNAs (miRNA) and the recently discovered Piwi interacting RNAs (piRNA). Large expression differences were found for MDS-associated and novel miRNAs, including 48 sequences matching to miRNA star (miRNA*) motifs. The detected species were predicted to regulate disease stage specific molecular functions and pathways, including apoptosis and response to DNA damage. In high-grade MDS, results suggested extensive post-translation editing via transfer RNAs (tRNAs), providing a potential link for reduced apoptosis, a hallmark for this disease stage. Bioinformatics analysis confirmed important regulatory roles for MDS linked miRNAs and TFs, and strengthened the biological significance of miRNA*. The 'RNA polymerase II promoters' were identified as the tightest controlled biological function. We suggest their control by a miRNA dominated feedback loop, which might be linked to the dramatically different miRNA amounts seen between low and high-gra...
Beydoun, G, Lopez-Lorca, AA, Garcia-Sanchez, F & Martinez-Bejar, R 2011, 'How do we measure and improve the quality of a hierarchical ontology?', JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 2363-2373.
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Hierarchical ontologies enable organising information in a human-machine understandable form, but constructing them for reuse and maintainability remains difficult. Often supporting tools available lack formal methodological underpinning and their developers are not supported by any concomitant metrics. The paper presents a formal underpinning to provide quality metrics of a taxonomy hierarchical ontology and proposes a methodology for semi-automatic building of maintainable taxonomies. Users provide terms to be used to describe different ontological elements as well as their attributes and their ranges of values. The methodology uses the formalised metrics to assess the quality of the users input and proposes changes according to given quality constraints. The paper illustrates the metrics and the methodology in constructing and repairing two medium size well-known taxonomies. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Beydoun, G, Low, G, Tran, N & Bogg, P 2011, 'Development of a peer-to-peer information sharing system using ontologies', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 9352-9364.
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Beyhan, B & Cetindamar, D 2011, 'No escape from the dominant theories: The analysis of intellectual pillars of technology management in developing countries', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 103-115.
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Bjarnadottir, S, Li, Y & Stewart, MG 2011, 'A probabilistic-based framework for impact and adaptation assessment of climate change on hurricane damage risks and costs', Structural Safety, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 173-185.
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This paper presents a probabilistic-based framework to assess the potential hurricane risks to residential construction under various wind speed change scenarios due to potential climate change. Every year hurricane (cyclone) hazards cause extensive economic losses and social disruption around the world. Annual hurricane damage in the United States (US) is around $6 billion in recent years. Hurricane intensity or/and frequency may change due to the increase in sea surface temperature as a result of climate change. Implications of the changing hazard patterns on hurricane risk assessment warrants an investigation to evaluate the potential impact of climate change. The framework includes probabilistic models of hurricane occurrence and intensity and conditional damage state probabilities (vulnerability model) for typical residential construction in the US, and an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of various climate change adaptation strategies. A case study of Miami-Dade County, Florida is presented to illustrate the framework under various scenarios of change in maximum annual wind speed over 50. years. Demographic information, such as median house value and changes in house numbers, and distribution of houses on different exposure, is used to estimate the time-dependent probable damage with or without possible climate change induced change in wind speed. This study shows that climate change may have a substantial impact on the damage and loss estimation in coastal areas, and that certain adaptation strategies can cost effectively decrease the damage, even if the wind speed does not change. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Bjarnadottir, S, Li, Y & Stewart, MG 2011, 'Social vulnerability index for coastal communities at risk to hurricane hazard and a changing climate', Natural Hazards, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 1055-1075.
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This paper presents the development of the Coastal Community Social Vulnerability Index (CCSVI) in order to quantify the social vulnerability of hurricane-prone areas under various scenarios of climate change. The 2004-2005 Atlantic hurricane seasons is estimated to have caused $150 billion dollars in damages, and in recent years, the annual hurricane damage in the United States is estimated at around $6 billion. Hurricane intensity or/and frequency may change due to the increase in sea surface temperature as a result of climate change. Climate change is also predicted to cause a rise in sea levels, potentially resulting in higher storm surges. The CCSVI combines the intensity of hurricanes and hurricane-induced surge to create a comprehensive index that considers the effects of a changing climate. The main contributing factors of social vulnerability (such as race, age, gender, and socioeconomic status) in hurricane-prone areas are identified through a principal components analysis. The impact of social characteristics on the potential hurricane damage under various scenarios of climate change are evaluated using Miami-Dade County, Florida, as a case study location. This study finds that climate change may have a significant impact on the CCSVI. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Bjørnerem, Å, Ghasem-Zadeh, A, Bui, M, Wang, X, Rantzau, C, Nguyen, TV, Hopper, JL, Zebaze, R & Seeman, E 2011, 'Remodeling markers are associated with larger intracortical surface area but smaller trabecular surface area: A twin study', Bone, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 1125-1130.
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BLAMIRES, SJ 2011, 'Nutritional implications for sexual cannibalism in a sexually dimorphic orb web spider', Austral Ecology, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 389-394.
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AbstractModels predicting mechanisms driving sexual cannibalism in spiders with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) often assume that spiders use post‐copulatory food to channel nutrients into eggs and fecundity is altered through changes in clutch size or egg mass. I tested these assumptions using an orb web spider with extreme SSD,Argiope keyserlingi. I fed mated female spiders prey of either high protein‐low energy or low protein‐high energy composition. I measured egg energy density; a measure of the relative volumes of yolk and albumen. I predicted that ifA. keyserlingiincrease their egg energy density upon feeding on prey of a specific nutrient composition, they could enhance their fecundity by investing in more energy dense eggs. However, if the egg energy densities are dissimilar to their post‐copulatory prey they must be drawing energy from their somatic reserves to invest in eggs. In a further experiment I allowed female spiders to mate with and cannibalize males to determine if cannibalism induces similar effects on egg energy density. Male spider protein energy ratio was measured and found to resemble the high protein‐low energy prey. I found disagreement between the composition of post‐copulatory food and eggs in both experiments. Additionally, spiders fed high protein‐low energy prey lost weight indicating that they draw on their energy reserves to invest in eggs. I thus concluded that spiders that feed on high protein‐low energy prey or on males increase their egg energy density and, possibly, fecundity. However, the nutrient content of the prey or males cannot provide for investment in eggs. The energy invested in eggs is drawn from somatic reserves, probably induced by an as yet undescribed physiological trigger.
Blamires, SJ, Chao, Y-C, Liao, C-P & Tso, I-M 2011, 'Multiple prey cues induce foraging flexibility in a trap-building predator', Animal Behaviour, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 955-961.
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Bohnen, F, Maschek, T & Deuse, J 2011, 'Leveling of low volume and high mix production based on a Group Technology approach', CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 247-251.
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Application of conventional leveling approaches in industry is constrained by the requested product diversity. Therefore, leveling is predominantly used in high volume production. However, it can be utilized in low volume and high mix production by means of an adapted leveling approach presented in this paper. This approach primarily uses clustering techniques to group product types into families. After that, a family-based leveling pattern is generated. The paper focuses on the formation of product families for leveling and describes in detail the usage of a so-called desirability index for cluster validation. It also provides an example of actual application. © 2011.
Bolch, T, Peters, J, Yegorov, A, Pradhan, B, Buchroithner, M & Blagoveshchensky, V 2011, 'Identification of potentially dangerous glacial lakes in the northern Tien Shan', Natural Hazards, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 1691-1714.
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Bourouni, K, Ben M’Barek, T & Al Taee, A 2011, 'Design and optimization of desalination reverse osmosis plants driven by renewable energies using genetic algorithms', Renewable Energy, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 936-950.
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Renewable energy sources (RES) for powering desalination processes is a promising option especially in remote and arid regions where the use of conventional energy is costly or unavailable. Reverse Osmosis (RO) is one of the most suitable desalination processes to be coupled with different renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.
If RES/RO systems are optimally designed, some combinations can be cost effective and reliable. However, the design of such systems is complex because of uncertain renewable energy supplies, load demands and the non-linear characteristics of some components.
In such system, different scenarios can be suggested; i.e combinations of PV panels, type and number of batteries, type and number of turbines, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the optimal configuration with classical techniques. The development of a tool to integrate all parameters involved and compare between the possible scenarios is very important.
This paper presents a new model based on the Genetic Algorithms allowing the generation of several individuals (possible solutions) for coupling small RO unit to RES. A particular interest is focused on the hybrid systems (PV/WIND/Batteries/RO). The objective function to minimize corresponds to the total water cost (Capital cost plus Operational costs).
Finally, a case study of PV/RO unit, installed since 2007 in Ksar Ghilène village in southern Tunisia, is presented.
Bremner, MJ, Jozsa, R & Shepherd, DJ 2011, 'Classical simulation of commuting quantum computations implies collapse of the polynomial hierarchy', PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, vol. 467, no. 2126, pp. 459-472.
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We consider quantum computations comprising only commuting gates, known as IQP computations, and provide compelling evidence that the task of sampling their output probability distributions is unlikely to be achievable by any efficient classical means. More specifically, we introduce the class post-IQP of languages decided with bounded error by uniform families of IQP circuits with post-selection, and prove first that post-IQP equals the classical class PP. Using this result we show that if the output distributions of uniform IQP circuit families could be classically efficiently sampled, either exactly in total variation distance or even approximately up to 41 per cent multiplicative error in the probabilities, then the infinite tower of classical complexity classes known as the polynomial hierarchy would collapse to its third level. We mention some further results on the classical simulation properties of IQP circuit families, in particular showing that if the output distribution results from measurements on only O(log n) lines then it may, in fact, be classically efficiently sampled.
Bridge, P, Pocock, NA, Nguyen, T, Munns, C, Cowell, CT, Forwood, N & Thompson, MW 2011, 'Validation of Longitudinal DXA Changes in Body Composition From Pre- to Mid-Adolescence Using MRI as Reference', Journal of Clinical Densitometry, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 340-347.
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Bücker, D & Deuse, J 2011, 'Konzept zur energieeffizienten Sequenzierung der Wärmebehandlung', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 9, pp. 606-609.
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Kurzfassung Die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung stellt Verfahren zur Lösung von Sequenzierungsproblemen hinsichtlich klassischer Produktionsziele, wie z.B. Durchlaufzeit und Kosten, zur Verfügung. Um den Anforderungen einer energieeffizienten und verschwendungsarmen Produktion zu begegnen, wird am Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Produktionssysteme ein Konzept zur energieeffizienten Sequenzierung unter Berücksichtigung klassischer Produktionsziele erstellt, dessen Systematik in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt wird.
Budka, M & Gabrys, B 2011, 'Electrostatic field framework for supervised and semi-supervised learning from incomplete data', Natural Computing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 921-945.
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Budka, M, Gabrys, B & Musial, K 2011, 'On Accuracy of PDF Divergence Estimators and Their Applicability to Representative Data Sampling', Entropy, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1229-1266.
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Generalisation error estimation is an important issue in machine learning. Cross-validation traditionally used for this purpose requires building multiple models and repeating the whole procedure many times in order to produce reliable error estimates. It is however possible to accurately estimate the error using only a single model, if the training and test data are chosen appropriately. This paper investigates the possibility of using various probability density function divergence measures for the purpose of representative data sampling. As it turned out, the first difficulty one needs to deal with is estimation of the divergence itself. In contrast to other publications on this subject, the experimental results provided in this study show that in many cases it is not possible unless samples consisting of thousands of instances are used. Exhaustive experiments on the divergence guided representative data sampling have been performed using 26 publicly available benchmark datasets and 70 PDF divergence estimators, and their results have been analysed and discussed.
Burdon, S & Feeny, D 2011, 'Mobilizing For Value Added Partnerships', Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 22-41.
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© 1970, © 1970 Elsevier Ltd. According to Krishnamurthy et al (2007) the building of competitive advantage from alliances via innovation with technical partners is the most challenging of the objectives sought in partnerships. Academic research in the last decade has examined the prerequisites and success factors and general agreement has been reached on the critical issues. They include, for example, the concept of relationship capital - mutual trust, mutual commitment and information exchange (Sarkar et al, 2001). However, it is not clear that this knowledge has led to improvements in the historically poor success ratio. This case explores the successful implementation of an innovation partnership, endorsing the recent work by Sturgess & Cumming (2011) on the importance of a focus on implementation. Previous academic research on such partnerships has tended to focus on manufacturing; in particular the automotive engineering and pharmaceutical sectors. Relationships were typically asymmetric with the supplier being much smaller in size and power relative to the manufacturer. The authors wanted to explore a different power and size relationship emerging from the growing needs of a number of service industries, where technology is becoming a strategic imperative for gaining competitive advantage. Organisations in the aviation, retail banking and retail communications sectors are seeking IT and telecommunication skills that will help them build competitive advantage from better services, systems and products. The most knowledgeable organisations with this technical knowledge tend to be large ones. Our case examines how Westpac, a large retail bank in Australia, went about the task of reviewing their existing commercial relationships and selected the most promising one for the objective of building a trusted value adding partnership. In the process, they identified the critical pre-requisites and developed a five-stage key success model for implementation....
Burnham, DR & McGloin, D 2011, 'Modeling of optical traps for aerosols', Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 2856-2856.
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Byun, KY, Fleming, P, Bennett, N, Gity, F, McNally, P, Morris, M, Ferain, I & Colinge, C 2011, 'Comprehensive investigation of Ge–Si bonded interfaces using oxygen radical activation', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 109, no. 12, pp. 123529-123529.
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In this work, we investigate the directly bonded germanium-silicon interfaces to facilitate the development of high quality germanium silicon hetero integration at the wafer scale. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data is presented which provides the chemical composition of the germanium surfaces as a function of the hydrophilic bonding reaction at the interface. The bonding process induced long range deformation is detected by synchrotron x-ray topography. The hetero-interface is characterized by measuring forward and reverse current, and by high resolution transmission electron microscopy.
CAO, Y-J, NIU, Z-D, ZHAO, K & PENG, X-P 2011, 'Near Duplicated Web Pages Detection Based on Concept and Semantic Network', Journal of Software, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1816-1826.
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Reprinting websites and blogs produces a great deal redundant Web Pages. To improve search efficiency and user satisfaction, the near-Duplicate Web Pages Detection based on Concept and Semantic network (DWDCS) is proposed. In the course of developing a near-duplicate detection system for a multi-billion pages repository, this paper makes two research contributions. First, the key concept is extracted, instead of the key phrase, to build Small Word Network (SWN). This not only reduces the complexity of the semantic network, but also resolves the
“expression difference” problem. Second, this paper considers both syntactic and semantic information to present and compute the documents’ similarities. In a large-scale test, experimental results demonstrate that this approach outperforms that of both I-Match and key phrase extraction algorithms based on SWN. Many advantages such as linear time and space complexity, without using a corpus, make the algorithm valuable in actual practice.
Carpi, LC, Rosso, OA, Saco, PM & Ravetti, MG 2011, 'Analyzing complex networks evolution through Information Theory quantifiers', Physics Letters A, vol. 375, no. 4, pp. 801-804.
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Castel, A & François, R 2011, 'Modeling of steel and concrete strains between primary cracks for the prediction of cover-controlled cracking in RC-beams', Engineering Structures, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 3668-3675.
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Castel, A, Coronelli, D, François, R & Cleland, D 2011, 'Modelling the Stiffness Reduction of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams after Cracking', MODELLING OF CORRODING CONCRETE STRUCTURES, vol. 5, pp. 219-230.
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Castel, A, Coronelli, D, Vu, NA & François, R 2011, 'Structural Response of Corroded, Unbonded Posttensioned Beams', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 137, no. 7, pp. 761-771.
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Catchpoole, D, Mackie, N, McIver, S, Chetcuti, A, Henwood, A, Graf, N & Arbuckle, S 2011, 'Tape transfer sectioning of tissue microarrays introduces nonspecific immunohistochemical staining artifacts', Biotechnic & Histochemistry, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 421-428.
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Tissue microarrays place tens to hundreds of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue cores into a paraffin block in a systematic grid pattern that permits their simultaneous evaluation in a single section. The fragmented nature of the tissue cores often makes sectioning of tissue microarrays difficult so that the resulting disks of tissue lose their shape, fracture or fall out of the paraffin section altogether. We have evaluated an alternative sectioning protocol for stabilizing the tissue microarray surface by placing an adhesive tape "window" over the face of the paraffin block prior to sectioning. Once sectioned, the tape/sections are transferred directly onto coated microscope slides, thereby avoiding routine floating of sections on a water bath. After sectioning with either the tape transfer or standard protocols, slides were stained either using hematoxylin and eosin or immunohistochemistry using antibodies to S-100 protein and the tissue specific antigens, keratin (AE1/3) and the leukocyte common antigen CD45. We found that the tape method produced thicker sections that were darker and more densely packed with loss of tissue definition compared to sections prepared using water bath flotation. Quantitative image analysis of immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that the tape method produced a higher incidence of nonspecific staining, which raised the potential for false positive staining. © 2011 The Biological Stain Commission.
Center, JR, Bliuc, D, Nguyen, ND, Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 2011, 'Osteoporosis Medication and Reduced Mortality Risk in Elderly Women and Men', The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 1006-1014.
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Abstract Context: Osteoporotic fractures are associated with premature mortality. Antiresorptive treatment reduces refracture but mortality reduction is unclear. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the effect of osteoporosis treatment [bisphosphonates (BP), hormone therapy (HT), and calcium ± vitamin D only (CaD)] on mortality risk. Design: This was a prospective cohort study (April 1989 to May 2007). Setting: The study was conducted with community-dwelling elderly (aged 60+ yr) subjects in Dubbo, a semiurban city, Australia. Subjects: Subjects included 1223 and 819 women and men in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study. Main Outcome Measure: Mortality according to treatment group was recorded. Results: There were 325 (BP, n = 106; HT, n = 77; CaD, n = 142) women and 37 men (BP, n = 15; CaD, n = 22) on treatment. In women, mortality rates were lower with BP 0.8/100 person-years (0.4, 1.4) and HT 1.2/100 person-years (0.7, 2.1) but not CaD 3.2/100 person-years (2.5, 4.1) vs. no treatment 3.5/100 person-years (3.1, 3.8). Accounting for age, fract...
Cerezo-Guisado, MI, Reino, PD, Remy, G, Kuma, Y, Arthur, JSC, Gallego-Ortega, D & Cuenda, A 2011, 'Evidence of p38γ and p38δ involvement in cell transformation processes', Carcinogenesis, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 1093-1099.
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Cetindamar, D & Pala, O 2011, 'Chief technology officer roles and performance.', Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag., vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1031-1046.
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Chaczko, Z & Kale, A 2011, 'Automated Tablet Quality Assurance and Identification for Hospital Pharmacies', International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 153-158.
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Automated Tablet Quality Assurance and Identification for Hospital PharmaciesThe tablet quality checking and identification in hospital pharmacies is done manually and does not use any automated solution. Manual sorting and handling makes this activity laborious and error-prone. This paper describes a low cost solution that is characterised by a small size of the infrastructure involved. Discussed are design and implementation details of Tablet Inspection System based on Machine Vision. The described process uses a dedicated sequence of operation to perform dispensing, scanning and sorting using mini factory setup. Machine Vision System uses a novel Genetic Evolution algorithm. The algorithm provides robust and scalable output. Due to its versatile nature and easy shape recognition ability the approach can be easily adapted to a large variety of medical tablets. The proposed solution attempts to follow the concept of single objective with multiple optima in GA that is designed to scan multiple number of tablets in one cycle of operation.
Chaczko, Z & Resconi, G 2011, 'Reasoning by SVD and Morphotronic Network', International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 145-152.
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The immune system of the vertebrates possess the capabilities of 'intelligent' information processing, which include memory, the ability to learn, to recognize, and to make decisions with respect to unknown situations. The mathematical formalization of t
Chan, KY, Ling, SH, Dillon, TS & Nguyen, HT 2011, 'Diagnosis of hypoglycemic episodes using a neural network based rule discovery system', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 9799-9808.
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Hypoglycemia or low blood glucose is dangerous and can result in unconsciousness, seizures and even death for Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Based on the T1DM patients' physiological parameters, corrected QT interval of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal, change of heart rate, and the change of corrected QT interval, we have developed a neural network based rule discovery system with hybridizing the approaches of neural networks and genetic algorithm to identify the presences of hypoglycemic episodes for TIDM patients. The proposed neural network based rule discovery system is built and is validated by using the real T1DM patients' data sets collected from Department of Health, Government of Western Australia. Experimental results show that the proposed neural network based rule discovery system can achieve more accurate results on both trained and unseen T1DM patients' data sets compared with those developed based on the commonly used classification methods for medical diagnosis, statistical regression, fuzzy regression and genetic programming. Apart from the achievement of these better results, the proposed neural network based rule discovery system can provide explicit information in the form of production rules which compensate for the deficiency of traditional neural network method which do not provide a clear understanding of how they work in prediction as they are in an implicit black-box structure. This explicit information provided by the product rules can convince medical doctors to use the neural networks to perform diagnosis of hypoglycemia on T1DM patients.
Chanan, AP, Ghetti, IB & Kandasamy, JK 2011, 'Challenges of managing coastal areas through climate change', PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, vol. 164, no. 2, pp. 83-88.
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In Australia the strongest natural fluctuation of climate from year to year is the El Niño southern oscillation. La Niña years are associated with an increased probability of wetter and cooler conditions, whereas El Niño years are drier and hotter then normal. For an urbanised coastal council such as Kogarah there are a number of impacts associated with climate change. For instance, the risk of flooding may be increased due to more intense rainfalls coupled with rising sea levels. Coastal councils may also experience increased coastal flooding and erosion due to increased storm surges and rising sea levels. Water restrictions are already in place due to severe droughts, and it is predicted that councils will have limited water supply available for the irrigation needed to provide parks and well-maintained sporting facilities for the community. Given that the science of climate change is not an exact science there are obvious technical and sociopolitical challenges to be addressed. This paper shares Kogarah Council's experiences in dealing with these challenges and provides a snapshot of programmes currently being implemented in response to climate change. By investing in proactive measure to reduce risk and vulnerability it is possible to build resilience to climate change.
Chanan, AP, Kandasamy, J & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Role of case study research in training the renaissance water engineer', Global Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 110-116.
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Contemporary water management challenges around Australia highlight water engineers' inability to understand the community's needs. Developing new technologies is not enough. Implementation of these technologies can only take place if the engineers understand the motives and desires of people that are related to the new technology and the effects on the community as a whole. Renaissance water engineers who are able to go beyond their own technical specialty and understand the broader implications of the technological solutions they develop, are needed to solve Australia's water problems. Our ability to produce such engineers depends on our ability to first prepare renaissance engineering academics within our higher education institutions. It is, therefore, imperative to re-examine current practices in engineering PhDs. The engineering discipline is urged to embrace the case study research approach as a vital means of training renaissance water engineers. © WIETE 2011.
Chanan, AP, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Simmons, B 2011, 'Lessons for a viable water recycling industry', PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER MANAGEMENT, vol. 164, no. 5, pp. 213-219.
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The platform on which the labour government came to power in Australia in November 2007 included a policy of setting a national wastewater recycling target of 30% by the year 2015. A similar target-based approach was followed by the solid waste recycling industry in Australia the policy of which focused on supply and did not adequately acknowledge the price competitiveness of the product and its demand. This paper highlights the lessons from the solid waste recycling industry and applies them to the water recycling sector. A sound water pricing regime that reflects the true costs of water and a competitive water industry is offered as a better policy alternative to setting recycling targets.
Chang, C-Y, Tanong, K, Chiemchaisri, C & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Feasibility study of a cyclic anoxic/aerobic two-stage MBR for treating ABS resin manufacturing wastewater', Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5325-5330.
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This study investigated the feasibility and the treatment efficiency of a cyclic anoxic/aerobic two-stage MBR for treating polymeric industrial wastewater. The anoxic/aerobic hybrid MBR was operated without sludge withdrawal except sampling during the st
Chang, C-Y, Tanong, K, Xu, J & Shon, H 2011, 'Microbial community analysis of an aerobic nitrifying-denitrifying MBR treating ABS resin wastewater', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5337-5344.
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A two-stage aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) system for treating acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) resin wastewater was carried out in this study to evaluate the system performance on nitrification. The results showed that nitrification of the aerobic MBR system was significant and the highest TKN removal of approximately 90% was obtained at hydraulic retention time (HRT) 18 h. In addition, the result of nitrogen mass balance revealed that the percentage of TN removal due to denitrification was in the range of 8.7â19.8%. Microbial community analysis based on 16s rDNA molecular approach indicated that the dominant ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) group in the system was a b-class ammonia oxidizer which was identified as uncultured sludge bacterium (AF234732). A heterotrophic aerobic denitrifier identified as Thauera mechernichensis was found in the system. The results indicated that a sole aerobic MBR system for simultaneous removals of carbon and nitrogen can be designed and operated for neglect with an anaerobic unit.
Chao, PC-P, Liao, P-Y, Tsai, M-Y & Lin, C-T 2011, 'Robust control design for precision positioning of a generic piezoelectric system with consideration of microscopic hysteresis effects', Microsystem Technologies, vol. 17, no. 5-7, pp. 1009-1023.
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This study performs precision positioning of a generic piezoelectric structure against hysteresis effects by finite elements, microscopic hysteresis cancellation and robust H ∞ compensation. The designed control algorithm is expected to be effective in enhancing servo performance of hard disk drives. The precision positioning is accomplished by adding a polarization term into the linear constitutive equations of piezoelectric materials. This polarization term is then described by the well-known Preisach model. Applying basic principles of finite elements and Hamilton's thoery, the macroscopic governing equations of an arbitrary piezoelectric system in finite elements are obtained. Based on the macro-model, a controller consisting of two parts is designed to perform the precision positioning of a generic piezo-structure. The first part is responsible for direct hysteresis cancellation at the microscopic level, while the second one is a robust H ∞ controller to overcome inevitable cancellation errors. In this way, the control effort is then more effective than the conventional PI and double-lead controller without microscopic hysteresis cancellation. A simple piezoelectric structure of a bender-bimorph cantilever beam is considered for designs and experimental validation. Based on experimental results, the proposed control design is found effective to suppress hysteresis effects as opposed to conventional controllers. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Chen, J, Chen, X, Duan, R, Ji, Z & Zeng, B 2011, 'No-go theorem for one-way quantum computing on naturally occurring two-level systems', Physical Review A, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 0-0.
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The ground states of some many-body quantum systems can serve as resource states for the one-way quantum computing model, achieving the full power of quantum computation. Such resource states are found, for example, in spin- 5 2 and spin- 3 2 systems. It is, of course, desirable to have a natural resource state in a spin- 1 2 , that is, qubit system. Here, we give a negative answer to this question for frustration-free systems with two-body interactions. In fact, it is shown to be impossible for any genuinely entangled qubit state to be a nondegenerate ground state of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian. What is more, we also prove that every spin- 1 2 frustration-free Hamiltonian with two-body interaction always has a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states. In other words, there cannot be any interesting entanglement features in the ground state of such a qubit Hamiltonian.
Chen, J, Ji, Z, Klyachko, A, Kribs, DW & Zeng, B 2011, 'Rank Reduction for the Local Consistency Problem', JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, vol. 53, no. 2.
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We address the problem of how simple a solution can be for a given quantumlocal consistency instance. More specifically, we investigate how small therank of the global density operator can be if the local constraints are knownto be compatible. We prove that any compatible local density operators can besatisfied by a low rank global density operator. Then we study both fermionicand bosonic versions of the N-representability problem as applications. Afterapplying the channel-state duality, we prove that any compatible local channelscan be obtained through a global quantum channel with small Kraus rank.
Chen, J, Ji, Z, Kribs, D, Wei, Z & Zeng, B 2011, 'Ground-State Spaces of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians', JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, vol. 53, no. 10.
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We study the ground-state space properties for frustration-free Hamiltonians.We introduce a concept of `reduced spaces' to characterize local structures ofground-state spaces. For a many-body system, we characterize mathematicalstructures for the set $\Theta_k$ of all the $k$-particle reduced spaces, whichwith a binary operation called join forms a semilattice that can be interpretedas an abstract convex structure. The smallest nonzero elements in $\Theta_k$,called atoms, are analogs of extreme points. We study the properties of atomsin $\Theta_k$ and discuss its relationship with ground states of $k$-localfrustration-free Hamiltonians. For spin-1/2 systems, we show that all the atomsin $\Theta_2$ are unique ground states of some 2-local frustration-freeHamiltonians. Moreover, we show that the elements in $\Theta_k$ may not be thejoin of atoms, indicating a richer structure for $\Theta_k$ beyond the convexstructure. Our study of $\Theta_k$ deepens the understanding of ground-statespace properties for frustration-free Hamiltonians, from a new angle of reducedspaces.
Chen, J, Ji, Z, Wei, Z & Zeng, B 2011, 'Correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 85, no. 4.
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Physical properties of the ground and excited states of a $k$-localHamiltonian are largely determined by the $k$-particle reduced density matrices($k$-RDMs), or simply the $k$-matrix for fermionic systems---they are at leastenough for the calculation of the ground state and excited state energies.Moreover, for a non-degenerate ground state of a $k$-local Hamiltonian, eventhe state itself is completely determined by its $k$-RDMs, and thereforecontains no genuine ${>}k$-particle correlations, as they can be inferred from$k$-particle correlation functions. It is natural to ask whether a similarresult holds for non-degenerate excited states. In fact, for fermionic systems,it has been conjectured that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-localHamiltonian is simultaneously a unique ground state of another 2-localHamiltonian, hence is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix. And a weaker versionof this conjecture states that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-localHamiltonian is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix among all the pure$n$-particle states. We construct explicit counterexamples to show that bothconjectures are false. It means that correlations in excited states of localHamiltonians could be dramatically different from those in ground states. Wefurther show that any non-degenerate excited state of a $k$-local Hamiltonianis a unique ground state of another $2k$-local Hamiltonian, hence is uniquelydetermined by its $2k$-RDMs (or $2k$-matrix).
Chen, J, Ji, Z, Zeng, B & Zhou, DL 2011, 'From Ground States to Local Hamiltonians', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 86, no. 2.
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Traditional quantum physics solves ground states for a given Hamiltonian,while quantum information science asks for the existence and construction ofcertain Hamiltonians for given ground states. In practical situations, onewould be mainly interested in local Hamiltonians with certain interactionpatterns, such as nearest neighbour interactions on some type of lattices. Anecessary condition for a space $V$ to be the ground-state space of some localHamiltonian with a given interaction pattern, is that the maximally mixed statesupported on $V$ is uniquely determined by its reduced density matricesassociated with the given pattern, based on the principle of maximum entropy.However, it is unclear whether this condition is in general also sufficient. Weexamine the situations for the existence of such a local Hamiltonian to have$V$ satisfying the necessary condition mentioned above as its ground-statespace, by linking to faces of the convex body of the local reduced states. Wefurther discuss some methods for constructing the corresponding localHamiltonians with given interaction patterns, mainly from physical points ofview, including constructions related to perturbation methods, localfrustration-free Hamiltonians, as well as thermodynamical ensembles.
Chen, P-Y, Van, L-D, Khoo, I-H, Reddy, HC & Lin, C-T 2011, 'Power-Efficient and Cost-Effective 2-D Symmetry Filter Architectures', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 112-125.
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This paper presents two-dimensional (2-D) VLSI digital filter structures possessing various symmetries in the filter magnitude response. For this purpose, four Type-1 and four Type-2 power-efficient and cost-effective 2-D magnitude symmetry filter architectures possessing diagonal, fourfold rotational, quadrantal, and octagonal symmetries with reduced number of multipliers and one power-efficient and cost-effective multimode 2-D symmetry filter are given. By combining the identities of the four Type-1 symmetry filter structures, the proposed multimode 2-D symmetry filter is capable of providing four different operation modes: diagonal symmetry mode (DSM), fourfold rotational symmetry mode (FRSM), quadrantal symmetry mode (QSM), and octagonal symmetry mode (OSM). The proposed diagonal, fourfold rotational, quadrantal, and octagonal symmetry filter structures can attain power savings of 16.77%, 36.30%, 22.90%, and 37.73% with respect to that of the conventional 2-D filter design without symmetry. On the other hand, the proposed DSM, FRSM, QSM, and OSM modes can reduce power consumption by 11.01%, 31.42%, 17.53%, and 35.26% compared with that of the conventional 2-D filter design. The proposed multimode filter can result in a 63.25% area reduction compared with the sum of the areas of the four individual Type-1 symmetry filter structures. © 2010 IEEE.
Chen, S-W, Lin, S-H, Liao, L-D, Lai, H-Y, Pei, Y-C, Kuo, T-S, Lin, C-T, Chang, J-Y, Chen, Y-Y, Lo, Y-C, Chen, S-Y, Wu, R & Tsang, S 2011, 'Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video imaging using kernel-based principal component analysis', BioMedical Engineering OnLine, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 99-99.
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Background: The computer-aided identification of specific gait patterns is an important issue in the assessment of Parkinson's disease (PD). In this study, a computer vision-based gait analysis approach is developed to assist the clinical assessments of PD with kernel-based principal component analysis (KPCA).Method: Twelve PD patients and twelve healthy adults with no neurological history or motor disorders within the past six months were recruited and separated according to their 'Non-PD', 'Drug-On', and 'Drug-Off' states. The participants were asked to wear light-colored clothing and perform three walking trials through a corridor decorated with a navy curtain at their natural pace. The participants' gait performance during the steady-state walking period was captured by a digital camera for gait analysis. The collected walking image frames were then transformed into binary silhouettes for noise reduction and compression. Using the developed KPCA-based method, the features within the binary silhouettes can be extracted to quantitatively determine the gait cycle time, stride length, walking velocity, and cadence.Results and Discussion: The KPCA-based method uses a feature-extraction approach, which was verified to be more effective than traditional image area and principal component analysis (PCA) approaches in classifying 'Non-PD' controls and 'Drug-Off/On' PD patients. Encouragingly, this method has a high accuracy rate, 80.51%, for recognizing different gaits. Quantitative gait parameters are obtained, and the power spectrums of the patients' gaits are analyzed. We show that that the slow and irregular actions of PD patients during walking tend to transfer some of the power from the main lobe frequency to a lower frequency band. Our results indicate the feasibility of using gait performance to evaluate the motor function of patients with PD.Conclusion: This KPCA-based method requires only a digital camera and a decorated corridor setup. The ease of...
Chen, Z, Ngo, H, Guo, W, Wang, XC & Luo, L 2011, 'Probabilistic Assessment of Recycled Water Schemes in Australia Using MATLAB Toolbox', Journal of Water Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 333-344.
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Hundreds of recycled water schemes have been successfully established in Australia. However, water quality and risks on human health and the environment associated with particular end uses (e.g. irrigation, industrial uses, non-potable urban uses, groundwater recharges, indirect and direct potable reuses) are still of great concern which can limit the application and extension of recycled water. This study analyses representative recycled water schemes in Australia with regard to the sources and corresponding risks of recycled water, risk assessment approaches as well as practical risk control methods towards various end uses. To quantify the risks, this study proposes a probabilistic assessment approach for existing and future water recycling schemes. With the assistance of MATLAB toolbox, the model was able to fit observed data to probability distribution functions (PDFs) and express the percent removal in PDF rather than point values. This approach could be helpful in quantifying risk or percent removal of potential hazards which involve a degree of variability and randomness. The analytical results, when couple with other environmental assessment tools are convinced to be useful for integrated water planning and management in Australia.
Cheng, J, Qiao, M, Bian, W & Tao, D 2011, '3D human posture segmentation by spectral clustering with surface normal constraint.', Signal Process., vol. 91, no. 9, pp. 2204-2212.
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In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for partitioning human posture represented by 3D point clouds sampled from the surface of human body. The algorithm is formed as a constrained extension of the recently developed segmentation method, spectral clu
Chetcuti, A, Aktas, S, Mackie, N, Ulger, C, Toruner, G, Alkan, M & Catchpoole, D 2011, 'Expression profiling reveals MSX1 and EphB2 expression correlates with the invasion capacity of Wilms tumors', Pediatric Blood & Cancer, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 950-957.
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AbstractBackgroundWilms tumor is the most common pediatric renal malignancy, but the parameters that are important to its invasion capacity are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to identify new proteins associated with the invasion capacity of Wilms tumor.ProcedureGene expression profiles for 15 primary Wilms tumor samples were determined by Affymetrix Genechip® Human Genome Ul33A microarray analysis. The gene expression profiles for selected genes was further confirmed by quantitative RT‐PCR analysis. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed on 25 Wilms tumor cases to confirm expression for Bcl2A1, EphB2, MSX1, and RIN1.ResultsUsing microarray analysis 14 genes showed differential expression (P < 0.05) comparing stage 1 non‐invasive Wilms tumor to stages 2–4 invasive Wilms tumor. The differential expression for Bcl2A1, EphB2, MSX1, and RIN1 was confirmed by quantitative RT‐PCR. MSX1 protein was statistically significantly lower in stages 2–4 invasive Wilms tumor cases compared to stage 1 non‐invasive cases (P = 0.013). EphB2 protein was higher in stages 2–4 Wilms tumor cases compared to stage 1 cases (P = 0.006). There was no statistically significant difference between stages 1 and 2–4 Wilms tumor for Bcl2A1 (P = 0.230) or RIN1 (P = 0.969) at the protein level.ConclusionOur results indicate that MSX1 may be associated with the invasion cap...
Chiemchaisri, W, Chiemchaisri, C, Dumrongsukit, C, Threedeach, S, Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Removal of water-borne microorganisms in floating media filter-microfiltration system for water treatment', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5438-5443.
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Floating plastic media pre-filter (PP) in combination with microfiltration membrane (MF) was applied to the removal of water-borne microorganism from surface water. The system was operated with and with-out coagulant addition. Jar-test results suggested
Ching, YC, Ching, YC, Kalam, A & Iskandar, IY 2011, 'Comparison Use of Suspended Cell System and Polyurethane Base Immobilized Cell System in Biological Treatment of Wastewater', RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 849-855.
Chin-Teng Lin, Lun-De Liao, Yu-Hang Liu, I-Jan Wang, Bor-Shyh Lin & Jyh-Yeong Chang 2011, 'Novel Dry Polymer Foam Electrodes for Long-Term EEG Measurement', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1200-1207.
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A novel dry foam-based electrode for long-term EEG measurement was proposed in this study. In general, the conventional wet electrodes are most frequently used for EEG measurement. However, they require skin preparation and conduction gels to reduce the skinelectrode contact impedance. The aforementioned procedures when wet electrodes were used usually make trouble to users easily. In order to overcome the aforesaid issues, a novel dry foam electrode, fabricated by electrically conductive polymer foam covered by a conductive fabric, was proposed. By using conductive fabric, which provides partly polarizable electric characteristic, our dry foam electrode exhibits both polarization and conductivity, and can be used to measure biopotentials without skin preparation and conduction gel. In addition, the foam substrate of our dry electrode allows a high geometric conformity between the electrode and irregular scalp surface to maintain low skinelectrode interface impedance, even under motion. The experimental results presented that the dry foam electrode performs better for long-term EEG measurement, and is practicable for daily life applications. © 2006 IEEE.
Chiu, C & Chaczko, Z 2011, 'Deployment of an Agent-based SANET Architecture for Healthcare Services', International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 309-315.
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Deployment of an Agent-based SANET Architecture for Healthcare ServicesThis paper describes the adaptation of a computational technique utilizing Extended Kohonen Maps (EKMs) and Rao-Blackwell-Kolmogorov (R-B) Filtering mechanisms for the administration of Sensor-Actuator networks (SANETs). Inspired by the BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) Agent model from Rao and Georgeff, EKMs perform the quantitative analysis of an algorithmic artificial neural network process by using an indirect-mapping EKM to self-organize, while the Rao-Blackwell filtering mechanism reduces the external noise and interference in the problem set introduced through the self-organization process. Initial results demonstrate that a combinatorial approach to optimization with EKMs and Rao-Blackwell filtering provides an improvement in event trajectory approximation in comparison to standalone cooperative EKM processes to allow responsive event detection and optimization in patient healthcare.
Chiu, T-T, Young, K-Y, Hsu, S-H, Lin, C-L, Lin, C-T, Yang, B-S & Huang, Z-R 2011, 'A Study of Fitts' Law on Goal-Directed Aiming Task with Moving Targets', Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 339-352.
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Most research based on Fitts' law define a log-linear relationship between temporal and spatial accuracy in goal-directed aiming tasks using stationary targets. Whether this relationship holds or not when the targets have varying velocities, and how the behavioral strategies and physical activities may change accordingly are of interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between temporal and spatial accuracy in goal-directed aiming tasks with moving targets. Participants were asked to aim at two target widths using a joystick. Results demonstrated that in a goal-directed aiming task there was a negative effect on performance when target velocity was increased or target width was decreased. Participants moved faster and then made more systematic errors in a high-velocity target condition. Results may be applicable to the complex perceptual-motor behavior of people who perform tasks using computers.
Chong, WT, Naghavi, MS, Poh, SC, Mahlia, TMI & Pan, KC 2011, 'Techno-economic analysis of a wind–solar hybrid renewable energy system with rainwater collection feature for urban high-rise application', Applied Energy, vol. 88, no. 11, pp. 4067-4077.
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Choudhary, N, Bagga, R, Raveendran, A, Saha, SC & Dhaliwal, LK 2011, 'Second trimester abortion in women with and without previous uterine scar: Eleven years experience from a developing country', The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 378-386.
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Chowdhury, MSN, Hossain, MS, Das, NG & Barua, P 2011, 'Environmental variables and fisheries diversity of the Naaf River Estuary, Bangladesh', Journal of Coastal Conservation, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 163-180.
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Clifton-Bligh, RJ, Nguyen, TV, Au, A, Bullock, M, Cameron, I, Cumming, R, Chen, JS, March, LM, Seibel, MJ & Sambrook, PN 2011, 'Contribution of a Common Variant in the Promoter of the 1-α-Hydroxylase Gene (CYP27B1) to Fracture Risk in the Elderly', Calcified Tissue International, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 109-116.
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Abstract CYP27B1 encodes mitochondrial 1a-hydroxylase, which converts 25-hydroxyvitamin D to its active 1,25- dihydroxylated metabolite. We tested the hypothesis that common variants in the CYP27B1 promoter are associated with fracture risk. The study was designed as a populationbased genetic association study, which involved 153 men and 596 women aged 65101 years, who had been followed for 2.2 years (range 0.15.5) between 1999 and 2006. During the follow-up period, the incidence of fragility fractures was ascertained. Bone ultrasound attenuation (BUA) was measured in all individuals, as were serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and PTH concentrations; 86% subjects had vitamin D insufficiency. Genotypes were determined for the 1260C[A (rs10877012) and ?2838T[C (rs4646536) CYP27B1 polymorphisms.Areporter gene assay was used to assess functional expression of the 1260C[A CYP27B1 variants. The association between genotypes and fracture risk was analyzed by Coxs proportional hazards model. We found that genotypic distribution of CYP27B1 1260 and CYP27B1 ?2838 polymorphisms was consistent with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law. The two polymorphisms were in high linkage disequilibrium, with D0 = 0.96 and r2 = 0.94. Each C allele of the CYP27B1 1260 polymorphism was associated with increased risk of fracture (hazard ratio = 1.34, 95% CI 1.031.73), after adjustment for age, sex, number of falls, and BUA. In transient transfection studies, a reporter gene downstream of the 1260(A)-containing promoter was more highly expressed than that containing the C allele. These data suggest that a common but functional variation within the CYP27B1 promoter gene is associated with fracture risk in the elderly. Keywords Vitamin D 1a-Hydroxylase CYP27B1
Conneely, M, Rolfsnes, HO, Main, C, McGloin, D & Campbell, PA 2011, 'On the accuracy of framing-rate measurements in ultra-high speed rotating mirror cameras', Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 17, pp. 16432-16432.
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Cunha, I, Teixeira, R, Veitch, D & Diot, C 2011, 'Predicting and tracking internet path changes', ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 122-133.
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This paper investigates to what extent it is possible to use traceroute-style probing for accurately tracking Internet path changes. When the number of paths is large, the usual traceroute based approach misses many path changes because it probes all paths equally. Based on empirical observations, we argue that monitors can optimize probing according to the likelihood of path changes. We design a simple predictor of path changes using a nearest neighbor model. Although predicting path changes is not very accurate, we show that it can be used to improve probe targeting. Our path tracking method, called DTrack, detects up to two times more path changes than traditional probing, with lower detection delay, as well as providing complete load-balancer information.
Datta, N & Hsieh, M-H 2011, 'One-shot entanglement-assisted quantum and classical communication', IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 3-1939.
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We study entanglement-assisted quantum and classical communication over asingle use of a quantum channel, which itself can correspond to a finite numberof uses of a channel with arbitrarily correlated noise. We obtaincharacterizations of the corresponding one-shot capacities by establishingupper and lower bounds on them in terms of the difference of two smoothedentropic quantities. In the case of a memoryless channel, the upper and lowerbounds converge to the known single-letter formulas for the correspondingcapacities, in the limit of asymptotically many uses of it. Our results implythat the difference of two smoothed entropic quantities characterizing theone-shot entanglement-assisted capacities serves as a one-shot analogue of themutual information, since it reduces to the mutual information, between theoutput of the channel and a system purifying its input, in the asymptotic,memoryless scenario.
Datta, N & Hsieh, M-H 2011, 'The apex of the family tree of protocols: Optimal rates and resource inequalities', New J. Phys., vol. 13, p. 093042.
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We establish bounds on the maximum entanglement gain and minimum quantumcommunication cost of the Fully Quantum Slepian-Wolf protocol in the one-shotregime, which is considered to be at the apex of the existing family tree inQuantum Information Theory. These quantities, which are expressed in terms ofsmooth min- and max-entropies, reduce to the known rates of quantumcommunication cost and entanglement gain in the asymptotic i.i.d. scenario. Wealso provide an explicit proof of the optimality of these asymptotic rates. Weintroduce a resource inequality for the one-shot FQSW protocol, which inconjunction with our results, yields achievable one-shot rates of its childrenprotocols. In particular, it yields bounds on the one-shot quantum capacity ofa noisy channel in terms of a single entropic quantity, unlike previouslybounds. We also obtain an explicit expression for the achievable rate forone-shot state redistribution.
Datta, N, Hsieh, M-H & Wilde, MM 2011, 'Quantum rate distortion, reverse Shannon theorems, and source-channel separation', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 615-630 (January 2013), vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 615-630.
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We derive quantum counterparts of two key theorems of classical informationtheory, namely, the rate distortion theorem and the source-channel separationtheorem. The rate-distortion theorem gives the ultimate limits on lossy datacompression, and the source-channel separation theorem implies that a two-stageprotocol consisting of compression and channel coding is optimal fortransmitting a memoryless source over a memoryless channel. In spite of theirimportance in the classical domain, there has been surprisingly little work inthese areas for quantum information theory. In the present paper, we prove thatthe quantum rate distortion function is given in terms of the regularizedentanglement of purification. We also determine a single-letter expression forthe entanglement-assisted quantum rate distortion function, and we prove thatit serves as a lower bound on the unassisted quantum rate distortion function.This implies that the unassisted quantum rate distortion function isnon-negative and generally not equal to the coherent information between thesource and distorted output (in spite of Barnum's conjecture that the coherentinformation would be relevant here). Moreover, we prove several quantumsource-channel separation theorems. The strongest of these are in theentanglement-assisted setting, in which we establish a necessary and sufficientcodition for transmitting a memoryless source over a memoryless quantum channelup to a given distortion.
Datta, N, Mosonyi, M, Hsieh, M-H & Brandao, FGSL 2011, 'A smooth entropy approach to quantum hypothesis testing and the classical capacity of quantum channels', IEEE Trans. Inf. Theo., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 8014-8026.
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We use the smooth entropy approach to treat the problems of binary quantumhypothesis testing and the transmission of classical information through aquantum channel. We provide lower and upper bounds on the optimal type II errorof quantum hypothesis testing in terms of the smooth max-relative entropy ofthe two states representing the two hypotheses. Using then a relative entropyversion of the Quantum Asymptotic Equipartition Property (QAEP), we can recoverthe strong converse rate of the i.i.d. hypothesis testing problem in theasymptotics. On the other hand, combining Stein's lemma with our bounds, weobtain a stronger ($\ep$-independent) version of the relative entropy-QAEP.Similarly, we provide bounds on the one-shot $\ep$-error classical capacity ofa quantum channel in terms of a smooth max-relative entropy variant of itsHolevo capacity. Using these bounds and the $\ep$-independent version of therelative entropy-QAEP, we can recover both the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmorelandtheorem about the optimal direct rate of a memoryless quantum channel withproduct state encoding, as well as its strong converse counterpart.
Dehestani, D, Eftekhari, F, Guo, Y, Ling, S, Su, S & Nguyen, H 2011, 'Online Support Vector Machine Applicationfor Model Based Fault Detection and Isolationof HVAC System', International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 66-72.
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Abstract—Preventive maintenance plays an important role in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. One cost effective strategy is the development of analytic fault detection and isolation (FDI) module by online monitoring the key variables of HAVC systems. This paper investigates realtime FDI for HAVC system by using online Support Vector Machine (SVM), by which we are able to train a FDI system with manageable complexity under real time working conditions. It is also proposed a new approach which allows us to detect unknown faults and updating the classifier by using these previously unknown faults. Based on the proposed approach, a semi unsupervised fault detection methodology has been developed for HVAC systems
Deng, W, Jin, D, Drozdowicz‐Tomsia, K, Yuan, J, Wu, J & Goldys, EM 2011, 'Ultrabright Eu–Doped Plasmonic Ag@SiO2 Nanostructures: Time‐gated Bioprobes with Single Particle Sensitivity and Negligible Background', Advanced Materials, vol. 23, no. 40, pp. 4649-4654.
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Eu chelate-doped plasmonic silver-core-silica-shell nanocomposites show greatly increased fluorescence enhancement factors of up to 145 at high excitation intensities, due to significantly increased radiative rates in samples with metal cores. They offer exceptionally high signal intensity, sufficient for single particle detection and compatibility with time-gated imaging offering nearly background-free conditions. A bioassay application is also presented. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Deng, W, Sudheendra, L, Zhao, J, Fu, J, Jin, D, Kennedy, IM & Goldys, EM 2011, 'Upconversion in NaYF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles amplified by metal nanostructures', Nanotechnology, vol. 22, no. 32, pp. 325604-325604.
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Upconversion (UC) fluorescence in NaYF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles amplified by metal nanostructures was compared in two nanostructure geometries: gold nanoshells surrounding nanoparticles and silver nanostructures adjacent to the nanoparticles, both placed on a dielectric silica surface. Enhanced UC luminescence signals and modified lifetimes induced by these two metals were observed in our study. The UC luminescence intensities of green and red emissions were enhanced by Ag nanostructures by a factor of approximately 4.4 and 3.5, respectively. The corresponding UC lifetimes were reduced ∼ 1.7-fold and ∼ 2.4-fold. In NaYF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles encapsulated in gold nanoshells, higher luminescence enhancement factors were obtained (∼9.1-fold for the green emission and ∼ 6.7-fold for the red emission). However, the Au shell coating extended the red emission by a factor of 1.5 and did not obviously change the lifetime of green emission. The responsible mechanisms such as plasmonic enhancement and surface effects are discussed. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Deuse, J, Bohnen, F & Indra, M 2011, 'Pull-oriented precision strip manufacturing', Stahl und Eisen, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 59-61.
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Nowadays, realizing rationalization of workflow is an essential competitive factor in the steel industry as well as in other industries. Due to this, principles of lean production gain in importance. This article describes the development of a concept of production control at ThyssenKrupp Nirosta Präzisionsband GmbH which focuses on these principles.
Deuse, J, Bohnen, F & Konrad, B 2011, 'Renaissance der Gruppentechnologie', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 337-341.
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Kurzfassung Obwohl die Gruppentechnologie mit der Motivation entwickelt wurde, in der variantenreichen Kleinserie positive Skaleneffekte zu erzielen, ist sie auch in Zeiten der „Lean Production” von hoher Relevanz. Die Autoren zeigen in diesem Beitrag anhand von Praxisbeispielen und aktuellen Forschungsvorhaben, wie Verfahren der Gruppentechnologie eingesetzt werden, um die Ziele schlanker Produktionssysteme, wie die Reduktion von Verschwendung oder Komplexität, durch Variantenbeherrschung zu erreichen.
Deuse, J, Eigner, M, Erohin, O, Krebs, M, Schallow, J & Schäfer, PD 2011, 'Intelligente Nutzung von implizitem Planungswissen der Digitalen Fabrik', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 6, pp. 433-437.
