Apkarian, P & Hoang Duong Tuan 2000, 'Robust control via concave minimization local and global algorithms', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 299-305.
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Apkarian, P & Tuan, HD 2000, 'Low nonconvexity-rank bilinear matrix inequalities: algorithms and applications in robust controller and structure designs', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2111-2117.
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Apkarian, P & Tuan, HD 2000, 'Parameterized LMIs in Control Theory', SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1241-1264.
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Apkarian, P, Pellanda, PC & Tuan, HD 2000, 'Mixed H2/H∞ multi-channel linear parameter-varying control in discrete time', Systems & Control Letters, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 333-346.
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Ayre, PJ, Vidakovic, SS, Tansley, GD, Watterson, PA & Lovell, NH 2000, 'Sensorless Flow and Head Estimation in the VentrAssist Rotary Blood Pump', Artificial Organs, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 585-588.
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Abstract: Flow rate and pressure difference (or head) are key variables needed in the control of implantable rotary blood pumps. However, use of flow and/or pressure probes can decrease reliability and increase system power consumption and expense. For a given fluid viscosity, the flow state is determined by any 2 of the 4 pump variables: Flow, pressure difference, speed, and motor input power can be used. Thus, if viscosity is known or if its influence is sufficiently small, flow rate and pressure difference can be estimated from the motor speed and motor input power. For the VentrAssist centrifugal blood pump, which uses a hydrodynamic bearing, sensorless flow and pressure head estimation accuracy of 2 of our impeller designs were compared for a viscosity range of 1.2 to 4.5 mPas. This showed impeller design optimization can improve estimation accuracy. We also compared estimation accuracy using 2 blood analogues used in vitro, aqueous glycerol and red blood cells suspended in Haemaccel. The nature of the blood analogue and not only the viscosity of the fluid seems to influence estimation accuracy in our pump.
Bai, MR, Hsiao, I, Tsai, H & Lin, C 2000, 'Development of an on-line diagnosis system for rotor vibration via model-based intelligent inference', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 315-323.
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An on-line fault detection and isolation technique is proposed for the diagnosis of rotating machinery. The architecture of the system consists of a feature generation module and a fault inference module. Lateral vibration data are used for calculating the system features. Both continuous-time and discrete-time parameter estimation algorithms are employed for generating the features. A neural fuzzy network is exploited for intelligent inference of faults based on the extracted features. The proposed method is implemented on a digital signal processor. Experiments carried out for a rotor kit and a centrifugal fan indicate the potential of the proposed techniques in predictive maintenance.
Bell, J, Besong, AA, Tipper, JL, Ingham, E, Wroblewski, BM, Stone, MH & Fisher, J 2000, 'Influence of gelatin and bovine serum lubricants on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene wear debris generated in in vitro simulations', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 214, no. 5, pp. 513-518.
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Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) wear debris induced osteolysis has a major role in the late aseptic loosening and ultimate failure of total hip replacements (THR). Clinically relevant in vitro simulations of wear are essential to predict the osteolytic potential of bearing surfaces in artificial hip joints. Newborn calf or bovine serum has been accepted as a boundary lubricant for such in vitro tests, but its biological stability has been questioned. This study compared the wear factors, number of wear particles and levels of microbial contamination produced in bovine serum and a gelatin-based lubricant. The wear factors produced by the two lubricants were not significantly different, however the wear debris morphology produced was substantially different. The bovine serum became contaminated with micro-organisms within 28 h, whereas the protein-based lubricant remained uncontaminated. The results showed that bovine serum was not a stable boundary lubricant. They also showed that although the wear factors for the two solutions were not significantly different, the protein-based lubricant was not a suitable alternative to bovine serum because the wear debris produced was not clinically relevant.
Beydoun, G & Hoffmann, A 2000, 'Incremental acquisition of search knowledge', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 493-530.
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Biacino, L, Gerla, G & Ying, MS 2000, 'Approximate reasoning based on similarity', MATHEMATICAL LOGIC QUARTERLY, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 77-86.
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The connection between similarity logic and the theory of closure operators is examined. Indeed one proves that the consequence relation defined in [14] can be obtained by composing two closure operators and that the resulting operator is still a closure
Bishop, DW, Thomas, PS & Ray, AS 2000, 'Micro Raman characterization of nickel sulfide inclusions in toughened glass', MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1123-1128.
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Toughened glass panels used as glazing material in multistory buildings are subject to fracture when they contain nickel sulfide inclusions. The failure mechanism is generally attributed to the significant volume increase related to a polymorphic phase retransformation in nickel sulfide. This investigation exploits the ability of micro Raman spectroscopy to analyze minute inclusions. The technique is able to distinguish between different polymorphs and various stoichiometric forms of nickel sulfide and has the potential to satisfy the need for an in situ, nondestructive analytical technique for the characterization of nickel sulfide inclusions in glass.
Blunden, BG & Indraratna, B 2000, 'Evaluation of surface and groundwater management strategies for drained sulfidic soil using numerical simulation models', Soil Research, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 569-569.
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The effective management of acid sulfate soils is a major issue for manycoastal regions in Australia. Simulations were conducted to evaluate 4different water management strategies that could be applied to agriculturalland on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, to minimise acidgeneration from acid sulfate soils. The water management strategies arecompared with the existing extensively drained situation which generates anddischarges large quantities of acidic pyrite oxidation products. The 4 watermanagement strategies include elevated drain water levels using a weir, 25 mmirrigation on a 7- or 14-day cycle, and elevated drain water levels withirrigation. All of these strategies were designed to minimise the generationof acid by reducing the transport of oxygen to the sulfidic soil. Simulationswere conducted for weather and site conditions experienced during a 12-monthperiod starting in July 1997.Model simulations showed that maintenance of elevated drain water levels usinga weir in the drain significantly reduced the amount of acid generated by75% and 57%, at 10 and 90 m distance from the drain,respectively, by comparison with the existing drained state. The addition of25 mm irrigation on a 14-day cycle to the weir simulation reduced theoxidation of pyrite by a further 1–2%. Application of irrigationonly on a 7-day cycle also reduced the acid generated by 89% and94% at 10 and 90 m distance from the drain, respectively, by comparisonwith the existing drained state. Irrigation on a 14-day cycle was not assuccessful in reducing pyrite oxidation as either the 7-day irrigation or weirstrategies. Evaluation of the 4 water management options showed thatsignificant improvements can be made with respect to the amount of acidgenerated by relatively simple and cost-effective land management practices.
Braunerhjelm, P, Carlsson, B, Cetindamar, D & Johansson, D 2000, 'The old and the new: the evolution of polymer and biomedical clusters in Ohio and Sweden', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 471-488.
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Callipo, A, Cucchiara, R & Piccardi, M 2000, 'Computational models for image processing for shared-memory multiprocessors', Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 39-52.
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Different tasks in image processing exhibit different computational requirements that should be considered with respect to the architecture. This is particularly critical in parallel machines where many parallelization techniques, as data partitioning an
Castel, A, François, R & Arliguie, G 2000, 'Mechanical behaviour of corroded reinforced concrete beams—Part 1: Experimental study of corroded beams', Materials and Structures, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 539-544.
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CATCHPOOLE, D 2000, 'Mutation analysis of H19 and NAP1L4 (hNAP2) candidate genes and IGF2 DMR2 in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome', Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 212-215.
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Chia-Feng Juang, Jiann-Yow Lin & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Genetic reinforcement learning through symbiotic evolution for fuzzy controller design', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 290-302.
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Ching-Sung Shieh & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Direction of arrival estimation based on phase differences using neural fuzzy network', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1115-1124.
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Chin-Teng Lin & Chong-Ping Jou 2000, 'GA-based fuzzy reinforcement learning for control of a magnetic bearing system', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 276-289.
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Chin-Teng Lin & Shinq-Jen Wu 2000, 'Optimal fuzzy controller design in continuous fuzzy system: global concept approach', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 713-729.
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Chin-Teng Lin, Hsi-Wen Nein & Jiing-Yuan Hwu 2000, 'GA-based noisy speech recognition using two-dimensional cepstrum', IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 664-675.
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Chin-Teng Lin, Yin-Cheung Lee & Her-Chang Pu 2000, 'Satellite sensor image classification using cascaded architecture of neural fuzzy network', IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1033-1043.
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Chong, NR, Burnett, IS & Chicharo, JF 2000, 'A new waveform interpolation coding scheme based on pitch synchronous wavelet transform decomposition', IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 345-348.
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Chong, NR, Burnett, IS & Chicharo, JF 2000, 'Use of the Pitch Synchronous Wavelet Transform as a new decomposition for WI', Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 345-348.
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Chong-White, NR & Burnett, IS 2000, 'Accurate, critically sampled characteristic waveformsurface construction forwaveform interpolation decomposition', Electronics Letters, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 1245-1247.
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Chong-White, NR & Burnett, IS 2000, 'Improved signal analysis and time-synchronous reconstruction in waveform interpolation coding', 2000 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding. Proceedings. Meeting the Challenges of the New Millennium (Cat. No.00EX421), pp. 56-58.
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Chung, I-F, Lin, C-J & Lin, C-T 2000, 'A GA-based fuzzy adaptive learning control network', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 65-84.
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Cucchiara, R, Grana, C, Piccardi, M & Prati, A 2000, 'Statistic and knowledge-based moving object detection in traffic scenes', ITSC2000. 2000 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8493), vol. 2, pp. 27-32.
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Cucchiara, R, Piccardi, M & Mello, P 2000, 'Image analysis and rule-based reasoning for a traffic monitoring system', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 119-130.
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The paper presents an approach for detecting vehicles in urban traffic scenes by means of rule-based reasoning on visual data. The strength of the approach is its formal separation between the low-level image processing modules (used for extracting visual data under various illumination conditions) and the high-level module, which provides a general-purpose knowledge-based framework for tracking vehicles in the scene. The image-processing modules extract visual data from the scene by spatio-temporal analysis during daytime, and by morphological analysis of headlights at night. The high-level module is designed as a forward chaining production rule system, working on symbolic data, i.e., vehicles and their attributes (area, pattern, direction, and others) and exploiting a set of heuristic rules tuned to urban traffic conditions. The synergy between the artificial intelligence techniques of the high-level and the low-level image analysis techniques provides the system with flexibility and robustness.
Cucchiara, R, Piccardi, M & Prati, A 2000, 'Hardware prefetching techniques for cache memories in multimedia applications', Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, vol. 1, pp. 311-319.
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Dahlstrand, XSL & Cetindamar, D 2000, 'The dynamics of innovation financing in Sweden', Venture Capital, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 203-221.
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A well functioning and dynamic system of innovation financing is an important tool for the development of future growth sectors. This analysis of the dynamics of innovation financing by using the case of Sweden shows the importance of government and venture capital in financing innovation. It highlights two further important features. First, the role of acquisitions in innovation financing identifies 'competent acquirers' as active actors in the financing system; this is in addition to the public sector and the venture capital industry. Second, innovation financing differs by firms' technology specialization and industrial sectors. In particular, technology-based service firms have different financing patterns to that of manufacturing firms. The paper concludes with a discussion on the functions of three important actors in financing systems, namely government, venture capital, and competent acquirers.
Dehghan, S, Owen, R, Jones, P & Lister, D 2000, 'W-CDMA capacity and planning issues', Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 101-118.
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Dharmappa, HB, Corderoy, RM & Hagare, P 2000, 'Developing an interactive multimedia software package to enhance understanding of and learning outcomes in water treatment processes', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 407-411.
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Teaching and learning environments which use multimedia based resources greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning by engaging students at a deeper level than may otherwise be possible. This is particularly so in situations where `real world' phenomena and processes are being taught. Using such a multimedia package in teaching pollution control processes is novel. This paper reports on the successful development of a multimedia package dealing with several pollution control processes and its evaluation. The pollution control processes illustrated in the multimedia software are physico-chemical processes which are widely used in both water and wastewater treatment. Teaching the design concepts for these processes in a conventional classroom setting is challenging because students have difficulty in visualizing the techniques and processes involved. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that many of the processes occur naturally over longer time periods and so cannot be easily be integrated into normal teaching environments. The software package incorporates several different media modes including text, drawings, photographs, animation, and simulation. The preliminary pilot evaluation of this package using third year engineering students indicated that it provided greater insight and understanding of the complex treatment processes being taught.
Dong, Y, Zhang, S, Qi, Y, Chen, Z & Geng, Y 2000, 'Fluxes of CO2, N2O and CH4 from a typical temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia and its daily variation', Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 45, no. 17, pp. 1590-1594.
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Donnelly, P & White, C 2000, 'Testicular dysfunction in men with primary hypothyroidism; reversal of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism with replacement thyroxine', Clinical Endocrinology, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 197-201.
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OBJECTIVEPrimary hypothyroidism can cause disturbances in normal gonadal function. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship in men between hypogonadism and primary hypothyroidism and the extent to which free and total testosterone levels rose after introduction of replacement thyroxine.DESIGNPaired study of patients in a hypothyroid and thyroxine treated state.PATIENTSTen men with primary hypothyroidism.MEASUREMENTSFree and total testosterone, gonadotrophin and prolactin levels before and after thyroxine replacement therapy.RESULTSLow free testosterone levels (161 ± 62 pmol/l) demonstrated at the time the men were hypothyroid rose significantly with the commencement of thyroxine replacement (315 ± 141 pmol/l; P < 0.001). Gonadotrophin levels were not elevated consistent with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Hyperprolactinaemia, which can occur in primary hypothyroidism and cause hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, was not present in the majority of these patients. However a reduction in prolactin level was evident with thyroxine replacement and a rise in free testosterone levels.CONCLUSIONThis suggests an effect of hypothyroidism on gonadotrophin secretion at the level of the hypothalamus‐pituitary, either directly or through modulation of prolactin secretion. Low free testosterone may also be a contributing factor to some of the symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism in men.
Dr. Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Genetics of Fracture: Challenges and Opportunities', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1253-1256.
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Faber, MH, Val, DV & Stewart, MG 2000, 'Proof load testing for bridge assessment and upgrading', Engineering Structures, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1677-1689.
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Bridge deterioration with time and ever increasing traffic loads raise concerns about reliability of aging bridges. One of the ways to check reliability of aging bridges is proof load testing. A successful proof load test demonstrates immediately that the resistance of a bridge is greater than the proof load. This reduces uncertainty in the bridge resistance and so increases the bridge reliability. The paper considers a reliability-based calibration of intensities of proof loads for aging bridges to verify either an existing or increased load rating taking into account possible bridge deterioration. Intensities of proof loads are calibrated based on a consistent target reliability index. The influence of test risk, dead to live load ratio, and uncertainties associated with dead and live loads and bridge resistance is considered. The results presented in the paper relate to short and medium span bridges. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Fang, JQ, Li, QS, Liu, DK, Jeary, AP & Wong, CK 2000, 'Wind effects on a very tall building and wavelet analysis', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, vol. 140, no. 2, pp. 151-159.
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This paper describes the results obtained from full-scale measurements of wind effects on a 70-storey building which has a height of approximately 370 m and is the second tallest structure in Hong Kong. The field data presented include the wind speed, wind direction and wind-induced response, which were measured at the top of this building during the passage of Typhoon Sally in 1996. Application of a wavelet transform to analyse the field data of wind velocity and wind-induced response is presented and discussed. The variation in the local energy content, not accounted for in Fourier spectral analysis, is noted. The comparison of the Fourier spectrum and wavelet scalogram is made.
Foroughipour, SM & Esselle, KP 2000, 'Analysis of coupling between inclined microstrippatchantennas using enhanced FDTD technique', Electronics Letters, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 795-797.
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Gabrys, B & Bargiela, A 2000, 'General fuzzy min-max neural network for clustering and classification', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 769-783.
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Gadad, A 2000, 'Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some 5-guanylhydrazone/thiocyanato-6-arylimidazo[2,1-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide derivatives†', European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 853-857.
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Gardiner, EM, Baldock, PA, Thomas, GP, Sims, NA, Henderson, NK, Hollis, B, White, CP, Sunn, KL, Morrison, NA, Walsh, WR & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Increased formation and decreased resorption of bone in mice with elevated vitamin D receptor in mature cells of the osteoblastic lineage', The FASEB Journal, vol. 14, no. 13, pp. 1908-1916.
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Ge, Y & Esselle, KP 2000, 'Computation of the radiation patterns of a rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna using the method of moments', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 382-384.
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Gibson, T, Bogduk, N, Macpherson, J & McIntosh, A 2000, 'Crash Characteristics of Whiplash Associated Chronic Neck Pain', Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, vol. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 87-95.
