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Ball, JE & Keshavarzy, A 1995, 'Incipient Sediment Mot Ion On Non-Horizontal Slopes', Journal of Hydraulic Research, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 723-724.
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Bishop, LA 1995, 'Both of the beta-subunit carbohydrate residues of follicle-stimulating hormone determine the metabolic clearance rate and in vivo potency', Endocrinology, vol. 136, no. 6, pp. 2635-2640.
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Bishop, LA, Nguyen, TV & Schofield, PR 1995, 'Both of the beta-subunit carbohydrate residues of follicle-stimulating hormone determine the metabolic clearance rate and in vivo potency.', Endocrinology, vol. 136, no. 6, pp. 2635-2640.
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FSH is a glycoprotein hormone required for the development and maturation of the ovarian follicle and for spermatogenesis. FSH is glycosylated at asparagine residues 52 and 78 on the α-subunit and residues 7 and 24 on the β-subunit. In vitro, the carbohydrate residue at position α 52 is required for signal transduction. To define the contribution of the carbohydrate residues to FSH potency in vivo, we assessed the MCR and in vivo bioactivity of site-specifically deglycosylated recombinant human FSH variants. The removal of the β-subunit carbohydrate residues significantly (P < 0.05) affected the MCR and resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in vivo bioactivity. For all recombinant human FSH variants, a strong correlation (r = 0.90; P < 0.01) was observed between MCR and in vivo potency, indicating that the circulatory half-life of the hormone appears to be the primary determinant of in vivo bioactivity. Although the β-subunit carbohydrate residues have the greatest effect in determining FSH potency in vivo; the α 52 residue, important in vitro, has no effect on either MCR or in vivo potency. This study highlights the difficulties of translating in vitro results to whole animal physiology. © 1995 by The Endocrine Society.
Briscoe, BJ & Thomas, PS 1995, 'Brittle-Ductile Transitions in High Density Polyethylene Films', Tribology Series, vol. 30, no. C, pp. 153-160.
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The paper describes a peculiar transition in the interface rheology or frictional characteristics of high density polyethylene thin films. This transition is unusual in the sense that the transition is apparently from a ductile phase to a brittle phase as the temperature increases. The transition is observed to be a function of the contact pressure and strain rate. Again, and peculiarly, the transition is observed to decrease with an increase in both of these contact mechanical parameters. In addition, the vibrational spectra of HDPE as a function of temperature are examined in order to identify a mechanism for this transition. Due to the unusual nature of the transition, the mechanism sought is not at the molecular level, but is rationalised in term of the melting dynamics of the crystalline lamellae of HDPE. © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V.
Briscoe, BJ & Thomas, PS 1995, 'Structure-Property Relationships in Thin Solid Poly(methyl methacrylate) Boundary Films', Tribology Transactions, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 382-388.
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Burnett, IS & Bradley, GJ 1995, 'New techniques for multi-prototype waveform coding at 2.84 kb/s', 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 1, pp. 261-264.
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Burnett, LS & Bradley, GJ 1995, 'Low Complexity Decomposition and Coding of Prototype Waveforms', Proceedings. IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications, pp. 23-24.
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Catchpoole, DR & Stewart, BW 1995, 'Formation of Apoptotic Bodies Is Associated with Internucleosomal DNA Fragmentation during Drug-Induced Apoptosis', Experimental Cell Research, vol. 216, no. 1, pp. 169-177.
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The onset of apoptosis is often coincident with internucleosomal DNA fragmentation or ladders which are considered a hallmark of the process. However, several studies have indicated that MOLT-4 human lymphoblastoid cells exposed to various agents, including VP16, display some apoptotic characteristics in the absence of either internucleosomal ladders or production of apoptotic bodies. The present study records that, in the presence of aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA), internucleosomal ladders were detected in DNA isolated from VP16-treated MOLT-4 cells; a paradoxical result in view of inhibition by ATA of nuclease activity in cell free preparations. The activity of ATA in mediating genomic fragmentation was dose- and time-dependent. Moreover, addition of ATA to VP16-treated MOLT-4 cells also resulted in production of apoptotic bodies, this effect being quantified by morphological examination and flow cytometry. Detection of ladders and apoptotic bodies after addition of ATA was not attributable to increased toxicity in cells exposed to the combined treatment relative to VP16 alone. A similar response, that is the appearance of both internucleosomal fragmentation and apoptotic bodies, occurred after exposure of MOLT-4 cells to the mitotic inhibitor podophyllotoxin. The consistent association between internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA and formation of apoptotic bodies exhibited during death of MOLT-4 cells, insofar as both characteristics are either present or absent following different agents, suggests interdependence. © 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
Chin-Teng Lin & Ya-Ching Lu 1995, 'A neural fuzzy system with linguistic teaching signals', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 169-189.
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Chung, W-Y & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'An Integrated Control Strategy for Multifingered Systems', Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 37-42.
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A method of force allocation by optimizing the friction angles at finger contacts was combined with the computed torque method to find the torques to be commanded at finger joints for multifingered systems. In this way, slip can be avoided when the object is grasped or manipulated. The proposed method can be used to efficiently find the input torques, and is applicable for real-time computation. A history-based method is also proposed to improve the smoothness of the input torque commands. Three-dimensional simulation results are given.
Chung, W-Y & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Wrench reconstruction by using a six-axis force sensor', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 383-389.
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The methods of reconstructing the applied wrench by using a six-axis force/torque sensor are discussed. Various types of contact, such as soft point and soft line contacts, are investigated. The ambiguity problem in reconstructing the wrench for soft poi
Cucchiara, R, Distefano, L & Piccardi, M 1995, 'Detection of Circular Objects by Wave Propagation on a Mesh-Connected Computer', Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 77-87.
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Circular objects can be detected in low-contrast and/or blurred images by propagating intensity values according to a two-dimensional wave equation and then finding peaks generated by constructive interference. The paper proposes a parallel algorithm for
D'Inzeo, G, Esselle, KP, Pisa, S & Stuchly, MA 1995, 'Comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous tissue models for coil optimization in neural stimulation', Radio Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 245-253.
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In stimulation of peripheral nerves by strong pulsed magnetic fields, it is desirable to produce a well‐focused activating function. Previous analyses and an experiment have indicated that quadruple coils provide many advantages. An analytical solution has been obtained for a homogeneous cylindrical volume conductor, and a finite difference numerical solution for a realistic heterogeneous model of a human forearm. In both models it has been assumed that nerves are straight and long, and therefore the activating function is an induced field derivative in the neuron direction. The magnitudes of the activating function for various coil geometries are compared for the two models.
Dr. Menzies, GJ, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Thiazide diuretics and fractures: Can meta-analysis help?', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 106-111.
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Abstract Published observational estimates of the effect of thiazide diuretics on osteoporotic fracture risk vary from a 70% reduction to a 60% increase but there have been no randomized controlled trials. The aims of this study were to use the technique of meta-analysis to attempt to resolve this conflict and to explore whether duration and/or dose of therapy has an effect on osteoporotic fracture risk. The data sources utilized were Medline and Excerpta Medica databases supplemented by reviews and back references. A total of 18 observational studies that looked at the relationship between diuretics and fracture were located, of which 13, involving 29,600 subjects, had extractable data on thiazides and fracture occurrence. Current thiazide users were protected against hip fracture (OR 0.82, 95% Cl 0.73–0.91). Thiazide use of long duration may be protective (OR 0.82, 95% Cl 0.62–1.08) but not short duration (OR 1.23, 95% Cl 0.99–1.54). The size of this effect, which compares favorably to other interventions, indicates that a randomized controlled trial to resolve the problem of potential confounders and safety profile would require a minimum of 7000 person-years of observation in those at highest risk of fracture (women aged 80 or over) which is unlikely to be pursued at the present time. The results of this meta-analysis indicate that current thiazide users have a 20% reduction in fracture risk and that long-term use may reduce fractures by a similar amount These results suggest, in the absence of a suitably designed large randomized controlled trial, that thiazides should be considered as part of an approach to osteoporotic fracture prevention, particularly in hypertensive subjects.