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Kurzfassung Produzierende Unternehmen setzen zunehmend digitale Planungswerkzeuge in der Produktentstehung ein, um die Produkt-sowie Prozesskomplexität zu beherrschen und auf stetig wachsenden Kosten- und Zeitdruck zu reagieren. In diesem Beitrag sollen ausgehend von dem aktuellen Handlungsbedarf zukünftige Entwicklungspotenziale der digitalen Planungsunterstützung vor dem Hintergrund des Product Lifecycle Management aufgezeigt werden. Hierzu werden Ansätze zur intelligenten Nutzung von implizitem Planungswissen der Digitalen Fabrik am Beispiel von Zeitdaten skizziert.
Devitt, SJ, Stephens, AM, Munro, WJ & Nemoto, K 2011, 'Integration of highly probabilistic sources into optical quantum architectures: perpetual quantum computation', New J. Phys. 13: 095001 (2011), vol. 13.
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In this paper we introduce a design for an optical topological cluster statecomputer constructed exclusively from a single quantum component. Unlikeprevious efforts we eliminate the need for on demand, high fidelity photonsources and detectors and replace them with the same device utilised to createphoton/photon entanglement. This introduces highly probabilistic elements intothe optical architecture while maintaining complete specificity of thestructure and operation for a large scale computer. Photons in this system arecontinually recycled back into the preparation network, allowing for aarbitrarily deep 3D cluster to be prepared using a comparatively small numberof photonic qubits and consequently the elimination of high frequency,deterministic photon sources.
Divsalar, M, Javid, MR, Gandomi, AH, Soofi, JB & Mahmood, MV 2011, 'HYBRID GENETIC PROGRAMMING-BASED SEARCH ALGORITHMS FOR ENTERPRISE BANKRUPTCY PREDICTION', Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 669-692.
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Dong, H & Hussain, FK 2011, 'Semantic service matchmaking for Digital Health Ecosystems', KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 761-774.
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The vision of Digital Ecosystems was initiated by the European Commission, with the purpose of constructing an information and communication technology environment to facilitate the sustainable development of small and medium enterprises. As a key sub-domain of Digital Ecosystems, Digital Health Ecosystems provide crucial services to maintain the health of the main participants of Digital Ecosystems. We are concerned with the large-scale, ambiguous, heterogeneous, and untrustworthy nature of health service information in Digital Health Ecosystems. An intensive survey found that current research cannot support accurate and trustworthy matchmaking between health service requests and health service advertisements in Digital Health Ecosystems. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a framework for a semantic service matchmaker that takes into account the ambiguous, heterogeneous nature of service information in Digital Health Ecosystems. This framework is designed to make four major contributions, which are health service domain knowledge modeling, online health service information disambiguation, health service query disambiguation and health service quality evaluation and ranking. In order to thoroughly evaluate this framework, we implement a prototype - a Semantic Health Service Search Engine, and conduct a series of experiments on the prototype using a functional testing and simulation approach
Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'A context-aware semantic similarity model for ontology environments', CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 505-524.
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While many researchers have contributed to the field of semantic similarity models so far, we find that most of the models are designed for the semantic network environment. When applying the semantic similarity model within the semantic-rich ontology en
Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'A framework for discovering and classifying ubiquitous services in digital health ecosystems', JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 687-704.
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A digital ecosystem is a widespread type of ubiquitous computing environment comprised of ubiquitous, geographically dispersed, and heterogeneous species, technologies and services. As a subdomain of the digital ecosystems, digital health ecosystems are crucial for the stability and sustainable development of the digital ecosystems. However, since the service information in the digital health ecosystems exhibits the same features as those in the digital ecosystems, it is difficult for a service consumer to precisely and quickly retrieve a service provider for a given health service request. Consequently, it is a matter of urgency that a technology is developed to discover and classify the health service information obtained from the digital health ecosystems. A survey of state-of-the-art semantic service discovery technologies reveals that no significant research effort has been made in this area. Hence, in this paper, we present a framework for discovering and classifying the vast amount of service information present in the digital health ecosystems. The framework incorporates the technology of semantic focused crawler and social classification. A series of experiments are conducted in order to respectively evaluate the framework and the employed mathematical model.
Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'A service concept recommendation system for enhancing the dependability of semantic service matchmakers in the service ecosystem environment', JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 619-631.
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A Service Ecosystem is a biological view of the business and software environment, which is comprised of a Service Use Ecosystem and a Service Supply Ecosystem. Service matchmakers play an important role in ensuring the connectivity between the two ecosystems. Current matchmakers attempt to employ ontologies to disambiguate service consumers' service queries by semantically classifying service entities and providing a series of human computer interactions to service consumers. However, the lack of relevant service domain knowledge and the wrong service queries could prevent the semantic service matchmakers from seeking the service concepts that can be used to correctly represent service requests. To resolve this issue, in this paper, we propose the framework of a service concept recommendation system, which is built upon a semantic similarity model. This system can be employed to seek the concepts used to correctly represent service consumers' requests, when a semantic service matchmaker finds that the service concepts that are eventually retrieved cannot match the service requests. Whilst many similar semantic similarity models have been developed to date, most of them focus on distance-based measures for the semantic network environment and ignore content-based measures for the ontology environment. For the ontology environment in which concepts are defined with sufficient datatype properties, object properties, and restrictions etc., the content of concepts should be regarded as an important factor in concept similarity measures. Hence, we present a novel semantic similarity model for the service ontology environment. The technical details and evaluation details of the framework are discussed in this paper
Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'A Service Search Engine for the Industrial Digital Ecosystems', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 2183-2196.
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Digital ecosystem (DE) is comprised of heterogeneous and distributed species which can play the dual role of service provider and service requester. Nowadays, DE lacks semantic search support, which means it cannot provide a reliable and trustworthy link
Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'ORPMS: An Ontology-based Real-time Project Monitoring System in the Cloud', JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1161-1182.
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Dong, Y, Hong, W-C, Xu, Y & Yu, S 2011, 'Selecting the Individual Numerical Scale and Prioritization Method in the Analytic Hierarchy Process: A 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Approach', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 13-25.
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Douglas, C, Fildes, B & Gibson, T 2011, 'Modeling Occupants in Far-Side Impacts', Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 508-517.
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Far-side impacts are not part of any regulated NCAP, FMVSS, or similar test regime despite accounting for 43 percent of the seriously injured persons and 30 percent of the harm in U.S. side impact crashes. Furthermore, injuries to the head and thorax account for over half of the serious injuries sustained by occupants in far-side crashes. Despite this, there is no regulated or well-accepted anthropomorphic test device (ATD) or computer model available to investigate far-side impacts. As such, this presents an opportunity to assess a computer model that can be used to measure the effect of varying restraint parameters on occupant biomechanics in far-side impacts. Objective: This study sets out to demonstrate the modified TASS human facet model's (MOTHMO) capabilities in modeling whole-body response in far-side impacts. Method: MOTHMO's dynamic response was compared to that of postmortem human subjects (PMHS), WorldSID, and Thor-NT in a series of far-side sled tests. The advantages, disadvantages, and differences of using MOTHMO compared to ATDs were highlighted and described in terms of model design and instrumentation. Potential applications and improvements for MOTHMO were also recommended. Results: The results showed that MOTHMO is capable of replicating the seat belt-to-shoulder complex interaction, pelvis impacts, head displacement, neck and shoulder belt loading from inboard mounted belts, and impacts from multiple directions. Overall, the model performed better than Thor-NT and at least as well as WorldSID when compared to PMHS results. Though WorldSID and Thor-NT ATDs were capable of reproducing many of these impact loads, measuring the seat belt-to-shoulder complex interaction and thoracic deflection at multiple sites and directions was less accurately handled. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that MOTHMO is capable of modeling whole-body response in far-side impacts. Furthermore, MOTHMO can be used as a virtual design tool to explore the effect of var...
Dovey, K & Muller, L 2011, 'Dangerous learning in edgy contexts: creativity and innovation in the South African arts domain', International Journal of Lifelong Education, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 613-629.
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n this paper, we outline a pilot project aimed at exploring the role of contextual factors in the facilitation of creativity and innovation within a range of South African art forms. Interviews with 11 people who have rich experience of the South African art domain delivered an insightful perspective on the contextual factors driving lifelong creativity and its continuous realization in innovative outcomes within these art forms.
Droste, M, Steffen, M, Stausberg, JR & Deuse, J 2011, 'Benchmark zur schlanken Produktion in Unternehmensnetzwerken', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 12, pp. 944-948.
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Kurzfassung Benchmarking ist eine geeignete Methode, um den Umsetzungsgrad verschwendungsarmer Produktionsprozesse zu ermitteln. Hierfür sind Vertrauen und Transparenz unter den Teilnehmern wichtige Erfolgskriterien, da nur ein offener Austausch über Erfolge und Misserfolge einen Lernprozess ermöglichen. Einen solchen Rahmen bietet das Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst (NIRO) e.V. Mit den Produktionsbetrieben werden Prozessaudits und Benchmark-Reisen innerhalb des Netzwerks durchgeführt. Der anschließende Erfahrungsaustausch fördert bilaterale Kooperationen und stärkt langfristig die Innovationsfähigkeit.
Du, C, Yang, J, Wu, Q & He, X 2011, 'Locating facial landmarks by support vector machine-based active shape model', International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 151-151.
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Active shape model (ASM) plays an important role in face research such as face recognition, pose estimation and gaze estimation. A crucial step of the common ASM is finding a new position for each facial landmark at each iteration. Mahalanobis distance minimisation is used for this finding, provided there are enough training data such that the grey-level profiles for each landmark following a multivariate Gaussian distribution. However, this condition could not be satisfied in most cases. In this paper, a novel method support vector machine-based active shape model (SVMBASM) is proposed for this task. It approaches the finding task as a small sample size classification problem. Moreover, considering the poor classification performance caused by the imbalanced dataset which contains more negative instances (incorrect candidates for new position) than positive instances (correct candidates for new position), a multi-class classification framework is further proposed. Performance evaluation on Shanghai Jiao Tong University face database shows that the proposed SVMBASM outperforms the original ASM in terms of the average error and average frequency of convergence. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Du, Y & Lu, DD-C 2011, 'Battery-integrated boost converter utilizing distributed MPPT configuration for photovoltaic systems', Solar Energy, vol. 85, no. 9, pp. 1992-2002.
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Duncan, EL, Danoy, P, Kemp, JP, Leo, PJ, McCloskey, E, Nicholson, GC, Eastell, R, Prince, RL, Eisman, JA, Jones, G, Sambrook, PN, Reid, IR, Dennison, EM, Wark, J, Richards, JB, Uitterlinden, AG, Spector, TD, Esapa, C, Cox, RD, Brown, SDM, Thakker, RV, Addison, KA, Bradbury, LA, Center, JR, Cooper, C, Cremin, C, Estrada, K, Felsenberg, D, Glüer, C-C, Hadler, J, Henry, MJ, Hofman, A, Kotowicz, MA, Makovey, J, Nguyen, SC, Nguyen, TV, Pasco, JA, Pryce, K, Reid, DM, Rivadeneira, F, Roux, C, Stefansson, K, Styrkarsdottir, U, Thorleifsson, G, Tichawangana, R, Evans, DM & Brown, MA 2011, 'Genome-Wide Association Study Using Extreme Truncate Selection Identifies Novel Genes Affecting Bone Mineral Density and Fracture Risk', PLoS Genetics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. e1001372-e1001372.
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Osteoporotic fracture is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Low bone mineral density (BMD) is a major predisposing factor to fracture and is known to be highly heritable. Site-, gender-, and age-specific genetic effects on BMD are thought to be significant, but have largely not been considered in the design of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of BMD to date. We report here a GWAS using a novel study design focusing on women of a specific age (postmenopausal women, age 55-85 years), with either extreme high or low hip BMD (age- and gender-adjusted BMD z-scores of +1.5 to +4.0, n = 1055, or -4.0 to -1.5, n = 900), with replication in cohorts of women drawn from the general population (n = 20,898). The study replicates 21 of 26 known BMD-associated genes. Additionally, we report suggestive association of a further six new genetic associations in or around the genes CLCN7, GALNT3, IBSP, LTBP3, RSPO3, and SOX4, with replication in two independent datasets. A novel mouse model with a loss-of-function mutation in GALNT3 is also reported, which has high bone mass, supporting the involvement of this gene in BMD determination. In addition to identifying further genes associated with BMD, this study confirms the efficiency of extreme-truncate selection designs for quantitative trait association studies. © 2011 Duncan et al.
Dyadyuk, V, Huang, X, Stokes, L & Pathikulangara, J 2011, 'Implementation of wideband digital beam forming in the E-band', International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 259-266.
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This paper reports the test results of a small-scale prototype that implements a digitally beam-formed phased antenna array in the E-band. A four-channel dual-conversion receive RF module for 71–76 GHz frequency band has been developed and integrated with a linear end-fire antenna array. Wideband frequency-domain angle-of-arrival estimation and beam-forming algorithms were developed and implemented using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) at 1 Gbps. Measured performance is very close to the simulated results and experimental data for an analogue-beam-formed array. This work is a stepping stone toward practical realization of larger hybrid arrays in the E-band.
Dyson, LE & Litchfield, A 2011, 'Advancing Collaboration between M-Learning Researchers and Practitioners through an Online Portal and Web 2.0 Technologies', International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 64-72.
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With growing interest in mobile learning to address the educational requirements of a generation of students who have grown up with digital technology, and given the widespread adoption of mobile devices by indigenous people and in developing countries, there is a need for improved practice and better theoretical understanding of m-learning. This could be achieved through a more accessible body of knowledge of m-learning principles, teaching strategies and case-studies. This paper proposes the establishment of an online portal to influence and support good m-learning practice. An m-learning portal, incorporating a range of online, Web 2.0 and mobile technologies, would foster collaboration between researchers and educators and inform emerging national and international approaches using mobile technologies at all levels of the education sector and across all disciplines.
Eager, DM 2011, 'Playground equipment - certification and compliance', Education Matters, vol. Primary, pp. 32-34.
Ebrahimi Warkiani, M, Lou, C-P & Gong, H-Q 2011, 'Fabrication of multi-layer polymeric micro-sieve having narrow slot pores with conventional ultraviolet-lithography and micro-fabrication techniques', Biomicrofluidics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 36504-365049.
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Fast detection of waterborne pathogens is important for securing the hygiene of drinking water. Detection of pathogens in water at low concentrations and minute quantities demands rapid and efficient enrichment methods in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of bio-sensors. We propose and demonstrate a low cost and rapid method to fabricate a multi-layer polymeric micro-sieve using conventional lithography techniques. The micro-fabricated micro-sieves are made of several layers of SU-8 photoresist using multiple coating and exposure steps and a single developing process. The obtained micro-sieves have good mechanical properties, smooth surfaces, high porosity (≈40%), and narrow pore size distribution (coefficient of variation < 3.33%). Sample loading and back-flushing using the multi-layer micro-sieve resulted in more than 90% recovery of pathogens, which showed improved performance than current commercial filters.
Ebrahimi, T, Karam, L, Pereira, F, El-Maleh, K & Burnett, I 2011, 'The Quality of Multimedia: Challenges and Trends [From the Guest Editors]', IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 17-148.
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El Saliby, I, Erdei, L, Shon, HK & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Development of visible light sensitive titania photocatalysts by combined nitrogen and silver doping', JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 358-363.
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In this study we present the effects of non-metal (nitrogen) and metal/non-metal (silver/nitrogen) dopants on titanium dioxide (TiO2) in synthesising visible-light reactive photocatalysts. Nanopowders of TiO2-N and TiO2-NâAg were synthesised using a simple procedure at room temperature. For nitrogen doping, a dispersion of Degussa P-25 was treated with ammonium hydroxide. The obtained modified catalyst was further treated with silver nitrate powder to facilitate silver-nitrogen co-doping. The produced catalysts were characterised using X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and specific surface area measurements. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray and transmission electron microscopy were adapted to detect changes in the morphology and in the chemical composition of synthesised catalysts. The results show that both the morphology and appearance of catalysts were modified to yield nanopowders of yellowish color and relatively high specific surface area. Methylene blue (MB) dye was used as a model aquatic contaminant in 23 mg/L concentration to study the performance of these novel photocatalysts in an aerobic mixed batch reactor system under white light irradiation. Both nitrogen and nitrogen-silver co-doping lead to visible light sensitivity and the new catalysts showed remarkable activities in the decolorisation of MB.
El Saliby, I, Erdei, L, Shon, HK, Kim, JB & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Preparation and characterisation of mesoporous photoactive Na-titanate microspheres', CATALYSIS TODAY, vol. 164, no. 1, pp. 370-376.
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Mesoporous Na-titanate microspheres were fabricated by a simple low temperature hydrothermal synthesis. Microsphereswereobtained after treating TiO2 (Degussa P-25) with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at 25â¦C and 80 â¦C. The as-prepared powders were characterised by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorptionâdesorption measurements and scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The as-prepared microspheres were calcined at 550 â¦C to investigate the effect of calcination on morphology and characteristics. Microspheres were tested for the adsorption and photodecomposition of methylene blue (MB) under ultraviolet light. The results revealed that microspheres with average diameter of 700nmwere formed by self-assembly of tiny TiO2 nanoparticles during the reaction at 25 â¦C, whereas spherical aggregation of nanofibres was detected in powders produced at 80 â¦C. Calcination of samples had low impact on morphology, adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of MB. These novel materials are effective adsorbents of MB, and also capable of its photodecolorisation.
El Saliby, I, Shon, HK, Kandasamy, J & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Synthesis, characterisation and separation of photoreactive Hydrogen-titanate nanofibrous channel', Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 202-207.
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Australia is the world's largest wool producing country, accounting for about 25â30% of world production. As a biotemplate, we explored the possibility of using wool to produce micro-channel of Hydrogentitanate nanofibres through morphology transcription of wool microfibres. Hydrothermal method was adopted to synthesise titanate nanofibres. A facile method of impregnation followed by incineration at 600 â¦C was utilised to prepare the nanofibrous channel. Anatase undoped nanofibrous (average nanofibre diameter = 44 nm) channel of around 50min length and an average diameter of 9.5mwere obtained. The photocatalytic activity of nanofibrous channel was monitored under UV irradiation for the decomposition of humic acid in aqueous solution using an aerobic batch reactor system. The photodegradation results showed that UV254 absorbing moeities and DOC were respectively reduced by 82% and 66% after 3 h of photoreaction at 1 g/L catalyst load. The novel nanofibrous channel could be easily separated from the aqueous suspension by sedimentation after the end of the photocatalytic reaction.
Fang, F, Ni, B, Li, W, Sheng, G & Yu, H 2011, 'A simulation-based integrated approach to optimize the biological nutrient removal process in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant', Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 174, no. 2-3, pp. 635-643.
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Farrokhnia, A, Pirasteh, S, Pradhan, B, Pourkermani, M & Arian, M 2011, 'A recent scenario of mass wasting and its impact on the transportation in Alborz Mountains, Iran using geo-information technology', Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 4, no. 7-8, pp. 1337-1349.
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Fatahi, B, Engelbert, D, Mujic, S & Khabbaz, H 2011, 'Effects of preloading on soft clay improvement using Deep Soil Mixing', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63-71.
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Poor performing soils, particularly soft clays, are more prevalent around lakes and coastal environments, where demand for construction is generally higher. It is therefore critical that suitable ground improvement techniques be developed and refined to ensure these sites perform satisfactorily under applied structural loads. There is a clear trend in geotechnical construction to further develop technologies such as Deep Soil Mixing (DSM), using cement, lime, fly ash or bottom ash, with an aim to improve the mechanical properties of problematic soils. In this study, the influence of surcharge (10 kPa to 120 kPa) applied during curing on soil-cement columns is investigated using two different clay types, namely kaolinite and bentonite. Preload provides confinement and pre-compression during curing, which in turn increases the bearing capacity of the treated ground. The results of unconfined compressive strength tests are analysed to illustrate how the mechanical properties of the clays composed of differing cement content are influenced under varying surcharges applied instantly after mixing. The results indicate that mechanical properties of cement treated soft clays, including strength and stiffness can be enhanced through the application of surcharge immediately after construction, during the curing phase. This could potentially provide a cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative by reducing the required cement content being added to soil to achieve a given strength.
Fatahi, B, Khabbaz, H & Ho, HL 2011, 'Effects of geotextiles on drainage performance of ballasted rail tracks', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 91-102.
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Naturally soft soils are mostly found around coastal regions, where the construction of ballasted rail tracks is required to have a more thorough consideration regarding filtration. Any poor filter design on weak ground inevitably leads to a critical change in ballast characteristics. It is noticeable that such a change results in several issues including significant migration of finer particles about the subballast-subgrade interface and the deficiency of subballast filtration. These problems eventually reduce the drainage ability of the rail sub-system and may cause severe damage which can only be remedied by frequent and costly track maintenance. It is therefore important that geosynthetics such as geotextiles are introduced to the rail track system as an additional filter layer, which is able to retain the desirable filtering characteristics. This paper investigates the impact of non-woven geotextiles on filtration behaviour of subballast in the laboratory, while adopting different granular filter (subballast) thicknesses varying from 0 mm to 50 mm. The research findings demonstrate a notable difference in the cumulative fine loss per unit volume within a given period of time between two distinctive tests - with and without geotextiles, thus emphasising the beneficial application of this geosynthetic material. Empirical estimation of permeability and properties of subballast, including grading curves after testing, are carefully carried out and the results are presented in this paper. The results indicate that the thickness of granular subballast can be significantly reduced by including geotextiles. This paper, in turn, evaluates the potential combination of the track substructure and geotextiles to achieve the optimum filter design and more importantly, alleviate the cost of track maintenance.
Fatahi, B, Khabbaz, SH & Basack, S 2011, 'Effects of salinity and sand content on liquid limit and hydraulic conductivity', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 67-76.
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Soil conditions of construction sites have become worse than ever due to the overpopulation in the metropolitan areas throughout the world. Likewise, the prevention of environmental risks due to individual activities is one of the most important subjects in the geo-environmental problems. Saline soils may induce several problems in geotechnical engineering projects such as infrastructure embankments, road construction and clay liners. Effect of the various concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) on several different soils including bentonite, kaolinite and fine sand mixtures has been evaluated. In addition, influence of salinity and the period of submergence on the hydraulic conductivity of soil samples collected from a certain area of east coast of India was investigated. The results show that the liquid limit of the mixtures generally decreases with an increase in the salt concentration. Liquid limit decreased significantly with an increase in NaCl concentration up to a certain level. However, a further increase in the concentration does not induce any significant decrease in liquid limit. Furthermore, the soil hydraulic conductivity increase with the salt concentration and with increase in the period of submergence, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil increases asymptotically.
Feiping Nie, Zinan Zeng, Tsang, IW, Dong Xu & Changshui Zhang 2011, 'Spectral Embedded Clustering: A Framework for In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Spectral Clustering', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1796-1808.
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Spectral clustering (SC) methods have been successfully applied to many real-world applications. The success of these SC methods is largely based on the manifold assumption, namely, that two nearby data points in the high-density region of a low-dimensional data manifold have the same cluster label. However, such an assumption might not always hold on high-dimensional data. When the data do not exhibit a clear low-dimensional manifold structure (e.g., high-dimensional and sparse data), the clustering performance of SC will be degraded and become even worse than K -means clustering. In this paper, motivated by the observation that the true cluster assignment matrix for high-dimensional data can be always embedded in a linear space spanned by the data, we propose the spectral embedded clustering (SEC) framework, in which a linearity regularization is explicitly added into the objective function of SC methods. More importantly, the proposed SEC framework can naturally deal with out-of-sample data. We also present a new Laplacian matrix constructed from a local regression of each pattern and incorporate it into our SEC framework to capture both local and global discriminative information for clustering. Comprehensive experiments on eight real-world high-dimensional datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our SEC framework over existing SC methods and K-means-based clustering methods. Our SEC framework significantly outperforms SC using the Nystrm algorithm on unseen data. © 2011 IEEE.
Ferguson, S, Schubert, E & Dean, RT 2011, 'Continuous subjective loudness responses to reversals and inversions of a sound recording of an orchestral excerpt', Musicae Scientiae, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 387-401.
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Twenty-four respondents continuously rated the loudness of the first 65 seconds of a Dvořák Slavonic Dance, which was known to vary considerably in loudness. They also rated the same excerpt when the sound file was digitally treated so that (1) the sound pressure level (SPL) was inverted or (2) it was temporally reversed or (3) both 1 and 2. Specifically we wanted to see if acoustic intensity was processed into the percept of loudness primarily using a bottom-up (indifferent to timbral environment and thematic cues) or top-down style (where musical context, such as instrument identity and musical expectation affects the loudness rating). Comparing the different versions (conditions) allowed us to ascertain which style they were likely to be using. A single, six-second region was located as being differentiated across two conditions, where loudness seemed to be increased due to expectation of the instrument and orchestral texture, despite the lower SPL. We named this effect an auditory loudness stroop. A second region was differentiated between the two conditions, but its explanation appears to involve two factors, auditory looming perception and the reversal of stimulus note ramps. The overall conclusion was that the predominant processing style for loudness rating was bottom-up. Implications for further research and application to models of loudness are discussed.
Ferrie, C, Granade, CE & Cory, DG 2011, 'How to best sample a periodic probability distribution, or on the accuracy of Hamiltonian finding strategies', QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 611-623.
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Projective measurements of a single two-level quantum mechanical system (aqubit) evolving under a time-independent Hamiltonian produce a probabilitydistribution that is periodic in the evolution time. The period of thisdistribution is an important parameter in the Hamiltonian. Here, we explore howto design experiments so as to minimize error in the estimation of thisparameter. While it has been shown that useful results may be obtained byminimizing the risk incurred by each experiment, such an approach iscomputationally intractable in general. Here, we motivate and derive heuristicstrategies for experiment design that enjoy the same exponential scaling asfully optimized strategies. We then discuss generalizations to the case offinite relaxation times, T_2 < \infty.
Fiechter, CA, Marjanovic, O, Boppert, JF & Kern, E-M 2011, 'Knowledge Management Can Be Lean: Improving Knowledge Intensive Business Processes', INNOVATION THROUGH KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER 2010, vol. 9, pp. 31-40.
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Filatova, T, Voinov, A & van der Veen, A 2011, 'Land market mechanisms for preservation of space for coastal ecosystems: An agent-based analysis', Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 179-190.
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Fitch, AL, Iu, HHC & Lu, DDC 2011, 'An Analog Computer for Electronic Engineering Education', IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 550-557.
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Folowosele, F, Hamilton, TJ & Etienne-Cummings, R 2011, 'Silicon Modeling of the Mihalaş–Niebur Neuron', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1915-1927.
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There are a number of spiking and bursting neuron models with varying levels of complexity, ranging from the simple integrate-and-fire model to the more complex Hodgkin-Huxley model. The simpler models tend to be easily implemented in silicon but yet not biologically plausible. Conversely, the more complex models tend to occupy a large area although they are more biologically plausible. In this paper, we present the 0.5 μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) implementation of the Mihala-Niebur neuron modela generalized model of the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron with adaptive thresholdthat is able to produce most of the known spiking and bursting patterns that have been observed in biology. Our implementation modifies the original proposed model, making it more amenable to CMOS implementation and more biologically plausible. All but one of the spiking propertiestonic spiking, class 1 spiking, phasic spiking, hyperpolarized spiking, rebound spiking, spike frequency adaptation, accommodation, threshold variability, integrator and input bistabilityare demonstrated in this model. © 2011 IEEE.
Fradet, E, McDougall, C, Abbyad, P, Dangla, R, McGloin, D & Baroud, CN 2011, 'Combining rails and anchors with laser forcing for selective manipulation within 2D droplet arrays', Lab on a Chip, vol. 11, no. 24, pp. 4228-4228.
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Fredlund, DG, Sheng, D & Zhao, J 2011, 'Estimation of soil suction from the soil-water characteristic curve', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 186-198.
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Soil-water characteristic curves (SWCCs) are routinely used for the estimation of unsaturated soil property functions (e.g., permeability functions, water storage functions, shear strength functions, and thermal property functions). This paper examines the possibility of using the SWCC for the estimation of in situ soil suction. The paper focuses on the limitations of estimating soil suctions from the SWCC and also suggests a context under which soil suction estimations should be used. The potential range of estimated suction values is known to be large because of hysteresis between drying and wetting SWCCs. For this, and other reasons, the estimation of in situ suctions from the SWCC has been discouraged. However, a framework is suggested in this paper for estimating the median value for in situ soil suction along with a likely range of soil suction values (i.e., maximum and minimum values). The percentage error in the estimation of soil suction from the SWCC is shown to be lowest for sand soils and highest for clay soils.
Frost, SA, Nguyen, ND, Black, DA, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'Risk factors for in-hospital post-hip fracture mortality', Bone, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 553-558.
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Introduction: Approximately 10% of hip fracture patients die during hospitalization; however, it is not clear what risk factors contribute to the excess mortality. This study sought to examine risk factors of, and to develop prognostic model for, predicting in-hospital mortality among hip fracture patients. Methods: We studied outcomes among 410 men and 1094 women with a hip fracture who were admitted to a major-teaching-hospital in Sydney (Australia) between 1997 and 2007. Clinical data, including concomitant illnesses, were obtained from inpatient data. The primary outcome of the study was in-hospital mortality regardless of length of stay. A Log-binomial regression model was used to identify risk factors for in-hospital mortality. Using the identified risk factors, prognostic nomograms were developed for predicting short term risk of mortality for an individual. Results: The median duration of hospitalization was 9. days. During hospitalization, the risk of mortality was higher in men (9%) than in women (4%). After adjusting for multiple risk factors, increased risk of in-hospital mortality was associated with advancing age (rate ratio [RR] for each 10-year increase in age: 1.91 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.47 to 2.49), in men (RR 2.13; 95% CI 1.41 to 3.22), and the presence of comorbid conditions on admission (RR for one or more comorbid conditions vs. none: 2.30; 95% CI 1.52 to 3.48). Specifically, the risk of mortality was increased in patients with a pre-existing congestive heart failure (RR 3.02; 95% CI: 1.65 to 5.54), and liver disease (RR 4.75; 95% CI: 1.87 to 12.1). These factors collectively accounted for 69% of the risk for in-hospital mortality. A nomogram was developed from these risk factors to individualize the risk of in-hospital death following a hip fracture. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the final model containing age, sex and comorbid conditions was 0.76. Conclusion: These data suggest that among ...
Fugura, AA, Billa, L, Pradhan, B, Mohamed, TA & Rawashdeh, S 2011, 'Coupling of hydrodynamic modeling and aerial photogrammetry-derived digital surface model for flood simulation scenarios using GIS: Kuala Lumpur flood, Malaysia', Disaster Advances, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 20-28.
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Hydrological simulations are useful methods of assessing and testing different scenarios of the impact of a hydrological event on a hydrological environment. Their effect and efficiency are however limited without the support of spatial planning tools such as GIS. GIS provides the platform for simulations to be integrated with supporting basin and floodplain data to be projected spatially and visualized spatially in support of decision making. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is experiencing frequent floods due to the rapid expansion of the city and increasing intensity of monsoon rainfall. In this study hydrodynamic simulation is coupled with a well developed digital surface and terrain model (DEM) to map flood extent in Kuala Lumpur. Techniques and methods discuss the integration of hydrological processes, remote sensing and GIS processing in 3D hydrological GIS modeling to represent different flooding scenarios.
Furrer, F, Franz, T, Berta, M, Leverrier, A, Scholz, VB, Tomamichel, M & Werner, RF 2011, 'Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution: Finite-Key Analysis of Composable Security against Coherent Attacks', Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 109, no. 10, p. 100502.
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We provide a security analysis for continuous variable quantum keydistribution protocols based on the transmission of squeezed vacuum statesmeasured via homodyne detection. We employ a version of the entropicuncertainty relation for smooth entropies to give a lower bound on the numberof secret bits which can be extracted from a finite number of runs of theprotocol. This bound is valid under general coherent attacks, and gives rise tokeys which are composably secure. For comparison, we also give a lower boundvalid under the assumption of collective attacks. For both scenarios, we findpositive key rates using experimental parameters reachable today.
Gainder, S, Raveendran, A, Bagga, R, Saha, SC, Dhaliwal, LK & Bhansali, AK 2011, 'Phaeochromocytoma in pregnancy can mimic severe hypertensive disorders', Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 539-541.
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Gandomi, AH & Alavi, AH 2011, 'Applications of Computational Intelligence in Behavior Simulation of Concrete Materials', Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 359, pp. 221-243.
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The application of Computational Intelligence (CI) to structural engineering design problems is relatively new. This chapter presents the use of the CI techniques, and specifically Genetic Programming (GP) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques, in behavior modeling of concrete materials. We first introduce two main branches of GP, namely Tree-based Genetic Programming (TGP) and Linear Genetic Programming (LGP), and two variants of ANNs, called Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF). The simulation capabilities of these techniques are further demonstrated by applying them to two conventional concrete material cases. The first case is simulation of concrete compressive strength using mix properties and the second problem is prediction of elastic modulus of concrete using its compressive strength. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Gandomi, AH & Alavi, AH 2011, 'Multi-stage genetic programming: A new strategy to nonlinear system modeling', Information Sciences, vol. 181, no. 23, pp. 5227-5239.
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Gandomi, AH & Yang, X-S 2011, 'Benchmark Problems in Structural Optimization', Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 356, pp. 259-281.
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Structural optimization is an important area related to both optimization and structural engineering. Structural optimization problems are often used as benchmarks to validate new optimization algorithms or to test the suitability of a chosen algorithm. In almost all structural engineering applications, it is very important to find the best possible parameters for given design objectives and constraints which are highly non-linear, involving many different design variables. The field of structural optimization is also an area undergoing rapid changes in terms of methodology and design tools. Thus, it is highly necessary to summarize some benchmark problems for structural optimization. This chapter provides an overview of structural optimization problems of both truss and non-truss cases. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Gandomi, AH, Alavi, AH & Yun, GJ 2011, 'Formulation of uplift capacity of suction caissons using multi expression programming', KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 363-373.
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Gandomi, AH, Alavi, AH & Yun, GJ 2011, 'Nonlinear modeling of shear strength of SFRC beams using linear genetic programming', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 1-25.
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Gandomi, AH, Alavi, AH, Mirzahosseini, MR & Nejad, FM 2011, 'Nonlinear Genetic-Based Models for Prediction of Flow Number of Asphalt Mixtures', Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 248-263.
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Gandomi, AH, Alavi, AH, Mousavi, M & Tabatabaei, SM 2011, 'A hybrid computational approach to derive new ground-motion prediction equations', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 717-732.
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Gandomi, AH, Sahab, MG & Rahai, A 2011, 'A dynamic nondestructive damage detection methodology for orthotropic plate structures', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 223-239.
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Gandomi, AH, Tabatabaei, SM, Moradian, MH, Radfar, A & Alavi, AH 2011, 'A new prediction model for the load capacity of castellated steel beams', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1096-1105.
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Gandomi, AH, Yang, X-S & Alavi, AH 2011, 'Mixed variable structural optimization using Firefly Algorithm', Computers & Structures, vol. 89, no. 23-24, pp. 2325-2336.
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Gao, L, Xu, M, Yan, SF, Liu, MG, Hou, CH & Wang, DH 2011, 'Content-aware broadcast soccer video retargeting using fuzzy logic', Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 694-695.
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A content-aware video retargeting method is proposed for playing broadcast soccer video in small displays. Four visual perception clues are predefined based on soccer game-specific knowledge and modelled by visual attention features firstly. Then, a fuzzy logic inference system is proposed to estimate visual attention values (AVs) of ball and players by fusing attention features. AVs are later used to determine the region of interest (ROI) of each frame. Finally, a retargeted video is generated by the ROI of each frame with polynomial curve fitting for temporal smoothing. Both subjective and objective evaluation results are promising. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Gao, W, Wu, D, Song, C, Tin-Loi, F & Li, X 2011, 'Hybrid probabilistic interval analysis of bar structures with uncertainty using a mixed perturbation Monte-Carlo method', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 643-652.
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This paper presents a mixed perturbation Monte-Carlo method for static and reliability analysis of structural systems with a mixture of random and interval parameters/loadings. Using a combination of the Taylor expansion, matrix perturbation theory and random interval moment method, the expressions for the mean value and standard deviation of random interval structural responses are developed. The Monte-Carlo simulation method is employed to determine the lower and upper bounds of the mean values and standard deviations of structural displacements and stresses. The structural reliability is not a deterministic value but an interval as the structural stress responses are random interval variables. The lower and upper bounds of probability of failure and reliability of structural elements and systems are investigated based on the first-order second-moment reliability method and interval approach. Three numerical examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Gao, Y, Fang, J, Zhang, J, Ren, L, Mao, Y, Li, B, Zhang, M, Liu, D & Du, M 2011, 'The impact of the herbicide atrazine on growth and photosynthesis of seagrass, Zostera marina (L.), seedlings', Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 1628-1631.
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Gao, Y, Zhang, G, Lu, J & Wee, H-M 2011, 'Particle swarm optimization for bi-level pricing problems in supply chains', JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 245-254.
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With rapid technological innovation and strong competition in hi-tech industries such as computer and communication organizations, the upstream component price and the downstream product cost usually decline significantly with time. As a result, an effective pricing supply chain model is very important. This paper first establishes two bi-level pricing models for pricing problems with the buyer and the vendor in a supply chain designated as the leader and the follower, respectively. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) based algorithm is developed to solve problems defined by these bi-level pricing models. Experiments illustrate that this PSO based algorithm can achieve a profit increase for buyers or vendors if they are treated as the leaders under some situations, compared with the existing methods.
Garcia-Vigueras, M, Gomez-Tornero, JL, Goussetis, G, Weily, AR & Guo, YJ 2011, '1D-Leaky Wave Antenna Employing Parallel-Plate Waveguide Loaded With PRS and HIS', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 3687-3694.
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A new type of one-dimensional leaky-wave antenna (LWA) with independent control of the beam-pointing angle and beamwidth is presented. The antenna is based on a simple structure composed of a bulk parallel-plate waveguide (PPW) loaded with two printed circuit boards (PCBs), each one consisting of an array of printed dipoles. One PCB acts as a partially reflective surface (PRS), and the other grounded PCB behaves as a high impedance surface (HIS). It is shown that an independent control of the leaky-mode phase and leakage rate can be achieved by changing the lengths of the PRS and HIS dipoles, thus resulting in a flexible adjustment of the LWA pointing direction and directivity. The leaky-mode dispersion curves are obtained with a simple Transverse Equivalent Network (TEN), and they are validated with three-dimensional full-wave simulations. Experimental results on fabricated prototypes operating at 15 GHz are reported, demonstrating the versatile and independent control of the LWA performance by changing the PRS and HIS parameters. © 2011 IEEE.
Garcia-Vigueras, M, Gomez-Tornero, JL, Goussetis, G, Weily, AR & Guo, YJ 2011, 'Enhancing Frequency-Scanning Response of Leaky-Wave Antennas Using High-Impedance Surfaces', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 7-10.
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The use of high-impedance surfaces (HISs) to increase the frequency-scanning sensitivity of hollow leaky-wave antennas (LWAs) is presented. The LWA consists of a hollow rectangular waveguide with one of its narrow walls replaced by a partially reflective surface, and it is loaded with a metallodielectric HIS to increase its beam-scanning response. Theoretical results based on a simple transverse equivalent network illustrate the physical mechanism responsible for the improvement, and they are verified by experiments on a prototype working in the 11-16 GHz band. © 2006 IEEE.
Ge, Y, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 2011, 'Compact Dielectric Resonator Antennas With Ultrawide 60%–110% Bandwidth', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 3445-3448.
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Ge, Y, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 2011, 'Experimental demonstration of a dual‐band electromagnetic band‐gap resonator antenna made out of a simple, single‐layer frequency selective surface', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1867-1869.
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AbstractThe new concept for realizing a dual‐band electromagnetic band‐gap (EBG) resonator antenna using a simple, single‐sided frequency selective surface (FSS) is demonstrated experimentally.The reversal of the gradient of the FSS reflection coefficient phase response, around a FSS resonance frequency, is exploited to achieve two cavity resonance bands in which the FSS behaves as a partially reflective surface (PRS) with an appropriate reflection phase. An FSS, with rectangular slots printed on one surface, is considered for demonstration. The measured performance of a prototype antenna in two bands, around 11.4 GHz and 13.4 GHz, is presented. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26112
Geng, X, Indraratna, B & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2011, 'Effectiveness of partially penetrating vertical drains under a combined surcharge and vacuum preloading', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 970-983.
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This paper considers the consolidation of a layer of clay in which partially penetrating prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) are used in conjunction with a combined surcharge and vacuum preloading. Analytical solutions for partially penetrating PVDs are derived by considering vacuum pressure (suction), time-dependent embankment surcharge, well resistance, and smear zone. Three-dimensional seepage with a virtual vertical drain is assumed to reflect real seepage into the soil beneath the tip of a PVD. Analytical solutions were then used to examine the length of the vertical drain and vacuum pressure on soft clay to determine the consolidation time and degree of consolidation, associated settlement, and distribution of suction along the drain. The proposed solutions are then employed to analyse a case history. Finally, an appropriate PVD length in relation to clay thickness and drain spacing is recommended for various loading patterns.
Gerold, B, Kotopoulis, S, McDougall, C, McGloin, D, Postema, M & Prentice, P 2011, 'Laser-nucleated acoustic cavitation in focused ultrasound', Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 044902-044902.
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Acoustic cavitation can occur in therapeutic applications of high-amplitude focused ultrasound. Studying acoustic cavitation has been challenging, because the onset of nucleation is unpredictable. We hypothesized that acoustic cavitation can be forced to occur at a specific location using a laser to nucleate a microcavity in a pre-established ultrasound field. In this paper we describe a scientific instrument that is dedicated to this outcome, combining a focused ultrasound transducer with a pulsed laser. We present high-speed photographic observations of laser-induced cavitation and laser-nucleated acoustic cavitation, at frame rates of 0.5×106 frames per second, from laser pulses of energy above and below the optical breakdown threshold, respectively. Acoustic recordings demonstrated inertial cavitation can be controllably introduced to the ultrasound focus. This technique will contribute to the understanding of cavitation evolution in focused ultrasound including for potential therapeutic applications.
Ghobadi, Y, Pirasteh, S, Pradhan, B, Ahmad, NB, Shafri, HZBM, Sayyad, GA & Kabiri, K 2011, 'Determine of correlation coefficient between EPM and MPSIAC models and generation of erosion maps by GIS techniques in Baghmalek watershed, Khuzestan, Iran', 5thSASTech, Khavaran Highereducation Institute, Mashhad, Iran.
Gil-Aluja, J, Gil-Lafuente, AM & Merigó, JM 2011, 'Using homogeneous groupings in portfolio management', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 10950-10958.
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Golsteijn, C & van den Hoven, E 2011, 'Facilitating communication about books through an online community', PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 197-217.
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Reading books can serve as a means of gathering information, relaxing and escaping daily stress. Although reading is often primarily an individual activity, many readers also enjoy sharing reading experiences with friends, relatives, colleagues and, through the internet, even with strangers. Apart from valuing these individual and collective book activities, books as physical artifacts are also valued, for example because of the memories associated with them. This paper investigates how books can be enhanced with a new product, system or service. In a qualitative interview study, the main reasons for valuing books were found to be related to the self (individual activities and feelings), experiences (e.g., enjoyment or release) and personal values (e.g., embodiment of ideals or personification). As a result, it was decided for the remainder of this study to focus on communication about books, because in addition to individual book-related activities and feelings, users indicated to communicate about books a lot. A book community Web site, called Shelf, was developed to investigate whether book communication could be increased by facilitating an online community and whether users would appreciate the Website functionality. Shelf was used in a 14-day user evaluation, and it was concluded that the Web site increased the extent to which readers communicated about books. We expect that such an online book community would be a valuable enhancement of current book customs, in particular in combination with the current e-book trend, for various types of readers who would like to share their experiences.
Gomez-Tornero, JL, Quesada-Pereira, F, Alvarez-Melcon, A, Goussetis, G, Weily, AR & Guo, YJ 2011, 'Frequency Steerable Two Dimensional Focusing Using Rectilinear Leaky-Wave Lenses', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 407-415.
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The concept of frequency steerable two-dimensional electromagnetic focusing by using a tapered leaky-wave line source embedded in a parallel-plate medium is presented. Accurate expressions for analyzing the focusing pattern of a rectilinear leaky-wave lens (LWL) from its constituent leaky-mode tapered propagation constant are described. The influence of the main LWL structural parameters on the synthesis of the focusing pattern is discussed. The ability to generate frequency steerable focusing patterns has been demonstrated by means of an example involving a LWL in hybrid waveguide printed-circuit technology and the results are validated by a commercial full-wave solver. © 2010 IEEE.
Gomez-Tornero, JL, Weily, AR & Guo, YJ 2011, 'Rectilinear Leaky-Wave Antennas With Broad Beam Patterns Using Hybrid Printed-Circuit Waveguides', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 3999-4007.
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A theoretical study on the design of broadbeam leaky-wave antennas (LWAs) of uniform type and rectilinear geometry is presented. A new broadbeam LWA structure based on the hybrid printed-circuit waveguide is proposed, which allows for the necessary flexible and independent control of the leaky-wave phase and leakage constants. The study shows that both the real and virtual focus LWAs can be synthesized in a simple manner by tapering the printed-slot along the LWA properly, but the real focus LWA is preferred in practice. Practical issues concerning the tapering of these LWA are investigated, including the tuning of the radiation pattern asymmetry level and beamwidth, the control of the ripple level inside the broad radiated main beam, and the frequency response of the broadbeam LWA. The paper provides new insight and guidance for the design of this type of LWAs. © 2011 IEEE.
Gramann, K, Gwin, JT, Ferris, DP, Oie, K, Jung, T-P, Lin, C-T, Liao, L-D & Makeig, S 2011, 'Cognition in action: imaging brain/body dynamics in mobile humans', Reviews in the Neurosciences, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 593-608.
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We have recently developed a mobile brain imaging method (MoBI), that allows for simultaneous recording of brain and body dynamics of humans actively behaving in and interacting with their environment. A mobile imaging approach was needed to study cognitive processes that are inherently based on the use of human physical structure to obtain behavioral goals. This review gives examples of the tight coupling between human physical structure with cognitive processing and the role of supraspinal activity during control of human stance and locomotion. Existing brain imaging methods for actively behaving participants are described and new sensor technology allowing for mobile recordings of different behavioral states in humans is introduced. Finally, we review recent work demonstrating the feasibility of a MoBI system that was developed at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego, demonstrating the range of behavior that can be investigated with this method. Copyright © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston.
Grover, DP, Balaam, J, Pacitto, S, Readman, JW, White, S & Zhou, JL 2011, 'Endocrine disrupting activities in sewage effluent and river water determined by chemical analysis and in vitro assay in the context of granular activated carbon upgrade', Chemosphere, vol. 84, no. 10, pp. 1512-1520.
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As part of endocrine disruption in catchments (EDCAT) programme, this work aims to assess the temporal and spatial variations of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in River Ray, before and after the commissioning of a full-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) plant at a sewage treatment works (STW). Through spot and passive sampling from effluent and river sites, estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities were determined by chemical analysis and in vitro bio-assay. A correlation was found between chemical analyses of the most potent estrogens (estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2)) and yeast estrogen screen (YES) measurement, both showing clearly a reduction in estrogenic activity after the commissioning of the GAC plant at the STW. During the study period, the annual average concentrations of E1, E2 and EE2 had decreased from 3.5ngL -1, 3.1ngL -1 and 0.5ngL -1 to below their limit of detection (LOD), respectively, with a concentration reduction of at least 91%, 81% and 60%. Annual mean estrogenic activity measured by YES of spot samples varied from 1.9ngL -1 to 0.4ngL -1 E2 equivalent between 2006 and 2008 representing a 79% reduction. Similarly, anti-androgenic activity measured by yeast anti-androgen screen (anti-YAS) of spot samples was reduced from 148.8 to 22.4μgflutamideL -1, or by 85%. YES and anti-YAS values were related to each other, suggesting co-existence of both types of activities from chemical mixtures in environmental samples. The findings confirm the effectiveness of a full-scale GAC in removing both estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities from sewage effluent. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Grover, DP, Zhou, JL, Frickers, PE & Readman, JW 2011, 'Improved removal of estrogenic and pharmaceutical compounds in sewage effluent by full scale granular activated carbon: Impact on receiving river water', Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 185, no. 2-3, pp. 1005-1011.
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Sewage effluents are widely recognised as the main source of emerging contaminants, such as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals in surface waters. A full-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) plant has been installed as an advanced technology for the removal of these contaminants, in a major sewage treatment works (STW) in South-West England as part of the UK National Demonstration Programme for EDCs. This study presented for the first time, an assessment of the impact of a recently commissioned, post-tertiary GAC plant in the removal of emerging contaminants in a working STW. Through regular sampling followed by solid-phase extraction and analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), a significant reduction in the concentrations of steroidal estrogens was observed (>43-64%). In addition, significant reductions were observed for many of the pharmaceutical compounds such as mebeverine (84-99%), although the reduction was less dramatic for some of the more widely used pharmaceuticals analysed, including carbamazepine and propranolol (17-23%). © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Guo, F, Xu, XX, Sun, ZZ, Zhang, JX, Meng, ZX, Zheng, W, Zhou, HM, Wang, BL & Zheng, YF 2011, 'A novel amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on electrospun Hb–collagen composite', Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 140-145.
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Guo, W, Ngo, HH, Wu, Z, Hu, AYJ & Listowski, A 2011, 'Application of bioflocculant and nonwoven supporting media for better biological nutrient removal and fouling control in a submerged MBR', Sustainable Environment Research, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 53-58.
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The study aims at modifying a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with attached-growth nonwoven media and a new green bioflocculant (GBF) (developed at Environmental Engineering R & D laboratory, University of Technology, Sydney) addition to treat a high strength domestic wastewater for reuse. The performance of the SMBR was evaluated in terms of organic and nutrient removal as well as membrane fouling control. The results indicated that the integrated SMBR system could eliminate more than 95% dissolved organic carbon and chemical oxygen demand from the influent. The system achieved 100% of nitrification during 60 d of operation. The denitrification was primarily based on conventional nitrification-denitrification process occurring in the anoxic zone. The total nitrogen removal efficiency and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were 93 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% respectively. Although a relatively long solids retention time (50 d) were adopted, over 98% of total phosphorus in the influent was removed through biological phosphorus removal. The results also show that the addition of GBF could improve microbial activity and reduce membrane fouling. During the experiment, the transmembrane pressure developed marginally (4.5 kPa).
Guruprasad, B, Indraratna, B, Nghiem, LD & Regmi, G 2011, 'A neural network approach to predict the performance of recycled concrete used in permeable reactive barriers for the treatment of acidic groundwater', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 199-209.
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Hai, FI, Li, X, Price, WE & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Removal of carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole by MBR under anoxic and aerobic conditions', Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 22, pp. 10386-10390.
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Hai, FI, Tadkaew, N, McDonald, JA, Khan, SJ & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Is halogen content the most important factor in the removal of halogenated trace organics by MBR treatment?', Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 10, pp. 6299-6303.
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Hai, FI, Tessmer, K, Nguyen, LN, Kang, J, Price, WE & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Removal of micropollutants by membrane bioreactor under temperature variation', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 383, no. 1-2, pp. 144-151.
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Hajibabania, S, Verliefde, A, Drewes, JE, Nghiem, LD, McDonald, J, Khan, S & Le-Clech, P 2011, 'Effect of fouling on removal of trace organic compounds by nanofiltration', Drinking Water Engineering and Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 71-82.
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Abstract. The fate of chemical of concern is not yet fully understood during treatment of impaired waters. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of different organic-based fouling layers on the removal of a large range of trace organics. Both model and real water samples (mixed with trace organic contaminants at environmental concentration of 2 μg l−1) were used to simulate fouling in nanofiltration under controlled environment. The new and fouled membranes were systematically characterised for surface charge, hydrophobicity and roughness. It was observed that fouling generally reduced the membrane surface charge; however, the alterations of the membrane hydrophobicity and surface roughness were dependent on the foulants composition. The rejection of charged trace organics was observed to be improved due to the increased electrostatic repulsion by fouled membranes and the adsorption of the trace organic chemicals onto organic matters. On the other hand, the removal of nonionic compounds decreased when fouling occurred, due to the presence of cake enhanced concentration polarization. The fouling layer structure was found to play an important role in the rejection of the trace organic compounds.
Hamilton, M, Salim, F, Cheng, E & Choy, SL 2011, 'Transafe', ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 32-37.