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Objective: To analyze the motor vehicle crash parameters associated with chronic neck pain outcomes associated with whiplash injury. Method: Police accident data were matched with a clinical database of 273 subjects with chronic neck pain as a result of a motor vehicle crash. These subjects had or were in the process of being objectively investigated for zygapophyseal [Z-joint] pain by means of controlled double-blind differential diagnostic anesthetic blocks. The combined database was analyzed to find the crash parameters. Results: For the 92 cases where the crash data was able to be matched with the clinical data, females [55%] had slightly higher representation than males [45%]; rear-end impacts were more common [40%] and few had injuries requiring hospitalization [6.5%]. Higher severity crashes appeared to be associated with these chronic neck pain sufferers than typically found for whiplash associated disorder. For this group of drivers and motorcycle riders, 68 [74%] were diagnosed to have objective Z-joint pain mostly at the C2/3 [34%] and C5/6 [32%] levels of the neck. More symptomatic joints were found on the right side [59%] than left side [43%]. Conclusion: In Australia, the characteristics of the motor vehicle crashes associated with subjects suffering chronic neck pain were investigated. In the 92 cases analyzed, 74% had objective evidence that the chronic neck pain was connected with the Z-joints and seemed to be associated with more severe rear-end rear impacts.
Gin-Der Wu & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Word boundary detection with mel-scale frequency bank in noisy environment', IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 541-554.
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Gowripalan, N, Sirivivatnanon, V & Lim, CC 2000, 'Chloride diffusivity of concrete cracked in flexure', CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 725-730.
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Guo, YJ, Vadgama, S & Tanaka, Y 2000, 'Advanced base station technologies for UTRAN', Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 123-132.
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To achieve high capacity and to support high-data-rate services in the terrestrial access network (UTRAN) of the third generation Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), it is essential to employ some advanced transceiver techniques at the base stations. In this paper, three such techniques are presented: adaptive antennas, multistage parallel interference cancellers and a new hybrid scheme. The operation principles and some simulation results of the techniques are given and some challenging implementation issues are discussed.
Ha, QP, Nguyen, QH, Rye, DC & Durrant-Whyte, HF 2000, 'Impedance control of a hydraulically actuated robotic excavator', AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 421-435.
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In robotic excavation hybrid position/force control has been proposed for bucket digging trajectory following. In hybrid position/force control, the control mode is required to switch between position- and force-control depending on whether the bucket is in free space or in contact with the soil during the process. Alternatively, impedance control can be applied such that one control mode is employed in both free and constrained motion. This paper presents a robust sliding controller that implements impedance control for a backhoe excavator. The control law consists of three components: an equivalent control, a switching control and a tuning control. Given an excavation task in world space, inverse kinematic and dynamic models are used to convert the task into a desired digging trajectory in joint space. The proposed controller is applied to provide good tracking performance with attenuated vibration at bucket-soil contact points. From the control signals and the joint angles of the excavator, the piston position and ram force of each hydraulic cylinder for the axis control of the boom, arm, and bucket can be determined. The problem is then how to find the control voltage applied to each servovalve to achieve force and position tracking of each electrohydraulic system for the axis motion of the boom, arm, and bucket. With an observer-based compensation for disturbance force including hydraulic friction, tracking of the piston ram force and position is guaranteed using robust sliding control. High performance and strong robustness can be obtained as demonstrated by simulation and experiments performed on a hydraulically actuated robotic excavator. The results obtained suggest that the proposed control technique can provide robust performance when employed in autonomous excavation with soil contact considerations. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Harmer, AR, McKenna, MJ, Sutton, JR, Snow, RJ, Ruell, PA, Booth, J, Thompson, MW, Mackay, NA, Stathis, CG, Crameri, RM, Carey, MF & Eager, DM 2000, 'Skeletal muscle metabolic and ionic adaptations during intense exercise following sprint training in humans', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 89, no. 5, pp. 1793-1803.
Heise, CE, O'Dowd, BF, Figueroa, DJ, Sawyer, N, Nguyen, T, Im, D-S, Stocco, R, Bellefeuille, JN, Abramovitz, M, Cheng, R, Williams, DL, Zeng, Z, Liu, Q, Ma, L, Clements, MK, Coulombe, N, Liu, Y, Austin, CP, George, SR, O'Neill, GP, Metters, KM, Lynch, KR & Evans, JF 2000, 'Characterization of the Human Cysteinyl Leukotriene 2 Receptor', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 275, no. 39, pp. 30531-30536.
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The contractile and inflammatory actions of the cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs), LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4, are thought to be mediated through at least two distinct but related CysLT G protein-coupled receptors. The human CysLT1 receptor has been recently cloned and characterized. We describe here the cloning and characterization of the second cysteinyl leukotriene receptor, CysLT2, a 346-amino acid protein with 38% amino acid identity to the CysLT1 receptor. The recombinant human CysLT2 receptor was expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK293T cells and shown to couple to elevation of intracellular calcium when activated by LTC4, LTD4, or LTE4. Analyses of radiolabeled LTD4 binding to the recombinant CysLT2 receptor demonstrated high affinity binding and a rank order of potency for competition of LTC4 = LTD4 >> LTE4. In contrast to the dual CysLT1/CysLT2 antagonist, BAY u9773, the CysLT1 receptor-selective antagonists MK-571, montelukast (Singulair(TM)), zafirlukast (Accolate(TM)), and pranlukast (Onon(TM)) exhibited low potency in competition for LTD4 binding and as antagonists of CysLT2 receptor signaling. CysLT2 receptor mRNA was detected in lung macrophages and airway smooth muscle, cardiac Purkinje cells, adrenal medulla cells, peripheral blood leukocytes, and brain, and the receptor gene was mapped to chromosome 13q14, a region linked to atopic asthma.
Hoang, DB & Wang, Z 2000, 'Performance of TCP applications over ATM networks with ABR and UBR services - a simulation analysis', COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 802-815.
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This paper aims to present a comparative simulation study of the performance of TCP traffic over ATM networks with UBR and ABR services, to identify weaknesses of currently most promising ATM congestion control schemes; and to indicate the requirements f
Hoang, DB, Yu, X & Feng, D 2000, 'Fair intelligent bandwidth allocation for rate-adaptive video traffic', COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 23, no. 14-15, pp. 1425-1436.
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This paper presents an algorithm for network bandwidth sharing using explicit rate feedback, the Fair Intelligent Bandwidth Allocation (FIBA) for transporting rate-adaptive video traffic. We show that the FIBA algorithm is capable of allocating bandwidth
HUTVÁGNER, G, MLYNÁROVÁ, L & NAP, J-P 2000, 'Detailed characterization of the posttranscriptional gene-silencing-related small RNA in a GUS gene-silenced tobacco', RNA, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 1445-1454.
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Posttranscriptional gene-silencing phenomena such as cosuppression and RNA interference are associated with the occurrence of small, about 21-23 nt short RNA species homologous to the silenced gene. We here show that the small RNA present in silenced transgenic plants can easily be detected in total RNA isolated according to standard procedures. This will allow for the development of routine and early screenings for the presence of small RNA species and, therefore, gene silencing in transgenic plants. We further demonstrate that the small RNA fraction can be visualized with the SYBR Green II RNA stain, isolated from a gel, labeled and used as a specific probe. Using these approaches, we have fine-mapped the sequences of the GUS gene that are represented in the small RNA fraction of a GUS-silenced tobacco line containing an inverted repeat of the GUS gene. In this tobacco line, the silencing-associated small RNA is a mixture of fragments that cover the 3' two-thirds of the GUS coding region. The 5' coding and the 3' noncoding ends of the GUS mRNA are not represented in the small RNA fraction. The RNA fragments are not likely to be a primary synthesis product of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, but rather degradation products from nuclease activity. Surprisingly, RNA isolated from wild-type, untransformed plants showed the presence of a similar-sized small RNA pool. This might indicate the existence of small RNA species from putative endogenous genes that are down regulated by a similar posttranscriptional gene-silencing mechanism. The possibility of isolating and labeling the small RNA pool from wild-type plants will provide a way to identify and study such putative genes.
Indraratna, B & Redana, IW 2000, 'Numerical modeling of vertical drains with smear and well resistance installed in soft clay', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 132-145.
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Indraratna, B & Redana, IW 2000, 'Numerical modeling of vertical drains with smear and well resistance installed in soft clay', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 132-145.
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This study describes the behavior of embankments stabilized with prefabricated vertical drains installed in soft clay foundations, based on several fully instrumented case histories selected from Thailand and Malaysia. A multidrain analysis is conducted based on an equivalent, plane strain model developed by the authors. The deformation of soft clay beneath an embankment (i.e., along and away from the centerline) is predicted and compared with the available field measurements. The effects of both smear and well resistance are incorporated in the analytical formulation, which is used in conjunction with the modified Cam-clay theory. It is demonstrated that the installation of vertical drains significantly increases the rate of settlement, improves the dissipation of pore-water pressure, and decreases the lateral deformation of the soft clay foundation. To obtain better predictions, especially of pore pressures and lateral displacements, the equivalent discharge capacity of the drains needs to be modeled appropriately. The inclusion of the effects of smear and well resistance in the analysis of vertical drains improves the accuracy of predictions significantly, in comparison with the field measurements.Key words: clay, consolidation, embankment, finite element method, settlement, smear zone, vertical drain.
Indraratna, B, Nemcik, JA & Gale, WJ 2000, 'Review and interpretation of primary floor failure mechanism at a longwall coal mining face based on numerical analysis', Géotechnique, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 547-557.
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This paper describes the conceptual model of primary rock failure mechanisms in the floor ahead of the longwall coal mining face based on underground observations and numerical modelling. During longwall mining, the stress fields and displacements of strata are constantly changing. High stress concentrations ahead of the longwall face can initiate fractures in the rock floor that can, under unfavourable stress conditions, develop into secondary floor failure, where large displacements of strata can occur. Severely broken floor strata or floor heave can seriously interfere with mining operations. Underground observations indicate that the sub-vertical shear fractures and the shear failure along the bedding planes in stratified rock are the most common fracture types observed in the rock floor below the longwall face. To explain how these fractures occur, basic principles of rock failure mechanism are applied to an overstressed rock subject to stress concentrations typically found at the longwall face. The computational simulation of the progressive longwall mining operations was undertaken in stratified rock to model complex stress distributions ahead of the longwall face and to simulate the rock failure in the mining floor. The model indicates that the shear fractures and the bedding plane failure dominate the floor failure ahead of the moving longwall face, as was observed underground.
Jegatheesan, V 2000, 'Transient stage deposition of submicron particles in deep bed filtration under unfavorable conditions', Water Research, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 2119-2131.
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JEGATHEESAN, V & VIGNESWARAN, S 2000, 'Surface Coverage of Filter Medium in Deep Bed Filtration: Mathematical Modeling and Experiments', Separation Science and Technology, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 967-987.
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Jegatheesan, V & Vigneswaran, S 2000, 'Surface coverage of filter medium in deep bed filtration: mathematical modelling and experiments', Separation Science and Technology, vol. Volume 35, no. 0, pp. 967-987.
Ji, JC & Yu, L 2000, 'Drop dynamics of a high-speed unbalanced rotor in active magnetic bearing machinery', MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, vol. 28, no. 2-3, pp. 185-200.
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The transient nonlinear dynamics of a high-speed unbalanced rigid rotor dropping onto rigid sliding bearings is investigated. The equations of motion are formulated and solved numerically to examine dynamics of the rotor for different regimes of the touchdown process. The contribution of parameters such as unbalance, air gap, coefficient of friction, and coefficient of restitution to drop dynamics of the rotor are examined. When the unbalance is small, the resulting motion is also small. As the level of unbalance increases, the motion of the rotor becomes larger, so there is potential for damage to the rotor and the backup bearings. The orbits of the rotor in the backup bearings after the rotor drops, velocities, and power loss during sliding-whirling stages are presented for various initial conditions and system parameters. Finally, based on simulation results, some design guidelines and suggestions are given.
Jia, D, Dutkiewicz, E & Chicharo, JF 2000, 'Performance analysis of QoS mechanisms in IP networks', Proceedings ISCC 2000. Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, pp. 359-363.
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Integrated services IP networks are expected to provide a variety of services with differentiated QoS. This requires the implementation of mechanisms that can discriminate service classes in terms of QoS. The IETF has recently proposed a Differentiated Services (Diffserv) framework for provision of QoS. In this paper we analyze performance of two Diffserv mechanisms: Threshold Dropping and Priority Scheduling in terms of packet loss and mean packet delay. A comparison of the two mechanisms is carried out with the requirement that both mechanisms provide the same level of packet loss for the preferred flow. This comparison extends the results reported in the literature for these two mechanisms. In particular, in this paper we determine the impact of buffer threshold and buffer size on packet loss and mean packet delay in these mechanisms.
Johnson, IR, Tellambura, C, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 2000, 'HIPERLAN receiver design issues: noise performance and frequency offset compensation', International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 29-41.
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This paper is concerned with some physical layer issues for HIPERLAN. First, the noise performance required of each class of receivers in HIPERLAN is determined. Secondly, the effect of frequency offset on the performance of equalisers is investigated and various techniques for joint equalisation and frequency offset compensation are studied. It is shown that by employing a decision feedback equaliser incorporating a second order phase locked loop, the effect of both the intersymbol interference and frequency offset can be significantly reduced. Using such a technique, the packet error ratio (PER) of a HIPERLAN radio link in a multipath channel is found by simulation.
Johnston, JB, Jiang, Y, van Marle, G, Mayne, MB, Ni, W, Holden, J, McArthur, JC & Power, C 2000, 'Lentivirus Infection in the Brain Induces Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression: Role of Envelope Diversity', Journal of Virology, vol. 74, no. 16, pp. 7211-7220.
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ABSTRACTInfection of the brain by lentiviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), causes inflammation and results in neurodegeneration. Molecular diversity within the lentivirus envelope gene has been implicated in the regulation of cell tropism and the host response to infection. Here, we examine the hypothesis that envelope sequence diversity modulates the expression of host molecules implicated in lentivirus-induced brain disease, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and related transcription factors. Infection of primary macrophages by chimeric HIV clones containing brain-derived envelope fragments from patients with HIV-associated dementia (HAD) or nondemented AIDS patients (HIV-ND) showed that MMP-2 and -9 levels in conditioned media were significantly higher for the HAD clones. Similarly, STAT-1 and JAK-1 levels were higher in macrophages infected by HAD clones. Infections of primary feline macrophages by the neurovirulent FIV strain (V1CSF), the less neurovirulent strain (Petaluma), and a chimera containing the V1CSF envelope in a Petaluma background (FIV-Ch) revealed that MMP-2 and -9 levels were significantly higher in conditioned media from V1CSF- and FIV-Ch-infected macrophages, which was associated with increased intracellular STAT-1 and JAK-1 levels. The STAT-1 inhibitor fludarabine significantly reduced MMP-2 expression, but not MMP-9 expression, in FIV-infected macrophages. Analysis of MMP mRNA and protein levels in brain samples from HIV-infected persons or FIV-infected cats showed that MMP-2 and -9 levels were significantly increased in lentivirus-infected brains compared to those of uninfected controls. Elevated MMP expression was accompanied by significant increases in STAT-1 and JAK-1 mRNA and protein levels in the same brain samples. The present findings indicate that two lentiviru...
Karaomerlioglu, DC & Jacobsson, S 2000, 'The Swedish venture capital industry: An infant, adolescent or grown-up?', Venture Capital, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 61-88.
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This paper analyses the evolution of the Swedish venture capital (VC) industry. The institutional infrastructure in the form of legal access to available savings, the incentive structure and the exit possibilities for the VC firm initially blocked the evolution of the VC industry but institutional changes initiated a catch-up process in Sweden in the 1990s. The size of the Swedish VC industry is now substantial, among the four largest in the OECDset in relation to population. A distinct structural change in the Swedish VC industry in favour of diversity is also taking place but the industry is not yet mature with respect to its competence. The key policy issues are related not only to expanding the size of the industry, but also to increasing its competence. Further institutional change is, therefore, warranted, not only in terms of tax reforms and improving the access to pension funds and other savings, but also in terms of distinct policies aiming at increasing the flow of competence to the VC industry. © 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Kenny, P, King, LM, Shiell, A, Seymour, J, Hall, J, Langlands, A & Boyages, J 2000, 'Early stage breast cancer: costs and quality of life one year after treatment by mastectomy or conservative surgery and radiation therapy', BREAST, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 37-44.
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This paper reports a descriptive study of the costs and quality of life (QoL) outcome of treatments for early stage breast cancer in a cohort of Australian women, one year after initial surgical treatment. Mastectomy without breast reconstruction is comp
Khalili, N, Khabbaz, MH & Valliappan, S 2000, 'An effective stress based numerical model for hydro-mechanical analysis in unsaturated porous media', Computational Mechanics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 174-184.