Dr. Riggs, LB, Nguyen, TV, Melton, JL, Morrison, NA, O'Fallon, WM, Kelly, PJ, Egan, KS, Sambrook, PN, Muhs, JM & Eisman, JA 1995, 'The contribution of vitamin D receptor gene alleles to the determination of bone mineral density in normal and osteoporotic women', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 991-996.
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Abstract Bone mass and its mineral content are under genetic control. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene has been shown to be a major locus for genetic effects on bone mineral density (BMD), and polymorphisms in this gene accounted for a large proportion of genetic variance in BMD in an Australian population. In this study, we investigated whether similar associations are present in a North American population. We studied 139 normal healthy women (age 53.2 ± 14.5, mean ± SD) and 43 severely osteoporotic postmenopausal women (age 65.8 ± 5.9). In the 127 of them with complete genetic studies, the distribution of genotypes, determined by polymerase chain reaction on leukocyte DNA samples, agreed closely with that in the Australian population. BMD was strongly related to age and weight, and, thus was adjusted for these parameters prior to genetic analysis. We found that age modulated the effect of VDR genotypes on femoral neck BMD (FN-BMD) (TaqI, p = 0.036;BsmI, p = 0.118; ApaI, p = 0.041) such that the effect of genotype was greatest among younger (premenopausal) women and declined with age so that there was no discernible difference by age 70. Among the younger women, a high FN-BMD was associated with the TT (or aa or bb) genotype while low FN-BMD was associated with the tt (or AA or BB) genotype. In osteoporotic women, although the difference in FN-BMD between alternate TaqI homozygotes (TT vs. tt) was 0.13 g/cm2 (or about 18%), the overall difference among the genotype groups was not significant (TaqI, p = 0.13; BsmI, p = 0.21; ApaI, p = 0.09), possibly due to the small sample of osteoporotic women. There was no relationship of VDR genotype to lumbar spine BMD. We conclude that the VDR gene modulates differences in BMD in premenopausal women. Subsequent interaction of the gene and environmental factors and the role of VDR genotypes in predisposing to osteoporosis needs further study.
Dutkiewicz, E & Anido, G 1995, 'Optimisation of distributed exchange control systems', ATR. Australian telecommunication research, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 1-13.
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New telecommunications services have emerged which will place quite disparate processing demands on the control systems of exchanges and the optimal system configuration will depend on the call mix to be supported by the exchange. A cost effective distributed control system design in the ISDN and IN environments can be achieved by combining optimal placement of software functionality and optimal choice of capacities for the processing elements. Two control system models based on queueing networks and able to capture the features of the system at different levels of detail are developed and used to produce distributed control system optimisation algorithms. These algorithms can assist system designers in producing optimal control systems which are required to satisfy particular uniform load specifications and performance constraints. Simple examples indicate the range of applicability of the developed algorithms.
Eisman, JA, Morrison, NA, Kelly, PJ, Sambrook, PN, Howard, G, Qi, J, Tokita, A, Crofts, L, Nguyen, TV & Birmingham, J 1995, 'Genetics of Osteoporosis and Vitamin D Receptor Alleles', Calcified Tissue International, vol. 56, no. S1, pp. S48-S49.
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Esselle, KP 1995, 'Finite-difference time-domain analysis of a rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 63-70.
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A rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna, fed by a microstripline through an aperture, is analysed using the finite-difference time-domain method. The antenna operates in the TE1δ1 mode and radiates like a magnetic dipole. The electric and magnetic fields in and around the antenna are presented for various time steps. The radiated far-field waveforms are calculated in several directions, by applying the field equivalence principle directly in the time-domain. The frequency-domain far-field patterns are presented at the resonant frequency. They are similar to the far-field patterns of an elemental magnetic dipole, and compare well with previously measured far-field patterns of a rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna.
Esselle, KP & Stuchly, MA 1995, 'Cylindrical tissue model for magnetic field stimulation of neurons: effects of coil geometry', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 934-941.
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The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) is an emerging ISO/ITU-T standard. It provides a framework of abstractions based on viewpoints, and it defines five viewpoint languages to model open distributed systems. This paper uses the vie
Guo, YJ 1995, 'Phase efficiency of the reflective array antenna', IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 142, no. 2, pp. 115-115.
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Guo, YJ & Barton, S 1995, 'Analysis of one-dimensional zonal reflectors', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 385-389.
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A one-dimensional zonal reflector is a conducting surface which is uniform in one direction and has a zonal profile in the other. Similar to a cylindrical reflector, it converts a cylindrical wave from a line-source into an outgoing plane wave. In this paper, the radiation performance of such reflectors with TM-wave illumination is analyzed by the method of moments (MoM). The influence of corner diffraction and zoning on the sidelobe level is investigated. Three types of configurations are considered, which include the parabolic zonal reflector and two stepwise zonal reflectors of different configurations. It is found that corner diffraction makes a significant contribution to the sidelobe level, but zoning intrinsically raises the far-out sidelobes. Numerical results show that the near-in sidelobes of the stepwise zonal reflector can be significantly decreased by adjusting the geometrical configuration. © 1995 IEEE
Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1995, 'Phase correcting zonal reflector incorporating rings', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 350-355.
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An array of Conducting elements printed on a grounded dielectric substrate functions as an electromagnetic phase shifter. With a fixed substrate and a given operating frequency, the phase shift is determined by the array parameters. In the paper, the spectral domain moment method model for analyzing homogeneous reflective phase shifters with conducting rings as elements is presented, and numerical and experimental results are given. A novel phase correcting Fresnel zonal reflector based on this model is reported. A 43% maximum antenna efficiency and -22 dB sidelobe level were measured in X-band. The bandwidth of the reflector is estimated to be greater than 10%. © 1995 IEEE
HEIBER, M, DOCHERTY, JM, SHAH, G, NGUYEN, T, CHENG, R, HENG, HHQ, MARCHESE, A, TSUI, L-C, SHI, X, GEORGE, SR & O'DOWD, BF 1995, 'Isolation of Three Novel Human Genes Encoding G Protein-Coupled Receptors', DNA and Cell Biology, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 25-35.
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We have cloned and mapped the chromosomal location of three novel human genes encoding G protein-coupled receptors that we have named GPR6, GPR5, and GPR4. The entire coding region for each of these genes was contained on single exons. Gene GPR6 encoded a receptor that shared closest identity (71% in the transmembrane regions) with the human orphan receptor GPR3 and was localized to chromosome 6 (q21–q22.1). Northern blot analysis revealed that GPR6 transcripts were abundant in the human putamen and to a lesser extent in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. Gene GPR5 encoded a receptor that most closely resembled the orphan receptor RBS11 (48% in the transmembrane regions) and the MIP 1α/RANTES receptor (45% in the transmembrane regions) and was localized to chromosome 3 (p21.3–p21.1). Gene GPR4 shared identity (40% in the transmembrane regions) with the human platelet-activating factor receptor and was localized to chromosome 19 (q13.2–q13.3). © 1995, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. All rights reserved.
Howard, G, Nguyen, T, Morrison, N, Watanabe, T, Sambrook, P, Eisman, J & Kelly, PJ 1995, 'Genetic influences on bone density: physiological correlates of vitamin D receptor gene alleles in premenopausal women.', J Clin Endocrinol Metab, vol. 80, no. 9, pp. 2800-2805.