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An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) at Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Illinois (and printed in the 2011 ISTAS proceedings). This paper describes a proposed mobile platform, Transafe , that captures and analyses public perceptions of safety to deliver 'crowdsourced' collective intelligence about places in the City of Melbourne, Australia, and their affective states at various times of the day. Public perceptions of crime on public transport in Melbourne are often mismatched with actual crime statistics and such perceptions thus can act as social barriers to visitors and locals traversing within and through the city. Using interactive mobile applications and social media, the visualization of this crowdsourced safety perception information will increase the commuter's awareness of various situations in the City of Melbourne. In addition, through social behavioral analysis and ethnographic research, the collective public intelligence will also help inform the stakeholders of the city for future policy-making and policing strategies for safety perception management. At the centre of the proposed platform is the design and development of a mobile phone application that can contribute to people feeling safer by supporting users to report crimes and misdemeanors that they witness, and provide information about transportation and emergency services around where the users are located. The proposed application can also act as a crime deterrent with one feature that enables user tracking by up to three nominated friends if the user opts to activate tracking when feeling unsafe while roaming the city.
Hao, X, Wang, Q, Cao, Y & van Loosdrecht, MCM 2011, 'Evaluating sludge minimization caused by predation and viral infection based on the extended activated sludge model No. 2d', Water Research, vol. 45, no. 16, pp. 5130-5140.
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Hartung, J, Schallow, J, Deuse, J & Eerstl, H 2011, 'Effiziente PDM-Unterstützung durch Prozessstandards', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 817-821.
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Hartung, J, Schallow, J, Deuse, J & Ferstl, H 2011, 'Effiziente PDM-Unterstützung durch Prozessstandards', ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 817-821.
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A continuous and integrated data and process management in today's digital production planning represents a key success factor. Various continuous digital planning companies make use of ready-made IT-tools to support their planning processes. These IT-tools frequently define by their functionality the framework conditions of the planning processes. This article presents an industry-neutral "best practice" approach for the Integration of production planning processes. © Carl Hanser Verlag, München.
Hashim, NH, Nghiem, LD, Stuetz, RM & Khan, SJ 2011, 'Enantiospecific fate of ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen in a laboratory-scale membrane bioreactor', Water Research, vol. 45, no. 18, pp. 6249-6258.
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Henning, SM, Zhang, Y, Seeram, NP, Lee, R-P, Wang, P, Bowerman, S & Heber, D 2011, 'Antioxidant capacity and phytochemical content of herbs and spices in dry, fresh and blended herb paste form', International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 219-225.
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Hill, VK, Dunwell, TL, Catchpoole, D, Krex, D, Brini, AT, Griffiths, M, Craddock, C, Maher, ER & Latif, F 2011, 'Frequent epigenetic inactivation ofKIBRA,an upstream member of the Salvador/Warts/Hippo (SWH) tumor suppressor network, is associated with specific genetic event in B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia', Epigenetics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 326-332.
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The WW-domain containing protein KIBRA has recently been identified as a new member of the Salvador/Warts/Hippo (SWH) pathway in Drosophila and is shown to act as a tumor suppressor gene in Drosophila. This pathway is conserved in humans and members of the pathway have been shown to act as tumor suppressor genes in mammalian systems. We determined the methylation status of the 5' CpG island associated with the KIBRA gene in human cancers. In a large panel of cancer cell lines representing common epithelial cancers KIBRA was unmethylated. But in pediatric acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) cell lines KIBRA showed frequent hypermethylation and silencing of gene expression, which could be reversed by treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. In ALL patient samples KIBRA was methylated in 70% B-ALL but was methylated in <20% T-ALL leukemia (p = 0.0019). In B-ALL KIBRA methylation was associated with ETV6/RUNX1 [t(12;21) (p13;q22)] chromosomal translocation (p = 0.0082) phenotype, suggesting that KIBRA may play an important role in t(12;21) leukemogenesis. In ALL paired samples at diagnosis and remission KIBRA methylation was seen in diagnostic but not in any of the remission samples accompanied by loss of KIBRA expression in disease state compared to patients in remission. Hence KIBRA methylation occurs frequently in B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia but not in epithelial cancers and is linked to specific genetic event in B-ALL. © 2011 Landes Bioscience.
Ho, D, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Shon, HK, Kandasamy, J, Chang, CY & Chang, JS 2011, 'Photocatalysis of trimethoprim (TRI) in water', Sustainable Environment Research, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 149-154.
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The advantage of the use of photocatalysts to treat persistent organic pollutants (POP) was demonstrated with the decomposition of trimethoprim (TRI), an antibiotic most frequently detected in municipal wastewaters and surface waters. In this study, the oxidation process by UV/TiO2 was employed as an alternative to advanced oxidation process (AOP) to remove residual antibiotics from water. High concentrations of TRI were used to study the efficiency of photocatalysis. Both batch and continuous photoreactors were used. The decomposition of TRI by TiO2/UV photooxidation occurred gradually over time. On the other hand, with UV irradiation alone, the reduction of TRI mineralization was relatively small. The effect of light intensity showed there was no significant impact of UV light intensity on the degradation of TRI in the range of increasing intensities studied. The simulation using first-order kinetics provided a good fit with the experimental data. In the continuous system, the feed flow rate was adjusted to maximize the percentage of mineralization of targeted compounds inside the photoreactor. A lower flow rate, i.e., higher detention time, achieved higher percentage of TRI mineralization. The results indicated that TiO2/UV irradiation was effective in removing TRI.
Hokmabadi, AS, Fakher, A & Fatahi, B 2011, 'Seismic Strain Wedge Model for analysis of single piles under lateral seismic loading', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 31-41.
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One of the most effective methods of analysing a single pile and pile groups under lateral loading is Strain Wedge Model (SWM). SWM has a number of advantages in comparison with traditional p-y curves, but this model could traditionally only be used to analyse piles under monotonie loads. In the present paper, SWM has been modified to consider dynamic lateral loading. Based on this new method, called Seismic Strain Wedge Model (SSWM), a computer code has been developed for lateral analysis of piles. Using this computer code, some case studies have been analysed and the results show good agreement with test data. This paper introduces SSWM as a simple and powerful solution to analyse piles under lateral seismic loading.
Hong, AM, Dobbins, TA, Lee, CS, Jones, D, Fei, J, Clark, JR, Armstrong, BK, Harnett, GB, Milross, CG, Tran, N, Peculis, LD, Ng, C, Milne, AG, Loo, C, Hughes, LJ, Forstner, DF, O'Brien, CJ & Rose, BR 2011, 'Use of cyclin D1 in conjunction with human papillomavirus status to predict outcome in oropharyngeal cancer', International Journal of Cancer, vol. 128, no. 7, pp. 1532-1545.
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AbstractThere is increasing use of multiple molecular markers to predict prognosis in human cancer. Our aim was to examine the prognostic significance of cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma (pRb) expression in association with human papillomavirus (HPV) status in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical records and specimens of 226 patients with follow‐up from 1 to 235 months postdiagnosis were retrieved. Tumor HPV status was determined by HPV E6‐targeted multiplex real‐time PCR/p16 semiquantitative immunohistochemistry and cyclin D1 and pRb expression by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry. Determinants of recurrence and mortality hazards were modeled using Cox regression with censoring at dates of last follow‐up. The HPV‐positivity rate was 37% (91% type 16). HPV was a predictor of recurrence, an event (recurrence or death) and death after adjustment for clinicopathological variables. There were inverse relationships between HPV status and cyclin D1 and pRb. On univariate analysis, cyclin D1 predicted locoregional recurrence, event and death and pRb predicted event and death. Within the HPV‐positive group, after adjusting for clinicopathological factors, patients with cyclin D1‐positive cancers had up to a eightfold increased risk of poor outcome relative to those with cyclin D1‐negative tumors. However, within the HPV‐negative group, there was only a very small adjusted increased risk. A combination of pRb and HPV did not provide additional prognostic information. Our data provide the first evidence that a combination of HPV and cyclin D1 provides more prognostic information in oropharyngeal cancer than HPV alone. If findings are confirmed, treatment based on HPV and cyclin D1 may improve outcomes.
Ho-Pham, LT, Campbell, LV & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'More on Body Fat Cutoff Points', Mayo Clinic Proceedings, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 584-584.
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Ho-Pham, LT, Nguyen, ND, Lai, TQ, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'Vitamin D status and parathyroid hormone in a urban population in Vietnam', Osteoporosis International, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 241-248.
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Ho-Pham, LT, T Nguyen, UD, Pham, HN, Nguyen, ND & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'Reference Ranges for Bone Mineral Density and Prevalence of Osteoporosis in Vietnamese Men and Women', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, vol. 12, no. 1.
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Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different reference ranges in bone mineral density on the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 357 men and 870 women aged between 18 and 89 years, who were randomly sampled from various districts within Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. BMD at the femoral neck, lumbar spine and whole body was measured by DXA (Hologic QDR4500). Polynomial regression models and bootstraps method were used to determine peak BMD and standard deviation (SD). Based on the two parameters, we computed Tscores (denoted by TVN) for each individual in the study. A similar diagnosis was also done based on T-scores provided by the densitometer (TDXA), which is based on the US White population (NHANES III). We then compared the concordance between TVN and TDXA in the classification of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis was defined according to the World Health Organization criteria. Results: In post-menopausal women, the prevalence of osteoporosis based on femoral neck TVN was 29%, but when the diagnosis was based on TDXA, the prevalence was 44%. In men aged 50+ years, the TVN-based prevalence of osteoporosis was 10%, which was lower than TDXA-based prevalence (30%). Among 177 women who were diagnosed with osteoporosis by TDXA, 35% were actually osteopenia by TVN. The kappa-statistic was 0.54 for women and 0.41 for men. Conclusion: These data suggest that the T-scores provided by the Hologic QDR4500 over-diagnosed osteoporosis in Vietnamese men and women. This over-diagnosis could lead to over-treatment and influence the decision of recruitment of participants in clinical trials.
Hossain, MJ, Hoque, MA & Islam, KK 2011, 'Simplified Fuzzy Control for Flux-Weakening Speed Control of IPMSM Drive', Advances in Fuzzy Systems, vol. 2011, pp. 1-9.
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This paper presents a simplified fuzzy logic-based speed control scheme of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) above the base speed using a flux-weakening method. In this work, nonlinear expressions ofd-axis andq-axis currents of the IPMSM have been derived and subsequently incorporated in the control algorithm for the practical purpose in order to implement fuzzy-based flux-weakening strategy to operate the motor above the base speed. The fundamentals of fuzzy logic algorithms as related to motor control applications are also illustrated. A simplified fuzzy speed controller (FLC) for the IPMSM drive has been designed and incorporated in the drive system to maintain high performance standards. The efficacy of the proposed simplified FLC-based IPMSM drive is verified by simulation at various dynamic operating conditions. The simplified FLC is found to be robust and efficient. Laboratory test results of proportional integral (PI) controller-based IPMSM drive have been compared with the simulated results of fuzzy controller-based flux-weakening IPMSM drive system.
Hossain, MJ, Pota, HR & Ramos, RA 2011, 'Robust STATCOM control for the stabilisation of fixed-speed wind turbines during low voltages', Renewable Energy, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 2897-2905.
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Hossain, MJ, Pota, HR, Mahmud, MA & Ramos, RA 2011, 'Excitation control for improving transient stability limit and voltage regulation with dynamic loads', IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 4971-4976.
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This paper presents a new robust control methodology to improve the power system transient stability and voltage regulation in interconnected power systems including dynamic loads. The inclusion of dynamic load model significantly increases the nonlinearity of the system. The automatic voltage regulation (AVR) and power system stabiliser (PSS) design problems are coordinated for the augmentation of stability. The nonlinear behaviour of power systems has been represented in this paper by an uncertain term, derived from the Cauchy remainder of the Taylor series expansion. An IEEE benchmark test system has been used to demonstrate the performance of the designed controller. Large disturbance simulations demonstrate that the proposed controller enhances voltage stability as well as transient stability of a power system during severe transients. © 2011 IFAC.
Hossein Alavi, A & Hossein Gandomi, A 2011, 'A robust data mining approach for formulation of geotechnical engineering systems', Engineering Computations, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 242-274.
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PurposeThe complexity of analysis of geotechnical behavior is due to multivariable dependencies of soil and rock responses. In order to cope with this complex behavior, traditional forms of engineering design solutions are reasonably simplified. Incorporating simplifying assumptions into the development of the traditional models may lead to very large errors. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate capabilities of promising variants of genetic programming (GP), namely linear genetic programming (LGP), gene expression programming (GEP), and multi‐expression programming (MEP) by applying them to the formulation of several complex geotechnical engineering problems.Design/methodology/approachLGP, GEP, and MEP are new variants of GP that make a clear distinction between the genotype and the phenotype of an individual. Compared with the traditional GP, the LGP, GEP, and MEP techniques are more compatible with computer architectures. This results in a significant speedup in their execution. These methods have a great ability to directly capture the knowledge contained in the experimental data without making assumptions about the underlying rules governing the system. This is one of their major advantages over most of the traditional constitutive modeling methods.FindingsIn order to demonstrate the simulation capabilities of LGP, GEP, and MEP, they were applied to the prediction of: relative crest settlement of concrete‐faced rockfill dams; slope stability; settlement around tunnels; and soil liquefaction. The results are compared with those obtained by other models presented in the literature and found to be more accurate. LGP has the best overall behavior for the analysis of the considered proble...
Hrimech, H, Alem, L & Merienne, F 2011, 'How 3D Interaction Metaphors Affect User Experience in Collaborative Virtual Environment', Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 2011, pp. 1-11.
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In this paper we presents the results of our experimental study which aims to understand the impact of three interaction 3D metaphors (ray casting, GoGo, and virtual hand) on the user experience in a semi-immersive collaborative virtual environment (the Braccetto System). For each session, participants are grouped in twos to reconstruct a puzzle by an assemblage of cubes. The puzzle to reconstruct corresponds to a gradient of colors. We found that there is a significant difference in the user experience by changing the interaction metaphor on the copresence, awareness, involvement, collaborative effort, satisfaction usability, and preference. These findings provide a basis for designing 3D navigation techniques in a CVE.
Hsieh, MH, Yen, WT & Hsu, LY 2011, 'Undetermined states: how to find them and their applications', EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 261-265.
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We investigate the undetermined sets consisting of two-level, multi-partite pure quantum states, whose reduced density matrices give absolutely no information of their original states. Two approached of finding these quantum states are proposed. One is to establish the relation between codewords of the stabilizer quantum error correction codes (SQECCs) and the undetermined states. The other is to study the local complementation rules of the graph states. As an application, the undetermined states can be exploited in the quantum secret sharing scheme. The security is guaranteed by their undetermineness. © 2010 EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
HU, H 2011, 'Dynamic Modeling and Its Sliding Controller of MR Shock Absorber under Impact Load', Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 47, no. 13, pp. 84-84.
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An MR shock absorber under impact load is investigated. A single-rod long-stroke impact absorber is developed. Based on Bingham model and its structure of MR damper under impact load, a dynamic model of MR damper under impact load is derived, which is composed of annular damping hole's friction damping force, coulomb damping force, inertia damping force, throttle damping force, structure additional damper force and other friction forces. By applying the least square algorithm, important parameters in the dynamic model are identified. Experimental results confirm the accuracy of the derived and fitted dynamic model. According to its strong nonlinearity, wide frequency range and high peak-value of acceleration characteristics of impact load, an output target tracer using sliding control strategy is designed and simulated on the basis of constructing hardware-in-the-loop platform. The control effects of three control strategies, namely, On-Off strategy, PID strategy and sliding mode control strategy, are compared and analyzed. The results show that the vibration peak value of MR impact absorber under sliding mode control strategy is reduced by 27.33%, and its piston stroke is reduced by 48.75%, thus being the most ideal control effect. ©2011 Journal of Mechanical Engineering.
Hu, S, Liu, S, Zheng, Z, Yuan, X, Li, L, Lu, M, Shen, R, Duan, F, Zhang, X, Li, J, Liu, X, Song, Y, Wang, W, Zhao, S, He, Z, Zhang, H, Yang, K, Feng, W & Wang, X 2011, 'Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Combined With Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Delivered Through a Graft Vessel for Patients With Previous Myocardial Infarction and Chronic Heart Failure', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 57, no. 24, pp. 2409-2415.
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Hu, Y, Wu, C, Lukaszewicz, M, Dragos, J, Ren, J & Haskett, M 2011, 'Characteristics of Confined Blast Loading in Unvented Structures', International Journal of Protective Structures, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21-43.
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Confined blast loading occurs in many scenarios and the effects of confined blast loading may result in more serious damage to buildings due to multiple shock reflections (Shi et al. 2009). However, spherical charges are assumed for all confined explosive-effects computations in modern standards for blast-resistant design such as UFC-3-340-02 (2008) and the soon-to-be published ASCE Standard for the Blast Protection of Buildings (ASCE forthcoming) without consideration of effects of charge shape on the distribution of reflected overpressure and impulse. As confinement is an aggravation factor of explosion effects, analysis and design of infrastructure under critical scenarios of confined blast loading should take the aggravation factor into consideration. This paper is to develop a numerical model for prediction of blast loads inside unvented structures as a result of variation of the charge shape, charge orientation, geometries and volumes of confined chambers. A finite element program, AUTODYN (Century Dynamics, 2003), is utilized extensively to generate a model which is capable of being calibrated with the experimental results conducted by Wu et al. (2010) in external conditions and by Zyskowski et al. (2004) in a confined small box. The calibrated AUTODYN model is then used to conduct parametric studies to analyze the effects of the variation of charge shape, charge orientation, chamber geometry and chamber volume on the peak reflected overpressure and impulse on the walls of the chamber. The quasi-static overpressure for fully confined blast loading is characterized and the simulated results are used to derive the relationships between the quasi-static overpressure and scaled distance for the fully confined blast loading. Discussion is made on characteristics of fully confined blast loading inside chambers.
Huang, M, Liu, Y & Sheng, D 2011, 'Simulation of yielding and stress–stain behavior of shanghai soft clay', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 341-353.
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Huang, Z, Chen, X, Yisgedu, T, Meyers, EA, Shore, SG & Zhao, J 2011, 'ChemInform Abstract: Ammonium Octahydrotriborate (NH4B3H8): New Synthesis, Structure, and Hydrolytic Hydrogen Release.', ChemInform, vol. 42, no. 25.
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AbstractThe title compound is prepared by a metathesis reaction between unsolvated NaB3H8 and NH4Cl in liquid ammonia at ‐78 °C (30 min, 95% yield).
Huang, Z, Chen, X, Yisgedu, T, Meyers, EA, Shore, SG & Zhao, J-C 2011, 'Ammonium Octahydrotriborate (NH4B3H8): New Synthesis, Structure, and Hydrolytic Hydrogen Release', Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 3738-3742.
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Huang, Z, Chen, X, Yisgedu, T, Zhao, J-C & Shore, SG 2011, 'High-capacity hydrogen release through hydrolysis of NaB3H8', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 7038-7042.
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Husnawan, M, Masjuki, HH & Mahlia, TMI 2011, 'The interest of combining two additives with palm olein as selected lubricant components', Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 203-209.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to study the effect of palm olein, amine phosphate and 4‐nonyl phenoxy acetic acid (NPAA) added to a commercial lubricant in terms of tribological properties such as wear and coefficient of friction.Design/methodology/approachA tribological study on the lubrication performance of a lubricant‐based palm oil (PO) containing anti‐wear and antioxidant combined corrosion inhibitor additive was carried out using a universal sliding wear machine. In this experiment, amine phosphate and NPAA were selected as additive to be mixed with PO (palm olein) in several concentrations and commercial lubricant 20W‐50 for the tests. Various PO blended samples with additional 1 and 3 percent additive were used in this study. The experiments were performed under 252 rpm sliding speed for 2 h where the oil temperature reached 100°C.FindingsThe analysis showed that the average wear coefficient and the mean wear scar diameter (MWSD) which is normalized to the 1.4 KPa water pressure generates lower values for the PO containing additives than 100 percent PO, commercial lubricant and their blended. The coefficients of friction and wear were also lower for the samples with additives compared to other. To consolidate the result, viscosity of used samples is checked and shows the additives improved the viscosity stability. Finally, the overall study concluded that PO‐added additives have the potential to be one of the ingredients in effective lubricant oil.Research limitations/implicationsThe paper is limited to findings based on a Universal Sliding Machine Test under certain conditions. The tes...
Hussain, O, Dillon, T, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'Probabilistic assessment of financial risk in e-business associations', SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 704-717.
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Business activities are a result of carefully formed associations between different users in order to achieve certain pre-decided outcomes. Decision-making in such associations is an important step and transactional risk analysis is one of the integral processes that facilitates this step. This paper presents an approach that determines the negative consequences (termed as financial risk) of forming e-business associations. Unlike other approaches, our model captures the different types of events and their uncertainties to determine the financial risk by using the convolution operator and expressing it as a probabilistic measure rather than as a crisp financial value. Such representation makes sense as the financial risk may be determined at a point of time in future where nothing is certain. Depending upon the complexity of the problem, we explain the different ways of using the convolution operator to determine the financial risk. The simulation result shows a better representation and understanding of the financial risk that will provide important inputs to the transactional risk analysis and the decision-making process.
Hussain, W, Sohaib, O & Ali, A 2011, 'Improving Web Page Readability by Plain Language', IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011, 315-319, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 315-319.
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In today's world anybody who wants to access any information the first choiceis to use the web because it is the only source to provide easy and instantaccess to information. However web readers face many hurdles from web whichincludes load of web pages, text size, finding related information, spellingand grammar etc. However understanding of web pages written in English languagecreates great problems for non native readers who have basic knowledge ofEnglish. In this paper, we propose a plain language for a local language (Urdu)using English alphabets for web pages in Pakistan. For this purpose wedeveloped two websites, one with a normal English fonts and other in a locallanguage text scheme using English alphabets. We also conducted a questionnairefrom 40 different users with a different level of English language fluency inPakistan to gain the evidence of the practicality of our approach. The resultshows that the proposed plain language text scheme using English alphabetsimproved the reading comprehension for non native English speakers in Pakistan.
Hussain, W, Sohaib, O, Ahmed, A & Qasim Khan, M 2011, 'Web readability factors affecting users of all ages', Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 972-977.
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With the increase in the growth of internet since 1990 WorldWide Web have gained a worldwide popularity.Web has become an ultimate source of information throughout the world. The web has been a source of information, knowledge, entertainment and carrying out different tasks such as online shopping, reservation etc. Every one finds ways to the web due to easiness of access and the bulk of information that has been available so ways to make web more attractive and easy to interact with has been an issue under discussion since its inception. In this paper we have focused how to make a webpage more usable for different age group in terms of readability. We have focused on eight eternal readability factors i.e. color contrast, white space, line spacing, font style, font size, text width, headings, graphics and animation. These eight factors are compared that how different age group people behave with the web applications by varying these eight factors. Based on literature review we have proposed an idea that how to make web more readable for people of different age groups e.g. children, teenagers and old /senior users.
Iacopi, F, Choi, JH, Terashima, K, Rice, PM & Dubois, G 2011, 'Cryogenic plasmas for controlled processing of nanoporous materials', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 3634-3634.
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Indiveri, G, Linares-Barranco, B, Hamilton, TJ, Schaik, AV, Etienne-Cummings, R, Delbruck, T, Liu, S-C, Dudek, P, Häfliger, P, Renaud, S, Schemmel, J, Cauwenberghs, G, Arthur, J, Hynna, K, Folowosele, F, Saighi, S, Serrano-Gotarredona, T, Wijekoon, J, Wang, Y & Boahen, K 2011, 'Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 5.
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Indraratna, B, Ngo, NT & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2011, 'Behavior of geogrid-reinforced ballast under various levels of fouling', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 313-322.
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This paper presents a study of how the interface between ballast and geogrid copes with fouling by coal fines. The stress-displacement behavior of fresh and fouled ballast, and geogrid reinforced ballast was investigated through a series of large-scale direct shear tests where the levels of fouling ranged from 0% to 95% Void Contamination Index (VCI), at relatively low normal stresses varying from 15 kPa to 75 kPa. The results indicated that geogrid increases the shear strength and apparent angle of shearing resistance, while only slightly reducing the vertical displacement of the composite geogrid-ballast system. However, when ballast was fouled by coal fines, the benefits of geogrid reinforcement decreased in proportion to the increasing level of fouling. A conceptual normalized shear strength model was proposed to predict this decrease in peak shear stress and peak angle of shearing resistance caused by coal fines at a given normal stress. © 2011.
Indraratna, B, Nguyen, VT & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2011, 'Assessing the Potential of Internal Erosion and Suffusion of Granular Soils', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 137, no. 5, pp. 550-554.
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Indraratna, B, Rujikiatkamjorn, C, Ameratunga, J & Boyle, P 2011, 'Performance and Prediction of Vacuum Combined Surcharge Consolidation at Port of Brisbane', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 137, no. 11, pp. 1009-1018.
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Indraratna, B, Rujikiatkamjorn, C, Geng, X-Y, McIntosh, G & Kelly, R 2011, 'Soft Soils Improved by Prefabricated Vertical Drains: Performance and Prediction', Soils and Rocks, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 379-388.
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The use of prefabricated vertical drains with vacuum preloading and surcharge preloading is now common practice and is proving to be one of the most effective ground improvement techniques known. The factors affecting its performance, such as the smear zone, the drain influence zone, and drain unsaturation, are discussed in this paper. In order to evaluate these effects a large scale consolidation test was conducted and it was found that the proposed Cavity Expansion Moreover, the procedure for converting an equivalent 2-D plane strain multi-drain analysis that considers the smear zone and vacuum pressure are also described. The conversion procedure was incorporated into finite element codes using a modified Cam-clay theory. Numerical analysis was conducted to predict excess pore pressure and lateral and vertical displacement. Three case histories are analyzed and discussed, including the sites of Muar clay (Malaysia), the Second Bangkok International Airport (Thailand), and the Sandgate railway line (Australia). The predictions were then compared with the available field data, which include settlement, excess pore pressure, and lateral displacement. Further findings verified that smear, drain unsaturation, and vacuum distribution can significantly influence consolidation so they must be modeled appropriately in any numerical analysis to obtain reliable predictions.
Indraratna, B, Su, L-J & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2011, 'A new parameter for classification and evaluation of railway ballast fouling', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 322-326.
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The physical condition of railway ballast should be regularly inspected and accordingly, ballast cleaning should be carried out to maintain the safe operation of a track. This paper reviews current methods commonly used for evaluating the degree of ballast fouling, and due to their limitations, a new parameter — “relative ballast fouling ratio”— is proposed. Categories of fouling based on the proposed method are derived from the particle gradation curves taken from past literature. Comparisons between these methods demonstrate that the newly proposed relative ballast fouling ratio would best represent the influence of the type and gradation of fouling material.
Ip, KH, Stuart, B, Ray, A & Thomas, P 2011, 'ESEM-EDS Investigation of the Weathering of a Heritage Sydney Sandstone', Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 292-295.
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AbstractThe degradation of Sydney sandstone used to build the heritage St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, has been investigated using environmental scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. This technique provided the structural details of the cementing clay and an elemental characterization the sandstone. The observed differences in the elemental composition of the unweathered and weathered sandstones were associated with changes to the clay microstructure upon weathering. The results support the substitution theory that Fe3+ replaces Al3+ in the kaolinite clay component upon weathering. An examination of the impurities present prior to a nonstructural iron removal treatment revealed the presence of minerals that may provide a source of the elements responsible for the substitution process.
Ip, KH, Stuart, BH, Thomas, PS & Ray, A 2011, 'Characterisation of poly(vinyl alcohol)-montmorillonite composites with higher clay contents', POLYMER TESTING, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 732-736.
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Polymer composites comprised of poly(vinyl alcohol) and montmorillonite with higher clay loadings have been prepared and characterised. The extent of intercalation in the composites was examined over a range of compositions using scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. The incorporation of an acidification step followed by washing the clay results in a homogenous polymer-clay film. The source of montmorillonite was found to have an effect on the morphology of the clay in the resulting composite. Montmorillonite was obtained from two sources and different clay structures within the polymer clay composites were identified in each case, indicating that the choice of clay is an important consideration when producing poly(vinyl alcohol) montmorillonite composites with higher clay content.
Iqbal, MA, Dai, B, Huang, B, Hassan, A & Yu, S 2011, 'Survey of network coding-aware routing protocols in wireless networks', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1956-1970.
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Jadda, M, Shafri, HZM & Mansor, SB 2011, 'PFR model and GiT for landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study from Central Alborz, Iran', Natural Hazards.
Jain, R, Ji, Z, Upadhyay, S & Watrous, J 2011, 'QIP = PSPACE', Journal of the ACM, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1-27.
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This work considers the quantum interactive proof system model of computation, which is the (classical) interactive proof system model’s natural quantum computational analogue. An exact characterization of the expressive power of quantum interactive proof systems is obtained: the collection of computational problems having quantum interactive proof systems consists precisely of those problems solvable by deterministic Turing machines that use at most a polynomial amount of space (or, more succinctly, QIP = PSPACE). This characterization is proved through the use of a parallelized form of the matrix multiplicative weights update method, applied to a class of semidefinite programs that captures the computational power of quantum interactive proof systems. One striking implication of this characterization is that quantum computing provides no increase in computational power whatsoever over classical computing in the context of interactive proof systems, for it is well known that the collection of computational problems having classical interactive proof systems coincides with those problems solvable by polynomial-space computations.
Jamdagni, A, Tan, T, Nanda, P, He, S & Liu, R 2011, 'Mahalanobis Distance Map Approach for Anomaly Detection of Web-Based Attacks', Journal of Network Forensics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 25-39.
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Web serverss and web-based applications are commonly used attack targets. The main issue are how to prevent unauthorized access and to protect web server from the attack. Intrusion Detection Systems and networks. This paper focuses on the detection of various web-based attacks using Geometrical Structure Anomaly Detectin (GSAD) model. Further, a novel algorithm is proposed using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for the selection of most discriminating features to reduce the computational complexity of payload-based GSAD model. GSAD model is based on a pattern recognition technique used in image payload features to calculate the difference between normal and abnormal network traffice. GSAD model is evaluated experimentally on the real attacks (GATECH) dataset and on the DARPA 1999 dataset.
Jannot, G, Bajan, S, Giguère, NJ, Bouasker, S, Banville, IH, Piquet, S, Hutvagner, G & Simard, MJ 2011, 'The ribosomal protein RACK1 is required for microRNA function in both C. elegans and humans', EMBO reports, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 581-586.
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Despite the importance of microRNAs (miRNAs) in gene regulation, it is unclear how the miRNA–Argonaute complex—or miRNA‐induced silencing complex (miRISC)—can regulate the translation of their targets in such diverse ways. We demonstrate here a direct interaction between the miRISC and the ribosome by showing that a constituent of the eukaryotic 40S subunit, receptor for activated C‐kinase (RACK1), is important for miRNA‐mediated gene regulation in animals. In vivo studies demonstrate that RACK1 interacts with components of the miRISC in nematodes and mammals. In both systems, the alteration of RACK1 expression alters miRNA function and impairs the association of the miRNA complex with the translating ribosomes. Our data indicate that RACK1 can contribute to the recruitment of miRISC to the site of translation, and support a post‐initiation mode of miRNA‐mediated gene repression.
Jayed, MH, Masjuki, HH, Kalam, MA, Mahlia, TMI, Husnawan, M & Liaquat, AM 2011, 'Prospects of dedicated biodiesel engine vehicles in Malaysia and Indonesia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 220-235.
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Jegatheesan, V, Shu, L, Nghiem, LD, Shon, HK & Chang, C-Y 2011, 'Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering CESE-2010 26 September-1 October 2010, The Sebel, Cairns, Queensland, Australia Total Water Management for the Sustainability of Freshwater in the Future', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 1-3.
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Jeong, S, Nateghi, F, Nguyen, TV, Vigneswaran, S & Tu, TA 2011, 'Pretreatment for seawater desalination by flocculation: Performance of modified poly ferric silicate (PFSi-delta) and ferric chloride as flocculants', DESALINATION, vol. 283, pp. 106-110.
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Submerged microfiltration system coupled with in-line flocculation as pretreatment for seawater reverse osmosis has the potential to remove organic compounds and mitigate fouling. The effect of flocculation on the performance of microfiltration (MF) was investigated using two flocculants, namely, modified poly ferric silicate (PFSi-δ) and ferric chloride (FeCl3). The experimental results were analysed in terms of organic removal efficiency and critical flux. Both PFSi-δ and FeCl3 were found to be suitable as pretreatment because of their capacity in removing organic compounds. The results show that PFSi-δ was better than FeCl3 in terms of removing turbidity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particularly in removing hydrophilic compounds. The highest DOC removals of 68% and 57% were obtained when PFSi-δ at a dose of 1.2 mg Fe3+/L and FeCl3 at 3 mg Fe3+/L were used, respectively. It was observed that PFSi-δ (1.2 mg Fe3+/L) and FeCl3 (3 mg Fe3+/L) led to an increase of critical flux from 20 L/m2 h to 35 L/m2 h and 55 L/m2 h, respectively. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jeong, S, Nguyen, TV & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Submerged membrane coagulation hybrid system as pretreatment to organic matter removal from seawater', Water Supply, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 352-357.
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In this study, a commonly used ferric chloride was utilised as coagulant for removing organic compounds from seawater. More than 57% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed at optimum dosage of 3 mg Fe+3/L. The coagulation by FeCl3 at optimum dosage could remove a majority (95%) of hydrophobic compounds. The results from Liquid Chromatography – Organic Carbon Detector showed that only <0.02 mg/L of hydrophobic compounds was found after coagulation. In addition, the modified fouling index decreased considerably from 15,848 s/L2 with raw seawater to 3,025 s/L2 with seawater after coagulation. In-line coagulation coupled with submerged membrane system (ICSMS) was also trialled. It is observed that critical flux was increased from 20 L/m2·h in the conventional submerged membrane system to 55 L/m2 h in ICSMS. The ICSMS could remain the high DOC removal efficiency (more than 70%) at filtration rate of 20 L/m2 h when keeping the development of trans-membrane pressure was significant lower than that of conventional submerged membrane system.
Ji, Z, Wei, Z & Zeng, B 2011, 'Complete characterization of the ground-space structure of two-body frustration-free Hamiltonians for qubits', Physical Review A, vol. 84, no. 4.
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Jiang, Y, He, X, Lin, F & Jia, W 2011, 'An Encoding and Labeling Scheme Based on Continued Fraction for Dynamic XML', Journal of Software, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 2043-2049.
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Much research about labeling schemes has been conducted to efficiently determine the ancestor-descendant relationships and the document-order between any two random XML nodes without re-labeling for updates. In this paper, we present an efficient XML encoding and labeling scheme for dynamic XML document, named Continued Fraction-based Encoding (CFE). The proposed CFE scheme labels nodes with continued fractions and has the following three important properties: (1) CFE codes can be inserted between any two consecutive CFE codes with the orders kept and without re-encoding the existing nodes; (2) CFE is orthogonal to specific labeling schemes, thus it can be applied broadly to different labeling schemes or other applications to efficiently process the updates; (3) CFE supports all structural relationships query in XPath. Two test data sets were built for evaluation. The experimental results show that CFE provides fairly reasonable XML query processing performance while completely avoiding relabeling for updates. © 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHER.
Jiang, ZY, Wang, SJ, Wei, DB, Li, HJ, Xie, HB, Wang, XD & Zhang, XM 2011, 'Study on Surface Roughness Muring Metal Manufacturing Process', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 325, pp. 731-736.
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In the paper, a crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) model was developed based on ABAQUS to analyse the surface roughness transfer during metal manufacturing. The simulation result shows a good agreement with the experimental result in the flattening of surface asperity, and the surface roughness decreases significantly with an increase of reduction with considering friction effect. Lubrication can delay surface asperity flattening. The effect of surface roughness on produced metal defect (crack) was also studied, and the surface roughness affects the crack initiation significantly in cold strip rolling. In addition, the surface roughness variation along the metal plate width contributes to stress distribution and then inhibition of crack nucleation.
Jiang, ZY, Wei, DB, Tieu, K, Huang, JX, Zhang, AW, Shi, X & Jiao, SH 2011, 'Study on Oxidation of Stainless Steels During Hot Rolling', International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 31-42.
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The oxidation of stainless steels 304 and 304L during hot rolling is studied in this paper. Results show the oxide scale thickness decreases significantly with an increase of reduction, and the oxide scales of both 304 and 304L stainless steels were found more deformable than the steel substrate. Surface roughness shows a complicated transfer during the hot rolling process due to the complexity of oxide scale characteristics. Also, surface roughness decreases with an increase of reduction. The friction coefficient increases with reduction in all cases, and the increase is more significant in the case of the 304 stainless steel than that of 304L stainless steel.
Jianjun Liu, Esselle, KP, Hay, SG & Shunshi Zhong 2011, 'Achieving Ratio Bandwidth of 25:1 From a Printed Antenna Using a Tapered Semi-Ring Feed', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 1333-1336.
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Jin, J, Zheng, L, Xu, W, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 2011, 'Thrust characteristics of a double-sided high temperature superconducting linear synchronous motor with a high temperature superconducting magnetic suspension system', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 109, no. 7, pp. 073916-073916.
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An electromagnetic design of a double-sided high temperature superconducting (HTS) linear synchronous motor (HTSLSM) with an HTS bulk magnet secondary is introduced in this paper. A HTS magnetic suspension system is applied to replace the sliding rail to levitate the secondary mover resulting in the HTSLSM moving without sliding friction. The thrust model of the HTSLSM is built using a magnetic circuit method and the thrust characteristics obtained from the model are compared with finite element analysis and practical testing results. The theoretical analysis on the prototype has also been verified by measurements.
Jin, JX, Zheng, LH, Guo, YG & Zhu, JG 2011, 'Performance Characteristics of an HTS Linear Synchronous Motor With HTS Bulk Magnet Secondary', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 2469-2477.
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A single-sided high-temperature superconducting (HTS) linear synchronous motor (HTSLSM) with an HTS bulk magnet array as its secondary has been developed, and a split pulse coil magnetization system is used to magnetize the secondary HTS bulks with alternating magnetic poles. The electromagnetic parameters of the HTSLSM have been calculated to verify its performance. The HTSLSM is incorporated with a developed control system based on the voltage space vector pulsewidth modulation strategy implemented by a computer-software-controlled platform. A compositive experimental testing system has also been developed to measure the thrust and normal force of the HTSLSM. The traits of the thrust and normal force have been comprehensively identi?ed experimentally, and the results from the experiments and analysis would bene?t the electromagnetic design and the control scheme development for the HTSLSM.
Johir, MAH, Aryal, R, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Grasmick, A 2011, 'Influence of supporting media in suspension on membrane fouling reduction in submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR)', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 374, no. 1-2, pp. 121-128.
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In this study, the SMBR was compared in terms of membrane fouling with and without the addition of suspended medium in the membrane reactor. The effectiveness of medium in suspension in submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) was evaluated at different filtration flux. The SMBR was operated at a flux of 5-30L/m2h (corresponding hydraulic retention time of 10-1.7h) with and without suspended medium. The suspended medium used in this study was granular activated carbon (GAC; particle size 300-600mm) at air scouring (aeration) rates of 0.5-1.5m3m-2 membrane areah-1. At higher aeration rate of 1.5m3/m2 membrane areah, the effect of flux on membrane resistance was found to be negligible. The reduction of aeration rate from 1.5 to 1.0m3m-2 membrane areah-1 resulted in a sudden rise of TMP. The addition of suspended medium prevented a sudden rise of TMP (total membrane resistance reduced from 51×1011 to 20×1011m-1). The organic removal efficiency remained high irrespective of flux. The molecular weight distribution (MWD) and excitation emission matrix (EEM) analysis of SMBR effluent showed a range of organic (composed of amino acids, biopolymers, humics and fulvic acids type substances) removed by the GAC both by scouring and adsorption mechanisms. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Johir, MAH, George, J, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Grasmick, A 2011, 'Removal and recovery of nutrients by ion exchange from high rate membrane bio-reactor (MBR) effluent', Desalination, vol. 275, no. 1-3, pp. 197-202.
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In this study a membrane bioreactor (MBR) with ion-exchange as post-treatment was investigated for organic removal and nutrient recovery. The MBR was operated at a short HRT of 4h in order to mainly remove organic carbon. This was followed by an ion-exchange process to remove and later recover the nitrogen and phosphorus from the MBR effluent. The increase in membrane resistance was reduced by 90% (from 0.061 to 0.006m-1d-1) when the air scouring rate was increased from 0.5 to 1.5m3/m2membrane areah. The organic removal rate in terms of DOC was 85-90%. The bio-polymer in the molecular weight range of 24,500Da was retained by the membrane of the MBR while humic type substances and lower molecular organic matter (molecular weight of 360-60Da) were not effectively removed by the membrane. The ion-exchange process effectively removed the nutrients from the effluent of the MBR. The retention of PO43- and NO3- by the two ion-exchange columns in series was 85% and 95% respectively. Over 95-98% phosphate and nitrate recovery was obtained during regeneration of columns with 1% NaCl of 20 bed volumes. This integrated process can remove pollutants and at the same time recover nutrients and thus open a new source for nitrogen and phosphorous. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Johnston, M & Hutvagner, G 2011, 'Posttranslational modification of Argonautes and their role in small RNA-mediated gene regulation', Silence, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 5-5.
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Shortly after their discovery, repertoires of miRNA were identified, together with proteins involved in their biogenesis and action. It is now obvious that miRNA-mediated gene regulation itself is regulated at multiple levels. Identifying the regulatory mechanisms that underpin small RNA homeostasis by modulation of their biogenesis and action has become a key issue, which can be partly resolved by identifying mediators of Argonautes turnover. An emerging theme in the control of Argonaute stability and activity is through posttranslational modifications, which are the focus of this review. © 2011 Johnston and Hutvagner; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Juang, C-F & Chang, Y-C 2011, 'Evolutionary-Group-Based Particle-Swarm-Optimized Fuzzy Controller With Application to Mobile-Robot Navigation in Unknown Environments', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 379-392.
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Juang, C-F, Chang, Y-C & Hsiao, C-M 2011, 'Evolving Gaits of a Hexapod Robot by Recurrent Neural Networks With Symbiotic Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3110-3119.
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Kadlec, P & Gabrys, B 2011, 'Local learning‐based adaptive soft sensor for catalyst activation prediction', AIChE Journal, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1288-1301.
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AbstractThis work presents an algorithm for the development of adaptive soft sensors. The method is based on the local learning framework, where locally valid models are built and maintained. In this framework, it is possible to model nonlinear relationship between the input and output data by the means of a combination of linear models. The method provides the possibility to perform adaptation at two levels: (i) recursive adaptation of the local models and (ii) the adaptation of the combination weights. The dataset used for evaluation of the algorithm describes a polymerization reactor where the target value is a simulated catalyst activity in the reactor. This dataset is also used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The results show that the traditional recursive partial least squares algorithm struggles to deliver accurate predictions. In contrast to this, by exploiting the two‐level adaptation scheme, the proposed algorithm delivers more accurate results. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 57, 2011
Kadlec, P, Grbić, R & Gabrys, B 2011, 'Review of adaptation mechanisms for data-driven soft sensors', Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1-24.
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Kalam, MA & Masjuki, HH 2011, 'An experimental investigation of high performance natural gas engine with direct injection', Energy, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3563-3571.
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Kalam, MA, Masjuki, HH, Jayed, MH & Liaquat, AM 2011, 'Emission and performance characteristics of an indirect ignition diesel engine fuelled with waste cooking oil', Energy, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 397-402.
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Kalam, MA, Masjuki, HH, Varman, M & Liaquat, AM 2011, 'Friction and wear characteristics of waste vegetable oil contaminated lubricants', International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 431-436.
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In this paper, a four-ball tribotester was used with standard test method IP-239 to evaluate friction and wear characteristics of normal lubricant, additive added lubricant and waste vegetable oil (WVO) contaminated lubricants. The balls used in four-ball tribotester were based on carbon-chromium steel ball bearings. The results obtained to present friction and wear characteristics are coefficient of friction (μ), wear scar diameter (WSD), flash temperature parameter (FTP), viscosity index (VI) and total acid number (TAN). Each test was conducted for five different loads from 50 kg to 90 kg with an interval of 10 kg. The lubricant was contaminated with WVO from 1% to 5%. The normal lubricant (as sample A) was used for comparison purposes. The test results showed that WVO contaminated lubricants with suitable anti-wear additive can reduce wear and friction coefficient. The objective of this investigation is to develop a new lubricant based on waste palm oil (such as WVO).
KANO, H, YOSHIZAWA, S, GUNJI, T, OKAMOTO, S, TAWARAYAMA, M & MIYANAGA, Y 2011, 'Development and Outdoor Evaluation of an Experimental Platform in an 80-MHz Bandwidth 2×2 MIMO-OFDM System in 5.2-GHz Band', IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E94.D, no. 12, pp. 2400-2408.
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Keepanasseril, A, Saha, SC, Bagga, R, Vyas, S & Dhaliwal, LK 2011, 'Uterovaginal anastomosis for the management of congenital atresia of the uterine cervix', Gynecological Surgery, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 161-164.
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Kennard, R & Leaney, J 2011, 'Is there convergence in the field of UI generation?', JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 2079-2087.
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For many software projects, the construction of the User Interface (UI) consumes a significant proportion of their development time. Any degree of automation in this area therefore has clear benefits. But it is difficult to achieve such automation in a way that will be widely adopted by industry because of the diversity of UIs, software architectures, platforms and development environments. In a previous article, the authors identified five key characteristics any UI generator would need in order to address this diversity. We asserted that, without these characteristics, a UI generator should not expect wide industry adoption or standardisation. We supported this assertion with evidence from industry adoption studies. A further source of validation would be to see if other research teams, who were also conducting industry field trials, were independently converging on this same set of characteristics. Conversely, it would be instructive if they were found to be converging on a different set of characteristics. In this article, the authors look for such evidence of convergence by interviewing the team behind one of the research community's most significant UI generators: Naked Objects. We observe strong signs of convergence, which we believe signal the beginning of a general purpose architecture for UI generation, one that both industry and the research community could standardise upon.
Keshavarz, R, Movahhedi, M, Hakimi, A & Abdipour, A 2011, 'A Novel Broad Bandwidth and Compact Backward Coupler with High Couplinglevel', Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 25, no. 2-3, pp. 283-293.
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Kha, HH, Tuan, HD & Nguyen, TQ 2011, 'Optimal Design of FIR Triplet Halfband Filter Bank and Application in Image Coding', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 586-591.
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This correspondence proposes an efficient semidefinite programming (SDP) method for the design of a class of linear phase finite impulse response triplet halfband filter banks whose filters have optimal frequency selectivity for a prescribed regularity o
Khalilpour, R & Abbas, A 2011, 'HEN optimization for efficient retrofitting of coal-fired power plants with post-combustion carbon capture', International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 189-199.
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Khalilpour, R & Karimi, IA 2011, 'Investment portfolios under uncertainty for utilizing natural gas resources.', Comput. Chem. Eng., vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1827-1837.
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Khalilpour, R & Karimi, IA 2011, 'Selection of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Contracts for Minimizing Procurement Cost', Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 50, no. 17, pp. 10298-10312.
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Khan, I, François, R & Castel, A 2011, 'Mechanical Behavior of Long-Term Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beam', MODELLING OF CORRODING CONCRETE STRUCTURES, vol. 5, pp. 243-258.
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Khazraei, K & Deuse, J 2011, 'A strategic standpoint on maintenance taxonomy', Journal of Facilities Management, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 96-113.
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PurposeMaintenance, an essential element of facilities management and a fundamental requisite for increasing availability and sustaining stable processes, has been the focus of technical research for decades. However, there has not been a concrete and well‐structured classification of different maintenance types that is accepted globally. The need for such a widely acceptable classification is the main incentive to delve into and create a new maintenance taxonomy. This paper aims to address this issue.Design/methodology/approachThe paper gathers and reviews several examples of maintenance classifications and viewpoints from different geographical regions in the world. Afterwards, it integrates various maintenance‐related terms and terminologies with the authors' systematic‐thinking approach, systems thinking, based on which strategic thinking is formed. Consequently, this combination results in a globally acceptable systematic classification of maintenance.FindingsThe outcome of this scientific endeavour is a newly developed maintenance taxonomy, which is established according to the correct and clear‐cut use of the terminologies of strategy, policy and tactic, which correspondingly connote the art and science of what, the plan and guideline of how, and the style and methodology of how.Practical implicationsThis paper provides maintenance and facility stakeholders with a new maintenance taxonomy based on the available terminologies and practices taking into account the conception of strategy science. Such a classification cannot only ease the technical communication in this sector but also be accepte...
Khorshed, C, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, Aryal, R & Dharmapalan, D 2011, 'Assessment of water treatment processes: detailed organic matter characterisation and membrane fouling indices at the Loddon Water Treatment Plant, Victoria, Australia', Water Supply, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 274-280.
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Recent advances in membrane technology have led to its broad application, and reverse osmosis (RO) systems now represent the fastest growing segment of the desalination market. Its performance is hindered by membrane fouling. In this study pre-treatment methods to reduce RO fouling were investigated including flocculation, adsorption and ion exchange. Detailed organic characterisations were made in terms of florescence spectroscopy excitation emission matrix (EEM), UV254 absorbance and liquid chromatography-organic carbon detection (LCOCD). The different pre-treatment methods were assessed in terms of the fouling potential. This was quantified in terms of the modified fouling index measured using a dead-end cell micro-filtration (MF) unit. The existing pre-treatment of granular activated carbon (GAC) filter led to a good organic removal. Among the pre-treatment methods tested in the laboratory, purolite ion exchange/adsorption was found to be better than FeCl3 flocculation in terms of the amount as well as the wide range of organics removal. A pre-treatment of flocculation with Poly-ferric-silicate (PFSi) as flocculent gave a higher removal of organic matter compared to other pre-treatments tested. DOC was reduced from 11.5 to 4.25 mg/L, and it removed mostly the humic type substances.
Khushaba, RN, Kodagoda, S, Lal, S & Dissanayake, G 2011, 'Driver Drowsiness Classification Using Fuzzy Wavelet-Packet-Based Feature-Extraction Algorithm', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 121-131.
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Driver drowsiness and loss of vigilance are a major cause of road accidents. Monitoring physiological signals while driving provides the possibility of detecting and warning of drowsiness and fatigue. The aim of this paper is to maximize the amount of drowsiness-related information extracted from a set of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals during a simulation driving test. Specifically, we develop an efficient fuzzy mutual-information (MI)- based wavelet packet transform (FMIWPT) feature-extraction method for classifying the driver drowsiness state into one of predefined drowsiness levels. The proposed method estimates the required MI using a novel approach based on fuzzy memberships providing an accurate-information content-estimation measure. The quality of the extracted features was assessed on datasets collected from 31 drivers on a simulation test. The experimental results proved the significance of FMIWPT in extracting features that highly correlate with the different drowsiness levels achieving a classification accuracy of 95%-97% on an average across all subjects. © 2011 IEEE.
Kiani, GI, Olsson, LG, Karlsson, A, Esselle, KP & Nilsson, M 2011, 'Cross-Dipole Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface for Energy-Saving Glass Used in Buildings', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 520-525.
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Kieferova, M & Nagaj, D 2011, 'Quantum Walks on Necklaces and Mixing', Issue, vol. 2, p. 1250025.
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We analyze continuous-time quantum walks on necklace graphs - cyclical graphsconsisting of many copies of a smaller graph (pearl). Using a Bloch-type ansatzfor the eigenfunctions, we block-diagonalize the Hamiltonian, reducing theeffective size of the problem to the size of a single pearl. We then present ageneral approach for showing that the mixing time scales (with growing size ofthe necklace) similarly to that of a simple walk on a cycle. Finally, wepresent results for mixing on several necklace graphs.
Kim, DH, Shon, HK, Sharma, G & Cho, J 2011, 'Charge effect of natural organic matter for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes', JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 109-113.
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Natural organic matter (NOM) is one of the major membrane foulant during the ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) processes of water and wastewater treatment. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of membrane and NOM charge on NOM removal efficiency and membrane fouling. Fractions of NOM including colloidal organic matter (COM), hydrophobic NOM (HP-NOM) and transphillic NOM (TL-NOM) were isolated from Nakdong river in Korea and filtered through UF and NF membranes under various pH conditions to control membrane and NOM charge using the bench-scale cross-flow filtration unit. Each NOM fraction has a different size and functionality. Each UF and NF charge affected NOM removal and membrane fouling. Membrane charge of UF affected both membrane fouling and NOM removal of charged NOM and non-charged NOM. However, membrane charge of NF affected both membrane fouling and NOM removal efficiency of charged NOM while it was not influenced by that of non-charged NOM.
Kim, J-H, Cho, DL, Kim, G-J, Gao, B & Shon, HK 2011, 'Titania Nanomaterials Produced from Ti-Salt Flocculated Sludge in Water Treatment', Catalysis Surveys from Asia, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 117-126.
