Ball, JE 1987, 'A comparison of the hydraulics in three urban drainage models.'.
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Modelling of urban drainage systems is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the management and operation of drainage systems. An important feature of the modelling process is the techniques used in the modelling of both free surfaces and pressurized flow and the different results which alternative techniques will predict. The predicted hydrographs from three models, i.e. ILSAX, SWMM and PIPENET, are compared for situations where free surface and pressurized flow conditions exist in the network. Also discussed will be the theoretical basis for each of the routing techniques employed by these models.
Ball, JE 1987, 'Importance of dynamic wave components for pipe flows.'.
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Presented are the results of an investigation into the magnitude of the terms in the full dynamic wave equation of motion and the influence of neglecting terms upon the predicted hydrograph propagation. A pipe Froude number is proposed as a criteria for selection of the terms in the equation of motion to be included for accurate prediction of hydrograph propagation.
Durance, G, Hogg, GR, Tendys, J & Watterson, PA 1987, 'Studies of equilibrium in the AAEC rotamak', Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 227-244.
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Ibrahim, H, Boye, T, Wermeille, M, Gurny, R & Buri, P 1987, 'Determination of pilocarpine by HPLC in presence of isopilocarpine a pH-sensitive polymer in ophthalmic dispersions', Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 379-382.
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Miyanaga, Y, Nagai, N & Miki, N 1987, 'ARMA digital lattice filter based on new criterion', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 617-628.
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Okita, Y, Miyanaga, Y, Nagai, N & Miki, N 1987, 'ARMA digital lattice filters based on geometric approach.', Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 85-97.
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This paper discusses various ARMA digital lattice filters. The design procedures of these filters have been proposed as various forms. However, if we notice the orthogonal method based on a linear estimation theory, all design procedures are treated with an understandable coherent form. First, this paper examines the ARMA lattice filter whose section increases either AR order or MA order by one independently. The filter section is regarded as elementary. In order to derive this section, the subspace used in the orthogonal projection method is carefully processed with the other subspaces. In other words, this paper shows the implicit dependency in each elementary section. In addition, this paper develops the ARMA filter associated with the Mullis-Roberts' algorithm. This algorithm estimates the AR parameters for the ARMA reference model. Thus, it used to have nothing to do with the construction of the lattice filter. However, if an appropriate subspace is selected, we can design a Mullis-Roberts' algorithm type ARMA lattice filter. In this paper, all relations in the design procedures become clear to understand them easily. © 1987, Acoustical Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
Popolo, SD & Shannon, AG 1987, 'Some aspects of mathematical underachievement in secondary education', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 165-175.
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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, in a preliminary fashion, that even though the causes are many, the dynamics of underachievement show a common core of cognitive and motivational factors which are interrelated and which are found in all underachievers. The study involved three groups of selfreferred Year 10 students of mathematics from the lower two of the four classes in the Year 10 at a Sydney high school. Although these students' assessed IQs on Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) forms ML and MQ ranged from 98 to 130+, their performance, overall, was below expectations when the study commenced. Remedial assistance totalling six hours (nine 45-minute sessions) over a six-week period produced significant improvements in achievement as well as in self-esteem and general study habits. © 1987 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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This paper presents a simplified method for the analysis of reinforced concrete frames subjected to sustained service loads. The finite element model used takes into account the non-linearities due to cracking and the time-dependent effects due to creep and shrinkage. It is based on methods widely used by designers at present to analyse short-term linear behaviour. The method is suitable for implementation on microcomputers for applications in the design of medium-rise reinforced concrete frames. Predictions of the behaviour of laboratorytested frames are shown to be in good agreement with measured values. © 1987, Thomas Telford Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pulmano, VA, Bakoss, SL, Shin, YS & Espion, B 1987, 'Discussion: A simplified non-linear analysis of concrete frames', Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 39, no. 141, pp. 231-234.
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This paper outlines a discrete-time model for the spread of an infectious disease. A partial recurrence relation, which extends the Fibonacci model, is developed from a three-stage process: an immature stage; an infectious stage and a recovery stage. The approach adopted here is essentially aimed at facilitating computational procedures. © 1987.
Sleet, RJ, Shannon, AG & Irvine, B 1987, 'A systematic approach to solving closed problems', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 705-715.
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An investigation of students' unsuccessful attempts to solve a mathematical problem is described, where the students possessed all the prerequisite skills. The results of this study are combined with evidence from previous research to propose a three-stage nine-step procedure for solving closed problems. © 1987 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Song, S-M & Waldron, KJ 1987, 'An Analytical Approach for Gait Study and Its Applications on Wave Gaits', The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 60-71.
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In the past, the determination of the gait stability margins of legged locomotion systems depended mainly on numerical computation assisted by graphical methods. Although some of these results were expressed as empirically derived equa tions, analytical derivations were lacking. The only exception was the equation of the longitudinal stability margin for quadruped wave gaits derived by McGhee and Frank (1968). They applied a complicated, nonlinear programming ap proach to the derivation. In this paper, we describe an ana lytical approach that has proved to be more efficient than previous gait study techniques. This analytical approach de fines the foot positions by means of the concept of local phase, which is the fraction of a cycle period by which the current foot position follows the placement of that foot. Based on this concept, basic theorems that simplify the study of periodic gaits are developed. This analytical approach is then applied to derive a general equation for the longitudinal stability margin for the 2n-legged wave gait. Also, this ap proach is applied to study the effects on the stability margin of the wave gait by varying the stroke and the pitch of the leg.
Song, S-M & Waldron, KJ 1987, 'Geometric Design of a Walking Machine for Optimal Mobility', Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 21-28.