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Kim, J, Moon, S-W, Lee, S-H, Kim, S-H, Hwang, D-H, Lee, S-J & Ra, S-W 2000, 'Implementation of an Initial Alignment Algorithm for a Stapdown Inertial Navigation system', Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol. 6, pp. 138-145.
Kim, SK, Atanassov, KT & Shannon, AG 2000, 'Generalized nets in neurology: an example of mathematical modelling', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 173-179.
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King, MT, Kenny, P, Shiell, A, Hall, J & Boyages, J 2000, 'Quality of life three months and one year after first treatment for early stage breast cancer: Influence of treatment and patient characteristics', QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 789-800.
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This paper reports the quality of life (QoL) of a large cohort of Australian women three and twelve months after surgery for early stage breast cancer (ESBC), and shows that the impact of disease and treatment on QoL differed by age, education and marita
Kodagoda, KRS, Wijesoma, WS & Teoh, EK 2000, 'Stable fuzzy state space controllers for an AGV', Neural Networks for Signal Processing - Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop, vol. 2, pp. 672-681.
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The primary focus is on the development of an intelligent control scheme, which is insensitive to parametric uncertainty, load and parameter fluctuations and most importantly amenable for real time implementation. In this paper, we present a stable uncoupled direct fuzzy PD/PI control scheme for an outdoor AGV, which is a converted electrically powered golf-car. The controller performance was assessed both through simulations and experimental results. It was established that the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) yielded good performance even under uncertain and variable parameters in the model, unlike the computed torque technique (CTT) or conventional PID control. And in terms of real-time implementation the availability of custom fuzzy chips and the reduced computational complexity of the fuzzy controller as against the CTT, makes the fuzzy controller, an ideal choice amongst the two schemes.
Kwon, DY, Vigneswaran, S, Fane, AG & Ben Aim, R 2000, 'Experimental determination of critical flux in cross-flow microfiltration', SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 169-181.
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Landers, P, Kerr, KG, Rowbotham, TJ, Tipper, JL, Keig, PM, Ingham, E & Denton, M 2000, 'Survival and Growth of Burkholderia cepacia Within the Free-Living Amoeba Acanthamoeba polyphaga', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 121-123.
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LAW, SS & ZHU, XQ 2000, 'STUDY ON DIFFERENT BEAM MODELS IN MOVING FORCE IDENTIFICATION', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 234, no. 4, pp. 661-679.
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Lee, DK, Cheng, R, Nguyen, T, Fan, T, Kariyawasam, AP, Liu, Y, Osmond, DH, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 2000, 'Characterization of Apelin, the Ligand for the APJ Receptor', Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 34-41.
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Abstract: The apelin peptide was recently discovered and demonstrated to be the endogenous ligand for the G protein‐coupled receptor, APJ. A search of the GenBank databases retrieved a rat expressed sequence tag partially encoding the preproapelin sequence. The GenBank search also revealed a human sequence on chromosome Xq25‐26.1, containing the gene encoding preproapelin. We have used the rat sequence to screen a rat brain cDNA library to obtain a cDNA encoding the full‐length open reading frame of rat preproapelin. This cDNA encoded a protein of 77 amino acids, sharing an identity of 82% with human preproapelin. Northern and in situ hybridization analyses revealed both human and rat apelin and APJ to be expressed in the brain and periphery. Both sequence and mRNA expression distribution analyses revealed similarities between apelin and angiotensin II, suggesting they that share related physiological roles. A synthetic apelin peptide was injected intravenously into male Wistar rats, resulting in immediate lowering of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which persisted for several minutes. Intraperitoneal apelin injections induced an increase in drinking behavior within the first 30 min after injection, with a return to baseline within 1 h.
Lee, DK, Lynch, KR, Nguyen, T, Im, D-S, Cheng, R, Saldivia, VR, Liu, Y, Liu, ISC, Heng, HHQ, Seeman, P, George, SR, O’Dowd, BF & Marchese, A 2000, 'Cloning and characterization of additional members of the G protein-coupled receptor family', Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression, vol. 1490, no. 3, pp. 311-323.
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A search of the expressed sequence tag (EST) database retrieved a human cDNA sequence which partially encoded a novel G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) GPR26. A human genomic DNA fragment encoding a partial open reading frame (ORF) and a rat cDNA encoding the full length ORF of GPR26 were obtained by library screening. The rat GPR26 cDNA encoded a protein of 317 amino acids, most similar (albeit distantly related) to the serotonin 5- HT(5A) and gastrin releasing hormone BB2 receptors. GPR26 mRNA expression analysis revealed signals in the striatum, pons, cerebellum and cortex. HEK293 and Rh7777 cells transfected with GPR26 cDNA displayed high basal cAMP levels, slow growth rate of clonal populations and derangements of normal cell shape. We also used a sequence reported only in the patent literature encoding GPR57 (a.k.a. HNHCI32) to PCR amplify a DNA fragment which was used to screen a human genomic library. This resulted in the cloning of a genomic fragment containing a pseudogene, ψGPR57, with a 99.6% nucleotide identity to GPR57. Based on shared sequence identities, the receptor encoded by GPR57 was predicted to belong to a novel subfamily of GPCRs together with GPR58 (a.k.a. phBL5, reported only in the patent literature), putative neurotransmitter receptor (PNR) and a 5-HT4 pseudogene. Analysis of this subfamily revealed greatest identities (~56%) between the receptors encoded by GPR57 and GPR58, each with shared identities of ~40% with PNR. Furthermore, ψGPR57, GPR58, PNR and the 5-HT4 pseudogene were mapped in a cluster localized to chromosome 6q22-24. PNR and GPR58 were expressed in COS cells, however no specific binding was observed for various serotonin receptor-specific ligands. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
Lee, S 2000, 'Oligomerization of Dopamine and Serotonin Receptors', Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. S32-S40.
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Until recently, it has largely been assumed that G proteincoupled receptors (GPCRs) function as monomeric entities. However, over the past few years, we and others havedocumented that GPCRs can form dimers and oligomers, leading to a re-evaluation of the mechanisms thought tomediate GPCR function. Despite the growing number ofinvestigations into dimerization, little is known about thestructural basis of receptor-receptor interactions and thefunctional consequences of dimer formation. Here, wepresent a brief review of some insights we have gained intothe dimerization of dopamine and serotonin receptors. Wehave demonstrated that agonist-regulated trafficking isidentical for receptor monomers and dimers, however, agonist treatment appears to stabilise the receptor oligomers. An investigation of the structural assemblybetween receptors involved in dimerization showed thatthere are several sites of interaction including hydrophobictransmembrane domain interactions and intermoleculardisulphide bonds. We have also examined receptor hetero-oligomerization and demonstrated the potential for novelfunctions as a result of these associations. Finally, as aresult of these observations, we have been able to presentevidence that GPCRs function as oligomers in the cell. © 2000, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
Lei, QP, Shannon, AG, Heller, RK & Lamb, DH 2000, 'Quantification of free polysaccharide in meningococcal polysaccharide-diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccines.', Dev Biol (Basel), vol. 103, pp. 259-264.
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A precipitation method using deoxycholate/HCI has been applied successfully to separate unconjugated free polysaccharide from carrier protein-bound material in meningococcal polysaccharide-diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccines. The method effectively separated free and bound polysaccharide in conjugate vaccines prepared from Neisseria meningitidis serotypes A, C, W135 and Y. Free polysaccharide remained in the supernatant after deoxycholate treatment while protein-bound polysaccharide was fully precipitated. Testing by both colorimetric assay and high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) has confirmed the selective loss of protein-bound polysaccharide in samples of conjugate vaccine or conjugate vaccine mixed with known amounts of free polysaccharide. This rapid separation method requires minimum sample handling and is specific, reproducible, and allows assessment of free polysaccharide levels in vaccines at final container concentration.
Leigh, E 2000, 'Simulations/Gaming Conferences, Summer 2000: ISAGA and SAGSET', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 545-552.
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Li, H 2000, 'An assessment of depolarisation models of crossflow microfiltration by direct observation through the membrane', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 172, no. 1-2, pp. 135-147.
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Li, J, Dong, G & Ramamohanarao, K 2000, 'Making Use of the Most Expressive Jumping Emerging Patterns for Classification', Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining, Proceedings: Current Issues And New Applications, vol. 1805, no. NA, pp. 220-232.
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Classification aims to discover a model from training data that can be used to predict the class of test instances. In this paper, we propose the use of jumping emerging patterns (JEPs) as the basis for a new classifier called them JEP-Classifier. Each J
Li, QS, Fang, JQ & Liu, DK 2000, 'Exact Solutions for Free Vibration of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems with Nonperiodically Varying Parameters', Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 449-462.
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An analysis of free vibration of single-degree-of-freedom (SDoF) systems with nonperiodically varying parameters, such as variable mass and stiffness, is presented and discussed in this paper The vari ations, relative to time, of mass and stiffness are expressed by the selection of suitable expressions such as power functions and exponential functions, and the general governing differential equation for free vi bration of SDoF systems with nonperiodically varying parameters is established. The exact solutions for free vibration of such time-varying systems are derived. The obtained solutions demonstrate that free vibra tion of several undamped systems with nonperiodically varying parameters cannot be induced by an initial disturbance.
Li, QS, Fang, JQ, Jeary, AP, Wong, CK & Liu, DK 2000, 'Evaluation of wind effects on a supertall building based on full-scale measurements', Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1845-1862.
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Li, QS, Fang, JQ, Jeary, AP, Wong, CK & Liu, DK 2000, 'Evaluation of wind effects on a supertall building based on full-scale measurements', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1845-1862.
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This paper describes the results obtained from the full-scale measurements of wind effects on a 70-storey building in Hong Kong. The building which has a height of approximately 370 m is the second tallest structure in Hong Kong. The field data such as wind speed, wind direction and wind-induced acceleration responses have been measured since 1995 including the close passage of two typhoons; typhoon Sally and typhoon Kent. Detailed analysis of the field data is conducted. The full-scale measurements are compared with the wind tunnel results obtained in the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory at Western Ontario University. The amplitude-dependent characteristics of damping and natural frequency that were obtained by using the random decrement technique are investigated. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Li, QS, Li, GQ & Liu, DK 2000, 'Exact solutions for longitudinal vibration of rods coupled by translational springs', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1135-1152.
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Li, QS, Liu, DK, Fang, JQ & Tam, CM 2000, 'Multi-level optimal design of buildings with active control under winds using genetic algorithms', Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 65-86.
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Li, QS, Liu, DK, Fang, JQ, Jeary, AP & Wong, CK 2000, 'Damping in buildings: its neural network model and AR model', Engineering Structures, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 1216-1223.
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Li, QS, Liu, DK, Leung, AYT, Zhang, N, Tam, CM & Yang, LF 2000, 'Modelling of structural response and optimization of structural control system using neural network and genetic algorithm', The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 279-293.
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Li, QS, Liu, DK, Leung, AYT, Zhang, N, Tam, CM & Yang, LF 2000, 'Modelling of structural response and optimization of structural control system using neural network and genetic algorithm', Structural Design of Tall Buildings, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 279-293.
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This paper proposes an integrated approach to the modelling and optimization of structural control systems in tall buildings. In this approach, an artificial neural network is applied to model the structural dynamic responses of tall buildings subjected to strong earthquakes, and a genetic algorithm is used to optimize the design problem of structural control systems, which constitutes a mixed-discrete, nonlinear and multi-modal optimization problem. The neural network model of the structural dynamic response analysis is included in the genetic algorithm and is used as a module of the structural analysis to estimate the dynamic responses of tall buildings. A numerical example is presented in which the general regression neural network is used to model the structural response analysis. The modelling method, procedure and the numerical results are discussed. Two Los Angeles earthquake records are adopted as earthquake excitations.
Lim, CC, Gowripalan, N & Sirivivatnanon, V 2000, 'Microcracking and chloride permeability of concrete under uniaxial compression', CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 353-360.
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Lin, CT, Chung, IF & Sheu, LKM 2000, 'A neural fuzzy system for image motion estimation', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 281-304.
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Lin, C-T, Juang, C-F & Li, C-P 2000, 'Water bath temperature control with a neural fuzzy inference network', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 285-306.
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Locke, M & Indraratna, B 2000, 'A new model for the behavioue of granular filters', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 31-39.
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Filters are used in Geotechnical Engineering to control seepage and to prevent erosion of soil due to the drag forces of seeping water. Filters act as tarriers to retain the base soil while allowing seepage flows to exit without causing high hydraulic gradients or pore pressures which may damage the structure. This paper describes a new analytical model of filtration. The model is based on a three dimensional network model of the filter pores, and the equations of conservation of mass and momentum which govern the rate of particle transport The model has application in the design of granular filters for protecting non-cohesive base soils in embankment dams, retaining walls, drainage wells or road pavements.
Lowe, DB, Scott, CA & Bagia, R 2000, 'A skills development framework for learning computing tools in the context of engineering practice', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 45-56.
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Informatics is a first-year subject in the new Bachelor of Engineering/Graduate Diploma in Engineering Practice degree at the University of Technology, Sydney. All undergraduate engineering students must do this subject irrespective of their intended engineering discipline (civil, mechanical, environmental systems, electrical, telecommunications, computer systems). The focus of this subject is to introduce students to computational tools (such as spreadsheets and programming languages) and information retrieval tools (such as the World Wide Web), which support engineering, as well as looking at the effective and professional use of these tools. Informatics has three core elements: the development of specific skills which will assist students in both their studies and their professional practice; the development of an ability to continue to develop further skills independently; and consideration of a wide variety of issues related to the computational tools that the students are using. Examples of the issues covered include: privacy; accuracy of content; fraud; security; the professional and ethical responsibility of engineers for the results of their calculations; selecting the best tool for the job; and limitations of computational tools. This paper will review the activities and challenges the students faced, describe the approaches that we adopted and the various issues we raised, the expected and actual outcomes arising from the activities, and our plans for the future of the subject. © 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Lowe, DB, Scott, CA & Bagia, R 2000, 'A skills development framework for learning computing tools in the context of engineering practice', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. Volume 1, no. 0, pp. 45-56.
Luk, KC, Ball, JE & Sharma, A 2000, 'A study of optimal model lag and spatial inputs to artificial neural network for rainfall forecasting', JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, vol. 227, no. 1-4, pp. 56-65.
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Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 2000, 'Exploiting simultaneously masked linear prediction in a WI speech coder', 2000 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding. Proceedings. Meeting the Challenges of the New Millennium (Cat. No.00EX421), pp. 11-13.
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Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 2000, 'Exploring the characteristics of analytic decomposition of speech signals', 2000 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding. Proceedings. Meeting the Challenges of the New Millennium (Cat. No.00EX421), vol. 2, pp. 59-61.
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Lukasiak, J, Burnett, IS, Chicharo, JF & Thomson, MM 2000, 'Linear prediction incorporating simultaneous masking', 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37100), vol. 3, pp. 1471-1474.
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Marjanovic, O 2000, 'Supporting the 'soft' side of business process reengineering.', Bus. Process. Manag. J., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 43-55.
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The contemporary business environment in which an organisation exists is becoming increasingly dynamic. The pressing need to improve the existing business processes in an organisation, results in the appearance of a new field called Business Process Reengineering (BPR). However, despite more and more innovative technological solutions for business processes, resistance to change continues to be the biggest BPR obstacle. According to many experts, this is the main reason why reengineering projects in many organisations fail. This paper investigates the “soft” side of BPR (i.e. its human aspects). More precisely, it focuses on ways information technology (IT), in particular group support systems (GSS), can support the soft side of BPR and reduce resistance to change. In this way, the paper introduces the third level of integration of IT and BPR, in addition to the two levels already described in the literature. The approach is illustrated by an example of a company that used GSS during its reengineering efforts. © 2000, MCB UP Limited
McGloin, D & Dunn, MH 2000, 'Simple theory of microwave induced transparency in atomic and molecular systems', Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1887-1897.
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In recent years the idea of electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic systems using a microwave coupling field has been discussed. We present theoretical work on how this may be achieved in both Doppler systems, and by extension in non-Doppler broadened systems. By considering the specific example of atomic rubidium we demonstrate the feasibility and practical difficulties of such an experiment. By considering systems with appropriate rotational-vibration structure we conclude that microwave induced transparency in gas vapours is more readily achievable in molecular systems. © 2000 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
McGloin, D, Dunn, MH & Fulton, DJ 2000, 'Polarization effects in electromagnetically induced transparency', Physical Review A, vol. 62, no. 5.
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McGloin, D, Turnbull, GA & Dunn, MH 2000, 'Electromagnetically induced focussing effects in four level media', Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series, pp. 64-65.