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Titania is the most widely used metal oxide for the applications of pigments, paper, solar cells and environmental purification. In order to meet the demand of a large amount of titania, our group has developed a novel process which could significantly lower the cost of waste disposal in water treatment, protect the environment and public health and yield economically valuable titania. Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) or titanium sulfate (Ti(SO4)2) as an alternative coagulant in water treatment has been explored for the removal of various pollutants from contaminated water or wastewater. Flocculation efficiencies of the Ti-salts were superior to those of Al- and Fe- salts with additional benefits in that a large amount of titania can be produced by calcinating the flocculated floc. The produced titania showed high photocatalytic activity for the removal of volatile organic compounds. The large amount of titania can be applied to pigments, environment and construction materials which require a lot of titania usages. This review paper presents an historical progress from fundamental to application in terms of the detailed production process, characterization, photoactivity of titania produced from Ti-salt flocculated sludge, and its various applications.
Kim, J-H, Okour, Y, Yang, HS, Kim, JB & Shon, HK 2011, 'Preparation and Characterisation of TiO2 Nanoparticle and Titanate Nanotube Obtained from Ti-Salt Flocculated Sludge with Drinking Water and Seawater', JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1640-1643.
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This study aimed to prepare and characterise titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanopartictes and lilanate nanolubes produced from Ti-sat flocculated sludge with drinking water (DW) and seawater (SW). The Ti-salt flocculated sludge from DW and SW was incinerated at 600 °C to produce TiO2 nanoparticles. XRD results showed that the anatase TiO2 structure was predominant for TiO2 from DW (TiO2-DW) and TiO2 from SW (TiO2-SW), which were mainly doped with carbon atoms. Titanate nanotubes (tiNT) were obtained when TiO2-DW and TiO2-SW were hydrothermally treated wilh NaOH solution. Structure phase, shape, crystalisation and photocatalylic activity of tiNT were affected by the incineration temperature and the amount of sodium present in different tiNT. The tiNT doped with thiourea incinerated at 600 °C presented anatase phase, showing a high increase of the degree of crystallisation with nanotube-like structures. The photocatalylic activity of these photocatalysts was evaluated using photooxldation of gaseous acetaldehyde. Thiourea doped tiNT-DW and tiNT-SW showed similar photocatalytic activity compared to commercially available TiO2-P25 under UV light and indicated a photocatalytic activity under visible light.
Kiss, A, Hai, FI & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Roadside rest area wastewater treatment system: Performance evaluation and improvement', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 389-396.
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Kreit, A, Al-Mahmoud, F, Castel, A & François, R 2011, 'Repairing corroded RC beam with near-surface mounted CFRP rods', Materials and Structures, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1205-1217.
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Kus, B, Kandasamy, J, Vigneswaran, S, Shon, HK & Areerachakul, N 2011, 'Water quality of membrane filtered rainwater', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 208-213.
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Although most Australians receive their domestic supply from reticulated mains or town water, there are vast areas with very low population densities and few reticulated supplies. In many of these areas rainwater collected in tanks is the primary source of drinking water. Heavy metals are a concern as their concentration in rainwater tanks was found to exceed recommended levels suitable for human consumption. This paper reports on experimental investigations where rainwater collected from a typical domestic roof in Sydney, Australia was treated in two stages of filtration including granular activated carbon (GAC) as a pre-treatment adsorption filter media and a metallic membrane from Steri-flow Filtration Systems Pty. Ltd. The quality of the treated rainwater was compared against the drinking water standards to determine its suitability as a supplement for potable water supply. The pollutants analysed were heavy metals, total coliform and faecal coliforms, total organic carbon, total suspended solids and turbidity. The results indicate that before treatment, the rainwater already complied with many of the parameters specified in drinking water standards. The metallic membrane performed well in removing suspended particles and heavy metals from the rainwater. The performance of the metallic membrane is greatly improved by the use of pre-treatment such as GAC which was used in this experiment.
Kus, BG, Kandasamy, JK, Vigneswaran, S & Shon, H 2011, 'Water Quality in Rainwater Tanks in Rural and Metropolitan Areas of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Water Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 33-43.
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This paper compares the water quality of rainwater tanks throughout the Sydney metropolitan area to that in rural New South Wales, Australia. The water quality is compared against the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling (AGWR) to determine if the untreated rainwater from both areas can be considered suitable for non-potable water supply without filtration. Additionally this paper reports on a set of experiments where rainwater collected from a typical domestic roof in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia was treated by a pre-treatment of granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption filter followed by micro-filtration. The GAC column removed the pollutants through an adsorption mechanism. GAC is a macroporous solid with a very large surface area providing many sites for adsorption and it is this property that makes it an efficient adsorbent. The parameters analysed were ammonia, anions and cations, heavy metals, nitrate and nitrite, pH, total hardness, total organic carbon, total suspended solids and turbidity. The results indicate that before treatment, the rainwater already complied to many of the parameters specified in the AGWR, certain pollutants have the potential at times to exceed the AGWR. The water quality was within the AGWR limits after the treatment. The micro- filtration flux values demonstrate that rainwater was able to be filtered through the membranes under low gravitational heads that are typically available in a rainwater tank while still producing sufficient membrane flux and pollutant removal rates.
Langsetmo, L, Nguyen, TV, Nguyen, ND, Kovacs, CS, Prior, JC, Center, JR, Morin, S, Josse, RG, Adachi, JD, Hanley, DA & Eisman, JA 2011, 'Independent external validation of nomograms for predicting risk of low-trauma fracture and hip fracture', Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 183, no. 2, pp. E107-E114.
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Lee, HJ, Hinshelwood, RA, Bouras, T, Gallego-Ortega, D, Valdés-Mora, F, Blazek, K, Visvader, JE, Clark, SJ & Ormandy, CJ 2011, 'Lineage Specific Methylation of the Elf5 Promoter in Mammary Epithelial Cells', Stem Cells, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1611-1619.
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Abstract Recent characterization of mammary stem and progenitor cells has improved our understanding of the transcriptional network that coordinates mammary development; however, little is known about the mechanisms that enforce lineage commitment and prevent transdifferentiation in the mammary gland. The E-twenty six transcription factor Elf5 forces the differentiation of mammary luminal progenitor cells to establish the milk producing alveolar lineage. Methylation of the Elf5 promoter has been proposed to act as a lineage gatekeeper during embryonic development. We used bisulphite sequencing to investigate in detail whether Elf5 promoter methylation plays a role in lineage commitment during mammary development. An increase in Elf5 expression was associated with decreasing Elf5 promoter methylation in differentiating HC11 mammary cells. Similarly, purified mammary epithelial cells from mice had increased Elf5 expression and decreased promoter methylation during pregnancy. Finally, analysis of epithelial subpopulations revealed that the Elf5 promoter is methylated and silenced in the basal, stem cell-containing population relative to luminal cells. These results demonstrate that Elf5 promoter methylation is lineage-specific and developmentally regulated in the mammary gland in vivo, and suggest that loss of Elf5 methylation specifies the mammary luminal lineage, while continued Elf5 methylation maintains the stem cell and myoepithelial lineages.
Lee, JE-Y & Seshia, AA 2011, 'Direct parameter extraction in feedthrough-embedded capacitive MEMS resonators', Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 167, no. 2, pp. 237-244.
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Lee, JE-Y, Yan, J & Seshia, AA 2011, 'Study of lateral mode SOI-MEMS resonators for reduced anchor loss', Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 045010-045010.
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Lee, JH, Guan, H, Loo, YC, Blumenstein, M & Wang, XP 2011, 'Modelling Long-Term Bridge Deterioration at Structural Member Level Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques', Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 99-100, pp. 444-453.
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Efficient use of public funds for structural integrity of bridge networks requires an effective bridge asset management technology. To achieve this, a reliable deterioration model is essential in any Bridge Management System (BMS). The deterioration rate is calculated based on historical condition ratings obtained from the structural element-level bridge inspections. Although most bridge authorities have previously conducted inspection and maintenance tasks, these past inspection records are incompatible with what are required by a typical BMS as input. Such incompatibility is a major cause for the deficiency of the current BMS outcomes. Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based bridge deterioration model has recently been developed to minimise uncertainties in predicting deterioration of structural bridge members (e.g. beams, piers etc). This model contains two components: (1) using Neural Network-based Backward Prediction Model (BPM) to generate unavailable historical condition ratings; and (2) using Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) to perform long-term performance prediction of bridge structural members. However new problems have emerged in the process of TDNN prediction. This is because the BPM-generated condition ratings are used together with the actual condition ratings. The incompatibility between the two sets of data produces unreliable prediction outcomes during the TDNN process. This research is thus to develop a new process based on the existing method, thereby overcoming the abovementioned problems. To achieve this, the actual overall condition ratings are replaced by the BPM forward predicted condition ratings. Consequently, the outcome of this study can improve accuracy of long-term bridge deterioration prediction.
Lee, JH, Zhou, JL & Kim, SD 2011, 'Effects of biodegradation and sorption by humic acid on the estrogenicity of 17β-estradiol', Chemosphere, vol. 85, no. 8, pp. 1383-1389.
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The removal of 17β-estradiol (E2) by biodegradation and sorption onto humic acid (HA) was examined at various HA concentrations. Subsequently, estrogenicity associated with E2 removal was estimated using E-screen bioassay. Results showed that E2 biodegradation and its subsequent transformation to estrone (E1) were significantly reduced with increasing HA concentration. In addition, the presence of nutrients enhanced the biodegradation of E2. Overall, E2 biodegradation was the dominating contributor to its removal, which demonstrated a significantly negative correlation with E2 sorption at various HA concentrations. The sorption of E2 by HA was significantly enhanced with increasing HA concentration. Estrogenicity associated with residual E2 showed that there existed a significant difference among various HA concentrations, with the lowest value in the absence of HA. The findings suggest that the presence of HA and nutrients in natural waters should be considered in assessing estrogenicity of environmental samples due to complex sorption and biodegradation processes. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Lee, S, Kim, K, Shon, HK, Kim, SD & Cho, J 2011, 'Biotoxicity of nanoparticles: effect of natural organic matter', JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3051-3061.
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Various natural organic matters (NOM) with different characteristics in aquatic environment may affect toxicity of leased nanoparticles, owing to interactions between NOM and nanoparticles. This study investigated the effect of NOM and physical characteristics of the effluent organic matter (EfOM) on the ecotoxicity of quantum dots (QD) using Daphnia magna. Organic matter samples were obtained from: Yeongsan River (YR-NOM), Dongbuk Lake (DL-NOM), Damyang wastewater treatment plant (EfOM), and Suwannee River NOM (SR-NOM). The QD was composed of a CdSe core, ZnS shell, and polyethylene glycol coating. The average size of the investigated QD was 4.8, 56.5, and 25.0 nm determined by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation, respectively. The relative hydrophobicity of NOM was investigated using both specific UV absorbance at 254 nm and XAD-8/4 resins. The sorption of NOM on the QD was measured using a fluorescence quenching method. The highest hydrophobicity was exhibited by the SR-NOM, while the lowest was recorded for the DL-NOM. All tested NOMs significantly reduced the acute toxicity of D. magna when adsorbed to QD, and the order of effectiveness for each NOM was as follows: SR-NOM>EfOM>YS-NOM>DL-NOM. The sorption of NOM on the QD surface caused a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of QD at increasing NOM concentration. This suggests that the NOM coating influenced the physicochemical characteristics ofQDin the internal organs of D. magna by inducing a reduced bioavailability. Results from this study revealed that NOM with relatively high hydrophobicity had a greater capability of inducing toxicity mitigation.
Leung, A, Wiltshire, J, Blencowe, A, Fu, Q, Solomon, DH & Qiao, GG 2011, 'The effect of acrylamide-co-vinylpyrrolidinone copolymer on the depression of talc in mixed nickel mineral flotation', Minerals Engineering, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 449-454.
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Leyendekkers, JV & Shannon, AG 2011, 'Why 3 and 5 are always factors of primitive Pythagorean triples', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 102-105.
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Analysis of integer structure and right-end-digits can illustrate why 3 and 5 are features of primitive Pythagorean triples. The results also utilize the triangular and pentagonal numbers.
Li, C-H, Kuo, B-C & Lin, C-T 2011, 'LDA-Based Clustering Algorithm and Its Application to an Unsupervised Feature Extraction', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 152-163.
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Research has shown fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to be a powerful tool to partition samples into different categories. However, the objective function of FCM is based only on the sum of distances of samples to their cluster centers, which is equal to the trace of the within-cluster scatter matrix. In this study, we propose a clustering algorithm based on both within- and between-cluster scatter matrices, extended from linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and its application to an unsupervised feature extraction (FE). Our proposed methods comprise between- and within-cluster scatter matrices modified from the between- and within-class scatter matrices of LDA. The scatter matrices of LDA are special cases of our proposed unsupervised scatter matrices. The results of experiments on both synthetic and real data show that the proposed clustering algorithm can generate similar or better clustering results than 11 popular clustering algorithms: K-means, K-medoid, FCM, the GustafsonKessel, GathGeva, possibilistic c-means (PCM), fuzzy PCM, possibilistic FCM, fuzzy compactness and separation, a fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a fuzzy treatment of finite mixtures of multivariate Students t distributions algorithms, and a fuzzy mixture of the Students t factor analyzers model. The results also show that the proposed FE outperforms principal component analysis and independent component analysis. © 2006 IEEE.
Li, F, Luo, Z & Sun, G 2011, 'Reliability-based multiobjective design optimization under interval uncertainty', CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 39-64.
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This paper studies the reliability-based multiobjective optimization by using a new interval strategy to model uncertain parameters. A new satisfaction degree of interval, which is significantly extended from [0, 1] to [-∞, +∞], is introduced into the non-probabilistic reliability-based optimization. Based on a predefined satisfaction degree level, the uncertain constraints can be effectively transformed into deterministic ones. The interval number programming method is applied to change each uncertain objective function to a deterministic two-objective optimization. So in this way the uncertain multiobjective optimization problem is transformed into a deterministic optimization problem and a reliability-based multiobjective optimization is then established. For sophisticated engineering problems, the objectives and constraints are modeled by using the response surface (RS) approximation method to improve the optimization efficiency. Thus the reliabilitybased multiobjective optimization is combined with the RS approximation models to form an approximation optimization problem. For the multiobjective optimization, the Pareto sets can be obtained with different satisfactory degree levels. Two numerical examples and one real-world crashworthiness design for vehicle frontal structure are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2011 Tech Science Press.
Li, J & Hao, H 2011, 'A Two-Step Numerical Method for Efficient Analysis of Structural Response to Blast Load', International Journal of Protective Structures, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 103-126.
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Even with modern computer power, detailed numerical modeling and simulation of structure response to blast loads are still extremely expensive and sometimes prohibitive because it is very time consuming and requires huge computer memory. Often compromise has to be made between simulation efficiency and simulation accuracy. A lot of research efforts have been spent on improving the computational efficiency. Most of these researches concentrate on simplifying the structures, such as simplifying a structure to an equivalent SDOF system, use smeared reinforcement steel and concrete model, use substructure approach to only model part of the structure in detail. Although these approaches under certain conditions yield reliable predictions, each of them has its associated limitations. Recently a two-step method was developed to improve the computation and modeling efficiency of structure response to blast loads. Instead of simplifying the structure, the proposed method calculates the structural responses in two steps. The first step calculates the structural responses in the loading phase and the second calculates the free vibration responses with the velocity profile of the structure at the end of the loading phase as initial conditions. Using a reinforced concrete beam as the example, it was found that the proposed method yields reliable predictions of the overall beam deflection and stress in longitudinal reinforcement bars with less than 10% computational time as compared to a detailed FE model simulation. However, the predicted stress in hoop reinforcements near the beam supports is not as good. In this paper, the method is improved by also including displacement response at the end of the forced-vibration phase as the initial conditions in the free vibration analysis. The same reinforced concrete beam is used. The results show that including the displacement initial conditions in the two-step method leads to an improved prediction of the beam re...
Li, J & Hao, H 2011, 'Development of a Simplified Numerical Method for Structural Response Analysis to Blast Load', Procedia Engineering, vol. 14, pp. 2558-2566.
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The response of structural concrete elements under extremely short duration dynamic loads is of great concern nowadays. The most prevailing method to this problem is based on SDOF simplification. It is well known that the SDOF model can reliably predict the overall structural component response if the response follows predominantly a predefined damage mode such as shear or flexural mode. However, it cannot reliably predict localized failure of structures. Moreover, reliable deflection shape and damage criterion, which are critical for developing the equivalent SDOF model, are difficult to define. Therefore, although most design and analysis are still based on SDOF approach, more and more analyses are conducted with detailed Finite Element (FE) modelling. However, due to the short time duration as well as the huge loading magnitude, it is extremely difficult and time consuming to perform FE structural response analysis to blast loads, even with modern computer power. In this paper, a numerical approach, which substantially reduces the modelling and computational effort in analysing structural responses to blast load, is presented. Based on the short duration of blast load, the structural response is divided into two parts: forced vibration phase and free vibration phase. In the proposed method, the response during the forced vibration phase is approximately solved using the SDOF approach. Using the estimated response quantities at the end of the forced vibration phase as the initial conditions, a detail FE model in LS-DYNA is established and free vibration response is solved. This approach, while yielding reasonably accurate response calculations, substantially reduces the modelling and computational effort. To demonstrate the method, a reinforced concrete beam is analysed using both the conventional detailed FE modelling and the proposed approach. Comparisons of the numerical results from the two methods demonstrate the reliability of the proposed metho...
Li, L, Xu, G, Zhang, Y & Kitsuregawa, M 2011, 'Random walk based rank aggregation to improving web search', Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 943-951.
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In Web search, with the aid of related query recommendation, Web users can revise their initial queries in several serial rounds in pursuit of finding needed Web pages. In this paper, we address the Web search problem on aggregating search results of related queries to improve the retrieval quality. Given an initial query and the suggested related queries, our search system concurrently processes their search result lists from an existing search engine and then forms a single list aggregated by all the retrieved lists. We specifically propose a generic rank aggregation framework which consists of three steps. First we build a so-called Win/Loss graph of Web pages according to a competition rule, and then apply the random walk mechanism on the Win/Loss graph. Last we sort these Web pages by their ranks using a PageRank-like rank mechanism. The proposed framework considers not only the number of wins that an item won in competitions, but also the quality of its competitor items in calculating the ranking of Web page items. Experimental results show that our search system can clearly improve the retrieval quality in a parallel manner over the traditional search strategy that serially returns result lists. Moreover, we also provide empirical evidences as to demonstrate how different rank aggregation methods affect the retrieval quality.
Li, X, Hai, FI & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Simultaneous activated carbon adsorption within a membrane bioreactor for an enhanced micropollutant removal', Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5319-5324.
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Li, X, Hai, FI, Tadkaew, N, Gilbertson, S & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Strategies to enhance the removal of the persistent pharmaceutically active compound carbamazepine by membrane bioreactors', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 34, no. 1-3, pp. 402-407.
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Carbamazepine, which is an anti-epileptic drug, is ubiquitously present in municipal wastewater. Owing to its recalcitrant chemical structure, carbamazepine is not significantly removed during conventional biological treatment or even by membrane bioreactor (MBR). With the ultimate aim of providing insights into the strategies to enhance carbamazepine removal, the effect of key operational parameters, namely, loading rate (2–750 μg/L• d), pH (5–9), mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration (1–15 g/L) and dissolved oxygen (DO) (<0.5–5 mg/L) on the removal of carabamazepine by MBR was systematically studied. Results obtained in this study revealed negligible influence of pH and of MLSS concentration (beyond 5 g/L) on the removal of carbamazepine. The removal rate, however, was significantly enhanced under a DO concentration of less than 0.5 mg/L, suggesting that an alternating anoxic-oxic environment in MBR would achieve high removal. Significantly enhanced (287 mg/g vs. 0.02 mg/g) adsorption of carbamazepine on powdered activated carbon (PAC) as compared to MBR sludge indicated that simultaneous PAC adsorption in MBR may achieve enhanced removal. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Li, X, Hai, FI, Tadkaew, N, Gilbertson, S & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Strategies to enhance the removal of the persistent pharmaceutically active compound carbamazepine by membrane bioreactors', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 34, no. 1-3, pp. 402-407.
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Li, Y & Stewart, MG 2011, 'Cyclone Damage Risks Caused by Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions and Economic Viability of Strengthened Residential Construction', Natural Hazards Review, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 9-18.
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Hurricanes and tropical cyclones constitute significant sources of economic loss and social disruption. Furthermore, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, enhanced greenhouse conditions may increase the intensity and/or frequency of tropical cyclones (hurricanes), which potentially will result in more wind damage. The paper develops a risk-cost-benefit framework to assess regional cyclone damage risks and economic viability of several hazard mitigation strategies to address the challenge of potential increase in wind damage due to enhanced greenhouse conditions, using residential construction in North Queensland, Australia as an example. The analysis includes a probabilistic wind model to account for cyclone intensity and frequency, and a vulnerability function to represent the potential damage for a given wind speed. Increases in mean annual maximum wind speed from 0 to 25% over 50 years are considered to represent the uncertainty in changing wind hazard patterns as a result of climate change. The effect of regional changes to building inventory, rate of retrofitting, cost of retrofit, reduction in vulnerability, and discount rate will be considered. The risk-based cost-benefit analysis can be used to help optimize the timing and extent of retrofitting existing houses to adapt to the potential impact of enhanced greenhouse conditions. © 2011 ASCE.
Li, Y, Lin, ZW, Liu, H, Wang, Y, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Yang, Q 2011, 'Three-dimensional magnetic properties of soft magnetic composite material at different frequencies', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 109, no. 7, pp. 07B503-07B503.
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Due to their intrinsic isotropic magnetic properties, soft magnetic composite (SMC) materials are applied in electrical machines in which the magnetic energy can be transported in three dimensions (3-D). However, in real applications, complicated magnetic properties such as anisotropy and nonlinearity, are found, in particular, at ahigh frequency range. This paper studies the 3-D magnetic properties of SMC materials under complicated magnetizations, such as circular, elliptical, and spherical excitations. The magnetic flux density vector B loci, magnetic field strength vector H loci, and core losses at magnetization frequencies ranging from 50–1000 Hz were measured and discussed using an improved 3-D testing system. Experimental results show that rotational core losses are greater than alternating losses at the same magnitude of flux density. In addition, rotational loss increases sharply around the saturation point, but is not observed in alternating loss.
Li, Z, Wong, L & Li, J 2011, 'DBAC: A simple prediction method for protein binding hot spots based on burial levels and deeply buried atomic contacts', BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, vol. 5, no. S1, pp. 1-11.
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Background: A protein binding hot spot is a cluster of residues in the interface that are energetically important for the binding of the protein with its interaction partner. Identifying protein binding hot spots can give useful information to protein en
Liao, L-D, Wang, I-J, Chen, S-F, Chang, J-Y & Lin, C-T 2011, 'Design, Fabrication and Experimental Validation of a Novel Dry-Contact Sensor for Measuring Electroencephalography Signals without Skin Preparation', Sensors, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 5819-5834.
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In the present study, novel dry-contact sensors for measuring electro-encephalography (EEG) signals without any skin preparation are designed, fabricated by an injection molding manufacturing process and experimentally validated. Conventional wet electrodes are commonly used to measure EEG signals; they provide excellent EEG signals subject to proper skin preparation and conductive gel application. However, a series of skin preparation procedures for applying the wet electrodes is always required and usually creates trouble for users. To overcome these drawbacks, novel dry-contact EEG sensors were proposed for potential operation in the presence or absence of hair and without any skin preparation or conductive gel usage. The dry EEG sensors were designed to contact the scalp surface with 17 spring contact probes. Each probe was designed to include a probe head, plunger, spring, and barrel. The 17 probes were inserted into a flexible substrate using a one-time forming process via an established injection molding procedure. With these 17 spring contact probes, the flexible substrate allows for high geometric conformity between the sensor and the irregular scalp surface to maintain low skin-sensor interface impedance. Additionally, the flexible substrate also initiates a sensor buffer effect, eliminating pain when force is applied. The proposed dry EEG sensor was reliable in measuring EEG signals without any skin preparation or conductive gel usage, as compared with the conventional wet electrodes.
Lin, C, L. W., K, H. Y., T & T. P., J 2011, 'A Mobile Eeg Device For On-line Assessment Of Sleep Quality', Sleep and Biological Rhythms, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 222-223.
Lin, C-J, Chen, C-H & Lin, C-T 2011, 'An efficient evolutionary algorithm for fuzzy inference systems', Evolving Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 83-99.
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In this paper, a novel self-constructing evolutionary algorithm (SCEA) for designing a TSK-type fuzzy model (TFM) is proposed. The proposed SCEA method is different from normal genetic algorithms (GAs). A chromosome of a population in traditional GAs represents a full solution and only one population presents all solutions in each generation. Our proposed method uses a population to evaluate a partial solution locally and applies several populations to construct a full solution. Thus, a chromosome represents only a partial solution. The proposed SCEA method uses the self-constructing learning algorithm to construct the TFM automatically that is based on the input training data to decide on the input partition. Fuzzy rules are created and begin to grow as the first training pattern arrives. Thus, the user need not give any a priori knowledge or even any initial information on the SCEA. We also adopted the sequence search-based dynamic evolution (SSDE) method to carry out parameter learning of the TFM. Simulation results have shown that the proposed SCEA method performs better than some existing methods. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Lin, C-T & Lee, C-S 2011, 'FUZZ-IEEE 2011 [Conference Report]', IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 22-23.
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The FUZZ-IEEE is one of the premier international conferences in the field of fuzzy sets and systems. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE 2011) was held at the Grand Hyatt Taipei, Taiwan, from June 27 to 30, 2011. Paper submissions were reviewed by at least three reviewers, with no specific treatment given to papers submitted for special sessions. The IEEE CIS travel grants program provided travel grants to assist 10 IEEE CIS student members to attend the conference to present their papers. FUZZ-IEEE 2011 consisted of 5 workshops, 18 regular sessions, 43 special sessions, and 4 poster sessions, covering both traditional and emerging topics on the whole range of research and applications in fuzzy systems and soft computing. In additional to the excellent technical program, a series of social events were held to allow participants to better appreciate the sights and sounds of Taiwan.
Lin, C-T, Chen, S-A, Chiu, T-T, Lin, H-Z & Ko, L-W 2011, 'Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of dual-task driving performance', Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 11-11.
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Abstract Background Driver distraction is a significant cause of traffic accidents. The aim of this study is to investigate Electroencephalography (EEG) dynamics in relation to distraction during driving. To study human cognition under a specific driving task, simulated real driving using virtual reality (VR)-based simulation and designed dual-task events are built, which include unexpected car deviations and mathematics questions. Methods We designed five cases with different stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) to investigate the distraction effects between the deviations and equations. The EEG channel signals are first converted into separated brain sources by independent component analysis (ICA). Then, event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) changes of the EEG power spectrum are used to evaluate brain dynamics in time-frequency domains. Results Power increases in the theta and beta bands are observed in relation with distraction effects in the frontal cortex. In the motor area, alpha and beta power suppressions are also observed. All of the above results are consistently observed across 15 subjects. Additionally, further analysis demonstrates that response time and multiple cortical EEG power both changed significantly with different SOA. Conclusions This study suggests that theta power increases in the frontal area is related to driver distraction and represents the strength of distraction in real-life situations.
Lin, ZW, Li, YJ, Zhu, JG, Wang, XL, Dou, SX, Guo, YG, Lei, G, Wang, Y, Philips, M, Cortie, M, Li, YC, Choi, K-Y & Shi, X 2011, 'Visualization of vortex motion in FeAs-based BaFe(1.9)Ni(0.1)As(2) single crystal by means of magneto-optical imaging (vol 109, 07E142, 2011)', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 109, no. 10.
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Lin, ZW, Li, YJ, Zhu, JG, Wang, XL, Dou, SX, Guo, YG, Lei, G, Wang, Y, Philips, M, Cortie, M, Li, YC, Choi, K-Y & Shi, X 2011, 'Visualization of vortex motion in FeAs-based BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 single crystal by means of magneto-optical imaging', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 109, no. 7, pp. 0-0.
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Superconductivity has been found in newly discovered iron-based compounds. This paper studies the motion of magnetic vortices in BaFe1.9Ni 0.1As2 single crystal by means of the magneto-optical imaging technique. A series of magneto-optical images reflecting magnetic flux distribution at the crystal surface were taken when the crystal was zero-field cooled to 10 K. The behavior of the vortices, including penetration into and expulsion from the single crystal with increasing and decreasing external fields, respectively, is discussed. The motion behavior is similar to that observed in high-Tc superconducting cuprates with strong vortex pinning; however, the flux-front is irregular due to randomly distributed defects in the crystal. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Ling, SH & Lam, HK 2011, 'Playing Tic-Tac-Toe Using Genetic Neural Network with Double Transfer Functions', Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, vol. 03, no. 01, pp. 37-44.
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Computational intelligence is a powerful tool for game development. In this paper, an algorithm of playing the game Tic-Tac-Toe with computational intelligence is developed. This algorithm is learned by a Neural Network with Double Transfer functions (NNDTF), which is trained by genetic algorithm (GA). In the NNDTF, the neuron has two transfer functions and exhibits a node-to-node relationship in the hidden layer that enhances the learning ability of the network. A Tic-Tac-Toe game is used to show that the NNDTF provide a better performance than the traditional neural network does.
LING, SH, JIANG, F, NGUYEN, HT & CHAN, KY 2011, 'HYBRID FUZZY LOGIC-BASED PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION FOR FLOW SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM', International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, vol. 10, no. 03, pp. 335-356.
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This paper, proposes a hybrid fuzzy logic-based particle swarm optimization (PSO) with cross-mutated operation method for the minimization of makespan in permutation flow shop scheduling problem. This problem is a typical non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard combinatorial optimization problem. In the proposed hybrid PSO, fuzzy inference system is applied to determine the inertia weight of PSO and the control parameter of the proposed cross-mutated operation by using human knowledge. By introducing the fuzzy system, the inertia weight becomes adaptive. The cross-mutated operation effectively forces the solution to escape the local optimum. To make PSO suitable for solving flow shop scheduling problem, a sequence-order system based on the roulette wheel mechanism is proposed to convert the continuous position values of particles to job permutations. Meanwhile, a new local search technique namely swap-based local search for scheduling problem is designed and incorporated into the hybrid PSO. Finally, a suite of flow shop benchmark functions are employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed PSO for flow shop scheduling problems. Experimental results show empirically that the proposed method outperforms the existing hybrid PSO methods significantly.
Ling, SSH & Nguyen, HT 2011, 'Genetic-Algorithm-Based Multiple Regression With Fuzzy Inference System for Detection of Nocturnal Hypoglycemic Episodes', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 308-315.
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Hypoglycemia or low blood glucose is dangerous and can result in unconsciousness, seizures, and even death. It is a common and serious side effect of insulin therapy in patients with diabetes. Hypoglycemic monitor is a noninvasive monitor that measures some physiological parameters continuously to provide detection of hypoglycemic episodes in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients (T1DM). Based on heart rate (HR), corrected QT interval of the ECG signal, change of HR, and the change of corrected QT interval, we develop a genetic algorithm (GA)-based multiple regression with fuzzy inference system (FIS) to classify the presence of hypoglycemic episodes. GA is used to find the optimal fuzzy rules and membership functions of FIS and the model parameters of regression method. From a clinical study of 16 children with T1DM, natural occurrence of nocturnal hypoglycemic episodes is associated with HRs and corrected QT intervals. The overall data were organized into a training set (eight patients) and a testing set (another eight patients) randomly selected. The results show that the proposed algorithm performs a good sensitivity with an acceptable specificity. © 2006 IEEE.
Lister, R 2011, 'COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCHProgramming, syntax and cognitive load', ACM Inroads, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 21-22.
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This is a regular invited column I write for this journal.
Lister, R 2011, 'Programming, syntax and cognitive load (part 2)', ACM Inroads, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 16-17.
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Lister, R 2011, 'Ten years after the McCracken Working Group', ACM Inroads, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 18-19.
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This is a regular invited column I write for this journal.
Lister, R 2011, 'What if we approached teaching like software engineering?', ACM Inroads, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 17-18.
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This is a regular invited column I write for this journal.
Listowski, A, Ngo, H, Guo, W, Vigneswaran, S, Shin, H & Moon, H 2011, 'Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Urban Wastewater System: Future Assessment Framework and Methodology', Journal of Water Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 113-125.
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Over the last two decades much scientific effort has been expended on the radiative gaseous emissions in the atmosphere. Although there are no regulatory requirements for managing gaseous emissions at present, the long term indications are, that impact relater to air pollution must embrace the broad diversity and challenges associated with urban wastewater cycle management. This study has been considered as a precursor to development of a comprehensive impact assessment of gaseous emission from urban wastewater infrastructure and treatment facilities. It has been carried out in consideration of the future climate change scientific projections, including socio-economic and environmental impacts. Major progress could be gained from systemic approaches in relation to factors influencing emission and the collected data demonstrates correlation between wastewater quality, treatment and energy used with the level of emission. An early attempt was made to attribute environmental impact and costs on per capita basis, as the weight of responsibility to take action is shifting to the community and individuals. The presented framework and methodology offers reliable evaluation of gaseous emissions is an integrated context comprising technology, environment, social and economic factors.
Listowski, A, Ngo, HH, Guo, WS & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'A novel integrated assessment methodology of urban water reuse', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 1642-1651.
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Wastewater is no longer considered a waste product and water reuse needs to play a stronger part in securing urban water supply. Although treatment technologies for water reclamation have significantly improved the question that deserves further analysis is, how selection of a particular wastewater treatment technology relates to performance and sustainabiiity? The proposed assessment model integrates; (i) technology, characterised by selected quantity and quality performance parameters; (ii) productivity, efficiency and reliability criteria; (iii) quantitative performance indicators; (iv) development of evaluation model. The challenges related to hierarchy and selections of performance indicators have been resolved through the case study analysis. The goal of this study is to validate a new assessment methodology in relation to performance of the microfiltration (MF) technology, a key element of the treatment process. Specific performance data and measurements were obtained at specific Control and Data Acquisition Points (CP) to satisfy the input-output inventory in relation to water resources, products, materiai flows, energy requirements, chemicals use, etc. Performance assessment process contains analysis and necessary linking across important parametric functions leading to reliable outcomes and results.
Liu, H, Shon, HK, Okour, Y, Song, W & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Photocatalytic Degradation of Acid Red G by Bismuth Titanate in Three-phase Fluidized Bed Photoreactor', Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 116-121.
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AbstractThe objectives of this study were to prepare a high-performance bismuth titanate photocatalyst and to develop a novel photocatalytic reactor with three-phase internal circulating fluidized bed photoreactor (TPICFBP). Bismuth titanate photocatalyst was hydrothermally prepared under optimum operating parameters such as hydrothermal temperature, reaction time and molar ratio of Bi to Ti. The photocatalytic activity of bismuth titanate using TPICFBP was evaluated for the photocatalytic degradation of Acid Red G (ARG). The photodegradation of ARG over Bi
Liu, H, Shon, HK, Sun, X, Vigneswaran, S & Nan, H 2011, 'Preparation and characterization of visible light responsive Fe2O3-TiO2 composites', APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 257, no. 13, pp. 5813-5819.
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In this studywepresent the effects of iron oxide (Fe2O3) on titanium dioxide (TiO2) in synthesising visiblelight reactive photocatalysts. A Fe2O3âTiO2 composite photocatalyst was synthesized from Fe2(SO4)3 and Ti(SO4)2 by a ethanol-assisted hydrothermal method. The preparation conditions were optimized through the investigation of the effects of hydrothermal temperature and time as well as molar ratio of Ti to Fe on the photocatalytic activity. The visual, physical and chemical properties of the Fe2O3âTiO2 composites were investigated. The results showed that -Fe2O3 and anatase TiO2 were present in the composites. The Fe2O3âTiO2 synthesized under optimum condition consisted of mesoporous structure with an average pore size of 4 nm and a surface area of 43m2/g. Under visible and solar light irradiation, the photocatalytic activity of optimized sample was significantly higher than that of pure TiO2. This sample led to a photodegradation efficiency of 90% and 40% of auramine under visible light and solar light, respectively.
Liu, H, Xia, T, Shon, HK & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Preparation of titania-containing photocatalysts from metallurgical slag waste and photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol', JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 461-467.
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A low cost, high performance titania-containing metallurgical slag photocatalysts (TCMSPx, x = H2SO4, HNO3, HCl) were prepared using a hydrothermal method. The prepared TCMSPx were characterized in terms of visual, physical and chemical properties. The photocatalytic activity of the TCMSPx was evaluated via the photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-D) in aqueous solution. The results showed that the characteristics and photocatalytic activity of TCMSPx were strongly affected by acidic solutions used during the acidolysis. TCMSPH2SO4 exhibited better characteristics and higher photocatalytic activity than TCMSPHNO3 and TCMSPHCl. OH radicals from TCMSPH2SO4 were produced under UV, visible and solar light irradiation. The degree of photodegradation of 2,4-D by TCMSPH2SO4 was 80.1%, 50.0% and 61.5% under UV, visible and solar light irradiation respectively. In addition, the removal of chlorine functional group on the 2,4-D benzene ring and the production of intermediates during 2,4-D photodegradation were monitored using ion chromatography, UVâvis spectra and high performance liquid chromatography of 2,4-D before and after photodegradation.
Liu, J, Zhong, S & Esselle, KP 2011, 'A Printed Elliptical Monopole Antenna With Modified Feeding Structure for Bandwidth Enhancement', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 667-670.
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Liu, M, Guo, X, Zhou, A, Wang, S, Li, Z & Dutkiewicz, E 2011, 'Low latency IP mobility management: protocol and analysis', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, no. 1.
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Liu, MD & Indraratna, BN 2011, 'General Strength Criterion for Geomaterials Including Anisotropic Effect', International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 251-262.
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Liu, Q, Hoi, SCH, Su, CTT, Li, Z, Kwoh, C-K, Wong, L & Li, J 2011, 'Structural analysis of the hot spots in the binding between H1N1 HA and the 2D1 antibody: do mutations of H1N1 from 1918 to 2009 affect much on this binding?', BIOINFORMATICS, vol. 27, no. 18, pp. 2529-2536.
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Motivation: Worldwide and substantial mortality caused by the 2009 H1N1 influenza A has stimulated a new surge of research on H1N1 viruses. An epitope conservation has been learned in the HA1 protein that allows antibodies to cross-neutralize both 1918 a
Liu, S-G, Ni, B-J, Li, W-W, Sheng, G-P, Tang, Y & Yu, H-Q 2011, 'Modeling of the Contact–Adsorption–Regeneration (CAR) activated sludge process', Bioresource Technology, vol. 102, no. 3, pp. 2199-2205.
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Liu, W & Li, S 2011, 'On standard models of fuzzy region connection calculus', International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 1337-1354.
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The Region Connection Calculus (RCC) is perhaps the most influential topological relation calculus. Based on the first-order logic, the RCC, however, does not fully meet the needs of applications where the vagueness of entities or relations is important and not ignorable. This paper introduces standard models for the fuzzy region connection calculus (RCC) proposed by Schockaert et al. (2008) [18]. Each of such a standard fuzzy RCC model is induced by a standard RCC model in a natural way. We prove that each standard fuzzy RCC model is canonical in the sense that any satisfiable set of fuzzy RCC8 constraints have a solution in it. Apolynomial realization algorithm is also provided. As a side product,we showsimilar sets of fuzzy constraints have similar solutions if both are satisfiable. This allows us to approximate fuzzy RCC constraints that have arbitrary bounds by those have bounds with finite precision. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Liu, Y, Liu, B & Ling, SH 2011, 'The almost periodic solution of Lotka-Volterra recurrent neural networks with delays', NEUROCOMPUTING, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 1062-1068.
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By the fixed-point theorem subject to different polyhedrons and some inequalities (e.g., the inequality resulted from quadratic programming), we obtain three theorems for the Lotka-Volterra recurrent neural networks having almost periodic coefficients and delays. One of the three theorems can only ensure the existence of an almost periodic solution, whose existence and uniqueness the other two theorems are about. By using Lyapunov function, the sufficient condition guaranteeing the global stability of the solution is presented. Furthermore, two numerical examples are employed to illustrate the feasibility and validity of the obtained criteria. Compared with known results, the networks model is novel, and the results are extended and improved. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Lixin Duan, Wen Li, Tsang, IW-H & Dong Xu 2011, 'Improving Web Image Search by Bag-Based Reranking', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 3280-3290.
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Given a textual query in traditional text-based image retrieval (TBIR), relevant images are to be reranked using visual features after the initial text-based search. In this paper, we propose a new bag-based reranking framework for large-scale TBIR. Specifically, we first cluster relevant images using both textual and visual features. By treating each cluster as a bag and the images in the bag as instances, we formulate this problem as a multi-instance (MI) learning problem. MI learning methods such as mi-SVM can be readily incorporated into our bag-based reranking framework. Observing that at least a certain portion of a positive bag is of positive instances while a negative bag might also contain positive instances, we further use a more suitable generalized MI (GMI) setting for this application. To address the ambiguities on the instance labels in the positive and negative bags under this GMI setting, we develop a new method referred to as GMI-SVM to enhance retrieval performance by propagating the labels from the bag level to the instance level. To acquire bag annotations for (G)MI learning, we propose a bag ranking method to rank all the bags according to the defined bag ranking score. The top ranked bags are used as pseudopositive training bags, while pseudonegative training bags can be obtained by randomly sampling a few irrelevant images that are not associated with the textual query. Comprehensive experiments on the challenging real-world data set NUS-WIDE demonstrate our framework with automatic bag annotation can achieve the best performances compared with existing image reranking methods. Our experiments also demonstrate that GMI-SVM can achieve better performances when using the manually labeled training bags obtained from relevance feedback.
Lo, D, Jinyan Li, Iimsoon wong & Siau-Cheng Khoo 2011, 'Mining Iterative Generators and Representative Rules for Software Specification Discovery', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 282-296.
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Billions of dollars are spent annually on software-related cost. It is estimated that up to 45 percent of software cost is due to the difficulty in understanding existing systems when performing maintenance tasks (i.e., adding features, removing bugs, etc.). One of the root causes is that software products often come with poor, incomplete, or even without any documented specifications. In an effort to improve program understanding, Lo et al. have proposed iterative pattern mining which outputs patterns that are repeated frequently within a program trace, or across multiple traces, or both. Frequent iterative patterns reflect frequent program behaviors that likely correspond to software specifications. To reduce the number of patterns and improve the efficiency of the algorithm, Lo et al. have also introduced mining closed iterative patterns, i.e., maximal patterns without any superpattern having the same support. In this paper, to technically deepen research on iterative pattern mining, we introduce mining iterative generators, i.e., minimal patterns without any subpattern having the same support. Iterative generators can be paired with closed patterns to produce a set of rules expressing forward, backward, and in-between temporal constraints among events in one general representation. We refer to these rules as representative rules. A comprehensive performance study shows the efficiency of our approach. A case study on traces of an industrial system shows how iterative generators and closed iterative patterns can be merged to form useful rules shedding light on software design. © 2006 IEEE.
Longbing Cao, Huaifeng Zhang, Yanchang Zhao, Dan Luo & Chengqi Zhang 2011, 'Combined Mining: Discovering Informative Knowledge in Complex Data', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 699-712.
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Enterprise data mining applications often involve complex data such as multiple large heterogeneous data sources, user preferences, and business impact. In such situations, a single method or one-step mining is often limited in discovering informative knowledge. It would also be very time and space consuming, if not impossible, to join relevant large data sources for mining patterns consisting of multiple aspects of information. It is crucial to develop effective approaches for mining patterns combining necessary information from multiple relevant business lines, catering for real business settings and decision-making actions rather than just providing a single line of patterns. The recent years have seen increasing efforts on mining more informative patterns, e.g., integrating frequent pattern mining with classifications to generate frequent pattern-based classifiers. Rather than presenting a specific algorithm, this paper builds on our existing works and proposes combined mining as a general approach to mining for informative patterns combining components from either multiple data sets or multiple features or by multiple methods on demand. We summarize general frameworks, paradigms, and basic processes for multifeature combined mining, multisource combined mining, and multimethod combined mining. Novel types of combined patterns, such as incremental cluster patterns, can result from such frameworks, which cannot be directly produced by the existing methods. A set of real-world case studies has been conducted to test the frameworks, with some of them briefed in this paper. They identify combined patterns for informing government debt prevention and improving government service objectives, which show the flexibility and instantiation capability of combined mining in discovering informative knowledge in complex data. © 2010 IEEE.
Lorentzen, K, Maschek, T, Richter, R & Deuse, J 2011, 'Entwicklung einer Variabilitätstypologie', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 4, pp. 214-218.
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Kurzfassung Die meisten Unternehmen haben Initiativen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung von Produktionsprozessen ins Leben gerufen. Diese verfügen oftmals nur über einen unzureichenden Fokus und verlieren sich in wenig abgestimmten Einzelmaßnahmen. Der vorliegende Artikel leitet die Beherrschung von zeitlicher Variabilität als einen zentralen Fokus kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozesse her und beschreibt am Beispiel starr verketteter Fließprozesse eine Variabilitätstypologie als Grundlage für einen zielgerichteten Verbesserungsprozess.
Loth, L, Osmani, MG, Kalam, MA, Chakraborty, RK, Wadsworth, J, Knowles, NJ, Hammond, JM & Benigno, C 2011, 'Molecular Characterization of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus: Implications for Disease Control in Bangladesh', Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 240-246.
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Lu, HN, Gao, XH, Jiang, ZY, Wei, DB & Liu, XH 2011, 'Development of High Strength Hull Plate by Normal Hot Rolling and High Rate Cooling Process', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 148-149, pp. 253-258.
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This paper investigates the effects of normal hot rolling and high rate cooling (NHR+HRC) on microstructure and mechanical properties of the rolled EH 36 hull plate. Double-hit tests were carried out to study the effect of process parameters such as the deformation temperature and soaking time on microstructures of the tested steel, and explore optimal processing parameters. Single-hit compression with various parameters was developed and the microstructures of the tested steel are analyzed to determine the cooling rate and the final cooling temperature of the normal hot rolling and high rate cooling. This study will provide experimental and theoretical base on high-temperature rolling control system. Industrial trial was performed to produce regular products. The results show that the NHR+HRC is an effective and promising method to improve the product quality of high-strength hull plate.
Lu, J & Zhang, G 2011, 'Guest editorial: a special issue on optimization techniques for business intelligence systems', JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 185-187.
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Lu, J, Ma, J, Zhang, G, Zhu, Y, Zeng, X & Koehl, L 2011, 'Theme-Based Comprehensive Evaluation in New Product Development Using Fuzzy Hierarchical Criteria Group Decision-Making Method', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 2236-2246.
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One of the features of the digital ecosystem is the integration of human cognition and socio-economic themes into the process of new product development (NPD). In a socio-economic theme-based NPD, ranking a set of product prototypes that have been designed always requires the participation of multiple evaluators and consideration of multiple evaluation criteria. Using the well-being theme-based garment NPD as a background, this paper first presents a fuzzy hierarchical criteria group decision-making (FHCGDM) method which can effectively calculate final ranking results through fusing all assessment data from human beings and machines. It then presents a garment NPD comprehensive evaluation model with hierarchical criteria under the well-being theme through identifying a set of marketing tactics from a consumer acceptance survey. It further provides an establishment process for an NPD evaluation model under the digital ecosystem framework. Finally, a garment NPD case study further demonstrates the proposed well-being NPD comprehensive evaluation model and the FHCGDM method. The advantages of the proposed evaluation method include successfully handling criteria in a hierarchical structure, automatically processing both objective measurements from machines and subjective assessments from human evaluators, and using the most suitable type of fuzzy numbers to describe linguistic terms. © 2010 IEEE.
Lu, S, An, Z, Li, J & He, J 2011, 'pH-Triggered Adsorption–Desorption of Enzyme in Mesoporous Host to Act on Macrosubstrate', The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 115, no. 46, pp. 13695-13700.
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Numbers of reports have demonstrated the merits of confining enzyme in mesoporous supports, but have ignored the limitations to the application for biocatalytic transformation of a macrosubstrate. So in this work a strategy based on pH-triggered release and recovery of proteins has been presented to overcome this restriction. By modulation of the pH value, the encapsulated lysozyme was released from the mesopores to act on the macrosubstrate, displaying full bacteriolytic activity, and then was basically readsorbed by another pH modulation. The protein release-recovery is directly confirmed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) observations. In virtue of substrate-enhanced desorption and privileged readsorption of lysozyme, high bioactivity and good reusability have been achieved.
Lu, Y, Jin, D, Leif, RC, Deng, W, Piper, JA, Yuan, J, Duan, Y & Huo, Y 2011, 'Automated detection of rare‐event pathogens through time‐gated luminescence scanning microscopy', Cytometry Part A, vol. 79A, no. 5, pp. 349-355.
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AbstractMany microorganisms have a very low threshold (<10 cells) to trigger infectious diseases, and, in these cases, it is important to determine the absolute cell count in a low‐cost and speedy fashion. Fluorescent microscopy is a routine method; however, one fundamental problem has been associated with the existence in the sample of large numbers of nontarget particles, which are naturally autofluorescent, thereby obscuring the visibility of target organisms. This severely affects both direct visual inspection and the automated microscopy based on computer pattern recognition. We report a novel strategy of time‐gated luminescent scanning for accurate counting of rare‐event cells, which exploits the large difference in luminescence lifetimes between the lanthanide biolabels, >100 μs, and the autofluorescence backgrounds, <0.1 μs, to render background autofluorescence invisible to the detector. Rather than having to resort to sophisticated imaging analysis, the background‐free feature allows a single‐element photomultiplier to locate rare‐event cells, so that requirements for data storage and analysis are minimized to the level of image confirmation only at the final step. We have evaluated this concept in a prototype instrument using a 2D scanning stage and applied it to rare‐event Giardia detection labeled by a europium complex. For a slide area of 225 mm2, the time‐gated scanning method easily reduced the original 40,000 adjacent elements (0.075 mm × 0.075 mm) down to a few “elements of interest” containing the Giardia cysts. We achieved an averaged signal‐to‐background ratio of 41.2 (minimum ratio of 12.1). Such high contrasts ensured the accurate mapping of all the potential Giardia cysts free of false positives or negatives. This was confirmed by the automatic retrieving and time‐gated luminescence bioim...
Lu, Z, Roohani-Esfahani, S-I, Kwok, PCL & Zreiqat, H 2011, 'Osteoblasts on Rod Shaped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Incorporated PCL Film Provide an Optimal Osteogenic Niche for Stem Cell Differentiation', Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 17, no. 11-12, pp. 1651-1661.
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Luo, L, Wang, XC, Guo, W & Ngo, H 2011, 'Novel conceptual models for thermodynamic analysis of urban water systems', Journal of Water Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 13-23.
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Urban water system (UWS) can be thermodynamically analysed by calculating the entropy budget based on the increase of entropy due to internal and/or external contributions. From different internal and external parts, two novel conceptual models of thermodynamic analysis for an UWS were proposed. For conceptual model 1, natural UWS as a pseudo-reversible process is internal contribution, while the external part of the UWS is artificial water cycle. When the entropy change of the natural UWS is equal to zero, the entropy change of the UWS is considered as the entropy change by the artificial water cycle. The calculations of entropy change for artificial water cycle are based on water balance and purification reactions of selected kinds of typical pollutants in the UWS. For conceptual model 2, the internal entropy change of the UWS is water body, and it is assumed to be zero due to dynamically equilibrium of the water body. The calculation of external entropy change caused by the natural water cycle was proposed to be dependent on meteorological and hydrological data whilst the external entropy change caused by the artificial water cycle could be obtained from mass balance and treatment process analysis.
Luo, Q & Tong, L 2011, '3D Model of Coupled Multi-physics Fields for PLZT Ceramics and Its Applications to Photostrictive Plates', Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 17-30.
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This article investigates an extended 3D model for coupled opto-electro-thermo-mechanical fields in PbLaZrTi (PLZT) ceramics by incorporating the photovoltaic, optothermic, and pyroelectric effects into the existing thermopiezoelectic model. The 3D model is then used to establish novel governing equations for 0-3 polarized orthotropic PLZT plates. Actuating and sensing behaviors of 0-3 polarized PLZT plates subjected to light illumination and mechanical loading are then studied. Stress analysis is conducted for a 0-3 polarized PLZT plate with free boundary conditions. Analytical solution for a simply supported photostrictive plate partially subjected to light illumination is derived. Numerical results for free and simply supported photostrictive plates illuminated by light are calculated using the present formulations and finite element analysis.
