Results The expression analysis of clinical CRC samples identified 37 miRNAs that were differentially expressed between CRC and normal tissue. Furthermore, several of these miRNAs were associated with CRC tumor progression including loss of miR-133a and gain of miR-224. We identified 11 common miRNAs that were differentially expressed between normal colon and CRC in both the cell line models and clinical samples. In vitro functional studies indicated that miR-143 and miR-145 appear to function in opposing manners to either inhibit or augment cell proliferation in a metastatic CRC model. The pathways targeted by miR-143 and miR-145 showed no significant overlap. Furthermore, gene expression analysis of metastatic versus non-metastatic isogenic cell lines indicated that miR-145 targets involved in cell cycle and neuregulin pathways were significantly down-regulated in the metastatic context.
Aryal, R, Kandasamy, J, Vigneswaran, S, Naidu, R & Lee, SH 2009, 'Review of Stormwater Quality, Quantity and Treatment Methods Part 1: Stormwater Quantity Modelling', Environmental Engineering Research, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 71-78.
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Aryal, R, Kandasamy, J, Vigneswaran, S, Naidu, R & Lee, SH 2009, 'Review of Stormwater Quality, Quantity and Treatment Methods Part 2: Stormwater: Quality Modelling', Environmental Engineering Research, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 143-149.
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In this paper, review of stormwater quality and quantity in the urban environment is presented. The review is presented in three parts. This second part reviews the mathematical techniques used in stormwater quality modelling and has been undertaken by examining a number of models that are in current use. The important features of models are discussed.
Aryal, R, Lebegue, J, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Grasmick, A 2009, 'Identification and characterisation of biofilm formed on membrane bio-reactor', Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 86-94.
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Experiments were conducted in a laboratory scale membrane bio-reactor (MBR) system equipped with a side stream flat sheet membrane. Six runs lasting different durations (2, 4, 6, 9, 15 and 20 days) were conducted at an aeration rate of 2 m3 h-1 m-2 to understand the temporal variation of chemistry of foulant that attached on the membrane surface. The foulant attached on the membrane surface was extracted with 0.5% (v/v) NaOH solution and the extract was analysed using fluorescent spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography. Variation of low- and high-molecular weight substances with evolution of time was compared. The results showed that the nature of foulant changed with the evolution of time. Four runs conducted for a short duration (2, 4, 6 and 9 days), low-molecular weight substances were dominant in the foulant whereas for long duration runs (15 and 20 days), high-molecular weight substances were mainly observed. Moreover, the foulant close to the membrane surface contained mainly protein and soluble microbial by-products.
Aryal, RK, Lebegue, J, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Grasmick, A 2009, 'Temporal variation of foulant characteristics in membrane bioreactor', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 6, no. 1-3, pp. 69-73.
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Many studies have been performed to analyse the influence of compounds present in different fractions of the membrane foulants. The aim of this study was to reveal the changing chemistry of compounds present in membrane foulant with the evolution of time. Membrane fouling in a side stream membrane bioreactor (MBR) reactor was investigated. Constant flux filtration was employed in an MBR operation. Air bubbles were injected at 2 m3 h1 m2 for six different durations (2, 4, 6, 9, 15 and 20 days) of MBR operation. The foulant on the membrane surface was extracted using NaOH solution (5%) and analysed using fluorescent spectroscopy. The spectra showed the changing chemistry of foulant with the evolution of time. It showed low molecular weight substances such as amino acids and small aromatic proteins were dominant in the foulant at the beginning of the experiment but its concentration decreased with time. On the other hand BOD5 type substances concentration increased with time from the beginning of the experiment up to 9 days and there after decreased. The concentration of larger molecular weight soluble microbial by-products increased with evolution of time. Air bubbles at two aeration rate of 1m3 h1m2 and 2 m3 h1 m2 were also injected from the bottom of the membrane tanks to produce shear stresses on the membrane surface during 5 days of MBR operation to compare the effect of aeration in fouling propensity.
Azadeh, A, Aramoon, M & Saberi, M 2009, 'An integrated GA-time series algorithm for forecasting oil production estimation: USA, Russia, India, and Brazil', International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 368-368.
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This study presents an integrated algorithm for forecasting oil production based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) with variable parameters using stochastic procedures, time series and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The significance of the proposed algorithm is two fold. First, it is flexible and identifies the best model based on the results of ANOVA and MAPE, whereas previous studies consider the best fitted GA model based on Minimum Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) or relative error results. Second, the proposed algorithm may identify conventional time series as the best model for future oil production forecasting because of its dynamic structure, whereas previous studies assume that GA always provides the best solutions and estimation. To show the applicability and superiority of the proposed algorithm, the data for oil production in USA, Russia, India and Brazil from 2001 to 2006 are used and applied to the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.
Azadeh, A, Saberi, M, Gitiforouz, A & Saberi, Z 2009, 'A hybrid simulation-adaptive network based fuzzy inference system for improvement of electricity consumption estimation', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 11108-11117.
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Baccelli, F, Kauffmann, B & Veitch, D 2009, 'Inverse problems in queueing theory and Internet probing', Queueing Systems, vol. 63, no. 1-4, pp. 59-107.
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Baccelli, F, Kauffmann, B & Veitch, D 2009, 'Towards multihop available bandwidth estimation', ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 83-84.
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We evaluate the algorithm proposed in [1], which estimates the residual bandwidth on each hop of an Internet path using a para-metric model which consists of a Kelly queueing network. The evaluation is driven by simulation based on real network traces over a two node path. Correction factors are proposed and evaluated to cope with deviations from model assumptions.
Baccelli, F, Machiraju, S, Veitch, D & Bolot, J 2009, 'The Role of PASTA in Network Measurement', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1340-1353.
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Ball, JE 2009, 'Discussion of “Automatic Calibration of the U.S. EPA SWMM Model for a Large Urban Catchment” by J. Barco, K. M. Wong, and M. K. Stenstrom', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 135, no. 12, pp. 1108-1110.
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Ball, JE 2009, 'Discussion of 'Automatic Calibration of the US EPA SWMM Model for a Large Urban Catchment' by J. Barco, K. M. Wong, and M. K. Stenstrom', JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 135, no. 12, pp. 1108-1110.
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Baxter, RM, Steinbeck, MJ, Tipper, JL, Parvizi, J, Marcolongo, M & Kurtz, SM 2009, 'Comparison of periprosthetic tissue digestion methods for ultra‐high molecular weight polyethylene wear debris extraction', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, vol. 91B, no. 1, pp. 409-418.
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AbstractThere is considerable interest in characterization of wear debris from polyethylene (UHMWPE) bearing components used in total joint replacement. To isolate UHMWPE wear debris, tissue samples must be excised from regions adjacent to revised UHMWPE implant components, followed by exposure to one of many available tissue digestion methods. Numerous studies demonstrate successful digestion, but the relative efficiency of each method is not clear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a variety of conditions for tissue digestion to provide a quantitative comparison of methods. Porcine and human hip tissues were exposed for 24 h to basic, acidic or enzymatic agents, filtered and digestion efficiency calculated based on the percentage of initial to final tissue weight. Of the conditions tested, 5 M NaOH, 5 M KOH, 15 M KOH or 15.8 M HNO3 yielded the most complete porcine hip tissue digestion (<1% residual tissue weight; p < 0.05). Proteinase K and Liberase Blendzyme 3 did not effectively digest tissue in a 24 h period. Similar to results from the porcine dataset, human tissues digestion was most efficient using 5 M NaOH, 5 M KOH or 15.8 M HNO3 (<1% residual tissue weight; p < 0.05). To verify that particle surface modifications did not occur after prolonged reagent exposure, GUR415 and Ceridust 3715 particles were immersed in each solution for 24 h. Overall, this study provides a framework for thorough and efficient digestive methods for UHMWPE wear debris extraction. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2009
Bennett, NS, Cowern, NEB & Sealy, BJ 2009, 'Model for electron mobility as a function of carrier concentration and strain in heavily doped strained silicon', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, no. 25, pp. 252109-252109.
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Strain engineering plays a pivotal role in modern devices due to the advantages it offers in enhancing carrier mobility, μ. In addition to strain, ε, carrier concentration, N, also determines mobility and an understanding of the functional dependence μ(N,ε) at various levels of strain is vital. Although well established for low and moderate doping, currently little is known about μ(N) for high carrier concentrations (>1019 cm−3) in strained Si. We present experimental data to fill this void, allowing an extension of the current model for μ(N) [Masetti et al., IEEE Trans. Electron DevicesIETDAI0018-9383 30, 764 (1983)] to account for strain. We also consider the influence of strain induced from dopant atoms. Experiments show the effects of tensile strain as a mobility enhancer are reduced but still significant at high doping concentrations. The model reproduces this effect and accounts for μ(N,ε) across the full range of doping concentrations.
Beveridge, NJ, Tooney, PA, Carroll, AP, Tran, N & Cairns, MJ 2009, 'Down-regulation of miR-17 family expression in response to retinoic acid induced neuronal differentiation', Cellular Signalling, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1837-1845.
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Whole-genome microRNA and gene expression analyses were used to monitor changes during retinoic acid induced differentiation of neuroblasts in vitro. Interestingly, the entire miR-17 family was over-represented among the down-regulated miRNA. The implications of these changes are considerable, as target gene prediction suggests that the miR-17 family is involved in the regulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, synaptic plasticity and other markers of neuronal differentiation. Significantly, many of the target responses predicted by changes in miRNA expression were supported by the observed changes in gene expression. As expected, markers of neuronal differentiation such as anti-apoptotic protein B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2), myocyte enhancer factor-2D (MEF2D) and zipper protein kinase (MAP3K12; aka ZPK/MUK/DLK) were each up-regulated in response to differentiation. The expression of these genes was also reduced in response to miR-17 and miR-20a transfection, and more specifically they were also shown to contain functional miRNA recognition elements for members of the miR-17 family by reporter gene assay. This suggests that the miR-17 family have an integral role in fine-tuning the pathways involved in the regulation of neuronal differentiation. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Beydoun, G 2009, 'Formal concept analysis for an e-learning semantic web', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 10952-10961.
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Beydoun, G, Low, G, Henderson-Sellers, B, Mouratidis, H, Gomez-Sanz, JJ, Pavon, J & Gonzalez-Perez, C 2009, 'FAML: A Generic Metamodel for MAS Development', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 841-863.
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AbstractIn some areas of software engineering research, there are several metamodels claiming to capture the main issues. Though it is profitable to have variety at the beginning of a research field, after some time, the diversity of metamodels becomes an obstacle, for instance to the sharing of results between research groups. To reach consensus and unification of existing metamodels, metamodel-driven software language engineering can be applied. This paper illustrates an application of software language engineering in the agent-oriented software engineering research domain. Here, we introduce a relatively generic agent-oriented metamodel whose suitability for supporting modeling language development is demonstrated by evaluating it with respect to several existing methodology-specific metamodels. First, the metamodel is constructed by a combination of bottom-up and top-down analysis and best practice. The concepts thus obtained and their relationships are then evaluated by mapping to two agent-oriented metamodels: TAO and Islander. We then refine the metamodel by extending the comparisons with the metamodels implicit or explicit within five more extant agent-oriented approaches: Adelfe, PASSI, Gaia, INGENIAS, and Tropos. The resultant FAML metamodel is a potential candidate for future standardization as an important component for engineering an agent modeling language.
Beydoun, G, Low, G, Mouratidis, H & Henderson-Sellers, B 2009, 'A security-aware metamodel for multi-agent systems (MAS)', INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 832-845.
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This paper adopts a model-based security (MBS) approach to identify security requirements during the early stages of multi-agent system development. Our adopted MBS approach is underpinned by a metamodel independent of any specific methodology. It allows for security considerations to be embedded within any situated agent methodology which then prescribes security considerations within its work products. Using a standard model-driven engineering (MDE) approach, these work products are initially constructed as high abstraction models and then transformed into more precise models until code-specific models can be produced. A multi-agent system case study is used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed security-aware metamodel.
Biankin, AV, Kench, JG, Colvin, EK, Segara, D, Scarlett, CJ, Nguyen, NQ, Chang, DK, Morey, AL, Lee, C, Pinese, M, Kuo, SCL, Susanto, JM, Cosman, PH, Lindeman, GJ, Visvader, JE, Nguyen, TV, Merrett, ND, Warusavitarne, J, Musgrove, EA, Henshall, SM & Sutherland, RL 2009, 'Expression of S100A2 Calcium-Binding Protein Predicts Response to Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer', Gastroenterology, vol. 137, no. 2, pp. 558-568.e11.
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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Current methods of preoperative staging and predicting outcome following pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer (PC) are inadequate. We evaluated the utility of multiple biomarkers from distinct biologic pathways as potential predictive markers of response to pancreatectomy and patient survival. METHODS: We assessed the relationship of candidate biomarkers known, or suspected, to be aberrantly expressed in PC, with disease-specific survival and response to therapy in a cohort of 601 patients. RESULTS: Of the 17 candidate biomarkers examined, only elevated expression of S100A2 was an independent predictor of survival in both the training (n = 162) and validation sets (n = 439; hazard ratio [HR], 2.19; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.48-3.25; P < .0001) when assessed in a multivariate model with clinical variables. Patients with high S100A2 expressing tumors had no survival benefit with pancreatectomy compared with those with locally advanced disease, whereas those without high S100A2 expression had a survival advantage of 10.6 months (19.4 vs 8.8 months, respectively) and a HR of 3.23 (95% Cl: 2.39-4.33; P < .0001). Of significance, patients with S100A2-negative tumors had a significant survival benefit from pancreatectomy even in the presence of involved surgical margins (median, 15.7 months; P = .0007) or lymph node metastases (median, 17.4 months; P = .0002). CONCLUSIONS: S100A2 expression is a good predictor of response to pancreatectomy for PC anti suggests that high S100A2 expression may be a marker of a metastatic phenotype. Prospective measurement of S100A2 expression in diagnostic biopsy samples has potential clinical Utility as a predictive marker of response to pancreatectomy and other therapies that target locoregional disease.
Biswajeet, P & Hamid, A 2009, 'Oil spill trajectory simulation and coastal sensitivity risk mapping', Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 73-80.
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This paper deals with detection of oil spill areas from Radarsat images for the Tanjung Piai coast of Strait of Malacca and subsequently model those spilled areas to generate coastal sensitivity index maps for the study area. Spill areas were classified based on their chemical composition and were extracted from satellite images supported with field surveys. Maps of the topography, land cover were constructed from the spatial data sets in GIS. Bathymetry map, shoreline sensitivity, socioeconomic, biological, wind and sea current data were extracted from various resources and modeled in GIS for oil spill trajectory simulation analysis. An oil spill simulation model was developed as a way to find the suitable solution for emergency response and management in case of any future spill occurs in the study area. Remote sensing, GIS and other geomatic systems can be employed to mitigate the ageold problems of information availability and timeliness, data management and synoptic inventory of natural resources when an oil spill caused by accident or human error. This paper describes application of remote sensing and GIS for detecting, mapping, evaluating and modeling of spills in sea environments in order to reduce responding time and qualify the decision making process in contingency planning.
Biswajeet, P & Mardiana, S 2009, 'Flood Hazrad Assessment for Cloud Prone Rainy Areas in a Typical Tropical Environment', DISASTER ADVANCES, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 7-15.
Biswajeet, P, Lee, S & Manfred, FB 2009, 'Use of geospatial data and fuzzy algebraic operators to landslide-hazard mapping', Applied Geomatics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 3-15.
BLAMIRES, SJ, HOCHULI, DF & THOMPSON, MB 2009, 'Prey protein influences growth and decoration building in the orb web spider Argiope keyserlingi', Ecological Entomology, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 545-550.
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Abstract. 1. Protein is important for a foraging animal to consume, as it promotes growth and enhances survival, particularly in web‐building spiders, which need to invest considerable protein into web building and may trade‐off growth for web investment.2. The influence of dietary protein uptake on growth and web investment was tested in the orb web spider Argiope keyserlingi, by feeding them flies reared on three different media: (1) high protein, (2) low protein, and (3) standard (control) media. There was a negative correlation between protein and energy content of the flies across treatments; flies reared on the high protein media had the highest protein, but lowest energy, while flies reared on the low protein media had the lowest protein but highest energy.3. It was found that silk investment and web architecture in A. keyserlingi was not affected by diet. Growth and decoration building were both enhanced when spiders were fed a high protein diet.4. It was concluded that protein intake, rather than energy, influenced both growth and decoration building because: (1) protein intake enhances growth in other animals, (2) protein is essential for silk synthesis, especially aciniform silk, and (3) protein is a limiting factor actively sought by foraging animals in natural environments.
Bliuc, D 2009, 'Mortality Risk Associated With Low-Trauma Osteoporotic Fracture and Subsequent Fracture in Men and Women', JAMA, vol. 301, no. 5, pp. 513-513.
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Context There are few data on long-term mortality following osteoporotic fracture and fewer following subsequent fracture. Objectives To examine long-term mortality risk in women and men following all os-teoporotic fractures and to assess the association of subsequent fracture with that risk. Design, Setting, and Participants Prospective cohort from the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study of community-dwelling women and men aged 60 years and older from Dubbo, Australia, who sustained a fracture between April 1989 and May 2007. Main Outcome Measures Age- and sex-specific standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) compared with the overall Dubbo population for hip, vertebral, major, and minor fractures. Results In women, there were 952 low-trauma fractures followed by 461 deaths, and in men, 343 fractures were followed by 197 deaths. Age-adjusted SMRs were increased following hip fractures (SMRs, 2.43 [95% confidence interval [CI], 2.022.93] and 3.51 [95% CI, 2.65-4.66]), vertebral fractures (SMRs, 1.82 [95% CI, 1.522.17] and 2.12 [95% CI, 1.66-2.72]), major fractures (SMRs, 1.65 [95% CI, 1.312.08] and 1.70 [95% CI, 1.23-2.36]), and minor fractures (SMRs, 1.42 [95% CI, 1.19-1.70] and 1.33 [95% CI, 0.99-1.80]) for both women and men, respectively. Mortality was increased for all ages for all fractures except minor fractures for which increased mortality was only apparent for those older than 75 years. Increased mortality risk persisted for 5 years for all fractures and up to 10 years for hip fractures. Increases in absolute mortality that were above expected, for 5 years after fracture, ranged from 1.3 to 13.2 per 100 person-years in women and from 2.7 to 22.3 per 100 person-years in men, depending on fracture type. Subsequent fracture was associated with an increased mortality hazard ratio of 1.91 (95% CI, 1.54-2.37) in women and 2.99 (95% CI, 2.11-4.24) in men. Mortality risk following a subsequent fracture then declined but beyond 5 years still remained hig...
Blyweert-Layat, V, Joly, C, Gay, V & Miganne, G 2009, 'PP1 LE PRISM : un outil de communication à multiples facettes', Diabetes & Metabolism, vol. 35, pp. A91-A91.
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Bremner, MJ, Mora, C & Winter, A 2009, 'Are Random Pure States Useful for Quantum Computation?', PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 102, no. 19.
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We show the following: a randomly chosen pure state as a resource for measurement-based quantum computation iswith overwhelming probabilityof no greater help to a polynomially bounded classical control computer, than a string of random bits. Thus, unlike the familiar ``cluster states, the computing power of a classical control device is not increased from P to BQP (bounded-error, quantum polynomial time), but only to BPP (bounded-error, probabilistic polynomial time). The same holds if the task is to sample from a distribution rather than to perform a bounded-error computation. Furthermore, we show that our results can be extended to states with significantly less entanglement than random states.
Bridge, P, Pocock, NA, Nguyen, T, Munns, C, Cowell, CT & Thompson, MW 2009, 'Prediction of Appendicular Skeletal and Fat Mass in Children: Excellent Concordance of Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging', Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 795-804.
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Broomhead, T, Ridoux, J & Veitch, D 2009, 'Counter availability and characteristics for feed-forward based synchronization', 2009 International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication, pp. 1-6.
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Budka, M & Gabrys, B 2009, 'Electrostatic Field Classifier for Deficient Data', Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 57, pp. 311-318.
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This paper investigates the suitability of recently developed models based on the physical field phenomena for classification of incomplete datasets. An original approach to exploiting incomplete training data with missing features and labels, involving extensive use of electrostatic charge analogy has been proposed. Classification of incomplete patterns has been investigated using a local dimensionality reduction technique, which aims at exploiting all available information rather than trying to estimate the missing values. The performance of all proposed methods has been tested on a number of benchmark datasets for a wide range of missing data scenarios and compared to the performance of some standard techniques.
Buhl, M, Bohnen, F, Deuse, J & Schneider, R 2009, 'Systematic approach for production levelling in low volume and high mix production', Productivity Management, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 19-22.
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Production Levelling is a method to balance production- and logistics capacities, avoid waste and thereby increase the efficiency in production. In high volume production levelling is successfully implemented, but needs to be modified in order to adapt it to low volume and high mix production. This article introduces a systematic approach for production levelling considering constraints and targets of versatile low volume production. © GITO-Verlag.
Buhl, M, Bosch, RAG & Deuse, J 2009, 'Step-up model for levelling in low volume high mix production', PPS Management, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 26-29.
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The principle of production leveling is, expanding from the automotive industries, aimed to be implemented in the low volume high mix production. The creation of an even and repetitive production pattern by levelling is seen as main factor for smoothing the supply chain and as precondition for the realization of a low-inventory production. This can be realized only adapted due to inhomogeneous product-ranges and alternating customer-demands. In this article fundaments and possible stepups for production levelling in the low volume high mix production are shown. © GITO-Verlag.
Burdon, S, Chelliah, J & Bhalla, A 2009, 'Structuring enduring strategic alliances: the case of Shell Australia and Transfield Services', Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 42-51.
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PurposeThis paper provides insights into the evolution of the strategic alliance between Shell and Transfield Services in Sydney, Australia in the area of engineering and facilities management.Design/methodology/approachTo gain an in‐depth understanding of the distinct developmental phases in the alliance relationship, we conducted 12 interviews and a survey yielding 39 responses from the management and operations staff of both these organizations.FindingsInitially the alliance between Shell and Transfield Services was established with fundamental building blocks of trust and flexibility. However, as the relationship progressed with subsequent contract renewals, complex value adding demands were placed on the alliance. This paper provides insights into understanding three generations of evolution in the relationship‐starting from the building of a successful relationship based on labor savings and then on to one which seeks incremental innovations to become one of the most efficient maintenance operators in the world and finally seeking additional capabilities to continue improving alliance outcomes.Originality/valueThe paper is aimed at managers who are involved in structuring and managing outsourcing arrangements. Referring to outsourcing as an alliance arrangement, the paper points out that as alliance relationships mature, managers need to progress from a fee‐for‐service model to trusted collaboration, and finally to an alliance with joint strategic objectives. Drawing from the case of Shell and Transfie...
Burnham, DR & McGloin, D 2009, 'Radius measurements of optically trapped aerosols through Brownian motion', New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 063022-063022.
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Butler, JR, Wills, JB, Mitchem, L, Burnham, DR, McGloin, D & Reid, JP 2009, 'Spectroscopic characterisation and manipulation of arrays of sub-picolitre aerosol droplets', Lab Chip, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 521-528.
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Cao, L & He, T 2009, 'Developing actionable trading agents', Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 183-198.
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Trading agents are useful for developing and back-testing quality trading strategies to support smart trading actions in the market. However, most of the existing trading agent research oversimplifies trading strategies, and focuses on simulated ones. As a result, there exists a big gap between the deliverables and business needs when the developed strategies are deployed into the real life. Therefore, the actionable capability of developed trading agents is often very limited. This paper for the first time introduces effective approaches for optimizing and integrating multiple classes of strategies through trading agent collaboration. An integration and optimization approach is proposed to identify optimal trading strategy in each category, and further integrate optimal strategies crossing classes. Positions associated with these optimal strategies are recommended for trading agents to take actions in the market. Extensive experiments on a large quantity of real-life market data show that trading agents following the recommended strategies have great potential to obtain high benefits while low costs. This verifies that it is promising to develop trading agents toward workable and satisfying business needs. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2008.
Cao, L & Yu, P 2009, 'Behavior Informatics: An Informatics Perspective for Behavior Studies', IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 6-11.
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Behavior is increasingly recognized as a key entity in business intelligence and problem-solving. Even though behavior analysis has been extensively investigated in social sciences and behavior sciences, in which qualitative and psychological methods have been the main means, nevertheless to conduct formal representation and deep quantitative analysis it is timely to investigate behavior from the informatics perspective. This article highlights the basic framework of behavior informatics, which aims to supply methodologies, approaches, means and tools for formal behavior modeling and representation, behavioral data construction, behavior impact modeling, behavior network analysis, behavior pattern analysis, behavior presentation, management and use. Behavior informatics can greatly complement existing studies in terms of providing more formal, quantitative and computable mechanisms and tools for deep understanding and use.
Cao, Y, Hao, X, Wang, Q & Zhang, X 2009, 'An effective method of measuring the activity of higher microorganisms in activated sludge', Huanjing Kexue Xuebao / Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1395-1399.
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A mechanical disruption method was experimentally applied to kill higher microorganisms in activated sludge; the activity of higher microorganisms could be indirectly calculated on the basis of the difference of oxygen uptake ratios (OURs) before and after disruption. The experiments indicated that a disperser could effectively break up and kill higher microorganisms and that they did not revive after enrichment for 138 h. As a control, yeasts were also disrupted by the disperser, to show that their numbers, morphology and activity were not mechanically affected, which implies that bacteria smaller than yeasts would not be mechanically affected either. To assure an almost identical morphology of flocs before and after disruption, the sludge after disruption was centrifuged to approach the same sludge volume index as before treatment. The activity of higher organisms could be calculated by measuring and comparing the OUR values of sludge samples before and after disruption, and was determined to be 12%-14% in this study.
Cardwell, H, Voinov, A & Starler, N 2009, 'The Energy‐Water Nexus: Potential Roles for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers', Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 42-48.
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Carpenter, CR, Keim, SM, Upadhye, S & Nguyen, HB 2009, 'Risk Stratification of the Potentially Septic Patient in the Emergency Department: The Mortality in the Emergency Department Sepsis (MEDS) Score', The Journal of Emergency Medicine, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 319-327.
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Background: The prompt recognition and management of septic patients remains a challenge within the busy Emergency Department (ED). Prognostic screening aids have traditionally required time-delayed laboratory measurements not validated upon the emergency medicine population. Recently, a brief prognostic tool has been derived and subsequently validated in heterogeneous ED populations. Clinical Question: Can a risk-stratification tool predict 1-month mortality in ED patients with suspected infection? Evidence Review: Six studies evaluating the Mortality in the Emergency Department Sepsis (MEDS) score were identified and evaluated. Results: Higher MEDS scores are associated with increasing mortality. MEDS score's short- and long-term prognostic accuracy is superior to other sepsis scales as well as isolated biomarkers C-reactive protein and procalcitonin. MEDS' prognostic accuracy in severe sepsis is inferior to undifferentiated systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) patients. Conclusion: The MEDS score is an accurate and reliable prognostic tool for 28-day mortality in ED SIRS patients, but may not be optimal for those with severe sepsis. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cetindamar, D, Phaal, R & Probert, D 2009, 'Understanding technology management as a dynamic capability: A framework for technology management activities', Technovation, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 237-246.
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Cetindamar, D, Wasti, SN, Ansal, H & Beyhan, B 2009, 'Does technology management research diverge or converge in developing and developed countries?', Technovation, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 45-58.
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Chan, KY, Chan, KW, Pong, GTY, Aydin, ME, Fogarty, TC & Ling, SH 2009, 'A statistics-based genetic algorithm for quality improvements of power supplies', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 468-492.
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This paper presents a new statistics-based evolutionary algorithm to improve the qualities of power supplies, in which operational costs and the stability of the power supply are optimised to provide a highly smooth but low-cost power supply service to customers. The proposed method is incorporated with the characteristics of the stochastic method, evolutionary algorithm and a more systematical statistical method, orthogonal design. It intends to compensate for the built-in randomness of the stochastic method and, at the same time, overcome the limitations of local search methods that are not suitable for handling multi-optima problems. Case studies on the WSCC 9-bus and New England 39-bus systems indicate that the proposed approach outperforms the existing method in terms of robustness in solution and convergence speed while the solution quality that can offer a more stable and cheaper power supply to customers is achieved. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.
Chanan, A, Kandasamy, J & Simmons, B 2009, 'Benefits of local government and university research alliances', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 111-116.
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Local government plays an integral role in the Australian economy with a cumulative annual expenditure of over Aus$20 billion representing around 2% of Australian GDP. Local government authorities employ around 1·3% of the Australian workforce and provide a wide range of services and infrastructure. There is a general lack of appreciation among council staff of the value of collaboration with universities and vice versa. However, staff at Kogarah Municipal Council, having been involved in partnership projects with universities, strongly value the benefits of such collaborations. Councils can provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for applied research and its application for a range of disciplines from science and technology to arts and policy studies.
Chanan, A, Kandasamy, J, Vigneswaran, S & Sharma, D 2009, 'A gradualist approach to address Australia's urban water challenge', Desalination, vol. 249, no. 3, pp. 1012-1016.
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There is growing consensus worldwide against the conventional centralised approach to water management, and a âsoft pathâ for water management has emerged as a sustainable alternative. A âsoft pathâ for water management emphasizes the optimization of end-use efficiency, small-scaled management systems, incorporates fit-for-purpose water use, and recommends the use of diverse, locally appropriate and commonly decentralised infrastructures. However, large-scale desalination plants are currently being built for almost all metropolitan centres in Australia to ensure water supply security. Unlike âsoft pathâ for water management, large-scale desalination plants embody the traditional urban water supply approach. In spite of knowledge and values relating to the water cycle having shifted towards âsoft pathâ, the old organisational framework is believed to be hindering its adoption. Perhaps, therefore major water utilities in recent times have opted for the ideologically easier option of large-scale desalination conforming to the existing framework, instead of choosing a âsoft pathâ for water management with potential for decentralised management. This paper critically reviews the urban water management direction in metropolitan Australia and puts forward a âgradualist approachâ. It incorporates a comprehensive non-potable water reuse program necessary to build the familiarity and trust in water reuse, as a first step before introducing the idea of potable reuse.