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Common vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene alleles have recently been shown to contribute to the genetic variability in bone mass and bone turnover, however, the physiological mechanisms involved are unknown. To examine this, the response to 7 days of 2 micrograms oral 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D[1,25-(OH)2D] (calcitriol) stimulation was assessed in 21 premenopausal women, homozygous for one or other of the common VDR alleles (bb, n = 11; BB, n = 10). Indices of bone turnover and calcium homeostasis were measured during 2 weeks. Baseline osteocalcin, 1,25-(OH)2D, type I collagen carboxyterminal telopeptide, and inorganic phosphate levels were significantly higher and spinal bone mineral density was significantly lower in the BB allelic group. After calcitriol administration, similar levels of 1,25-(OH)2D were attained throughout the study in both genotypic groups. The increase in serum osteocalcin levels in the BB group was significantly less than that in the bb group (11% vs. 32%, P = 0.01). The genotype-related baseline difference in osteocalcin levels was not apparent at the similar serum 1,25-(OH)2D levels. By contrast, the baseline differences in phosphate and type I collagen carboxyterminal telopeptide persisted throughout the study. Serum ionized calcium levels did not differ between genotypes, nor did it move out of normal range values. However, parathyroid hormone was less suppressed in the low bone density group (38% vs. 11%, P = 0.01). These data indicate that the VDR alleles are associated with differences in the vitamin D endocrine system and may have important implications in relation to the pathophysiology of osteoporosis.
Indraratna, AS, Balasubramanian, AK & Khan, MJ 1995, 'Effect of fly ash with lime and cement on the behavior of a soft clay', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 131-142.
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Abstract The effect of fly ash on the strength and deformation characteristics of Bangkok clay is discussed in the paper. Lime or cement has been added as secondary constituents to further enhance self-hardening of the blended mix. For example, unconfined compression tests reveal that after two weeks of curing, a 18 0.000000ly ash and a 5 0me treated Bangkok Clay attains a compressive strength 2-3 times greater than that of the natural clay. However, if lime is replaced by cement, the initial rate of strength development increases significantly. Excessive fly ash contents (greater than 25%) cause tensile splitting of unconfined specimens. The compressibility of fly ashcement treated soil is considerably less than that of the natural clay. As the fly ash content exceeds 10 0.000000or a constant cement content of 5%, the increase of the equivalent yield pressure becomes significant. The reduction in compressibility is also associated with a corresponding increase in the coefficient of consolidation. The triaxial tests confirmed that fly ash-lime and fly ashcement treated specimens indicate a much higher sheafing resistance by improving the apparent friction angle, although the effect on the cohesion intercept is marginal. The stressstrain response changes from a normally consolidated state to an over-consolidated state as a function of the fly ash content. The findings of this study present a rational basis for the development of appropriate constitutive models for chemically modified soils.
Indraratna, B 1995, 'Closure to “Performance of Embankment Stabilized with Vertical Drains on Soft Clay” by B. Indraratna', Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 121, no. 4, pp. 393-395.
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Indraratna, B, Sullivan, J & Nethery, A 1995, 'Effect of groundwater table on the formation of acid sulphate soils', Mine Water and the Environment, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 71-83.
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Acid sulphate soils are formed when pyrite within a soil layer is oxidised, generating sulphuric acid. The oxidation of pyrite often results in yellow mottles of jarosite. The pH levels in greatly affected areas are often less than 4.0, and the associated environmental impacts include fish kills, retarded growth of crops and changes in water chemistry. Certain regions of acid sulphate soils along the South Coast of NSW are of much concem, because of limited land available for food production and cash crops. This study quantifies the effect of changes of the groundwater table on the acidity of the coastal flood plain in Berry, located on the Illawarra coastline, New South Wales. Based on several boreholes and drain sites, the existence of jarosite was verified, characterising the study area as a potential acid-sulphate soil region. The field investigation of the study area included the monitoring of groundwater and drain water quality, including the pH and aluminium levels. The study shows convincingly that the increase in groundwater level is effective in preventing adverse pH and aluminium levels. © 1995 Springer-Verlag.
Jahanfar, S, Eden, JA, Warren, P, Seppälä, M & Nguyen, TV 1995, 'A twin study of polycystic ovary syndrome', Fertility and Sterility, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 478-486.
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Jones, G 1995, 'Cigarette smoking and vertebral body deformity', JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 274, no. 23, pp. 1834-1835.
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Jones, G 1995, 'Cigarette Smoking and Vertebral Body Deformity', JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 274, no. 23, pp. 1834-1834.
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Cigarette smoking has been consistently associated with osteoporosis1,2and both appendicular3and vertebral4fractures. The increase in fracture risk is thought to be mediated by a decrease in bone density, but this has not been directly assessed for spinal fractures. We studied the relationship between cigarette smoking, bone density, and vertebral deformity in 300 elderly men and women participating in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (DOES). The city of Dubbo has a population of approximately 32 000 people and is situated 400 km northwest of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. This community includes approximately 1600 men and 2100 women aged 60 years or older (as of January 1, 1989), 98.6% of whom are white. Subjects were invited to participate in DOES, which commenced in 1989. By the end of 1993, 1950 subjects (62%) of a surviving total target population of 2900 were participating. Using. © 1995, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Jones, G, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1995, 'A longitudinal study of the effect of spinal degenerative disease on bone density in the elderly.', J Rheumatol, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 932-936.
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OBJECTIVE: To describe the relationship between spinal degenerative disease and bone density in the elderly both cross sectionally and longitudinally. METHODS: Random population based sample of 113 men and 187 women over 60 yrs of age participating in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (a longitudinal population based study of fracture risk factors) who had bone density measured on 2 occasions (average interval 2.5 yrs) and spinal radiographs on one occasion (performed according to a standardized approach). RESULTS: Spinal degenerative disease, of varying severity, was common in this population (osteophytes 69%, disc narrowing 67%, posterior element disease 99%). Scores for osteophytosis, disc narrowing, and posterior element disease (together with age and body mass index) independently explained 43% of the variation in spinal bone density in men (p < 0.00001) and 26% in women (p < 0.00001). The rate of change at the spine increased with increasing severity of osteophytosis in both men (p = 0.03) and women (p = 0.05), but not the other measures, and the total amount of variation explained by these measures was modest. In comparison, severity of spinal degenerative disease had only a modest but significant relationship with femoral neck bone density in both sexes, but not its rate of change. Subjects with any degree of osteophytosis had higher bone density compared to those without osteophytes at both the lumbar spine (men 21% higher, 95% CI 12-31; women 16% higher, 95% CI 9-23) and, to a lesser extent, femoral neck (men 12% higher, 95% CI 4-20; women 6% higher, 95% CI 1-13). Vascular calcification had no relationship with bone density at either spine or hip. CONCLUSION: Spinal bone density measurement and its sequential followup may be erroneous in the elderly due to concomitant degenerative disease. Bone density at the femoral neck was much less affected by spinal degenerative disease, which suggests that this site may be more efficacious for bo...
Jones, G, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, PN, Lord, SR, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Osteoarthritis, bone density, postural stability, and osteoporotic fractures: a population based study.', J Rheumatol, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 921-925.
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OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with an increase in bone density both locally and at distant sites. Prospective data are limited on the relationship between OA and fracture. We studied the possible relationship between self-reported OA, bone density, postural stability measures, and atraumatic fractures as part of a study of men and women over 60 years of age. METHODS: Subjects were part of the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (a longitudinal population based study of fracture risk factors). Bone density was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Postural stability was assessed by the validated measures of quadriceps strength and sway. Medication use and self-reported arthritis were assessed by a structured personal interview. Fractures were ascertained retrospectively by interview and prospectively by viewing radiographic reports for fracture. RESULTS: Among a study population of 1101 women and 720 men (mean age 69) there were 462 subjects (25%) who reported a diagnosis of OA. In both sexes, subjects with OA had higher bone density (adjusted for age and body mass index) at both the femoral neck (men, p = 0.026; women, p = 0.048) and lumbar spine (men, p = 0.0007; women, p = 0.0007). However, in both sexes, those with self-reported OA also had higher body sway and lower quadriceps strength. The combination of these observed differences in fracture risk factors led to no predicted change in fracture risk overall when using established nomograms for this population [men, OR = 1.11 (95% CI 0.83-1.45); women, OR = 1.08 (95% CI 0.83-1.39)]. This paralleled our observational finding that self-reported OA was not associated with a decrease in fracture incidence compared to those not reporting OA in both men (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.29-1.39) and women (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.66-1.51). CONCLUSION: Individuals with self-reported OA, despite higher bone density, are not protected against nonvertebral osteoporotic fracture, apparently due to worsened ...