Luo, Q & Tong, L 2011, 'Ultraviolet-light-induced multi-physics behaviors of 0–3 polarized transparent PLZT plates: I. Experimental testing', Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 115004-115004.
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Luo, Q & Tong, L 2011, 'Ultraviolet-light-induced multi-physics behaviors of 0–3 polarized transparent PLZT plates: II. Finite element analysis and validation', Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 115005-115005.
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Luo, Q, Luo, Z & Tong, L 2011, 'A variational principle and finite element formulation for multi-physics PLZT ceramics', Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 198-202.
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This research presents an extended variational principle and a finite element formulation for multi-physics analysis of PLZT (lanthanum zirconate titanate) ceramics by including the photovoltaic and optothermic effects. The photo-induced electrical and thermal, and mechanical fields, as well as the heat source effect due to light illumination are all considered in the formulation. A generalized variation approach for advanced multi-physics PLZT problems is developed and then the relevant finite element formulation is established. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Luo, Z, Luo, Q, Tong, L, Gao, W & Song, C 2011, 'Shape morphing of laminated composite structures with photostrictive actuators via topology optimization', Composite Structures, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 406-418.
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In this paper, a new design method is presented for achieving remote wireless shape morphing of laminated composite structures using topology optimization methods. A recently emerging family of smart materials, photostrictive materials, is introduced as the actuation discipline to implement the active control of optical structures by utilizing the photostriction mechanism, which arises from the superposition of photovoltaic effect and converse piezoelectric effect when exposed to the illumination of near ultraviolet light. In terms of the Mindlin plate theory of first-order shear deformation, a finite element formulation including multiphysics effects of photovoltaic, pyroelectric and thermal expansion is developed to model composite structures of ferroelectric materials polarized in 0-1 and 0-3 directions, respectively. The design is formulated as a multi-constrained optimization problem with a least square objective function to minimize structural shape errors. The topology optimization method is used as a systematic design approach to seek the optimal topologies of material layouts for both the photostrictive and host layers as well as the actuator light distribution. In terms of design sensitivity analysis, many gradient-based optimization algorithms can be applied to solve the problem effectively. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in the field of active photonic control of laminated composite structures. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Ma, M, Huang, X, Jiao, B & Guo, YJ 2011, 'Optimal Orthogonal Precoding for Power Leakage Suppression in DFT-Based Systems', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 844-853.
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A solution to the power leakage minimization problem in discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based communication systems is presented. In a conventional DFT based system, modulated subcarriers exhibit high sidelobe levels, which leads to significant out-of-band power leakage. Existing techniques found in the literature either do not achieve sufficient sidelobe suppression or suffer from significant spectral efficiency loss. Precoding can be seen as a general linear processing method for power leakage reduction, however, how to design the optimal linear precoder is still an open problem. In this paper, the power leakage suppression is first treated as a matrix Frobenius norm minimization problem, and then the optimal orthogonal precoding matrix design for the power leakage suppression is proposed based on singular value decomposition (SVD). By further exploiting the extra degrees of freedom in the precoding matrix, two kinds of optimized precoding matrices, one with multi-carrier property and the other with single-carrier property, are developed to take the advantages of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA), respectively. Simulation results show that both the multi-carrier and the single-carrier precoding schemes achieve significant power leakage suppression, and have similar peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and bit-error-rate (BER) to those of OFDM and SC-FDMA systems, respectively. © 2011 IEEE.
Mahlia, TMI & Chan, PL 2011, 'Life cycle cost analysis of fuel cell based cogeneration system for residential application in Malaysia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 416-426.
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Mahlia, TMI, Razak, HA & Nursahida, MA 2011, 'Life cycle cost analysis and payback period of lighting retrofit at the University of Malaya', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1125-1132.
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Mahlia, TMI, Saidur, R, Yanti, PAA & Masjuki, HH 2011, 'Role of energy guide labels in consumers purchase decision for household electrical appliances', Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 95-104.
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Due to the rapid economic growth in the past, the usage of electrical products for the last three decades has increased rapidly in Malaysia. To reduce energy consumption, Malaysian Energy Commission has implemented energy labels for electrical appliances. The purpose of the energy labels is to provide the consumers a guideline to compare the size, features, price and efficiency of the product. Research on consumer understanding and use of the label has been limited. This paper discusses the important aspects in consumers purchasing decision and consumers view on energy labels in Malaysia. The study includes the investigation of familiarity, awareness and understanding of the proposed energy labeling by Malaysian respondents. The study found that 65% of respondent were not familiar with the label, however 78% of respondents were understand the label and 79% of respondents are aware about the labels. The undesirable finding was that the efficiency of the product ranked sixth by the respondents in purchasing electrical products. © Sila Science.
Mahlia, TMI, Taufiq, BN, Ong, KP & Saidur, R 2011, 'Exergy analysis for day lighting, electric lighting and space cooling systems for a room space in a tropical climate', Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 1676-1684.
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Mahmoud, A, Elbialy, S, Pradhan, B & Buchroithner, M 2011, 'Field-based landcover classification using TerraSAR-X texture analysis', Advances in Space Research, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 799-805.
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Mahmud, MA, Hossain, MJ & Pota, HR 2011, 'Analysis of Voltage Rise Effect on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation', IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 14796-14801.
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Connections of distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks are increasing. These connections of distributed generation cause voltage rise in the distribution network. This paper presents a detail analysis of how does voltage rise on distribution network due to the penetration of distributed generation. This paper also presents how does the voltage rise affect the connection of distributed generation on distribution network. The analysis is done on a simple two-bus distribution network and a radial distribution network with and without DG by using worst case scenario (minimum load maximum generation). Finally, some recommendations are given to counteract the voltage rise effect. © 2011 IFAC.
Mahmud, MA, Hossain, MJ & Pota, HR 2011, 'Robust Nonlinear State Feedback for Power Systems under Structured Uncertainty', IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 3741-3746.
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This paper presents a robust nonlinear state feedback linearization approach for power systems with uncertainties. The uncertainties considered here are a class of bounded perturbations to the state model of power systems. The control law is applied through the excitation system of the synchronous generators connected to the power systems to enhance the stability of the system. In this paper, uncertainties are considered for single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system. A Lyapunov-based concept is used to guarantee uniform ultimate boundedness. © 2011 IFAC.
Mahony, R, Euston, M, Kim, J, Coote, P & Hamel, T 2011, 'A non-linear observer for attitude estimation of a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle without GPS measurements', Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 699-717.
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In this paper we propose a simple non-linear observer for attitude estimation based only on output from a typical inertial measurement unit (IMU) and dynamic pressure sensor embarked on a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle. In particular, we aim to provide a good quality attitude estimate in the absence of global positioning system (GPS) ground truth and with potential low-frequency bias and high-frequency noise in the IMU sensor measurements. In addition, the case where the IMU only provides gyrometer and accelerometer outputs is considered; that is, there is no magnetometer output or it cannot be used due to local magnetic disturbances such as are common on a vehicle with electric motors. The proposed observer uses a simple centripetal force model (based on gyrometer and dynamic pressure measurements), augmented by a first-order dynamic model for angle of attack, to estimate non-inertial components of the acceleration. This estimate is used to correct the accelerometer output to provide a low-frequency estimate of the gravitational direction. This inertial direction, along with the gyrometer output, is then used to drive a fully non-linear attitude observer posed on the orthogonal group of rotation matrices SO(3). The observer is augmented with an integral state that ensures compensation of gyrometer bias. The resulting observer is simple to implement and fully non-linear. Experimental results are provided on a real-world data set and the performance of the filter is evaluated against the output from a full GPS/inertial navigation system (INS) that was available for the data set.
Mainali, B, Ngo, HH, Guo, W, Pham, TTN & Johnston, A 2011, 'Feasibility assessment of recycled water use for washing machines in Australia through SWOT analysis', RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 87-91.
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Sustainable urban water consumption has become a critical issue in Australia due to increasing urbanization, the countryâs dry climate and its increasingly variable rainfall. Water recycling is considered vital to alleviate the demand on limited water supplies. The demands on water utilities to develop water recycling capacity and supplies are therefore expected to intensify in Australia. Dual reticulation systems have already been introduced in many cities in Australia and this is likely to expand to many other cities in the future. Developed and proposed dual reticulation schemes in Australia demand the substantial replacement of tap water with recycled water to ensure system optimisation and the sustainability of water supplies. This study successfully applies Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis as a research tool to assess the feasibility of use of recycled water in washing machine applications. Through the identification of the reuse schemes' strengths (elements to leverage and build on) and weaknesses (areas to seek assistance and support) in addition to community opportunities (areas to leverage for program advantages) and threats (elements that could hinder the scheme), the positive aspects for the use of recycled water in washing machines is observed. Further study to address the specific concerns of the general public and the development of guidelines for this new end use is however essential to guide the implementation of recycled water schemes.
Mainali, B, Ngo, HH, Guo, WS, Pham, TTN, Wang, XC & Johnston, A 2011, 'SWOT analysis to assist identification of the critical factors for the successful implementation of water reuse schemes', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 297-306.
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The reuse of urban wastewater has been recognised as an important alternative source of water and is a key aspect of sustainable water policy. As it is a promising innovation, a number of direct and indirect water reuse projects have been instigated and proposed, both nationally and internationally. However there is some uncertainty regarding the effectiveness and impact of these water reuse schemes (WRS). This study investigates the applicability of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) as an analysis tool for formulating the critical factors in terms of the implementation of water reuse schemes. Basically, this work adopts an existing multiple case study design method and makes use of SWOT to analyse all critical factors for each selected water reuse scheme. The strengths and weaknesses of successful and unsuccessful WRS are analysed followed by an assessment of the corresponding external opportunities and threats. On this basis, the critical factors considered for the successful implementation of the WRS are identified. A qualitative investigation using SWOT analysis has therefore been successfully implemented. © 2011 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.
Mans, B & Mathieson, L 2011, 'On the Treewidth of Dynamic Graphs', Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 554, no. C, pp. 217-228.
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Dynamic graph theory is a novel, growing area that deals with graphs thatchange over time and is of great utility in modelling modern wireless, mobileand dynamic environments. As a graph evolves, possibly arbitrarily, it ischallenging to identify the graph properties that can be preserved over timeand understand their respective computability. In this paper we are concerned with the treewidth of dynamic graphs. We focuson metatheorems, which allow the generation of a series of results based ongeneral properties of classes of structures. In graph theory two majormetatheorems on treewidth provide complexity classifications by employingstructural graph measures and finite model theory. Courcelle's Theorem gives ageneral tractability result for problems expressible in monadic second orderlogic on graphs of bounded treewidth, and Frick & Grohe demonstrate a similarresult for first order logic and graphs of bounded local treewidth. We extend these theorems by showing that dynamic graphs of bounded (local)treewidth where the length of time over which the graph evolves and is observedis finite and bounded can be modelled in such a way that the (local) treewidthof the underlying graph is maintained. We show the application of these resultsto problems in dynamic graph theory and dynamic extensions to static problems.In addition we demonstrate that certain widely used dynamic graph classesnaturally have bounded local treewidth.
Manzouri, M & Shon, HK 2011, 'Rectification methods for the fouling of ultrafiltration hollow-fibre membranes as a result of excessive soluble iron', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 437-444.
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The aim of this study is to analyse process design parameters relating to a membrane bioreactor (MBR) membrane and chemical dosing systems as well as the characteristics of membrane foulant so as to identify a remedy for implementation. A qualitative research undertaken included electron microscopy analysis of the fouled membranes through a membrane autopsy which showed major inorganic deposits to the membrane surface, mainly comprising of iron. As it currently remains, the membrane system utilises citric acid for chemical in-place cleaning of the membranes. Analysis of results identifies the impact of membrane foulant to the operational performance of the treatment works and the impairment to effluent quality discharged to local waterways. Furthermore, an assessment into economic impacts is expected to show significant opportunities for improvements to operating costs as a direct result of cleaner membranes returning transmembrane pressures to normal levels during the permeate production cycle. The study also proposes optimisation strategies of the current cleaning process that is adequate for the level of ferric chloride dosed for phosphorous removal and odour control. Consideration is given to two types of strategies for rectification.
Martincic, A & Dovey, K 2011, 'Action research as a knowledge generating change methodology', International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 108-108.
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The paper outlines an action research project conducted within an Australian public sector organisation with the purpose of changing a key internal business process. Despite the significant challenges incurred by using a change methodology considered to be âradicalâ within this conventional, hierarchically structured, organisation, the business process was transformed successfully and productivity has increased significantly within the organisation. Furthermore, the action research approach generated pertinent new knowledge; greatly enriched various forms of intangible capital within the organisation; and created a precedent with respect to greater collaboration and democracy within the organisation. In encouraging this approach to managing change within hierarchically structured organisations, the paper advocates caution in its introduction and warns of the challenges that it poses for power management in such organisations.
Maschek, T, Konrad, B, Deuse, J, Hermanns, G, Weber, D & Schreckenberg, M 2011, 'Verkehrsforschung in der Produktionsflussanalyse', ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 833-837.
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Methods of Statistical physics have been successfully applied in the field of traffic research. Striking structural similarities between traffic and production Systems lead to the idea of combining both approaches. This article presents well-known methods of both research areas. Moreover, the advantages of a new combined approach for production-flow analysis are lined out.
Maschek, T, Konrad, B, Deuse, J, Hermanns, G, Weber, D & Schreckenberg, M 2011, 'Verkehrsforschung in der Produktionsflussanalyse', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 106, no. 11, pp. 833-837.
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Mat, RC, Shariff, ARM, Pradhan, B & Mahmud, AR 2011, 'Online 3D terrain visualization of GIS data: A comparison between three different web servers', Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. SPEC. ISSUE, pp. 31-39.
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Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and three dimensional (3D) World Wide Web (WWW) applications usage are on the rise. The demand for online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data has increased. Current users demand for more complex data which have higher accuracy and realism. This is aided by the emergence of geo-browsers in the market which provide free service and also cater for the commercialized market. Other new technology driving the market is the use of software such as CityGML, Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML)/ Entensive 3D (X3D), geoVRML, and Keyhole Markup Language (KML). These technologies also play an important role for this new era of online 3D terrain visualization. The aim of this paper is to implement the online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data by using VRML technology and launching the system into three different web servers. The data used for this system are contour data and high resolution satellite image (QUICKBIRD) for Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) area. Testing was done only for satellite image overlaid to 3D terrain data. The web servers used in this experiment were the Spatial Research Group Server in UPM, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) web server, and ruzinoor.my web server. The comparison was based on the performance of web servers in terms of accessibility, uploading time, CPU usage, frame rate per second (fps), and number of users. The results from this experiment will be of help and guidance to the developers in finding the right web servers for the best performance on implementing online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data. © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
Matekovits, L, De Sabata, A & Esselle, KP 2011, 'Effects of a Coplanar Waveguide Biasing Network Built Into the Ground Plane on the Dispersion Characteristics of a Tunable Unit Cell With an Elliptical Patch and Multiple Vias', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 1088-1091.
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Matekovits, L, Heimlich, M & Esselle, KP 2011, 'Metamaterial-Based Millimeter-Wave Switchable Leaky Wave Antennas for On-Chip Implementation in Gaas Technology', Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 49-61.
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Matekovits, L, Heimlich, M & Esselle, KP 2011, 'Numerical analysis of 2D tunable HIS on GaAs support', Applied Physics A, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 779-782.
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Mathew, N, Jiang, Z & Wei, D 2011, 'Analysis of Multi-Layer Sandwich Structures by Finite Element Method', Advanced Science Letters, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 3243-3248.
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An attempt has been made in optimizing the finite element model based on the non-linear explicit finite element LS-DYNA code to analyse the structural response of a multi-layer thin-walled sandwich structure with square core cells. Virtual testing of impact response is an efficient way to investigate the structural behaviour of sandwich structures. The developed simulation models assist in creating an efficient parametric study. This paper focuses on the structural deformation and the variation of the folding mechanism observed in the different cell structures. The energy absorption of the structures is also discussed in relation to the parametric study with the variation of the number of cells and layers. This study can hence provide a model of the structural deformation response and the energy absorption capability of a multi-layer sandwich structure. The developed models consider a complete mechanical characterisation of cellular Gore structures, and as well as the detailed cell wall deformation patterns, failure modes and the effect of multiple layers on the energy absorption capability to obtain a better understanding of the deformation behaviours of the structure, which is difficult using solely experimental observations.
Mazandarani, A, Mahlia, TMI, Chong, WT & Moghavvemi, M 2011, 'Fuel consumption and emission prediction by Iranian power plants until 2025', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1575-1592.
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McGregor, C 2011, 'Methodologies for implementing clinical applications of complexity at the bedside', Journal of Critical Care, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. e18-e18.
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McIntosh, BS, Ascough, JC, Twery, M, Chew, J, Elmahdi, A, Haase, D, Harou, JJ, Hepting, D, Cuddy, S, Jakeman, AJ, Chen, S, Kassahun, A, Lautenbach, S, Matthews, K, Merritt, W, Quinn, NWT, Rodriguez-Roda, I, Sieber, S, Stavenga, M, Sulis, A, Ticehurst, J, Volk, M, Wrobel, M, van Delden, H, El-Sawah, S, Rizzoli, A & Voinov, A 2011, 'Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) development – Challenges and best practices', Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1389-1402.
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McPeak, KM, Le, TP, Britton, NG, Nickolov, ZS, Elabd, YA & Baxter, JB 2011, 'Chemical Bath Deposition of ZnO Nanowires at Near-Neutral pH Conditions without Hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA): Understanding the Role of HMTA in ZnO Nanowire Growth', Langmuir, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3672-3677.
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Meng, F, Zhou, Z, Ni, B-J, Zheng, X, Huang, G, Jia, X, Li, S, Xiong, Y & Kraume, M 2011, 'Characterization of the size-fractionated biomacromolecules: Tracking their role and fate in a membrane bioreactor', Water Research, vol. 45, no. 15, pp. 4661-4671.
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Meng, X, Wang, S, Qiu, J, Zhang, Q, Zhu, JG, Guo, Y & Liu, D 2011, 'Robust Multilevel Optimization of PMSM Using Design for Six Sigma', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 3248-3251.
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In this paper, a robust optimization method based on design for six sigma (DFSS) is combined to the optimization of a surface mounted permanent synchronous machine (PMSM) by using multilevel genetic algorithm (MLGA). First, MLGA and DFSS are introduced in the robust optimization. Second, by taking into account the tolerances of the motor products, important input parameters could be varied with six sigma distribution and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method is used to reduce the calculation cost. Third, to verify the new algorithm, the presented algorithm is applied to the optimization of a PMSM. The results compared with those of traditional GA and MLGA and the discussion of the robust optimization combined with MLGA are presented. © 2011 IEEE.
Meng, ZX, Xu, XX, Zheng, W, Zhou, HM, Li, L, Zheng, YF & Lou, X 2011, 'Preparation and characterization of electrospun PLGA/gelatin nanofibers as a potential drug delivery system', Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 97-102.
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Merigo, JM 2011, 'The uncertain probabilistic weighted average and its application in the theory of expertons', AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, vol. 5, no. 15, pp. 6092-6102.
Merigó, JM 2011, 'A unified model between the weighted average and the induced OWA operator', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 11560-11572.
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Merigó, JM 2011, 'Fuzzy multi-person decision making with fuzzy probabilistic aggregation operators', International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 163-174.
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We present a fuzzy multi-person decision making model with fuzzy probabilistic information. For doing so, we present the fuzzy probabilistic ordered weighted averaging (FPOWA) operator. It is an aggregation operator that unifies the fuzzy probabilistic aggregation and the fuzzy OWA (FOWA) operator in the same formulation considering the degree of importance that each concept has in the analysis. We study its applicability and we see that it is very broad because all the previous studies that use the probability or the OWA operator can be revised and extended with this new approach. We focus on a multi-person decision making problem that unifies risk and uncertain environments in the same formulation. We implement this approach in a political management problem regarding the selection of fiscal policies. © 2011 TFSA.
Merigo, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'Generalized aggregation operators in decision making with Dempster-Shafer belief structure', Information, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2711-2732.
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We present a general method for decision making with Dempster-Shafer belief structure based on generalized aggregation operators. The main advantage of this approach is that it gives a more complete formulation of the D-S framework because it is able to provide a wide range of aggregation operators by using generalized means, quasi-arithmetic means and ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators. Thus, we are able to formulate the D-S approach by using the usual arithmetic means but also using other types of means such as geometric or quadratic means. We study different properties and particular cases based on the generalized OWA operator. We further generalize this approach by using the Quasi-OWA operator. Moreover, we extend this approach by using induced aggregation operators and the hybrid average. The paper ends with an illustrative example of the new approach in a decision making problem regarding the selection of strategies. © 2011 International Information Institute.
Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'A New Minkowski Distance Based on Induced Aggregation Operators', International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 123-133.
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Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'Decision Making with Dempster-Shafer Theory Using Fuzzy Induced Aggregation Operators', Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 265, pp. 209-228.
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We develop a new approach for decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence where the available information is uncertain and it can be assessed with fuzzy numbers. With this approach, we are able to represent the problem without losing relevant information, so the decision maker knows exactly which are the different alternatives and their consequences. For doing so, we suggest the use of different types of fuzzy induced aggregation operators in the problem. Then, we can aggregate the information considering all the different scenarios that could happen in the analysis. As a result, we get new types of fuzzy induced aggregation operators such as the belief structure - fuzzy induced ordered weighted averaging (BS-FIOWA) and the belief structure - fuzzy induced hybrid averaging (BS-FIHA) operator. We study some of their main properties. We further generalize this approach by using fuzzy induced generalized aggregation operators. We also develop an application of the new approach in a financial decision making problem about selection of financial strategies. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'Decision-making with distance measures and induced aggregation operators', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 66-76.
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Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'Induced aggregation operators in the Euclidean distance and its application in financial decision making', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 7603-7608.
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Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'Induced and uncertain heavy OWA operators', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 106-116.
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MERIGÓ, JM & CASANOVAS, M 2011, 'THE UNCERTAIN GENERALIZED OWA OPERATOR AND ITS APPLICATION TO FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING', International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 10, no. 02, pp. 211-230.
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We introduce the uncertain generalized OWA (UGOWA) operator. This operator is an extension of the OWA operator that uses generalized means and uncertain information represented as interval numbers. By using UGOWA, it is possible to obtain a wide range of uncertain aggregation operators such as the uncertain average (UA), the uncertain weighted average (UWA), the uncertain OWA (UOWA) operator, the uncertain ordered weighted geometric (UOWG) operator, the uncertain ordered weighted quadratic averaging (UOWQA) operator, the uncertain generalized mean (UGM), and many specialized operators. We study some of its main properties, and we further generalize the UGOWA operator using quasi-arithmetic means. The result is the Quasi-UOWA operator. We end the paper by presenting an application to a decision-making problem regarding the selection of financial strategies.
Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2011, 'The uncertain induced quasi-arithmetic OWA operator', International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1-24.
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Merigó, JM & Gil-Lafuente, AM 2011, 'Decision-making in sport management based on the OWA operator', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 10408-10413.
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Merigó, JM & Gil-Lafuente, AM 2011, 'Fuzzy induced generalized aggregation operators and its application in multi-person decision making', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 9761-9772.
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Merigó, JM & Gil-Lafuente, AM 2011, 'Owa operators in human resource management', Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, vol. 2, pp. 118-134.
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We develop a new approach that uses the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator in different methods for the selection of human resources. The objective of this new model is to manipulate the neutrality of the old methods, so the decision maker can select human resources according to his degree of optimism or pessimism. In order to develop this model, first, a short revision of the OWA operators is introduced. Next, we briefly explain the general model for the selection of human resources and suggest three new indexes for the selection of human resources that use the OWA operator and the hybrid average in the Hamming distance, in the adequacy coefficient and in the index of maximum and minimum level. The main advantage of this method is that it is more complete than the previous ones so the decision maker gets a better understanding of the decision problem. The work ends with an illustrative example that shows the results obtained by using different types of aggregation operators in the new approaches.
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We present the uncertain probabilistic ordered weighted averaging (UPOWA) operator. It is an aggregation operator that uses probabilities and OWA operators in the same formulation considering the degree of importance of each concept in the analysis. Moreover, it also uses uncertain information assessed with interval numbers in the aggregation process. The main advantage of this aggregation operator is that it is able to use the attitudinal character of the decision maker and the available probabilistic information in an environment where the information is very imprecise and can be assessed with interval numbers. We study some of its main properties and particular cases such as the uncertain probabilistic aggregation (UPA) and the uncertain OWA (UOWA) operator. We also develop an application of the new approach in a multi-person decision-making problem in political management regarding the selection of monetary policies. Thus, we obtain the multiperson UPOWA (MP-UPOWA) operator. We see that this model gives more complete information of the decision problem because it is able to deal with decision making problems under uncertainty and under risk in the same formulation. Santrauka Autoriai pristato tikimybinį svertinio vidurkio operatorių, taikytiną neapibrežtumo sąlygomis. Tai tikimybėmis pagrįstas sumavimo operatorius, kuris kartu su svertinio vidurkio operatoriais gali įvertinti alternatyvų svarbumo laipsnį. Be to, jis gali operuoti neapibrežta informacija, išreikšta skaičiais intervaluose. Pagrindinis šio operatoriaus privalumas yra tas, kad jį galima taikyti uždaviniams, kuriuose informacija yra netiksli. Išnagrinėtos kai kurios minėto operatoriaus savybės. Sukurtas metodas pritaikytas monetarinei politikai parinkti, situacijai, kai sprendimus priima žmoniu grupė. Modelis suteikia išsamesnę informaciją apie problemą, nes gali įvertinti neapibrežtumus ir riziką.
Merigo, JM, Gil-Lafuente, AM & Gil-Aluja, J 2011, 'A new aggregation method for strategic decision making and its application in assignment theory', AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 4033-4043.
Merigo, JM, Gil-Lafuente, AM & Gil-Aluja, J 2011, 'Decision making with the induced generalized adequacy coefficient', Applied and Computational Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 321-339.
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We introduce the induced generalized ordered weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (IGOWAAC) operator. The main advantage is that it provides a more complete generalization of the aggregation operators that includes a wide range of situations. We apply the new approach in a decision making problem.
Merigo, JM, Gil-Lafuente, AM & Gil-Aluja, J 2011, 'Soft computing techniques for decision making with induced aggregation operators', Information, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2019-2039.
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We present a method for decision making by using induced aggregation operators. This method is very useful for business decision making problems such as product management, investment selection and strategic management We introduce a new aggregation operator that uses the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator in the adequacy coefficient. We call it the induced ordered weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (IOWAAC) operator. The main advantage is that it is able to deal with complex attitudinal characters in the aggregation process. Thus, we are able to give a better representation of the problem considering the complex environment that affects the decisions. We study some of the main properties of this approach and we see mat it includes the IOWA operator as a special case. We also see that sometimes this approach becomes the Hamming distance or more precisely, the induced OWA distance (IOWAD) operator. We further extend the IOWAAC operator by using the hybrid average, obtaining the induced hybrid averaging adequacy coefficient (IHAAC). We end the paper with a numerical example of the new approach in a decision making problem regarding product management. © 2011 International Information Institute.
Merigo, JM, Gil-Lafuente, AM, Zhou, L & Chenm, H 2011, 'Generalization of the linguistic aggregation operator and its application in decision making', Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 593-603.
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Mihăiţă, AS & Mocanu, S 2011, 'Simulation en temps continu pour la commande orientée événements des systèmes stochastiques à commutation', European Journal of Automation (JESA), vol. 45, pp. 157-172.
Mihaita, S & Mocanu, S 2011, 'Simulation en temps continu pour la commande orientée événements des systèmes stochastiques à commutation. Modélisation, contrôle et simulation des systèmes stochastiques à commutation', Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, vol. 45, no. 1-3, pp. 157-172.
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This paper presents a continuous time simulation method for stochastic switching systems while applying event-based control. The main system we have used is a multi-state integrator having a switching behavior, being described by a continuous-time Markov Chain. The objective of the event-based control method is to maintain the continuous system state variable between extreme limits. Control stopping limits have also been taken into consideration. Finally we present the results we have obtained in order to minimize a quadratic energy cost while applying event-based control. © 2011 Lavoisier, Paris.
Mirzahosseini, MR, Aghaeifar, A, Alavi, AH, Gandomi, AH & Seyednour, R 2011, 'Permanent deformation analysis of asphalt mixtures using soft computing techniques', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 6081-6100.
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MIYANAGA, Y 2011, 'Message from the Section of Internationalization in Engineering Sciences Society', IEICE ESS Fundamentals Review, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 274-275.
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Mohammadnejad, M, Ghazvini, M, Mahlia, TMI & Andriyana, A 2011, 'A review on energy scenario and sustainable energy in Iran', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 4652-4658.
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Mohammed, T, Vigneswaran, S & Kandasamy, J 2011, 'Biofiltration as pre-treatment to water harvesting and recycling', Water Science and Technology, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 2097-2105.
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This paper presents the results of the long term biofilter experiments conducted with raw stormwater collected from a canal at Carlton, in Sydney. Anthracite and granular activated carbon (GAC) were used as a single filter media in biofilter columns. Media heights of 75 and 40 cm were used. The filter columns were operated at filtration velocities of 0.12 and 0.25 m/h. The removal efficiency for turbidity and DOC for the GAC filter media were found to be 75% and almost 100% respectively. The removal efficiency for the anthracite filter was much lower. Molecular weight distribution analysis showed an almost similar trend to the DOC removal. Compared with anthracite filter media, the GAC biofilter removed a much larger range of organic compounds present in the stormwater. The GAC biofilter removes organic matter earlier as compared to anthracite. Based on a limited sample of stormwater, the removal efficiency for phosphorus was upto 74% and that of nitrogen was up to 30%. In general GAC filter shows higher heavy metal removal efficiency than anthracite. The removal of zinc, iron, lead and nickel were good. However the concentration of heavy metal in the raw surface water sample was low.
Molla, MM, Saha, SC & Hossain, MA 2011, 'Radiation effect on free convection laminar flow along a vertical flat plate with streamwise sinusoidal surface temperature', MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, vol. 53, no. 5-6, pp. 1310-1319.
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Molla, MM, Saha, SC, Khan, MAI & Hossain, MA 2011, 'Radiation effects on natural convection laminar flow from a horizontal circular cylinder', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 30, no. 1-3, pp. 1-9.
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Mollahasani, A, Alavi, AH & Gandomi, AH 2011, 'Empirical modeling of plate load test moduli of soil via gene expression programming', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 281-286.
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Mollahasani, A, Alavi, AH, Gandomi, AH & Rashed, A 2011, 'Nonlinear neural-based modeling of soil cohesion intercept', KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 831-840.
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Moore, G, Kerr, R & Hadgraft, R 2011, 'Self-guided field trips for students of environments', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 107-118.
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In many learning institutions around the world, there is a trend towards larger classes, more flexible learning pathways and reduced teaching resources. Experiential learning is often used in the form of site visits or field trips for students studying engineering, natural resource management, geography and similar disciplines. Providing opportunities for students to undertake field trips without the traditional support mechanism is one of the more challenging issues for subject designers. How can large cohorts of students gain practical exposure to various aspects of the natural or built environment? Although this is typically done using traditional site visits and fieldwork with a high staff/student ratio, the goal has been to use action research to design and develop resources to enable small groups (three or four) to make self-guided visits to sites close to campus. Multimedia resources to examine and interpret aspects of the site that relate to their on-campus learning guide the students. One critical issue in the success of these activities has been proper risk assessment and control procedures. The outcome of this research is a framework to provide a safe, active learning experience by way of self-guided field trips that is suitable for implementation with large classes. © 2011 SEFI.
Moore, HC, Johnston, M, Nicol, SM, Bourdon, J-C, Thompson, AM, Hutvagner, G & Fuller-Pace, FV 2011, 'An evolutionarily conserved, alternatively spliced, intron in the p68/DDX5 DEAD-box RNA helicase gene encodes a novel miRNA', RNA, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 555-562.
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The DEAD-box RNA helicase p68 (DDX5) plays important roles in several cellular processes, including transcription, pre-mRNA processing, and microRNA (miRNA) processing. p68 expression is growth and developmentally regulated, and alterations in p68 expression and/or function have been implicated in tumor development. The p68 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved, alternatively spliced, intron the function of which has to date remained unclear. Although the intron-containing p68 RNA does not appear to yield an alternative p68 protein, it is differentially expressed in cell lines and tissues, indicating regulation of expression. Here we show that the p68 conserved intron encodes a novel putative miRNA, suggesting a previously unknown possible regulatory function for the p68 intron. We show that this miRNA (referred to as p68 miRNA) is processed from the intron via the canonical miRNA-processing pathway and that it associates with the Argonaute protein Ago2. Finally we show that the p68 miRNA suppresses an mRNA bearing complementary target sequences, suggesting that it is functional. These findings suggest a novel mechanism by which alterations in p68 expression may impact on the cell.
Moore, JL, Dickson-Deane, C & Galyen, K 2011, 'e-Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same?', The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 129-135.
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Moreno-de las Heras, M, Saco, PM, Willgoose, GR & Tongway, DJ 2011, 'Assessing landscape structure and pattern fragmentation in semiarid ecosystems using patch-size distributions', Ecological Applications, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 2793-2805.
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Motlaq, KS, Pirasteh, S, Norozi, OA, Pradhan, B & Mahmoodzadeh, A 2011, 'Sinkholes mapping using gis: vulnarebility and risk assessment emphasis on development areas', International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 49-61.
MOUSAVI, SM, ALAVI, AH, GANDOMI, AH & MOLLAHASANI, ALI 2011, 'Nonlinear genetic-based simulation of soil shear strength parameters', Journal of Earth System Science, vol. 120, no. 6, pp. 1001-1022.
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Mousavi, SM, Alavi, AH, Mollahasani, A & Gandomi, AH 2011, 'A hybrid computational approach to formulate soil deformation moduli obtained from PLT', Engineering Geology, vol. 123, no. 4, pp. 324-332.
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Mousavi, SR, Pirasteh, S, Pradhan, B, Mansor, S & Mahmud, AR 2011, 'The ASTER DEM generation for geomorphometric analysis of the Central Alborz mountains, Iran', Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. SPEC. ISSUE, pp. 115-124.
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This research focuses on the ASTER DEM generation for visual and mathematical analysis of topography, landscapes and landforms, as well as modeling of surface processes of Central Alborz, Iran. ASTER DEM 15 m generated using tie points over the Central Alborz and Damavand volcano with 5671 m height from ASTER (Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) satellite data using PCI Geomatica 9.1. Geomorphic parameters are useful to identify and describe geomorphologic forms and processes, which were extracted from ASTER DEM in GIS environment such as elevation, aspect, slope angle, vertical curvature, and tangential curvature. Although the elevation values are slightly low in altitudes above 5500 m asl., the ASTER DEM is useful in interpretation of the macro- and meso-relief, and provides the opportunity for mapping especially at medium scales (1:100,000 and 1:50,000). ASTER DEM has potential to be a best tool to study 3D model for to geomorphologic mapping and processes of glacial and per glacial forms above 4300 m asl. © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
Movassaghi, S, Abolhasan, M & Lipman, J 2011, 'Addressing Schemes for Body Area Networks', IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 1310-1313.
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This letter explores address allocation in Body Area Networks (BANs) and proposes two novel schemes - Optimized Prophet Address Allocation (OPAA) and Hierarchical Collision-free Address Protocol (HCAP). The aim of the schemes is to use fewer bits in the address space, solve address wastage problems, reduce collisions and improve power efficiency. The usability and efficiency of the proposed schemes is shown through simulation and analysis. © 2006 IEEE.
Mueller, J & Stewart, MG 2011, 'Evaluating the Risks, Costs, and Benefits of Homeland Security Spending'.
Mullai, P, Arulselvi, S, Ngo, H-H & Sabarathinam, PL 2011, 'Experiments and ANFIS modelling for the biodegradation of penicillin-G wastewater using anaerobic hybrid reactor', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5492-5497.
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The performance of an anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) for treating penicillin-G wastewater was investigated at the ambient temperatures of 30-35 degrees C for 245 days in three phases. The experimental data were analysed by adopting an adaptive network-ba
Mullard, JA & Stewart, MG 2011, 'Corrosion-induced cover cracking: New test data and predictive models', ACI Structural Journal, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 71-79.
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This paper presents an improved model that will be used to predict the timing of corrosion-induced cover cracking for reinforced concrete (RC) structures in chloride environments. An accelerated corrosion experimental program measured concrete cover cracking for RC slabs based on various concrete covers, concrete tensile strengths, and reinforcing bar diameters. A new empirical crack propagation model based on the test data was then developed. A correction factor for concrete confinement is proposed to account for bars located at edges and corners of RC structures. A rate of loading correction factor is applied to allow the cracking times for accelerated corrosion rates to be adjusted for the lower corrosion rates 'generally found in RC structures. A statistical analysis of model accuracy is used to account for variabilities between model prediction and experimental data. Copyright © 2011, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.
Na, S-H, Shon, H-K & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Minimization of excess sludge and cryptic growth of microorganisms by alkaline treatment of activated sludge', Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 164-169.
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Sludge solubilization was induced by the alkaline-thermal treatment to investigate the cryptic growth and reduction of a large amount of activated sludge produced from wastewater treatment. Activated sludge was divided into lysate, supernatant fraction and particulate fraction for a biodegradability test by cryptic growth. Sludge was reduced up to 78% at pH 13 and 44% at pH 10 using the single alkaline-thermal treatment. Also, it was found that alkalinethermal treatment at pH 13 increased the quantity of intracellular components generated by cell lysis and promoted the power of significant cell destruction. The neutralization of pH after the solubilized activated sludge led to high biodegradability of organic carbon sources generated by cell lysis. This can be utilized in minimizing activated sludge.
Na, S-H, Shon, HK, Kim, JB, Park, HJ & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Preparation and characterization of titania nanoparticle produced from Ti-flocculated sludge with paper mill wastewater', Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 277-281.
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Sludge disposal after flocculation with paper mill wastewater is one of the most costly and environmentally problematic challenges. In this study, an effective sludge recycling process was proposed using Ti-salt coagulant instead of the currently used Fe-salt. Paper mill wastewater flocculation using TiCl4 and FeCl3 coagulants was investigated for organic removal and precipitation efficiency. A large amount of titania nanoparticle was produced after incineration of sludge of Ti-salt flocculation in paper mill wastewater. The titania nanoparticle was characterized in terms of physical and chemical properties. Results showed that the removal efficiency of organic matter at the optimum concentrations of Ti- and Fe-salt was 69% and 65%, respectively. The removal of turbidity was 99%. Titania recovered from 600 8C incineration of the settled sludge consisted of the anatase titania structure. The titania from printing paper mill wastewater showed irregularly aggregated structures with round shape of dimension of 10â15 nm as a primary crystal growth. Various dopant materialswere found to be carbon (4.3%), magnesium (0.9%), aluminium (1.9%), silicon (1.7%), sulphur (0.7%) and calcium (3.8%). 60% of acetaldehyde concentration under UV irradiation was removed with the titania nanoparticles produced from the printing paper mill wastewater.
Newell, B, Marsh, DM & Sharma, D 2011, 'Enhancing the Resilience of the Australian National Electricity Market: Taking a Systems Approach in Policy Development', Ecology and Society, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 0-0.
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As the complexity and interconnectedness of present-day social-ecological systems become steadily more apparent, there is increasing pressure on governments, policy makers, and managers to take a systems approach to the challenges facing humanity. However, how can this be done in the face of system complexity and uncertainties? In this paper we briefly discuss practical ways that policy makers can take up the systems challenge. We focus on resilience thinking, and the use of influence diagrams, causal-loop diagrams, and system archetypes. As a case study, set in the context of the climate-energy-water nexus, we use some of these system concepts and tools to carry out an initial exploration of factors that can affect the resilience of the Australian National Electricity Market. We stress the need for the electricity sector to prepare for the impacts of global change by encouraging innovation and diversity, supporting modularity and redundancy, and embracing the need for a policy making approach that takes account of the dynamics of the wider social-ecological system. Finally, taking a longer term view, we conclude by recommending that policy makers work to reduce reliance on conventional market mechanisms, institute continuing crosssector dialogue, and promote basic education in system dynamics.
Nghiem, LD & Cath, T 2011, 'A scaling mitigation approach during direct contact membrane distillation', Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 315-322.
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Nghiem, LD, Hildinger, F, Hai, FI & Cath, T 2011, 'Treatment of saline aqueous solutions using direct contact membrane distillation', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 234-241.
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Ngoc, HP, Fujita, H, Ozaki, K & Uchida, N 2011, 'Phase Angle Control of High-Frequency Resonant Currents in a Multiple Inverter System for Zone-Control Induction Heating', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 3357-3366.
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This paper presents a phase angle control method of high-frequency resonant currents in a zone-control induction heating (ZCIH) system, which consists of split working coils and multiple inverters. The ZCIH system controls the amplitude of each coil current to make the temperature distribution on the workpiece uniform. The amplitude of the coil current can be controlled in a wide range when its phase angle is adjusted to be the same with other coil currents. This paper theoretically derives the phase-angle change of the coil current in transient states, and reveals that the phase-angle change can be considered as a first-order response. A phase-angle controller was designed and examined in experiments using a two-zone ZCIH system. It is clarified that the phase angle control makes it possible to adjust the current phase angle not only in steady states but also in transient states.
Nguyen, TN, Su, SW & Nguyen, HT 2011, 'Robust Neuro-Sliding Mode Multivariable Control Strategy for Powered Wheelchairs', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 105-111.
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This paper proposes an advanced robust multivariable control strategy for a powered wheelchair system. The new control strategy is based on a combination of the systematic triangularization technique and the robust neuro-sliding mode control approach. This strategy effectively copes with parameter uncertainties and external disturbances in real-time in order to achieve robustness and optimal performance of a multivariable system. This novel strategy reduces coupling effects on a multivariable system, eliminates chattering phenomena, and avoids the plant Jacobian calculation problem. Furthermore, the strategy can also achieve fast and global convergence using less computation. The effectiveness of the new multivariable control strategy is verified in real-time implementation on a powered wheelchair system. The obtained results confirm that robustness and desired performance of the overall system are guaranteed, even under parameter uncertainty and external disturbance effects. © 2010 IEEE.
Nguyen, TT, Ngo, HH, Guo, W, Phuntsho, S & Li, J 2011, 'A new sponge tray bioreactor in primary treated sewage effluent treatment', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5444-5447.
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The new attached growth sponge tray bioreactor (STB) was evaluated at different operating conditions for removing organics and nutrients from primary treated sewage effluent. This STB was also assessed when using as a pre-treatment prior to micro-filtration (MF) for reducing membrane fouling. At a short hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 40min, the STB could remove up to 92% of DOC and 40-56% of T-N and T-P at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2.4kg COD/m3 spongeday. This OLR is the best for the STB as compared to the OLRs of 0.6, 1.2 and 3.6kg COD/m3 spongeday. At 28mL/min of flow velocity (FV), STB achieved the highest efficiencies with 92% of DOC, 87.4% of T-P, and 54.8% of T-N removal. Finally, at the optimal OLR and FV, the STB could remove almost 90% of organic and nutrient, significantly reduce membrane fouling with HRT of only 120min. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Nguyen, TV & Pham, LT 2011, 'Scientific output and its relationship to knowledge economy: an analysis of ASEAN countries', Scientometrics, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 107-117.
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This article seeks to examine the relationship between scientific output and knowledge economy index in 10 South East Asian countries (ASEAN). Using bibliometric data of the Institute of Scientific Information, we analyzed the number of scientific articles published in international peer-reviewed journals between 1991 and 2010 for Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, and Singapore. During the 20-year period, scientists from the ASEAN countries have published 165,020 original articles in ISI indexed journals, which represents ~0.5% of the world scientific output. Singapore led the region with the highest number of publications (accounting for 45% of the countries' total publications), followed by Thailand (21%), Malaysia (16%), Vietnam (6%), Indonesia and the Philippines (5% each). The number of scientific articles from those countries has increased by 13% per year, with the rate of increase being highest in Thailand and Malaysia, and lowest in Indonesia and the Philippines. At the country level, the correlation between knowledge economy index and scientific output was 0.94. Based on the relationship between scientific output and knowledge economy, we identified 4 clusters of countries: Singapore as the first group; Thailand and Malaysia in the second group; Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines in the third group; and Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Brunei in the fourth group. These data suggested that there was a strong relationship between scientific research and the degree of 'knowledgization' of economy. © 2011 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.
Nguyen, TV, Zhang, R, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Kandasamy, J & Mathes, P 2011, 'Removal of organic matter from effluents by Magnetic Ion Exchange (MIEX (R))', DESALINATION, vol. 276, no. 1-3, pp. 96-102.
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Magnetic Ion Exchange Resin (MIEX®) is effective in removing the majority of organic carbon from biologically treated wastewater. It removed 77% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from synthetic wastewater when operated in batch mode using a MIEX® concentration of 10. mL/L. A pseudo second-order reaction rate model namely the Ho model was used for the kinetic study and it was found that it provided a realistic description of the adsorption kinetics of DOC. A fluidised bed MIEX® contactor effectively removed organic matter from synthetic biologically treated sewage effluent with more than 60% DOC removal even after 172 bed volumes. The regenerated MIEX® resin did not display any significant reduction in its ability to remove organic matter. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Ni, B, Liu, H, Nie, Y, Zeng, RJ, Du, G, Chen, J & Yu, H 2011, 'Coupling glucose fermentation and homoacetogenesis for elevated acetate production: Experimental and mathematical approaches', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 345-353.
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AbstractHomoacetogenesis is an important potential hydrogen sink in acetogenesis, in which hydrogen is used to reduce carbon dioxide to acetate. So far the acetate production from homoacetogenesis, especially its kinetics, has not been given sufficient attention. In this work, enhanced production of acetate from anaerobic conversion of glucose through coupling glucose fermentation and homoacetogenesis is investigated with both experimental and mathematical approaches. Experiments are conducted to explore elevated acetate production in a coupled anaerobic system. Acetate production could be achieved by homoacetogenesis with a relative high acetate yield under mixed fermentation conditions. With the experimental observations, a kinetic model is formulated to describe such a homoacetogenic process. The maximum homoacetogenic rate (km,homo) is estimated to be 28.5 ± 1.7 kg COD kg−1 COD day−1 with an uptake affinity constant of 3.7 × 10−5 ± 3.1 × 10−6 kg COD m−3. The improved calculation of homoacetogenic kinetics by our approach could correct the underestimation of homoacetogenesis in anaerobic fermentation processes, as it often occurs in these systems supported by literature analysis. The model predictions match the experimental results in different cases well and provide insights into the dynamics of anaerobic glucose conversion and acetate production. Furthermore, acetate production via homoacetogenesis increases by about 40% through utilizing the fed‐batch coupling system, attributed to a balance between the hydrogen production in the acetogenesis phase and the hydrogen consumption in the homoacetogenesis phase. This work provides an effective way for increased anaerobic acetate production, and gives us a better understanding about the homoacetogenic kinetics in the ana...
Ni, B, Xie, W, Chen, Y, Fang, F, Liu, S, Ren, T, Sheng, G, Yu, H, Liu, G & Tian, Y 2011, 'Heterotrophs grown on the soluble microbial products (SMP) released by autotrophs are responsible for the nitrogen loss in nitrifying granular sludge', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 108, no. 12, pp. 2844-2852.
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AbstractIn this work, nitrogen loss in the nitrite oxidation step of the nitrification process in an aerobic‐granule‐based reactor was characterized with both experimental and modeling approaches. Experimental results showed that soluble microbial products (SMP) were released from the nitrite‐oxidizing granules and were utilized as a carbon source by the heterotrophs for denitrification. This was verified by the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Microelectrode tests showed that oxygen diffusion limitation did result in an anoxic micro‐zone in the granules and allowed sequential utilization of nitrate as an electron acceptor for heterotrophic denitrification with SMP as a carbon source. To further elucidate the nitrogen loss mechanisms, a mathematic model was formulated to describe the growth of nitrite oxidizers, the formation and consumption of SMP, the anoxic heterotrophic growth on SMP and nitrate, as well as the oxygen transfer and the substrate diffusion in the granules. The results clearly indicate that the heterotrophs grown on the SMP released by the autotrophs are responsible for the nitrogen loss in the nitrifying granules, and give us a better understanding of the aerobic granules for nitrogen removal. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2844–2852. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ni, B, Zeng, RJ, Fang, F, Xie, W, Xu, J, Sheng, G, Sun, Y & Yu, H 2011, 'Evaluation on factors influencing the heterotrophic growth on the soluble microbial products of autotrophs', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 108, no. 4, pp. 804-812.
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AbstractIn this work, the heterotrophic growth on the microbial products of autotrophs and the effecting factors were evaluated with both experimental and modeling approaches. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis illustrated that ammonia oxidizers (AOB), nitrite oxidizers (NOB), and heterotrophs accounted for about 65%, 20%, and 15% of the total bacteria, respectively. The mathematical evaluation of experimental data reported in literature indicated that heterotrophic growth in nitrifying biofilm (30–50%) and granules (30%) was significantly higher than that of nitrifying sludge (15%). It was found that low influent ammonium resulted in a lower availability of soluble microbial products (SMP) and a slower heterotrophic growth, but high ammonium (>150 mg N L−1) feeding would lead to purely AOB dominated sludge with high biomass‐associated products contained effluent, although the absolute heterotrophic growth increased. Meanwhile, the total active biomass concentration increased gradually with the increasing solids retention time, whereas the factions of active AOB, NOB, and heterotrophs varied a lot at different solids retention times. This work could be useful for better understanding of the autotrophic wastewater treatment systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:804–812. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ni, B-J, Rittmann, BE & Yu, H-Q 2011, 'Soluble microbial products and their implications in mixed culture biotechnology', Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 454-463.
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Ni, B-J, Ruscalleda, M, Pellicer-Nàcher, C & Smets, BF 2011, 'Modeling Nitrous Oxide Production during Biological Nitrogen Removal via Nitrification and Denitrification: Extensions to the General ASM Models', Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 45, no. 18, pp. 7768-7776.
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Ni, B-J, Sheng, G-P & Yu, H-Q 2011, 'Model-based characterization of endogenous maintenance, cell death and predation processes of activated sludge in sequencing batch reactors', Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 747-754.
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Ni, W, Chen, Z, Suzuki, H & Collings, IB 2011, 'On the Performance of Semi-Orthogonal User Selection with Limited Feedback', IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 1359-1361.
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Oberst, S & Lai, JCS 2011, 'Chaos in brake squeal noise', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 330, no. 5, pp. 955-975.
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Oberst, S & Lai, JCS 2011, 'Statistical analysis of brake squeal noise', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 330, no. 12, pp. 2978-2994.
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Ocko, SA, Chen, X, Zeng, B, Yoshida, B, Ji, Z, Ruskai, MB & Chuang, IL 2011, 'Quantum Codes Give Counterexamples to the Unique Preimage Conjecture of theN-Representability Problem', Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, no. 11.
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O'Dowd, BF, Ji, X, Alijaniaram, M, Nguyen, T & George, SR 2011, 'Separation and reformation of cell surface dopamine receptor oligomers visualized in cells', European Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 658, no. 2-3, pp. 74-83.
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Oh, H-J & Pradhan, B 2011, 'Application of a neuro-fuzzy model to landslide-susceptibility mapping for shallow landslides in a tropical hilly area', Computers & Geosciences, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1264-1276.
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Okour, Y, Shon, HK, Liu, H, Kim, JB & Kim, JH 2011, 'Seasonal variation in the properties of titania photocatalysts produced from Ti-salt flocculated bioresource sludge', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5545-5549.
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Ti-salt flocculation of biologically treated sewage effluent (BTSE) was carried out on monthly basis during one year to trace the seasonal variation in the properties of BTSE, Ti-salt flocculated BTSE and titania photocatalysts. Titania photocatalysts were produced from incineration of Ti-salt flocculated sludge at 600 °C. The physio-chemical properties of BTSE, Ti-salt flocculated BTSE and titania photocatalysts were investigated. The photocatalytic activity of titania was examined using different substrates of rhodamine B and humic acid under UV light irradiation. Results indicated that the flocculation performance of Ti-salt was not affected by the seasonal variation of BTSE. BTSE characteristics resulted in marginal effect in titania characterisation and photocatalytic activity. Titania photocatalysts produced from Ti-salt flocculated sludge in different seasons showed constant anatase phase, high BET surface area and high photocatalytic activity.
Ong, HC, Mahlia, TMI & Masjuki, HH 2011, 'A review on emissions and mitigation strategies for road transport in Malaysia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 3516-3522.
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Ong, HC, Mahlia, TMI & Masjuki, HH 2011, 'A review on energy scenario and sustainable energy in Malaysia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 639-647.