Chang, L, Yu, JX & Qin, L 2009, 'Fast Probabilistic Ranking under x-Relation Model', CoRR, vol. abs/0906.4927.
Chen, G, Ying, M & Liu, Y 2009, 'Dealing with Uncertainty and Fuzziness in Intelligent Systems', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 223-225.
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CHEN, J, TAN, E & LI, Z 2009, 'A MACHINE LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR REAL-TIME TRAFFIC DENSITY DETECTION', International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 23, no. 07, pp. 1265-1284.
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Traffic flow information can be employed in an intelligent transportation system to detect and manage traffic congestion. One of the key elements in determining the traffic flow information is traffic density estimation. The goal of traffic density estimation is to determine the density of vehicles on a given road from loop detectors, traffic radars, or surveillance cameras. However, due to the inflexibility of deploying loop detectors and traffic radars, there is a growing trend of using video-content-understanding technique to determine the traffic flow from a surveillance camera. But difficulties arise when attempting to do this in real-time under changing illumination and weather conditions as well as heavy traffic congestions. In this paper, we attempt to address the problem of real-time traffic density estimation by using a stochastic model called Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to probabilistically determine the traffic density state. Choosing a good set of model parameters for HMMs has a significant impact on the accuracy of traffic density estimation. Thus, we propose a novel feature extraction scheme to represent traffic density, and a novel approach to initialize and construct the HMMs by using an unsupervised clustering technique called AutoClass. We show through extensive experiments that our proposed real-time algorithm achieves an average traffic density estimation accuracy of 96.6% over various different illumination and weather conditions.
Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Nejdl, W 2009, 'COWES: Web user clustering based on evolutionary web sessions', Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 867-885.
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Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Nejdl, W 2009, 'NEAR-Miner', Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1150-1161.
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Web archives preserve the history of autonomous Web sites and are potential gold mines for all kinds of media and business analysts. The most common Web archiving technique uses crawlers to automate the process of collecting Web pages. However, (re)downloading entire collection of pages periodically from a large Web site is unfeasible. In this paper, we take a step towards addressing this problem. We devise a data mining-driven policy for selectively (re)downloading Web pages that are located in hierarchical directory structures which are believed to have changed significantly (e.g., a substantial percentage of pages are inserted to/removed from the directory). Consequently, there is no need to download and maintain pages that have not changed since the last crawl as they can be easily retrieved from the archive. In our approach, we propose an off-line data mining algorithm called near- Miner that analyzes the evolution history of Web directory structures of the original Web site stored in the archive and mines negatively correlated association rules (near) between ancestor-descendant Web directories. These rules indicate the evolution correlations between Web directories. Using the discovered rules, we propose an efficient Web archive maintenance algorithm called warm that optimally skips the subdirectories (during the next crawl) which are negatively correlated with it in undergoing significant changes. Our experimental results with real data show that our approach improves the efficiency of the archive maintenance process signifi...
Chen, W, Li, J & Lu, P 2009, 'Progress of photonic crystal fibers and their applications', Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 50-57.
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Chen, Y, Zhang, JA & Jayalath, ADS 2009, 'Low-Complexity Estimation of CFO and Frequency Independent I/Q Mismatch for OFDM Systems', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, no. 1.
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Cheng, TM, Savkin, AV, Celler, BG, Su, SW & Wang, N 2009, 'Universal algorithm for exercise rate estimation in walking, cycling and rowing using triaxial accelerometry', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 394-U19.
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A technique that can reliably monitor exercise intensity plays an important role for the effectiveness and safety of an exercise prescription. A universal algorithm for the recursive estimation of exercise rate during a variety of aerobic exercises using measurements from a body-mounted triaxial accelerometer (TA) is proposed. Information about the type of exercise is not required by the algorithm and the TA can be mounted at the same location regardless of the exercise type. The algorithm involves period detection and data fusion. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm is effective for common aerobic exercises.
Cheng-Hung Chen, Cheng-Jian Lin & Chin-Teng Lin 2009, 'Nonlinear System Control Using Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Networks Based on a Modified Differential Evolution', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 459-473.
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Cheng-Hung Chen, Cheng-Jian Lin & Chin-Teng Lin 2009, 'Using an Efficient Immune Symbiotic Evolution Learning for Compensatory Neuro-Fuzzy Controller', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 668-682.
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Cheng-Jian Lin, Cheng-Hung Chen & Chin-Teng Lin 2009, 'A Hybrid of Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization and Cultural Algorithm for Neural Fuzzy Networks and Its Prediction Applications', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 55-68.
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Chiemchaisr, C, Passananon, S, Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 2009, 'Simultaneous removal of particles and dissolved organic matter in floating media filter for surface water treatment', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 109-114.
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This research investigated the performance of fl oating media fi lter in removing particles and dissolved organic matter from surface water. Pilot-scale study consists of fl oating plastic media pre-fi lter connected with either granular activated carbon (GAC) or sponge biological fi lter (BF) bed. In the fl oating plastic media fi lter, coagulation and fl occulation processes using poly-aluminum chloride (PACl) as coagulant at an optimum dose of 8 mg/L helped removing particles from raw water. The fl oating media fi lter was operated a fi ltration rate of 11 m3/m2.h whereas those in GAC and BF units were maintained at 2 m3/m2.h. Continuous operation for over 120 days gave 98% and 99% average removal effi ciencies of turbidity and UV254 in fl oating media fi lter in combination with GAC unit whereas and 78% and 52% removal effi ciencies of turbidity and UV254 removal were obtained in fl oating media fi lter in combination with BF. The removal of dissolved organic carbon in GAC and BF units reduced chlorine demand for disinfection by 29% and 14%. It could also reduce the sum of trihalomethane (THMs) ratio from 1.1 to 0.1 and 0.5 respectively.
Chin-Teng Lin, Chao-Ting Hong & Chien-Ting Yang 2009, 'Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization System Using Modified Proportional Integrated Controller', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 427-431.
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Chinu, KJ, Johir, AH, Vigneswaran, S, Shon, HK & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Biofilter as pretreatment to membrane based desalination: Evaluation in terms of fouling index', DESALINATION, vol. 247, no. 1-3, pp. 77-84.
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The removal of particulate matter and dissolved organic matter from seawater by the use of biofiltration was investigated. Granular activated carbon (GAC) and anthracite were used as biofilter media at two different filtration velocities. Filtrate quality was measured in terms of silt density index (SDI), modified fouling index (MFI) and turbidity removal. Reverse osmosis (RO) was used as a post-treatment. Both biofilters demonstrated similar fouling reduction behavior in terms of SDI and MFI. Fouling potential in terms of MFI values decreased to 10 s/L2 within the first 10â15 days of operation and kept constant up to the remaining experimental period of 55 days of operation for both GAC and anthracite biofilter. The filtrate turbidity was steady after 10 days and remained low at a value of 0.2â0.3 NTU and 0.28â0.31 NTU for anthracite and GAC biofilter, respectively. Furthermore, the headloss development was low and within 20 cm for biofilter operated at a low velocity of 5 m/h. A post-treatment of reverse osmosis after a pretreatment of GAC and anthracite biofilters showed a reduction in normalized flux decline (J/J0) from 0.22 to 0.12 and 0.35 to 0.21 during the first 20 h, respectively. The RO flux for seawater declined at a faster rate and continued even after 3 days when no pretreatment was provided.
Chitambar, E & Duan, R 2009, 'Nonlocal Entanglement Transformations Achievable by Separable Operations', Physical Review Letters, vol. 103, no. 11, pp. 1-4.
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The weird phenomenon of "quantum nonlocality without entanglement" means that local quantum operations assisted by classical communication constitute a proper subset of the class of separable quantum operations. Despite considerable recent advances, little is known to what extent the class of separable operations differs from local quantum operations and classical communication. In this Letter we show that separable operations are generally stronger than local quantum operations and classical communication when distilling a mixed state into a pure entangled state and thus confirm the existence of entanglement monotones that can increase under separable operations. Our finding can also be interpreted as confirming the ability of separable operations to enhance the entanglement of mixed states relative to certain measures, a sensible but important fact that has never been rigorously proven before.
Chitambar, E, Duan, R & Shi, Y 2009, 'Tripartite to Bipartite Entanglement Transformations and Polynomial Identity Testing', Phys. Rev. A, vol. 81, p. 052310.
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We consider the problem of deciding if a given three-party entangled purestate can be converted, with a non-zero success probability, into a giventwo-party pure state through local quantum operations and classicalcommunication. We show that this question is equivalent to the well-knowncomputational problem of deciding if a multivariate polynomial is identicallyzero. Efficient randomized algorithms developed to study the latter can thus beapplied to the question of tripartite to bipartite entanglementtransformations.
Chua, B, Gallego-Ortega, D, de Molina, A, Ullrich, A, Lacal, J & Downward, J 2009, 'Regulation of Akt(ser473) phosphorylation by Choline kinase in breast carcinoma cells', Molecular Cancer, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 131-131.
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Cole, C, Sobala, A, Lu, C, Thatcher, SR, Bowman, A, Brown, JWS, Green, PJ, Barton, GJ & Hutvagner, G 2009, 'Filtering of deep sequencing data reveals the existence of abundant Dicer-dependent small RNAs derived from tRNAs', RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 2147-2160.
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Deep sequencing technologies such as Illumina, SOLiD, and 454 platforms have become very powerful tools in discovering and quantifying small RNAs in diverse organisms. Sequencing small RNA fractions always identifies RNAs derived from abundant RNA species such as rRNAs, tRNAs, snRNA, and snoRNA, and they are widely considered to be random degradation products. We carried out bioinformatic analysis of deep sequenced HeLa RNA and after quality filtering, identified highly abundant small RNA fragments, derived from mature tRNAs that are likely produced by specific processing rather than from random degradation. Moreover, we showed that the processing of small RNAs derived from tRNA Gln is dependent on Dicer in vivo and that Dicer cleaves the tRNA in vitro. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2009 RNA Society.
Cordero, ML, Rolfsnes, HO, Burnham, DR, Campbell, PA, McGloin, D & Baroud, CN 2009, 'Mixing via thermocapillary generation of flow patterns inside a microfluidic drop', New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 075033-075033.
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Coronelli, D, Castel, A, François, R & Cleland, D 2009, 'Modelling the response of prestressed beams with corroded reinforcement', European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 653-669.
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Coronelli, D, Castel, A, Vu, NA & François, R 2009, 'Corroded post-tensioned beams with bonded tendons and wire failure', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1687-1697.
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Coulibaly, P, Babovic, V, Cluckie, I, Mynett, A & Ball, J 2009, '2009 Special Issue of the Journal of Hydroinformatics on Advances in Hydroinformatics Preface', JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, vol. 11, no. 3-4, pp. 165-165.
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da Rocha, CG & Sattler, MA 2009, 'A discussion on the reuse of building components in Brazil: An analysis of major social, economical and legal factors', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 104-112.
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Dackermann, U, Li, J & Samali, B 2009, 'Damage Identification in Timber Bridges Utilising the Damage Index Method and Neural Network Ensembles', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 181-194.
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Many of Australia's timber bridges are in aged and decayed conditions. In order to ensure the reliability of these structures and the safety of the public, condition assessment, damage detection and safety evaluation is necessary. This paper presents a damage identification procedure, which is based on global change of vibration characteristics of a structure. The developed method utilises the damage index (DI) method in combination with neural network techniques to identify damage in numerical and experimental timber beam structures. The neural network ensemble approach is utilised in order to respect important diversities of different modes and to integrate individual characteristics of vibrational mode separated damage features. The method considers field testing issues associated with measurement noise, limited number of sensor arrays and environmental fluctuations. The results of damage detection using the proposed approach demonstrate its ability to determine the location and severity of all present damage cases. The outcomes show that the developed damage detection method is effective, robust and reliable.
Dahou, Z, Mehdi Sbartaï, Z, Castel, A & Ghomari, F 2009, 'Artificial neural network model for steel–concrete bond prediction', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1724-1733.
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Davis, SJ, Ritz, CH & Burnett, IS 2009, 'Using Social Networking and Collections to Enable Video Semantics Acquisition', IEEE MULTIMEDIA, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 52-60.
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Deng, W, Drozdowicz-Tomsia, K, Jin, D & Goldys, EM 2009, 'Enhanced Flow Cytometry-Based Bead Immunoassays Using Metal Nanostructures', Analytical Chemistry, vol. 81, no. 17, pp. 7248-7255.
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Deuse, J, Petzelt, D, Schallow, J, Reinhart, G, Wiedemann, M & Magenheimer, K 2009, 'Prozessharmonisierung in der Digitalen Fabrik auf Basis von Anwendungsprotokollen', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 104, no. 1-2, pp. 11-15.
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Kurzfassung Im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts „Anwendungsprotokoll zur Prozessharmonisierung in der Digitalen Fabrik“ (ADiFa) wird eine Methodik entwickelt, die eine standardisierte Beschreibung der über den Produktenstehungsprozess relevanten Daten der Digitalen Fabrik ermöglicht. Diese basiert auf anwendungsspezifischen Protokollen, die den Austausch von Daten für ein spezifisches Gebiet regeln und dadurch eine Harmonisierung der Planungsprozesse in der Digitalen Fabrik ermöglichen. Die konkrete Ausgestaltung und prototypische Implementierung der Methodik erfolgen am Beispiel des Anwendungsfelds „Zeitwirtschaft“.
Devitt, SJ, Fowler, AG, Tilma, T, Munro, WJ & Nemoto, K 2009, 'Classical Processing Requirements for a Topological Quantum Computing System', International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 121-147.
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Dedicated research into the design and construction of a large scale QuantumInformation Processing (QIP) system is a complicated task. The design of anexperimentally feasible quantum processor must draw upon results in multiplefields; from experimental efforts in system control and fabrication through tofar more abstract areas such as quantum algorithms and error correction.Recently, the adaptation of topological coding models to physical systems inoptics has illustrated a possible long term pathway to truly large scale QIP.As the topological model has well defined protocols for Quantum ErrorCorrection (QEC) built in as part of its construction, a more grounded analysisof the {\em classical} processing requirements is possible. In this paper weanalyze the requirements for a classical processing system, designedspecifically for the topological cluster state model. We demonstrate that viaextensive parallelization, the construction of a classical 'front-end' systemcapable of processing error correction data for a large topological computer ispossible today.
Devitt, SJ, Nemoto, K & Munro, WJ 2009, 'Quantum Error Correction for Beginners', Rep. Prog. Phys., vol. 76, no. 7, p. 076001.
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Quantum error correction (QEC) and fault-tolerant quantum computationrepresent one of the most vital theoretical aspect of quantum informationprocessing. It was well known from the early developments of this excitingfield that the fragility of coherent quantum systems would be a catastrophicobstacle to the development of large scale quantum computers. The introductionof quantum error correction in 1995 showed that active techniques could beemployed to mitigate this fatal problem. However, quantum error correction andfault-tolerant computation is now a much larger field and many new codes,techniques, and methodologies have been developed to implement error correctionfor large scale quantum algorithms. In response, we have attempted to summarizethe basic aspects of quantum error correction and fault-tolerance, not as adetailed guide, but rather as a basic introduction. This development in thisarea has been so pronounced that many in the field of quantum information,specifically researchers who are new to quantum information or people focusedon the many other important issues in quantum computation, have found itdifficult to keep up with the general formalisms and methodologies employed inthis area. Rather than introducing these concepts from a rigorous mathematicaland computer science framework, we instead examine error correction andfault-tolerance largely through detailed examples, which are more relevant toexperimentalists today and in the near future.
Dewan, A, Dubrow, R, Hoh, J, Liu, X, Wu, C, Yang, Y, Ying, Z & Zhang, H 2009, 'Detecting essential and removable interactions in genome-wide association studies', Statistics and Its Interface, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 161-170.
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Dissanayake, T, Esselle, KP & Yuce, MR 2009, 'Dielectric Loaded Impedance Matching for Wideband Implanted Antennas', IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2480-2487.
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Dong, H, Hussain, FK & Chang, E 2009, 'A QoS-based service retrieval methodology for digital ecosystems', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 261-283.
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The emergence of the World Wide Web and its influence on the fields of industry, commerce, healthcare and so on, has led to an innovative, dynamic, open, collaborative and interactive environment - the digital ecosystem. Whereas service plays an importan
Dong, Y, Xu, Y & Yu, S 2009, 'Linguistic multiperson decision making based on the use of multiple preference relations', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160, no. 5, pp. 603-623.
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Dorrell, DG, Hsieh, M-F & Guo, Y 2009, 'Unbalanced Magnet Pull in Large Brushless Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors With Rotor Eccentricity', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4586-4589.
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Permanent magnet motors are now the focus of application in larger drive and generator systems. They often utilize rare-earth magnets where attractive forces are large and unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) will be generated even when unexcited. In this paper, a 4-pole machine design is utilized which has either surface magnets or consequent poles. Dynamic eccentricity up to 80% is put into the machine model and a variety of simulations carried out to investigate the UMP. It is found that with strong and thick magnets the machine is robust and the UMP is almost load independent. The consequent pole rotor arrangement produces much higher UMP when the dynamic eccentricity aligns with the steel poles. In the simulations, the different stress components are investigated to assess the validity of a commonly held approximation where the radial force is taken to be a function of the square of the radial air-gap flux.
Doss, R, Li, G, Mak, V, Yu, S & Chowdhury, M 2009, 'Improving the QoS for information discovery in autonomic wireless sensor networks', Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 334-349.
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Douglas, C, Fildes, B & Gibson, T 2009, 'Development of an occupant model for far-side vehicle crashes', International Journal of Vehicle Safety, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 173-173.
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The biofidelity and performance requirements for a far-side occupant model are described. Previous work is analysed that highlights the potential use of a modified version of the TNO Human Facet Model for simulating far-side impacts. The model's biofidelity and performance are compared with PMHS results from pelvic offset sled tests, pendulum tests and a full-scale far-side crash test. Results indicate that the model exhibits good biofidelity compared with PMHS results, specifically its ability to simulate: belt interaction with the shoulder; loading to the pelvis, thorax and abdomen and whole body kinematics in a full-vehicle far-side crash. The model's main limitations are that its thorax is less capable of matching the magnitude of deflection observed in the PMHS pendulum tests. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.
Dovey, K 2009, 'The role of trust in innovation', The Learning Organization, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 311-325.
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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the role of trust in the collaborative learning processes that underpin innovation as a competitive strategy in organizations.Design/methodology/approachAs a conceptual paper, the argument is framed by academic perspectives, drawn from the academic literature on the topic and by professional and life experience.FindingsThe collaborative learning practices that underpin idea generation and realization in organizations are strongly dependent for their effectiveness upon the availability, within and beyond stakeholder networks, of trust and other key social capital resources.Practical implicationsIf innovation is dependent upon social capital resources, such as trust, then leadership endeavour needs to be much more focused upon the creation of a social environment that nurtures rich stakeholder and other relevant network, relationships. New forms of governance and power management, and more appropriate and aligned organizational structures, are required in organizations that are attempting to compete through innovation.Originality/valueThe paper's explication of the role of social capital resources, like trust, in organizational innovation offers new insights into this complex but increasingly vital form of competitive strategy.
Du, C, Yang, J, Wu, Q & Zhang, T 2009, 'Face recognition using message passing based clustering method', Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 608-613.
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Traditional subspace analysis methods are inefficient and tend to be affected by noise as they compare the test image to all training images, especifically when there are large numbers of training images. To solve such problem, we propose a fast face recognition (FR) technique called APLDA by combining a novel clustering method affinity propagation (AP) with linear discriminant analysis (LDA). By using AP on the reduced features derived from LDA, a representative face image for each subject can be reached. Thus, our APLDA uses only the representative images rather than all training images for identification. Obviously, APLDA is much more computationally efficient than Fisherface. Also, unlike Fisherface who uses pattern classifier for identification, APLDA performs the identification using AP once again to cluster the test image into one of the representative images. Experimental results also indicate that APLDA outperforms Fisherface in terms of recognition rate. © 2009 Elsevier Inc.
Du, Y, Luo, Z, Tian, Q & Chen, L 2009, 'Topology optimization for thermo-mechanical compliant actuators using mesh-free methods', Engineering Optimization, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 753-772.
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This article presents an alternative topology optimization method for the design of compliant actuators using mesh-free methods, in which the thermo-mechanical multi-physics modelling and geometrically non-linear analysis are included. The relatively new mesh-free method rather than the standard finite element method (FEM) is used to discretize the design domain and interpolate the bulk density field, because the mesh-free method is in some cases more capable of modelling the large-displacement compliant mechanisms involving the geometrical non-linearity. An interpolation scheme is used to indicate the dependence of material properties on element pseudo densities which are distributed to the corresponding integration points, and the method for imposing essential boundary conditions in mesh-free methods is also discussed. Furthermore, the adjoint approach is incorporated into the mesh-free method to perform the design sensitivity analysis. The optimization problem is established mathematically as a non-linear programming problem to which a sequential convex programming method is applied. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by using a widely studied example.
Duan, R 2009, 'Super-Activation of Zero-Error Capacity of Noisy Quantum Channels'.
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We study various super-activation effects in the following zero-errorcommunication scenario: One sender wants to send classical or quantuminformation through a noisy quantum channel to one receiver with zeroprobability of error. First we show that there are quantum channels of which asingle use is not able to transmit classical information perfectly yet two usescan. This is achieved by employing entangled input states between differentuses of the given channel and thus cannot happen for classical channels. Secondwe exhibit a class of quantum channel with vanishing zero-error classicalcapacity such that when a noiseless qubit channel or one ebit sharedentanglement are available, it can be used to transmit $\log_2 d$ noiselessqubits, where 2d is the dimension of input state space. Third we furtherconstruct quantum channels with vanishing zero-error classical capacity whenassisted with classical feedback can be used to transmit both classical andquantum information perfectly. These striking findings not only indicate boththe zero-error quantum and classical capacities of quantum channels satisfy astrong super-additivity beyond any classical channels, but also highlight theactivation power of auxiliary physical resources in zero-error communication.
Duan, R & Shi, Y 2009, 'When is there a multipartite maximum entangled state?', Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 10, no. 11-12, pp. 925-935.
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For a multipartite quantum system of the dimension $d_1\otimes d_2\otimes...d_n$, $d_1\ge d_2\ge...\ge d_n$, is there an entangled state {\em maximum} inthe sense that all other states in the system can be obtained from the statethrough local quantum operations and classical communications (LOCC)? When$d_1\ge\Pi_{i=2}^n d_i$, such state exists. We show that this condition is alsonecessary. Our proof, somewhat surprisingly, uses results from algebraiccomplexity theory.
Duan, R, Feng, Y & Ying, M 2009, 'Perfect Distinguishability of Quantum Operations', PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 103, no. 21.
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Duan, R, Feng, Y, Xin, Y & Ying, M 2009, 'Distinguishability of Quantum States by Separable Operations', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1320-1330.
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In this paper, we study the distinguishability of multipartite quantum states by separable operations. We first present a necessary and sufficient condition for a finite set of orthogonal quantum states to be distinguishable by separable operations. An analytical version of this condition is derived for the case of (D - 1) pure states, where D is the total dimension of the state space under consideration. A number of interesting consequences of this result are then carefully investigated. Remarkably, we show there exists a large class of 2 ⊗ 2 separable operations not being realizable by local operations and classical communication. Before our work, only a class of 3⊗ 3 nonlocal separable operations was known [Bennett et al, Phys. Rev. A 59, 1070 (1999)]. We also show that any basis of the orthogonal complement of a multipartite pure state is indistinguishable by separable operations if and only if this state cannot be a superposition of one or two orthogonal product states, i.e., has an orthogonal Schmidt number not less than three, thus generalize the recent work about indistinguishable bipartite subspaces [Watrous, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 080505 (2005)]. Notably, we obtain an explicit construction of indistinguishable subspaces of dimension 7 (or 6) by considering a composite quantum system consisting of two qutrits (resp., three qubits), which is slightly better than the previously known indistinguishable bipartite subspace with dimension 8. © 2009 IEEE.
Dunwell, TL, Dickinson, RE, Stankovic, T, Dallol, A, Weston, V, Austen, B, Catchpoole, D, Maher, ER & Latif, F 2009, 'Frequent epigenetic inactivation of the SLIT2 gene in chronic and acute lymphocytic leukemia', Epigenetics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 265-269.
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Recently a mouse model of T/natural killer acute lymphoblastic leukemia was used to assess global promoter methylation across the mouse genome using the restriction landmark genomic scanning technique. One of the methylated mouse genes identified in this way was Slit2. There are three mammalian SLIT genes (SLIT1, SLIT2, SLIT3), that belong to a highly conserved family of axon guidance molecules. We have previously demonstrated that SLIT2 is frequently inactivated in lung, breast, colorectal and glioma tumors by hypermethylation of a CpG island in its promoter region, whilst inactivating somatic mutations are rare. Furthermore, we demonstrated that SLIT2 acts as a tumor suppressor gene in breast and colorectal cancer cells. In this report we determined the methylation status of the SLIT2 gene in leukemias (CLL and ALL). SLIT2 was methylated in all ten leukemia cell lines analyzed (eight completely and two partially methylated). SLIT2 expression was restored after treating ALL lines with 5-aza-2dC. In primary ALL and CLL samples, SLIT2 was also frequently methylated, 58% (30/52) B-ALL; 83% (10/12) T-ALL and in 80% (24/30) CLL. Whilst DNA from peripheral blood and bone marrow from healthy control samples showed no SLIT2 methylation. Methylation results in leukemia cell lines and ALL and CLL primary samples were confirmed by direct sequencing of bisulfite modified DNA. Our results demonstrate that methylation of the SLIT2 5′ CpG island is conserved between mice and humans, and therefore is likely to be of functional importance. © 2009 Landes Bioscience.
Dunwell, TL, Hesson, LB, Pavlova, TV, Zabarovska, V, Kashuba, VI, Catchpoole, D, Chiaramonte, R, Brini, AT, Griffiths, M, Maher, ER, Zabarovsky, ER & Latif, F 2009, 'Epigenetic analysis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Epigenetics, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 185-193.
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We used a chromosome 3 wide NotI microarray for identification of epigenetically inactivated genes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Three novel genes demonstrated frequent methylation in childhood ALL. PPP2R3A (protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B", α) was frequently methylated in T (69%) and B (82%)-ALL. Whilst FBLN2 (fibulin 2) and THRB (thyroid hormone receptor, β) showed frequent methylation in B-ALL (58%; 56% respectively), but were less frequently methylated in T-ALL (17% for both genes). Recently it was demonstrated that BNC1 (Basonuclin 1) and MSX1 (msh homeobox 1) were frequently methylated across common epithelial cancers. In our series of childhood ALL BNC1 was frequently methylated in both T (77%) and B-ALL (79%), whilst MSX1 showed T-ALL (25%) specific methylation. The methylation of the above five genes was cancer specific and expression of the genes could be restored in methylated leukemia cell lines treated with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. This is the first report demonstrating frequent epigenetic inactivation of PPP2R3A, FBLN2, THRB, BNC1 and MSX1 in leukemia. The identification of frequently methylated genes showing cancer specific methylation will be useful in developing early cancer detection screens and for targeted epigenetic therapies. © 2009 Landes Bioscience.
Dyson, LE, Litchfield, A, Lawrence, E, Raban, R & Leijdekkers, P 2009, 'Advancing the m-learning research agenda for active, experiential learning: Four case studies', AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 250-267.
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This article reports on an m-learning research agenda instituted at our university in order to explore how mobile technology can enhance active, experiential learning. Details of the implementation and results of four areas of m-learning are presented: mobile supported fieldwork, fostering interactivity in large lectures with mobile technology, using mobile devices to learn about mobile technology and, finally, podcasting. These directions are informed by a concern for achieving m-learning practices consistent with sound educational theory and the needs of the contemporary, technologically aware student body. All four implementations have been successfully embedded in mainstream subjects on a continuing basis. Therefore they represent a departure from the project based approach of much m-learning reported in the literature. This outcome was achieved through a focus on the economic sustainability and feasibility of each case. An evaluation focusing on how well each case assisted students' learning found that, with the exception of lecture podcasting, all supported high quality experiential learning.
Dyson, LE, Raban, R, Litchfield, A & Lawrence, E 2009, 'Addressing the cost barriers to mobile learning in higher education', International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 381-381.
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This paper addresses one of the main barriers to the widespread adoption of mobile learning in higher education, that of cost. Usage charges billed by telecommunications providers and the cost of mobile hardware are identified as the key cost issues. However, opportunities to overcome this barrier include the high rate of ownership of mobile phones by university students and technological solutions such as packet transmission technologies. The authors describe two experiments in low-cost mobile learning: one that uses packet technology (mobile WAP/WML) to build low-cost interactivity in the classroom and the second that involves mobile-supported fieldwork using several cost-saving strategies. © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Eager, DM 2009, 'Encouraging risk', Australian Leisure Management, vol. 77, no. Nov/Dec, pp. 23-24.
Eager, DM 2009, 'Playground equipment and surfacing certification', Australasian Parks and Leisure Journal, vol. 12(1), no. Autumn, pp. 23-24.
Eager, DM 2009, 'Playground impact attenuating sand', Journal Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, vol. Dec/Jan, pp. 76-78.
Eager, DM 2009, 'Safe Landings', Australian Leisure Management, vol. 74, no. May/Jun, pp. 58-59.
Eager, DM 2009, 'The certification of playground equipment and surfacing', Journal Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, vol. Apr/May, pp. 80-81.
Eager, DM 2009, 'The importance of inclusive risk for children at play', Journal Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, vol. Nov/Dec, pp. 64-65.
Eklund, JM & McGregor, C 2009, 'Standards for physiological data transmission and archiving for the support of the service of critical care', ACM SIGBED Review, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-6.