Kelly, PJ, Morrison, NA, Sambrook, PN, Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Genetic influences on bone turnover, bone density and fracture', European Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 265-271.
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LIN, C-J & LIN, C-T 1995, 'ADAPTIVE FUZZY CONTROL OF UNSTABLE NONLINEAR SYSTEMS', International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 06, no. 03, pp. 283-298.
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This paper addresses the structure and an associated on-line learning algorithm of a feedforward multilayer connectionist network for realizing the basic elements and functions of a traditional fuzzy logic controller. The proposed Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network (FALCON) can be contrasted with the traditional fuzzy logic control systems in their network structure and learning ability. An on-line structure/parameter learning algorithm, called FALCON-ART, is proposed for constructing the FALCON dynamically. The FALCON-ART can partition the input/output space in a flexible way based on the distribution of the training data. Hence it can avoid the problem of combinatorial growing of partitioned grids in some complex systems. It combines the backpropagation learning scheme for parameter learning and the fuzzy ART algorithm for structure learning. More notably, the FALCONART can on-line partition the input/output spaces, tune membership functions, and find proper fuzzy logic rules dynamically without any a priori knowledge or even any initial information on these. The proposed learning scheme has been successfully used to control two unstable nonlinear systems. They are the seesaw system and the inverted wedge system.
Lin, C-T 1995, 'A neural fuzzy control system with structure and parameter learning', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 70, no. 2-3, pp. 183-212.
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Lin, CT & Lee, CSG 1995, 'A multi-valued Boltzmann machine', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 660-669.
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Lin, C-T, Lin, C-J & Lee, CSG 1995, 'Fuzzy adaptive learning control network with on-line neural learning', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 25-45.
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Marchese, A, Beischlag, TV, Nguyen, T, Niznik, HB, Weinshank, RL, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 1995, 'Two gene duplication events in the human and primate dopamine D5 receptor gene family', Gene, vol. 154, no. 2, pp. 153-158.
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The human dopamine D5 receptor (DRD5) gene family consists of the DRD5-encoding gene (DRD5) and the pseudogenes Ψ DRD5-1 and ΨDRD5-2. Analysis of the 5′ UTR of DRD5 and homologous regions in the pseudogenes revealed that the nucleotide identity (approx. 95%) extended for 1.9 kb and terminated at a monomeric Alu sequence in each of the pseudogenes. The presence of Alu sequences in the pseudogenes, at this point of divergence with DRD5, suggests that Alu sequences were involved in the evolution of the DRD5 family. This report is the first to describe a possible mechanism involved in the duplication of genes in the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. The pseudogenes continue to share identity (approx. 98%) beyond this 5′ UTR point of divergence with DRD5 for at least another 6 kb. Analysis of the 3′ UTR of DRD5 and homologous regions in the pseudogenes revealed that the identity (approx. 95%) extends at least 14 kb, and the identity between the pseudogenes (approx. 98%) extends for at least 18 kb. Thus, the duplication unit that produced the first pseudogene was at least 16 kb, whereas the second pseudogene was at least 28 kb. We have also located two DRD5 pseudogenes in gorilla demonstrating that these closely related pseudogenes were present in a common ancestor of human and gorilla. © 1995.
MARCHESE, A, HEIBER, M, NGUYEN, T, HENG, HHQ, SALDIVIA, VR, CHENG, R, MURPHY, PM, TSUI, L-C, SHI, X, GREGOR, P, GEORGE, SR, O'DOWD, BF & DOCHERTY, JM 1995, 'Cloning and Chromosomal Mapping of Three Novel Genes, GPR9, GPR10, and GPR14, Encoding Receptors Related to Interleukin 8, Neuropeptide Y, and Somatostatin Receptors', Genomics, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 335-344.
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We employed the polymerase chain reaction and genomic DNA library screening to clone novel human genes, GPR9 and GPR10, and a rat gene, GPR14. GPR9, GPR10, and GPR14 each encode G protein-coupled receptors. GPR10 and GPR14 are intronless within their coding regions, while GPR9 contains at least one intron. The receptor encoded by GPR9 shares the highest identity with human IL-8 receptor type B (38% overall and 53% in the transmembrane regions), followed by IL-8 receptor type A (36% overall and 51% in the transmembrane domains). GPR10 encodes a receptor that shares highest identity with the neuropeptide Y receptor (31% overall and 46% in the transmembrane domains). The receptor encoded by GPR14 shares highest identity with the somatostatin receptor SSTR 4 (27% overall and 41% in the transmembrane domains). Fluorescencein situhybridization analysis localized GPR9 to chromosome 8p11.2-p12 and GPR10 to chromosome 10q25.3-q26. © 1995 by Academic Press, Inc.
McBride, AJ & Thomas, H 1995, 'Psychosis is also common in users of 'normal' cannabis', BMJ, vol. 311, no. 7009, pp. 875-875.
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Nanua, P & Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Energy Comparison Between Trot, Bound, and Gallop Using a Simple Model', Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 117, no. 4, pp. 466-473.
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In this paper, the dynamics of quadruped trot, gallop, and bound will be examined using a simple model for the quadruped. The body of the quadruped is modeled as a uniform bar and the legs are modeled by massless springs. It will be shown that symmetry can be used to study the locomotion of this system. Using symmetry, a technique will be developed to obtain periodic solutions for each of the gaits of the quadruped model. These periodic solutions will be computed at various speeds. The energy levels will be compared for each of the gaits. The exchange of energy between its different forms will be shown for different gaits. It will be shown that even without body flexibility, there are significant savings in energy due to gait transition from trot to gallop. The energy levels will be used to predict the trot-gallop transition speed. These results will be compared with the experimental results for horses and dogs.
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Conventional granular filtration, although successfully used in water treatment and tertiary wastewater treatment, suffers from some disadvantages such as limited retention capacity and high energy requirement for backwashing. Use of floating filter medium overcomes these shortcomings especially when direct filters are used in the treatment plants. A laboratory-scale study carried out indicated that the floating medium filter with downflow direct filter arrangement was a good pretreatment unit to reduce the pollutant load in rapid filters used as polishing filter units. Due to its ability to form uniform micro-flocs of the order of 26â40 μm throughout the filter run, the floating medium filter can serve as an excellent static flocculator.
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A laboratory-scale set-up consisting of helicoidal flocculator and rapid sand filter was used to study the implication of flocs in direct filtration for optimizing the design parameters. Two different methods, one using a flocculation and filtration mathematical model and other using Ives' filterability number were used to optimize the direct filtration. The results indicated that (i) there is an optimum range of floc size which resulted in prolonged filter run, (ii) alum dose played an important role in floc size and density, (iii) a good compromise between velocity gradient and flocculation time is essential in optimizing the direct filtration performance, and (iv) the optimum filter depth increased with higher filtration rate. The simulation results indicated that a floc size of 62 µm was found to be optimum for direct filtration which corresponded to 2.5 minutes of flocculation time at the velocity gradient values of 26.5 s-1. This optimum value shifted with filter medium size, depth and filtration velocity. On the other hand, Ives' filterability number indicated that a floc size of 57-76 µm was found to be optimum which corresponded to 4.8 - 7.2 minutes of flocculation time and at a velocity gradient values of 33.6 - 79.6 s-1. These methods will help in optimizing the design parameters of direct filtration in a rational manner using minimum number of experiments with the specific raw water and chemicals.
Nguyen, T, Erb, L, Weisman, GA, Marchese, A, Heng, HHQ, Garrad, RC, George, SR, Turner, JT & O'Dowd, BF 1995, 'Cloning, Expression, and Chromosomal Localization of the Human Uridine Nucleotide Receptor Gene', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 270, no. 52, pp. 30845-30848.