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Ong, HC, Mahlia, TMI, Masjuki, HH & Norhasyima, RS 2011, 'Comparison of palm oil, Jatropha curcas and Calophyllum inophyllum for biodiesel: A review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 3501-3515.
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Otoom, AF, Gunes, H, Concha, OP & Piccardi, M 2011, 'MLiT: mixtures of Gaussians under linear transformations', PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 193-205.
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The curse of dimensionality hinders the effectiveness of density estimation in high dimensional spaces. Many techniques have been proposed in the past to discover embedded, locally linear manifolds of lower dimensionality, including the mixture of principal component analyzers, the mixture of probabilistic principal component analyzers and the mixture of factor analyzers. In this paper, we propose a novel mixture model for reducing dimensionality based on a linear transformation which is not restricted to be orthogonal nor aligned along the principal directions. For experimental validation, we have used the proposed model for classification of five 'hard' data sets and compared its accuracy with that of other popular classifiers. The performance of the proposed method has outperformed that of the mixture of probabilistic principal component analyzers on four out of the five compared data sets with improvements ranging from 0. 5 to 3.2%. Moreover, on all data sets, the accuracy achieved by the proposed method outperformed that of the Gaussian mixture model with improvements ranging from 0.2 to 3.4%. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
Pan, HH, Wang, ZK, Lim, HS, Ng, SC, Zhang, VL, Kuok, MH, Tran, TT & Lu, XM 2011, 'Hypersonic confined eigenvibrations of gold nano-octahedra', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, no. 13, pp. 133123-133123.
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The size-dependence of the vibrational mode frequencies of octahedron-shaped gold nanocrystals has been measured by micro-Brillouin spectroscopy. A finite element analysis reveals that the nine well-resolved peaks observed are due to confined acoustic modes with each peak arising from more than one mode. The elastic constants of the nanocrystals are found to be comparable to those of bulk gold crystals. Findings suggest that the eigenfrequencies of any free regular-shaped homogeneous object always scale with its inverse linear dimension. Additionally, this universal relationship is valid for such objects of any size in the classical regime and is independent of elastic properties.
Pan, SJ, Tsang, IW, Kwok, JT & Yang, Q 2011, 'Domain Adaptation via Transfer Component Analysis', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 199-210.
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Domain adaptation allows knowledge from a source domain to be transferred to a different but related target domain. Intuitively, discovering a good feature representation across domains is crucial. In this paper, we first propose to find such a representation through a new learning method, transfer component analysis (TCA), for domain adaptation. TCA tries to learn some transfer components across domains in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space using maximum mean miscrepancy. In the subspace spanned by these transfer components, data properties are preserved and data distributions in different domains are close to each other. As a result, with the new representations in this subspace, we can apply standard machine learning methods to train classifiers or regression models in the source domain for use in the target domain. Furthermore, in order to uncover the knowledge hidden in the relations between the data labels from the source and target domains, we extend TCA in a semisupervised learning setting, which encodes label information into transfer components learning. We call this extension semisupervised TCA. The main contribution of our work is that we propose a novel dimensionality reduction framework for reducing the distance between domains in a latent space for domain adaptation. We propose both unsupervised and semisupervised feature extraction approaches, which can dramatically reduce the distance between domain distributions by projecting data onto the learned transfer components. Finally, our approach can handle large datasets and naturally lead to out-of-sample generalization. The effectiveness and efficiency of our approach are verified by experiments on five toy datasets and two real-world applications: cross-domain indoor WiFi localization and cross-domain text classification. © 2010 IEEE.
Panozzo, D, Puppo, E, Tarini, M, Pietroni, N & Cignoni, P 2011, 'Automatic Construction of Quad-Based Subdivision Surfaces Using Fitmaps.', IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 17, pp. 1510-1520.
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Park, C-H, Tijing, LD, Yun, Y & Kim, CS 2011, 'A novel electrical potential sensing method for in vitro stent fracture monitoring and detection', Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 213-222.
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This article describes a preliminary investigation and prototype fabrication of a novel potential sensing method to continuously monitor vascular stent fractures. A potential measurement system consisting of Wheatstone bridge circuit and signal conditioning circuit was designed for the cardiovascular stent durability and fatigue test. Each end of a bare and polyurethane-covered Nitinol vascular stent was electrically connected to the potential measurement system and then immersed either in simulated body fluid (SBF) media or distilled water at 36.4 ± 1 °C. When the stent experienced fracture (i.e., a cut), its electrical potential decreased with an increase in electrical resistance. This method successfully measured fractures in the stent regardless of location. Furthermore, the number of cycles at the onset of stent fracture was accurately detected and continuously monitored using this technique. Thus, the present fracture detection method, which to our knowledge is the first ever report to use electrical potential measurement for stent durability test, gives a fast, real-time, accurate and efficient detection of fractures in stent during in vitro fatigue and durability test.
PARVIN, S, HUSSAIN, FK, HAN, S & HUSSAIN, OK 2011, 'TRUST-BASED SPECTRUM SHARING FOR COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS', Journal of Interconnection Networks, vol. 12, no. 03, pp. 155-171.
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Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) is a promising technology which deals with shared spectrum access and usage in order to improve the utilization of limited radio spectrum resources for future wireless communications and mobile computing. Security becomes a very challenging issue in CRNs as different types of attacks are very common to cognitive radio technology compared to general wireless networks. The proper working of cognitive radio and the functionality of CRNs relies on the compliant behaviour of the secondary user. In order to address this issue, we propose two approaches in this paper. Firstly, we propose a trust aware model to authenticate the secondary users of CRNs which offers a reliable technique to provide a security-conscious decision by using trust evaluation for CRNs. Secondly, we propose an analytical model for analyzing the availability of spectrum in CRNs using a stochastic approach. We have modeled and analyzed the availability of free spectrum for the usage of secondary users by adopting different activities in a spectrum management scheme to improve the spectrum availability in CRNs.
Paul, G, Webb, S, Liu, D & Dissanayake, G 2011, 'Autonomous robot manipulator-based exploration and mapping system for bridge maintenance', ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, vol. 59, no. 7-8, pp. 543-554.
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This paper presents a system for Autonomous eXploration to Build A Map (AXBAM) of an unknown, 3D complex steel bridge structure using a 6 degree-of-freedom anthropomorphic robot manipulator instrumented with a laser range scanner. The proposed algorithm considers the trade-off between the predicted environment information gain available from a sensing viewpoint and the manipulator joint angle changes required to position a sensor at that viewpoint, and then obtains collision-free paths through safe, previously explored regions. Information gathered from multiple viewpoints is fused to achieve a detailed 3D map. Experimental results show that the AXBAM system explores and builds quality maps of complex unknown regions in a consistent and timely manner. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peng, D, Xiang, Y, Yi, Z & Yu, S 2011, 'CM-Based Blind Equalization of Time-Varying SIMO-FIR Channel With Single Pulsation Estimation', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2410-2415.
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Perkins, AD, Waldron, KJ & Csonka, PJ 2011, 'Heuristic control of bipedal running: steady-state and accelerated', ROBOTICA, vol. 29, pp. 939-947.
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Pettigrew, L & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Aqueous cleaning of manufactured parts/components: establishing the role of solution quality', International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, vol. 2, no. 2/3, pp. 127-127.
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Parts cleaning has gradually replaced solvent based cleaning during the manufacturing of parts and in maintenance workshop as a much more sustainable and cost benefit technology. In this study, the performance of aqueous parts cleaning was evaluated using two industrial parts cleaning systems. One system was equipped with a microfilter and oil skimmer to prolong the cleaning solution lifetime and the other was a generic parts cleaning system, which was not equipped with any contaminant control devices. It appears that aqueous parts cleaning could offer a high degree of cleanliness suitable for most typical maintenance workshops. However, the cleaning equipment used was critical to successful aqueous cleaning. The use of a microfilter and oil skimmer can reduce the amount of residuals left on parts and significantly extend solution life. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Pham, TQ, Perry, SW, Fletcher, PA & Ashman, RA 2011, 'Paper fingerprinting using alpha-masked image matching', IET Computer Vision, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 232-243.
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Pham, TT, Nguyen, HH & Tuan, HD 2011, 'Beamforming in Nonorthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1258-1263.
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This paper considers wireless amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks in which the source communicates with the relays and destination in the first phase and the relays simultaneously forward signals to the destination in the second phase over uncorrelat
Pham, TTN, Ngo, HH, Guo, W, Dang, HPD, Mainali, B, Johnston, A & Listowski, A 2011, 'Responses of community to the possible use of recycled water for washing machines: A case study in Sydney, Australia', RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 535-540.
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Recycled water is a valuable resource that has potential to free up potable water supplies and recharge systems while improving the environment. Recycled water for washing machine could be one of the options as new end use of recycled water to alleviate the demand on existing and limited water supplies. This paper summarizes the findings of a research survey in Sydney, Australia to explore the attitudes and opinions of community towards the use of recycled water for different purposes, especially for the washing machine. The survey showed that 97% of the respondents were aware of the persisting water shortage problem while more than 60% of the respondents supported the use of recycled water for washing clothes. This paper exposes the basic concern of participants for using recycled water in washing machine. Health issue was found as the most concerns of the community. The survey also presents the further conditions to be considered for using recycled water for washing machine according to the participants' opinions. Correlation between knowledge and attitudes of respondents was also found in this survey.
Phuntsho, S, Listowski, A, Shon, HK, Le-Clech, P & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Membrane autopsy of a 10 year old hollow fibre membrane from Sydney Olympic Park water reclamation plant', DESALINATION, vol. 271, no. 1-3, pp. 241-247.
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Membrane autopsy was performed for a 10. year old polypropylene (PP) hollow fibre microfiltration membrane from Sydney Olympic Park water reclamation plant. The properties of the membrane were studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging, contact angle, bubble test, thermogravimetric analysis, tensile strength test and functional group. The old and fouled membrane exhibited a significant difference in surface properties and material strength in comparison to the virgin membrane. The old and fouled membrane surface is less hydrophilic and less negatively charged indicating that aged membrane is more vulnerable to fouling than virgin membrane. The fibre material of the old fouled membrane appears less flexible and brittle. Foulant analysis indicated that major components of the metallic elements were silicon and calcium. The dissolved organic matter was mainly composed of biopolymers (hydrophilic) and humic substances (hydrophobic). © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Phuntsho, S, Shon, HK, Hong, S, Lee, S & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'A novel low energy fertilizer driven forward osmosis desalination for direct fertigation: Evaluating the performance of fertilizer draw solutions', JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, vol. 375, no. 1-2, pp. 172-181.
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Forward osmosis (FO) is a novel and emerging low energy technology for desalination. It will be particularly more attractive, if the draw solution separation and recovery are not necessary after FO process. The application of this new concept is briefly described here in this paper for the desalination of saline water for irrigation, using fertilizer as a draw agent. Instead of separating the draw solution from desalinated water, the diluted fertilizer draw solution can be directly applied for fertigation. We report the results on the commonly used chemical fertilizers as FO draw solution. Based on the currently available FO technology, about nine different commonly used fertilizers were finally screened from a comprehensive list of fertilizers and, their performances were assessed in terms of pure water flux and reverse draw solute flux. These results indicate that, most soluble fertilizers can generate osmotic potential much higher than the sea water. The draw solutions of KCl, NaNO3 and KNO3 performed best in terms of water flux while NH4H2PO4, (NH4)2HPO4, Ca(NO3)2 and (NH4)2SO4 had the lowest reverse solute flux. Initial estimation indicates that, 1kg of fertilizer can extract water ranging from 11 to 29L from sea water. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Phuntsho, S, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S & Cho, J 2011, 'Assessing membrane fouling potential of humic acid using flow field-flow fractionation', JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, vol. 373, no. 1-2, pp. 64-73.
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Flow field-flow fractionation (FlFFF), although a separation technique, has many similarities with the crossflow membrane filtration system, thereby making it an ideal tool for studying membrane fouling. This study reports the assessment of the fouling potential of humic acid on ultrafiltration membrane using asymmetrical FlFFF. The fouling potential of organic matter was assessed by quantifying the reversible and irreversible adsorption of humic acid on the membrane through analysis of FlFFF fractogram. A strong correlation was observed between the reversible/irreversible adsorption data analysed and the membrane fouling potential. This assessment was further complimented by moment analysis results in order to interpret the fouling potential of humic acid. However, further researches are necessary before this approach can serve as an alternative index for measuring membrane fouling propensity. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Pietroni, N, Corsini, M, Cignoni, P & Scopigno, R 2011, 'An Interactive Local Flattening Operator to Support Digital Investigations on Artwork Surfaces.', IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 17, pp. 1989-1996.
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Pietroni, N, Tarini, M, Sorkine, O & Zorin, D 2011, 'Global parametrization of range image sets', ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1-10.
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We present a method to globally parameterize a surface represented by height maps over a set of planes (range images). In contrast to other parametrization techniques, we do not start with a manifold mesh. The parametrization we compute defines a manifold structure, it is seamless and globally smooth, can be aligned to geometric features and shows good quality in terms of angle and area preservation, comparable to current parametrization techniques for meshes. Computing such global seamless parametrization makes it possible to perform quad remeshing, texture mapping and texture synthesis and many other types of geometry processing operations. Our approach is based on a formulation of the Poisson equation on a manifold structure defined for the surface by the range images. Construction of such global parametrization requires only a way to project surface data onto a set of planes, and can be applied directly to implicit surfaces, nonmanifold surfaces, very large meshes, and collections of range scans. We demonstrate application of our technique to all these geometry types.
Pirasteh, S, Pradhan, B & Rizvi, SM 2011, 'Tectonic process analysis in Zagros Mountain with the aid of drainage networks and topography maps dated 1950–2001 in GIS', Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 171-180.
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Pirasteh, S, Pradhan, B & Rizvi, SM 2011, 'تحليل الحركات الزلزالية و العمليات التكتونيه لجبال زاجروس في جنوب إيران بأستحدام و تحليل خرائط متعددة زمنيا لاتجاهات ومسارات المجاري المائية الطبيعية والأنهار منذ العام-2001 في بيئيه نظم المعلومات الجغرافية', Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 171.
Pongchaiyakul, C, Kotruchin, P, Wanothayaroj, E & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'An innovative prognostic model for predicting diabetes risk in the Thai population', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 193-198.
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Objective: To estimate the prevalence and type 2 diabetes, and to develop a prognostic model for identifying individuals at high risk of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Research design and methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional investigation with 4314 participants of Thai background, aged between 15 and 85 years (mean age: 48). Fasting plasma glucose was initially measured, and repeated if the first measurement was more than 126 mg/dl. Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed using the World Health Organizations criteria. Logistic regression model was used to develop prognostic models for men and women separately. The prognostic performance of the model was assessed by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and a nomogram was constructed from the logistic regression model. Results: The overall prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 7.4% (n = 125/1693) in men and 3.4% (n = 98/2621) in women. In either gender, the prevalence increased with age and body mass index (BMI). Gender, age, BMI and systolic blood pressure (SBP) were independently associated with type 2 diabetes risk. Based on the estimated parameters of model, a nomogram was constructed for predicting diabetes separated by gender. The AUC for the model with 3 factors was 0.75. Conclusions: These data suggest that the combination of age, BMI and systolic blood pressure could help identify Thai individuals at high risk of undiagnosed diabetes.
Pradhan, B 2011, 'An Assessment of the Use of an Advanced Neural Network Model with Five Different Training Strategies for the Preparation of Landslide Susceptibility Maps', Journal of Data Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 65-81.
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Pradhan, B 2011, 'Hydro-Chemical Analysis of the Ground Water of the Basaltic Catchments: Upper Bhatsai Region, Maharastra', The Open Hydrology Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 51-57.
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Pradhan, B 2011, 'Manifestation of an advanced fuzzy logic model coupled with Geo-information techniques to landslide susceptibility mapping and their comparison with logistic regression modelling', Environmental and Ecological Statistics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 471-493.
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Pradhan, B 2011, 'Use of GIS-based fuzzy logic relations and its cross application to produce landslide susceptibility maps in three test areas in Malaysia', Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 329-349.
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Pradhan, B & Youssef, AM 2011, 'A 100-year maximum flood susceptibility mapping using integrated hydrological and hydrodynamic models: Kelantan River Corridor, Malaysia', Journal of Flood Risk Management, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 189-202.
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Pradhan, B, Mansor, S, Pirasteh, S & Buchroithner, MF 2011, 'Landslide hazard and risk analyses at a landslide prone catchment area using statistical based geospatial model', International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 32, no. 14, pp. 4075-4087.
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Pradhan, M, Aryal, R, Vigneswaran, S & Kandasamy, J 2011, 'Application of air flow for mitigation of particle deposition in submerged membrane microfiltration', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 201-207.
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This study investigates the effect of microfiltration operating conditions on membrane fouling of colloidal particles of kaolin clay. Experiments were conducted with a flat sheet membrane submerged in a suspension prepared from kaolin clay powder of size varying from 0.1 to 4 mm (Sigma) with a mean particle size 2.10 mm. The particle size distribution of clay was unimodal and the concentration of kaolin clay was similar to the biomass concentration in a membrane bioreactor (10 g/L). The effects of scouring and permeate flux rates were studied in terms of the membrane fouling rate. A linear relationship between the transmembrane pressure (TMP) and particle deposition was established for different air flow rates and permeate flow rates. Air scouring was more effective at a low permeate flux. There was only a minor change in the mean particle size of deposited colloidal particles on the membrane at a given flux under varying air flows and at the beginning all had a similar rise in TMP. However, at the later stages as particles accumulated on the membrane surface there was a significant rise in TMP. 15 LMH flux was observed as critical flux beyond which a rise in the permeate flux showed a sharp rise in the TMP which varied with air flow rates and particle deposition. The sharp TMP rise that occurred during the initial few hours of operation indicated that air flow for fouling mitigation strategies should target this period to optimise the membrane process. The study showed that air flow and flux rates are the two major governing factors for particle deposition on the membrane surface.
Purba, JH, Lu, J, Zhang, G & Ruan, D 2011, 'Failure possibilities for nuclear safety assessment by fault tree analysis', International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 162-162.
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Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a deductive tool to assess the safety of nuclear power plants. This analysis can only be implemented if all basic events in the tree have their corresponding failure rates. Therefore, safety analysts have to provide those failure rates well in advance. However, it is often difficult to obtain those failure rates due to insufficient data, changing environment or new components. This paper proposes a failure possibility based FTA approach to overcome the limitation of the conventional FTA for nuclear safety assessment. It utilises the concept of failure possibilities to evaluate basic event failure without historical data, fuzzy numbers to map component failure possibilities into mathematical form and defuzzification algorithms to convert fuzzy numbers into component failure rates. A case study on evaluating a typical high pressure core spray system of a boiling water reactor illustrates the applicability of the proposed approach.
Qin, L, Yu, JX & Chang, L 2011, 'Scalable keyword search on large data streams.', VLDB J., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 35-57.
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It is widely recognized that the integration of information retrieval (IR) and database (DB) techniques provides users with a broad range of high quality services. Along this direction, IR-styled m-keyword query processing over a relational database in an rdbms framework has been well studied. It finds all hidden interconnected tuple structures, for example connected trees that contain keywords and are interconnected by sequences of primary/foreign key relationships among tuples. A new challenging issue is how to monitor events that are implicitly interrelated over an open-ended relational data stream for a user-given m-keyword query. Such a relational data stream is a sequence of tuple insertion/deletion operations. The difficulty of the problem is related to the number of costly joins to be processed over time when tuples are inserted and/or deleted. Such cost is mainly affected by three parameters, namely, the number of keywords, the maximum size of interconnected tuple structures, and the complexity of the database schema when it is viewed as a schema graph. In this paper, we propose new approaches. First, we propose a novel algorithm to efficiently determine all the joins that need to be processed for answering an m-keyword query. Second, we propose a new demand-driven approach to process such a query over a high speed relational data stream. We show that we can achieve high efficiency by significantly reducing the number of intermediate results when processing joins over a relational data stream. The proposed new techniques allow us to achieve high scalability in terms of both query plan generation and query plan execution. We conducted extensive experimental studies using synthetic data and real data to simulate a relational data stream. Our approach significantly outperforms existing algorithms. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Qin, P-Y, Guo, YJ, Cai, Y, Dutkiewicz, E & Liang, C-H 2011, 'A Reconfigurable Antenna With Frequency and Polarization Agility', IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, vol. 10, pp. 1373-1376.
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A new antenna with both frequency and polarization reconfigurability is presented. The antenna consists of a square microstrip patch with a single probe feed located along the diagonal line. The center of each edge of the patch is connected to a shorting post via a p-i-n diode for polarization switching and two varactor diodes for frequency tuning. By switching between the different states of the p-i-n diodes, the proposed antenna can produce radiation patterns with horizontal, vertical, or 45° linear polarization. By varying the dc bias voltage, the operating frequency of each polarization of the antenna can be independently tuned. The frequency tuning range is from 1.35 to 2.25 GHz (|S11| <; -10 dB) for either horizontal or vertical polarization and from 1.35 to 1.9 GHz for the 45° linear polarization. Measured results on frequency tuning ranges and radiation patterns agree well with numerical simulations.
Rahman, BMA, Uthman, M, Kejalakshmy, N, Agrawal, A & Grattan, KTV 2011, 'Design of bent photonic crystal fiber supporting a single polarization', Applied Optics, vol. 50, no. 35, pp. 6505-6505.
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Rahman, MM, Billah, MM, Rahman, ATMM, Kalam, MA & Ahsan, A 2011, 'Numerical investigation of heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids in an inclined lid-driven triangular enclosure', International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1360-1367.
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Rajab, JM, Jafri, MZM, Lim, HS & Abdullah, K 2011, 'Monthly Distribution Map of Carbon Monoxide (CO) from AIRS over Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak for the year 2003', PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 19, pp. 89-96.
Ranga, Y, Matekovits, L, Esselle, KP & Weily, AR 2011, 'Multioctave Frequency Selective Surface Reflector for Ultrawideband Antennas', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 219-222.
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In this letter, we demonstrate the gain enhancement of an ultrawideband (UWB) antenna, achieved using an appropriately designed multioctave dual-layer frequency selective surface (FSS) reflector. The proposed novel FSS reflects effectively in phase over a bandwidth of about 120%. Hence, significant enhancement in antenna gain has been achieved with a low-profile configuration without compromising the impedance bandwidth of the UWB antenna. The proposed FSS reflector has a low transmission coefficient and linearly decreasing phase over an ultra-wide frequency band, which is the key requirement for providing an effectively in-phase reflection at the antenna plane. The composite structure is compact, with a total height of λ/4, where λ is the free-space wavelength at the lowest operating frequency of 3 GHz. Experimental results show an impedance bandwidth of 122%. The antenna gain is maintained around 7.5 dBi from 3 to 7 GHz. Between 714 GHz, the antenna is more directie with a gain of about 9 dBi with ± 0.5 dB variation. Experimental measurements confirm the predicted wideband antenna performance and gain enhancement due to the FSS reflector. © 2011 IEEE.
Raza, M, Hussain, OK, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2011, 'Maturity, distance and density (MD2) metrics for optimizing trust prediction for business intelligence', JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 285-300.
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The modelling and management of trust between interacting parties are crucial parts of the overall business intelligence strategy for any organization. Predicting trust values is a key element of modelling and managing trust. It is of critical importance when the interaction is to be conducted at a future point in time. In the existing body of work, there are a few approaches for predicting trust. However, none of these approaches proposes a framework or methodology by which the predicted trust value can be considered in light of its accuracy or confidence level. This is a key element in order to ensure optimized trust prediction. In this paper, we propose a methodology to address this critical issue. The methodology comprises a suite of metricsmaturity, distance and density (MD2) which are capable of capturing various aspects of the confidence level in the predicted trust value. The proposed methodology is exemplified with the help of case studies.
Regmi, G, Indraratna, B, Nghiem, LD & Banasiak, L 2011, 'Evaluating waste concrete for the treatment of acid sulphate soil groundwater from coastal floodplains', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 126-132.
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Regmi, G, Indraratna, B, Nghiem, LD, Golab, A & Prasad, BG 2011, 'Treatment of Acidic Groundwater in Acid Sulfate Soil Terrain Using Recycled Concrete: Column Experiments', Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 137, no. 6, pp. 433-443.
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Rogner, HH, Sharma, D & Jalal, AI 2011, 'Greenhous gas emissions and electricity generation technologies: Some emerging trends', International Energy Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 201-218.
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This paper develops - for a select, yet significant group of countries - a panoramic overview of the changes in the electricity generation technology-fuel-mix, in the backdrop of emerging concerns about global warming and the contribution of the electricity industry to such warming. This overview is based on extended case studies developed by individual country experts, as part of a research project undertaken under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency (United Nations). Each case study essentially employs a technological optimization model (for example, MESSAGE), driven by a range of scenarios that reflect the technological, economic and policy positions under consideration by various countries. The results of such studies are then contextualized in this paper, and supplemented with additional analyses, in order to draw broader inferences. The analyses suggests that over the next twenty years or so, there is likely to be a significant transformation in the electricity technology (fuel) landscapes across all countries, especially the BRIC group of countries. Broad contours of such a transformation are likely to include continuing dominance by thermal electricity especially coal; increased gas-based capacity, yet lower than expected share of gas-based electricity due mainly to its appropriateness as a peaking fuel - thus raising questions about the 'dash-for-gas' argument; small yet noticeable decline in the share of hydroelectricity, suggesting continuing influence of environmental considerations of large hydro-electric projects and the conflicts between the use of water resources for irrigation and electricity generation; rapid increase of nuclear-based capacity and generation, reflecting its appropriateness as a reliable base-load source of electricity in a carbon constrained world; and the lower than expected contribution from small-scale renewable technologies, due to the intermittency of their availability, and the historic institutio...
Roohani-Esfahani, S-I, Lu, Z & Zreiqat, H 2011, 'Novel, simple and reproducible method for preparation of composite hierarchal porous structure scaffolds', Materials Letters, vol. 65, no. 17-18, pp. 2578-2581.
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Roohani-Esfahani, SI, Nouri-Khorasani, S, Lu, ZF, Appleyard, RC & Zreiqat, H 2011, 'Effects of bioactive glass nanoparticles on the mechanical and biological behavior of composite coated scaffolds', Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1307-1318.
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Ruta, D, Gabrys, B & Lemke, C 2011, 'A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 350-359.
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Ruzinoor, CM, Shariff, ARM, Mahmud, AR & Pradhan, B 2011, 'Online 3D Terrain Visualization: Implementation and Testing', Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 18, pp. 3247-3257.
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Sabbagh, AA, Braun, R & Abolhasan, M 2011, 'A comprehensive survey on rat selection algorithms for heterogeneous networks', World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 73, pp. 141-145.
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Due to the coexistence of different Radio Access Technologies (RATs), Next Generation Wireless Networks (NGWN) are predicted to be heterogeneous in nature. The coexistence of different RATs requires a need for Common Radio Resource Management (CRRM) to support the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) and the efficient utilization of radio resources. RAT selection algorithms are part of the CRRM algorithms. Simply, their role is to verify if an incoming call will be suitable to fit into a heterogeneous wireless network, and to decide which of the available RATs is most suitable to fit the need of the incoming call and admit it. Guaranteeing the requirements of QoS for all accepted calls and at the same time being able to provide the most efficient utilization of the available radio resources is the goal of RAT selection algorithm. The normal call admission control algorithms are designed for homogeneous wireless networks and they do not provide a solution to fit a heterogeneous wireless network which represents the NGWN. Therefore, there is a need to develop RAT selection algorithm for heterogeneous wireless network. In this paper, we propose an approach for RAT selection which includes receiving different criteria, assessing and making decisions, then selecting the most suitable RAT for incoming calls. A comprehensive survey of different RAT selection algorithms for a heterogeneous wireless network is studied.
Sadat Hosseini, SS, Jafarnejad, A, Behrooz, AH & Gandomi, AH 2011, 'Combined heat and power economic dispatch by mesh adaptive direct search algorithm', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 6556-6564.
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Saha, S, Hussein, AK, Saha, G & Hussain, SH 2011, 'Mixed convection in a tilted lid-driven square enclosure with adiabatic cylinder at the center', International Journal of Heat and Technology, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 143-156.
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The problem of two-dimensional laminer mixed convection in a tilted lid-driven square enclosure in the presence of adiabatic cylinder at the center is formulated and studied numerically using the combined finite element method. In the present investigation, parametric studies are carried out for the variation of the inclination angles and Richardson numbers, while keeping Reynolds number equal to 100 and Prandtl number equal to 0.71 for the air. Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics via streamlines, isotherms and average Nusselt number are also presented. The results indicate that for all Richardson numbers considered in the present study, the flow and thermal fields eventually reach the steady state with the symmetric shape about the vertical centerline through the center of the inner circular cylinder. It is also observed that the inclination angle of the enclosure is an important parameter affecting the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics.
Saha, SC 2011, 'Scaling of free convection heat transfer in a triangular cavity for Pr> 1', Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 2908-2917.
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Saha, SC 2011, 'Unsteady natural convection in a triangular enclosure under isothermal heating', Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 2-3, pp. 695-703.
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Saha, SC & Gu, YT 2011, 'Free convection in a triangular enclosure with fluid-saturated porous medium and internal heat generation', ANZIAM Journal, vol. 52, pp. 127-127.
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Saha, SC & Gu, YT 2011, 'Natural convection in a triangular enclosure due to non-uniform cooling on top', ANZIAM Journal, vol. 52, pp. 53-53.
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Saha, SC & Gu, YT 2011, 'Prandtl number scaling of natural convection of an inclined flat plate due to uniform surface heat flux', ANZIAM Journal, vol. 53, pp. 387-387.
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Saha, SC & Gu, YT 2011, 'Prandtl number scaling of natural convection of the flow on a heated inclined at plate', ANZIAM Journal, vol. 53, no. SUPPL.
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A new scaling analysis has been performed for the unsteady natural convection boundary layer under a downward facing inclined plate with uniform heat flux. The development of the thermal or viscous boundary layers is classified into three distinct stages including an early stage, a transitional stage and a steady stage, which is clearly identified in the analytical as well as in numerical results. Earlier scaling shows that the existing scaling laws of the boundary layer thickness, velocity and steady state time scales for the natural convection flow on a heated plate of uniform heat flux provide a very poor prediction of the Prandtl number dependency. However, those scalings performed very well with Rayleigh number and aspect ratio dependency. In this study, a modified Prandtl number scaling is developed using a triple-layer integral approach for Prandtl number larger than unity. In comparison to the direct numerical simulations, the new scaling performs considerably better than the previous scaling. © Austral. Mathematical Soc. 2012.
Saha, SC & Khan, MMK 2011, 'A review of natural convection and heat transfer in attic-shaped space', Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 2564-2571.
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Saha, SC, Patterson, JC & Lei, C 2011, 'Scaling of Natural Convection of an Inclined Flat Plate: Sudden Cooling Condition', Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 133, no. 4.
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The natural convection boundary layer adjacent to an inclined plate subject to sudden cooling boundary condition has been studied. It is found that the cold boundary layer adjacent to the plate is potentially unstable to Rayleigh–Bénard instability if the Rayleigh number exceeds a certain critical value. A scaling relation for the onset of instability of the boundary layer is achieved. The scaling relations have been developed by equating important terms of the governing equations based on the development of the boundary layer with time. The flow adjacent to the plate can be classified broadly into a conductive, a stable convective, or an unstable convective regime determined by the Rayleigh number. Proper scales have been established to quantify the flow properties in each of these flow regimes. An appropriate identification of the time when the instability may set in is discussed. A numerical verification of the time for the onset of instability is also presented in this study. Different flow regimes based on the stability of the boundary layer have been discussed with numerical results.
Saha, SC, Xu, F & Mamun Molla, M 2011, 'Scaling Analysis of the Unsteady Natural Convection Boundary Layer Adjacent to an Inclined Plate for Pr > 1 Following Instantaneous Heating', Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 133, no. 11.
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The unsteady natural convection boundary layer adjacent to an instantaneously heated inclined plate is investigated using an improved scaling analysis and direct numerical simulations. The development of the unsteady natural convection boundary layer following instantaneous heating may be classified into three distinct stages including a start-up stage, a transitional stage, and a steady state stage, which can be clearly identified in the analytical and numerical results. Major scaling relations of the velocity and thicknesses and the flow development time of the natural convection boundary layer are obtained using triple-layer integral solutions and verified by direct numerical simulations over a wide range of flow parameters.
Saidi Mehrabad, M, Anvari, M & Saberi, M 2011, 'Targeting performance measures based on performance prediction', International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 46-68.
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Purpose: This study aims to investigate the development of predictive tools in performance measurement and management (PMM), and modeling of a forward-looking method to help managers to quantitatively target performance measures based on achieving desired improvement, minimum cost and strategic priorities. Design/methodology/approach: A case-based methodology is used to test the conceptual approach in a production system. Mathematical models are used to model modules of the proposed approach. The proposed approach is applied to an actual conventional power plant unit to show its applicability and superiority over conventional methods. Findings: The developed system enables managers to develop systematic ways to manage future performance; for example, planning, performance forecasting and target setting. The predictive ability of the developed system is comparable with the judgment of the manager in the case company. Originality/value: This paper proposes the use of mathematical models in the development of performance measures targeted on performance prediction and desired improvement. The paper also offers practical help to organizations to embed a forward-looking capability into their operations. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Saidur, R & Mahlia, TMI 2011, 'Impacts of energy efficiency standard on motor energy savings and emission reductions', Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 103-109.
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Saidur, R, Hasanuzzaman, M, Mahlia, TMI, Rahim, NA & Mohammed, HA 2011, 'Chillers energy consumption, energy savings and emission analysis in an institutional buildings', Energy, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 5233-5238.
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Saidur, R, Mahlia, TMI & Hasanuzzaman, M 2011, 'Developing energy performance standard, label and test procedures and impacts analysis for commercial chillers', Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 175-190.
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Chillers consume a major share of total air conditioning energy use in commercial and industrial buildings for space conditioning to get thermal comfort for a country. Experiences from other countries show that government intervention in the form of regulations such as mandatory and voluntary approaches can save huge amount of energy along with the reduction of emissions associated with energy savings. In this paper, use of high efficient chillers to replace existing chillers to save energy have been quantified and presented. Emission reductions associated with the energy savings has been estimated and presented as well. Study also estimated the amount of avoided emissions along with the cost of avoided carbon. From the data analysis, it has been observed that energy efficient chillers can save huge amount of energy and utility bills. Based on review of international test standards, it has been found that ARI550/590 can be used for testing and rating of chillers energy performance. However, energy guide label is not suitable for information dissemination for chillers. Study estimated that 1688 MWh of energy and US$108,040 bill can be saved for using energy efficient chillers. © Sila Science.
Sambrook, PN, Flahive, J, Hooven, FH, Boonen, S, Chapurlat, R, Lindsay, R, Nguyen, TV, Díez-Perez, A, Pfeilschifter, J, Greenspan, SL, Hosmer, D, Netelenbos, JC, Adachi, JD, Watts, NB, Cooper, C, Roux, C, Rossini, M, Siris, ES, Silverman, S, Saag, KG, Compston, JE, LaCroix, A & Gehlbach, S 2011, 'Predicting fractures in an international cohort using risk factor algorithms without BMD', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 2770-2777.
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Abstract Clinical risk factors are associated with increased probability of fracture in postmenopausal women. We sought to compare prediction models using self-reported clinical risk factors, excluding BMD, to predict incident fracture among postmenopausal women. The GLOW study enrolled women aged 55 years or older from 723 primary-care practices in 10 countries. The population comprised 19,586 women aged 60 years or older who were not receiving antiosteoporosis medication and were followed annually for 2 years. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data on characteristics, fracture risk factors, previous fractures, and health status. The main outcome measure compares the C index for models using the WHO Fracture Risk (FRAX), the Garvan Fracture Risk Calculator (FRC), and a simple model using age and prior fracture. Over 2 years, 880 women reported incident fractures including 69 hip fractures, 468 “major fractures” (as defined by FRAX), and 583 “osteoporotic fractures” (as defined by FRC). Using baseline clinical risk factors, both FRAX and FRC showed a moderate ability to correctly order hip fracture times (C index for hip fracture 0.78 and 0.76, respectively). C indices for “major” and “osteoporotic” fractures showed lower values, at 0.61 and 0.64. Neither algorithm was better than the model based on age + fracture history alone (C index for hip fracture 0.78). In conclusion, estimation of fracture risk in an international primary-care population of postmenopausal women can be made using clinical risk factors alone without BMD. However, more sophisticated models incorporating multiple clinical risk factors including falls were not superior to more parsimonious models in predicting future fracture in this population. © 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Saminathan, S, Liu, H, Nguyen, TV & Vigneswaran, S 2011, 'Organic matter removal from biologically treated sewage effluent by flocculation and oxidation coupled with flocculation', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 133-137.
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Flocculation alone and flocculation coupled with oxidation process were used for removing organic matter from biologically treated sewage effluent. The performances of different flocculants such as ferric sulphate, ferric nitrate, ferric chloride, and aluminium sulphate were experimentally evaluated. Among the flocculants tested, ferric chloride was selected because of its highest dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal efficiency (67%) and the large size of the floc (mean size d(0.5) = 53.04 μm). The optimum dosage of FeCl3 was determined as 16 mg (Fe3+)/L. Different fractionation of organic matter before and after the flocculation process was analyzed. It was observed that FeCl3 could remove 90% of hydrophobic compounds and 61% of hydrophilic compounds. Oxidation process by Fenton reagent coupled with flocculation was also trialed. It is observed that DOC removal efficiency of Fenton reagent coupled with flocculation could reach 86%. The combination of flocculation and Fenton reagent increased the hydrophilic removal to 85%.
Sarker, L, Xiang, Y, Uy, B & Zhu, X 2011, 'Damage detection of circular cylindrical shells by Ritz method', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 305, pp. 012117-012117.
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Seely, AJE, Kauffman, SA, Bates, JHT, Macklem, PT, Suki, B, Marshall, JC, Batchinsky, AI, Perez-Velazquez, JL, Seiver, A, McGregor, C, Maksym, G, Kamath, MV, Similowski, T, Buchman, TG, Letellier, C, Filoche, M, Frasch, MG, Straus, C, Glass, L, Godin, PJ, Morris, JA, Sow, D, Nenadovic, V, Arnold, RC, Norris, P & Moorman, JR 2011, 'Proceedings from the Montebello Round Table Discussion. Second annual conference on Complexity and Variability discusses research that brings innovation to the bedside', Journal of Critical Care, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 325-327.
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Sezer, EA, Pradhan, B & Gokceoglu, C 2011, 'Manifestation of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy model on landslide susceptibility mapping: Klang valley, Malaysia', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 8208-8219.
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Shafie, SM, Mahlia, TMI, Masjuki, HH & Andriyana, A 2011, 'Current energy usage and sustainable energy in Malaysia: A review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 4370-4377.
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Shambour, Q & Lu, J 2011, 'A Hybrid Trust-Enhanced Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Approach for Personalized Government-to-Business e-Services', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 814-843.
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The information overload on the World Wide Web results in the underuse of some existing e-government services within the business domain. Small-to-medium businesses (SMBs), in particular, are seeking 'one-to-one'' e-services from government in current highly competitive markets, and there is an imperative need to develop Web personalization techniques to provide business users with information and services specific to their needs, rather than an undifferentiated mass of information. This paper focuses on how e-governments can support businesses on the problem of selecting a trustworthy business partner to perform reliable business transactions. In the business partner selection process, trust or reputation information is crucial and has significant influence on a business user's decision regarding whether or not to do business with other business entities. For this purpose, an intelligent trust-enhanced recommendation approach to provide personalized government-to-business (G2B) e-services, and in particular, business partner recommendation e-services for SMBs is proposed. Accordingly, in this paper, we develop (1) an implicit trust filtering recommendation approach and (2) an enhanced user-based collaborative filtering (CF) recommendation approach. To further exploit the advantages of the two proposed approaches, we develop (3) a hybrid trust-enhanced CF recommendation approach (TeCF) that integrates both the proposed implicit trust filtering and the enhanced user-based CF recommendation approaches. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, especially the hybrid TeCF recommendation approach in terms of improving accuracy, as well as in dealing with very sparse data sets and cold-start users. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Shane, DT, Rayhel, LH, Huang, Z, Zhao, J-C, Tang, X, Stavila, V & Conradi, MS 2011, 'Comprehensive NMR Study of Magnesium Borohydride', The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 7, pp. 3172-3177.
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Shannon, AG 2011, 'Reflections on some mathematical modeling in endocrinology', International Journal Bioautomation, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 183-200.
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This is an expository paper which explores a variety of epidemiological and other quantitative approaches to research in endocrinology. It is a sample of some of the projects in which the author and his colleagues, including doctoral students, have been involved over a number of years. The medical and mathematical theories have been tested on consenting patients in clinical environments.
Shannon, AG & Cook, CK 2011, 'Generalized fibonacci-feinberg sequences', Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang), vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 171-179.
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This paper considers some properties of types of recurrence relations which generalize the well-known Fibonacci, Pell and Feinberg sequences. Some of the properties are analogous to those of some of the special functions.
Shao, W, Bouzerdoum, A, Phung, SL, Su, L, Indraratna, B & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2011, 'Automatic Classification of Ground-Penetrating-Radar Signals for Railway-Ballast Assessment', IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 3961-3972.
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Sharma, G, Choi, J, Shon, HK & Phuntsho, S 2011, 'Solar-powered electrocoagulation system for water and wastewater treatment', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 381-388.
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The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of solar powered electrocoagulation (SPEC) for wastewater treatment using aluminium electrodes. Optimisation of various operating parameters such as pH, voltage/current, electrodes gap, pollutant concentration etc. were first performed using direct electrical current. SPEC reactor was designed by connecting with photovoltaic panel (PV) either directly or through a set of batteries and charge control system. SPEC process system was sensitive to variation of solar radiation when connected directly with PV panels. SPEC reactor operated for five different times in a day (4 April 2010) yielded highest organics removal of 85% for UV abs and turbidity removal of 87% at midday (10:00 AM-2:00 PM) under optimum operating conditions. Use of batteries and charge controller with PV panels provided more consistent and efficient performance for the SPEC reactor. The variation in organics and turbidity removal was within the range of 10% for experiments conducted on three different times in a day (9 April 2010) with highest removals at 10:30 AM in the morning. This study indicates that, SPEC is a potential alternative for small scale decentralised water and wastewater purification system. © 2011 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.
Sharma, G, Shon, HK, Aryal, R & Phuntsho, S 2011, 'Performance evaluation of microfiltration with electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation pretreatment', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 34, no. 1-3, pp. 141-149.
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One of the significant parameters to be considered for evaluating the process and economic viability of crosssflow microfiltration (MF) is flux stability. The MF economics are dependent on the flux decay through the membrane caused by membrane fouling. This work aims to evaluate the performance of MF by electro and chemical coagulation as pretreatments. The performance of MF was found to be sensitive to pH of feed solution, coagulant dosing and generation time. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) MF membrane of pore size 0.4 μm was used in this study. Without pretreatment normalised flux declined by 94% after 160 min of MF operation using model wastewater. However with pretreatments, the MF flux was significantly improved. The optimum performance for MF with both electro and chemical coagulation pretreatments occurred at isoelectric point where the highest removal of organic and turbidity was observed. With chemical coagulation under optimum conditions (30 mg/l alum dose and pH 6.5), MF did not experience any flux decline. MF performed better with chemical coagulation compared to electrocoagulation (EC). Also organic matter removal was found to be more for chemical coagulation than for EC. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Shekarchian, M, Moghavvemi, M, Mahlia, TMI & Mazandarani, A 2011, 'A review on the pattern of electricity generation and emission in Malaysia from 1976 to 2008', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 2629-2642.
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Shekarchian, M, Moghavvemi, M, Motasemi, F & Mahlia, TMI 2011, 'Energy savings and cost–benefit analysis of using compression and absorption chillers for air conditioners in Iran', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1950-1960.
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Sheng, D 2011, 'Review of fundamental principles in modelling unsaturated soil behaviour', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 757-776.
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Sheng, D & Zhou, A-N 2011, 'Coupling hydraulic with mechanical models for unsaturated soils', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 826-840.
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This paper presents an alternative method to couple the hydraulic component with the mechanical component in a constitutive model for unsaturated soils. Some pioneering work on hydromechanical coupling is reviewed. Generalized constitutive relations on coupled hydromechanical behaviour are introduced. These generalized constitutive relations are then incorporated into existing mechanical and hydraulic models for unsaturated soils. A new coupling mechanism is proposed based on the fact that soil-water characteristic equations are usually obtained for constant stress, not constant volume. The proposed coupling mechanism also satisfies the intrinsic relationship between the degree of saturation and the volumetric strain for undrained compression. Numerical examples are presented to show the performance of the proposed model in predicting soil behaviour along drying and loading paths. Finally, the model is validated against experimental data for different soils.
Sheng, D, Augarde, CE & Abbo, AJ 2011, 'A fast algorithm for finding the first intersection with a non-convex yield surface', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 465-471.
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Sheng, D, Zhou, A & Fredlund, DG 2011, 'Shear Strength Criteria for Unsaturated Soils', Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 145-159.
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Shear strength is one of the fundamental properties of unsaturated soils. It has been found to change with matric suction. Various shear strength equations have been proposed for predicting the shear strength versus suction relationship for unsaturated soils. Some of these equations are based on regression analysis of experimental data, while some are embodied in more complex stress-strain constitutive models. In this paper, a variety of shear strength equations are examined and compared with respect to their fit of experimental data. Data for specimens prepared from initially slurry conditions as well as data for initially compacted soil specimens are analysed. The advantages and limitations associated with various proposed shear strength equations are discussed in this paper. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Shon, HK, Okour, Y, El Saliby, I, Kim, JB & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Effect of Phosphorous on the Properties of Titania Produced from Ti-Salt Flocculated Sludge in Water Treatment', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 7456-7458.
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In this study, the removal of phosphorous (P) using Ti-salt flocculation of biologically treated sewage effluent (BTSE) was investigated for a year. The pH, alkalinity and concentration of P, before and after Ti-salt flocculation, were measured and compared. The sludge of Ti-salt flocculation was incinerated at 600 C to produce titania nanoparticles which found to be doped with P. Titania nanoparticles were characterised and their photocatalytic activity under UV light irradiation were also tested. Results indicated that the removal of P, which exceeded 97% in average, was not affected by the pH and the alkalinity of BTSE. The concentration of P in titania had no effect on the characteristics of titania nanoparticles in different seasons. Titania nanoparticles exhibited superior properties in terms of BET surface area and photocatalytic activity.
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, Kim, JB & Kim, JH 2011, 'Advanced characterization techniques of organic matter in aqueous solutions', Applied Chemistry for Engineering, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
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Water is the most precious resource to human being, but it is polluted by different organic compounds. Organic matter (OM) in aqeous solutions is one of the important parameters of concern for human and environmental impact, and thus, it is essential to better characterize specifically targeted organic matter in aggregated and individual level of concentrations. This review presents different analytical tools and protocols to investigate detailed properties and characterization. Physical, chemical and biological aspects of OM are envisaged in terms of traditional and advanced measurement methods.
Shooshtari, A, Kalhori, H & Masoodian, A 2011, 'Investigation for dimension effect on mechanical behavior of a metallic curved micro-cantilever beam', Measurement, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 454-465.
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Shutao Li, Mingkui Tan, Tsang, IW & Kwok, JT-Y 2011, 'A Hybrid PSO-BFGS Strategy for Global Optimization of Multimodal Functions', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1003-1014.
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Particle swarm optimizer (PSO) is a powerful optimization algorithm that has been applied to a variety of problems. It can, however, suffer from premature convergence and slow convergence rate. Motivated by these two problems, a hybrid global optimization strategy combining PSOs with a modified Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method is presented in this paper. The modified BFGS method is integrated into the context of the PSOs to improve the particles' local search ability. In addition, in conjunction with the territory technique, a reposition technique to maintain the diversity of particles is proposed to improve the global search ability of PSOs. One advantage of the hybrid strategy is that it can effectively find multiple local solutions or global solutions to the multimodal functions in a box-constrained space. Based on these local solutions, a reconstruction technique can be adopted to further estimate better solutions. The proposed method is compared with several recently developed optimization algorithms on a set of 20 standard benchmark problems. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can obtain high-quality solutions on multimodal function optimization problems. © 2011 IEEE.
Silitonga, AS, Atabani, AE, Mahlia, TMI & Sebayang, AH 2011, 'Techno-economic analysis and environmental impact of fuel economy labels for passenger cars in Indonesia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 5212-5217.
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Silitonga, AS, Atabani, AE, Mahlia, TMI, Masjuki, HH, Badruddin, IA & Mekhilef, S 2011, 'A review on prospect of Jatropha curcas for biodiesel in Indonesia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 3733-3756.
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Sim, K, Liu, G, Gopalkrishnan, V & Li, J 2011, 'A case study on financial ratios via cross-graph quasi-bicliques', Information Sciences, vol. 181, no. 1, pp. 201-216.
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Stocks with similar financial ratio values across years have similar price movements. We investigate this hypothesis by clustering groups of stocks that exhibit homogeneous financial ratio values across years, and then study their price movements. We propose using cross-graph quasi-biclique (CGQB) subgraphs to cluster stocks, as they can define the three dimensional (3D) subspaces of financial ratios that the stocks are homogeneous in across the years, and they can also handle missing values that are rampant in the stock data. Furthermore, investors can easily analyze these 3D subspaces to explore the relations between the stocks and financial ratios. We develop a novel algorithm, CGQBminer, which mines the complete set of CGQB subgraphs from the stock data. Through experimental analysis, we show that the hypothesis is valid. Furthermore, we demonstrate that having an investment strategy which uses groups of stocks mined by CGQB subgraphs have higher returns than one that does not. We also conducted an extensive performance analysis on CGQBminer, and show that it is efficient across different 3D datasets and parameter settings. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Simon, A, Price, W & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Implications of membrane fouling toward the removal of the pharmaceutical sulfamethoxazole by nanofiltration processes', Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 575-582.
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Singh, G, Kandasamy, J, Shon, HK & Cho, J 2011, 'Measuring treatment effectiveness of urban wetland using hybrid water quality - Artificial neural network (ANN) model', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 284-290.
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Constructed wetlands are now commonly used as tertiary treatment for urban stormwater. The wetlands have primary advantage over other forms of treatment as they remove dissolved organics and heavy metals in conjunction with other pollutants. The effectiveness of a wetland is a primary concern for validating its compliance with design objectives and regulatory requirements. The treatment in a wetland is however complex and is dependent on input pollutants, hydraulics, physicochemical balance and biota within the wetland. Several models are available for wetlands but have limitations in simulating the physico-chemical and biological processes within the wetland. The aim of this paper is to introduce a hybrid modelling approach that involves both a deterministic model and artificial neural network (ANN) for testing the effectiveness of a constructed wetland at Olympic Park, Homebush, Sydney, Australia. This novel approach allows a combination of calibrated water quality and neural based models to predict the water quality from the wetland. The models were calibrated and validated using water quality monitoring data measured for eight months in both influent and effluent streams of the wetland. The calibrated hybrid models were then tested for treatment effectiveness for range of wet, dry and median flows conditions within the catchments. A water quality index was developed and used to quantify the effectiveness of the wetland.
Sinha, S & Chaczko, Z 2011, 'Socionomic Modelling in Wireless Sensor Networks', International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 301-308.
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The performance and efficiency of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is typically subject to techniques used in data routing, clustering, and localization. Being primarily driven by resource constraints, a Socionomic model has been formulated to optimize re
Smith, DB, Hanlen, LW, Zhang, JA, Miniutti, D, Rodda, D & Gilbert, B 2011, 'First- and second-order statistical characterizations of the dynamic body area propagation channel of various bandwidths', annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, vol. 66, no. 3-4, pp. 187-203.
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Comprehensive statistical characterizations of the dynamic narrowband on-body area and on-body to off-body area channels are presented. These characterizations are based on real-time measurements of the time domain channel response at carrier frequencies near the 900- and 2,400-MHz industrial, scientific, and medical bands and at a carrier frequency near the 402-MHz medical implant communications band. We consider varying amounts of body movement, numerous transmit-receive pair locations on the human body, and various bandwidths. We also consider long periods, i.e., hours of everyday activity (predominantly indoor scenarios), for on-body channel characterization. Various adult human test subjects are used. It is shown, by applying the Akaike information criterion, that the Weibull and Gamma distributions generally fit agglomerates of received signal amplitude data and that in various individual cases the Lognormal distribution provides a good fit. We also characterize fade duration and fade depth with direct matching to second-order temporal statistics. These first- and second-order characterizations have important utility in the design and evaluation of body area communications systems. © 2010 Institut Télécom and Springer-Verlag.
Sobala, A & Hutvagner, G 2011, 'Transfer RNA‐derived fragments: origins, processing, and functions', WIREs RNA, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 853-862.