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Physiological data is monitored and displayed on medical devices around the world every day, and the volume of this data is steadily increasing and newer monitoring devices enter the clinical setting. However, the vast majority of this data is lost since it is most often displayed once as it is recorded, perhaps replayed one or more times while it exists in the device's volatile memory. What little data that is permanently recorded is most commonly saved through hand written annotations, in paper records and in some limited samples stored on hospital clinical information systems. Meanwhile, current methods of data analysis provide opportunities to utilize this data for improved care of these same critical care patients. A major inhibitor to this becoming reality is the lack of standards for the representation, transmission and storage of physiological data. HL7, for example, does not include definitions for time series data. Research into the use of these data will soon be reaching the clinical setting and the need for such standards to be defined is becoming urgent.
El Saliby, I, Okour, Y, Shon, HK, Kandasamy, J & Kim, IS 2009, 'Desalination plants in Australia, review and facts', DESALINATION, vol. 247, no. 1-3, pp. 1-14.
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Australia is the driest continent on earth and despite this the installed desalination capacity is still around 1% of the total world's desalination capacity. This paper reviews the main seawater issues considered in every desalination projectâthe history, the present situation and the future of desalination in Australia, the suitability of applying reverse osmosis (RO) and the project details of two desalination plants (Sydney and Perth). Ocean currents, seawater temperature and salinity are signifi cant indicators in the assessment of the feasibility of desalination as they aff ect the production costs, the maintenance frequency and the quality of the product water. Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) is the only type of desalination technology currently used or proposed for future large-scale desalination plants in Australia. Every capital city except Darwin has considered building at least one desalination plant as a means of providing water security after several years of unprecedented drought that has signifi cantly reduced dam storage levels. Perth was the fi rst major city to use desalinated water for drinking water supply and by early 2009 Sydney will be the second city. Thirteen other large-scale SWRO plants are being planned or proposed at several locations for the purpose of supplying drinking water.
El Saliby, IJ, Okour, YH, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Kim, J-H 2009, 'Detailed Investigation on the Effect of Washing TiO2 Prepared from Tisalts Flocculated Wastewater Sludge', Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 194-201.
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AbstractIn this study, the effect of washing TiO
Elmir, M, Mehdaoui, R, Castel, A, Hamouine, A & François, R 2009, 'Vibratory analysis of a composite beam (reinforced concrete) subject to corrosion', International Review of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 100-103.
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This work is an attempt to study, with an experimental approach the effect of corrosion on the dynamic behaviour of the reinforced concrete structures by measuring the Eigen frequencies. For this purpose a test was applied on reinforced concrete healthy and corroded beams subjected to a vibratory mechanical excitation. For this test we made use of a vibrating pot and a signal analyzer. The spectral response of each beam gives information in the form of a signal which allows the measurement of these Eigen frequencies so that one can determine the effect of corrosion on the dynamic behaviour of the beam which represents the originality of our experimental approach. © 2009 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
Eslava, S, Kirschhock, CEA, Aldea, S, Baklanov, MR, Iacopi, F, Maex, K & Martens, JA 2009, 'Characterization of spin-on zeolite films prepared from Silicalite-1 nanoparticle suspensions', MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, vol. 118, no. 1-3, pp. 458-466.
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Fan, W, Yu, JX, Li, J, Ding, B & Qin, L 2009, 'Query translation from XPath to SQL in the presence of recursive DTDs.', VLDB J., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 857-883.
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We study the problem of evaluating xpath queries over xml data that is stored in an rdbms via schema-based shredding. The interaction between recursion (descendants-axis) in xpath queries and recursion in dtds makes it challenging to answer xpath queries using rdbms. We present a new approach to translating xpath queries into sql queries based on a notion of extended XP ath expressions and a simple least fixpoint (lfp) operator. Extended xpath expressions are a mild extension of xpath, and the lfp operator takes a single input relation and is already supported by most commercial rdbms. We show that extended xpath expressions are capable of capturing both dtd recursion and xpath queries in a uniform framework. Furthermore, they can be translated into an equivalent sequence of sql queries with the lfp operator. We present algorithms for rewriting xpath queries over a (possibly recursive) dtd into extended xpath expressions and for translating extended xpath expressions to sql queries, as well as optimization techniques. The novelty of our approach consists in its capability to answer a large class of xpath queries by means of only low-end rdbms features already available in most rdbms, as well as its flexibility to accommodate existing relational query optimization techniques. In addition, these translation algorithms provide a solution to query answering for certain (possibly recursive) xml views of xml data. Our experimental results verify the effectiveness of our techniques. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
Fang, F, Ni, B-J & Yu, H-Q 2009, 'Estimating the kinetic parameters of activated sludge storage using weighted non-linear least-squares and accelerating genetic algorithm', Water Research, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 2595-2604.
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Fang, F, Ni, B-J, Li, X-Y, Sheng, G-P & Yu, H-Q 2009, 'Kinetic analysis on the two-step processes of AOB and NOB in aerobic nitrifying granules', Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 1159-1169.
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Fatahi, B, Khabbaz, H & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Parametric studies on bioengineering effects of tree root-based suction on ground behaviour', ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1415-1426.
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Using native vegetation to improve soil stiffness, stabilise slopes and control erosion is a rapidly evolving process. A theoretical model previously developed by the authors for the rate of tree root water uptake together with an associated numerical simulation is used to study the effects of a wide range of soil, tree, and atmospheric parameters on partially saturated ground. The influence of different parameters on the maximum initial rate of root water uptake is investigated through parametric and sensitivity analyses. Field measurements taken from previously published literature are compared with numerical predictions for validation. The rate of selected parameters such as potential transpiration and its distribution, suction at wilting point, the coefficient of permeability and the distribution of root length density are studied in detail. The analysis shows that the rate of potential transpiration increases the soil matric suction and ground settlement, while the potential transpiration rate has an insignificant effect on the distribution of soil suction. Root density distribution factors affect the size of the influence zone. Suction at the wilting point increases the soil matric suction and ground settlement, whereas the saturation permeability decreases the maximum soil matric suction generated. The analysis confirms that the most sensitive parameters, including the coefficients of the tree root system, the transpiration rate, the permeability of the soil and its suction at the wilting point should be measured or estimated accurately for an acceptable prediction of ground conditions in the vicinity of trees. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Multipartite quantum states that cannot be uniquely determined by their reduced states of all proper subsets of the parties exhibit some inherit `high-order' correlation. This paper elaborates this issue by giving necessary and sufficient conditions for a pure multipartite state to be locally undetermined, and moreover, characterizing precisely all the pure states sharing the same set of reduced states with it. Interestingly, local determinability of pure states is closely related to a generalized notion of Schmidt decomposition. Furthermore, we find that locally undetermined states have some applications to the well-known consensus problem in distributed computation. To be specific, given some physically separated agents, when communication between them, either classical or quantum, is unreliable and they are not allowed to use local ancillary quantum systems, then there exists a totally correct and completely fault-tolerant protocol for them to reach a consensus if and only if they share a priori a locally undetermined quantum state
Ferrie, C & Emerson, J 2009, 'Framed Hilbert space: hanging the quasi-probability pictures of quantum theory', New J. Phys., vol. 11, p. 063040.
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Building on earlier work, we further develop a formalism based on themathematical theory of frames that defines a set of possible phase-space orquasi-probability representations of finite-dimensional quantum systems. Weprove that an alternate approach to defining a set of quasi-probabilityrepresentations, based on a more natural generalization of a classicalrepresentation, is equivalent to our earlier approach based on frames, andtherefore is also subject to our no-go theorem for a non-negativerepresentation. Furthermore, we clarify the relationship between thecontextuality of quantum theory and the necessity of negativity inquasi-probability representations and discuss their relevance as criteria fornon-classicality. We also provide a comprehensive overview of knownquasi-probability representations and their expression within the frameformalism.
Ferrie, C, Morris, R & Emerson, J 2009, 'Necessity of negativity in quantum theory', Phys. Rev. A, vol. 82, no. 4, p. 044103.
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A unification of the set of quasiprobability representations using themathematical theory of frames was recently developed for quantum systems withfinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, in which it was proven that suchrepresentations require negative probability in either the states or theeffects. In this article we extend those results to Hilbert spaces of infinitedimension, for which the celebrated Wigner function is a special case. Hence,this article presents a unified framework for describing the set of possiblequasiprobability representations of quantum theory, and a proof that thepresence of negativity is a necessary feature of such representations.
Frost, SA, Nguyen, ND, Center, JR, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Timing of Repeat BMD Measurements: Development of an Absolute Risk-Based Prognostic Model', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1800-1807.
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Abstract This study attempted to address the following questions: for an individual who is at present nonosteoporotic, given their current age and BMD level, what is the individual's risk of fracture and when is the ideal time to repeat a BMD measurement? Nonosteoporotic women (n = 1008) and men (n = 750) over the age of 60 in 1989 from the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study were monitored until one of the following outcomes occurred: (1) BMD reached “osteoporosis” level (i.e., T-scores ≤ −2.5) or (2) an incident fragility fracture. During the follow-up period (average, 7 yr), 346 women (34%) and 160 men (21%) developed osteoporosis or sustained a low-trauma fracture. The risk of osteoporosis or fracture increased with advancing age (women: RR/10 yr, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–1.6; men: RR/10 yr, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.7–2.9) and lower BMD levels (women: RR per −0.12 g/cm2, 3.2; 95% CI, 2.6–4.1; RR per −0.12 g/cm2, 2.6; 95% CI, 2.0–3.3). Using the predicted risk (of osteoporosis or fracture) of 10% as a cut-off level for repeating BMD measurement, the estimated time to reach the cut-off level varied from 1.5 (for an 80-yr-old woman with a T-score of −2.2) to 10.6 yr (for a 60-yr-old man with a T-score of 0). These results suggest that, based on an individual's current age and BMD T-score, it is possible to estimate the optimal time to repeat BMD testing for the individual. The prognostic model and approach presented in this study may help improve the individualization and management of osteoporosis.
Fu, Q, Wang, G, Lin, W & Huang, J 2009, 'One‐pot preparation of 3‐miktoarm star terpolymers via “click chemistry” and atom transfer nitroxide radical coupling reaction', Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 986-990.
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Fu, Q, Zhang, Z, Lin, W & Huang, J 2009, 'Single-Electron-Transfer Nitroxide-Radical-Coupling Reaction at Ambient Temperature: Application in the Synthesis of Block Copolymers', Macromolecules, vol. 42, no. 13, pp. 4381-4383.
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Fu, S-P, Zheng, Z, Yuan, X, Zhang, S-J, Gao, H-W, Li, Y & Hu, S-S 2009, 'Impact of Off-Pump Techniques on Sex Differences in Early and Late Outcomes After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts', The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1090-1096.
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Gabrys, B & Anguita, D 2009, 'Nature-inspired learning and adaptive systems', Natural Computing, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 197-198.
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Gallego-Ortega, D, Ramirez de Molina, A, Ramos, MA, Valdes-Mora, F, Barderas, MG, Sarmentero-Estrada, J & Lacal, JC 2009, 'Differential Role of Human Choline Kinase α and β Enzymes in Lipid Metabolism: Implications in Cancer Onset and Treatment', PLoS ONE, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. e7819-e7819.
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Gandomi, AH, Alavi, AH, Kazemi, S & Alinia, MM 2009, 'Behavior appraisal of steel semi-rigid joints using Linear Genetic Programming', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 65, no. 8-9, pp. 1738-1750.
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Gao, W, Zhang, N & Ji, J 2009, 'A new method for random vibration analysis of stochastic truss structures', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 190-199.
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A new method called the random factor method (RFM) for the natural frequency, mode shape and random vibration analysis of stochastic truss structures is presented in this paper. Using the RFM, the structural physical parameters and geometry can be considered as random variables. The structural stiffness and mass matrices can then, respectively, be described by the product of two parts corresponding to the random factors and the deterministic matrix. The structural natural frequencies, mode shapes and random response can be expressed as the function of the random factors. By means of the random variable's functional moment method and the algebra synthesis method, computational expressions for the mean value, standard deviation and variation coefficient of the dynamic characteristics, mean square value of the stationary random displacement and stress response are developed. The influences of the randomness of the structural parameters on the dynamic characteristics, structural displacement and stress responses are demonstrated using a truss structure and Monte-Carlo simulations illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
GAO, YA, ZHANG, G & LU, JIE 2009, 'A FUZZY MULTI-OBJECTIVE BILEVEL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM', International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 08, no. 01, pp. 93-108.
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In a bilevel decision problem, both the leader and the follower may have multiple objectives, and the coefficients involved in these objective functions or constraints may be described by some uncertain values. To express such a situation, a fuzzy multi-objective bilevel (FMOBL) programming model and related solution methods are introduced. This research develops a FMOBL decision support system through implementing the proposed FMOBL methods.
Ge, Y & Esselle, KP 2009, 'Low‐profile resonant cavity antenna based on an in‐phase metamaterial surface', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 731-733.
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AbstractA partially reflective metamaterial surface is designed to have in‐phase reflection property for the purpose of reducing the height of resonant cavity antennas. Since the reflection phase of the in‐phase is close to 0° at the operating band, the cavity height, that is, the distance between the metamaterial surface and the PEC ground, can be reduced from half wavelength to about a quarter wavelength, without using an artificial magnetic conductor as the ground. An example antenna is designed, fabricated, and measured to demonstrate the concept. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51: 731–733, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/mop.24134
Gerber, C & Crews, K 2009, 'Timber Stressed-Skin Panels: Design Guidelines for Australian Practice', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 207-216.
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this paper puts forward a design procedure and proposes, in the form of an amendment to Section 5 of AS1720.1-1997, to include these directives in a future edition of the design code. The design procedure discussed herein is thorough in scope and straightforward in application. It addresses the composite characteristics of SSP structures - composite action and tributary width of the sheathing. It provides clear guidelines for the assessment of both aspects. It also imposes a systematic verification of the different stresses experienced by the structure. This particular section of the design procedure considers both AS1720.1-1997 and Eurocode 5 (European Committee for Standardisation, 1995). In addition, a method to account for the two-way action ability of SSP structures is also proposed in the design procedure, which includes two equations derived by Gerber (2007). For defined applications, acceptable assessments of the load distribution in SSP systems are achieved with these two equations for loading on an exterior and interior joist, respectively.
Glamore, WC & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Tidal-forcing groundwater dynamics in a restored coastal wetland: implications of saline intrusion', Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 31-40.
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Godfrey, E & Hadgraft, R 2009, 'Engineering Education Research: Coming of age in Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 307-308.
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Golab, AN & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Occurrence and consequences of acid sulphate soils and methods of site remediation', Geomechanics and Geoengineering, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 201-208.
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© 2009 Taylor & Francis. The oxidation of sulphides in acid sulphate soils (ASS) causes the acidification of many Australian coastal river systems. The acidity negatively impacts upon coastal ecosystems, aquaculture, agriculture and concrete and steel infrastructure. In the low-lying floodplains, relatively deep surface drains fitted with one-way floodgates lower the watertable, thereby exposing the sulphidic minerals to oxidation. On the Broughton Creek floodplain in SE Australia, four distinct remediation strategies have been developed to tackle the issue of acidification by ASS: (i) simple V-notch weirs that raise the level of the watertable surrounding the drains thereby submerging the pyrite and preventing the further formation of acidity; (ii) modified two-way floodgates that allow the inflow of tidal water into the drains, thereby buffering the acidity within the drain before it enters the river and raising the level of the watertable surrounding the drain; (iii) lateral impermeable lime barriers that both prevent oxidation of pyrite by stopping the downward movement of oxygen into the soil and neutralise the acidity in the groundwater; and (iv) permeable reactive barriers (PRB) that passively intercept the groundwater flow and neutralise the acidity. Each remediation strategy has a distinct role to suit the different terrain and groundwater conditions.
Golab, AN, Peterson, MA & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Selection of permeable reactive barrier materials for treating acidic groundwater in acid sulphate soil terrains based on laboratory column tests', Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 241-254.
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Grover, DP, Zhang, ZL, Readman, JW & Zhou, JL 2009, 'A comparison of three analytical techniques for the measurement of steroidal estrogens in environmental water samples', Talanta, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 1204-1210.
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Research into the analysis and monitoring of steroidal estrogens has grown significantly over the last decade, resulting in the emergence of a range of applicable techniques. In this study, three popular techniques, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS-MS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) for the analysis of three highly potent steroidal estrogens in the aquatic environment have been compared. It has been observed that overall, the three techniques appear comparable in generating similar estrogen concentrations for river and effluent samples. Of the three techniques, the GC-MS technique is the simplest to operate, but fails to detect the estrogens at the lower-end of environmentally relevant concentrations. The tandem MS techniques are more selective than MS, and therefore able to detect lower concentration levels of the three steroidal estrogens of interest. However, the LC-MS-MS technique is more susceptible to matrix interferences for the analysis of samples, resulting in a reduction of the signal-to-noise ratio and a subsequent reduction in reliability and stability compared to GC-MS-MS. With the GC-MS-MS technique offering increased selectivity, the lowest limits of detection, and no false positive identification, it is recommended to be the preferred analytical technique for routine analysis of estrogens in environmental water samples. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Guillon, M, Miles, REH, Reid, JP & McGloin, D 2009, 'Thermo-optical resonance locking of an optically trapped salt-water microdroplet', New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 103041-103041.
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Gunes, H & Piccardi, M 2009, 'Automatic Temporal Segment Detection and Affect Recognition From Face and Body Display', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 64-84.
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Psychologists have long explored mechanisms with which humans recognize other humans' affective states from modalities, such as voice and face display. This exploration has led to the identification of the main mechanisms, including the important role played in the recognition process by the modalities' dynamics. Constrained by the human physiology, the temporal evolution of a modality appears to be well approximated by a sequence of temporal segments called onset, apex, and offset. Stemming from these findings, computer scientists, over the past 15 years, have proposed various methodologies to automate the recognition process. We note, however, two main limitations to date. The first is that much of the past research has focused on affect recognition from single modalities. The second is that even the few multimodal systems have not paid sufficient attention to the modalities' dynamics: The automatic determination of their temporal segments, their synchronization to the purpose of modality fusion, and their role in affect recognition are yet to be adequately explored. To address this issue, this paper focuses on affective face and body display, proposes a method to automatically detect their temporal segments or phases, explores whether the detection of the temporal phases can effectively support recognition of affective states, and recognizes affective states based on phase synchronization/alignment. The experimental results obtained show the following: 1) affective face and body displays are simultaneous but not strictly synchronous; 2) explicit detection of the temporal phases can improve the accuracy of affect recognition; 3) recognition from fused face and body modalities performs better than that from the face or the body modality alone; and 4) synchronized feature-level fusion achieves better performance than decision-level fusion.
Guo, W, Ngo, H-H, Palmer, CG, Xing, W, Hu, AY-J & Listowski, A 2009, 'Roles of sponge sizes and membrane types in a single stage sponge-submerged membrane bioreactor for improving nutrient removal from wastewater for reuse', DESALINATION, vol. 249, no. 2, pp. 672-676.
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Sponge not only can reduce membrane fouling by means of mechanical cleaning and maintain a balance of suspended-attached microorganisms in submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR), but also can enhance dissolved organic matter and nutrient removal. This study investigated the performance of three different sizes of sponge (S28â30/45R, S28â30/60R and S28â30/90R) associated with continuous aerated SMBR. A laboratory-scale single stage sponge-SMBR (SSMBR) showed high performance for removing dissolved organic matter (>96%) and PO4âP (>98.8), while coarse sponges such as S28â30/45R, S28â30/60R could achieve more than 99% removal of NH4âN. When three-size sponges (S28â30/45R, S28â30/60R and S28â30/90R) were mixed at a ratio of 1:1:1 and in conjunction with two kinds of membranes (0.1 μm hollow fiber and 2 μm nonwoven), the SSMBR system has proved its generic merits of superior treated effluent quality and less membrane fouling. The NH4âN and PO4âP removal were found excellent, which were more than 99.8% and over 99% respectively. Molecular weight distribution also indicated that major fractions of organic matter could be successfully removed by SSMBR.
Guo, W, Xing, W, Ngo, H, Hu, YA, Palmer, CG & Zhang, R 2009, 'Enhancement of Organics removal by an Integrated Nonwoven Media Biofiter-submerged Membrane Adsorption Hybrid System', Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-8.
Guo, YJ, Liu, D & Bird, NC 2009, 'Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Antennas and Propagation Aspects of 60–90 GHz Wireless Communications', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2817-2819.
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Gutierrez, F & Dyson, LE 2009, 'Confucian or Fusion?', The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 373-384.
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This research aims to uncover the perceptions of first-year Confucian-heritage students towards their lived experience of university study in Australia. Data was gathered from the students via interviews and analyzed using a phenomenological approach. From the students perspective, prior experience of western-style pedagogy was found to be helpful in giving students an idea of what the Australian learning environment would entail, although many students still had difficulty with classroom interaction due to persistent cultural conditioning. In terms of teacher behaviour, important factors include the lecturer demonstrating an understanding of the students culture, using humour in teaching, being a role model, developing a good relationship with the student and demonstrating a commitment to their learning. Issues included the students lack of understanding of the true significance of assignments and lecturers misunderstanding of the valuable role of memorization in Confucian-heritage students learning. The findings of this work allow academics an insight into the lived educational experiences of the student participants. They may also be tentatively offered as a means of informing future course design and delivery, with the goal of improving the quality of student learning and, therefore, academic success.
Ha Hoang Kha, Hoang Duong Tuan & Nguyen, TQ 2009, 'Efficient Design of Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks via Convex Optimization', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 966-976.
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This paper presents efficient approaches for designing cosine-modulated filter banks with linear phase prototype filter. First, we show that the design problem of the prototype filter being a spectral factor of 2 Mth-band filter is a nonconvex optimizati
Ha, PN, Fujita, H, Ozaki, K & Uchida, N 2009, 'Dynamic Performance of a Current-Phase Control Method for Zone-Control Induction Heating Systems', IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 129, no. 7, pp. 691-697.
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Haapola, J, Rabbachin, A, Goratti, L, Pomalaza-Raez, C & Oppermann, I 2009, 'Effect of Impulse Radio–Ultrawideband Based on Energy Collection on MAC Protocol Performance', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 4491-4506.
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Hakim, A, Hossain, J & Khan, KA 2009, 'Temperature effect on the electrical properties of undoped NiO thin films', Renewable Energy, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 2625-2629.
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Hall, N, White, C & O’Sullivan, AJ 2009, 'The relationship between adiponectin, progesterone, and temperature across the menstrual cycle', Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 279-283.
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Hao, X, Wang, Q, Zhang, X, Cao, Y & Mark Loosdrecht, CMV 2009, 'Experimental evaluation of decrease in bacterial activity due to cell death and activity decay in activated sludge', Water Research, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 3604-3612.
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Hao, X, Zhang, X, Cao, Y & Wang, Q 2009, 'Determining the decay characteristics of nitrifying bacteria in activated sludge using molecular biological techniques', Huanjing Kexue Xuebao/Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 2033-2040.
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The aerobic decay characteristics of nitrifying bacteria in a nitrifying sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and a biological nutrient removal (BNR) system were investigated by measuring maximal oxygen uptake rates (OURs), analyzing 16S rRNA with fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and observing membrane integrity by LIVE/DEAD staining. The experimental results reveal that in the nitrifying SBR system, cell death was responsible for 33% of cell decay at SRT = 10 d and for 50% at SRT = 40 d. In other words, the activity decay contributed 67% and 50% of the total cell decay at SRT = 10 and 40 d respectively. A longer SRT should select for nitrifying bacteria better adapted to starvation conditions, and thus the selected nitrifying bacteria could quickly produce a stringent response. As a result, a reduced decay rate of the selected nitrifying bacteria is expected. In the BNR system (SRT = 15 d), the cell death was responsible for 45% of the total cell decay for nitrifying bacteria, and thus the activity decay accounted for 55% of the total cell decay. The different fractions of cell death of nitrifying bacteria in the two systems could be caused by different microbial compositions in the SBR and BNR systems.
Hasbi, A, Fan, T, Alijaniaram, M, Nguyen, T, Perreault, ML, O'Dowd, BF & George, SR 2009, 'Calcium signaling cascade links dopamine D1–D2 receptor heteromer to striatal BDNF production and neuronal growth', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 50, pp. 21377-21382.
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Although the perturbation of either the dopaminergic system or brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels has been linked to important neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, there is no known signaling pathway linking these two major players. We found that the exclusive stimulation of the dopamine D1–D2 receptor heteromer, which we identified in striatal neurons and adult rat brain by using confocal FRET, led to the activation of a signaling cascade that links dopamine signaling to BDNF production and neuronal growth through a cascade of four steps: ( i ) mobilization of intracellular calcium through Gq, phospholipase C, and inositol trisphosphate, ( ii ) rapid activation of cytosolic and nuclear calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase IIα, ( iii ) increased BDNF expression, and ( iv ) accelerated morphological maturation and differentiation of striatal neurons, marked by increased microtubule-associated protein 2 production. These effects, although robust in striatal neurons from D5 −/− mice, were absent in neurons from D1 −/− mice. We also demonstrated that this signaling cascade was activated in adult rat brain, although with regional specificity, being largely limited to the nucleus accumbens. This dopaminergic pathway regulating neuronal growth and maturation through BDNF may have considerable significance in disorders such as drug addiction, schizophrenia, and depression.
Haskett, M, Oehlers, DJ, Mohamed Ali, MS & Wu, C 2009, 'Rigid body moment–rotation mechanism for reinforced concrete beam hinges', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1032-1041.
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Haskett, M, Oehlers, DJ, Mohamed Ali, MS & Wu, C 2009, 'Yield Penetration Hinge Rotation in Reinforced Concrete Beams', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 135, no. 2, pp. 130-138.
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Hassan, MH, Kalam, MA, Mahlia, TMI, Aris, I, Nizam, MK, Abdullah, S & Ali, Y 2009, 'Experimental Test of a New Compressed Natural Gas Direct Injection Engine', Energy & Fuels, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 4981-4987.
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Hazelton, P, Malone, M & Gardner, A 2009, 'A multicultural, multidisciplinary short course to introduce recently graduated engineers to the global nature of professional practice', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 281-290.
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Since 2001, the International Institute of Women in Engineering (IIWE) at EPF, Ecole d'ingenieurs generaliste, Sceaux, France, has conducted a 3 week short course for culturally and discipline diverse, recently graduated and final year engineering students. The aim of this course is to introduce young engineers to broad global concepts and issues relating to their future professional practice, through intercultural learning. The initial course programme provided examples of engineering practices in various countries throughout the world. However, to achieve an intercultural, multidisciplinary learning outcome, a specific course theme and a project focussing on sustainable engineering and the inclusion of a variety of industrial visits were introduced in 2006. This paper will discuss the success of the strategies used to engage international students in the IIWE course activities, and after consideration of the results of participant surveys, the curriculum initiatives that followed
Hesson, LB, Dunwell, TL, Cooper, WN, Catchpoole, D, Brini, AT, Chiaramonte, R, Griffiths, M, Chalmers, AD, Maher, ER & Latif, F 2009, 'The novel RASSF6 and RASSF10 candidate tumour suppressor genes are frequently epigenetically inactivated in childhood leukaemias', Molecular Cancer, vol. 8, no. 1.
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Abstract Background The Ras-assocation family (RASSF) of tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) contains 10 members that encode proteins containing Ras-assocation (RA) domains. Several members of the RASSF family are frequently epigenetically inactivated in cancer, however, their role in leukaemia has remained largely uninvestigated. Also, RASSF10 is a predicted gene yet to be experimentally verified. Here we cloned, characterised and demonstrated expression of RASSF10 in normal human bone marrow. We also determined the methylation status of CpG islands associated with RASSF1–10 in a series of childhood acute lymphocytic leukaemias (ALL) and normal blood and bone marrow samples. Results COBRA and bisulphite sequencing revealed RASSF6 and RASSF10 were the only RASSF members with a high frequency of leukaemia-specific methylation. RASSF6 was methylated in 94% (48/51) B-ALL and 41% (12/29) T-ALL, whilst RASSF10 was methylated in 16% (8/51) B-ALL and 88% (23/26) T-ALL. RASSF6 and RASSF10 expression inversely correlated with methylation which was restored by treatment with 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine (5azaDC). Conclusion This study shows the hypermethylation profile of RASSF genes in leukaemias is distinct from that of solid tumours and represents the first report of inactivation of RASSF6 or RASSF10 in cancer. These data show epigenetic inactivation of the candidat...
HIBBERD, A, MASKAOUI, K, ZHANG, Z & ZHOU, J 2009, 'An improved method for the simultaneous analysis of phenolic and steroidal estrogens in water and sediment', Talanta, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 1315-1321.
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This paper describes an improved method for the extraction and analysis of seven endocrine disrupting chemicals with wide-ranging polarities from water and sediments using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The analytes were 4-tert-octylphenol, 4-nonylphenol, bisphenol A, estrone, 17β-estradiol, 17α-ethynylestradiol and 16α-hydroxyestrone. The optimised GC-MS/MS method produces increased selectivity and sensitivity compared to GC-MS, with limit of detection ranging from 0.01 to 0.49 ng L-1 in water and from 0.05 to 0.14 ng g-1 in sediment. Extraction from aqueous samples was performed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and from sediment samples by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). The improved method for the clean-up of sediment extracts carried out by SPE enhanced EDC recovery (86-102%) while reducing matrix interference and sample drying time. Derivatisation of final sample extracts was achieved using N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide and pyridine, and their stability was enhanced by reconstituting the derivatised extracts with hexane. The method was validated by spiking experiments which showed good recovery and reproducibility. The method was applied to samples taken from the Medway estuary in Kent, UK, where non-conservative behaviour of EDCs was demonstrated. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ho, DP, Vigneswaran, S & Ngo, HH 2009, 'Photocatalysis-membrane hybrid system for organic removal from biologically treated sewage effluent', SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 145-152.