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Extracellular ATP and ADP mediate diverse physiological responses in mammalian cells, in part through the activation of G protein-coupled P2 purinoceptors. The cloning and expression of cDNAs encoding several P2 purinoceptor subtypes have enabled rapid advances in our understanding of the structural and functional properties of these receptors. The current report describes the isolation of a gene from a human genomic library that encodes a protein with the greatest similarity to the human P(2U) purinoceptor, a subtype that is distinguished by its ability to be activated by uridine nucleotides as well as adenine nucleotides. When expressed in a mammalian cell line, this novel receptor is activated specifically by UTP and UDP but not by ATP and ADP. Activation of this uridine nucleotide receptor resulted in increased inositol phosphate formation and calcium mobilization. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that the gene encoding the uridine nucleotide receptor is located in region q13 of the X chromosome. Dendrogram analysis of the G protein-coupled P2 purinoceptors and the uridine nucleotide receptor indicates that these receptors belong to a family that may be more aptly named nucleotide receptors.
Nguyen, TV 1995, 'Effects of estrogen exposure and reproductive factors on bone mineral density and osteoporotic fractures', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 80, no. 9, pp. 2709-2714.
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Nguyen, TV, Jones, G, Sambrook, PN, White, CP, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Effects of estrogen exposure and reproductive factors on bone mineral density and osteoporotic fractures.', The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 80, no. 9, pp. 2709-2714.
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The risk of osteoporotic fracture is related to peak bone mass achieved at skeletal maturity and subsequent bone loss. Although premature menopause is a risk factor for osteoporosis, the effect of exposure to endogenous estrogen during a woman’s reproductive years is poorly characterized. We analyzed the relationship between reproductive factors and estrogen exposure on bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of atraumatic fracture in data from 1091 women (age: 70 ± 7.2 yr; mean ± SD) participating in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study. Age- and weight-adjusted BMD among women who had used estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for more than 5 yr was higher at the lumbar spine and femoral neck by 13.7% and 10.2% (P < 0.001), respectively, compared with women who had used ERT for less than 5 yr or nonusers. Duration of exposure to estrogen (years of menstruation plus postmenopausal ERT use) was associated with higher BMD, such that BMD increased by 2-3% for every 10-yr increase in years of estrogen exposure; thus women who menstruated for more than 40 yr had a 6-8% higher BMD than did women who menstruated for less than 30 yr. Higher BMD was also significantly associated with high parity, such that nulliparous women had 5-6% lower BMD than did their peers of the same age and weight. The incidence of atraumatic fractures among non-ERT users was higher than that of ERT-users [odds ratio (OR): 1.06; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.94-1.16] and was significantly lower among parous women than among nulliparous women (OR 0.94; 95% CI: 0.84-0.98) in univariate analysis. Longer duration of menstruation was associated with lower fracture incidence (OR for 1 SD = 6.6 yr: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.86-1.02). Moreover, when all of these factors were considered simultaneously, parity remained a significant determinant of fracture as well as femoral neck BMD. We conclude that high parity and longer duration of exposure to estrogen, either through natural menstruation or postmenopausal...
Ni, W, Xia, JS, Adams, ED & Takano, Y 1995, 'Temperature dependence of the molar volumes of liquid and solid3He at melting pressure nearT N', Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 100, no. 1-2, pp. 167-171.
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Ni, W, Xia, JS, Adams, ED, Haskins, PS & McKisson, JE 1995, '3He melting pressure temperature scale below 25 mK', Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 99, no. 1-2, pp. 167-182.
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O'Dowd, BF, Scheideler, MA, Nguyen, T, Cheng, R, Rasmussen, JS, Marchese, A, Zastawny, R, Heng, HHQ, Tsui, L-C, Shi, X, Asa, S, Puy, L & George, SR 1995, 'The Cloning and Chromosomal Mapping of Two Novel Human Opioid-Somatostatin-like Receptor Genes, GPR7 and GPR8, Expressed in Discrete Areas of the Brain', Genomics, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 84-91.
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Following the cloning of the opioid receptors μ, κ, and δ, we conducted a search for related receptors. Using oligonucleotides based on the opioid and also the structurally related somatostatin receptors, we amplified genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction and isolated fragments of novel G protein-coupled receptor genes. Two of these gene fragments designated clones 12 and 11 were used to isolate the full-length genes. The intronless coding sequences of these genes, named GPR7 and GPR8, shared 70% identity with each other, and each shared significant similarity with the sequences encoding transmembrane regions of the opioid and somatostatin receptors. GPR7 was mapped to chromosome 10q11.2-q21.1 and GPR8 chromosome 20q13.3. Northern blot analysis using human mRNA demonstrated expression of GPR7 mainly in cerebellum and frontal cortex, while GPR8 was located mainly in the frontal cortex. In situ hybridization revealed expression of GPR7 in the human pituitary. A partial sequence of the mouse orthologue of GPR7 was obtained, and in situ hybridization demonstrated expression in discrete nuclei of brain, namely suprachiasmatic, arcuate, and ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus. A stable cell line expressing the GPR7 gene was created, but expression levels of the receptor were low. The available pharmacology indicated binding to several opioid drugs such as bremazocine, levorphanol, and β-FNA, but not to the opioid receptor subtype-selective μ, δ, or κ agonists. © 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
Peacock, M, Hustmyer, FG, Hui, S, Johnston, CC & Christian, J 1995, 'Vitamin D receptor genotype and bone mineral density', BMJ, vol. 311, no. 7009, pp. 874-875.
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Perry, SW & Guan 1995, 'Neural network restoration of images sufferingspace-variant distortion', Electronics Letters, vol. 31, no. 16, pp. 1358-1359.
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Piccardi, M, Cinotti, TS & Zuffi, S 1995, 'A preliminary performance evaluation of the Quadrics architecture with the DARPA image understanding benchmark', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 919, pp. 124-129.
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This work presents a preliminary performance evaluation of the Quadrics SIMD massively parallel computer in the execution of a suite of image processing algorithms. The suite is extracted from the low-level and intermediate-level processing sections of the widely-used DARPA Image Understanding benchmark for parallel computers. Implementation issues are briefly described and data partitioning and mapping is addressed. Measurements carried out on two different machine configurations are reported and compared with the performance of other well-known parallel systems.
Radack, K 1995, 'Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and High Blood Pressure', Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 122, no. 5, pp. 397-397.
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Randell, A, Sambrook, PN, Nguyen, TV, Lapsley, H, Jones, G, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Direct clinical and welfare costs of osteoporotic fractures in elderly men and women', Osteoporosis International, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 427-432.
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Shannon, AG & Melham, RS 1995, 'Extended and generalized fibonacci polynomials', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 296-300.
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Properties of two Fibonacci-type polynomials are considered here. One is based on an extension of the circular functions, and the other is developed from a generalization of the recurrence relation for the Fibonacci numbers. The properties considered are analogs of the classical relations between Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and Simson’s identity. © 1995 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Shannon, AG, Wong, CK, Vora, J & Owens, DR 1995, 'Radioactive labelled insulin kinetics', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 329-335.
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Insulin is essential for the metabolism of glucose in the body. Lack of it, or the inappropriate use of it, characterize the two main types of diabetes. Knowledge of the kinetics of insulin is thus important in the management of diabetes. In this paper some aspects of the movement of insulin in the human body are gained by utilizing information from radioactive labelled insulin. © 1995, Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Sheng, D & Axelsson, K 1995, 'Uncoupling of coupled flows in soil—a finite element method', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 537-553.
