Bird, TS 1973, 'Evaluation of attenuation from lossless triangular-finite-element solutions for inhomogeneously filled guiding structures', Electronics Letters, vol. 9, no. 25, pp. 590-590.
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Field measurements to assess the long-term behavior of reinforced concrete structures are described. Results are presented of the preliminary investigations related to the strain gages being used, the gage installation techniques adopted, the methods being used to test the concrete, and the methods that will be used to estimate the stresses in the concrete. Some of the observations made to date on the building and the concrete specimens are also presented.
Shannon, AG & Bernstein, L 1973, 'The Jacobi-Perron algorithm and the algebra of recursive sequences', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 261-277.
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This paper shows the existence of a one-to-one correspondence between a certain class of square matrices of arbitrary order and a related extension field. The elements of these matrices are obtained from certain basic linear recursive sequences by means of a generalization of the euclidean algorithm.
Waldron, KJ 1973, 'A study of overconstrained linkage geometry by solution of closure equations — Part 1. Method of study', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 95-104.
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A method is described which enables all constrained linkages with given numbers and types of joints and with no passive degrees of freedom, to be derived. This method is based on the dependence of the linkage closure equations in overconstrained linkages. It is applied to a class of linkages in Part 2 of this work, which follows in a later issue. © 1973.
Winterkorn, HF, Christensen, RW, Das, B, Wischmeier, WH, Meyer, LD, Akky, MR, Shen, CK, Arulanandan, K, Sargunam, A, Loganathan, P, Krone, RB & Paaswell, RE 1973, 'SOIL EROSION: CAUSES AND MECHANISMS; PREVENTION AND CONTROL.', Highw Res Bd, Spec Rep, no. 135.
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Proceedings includes 14 papers dealing with the causes and mechanisms of soil erosion and methods of preventing and controlling erosion. Following is part I of the list of titles and authors of the papers presented: Experimental Study of the Attack of Water on Dry Cohesive Soil Systems. By Hans F. Winterkorn. Hydraulic Erosion of Remolded Cohesive Soils. By Richard W. Christensen and Braja M. Das. Soil Erodability on Construction Areas. by M. R. Akky and C. K. Shen. Hydraulic Erosion of Remolded Cohesive Soils. By W. H. Wischmeier and L. D. Meyer. Erodibility of a Cement-Stabilized Sandy Soil. By M. R. Akky and C. K. Shen. Application of Chemical and Electrical Parameters to Prediction of Erodibility. by K. Arulanandan, A. Sargunam, P. Loganathan, and R. B. Krone. Causes and Mechanisms of Cohesive Soil Erosion: The State of the Art. By Robert E. Paaswell.