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The application of semiconductor photocatalysis in treating wastewater has attracted growing interest due to its complete mineralisation of organic matter. Furthermore, coupling of photocatalytic process with microfiltration provided considerable advantages over the conventional methods. In this study, the photocatalytic reactivity of the catalysts was assessed at different operating conditions. The results show that the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content was halved at a concentration of 1.0 g/L of TiO2. With the addition of flocculant FeCl3, the oxidation process was significantly improved further by another 30%. The recovery of TiO2 upon photooxidation process was achieved by coupling the photocatalysis reactor with a low energy submerged membrane reactor. The results show superior DOC degradation of more than 80% by this hybrid system. Moreover, it was demonstrated that photosensitization with TiO2/UV could effectively reduce membrane fouling and enhance the permeate flux of the submerged membrane reactor. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hoang, NT, Tuan, HD, Nguyen, TQ & Hoang, HG 2009, 'Optimized Analog Filter Designs With Flat Responses by Semidefinite Programming', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 944-955.
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Analog filters constitute indispensable components of analog circuits. Inspired by recent advances in digital filter design, this paper provides a flexible design for analog filters. All-pole filters have maximally flat passband, so our design minimizes
Hohn, N, Papagiannaki, K & Veitch, D 2009, 'Capturing Router Congestion and Delay', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 789-802.
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Holthaus, CV, Cannon, C, Elkin, R & Nguyen, HB 2009, 'Can My Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients Wait Any Longer?', Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 135-136.
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Hong-Da, T, Zhong-Yuan, Y, Li-Hong, H & Yu-Min, L 2009, 'Lateral stress-induced propagation characteristics in photonic crystal fibres', Chinese Physics B, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1109-1115.
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Ho-Pham, LT, Nguyen, ND & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Effect of vegetarian diets on bone mineral density: a Bayesian meta-analysis', The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 943-950.
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Background: The association between vegetarian diets and bone mineral density (BMD) is controversial because of conflicting findings from previous studies. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of vegetarian diets on BMD by using a meta-analytic approach. Design: A systematic electronic literature search was conducted to identify all relevant articles on the association between vegetarian diet and BMD. Nine studies of 2749 subjects (1880 women and 869 men) were included in the analysis. Traditional and Bayesian methods of meta-analysis were applied to synthesize the data. Results: Overall, BMD was ≈4% lower in vegetarians than in omnivores (95% CI: 2%, 7%) at both the femoral neck and the lumbar spine. Compared with omnivores, vegans had a significantly lower lumbar spine BMD (6% lower; 95% CI: 2%, 9%), which was more pronounced than in lactoovovegetarians (2% lower; 95% CI: 1%, 4%). The probability that BMD was ≥5% lower in vegetarians than in omnivores (or ≈0.3 SD) was 42% for the femoral neck and 32% for the lumbar spine. There was no evidence of publication bias. There was a moderate degree of between-study heterogeneity; the coefficient of heterogeneity varied between 46% and 51%. Conclusion: The results suggest that vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower BMD, but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant. © 2009 American Society for Nutrition.
Ho-Pham, LT, Nguyen, ND, Vu, BQ, Pham, HN & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fracture in postmenopausal Vietnamese women', Bone, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 213-217.
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Ho-Pham, LT, Nguyen, PLT, Le, TTT, Doan, TAT, Tran, NT, Le, TA & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Veganism, bone mineral density, and body composition: a study in Buddhist nuns', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2087-2093.
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Hossain, FM, Murch, GE, Belova, IV & Turner, BD 2009, 'Electronic, optical and bonding properties of CaCO3 calcite', Solid State Communications, vol. 149, no. 29-30, pp. 1201-1203.
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Howe, AJ, Rodríguez, JF & Saco, PM 2009, 'Surface evolution and carbon sequestration in disturbed and undisturbed wetland soils of the Hunter estuary, southeast Australia', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 75-83.
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Hsieh, M-H & Wilde, MM 2009, 'Public and private communication with a quantum channel and a secret key', Physical Review A, vol. 80, no. 2.
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Hsieh, M-H & Wilde, MM 2009, 'Trading classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement in quantum Shannon theory', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 4705-4730, September 2010, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 4705-4730.
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We give trade-offs between classical communication, quantum communication,and entanglement for processing information in the Shannon-theoretic setting.We first prove a unit-resource capacity theorem that applies to the scenariowhere only the above three noiseless resources are available for consumption orgeneration. The optimal strategy mixes the three fundamental protocols ofteleportation, super-dense coding, and entanglement distribution. We thenprovide an achievable rate region and a matching multi-letter converse for thedirect static capacity theorem. This theorem applies to the scenario where alarge number of copies of a noisy bipartite state are available (in addition toconsumption or generation of the above three noiseless resources). Our codingstrategy involves a protocol that we name the classically-assisted stateredistribution protocol and the three fundamental protocols. We finally providean achievable rate region and a matching mutli-letter converse for the directdynamic capacity theorem. This theorem applies to the scenario where a largenumber of uses of a noisy quantum channel are available in addition to theconsumption or generation of the three noiseless resources. Our coding strategycombines the classically-enhanced father protocol with the three fundamentalunit protocols.
Hsieh, M-H, Yen, W-T & Hsu, L-Y 2009, 'High performance entanglement-assisted quantum LDPC codes need little entanglement', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1761-1769.
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Though the entanglement-assisted formalism provides a universal connectionbetween a classical linear code and an entanglement-assisted quantumerror-correcting code (EAQECC), the issue of maintaining large amount of puremaximally entangled states in constructing EAQECCs is a practical obstacle toits use. It is also conjectured that the power of entanglement-assistedformalism to convert those good classical codes comes from massive consumptionof maximally entangled states. We show that the above conjecture is wrong byproviding families of EAQECCs with an entanglement consumption rate thatdiminishes linearly as a function of the code length. Notably, two families ofEAQECCs constructed in the paper require only one copy of maximally entangledstate no matter how large the code length is. These families of EAQECCs thatare constructed from classical finite geometric LDPC codes perform very wellaccording to our numerical simulations. Our work indicates that EAQECCs are notonly theoretically interesting, but also physically implementable. Finally,these high performance entanglement-assisted LDPC codes with low entanglementconsumption rates allow one to construct high-performance standard QECCs withvery similar parameters.
Hu, H, Li, Y & Wang, J 2009, 'Structural design and dynamic characteristics analysis for a magneto-rheological gun recoil shock absorber under impact load', Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 389-393.
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A full-scale mock-up for MR shock absorber characterized with multistage slotted and smoothness disposal under impact load was firstly established. Considering the dynamic of MR shock absorber under impact load, an inertia factor was introduced to Herschel-Bulkley model, which led to two revised models, named as Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia model. And a suit of real-time measuring and controlling simulation experimental platform including hardware and software for dynamic response of MR gun recoil shock absorber under impact load was developed. The parameters in Bingham-Inertia model and Herschel-Bulkley-Inertia model were identificated by using the testing data. Further, the testing results prove that the designed MR gun recoil long-stroke shock absorber's dynamic performance under impact load can be well controlled by changing the applied current, and the dynamic response models for MR gun recoil shock absorber under impact load are proved.
Hu, HS, Wang, J & Li, YC 2009, 'Design and magnetic analysis of a gun recoil magneto-rheological damper', Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 78-82.
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A gun recoil magneto-rheological (MR) damper under impact load was researched. A full-scale gun recoil MR damper with long-stroke, multistage slotted and smoothness disposal was designed. The coupling problem between structure and magnetic circuit for MR recoil damper was solved by the electromagnetic field finite element analysis software, and the electromagnetic field distribution of the designed gun recoil MR damper was also analyzed under different conditions, such as coil ringing direction, plunger and steel cylinder part's material selection, dampen channel, smoothness and chamfering disposal, etc. The magnetic circuit design rules of MR recoil damper under high impact load were also concluded. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the designed gun recoil damper satisfy the design requirements.
Huang, S, Wang, Z, Dissanayake, G & Frese, U 2009, 'Iterated D-SLAM map joining: evaluating its performance in terms of consistency, accuracy and efficiency', AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 409-429.
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This paper presents a new map joining algorithm and a set of metrics for evaluating the performance of mapping techniques. The input to the new map joining algorithm is a sequence of local maps containing the feature positions and the final robot pose in a local frame of reference. The output is a global map containing the global positions of all the features but without any robot poses. The algorithm is built on the D-SLAM mapping algorithm (Wang et al. in Int. J. Robot. Res. 26(2):187-204, 2007) and uses iterations to improve the estimates in the map joining step. So it is called Iterated D-SLAM Map Joining (I-DMJ). When joining maps I-DMJ ignores the odometry information connecting successive maps. This is the key to I-DMJ efficiency, because it makes both the information matrix exactly sparse and the size of the state vector bounded by the number of features. The paper proposes metrics for quantifying the performance of different mapping algorithms focusing on evaluating their consistency, accuracy and efficiency. The I-DMJ algorithm and a number of existing SLAM algorithms are evaluated using the proposed metrics. The simulation data sets and a preprocessed Victoria Park data set used in this paper are made available to enable interested researchers to compare their mapping algorithms with I-DMJ. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Hung Gia Hoang, Hoang Duong Tuan & Nguyen, TQ 2009, 'Frequency-Selective KYP Lemma, IIR Filter, and Filter Bank Design', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 956-965.
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For a transfer function F(e(3 omega)) of order n, Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov (KYP) lemma characterizes a general intractable semi-infinite programming (SIP) condition by a tractable semidefinite programming (SDP) for the entire frequency range. Some recent
Husain, SI, Yuan, J, Zhang, J & Martin, RK 2009, 'Time Domain Equalizer Design Using Bit Error Rate Minimization for UWB Systems', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, no. 1, pp. 9-9.
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Husnawan, M, Masjuki, HH, Mahlia, TMI & Saifullah, MG 2009, 'Thermal analysis of cylinder head carbon deposits from single cylinder diesel engine fueled by palm oil–diesel fuel emulsions', Applied Energy, vol. 86, no. 10, pp. 2107-2113.
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Husnawan, M, Masjuki, HH, Mahlia, TMI, Mekhilef, S & Saifullah, MG 2009, 'Use of post flame metal-based and oxygenated additive combination for biodiesel-diesel blends', Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 1049-1052.
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This paper presents effects of using vegetable oil-based additive combined with metal-based additive on exhaust emissions of 4-stroke diesel engine fueled with biodiesel. Tests were conducted using biodiesel from palm blended with diesel, palm polyol and MgO as a post-flame additive. A test with 100% conventional diesel fuel was also conducted for comparison purposes. PaImbiodiesel blended fuel with and without additive generally produced less emission compared to ordinary diesel. Moreover, post flame additives was found successfully diminishing poisonous exhaust gases from diesel engine combustion, eliminating stringent environmental issues on atmospheric pollution.
Indraratna, B, Attya, A & Rujikiatkamjorn, C 2009, 'Experimental Investigation on Effectiveness of a Vertical Drain under Cyclic Loads', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 135, no. 6, pp. 835-839.
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Indraratna, B, Muttuvel, T & Khabbaz, H 2009, 'Modelling the erosion rate of chemically stabilized soil incorporating tensile force - deformation characteristics', CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 57-68.
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To evaluate the safety of embankment dams, it is necessary to estimate the erosion rate based on common geotechnical properties such as shear and tensile strength. However, the empirical expressions that are currently available in the literature for this purpose are often inadequate. In this paper, an analytical model is developed to model the erosion of a soil capturing its tensile behaviour based on the law of energy conservation. The erosion rate can be determined using the proposed model if the tensile force - deformation characteristics, dry density, mean particle diameter, and mean flow velocity are known. The proposed model is semi-empirical and can be validated with experimental results obtained from the novel process simulation apparatus for internal crack erosion (PSAICE) designed and built at the University of Wollon- gong, Australia. All tests were conducted on erodible silty sand stabilized with cement and lignosulfonate. The model validation clearly indicates that only a fraction of the energy (efficiency index) from the water stream is effectively used for erosion. © 2009 NRC Canada.
Indraratna, B, Rujikiatkamjorn, C, Vinod, J & Khabbaz, H 2009, 'A Review of Ballast Characteristics, Geosynthetics, Confining Pressures and Native Vegetation in Rail Track Stabilisation', Transport Engineering in Australia, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 25-36.
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Given the increased demand for freight transport for the mining and agriculture industries, and for greater public transport via trains due to increased fuel costs, heavier cyclic loading on existing tracks is now inevitable. Construction of rail tracks requires appropriate ballast specification to increase stability and performance of railway tracks. This paper aims to demonstrate and discuss some major aspects in relation to stabilisation of ballasted rail tracks overlying soft formation soils using geocomposites, prefabricated vertical drains and native vegetation. The use of geocomposites (ie. bonded geogrid-geotextile layers) for enhancing the performance of fresh and recycled ballast is described, with the aim of achieving reduced track settlement, increased resilient modulus and decreased ballast degradation. The effects of increasing the confi ning pressure on rail track behaviour, particularly with regard to particle breakage, have been studied using large-scale laboratory tests under cyclic loads. An elastoplastic stress-strain constitutive model for ballast was developed at the University of Wollongong, incorporating the degradation of particles as a particular feature, was introduced by capturing the breakage of particles during shearing, and the effects of cyclic loading on particle degradation and plastic deformation. In addition, numerical simulation using discrete element method has been carried out an assembly of irregular particles to investigate the mechanism of ballast breakage and to quantify breakage in relation to the ballast particle size distribution.
INDRARATNA, B, VINOD, JS & LACKENBY, J 2009, 'Influence of particle breakage on the resilient modulus of railway ballast', Géotechnique, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 643-646.
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Numerous research studies have been carried out in the recent past to determine the influence on the resilient modulus of railway ballast of parameters such as stress history, number of loading cycles, density, grading, fines content, maximum grain size, aggregate type, particle shape and moisture content. However, the influence of particle breakage on the resilient modulus has not been described in depth. The current study highlights the influence of particle breakage on the resilient modulus of latite ballast (commonly used in railway track in New South Wales, Australia). Aggregate degradation is represented by the ballast breakage index (BBI). Laboratory test results indicate that the BBI has a profound influence on the resilient modulus of ballast. The resilient modulus increases with BBI, irrespective of the effective confining pressure. In addition, a simple hyperbolic relationship has been proposed between the resilient modulus MR and the bulk stress φ for latite ballast.
Isik, O & Esselle, KP 2009, 'Analysis of spiral metamaterials by use of group theory', Metamaterials, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 33-43.
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Monofilar, bifilar, trifilar and quadrifilar Archimedean spiral metamaterial particles are analyzed by using point group symmetry and the methods of crystallography. From the symmetry properties electromagnetic response is determined. Magnetic, electric and magnetoelectric modes of the particles are identified along with their isotropy characteristics. Theoretical methods show that all the particles, except monofilar spiral, are non-bianisotropic. Numerical simulation results are presented to verify the analysis. Finally, effective medium theory is applied to extract the effective permeability of the spiral medium. The results indicate negative values for permeability in certain frequency ranges. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Isik, O & Esselle, KP 2009, 'Design of monofilar and bifilar Archimedean spiral resonators for metamaterial applications', IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 929-935.
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Jakeman, AJ, Rizzoli, AE & Voinov, AA 2009, 'Outstanding reviewers for environmental modelling and software in 2008', Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1137-1138.
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Javeed, MA, Chinu, K, Shon, HK & Vigneswaran, S 2009, 'Effect of pre-treatment on fouling propensity of feed as depicted by the modified fouling index (MFI) and cross-flow sampler-modified fouling index (CFS-MFI)', DESALINATION, vol. 238, no. 1-3, pp. 98-108.
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The effectiveness of different pretreatment on the fouling propensity of the feed was studied using synthetic wastewater. The fouling potential of the feed was characterized by the standard modified fouling index (MFI) and cross-flow sampler modified fouling index (CFSMFI). In CFSMFI, a cross-flow sampler was used to simulate the condition of a cross-flow filtration. The results indicated that the pretreatment such as flocculation with an optimum dose of 68 mg/l FeCl3 substantially reduced the fouling propensity of the feed. The standard MFI of flocculated wastewater was reduced by around 99% compared to that of the untreated wastewater. Similarly, the adsorption with powdered activated carbon (PAC) of 1 g/l reduced the standard MFI value to more than 99% compared to that of the untreated wastewater. The CFSMFI values were lower than the standard MFI values for both treated and untreated wastewater, suggesting that the standard MFI was overestimated. The overestimation of the standard MFI compared to that of the CFSMFI value was more than 99%. The effect of molecular weight distribution (MWD) of the foulants in the wastewater on the fouling propensity of the feed was investigated. The MWD was correlated with the MFI and CFSMFI indices. It yielded useful insights in understanding the effect of MW on MFI and CFSMFI and fouling propensity of the feed.
Jayed, MH, Masjuki, HH, Saidur, R, Kalam, MA & Jahirul, MI 2009, 'Environmental aspects and challenges of oilseed produced biodiesel in Southeast Asia', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 2452-2462.
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Ji, JC & Zhang, N 2009, 'Nonlinear response of a forced van der Pol-Duffing oscillator at non-resonant bifurcations of codimension two', CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 1467-1475.
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Non-resonant bifurcations of codimension two may appear in the controlled van der Pol-Duffing oscillator when two critical time delays corresponding to a double Hopf bifurcation have the same value. With the aid of centre manifold theorem and the method of multiple scales, the non-resonant response and two types of primary resonances of the forced van der Pol-Duffing oscillator at non-resonant bifurcations of codimension two are investigated by studying the possible solutions and their stability of the four-dimensional ordinary differential equations on the centre manifold. It is shown that the non-resonant response of the forced oscillator may exhibit quasi-periodic motions on a two- or three-dimensional (2D or 3D) torus. The primary resonant responses admit single and mixed solutions and may exhibit periodic motions or quasi-periodic motions on a 2D torus. Illustrative examples are presented to interpret the dynamics of the controlled system in terms of two dummy unfolding parameters and exemplify the periodic and quasi-periodic motions. The analytical predictions are found to be in good agreement with the results of numerical integration of the original delay differential equation. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ji, JC, Zhang, N & Gao, W 2009, 'Difference resonances in a controlled van der Pol-Duffing oscillator involving time delay', CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 975-980.
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A non-resonant interaction of two Hopf bifurcations may appear after the trivial solution of a controlled van der Pol-Duffing oscillator without external excitation loses its stability, when two critical time delays corresponding to two Hopf bifurcations have the same value. In the vicinity of the non-resonant Hopf bifurcations, the presence of a periodic excitation in the controlled oscillator can induce difference resonances in the forced response, when the forcing frequency and the frequencies of the two Hopf bifurcations satisfy certain relationships. It is found that the frequency response curves of the controlled system under difference resonances are an isolated closed curve. The difference resonance response may admit two stable motions on a three-dimensional torus consisting of three frequencies. Illustrative examples are given to show the quasi-periodic motions. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Jian Zhang, Smith, DB, Hanlen, LW, Miniutti, D, Rodda, D & Gilbert, B 2009, 'Stability of Narrowband Dynamic Body Area Channel', IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 53-56.
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Jiang, ZY, Wei, D & Tieu, AK 2009, 'Analysis of cold rolling of ultra thin strip', Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 209, no. 9, pp. 4584-4589.
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Jinyan Li & Junghwan Kim 2009, 'Data-Aided Synchronization for MF-TDMA Multi-Carrier Demultiplexer/Demodulator (MCDD)', IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 623-632.
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Johir, AH, Khorshed, C, Vigneswaran, S & Shon, HK 2009, 'In-line flocculation-filtration as pre-treatment to reverse osmosis desalination', DESALINATION, vol. 247, no. 1-3, pp. 85-93.
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In this paper the performance of single and dual media filters with in-line flocculation have been examined as pretreatment to seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO). A comparison of filter performance was made between single medium filter (80 cm) consisting of sand or anthracite, and dual media filter consisting of sand (40 cm at the bottom) and anthracite (40 cm on top). Short term (6 hours) experiments were conducted with in-line coagulation followed by direct filtration. Filtration velocities of 5 m/h and 10 m/h were used. The performances of these filters were assessed in terms of turbidity removal, head loss build-up, and organic compound removal in terms of molecular weight distribution (MWD). The efficiency of the filter as pretreatment was evaluated in terms of silt density index (SDI) and modified fouling index (MFI). It was found that the turbidity removal was high and all the filters produced more or less same quality water. There was a slower buildup of head loss for coarser filter medium. A post treatment of reverse osmosis after an inline-flocculation-dual media filtration showed lower normalized flux decline (J/J0) (0.35 to 0.22 during the first 20 hours operation) while, seawater without any pretreatment showed steeper flux decline (0.18 to 0.11 at first 20 hours operation) in RO.
Johir, MAH, Lee, JJ, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J & Shaw, K 2009, 'Treatment of Stormwater using Fibre Filter Media', Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 439-447.
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In this study, a high-rate fibre filter was used as a pre-treatment to stormwater in conjunction with in-line flocculation. The effect of operating the fibre filter with different packing densities (105, 115 and 125 kg/m3) and filtration velocities (20, 40, 60 m/h) with and without in-line flocculation was investigated. In-line flocculation was provided using 5, 10 and 15 mg/L of ferric chloride (FeCl3·6H2O). The filter performance was studied in terms of pressure drop (ÎP), solids removal efficiency, heavy metals (total) removal efficiency and total organic carbon (TOC) removal efficiency. It is found that the use of in-line flocculation at a dose of 15 mg/L improved the performance of fibre filter as measured by turbidity removal (95%), total suspended solids reduction (98%), colour removal efficiency (99%), TOC removal (reduced by 30â40 %) and total coliform removal (93%). The modified fouling index reduced from 750â950 to 12 s/L2 proving that fibre filter can be an excellent pre-treatment to membrane filtration that may be consider as post-treatment. The removal efficiency of heavy metal was variable as their concentration in raw water was small. Even though the concentration of some of these metals such as iron, aluminium, copper and zinc were reduced, others like nickel, chromium and cadmium showed lower removal rates
Johir, MAH, Vigneswaran, S & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Deep bed filter as pre-treatment to stormwater', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 12, no. 1-3, pp. 313-323.
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This paper presents the results of experiments on the application of dual media and single media deep bed filters as pre-treatments to stormwater. In-line flocculation-filtration experiments were conducted with dual and single media filter. The single filter media (80 cm) consisted of either anthracite or sand, and the dual media filter consisted of sand (40 cm at the bottom) and anthracite (40 cm on top). Filtration velocities of 5 m/h, 10 m/h and 15 m/h were examined. The removal efficiency for turbidity, suspended solids and TOC was found to be 95%, 99% and 30â45% respectively at a flocculant dose of FeCl3 of 15 mg/L. The anthracite filter media showed a lower headloss development (26 cm, operated at 5 m/h filtration velocity with FeCl3 dose of 5 mg/L). The removal efficiency for nitrogen was lower than phosphorus which was relatively good (up to 50%). The removal efficiency for heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni was found to be very low for all tested filtration systems because concentrations of these metals in the influent were also low. This filter can be used as a pretreatment to a membrane filter as the modified fouling index was reduced from 750 s/L2 (for stormwater) to 15 s/L2 (for filtered effluent). Detailed submerged membrane filter experiments conducted with pre-treated water showed that the membrane filter can be successfully be used as post-treatment to in-line flocculant-filter at a sustainable flux of 10 L/m2.h to remove the remaining solids and pathogens. An increase of air scouring in the membrane unit decreased the pressure development although it did not have any effect on increasing the critical flux beyond 10 L/m2.h.
Jones, J, Wu, C, Oehlers, DJ, Whittaker, AS, Sun, W, Marks, S & Coppola, R 2009, 'Finite difference analysis of simply supported RC slabs for blast loadings', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 2825-2832.
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Juszczyszyn, K, Musiał, K, Kazienko, P & Gabrys, B 2009, 'Temporal changes in local topology of an email-based social network', Computing and Informatics, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 763-779.
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The dynamics of complex social networks has become one of the research areas of growing importance. The knowledge about temporal changes of the network topology and characteristics is crucial in networked communication systems in which accurate predictions are important. The local network topology can be described by the means of network motifs which are small subgraphs - usually containing from 3 to 7 nodes. They were shown to be useful for creating profiles that reveal several properties of the network. In this paper, the time-varying characteristics of social networks, such as the number of nodes and edges as well as clustering coefficients and different centrality measures are investigated. At the same time, the analysis of three-node motifs (triads) was used to track the temporal changes in the structure of a large social network derived from e-mail communication between university employees. We have shown that temporal changes in local connection patterns of the social network are indeed correlated with the changes in the clustering coefficient as well as various centrality measures values and are detectable by means of motifs analysis. Together with robust sampling network motifs can provide an appealing way to monitor and assess temporal changes in large social networks.
Kadlec, P & Gabrys, B 2009, 'Architecture for development of adaptive on-line prediction models', Memetic Computing, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 241-269.
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This work presents an architecture for the development of on-line prediction models. The architecture defines unified modular environment based on three concepts from machine learning, these are: (i) ensemble methods, (ii) local learning, and (iii) meta learning. The three concepts are organised in a three layer hierarchy within the architecture. For the actual prediction making any data-driven predictive method such as artificial neural network, support vector machines, etc. can be implemented and plugged in. In addition to the predictive methods, data pre-processing methods can also be implemented as plug-ins. Models developed according to the architecture can be trained and operated in different modes. With regard to the training, the architecture supports the building of initial models based on a batch of training data, but if this data is not available the models can also be trained in incremental mode. In a scenario where correct target values are (occasionally) available during the run-time, the architecture supports life-long learning by providing several adaptation mechanisms across the three hierarchical levels. In order to demonstrate its practicality, we show how the issues of current soft sensor development and maintenance can be effectively dealt with by using the architecture as a construction plan for the development of adaptive soft sensing algorithms. © Springer-Verlag 2009.
Kadlec, P, Gabrys, B & Strandt, S 2009, 'Data-driven Soft Sensors in the process industry', Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 795-814.
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Kadupitige, SR, Leung, KC, Sellmeier, J, Sivieng, J, Catchpoole, DR, Bain, ME & Gaëta, BA 2009, 'MINER: exploratory analysis of gene interaction networks by machine learning from expression data', BMC Genomics, vol. 10, no. S3.
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Abstract Background The reconstruction of gene regulatory networks from high-throughput 'omics' data has become a major goal in the modelling of living systems. Numerous approaches have been proposed, most of which attempt only 'one-shot' reconstruction of the whole network with no intervention from the user, or offer only simple correlation analysis to infer gene dependencies. Results We have developed MINER (Microarray Interactive Network Exploration and Representation), an application that combines multivariate non-linear tree learning of individual gene regulatory dependencies, visualisation of these dependencies as both trees and networks, and representation of known biological relationships based on common Gene Ontology annotations. MINER allows biologists to explore the dependencies influencing the expression of individual genes in a gene expression data set in the form of decision, model or regression trees, using their domain knowledge to guide the exploration and formulate hypotheses. Multiple trees can then be summarised in the form of a gene network diagram. MINER is being adopted by several of our collaborators and has already led to the discovery of a new significant regulatory relationship with subsequent experimental validation. Conclusion Unlike most gene regulatory network inference methods, MINER allows the user to start from genes of interest and build the network gene-by-gene, incorporating domain expertise in the process. This approach has been used successfully with RNA microarray data but is applicable to other quantitative data produced by high-throughput technologies such as proteomics and 'next generation' DNA s...
Kai Zhang, Tsang, IW & Kwok, JT 2009, 'Maximum Margin Clustering Made Practical', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 583-596.
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Motivated by the success of large margin methods in supervised learning, maximum margin clustering (MMC) is a recent approach that aims at extending large margin methods to unsupervised learning. However, its optimization problem is nonconvex and existing MMC methods all rely on reformulating and relaxing the nonconvex optimization problem as semidefinite programs (SDP). Though SDP is convex and standard solvers are available, they are computationally very expensive and only small data sets can be handled. To make MMC more practical, we avoid SDP relaxations and propose in this paper an efficient approach that performs alternating optimization directly on the original nonconvex problem. A key step to avoid premature convergence in the resultant iterative procedure is to change the loss function from the hinge loss to the Laplacian/square loss so that overconfident predictions are penalized. Experiments on a number of synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate that the proposed approach is more accurate, much faster (hundreds to tens of thousands of times faster), and can handle data sets that are hundreds of times larger than the largest data set reported in the MMC literature.
Kalam, MA, Masjuki, HH, Redzuan, M, Mahlia, TMI, Fuad, MA, Mohibah, M, Halim, KH, Ishak, A, Khair, M, Shahrir, A & Yusoff, A 2009, 'Development and test of a new catalytic converter for natural gas fuelled engine', Sadhana, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 467-481.
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Kejalakshmy, N, Rahman, BMA, Agrawal, A, Tanvir, HM & Grattan, KTV 2009, 'Metal-Coated Defect-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for THz Propagation', Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 1631-1637.
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Ken-Li Lin, Chin-Teng Lin, Pal, NR & Ojha, S 2009, 'Structural building blocks', IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 38-44.
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Kersten, W, Hülle, J, Möller, K & Lammers, T 2009, 'Kostenorientierte Analyse der Modularisierung', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 104, no. 12, pp. 1136-1141.
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Kurzfassung Modularisierungskonzepte finden vermehrt Anwendung, um den Zielkonflikt zwischen der Notwendigkeit einer höheren Variantenvielfalt sowie dem Bestreben zur Komplexitätsoptimierung und Standardisierung zu lösen. Die Umsetzung einer optimalen Produktstrategie und die erfolgversprechende Durchführung bzw. Erweiterung von Modularisierungskonzepten setzen eine verursachungsgerechte Kostenbewertung zur Entscheidungsunterstützung voraus. Ergebnis des vorliegenden Beitrags ist ein Rahmenkonzept für ein Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem zur Implementierung von Modularisierungskonzepten unter Berücksichtigung von Kostenwirkungen. Dazu wird eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise zur Identifikation und Bewertung von kostenbeeinflussenden Modularisierungswirkungen mit Hilfe von geeigneten Kennzahlen vorgestellt.