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AbstractCoupled flow of water, chemicals, heat and electrical potential in soil are of significance in a variety of circumstances. The problem is characterized by the coupling between different flows, i.e. a flow of one type driven by gradients of other types, and by the dual nature of certain flows, i.e. combined convection and conduction. Effective numerical solutions to the problem are challenged due to the coupling and the dual nature.In this paper, we first present a general expression that can be used to represent various types of coupled flows in soil. A finite element method is then proposed to solve the generalized coupled flows of convection‐conduction pattern. The unknown vector is first decomposed into two parts, a convective part forming a hyperbolic system and a conductive part forming a parabolic system. At each time step, the hyperbolic system is solved analytically to give an initial solution. To solve the multi‐dimensional hyperbolic system, we assume that a common eigenspace exists for the coefficient matrices, so that the system can be uncoupled by transforming the unknown vector to the common eigenspace. The uncoupled system is solved by the method of characteristics. Using the solution of the hyperbolic system as the initial condition, we then solve the parabolic system by a Galerkin finite element method for space discretization and a finite difference scheme for time stepping.The proposed technique can be used for solving multi‐dimensional, transient, coupled or simultaneous flows of convection‐conduction type. Application to a flow example shows that the technique indeed exhibits optimality in convergence and in stability.
Sheng, D, Axelsson, K & Knutsson, S 1995, 'Frost Heave due to Ice Lens Formation in Freezing Soils', Hydrology Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 125-146.
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A frost heave model which simulates formation of ice lenses is developed for saturated salt-free soils. Quasi-steady state heat and mass flow is considered. Special attention is paid to the transmitted zone, i.e. the frozen fringe. The permeability of the frozen fringe is assumed to vary exponentially as a function of temperature. The rates of water flow in the frozen fringe and in the unfrozen soil are assumed to be constant in space but vary with time. The pore water pressure in the frozen fringe is integrated from the Darcy law. The ice pressure in the frozen fringe is determined by the generalized Clapeyron equation. A new ice lens is assumed to form in the frozen fringe when and where the effective stress approaches zero. The neutral stress is determined as a simple function of the unfrozen water content and porosity. The model is implemented on an personal computer. The simulated heave amounts and heaving rates are compared with experimental data, which shows that the model generally gives reasonable estimation.
Sheng, D, Axelsson, K & Knutsson, S 1995, 'Frost Heave due to Ice Lens Formation in Freezing Soils', Hydrology Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 147-168.
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An operational model for estimation of frost heave in field where stratified soil profile appears is presented. The model is developed from the research model described in part B. Soil layers are first classified into frost-susceptible layers (FSL) or non-frost-susceptible layers (NFSL). In an FSL, both heat flow and water flow are considered and ice lensing can occur. In a NFSL, only heat flow is possible and no ice lensing is allowed. The governing equations for heat and mass transfer are established for the time period when the frost front is moving within FSL. Capillarity and unsaturation are also considered. The operational model is verified by field measurements of heave amounts. Examples of application are given.
Silhavy, DN, Hutv�gner, GR, Barta, E & B�nfalvi, ZF 1995, 'Isolation and characterization of a water-stress-inducible cDNA clone from Solanum chacoense', Plant Molecular Biology, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 587-595.
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A rich source of valuable genes are wild species. Solanum chacoense Bitter with its extreme resistance to viruses, insects and drought, is a good example. In the present study, a stress gene, designated DS2, has been isolated from S. chacoense. We have shown that the expression of the gene is organ-specific being detected in leaf, stem and stolon, but not in root, tuber or flower. Treatment of detached leaves with abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate resulted in only very moderate accumulation of DS2 mRNA. Thus, DS2 represents a very rare type of the water-stress-inducible genes whose signalling pathway is not primarily related to ABA. Based on DNA sequence analysis, DS2 encodes a putative protein starting with 20 amino acids homologous to the ABA- and water-stress-inducible, ripening-related (ASR) proteins of tomato continued by an insert of 155 amino acids structurally similar to certain LEAs (late embryogenesis-abundant proteins) and ending in 88 amino acids homologous again to the ASR sequences and to an unpublished partial cDNA fragment isolated from the root of rice. The N-terminal region of the DS2 protein is hydrophilic with ten 13-mer amino acid motifs and random coil structure. In contrast, the C-terminus predicts an α-helix and possesses a bipartite nuclear targeting sequence motif. These data suggest that the function of the DS2 may be the protection of the nuclear DNA from desiccation. © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Simonian, A & Veitch, D 1995, 'A Bene s formula for the fractional Brownian storage'.
Spector, TD, Keen, RW, Arden, NK, Morrison, NA, Major, PJ, Nguyen, TV, Kelly, PJ, Baker, JR, Sambrook, PN, Lanchbury, JS & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Influence of vitamin D receptor genotype on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a twin study in Britain', BMJ, vol. 310, no. 6991, pp. 1357-1360.
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Spector, TD, Keen, RW, Arden, NK, Nguyen, TV, Morrison, NA, Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1995, 'Authors' reply', BMJ, vol. 311, no. 7009, pp. 875-875.
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Stuart, BH & Thomas, PS 1995, 'Xylene swelling of polycarbonate studied using Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy', SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 2133-2137.
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The Fourier transform (FT) Raman spectrum of polycarbonate (PC) is reported. The effect of xylene on the structural properties of PC has been investigated. Changes to the FT/Raman spectrum of PC in the presence of xylene are believed to be due to an incr
Taylor, D 1995, 'Short fatigue crack growth in cast iron described using P−a curves', International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 201-206.
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A new approach to the description of short crack growth - the P - a curve - has been tested using extensive data on submillimetre cracks in a grey cast iron. It is shown that this approach, in which the probability of growth is plotted as a function of crack length, is valid in that it produces a plot that is consistent from specimen to specimen and is a function of both crack length and stress level. The growth probability, Pg, can be defined systematically in terms of the average amount of crack growth, Îcmean within a given interval of cycles, ÎN; this leads to the concept that Pg characterizes growth at a particular rate: Îcmean/ÎN. Predictions were made of the endurance, Nf, using a numerical model that simulates the growth of a large number of cracks. Crack coalescence was found to be a critical feature, both of the model and of the experimental findings. The great majority of crack growth was found to occur by coalescence; a simple model of coalescence, based on fracture mechanics, was successfully incorporated into the predictions.
Tuan, HD 1995, 'Controllability and extremality in nonconvex differential inclusions', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 435-472.
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Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Maheswaran, S, Ostarcevis, E & Potter, A 1995, 'Improved phosphorus and bacterial removal in sewage treatment plants: A pilot-scale study', Water Treatment, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 75-80.
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Studies have shown, superior removal of phosphorus (up to the level of less than 0.03 mg/L in the treatment plant effluent) is essential to the improvement of water quality of Hawkesbury-Nepean River in New South Wales, Australia. But the chemical precipitation presently adopted in the secondary treatment step can only decrease phosphorus level to about 1 mg/L. A detailed pilot-scale filtration study conducted with secondary effluent in a sewage treatment plant indicated that tertiary filtration with a prior alum flocculation is essential in achieving superior B removal. The best results were obtained with sand (ES = 0.85-0.95; U = 1.25-1.50 mm) as filter medium and 4.4 min of preflocculation. Alum at 40 mg/L was found to be the most suitable chemical. Dual media filter also produced comparable effluent quality (although slightly inferior) while leading to longer filter runs.
Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Terrain Adaptive Vehicles', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 117, no. B, pp. 107-112.
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Research on walking vehicles and variable configuration wheeled vehicles is reviewed. The central feature of the vehicles discussed is terrain adaptive capability. The principal elements of the technical problems of coordination and control are discussed for each vehicle type. Examples of each vehicle type are discussed and an extensive reference list is provided. Although the article is primarily a review article, it contains a new discussion of the coordination problem of robotic mechanisms.
Waldron, KJ 1995, 'Terrain Adaptive Vehicles', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 117, no. B, pp. 107-112.
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Research on walking vehicles and variable configuration wheeled vehicles is reviewed. The central feature of the vehicles discussed is terrain adaptive capability. The principal elements of the technical problems of coordination and control are discussed for each vehicle type. Examples of each vehicle type are discussed and an extensive reference list is provided. Although the article is primarily a review article, it contains a new discussion of the coordination problem of robotic mechanisms.