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An attempt was made to model the refraction due to two different Rabi frequencies, a lower value of 120 MHz corresponding to the outer edge of the coupling field and a higher one of 300 MHz corresponding to the center of the coupling field. The difference in the refraction produced by these two Rabi frequencies gave a measure of the lensing action on the probe. Positive values of this difference imply a converging lens, while negative values imply a diverging lens.
Mcnie, CM, Barton, DC, Ingham, E, Tipper, JL, Fisher, J & Stone, MH 2000, 'The prediction of polyethylene wear rate and debris morphology produced by microscopic asperities on femoral heads', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 163-174.
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Mengkang Peng, Sasabo, MF, Hingjie Jay Guo, Downing, OJ & Barton, SK 2000, 'Frame-extended linear decorrelating detector for asynchronous CDMA', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1918-1927.
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Missiroli, M, Yingjie Jay Guo & Barton, SK 2000, 'Near-far resistant channel estimation for CDMA systems using the linear decorrelating detector', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 514-524.
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The well-known linear decorrelating detector (LDD) for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems provides near-far resistant performance when the timing of each user is accurately known. Traditional CDMA acquisition techniques suffer from high differences in power levels. The estimation accuracy for a user overwhelmed by stronger ones is likely to be unsatisfactory; at the same time, the interference from a user undergoing acquisition or tracking is not removed by the standard LDD. In this paper, a fully near-far resistant technique for acquisition and tracking for asynchronous CDMA systems applying the LDD is proposed, considering realistic band-limited signals. This technique is based on the adoption of a pair of special sequences equivalent to a dedicated access channel and is shown to provide a relatively fast and robust means to perform channel estimation both in case of single- and multipath channels.
Nemcik, JA 2000, 'Floor failure analysis at a longwall mining face based on the multiple sliding block model', Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 175-192.
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This paper presents an analytical model of a floor failure at a longwall coal mining face based on the multiple sliding block model. During longwall mining, stresses and displacements of strata are constantly changing. High stress concentrations at the coal face can exceed the rock strength and initiate fractures in the strata that can, under unfavourable conditions, lead to large floor displacements and disruption of mining operations. Underground observations of the rock floor and the computational modelling of the longwall face indicate that two types of fracture dominate floor failure. Extensive lateral fracturing often develops along the numerous weak bedding planes that are typically present in the sedimentary strata while sub-vertical fractures form in response to changing stress abutments ahead of the longwall coal face. The fractures that initially develop ahead of the longwall face are subject to a "secondary" movement when exposed ahead of the longwall supports. In response to the stress relief as the coal is mined from above. Strata move towards the opening and bending of the floor occurs. If fractures in the floor exist, the floor blocks will displace in response to the floor movement and interact at the fractured surfaces. This analysis attempts to explain how the stress distribution develops within the broken floor during an active movement of floor strata leading to high stress concentrations at the floor level. The analytical formulation in this paper is supplemented by numerical modelling, and results are presented to verify that the analytical solutions are in accordance with the numerical predictions.
Ngo, HH, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, SH, Bidkar, A & Moon, H 2000, 'Microfiltration-adsorption hybrid system in organics removal from water', Water Science and Technology, vol. 41, no. 10-11, pp. 51-57.
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A series of experiments was conducted with a Millipore flat plate microfiltration module modified to incorporate in-line powdered activated carbon (PAC) addition. In-line PAC was mixed continuously through a spiral mixing device for a predetermined time prior entering a membrane unit. The results showed that this system is excellent in removing fulvic acid (FA). This system provides to sufficient contact time for PAC to adsorb organics compared to the system with in-line adsorbent addition. More than 85% of FA was removed from water containing 8 mg/l of FA. To achieve this following conditions were used:.(i) a velocity gradient G (mixing intensity) of 160.4 s–1; (ii) a hydraulic residence time (mixing time) of 4 minutes; (iii) a PAC dose of 260 mg/l; and (iv) membrane pore size of 0.22 μm. In case of low FA concentration (e.g. 1.2 mg/l) in water, the removal efficiency was almost 100%. The removal efficiency also increased with the increase of mixing intensity and mixing time. The permeate flux slightly improved when a membrane of pore size 0.22 μm was used with shorter hydraulic residence time and lower PAC concentration. This paper presents a mathematical model developed based on surface diffusion. The model successfully predicted the performance of this hybrid system.
Nguyen, HB, Rivers, EP, Havstad, S, Knoblich, B, Ressler, JA, Muzzin, AM & Tomlanovich, MC 2000, 'Critical Care in the Emergency Department A Physiologic Assessment and Outcome Evaluation', Academic Emergency Medicine, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 1354-1361.
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Abstract. Objectives: The changing landscape of health care in this country has seen an increase in the delivery of care to critically ill patients in the emergency department (ED). However, methodologies to assess care and outcomes similar to those used in the intensive care unit (ICU) are currently lacking in this setting. This study examined the impact of ED intervention on morbidity and mortality using the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II), the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II), and the Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score (MODS). Methods: This was a prospective, observational cohort study over a three‐month period. Critically ill adult patients presenting to a large urban ED and requiring ICU admission were enrolled. APACHE II, SAPS II, and MODS scores and predicted mortality were obtained at ED admission, ED discharge, and 24, 48, and 72 hours in the ICU. In‐hospital mortality was recorded. Results: Eighty‐one patients aged 64 ± 18 years were enrolled during the study period, with a 30.9% in‐hospital mortality. The ED length of stay was 5.9 ± 2.7 hours and the hospital length of stay was 12.2 ± 16.6 days. Nine (11.1%) patients initially accepted for ICU admission were later admitted to the general ward after ED intervention. Septic shock was the predominant admitting diagnosis. At ED admission, there was a significantly higher APACHE II score in nonsurvivors (23.0 ± 6.0) vs survivors (19.8 ± 6.5, p = 0.04), while there was no significant difference in SAPS II or MODS scores. The APACHE II, SAPS II, and MODS scores were significantly lower in survivors than nonsurvivors throughout the hospital stay (p ≤ 0.001). The hourly rates of change (decreases) in APACHE II, SAPS II, and MODS scores were significantly greater during the ED stay (‐0.55 ± 0.64, ‐1.02 ± 1.10, and ‐0.16 ± 0.43, respectively) than subsequent periods o...
Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Assessment of Significant Change in BMD: A New Approach', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 369-370.
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Nguyen, TV, Center, JR & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Association between breast cancer and bone mineral density: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', Maturitas, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 27-34.
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Nguyen, TV, Center, JR & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Osteoporosis in Elderly Men and Women: Effects of Dietary Calcium, Physical Activity, and Body Mass Index', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 322-331.
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Abstract Dietary calcium intake and physical activity are considered practical measures for prevention of osteoporosis. However, their associations with bone mineral density (BMD) in the elderly are not clear. The present study examined the association between osteoporosis and these two factors in relation to body mass index (BMI) in a cross-sectional, epidemiological study involving 1075 women and 690 men, aged 69 ± 6.7 years (mean ± SD). Dietary calcium intake (median of 580 mg/day) was inversely related to age (p = 0.01), positively related to physical activity index (PAI) (p = 0.01), femoral neck BMD (p = 0.01) in women, and higher lumbar spine (p = 0.003) and femoral neck BMD (p = 0.03) in men. Quadriceps strength was negatively associated with age (p < 0.0001) and positively related to BMI (p < 0.0001) and BMD (p < 0.0001) in both men and women. The PAI was associated with quadriceps strength (p < 0.0001) and femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD in women (p < 0.001) and with femoral neck BMD in men (p = 0.04); however, these associations were not significant after adjusting for age, BMI, quadriceps strength, and dietary calcium. Women in the top tertile of quadriceps strength (≥23 kg) and dietary calcium intake (≥710 mg/day) had 15% higher BMD than those in the lowest tertiles (≤15 kg and ≤465 mg/day); the difference was comparable in men (11%). Among subjects with the lowest tertiles of BMI (≤23 kg/m2 for women and ≤24 kg/m2 for men), quadriceps strength (≤15 kg for women and ≤28 kg for men), and dietary calcium intake (≤465 mg/day), 64% and 40% of women and men, respectively, were classified as having osteoporosis (based on a 2.5-SD reduction from the young-normal mean). The prevalence was only 12% in women and 1.5% in men among those in the highest tertiles of the three factors. Adequate dietary calcium intake and maintaining a physically active lifestyle in late de...
Nguyen, TV, Pocock, NA & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Interpretation of Bone Mineral Density Measurement and Its Change', Journal of Clinical Densitometry, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 107-119.
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O'Dowd, BF, Lee, DK, Huang, W, Nguyen, T, Cheng, R, Liu, Y, Wang, B, Gershengorn, MC & George, SR 2000, 'TRH-R2 exhibits similar binding and acute signaling but distinct regulation and anatomic distribution compared with TRH-R1.', Mol Endocrinol, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 183-193.
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TRH (thyroliberin) is a tripeptide (pGlu-His-ProNH2) that signals via G protein-coupled receptors. Until recently, only a single receptor for TRH was known (TRH-R1), but two groups identified a second receptor, TRH-R2. We independently discovered TRH-R2. Using an extensive set of TRH analogs, we found no differences in TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 binding or in acute stimulation of signaling. TRH-R2 was more rapidly internalized upon binding TRH and exhibited a greater level of TRH-induced down-regulation than TRH-R1. During prolonged exposure to TRH, cells expressing TRH-R2 exhibited a lower level of gene induction than cells expressing TRH-R1. TRH-R2 receptor mRNA was present in very discrete nuclei and regions of rat brain. A major mRNA transcript for TRH-R2 was seen in the cerebral cortex, pons, thalamus, hypothalamus, and midbrain with faint bands found in the striatum and pituitary. The extensive distribution of TRH-R2 in the brain suggests that it mediates many of the known functions of TRH that are not transduced by TRH-R1. The variations in agonist-induced internalization and down-regulation/desensitization, and anatomic distribution of TRH-R2 compared with TRH-R1, suggest important functional differences between the two receptors.
Oppermann, I & Rapajic, PB 2000, 'Capacity of a band-limited CDMA MMSE receiver-based system when combined with trellis or convolutional coding', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1328-1337.
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Oppermann, I, van Rooyen, P & Kohno, R 2000, 'Guest editorial spread spectrum for global communications II', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-5.
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Parry, JJ, Burnett, IS & Chicharo, JF 2000, 'Language-specific phonetic structure and the quantisation of the spectral envelope of speech', Speech Communication, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 229-250.
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Partlett, MJ & Thomas, PS 2000, 'Characterization of surface-modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres by inverse gas chromatography', Polymer International, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 495-500.
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The effect of surface cleanliness on the alkaline hydrolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres was investigated using inverse gas chromatography (IGC) in conjunction with mass loss measurements and electron microscopy. The sizing agent was removed from the fibre surface by two methods: soxhlet cleaning in acetone and washing in an aqueous solution of a non-ionic detergent. Alkaline hydrolysis was carried out using two concentrations of aqueous sodium hydroxide, 1% and 10% by mass. The measurement of the specific retention volume of undecane and the heat of adsorption using IGC indicated that the acetone cleaned samples were essentially surface contaminant free, while partial contamination of the surface by the sizing agent remained in the detergent cleaned samples. The presence of sizing agent significantly altered the degree of hydrolysis and the surface topography. The increasing values of the heat of adsorption indicated that significant surface hydrolysis increased the surface crystallinity.
Partlett, MJ & Thomas, PS 2000, 'Characterization of surface-modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres by inverse gas chromatography', Polymer International, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 495-500.
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Perry, SW & Guan, L 2000, 'Weight assignment for adaptive image restoration by neural networks', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 156-170.
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Perry, SW & Wyber, RJ 2000, 'A Hopfield neural network approach for the reconstruction of wide-bandwidth sonar data', Neural Networks for Signal Processing X. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop (Cat. No.00TH8501), vol. 2, pp. 876-885.
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Popescu, DC & Bone, D 2000, 'Combinatorial approach to representingsubsets of coefficients for signalcompression schemes', Electronics Letters, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 760-761.
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Power, C, Gladden, JGB, Halliday, W, Del Bigio, MR, Nath, A, Ni, W, Major, EO, Blanchard, J & Mowat, M 2000, 'AIDS- and non–AIDS-related PML association with distinct p53 polymorphism', Neurology, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 743-743.
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A population-based analysis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) showed PML frequencies of 5.1% among patients with AIDS and 0.07% among patients with hematologic malignancies, but similar clinical features of PML in both groups. Sequencing of the p53 gene, exon 4, showed heterozygosity (Arg-Pro) at codon 72 in five of six PML patients. These findings indicate that frequencies of non-AIDS- and AIDS-related PML differ markedly but p53 polymorphisms may influence the occurrence of PML in both groups.
Pradhan, B & Kumar, S 2000, 'Finite Element Analysis of Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Composite Laminates', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 322-339.
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This paper investigates the low-velocity impact behaviour and impact-induced damages in graphite/epoxy composite laminates. A three-dimensional finite element and transient dynamic analysis is performed to calculate the time-varying displacements, forces, strains and stresses throughout the laminate resulting from transverse impact. A layered version of an eight-noded isoparametric brick element with incompatible modes is used to model the laminate. Transient dynamic equilibrium equation is integrated step-by-step with respect to time using Newmark direct time integration method. Modified Hertzian contact law is used to model the local contact behaviour. Appropriate three-dimensional failure criteria are used for predicting the occurrence of matrix cracking and the extent of delamination after impact.
PRADHAN, B & KUMAR, S 2000, 'Finite Element Analysis of Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Composite Laminates', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 322-339.
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Raad, RS, Dutkiewicz, E & Chicharo, J 2000, 'Connection admission control in micro-cellular multi-service mobile networks', Proceedings ISCC 2000. Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, vol. 3, pp. 600-606.
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This paper investigates the use of fixed bandwidth reservation for Multi-service mobile networks. In particular it extends previous fixed Multi-service network results to the mobile scenario and presents analytical and simulation results for new and handover call blocking probabilities. It also investigates the performance sensitivity to different traffic load ratios as well as the cell dwell time distribution.
Ramirez, CD, Sleiman, RJ, Catchpoole, DR & Stewart, BW 2000, 'Morphological and molecular evidence of differentiation during etoposide-induced apoptosis in human lymphoblastoid cells', Cell Death & Differentiation, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 548-555.
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The relationship between apoptosis and cell differentiation has been a subject for continuous debate, with evidence showing leukaemic cell differentiation and drug-induced apoptosis have reciprocal, interdependent and a highly schedule-dependent relationship. We have addressed this relationship in terms of a widely-used model for apoptosis induced by cytotoxic drugs: namely the effect of etoposide on CEM cells. In respect of commitment toward differentiation, we assessed changes in expression of marker genes and the level of CD3 antigenicity. Changes in these parameters following exposure of CEM cells to etoposide was similar to that observed following treatment of the same cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), though this latter treatment did not cause cell death. Similarities in response to etoposide and PMA also included generation of 50 kilobase fragmentation of DNA and convolution of nuclei as assessed by transmission electron microscopy. However, condensation of chromatin and externalization of phosphatidylserine were only recorded in response to the cytotoxic drug and not in response to PMA. The data are consistent with apoptosis in these lymphoblastoid cells being accompanied by activation of specific markers of T-cell differentiation, but ultimately involving processes unequivocally associated with cell death.
Ramsden, VS, Watterson, PA, Holliday, WM, Tansley, GD, Reizes, JA & Woodard, JC 2000, 'A rotary blood pump', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 17-22.
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This paper describes aspects of a new rotary blood pump for long term implantation as a left ventricular assist device. The combination of centrifugal pump, hydrodynamic blood-lubricated bearings, integrated impeller/rare earth magnet rotor, and double-sided axial-flux brushless-DC motor is unique. These special features enable high reliability and relatively high motor efficiency with low blood damage (hemolysis), and tow blood coagulation (thrombus).
Randell, AG, Nguyen, TV, Bhalerao, N, Silverman, SL, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 2000, 'Deterioration in Quality of Life Following Hip Fracture: A Prospective Study', Osteoporosis International, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 460-466.
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Ritz, CH, Burnett, IS & Lukasiak, J 2000, 'Very low rate speech coding using temporal decomposition and waveform interpolation', 2000 IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding. Proceedings. Meeting the Challenges of the New Millennium (Cat. No.00EX421), pp. 29-31.
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Rosowsky, DV, Stewart, MG & Khor, EH 2000, 'Early-age loading and long-term deflections of reinforced concrete beams', ACI Structural Journal, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 517-524.