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AbstractDeep sequencing approaches have revealed multiple types of small RNAs with known and unknown functions. In this review we focus on a recently identified group of small RNAs that are derived from transfer RNAs (tRNAs), tRNA fragments (tRFs). We review the mechanism of their processing and their functions in mammalian cells, and highlight points of possible cross‐talk between tRFs and the canonical small RNA pathway characterized by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), and Piwi‐interacting RNAs (piRNAs). We also propose a nomenclature that is based on their processing characteristics. WIREs RNA 2011 2 853–862 DOI: 10.1002/wrna.96This article is categorized under:RNA Processing > tRNA ProcessingRegulatory RNAs/RNAi/Riboswitches > Regulatory RNAs
Sreenivasan, VKA, Ivukina, EA, Deng, W, Kelf, TA, Zdobnova, TA, Lukash, SV, Veryugin, BV, Stremovskiy, OA, Zvyagin, AV & Deyev, SM 2011, 'Barstar:barnase — a versatile platform for colloidal diamond bioconjugation', J. Mater. Chem., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 65-68.
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Stewart, MG 2011, 'Life-safety risks and optimisation of protective measures against terrorist threats to infrastructure', Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 431-440.
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A decision support analysis considers fatality risks and cost-effectiveness of protective measures, expressed in terms of expected cost spent on risk reduction per life saved for terrorist threats to infrastructure. The analysis is applicable to any item of infrastructure, but in this paper, it is applied to commercial buildings in the US. Risks may be compared with risk acceptance criteria in the form of quantitative safety goals. The risk acceptability and costeffectiveness of protective measures includes cost of the protective measures, attack probability, reduction in risk due to protective measures, probability of fatality conditional on successful terrorist attack and number of exposed individuals. The risk-based approach developed herein provides a means for initial risk screening based on the broad levels of risk and its acceptability. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
Stewart, MG 2011, 'When buildings are too safe', Materials World, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 30-31.
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Professor Mark G Stewart from the Center for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability at the University of Newcastle, Australia, informed about a study conducted to investigate the strength of clay brick masonry. The study suggested that the existing design standards in the country were outdated and that substantial efficiency and cost savings was to be achieved when these relaxed. Modern codes of practice for structural engineering design using materials, such as steel, reinforced concrete, timber, and masonry were based on 'limit states'. The Australian masonry design code continued to be based on outdated limit states without updating them from 1988. The investigations revealed that limit states specifications for masonry in Australia, the US, Canada, and Europe, were unable to be developed from reliability-based calibration methods, while calibrated to earlier practice. Researchers also developed new probabilistic analyses to calculate the probability of failure of clay brick masonry walls under various loading conditions.
Stewart, MG & Mueller, J 2011, 'Cost-Benefit Analysis of Advanced Imaging Technology Full Body Scanners for Airline Passenger Security Screening', Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, vol. 8, no. 1.
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The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been deploying Advanced Imaging Technologies (AITs) that are full-body scanners to inspect a passenger's body for concealed weapons, explosives, and other prohibited items. The terrorist threat that AITs are primarily dedicated to is preventing the downing of a commercial airliner by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) smuggled on board by a passenger. The cost of this technology will reach $1.2 billion per year by 2014. The paper develops a preliminary cost-benefit analysis of AITs for passenger screening at U.S. airports. The analysis considered threat probability, risk reduction, losses, and costs of security measures in the estimation of costs and benefits. Since there is uncertainty and variability of these parameters, three alternate probability (uncertainty) models were used to characterise risk reduction and losses. Economic losses were assumed to vary from $2-$50 billion, and risk reduction from 5-10 percent. Monte-Carlo simulation methods were used to propagate these uncertainties in the calculation of benefits, and the minimum attack probability necessary for full body scanners to be cost-effective were calculated. It was found that, based on mean results, more than one attack every two years would need to originate from U.S. airports for AITs to pass a cost-benefit analysis. However, the attack probability needs to exceed 160-330 percent per year to be 90 percent certain that full body scanners are cost-effective.
Stewart, MG, Ellingwood, BR & Mueller, J 2011, 'Homeland security: a case study in risk aversion for public decision-making', International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 15, no. 5/6, pp. 367-367.
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Governments and their regulatory agencies normally exhibit risk-neutral attitudes in their decision-making. However, for low probability-high consequence events many decision-makers tend to be risk-averse because of the catastrophic or dire nature of the hazard or event. The degree of risk averseness can be described by utility theory. This paper will infer utility functions that reflect the level of risk averseness of regulatory agencies when adopting new safety measures - such as investing $75 billion per year of the homeland security budget to avert terrorist attacks in the USA. The utility analysis considers threat probability, risk reduction caused by regulatory action, cost of regulatory action, and losses. The expected utilities using an identical risk-averse utility function for: 1 no enhanced security expenditure 2 regulatory action associated with $75 billion of enhanced homeland security expenditure are compared and made equal to each other by modifying the risk-averse utility function. This means that both policy options are equally preferable so if the decision-maker is more risk-averse than suggested by the risk-averse utility function then regulatory action is preferable. It will be shown that the level of risk averseness needed to justify current expenditures for homeland security is considerable. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Stewart, MG, Wang, X & Nguyen, MN 2011, 'Climate change impact and risks of concrete infrastructure deterioration', Engineering Structures, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1326-1337.
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Atmospheric CO2 is a major cause of reinforcement corrosion in bridges, buildings, wharves, and other concrete infrastructure in Australia, United States, United Kingdom and most other countries. The increase in CO2 levels associated with global warming will increase the likelihood of carbonation-induced corrosion. Moreover, temperature rises will increase corrosion rates. Clearly, the impact of climate change on existing and new infrastructure is considerable, as corrosion damage is disruptive to society and costly to repair. The paper describes a probabilistic and reliability-based approach that predicts the probability of corrosion initiation and damage (severe cracking) for concrete infrastructure subjected to carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion resulting from elevated CO2 levels and temperatures. The atmospheric CO2 concentration and local temperature and relative humidity changes with time over the next 100 years in the Australian cities of Sydney and Darwin are projected based on nine General Circulation Models (GCMs) under (i) high CO2 emission scenario, (ii) medium CO2 emission scenario, and (iii) CO2 emission reduction scenario based on policy intervention. The probabilistic analysis included the uncertainty of CO2 concentration, deterioration processes, material properties, dimensions, and predictive models. It was found that carbonation-induced damage risks can increase by over 400% over a time period to 2100 for some regions in Australia. Damage risks for chloride-induced corrosion increase by no more than 15% over the same time period due to temperature increase, but without consideration of ocean acidity change in marine exposure. Corrosion loss of reinforcement is not significant. The results were most sensitive to increases in atmospheric CO2. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Su, M-T, Chen, C-H, Lin, C-J & Lin, C-T 2011, 'A Rule-Based Symbiotic MOdified Differential Evolution for Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Systems', Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 4847-4858.
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This study proposes a Rule-Based Symbiotic MOdified Differential Evolution (RSMODE) for Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (SONFS). The RSMODE adopts a multi-subpopulation scheme that uses each individual represents a single fuzzy rule and each individual in each subpopulation evolves separately. The proposed RSMODE learning algorithm consists of structure learning and parameter learning for the SONFS model. The structure learning can determine whether or not to generate a new rule-based subpopulation which satisfies the fuzzy partition of input variables using the entropy measure. The parameter learning combines two strategies including a subpopulation symbiotic evolution and a modified differential evolution. The RSMODE can automatically generate initial subpopulation and each individual in each subpopulation evolves separately using a modified differential evolution. Finally, the proposed method is applied in various simulations. Results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed RSMODE learning algorithm. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Su, Y, Wu, C & Griffth, MC 2011, 'Modelling of the bond–slip behavior in FRP reinforced masonry', Construction and Building Materials, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 328-334.
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Sun, Y, Moritz, J & Zhu, X 2011, 'Multistandard Analogue Baseband Filters for Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio Receivers', Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 755-774.
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Sun, Y, Zhang, Y, Song, Y & Dutkiewicz, E 2011, 'Fast RSVP: Efficient RSVP Mobility Support for Mobile IPv6', Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 769-807.
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Swaminathan, K, Grassman, TJ, Yang, L-M, Gu, Q, Mills, MJ & Ringel, SA 2011, 'Optically-aligned visible/near-infrared dual-band photodetector materials and devices on GaAs using metamorphic epitaxy', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 110, no. 6, pp. 063109-063109.
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A monolithic, epitaxially-integrated, vertically-aligned, multi-band photodetector architecture has been demonstrated via the successful growth and fabrication of metamorphic back-to-back n-i-p/p-i-n In0.61Ga0.39P/In0.14Ga0.86As visible/near-IR dual-detector devices. The back-to-back diode design enables simultaneous and independent operation of detectors in both bands with low optical cross talk (<−10 dB outside the 690–720 nm range) and complete electrical isolation between the sub-detectors. The high electronic quality of the resultant metamorphic materials was confirmed via deep level transient spectroscopy, which revealed total trap concentrations of 5 × 1012 cm−3 for the In0.14Ga0.86As and 2 × 1014 cm−3 for the In0.61Ga0.39P sub-detectors, enabling low, room temperature reverse bias (−2 V) dark current densities of 4 × 10−8 A cm−2 and 7 × 10−12 A cm−2, respectively. High responsivity and specific detectivity values, at a working bias of −2 V, were measured: 0.41 A/W and 8.6 × 1011 cm Hz1/2/W for the In0.14Ga0.86As sub-detectors (at 980 nm), and 0.30 A/W and 2.0 × 1014 cm Hz1/2/W for the In0.61Ga0.39P sub-detectors (at 680 nm). The successful integration of high-quality lattice-mismatched materials, combined with the excellent sub-detector performances, demonstrate the potential for extending such a multi-band photodetector technology to achieve simultaneous detection of a wide range of wavelength bands with tunable cut-off wavelengths.
Swaminathan, K, Yang, L-M, Grassman, TJ, Tabares, G, Guzman, A, Hierro, A, Mills, MJ & Ringel, SA 2011, 'Metamorphic In_020Ga_080As p-i-n photodetectors grown on GaAs substrates for near infrared applications', Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 7280-7280.
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Szehr, O, Dupuis, F, Tomamichel, M & Renner, R 2011, 'Decoupling with unitary approximate two-designs', New J. Phys., vol. 15, p. 053022.
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Consider a bipartite system, of which one subsystem, A, undergoes a physicalevolution separated from the other subsystem, R. One may ask under whichconditions this evolution destroys all initial correlations between thesubsystems A and R, i.e. decouples the subsystems. A quantitative answer tothis question is provided by decoupling theorems, which have been developedrecently in the area of quantum information theory. This paper builds onpreceding work, which shows that decoupling is achieved if the evolution on Aconsists of a typical unitary, chosen with respect to the Haar measure,followed by a process that adds sufficient decoherence. Here, we prove ageneralized decoupling theorem for the case where the unitary is chosen from anapproximate two-design. A main implication of this result is that decoupling isphysical, in the sense that it occurs already for short sequences of randomtwo-body interactions, which can be modeled as efficient circuits. Ourdecoupling result is independent of the dimension of the R system, which showsthat approximate 2-designs are appropriate for decoupling even if the dimensionof this system is large.
Tadkaew, N, Hai, FI, McDonald, JA, Khan, SJ & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Removal of trace organics by MBR treatment: The role of molecular properties', Water Research, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 2439-2451.
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Tang, F, Tang, C, Guo, M, Yu, S & Guo, S 2011, 'A shadow-Like task migration model based on context semantics for mobile and pervasive environments', Computing and Informatics, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1131-1146.
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Pervasive computing is a user-centric mobile computing paradigm, in which tasks should be migrated over different platforms in a shadow-like way when users move around. In this paper, we propose a context-sensitive task migration model that recovers program states and rebinds resources for task migrations based on context semantics through inserting resource description and state description sections in source programs. Based on our model, we design and develop a task migration framework xMozart which extends the Mozart platform in terms of context awareness. Our approach can recover task states and rebind resources in the context-aware way, as well as support multi- modality I/O interactions. The extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can migrate tasks by resuming them from the last broken points like shadows moving along with the users.
Tang, M, Zhou, Y, Li, J, Wang, W, Cui, P, Hou, Y, Luo, Z, Li, J, Lei, F & Yan, B 2011, 'Exploring the wild birds’ migration data for the disease spread study of H5N1: a clustering and association approach', Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 227-251.
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Knowledge about the wetland use of migratory bird species during the annual life circle is very interesting to biologists, as it is critically important in many decision-making processes such as for conservation site construction and avian influenza control. The raw data of the habitat areas and the migration routes are usually in large scale and with high complexity when they are determined by high-tech GPS satellite telemetry. In this paper, we convert these biological problems into computational studies and introduce efficient algorithms for the data analysis. Our key idea is the concept of hierarchical clustering for migration habitat localizations, and the notion of association rules for the discovery of migration routes from the scattered location points in the GIS. One of our clustering results is a tree structure, specially called spatial-tree, which is an illusive map depicting the breeding and wintering home range of bar-headed geese. A related result to this observation is an association pattern that reveals a high possibility that bar-headed geese's potential autumn migration routes are likely between the breeding sites in the Qinghai Lake, China and the wintering sites in Tibet river valley. Given the susceptibility of geese to spread H5N1, and on the basis of the chronology and the rates of the bar-headed geese migration movements, we can conjecture that bar-headed geese play an important role in the spread of the H5N1 virus at a regional scale in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
Tanvir, H, Rahman, BMA, Kejalakshmy, N, Agrawal, A & Grattan, KTV 2011, 'Evolution of Highly Confined Surface Plasmon Modes in Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Waveguides', Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 14, pp. 2116-2125.
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Tarini, M, Puppo, E, Panozzo, D, Pietroni, N & Cignoni, P 2011, 'Simple quad domains for field aligned mesh parametrization', Proceedings of the 2011 SIGGRAPH Asia Conference, vol. 30, pp. 142-142.
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Thalakotuna, D, Matekovits, L, Heimlich, M, Esselle, KP & Hay, SG 2011, 'Active Switching Devices in a Tunable EBG Structure: Placement Strategies and Modelling', Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 25, no. 11-12, pp. 1740-1751.
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Thomas, PS, Stuart, BH, McGowan, N, Guerbois, JP, Berkahn, M & Daniel, V 2011, 'A study of ochres from an Australian aboriginal bark painting using thermal methods', JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 507-513.
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The potential of thermogravimetric analysis (TG) as a tool for the characterisation of ochre paint used in indigenous Australian bark paintings has been investigated. TG has been combined with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and mass spectrometry
Tijing, LD, Jung, MY, Kim, D-W & Kim, CS 2011, 'Deposition Behavior of Self-Assembled Monolayers and Bacteria on Metallic Surfaces Using an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Nanobalance', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1354-1358.
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This paper presents an investigation on the deposition behavior of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and bacteria on titanium and gold surfaces using an electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance (EQCN). The tests included alkanethiol and alkanesilane and three bacteria, namely: E. coli, P. fluorescens and K. aerogenes. The mass change with respect to immersion time was measured by EQCN. The results showed SAM formation on both titanium and gold surfaces, but SAM formation on gold was generally higher by 26–74% as compared to that of titanium. On the other hand, bacteria also adhered well on the two metal surfaces. E. coliand P. fluorescens had high affinity on gold and titanium surfaces, respectively, while K. aerogenes was more adherent to titanium. The results showed that titanium and gold are good metals for biomaterials yet at the same time, their bioinert property provide excellent condition for bacterial adhesion. Therefore, there is a need for proper surface preparation to optimize the use of titanium and gold as biomaterials
Tijing, LD, Lee, D-H, Kim, D-W, Cho, YI & Kim, CS 2011, 'Effect of high-frequency electric fields on calcium carbonate scaling', Desalination, vol. 279, no. 1-3, pp. 47-53.
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The present study conducted an investigation on the effect of high-frequency electric fields (HFEF) in calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation on heated copper tube surfaces. Artificial hard water at varying CaCO3 hardness was used. Calcium carbonate scales were formed on a heated copper tube surface, the fouling thermal resistance was calculated, and the calcium content of the deposited CaCO3 scale was measured by an inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), and the cooling water was analyzed during the scaling process. No-treatment and HFEF-treatment cases were conducted and compared. The calcium content of the deposited scale dropped by 4–49% in HFEF-treatment case. The lower calcium content of the deposit corresponded to thinner deposits. Water analyses showed consistently lesser percentage drop in HFEF-treatment case primarily due to less fouling deposition. The asymptotic fouling thermal resistance in HFEF-treatment case had a maximum decrease of 88% (i.e., from 4.5 × 10− 4 to 5.4 × 10− 5 m2K/W).
Tijing, LD, Yu, M-H, Kim, C-H, Amarjargal, A, Lee, YC, Lee, D-H, Kim, D-W & Kim, CS 2011, 'Mitigation of scaling in heat exchangers by physical water treatment using zinc and tourmaline', Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 31, no. 11-12, pp. 2025-2031.
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Tjhi, WC, Lee, KK, Hung, T, Tsang, IWH, Ong, YS, Bard, F & Racine, V 2011, 'Exploratory analysis of cell-based screening data for phenotype identification in drug-siRNA study', International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 194-194.
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Most phenotype-identification methods in cell-based screening assume prior knowledge about expected phenotypes or involve intricate parameter-setting. They are useful for analysis targeting known phenotype properties; but need exists to explore, with minimum presumptions, the potentially-interesting phenotypes derivable from data. We present a method for this exploration, using clustering to eliminate phenotype-labelling requirement and GUI visualisation to facilitate parameter-setting. The steps are: outlier-removal, cell clustering and interactive visualisation for phenotypes refinement. For drug-siRNA study, we introduce an auto-merging procedure to reduce phenotype redundancy. We validated the method on two Golgi apparatus screens and showcase its contribution for better understanding of screening-images.
Tomamichel, M & Hänggi, E 2011, 'The Link between Entropic Uncertainty and Nonlocality', J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., vol. 46, no. 5, p. 055301.
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Two of the most intriguing features of quantum physics are the uncertaintyprinciple and the occurrence of nonlocal correlations. The uncertaintyprinciple states that there exist pairs of incompatible measurements on quantumsystems such that their outcomes cannot both be predicted. On the other hand,nonlocal correlations of measurement outcomes at different locations cannot beexplained by classical physics, but appear in the presence of entanglement.Here, we show that these two fundamental quantum effects are quantitativelyrelated. Namely, we provide an entropic uncertainty relation for the outcomesof two binary measurements, where the lower bound on the uncertainty isquantified in terms of the maximum Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt value that can beachieved with these measurements. We discuss applications of this uncertaintyrelation in quantum cryptography, in particular, to certify quantum sourcesusing untrusted devices.
Tomamichel, M, Lim, CCW, Gisin, N & Renner, R 2011, 'Tight Finite-Key Analysis for Quantum Cryptography', Nat. Commun., vol. 3, pp. 634-6.
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Despite enormous progress both in theoretical and experimental quantumcryptography, the security of most current implementations of quantum keydistribution is still not established rigorously. One of the main problems isthat the security of the final key is highly dependent on the number, M, ofsignals exchanged between the legitimate parties. While, in any practicalimplementation, M is limited by the available resources, existing securityproofs are often only valid asymptotically for unrealistically large values ofM. Here, we demonstrate that this gap between theory and practice can beovercome using a recently developed proof technique based on the uncertaintyrelation for smooth entropies. Specifically, we consider a family ofBennett-Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocols and show that securityagainst general attacks can be guaranteed already for moderate values of M.
Tran, BNH, Nguyen, ND, Nguyen, VX, Center, JR, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'Genetic profiling and individualized prognosis of fracture', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 414-419.
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Abstract Fragility fracture is a serious public health problem in the world. The risk of fracture is determined by genetic and nongenetic clinical risk factors. This study sought to quantify the contribution of genetic profiling to fracture prognosis. The study was built on the ongoing Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study, in which fracture and risk factors of 858 men and 1358 women had been monitored continuously from 1989 and 2008. Fragility fracture was ascertained by radiologic reports. Bone mineral density at the femoral neck was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Fifty independent genes with allele frequencies ranging from 0.01 to 0.60 and relative risks (RRs) ranging from 1.01 to 3.0 were simulated. Three predictive models were fitted to the data in which fracture was a function of (1) clinical risk factors only, (2) genes only, and (3) clinical risk factors and 50 genes. The area under the curve (AUC) for model 1 was 0.77, which was lower than that of model II (AUC = 0.82). Adding genes into the clinical risk factors model (model 3) increased the AUC to 0.88 and improved the accuracy of fracture classification by 45%, with most (41%) improvement in specificity. In the presence of clinical risk factors, the number of genes required to achieve an AUC of 0.85 was around 25. These results suggest that genetic profiling could enhance the predictive accuracy of fracture prognosis and help to identify high-risk individuals for appropriate management of osteoporosis or intervention. © 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
Tran, T & Ha, QP 2011, 'Networked control systems with accumulative quadratic constraint', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 108-+.
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Presented is a newly developed stability condition used as the stability constraint for the model predictive control of networked control systems in an imperfect data environment. The closed-loop stability is established in real time based on the evolvement of input and output correlations prescribed in the accumulative quadratic constraint. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Tran, T, Tuan, HD, Ha, QP & Nguyen, HT 2011, 'Stabilising agent design for the control of interconnected systems', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, vol. 84, no. 6, pp. 1140-1156.
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This article presents a new control design strategy for stabilising large-scale interconnected systems operating in semi-automatic control modes. The large-scale system is modelled by subsystems connected to each other in an arbitrary configuration. Each subsystem is regulated by a dedicated multivariable controller that also allows for a manual control mode. The notion of asymptotically positive realness constraint (APRC) is introduced and applied for deriving the interconnection stabilisability condition in the time domain. The interactions between subsystems are taken into consideration in the stability condition. The APRC is subsequently employed in the so-called stabilising agent to accommodate the closed-loop control and man-in-the-loop coexistence. The multipliers of the APRC quadratic supply rate are updated on-the-fly to ensure that the constraint satisfaction of stabilising agents is recursively feasible. The stabilising agents are developed independently from the control law under the same auspice controller. Due to this independence, operational errors from the manual control adjustments, that may destabilise the control systems, can be avoided. The decentralised agents render stabilising bounds for the manipulated variables in the automatic control mode, and at the same time, provide warning signals and manipulation guidance for the operators to prevent possible plant-wide destabilisation in the manual control mode. Our main results are illustrated through numerical simulations for an industrial modular system.
Tran, TT & Lu, X 2011, 'Synergistic Effect of Ag and Pd Ions on Shape-Selective Growth of Polyhedral Au Nanocrystals with High-Index Facets', The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 9, pp. 3638-3645.
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Tseng, H-J, Cheng, R-C, Wu, S-H, Blamires, SJ & Tso, I-M 2011, 'Trap barricading and decorating by a well-armored sit-and-wait predator: extra protection or prey attraction?', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 2351-2359.
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Tu, KL, Chivas, AR & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Effects of membrane fouling and scaling on boron rejection by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes', Desalination, vol. 279, no. 1-3, pp. 269-277.
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Tu, KL, Nghiem, LD & Chivas, AR 2011, 'Coupling effects of feed solution pH and ionic strength on the rejection of boron by NF/RO membranes', Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 168, no. 2, pp. 700-706.
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Tune, P & Veitch, D 2011, 'Fisher Information in Flow Size Distribution Estimation', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 7011-7035.
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Turini, G, Pietroni, N, Megali, G, Ganovelli, F, Pietrabissa, A & Mosca, F 2011, 'New techniques for computer-based simulation in surgical training', International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 303-303.
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Valipour, HR & Crews, K 2011, 'Efficient finite element modelling of timber beams strengthened with bonded fibre reinforced polymers', Construction and Building Materials, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 3291-3300.
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This paper presents development and application of a simple and efficient frame finite element (FE) able to estimate the load-carrying capacity of timber beams flexurally strengthened with externally bonded fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) strips and near-surface mounted FRP bars. The developed element is able to model collapse due to timber crushing under compression, timber fracture under tension and FRP rupture and it is developed in the framework of a flexibility-based fibre element formulation. Furthermore, a novel method based on central difference method in conjunction with composite Simpson's integration scheme along the element axis is developed to take account of shear-slip. The developed model is employed to predict the loading capacity and the applied load-mid span deflection response of timber beams strengthened with FRP and the numerically simulated responses agree well with the corresponding experimental results. The major features of this frame FE are its simplicity and efficiency compared with more complex and computationally expensive FEs which makes it a suitable tool for practical use in design-oriented parametric studies.
van den Hoven, E & Mazalek, A 2011, 'Grasping gestures: Gesturing with physical artifacts', AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 255-271.
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Gestures play an important role in communication. They support the listener, who is trying to understand the speaker. However, they also support the speaker by facilitating the conceptualization and verbalization of messages and reducing cognitive load. Gestures thus play an important role in collaboration and also in problem-solving tasks. In human-computer interaction, gestures are also used to facilitate communication with digital applications, because their expressive nature can enable less constraining and more intuitive digital interactions than conventional user interfaces. Although gesture research in the social sciences typically considers empty-handed gestures, digital gesture interactions often make use of handheld objects or touch surfaces to capture gestures that would be difficult to track in free space. In most cases, the physical objects used to make these gestures serve primarily as a means of sensing or input. In contrast, tangible interaction makes use of physical objects as embodiments of digital information. The physical objects in a tangible interface thus serve as representations as well as controls for the digital information they are associated with. Building on this concept, gesture interaction has the potential to make use of the physical properties of hand-held objects to enhance or change the functionality of the gestures made. In this paper, we look at the design opportunities that arise at the intersection of gesture and tangible interaction. We believe that gesturing while holding physical artifacts opens up a new interaction design space for collaborative digital applications that is largely unexplored. We provide a survey of gesture interaction work as it relates to tangible and touch interaction. Based on this survey, we define the design space of tangible gesture interaction as the use of physical devices for facilitating, supporting, enhancing, or tracking gestures people make for digital interaction purposes, and outline the ...
van Geel, TACM, Nguyen, ND, Geusens, PP, Center, JR, Nguyen, TV, Dinant, G-J & Eisman, JA 2011, 'Development of a simple prognostic nomogram for individualising 5-year and 10-year absolute risks of fracture: a population-based prospective study among postmenopausal women', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 92-97.
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OBJECTIVES: Previous fracture prediction models have been based on the assumption of a stable risk of subsequent fractures over time. The aim of the present work was to develop a nomogram for prediction of 5-year and 10-year individualised absolute fracture risks for postmenopausal women taking into account the time relation between fractures. METHODS: A population-based prospective study was performed in 23 general practice centres located in the southern part of The Netherlands. At baseline (1992-1994), 4203 postmenopausal women between 50 and 80 years participated and 2372 of them also participated 10 years later. Baseline measurements included lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) and clinical risk factor evaluation. The incidence of fractures was ascertained. Bayesian model averaging and Cox's proportional hazards model were used. RESULTS: After enrolment, 382 (16.1%) women had a clinical fracture. Fracture risk was associated with advancing age (HR 1.09 per SD (5 years); 95% CI 1.01 to 1.17), lumbar spine BMD (HR 1.23 per -1 SD; 95% CI 1.10 to 1.37) and a prior fracture, with HR 3.27 (95% CI 2.50 to 4.30) for a recent prior fracture (=5 years previously) and HR 1.97 (95% CI 1.43 to 2.71) for a non-recent prior fracture after menopause (>5 years previously). Women with a recent prior fracture had 66% higher risk of an incident fracture than those with a non-recent prior fracture (HR 1.66; 95% CI 1.15 to 2.40). CONCLUSIONS: The nomogram developed can help doctors to inform patients more effectively and thus better manage patient care by providing an individualised fracture risk taking into account the time relationship for fractures.
Vidal-Calleja, TA, Berger, C, Solà, J & Lacroix, S 2011, 'Large scale multiple robot visual mapping with heterogeneous landmarks in semi-structured terrain', Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 654-674.
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This paper addresses the cooperative localization and visual mapping problem with multiple heterogeneous robots. The approach is designed to deal with the challenging large semi-structured outdoors environments in which aerial/ground ensembles are to evolve. We propose the use of heterogeneous visual landmarks, points and line segments, to achieve effective cooperation in such environments. A large-scale SLAM algorithm is generalized to handle multiple robots, in which a global graph maintains the relative relationships between a series of local sub-maps built by the different robots. The key issue when dealing with multiple robots is to find the link between them, and to integrate these relations to maintain the overall geometric consistency; the events that introduce these links on the global graph are described in detail. Monocular cameras are considered as the primary extereoceptive sensor. In order to achieve the undelayed initialization required by the bearing-only observations, the well-known inverse-depth parametrization is adopted to estimate 3D points. Similarly, to estimate 3D line segments, we present a novel parametrization based on anchored Plcker coordinates, to which extensible endpoints are added. Extensive simulations show the proposed developments, and the overall approach is illustrated using real-data taken with a helicopter and a ground rover. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Walsh, KM, Choi, M, Oberg, K, Kulke, MH, Yao, JC, Wu, C, Jurkiewicz, M, Hsu, L-I, Hooshmand, SM, Hassan, M, Janson, ET, Cunningham, JL, Vosburgh, E, Sackler, RS, Lifton, RP, DeWan, AT & Hoh, J 2011, 'A pilot genome-wide association study shows genomic variants enriched in the non-tumor cells of patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors of the ileum', Endocrine Related Cancer, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 171-180.
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Genetic studies of midgut carcinoid cancer have exclusively focused on genomic changes of the tumor cells. We investigated the role of constitutional genetic polymorphisms in predisposing individuals to ileal carcinoids. In all, 239 cases and 110 controls were collected fromthree institutions: the Uppsala University Hospital; the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; and the MD Anderson Cancer Center, and were genotyped using microarrays assaying >300 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms. Association with rs2208059 in KIF16B approached statistical significance (Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio=2.42, P=4.16×10 -7) at a Bonferroni-corrected level (<1.62×10-7). Using two computational algorithms, four copy-number variants (CNVs) were identified in multiple cases that were absent in study controls and markedly less frequent in ∼1500 population-based controls. Of these four constitutional CNVs identified in blood-derived DNA, a 40 kb heterozygous deletion in Chr18q22.1 corresponded with a region frequently showing loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in ileal carcinoid tumor cells based on our meta-analysis of previously published cytogenetic studies (69.7% LOH, 95% confidence interval =60.0-77.9%). We analyzed the constitutional 40 kb deletion on chr18 in our study samples with a real-time quantitative PCR assay; 14/226 cases (6.19%) and 2/97 controls (2.06%) carried the CNV, although the exact boundaries of each deletion have not been determined. Given the small sample size, our findings warrant an independent cohort for a replication study. Owing to the rarity of this disease, we believe these results will provide a valuable resource for future work on this serious condition by allowing others to make efficient use of their samples in targeted studies. © 2011 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain.
Wang, J, Chi, D, Wu, J & Lu, H-Y 2011, 'Chaotic time series method combined with particle swarm optimization and trend adjustment for electricity demand forecasting', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 8419-8429.
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Electricity demand forecasting plays an important role in electric power systems planning. In this paper, nonlinear time series modeling technique is applied to analyze electricity demand. Firstly, the phase space, which describes the evolution of the be
Wang, Q-L, Hao, X-D & Cao, Y-L 2011, '[Enriched experiment and endogenous processes of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs)].', Huan Jing Ke Xue, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1034-1041.
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Cell decay is an important part of microbiological endogenous processes, which consists of cell death (reduction in the amount of active bacteria) and activity decay (reduction in the specific activity of active bacteria). By means of measuring maximal anaerobic volatile fatty acid (VFA) uptake rates (VFAUR), analyzing 16S rRNA with fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and observing membrane integrity by live/dead staining, the aerobic decay characteristics of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) in an enriched GAOs sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system were investigated. It was experimentally identified that a highly enriched culture of GAOs (94%) was obtained by maintaining the temperature at 30 degrees C in the SBR and a high m (COD): m (P) at 100 in the feed. The experimental results and calculations revealed that the decay and death rates of GAOs were 0.132 d(-1) and 0.034 d(-1) respectively, which demonstrated that cell death and activity decay accounted for respective 26% and 74% of the total GAOs cell decay. For this reason, cell death was only a minor factor causing the cell decay of GAOs, and activity decay was mostly responsible for this process.
Wang, W, Jiang, Q, Zhang, H, Jin, P, Yuan, X, Wei, Y & Hu, S 2011, 'Intravenous Administration of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells is Safe for the Lung in a Chronic Myocardial Infarction Model', Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 179-190.
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Aims: Intravenous administration of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) is an attractive option for the treatment of myocardial infarction (MI). Previous studies revealed that MSC infusion could limit the deterioration of cardiac function following acute MI; however, little is known regarding the safety and efficacy of MSC infusion for chronic MI. In this study, we address cell retention after intravenous injection in a chronic MI model, and the fate and impact of distributed MSCs in the lung and heart. Methods: MI model was created by coronary ligation in female rats. A total of 3 weeks later, 5 × 106bromodeoxyuridine-labeled male MSCs in 300 µl phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) were infused intravenously (cell transplantation group, n = 37). The same volume of PBS was infused and served as the control group (n = 37). A total of 20 healthy rats received intravenous PBS injections and served as the sham group. 1 day and 4 weeks after cell or PBS infusion, echocardiography was performed and cell retention was evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR. The fate of the migrated cells was detected through immunohistochemistry and the expression of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory protein was evaluated in lung and heart. The lung and heart function was also assessed. Results: 1 day after cell implantation, the percentage of retained cells relative to the initial number of injected cells in heart and lung was 0.54 ± 0.19% and 51.69 ± 12.96%, respectively. After 4 weeks, it decreased to 0.24 ± 0.09% and 0.22 ± 0.17%. The entrapped MSCs did not differentiate into alveolar epithelial-like cells. Likewise, the left ventricular function was not improved. No adverse effects on lung function were observed after cell infusion. The expression of pro-inflammatory factors, including TNF-α, IL-1β, malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase, and anti-inflammatory factors, including TNF-α-induced protein 6, in the lung and heart was not signi...
Wang, X, Wang, Z, Xu, X & Liu, Y 2011, 'A service composition method for tradeoff between satisfactions of multiple requirements', Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 627-637.
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Service composition is effective in constructing value-added service rapidly for service-oriented applications. Existing selection models for composite services rely severely on assumptions that customers' each requirement is raised alone, while in reality, service requirements can be numerous in practical applications. And when a small time slide is focused on, multiple requirements can be seen as concurrent and service sets involved by sub-solutions corresponding to each individual requirement have intersections, resulting in competitions or sharing of certain services between requirements. Therefore, current single requirement-oriented methods can not deal with the situation that multiple service requirements arrive concurrently competing for services. This paper presents a multiple service requirements-oriented service composition model and algorithm. In the light that service can either be exclusive or sharable and decisive priority relations exist between all assessment factors, an assessment method based on confliction-avoidance scheduling and graded weighting priorities is put forward. On that basis, tradeoff strategies are proposed for genetic algorithm and a service composition method is put forward for tradeoff between satisfactions of multiple service requirements. Experiment results show that this method ensures proportionality of all sub-solutions and sub-optimal solutions can be gained efficiently by improving its coding manner. Compared with other possible strategies, it has proved superior applicability to different circumstances of quantity and quality of available services.
Wang, XC, Luo, L, Chen, R & Ngo, HH 2011, 'Thermodynamic analysis of an urban water system with reclaimed water as supplemental water resource', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 32, no. 1-3, pp. 307-315.
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The natural water system maintains its dynamic equilibrium through a hydrological cycle that involves a series of natural processes. Such a natural water cycle has been much disturbed by human activities in the process of water use. An urban water system was thus modeled in this paper as a series of artificial water cycles overlaid upon the natural water cycle. The system was thermodynamically analyzed by calculating the entropy budget as ÎS = ÎiS + ÎeS where ÎiS and ÎeS are the entropy increases due to natural and artificial contributions, respectively. The natural water cycle free from human disturbance should possess the nature of self maintenance of water and materials balance and could be assumed as a pseudo-reversible process with ÎiS 0. ÎeS was then supposed as to be contributed by artificial disturbances on water quantity such as by water withdrawal, and on water quality such as by pollutant discharge. A series of models were developed for calculating ÎeS. As a result of scenario analysis of urban water system in Xi'an, a metropolitan in northwestern China, using these models, it was indicated that under the current condition of water supply and wastewater treatment, if 20% of the treated wastewater could be reused, ÎeS would be decreased by 15.22% from the current level, while if the percent of treated wastewater reuse could be increased to 40%, ÎeS would be decreased by 29.93%. Thermodynamic analysis thus provided a tool for quantitative evaluation of the effect of urban wastewater reclamation and reuse.
Wang, Y & Luo, Z 2011, 'A Meshless Level Set Method for Shape and Topology Optimization', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 308-310, no. 310, pp. 1046-1049.
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This paper proposes a meshless Galerkin level set method for structural shape and topology optimization of continua. To taking advantage of the implicit free boundary representation scheme, structural design boundary is represented through the introduction of a scalar level set function as its zero level set, to flexibly handle complex shape fidelity and topology changes by maintaining concise and smooth interface. Compactly supported radial basis functions (CSRBFs) are used to parameterize the level set function and also to construct the shape functions for mesh free function approximation. The meshless Galerkin global weak formulation is employed to implement the discretization of the state equations. This provides a pathway to simplify two numerical procedures involved in most conventional level set methods in propagating the discrete level set functions and in approximating the discrete equations, by unifying the two different stages at two sets of grids just in terms of one set of scattered nodes. The proposed level set method has the capability of describing the implicit moving boundaries without remeshing for discontinuities. The motion of the free boundary is just a question of advancing the discrete level set function by finding the design variables of the size optimization in time. One benchmark example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The numerical results showcase that this method has the ability to simplify numerical procedures and to avoid numerical difficulties happened in most conventional level set methods. It is straightforward to apply the present method to more advanced shape and topology optimization problems.
Wang, Y & Luo, Z 2011, 'CFD Modeling of Flow Performance inside Subsonic Centrifugal Compressor', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 291-294, pp. 251-254.
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Centrifugal Compressors, which offer good flow stability, compact size and high stage pressure ratio, have been widely used in helicopter engines and sometime served as high pressure stage in small turbojet engines. In this paper, a method of developing a CFD model is presented for investigating the flow performance of a subsonic centrifugal compressor. The configuration used for the study is a subsonic centrifugal compressor which has a 60mm diameter impeller. A CFD modeling is carried out to obtain the performance and operational range of the compressor stage. The mesh independence studies were performed to provide confidence in the numerical results at operation speed. Particular emphasis is laid on the flow performance analysis with designed rotational speed of impeller.
Wang, Y & Luo, Z 2011, 'Shape Control for Composite Structures of Photostrictive Actuators Using Topology Optimization Method', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 279, pp. 186-193.
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This paper aims to present an alternative design method for remote wireless shape control of laminated composite structures using topology optimization. The photostrictive material is introduced to implement the active control of the structure by making use of its photostriction mechanism, which is actually the superposition of photovoltaic effect and converse piezoelectric effect when exposed to the illumination of near ultraviolet light. The finite element formulation including multiphysics effects of photovoltaic, pyroelectric and thermal expansion is developed to model composite structures of ferroelectric materials, based on the Mindlin plate theory of first-order shear deformation. The topology optimization method is used to seek the optimal topologies for material layouts of both the smart actuation and elastic host layers. A typical numerical example is used to demonstrate the feasibility of this method in shape control of composite structures.
Wang, Y, Zhu, X, Hao, H & Ou, J 2011, 'Spectral Element Model Updating for Damage Identification Using Clonal Selection Algorithm', Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 837-856.
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A spectral element model updating procedure is presented to identify damage in a structure using Guided wave propagation results. Two damage spectral elements (DSE1 and DSE2) are developed to model the local (cracks in reinforcement bar) and global (debonding between reinforcement bar and concrete) damage in one-dimensional homogeneous and composite waveguide, respectively. Transfer matrix method is adopted to assemble the stiffness matrix of multiple spectral elements. In order to solve the inverse problem, clonal selection algorithm is used for the optimization calculations. Two displacement-based functions and two frequency-based functions are used as objective functions in this study. Numerical simulations of wave propagation in a bare steel bar and in a reinforcement bar without and with various assumed damage scenarios are carried out. Numerically simulated data are then used to identify local and global damage of the steel rebar and the concrete-steel interface using the proposed method. Results show that local damage is easy to be identified by using any considered objective function with the proposed method while only using the wavelet energy-based objective function gives reliable identification of global damage. The method is then extended to identify multiple damages in a structure. To further verify the proposed method, experiments of wave propagation in a rectangular steel bar before and after damage are conducted. The proposed method is used to update the structural model for damage identification. The results demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in identifying cracks in steel bars based on measured wave propagation data.
Warkiani, ME, Chen, L, Lou, C-P, Liu, H-B, Zhang, R & Gong, H-Q 2011, 'Capturing and recovering of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with polymeric micro-fabricated filter', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 369, no. 1-2, pp. 560-568.
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Warkiani, ME, Lou, C-P & Gong, H-Q 2011, 'Fabrication and characterization of a microporous polymeric micro-filter for isolation ofCryptosporidium parvumoocysts', Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 035002-035002.
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Wattana, S & Sharma, D 2011, 'Electricity industry reforms in Thailand: an analysis of productivity', International Journal of Energy Sector Management, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 494-521.
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PurposeIn the early 1990s, the Thai government initiated a process of reform of the electricity industry with the argument that such reform would improve the performance of the industry and contribute to enhancing the overall economic prosperity. The purpose of this paper is to examine the veracity of this argument by analysing both the technical and environmental performance of the Thai electricity industry.Design/methodology/approachA data envelopment analysis‐based methodology is employed in this study to measure the productivity of the Thai electricity industry, for the period 1980‐2006. This method enables the decomposition of productivity changes into technical and efficiency changes, and hence enables one to determine if changes in productivity are due to electricity reform (efficiency gains) or due to autonomous technological improvements.FindingsThe study reveals that the increase in the productivity of the Thai electricity industry over the period 1980‐2006 was mainly driven by technological improvements and that industry reform has had insignificant impact on productivity. Further, the impacts of electricity reform on the environment appear to be relatively modest – this too was driven by government regulation that supports the use of less environmentally detrimental fuels for electricity generation by the private producers, rather than electricity reform.Originality/valueThe analysis in this paper contributes to the literature on productivity and efficiency, by applying the DEA method to a time series data for a single industry. Additionally, the analysis of environmental performance of t...
Weaver, M, Green, J, Petasecca, M, Lerch, MLF, Cutajar, D, Franklin, D, Jakubek, J, Carolan, MG, Conway, M, Pospisil, S, Kron, T, Metcalfe, P, Zaider, M & Rosenfeld, AB 2011, 'Three-dimensional dosimetry imaging of I-125 plaque for eye cancer treatment', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 633, pp. S276-S278.
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Winkler, S, Tomamichel, M, Hengl, S & Renner, R 2011, 'Impossibility of Growing Quantum Bit Commitments', Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 107, no. 9, p. 090502.
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Quantum key distribution (QKD) is often, more correctly, called key growing.Given a short key as a seed, QKD enables two parties, connected by an insecurequantum channel, to generate a secret key of arbitrary length. Conversely, nokey agreement is possible without access to an initial key. Here, we consideranother fundamental cryptographic task, commitments. While, similar to keyagreement, commitments cannot be realized from scratch, we ask whether they maybe grown. That is, given the ability to commit to a fixed number of bits, isthere a way to augment this to commitments to strings of arbitrary length?Using recently developed information-theoretic techniques, we answer thisquestion to the negative.
Wolf, SJ, Huynh, T, Bryce, NS, Hambley, TW, Wakelin, LPG, Stewart, BW & Catchpoole, DR 2011, 'Intracellular trafficking as a determinant of AS-DACA cytotoxicity in rhabdomyosarcoma cells', BMC Cell Biology, vol. 12, no. 1.
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Abstract Background Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a malignant soft tissue sarcoma derived from skeletal muscle precursor cells, which accounts for 5-8% of all childhood malignancies. Disseminated RMS represents a major clinical obstacle, and the need for better treatment strategies for the clinically aggressive alveolar RMS subtype is particularly apparent. Previously, we have shown that the acridine-4-carboxamide derivative AS-DACA, a known topoisomerase II poison, is potently cytotoxic in the alveolar RMS cell line RH30, but is 190-fold less active in the embryonal RMS cell line RD. Here, we investigate the basis for this selectivity, and demonstrate in these RMS lines, and in an AS-DACA- resistant subclone of RH30, that AS-DACA-induced cytotoxicity correlates with the induction of DNA double strand breaks. Results We show that inhibition of the multidrug-resistance associated protein (MRP1) has no effect on AS-DACA sensitivity. By exploiting the pH-dependent fluorescence properties of AS-DACA, we have characterized its intracellular distribution, and show that it concentrates in the cell nucleus, as well as in acidic vesicles of the membrane trafficking system. We show that fluorescence microscopy can be used to determine the localization of AS-DACA to the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of RMS cells grown as spheroids, penetrance being much greater in RH30 than RD spheroids, and that the vesicular signal leads the way into the spheroid mass. EEA1 and Rab5 proteins, molecular markers expressed on early-endosomal vesicles, are reduced by > 50% in the sensitive cell lines. Conclusion Taking the evidence as a whole, suggests that endo...
Wong, K-YK, Zhang, G & Chen, Z 2011, 'A Stratified Approach for Camera Calibration Using Spheres', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 305-316.
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Wu, C 2011, 'Special Issue on Protection of Structures against Blast Loading', Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 358-359.
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Wu, C & Zhou, Y 2011, 'Simplified Analysis of Foam Cladding Protected Reinforced Concrete Slabs against Blast Loadings', International Journal of Protective Structures, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 351-365.
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Protection of infrastructure against blast loading has been receiving more attention in recent years due to occasional engineering explosion accidents, e.g., chemical plant explosion, and intentional man-made explosions, e.g., rising terrorist attacks. An effective solution to mitigate blast effects on these buildings is to protect them with sacrificial foam claddings for absorption of blast energy. However, little research has been conducted to analyze the effectiveness of metallic foam protected reinforced concrete (RC) structural members under airblast loads. This paper is to develop a numerical model to analyze the mitigation of blast effects on foam cladding protected RC members with consideration of interaction of blast load, foam layer and protected structural member. This numerical model is a simplified SDOF system where the deformability of the RC flexural member is considered in the form of the supporting spring. The stiffness of the spring K is estimated from the resistance deflection function of the RC member which is derived from combined moment curvature and moment rotation models. Material testing was conducted on aluminum foam specimens to obtain the stress stain curve which was idealised as a rigid-perfectly plastic-locking model. The resistance deflection curve of the RC slab and the idealised rigid-perfectly plastic-locking model for foam specimen were incorporated into the coupled SDOF interaction model for dynamic analysis. A field blast testing on foam protected RC slab was conducted and the accuracy of the coupled SDOF interaction model was validated by experimental data from the blast testing of the foam protected RC slab.
Wu, C, DeWan, A, Hoh, J & Wang, Z 2011, 'A Comparison of Association Methods Correcting for Population Stratification in Case–Control Studies', Annals of Human Genetics, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 418-427.
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SummaryPopulation stratification is an important issue in case–control studies of disease‐marker association. Failure to properly account for population structure can lead to spurious association or reduced power. In this article, we compare the performance of six methods correcting for population stratification in case–control association studies. These methods include genomic control (GC), EIGENSTRAT, principal component‐based logistic regression (PCA‐L), LAPSTRUCT, ROADTRIPS, and EMMAX. We also include the uncorrected Armitage test for comparison. In the simulation studies, we consider a wide range of population structure models for unrelated samples, including admixture. Our simulation results suggest that PCA‐L and LAPSTRUCT perform well over all the scenarios studied, whereas GC, ROADTRIPS, and EMMAX fail to correct for population structure at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that show strong differentiation across ancestral populations. The Armitage test does not adjust for confounding due to stratification thus has inflated type I error. Among all correction methods, EMMAX has the greatest power, based on the population structure settings considered for samples with unrelated individuals. The three methods, EIGENSTRAT, PCA‐L, and LAPSTRUCT, are comparable, and outperform both GC and ROADTRIPS in almost all situations.
Wu, C, Huang, L & Oehlers, DJ 2011, 'Blast Testing of Aluminum Foam–Protected Reinforced Concrete Slabs', Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 464-474.
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Wu, C, Walsh, KM, DeWan, AT, Hoh, J & Wang, Z 2011, 'Disease risk prediction with rare and common variants', BMC Proceedings, vol. 5, no. S9.
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Wu, C, Yu, L & Zhou, Y 2011, 'Numerical Analysis of Metallic Foam Using Microstructure Model', International Journal of Protective Structures, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 499-513.
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It has become a critical issue that the human life and civil facility have been threatened by the increasing terroristic explosive attack. The application of cellular materials is an effective and feasible measure to mitigate blast and impact loading on buildings due to their energy absorption capacity. The Finite Element code such as LSDYNA has been used to simulate the mechanical behaviours of cellular materials. However, most of numerical models regarded the cellular materials as homogeneous materials on the macro level which may affect the accuracy of simulation, because none of them can reflect the pore structure of cellular materials, especially for the irregular metallic foam structures. Therefore, in this study, two main microstructure models (2D/3D metallic foam) were developed for numerical simulation of closed-cell metal. In the microstructure model of metallic foam, the cell walls were represented by thin shell elements and the solid wall material of the cells is modelled as bi-linear stress-strain relationship based on the material properties of the cell wall material of metallic foam. The numerical models were validated through comparing simulated results with analytical values of plateau phase stress-strain response under static condition. With the validated microstructure models, a series of parametric studies were conducted, in order to have a better understanding about the mechanical properties of closed-cell metallic foam. The emphases of this study were on the differences between static and dynamic performances of closed-cell metallic foam specimens in both 2D and 3D cases, the relationship between dynamic increase factor and nominal strain rate.
Wu, D, Lu, J & Zhang, G 2011, 'Similarity measure models and algorithms for hierarchical cases', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 15049-15056.
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Many business situations such as events, products and services, are often described in a hierarchical structure. When we use case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques to support business decision-making, we require a hierarchical-CBR technique which can effectively compare and measure similarity between two hierarchical cases. This study first defines hierarchical case trees (HC-trees) and discusses related features. It then develops a similarity evaluation model which takes into account all the information on nodes' structures, concepts, weights, and values in order to comprehensively compare two hierarchical case trees. A similarity measure algorithm is proposed which includes a node concept correspondence degree computation algorithm and a maximum correspondence tree mapping construction algorithm, for HC-trees. We provide two illustrative examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical case similarity evaluation model and algorithms, and possible applications in CBR systems. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wu, RMX, Gide, E & Xing, QD 2011, 'CSFs for Service Industry SMEs Successfully Adopting E-commerce System: A Study from China', Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 861-868.
Xiaojing Huang & Guo, YJ 2011, 'Frequency-Domain AoA Estimation and Beamforming with Wideband Hybrid Arrays', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 2543-2553.
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High speed long range millimetre-wave (mm-wave) links can be achieved by using wideband hybrid antenna arrays of sub-arrays. Due to the array architecture difference, conventional wideband angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation and beamforming techniques are not applicable to such wideband hybrid arrays. Targeted at point-to-point line-of-sight wireless transmission in the 70/80 GHz E bands, a unified frequency-domain AoA estimation and beamforming algorithm suitable for large scale wideband hybrid arrays of both interleaved and side-by-side sub-arrays is proposed in this paper. The AoA estimation performance is analyzed by deriving a recursive modified Cramr-Rao bound (MCRB). The effect of mutual coupling among antenna elements on the estimation performance is also considered for the hybrid array of side-by-side sub-arrays. The analytical results can be used to determine system parameters according to required system specifications. Simulation results show that the proposed AoA estimation algorithm is robust against practical impairments, and the frequency dependency of the array pattern is significantly reduced after digital beamforming. Simulated mean square errors of AoA estimation are also compared with the analytical bounds, showing that the derived recursive MCRB provides a meaningful indication to the AoA estimation performance. © 2006 IEEE.
Xie, W-M, Zhang, R, Li, W-W, Ni, B-J, Fang, F, Sheng, G-P, Yu, H-Q, Song, J, Le, D-Z, Bi, X-J, Liu, C-Q & Yang, M 2011, 'Simulation and optimization of a full-scale Carrousel oxidation ditch plant for municipal wastewater treatment', Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 56, no. 1-2, pp. 9-16.
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Xing, W, Ngo, HH, Guo, WS, Listowski, A & Cullum, P 2011, 'Evaluation of an integrated sponge - Granular activated carbon fluidized bed bioreactor for treating primary treated sewage effluent', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 102, no. 9, pp. 5448-5453.