Wang, J, Xu, G & Wang, N 1995, 'Mathematical model for calculating the flux of laser scattering by single particle in arbitrary directions', Yingyong Jiguang/Applied Laser Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 79-78.
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A formula for calculating the scattered light intensity from a single particle by using the Mie's theory was derived here, and based on which, the scattered light-flux in a certain solid-angle in arbitrary direction was further obtained to correct the mistake occuring in the expression on the light-flux existed in one of the references listed.
Ying, M 1995, 'Institutions of variable truth values: An approach in the ordered style.', J. Comput. Sci. Technol., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 267-273.
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The concept of institution of variable truth values is introduced and some main results about institutions are generalized. In particular, some properties of institutions of variable truth values preserved by change of truth values are established. © 1995, Science Press, Beijing China and Allerton Press Inc.. All rights reserved.
Ying, M 1995, 'Putting consistent theories together in institutions.', J. Comput. Sci. Technol., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 260-266.
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The problem of putting consistent theories together in institutions is discussed. A general necessary condition for consistency of the resulting theory is carried out, and some sufficient conditions are given for diagrams of theories in which shapes are tree bundles or directed graphs. Moreover, some transformations from complicated cases to simple ones are established. © 1995, Science Press, Beijing China and Allerton Press Inc.. All rights reserved.
Bridge, RQ, OShea, MD, Gardner, AP, Grigson, R & Tyrell, J 1970, 'Local buckling of square thin-walled steel tubes with concrete infill', STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DESIGN, International Conference on Structural Stability and Design, A A BALKEMA, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 307-314.
Cheng-Jian Lin & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'Reinforcement learning for ART-based fuzzy adaptive learning control networks', Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. The International Joint Conference of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and The Second International Fuzzy Engineering Symposium, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. The International Joint Conference of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and The Second International Fuzzy Engineering Symposium, IEEE, YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, pp. 1299-1306.
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Chin-Teng Lin, Cheng-Jian Lin & I-Fang Chung 1970, 'Neural fuzzy control of unstable nonlinear systems', 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, IEEE, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 3666-3671.
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denHaan, EJ, Indraratna, B & Shimizu, M 1970, 'Consolidation theory', COMPRESSION AND CONSOLIDATION OF CLAYEY SOILS, VOL 2, International Symposium on Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils (IS-Hiroshima 95), A A BALKEMA, JAPAN, HIROSHIMA, pp. 1059-1061.
Esselle, KP & Stuchly, SS 1970, 'Resistively-loaded antennas for transient electromagnetic field measurements', Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, pp. 237-238.
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A broadband receiving antenna was implemented using a resistively-loaded thin-film V-monopole and a 500-Ω oscilloscope probe. The pulse-receiving performance of the antenna was evaluated using a time-domain antenna range. The antenna was also tested in a TEM cell both in time and frequency domains. The antenna is capable of receiving a 520-ps approximately Gaussian pulse, incident within 45° from the boresite direction, with good fidelity. The frequency-domain receiving transfer function (or the effective height) of the antenna is within - 57±3 dB metres in the 22 MHz-1.1 GHz frequency range.
Fuente, MP, Guo, YJ, Wilkinson, TA & Barton, SK 1970, 'Direct sequence spread spectrum radio LANs', IEE Colloquium (Digest).
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The performance of direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) ISM band Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) using BPSK modulation and matched filter receivers is investigated. Short and long pseudonoise (PN) spreading sequences, a Barker code and an M- sequence, have been employed in both differential and coherent systems operating in a Rayleigh fading multipath channel with different delay spreads. A channel estimator was designed to perform the system synchronization and control the receiver in order to mitigate the multipath fading and time-dispersion effects by using various multipath diversity techniques. It is found that with low delay spreads the short sequence leads to much better system performance than the long one. It is also shown that use of coherent instead of differential techniques increases the maximum tolerable delay spread.
Gillies, DAG, Johnson, IR, Guo, YJ, Barton, SK & Wilkinson, TA 1970, 'Synchronization techniques for radio LANs', IEE Colloquium (Digest).
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The HIPERLAN system will operate in the 5 GHz and the 17 GHz bands at a data rate of >23.5 Msymbols. Access to the radio medium is assumed to be asynchronous and the medium to be a Rayleigh fading channel. These would need a robust, synchronization mechanism, so that both timing instants in the receiver can be chosen and equalization performed to mitigate the effects of the time dispersive channel. Results show that the codes perform well under moderately severe channel conditions. An optimum 16 bit sequence was selected for appending to the start of frame synchronization sequence to make up for the full 48 bit training sequence. The added sequence preserves the desired correlation function properties of low sidelobes and zero imaginary part.
Gu, F & Dissanayake, MWMG 1970, 'Neural networks for modelling robot forward dynamics', IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN 95), IEEE, UNIV W AUSTRAIA, PERTH, AUSTRALIA, pp. 2715-2719.
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Accurate identification of robot dynamics is essential for the implementation of advanced robot control algorithms. The nonlinearities present in a typical robot system make it difficult to use existing linear methods for this purpose. In this paper a new approach where feedforward neural networks are employed for robot system identification is presented. It is shown that the neural network model can accurately predict the behaviour of the robot system. Dynamic model of a two link IBM robot is obtained using data generated by computer simulation, to illustrate the proposed method.
Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1970, 'Flat printed lens and reflector antennas', IEE Conference Publication, pp. 253-256.
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The performance of the printed single and double layer phase correcting arrays is theoretically investigated. The latest development of the single printed reflector is also reported. The effective design of a practical size single printed reflector for the reception of direct broadcasting by satellite is discussed, The reflector encompasses three full Fresnel zones and a quarter wave zone, with a 59.4 cm- diameter and 0.8 focal length to diameter ratio. A 43% optimum antenna efficiency and a bandwidth of greater than 10% are determined. The close-in sidelobes of the antenna are around -22dB and the far-out sidelobes are lower than -30dB.
Ha, QP & Negnevitsky, M 1970, 'Root locus application for damping capability estimation of multi-mass electromechanical systems', Proceedings of IECON '95 - 21st Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON '95 - 21st Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, ORLANDO, FL, pp. 633-638.
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Special interest has recently been paid to the estimation of the damping capability of multi-mass electromechanical systems (EMS) and vibration suppression. Analysis and experiment results indicate that the maximal damping of two-mass systems depends on the mass ratio of the electric drive system. This paper uses the classical Evans root locus method to estimate the damping capability of the general multi-mass case. The root loci for three-mass systems are presented and cases which consider or neglect the electromagnetic time-constant are discussed. The critical values of the mass ratio are found. The cases of maximal damping and complete damping are determined. The influence of parameter variations is investigated by using multi-parameter root loci. Viscous friction on the motor shaft and on the load shaft is taken into account. It is shown that damping capability is more affected by variations in viscous friction on the load shaft than on the motor shaft. Numerical examples are provided for illustration.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'An object oriented approach for CSCW system design', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 355-365.
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Hui, SYR, Oppermann, I, Pasalic, F & Sathiakumar, S 1970, 'Microprocessor-based random PWM schemes for DC-AC power conversion', Proceedings of PESC '95 - Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PESC '95 - Power Electronics Specialist Conference, IEEE, ATLANTA, GA, pp. 307-312.
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Hwai-Tsu Chang, Jyuo-Min Shyu, Chin-Teng Lin, Chen, OT-C, Hsi-Jou Deng, Wei-Juin Chen, Shyh-Rong Luo, Yeh-Rong Hsu, Yao-Chou Lu & Hong-Ching Shyu 1970, 'A pipelined fuzzy reasoning processor with software development system and its application on the crane control problem', 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century, IEEE, pp. 3658-3665.