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This paper examines the effects of early-age (construction) loads on the long-term deflections of reinforced concrete (RC) flexural members. Particular consideration is given to simply supported, singly reinforced rectangular beams. The probabilistic analysis of time-dependent deflections takes into account concrete maturation, nonlinear creep and shrinkage behavior, and load process models for both service and construction. While this paper summarizes the time-dependent analysis technique (reported in detail elsewhere), the focus of this paper is on evaluating the effects of early-age loading on the long-term deflection and on practical implications for deflection serviceability design of RC members.
Roughan, R, Veitch, D & Abry, P 2000, 'Real-time estimation of the parameters of long-range dependence', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 467-478.
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Saco, P & Kumar, P 2000, 'Coherent modes in multiscale variability of streamflow over the United States', Water Resources Research, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1049-1067.
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Motivated by the need to understand large‐scale hydrologic response, significant research has been directed toward the identification of coherent regions using characteristics of streamflow variability. Typically, these regions are delineated using principal component analysis on streamflow. This method does not account for differences in temporal scales of fluctuations embedded in the time series. To capture this, we use wavelet spectral analysis. Wavelet spectra from the specific streamflow series are obtained for outflow binned at 3°‐length segments along the border of the conterminous United States. Rotated principal component analysis is performed on the wavelet spectra to obtain clusters of segments that exhibit similar distribution of variability across scales. Three physically distinct modes explain over 89% of the variability. Two of the modes identified are associated with high variability at seasonal scales, and the third is associated with high variability at small timescales. The runoff generation mechanisms underlying the observed modes of multiscale variability of various regions are also discussed. Each of these coherent modes of multiscale variability indicate the existence of regions with similar scales of fluctuations that are located geographically apart, as well as regions located geographically close with dissimilar scales of fluctuations.
Sadiq, W, Marjanovic, O & Orlowska, ME 2000, 'Managing Change and Time in Dynamic Workflow Processes.', Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst., vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 93-116.
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Sargent, CJ, Bowman, JC & Zhou, JL 2000, 'Levels of antifoulant irgarol 1051 in the Conwy Marina, North Wales', Chemosphere, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 1755-1760.
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Irgarol 1051 (2-methylthio-4-tert-butylamino-6-cyclopropylamino-s-triazine) is an antifouling agent used in paint formulations that are applied to the hulls of ships. A survey was carried out at Conwy Marina in North Wales to determine the levels of the herbicide over a period of three months. Liquid/liquid extraction was used to concentrate the analyte for quantitative analysis using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in Conwy marina ranged from 7 to 543 ng/l, similar to the levels found in many other marinas, estuaries and ports in England, although much lower than those in Cote d’Azur, France. The concentrations of Irgarol 1051 were not found to be influenced by salinity, pH or temperature, although there is a strong correlation between the average concentrations of Irgarol 1051 and the density of boating activity. At the levels found in the marina, it is possible that non-target photosynthetic inhibition could occur. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Sheng, D & Smith, DW 2000, 'Numerical modelling of competitive components transport with non-linear adsorption', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 47-71.
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Sheng, D, Sloan, SW & Yu, HS 2000, 'Aspects of finite element implementation of critical state models', Computational Mechanics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 185-196.
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Sheng-Fu Liang, Su, AWY & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Model-based synthesis of plucked string instruments by using a class of scattering recurrent networks', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 171-185.
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Shinq-Jen Wu & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Optimal fuzzy controller design: local concept approach', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 171-185.
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Sloan, SW, Sheng, D & Abbo, AJ 2000, 'Accelerated initial stiffness schemes for elastoplasticity', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 579-599.
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Stuart, BH & Thomas, PS 2000, 'The characterisation of plastic used in a Gabo sculpture', POLYMER TESTING, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 953-957.
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Thomas, P & Ray, AS 2000, 'Processing initiated failure of toughened glass panels', Chemistry in Australia, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 12-14.
Thompson, MD, Gonzalez, N, Nguyen, T, Comings, DE, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 2000, 'Serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms in alcohol dependence', Alcohol, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 61-67.
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The serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene is a candidate gene in alcohol dependence because serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) can alleviate alcohol withdrawal. Studies of the 5-HTT gene in alcohol dependence have not resulted in a consensus. Recent studies have examined the transcriptionally active promoter polymorphism, a 44-bp deletion resulting in short (S) or long (L) alleles. In this study, 131 alcohol-dependent patients of Northern and Western European descent were genotyped. Seventy of these patients were diagnosed with alcohol dependence without comorbid disorders. Sixty-one patients were diagnosed with alcohol dependence comorbid with Tourette syndrome (alcoholic-TS). We found an excess of the S allele in alcohol-dependent patients (47%) compared with 125 ethnically matched controls (39%). A similar trend was found in 150 ethnically matched TS patients without alcohol dependence comorbidity (51%). However, the statistical significance of this trend in the data was not present after Bonferroni correction. The data presented suggests a trend toward increased frequency of the S promoter allele in alcohol-dependent, alcoholic-TS and TS patients. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.
Tipper, JL, Ingham, E, Hailey, JL, Besong, AA, Fisher, J, Wroblewski, BM & Stone, MH 2000, 'Quantitative analysis of polyethylene wear debris, wear rate and head damage in retrieved Charnley hip prostheses', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 117-124.
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Submicrometer- and micrometer-sized ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) wear particles have been associated with osteolysis and failure of total artificial joints. Previous studies have isolated predominantly submicrometer-sized particles at the expense of larger particles ( > 10 μm). This study aimed to isolate and characterize quantitatively all sizes of UHMWPE wear particles generated in 18 Charnley hip prostheses. In addition, to analyze the wear debris with respect to the total volumetric wear of the cup and damage to the femoral head. Particle size distributions ranged from 0.1 to - > 1000 μm. A significant proportion (3-82%) of the mass of the wear debris isolated was > 10 μm. The mode of the frequency distribution of the particles was in the range 0.1-0.5 μm for all patients. However, analysis of the mass of wear debris as a function of its size allowed differentiation of the wear debris from different patients. Femoral head damage was associated with high volumetric wear and increased numbers of biologically active submicrometer-sized particles. (C) 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tran, T 2000, 'Risk factors for postcesarean surgical site infection', Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 95, no. 3, pp. 367-371.
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Trinh, H & Ha, Q 2000, 'Design of linear functional observers for linear systems with unknown inputs', International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 741-749.
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This paper presents a reduced-order linear functional state observer for linear systems with unknown inputs. A simple observer construction procedure is provided. A numerical example is given to illustrate the properties of the observer. The example deals with a linear system comprising of 20 states, 2 inputs, 10 outputs and 5 unknown inputs for which a fourth-order observer is designed to estimate two linear functions of the states.
Tuan, HD & Hosoe, S 2000, 'Multivariable circle criteria for multiparameter singularly perturbed systems', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 720-725.
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Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P & Nakashima, Y 2000, 'New Lagrangian dual global optimization algorithm for solving bilinear matrix inequalities', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 571-578.
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A new global optimization algorithm for solving bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI) problems is developed. It is based on a dual Lagrange formulation for computing lower bounds that are used in a branching procedure to eliminate partition sets in the space of complicating variables. The advantage of the proposed method is twofold. First, the lower bound computations reduce to solving easily tractable linear matrix inequality (LMI) problems. Secondly, the lower bounding procedure guarantees global convergence of the algorithm when combined with an exhaustive partitioning of the space of complicating variables. A rigorous proof of this fact is provided. Another important feature is that the branching phase takes place in the space of complicating variables only, hence limiting the overall cost of the algorithm. Also, an important point in the method is that separated LMI constraints are encapsulated into an augmented BMI for improving the lower bound computations. Applications of the algorithm to robust structure/controller design are considered.
Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P, Hosoe, S & Tuy, H 2000, 'D.C. optimization approach to robust control: Feasibility problems', International Journal of Control, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 89-104.
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Tuan, HD, Hosoe, S & Tuy, H 2000, 'DC optimization approach to robust controls: the optimal scaling value problem', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1903-1909.
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Tuan, HD, Yamada, Y & Hara, S 2000, 'Remarks on a global optimization algorithm for H/sub ∞/ control [and reply]', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1925-1928.
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Turnbull, GA, McGloin, D, Lindsay, ID, Ebrahimzadeh, M & Dunn, MH 2000, 'Extended mode-hop-free tuning by use of a dual-cavity, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator', Optics Letters, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 341-341.
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Turnbull, GA, McGloin, D, Lindsay, ID, Ebrahimzadeh, M & Dunn, MH 2000, 'Extended mode-hop-free tuning using a dual-cavity, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator', Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2000). Technical Digest. Postconference Edition. TOPS Vol.39 (IEEE Cat. No.00CH37088), vol. 19, pp. 521-522.
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This paper reports extended spectral tuning in PPLN-based PE-SROs. The devices described exhibit coarse wavelength tuning from 2.7 to 5.3 μm and smooth single-frequency scanning ranges of over 10 GHz. The latter is accomplished by a novel dual-cavity configuration in which mode-hopping is suppressed.
Turner, JC & Shannon, AG 2000, 'On Fibonacci sequences, geometry, and the m-square equation', FIBONACCI QUARTERLY, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 98-103.
Val, DV, Stewart, MG & Melchers, RE 2000, 'Life‐Cycle Performance of RC Bridges: Probabilistic Approach', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 14-25.
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This article addresses the problem of reliability assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) bridges during their service life. First, a probabilistic model for assessment of time‐dependent reliability of RC bridges is presented, with particular emphasis placed on deterioration of bridges due to corrosion of reinforcing steel. The model takes into account uncertainties associated with materials properties, bridge dimensions, loads, and corrosion initiation and propagation. Time‐dependent reliabilities are considered for ultimate and serviceability limit states. Examples illustrate the application of the model. Second, updating of predictive probabilistic models using site‐specific data is considered. Bayesian statistical theory that provides a mathematical basis for such updating is outlined briefly, and its implementation for the updating of information about bridge properties using inspection data is described in more detail. An example illustrates the effect of this updating on bridge reliability.
Veitch, D, Taqqu, MS & Abry, P 2000, 'Meaningful MRA initialization for discrete time series', Signal Processing, vol. 80, no. 9, pp. 1971-1983.
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Vigneswaran, S, Kwon, D, Ngo, H & Hu, J 2000, 'Improvement of microfiltration perfromance in water treatment: Is critical flux, a viable solution?', Water Science and Technology, vol. Volume 41, no. 0, pp. 309-310.
Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Hashimoto, K, Hasegawa, T & Watanabe, Y 2000, 'High rate floating medium flocculation-filtration with in-line polysilicato-iron (PSI) addition', ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 317-325.
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The performance of a high rate floating medium flocculation-filtration system with an in-line addition of a silica-polymer compound, namely polysilicato-iron (PSI) has been investigated for water treatment. This study is intended to investigate the applicability of PSI as a sole flocculant or as a combined flocculant with an organic polymer in the downflow floating medium filter. The filter system was operated at a high loading rate of up to 60 m3 m-2 h-1. Filter column experiments were conducted at different PSI doses, filtration rates, filter depths and buoyant medium types and sizes. Results showed the filter system was able to yield uniform and filterable flocs (15 - 20 µm), even at a very high filtration rate of 60 m-3 h-1, through out the filter run time of 4 hours. Better filter performance was obtained when: (i) polystyrene beads of 1.9 mm diameter or polypropylene beads of 3.8 mm diameter; (ii) an in-line single dosage of 2.5 mg l-1 PSI; (iii) in-line combined dosages of 1.5 mg l-1 PSI and 0.4-0.6 mg l-1 organic polymers (cationic polyacrylamides, cationic polystyrene or Pollyallylamine hydrochloride) were used. When PSI was introduced as a sole flocculant, more than 90% turbidity was removed from a 54 NTU artificial kaolin clay suspension at a filtration rate of 30 m-3 m-2h-1 with very low headloss development. Greater removals were achieved when SIF was used in combination with a polymer (e.g.greater than 95% turbidity removal). Frequent (once in every 90 minutes) but short duration backwash (less than 60 s) by air and water enables the system to maintain a superior effluent quality (e.g. turbidity less than 1 NTU) during the filter run. Backwash water requirement was very low (approximately 1%-2% of filtered water production). A lower amount of sludge was produced from the filter in case of combined PSI and organic polymer coagulant addition.
Vu, KAT & Stewart, MG 2000, 'Structural reliability of concrete bridges including improved chloride-induced corrosion models', Structural Safety, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 313-333.
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A structural deterioration reliability (probabilistic) model has been used herein to calculate probabilities of structural failure. New reinforced concrete corrosion initiation, corrosion rate and time-variant load models are proposed. Three durability design specifications are considered in a lifetime reliability analysis of a RC slab bridge. Time-variant increases in loads are considered also. It was found that the application of de-icing salts causes significant long-term deterioration and reduction in structural safety for poor durability design specifications. A reduced cover or increased water-cement ratio increases failure probabilities. When compared to the case of 'no deterioration', it was observed also that the probability of failure only marginally increased for good durability design specifications. The approaches described herein are relevant to other physical infrastructure also. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Waldron, KJ & Hubert, CJ 2000, 'Control of contact forces in wheeled and legged off-road vehicles', EXPERIMENTAL ROBOTICS VI, vol. 250, pp. 205-214.
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The use of variable configuration vehicles creates the possibility of direct control of the contact forces between the foot or wheel of a vehicle and the ground. That control is an important element of the coordination of practical walking machines. Cont
Wang, J & Yan, H 2000, 'A hybrid method for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition by combining structural and neural “gas” classifiers', Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 21, no. 6-7, pp. 625-635.
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Abstract: This paper presents a hybrid method for handwritten numeral recognition that combines two compensatory recognition algorithms by analysing their performance for several aspects. The skeleton-based structural recognition algorithm employed in this method is robust under distortion but sensitive to noise and flaws. On the other hand, the neural network classifier, which uses scaled binary images as features and the neural "gas" model for classification, is relatively immune to noise and flaws but sensitive to distortion. The different performances of the two algorithms for broken, connected or slanted numerals, and the measurement-level decision provided by the neural network are detected and combined with different strategies to develop matching rules for each recognition method. Five combination methods based on performance analysis are developed to meet different requirements. As the two algorithms have fairly compensatory properties, the proposed method improves the recognition rate and reliability by exploiting the advantages and avoiding the weaknesses of each classifier. The experimental results from a large set of data show the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method.
Watterson, PA 2000, 'Energy calculation of a permanent magnet system by surface and flux integrals (the flux-mmf method)', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 470-475.
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Watterson, PA, Woodard, JC, Ramsden, VS & Reizes, JA 2000, 'VentrAssist hydrodynamically suspended, open, centrifugal blood pump', ARTIFICIAL ORGANS, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 475-477.
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Wei, D, Han, J, Xie, J, Fu, C, Wang, L & He, Y 2000, 'Experimental study on inner crack healing in steel during hot plastic deforming', Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 622-625.
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The test that tries to heal inner crack in 20MnMo steel and 20 steel was carried out by using HIGH-MULTI 5000 hot-press equipment. Under the hot plastic deforming, the inner crack can be healed completely and ferrite has been discovered in the healing area. Contrasting to the resuts of high temperature healing treatment without plastic deforming, the healing process with hot plastic deforming is developed rapidly. Structural inhomogeneity between healing area and matrix can not be improved.
Wei, D, Han, J, Xie, J, Fu, C, Wang, L & He, Y 2000, 'Steel crack healing at elevated temperature in vacuum', Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 713-717.
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The method of dissected sample heat treatment in vacuum was tried to study inner crack healing in steel at elevated temperature. The dissected samples with prepared inner crack were encapsulated in quartz glass tubes of 133×10-4 Pa, then were heat treated at elevated temperature. The cracks on section planes of 20MnMo, 20 and 45 steels were healed, and the ferrite appears in healing area. The results are similar as that of intact sample heat treatment, which indicates that the dissected sample heat treatment method is feasible for studying inner crack healing in steel. It was deduced that surface cracks of steel could be healed in vacuum environment at elevated temperature if it was not covered by oxide. The welding at elevated temperature is more effective for crack healing than other mechanisms during higher temperature.
Wei, D, Han, J, Xie, J, Hu, H, Chen, J & He, Y 2000, 'Study on inner crack healing at elevated temperature in metals', Beijing Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 245-248.
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The results of research on the healing in pure copper and carbon steel are shown herewith. The inner crack could be healed at elevated temperature. It suggests that the healing of long crack could depend on the 'separate healing' mechanism, in which forming of partition is an important stage. It results in that the long crack transformed into a row of tiny smooth cracks and round holes. The diffusivity of Fe atoms to crack healing area is higher than other elements.
Willey, K 2000, 'Selecting a pedestal for tracking LEO satellites at Ka band', MICROWAVE JOURNAL, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 118-+.
Willey, K 2000, 'Selecting a pedestal for tracking LEO satellites at Ka band', Microwave Journal, vol. 43, no. 4.