Kirchner, N, Liu, D & Dissanayake, G 2009, 'Surface Type Classification With a Laser Range Finder', IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1160-1168.
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This paper presents a system for surface classification using a laser range finder. It is shown that the return intensities and range errors provide sufficient information to distinguish a wide range of surfaces commonly found in a number of environments. A supervised learning scheme (using curves representing the return intensity and range error as a function of angle of incidence) is used to classify the surface type of planar patches. Extensive experimental evidence is presented to demonstrate the potential of the proposed technique. The surface type classification, which uses a typical laser range finder, is targeted for use with autonomous robotic systems in which significantly different interaction is required for each of the various materials present. Results from an on-site experiment demonstrate that the information from the laser range finder is sufficient to identify the different materials (via their surface properties) present in a scene where a bridge structure is being prepared for grit blasting. © 2009 IEEE.
Kumarasinghe, D, Pettigrew, L & Nghiem, LD 2009, 'Removal of heavy metals from mining impacted water by an electrocoagulation-ultrafiltration hybrid process', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 66-72.
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Kus, B & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Low-Cost Filtration System to Treat First-Flush Stormwater', Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 347-355.
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the low-flow filtration system (LFFS) that Kogarah Municipal Council developed for treating and reusing the highly polluted first-flush stormwater (FFSW) while allowing the cleaner subsequent major stormwater flows to be directed to the major street drainage. The LFFS was evaluated through laboratory investigations using columns packed with different filter media to test the removal efficiency of pollutants such as zinc (Zn), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), total organic content, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and turbidity. The findings from this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the LFFS to largely reduce turbidity, TPH, and trace metals from the FFSW. The LFFS also partially removes dissolved organics, TP and TN. These pollutants are more commonly and effectively removed in subsequent processes of a stormwater treatment train. Further this paper highlights the importance of regular maintenance of the LFFS especially as it is only associated in removing the high pollutant loads during a storm event. Due to this first flush, a thick oily crust-formed layer requires monthly removal, and an entire replacement of the exhausted filter media is required quarterly. However considering the labor required to service the crust formed layer within the LFFS, it is more cost effective to replace the entire depth of filter media monthly.
Kwok, NM, Ha, QP, Liu, D & Fang, G 2009, 'Contrast Enhancement and Intensity Preservation for Gray-Level Images Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 145-155.
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The contrast enhancement of gray-level digital images is considered in this paper. In particular, the mean image intensity is preserved while the contrast is enhanced. This provides better viewing consistence and effectiveness. The contrast enhancement is achieved by maximizing the information content carried in the image via a continuous intensity transform function. The preservation of image intensity is obtained by applying gamma-correction on the images. Since there is always a trade-off between the requirements for the enhancement of contrast and preservation of intensity, an improved multiobjective particle swarm optimization procedure is proposed to resolve this contradiction, making use of its flexible algorithmic structure. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by a number of images including the benchmarks and an image sequence captured from a mobile robot in an indoor environment. © 2006 IEEE.
Kwon, B, Shon, HK & Cho, J 2009, 'Characterizations of Colloidal Organic Matter Isolated from Surface Water', SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 44, no. 13, pp. 3224-3238.
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This study investigated the effect of the molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of a dialysis membrane for the isolation of colloidal organic matter (COM) from surface water. Various dialysis membranes with different MWCO were used for the isolation of COM from Cebron reservoir natural organic matter (CRNOM). The COM included mainly amino sugars (3040%) and polysaccharides (3040%), with 23 of fatty acids over aromatic acids (F=A ratio), indicating that the COM were derived from microbial substances. As all the COM constituents were found to have similar characteristics, the MWCO of the dialysis membrane was not found to influence the COM characteristics.
Kwon, B, Shon, HK & Cho, J 2009, 'Investigating the relationship between model organic compounds and ultrafiltration membrane fouling', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 8, no. 1-3, pp. 177-187.
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The aims of this study were to investigate the fouling mechanisms of model organic compounds (MOCs) on two ultrafiltration membranes [composite regenerated cellulose (YM100) and polyethersulfone (PES)] and the relationship between fouling and membrane characteristics, flux decline, and the streaming potential (SP). Two alginic acids (polymer and dimmer, AA), abietic acid (AbA), colominic acid (CA), and N-acetylneuraminic acid (NA) were selected as MOCs to test their membrane fouling potential through flux decline and SP. The fouling caused by the two AAs, which contained many polysaccharides, was the highest among MOCs, but this fouling was external (solute deposition on the membrane surface) and reversible as polysaccharides did not strongly adsorb onto the YM100 and PES membranes. CA also caused external fouling of the two membranes; however, AbA caused internal (solute adsorption on the pores wall of membrane) and irreversible fouling of the PES membrane. NA, which contained amino sugars, exhibited very low fouling of both membranes. The hydrophilic YM100 membrane experienced less fouling than the hydrophobic PES membrane with all MOCs. The measurement of the SP using a modified dead-end filtration cell was employed to evaluate the flux decline due to MOCs.
Lai, A, Cairns, MJ, Tran, N, Zhang, H-P, Cullen, L & Arndt, GM 2009, 'RNA Modulators of Complex Phenotypes in Mammalian Cells', PLoS ONE, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. e4758-e4758.
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Lai, Y, Bennett, NS, Ahn, C, Cowern, NEB, Cordero, N & Greer, JC 2009, 'Transient activation model for antimony in relaxed and strained silicon', Solid-State Electronics, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1173-1176.
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Lawrence, SJ & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Reliability-Based Calibration of the Capacity Reduction Factor for Design of Masonry in Compression to AS3700', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 97-110.
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The paper examines the reliability of masonry walls designed for compression in accordance with AS3700. The results of a large number of tests on full-scale masonry walls in compression have been used to obtain probabilistic models of behaviour. Structural reliability was then estimated for vertical loading of unreinforced masonry walls loaded concentrically, considering variations of unit compressive strength, mortar type, tributary area and live-to-dead load ratios. A reliability-based calibration of the Australian masonry design code AS3700 was then conducted using a target reliability index specified in AS5104. Recommendations are made for changes to $ used for compression design in AS3700 that, if adopted, would lead to an increase of 66% in the design compressive strength of walls. © Institution of Engineers Australia, 2009.
Lee, BC, Kim, S, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, SD, Cho, J, Kim, IS, Choi, KH, Kim, JB, Park, HJ & Kim, J-H 2009, 'Aquatic toxicity evaluation of TiO2 nanoparticle produced from sludge of TiCl4 flocculation of wastewater and seawater', JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2087-2096.
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Flocculation using titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) as a coagulant is an efficient and economical application because the flocculated sludge can be recycled to produce a valuable byproduct, namely titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles. However, toxicity of TiCl4 has not yet been assessed while it is used in water treatment. The aquatic toxicity of TiCl4 flocculation process was investigated to assess the environmental safety of the coagulant. D. magna and V. fischeri bioassays were carried out to evaluate the supernatant toxicity after TiCl4 flocculation. Artificial wastewater, biologically treated sewage effluent, and seawater were used to study the toxicity of TiCl4 flocculation. Results showed that supernatant toxicity was very low when TiCl4 flocculation was conducted (no observed effect concentration = 100 mg/L and lowest observed effect concentration = 150 mg/L exposed to D. magna and V. fischeri, respectively). Similarly, TiO2 nanoparticles recovered from wastewater and seawater flocculated sludge were also found to have low toxicity. The regenerated TiO2 nanoparticles indicated low toxicity values when compared to the commercial-TiO2 nanoparticle, P-25.
Lee, JE-Y & Seshia, AA 2009, '5.4-MHz single-crystal silicon wine glass mode disk resonator with quality factor of 2 million', Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 156, no. 1, pp. 28-35.
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Lee, JE-Y & Seshia, AA 2009, 'Parasitic feedthrough cancellation techniques for enhanced electrical characterization of electrostatic microresonators', Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 156, no. 1, pp. 36-42.
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Lee, JE-Y, Yan, J & Seshia, AA 2009, 'Low loss HF band SOI wine glass bulk mode capacitive square-plate resonator', Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 074003-074003.
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Lee, JJ, Johir, MAH, Chinu, KH, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, Kim, CW & Shaw, K 2009, 'Hybrid filtration method for pre-treatment of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO)', DESALINATION, vol. 247, no. 1-3, pp. 15-24.
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Hybrid processes combining fi bre fi lter with deep bed fi ltration process such as (i) fi bre fi lter and sand fi lter, (ii) fi bre fi lter and anthracite and (iii) fi bre fi lter and dual media fi lter were investigated as pre- treatments to SWRO. Seawater was drawn from Chowder Bay, Sydney. The eff ect of diff erent pretreatment hybrid systems was investigated in terms of silt density index (SDI10), modifi ed fouling index (MFI), headloss across the fi lters and reduction in turbidity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The in-line fl occulation in fi bre fi lter improved the performance of the pretreatment hybrid system as measured by the MFI, SDI10, headloss, turbidity and DOC removal. The lowest SDI10 and MFI were found with a fi bre fi lter operated at a fi ltration velocity of 40 m/h followed by dual media fi lter operated at a fi ltration velocity of 5 m/h. The lowest headloss and turbidity was found with a fi bre fi lter operated at a fi ltration velocity of 40 m/hr followed by anthracite operated at a fi ltration velocity of 5 m/h. This system also gave an effl uent with the lowest DOC of 0.64 mg/L corresponding to a removal effi ciency of about 70%.
Lee, S & Pradhan, B 2009, 'Landslide susceptibility assessment and factor effect analysis: backpropagation artificial neural networks and their comparison with frequency ratio and bivariate logistic regression modelling'.
Lee, T 2009, 'A note on the sign degree of formulas'.
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Recent breakthroughs in quantum query complexity have shown that any formulaof size n can be evaluated with O(sqrt(n)log(n)/log log(n)) many quantumqueries in the bounded-error setting [FGG08, ACRSZ07, RS08b, Rei09]. Inparticular, this gives an upper bound on the approximate polynomial degree offormulas of the same magnitude, as approximate polynomial degree is a lowerbound on quantum query complexity [BBCMW01]. These results essentially answer in the affirmative a conjecture of O'Donnelland Servedio [O'DS03] that the sign degree--the minimal degree of a polynomialthat agrees in sign with a function on the Boolean cube--of every formula ofsize n is O(sqrt(n)). In this note, we show that sign degree is super-multiplicative under functioncomposition. Combining this result with the above mentioned upper bounds on thequantum query complexity of formulas allows the removal of logarithmic factorsto show that the sign degree of every size n formula is at most sqrt(n).
LEEDHAM, G, MA, Y & BLUMENSTEIN, M 2009, 'HANDWRITTEN SHORTHAND AND ITS FUTURE POTENTIAL FOR FAST MOBILE TEXT ENTRY', International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 23, no. 05, pp. 1031-1051.
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Handwritten shorthand systems were devised to enable writers to record information on paper at fast speeds, ideally at the speed of speech. While they have been in existence for many years it is only since the 17th Century that widespread usage appeared. Several shorthand systems flourished in the first half of the 20th century until the introduction and widespread use of electronic recording and dictation machines in the 1970's. Since then, shorthand usage has been in rapid decline, but has not yet become a lost skill. Pitman shorthand has been shown to possess unique advantages as a means of fast text entry which is particularly applicable to hand-held devices in mobile environments. This paper presents progress and critical research issues for a Pitman/Renqun Shorthand Online Recognition System. Recognition and transcription experiments are reported which indicate that a correct recognition and transcription rate of around 90% is currently possible.
Lei, G, Shao, KR, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lavers, JD 2009, 'Improved Sequential Optimization Method for High Dimensional Electromagnetic Device Optimization', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3993-3996.
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Improved sequential optimization method (SOM) and dimension reduction optimization method (DROM) are presented for high dimensional optimization design problems of electromagnetic devices. Improved SOM can simultaneously optimize the statistical approximate models and optimization algorithms more efficiently compared with SOM. Using DROM, a high dimensional problem can be converted into a low dimensional problem with expert experience or some design of experiment techniques. Then two TEAM benchmark problems (Problem 22 and Problem 25) are investigated to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods. From the experimental results, we can see that the presented methods can obviously reduce the computational cost of finite element analysis, while the optimal results also satisfy design specification.
Lei, G, Shao, KR, Li, YB, Yang, GY, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lavers, JD 2009, 'Bayesian Inversion Method and its Information Determination for the Estimation of Particle Size Distribution in Ferrofluids', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3981-3984.
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Using Gaussian numerical integration formula, the problem of estimating the particle size distribution (PSD) in ferrofluids can be converted into an electromagnetic inverse problem. Then we present two Bayesian analytical estimators, minimum mean-square error estimator and maximum a posteriori estimator, to reconstruct the PSD of magnetic particles. In the implementation, weighted minimum norm approach, maximum likelihood estimator, and weighted least square estimator are employed to determine prior information for the unknown parameter. We also present two methods to provide the noise information for the error term. Finally, using Monte Carlo method, we give a ferrofluid example to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.
Lei, J, Kong, FQ, Wu, CK & Li, YS 2009, 'Algorithm for ROI coding based on rate pre-allocation', Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 745-749.
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In order to decrease the complexity of the traditional algorithm for ROI coding, a new algorithm based on rate pre-allocation is proposed. The code block of ROI is primarily encoded, and its coding stream length is controlled to implement from lossy to lossless ROI coding. Certain bytes are allocated to each block of background regions (BG) according to their entropy value. In the light of the allocated rate, T1 coding process on the block of BG can be real-time terminated. As a result, the whole coding process is simplified. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the cost of computation and memory usage compared with the bit-plane lifting and rate-distortion slope lifting ROI coding methods, which is suitable for implementation in hardware.
Lei, J, Li, YS, Zhou, YX & Wu, CK 2009, 'An algorithm for multi-spectral image compression based on motion estimation and ROI', Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 2707-2711.
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With the analyses of the characteristic of interferential multi-spectral images, a new compression algorithm was proposed, which is based on motion compensation and region of interest coding method. In order to eliminate the redundancy between the two successive frames, the motion estimation method was adopted. With the method based on ROI coding of EBCOT, the image produced after motion compensation was coded. ROI coding was completed by lifting the slope of rate-distortion of code block, as the result multi-spectral information was well protected, higher compression ratio and less computing complexity were obtained as well. Compared with the algorithm based on 3D DWT and bit-plane scale-shift method of ROI, experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the reconstructed image quality, enhance the efficiency of image coding and efficiently protect the multi-spectral information.
Lei, J, Zhou, YX, Wu, CK, Li, YS & Kong, FQ 2009, 'A new image compression algorithm of the interferential multispectral images', Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1534-1538.
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Based on the analysis of the interferential multispectral images, a new compression algorithm was proposed. The template matching algorithm in the wavelet domain was adopted to remove the redundancy between the two successive frames. The scheme adopted a ROI coding algorithm based on rate pre-allocated, with which the depth of T1 coding process could be controlled and the cost of computation and memory usage could be reduced. The proposed scheme is suitable for hardware implementation of interferential multispectral image compression system. And, the experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves performance improvement over the conventional schemes in the interferential multispectral system.
Leijdekkers, P, Gay, VC & Barin, E 2009, 'Feasibility study of a non invasive cardiac rhythm management system', International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Systems, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 5-14.
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Lendzian, H, Schneider, R & Deuse, J 2009, 'Implementing standardized work in a customer specific small batch production', Productivity Management, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 13-16.
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Implementing lean production - especially the element of standardized work - in customer specific low volume production poses particular challenges. Achieving the goals like uncovering and eliminating waste takes great efforts without the guarantee of success. Therefore a cooperation of TU Dortmund and Bosch Rexroth AG is developing a model to increase efficiency and target achievement. Based on four different detail levels of standardized work, deviations are uncovered and visualized as well as the continuous improvement process is supported systematically. © GITO-Verlag.
Leyendekkers, JV, Shannon, AG & Wong, CK 2009, 'The spectra of primes', Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
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The right-end digits (REDs) of integers were used to construct spectra of primes within a background of composites. The spectra showed repeat patterns apparently related to the changing composite field. Specific composite sequences from Integer Structure analysis and Euler's prime equation, were discussed in relation to the use of 'marker' composites, to allow better interpretation of the spectra.
Lezana, P, Aguilera, R & Quevedo, DE 2009, 'Model Predictive Control of an Asymmetric Flying Capacitor Converter', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1839-1846.
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Lezana, P, Aguilera, R & Rodriguez, J 2009, 'Fault Detection on Multicell Converter Based on Output Voltage Frequency Analysis', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2275-2283.
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Li, H, Jiang, Z, Tieu, AK, Sun, W, Wei, D & Zhu, H 2009, 'Tribological features of roll surface in cold metal rolling', International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5/6, pp. 407-407.
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Cold strip rolling under dry and lubricated conditions vas conducted oil a new developed mini-mill, which was installed ill the Gleeble 3500 Thermo-mechanical Simulator. The surface roughness and Power Spectrum Density (PSD) features of the rolls were analysed. Results show that the lubrication significantly reduces Surface roughness of the 4%Cr roll, but has less effect oil surface toughness of the 4%Cr with Ti-added roll. The surface deterioration of 4%Cr with Ti-added roll varies significantly with all increase of rolling passes. Asperities oil roll surface experience inhomogeneous variation, which indicates the deterioration of surface roughness is different for both roll materials.
Li, J & Hao, P 2009, 'Finding representative landmarks of data on manifolds', Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2335-2352.
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Li, J & Liu, Q 2009, '‘Double water exclusion’: a hypothesis refining the O-ring theory for the hot spots at protein interfaces', Bioinformatics, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 743-750.
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Abstract Motivation: The O-ring theory reveals that the binding hot spot at a protein interface is surrounded by a ring of residues that are energetically less important than the residues in the hot spot. As this ring of residues is served to occlude water molecules from the hot spot, the O-ring theory is also called ‘water exclusion’ hypothesis. We propose a ‘double water exclusion’ hypothesis to refine the O-ring theory by assuming the hot spot itself is water-free. To computationally model a water-free hot spot, we use a biclique pattern that is defined as two maximal groups of residues from two chains in a protein complex holding the property that every residue contacts with all residues in the other group. Methods and Results: Given a chain pair A and B of a protein complex from the Protein Data Bank (PDB), we calculate the interatomic distance of all possible pairs of atoms between A and B. We then represent A and B as a bipartite graph based on these distance information. Maximal biclique subgraphs are subsequently identified from all of the bipartite graphs to locate biclique patterns at the interfaces. We address two properties of biclique patterns: a non-redundant occurrence in PDB, and a correspondence with hot spots when the solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) of a biclique pattern in the complex form is small. A total of 1293 biclique patterns are discovered which have a non-redundant occurrence of at least five, and which each have a minimum two and four residues at the two sides. Through extensive queries to the HotSprint and ASEdb databases, we verified that biclique patterns are rich of true hot residues. Our algorithm and results provide a new way to identify hot spots by examining proteins' structural data. Availability: The biclique mining algorithm is available at ...
Li, K, Zhou, W & Yu, S 2009, 'Effective metric for detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks based on information divergence', IET Communications, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1851-1860.
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Li, S & Cohn, AG 2009, 'Reasoning with Topological and Directional Spatial Information', Computational Intelligence, 2012, 28(4):579-616, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 579-616.
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Current research on qualitative spatial representation and reasoning mainlyfocuses on one single aspect of space. In real world applications, however,multiple spatial aspects are often involved simultaneously. This paper investigates problems arising in reasoning with combinedtopological and directional information. We use the RCC8 algebra and theRectangle Algebra (RA) for expressing topological and directional informationrespectively. We give examples to show that the bipath-consistency algorithmBIPATH is incomplete for solving even basic RCC8 and RA constraints. Iftopological constraints are taken from some maximal tractable subclasses ofRCC8, and directional constraints are taken from a subalgebra, termed DIR49, ofRA, then we show that BIPATH is able to separate topological constraints fromdirectional ones. This means, given a set of hybrid topological and directionalconstraints from the above subclasses of RCC8 and RA, we can transfer the jointsatisfaction problem in polynomial time to two independent satisfactionproblems in RCC8 and RA. For general RA constraints, we give a method tocompute solutions that satisfy all topological constraints and approximatelysatisfy each RA constraint to any prescribed precision.
Li, Y & Esselle, KP 2009, 'Small EBG resonator high-gain antenna using in-phase highly-reflecting surface', Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 21, pp. 1058-1060.
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Li, Y, Guo, Y, Lei, G & Shao, K 2009, 'Sequential inference method of electromagnetic optimization in engineering', Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 25-28.
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Sequential inference method was presented for engineering electromagnetic optimization by the combination of statistical approximate models with sequential sampling method. In the implementation, approximate models include radial basis model and compactly supported radial basis model; sequential sampling and optimization process is composed of coarse optimization process and fine optimization process. Compared with traditional direct optimization method, the optimization models constructed by the sequential sampling method only need a small sample data, and the overall computational effort needed is much less than that by direct optimization method. Meanwhile, sequential method can provide prior information for the optimization algorithm. Finally, to illustrate the performance of the new method, Monte Carlo simulation experiment and the IEEE TEAM Workshop Problem 22 are investigated. Analysis demonstrates that the computation cost of the new methods is less than 1/10 of direct optimization algorithm. The optimization results are also satisfied the design objectives.
Li, Y, Johnston, BF, Withford, MJ & Esselle, KP 2009, 'Design, fabrication, simulation, and measurement of a dual‐band, planar, compact artificial magnetic conductor', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1524-1527.
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AbstractBy introducing two orthogonal gaps to a uniplanar compact photonic bandgap structure, artificial magnetic conductor's resonance frequencies have been significantly reduced. Since this compact pattern needs slots with 0.05‐mm width, the laser micromachining was explored to fabricate the prototypes. Reflection coefficients were measured through a WR‐137 waveguide. Considering the dominant waves propagating in a waveguide, a simulation method is introduced. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51: 1524–1527, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/mop.24346
Li, Y, Li, J, Samali, B & Wang, J 2009, 'Design considerations and experimental studies on semi-active smart pin joint', Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 363-370.
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Hostile dynamic loadings such as severe wind storms, earthquakes, and sudden impacts can cause severe damage to many civil engineering structures. An intelligent structural system equipped with smart structural members that are controllable in real-time is an effective solution to structural damage and failure during such situations. Civil intelligent structures with controllable properties to adapt to any changes due to dynamic loadings can lead to effective protection of structures and their occupants. In this paper, design and testing of a semi-active magnetorheological (MR) pin joint, in which the moment resistance can be controlled in real-time by altering the magnetic field, is reported with the view of using it as a potential candidate for smart members in the development of intelligent structures. Design of prototype smart pin joints includes theoretical analysis related to the radius of the rotary plate, the property of MR fluids and the gap between the rotary plate and the casing based on the requirements of the dynamics of MR pin joints. FEM analysis was deployed to study the distribution of the magnetic field along the gap. It is found, from the theoretical analysis and experimental verification, that the MR pin joint with a diameter of 180 mm can produce a torque of up to 30 Nm, which meets requirements for semi-active members in a multi-storey prototype building model in the next stage of research and development. © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2009.
Lin, C-T, Huang, T-Y, Liang, W-C, Chiu, T-T, Chao, C-F, Hsu, S-H & Ko, L-W 2009, 'Assessing Effectiveness of Various Auditory Warning Signals in Maintaining Drivers' Attention in Virtual Reality-Based Driving Environments', Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 825-835.
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Drivers' fatigue contributes to traffic accidents, so drivers must maintain adequate alertness. The effectiveness of audio alarms in maintaining driving performance and characteristics of alarms was studied in a virtural reality-based driving environment. Response time to the car's drifting was measured under seven conditions: with no warnings and with continuous warning tones (500 Hz, 1750 Hz, and 3000 Hz), and with tone bursts at 500 Hz, 1750 Hz, and 3000 Hz. Analyses showed the audio warning signals significantly improved driving. Further, the tones' spectral characteristics significantly influenced the effectiveness of the warning.
Lin, C-T, Ko, L-W & Shen, T-K 2009, 'Computational intelligent brain computer interaction and its applications on driving cognition', IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 32-46.
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Lin, Y, Zheng, Z, Li, Y, Yuan, X, Hou, J, Zhang, S, Fan, H, Wang, Y, Li, W & Hu, S 2009, 'Impact of Renal Dysfunction on Long-Term Survival After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery', The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1079-1084.
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Lindahl, M, José, M, Jurado, L, Pilar, M, Ramos, G & Carmen, M 2009, 'A decision making method for educational management based on distance measures', Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa, vol. 8, pp. 29-49.
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We develop a new approach for decision making in educational management based on the use of distance measures. We focus on the selection of a studies plan from the perspective of an academic institution. We try to develop this approach showing the benefits of establishing an ideal plan that we compare with the available alternatives. We use the Minkowski distance, the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator and the interval numbers. The use of the Minkowski distance allows to make comparisons between the ideal plan and the available ones in the market. The OWA operator is an aggregation operator that provides a parameterized family of aggregation operators that includes the maximum, the minimum and the average criteria, among oth- ers. And the interval numbers is a very useful technique to represent the information when the environment is very complex, because it gives all the possible results from the minimum to the maximum. We introduce a new aggregation operator called the uncertain generalized ordered weighted aver- aging distance (UGOWAD) operator. It is a distance aggregation operator that uses the main characteristics of the Minkowski distance, the OWA op- erator and the interval numbers. We develop an illustrative example where we can see the usefulness of the UGOWAD operator to select a studies plan in education management. The main advantage of using the UGOWAD is that we can consider a wide range of distance aggregation methods in the decision problem. Then, the decision maker gets a more complete view of the decision problem, being able to select the alternative that better fits the interests.
Lindsay, ED, Murray, S, Liu, DK, Lowe, DB & Bright, CG 2009, 'Establishment reality vs. maintenance reality: how real is real enough?', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 229-234.
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Remote and virtual laboratories are increasingly prevalent alternatives to the face-to-face laboratory experience; however, the question of their learning outcomes is yet to be fully investigated. There are many presumptions regarding the effectiveness of these approaches; foremost amongst these assumptions is that the experience must be 'real' to be effective. Embedding reality into a remote or virtual laboratory can be an expensive and time-consuming task. Significant efforts have been expended to create 3D VRML models of laboratory equipment, allowing students to pan, zoom and tilt their perspective as they see fit. Multiple camera angles have been embedded into remote interfaces to provide an increased sense of 'realness'. This paper draws upon the literature in the field to show that the necessary threshold for reality varies depending upon how the students are interacting with the equipment. There is one threshold for when they first interact - the establishment reality - which allows the students to familiarise themselves with the laboratory equipment, and to build their mental model of the experience. There is, however, a second, lower, threshold - the maintenance reality - that is necessary for the students' ongoing operation of the equipment. Students' usage patterns rely upon a limited subset of the available functionality, focusing upon only some aspects of the reality that has been originally established. The two threshold model presented in this paper provides a new insight for the development of virtual laboratories in the future.
Lister, R, Fidge, C & Teague, D 2009, 'Further evidence of a relationship between explaining, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 161-165.
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This paper reports on a replication of earlier studies into a possible hierarchy of programming skills. In this study, the students from whom data was collected were at a university that had not provided data for earlier studies. Also, the students were taught the programming language 'Python', which had not been used in earlier studies. Thus this study serves as a test of whether the findings in the earlier studies were specific to certain institutions, student cohorts, and programming languages. Also, we used a non-parametric approach to the analysis, rather than the linear approach of earlier studies. Our results are consistent with the earlier studies. We found that students who cannot trace code usually cannot explain code, and also that students who tend to perform reasonably well at code writing tasks have also usually acquired the ability to both trace code and explain code.
Listowski, A, Ngo, HH, Guo, WS, Vigneswaran, S & Palmer, CG 2009, 'Concepts towards a novel integrated assessment methodology of urban water reuse', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 81-92.
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Traditional supplies of large volumes of water and wastewater disposal technologies have offered a linear solution, thus intensifying environmental stress. In addition, provision of urban infrastructure especially any major augmentations are often the impractical or economically prohibitive. Urban water cycle should be viewed as an interactive and coordinated approach involving: Available water resources, Appropriate treatment technology producing fi t for purpose water quality, and Ascertaining long term balance between environmental, social and economic issues.
Liu, G, Sim, K, Li, J & Wong, L 2009, 'Efficient mining of distance‐based subspace clusters', Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, vol. 2, no. 5-6, pp. 427-444.
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AbstractTraditional similarity measurements often become meaningless when dimensions of datasets increase. Subspace clustering has been proposed to find clusters embedded in subspaces of high‐dimensional datasets. Many existing algorithms use a grid‐based approach to partition the data space into nonoverlapping rectangle cells, and then identify connected dense cells as clusters. The rigid boundaries of the grid‐based approach may cause a real cluster to be divided into several small clusters. In this paper, we propose to use a sliding‐window approach to partition the dimensions to preserve significant clusters. We call this model nCluster model. The sliding‐window approach generates more bins than the grid‐based approach, thus it incurs higher mining cost. We develop a deterministic algorithm, called MaxnCluster, to mine nClusters efficiently. MaxnCluster uses several techniques to speed up the mining, and it produces only maximal nClusters to reduce result size. Non‐maximal nClusters are pruned without the need of storing the discovered nClusters in the memory, which is key to the efficiency of MaxnCluster. Our experiment results show that (i) the nCluster model can indeed preserve clusters that are shattered by the grid‐based approach on synthetic datasets; (ii) the nCluster model produces more significant clusters than the grid‐based approach on two real gene expression datasets and (iii) MaxnCluster is efficient in mining maximal nClusters. Copyright © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 2: 427‐444, 2009
Liu, RP, Rosberg, Z, Collings, IB, Wilson, C, Dong, AY & Jha, S 2009, 'Energy Efficient Reliable Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with Asymmetric Links.', Int. J. Wirel. Inf. Networks, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 131-141.