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An integrated fluidized bed bioreactor (iFBBR) was designed to incorporate an aerobic sponge FBBR (ASB-FBBR) into an anoxic granular activated carbon FBBR (GAC-FBBR). This iFBBR was operated with and without adding a new starch based flocculant (NSBF) to treat synthetic primary treated sewage effluent (PTSE). The NSBF contains starch based cationic flocculants and trace nutrients. The results indicate that the iFBBR with NSBF addition could remove more than 93% dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 61% total nitrogen (T-N) and 60% total phosphorus (T-P) at just a very short hydraulic retention time of 50min. The optimum frequency of adding NSBF to the iFFBR is four times per day. As a pretreatment to microfiltration, the iFFBR could increase 5L/m2h of critical flux thus reducing the membrane fouling. In addition, better microbial activity was also observed with high DO consumption (>66%) and specific oxygen uptake rate (>35mg O2/gVSSh). © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Xu, D, Wijesooriya, C, Wang, Y-G & Beydoun, G 2011, 'Outbound logistics exception monitoring: A multi-perspective ontologies' approach with intelligent agents', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 13604-13611.
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Xu, G, Li, L, Zhang, Y, Yi, X & Kitsuregawa, M 2011, 'Modeling user hidden navigational behavior for Web recommendation', Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 239-255.
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Web users exhibit a variety of navigational interests through clicking a sequence of Web pages. Analyses of Web usage data will lead to discovering Web user access patterns, and in turn, facilitating users to locate more preferable Web contents via collaborative recommendation techniques. In the context of Web usage mining, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) based on probability inference provides a promising approach to capture not only user hidden navigational patterns, but also the associations between users, pages and hidden navigational patterns. The discovered user access patterns could be used as a usage reference base for identifying the new users access preferences and making usage-based collaborative Web recommendations. In this paper, we propose a novel usage-based Web recommendation framework, in which Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is employed to learn the underlying task space from the training Web log data and infer the task distribution for a target user via task inference. The main advantages of the adapted LDA model are its capabilities of efficiently learning the semantic usage information from the Web log data and effectively inferring the access preference of the target user even with a few Web clicks that might be unseen in the training data. In this paper, we also investigate the determination of an optimizing task number, which is another important problem commonly encountered in latent semantic analysis. Experiments conducted on a real Web log dataset show that this approach can achieve better recommendation performance in comparison to other existing techniques. And the discovered task-simplex expression can also provide a better interpretation for Web designers or users to better understand the user navigational preference.
Xu, H, Wang, J & Zhan, X 2011, 'GNSS Satellite Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (SAIM) using inter-satellite measurements', Advances in Space Research, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1116-1126.
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Xu, W, Zhu, J, Zhang, Y, Guo, Y & Lei, G 2011, 'New Axial Laminated-Structure Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine With 6/7 Poles', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 2823-2826.
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In this paper, one new axially laminated-structure ?ux-switching permanent magnet machine (ALSFSPMM) with 6/7 (stator/rotor) poles is proposed. Different from the conventional ?ux-switching permanent magnet machine (FSPMM), the stator and rotor of ALSFSPMM are laminated parallel to the axial direction, which can make full use of PM ?ux linkage, decrease part magnetic saturation, and reduce the iron loss particularly in the range of high speed. By the 2-D model prediction of ?nite element algorithm (FEA), ALSFSPMM has lower cogging torque, stronger ?ux weakening ability, greater torque density, higher ef?ciency, etc., and hence it is an ideal candidate for the drive system of plug-in hybrid electrical vehicle (PHEV).
Xu, X, Yang, H, Liu, Y, Zheng, Y, Li, L, Ji, Y & Han, X 2011, 'Formation mechanism of novel two-dimensional single crystalline dendritic copper plates in an aqueous environment', Acta Materialia, vol. 59, no. 19, pp. 7177-7188.
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Xu, XX, Zhang, JX, Guo, F, Zheng, W, Zhou, HM, Wang, BL, Zheng, YF, Wang, YB, Cheng, Y, Lou, X & Jang, BZ 2011, 'A novel amperometric hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on immobilized Hb in Pluronic P123-nanographene platelets composite', Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 427-432.
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Xu, Y, Jiang, J & Li, Z 2011, 'Cyclic optimisation for localisation in freeform surface inspection', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 361-374.
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Increasing demands on precision manufacturing of parts with freeform surfaces have been observed in the last several years. Although significant progress has been made in precision machining of freeform surfaces, inspection of such surfaces remains a dif
Yan, H-F, Yu, Z-Y, Liu, Y-M, Tian, H-D & Han, L-H 2011, 'Novel Propagation Properties of Total Internal Reflection Photonic Crystal Fibres with Rhombic Air Holes', Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 114210-114210.
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Yan, LY, Li, W, Mesgari, S, Leong, SSJ, Chen, Y, Loo, LS, Mu, Y & Chan‐Park, MB 2011, 'Use of a Chondroitin Sulfate Isomer as an Effective and Removable Dispersant of Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes', Small, vol. 7, no. 19, pp. 2758-2768.
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AbstractThree isomers of chondroitin sulfate (CS), i.e., CS‐A, CS‐B, and CS‐C, are investigated as nanotube dispersants and are found to have vastly different abilities to disperse single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in water due to their different intramolecular interactions. Only CS‐A and CS‐C effectively disperse SWNTs into small bundles or individual tubes while CS‐B disperses SWNTs poorly. Computer simulation and circular dichrosim show that neat CS‐A and CS‐C have weak intramolecular hydrogen bonding and extended conformations in solution resulting in energetically more favorable interactions with nanotubes. CS‐B has relatively strong intramolecular Coulombic interaction and more alpha‐helical secondary structure in solution resulting in energetically less favorable interaction with the nanotubes. Atomic force microscopy images show helical wrappings of CS‐A and CS‐C around the SWNTs. Transmission electron microscopy corroborates the helical wrapping of CS‐A. Different isomeric forms of a polymer can have vastly different dispersing power because of their different intramolecular interactions and conformations. The easy removability of CS‐A from nanotubes is confirmed with X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy showing almost no detectable sulphur content after washing with water and by application of washed CS‐A dispersed SWNTs in field‐effect transistors.
Yancheng, LI, Jianchun, LI & SAMALI, B 2011, 'Dynamic Performance of a Novel Magnetorheological Pin Joint', Journal of System Design and Dynamics, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 706-715.
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Magnetorheological fluid (MRF) has received significant attention lately and MRF based devices have been proposed for structural control applications in recent years. The unique characteristics of MR fluid lies in its abilities to reversibly, repeatedly and instantly change from a free flowing liquid to a semi-solid state when exposed to a magnetic field. The electric power required to drive the MR devices can be easily provided by a battery. Possessing such unique properties, MR fluid based devices, such as MR damper, have become promising candidates in the semi-active control for civil structure applications. However, most of the published research has focused on application of MR dampers instead of exploring other type of MR devices. In addition, MR based devices exhibit complex nonlinear hysteresis behaviour and thus making their modelling a challenging task.
In this paper, a novel MR fluid based device, namely MR pin joint, is proposed as a smart structural member in development of an intelligent civil structure that can suppress unwanted vibrations to ensure safety and serviceability of the structure. After design and fabrication, experiments have been conducted to characterise dynamic behaviours of the new device under different harmonic excitations with various input currents. Response time of the MR pin joint is compared when the MR pin joint is driven under different applied currents and moving speeds. Test data shows that the MR pin joint possesses a unique behaviour in the moment-angular velocity plot. A hyperbolic hysteresis model is proposed to model such unique behaviour. The investigation presented in the paper explores dynamic performance of MR pin joint. Finally, a parametric model is developed following the investigation on the correlation of coefficients in the proposed model with the loading conditions and applied currents.
Yang, B, Ying, G-G, Zhao, J-L, Zhang, L-J, Fang, Y-X & Nghiem, LD 2011, 'Oxidation of triclosan by ferrate: Reaction kinetics, products identification and toxicity evaluation', Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 186, no. 1, pp. 227-235.
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Yang, G, Chen, X, Lei, G, Shao, KR, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lavers, JD 2011, 'Domain Decomposition Combined Radial Basis Function Collocation Method to Solve Transient Eddy Current Magnetic Problems With Moving Conductors', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 2939-2942.
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Radial basis function (RBF) collocation method is a kind of pure meshless numerical method and has been applied to solve static and transient electromagnetic problems. Especially, it shows a great advantage in the computation of moving conductor eddy current magnetic problems. To simulate the conductor movement, the field equations are decoupled with superposition principle and solved by time-domain iteration under moving coordinate systems. One problem is that the coefficient matrix of RBF governing equations, which needs to be computed in each iteration step, is full. As the number of RBF nodes increases, the computational capacity will grow rapidly. The domain decomposition method (DDM), which divides the solving domain into several subdomains, could be conveniently combined with RBF collocation method. This paper first applies DDM combined RBF collocation method to compute transient eddy current magnetic field problems with moving conductors. With this novel method, the iteration only proceeds in the subdomains containing conductors. And the magnetic field in the subdomains without conductors needs to be computed just once before the iteration. The dimension of the coefficient matrix computed in the iteration is only determined by the number of nodes in the corresponding subdomains and on the interfaces. An engineering problem is computed to show that the DDM combined RBF collocation method is much more efficient than the normal one.
Yang, J, Dai, B, Huang, B & Yu, S 2011, 'Orthogonal feedback scheme for network coding', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1623-1633.
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Yang, L-M, Swaminathan, K, Grassman, T, Ringel, S & Mills, M 2011, 'Threading Dislocations in Metamorphic In0.20Ga0.80As Grown on GaAs Substrates', Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 17, no. S2, pp. 1652-1653.
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Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, August 7–August 11, 2011.
Yang, N, Schindeler, A, McDonald, MM, Seto, JT, Houweling, PJ, Lek, M, Hogarth, M, Morse, AR, Raftery, JM, Balasuriya, D, MacArthur, DG, Berman, Y, Quinlan, KGR, Eisman, JA, Nguyen, TV, Center, JR, Prince, RL, Wilson, SG, Zhu, K, Little, DG & North, KN 2011, 'alpha-Actinin-3 deficiency is associated with reduced bone mass in human and mouse', BONE, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 790-798.
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Bone mineral density (BMD) is a complex trait that is the single best predictor of the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have identified genetic variations in approximately 30 genetic loci associated with BMD variation in humans. alpha-Actinin-3 (ACTN3) is highly expressed in fast skeletal muscle fibres. There is a common null-polymorphism R577X in human ACTN3 that results in complete deficiency of the alpha-actinin-3 protein in approximately 20% of Eurasians. Absence of alpha-actinin-3 does not cause any disease phenotypes in muscle because of compensation by alpha-actinin-2. However, alpha-actinin-3 deficiency has been shown to be detrimental to athletic sprint/power performance. In this report we reveal additional functions for alpha-actinin-3 in bone. alpha-Actinin-3 but not alpha-actinin-2 is expressed in osteoblasts. The Actn3(-/-) mouse displays significantly reduced bone mass, with reduced cortical bone volume (-14%) and trabecular number (-61%) seen by microCT. Dynamic histomorphometry indicated this was due to a reduction in bone formation. In a cohort of postmenopausal Australian women, ACTN3 577XX genotype was associated with lower BMD in an additive genetic model, with the R577X genotype contributing 1.1% of the variance in BMD. Microarray analysis of cultured osteoprogenitors from Actn3(-/-) mice showed alterations in expression of several genes regulating bone mass and osteoblast/osteoclast activity, including Enpp1, Opg and Wnt7b. Our studies suggest that ACTN3 likely contributes to the regulation of bone mass through alterations in bone turnover. Given the high frequency of R577X in the general population, the potential role of ACTN3 R577X as a factor influencing variations in BMD in elderly humans warrants further study.
Yang, S, Nguyen, ND, Center, JR, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2011, 'Association between beta-blocker use and fracture risk: The Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', Bone, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 451-455.
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Introduction: In animal model, mice treated with beta-blockers (BB) had increased bone mass. In humans, high bone mass is associated with reduce fracture risk. The present study sought to test the hypothesis that BB use is associated with reduced fracture risk. Materials and methods: Data from 3488 participants (1285 men) aged 50 years and above in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (DOES) were analyzed. Baseline characteristics of participants were obtained at the initial visit which had taken place between 1989 and 1993. Bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine and femoral neck was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE-LUNAR Corp, Madison, WI). Two hundred and sixty two (20%) men and 411 (19%) women had been on BB, as ascertained by direct interview and verification with medication history. The incidence of fragility fractures was ascertained during the follow-up period (19892008). Results: In men, BB use was associated with higher BMD at the femoral neck (0.96 versus 0.92 g/cm2, Pb0.01), higher lumbar spine (1.32 versus 1.25 g/cm2, Pb0.01), and lower fracture risk than those not on BB (odds ratio [OR]: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.320.75). In women, BB users also had higher femoral neck BMD (0.83 versus 0.81 g/cm2, Pb0.01), higher lumbar spine BMD (1.11 versus 1.06 g/cm2, Pb0.01), and lower risk of fracture than nonusers (OR 0.68, 95% CI: 0.530.87). The associations between BB use and fracture risk were independent of age, BMD, and clinical risk factors. Subgroup analysis suggested that the association was mainly found in selective BB, not in non-selective BB. Conclusion: Beta-blockers use, particularly selective BB, was associated with reduced fracture risk in both men and women, and the association was independent of BMD.
Yang, T, Kecman, V, Cao, L, Zhang, C & Zhexue Huang, J 2011, 'Margin-based ensemble classifier for protein fold recognition', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 12348-12355.
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Recognition of protein folding patterns is an important step in protein structure and function predictions. Traditional sequence similarity-based approach fails to yield convincing predictions when proteins have low sequence identities, while the taxonom
Yang, X, Zhang, G, Lu, J & Ma, J 2011, 'A Kernel Fuzzy c-Means Clustering-Based Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Algorithm for Classification Problems With Outliers or Noises', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 105-115.
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The support vector machine (SVM) has provided higher performance than traditional learning machines and has been widely applied in real-world classification problems and nonlinear function estimation problems. Unfortunately, the training process of the SVM is sensitive to the outliers or noises in the training set. In this paper, a common misunderstanding of Gaussian-function-based kernel fuzzy clustering is corrected, and a kernel fuzzy c-means clustering-based fuzzy SVM algorithm (KFCM-FSVM) is developed to deal with the classification problems with outliers or noises. In the KFCM-FSVM algorithm, we first use the FCM clustering to cluster each of two classes from the training set in the high-dimensional feature space. The farthest pair of clusters, where one cluster comes from the positive class and the other from the negative class, is then searched and forms one new training set with membership degrees. Finally, we adopt FSVM to induce the final classification results on this new training set. The computational complexity of the KFCM-FSVM algorithm is analyzed. A set of experiments is conducted on six benchmarking datasets and four artificial datasets for testing the generalization performance of the KFCM-FSVM algorithm. The results indicate that the KFCM-FSVM algorithm is robust for classification problems with outliers or noises. © 2006 IEEE.
Yang, Y, Fu, J, Peng, H, Hou, L, Liu, M & Zhou, JL 2011, 'Occurrence and phase distribution of selected pharmaceuticals in the Yangtze Estuary and its coastal zone', Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 190, no. 1-3, pp. 588-596.
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The occurrence and geochemical behavior of nine pharmaceutical compounds were investigated along the Yangtze River Estuary and its coastal area, by sampling and analysis of pharmaceuticals in sediment, suspended particulate matter (SPM), colloidal and soluble phases. In addition, the impact of sewage input was examined by sampling from sewage treatment plants (STP) effluent and its upstream and downstream in the Yangtze River. Although at relatively low concentrations in SPM and sediments, several pharmaceuticals were found at elevated concentration in filtered water samples from STP-affected sites. STP is therefore an important input of pharmaceuticals in the study area. Colloidal phase was further separated from bulk water samples using cross-flow ultrafiltration (CFUF), confirming it being an effective sorbent for pharmaceuticals with high sorption capacity which are 2-4 orders of magnitude higher than SPM. Moreover, mass balance calculations showed that significant percentages of selected pharmaceutical compounds were associated with aquatic colloids, indicating colloids as a reservoir for these contaminants in the Yangtze estuarine system. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Yang, Y, Li, J, Wang, H, Song, X, Wang, T, He, B, Liang, X & Ngo, HH 2011, 'An Electrocatalytic Membrane Reactor with Self‐Cleaning Function for Industrial Wastewater Treatment', Angewandte Chemie, vol. 123, no. 9, pp. 2196-2198.
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Industrial wastewater has become a global issue due to its high concentration of pollutants, especially refractory organic compounds.[1] Membrane technology has attracted considerable attention in industrial wastewater purification over the past decades owing to its high flexibility regarding water quality and low investment costs. However, inherent membrane fouling caused by concentration polarization and pore blocking leads to low plant reliability and limits wide industrial application in wastewater treatment.[2] Controlling and mitigating membrane fouling has become the most critical problem in the field of membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment.
Yang, Y, Li, J, Wang, H, Song, X, Wang, T, He, B, Liang, X & Ngo, HH 2011, 'An Electrocatalytic Membrane Reactor with Self‐Cleaning Function for Industrial Wastewater Treatment', Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2148-2150.
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Ye, D, Zhang, M & Sutanto, D 2011, 'A Hybrid Multiagent Framework With Q-Learning for Power Grid Systems Restoration', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 2434-2441.
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Yiming Liu, Dong Xu, Tsang, IW-H & Jiebo Luo 2011, 'Textual Query of Personal Photos Facilitated by Large-Scale Web Data', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1022-1036.
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The rapid popularization of digital cameras and mobile phone cameras has led to an explosive growth of personal photo collections by consumers. In this paper, we present a real-time textual query-based personal photo retrieval system by leveraging millions of Web images and their associated rich textual descriptions (captions, categories, etc.). After a user provides a textual query (e.g., "water), our system exploits the inverted file to automatically find the positive Web images that are related to the textual query "water as well as the negative Web images that are irrelevant to the textual query. Based on these automatically retrieved relevant and irrelevant Web images, we employ three simple but effective classification methods, k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), decision stumps, and linear SVM, to rank personal photos. To further improve the photo retrieval performance, we propose two relevance feedback methods via cross-domain learning, which effectively utilize both the Web images and personal images. In particular, our proposed cross-domain learning methods can learn robust classifiers with only a very limited amount of labeled personal photos from the user by leveraging the prelearned linear SVM classifiers in real time. We further propose an incremental cross-domain learning method in order to significantly accelerate the relevance feedback process on large consumer photo databases. Extensive experiments on two consumer photo data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our system, which is also inherently not limited by any predefined lexicon.
Ying, M 2011, 'Floyd-Hoare Logic for Quantum Programs', ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1-49.
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Floyd-Hoare logic is a foundation of axiomatic semantics of classical programs, and it provides effective proof techniques for reasoning about correctness of classical programs. To offer similar techniques for quantum program verification and to build a logical foundation of programming methodology for quantum computers, we develop a full-fledged Floyd-Hoare logic for both partial and total correctness of quantum programs. It is proved that this logic is (relatively) complete by exploiting the power of weakest preconditions and weakest liberal preconditions for quantum programs. © 2011 ACM.
Ying, M & Feng, Y 2011, 'A Flowchart Language for Quantum Programming', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 466-485.
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Several high-level quantum programming languages have been proposed in the previous research. In this paper, we define a low-level flowchart language for quantum programming, which can be used in implementation of high-level quantum languages and in design of quantum compilers. The formal semantics of the flowchart language is given, and the notion of correctness for programs written in this language is introduced. A structured quantum programming theorem is presented, which provides a technique of translating quantum flowchart programs into programs written in a high-level language, namely, a quantum extension of the while-language. © 2006 IEEE.
Ying, M, Yu, N, Feng, Y & Duan, R 2011, 'Verification of Quantum Programs', CoRR, vol. abs/1106.4063, no. 4, pp. 1085-1093.
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© Copyright 2018, Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. With the rapid development of quantum hardware, people tend to believe that special-purpose quantum computers with more than 100 qubits will be available in 5 to 10 years. It is conceivable that, once this becomes a reality, the development of quantum software will be crucial in harnessing the power of quantum computers. However, due to the distinguishable features of quantum mechanics, such as the no-cloning of quantum information and the nonlocal effect of entanglement, developing correct and efficient quantum programs and communication protocols is a challenging issue. Formal verification methods, particularly model checking techniques, have proven effective in classical software design and system modelling. Therefore, formal verification of quantum software has received more and more attention recently. This article reviews recent research findings in verification of both sequential quantum programs and quantum communication protocols, with the focus placed on the work of the two authors' research groups. Future directions and challenges in this area are also discussed.
Yisgedu, TB, Chen, X, Lingam, HK, Huang, Z, Highley, A, Maharrey, S, Behrens, R, Shore, SG & Zhao, J-C 2011, 'Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Thermal Decomposition Study of Mg(H2O)6B10H10·4H2O', The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 23, pp. 11793-11802.
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Yong Cai & Guo, YJ 2011, 'A Frequency-Agile Compact Array With a Reconfigurable Decoupling and Matching Network', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 1031-1034.
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A new frequency-agile compact antenna array incorporating a reconfigurable decoupling and matching network (DMN) is presented. The array consists of two printed monopole antennas, each loaded with a p-i-n diode. By changing the p-i-n diode states through an inductive biasing line, the array operating frequency can be tuned to the 2.5-or 3.5-GHz band. The array interelement spacing is chosen to be as small as 0.05 λ 0 at 2.5 GHz, which results in a strong mutual coupling between antenna ports. A reconfigurable DMN is proposed to reduce the mutual coupling when the array frequency is switched. Measured results show that the use of the DMN realizes a matched (S 11 ≤-10 dB) and decoupled (S 21 ≤-20 dB) bandwidth of 150 and 160 MHz in the lower and higher bands, respectively. In addition, compared to the strongly coupled array, at least 9% antenna total efficiency improvement is measured over a 125-MHz bandwidth in both the lower and the higher bands. The effect of the ohmic loss in the DMN on the antenna correlation is also investigated. © 2011 IEEE.
Youssef, AM, Pradhan, B & Hassan, AM 2011, 'Flash flood risk estimation along the St. Katherine road, southern Sinai, Egypt using GIS based morphometry and satellite imagery', Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 611-623.
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Youssef, AM, Pradhan, B & Tarabees, E 2011, 'Integrated evaluation of urban development suitability based on remote sensing and GIS techniques: contribution from the analytic hierarchy process', Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 463-473.
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Yu, N, Duan, R & Ying, M 2011, 'Any 2 circle times n subspace is locally distinguishable', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 1-3.
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A subspace of a multipartite Hilbert space is said to be locally indistinguishable if any orthonormal basis of this subspace cannot be perfectly distinguished by local operations and classical communication. Previously it was shown that any m . n bipartite system with m > 2 and n > 2 has a locally indistinguishable subspace. However, it has been an open problem since 2005 whether there is a locally indistinguishable bipartite subspace with a qubit subsystem.We settle this problem in negative by showing that any 2 . n bipartite subspace contains a basis that is locally distinguishable. As an interesting application, we show that any quantum channel with two Kraus operators has optimal environment-assisted classical capacity.
Yu, S, Zhou, W, Doss, R & Jia, W 2011, 'Traceback of DDoS Attacks Using Entropy Variations', IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 412-425.
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Yu, Y, Wu, Y, Guo, X, Feng, R & Wan, J 2011, 'A Probabilistic Approach for Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Pipeline Monitoring Sensor Networks', Procedia Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 64-68.
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Lifetime network is the main considering problem when deploying wireless sensor networks for integrity monitoring of pipeline infrastructures. And the low network lifetime is always caused by the unbalanced energy consumption in the monitoring networks. So in this paper, a sort of data transmission approach based on probabilistic model is put forward to solve the energy consumption unbalanced and enhance the network lifetime. The optimal problem for maximum network lifetime is introduced, which is solved by artificial fish school algorithm. A series of simulation experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness of new method. Compared with Direct and Multi-hop methods, new method not only can efficiently balance the network energy load, but also can significantly prolong the network lifetime, meeting the requirements of real-time pipeline monitoring. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Yu, Y, Wu, Y, Yu, N, Feng, R & Wan, J 2011, 'Optimal deployment for maximum lifecycle in natural gas pipeline monitoring sensor networks', Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 5359-5370.
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Network lifecycle is one of the main considering issues when deploying natural gas pipeline monitoring networks. For increasing monitoring lifecycle, we put forward a kind of networks deployment strategy based on cost-lifecycle. The strategy can solve the following problems: how many nodes should be deployed, which data transmission mode should be adopted, and how far the distances between neighboring nodes are. In order to avoid local optimal solution, hybrid genetic algorithm is employed to work out the deployment strategy. Numerical and simulation results show the perfect performance of the strategy. Besides, we also study the impact of path loss exponent and sensing range on the optimal networks deployment. Eventually, we compare it with two common networks deployment approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of the new strategy. © 2011 Binary Information Press December, 2011.
Yu, Y-H, Kwok, NM & Ha, QP 2011, 'Color tracking for multiple robot control using a system-on-programmable-chip', AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 669-676.
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A new trend in construction is the emerging technologies to accommodate personal indoor robots moving among occupants and assisting them. In many circumstances, the coordination of multiple robots is required for task execution, whereby it is important to cooperatively control robots to navigate in a desired formation. For this, real-time information of each robot's location can be made available via the use of computer vision technologies. This paper presents the development of a digital camera surveillance system that can track color tags of moving robots in an indoor environment. The system, which comprises image demosaicking, color detection, relative distance estimation and moving object tracking, is designed for controlling a number of miniature robots, utilizing the system-on-programmable-chip technology. Here, essential issues of real-time computation and low power consumption are simultaneously resolved with register-transfer level and gate circuits. Experimental results are provided for verification. An emphasis is given to construction applications.
Yuan, S, Skinner, BT, Huang, S, Liu, DK, Dissanayake, G, Lau, H & Pagac, D 2011, 'A job grouping approach for planning container transfers at automated seaport container terminals', ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 413-426.
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This paper proposes a practical job grouping approach, which aims to enhance the time related performance metrics of container transfers in the Patrick AutoStrad container terminal, located in Brisbane, Australia. It first formulates a mathematical model of the automated container transfers in a relatively complex environment. Apart from the consideration on collision avoidance of a fleet of large vehicles in a confined area, it also deals with many other difficult practical challenges such as the presence of multiple levels of container stacking and sequencing, variable container orientations, and vehicular dynamics that require finite acceleration and deceleration times. The proposed job grouping approach aims to improve the makespan of the schedule for yard jobs, while reducing straddle carrier waiting time by grouping jobs using a guiding function. The performance of the current sequential job allocation method and the proposed job grouping approach are evaluated and compared statistically using a pooled t-test for 30 randomly generated yard configurations. The experimental results show that the job grouping approach can effectively improve the schedule makespan and reduce the total straddle carrier waiting time. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zainol, R, Abu Bakar, Z & Ali, SJS 2011, 'Integrated Partial Match Query in Geographic Information Retrieval', PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 19, pp. 41-49.
Zeng, T, Li, J & Liu, J 2011, 'Distinct interfacial biclique patterns between ssDNA‐binding proteins and those with dsDNAs', Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 598-610.
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AbstractWe introduce a new motif called interfacial biclique pattern to study the difference between double‐stranded DNA‐binding proteins (DSBs, most of them also known to play the role as transcriptional factors) and single‐stranded DNA‐binding proteins (SSBs) which are found to involve in many applications recently. An interfacial biclique pattern in a protein‐DNA complex usually consists of a group of residues and a group of nucleotides such that every residue has a contact to all of the bases. The proposal of this idea is based on a biological redundancy mechanism that: a site mutation has little influence on the other residues to recognize the target nucleotides and vice versa. The distribution of the residues on the interfacial motifs is investigated to identify distinct stable preferred residues, stable un‐preferred residues and unstable preferred residues between SSBs and DSBs. We also examine residue co‐occurrence and residue‐base association rules in the interfacial motifs to uncover the different choices of residue combinations by SSBs and DSBs that have contacts with one or more bases. We found that DSBs and SSBs have their own right residues at the right places for the binding preference and association with nucleotides. Some of our results can be supported by literature work. Proteins 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Zhang, A, Jiang, Z, Jiao, S & Wei, D 2011, 'Microstructure and adherence of vitreous enamel to low carbon steel', International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 5/6, pp. 369-369.
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The microstructure and adherence of vitreous enamel to low carbon steel substrate with different compositions were evaluated by using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and the bending test method. The condition of the bubbles, the fish-scaling resistance, and the adherence strength were also analysed by microscopic methods. The results show that the microstructures of the enamel layers are similar for the two steels, while the addition of titanium and vanadium to the steel degrades the adherence. The mechanism of enamel-steel interface adherence could be explained as mainly mechanical interlocking, chemical bonding subsequent to a series of chemical reactions. Fe-rich dendrites can only be found in the bubbles located inside the interface transit zone.
Zhang, AW, Jiao, SH, Jiang, ZY, Sun, QS & Wei, DB 2011, 'The Influence of Enamel Firing Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Steel Substrate', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 194-196, pp. 144-149.
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The as-rolled and enamel fired microstructure and mechanical properties of two low carbon steels with different compositions were analysed in the paper. The results show that the grains do not coarsen in lab firing process, and could be refined after industrial enamel firing process. The strength can keep stable in the firing process and the impact energy could be enhanced greatly under the industrial enamel firing process. The surface decarburized layer was occurred as a result of chemical reaction among the carbon in steel and water, oxides in the enamel frit.
Zhang, G, Ostergaard, J, Klejsa, J & Kleijn, WB 2011, 'High-Rate Analysis of Symmetric L-Channel Multiple Description Coding', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 1846-1856.
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Zhang, G, Zhang, G, Gao, Y & Lu, J 2011, 'Competitive Strategic Bidding Optimization in Electricity Markets Using Bilevel Programming and Swarm Technique', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 2138-2146.
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Competitive strategic bidding optimization is now a key issue in electricity generator markets. Digital ecosystems provide a powerful technological foundation and support for the implementation of the optimization. This paper presents a new strategic bidding optimization technique which applies bilevel programming and swarm intelligence. In this paper, we first propose a general multileader-one-follower nonlinear bilevel (MLNB) optimization concept and related definitions based on the generalized Nash equilibrium. By analyzing the strategic bidding behavior of generating companies, we create a specific MLNB decision model for day-ahead electricity markets. The MLNB decision model allows each generating company to choose its biddings to maximize its individual profit, and a market operator can find its minimized purchase electricity fare, which is determined by the output power of each unit and the uniform marginal prices. We then develop a particle-swarm-optimization-based algorithm to solve the problem defined in the MLNB decision model. The experiment results on a strategic bidding problem for a day-ahead electricity market have demonstrated the validity of the proposed decision model and algorithm. © 2010 IEEE.
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Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers each tries to optimize their individual objectives under certain constraints, and to act and react in an uncooperative and sequential manner. Given the difficulty of formulating a bilevel decision problem by mathematical functions, a rule sets-based bilevel decision (RSBLD) model was proposed. This article presents an algorithm to solve a RSBLD problem. A case-based example is given to illustrate the functions of the proposed algorithm. Finally, a set of experiments is analyzed to further show the functions and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
ZHANG, JIE, LU, JIE & ZHANG, G 2011, 'A SEASONAL AUTO-REGRESSIVE MODEL BASED SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION PREDICTION METHOD FOR H5N1 AVIAN INFLUENZA ANIMAL EVENTS', International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, vol. 10, no. 02, pp. 199-230.
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The time series prediction of avian influenza epidemics is a complex issue, because avian influenza has latent seasonality which is difficult to identify. Although researchers have applied a neural network (NN) model and the Box-Jenkins model for the seasonal epidemic series research area, the results are limited. In this study, we develop a new prediction seasonal auto-regressive-based support vector regression (SAR-SVR) model which combines the seasonal auto-regressive (SAR) model with a support vector regression (SVR) model to address this prediction problem to overcome existing limitations. Fast Fourier transformation is also merged into this method to identify the latent seasonality inside the time series. The experiments demonstrate that the developed SAR-SVR method out-performs SVR, Box-Jenkins models and two layer feed forward NN model-both in accuracy and stability in the avian influenza epidemic disease time series prediction.
ZHANG, JIE, LU, JIE & ZHANG, G 2011, 'JOINT SUB-CLASSIFIERS ONE CLASS CLASSIFICATION MODEL FOR AVIAN INFLUENZA OUTBREAK DETECTION', International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, vol. 10, no. 04, pp. 425-443.
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H5N1 avian influenza outbreak detection is a significant issue for early warning of epidemics. This paper proposes domain knowledge-based joint one class classification model for avian influenza outbreak. Instead of focusing on manipulations of the one class classification model, we delve into the one class avian influenza dataset, divide it into sub-classes by domain knowledge, train the sub-class classifiers and unify the result of each classifier. The proposed joint method solves the one class classification and features selection problems together. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed joint model definitely outperforms the normal one class classification model on the animal avian influenza dataset.
Zhang, R, Castel, A & François, R 2011, 'Influence of steel–concrete interface defects owing to the top-bar effect on the chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement', Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 773-781.
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This paper deals with the influence of the steel–concrete interface condition on the reinforcement corrosion in a chloride environment. Two large-sized concrete members were cast including horizontal reinforcements at different levels in order to create voids under the upper horizontal bars caused by the well-known ‘top-bar effect'. The walls were then sawn into small-sized specimens including one rebar. These small specimens were submitted to wetting–drying cycles in salt water (natural corrosion process). The polarisation resistance technique was performed to monitor the steel corrosion during the ageing up to 55 weeks. Chloride profiles were regularly measured and specimens were broken to observe the corrosion pattern. Results show that, first, a good-quality steel–concrete interface significantly reduces the corrosion rate in comparison with the specimen with interfacial defects. Second, before concrete cracking, the corrosion pattern observed is completely different between the specimens with or without defect. Perfect interface specimens show a typical local pitting corrosion pattern owing to chloride attack. However, specimens affected by the ‘top-bar effect' show a generalised corrosion along the steel surface affected by the void (surface under the horizontal steel bars in regard to concrete casting direction). Macrocell corrosion seems to develop between the lower surface affected by the void acting as an anode and the upper surface where the bond is perfect as the cathode. The concrete cracking is delayed for specimens affected by the ‘top-bar effect' in spite of a higher corrosion rate. This delay can be attributed to the time necessary for the rust to fill the voids.
Zhang, R, Lu, J & Zhang, G 2011, 'A knowledge-based multi-role decision support system for ore blending cost optimization of blast furnaces', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, vol. 215, no. 1, pp. 194-203.
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Literature illustrates the difficulties in obtaining the lowest-cost optimal solution to an ore blending problem for blast furnaces by using the traditional trial-and-error method in iron and steel enterprises. To solve this problem, we developed a cost optimization model which we have implemented in a multi-role-based decision support system (DSS). On the basis of analyzing the business flow and working process of ore blending, we propose an architecture of DSS which is built based on multi-roles. This DSS construction pre-processes the data for materials and elements, builds a general database, abstracts the related optimal operations research models and introduces the reasoning mechanism of an expert system. A non-linear model of ore blending for blast furnaces and its solutions are provided. A database, a model base and a knowledge base are integrated into the expert system-based multi-role DSS to meet the different demands of data, information and decision-making knowledge for the various roles of users. A comparison of the results for the DSS and the trial-and-error method is provided. The system has produced excellent economic benefits since it was implemented at the Xiangtan Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd.; China. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zhang, R, Lu, J & Zhang, G 2011, 'An information presentation method based on tree-like super entity component', JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, vol. 84, no. 8, pp. 1306-1318.
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Information systems are increasingly oriented in the direction of large-scale integration due to the explosion of multi-source information. It is therefore important to discuss how to reasonably organize and present information from multiple structures and sources on the same information system platform. In this study, we propose a 3C (Components, Connections, Container) component model by combining white-box and black-box methods, design a tree-like super entity based on the model, present its construction and related algorithm, and take a tree-like super entity as the information organization method for multi-level entities. In order to represent structural, semi-structural and non-structural data on the same information system platform, an information presentation method based on an editable e-book component has been developed by combining the tree-like super entity component, QQ-style menu and 1/K switch connection component, which has been successfully applied in the Flood Protection Project Information System of the Yangtze River in China. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Zhang, XM, Jiang, ZY, Wei, DB, Liu, XH & Wang, GD 2011, 'Finite Element Modeling of Casting Roll during Twin-Roll Strip Casting', Advanced Materials Research, vol. 145, pp. 287-292.
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In twin-roll thin strip casting, the temperature distribution of casting roll affects the roll thermal stress, and influences the thermal deformation, the generation of roll surface cracks, the strip shape, and the service life of casting roll. In this paper, the temperature distributions of casting roll have been analysed, the effects of the roll sleeve thickness on the temperature field and thermal stress of casting roll have been simulated and discussed. The developed temperature model of casting roll is helpful in optimising the processing parameters and the design of casting roll during twin-roll thin strip casting.
Zhang, Y, He, J, Zhu, Y, Chen, H & Ma, H 2011, 'Directly observed Au–S bond breakage due to swelling of the anchored polyelectrolyte', Chem. Commun., vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1190-1192.
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Zhang, Y, Zhang, W, Lin, X, Jiang, B & Pei, J 2011, 'Ranking uncertain sky: The probabilistic top-k skyline operator', Information Systems, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 898-915.
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Many recent applications involve processing and analyzing uncertain data. In this paper, we combine the feature of top-k objects with that of skyline to model the problem of top-k skyline objects against uncertain data. The problem of efficiently computing top-k skyline objects on large uncertain datasets is challenging in both discrete and continuous cases. In this paper, firstly an efficient exact algorithm for computing the top-k skyline objects is developed for discrete cases. To address applications where each object may have a massive set of instances or a continuous probability density function, we also develop an efficient randomized algorithm with an approximation guarantee. Moreover, our algorithms can be immediately extended to efficiently compute p-skyline; that is, retrieving the uncertain objects with skyline probabilities above a given threshold. Our extensive experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the efficiency of both algorithms and the randomized algorithm is highly accurate. They also show that our techniques significantly outperform the existing techniques for computing p-skyline. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zhao, L, Wong, L & Li, J 2011, 'Antibody-Specified B-Cell Epitope Prediction in Line with the Principle of Context-Awareness', IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1483-1494.
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Context-awareness is a characteristic in the recognition between antigens and antibodies, highlighting the reconfiguration of epitope residues when an antigen interacts with a different antibody. A coarse binary classification of antigen regions into epitopes, or nonepitopes without specifying antibodies may not accurately reflect this biological reality. Therefore, we study an antibody-specified epitope prediction problem in line with this principle. This problem is new and challenging as we pinpoint a subset of the antigenic residues from an antigen when it binds to a specific antibody. We introduce two kinds of associations of the contextual awareness: 1) residues-residues pairing preference, and 2) the dependence between sets of contact residue pairs. Preference plays a bridging role to link interacting paratope and epitope residues while dependence is used to extend the association from one-dimension to two-dimension. The paratope/epitope residues' relative composition, cooperativity ratios, and Markov properties are also utilized to enhance our method. A nonredundant data set containing 80 antibody-antigen complexes is compiled and used in the evaluation. The results show that our method yields a good performance on antibody-specified epitope prediction. On the traditional antibody-ignored epitope prediction problem, a simplified version of our method can produce a competitive, sometimes much better, performance in comparison with three structure-based predictors. © 2011 IEEE.
Zhao, W, Lu, DD-C & Agelidis, VG 2011, 'Current Control of Grid-Connected Boost Inverter With Zero Steady-State Error', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2825-2834.
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ZHAO, X, YU, X, SUN, L, HU, K, WANG, G & ZHANG, L 2011, 'Non-rigid Object Tracking as Salient Region Segmentation and Association', IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E94-D, no. 4, pp. 934-937.
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Zhao, Y, Niu, Z, Peng, X & Dai, L 2011, 'A Discretization Algorithm of Numerical Attributes for Digital Library Evaluation Based on Data Mining Technology', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 7008 LNCS, pp. 70-76.
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We present here a discretization algorithm for numerical attributes of digital collections. In our research data mining technology is imported into digital library evaluation to provide a better decision-making support. But data prediction algorithms work not well based on the traditional discretization method during the data mining process. The reason is that numerical attributes of digital collections are complicated and not in the same scale of distribution distance. We study the characteristic of numerical attributes and put forward a discretization method based on the Z-score idea of mathematical statistics. This algorithm can reflect the dynamic semantic distance for different numerical attributes and significantly enhance the precision rate and recall rate of data prediction algorithms. Furthermore a 'nonlinear conditional relationship' among attributes of digital collections is discovered during the study of discretization algorithm and impacts the actual application result of traditional data mining algorithms. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Zhao, YX, Gao, BY, Cao, BC, Yang, ZL, Yue, QV, Shon, HK & Kim, J-H 2011, 'Comparison of coagulation behavior and floc characteristics of titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) with surface water treatment', CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol. 166, no. 2, pp. 544-550.
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Coagulation behavior of Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) was comparatively investigated in terms of the removal of turbidity and natural organic matter (NOM) with surface water. The growth, breakage and re-growth nature of flocs were also compared. The results show that the removals of chemical oxidation demand (CODMn) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were 51.5% and 78.4% at optimal dosage for TiCl4 and 29.8% and 41.0% for PACl, respectively. The floc breakage and re-growth indicated that TiCl4 and PACl coagulation occurred not only by charge neutralization but also by a form of sweep flocculation. Besides, flocs formed by PACl had better recoverability than the flocs formed by TiCl4. Sludge produced from TiCl4 flocculation was calcined at 600 â¦C to produce TiO2, and the photocatalytic activity in removing reactive brilliant red (K-2BP) was evaluated in comparison with commercially available TiO2 (P-25). The photocatalytic oxidation rates of K-2BP after 2 h photocatalytic reaction were 91.4% and 92.9% for as-prepared TiO2 and P-25, respectively.
Zhao, YX, Gao, BY, Rong, HY, Shon, HK, Kim, J-H, Yue, QY & Wang, Y 2011, 'The impacts of coagulant aid-polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride on coagulation performances and floc characteristics in humic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment with titanium tetrachloride', CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol. 173, no. 2, pp. 376-384.
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Coagulation of humic acidâkaolin synthetic water was conducted with Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and/or polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PD) to assess the effect of coagulant aid PD on coagulation behavior and floc characteristics. Coagulation behavior was investigated in terms of the reduction of turbidity and the removal of natural organic matter (NOM). The results show that the humic acid (HA) removal increased with the addition of PD depending on the doses of it and TiCl4, and the HA removal was more enhanced by PD at low TiCl4 doses than at higher ones. In addition, PD-TiCl4 (PD dosed firstly, followed by TiCl4 addition) gave better turbidity and HA removal than TiCl4-PD (TiCl4 dosed firstly, followed by PD addition) in this investigation. The growth, breakage, regrowth and fractal nature of flocs was investigated by use of Mastersizer 2000. TiCl4 plus cationic polymer PD exhibited an apparent improvement on floc size and floc grow rate, and they were both in the following order: PD-TiCl4 > TiCl4-PD > TiCl4. Compared with TiCl4, the dual-coagulants significantly improved the floc recoverability. Besides, the dual-coagulants gave more compact floc structure than TiCl4 coagulant at each coagulant dose under investigation and the values of fractal dimension (Df) were in the order of TiCl4-PD > PD-TiCl4 > TiCl4.
Zhao, YX, Gao, BY, Shon, HK, Kim, J-H & Yue, QY 2011, 'Effect of shear force, solution pH and breakage period on characteristics of flocs formed by Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and Polyaluminum chloride (PACl) with surface water treatment', JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol. 187, no. 1-3, pp. 495-501.
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The growth, breakage and regrowth nature of flocs formed by Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) was comparatively evaluated with surface water treatment. A series of jar experiments were conducted to investigate the impacts of different operating parameters such as shear force, solution pH and a breakage period on floc strength and re-aggregation potential. Results indicated that the responses of flocs to different operating parameters depend on the coagulant used. The ability of floc to resist breakage decreased with the increase of shear force and breakage period. Floc strength properties were also measured in response to increasing shear force, with the results suggesting that the order of floc strength was TiCl4 > PACl. Floc regrowth of the two coagulants after exposure to high shear was limited, and flocs formed by TiCl4 displayed weaker recoverability. The flocs generated in acid conditions were more recoverable than those generated in alkaline conditions no matter which coagulant was used.
Zhao, YX, Gao, BY, Shon, HK, Kim, J-H, Yue, QY & Wang, Y 2011, 'Floc characteristics of titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) compared with aluminum and iron salts in humic acid-kaolin synthetic water treatment', SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 332-338.
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The floc strength and regrowth properties of TiCl4, FeCl3, and Al2 SO4)3 were comparatively evaluated using humic acidâkaolin synthetic water sample. At the given optimum dosage (20 mg/L as Ti, 8 mg/L as Fe, and 2 mg/L as Al, respectively), the floc growth, breakage and regrowth of TiCl4, FeCl3, and Al2(SO4)3 were investigated by use of a laser diffraction particle sizing device. Jar tests were conducted to investigate the impact of shear force and breakage period on floc breakage and re-aggregation potential. Results indicated that the responses of flocs to increasing shear force and breakage period depend on the coagulant used. The ability of floc to resist breakage decreased with the increase of shear force. Floc strength properties were also measured in response to increasing shear force, with the results suggesting that the order of floc strength was TiCl4 > FeCl3 > Al2(SO4)3. Floc regrowth of these three coagulants after exposure to high shear was limited, and flocs formed by TiCl4 displayed the weakest recoverability. Similar results were obtained when breakage period was different.
Zhao, YX, Gao, BY, Shon, HK, Wang, Y, Kim, J-H & Yue, QY 2011, 'The effect of second coagulant dose on the regrowth of flocs formed by charge neutralization and sweep coagulation using titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4)', JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, vol. 198, pp. 70-77.
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Characteristics of flocs formed by charge neutralization and sweep coagulation using titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) were investigated with humic acidâkaolin suspension by continuous optical monitoring. This paper focused on the regrowth ability of broken flocs after addition of second TiCl4 dose. Variation of floc size and the fractal dimension of flocs versus second TiCl4 dose after regrowth were investigated. Second TiCl4 dose was added during the floc breakage period, and addition time of second TiCl4 dose was also investigated. The results showed that, when coagulated by charge neutralization at pH 6, an appropriate second TiCl4 dose improved regrowth ability of broken flocs at low initial TiCl4 doses. While for high initial TiCl4 doses, second TiCl4 dose lowered floc re-growth ability. When coagulated by sweep coagulation at pH 10, second TiCl4 dose made regrown flocs larger than those without second TiCl4 dose. Floc structure analysis showed that it was determined by not only the fractal dimension of flocs, but also the chemical characteristics of floc surface. Addition time of second TiCl4 dose had a great effect on floc regrowth ability, suggesting that the broken flocs had better regrowth when second TiCl4 dose was added at the end of the breakage period.
Zheng, L, He, X, Wu, Q & Samali, B 2011, 'A system for licence plate recognition using a hierarchically combined classifier', International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 189-189.
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In a real time, automatic licence plate recognition system, licence detection, character segmentation and character recognition are three important components. All these three components generally require high accuracy and fast recognition speed to process. In this paper, general processing steps for license plate recognition (LPR) are addressed. After three types of combined classifiers are introduced and compared, a hierarchically combined classifier is designed based on an inductive learning-based method and an support vector machine (SVM)-based classification. This approach employs the inductive learning-based method to roughly divide all classes into smaller groups. Then, the SVM approach is used for character classification in individual groups. Having obtained a collection of samples of characters in advance from licence plates after licence detection and character segmentation steps, some known samples are available for training. After the training process, the inductive learning rules are extracted for rough classification and the parameters used for SVM-based classification are obtained. Then, a classification tree is constructed for next fast training and testing processes based on SVMs. The experimental results show that the hierarchically combined classifier is better than either the inductive learning-based classification or the SVM-based classification with a lower error rate and a faster processing speed. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Zhou, J, Lee, I, Thomas, BH, Sansome, A & Menassa, R 2011, 'Facilitating Collaboration with Laser Projector-Based Spatial Augmented Reality in Industrial Applications', Recent Trends of Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems, pp. 161-173.
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Zhu, JG, Guo, YG, Lin, ZW, Li, YJ & Huang, YK 2011, 'Development of PM Transverse Flux Motors With Soft Magnetic Composite Cores', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 4376-4383.
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Compared with the conventional fixed speed drive, a major factor that handicaps the wide acceptance of variable speed drive with high ef?ciency permanent magnet (PM) motors is its high cost. This paper presents an effort to reduce the material and manufacturing costs of PM motors by using the soft magnetic composite (SMC), and the highly matured powder metallurgic technology. Because the SMCs magnetic properties are quite different from that of the traditional silicon steel sheets, special efforts have been made on measurement and modelling of vectorial magnetic properties, electrical machine topologies, and drive schemes in order to make the best use of the material. Various PM SMC motors of transverse ?ux topologies have been designed, fabricated, and tested. The detailed results are presented and discussed
Zhu, X, Zhang, X, Peng, J, Chen, X & Li, J 2011, 'Photonic crystal fibers for supercontinuum generation', Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 415-419.
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Zhu, Y, Lv, B, Zhang, P & Ma, H 2011, 'Swelling induced Au–S bond breakage is determined by the molecular composition of surface tethered copolymers—carboxylated poly(OEGMA-r-HEMA)', Chemical Communications, vol. 47, no. 35, pp. 9855-9855.
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Zhuang, J, Tsang, IW & Hoi, SCH 2011, 'A family of simple non-parametric Kernel learning algorithms', Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1313-1347.
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Previous studies of Non-Parametric Kernel Learning (NPKL) usually formulate the learning task as a Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) problem that is often solved by some general purpose SDP solvers. However, for TV data examples, the time complexity of NPKL using a standard interior-point SDP solver could be as high as 0(N6.5), which prohibits NPKL methods applicable to real applications, even for data sets of moderate size. In this paper, we present a family of efficient NPKL algorithms, termed 'SimpleNPKL', which can learn non-parametric kernels from a large set of pairwise constraints efficiently. In particular, we propose two efficient SimpleNPKL algorithms. One is SimpleNPKL algorithm with linear loss, which enjoys a closed-form solution that can be efficiently computed by the Lanczos sparse eigen decomposition technique. Another one is SimpleNPKL algorithm with other loss functions (including square hinge loss, hinge loss, square loss) that can be re-formulated as a saddle-point optimization problem, which can be further resolved by a fast iterative algorithm. In contrast to the previous NPKL approaches, our empirical results show that the proposed new technique, maintaining the same accuracy, is significantly more efficient and scalable. Finally, we also demonstrate that the proposed new technique is also applicable to speed up many kernel learning tasks, including colored maximum variance unfolding, minimum volume embedding, and structure preserving embedding. © 2011 Jinfeng Zhuang, Ivor W. Tsang and Steven C.H. Hoi.
Zong, Y, Xu, G, Jin, P, Zhang, Y & Chen, E 2011, 'HC_AB: A new heuristic clustering algorithm based on Approximate Backbone', Information Processing Letters, vol. 111, no. 17, pp. 857-863.
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Clustering is an important research area with numerous applications in pattern recognition, machine learning, and data mining. Since the clustering problem on numeric data sets can be formulated as a typical combinatorial optimization problem, many researches have addressed the design of heuristic algorithms for finding sub-optimal solutions in a reasonable period of time. However, most of the heuristic clustering algorithms suffer from the problem of being sensitive to the initialization and do not guarantee the high quality results. Recently, Approximate Backbone (AB), i.e., the commonly shared intersection of several sub-optimal solutions, has been proposed to address the sensitivity problem of initialization. In this paper, we aim to introduce the AB into heuristic clustering to overcome the initialization sensitivity of conventional heuristic clustering algorithms. The main advantage of the proposed method is the capability of restricting the initial search space around the optimal result by defining the AB, and in turn, reducing the impact of initialization on clustering, eventually improving the performance of heuristic clustering. Experiments on synthetic and real world data sets are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison to three conventional heuristic clustering algorithms and three other algorithms with improvement on initialization
Zong, Y, Xu, GD, Zhang, YC & Li, MC 2011, 'Node priority guided clustering algorithm', Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision, vol. 26, no. 6.
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Density-based clustering algorithms have the advantages of clustering with arbitrary shapes and handling noise data, but cannot deal with unsymmetrical density distribution and high dimensionality dataset. Therefore, a node priority guided clustering algorithm(NPGC) is proposed. A direct K neighbor graph of dataset is set up based on KNN neighbor method. Then the local information of each node in graph is captured by using KNN kernel density estimate method, and the node priority is calculated by passing the local information through graph. Finally, a depth-first search on graph is applied to find out the clustering results based on the local kernel degree. Experiment results show that NPGC has the ability to deal with unsymmetrical density distribution and high dimensionality dataset.