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The issues involved in selecting a pedestal for tracking low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites are discussed. An X-Y pedestal allows zenith pass tracking even with relatively low speed motors. Additional advantages of an X-Y design include identical X and Y axes, which keep spare part requirements to a minimum, and the ability to use high quality, off-the-shelf components, allowing significant savings. In addition, the use of brushless DC motors eliminates the need for expensive rotary joints and slip rings. The X-Y pedestal provides improved tracking accuracy for overhead passes compared to three-axis pedestals, and offers an improved mean time between failures (MTBF) compared to other pedestals.
Wu, C, Hao, H & Zhou, Y 2000, 'Statistical Properties of the Bukit Timah Granite in Singapore', Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 36-43.
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AbstractThe mechanical behavior of rock mass is affected strongly by its material properties. This paper carries out statistical analyses of the material properties of a rock mass. Statistical analyses of the material constants and the initial damage parameter of the rock mass are performed by using both field and laboratory test data. Based on the measured properties of rock specimens, the elastic modulus, uniaxial compressive strength, and the Poisson's ratio of rock are each found to have normal distributions and the tensile strength to have the gamma distribution. By using Monte Carlo simulation, the equivalent critical tensile strain is found to have the normal distribution. The initial damage of the rock mass, which describes the effects of naturally existing geological discontinuities in a rock mass, is estimated using the field-measured longitudinal and transverse elastic wave velocities. It is found to have the beta distribution. These distributions of rock properties can be used in statistical analyses of the rock mass responses to both static and dynamic loads.
Yi-Jen Wang & Chin-Teng Lin 2000, 'Recurrent learning algorithms for designing optimal controllers of continuous systems', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 580-588.
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Ying, MS 2000, 'Automata theory based on quantum logic II', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2545-2557.
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We establish the pumping lemma in automata theory based on quantum logic under certain conditions on implication, and discuss the recognizability by the product and union of orthomodular lattice-valued (quantum) automata. In particular, we show that the
Ying, MS 2000, 'Automata theory based on quantum logic. (I)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 985-995.
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We present a basic Framework of automats theory based on quantum logic. In particular, we introduce the orthomodular lattice-valued (quantum) predicate of recognizability and establish some of its fundamental properties.
Ying, MS 2000, 'Declarative semantics of programming in residuated lattice-valued logic', SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 481-494.
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We give two generalizations of Tarski's fixpoint theorem in the setting of residuated lattices and use them to establish van Emdem-Kowalski's least fixpoint semantics for residuated lattice-valued logic programs.
Ying, MS 2000, 'Weak confluence and tau-inertness', THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 238, no. 1-2, pp. 465-475.
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We introduce a new definition of weak confluences and show that they are equivalent to tau-inertness without any appealing to tau-well-foundedness. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Zhang, J, Arnold, JF & Frater, MR 2000, 'A cell-loss concealment technique for MPEG-2 coded video', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 659-665.
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Audio-visual and other multimedia services are seen as important sources of traffic for future telecommunication networks, including wireless networks. A major drawback with some wireless networks is that they introduce a significant number of transmissi
Zhang, XP, Wang, CH, Li, JC, Mai, YW & Ye, L 2000, 'A Combined Model of Short Crack Closure Accounting for Both Plasticity and Roughness Induced Crack Closures', Key Engineering Materials, vol. 183-187, pp. 217-222.
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Zhang, XP, Wang, CH, Li, JC, Mai, YW & Ye, L 2000, 'Combined model of short crack closure accounting for both plasticity and roughness induced crack closures', Key Engineering Materials, vol. 183.
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A new model combining both plasticity-induced and surface roughness-induced crack closures is proposed to describe short fatigue crack growth. The numerical results obtained using this model agree well with the analytical predictions of Budiansky-Hutchinson and are reasonably close to the experimental data.
Zhou, JL, Hong, H, Zhang, Z, Maskaoui, K & Chen, W 2000, 'Multi-phase distribution of organic micropollutants in Xiamen Harbour, China', Water Research, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 2132-2150.
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Xiamen Harbour, in the Xiamen Special Economic Zone of the People's Republic of China, was studied for its water and sediment quality, by determining the levels of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 18 organochlorine insecticides in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), pore water and sediment samples from nine stations in the Harbour. Total PAH concentrations varied from 106 to 945 ng/l in water, <1 to 3548 ng/l in pore water, and 247 to 480 ng/g dry weight in surficial sediments. Total PCB levels varied from 0.1 to 1.7 ng/l in water, 2.7 to 34.8 ng/l in pore water, and <0.01 to 0.32 ng/g dry weight in sediments. The levels of all insecticides were in the range of 6.6-19.6 ng/l (water), 11.8-78.5 ng/l (pore water), and <0.01-0.58 ng/g dry weight (sediment). The levels of total hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs) in sediments varied from <0.01 to 0.14 ng/g dry weight, and those of total DDTs were in the range of <0.01-0.06 ng/g dry weight. The micropollutants were present in higher levels in pore water than in surface water, due possibly to higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon or colloids with which the hydrophobic pollutants are strongly associated. Such a concentration gradient implies a potential flux of pollutants from sediment pore water to overlying water. The levels of pollutants in sediments are one to several orders of magnitude lower than those found in 1993, suggesting their decreased inputs in recent years in the form of fresh and less contaminated material and possible degradation over a period of time. Further work is needed to quantify the levels of these contaminants in suspended particulate matter, which are currently below the limits of detection. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
ZHU, XQ & LAW, SS 2000, 'IDENTIFICATION OF VEHICLE AXLE LOADS FROM BRIDGE DYNAMIC RESPONSES', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 236, no. 4, pp. 705-724.
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Apkarian, P, Pellanda, PC & Tuan, HD 1970, 'Mixed H2/H∞ multi-channel linear parameter-varying control discrete time', Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000), IEEE, CHICAGO, IL, pp. 1322-1326.
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This paper develops a new method for the synthesis of Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) controllers in discrete time. LPV plants under consideration have a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) representation and specifications consist of a set of H2/H∞ conditions that can be defined channel-wise. In contrast to earlier results, the proposed method involves a specific transformation of both the Lyapunov and scaling/multiplier variables which renders possible the use of different Lyapunov functions and of different scaling variables for each channel/specification. Appropriate linearizing transformations on the controller data and on the scheduling function are then established to finally recast the problem as an easily tractable LMI program.
Apkarian, P, Tuan, HD & Bernussou, J 1970, 'Analysis, eigenstructure assignment and H2 multi-channel synthesis with enhanced LMI characterizations', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1489-1494.
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This paper describes a new framework for the analysis and synthesis of control systems, which constitutes a genuine continuous-time extension of results that are only available in discrete time. In contrast to earlier results the proposed methods involve a specific transformation on the Lyapunov variables and a reciprocal variant of the Projection Lemma, in addition to the classical linearizing transformations on the controller data. For a wide range of problems including robust analysis and synthesis, multi-channel H2 state- and output-feedback syntheses, the approach leads to potentially less conservative LMI characterizations. This comes from the fact that the technical restriction of using a single Lyapunov function is to some extent ruled out in this new approach. Moreover, the approach offers new potentials for problems that cannot be handled using earlier techniques. As an instance, the eigenstructure assignment problem blended with Lyapunov-type constraints is given a simple and tractable formulation.
Ball, JE 1970, 'Modelling pollutants in stormwater runoff', Hydro 2000 interactive hydrology : proceedings of the 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, The Institution of Engineers, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 1-6.
Ball, JE 1970, 'Parameter estimation for urban stormwater models', Hydro 2000 interactive hydrology : proceedings of the 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, The Institution of Engineers, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 1-6.
Ball, JE 1970, 'Runoff from road surfaces - how contaminated is it?', Hydro 2000 interactive hydrology : proceedings of the 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 1-6.
Bangun, RA & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'Modelling multi-player games traffic', Proceedings International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (Cat. No.PR00540), International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing. ITCC 2000, IEEE Comput. Soc, pp. 228-233.
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The growing popularity of delay-sensitive multi-player games over the Internet is creating a need for proper characterisation of such traffic. We are currently developing source models for game traffic, on a per-player basis, with the intended use being to scale the models to simulate scenarios involving large numbers of players, which will enable us to observe the effects of game traffic on the network. We outline the procedure used, and we show that for certain cases, relatively simple source models are able to provide sufficiently accurate results (in terms of mean delay and mean buffer occupancy).
Beydoun, G & Hoffmann, A 1970, 'Monitoring knowledge acquisition instead of evaluating knowledge bases', KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, PROCEEDINGS, 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, JUAN LES PINS, FRANCE, pp. 387-402.
Bidkar, A, Vigneswaran, S, Milne-Home, WA, Ngo, H & Moon, H 1970, 'Adsorption of Metsulfuron-Methyl on Granular Activated Carbon', Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, CEEST, Boston (Danvers), Massachusetts, USA, pp. 1079-1086.
Bone, DJ & Popescu, DC 1970, 'Multiresolution scanning imager with spatially uniform noise response based on a new class of Hadamard masks', SPIE Proceedings, Electronic Imaging, SPIE, SAN JOSE, CA, pp. 437-450.
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Castel, A, Francois, R & Arliguie, G 1970, 'Factors other than chloride level influencing corrosion rate of reinforcement', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 629-644.
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To evaluate the degree of corrosion, reinforcements of a fourteen-year-old concrete member were completely bared. The 3-meter long beams were stored in 3-point flexion in an aggressive environment made by sequences of drying and wetting by a salt fog (35g/l). The total chloride content was also measured at the level of all reinforcements. Because of the small concrete cover (10 mm for the stirrups and 16 mm for the longitudinal reinforcement), the chloride content appears to be significantly greater than the threshold usually used to evaluate the initiation of corrosion. Carbonation front was also measured and was only about 4 mm. Nevertheless, the degree of corrosion (mass loss calculation) shows no correlation with chloride content, as some large parts of reinforcement are not affected by corrosion. As a result, corrosion damage seems to be linked to a degradation of the steel-concrete interface. For tensile reinforcement, it corresponds to a mechanical degradation whereas for compression reinforcement it corresponds to the bleeding. This observation leads us to question ourselves about the relevance of a single value for the corrosion threshold. The nature of the interface between the steel and the concrete must be considered.
Chainais, P, Abry, P & Veitch, D 1970, 'Multifractal analysis and α-stable processes: a methodological contribution', 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37100), 2000 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE, IEEE, pp. 241-244.
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Chang, CF, Ghose, A, Lipman, J & Harvey, P 1970, 'Gongeroos’99', ROBOCUP-99: ROBOT SOCCER WORLD CUP III, 3rd Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conference, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, pp. 572-575.
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Chin-Teng Lin, I-Fang Chung, Shaw-An Liann & Feng-Yu Su 1970, 'Multipurpose virtual-reality-based motion simulator', Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (Cat. No.00EX393), WCICA 2000. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, IEEE, HEFEI, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 2699-2704.
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Crews, KI 1970, 'Development of limit states design methods for stress-laminated timber cellular bridge decks', World Conference on Timber Engineering 2000, World Conference on Timber Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 0-0.
Cucchiara, R, Piccardi, M & Prati, A 1970, 'Focus based Feature Extraction for Pallets Recognition', Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2000, British Machine Vision Conference 2000, British Machine Vision Association, pp. 70.1-70.10.
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Damian, DE, Shaw, ML, Gaines, BR & Zowghi, D 1970, 'A Multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed requirements negotiation', Fifth Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering (AWRE2000), Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 91-100.
Darwood, P, Oppermann, I, Jakas, S & Linton, W 1970, 'Mobile network traffic forecasting', Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2000. IEEE VTS Fall VTC2000. 52nd Vehicular Technology Conference (Cat. No.00CH37152), Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2000. IEEE VTS Fall VTC2000. 52nd Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE, BOSTON, MA, pp. 2932-2936.
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Ding, GK 1970, 'MCDM and the sustainable assessment of projects', Cities & Sustainability-sustaining our cultural heritage, The Millennium Conference, Univeristy of Salford, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-11.
Dissanayake, G, Durrant-Whyte, H & Bailey, T 1970, 'Computationally efficient solution to the simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) problem', Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1009-1014.
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The theoretical basis of the solution to the simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) problem where an autonomous vehicle starts in an unknown location in an unknown environment and then incrementally build a map of landmarks present in this environment while simultaneously using this map to compute absolute vehicle location is now well understood. Although a number of SLAM implementations have appeared in the recent literature, the need to maintain the knowledge of the relative relationships between all the landmark location estimates contained in the map makes SLAM computationally intractable in implementations containing more than few tens of landmarks. In this paper, the theoretical basis and a practical implementation of a computationally efficient solution to SLAM is presented. The paper shows that it is indeed possible to remove a large percentage of the landmarks from the map without making the map building process statistically inconsistent. Furthermore, it is shown that the efficiency of the SLAM can be maintained by judicious selection of landmarks, to be preserved in the map, based on their information content.
Djajakesukma, S, Samali, B & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Application of a Semi Active Stiffness Damper to a Five Storey Benchmark Model', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, pp. 569-574.
Donaton, RA, Iacopi, F, Baklanov, MR, Shamiryan, D, Coenegrachts, B, Struyf, H, Lepage, M, Meuris, M, Van Hove, M, Gray, WD, Meynen, H, De Roest, D, Vanhaelemeersch, S, Maex, K, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Physical and electrical characterization of silsesquioxane-based ultra-low k dielectric', PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 2000 INTERNATIONAL INTERCONNECT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, 3rd Annual International Interconnect Technology Conference, IEEE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, pp. 93-95.
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Drake, BJ & Beydoun, G 1970, 'Predicate logic-based incremental KA', Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW 2000), 6th Pacific Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Sydney, Australia, pp. 71-88.
Drummond, PD, Kheruntsyan, K, Bremner, M & Myers, C 1970, 'Quantum and classical solitons with a two-component Bose gas', IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings.
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The superchemistry dynamics in a magnetic trap were dynamics, in which atoms coherently convert to molecules with a Bose-enhanced rate given by nonlinear equations that are similar to the equations of nonlinear optics. The superchemistry limit typically involves magnetic traps that are not spherically symmetric. The first fully three-dimensional lattice calculations of the coherent atom-molecule oscillations in this case is shown that different trapping frequencies do not destroy the coherent oscillations.
Esselle, K & Foroughipour, M 1970, 'Application of enhanced FD-TD equations to analyse coupling between inclined microstrip patch antennas', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium. 2000 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Cat. No.00CH37118), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium, IEEE, pp. 1982-1985.
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Mutual coupling between pairs of rectangular microstrip patch antenna elements that are inclined to the FD-TD grid by 45° is analysed using enhanced FD-TD equations for diagonal metal edges. These enhanced equations, derived by considering the field singularity at a sharp metal edge, model the coupling effect between two patch antennas very efficiently and accurately. Mutual coupling is analysed using two established techniques as well, namely the staircase and the split-cell, for comparison with the enhanced-equation technique. It is found that the enhanced-equation technique gives extremely accurate results consistently, without any noticeable computing overhead. For example, the accuracy of the first peak of the frequency response in one case is 0.7% from the enhanced-equations technique whereas the same from the staircase and split-cell techniques is 9.8% and 4.4%, respectively. The enhanced equations were found to be very stable, and were time-stepped at the maximum limit in all simulations without any problems.
Esselle, KP & Foroughipour, M 1970, 'Application of enhanced FD-TD equations to analyse coupling between inclined microstrip patch antennas', IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-4, 2000 IEEE Antennas-and-Propagation-Society International Symposium, IEEE, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, pp. 1980-1985.
Feuerlicht, G 1970, 'Role of Architectures in Enterprise Computing', Systems Integration 2000, Czech Society for Systems Integration, Prague, Czech Rep., pp. 301-306.
Franklin, D, Jiangtao Xi & Chicharo, J 1970, 'An improved channel model for ADSL and VDSL systems', WCC 2000 - ICCT 2000. 2000 International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings (Cat. No.00EX420), 16th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT'00), IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 30-33.
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This paper examines existing channel models used with xDSL systems and identifies a key shortcoming - namely, the implicit assumption that all impulse noise originates at the transmitter. Based on extensive data collected from the local loop, a new model is proposed which addresses this problem by combining a digital filter model of the transmission line with a distributed noise source. This better reflects the nature of a real telephone line, and thus provides a more solid basis for simulation and optimisation of xDSL systems
Gabrys, B 1970, 'Agglomerative learning for general fuzzy min-max neural network', Neural Networks for Signal Processing X. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop (Cat. No.00TH8501), Neural Networks for Signal Processing X. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, IEEE, UNIV SYDNEY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 692-701.