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Field measurements reveal that radio link asymmetry has a severe impact on reliable data delivery. We analyze the energy efficiencies of selected reliability schemes for asymmetric radio links using theoretical models. The analysis provides guidelines for retransmission control so as to balance between reliability and energy consumption. We also design two enhancements to the "implicit" ARQ scheme addressing the negative effects of asymmetric radio links. The energy efficiencies of these algorithms are explicitly derived using our theoretical model and validated by simulations and field trials. Based on the analysis of the two enhanced algorithms, we propose an improvement, referred to as Energy Efficient Reliable Data Collection (EERDC) that controls the retransmissions of the enhanced ARQ schemes. Simulations and field trials confirm our theoretical findings and demonstrate that our proposed EERDC algorithm alleviates the impact of link asymmetry and achieves energy savings. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
LIU, S-G, NI, B-J, WEl, L, TANG, Y & YU, H-Q 2009, 'Contact-Adsorption-Regeneration-Stabilization Process for the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater', Journal of Water and Environment Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 83-90.
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Liu, X-W, Yu, H-Q, Ni, B-J & Sheng, G-P 2009, 'Characterization, Modeling and Application of Aerobic Granular Sludge for Wastewater Treatment', BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CHINA I, vol. 113, pp. 275-303.
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Lowe, D, Murray, S, Lindsay, E & Liu, D 2009, 'Evolving Remote Laboratory Architectures to Leverage Emerging Internet Technologies', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 289-294.
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There is growing research into, and development of, the use of the internet to support remote access by students to physical laboratory infrastructure. These remote laboratories can, under appropriate circumstances, support or even replace traditional (proximal) laboratories, provide additional or improved access at reduced cost, and encourage interinstitutional sharing of expensive resources. Effective design of remote laboratories requires attention to the design of both the pedagogy and the technical infrastructure, as well as how these elements interact. In this paper, we consider the architectures of remote laboratories, the shortcomings of existing implementations, and we argue that emerging internet technologies can assist in overcoming these shortcomings. We also consider the opportunities which these technologies provide in moving beyond both existing remote laboratories and existing proximal laboratories, to create opportunities which were not previously possible. © 2009 IEEE.
Lu, DDC 2009, 'Integrated Power Converter Design to Meet Uninterruptible Supply and Short Surge Load Demands', Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 179-189.
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This paper generalises the design of AC/DC switching power converters for applications with power factor correction, short surge load and uninterruptible power supply demands. The design focuses on achieving better utilisation of the DC bus voltage, fast transient response and provision of backup power. A number of new designs liave been identified. Experimental results of a selected converter topology design are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed power supply design concept. © 2009 Institution of Engineers Australia.
Lu, DD-C & Agelidis, VG 2009, 'Photovoltaic-Battery-Powered DC Bus System for Common Portable Electronic Devices', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 849-855.
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Lu, DD-C, Iu, HH-C & Pjevalica, V 2009, 'Single-Stage AC/DC Boost–Forward Converter With High Power Factor and Regulated Bus and Output Voltages', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2128-2132.
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Lu, H, Zhu, J, Lin, Z & Guo, Y 2009, 'An inchworm mobile robot using electromagnetic linear actuator', Mechatronics, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1116-1125.
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The capability of motion is one of the important aspects for a micro-robot to fulfill its given tasks. Micro-autonomous systems usually require large force, large displacement and less power consumption. Among different actuation schemes, electromagnetic actuator shows the benefit in a combination of force, displacement and cost effective control. A bristle-based inchworm mobile robot using a short stroke electromagnetic linear actuator is described in the paper. The main body and movable unit of the robot are joined by using a sealed bellows and the bristle legs are designed so that it can operate both on plane surfaces and in liquid. The actuator designed for the robot is a tubular type linear machine with an overall size of ?7 × 10 mm. The key dimensions of the actuator were determined through magnetic field analysis to achieve optimum force output and necessary travel stroke within the limited space. The predicted actuation force of the actuator is 20 mN and the stroke length is 1.2 mm. Two working prototypes of the actuator were constructed and the performance tests show the effectiveness of the design. A sensorless control scheme with a novel start-up strategy for the designed actuator was developed based on the robotic system modeling and the analyzed results show the satisfactory performance of the system.
Lu, J, Bai, C & Zhang, G 2009, 'Cost-benefit factor analysis in e-services using bayesian networks', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 4617-4625.
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This study applies Bayesian network techniques to analyze and verify the relationships among cost factors and benefit factors in e-service systems. This study first establishes a Bayesian network for e-service cost-benefit factor relationships based on our previous study [Lu, J. & Zhang, G. Q. (2003). Cost benefit factor analysis in e-services. International Journal of Service Industry Management (IJSIM), 14(5), 570-595]. It then calculates conditional probability distributions among these factors shown in the Bayesian network. Finally it runs a Junction-tree algorithm to conduct inference for verifying these cost-benefit factor relationships, and the data collected through a survey is as evidences in the inference process. Through the above application of Bayesian network techniques a set of useful findings is obtained for the costs involved in e-service developments against the benefits received by adopting these e-service systems. The case of 'increased investments in maintaining e-services' would significantly contribute to 'enhancing perceived company image', and the case of 'increased investments in security of e-service systems' would bring high benefits in 'building customer relationships' and 'improving cooperation between companies'. These findings have great potential to improve the strategic planning of businesses by determining more effective investments items and adopting more suitable development activities in e-service systems and applications. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lu, J, Zhu, Y, Zeng, X, Koehl, L, Ma, J & Zhang, G 2009, 'A linguistic multi-criteria group decision support system for fabric hand evaluation', FUZZY OPTIMIZATION AND DECISION MAKING, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 395-413.
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Fabric hand evaluation (FHE) is the main measure in textile material selection for fashion design and development. Fabric hand evaluation requires considering multiple evaluation aspects/criteria by a group of evaluators. Some fabric features can also be measured using instruments. The evaluation often uses linguistic terms in the weights of criteria, and the weights and judgments of evaluators. To support a FHE-based material selection, this study first develops a fabric hand-based textile material evaluation model. It then proposes a human-machine measure integrated fuzzy multi-criteria group decision-making method. A software tool is also developed, which implements the proposed method and is applied in fabric hand-based textile material evaluation. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Lu, Q-Y, Zhang, Y, Wang, Y, Wang, D, Lee, R-P, Gao, K, Byrns, R & Heber, D 2009, 'California Hass Avocado: Profiling of Carotenoids, Tocopherol, Fatty Acid, and Fat Content during Maturation and from Different Growing Areas', Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 57, no. 21, pp. 10408-10413.
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Luo, L, Zhang, JA & Shi, Z 2009, 'Advanced Receiver Design for Quadrature OFDMA Systems', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, no. 1, pp. 10-10.
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Luo, Q & Tong, L 2009, 'Analytical solutions for nonlinear analysis of composite single-lap adhesive joints', International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 144-154.
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Luo, Q & Tong, L 2009, 'Constitutive equations for 0-3 polarized PLZT actuators', International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 46, no. 25-26, pp. 4313-4321.
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Luo, Q & Tong, L 2009, 'Energy release rates for interlaminar delamination in laminates considering transverse shear effects', Composite Structures, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 235-244.
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Luo, Y, Kang, Z, Luo, Z & Li, A 2009, 'Continuum topology optimization with non-probabilistic reliability constraints based on multi-ellipsoid convex model', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 297-310.
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Using a quantified measure for non-probab ilistic reliability based on the multi-ellipsoid convex model, the topology optimization of continuum structures in presence of uncertain-but-bounded parameters is investigated. The problem is formulated as a dou
Luo, Z, Tong, L & Kang, Z 2009, 'A level set method for structural shape and topology optimization using radial basis functions', Computers & Structures, vol. 87, no. 7-8, pp. 425-434.
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This paper presents an alternative level set method for shape and topology optimization of continuum structures. An implicit free boundary representation model is established by embedding structural boundary into the zero level set of a higher-dimensiona
Luo, Z, Tong, L & Ma, H 2009, 'Shape and topology optimization for electrothermomechanical microactuators using level set methods', Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, no. 9, pp. 3173-3181.
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In this short note, a shape and topology optimization method is presented for multiphysics actuators including geometrically nonlinear modeling based on an implicit free boundary parameterization method. A level set model is established to describe struc
Luo, Z, Tong, L, Luo, J, Wei, P & Wang, MY 2009, 'Design of piezoelectric actuators using a multiphase level set method of piecewise constants', Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, no. 7, pp. 2643-2659.
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This paper presents a multiphase level set method of piecewise constants for shape and topology optimization of multi-material piezoelectric actuators with in-plane motion. First, an indicator function which takes level sets of piecewise constants is used to implicitly represent structural boundaries of the multiple phases in the design domain. Compared with standard level set methods using n scalar functions to represent 2n phases, each constant value in the present method denotes one material phase and 2n phases can be represented by 2n pre-defined constants. Thus, only one indicator function including different constant values is required to identify all structural boundaries between different material phases by making use of its discontinuities. In the context of designing smart actuators with in-plane motions, the optimization problem is defined mathematically as the minimization of a smooth energy functional under some specified constraints. Thus, the design optimization of the smart actuator is transferred into a numerical process by which the constant values of the indicator function are updated via a semi-implicit scheme with additive operator splitting (AOS) algorithm. In such a way, the different material phases are distributed simultaneously in the design domain until both the passive compliant host structure and embedded piezoelectric actuators are optimized. The compliant structure serves as a mechanical amplifier to enlarge the small strain stroke generated by piezoelectric actuators. The major advantage of the present method is to remove numerical difficulties associated with the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations in most conventional level set methods, such as the CFL condition, the regularization procedure to retain a signed distance level set function and the non-differentiability related to the Heaviside and the Delta functions. Two widely studied examples are chosen to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method. © 20...
Ma, J, Lu, J & Zhang, G 2009, 'Information inconsistencies detection using a rule-map technique', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 12510-12519.
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Timely detecting information inconsistencies (anomalies) in real-time information provides strong support for decision-making in a dynamic decision-making situation. Existing techniques for information inconsistencies detection mainly focus on stored information by using a single structured-fixed descriptive model which always requires support from sufficient prior knowledge. The aim of this study is to develop a method for information inconsistencies detection for real-time information in dynamic decision-making situation where prior knowledge is insufficient by using multiple descriptive models. First, a rule-map technique is presented. A rule-map is a hierarchical directed graph, whose vertexes are selected descriptive models and whose arcs represent the covering relationship between descriptive models. A rule-map provides a strategy for selecting detecting descriptive models by means of the covering relationship and its structure is adjustable with the change in a situation. Then, a real-time information inconsistencies detection method, named RMDID, is developed based on the rule-map technique, which can take full advantage of multiple descriptive models. Finally, the proposed RMDID method is tested through two real cases. Experiments indicate that the proposed rule-map technique can trace the changes of a dynamic decision-making situation and the developed RMDID method can efficiently detect potential anomalies in real-time information.
Mahmoud, A, Shendi, M, Pradhan, B & Attia, F 2009, 'Utilization of remote sensing data and GIS tools for and use sustainability analysis: case study in El-Hammam area, Egypt', Open Geosciences, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 347-367.
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Abstract The North-Western Coast of Egypt (NWCE) represents one of the high priority regions for future development in the country. El-Hammam area is located in the NWCE with an area of 94752 acres and is one of the main challenging regions for sustaianble development. In this study, we have used remote sensing and soil data in combination with GIS tools, for land use sustainable analysis (SLU) in El-Hammam area. The SLU was established based on various factors such as: land capability and suitability, water resources availability, economic return from water and financial return from land and water. A physiographic soil map for the study area was prepared using remote sensing and GIS. Multiple field surveys were carried out for collecting information on various soil map units (SMUs) and their profiles. Laboratory analysis for the collected samples was performed, and then the soil properties were stored as attributes in a geographical soil database linked with the SMUs. Furthermore, land capability assessment was done to define the suitable areas for agricultural production using a capability model built in ALES software. Results indicate that the area currently lacks high capability and moderate capability classes. By improving the soil properties, the soil can attain potential capability; and 55630 acres will become marginally capable. The assessment of soil physical suitability for different land use types (LUTs) were analysed in ALES software, in order to generate the most suitable areas. The results from the land suitability analysis indicated that, 17114 acres are moderately suitable for wheat and sorghum; whereas 15823 acres are moderately suitable for barley and 12752 acres are moderately suitable for maize, olive and figs. Finally, the SLU was investigated based on two scenarios; (1) the most SLU under the conditions of shortage of irrigation water: clover, barley and sorghum against figs, as the i...
Mahmud, A, Setiawan, I, Mansor, S, Shariff, A, Pradhan, B & Nuruddin, A 2009, 'Utilization of geoinformation tools for the development of forest fire hazard mapping system: example of Pekan fire, Malaysia', Open Geosciences, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 456-462.
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Abstract A study in modeling fire hazard assessment will be essential in establishing an effective forest fire management system especially in controlling and preventing peat fire. In this paper, we have used geographic information system (GIS), in combination with other geoinformation technologies such as remote sensing and computer modeling, for all aspects of wild land fire management. Identifying areas that have a high probability of burning is an important component of fire management planning. The development of spatially explicit GIS models has greatly facilitated this process by allowing managers to map and analyze variables contributing to fire occurrence across large, unique geographic units. Using the model and its associated software engine, the fire hazard map was produced. Extensive avenue programming scripts were written to provide additional capabilities in the development of these interfaces to meet the full complement of operational software considering various users requirements. The system developed not only possesses user friendly step by step operations to deliver the fire vulnerability mapping but also allows authorized users to edit, add or modify parameters whenever necessary. Results from the model can support fire hazard mapping in the forest and enhance alert system function by simulating and visualizing forest fire and helps for contingency planning.
Mak, BK-W, Tsz-Chung Lai, Tsang, IW & Kwok, JT-Y 2009, 'Maximum Penalized Likelihood Kernel Regression for Fast Adaptation', IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 1372-1381.
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This paper proposes a nonlinear generalization of the popular maximum-likelihood linear regression (MLLR) adaptation algorithm using kernel methods. The proposed method, called maximum penalized likelihood kernel regression adaptation (MPLKR), applies kernel regression with appropriate regularization to determine the affine model transform in a kernel-induced high-dimensional feature space. Although this is not the first attempt of applying kernel methods to conventional linear adaptation algorithms, unlike most of other kernelized adaptation methods such as kernel eigenvoice or kernel eigen-MLLR, MPLKR has the advantage that it is a convex optimization and its solution is always guaranteed to be globally optimal. In fact, the adapted Gaussian means can be obtained analytically by simply solving a system of linear equations. From the Bayesian perspective, MPLKR can also be considered as the kernel version of maximum a posteriori linear regression (MAPLR) adaptation. Supervised and unsupervised speaker adaptation using MPLKR were evaluated on the Resource Management and Wall Street Journal 5K tasks, respectively, achieving a word error rate reduction of 23.6% and 15.5% respectively over the speaker-independently model.
Matekovits, L, Heimlich, M & Esselle, KP 2009, 'TUNABLE PERIODIC MICROSTRIP STRUCTURE ON GAAS WAFER', Progress In Electromagnetics Research, vol. 97, pp. 1-10.
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Mazalek, A & Van Den Hoven, E 2009, 'Framing tangible interaction frameworks', AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 225-235.
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Tangible interaction is a growing area of human-computer interaction research that has become popular in recent years. Yet designers and researchers are still trying to comprehend and clarify its nature, characteristics, and implications. One approach has been to create frameworks that help us look back at and categorize past tangible interaction systems, and look forward at the possibilities and opportunities for developing new systems. To date, a number of different frameworks have been proposed that each provide different perspectives on the tangible interaction design space, and which can guide designers of new systems in different ways. In this paper, we map the space of tangible interaction frameworks.We order existing frameworks by their general type, and by the facets of tangible interaction design they address. One of our main conclusions is that most frameworks focus predominantly on the conceptual design of tangible systems, whereas fewer frameworks abstract the knowledge gained from previous systems, and hardly any framework provides concrete steps or tools for building new tangible systems. In addition, the facets most represented in existing frameworks are those that address the interactions with or the physicality of the designed systems. Other facets, such as domain-specific technology and experience, are rare. This focus on design, interaction, and physicality is interesting, as the origins of the field are rooted in engineering methods and have only recently started to incorporate more design-inspired approaches. As such, we expected more frameworks to focus on technologies and to provide concrete building suggestions for new tangible interaction systems.
McGregor, C & Maeder, A 2009, 'eHealth and services computing in healthcare', Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 4, no. 2.
Medelyan, O, Milne, D, Legg, C & Witten, IH 2009, 'Mining meaning from Wikipedia', International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 716-754.
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Meresman, H, Wills, JB, Summers, M, McGloin, D & Reid, JP 2009, 'Manipulation and characterisation of accumulation and coarse mode aerosol particles using a Bessel beam trap', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 11, no. 47, pp. 11333-11333.
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MERIGO, J & GILLAFUENTE, A 2009, 'The induced generalized OWA operator', Information Sciences, vol. 179, no. 6, pp. 729-741.
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Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2009, 'Geometric operators in decision making with minimization of regret', World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 39, pp. 514-521.
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We study different types of aggregation operators and the decision making process with minimization of regret. We analyze the original work developed by Savage and the recent work developed by Yager that generalizes the MMR method creating a parameterized family of minimal regret methods by using the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator. We suggest a new method that uses different types of geometric operators such as the weighted geometric mean or the ordered weighted geometric operator (OWG) to generalize the MMR method obtaining a new parameterized family of minimal regret methods. The main result obtained in this method is that it allows to aggregate negative numbers in the OWG operator. Finally, we give an illustrative example.
Merigó, JM & Casanovas, M 2009, 'Induced aggregation operators in decision making with the Dempster-Shafer belief structure', International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 934-954.
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Merigó, JM & Gil-Lafuente, AM 2009, 'OWA operators in generalized distances', World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 33, pp. 866-873.
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Different types of aggregation operators such as the ordered weighted quasi-arithmetic mean (Quasi-OWA) operator and the normalized Hamming distance are studied. We introduce the use of the OWA operator in generalized distances such as the quasiarithmetic distance. We will call these new distance aggregation the ordered weighted quasi-arithmetic distance (Quasi-OWAD) operator. We develop a general overview of this type of generalization and study some of their main properties such as the distinction between descending and ascending orders. We also consider different families of Quasi-OWAD operators such as the Minkowski ordered weighted averaging distance (MOWAD) operator, the ordered weighted averaging distance (OWAD) operator, the Euclidean ordered weighted averaging distance (EOWAD) operator, the normalized quasi-arithmetic distance, etc.
Miles, REH, Guillon, M, Mitchem, L, McGloin, D & Reid, JP 2009, 'The influence of resonant absorption and heating on the equilibrium size of aqueous-solute aerosol droplets', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 11, no. 33, pp. 7312-7312.
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Mironov, V, Zhang, J, Gentile, C, Brakke, K, Trusk, T, Jakab, K, Forgacs, G, Kasyanov, V, Visconti, RP & Markwald, RR 2009, 'Designer ‘blueprint’ for vascular trees: morphology evolution of vascular tissue constructs', Virtual and Physical Prototyping, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 63-74.
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Organ printing is a variant of the biomedical application of rapid prototyping technology or layer-by-layer additive biofabrication of 3D tissue and organ constructs using self-assembled tissue spheroids as building blocks. Bioengineering of perfusable intraorgan branched vascular trees incorporated into 3D tissue constructs is essential for the survival of bioprinted thick 3D tissues and organs. In order to design the optimal 'blueprint' for digital bioprinting of intraorgan branched vascular trees, the coefficients of tissue retraction associated with post-printing vascular tissue spheroid fusion and remodelling must be determined and incorporated into the original CAD. Using living tissue spheroids assembled into ring-like and tube-like vascular tissue constructs, the coefficient of tissue retraction has been experimentally evaluated. It has been shown that the internal diameter of ring-like and the height of tubular-like tissue constructs are significantly reduced during tissue spheroid fusion. During the tissue fusion process, the individual tissue spheroids also change their shape from ball-like to a conus-like form. A simple formula for the calculation of the necessary number of tissue spheroids for biofabrication of ring-like structures of desirable diameter has been deduced. These data provide sufficient information to design optimal CAD for bioprinted branched vascular trees of desirable final geometry and size.
Mo, T, Wang, Z, Xu, X & Wang, X 2009, 'A Virtualization-Based Service System Development Method', Journal of Service Science and Management, vol. 02, no. 01, pp. 1-9.
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Mokhtari, K, Reichard, CA & Gardner, A 2009, 'The Impact of Internet and Television Use on the Reading Habits and Practices of College Students', Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 609-619.
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How much time do college students spend reading for recreational and academic purposes? Do Internet and television use displace or interfere with reading time? In this study, we used an innovative time‐diary survey method to explore whether the time students spend on the Internet or watching television displaces time that would be spent reading for academic or recreational purposes.كم من الوقت يقضي طلاب الجامعة في القراءة لأسباب المطالعة والدراسة؟ هل استخدام التلفاز أو الشبكة العالمية يحل محل القراءة أو يتدخل فيها؟ في هذه الدراسة استخدمنا مسحاً مبدعاً قائماً على كتابة يوميات بصدد قضاء الوقت كي نستقصي إذا كان الوقت الذي يقضي فيه الطلاب على الشبكة العالمية أو مشاهدة التلفاز يحل محل الوقت الذي كانوا قد سيقضوه بالقراءة لأسباب الدراسة أو المطالعة.大学生究竟花多少时间于为消遣和为学术目的而阅读?互联网和电视的使用有没有取代或妨碍学生阅读的时间?在本研究中,我们采用一个创新的时间日记调查方法,以探究大学生花在互联网或看电视的时间有没有取代他们会用于为学术或为消遣目的而阅读的时间。Combien de temps les étudiants de licence passent‐ils à lire à des fins récréatives et d'étude ? Est‐ce que l'utilisation d'Internet et de la télévision remplace ou interfère avec le temps consacré à la lecture ? Nous avons dans cette étude utilisé une méthode d'enquête innovante de journal budget‐temps quotidien pour savoir si le temps que les étudiants passent sur Internet ou à regarder la télévision remplace le temps qu'il auraient passé à lire à des fins récréatives ou d'étude.Сколько времени тратят студенты колледжа на развлекательное и академическое чтение? Оказывают ли Интернет и телевидение существенное воздействие на время, которые студенты посвящают чтению? В данном исследовании был использован инновационный метод – сочетание дневника учета времени и анкетирования, – который позволяет ответить на эти вопросы.¿Cuánto tiempo pasan los estudiantes colegiales leyendo, ya sea para entretenerse o para sus estudios? ¿Acaso la televisión y el Internet les quitan tiempo a estas actividades? En este estudio us...
Molina, B, Pileggi, SF, Esteve, M & Palau, CE 2009, 'A negotiation framework for content distribution in mobile transient networks', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1000-1011.
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Mousavi, SR, Pirasteh, S & Amani, A 2009, 'Landslides and Active Faults Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Central Alborz Mountains, Iran', DISASTER ADVANCES, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 24-29.
Mullard, JA & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Stochastic Assessment of Timing and Efficiency of Maintenance for Corroding RC Structures', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 135, no. 8, pp. 887-895.
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Reinforced concrete (RC) structures in a chloride environment are exposed to a particularly aggressive form of deterioration. Managing the maintenance and repair of structures subjected to these conditions is an important issue facing asset owners and operators. In the present paper, the criterion for repair is the extent of corrosion induced cracking. Common maintenance criteria and maintenance techniques are described and these are incorporated into a two-dimensional spatial time-dependent reliability model. This allows the number, timing, and extent of maintenance actions to be predicted over the service life of RC structures. The analysis includes the effect of inspection interval, maintenance technique, repair efficiency, and repair threshold. Results are presented for a typical RC bridge deck subject to a corrosive marine environment. It was found that repair efficiency affecting time to corrosion initiation of repaired concrete is more critical to the performance of the repair than the repair efficiency that affected corrosion rate. © 2009 ASCE.
NANDA, P & SIMMONDS, A 2009, 'A Scalable Architecture Supporting QoS Guarantees Using Traffic Engineering and Policy Based Routing in the Internet', International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol. 02, no. 07, pp. 583-591.
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The study of Quality of Service (QoS) has become of great importance since the Internet is used to support a wide variety of new services and applications with its legacy structure. Current Internet architecture is based on the Best Effort (BE) model, which attempts to deliver all traffic as soon as possible within the limits of its abilities, but without any guarantee about throughput, delay, packet loss, etc. We develop a three-layer policy based architecture which can be deployed to control network resources intelligently and support QoS sensi-tive applications such as real-time voice and video streams along with standard applications in the Internet. In order to achieve selected QoS parameter values (e.g. loss, delay and PDV) within the bounds set through SLAs for high priority voice traffic in the Internet, we used traffic engineering techniques and policy based routing supported by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Use of prototype and simulations validates function-ality of our architecture
Nazem, M, Carter, JP, Sheng, D & Sloan, SW 2009, 'Alternative stress-integration schemes for large-deformation problems of solid mechanics', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 934-943.
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Netherton, MD & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Probabilistic modelling of safety and damage blast risks for window glazingThis paper is one of a selection of papers in the Special Issue on Blast Engineering.', Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1321-1331.
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There are many computational techniques to model the consequences to built infrastructure when subject to explosive blast loads; however, the majority of these do not account for the uncertainties associated with system response or blast loading. This paper describes a new computational model, called “Blast-RF” (Blast Risks for Facades), that incorporates existing (deterministic) blast-response models within an environment that considers threat and (or) vulnerability uncertainties and variability using probability and structural reliability theory. The structural reliability analysis uses stress limit states and the UK Glazing Hazard Guide's rating criteria to calculate probabilities of glazing damage and occupant safety hazards conditional on a given blast scenario. This allows the prediction of likelihood and extent of damage and (or) casualties, useful information for risk mitigation considerations, emergency service's contingency and response planning, collateral damage estimation, weaponeering, and post-blast forensic analysis.
Netherton, MD & Stewart, MG 2009, 'The effects of explosive blast load variability on safety hazard and damage risks for monolithic window glazing', International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1346-1354.
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Although the modelling of built infrastructure subject to blast loading has been well developed, considerable uncertainty remains with respect to explosive loading parameters and structural response. This paper focuses on facade glazing - as this poses significant safety hazards when affected by explosive blast loads. A structural reliability analysis is used to calculate probabilities of glazing damage and safety hazards conditional on given threat scenarios. The analysis considers the variability of explosive blast loading; in particular, from variations in explosive weight, explosion effects in terms of pressure, stand-off distance, inherent blast load variability and model error. Uncertainties in structural response (including the variability in glazing stress limits, situational geometry, fragment drag coefficients and modelling error) are then considered in the analysis. This allows the prediction of likelihood and extent of damage and casualties. It was found that damage and safety hazard risks are very sensitive to the accuracy of the blast loading prediction model and the inherent variability of blast loading. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nghiem, LD & Hawkes, S 2009, 'Effects of membrane fouling on the nanofiltration of trace organic contaminants', Desalination, vol. 236, no. 1-3, pp. 273-281.
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Nghiem, LD, Tadkaew, N & Sivakumar, M 2009, 'Removal of trace organic contaminants by submerged membrane bioreactors', Desalination, vol. 236, no. 1-3, pp. 127-134.
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Ngo, H-H & Guo, W 2009, 'Membrane fouling control and enhanced phosphorus removal in an aerated submerged membrane bioreactor using modified green bioflocculant', BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 100, no. 18, pp. 4289-4291.
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This study aims at developing a modified green bioflocculant (GBF) for membrane fouling control and enhanced phosphorus removal in a conventional aerated submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) to treat a high strength domestic wastewater (primary sewage treated effluent) for reuse. The GBF was evaluated based on long-term operation of a lab-scale SMBR. These results showed that SMBR system could achieve nearly zero membrane fouling at a very low dose of GBF addition (500 mg/day) with less backwash frequency (2 times/day with 2-min duration). The transmembrane pressure only increased by 2.5 kPa after 70 days of operation. The SMBR could also remove more than 95% and 99.5% dissolved organic carbon and total phosphorus, respectively. From the respiration tests, it was evident that GBF not only had no negative impact on biomass but also led to high oxygen uptake rate (OUR) (>30 mg O2/L h) and stable specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR). These results also indicated that GBF had no effect on nitrogen removal and nitrification process.
Ngo, HH, Chuang, H, Guo, WS, Ho, DP, Pham, TTN, Johnston, A, Lim, R & Listowski, A 2009, 'Resident's strategy survey on a new end use of recycled water in Australia', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 93-97.
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The concept of using recycled water for washing machine was introduced as a new end use. As there is a noticeable lack social research in understanding the general public perceptions of this application, the resident's strategy survey was carried out at some selective suburbs in Sydney with demographically based significant differences of general, gender, age, education, and property style and ownership. The survey indicates that the majority in the community considers the use of recycled water for washing machine is indispensable in view of continuing drought and the associated water shortages. Given safety assurance and demonstration, recycled water for washing machine has a considerable proportion within the responses. The general level of knowledge in community clearly understand that recycled water is more environmentally friendly option, whereas from cleanness and public health point of view, higher quality water is required to be reused in washing machine. Moreover, the residents reckon to have a small unit for pre-treatment (point of use) before recycled water entering washing machines might assure the quality and safety. The survey also shows the major concerns for a resident to use recycled water for washing machine are public health, water cleanness and washing machine durability. © 2009 Desalination Publications.
Nguyen, DHN, Nguyen, HH & Hoang Duong Tuan 2009, 'Power Allocation and Error Performance of Distributed Unitary Space–Time Modulation in Wireless Relay Networks', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3333-3346.
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A wireless relay network allows relays to cooperate with each other, emulate a virtual array of transmit antennas, and perform distributed space-time modulation of the source signals. In this paper, two types of relay networks are considered-one with no
Nguyen, HB, Daniel-Underwood, L, Van Ginkel, C, Wong, M, Lee, D, Lucas, AS, Palaganas, J, Banta, D, Denmark, TK & Clem, K 2009, 'An educational course including medical simulation for early goal-directed therapy and the severe sepsis resuscitation bundle: An evaluation for medical student training', Resuscitation, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 674-679.