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The design of the geometry of a walking machine depends to a considerable extent on the applications for which the machine is intended. Nevertheless, there are some very general principles and approaches which may be applied. This paper deals with the geometric design of a hexapodal walking machine which is to possess optimum mobility on varied terrain. This problem both illustrates, and serves as a vehicle for, the development of these general principles. Since one of the most important features of legged locomotion is the gait, the fundamental gaits of a 2N-legged (N≥2) walking machine on both flat and irregular terrain are introduced first. The motion of the machine is assumed to be quasi-static. The mobility of a walking machine using these gaits, mainly centered on the hexapodal case, is then discussed. The principles obtained in gait and mobility studies are then applied to the design of the geometry of a hexapod, which includes both body-leg layout and leg walking volumes (working spaces), so that the hexapod may possess the optimum mobility.
Song, S-M, Lee, J-K & Waldron, KJ 1987, 'Motion study of two- and three-dimensional pantograph mechanisms', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 321-331.
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Vigneswaran, S & Suazo, RB 1987, 'A detailed investigation of physical and biological clogging during artificial recharge', Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, vol. 35, no. 1-2, pp. 119-140.
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An attempt was made to study the physical and biological clogging during artificial recharge with an experimental model that simulates the artificial recharging practice by considering factors such as effective infiltration rate, media size and depth, and inundation period. Recharging was investigated experimentally in terms of suspended solids (SS) removal, 3-day biological oxygen demand (BOD3) removal and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal at different sand sizes and infiltration rates. To understand the physical phenomenon involved, the effect of suspended solids concentration and initial infiltration rate on cumulative discharge was studied and verified using a simple mathematical model. The simulated cumulative discharge profiles were comparable with the experimental profiles. This indicates that an empirical relationship can be successfully used to predict the biological clogging at different recharge rates. The effect on headloss was also discussed. © 1987 D. Reidel Publishing Company.
Vigneswaran, S & Tien, C 1987, 'Transient behavior of deep-bed filtration of brownian particles', Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2729-2739.
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A new model is proposed for deep-bed filtration of Brownian particles. The model incorporates the unit-collector concept for estimating particle deposition rates and the application of the effective medium approximation (EMT) theory for predicting the instantaneous pressure drop across the filter bed. Case studies are used to show the effects of various variables on filter performance. © 1987.
Voinov, AA & Tonkikh, AP 1987, 'Qualitative model of eutrophication in macrophyte lakes', Ecological Modelling, vol. 35, no. 3-4, pp. 211-226.
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Wang, S-L & Waldron, KJ 1987, 'A Study of the Singular Configurations of Serial Manipulators', Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 14-20.
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A manipulator is at a singular configuration when the screws representing the instantaneous joint motions of the manipulator are linearly dependent, and the manipulator cannot be moved along an exact path with specified orientation in world coordinates. There are ∞3 singular configurations for a six-degree-of-freedom manipulator, and all these configurations constitute the singularity field. An algorithm is derived to trace the singularity field. Another algorithm presented in this paper finds all the joint screws reciprocal to a given wrench screw. Some new robotic applications are then possible using the principle of aligning a power tool with the screw of the reciprocal wrench.
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YING, MS 1987, 'FUZZY SEMILATTICES', INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 155-159.
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Bone, DJ, Bachor, H-A & Sandeman, RJ 1970, 'Level Population Dynamics in a Resonantly Pumped Barium Vapour', Australian Conference on Lasers and Spectroscopy, pp. A-42.
Butler, WB & Baweja, D 1970, 'Long-term durability of fly ash concretes in civil engineering structures', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 519-540.
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Results are presented on recent studies undertaken in England, Georgia, U.S.A. and Australia on the durability of a variety of concrete structures containing fly ash. Five of these structures have been in service for over fifteen years and some provided comparisons between fly ash concrete and plain concrete. Details of the fly ashes used in the structures are supported by background data on fly ash availability and use in the areas concerned. Design, construction and service details for the structures are presented along with findings of on-site inspections. Assessments were made of: fly ash hydration characteristics; depth of carbonation; functional efficiency and visible deterioration. Links are ascribed between the determined values.
Indraratna, B & Kaiser, PK 1970, 'Wall convergence in tunnels supported by fully grouted bolts', 28th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, USRMS 1987, pp. 843-852.
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The scope of this paper is to introduce a method for the design of fully grouted rock bolts in underground excavations. The general design guides and examples presented are intended to facilitate the comprehension and application of the proposed design solution in practice.
Waldron, KJ, Raghavan, M & Roth, B 1970, 'KINEMATICS OF A HYBRID SERIES-PARALLEL MANIPULATION SYSTEM - PART 1: POSITION KINEMATICS.', American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC, pp. 127-136.
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In this paper we first derive the coordinate transformations associated with a three-degree-of-freedom in-parallel-actuated micro-manipulator. Then we combine these results with the transformations associated with an in-series three-axis wrist on which the in-parallel micro-manipulator is mounted. The results are the basic transformation equations between joint-space position variables and end-effector (or task space) position variables for a hybrid series/parallel six-degree-of-freedom manipulator system.
Waldron, KJ, Raghavan, M & Roth, B 1970, 'KINEMATICS OF A HYBRID SERIES-PARALLEL MANIPULATION SYSTEM - PART II: RATE AND FORCE DECOMPOSITION.', American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC, pp. 137-148.
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The equations for the rate and force decomposition of a novel six-degree-of-freedom manipulator system are derived. The manipulator is a combination of three series joints and three in-parallel-actuated joints. This combination has unique properties which can be readily determined from the decomposition equations presented herein. These equations are in the form of specific expressions for the relationships between the joint velocities and joint forces and the velocities and forces at the end-effector.