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In this paper an agglomerative learning algorithm based on similarity measures defined for hyperbox fuzzy sets is proposed. It is presented in a context of clustering and classification problems tackled using general fuzzy min-max (GFMM) neural network. The agglomerative scheme's robust behaviour in presence of noise and outliers and its insensitivity to the order of training patterns presentation are used as a complimentary features to the previously presented incremental learning scheme more suitable for on-line adaptation and dealing with large training data sets.
Gabrys, B 1970, 'Pattern classification for incomplete data', KES'2000. Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8516), Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies/ Proceedings. KES'2000, IEEE, UNIV BRIGHTON, BRIGHTON, ENGLAND, pp. 454-457.
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Ge, Y & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Microwave dielectric-resonator antenna analysis and design', Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, p. 36.
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Open dielectric-resonators (DR) offer attractive features as antenna elements. In this paper, two numerical methods developed for the analysis and design of microwave dielectric-resonator antennas (DRAs) are discussed. They are the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FD-TD) method and the Method of Moments (MoM). Theoretical E- and H-plane patterns obtained from these methods for a low-profile rectangular DRA compare well with the measured results.
Gibbens, PW, Dissanayake, GMWM & Durrant-Whyte, HF 1970, 'A closed form solution to the single degree of freedom simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) problem', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 191-196.
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This paper presents a closed form solution to the estimation-theoretic simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) problem. The solution is obtained by explicit solution of the differential Riccati equation associated with then n-landmark SLAM problem. The solution describes and explains the many experimental and theoretical results obtained so far in the study of the SLAM problem. Further, the solution, for the first time, allows a precise means of analysing the performance of different SLAM algorithms and enables the design of efficient SLAM systems.
Gu, L, Bone, D & Reynolds, G 1970, 'Replay Detection in Sports Video Sequences', Springer Vienna, pp. 3-12.
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Ha, QP, Bonchis, A, Rye, DC & Durrant-Whyte, HF 1970, 'Variable structure systems approach to friction estimation and compensation', Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Symposia Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37065), 2000 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE, pp. 3543-3548.
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Compensating for friction is concerned in this paper using the variable structure systems approach. First, variable structure-based observers are developed for friction estimation in mechanical systems with or without information of velocity. The estimates are then used for a model-based feedforward compensation for friction. For a non model based approach, a robust sliding mode controller can also be used to cancel the influence of friction. Sigmoidal functions are use in lieu of signum functions to reduce chattering. Simulation results verify the validity of the proposed technique to compensate for friction of both static and dynamic models.
Ha, QP, Rye, DC, Durrant-Whyte, HF & Trinh, H 1970, 'Fuzzy global control for complex systems', Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ- IEEE 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37063), Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2000. Soft Computing in the Information Age, IEEE, SAN ANTONIO, TX, pp. 459-464.
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In this paper, a fuzzy global controller based on sliding mode control is proposed for a reasonable amalgamation of local controllers to meet various control requirements for complex systems operating in highly uncertain environments. Also, a fuzzy logic approach is developed for the smooth allocation of several algorithms of a controller to gain the advantages, and at the same time to alleviate the disadvantages of each control algorithm. Illustrative examples are provided.
Hao, H & Wu, CQ 1970, 'Numerical modeling of underground explosion-induced stress wave propagation in rock mass', WAVE 2000: WAVE PROPAGATION, MOVING LOAD, VIBRATION REDUCTION, WAVE 2000 International Workshop, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, BOCHUM, GERMANY, pp. 369-378.
Hawking, P & McCarthy, B 1970, 'Industry collaboration', Proceedings of the Australasian conference on Computing education, ACE00: Fourth Australian Computing Education Conference, ACM, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 129-133.
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Hawryszkiewycz, I 1970, 'Creating and supporting learning environments', Proceedings of the Australasian conference on Computing education, ACE00: Fourth Australian Computing Education Conference, ACM, pp. 134-138.
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Horn, G, Keene, A, Milne, AK, Dong, Y & Finlayson, M 1970, 'Investigating the synergies between soil properties and topography from multi temporal radar imagery', International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 1927-1929.
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Moisture is a major determinant of the dielectric properties of most non-metallic materials and soils and vegetation in particular. Natural surfaces that are subjected to intense wet dry cycles will exhibit a change in dielectric constant and hence reflective capability. An investigation of these changes with time indicate that understanding the topographic setting alone will yield significant data about soil moisture and drainage patterns. Vegetation also exhibits a greater moisture content when in close proximity to the water level. Vegetation laterally separated from the water hays off due to lack of available soil moisture and becomes essentially invisible to radar. Analysis of three multi temporal radar images obtained by Radarsat during the period of 1998-1999 indicates significant lateral drainage of floodplain surfaces in Northern Australia. A region of the South Alligator River floodplain from within Kakadu National Park was surveyed to ascertain soil properties and topography. The images were co-registered and segmented by means of a Gaussian Markov Random Field model in order to highlight areas of similar reflectance characteristics for each of the three images. Segmentation allowed the comparison of boundaries between flooded and dry areas of the floodplain over the course of the wet dry cycle. The drying effect exhibited in the segments is directly related to the topography of the floodplain surface. Results indicate a novel new method for vegetation, soil and topographic mapping in the wet/dry tropics of Northern Australia.
Indraratna, B & Salim, W 1970, 'Stabilisation of erodible soil by fly ash and blast furnace slag', ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT OF WASTE IN ENERGY AND MINERAL PRODUCTION, 6th International Conference on Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2000), A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, CANADA, CALGARY, pp. 423-430.
Indraratna, BN & Locke, M 1970, 'Analytical modeling and experimental verification of granular filter behaviour', FILTERS AND DRAINAGE IN GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 3rd International Conference on Filters and Drainage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering (Geofilters 2000), A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, POLAND, WARSAW, pp. 3-26.
Jegatheesan, V, Ngo, H & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'High rate filtration using buoyant medium: experiments and mathematical models', Critical Technologies to the World in 21st century: Pollution Control and Reclamation in process industries, International Water Association, Beijing, China, pp. 0-0.
Jones, EL 1970, 'Software testing in the computer science curriculum -- a holistic approach', Proceedings of the Australasian conference on Computing education, ACE00: Fourth Australian Computing Education Conference, ACM, pp. 153-157.
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© 2000 ACM. The traditional approach to introductory programming has students writing complete programs, as early as possible. Also, the traditional emphasis is on the technology, not the explicit cognitive development of the student This approach jumps to the fifth and sixth levels of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, when these last two levels depend upon competence in the first four levels. I describe my alternative approach that addresses the six stages in sequence, emphasising effective assessment processes for the first four levels.
Jones, P 1970, 'Sensitivity of UMTS FDD system capacity and coverage to model parameters', First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, IEE, pp. 224-229.
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Kennedy, PJ & Osborn, T 1970, 'Evolution of Adaptive Behaviour in a Simulated Single-Celled Organism', SAB 2000 Proceedings Supplement Book; Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour: From Animals to Animats, The International Society for Adaptive Behavior, Paris, France, pp. 225-234.
Khatri, R, Sirivivatnanon, V & Marsh, P 1970, 'Importance of curing on chloride-induced corrosion', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 487-505.
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The effect of a range of curing regimes on the resistance to chloride penetration of concretes has been studied. Concretes with two binder systems namely normal portland cement (NPC) and a 30% fly ash blend (FA) were subjected to four different curings. They include 1-day sealed, 7-day sealed, 7-day wet and a simulated steam curing. Subsequent to each curing regime, the samples of grade 40 concretes were air cured in standard laboratory conditions until the age of 28-day before exposure to 15 cycles and 100 cycles of immersion in 3% NaCl solution and drying. Resistance to chloride ion penetration was evaluated by examining both the chloride profile and diffusion coefficient (calculated by Fick's second law). Thus the role of curing in governing the resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration was established. NPC concrete was found to be more sensitive to the type of curing than the fly ash concrete. NPC concrete subjected to 1-day and 7-day sealed curing resulted in lower chloride penetration resistance than the 7-day wet curing. However, the fly ash concrete showed remarkable tolerance to the lack of moist curing giving very similar performance in both 1-day and 7-day sealed curing as the 7-day wet curing. Steam curing resulted in poorer resistance to chloride penetration for both concretes. For each type of curing, the fly ash concretes gave significantly better resistance to chloride penetration than the NPC concrete (of similar grade). Effect of curing on sorptivity and volume of permeable voids (Vpv) of concretes of grades 20, 40 and 50 were also studied. Both sorptivity and Vpvwere found to be influenced by the type of curing for both binders. Vpvwas found to show correlation to the long-term chloride penetration resistance of the concrete. No such correlation was found for sorptivity values.
Li, J, Ramamohanarao, K & Dong, G 1970, 'Emerging Patterns and Classification', ADVANCES IN COMPUTING SCIENCE-ASIAN 2000, PROCEEDINGS, 6th Asian Computing Science Conference, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, GEORGE TOWN, MALAYSIA, pp. 15-32.
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Lister, D 1970, 'UMTS capacity and planning issues', First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, IEE, pp. 218-223.
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Lister, R 1970, 'On blooming first year programming, and its blooming assessment', Proceedings of the Australasian conference on Computing education, ACE00: Fourth Australian Computing Education Conference, ACM, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 158-162.
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The traditional approach to introductory programming has students writing complete programs, as early as possible. Also, the traditional emphasis is on the technology, not the explicit cognitive development of the student. This approach jumps to the fifth and sixth levels of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, when these last two levels depend upon competence in the first four levels. I describe my alternative approach that addresses the six stages in sequence, emphasising effective assessment processes for the first four levels.
Liu, D, Zhang, N, Jeyakumaran, JM & Villanueva, L 1970, 'Dynamics and Shift Control of Automatic Transmissions', Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, australia, pp. 597-602.
Liu, D, Zhang, N, Lu, F & Q, SL 1970, 'Optimal Number and Positions of Actuators in Actively Controlled Structures', Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, Australia, pp. 347-352.
Locke, M, Indraratna, BN & Adikari, G 1970, 'Erosion and filtration of cohesive soils', FILTERS AND DRAINAGE IN GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 3rd International Conference on Filters and Drainage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering (Geofilters 2000), A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, POLAND, WARSAW, pp. 175-182.
Lu, HY, Zhu, JG, Ramsden, VS, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Comparison of experimental techniques for determination of stray capacitances in high frequency transformers', PESC 2000: 31ST ANNUAL IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, Ireland, pp. 1645-1650.
Marjanovic, O 1970, 'Dynamic Verification of Temporal Constraints in Production Workflows.', Australasian Database Conference, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 74-81.
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Primitive support for time management has been recognised as one of the most significant limitations of today's workflows. In this paper, we propose a new temporal model for production workflows. After introducing basic features of the temporal model, we describe two time visualisation concepts: the duration space and the instantiation space that are used respectively for representation of relative and absolute (real) time. Then, we illustrate how these concepts may be applied to modeling of absolute and relative deadline constraints and dynamic verification of their temporal consistency. The work presented sets foundations for more advanced workflow management that includes features such as monitoring of workflow execution, reasoning about deadlines as well as management of workloads and learning about deadlines.
Marjanovic, O & Orlowska, ME 1970, 'Making flexible learning more flexible', Proceedings International Workshop on Advanced Learning Technologies. IWALT 2000. Advanced Learning Technology: Design and Development Issues, International Workshop on Advanced Learning Technologies. IWALT 2000. Advanced Learning Technology: Design and Development Issues, IEEE Comput. Soc, MASSEY UNIV, PALMERSTON NORTH, NEW ZEALAND, pp. 59-62.
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Masjuki, HH, Mahlia, TMI, Choudhury, IA & Saidur, R 1970, 'A literature review on energy efficiency standards and labels for household electrical appliances', 2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New Millennium (Cat. No.00CH37119), 2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New Millennium, IEEE, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, pp. 103-107.
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Masjuki, HH, Saidur, R, Choudhury, IA & Mahlia, TMI 1970, 'Factors effecting energy consumption of household refrigerator-freezers', 2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New Millennium (Cat. No.00CH37119), 2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New Millennium, IEEE, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, pp. 92-96.
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McGloin, D & Dunn, MH 1970, 'Simple theory of microwave induced transparency in atomic and molecular systems', Journal of Modern Optics, 14th National Quantum Electronics Conference, Informa UK Limited, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, pp. 1887-1897.
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McGloin, D, Turnbull, GA & Dunn, MH 1970, 'Radio frequency field manipulation of electromagnetically induced transparency', IQEC, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings, p. 18.
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Electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) in a three-level cascade configuration is examined in 85Rb(5S1/2-5P3/2-5D5/2), and two-photon EIT processes are used to resolve the hyperfine levels in the upper level of the coupling field transition. By coupling a radio-frequency field into one of these hyperfine transitions, EIT resonances corresponding to the hyperfine levels are either inhibited or enhanced, depending on the position of the hyperfine transitions in relation to the applied radio-frequency field. The roles of level splitting and three-photon resonance peaks in the resulting spectra are discussed.
McGloin, D, Turnbull, GA, Lindsay, ID, Ebrahimzadeh, M & Dunn, MH 1970, 'Methods for extending mode-hop-free tuning using a dual-cavity, pump-enhanced optical parametric oscillator', Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, p. 15.
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Continuous wave optical parametric oscillators (OPO) are well suited for high-resolution spectroscopy applications. Common cavity doubly resonant OPOs (DRO) exhibit signal and idler tuning ranges equivalent to several cavity free spectral ranges (FSR). Changes in the idler frequency were observed using a Michelson interferometer.
Milne, AK, Lucas, RM, Cronin, N, Dong, Y & Witte, C 1970, 'Monitoring biomass using polarimetric multi-frequency SAR', IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, pp. 245-252.
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Classifications based on area-analysis can be expected to be more accurate as a uniform area consisting of multipixels that provides reliable measurement statistics and texture characteristics. As such, the classification of radar images is accomplished in two steps by using the Gaussian Markov random field model. This paper presents the results of segmentation and classification routines applied to the woodland areas in Queensland using both spaceborne and airorne SAR image data.
Miyanaga, Y, Torregroza, I, Ghatpande, A, Schmerer, M, Oren, T & Evans, T 1970, 'Regulation of embryonic hematopoiesis by BMP signaling.', BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES, ACADEMIC PRESS INC, pp. 495-495.
Mongan, P, Bankes, A, Keneally, R, Carmichael, M & Fontana, J 1970, 'Pyruvate improves hepatic energy and antioxidant status during hemorrhagic shock in swine', ANESTHESIOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, pp. U159-U159.
Ngo, HH, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, SH, Bidkar, A & Moon, H 1970, 'Microfiltration-adsorption hybrid system in organics removal from water', Water Science and Technology, 2nd International Conference on Membrane Technology in Environmental Management, I W A PUBLISHING, TOKYO, JAPAN, pp. 51-57.
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A series of experiments was conducted with a Millipore flat plate microfiltration module modified to incorporate in-line powdered activated carbon (PAC) addition In-line PAC was mixed continuously through a spiral mixing device for a predetermined time prior entering a membrane unit. The results showed that this system is excellent in removing fulvic acid (FA). This system provides to sufficient contact time for PAC to adsorb organics compared to the system with in-line adsorbent addition. More than 85% of FA was removed from water containing 8 mg/l of FA. To achieve this following conditions were used:.(i) a velocity gradient G (mixing intensity) of 160.4 s-1; (ii) a hydraulic residence time (mixing time) of 4 minutes; (iii) a PAC dose of 260 mg/l; and (iv) membrane pore size of 0.22 μm. In case of low FA concentration (e.g. 1.2 mg/l) in water, the removal efficiency was almost 100%. The removal efficiency also increased with the increase of mixing intensity and mixing timer. The permeate flux slightly improved when a membrane of pore size 0.22 μm was used with shorter hydraulic residence time and lower PAC concentration. This paper presents a mathematical model developed based on surface diffusion. The model successfully predicted the performance of this hybrid system.
Nguyen, H & Smith, D 1970, 'Real-time game-playing robot using neural network algorithms', ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (AISTA 2000), I O S PRESS, CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, pp. 28-33.
Nguyen, H & Zadro, S 1970, 'Robust neural network controller with an optimal architecture determined by genetic algorithms', ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (AISTA 2000), I O S PRESS, CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, pp. 110-115.
Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Robust Controllers for Uncertain Dynamical Systems, with Applications to Offshore and Overhead Cranes', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, pp. 39-50.
Nguyen, HT & Smith, D 1970, 'Real-time Playing Robot using Neural Network Algorithms', Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications, M. Mohammadian, Canberra, pp. 13-18.
Nguyen, HT & Zadrozny, S 1970, 'Robust Neural Network Controller with an Optimal Architecture determined by Genetic Algorithms', International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications - AISTA 2000, International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications, N/A, Canberra, pp. 357-362.