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Objective: Widespread application of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) and the severe sepsis resuscitation bundle is limited by clinician knowledge, skills and experience. This study evaluated use of simulation-based teaching during medical training to increase future clinician knowledge in the above therapies for severe sepsis and septic shock. Methods: A prospective cohort study was performed with medical students at all levels of training. A 5-h course including didactic lectures, skill workshops, and a simulated case scenario of septic shock were administered to the participants. A checklist including 21 tasks was completed during the patient simulation. An 18-question pre-test, post-test and 2-week post-test were given. The participants completed a survey at the end of the course. Results: Sixty-three students were enrolled. There was statistical difference between the pre-test and each of the post-test scores: 57.5 ± 13.0, 85.6 ± 8.8, and 80.9 ± 10.9%, respectively. 20.6% of participants thought the pre-test was too difficult, whereas all participants thought the post-test was either appropriate or too easy. The task performance during the simulated septic shock patient was 94.1 ± 6.0%. The participants noted improvements in their confidence levels at managing severe sepsis and septic shock, and agreed that the course should be a requirement during medical school training. Conclusions: Medical simulation is an effective method of educating EGDT and the severe sepsis resuscitation bundle to medical students with limited experience in patient care. The results suggest that our course may be of further benefit at increasing clinical experience with this intensive protocol for the management of severe sepsis and septic shock. © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nguyen, HT & Su, SW 2009, 'Conditions for triangular decoupling control', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, vol. 82, no. 9, pp. 1575-1581.
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The main purpose of this article is to explore the relationship of two existing conditions for the triangular decoupling problem. The first one is the triangular-diagonal-dominance condition proposed by Hung and Anderson. The second one is the stable coprime factorisation-described condition proposed by Gomez and Goodwin, which has been proven as a necessary and sufficient condition for the triangular decoupling problem. This article proves that the two conditions are actually equivalent. It also provides easy-to-use criteria for assessment of the solvability of the triangular decoupling problem.
Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Calcium supplement and bone loss', Osteoporosis International, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2149-2149.
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Nguyen, TV, Chandrashekar, K, Qin, Z, Parent, AD & Zhang, J 2009, 'Epidemiology of Intracranial Aneurysms of Mississippi: a 10-year (1997-2007) Retrospective Study', JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 374-380.
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Background: Despite massive efforts, progress so far has been modest in isolating the genetic determinants for intracranial aneurysm (IA). More detailed epidemiology data might be essential for successful genome-wide association study. Here, we aimed to investigate epidemiology and identify the key risk factors associated with the pathogenesis of IA in a large specific population. Methods: We investigated the epidemiology and analyzed the risk factors of IA pathogenesis by using an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision database search of the patients treated at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, within the past 10-year period (1998-2007). All recruited patients were interviewed to assess multiple risk factors and comorbidities (hypertension, tobacco abuse, females sex, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, coronary obstructive pulmonary disease, alcohol abuse, stroke, hyperlipidemia, illicit drug use, and family history). Result: In this retrospective study, we identified several significant risk factors among well-defined human subjects. The 3 major risk factors identified for our IA population are hypertension, tobacco abuse, and female sex. However, African American race was not a significant risk factor in our study. Furthermore, top two risk factors (hypertension, tobacco abuse) were found to be highly associated with familial cases. Conclusions: In this study, using a specific and well-defined large population, we reported that some key risk factors were further confirmed to be strongly associated with the pathogenesis of IA whereas further investigation into racial factors is apparently needed. Our finding of the confounding effects of top risks with familial cases further complicated the genetic analysis of IA.
Nguyen, TV, Nguyen, TVT, Pham, TL, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Kandasamy, J, Nguyen, HK & Nguyen, DT 2009, 'Adsorption and removal of arsenic from water by iron ore mining waste', Water Science and Technology, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 2301-2308.
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There is a global need to develop low-cost technologies to remove arsenic from water for individual household water supply. In this study, a purified and enriched waste material (treated magnetite waste, TMW) from the Trai Cau's iron ore mine in the Thai Nguyen Province in Vietnam was examined for its capacity to remove arsenic. The treatment system was packed with TMW that consisted of 75% of ferrous-ferric oxide (Fe3O4) and had a large surface area of 89.7 m2/g. The experiments were conducted at a filtration rate of 0.05 m/h to treat groundwater with an arsenic concentration of 380 μg/L and iron, manganese and phosphate concentrations of 2.07 mg/L, 0.093 mg/L and 1.6 mg/L respectively. The batch experimental results show that this new material was able to absorb up to 0.74 mg arsenic/g. The results also indicated that the treatment system removed more than 90% arsenic giving an effluent with an arsenic concentration of less than 30 μg/L while achieving a removal efficiency of about 80% for Mn2 + and PO43−. This could be a promising and cost-effective new material for capturing arsenic as well as other metals from groundwater.
Nguyen, TV, Rahman, A, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Kandasamy, J, Nguyen, DT, Do, TA & Nguyen, TK 2009, 'Arsenic removal by iron oxide coated sponge: treatment and waste management', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 1489-1495.
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One of the problems in drinking water that raises concern over the world is that millions of people still have to use arsenic-contaminated water. There is a worldwide need to develop appropriate technologies to remove arsenic from water for household and community water supply systems. In this study, a new material namely iron oxide coated sponge (IOCSp) was developed and used to remove arsenic (As) from contaminated groundwater in Vietnam. The results indicated that lOCSp has a high capacity in removing both As (V) and As (III). The adsorption capacity of IOCSp was up to 4.6 mg As/g IOCSp, showing better than many other materials. It was observed from a pilot study that a small quantity of IOCSp (180 g) could reduce As concentration of 480 μg/L in 1.5 m3 of contaminated natural water to below 40 μg/L. In addition, an exhausted IOCSp, containing a large amount of arsenic (up to 0.42 wt %) could safely be disposed through the solidification/stabilization with cement. Addition of fly ash also reduced the amount of arsenic in the leachate. © IWA Publishing 2009.
Nguyen, VT, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Shon, HK & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Arsenic removal by a membrane hybrid filtration system', DESALINATION, vol. 236, no. 1-3, pp. 363-369.
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Arsenic is a toxic semi-metallic element that can be fatal to human health. Membrane filtration can remove a number of contaminants from water, including arsenic. Removal of arsenic by membrane filtration is highly dependent on the species of arsenic and the properties of the membrane. The performance of the nanofilter is better for removing As(V) than As(III). About 57% of As(III) and 81% of As(V) was removed from 500 mg/L arsenic solutions by nanofiltration (NTR729HF, Nitto Denko Corp., Japan) of 700 molecular weight (MW) cutoff. The removal efficiency of microfiltration (MF) was much lower than that of nanofiltration (NF) due to its larger pore size. By comparison only 37% of As(III) and 40% of As(V) were removed by microfiltration (PVA membrane, Pure-Envitech, Korea). However, the removal efficiency of microfiltration was increased dramatically when a small amount of nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI) was added. The removal efficiency by MF increased up to 90% with As(V) and 84% with As(III) when an amount of 0.1 g/L of nZVI was added into the arsenic solution.
Ni, B & Yu, H 2009, 'A thermodynamic analysis of the activated sludge process: Application to soybean wastewater treatment in a sequencing batch reactor', AIChE Journal, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 2737-2745.
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AbstractA bioenergetic methodology was integrated with a modified activated sludge model No.1 (ASM1) to analyze the activated sludge process, with the treatment of soybean‐processing wastewater as an example. With the bioenergetic methodology established by McCarty and coworkers, the microbial yield was predicted and the overall stoichiometrics for biological reactions involving the key chemical and biological species in activated sludge were established. These obtained parameters were related to the ASM1 model, which was modified after coupling the biological reactions in activated sludge with electron balances. This approach was able to approximately describe the treatment of soybean wastewater by activated sludge in a sequencing batch reactor in terms of substrate utilization, biomass growth, and the elector acceptor consumption. Such an attempt provides useful information for accurate modeling of the complex activated sludge process. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009
Ni, B, Chen, Y, Liu, S, Fang, F, Xie, W & Yu, H 2009, 'Modeling a granule‐based anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (ANAMMOX) process', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 490-499.
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AbstractA mathematical model was developed to describe the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) process in a granular upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. ANAMMOX granules were cultivated in the UASB reactor by seeding aerobic granules. The granule‐based reactor had a great N‐loading resistant capacity. The model simulation results on the 1‐year reactor performance matched the experimental data well. The yield coefficient for the growth and the decay rate coefficient of the ANAMMOX granules were estimated to be 0.164 g COD g−1 N and 0.00016 h−1, respectively. With this model, the effects of process parameters on the reactor performance were evaluated. Results showed that the optimum granule diameter for the maximum N‐removal should be between 1.0 and 1.3 mm and that the optimum N loading rate should be 0.8 kg N m−3 d−1. In addition, the substrate micro‐profiles in the ANAMMOX granules were measured with a microelectrode to explore the diffusion dynamics within the granules, and the measured profiles matched the predicted results well. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 490–499. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ni, B, Xie, W, Liu, S, Yu, H, Wang, Y, Gan‐Wang & Dai, X 2009, 'Modeling and simulation of the sequencing batch reactor at a full‐scale municipal wastewater treatment plant', AIChE Journal, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2186-2196.
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AbstractIn this work, we attempted to modify the Activated Sludge Model No.3 and to simulate the performance of a full‐scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) plant for municipal wastewater treatment. The long‐term dynamic data from the continuous operation of this SBR plant were simulated. The influent wastewater composition was characterized using batch measurements. After incorporating all the relevant processes, the sensitivity of the stoichiometric and kinetic coefficients for the model was thoroughly analyzed prior to the model calibration. The modified model was calibrated and validated with the data from both batch‐ and full‐scale experiments. Model predictions were compared with routine data in terms of chemical oxygen demand, NH4+‐N and mixed liquid volatile suspended solids in the SBR, combined with batch experimental data under different conditions. The model predictions match the experimental results well, demonstrating that the model is appropriate to simulate the performance of a full‐scale wastewater treatment plant even operated under perturbation conditions. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009
Ni, B-J, Fang, F, Rittmann, BE & Yu, H-Q 2009, 'Modeling Microbial Products in Activated Sludge under Feast−Famine Conditions', Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2489-2497.
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Ni, B-J, Fang, F, Xie, W-M, Sun, M, Sheng, G-P, Li, W-H & Yu, H-Q 2009, 'Characterization of extracellular polymeric substances produced by mixed microorganisms in activated sludge with gel-permeating chromatography, excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy measurement and kinetic modeling', Water Research, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1350-1358.
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Ni, B-J, Xie, W-M, Liu, S-G, Yu, H-Q, Wang, Y-Z, Wang, G & Dai, X-L 2009, 'Granulation of activated sludge in a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor for the treatment of low-strength municipal wastewater', Water Research, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 751-761.
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Ni, B-J, Zeng, RJ, Fang, F, Xu, J, Sheng, G-P & Yu, H-Q 2009, 'A Novel Approach to Evaluate the Production Kinetics of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) by Activated Sludge Using Weighted Nonlinear Least-Squares Analysis', Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 3743-3750.
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Nisola, GM, Cho, ES, Shon, HK, Tian, D, Chun, DJ, Gwon, EM & Chung, WJ 2009, 'Cell Immobilized FOG-Trap System for Fat, Oil, and Grease Removal from Restaurant Wastewater', Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 135, no. 9, pp. 876-884.
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Cell immobilized lipase-producing bacteria on three different matrices were incorporated in a fat-, oil-, and grease (FOG) trap system for restaurant wastewater treatment. During a 16-day laboratory-scale experiment for the treatment of synthetic FOG wastewater containing soybean oil, no significant difference (two-tailed t test at 95% confidence interval) in the FOG removal between two systems was observed at FOG influent < 1,000 mg/L. However, the typical trap showed lower FOG removal efficiency than the matrix-based system when the influent FOG concentration was increased to >= 5,000 mg/L. In addition, the matrix-based trap system was able to sustain a stable high FOG removal, with < 100 mg/L effluent, even at 10,000 mg/L influent FOG. Based on FOG heights measured and mass balance calculations, 97.4 and 99.5% of the total FOG load for 16 days were removed in a typical trap and matrix-based system, respectively. About 93.6% of the removal in the matrix-based was accounted to biodegradation. The 30-day full-scale operations demonstrated a distinguishably better performance in the matrix-based system (92.7 +/- 9.06% of 1,044.8 +/- 537.27 mg FOG/L) than in the typical trap system (74.6 +/- 27.13% of 463.4 +/- 296.87 mg FOG/L) for the treatment of barbeque restaurant wastewater. Similarly, matrix-based system revealed higher chemical oxygen demand removal (85.9 +/- 11.99%) than the typical trap system (60.4 +/- 31.26%). Characterizations of the influent, emulsified, adsorbed and effluent FOG indicated that straight saturated fatty acids constituted the cause of clogging problems in the FOG-trap and piping system.
Okour, Y, El Saliby, I, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, J-H, Cho, J & Kim, IS 2009, 'Recovery of sludge produced from Ti-salt flocculation as pretreatment to seawater reverse osmosis', DESALINATION, vol. 247, no. 1-3, pp. 53-63.
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In this study, titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), titanium sulfate (Ti(SO4)2) and ferric chloride (FeCl3) flocculation as a pretreatment to seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) were investigated. Their ability to remove turbidity, seawater organic matter (SWOM) and controlling the feed water quality of SWRO was evaluated. Flux decline of SWRO and membrane autopsy were studied. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) produced from sludge after Ti-salt fl occulation was characterized in terms of particle structure and photocatalytic activity. A hybrid system of fl occulation followed by granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration was employed to remove the suspended micro-flocs after diff erent fl occulations. The optimum dose of 10 mg/L TiCl4 and FeCl3 were used. The turbidity removal for the three coagulants was marginal at different doses at pH 6 and 8. Flocculation followed by GAC fi ltration signifi cantly reduced the turbidity values from 1.5 NTU to about 0.35 NTU using TiCl4 and 0.40 using FeCl3. Silt density index (SDI15) was also decreased from 5.0 to 4.2 and 4.7, respectively. Removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), colour and UV absorbance after TiCl4 and FeCl3 flocculation followed by GAC fi ltration was found to be eff ective and similar. TiO2 produced from sludge showed very high photocatalytic activity under UV-irradiation. Acetaldehyde was completely removed after 45 min photocatalytic reaction
Okour, Y, Shon, HK & El Saliby, I 2009, 'Characterisation of titanium tetrachloride and titanium sulfate flocculation in wastewater treatment', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 2463-2473.
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Flocculation with titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and titanium sulfate (Ti(SO4)2) was investigated in terms of different coagulant doses, pH, turbidity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV-254, colour, zeta potential, particle size and molecular weight distribution. The two coagulants were compared with the commonly used coagulants such as ferric chloride (FeCl3) and aluminium sulfate (Al2(SO4)3). Titanium tetrachloride showed the highest turbidity removal, while titanium sulfate showed the highest reduction of UV-254 and colour at all pH values. The four coagulants were found to have similar organic removal up to 6067% and resulted in similar organic removal in terms of various MW ranges. The decantability of the settled flocs was very high for titanium tetrachloride, titanium sulfate and ferric chloride compared with aluminium sulfate. The dominating coagulation mechanisms for titanium tetrachloride and titanium sulfate are still to be studied, since different precipitation reactions might take place at different pH even without flocculant addition. Titanium tetrachloride and titanium sulfate were found as effective new coagulants in wastewater treatment not only in terms of organic matter removal, but also in sludge reduction through the production of titanium dioxide.
Oliveira, DAF, Indraratna, B & Nemcik, J 2009, 'Critical review on shear strength models for soil-infilled joints', Geomechanics and Geoengineering, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 237-244.
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An infilled rock joint is likely to be the weakest plane in a rock mass. The presence of infill material within the joint significantly reduces the friction of the discontinuity boundaries (i.e. rock to rock contact of the joint walls). The thicker the infill, the smaller the shear strength of the rock joint. Once the infill reaches a critical thickness, the infill material governs the overall shear strength, and the joint walls (rock) play no significant role. Several models have been proposed to predict the peak shear strength of soil-infilled joints under both constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) boundary conditions, taking into account the ratio of infill thickness (t) to the height of the joint wall asperity (a). CNS models provide a more realistic picture of the soil-infilled joint behaviour in the field. This paper presents a critical review on the existing mathematical models for predicting the shear strength of soil-infilled rock joint and verifies the normalised peak shear stress model with further laboratory investigations carried out on idealised saw-tooth rock joints at the University of Wollongong. Based on the prediction of the experimental data, the normalised peak shear stress model is slightly modified by the authors. A simplified approach for using this model in practice is presented and a new expression for prediction of dilatation at peak shear stress is suggested.
Ono, M, Yamada, K, Endo, A, Avolio, F & Lamond, AI 2009, 'Analysis of Human Protein Replacement Stable Cell Lines Established using snoMEN-PR Vector', PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. e62305-e62305.
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RNA-mediated gene silencing, in the form of RNA interference (RNAi) or microRNAs (miRNAs) has provided novel tools for gene discovery and validation in mammalian cells. Here, we report on the construction and application of a random small RNA expression library for use in identifying small interfering RNA (siRNA) effectors that can modify complex cellular phenotypes in mammalian cells. The library is based in a retroviral vector and uses convergent promoters to produce unique small complementary RNAs. Using this library, we identify a range of small RNA-encoding gene inserts that overcome resistance to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)- or tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a)- induced cell death in colorectal cancer cells. We demonstrate the utility of this technology platform by identifying a key RNA effector, in the form of a siRNA, which overcomes cell death induced by the chemotherapeutic 5-FU. The technology described has the potential to identify both functional RNA modulators capable of altering physiological systems and the cellular target genes altered by these modulators.
Ou, Y, Cao, L & Zhang, C 2009, 'Adaptive Anomaly Detection of Coupled Activity Sequences', The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12-16.
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Many real-life applications often involve multiple sequences, which are coupled with each other. It is unreasonable to either study the multiple coupled sequences separately or simply merge them into one sequence, because the information about their interacting relationships would be lost. Furthermore, such coupled sequences also have frequently significant changes which are likely to degrade the performance of trained model. Taking the detection of abnormal trading activity patterns in stock markets as an example, this paper proposes a Hidden Markov Model-based approach to address the above two issues. Our approach is suitable for sequence analysis on multiple coupled sequences and can adapt to the significant sequence changes automatically. Substantial experiments conducted on a real dataset show that our approach is effective.
Pasha, SA, Vo, B-N, Tuan, HD & Ma, W-K 2009, 'A Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter for Jump Markov System Models', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 919-936.
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The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is an attractive approach to tracking an unknown and time-varying number of targets in the presence of data association uncertainty, clutter, noise, and detection uncertainty. The PHD filter admits a closed-form solution for a linear Gaussian multi-target model. However, this model is not general enough to accommodate maneuvering targets that switch between several models. In this paper, we generalize the notion of linear jump Markov systems to the multiple target case to accommodate births, deaths, and switching dynamics. We then derive a closed-form solution to the PHD recursion for the proposed linear Gaussian jump Markov multi-target model. Based on this an efficient method for tracking multiple maneuvering targets that switch between a set of linear Gaussian models is developed. An analytic implementation of the PHD filter using statistical linear regression technique is also proposed for targets that switch between a set of nonlinear models. We demonstrate through simulations that the proposed PHD filters are effective in tracking multiple maneuvering targets.
Pathak, N, Nanda, P & Mahanti, GK 2009, 'Synthesis of Thinned Multiple Concentric Circular Ring Array Antennas using Particle Swarm Optimization', Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 709-716.
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In this paper, we propose an optimization method based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for thinning a large multiple concentric circular ring array of uniformly excited isotropic antennas and generate a pencil beam in the vertical plane with minimum relative side lobe level (SLL). The half-power beam width of the pattern is attempted to make equal to that of a fully populated array of same size and shape. The synthesis is performed with a standard particle swarm optimization technique as well as with an improved version of standard PSO. Simulation results of the proposed thinned array are compared with a fully populated array to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Paul, G, Liu, D, Kirchner, N & Dissanayake, G 2009, 'An Effective Exploration Approach to Simultaneous Mapping and Surface Material-Type Identification of Complex Three-Dimensional Environments', JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS, vol. 26, no. 11-12, pp. 915-933.
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This paper presents an integrated exploration approach for geometric mapping and surface material-type identification of complex three-dimensional (3D) environments using a six-degree-of-freedom industrial robot manipulator. Maps of the surface geometry with the surface material type identified are required for an autonomous robotic system to perform operations in steel bridge maintenance. The proposed approach utilizes information theory to enable multiobjective exploration while new 3D geometric and surface-type data are fused via probabilistic updates. It is verified that the integrated approach enables the robotic system to perform exploration and surface inspection in real-world environments. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Pedraza, L, Rodriguez-Losada, D, Matia, F, Dissanayake, G & Valls Miro, J 2009, 'Extending the Limits of Feature-Based SLAM With B-Splines', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 353-366.
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This paper describes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for use in unstructured environments that is effective regardless of the geometric complexity of the environment. Features are described using B-splines as modeling tool, and the set of control points defining their shape is used to form a complete and compact description of the environment, thus making it feasible to use an extended Kalman-filter (EKF) based SLAM algorithm. This method is the first known EKF-SLAM implementation capable of describing general free-form features in a parametric manner. Efficient strategies for computing the relevant Jacobians, perform data association, initialization, and map enlargement are presented. The algorithms are evaluated for accuracy and consistency using computer simulations, and for effectiveness using experimental data gathered from different real environments. © 2009 IEEE.
Pedroso, DM, Sheng, D & Zhao, J 2009, 'The concept of reference curves for constitutive modelling in soil mechanics', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 149-165.
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Percival, J, Catley, C, McGregor, C & James, A 2009, 'A Design for Modelling the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Patient Journeys in Neonatal Intensive Care Units', Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 189, pp. 147-169.
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This paper presents the conceptual model of a survey and knowledge translation methodology to enable the assessment of the implementation of technology in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in order to determine the impact of information technology (IT) on information flows and patient care. Survey data, will be completed by healthcare practitioners from multiple roles, for various patient care scenarios, levels of care, and hospitals, and will then be translated using a structured data modelling approach into patient journey models. The data model is defined such that users can develop queries to generate patient journey models based on a pre-defined Patient Journey Model Architecture (PaJMa). PaJMa models will then be analyzed to build a visual representation of information flows and the use of IT in the NICU. The models will offer a sophisticated view of health informatics usage, providing not only details of what IT solutions a hospital utilizes, but also the impact that the IT solutions have when integrated into the patient journey, how they support the patient information flow, and why they improve the patient journey. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Petzelt, D, Schallow, J, Deuse, J & Ferstl, H 2009, 'Produktionsgerechte Produkte durch technische Mitgestaltung aus der Produktionsplanung', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 104, no. 11, pp. 988-992.
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Kurzfassung Produzierende Unternehmen müssen sich auf wettbewerbsorientierten Märkten behaupten, die sich durch eine starke Preiskonkurrenz sowie kurze Produktlebenszyklen auszeichnen. Um die eigene Marktposition zu festigen oder vielmehr zu verbessern, müssen Produktions-, Konstruktions- sowie Planungsprozesse optimal aufeinander abgestimmt sein. Die Feature-Technologie bietet in diesem Zusammenhang neue Möglichkeiten, um die Prozesse der Produktentstehung und den Informationsfluss zwischen den beteiligten Planungsbereichen zu verbessern. Die Feature-Technologie wird hierbei genutzt, um die individuellen und spezifischen Anforderungen, die sich in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Produktionsplanung an das Produkt ergeben, in standardisierter Form zu dokumentieren und an die Konstruktion zu übertragen. Auf diese Weise können Produktänderungen gezielt und mit allen Planern abgestimmt durchgeführt werden. Folglich lassen sich aufwändige Iterationsschleifen zwischen Konstruktion und Planung vermeiden.
Pezzaniti, D, Beecham, S & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Influence of clogging on the effective life of permeable pavements', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, vol. 162, no. 3, pp. 211-220.
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This paper investigates the ‘effective life’ (or useful lifespan) of permeable pavement installations subject to sediment loadings. The broad aims of this study, which included both laboratory and field work components, were to improve understanding of the long-term pavement hydraulic conductivity, to assess the effective life of permeable pavements and to quantify the degree of sediment trapping and associated pollutant retention. Three types of permeable pavement were investigated. For each type the effects of pavement cleaning were also investigated. Over a simulated 35 years of sediment loading conducted in the laboratory, the results showed reductions of 59–75% in hydraulic conductivity with an average sediment retention of 94%. Suspended sediment concentrations measured at the outflow of the laboratory test beds did not show any significant difference between pavers that were subjected to cleaning and those that were not. For the field studies presented in this paper, hydraulic conductivities were very high in locations where permeable pavements are subjected to small to moderate sediment loads. At other locations with high coarse sediment and organic sediment loads, hydraulic conductivity tests indicated that clogging occurred at a rapid rate, particularly where runoff flowing onto the pavement was concentrated.
Pham, HV, Dang, DT, Tran Minh, NN, Nguyen, ND & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Correlates of environmental factors and human plague: an ecological study in Vietnam', International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1634-1641.
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Methods The study included all 510 communes of the Central Highlands region (with a total population of similar to 4 million) where 95% of incidence of plague cases in Vietnam had been reported from 1997 through 2002. Plague was clinically ascertained by using a standard protocol by WHO. Data on domestic fleas and rodents were obtained by using traps and periodic surveillance in accordance with the WHO guidelines. Temperature, duration of sunshine, rainfall and humidity were recorded as monthly averages by local meteorological stations. The association between these ecological factors and plague was assessed by using the Poisson regression model. Results From 1997 through 2002, 472 cases of plague were reported, of whom 24 (5.1%) died. The incidence of plague peaked during the dry season, with similar to 63% of cases occurring from February through April. The risk of plague occurrence was associated with an increased monthly flea index (RR and 95% CI: 1.93; 1.61-2.33 for months with the flea index > 1) and increased rodent density (RR 1.23; 1.15-1.32 per each 3% increase in density). Moreover, the risk of plague increased during the dry season (RR 2.07; 1.64-2.62), when rainfall fell < 10 mm (RR 1.44; 1.17-1.77). Conclusions These data suggest that the flea index, rodent density and rainfall could be used as ecological indicators of plague risk in Vietnam. The data also suggest that the occurrence of plague in Vietnam's Central Highlands is likely resulted from multiple causes that remain to be delineated.
Pham, TD, Brandl, M & Beck, D 2009, 'Fuzzy declustering-based vector quantization', Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2570-2577.
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Vector quantization is a useful approach for multi-dimensional data compression and pattern classification. One of the most popular techniques for vector quantization design is the LBG (Linde, Buzo, Gray) algorithm. To address the problem of producing poor estimate of vector centroids which are subjected to biased data in vector quantization; we propose a fuzzy declustering strategy for the LBG algorithm. The proposed technique calculates appropriate declustering weights to adjust the global data distribution. Using the result of fuzzy declustering-based vector quantization design, we incorporate the notion of fuzzy partition entropy into the distortion measures that can be useful for classification of spectral features. Experimental results obtained from simulated and real data sets demonstrate the effective performance of the proposed approach. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Phat, VN & Ha, QP 2009, 'H-infinity Control and Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Nonautonomous Systems with Time-Varying Delay', JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 142, no. 3, pp. 603-618.
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This paper addresses the design of H ? state feedback controllers for a class of nonlinear time-varying delay systems. The interesting features here are that the system in consideration is nonautonomous with fast-varying delays, the delay is also involved in the observation output, and the controllers to be designed satisfy some exponential stability constraints on the closed-loop poles. By using the proposed Lyapunov functional approach, neither a controllability assumption nor a bound restriction on nonlinear perturbations is required to obtain new sufficient conditions for the H ? control. The conditions are derived in terms of a solution to the standard Riccati differential equations, which allows for simultaneous computation of the two bounds that characterize the stability rate of the solution.
Pirasteh, S, Tripathi, NK, Mansor, S, Pradhan, B & Ramli, MF 2009, 'Landscapes rendition in Zagros Mountain, Iran using geoinformation technology', J Geom, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 17.
Pota, HR, Athanasius, GX, Li, L & Ugrinovskii, VA 2009, 'Robust Decentralized Control of Power Systems with OLTCs using Markov Jump Parameter Theory', Journal of CPRI, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 202-224.
Pradabpet, C, Yoshizawa, S, Miyanaga, Y & Dejhan, K 2009, 'NEW PAPR REDUCTION IN OFDM SYSTEMS BY HYBRID ALGORITHM OF PTS AND APPR METHODS', International Journal of Computers and Applications, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 119-127.
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In this paper, we propose a new peak to average power ratio (PAPR) reduction technique by a hybrid algorithm based on a partial transmit sequence (PTS) and adaptive peak power reduction (APPR) methods. This technique is used in a system based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM OFDM has orthogonally modulated sub-carriers which unexpectedly give large PAPR and tends to reduce the power efficiency of a RF amplifier. To reduce PAPR, the sequence of input data is rearranged by PTS for the reduction of PAPR and then fed to APPR process in the proposed system. The APPR method controls the peak level of the modulation signal by an adaptive algorithm. It reduces modulation signals over a predefined range. A proposed reduction method consists of these two methods and realizes both advantages at the same time. In simulation results, the proposed method shows the improvement on PAPR, PSD, and also the high performance on bit error rate of an OFDM system.
Pradabpet, C, Yoshizawa, S, Miyanaga, Y & Dejhan, K 2009, 'New Papr Reductionin Ofdm Systems By Hybrid Algorithm of Ptsand Appr Methods', International Journal of Computers and Applications, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 119-127.
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Pradhan, B 2009, 'Effective Flood Monitoring System Using GIT Tools and Remote Sensing Data', Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment, pp. 63-71.
Pradhan, B 2009, 'Flood susceptible mapping and risk area delineation using logistic regression, GIS and remote sensing', Journal of Spatial Hydrology, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-18.