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Fuzzy reasoning processors have been employed in many commercial and industrial applications. A high-performance pipelined, single-instruction-stream, and single-data-stream architecture of fuzzy reasoning engine has been designed. Based on this architecture, the proposed VLSI processor for embedded real-time fuzzy logic applications was fabricated in a 0.8-mm CMOS technology. Its computation power can reach 2.5 Million Fuzzy Logic Inferences Per Second (MFLIPS) at a system clock of 20 MHz. In order to efficiently realize fuzzy applications, a software development system under Microsoft Windows has also been designed. For the purpose of showing its effectiveness, we have carried out the experiments to successfully control the crane system. Experimental results have shown the efficient cooperative control of the proposed fuzzy reasoning processor with software development system and can be contrast with conventional computer software interface control.
Indraratna, B 1970, 'Hydro-mechanical aspects of jointed rock media', 8th ISRM Congress, pp. 759-762.
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The assessment of groundwater flow towards mine openings and other underground excavations requires an understanding of the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of jointed rock masses. In this paper, after a brief overview of the fundamental aspects related to fluid flow in jointed rock, the application of a distinct element model is discussed with respect to simplified joint geometries. In order to simulate some common coal mining conditions in Australia, horizontal stratification and staggered joints have been considered.
INDRARATNA, B, HERATH, A & AZIZ, N 1970, 'Characterisation of surface roughness and its implications on the shear behaviour of joints', MECHANICS OF JOINTED AND FAULTED ROCK, 2nd International Conference on the Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock (MJFR-2), A A BALKEMA, AUSTRIA, VIENNA, pp. 515-520.
Keshavarzy, A & Ball, JE 1970, 'Instantaneous shear stress on the bed in a turbulent open channel flow', HYDRA 2000, VOL. 1, XXVIth Congress of the International-Association-for-Hydraulic-Research - HYDRA 2000, THOMAS TELFORD SERVICES LTD, LONDON, ENGLAND, pp. 81-86.
Khalili, N & Khabbaz, MH 1970, 'On the theory of three-dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils', UNSATURATED SOILS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 1st International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 95), A A BALKEMA, PARIS, FRANCE, pp. 745-750.
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A more complete and unified treatment of the theory of three-dimensional unsaturated consolidation is presented. The governing differential equations based on the equations of equilibrium, the effective stress concept, Darcyâs law, Fickâs law and the conservation of fluid mass are derived.
Kwaaitaal, I, Leydekkers, P & Teunissen, KJ 1970, 'The good, the bad and the ugly about multimedia conferencing services.', ISADS, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 235-241.
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The good about Multimedia Conferencing (MMC) is that everybody likes to use it. The bad is that almost no standards or recommendations for MMC exist, and the ugly is that this situation prohibits the wide-spread availability of Multimedia Conferencing services. This article discusses problems and proposes solutions with respect to standardising MMC services. Some of the problems of existing MMC services is that most of them do not operate in a distributed multi-vendor heterogeneous environment. To operate in such an environment, as proposed by the TINA project, generic MMC interfaces should be specified. As a starting point for standardization specifications of the MMC operational interface, the Stream interface and the Management interface are given. The interfaces are specified from an information and computational viewpoint as defined by RM-ODP, using techniques like OMT and OMG IDL.
Leydekkers, P, Gay, V & Franken, L 1970, 'A Computational and Engineering View on Open Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Exchange.', NOSSDAV, Springer, pp. 41-52.
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© 2015, Springer Verlag. All rights reserved. An important requirement for distributed multimedia applications is the support of real-time communication and the means to specify real-time aspects. The aim of this paper is to extend RM-ODP and TINA-C computational and engineering views on distributed systems for the specification and support of real-time communication. It is expected that these bodies have a major impact in the area of distributed processing. However, concepts and mechanisms to support real-time communication are not yet fully included or detailed in these standards. In particular this paper addresses Quality of Service (QoS) specifications for continuous dataflows. These QoS specifications are described from the ODP computational and engineering viewpoint and the repercussions of these QoS specifications for functions located in both the computing and telecommunications environment are discussed.
Lister, R 1970, 'Error functions, error signals, and conjugate gradient back propagation', 4th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 4th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IEE, pp. 76-81.
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We propose a three-class taxonomy of error functions, based on the limit behaviour of the error signal. We classify four established error functions: the quadratic, Fahlman's Quickprop, entropy, and the exception error function. We introduce two new error functions, and benchmark all six on the N-2-N encoder. The two new functions found correct solutions faster and more reliably than the established functions.
Lister, R & Stone, JV 1970, 'Empirical study of the time complexity of various error functions with conjugate gradient back propagation', IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings, pp. 237-241.
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We describe an empirical comparison of the scaling behaviour of six error functions, on a conjugate gradient form of Back Propagation. We classify the functions according to the limit behaviours of their respective error signals, as the target value and the actual output value approach opposite extremes. These limit behaviours are zero limit, finite limit, and infinite limit. Despite such a wide divergence in their limit behaviours, we find that all six error functions exhibit a median run-time order of approximately O(N 4) on the N-2-N encoder. This result indicates that, while some factors affecting the scaling behaviour of standard and conjugate gradient Back Propagation have been previously identified (such as saturation), other factors remain unidentified.
Liu, RP & Moylan, PJ 1970, 'Dynamic trunk reservation for teletraffic links', Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, I E E E, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, pp. 432-436.
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A state dependent cost of accepting a call is introduced to measure the benefit of alternate routes. This cost function, which requires expensive calculations, can be approximated to a linear form without much error. Based on this cost approximation, a dynamic trunk reservation level is derived. It is easy to implement on-line and gives a better overload performance than a fixed trunk reservation level. Simulation studies confirm our results.
Lui, AK & Bone, DJ 1970, '<title>Novel approach to interactive editing of raster-based data</title>', SPIE Proceedings, IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology, SPIE, pp. 175-186.
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Lui, AKF & Bone, DJ 1970, 'Integrating graphical editing into sparse data interpolation using non-uniform thin plate splines', Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Visual Information Systems, pp. 541-550.
Ni, W, Xia, JS, Adams, ED, Haskins, PS & McKisson, JE 1970, '3He melting pressure thermometry', Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, NY, CORNELL UNIV, ITHACA, pp. 305-310.
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Oppermann, I 1970, 'Wide-band fading channel model for micro-cellular systems', Proceedings of Third Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. ANZIIS-95, Third Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. ANZIIS-95, IEEE, pp. 305-315.
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© 1995 IEEE. All rights reserved. This paper presents a model for a wide-band fading channel for terrestrial mobile applications. The model is based on the results of measurements made in a heavily built-up urban environment of a 25 MHz signal centred at approximately 2.6 GHz. This paper presents the measured impulse response and details the parameter extraction process used to determine the characteristics of the channel. These parameters are used in the channel simulation package and the output of this simulation are compared to the original data.
Oppermann, I, Graham, J & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Modelling and simulation of an indoor radio channel at 20 GHz', Proceedings of GLOBECOM '95, GLOBECOM '95, IEEE, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, pp. 744-748.
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Oppermann, I, Vucetic, BS & Rapajic, PB 1970, 'Capacity of digital cellular CDMA system with adaptive receiver', Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, WHISTLER, CANADA, pp. 110-110.
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Oppermann, I, White, B & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Wide-band fading channel model for micro-cellular systems', Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 6th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE, pp. 383-387.
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This paper presents a model for a wide-band fading channel for terrestrial mobile applications. The model is based on the results of measurements made in a heavily built-up urban environment using a 25 MHz signal centered at approximately 2.6 GHz. This paper presents measured impulse responses and details the parameter extraction process used to determine the characteristics of the channel. These parameters are used in the channel simulation package and the output of these simulations are compared to the original data.
Perry, S & Guan, L 1970, 'Image restoration using a neural network with an adaptive constraint factor', 1995 International Conference on Neural Networks in Signal Processing, Nanjing, P.R. China, pp. 1031-1034.
Perry, SW & Ling Guan 1970, 'Restoration of images degraded by space-variant distortion using a neural network', Proceedings of ICNN'95 - International Conference on Neural Networks, ICNN'95 - International Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE, UNIV W AUSTRAIA, PERTH, AUSTRALIA, pp. 2067-2070.
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R., S 1970, 'Report assessing vertebral fractures', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 518-523.
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