Nguyen, HT, Ha, QP, Rye, D & Durrant-Whyte, H 1970, 'Low level control of electrohydraulic systems', Japan-USA-Vietnam Workshop on research and education in systems, computation and control engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics NCSR Vietnam, HochiMinh City Vietnam, pp. 281-291.
Nguyen, L & Nguyen, H 1970, 'Solder joint shape formation under constrained boundaries in wafer level underfill', Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference, pp. 1320-1325.
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Standard underfill processing occurs at the package level and is slow since it relies on the capillary flow of the resin. The dispensing operation requires from 30 to 120 seconds depending on the die geometry, bump pattern, standoff, and material characteristics. Even with the 'no-flow' materials introduced recently in the market, processing is still carried out at the unit level. Upon completion of the underfill operation, batch curing is done for an additional amount of time. Thus, when multiplied by the number of dies on a wafer, the total process time can be quite substantial. Wafer level deposition of underfill is the next paradigm shift in flip chip packaging, offering both cost savings and higher throughput than with the conventional process. The resin is applied to the wafer and soft-cured prior to singulation. Final cure of the film is achieved during assembly reflow. A number of challenges do exist in this new process relating to material formulation and processing. This paper discusses the issue of solder wettability during reflow, while the solder balls are being constrained by a polymeric underfill layer.
Nguyen, QH, Ha, QP, Rye, DC & Durrant-Whyte, HF 1970, 'Force/position tracking for electrohydraulic systems of a robotic excavator', Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.00CH37187), 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, pp. 5224-5229.
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This paper presents the sliding mode axis control of the electrohydraulic servo systems of a robotic excavator. The dynamic systems are described by a comprehensive model that accounts for nonlinearities and friction effects of asymmetric hydraulic cylinders. A sliding mode controller is developed for the electrohydraulic actuator of each working axis to provide stable force tracking. With a proper choice of the reference force, the control law can also allow tracking of a desired piston displacement trajectory. Numerical simulation demonstrates the validity of the proposed technique. Experimental results show good performance and strong robustness in both force and position following.
O'Neill, T, Leaney, J & Martyn, P 1970, 'Architecture-based performance analysis of the COLLINS class submarine Open System Extension (COSE) Concept Demonstrator (CD)', Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems, IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 26-35.
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Being able to predict the overall performance of a computer based system, prior to building it, is one of the greatest challenges facing system engineers today. The emerging discipline of system architecture, by defining a high level abstraction of the overall structure of the system, hopes to provide the foundation for this reasoning. The authors demonstrate an architecture-based performance analysis technique on the COLLINS class submarine Open System Extension (COSE) Concept Demonstrator (CD) system. The layered architectural design of the COSE CD system, together with it's normally probabilistic, repeatable and predictable nature for varying loads, makes it suitable to an architecture-based approach to performance analysis. An architectural model of the system is developed and populated and then used to predict the performance characteristics of service time, waiting time, response time and device utilisation. These predictions are then verified against theoretical performance predictions and validated against a preliminary implementation of the system.
Oppermann, I, Kumpumaki, T & Latva-aho, M 1970, 'Capacity and coverage in mixed traffic UMTS CDMA systems', 2000 IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications. ISSTA 2000. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8536), International IEEE Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (6th ISSSTA), IEEE, PARSIPPANY, NJ, pp. 470-475.
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Oppermann, I, Latva-aho, M & Kumpumaki, T 1970, 'Link quality in SIR based power control for UMTS CDMA systems', 11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. PIMRC 2000. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8525), 11th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication, IEEE, pp. 1474-1479.
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This paper examines the related issues of capacity, coverage and power control in a multi-cell WCDMA network. The network capacity in this case is based on required link quality thresholds. If all users achieve the required link SIR targets for a given percentage of all power control time slots, the network is deemed not to have exceeded its capacity. When this is 50%, the analysis reverts to the conventional mean SIR target performance. For network operators however a substantially higher link quality requirement is likely. In this case, 95% is considered. This means all users must achieve a SIR of greater than or equal to the target value for 95% of the time. The analysis is based on extended models used for IS-95 systems which relies on Gaussian assumptions of interference. This approach gives an insight into the effects of varying traffic types, different allowances for SIR targets and mixed traffic. This paper presents analysis which allows the mimum required power control to be determined based on network load and traffic mix. It also presents analysis which allows the impact of mobile by mobile power control to be examined.
Oppermann, I, Latva-aho, M & Kumpumaki, T 1970, 'Link quality in SIR based power control for UMTS CDMA systems', PIMRC 2000: 11TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PERSONAL, INDOOR AND MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2000), IEEE, LONDON, ENGLAND, pp. 1476-1479.
Owen, R 1970, 'Considerations for UMTS capacity and range estimation', IEE Colloquium on Capacity and Range Enhancement Techniques for the Third Generation Mobile Communications and Beyond, IEE Colloquium on Capacity and Range Enhancement Techniques for the Third Generation Mobile Communications and Beyond, IEE, pp. 5-5.
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Perry, S & Wyber, R 1970, 'A Hopfield neural network approach for the reconstruction of wide-bandwidth sonar data', 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing X, IEEE, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
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Sonar systems with small physical apertures are easier to mount on small vessels and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Such systems however are limited in terms of angular resolution. Although wide-bandwidth signals may be used to increase the range resolution of a sonar system, angular resolution is unaffected. Such limitations can be overcome if the region of interest in the underwater environment is insonified from a number of different angles, and this low resolution information reconstructed into a high resolution image of the region. This paper proposes a reconstruction approach based on a Hopfield neural network. This approach is shown to perform better than the inverse Radon transform for image reconstruction under both noisy and noise-less conditions. To verify these claims, results are presented using both real and simulated sonar data.
Peters, MW & Drake, BJ 1970, 'Fundamental Robust Self-Organising Vision', Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-Australia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary systems, 4th Japan-Australia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Yokosuka, Japan.
Redana, IW, Indraratna, B, Salim, W & Balasubramaniam, AS 1970, 'Modeling of the behaviour of sand drains installed at a Naval Dockyard, Thailand', COASTAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IN PRACTICE, VOL 1, International Symposium on Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice (IS-Yokohama 2000), A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, JAPAN, YOKOHAMA, pp. 357-362.
Renaudier, P, Adeleine, P, Brunie, J, Vial, J, Campergue, L, Augey, L, Arnuti, B, Gay, V, Garin, L, Pleyber, M, Guinard, S, Benetaieb, B, Fabry, J & Fiere, D 1970, 'Febrile non hemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR): Efficiency of investigations and clinico-biological correlations. A study of the association inter-regionale du sud-est d'hemovigilance (AIRESH) group.', BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, pp. 110B-110B.
Samali, B, Al-Dawod, M, Nguyen, HT & Murphy, G 1970, 'Design and Performance Verification of an Active Mass Damper', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, pp. 837-842.
Samali, B, Djajakesukma, S & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'A Comparison of Control Laws for a Semi-Active Stiffness Damper', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, UTS, Sydney, pp. 737-742.
Samali, B, Wu, H & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Analytical Study of the Seismic Response of a Base Isolated Five-Storey Benchmark Model', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, pp. 463-468.
Santos, M, Ha, QP, Rye, DC & Durrant-Whyte, HF 1970, 'Global Control for Robotic Excavation Using Fuzzy Logic and Statecharts', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), 17th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC).
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Shinq-Jen Wu & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'Continuous time-invariant optimal fuzzy tracker design based on local concept approach', Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ- IEEE 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37063), Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2000. Soft Computing in the Information Age, IEEE, SAN ANTONIO, TX, pp. 285-290.
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Stewart, MG 1970, 'Optimization of Durability Design Specifications for RC Structures', Advanced Technology in Structural Engineering, Structures Congress 2000, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-8.
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A structural deterioration life-cycle reliability model is used herein to calculate probabilities of cracking and spalling for typical RC structures. The influence of mix composition (water-cement ratio, concrete compressive strength) and cover on corrosion rates are included in the analysis. Life-cycle costs are estimated using time-dependent probabilities of failure calculated for annual increments over the lifetime of the structure (100 years). It was found that reducing the cover from that currently specified for design results in a significant increase in life-cycle costs. Copyright 2004 ASCE.
Su, SW, Anderson, BDO, Brinsmead, TS, SOCIETY, ICS, SOCIETY, ICS & SOCIETY, ICS 1970, 'Robust disturbance suppression for nonlinear systems based on H(infinity) control', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 39TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL, VOLS 1-5, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 3013-3018.
Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'Waste collection and treatment technology for semi-urban areas of India: A case study', First Water Congress of the International Water Association, International Water Association, Paris, France, pp. 0-0.
Tuan, HD & Apkarian, P 1970, 'Monotonic relaxation for robust control: new characterization', Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.00CH36334), Proceedings of 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000), IEEE, CHICAGO, IL, pp. 1914-1918.
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Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Robust and reduced-order filtering: new characterizations a methods', Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000), IEEE, CHICAGO, IL, pp. 1327-1331.
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Several challenging problems of robust filtering are addressed in this paper. First of all, for robust filtering problems, we exploit a new LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) characterization of minimum variance or H2 performance, and demonstrate that it allows the use of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions while preserving tractability of the problem. The resulting conditions are less conservative than earlier techniques which are restricted to a fixed, that is not depending on parameters, Lyapunov function. The rest of the paper is focusing on the reduced-order filter problems. New LMI-based nonconvex optimization formulations are introduced for the existence of reduced-order filters. Then, several efficient optimization algorithms of local and global optimization are proposed. Nontrivial and less conservative relaxation techniques are presented as well. The viability and efficiency of the proposed tools are confirmed through computational experiments and also comparisons with earlier methods.
Veitch, D, Abry, P, Flandrin, P & Chainais, P 1970, 'Infinitely divisible cascade analysis of network traffic data', 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37100), 2000 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE, IEEE, pp. 245-248.
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Vigneswaran, S, Kwon, DY, Ngo, HH & Hu, JY 1970, 'Improvement of microfiltration performance in water treatment: is critical flux a viable solution?', Water Science and Technology, 2nd International Conference on Membrane Technology in Environmental Management, IWA Publishing, TOKYO, JAPAN, pp. 309-315.
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In this study, three definitions for critical flux were introduced based on the crossflow microfiltration (CFMF) experiments conducted under an operational mode of constant permeate flux. The critical flux based on material balance was calculated from the rate of particles deposition. The highest permeate flux results in no particle deposition being taken at the critical flux. The second definition was based on the increase in transmembrane pressure (TMP). The critical flux based on the TMP increase is the flux below which the membrane fouling does not occur. The third definition was based on the direct observation of particles deposition through microscope. Detailed experiments were conducted with synthetic suspension of different sizes of latex particles. Long term experiments conducted with polydispersed kaolin clay suspension indicated that the critical flux based on material balance concept is more realistic in field conditions.
Ware, C, Judge, J, Chicharo, J & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'Unfairness and capture behaviour in 802.11 adhoc networks', 2000 IEEE International Conference on Communications. ICC 2000. Global Convergence Through Communications. Conference Record, IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, pp. 159-163.
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In this paper we address issues with the performance of IEEE 802.11, when used in the adhoc mode, in the presence of hidden terminals. We present results illustrating the strong dependence of channel capture behavior on the SNR observed on contending hidden connections. Experimental work has illustrated that in a hidden terminal scenario, the connection having the strongest SNR is able to capture the channel, despite the use of the RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK 4-way handshake designed to alleviate this problem. Our results indicate that the near-far SNR problem may have a significant effect on the performance of an adhoc 802.11 network.
Wijesoma, WS & Kodagoda, KRS 1970, 'Design of stable fuzzy controllers for an AGV', Proceedings. 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000) (Cat. No.00CH37113), Proceedings. 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000), IEEE, Japan, pp. 1044-1049.
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Fuzzy logic control is a relatively new technology and hence it needs rigorous comparative analyses with other well-established conventional control schemes. Further, fuzzy controller stability analysis is a major hindrance for its popularity among control engineers. This paper shows how stable fuzzy controllers may be synthesized for a typical AGV from the perspective of variable structure systems (VSS) theory. VSS or sliding model control (SMC) is an established robust non-linear control methodology. The AGV is characterized by highly non-linear, coupled and configuration dependent dynamics, with uncertainty in model parameters. Similarity in performance of the fuzzy controllers to the SMC controller is demonstrated through experimental results obtained for steer control of the AGV.
Willey, K 1970, 'Antenna Optimization to Minimize Pointing Loss', Proceedings 6th Ka Band Utilization Conference, 6th Ka Band Utilization Conference, Instituto Internazionale Delle Comunicazioni, Cleveland, Ohio, USA..
Williams, SB, Newman, P, Dissanayake, G & Durrant-Whyte, H 1970, 'Autonomous underwater simultaneous localisation and map building', Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1793-1798.
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In this paper we present results of the application of a Simultaneous Localisation and Map building (SLAM) algorithm to estimate the motion of a submersible vehicle. Scans obtained from an on-board sonar are processed to extract stable point features in the environment. These point features are then used to build up a map of the environment while simultaneously providing estimates of the vehicle location. Results are shown from deployment in a swimming pool at the University of Sydney as well as from field trials in a natural environment along Sydney's coast. This work represents the first instance of a deployable underwater implementation of the SLAM algorithm.
Wu, H, Samali, B & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Shake Table Tests on the Seismic Response of a Five Storey Benchmark Model Isolated with Rubber Bearing', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control '2000, International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, UTS, Sydney, pp. 353-358.
Wu, Y, Samali, B, Li, J & Bakoss, S 1970, 'Shock test and stress analysis of a heavy metal-forge', The 7th International Symposium of Structural Failure and Plasticity, Elsevier, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 165-170.
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Xiaomei Yu, Hoang, DB & Feng, DD 1970, 'Weight-based fair intelligent bandwidth allocation for rate adaptive video traffic', Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Networks 2000 (ICON 2000). Networking Trends and Challenges in the New Millennium, IEEE ICON International Conference on Networks, IEEE Comput. Soc, pp. 486-486.
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In this paper, we present a weight-based network bandwidth sharing algorithm, fair intelligent bandwidth allocation (FIBA) for transporting rate adaptive video traffic using feedback, and report on its performance. Through simulations the following results are obtained. The algorithm is capable of allocating bandwidth fairly for the MCR plus weighted allocation fairness criteria and MCR plus allocation proportional to PCR fairness criteria, among competitive, rate-adaptive video sources. It is able to reallocate smoothly when there are renegotiations of the minimum guaranteed cell rate, weight, or peak cell rate by some connections, or when a new connection is admitted, or when a connection is throttled somewhere earlier along the connection path. The algorithm prevents congestion, especially during the initial periods when buffer queues can build up significantly. © 2000 IEEE.
Ying, M & Wirsing, M 1970, 'Approximate bisimilarity', ALGEBRAIC METHODOLOGY AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS, Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Iowa City, Iowa, pp. 309-322.
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We introduce a notion of approximate bisimilarity in order to be able to reason about the approximate equivalence of processes. Approximate bisimilarity is based on the notion of bisimulation index for labelled transition systems. We establish some basic properties of bisimulation indexes and give a Hennessy-Milner logical characterization of approximate bisimilarity. As an application we show how to describe approximate correctness of real time systems by giving an example in real time ACP.
Yuehe Ge & Esselle, KP 1970, 'The analysis of a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna using the method of moments', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium. 2000 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Cat. No.00CH37118), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium, IEEE, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, pp. 1454-1457.
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Yunxin Li & Xiaojing Huang 1970, 'The generation of independent Rayleigh faders', 2000 IEEE International Conference on Communications. ICC 2000. Global Convergence Through Communications. Conference Record, IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, New Orleans, USA, pp. 41-45.
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The simulation of wireless communication channels often requires the generation of multiple complex waveforms satisfying the following conditions. 1) The real and imaginary parts are independent zero-mean random Gaussian processes with identical auto-correlation functions. 2) The complex waveforms are independent so that the cross-correlation function between any two waveforms is zero. In this paper, we first analyze previously proposed methods based on Jakes fading model to demonstrate that the above two conditions have not been satisfied. We then propose a novel method for the generation of multiple Rayleigh faders, which uses improved arrival angle patterns and incident wave phases. The auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions are derived to prove theoretically that the above two conditions are satisfied. Finally the statistical properties are verified by numerical results.
Zowghi, D 1970, 'A requirements engineering process model based on defaults and revisions', 11TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATION, PROCEEDINGS, International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE Computer Society, Greenwich, London, UK, pp. 966-970.
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Zowghi, D, Offen, R & Nurmuliani, N 1970, 'The Impact of Requirements Volatility on the Software Development Lifecycle', 16th World Computer Congress 2000, Proceedings of Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing, China, pp. 19-27.