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Recently, in the year 2006, 2007 and 2008 heavy monsoons rainfall have triggered floods along Malaysia's east coast as well as in different parts of the country. The hardest hit areas are along the east coast of peninsular Malaysia in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. The flood cost nearly millions of dollars of property and many lives. Foods are considered to be one of the weather-related natural disasters. Many methods exist to provide qualitative estimations of the risk level of flood susceptibility mapping within a watershed. This paper presents construction of a flood susceptible map for presumptive flood areas around at Kelantan river basin in Malaysia using a statistical model and GIS. To evaluate the factors related to flood susceptible analysis, a spatial database was constructed from a topographical map, geological map, hydrological map, Global Positioning System (GPS) data, land cover map, digital elevation model (DEM) data, and precipitation data. An attribute database was also constructed from field investigations and historical flood areas reports for the study area. Logistic regression model was applied to determine each factor's rating, and the ratings were overlaid for flood susceptibility mapping. Results indicate that flood prone areas can be performed at 1:25,000 which is comparable to some conventional flood hazard map scales. The flood prone areas delineated on these maps correspond to areas that would be inundated by significant flooding. Further, risk analysis has been performed using DEM, distance from hazard zone, land cover map and damageable objects at risk. DEM was used to delineate the catchments and served as a mask to extract the highest hazard zones of the landslide area. Qualitatively, the model seems to give reasonable results with accuracy observed was 85%.
Pradhan, B 2009, 'Groundwater potential zonation for basaltic watersheds using satellite remote sensing data and GIS techniques', Open Geosciences, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 120-129.
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AbstractThis paper summarizes the findings of groundwater potential zonation mapping at the Bharangi River basin, Thane district, Maharastra, India, using Satty’s Analytical Hierarchal Process model with the aid of GIS tools and remote sensing data. To meet the objectives, remotely sensed data were used in extracting lineaments, faults and drainage pattern which influence the groundwater sources to the aquifer. The digitally processed satellite images were subsequently combined in a GIS with ancillary data such as topographical (slope, drainage), geological (litho types and lineaments), hydrogeomorphology and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and image processing tools. In this study, six thematic layers were used for groundwater potential analysis. Each thematic layer’s weight was determined, and groundwater potential indices were calculated using groundwater conditions. The present study has demonstrated the capabilities of remote sensing and GIS techniques in the demarcation of different groundwater potential zones for hard rock basaltic basin.
Pradhan, B & Lee, S 2009, 'Landslide risk analysis using artificial neural network model focussing on different training sites', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-15.
Pradhan, B & Lee, S 2009, 'Landslide risk analysis using artificial neural network model focussing on different training sites', International Journal of Physical Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 01-015.
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This paper presents landslide hazard and risk analysis using remote sensing data, GIS tools and artificial neural network model. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs and from field surveys. Topographical and geological data and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and image processing. These factors were used with artificial neural network to analyze landslide hazard. Each factor's weight was determined by the back-propagation training method. Then the landslide hazard indices were calculated using the trained back-propagation weights, and the landslide hazard map was created using GIS tools. Landslide locations were used to verify results of the landslide hazard maps and to compare them. The results of the analysis were verified using the landslide location data and compared with neural network model with all cases. The accuracy observed was 83, 72, 82, 79 and 81% for training sites 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. GIS data was used to efficiently analyze the large volume of data, and the artificial neural network proved to be an effective tool for landslide hazard analysis. Further, risk analysis has been performed using DEM, distance from hazard zone, land cover map and damageable objects at risk. DEM was used to delineate the catchments and served as a mask to extract the highest hazard zones of the landslide area. Risk map was produced using map overlying techniques in GIS. This information could be used to estimate the risk to population, property and existing infrastructure like transportation network. © 2009 Academic Journals.
Pradhan, B & Suleiman, Z 2009, 'Landcover mapping and spectral analysis using multi-sensor satellite data fusion techniques: case study in Tioman Island, Malaysia', Journal of Geomatics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 71-78.
Pradhan, B, Lee, S & Buchroithner, MF 2009, 'Use of geospatial data and fuzzy algebraic operators to landslide-hazard mapping', Applied Geomatics, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 3-15.
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Pradhan, B, Shafiee, M & Pirasteh, S 2009, 'Maximum flood prone area mapping using RADARSAT images and GIS: Kelantan river Basin', International Journal of Geoinformatics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 11-23.
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This paper summarizes the findings of the maximum flood prone area mapping at Kelantan river basin, Malaysia, using multiple logistic regression model with the aid of GIS tools and remote sensing data. To map the maximum flood prone areas, at first the flood extent areas were extracted from RADARSAT 1 images and supported with ground data, existing reports and field notes. To evaluate the factors associated with flood prone areas, a spatial database was constructed from a topographical map, geological map, hydrological map, Global Positioning System (GPS) data, land cover map, SPOT 5 satellite image, digital elevation model (DEM), and precipitation data. Nine major parameters were extracted for the logistic regression analysis to determine each factor's rating, and the ratings were computed for flood prone area mapping analysis. Results indicate that flood prone area mapping which can be termed as susceptibility map can be performed at 1:25,000 which is comparable to some conventional medium scaled flood hazard map. The flood prone areas delineated on these map correspond to areas that would be inundated by significant flooding (approximately the 100 year flood). Qualitatively, the model seems to give reasonable results with accuracy observed was 84%. © Geoinformatics International.
Qian Wang & Dian-Wu Yue 2009, 'A General Parameterization Quantifying Performance in Energy Detection', IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 699-702.
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This letter presents a new look at the problem of energy detection with and without diversity schemes. The impact of channel fading and/or diversity scheme on the probability of missing detection is quantified and then the definition, sensing gain, is proposed based on the analytical result. The sensing gain proposed in this letter determines the slope of the probability of missing detection versus average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) curve, at high SNR, in a log-log scale. Our result shows that the sensing gain just has a relationship with the type of channel fading and/or diversity scheme and is totally irrelevant with the false alarm probability which is preset. © 2009 IEEE.
Qin, PY, Shi, XL, Liang, CH & Wu, B 2009, 'Novel X-band dual-mode bandpass filter based on the substrate integrated waveguide', Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 831-834.
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This paper presents a novel dual-mode filter with symmetric transmission zeros based on the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). This filter contains two dual-mode SIW rectangular cavities. By making use of the inductive discontinuities in an SIW cavity, two coupling degenerate modes can be excited. Due to the phase difference between the two modes in each cavity, two transmission zeros on each side of the passband are created, so the out-of-band rejection of the filter is significantly increased. An SIW dual-mode filter with a center frequency of 12 GHz has been fabricated and measured using the proposed method. Experimental results agree well with the simulation results.
Quantian Luo & Liyong Tong 2009, 'Calculation of Energy Release Rates for Cohesive and Interlaminar Delamination Based on the Classical Beam-adhesive Model', Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 331-348.
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This article presents analytical formulas for determining mode I and II energy release rates for two cases: (a) cohesive fracture of adhesive joints and; (b) interlaminar delamination of layered beams. The formulas are firstly derived for calculating energy release rates GI and GII for a crack propagating in adhesive layer from one crack tip by using a classical beam-adhesive model. Then novel and simple closed-form formulas of G I and GII for an interface crack in layered beams are obtained by letting the adhesive thickness approach zero. In the present formulas, the effects of the asymmetry and each force component are clearly identified.
Quantian Luo & Liyong Tong 2009, 'Constitutive Modeling of Photostrictive Materials and Design Optimization of Microcantilevers', Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1425-1438.
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This article presents constitutive models for photo-induced strains in photostrictive materials and an optimal design of microcantilevers driven by light illumination. Behaviors of photo-induced strains in semiconductors and polymeric materials are reviewed first, and then new phenomenological constitutive models are developed that depict two distinctive features of photo-induced strain profile: (a) dependence on variation of light intensity which decreases with the depth measured from the illuminated surface due to light attenuation and energy absorption; and (b) anisotropy or dependence on direction of light polarization. On the basis of the constitutive modeling of photo-induced strain in wafers, design optimization of microcantilevers is then investigated for both geometrically linear and non-linear deformations.
Rahman, BMA, Kejalakshmy, N, Uthman, M, Agrawal, A, Wongcharoen, T & Grattan, KTV 2009, 'Mode degeneration in bent photonic crystal fiber study by using the finite element method', Applied Optics, vol. 48, no. 31, pp. G131-G131.
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Raja, S, Thomas, PS, Stuart, BH, Guerbois, JP & O'Brien, C 2009, 'The estimation of pig bone age for forensic application using thermogravimetric analysis', JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 173-176.
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An accurate means of determining bone age is a goal for forensic scientists. In this study, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has been used to examine pig bone specimens of different post-mortem age. Analysis of bone in both air and nitrogen atmospheres reveals a decrease in total mass loss as the bones age. Two mass loss steps due to the decomposition of the organic bone components were observed and show decreasing trends with age for decomposition in an air atmosphere. In a nitrogen atmosphere the decomposition was observed to be more complex and age dependence of the mass loss for each step was not identified. The TGA data, however, demonstrates the potential of the technique as a means of estimating post-mortem age of forensic bone specimens.
Ren, T, Mu, Y, Ni, B & Yu, H 2009, 'Hydrodynamics of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors', AIChE Journal, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 516-528.
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AbstractThe hydrodynamic characteristics of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors were investigated in this study. A UASB reactor was visualized as being set‐up of a number of continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series. An increasing‐sized CSTRs (ISC) model was developed to describe the hydrodynamics of such a bioreactor. The gradually increasing tank size in the ISC model implies that the dispersion coefficient decreased along the axial of the UASB reactor and that its hydrodynamic behavior was basically dispersion‐controlled. Experimental results from both laboratory‐scale H2‐producing and full‐scale CH4‐producing UASB reactors were used to validate this model. Simulation results demonstrate that the ISC model was better than the other models in describing the hydrodynamics of the UASB reactors. Moreover, a three‐dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was performed with an Eulerian‐Eulerian three‐phase‐fluid approach to visualize the phase holdup and to explore the flow patterns in UASB reactors. The results from the CFD simulation were comparable with those of the ISC model predictions in terms of the flow patterns and dead zone fractions. The simulation results about the flow field further confirm the discontinuity in the mixing behaviors throughout a UASB reactor. © 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009
Ridoux, J & Veitch, D 2009, 'Ten Microseconds Over LAN, for Free (Extended)', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1841-1848.
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Riedel, S & Gabrys, B 2009, 'Pooling for Combination of Multilevel Forecasts', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1753-1766.
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Roska, T, Arena, P, Lin, C & Tetzlaff, R 2009, 'Special issue on cellular wave computing architectures, Part II', International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 503-504.
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Rujikiatkamjorn, C & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Design procedure for vertical drains considering a linear variation of lateral permeability within the smear zone', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 270-280.
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A system of vertical drains with surcharge preloading is an effective method for promoting radial drainage and accelerated soil consolidation. This study presents a procedure for the design of vertical drains that significantly extends the previous technique proposed by the authors to include: (i) a linear reduction of lateral permeability in the smear zone, (ii) the effect of overlapping smear zones in a closely spaced drain network, and (iii) the gain in undrained shear strength due to consolidation. Design examples are provided for both single stage and multi-stage embankment construction demonstrating the convenient use of the proposed solutions in practical situations.
Ruta, D & Gabrys, B 2009, 'A framework for machine learning based on dynamic physical fields', Natural Computing, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 219-237.
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Despite recent successes and advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, this domain remains under continuous challenge and guidance from phenomena and processes observed in natural world. Humans remain unsurpassed in their efficiency of dealing and learning from uncertain information coming in a variety of forms, whereas more and more robust learning and optimisation algorithms have their analytical engine built on the basis of some nature-inspired phenomena. Excellence of neural networks and kernel-based learning methods, an emergence of particle-, swarms-, and social behaviour-based optimisation methods are just few of many facts indicating a trend towards greater exploitation of nature inspired models and systems. This work intends to demonstrate how a simple concept of a physical field can be adopted to build a complete framework for supervised and unsupervised learning methodology. An inspiration for artificial learning has been found in the mechanics of physical fields found on both micro and macro scales. Exploiting the analogies between data and charged particles subjected to gravity, electrostatic and gas particle fields, a family of new algorithms has been developed and applied to classification, clustering and data condensation while properties of the field were further used in a unique visualisation of classification and classifier fusion models. The paper covers extensive pictorial examples and visual interpretations of the presented techniques along with some comparative testing over well-known real and artificial datasets. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007.
Sabir, MI, Xu, X & Li, L 2009, 'A review on biodegradable polymeric materials for bone tissue engineering applications', Journal of Materials Science, vol. 44, no. 21, pp. 5713-5724.
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Safari, HO, Pirasteh, S & Pradhan, B 2009, 'Upliftment Estimation of the Zagros Transverse Fault in Iran Using Geoinformatics Technology', Remote Sensing, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1240-1256.
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The Izeh fault zone is a transverse fault zone with dextral strike slip (and some reverse component) in the Zagros Mountains (Iran). It causes some structural deformations. This fault zone is acting as eastern boundary of Dezful Embayment and forms subsidence of the embayment. The fault has been recognized using remote sensing techniques in conjunction with surface and subsurface analyses. The stratigraphic columns have been prepared in 3D form using Geographical Information System (GIS) tools on the basis of structural styles and thickness of lithologic units. Height differences for erosion levels have been calculated in stratigraphic columns with respect to the subsidence in the Dezful Embayment, which is related to Izeh zone. These height differences have been estimated to be 5,430 m in the central part (and 5,844 m in the northern part) from the Eocene to recent times. This study shows that comparison of the same erosion levels in Asmari-Pabdeh formation boundaries for interior and eastern block of the Izeh fault zone with the absolute uplifting due to the fault activity which is about 533 m per million years in the Izeh zone. The present study reveals that subtracting the absolute uplifting from total subsidence; the real subsidence of Dezful embayment from Eocene to Recent is 0.13 mm/year. The mean rate of uplifting along the Izeh fault zone is 0.015 mm/year.
Safavi-Naeini, M, Franklin, DR, Lerch, MLF, Petasecca, M, Pignatel, GU, Reinhard, M, Dalla Betta, G-F, Zorzi, N & Rosenfeld, AB 2009, 'Evaluation of Silicon Detectors With Integrated JFET for Biomedical Applications', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1051-1055.
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This paper presents initial results from electrical, spectroscopic and ion beam induced charge (IBIC) characterisation of a novel silicon PIN detector, featuring an on-chip n -channel JFET and matched feedback capacitor integrated on its p-side (frontside). This structure reduces electronic noise by minimising stray capacitance and enables highly efficient optical coupling between the detector back-side and scintillator, providing a fill factor of close to 100%. The detector is specifically designed for use in high resolution gamma cameras, where a pixellated scintillator crystal is directly coupled to an array of silicon photodetectors. The on-chip JFET is matched with the photodiode capacitance and forms the input stage of an external charge sensitive preamplifier (CSA). The integrated monolithic feedback capacitor eliminates the need for an external feedback capacitor in the external electronic readout circuit, improving the system performance by eliminating uncontrolled parasitic capacitances. An optimised noise figure of 152 electrons RMS was obtained with a shaping time of 2 mus and a total detector capacitance of 2 pF. The energy resolution obtained at room temperature (2degC) at 27 keV (direct interaction of I-125 gamma rays) was 5.09%, measured at full width at half maximum (FWHM). The effectiveness of the guard ring in minimising the detector leakage current and its influence on the total charge collection volume is clearly demonstrated by the IBIC images.
Saied, P, Bismajeet, P & Amir, M 2009, 'Stability Mapping and Landslide Recognition in Zagros Mountain South West Iran: A Case Study', DISASTER ADVANCES, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 47-53.
Saito, S, Tilma, T, Devitt, SJ, Nemoto, K & Semba, K 2009, 'Experimentally realizable controlled NOT gate in a flux qubit/resonator system', Physical Review B, vol. 80, no. 22.
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Sakhaee, E, Wakamiya, N & Murata, M 2009, 'An energy‐efficient self‐organizing global extremity reporting scheme for sensor networks', Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 543-555.
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AbstractIn this paper we propose an energy‐efficient self‐organizing global extremity reporting scheme for wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme assists applications of periodic reporting of extreme values (such as maximum or minimum temperature/pressure) across a wireless sensor field, back to the sink. Furthermore, an event‐driven counterpart is supplied for individual sensor nodes to supply their instantaneous sensed values back to the sink, once queried. The targeted sensors initially establish their relative distances to the sink in regards to number of hops, whilst the highest hopcount nodes (HHNs) from the sink identify themselves. The broadcast initiation of the HHNs have the ability to penetrate all nodes within the network towards the sink, and hence obtain the extreme value of the entire network in an efficient manner. This is due to the relative position of these special nodes within the network. Furthermore, the scheme does not require nodes to possess location information of themselves or other nodes, avoiding the need for the global positioning system (GPS) or other location‐aware methods. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed protocol in its target application. In particular, the advantage of HHN‐initiated broadcasting can be seen in both uniformly and randomly distributed topology networks. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Salvestrin, H & Hagare, P 2009, 'Removal of nitrates from groundwater in remote indigenous settings in and Central Australia', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 151-156.
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Naturally occurring elevated levels of nitrates are detected in many of the groundwater bores in the arid zone of Central Australia. Such levels are associated with anemia in young babies, pregnant women and other vulnerable groups. Further, there is evidence that links long-term exposure to elevated levels of nitrates with gastric cancer. In many parts of arid Central Australia alternative sources of water are not available. The capacity to operate and maintain water treatment and supply systems in remote Indigenous communities varies due to access and levels of service provision, mobility of the residents and balance of skills within the communities. A need has thus been identifi ed for a low maintenance nitrate removal system. Conventional treatment processes do not remove nitrates. Alternatives, such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange or biological denitrifi cation are either complex, energy and water intensive, expensive, produce waste products requiring disposal or require continual maintenance and monitoring. Such preconditions are not able to be met in remote Indigenous communities. This paper reviews the problems of nitrates in the arid zone of Central Australia and explores existing technologies for their removal, relative to remote Indigenous settings. It identifi es a need for further investigations to tailor technology to the unique social, economic and cultural characteristics of these settings.
Seethamraju, R & Marjanovic, O 2009, 'Role of process knowledge in business process improvement methodology: a case study.', Bus. Process. Manag. J., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 920-936.
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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyse the importance and role of process knowledge in the business process (BP) improvement methodology with the help of a case study. Design/methodology/approach - The approach takes the form of a literature review that highlights the challenges and issues in the existing BP improvement methodologies. An in-depth case study that has embarked on a major BP improvement initiative that emphasizes individual and collective process knowledge in a real-life complex organization is presented. Findings - The paper confirms that BP improvement is, in fact, a complex, knowledge-intensive, collaborative process that consists of a set of coordinated, contextualized knowledge management processes. The design of the "to-be" process in this study is a knowledge co-creation process that uses collaborative exploration of different scenarios and contexts. Compared with the traditional BP improvement methodologies where the main emphasis is on the design of a new process model, the focus of the methodology employed in this case study is on the process of knowledge co-creation and transfer. Research limitations/implications - The paper leads to increased recognition of the knowledge and experience people develop, use and share while modeling, executing, and improving their BPs. It offers anecdotal evidence and general case study research limitations apply. Practical implications - Practitioners should focus more on key knowledge processes rather than BP models that often obscure the role of individual and collective process knowledge. Rather than investing limited resources in the mapping and modeling of existing processes, practitioners will be able to better serve their organizations if they concentrate on the improvement of the process by tapping the contextualized process knowledge possessed by the individual actors. Originality/value - In the expanding field of BP management, the study explores the increasing importance of individual...
SHANG, F, ABOLHASAN, M & WYSOCKI, T 2009, 'AN ENERGY-EFFICIENT ADAPTIVE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS', International Journal of Information Acquisition, vol. 06, no. 02, pp. 117-126.
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In this paper, we consider a network of energy constrained sensors deployed over a region. Each sensor node in such a network is systematically gathering and transmitting sensed data to a base station (via clusterheads). This paper focuses on reducing the power consumption of wireless sensor networks. We first extend LEACH's stochastic clusterhead selection algorithm by an average energy-based (LEACH-AE) deterministic component to reduce energy consumption. And then an unequal clustering idea is introduced to further reduce energy consumption of clusterheads. Simulation results show that our modified scheme can extend the network life by up to 38% before the first node dies in the network. Through both theoretical analysis and numerical results, it is shown that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance than the existing clustering algorithms such as LEACH, DCHS, LEACH-C.
Shang, FJ, Abolhasan, M & Wysocki, T 2009, 'Distributed energy efficient unequal clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks', Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 34-43.
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A distributed energy-efficient unequal clustering (DEEUC) algorithm was proposed for wireless sensor networks by research current routing algorithms. The core of DEEUC has three parts. Firstly, when tentative clusterheads are selected, an average energy factor was introduced to balance the residual energy of the whole network nodes so that it may improve the network energy efficiency. Secondly, an energy consumption ratio function was proposed to balance energy-efficient of each node. Finally, an unequal clustering algorithm was proposed for single-hop homogeneous networks. Through both theoretical analysis and numerical results, it is shown that DEEUC prolongs the network lifetime significantly against the other clustering protocols such as LEACH-C and EECS. Under general instance, DEEUC may prolong the lifetime up to 30% against EECS.
Shapiro, NI, Trzeciak, S, Hollander, JE, Birkhahn, R, Otero, R, Osborn, TM, Moretti, E, Nguyen, HB, Gunnerson, KJ, Milzman, D, Gaieski, DF, Goyal, M, Cairns, CB, Ngo, L & Rivers, EP 2009, 'A prospective, multicenter derivation of a biomarker panel to assess risk of organ dysfunction, shock, and death in emergency department patients with suspected sepsis', Critical Care Medicine, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 96-104.
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OBJECTIVE:: To define a biomarker panel to predict organ dysfunction, shock, and in-hospital mortality in emergency department (ED) patients with suspected sepsis. DESIGN:: Prospective observational study. SETTING:: EDs of ten academic medical centers. PATIENTS:: There were 971 patients enrolled. Inclusion criteria: 1) ED patients age > 18; 2) suspected infection or a serum lactate level > 2.5 mmol/L; and 3) two or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria. Exclusion criteria: pregnancy, do-not-resuscitate status, or cardiac arrest. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:: Nine biomarkers were assayed from blood draws obtained on ED presentation. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify an optimal combination of biomarkers to create a panel. The derived formula for weighting biomarker values was used to calculate a "sepsis score," which was the predicted probability of the primary outcome of severe sepsis (sepsis plus organ dysfunction) within 72 hrs. We also assessed the ability of the sepsis score to predict secondary outcome measures of septic shock within 72 hrs and in-hospital mortality. The overall rates of each outcome were severe sepsis, 52%; septic shock, 39%; and in-hospital mortality 7%. Among the nine biomarkers tested, the optimal 3-marker panel was neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, protein C, and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. The area under the curve for the accuracy of the sepsis score derived from these three biomarkers was 0.80 for severe sepsis, 0.77 for septic shock, and 0.79 for death. When included in multivariate models with clinical variables, the sepsis score remained highly significant (p < 0.001) for all the three outcomes. CONCLUSIONS:: A biomarker panel of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, interleukin-1ra, and Protein C was predictive of severe sepsis, septic shock, and death in ED patients with suspected sepsis. Further study is warranted to prospectively validate the clinical utility of these...
Sharif, AO, Merdaw, AA, Al-Bahadili, H, Al-Taee, A, Al-Aibi, S, Rahal, Z & Derwish, GAW 2009, 'A new theoretical approach to estimate the specific energy consumption of reverse osmosis and other pressure-driven liquid-phase membrane processes', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 3, no. 1-3, pp. 111-119.
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Sharp, I, Kegen Yu & Guo, YJ 2009, 'GDOP Analysis for Positioning System Design', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 3371-3382.
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Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) has been widely used as an accuracy metric for navigation and tracking systems. Since high accuracy in a positioning system requires both accurate measurement of the range and a good geometric relationship between the mobile device and the measuring points, the analysis of GDOP is an essential feature in determining the performance of a positioning system. In this paper, we perform GDOP analysis to obtain concise analytical expressions for a number of scenarios, which are generally applicable to geometries where the mobile device is surrounded by base stations. Comparison of the analytical results with simulations using the typical geometries of indoor positioning systems shows good agreement, except when the mobile position is close to a base station. This effect is a consequence of the ranging errors being a significant proportion of the range in short-range tracking systems and discontinuities in GDOP at the base station. The results provide useful information for the design and testing of tracking systems, as well as for the determination of the geometric deployment of base stations for good GDOP in the coverage area. © 2009 IEEE.
Sharp, I, Yu, K & Guo, YJ 2009, 'Peak and leading edge detection for time-of-arrival estimation in band-limited positioning systems', IET Communications, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1616-1627.
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The performance of the peak and leading edge detection methods for time-of-arrival (TOA) estimation in band-limited systems is examined. Analytical expressions for the detection performance in the presence of both random noise and multipath interference are derived. A dimensionless performance factor is presented that allows simple comparisons of the TOA estimation algorithms. These equations allow the performance tradeoff analysis to be undertaken without the need for simulations. It is shown that the leading edge detection method has significantly better multipath mitigation characteristics than the peak detection one, but at the expense of inferior noise performance. © 2009, The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Shen, C, Paisitkriangkrai, S & Zhang, J 2009, 'Efficiently Learning a Detection Cascade with Sparse Eigenvectors', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 22-35.
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In this work, we first show that feature selection methods other thanboosting can also be used for training an efficient object detector. Inparticular, we introduce Greedy Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis (GSLDA)\cite{Moghaddam2007Fast} for its conceptual simplicity and computationalefficiency; and slightly better detection performance is achieved compared with\cite{Viola2004Robust}. Moreover, we propose a new technique, termed BoostedGreedy Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis (BGSLDA), to efficiently train adetection cascade. BGSLDA exploits the sample re-weighting property of boostingand the class-separability criterion of GSLDA.
Sheng, D, Gens, A, Fredlund, DG & Sloan, SW 2009, 'Reply to Comments on “Unsaturated soils: From constitutive modelling to numerical algorithms” by Daichao Sheng, Antonio Gens, Delwyn G. Fredlund and Scott W. Sloan [Computers and Geotechnics 35(6) (2008) 810–824] by Jingshuang Li, Yichuan Xing and Yujing Hou', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1100-1100.
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Sheng, D, Nazem, M & Carter, JP 2009, 'Some computational aspects for solving deep penetration problems in geomechanics', Computational Mechanics, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 549-561.
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Shepherd, D & Bremner, MJ 2009, 'Temporally unstructured quantum computation', PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, vol. 465, no. 2105, pp. 1413-1439.
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We examine theoretic architectures and an abstract model for a restricted class of quantum computation, called here temporally unstructured ('instantaneous') quantum computation because it allows for essentially no temporal structure within the quantum dynamics. Using the theory of binary matroids, we argue that the paradigm is rich enough to enable sampling from probability distributions that cannot, classically, be sampled efficiently and accurately. This paradigm also admits simple interactive proof games that may convince a sceptic of the existence of truly quantum effects. Furthermore, these effects can be created using significantly fewer qubits than are required for running Shor's algorithm. This journal is © 2009 The Royal Society.
Sherker, S, Ritchie, J, Eager, D & Dennis, R 2009, 'Soft landings: encouraging compliance with safety standards in Local Government Authority playgrounds', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 31-36.
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Issues addressed: Consistent with health promotion principles of good practice, addressing playground injury necessitates the creation of a supportive environment for the enhancement of wellbeing and the prevention of injuries. This study aims to survey local governments to: determine compliance with playground safety standards; establish frequency of playground inspections and maintenance; and identify motivators and barriers to compliance with safety standards. Methods: A survey of key informants for playground safety in all 152 local government councils in New South Wales (NSW) was undertaken. Results: Of 152 local councils in NSW (43 metropolitan and 109 non-metropolitan), 71.7% (n=109) completed the survey, 12.5% (n=19) refused to participate and no response was received by 15.8% (n=24). Self-reported compliance with key aspects of the standard was generally high. However, only 55% of councils complied with surface impact attenuation <200 gmax and <11,000 HIC. Further, only 14.7% of councils reported impact testing the playground surface during inspections. The main motivators to compliance included: reducing risk of litigation or liability; enhancing community and child safety, and minimising the risk of injury. The main barriers included a lack of: time; personnel, and a lack of adequate and appropriate funding. Conclusions: Local Government Authorities have a duty of care to ensure the safety of playgrounds in their jurisdiction. They require time, personnel and adequate and appropriate funding in order to achieve this aim.
Shon, H, Okour, Y, Saliby, IE, Park, J, Cho, DL, Kim, JB, Park, HJ & Kim, JH 2009, 'Preparation and characterisation of titanium dioxide produced from Ti-salt flocculated sludge in water treatment', Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 241-250.
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During the past few years, titanium salts were investigated as alternative coagulants for the removal of organic matter of different molecular sizes in contaminated water. The flocculation efficiency of Ti-salt was comparable to those of FeCl3 and Al2(SO4)3 salts, commonly used coagulants. Incinerated sludge-TiO2 showed higher surface area and photocatalytic activity than commercially available TiO2. Metal-doped forms were produced by adding coagulant aids such as iron (Fe-), aluminium (Al-) and (Ca-) calcium salts during Ti-salt flocculation to increase pH. Ca- and Al- doped TiO2 showed very high photocatalytic activity compared to Fe-doped TiO2. When tested in a pilot scale plant for treatment of dye wastewater to check practical feasibility of the novel process, the removal ratio of the chemical oxygen demand was comparable to those of commonly used coagulants but the settling of sludge was faster. The TiO2 generated after sludge incineration showed a high photocatalytic activity for degradation of volatile organic compounds and increased the rate of hydrogen production by water photosplitting. TiCl4 coagulant and TiO2 produced from different water sources with different concentrations had low acute toxicity compared to heavy metals and commercial TiO2 when examined based on D. Magna mortality. This paper presents the production, characterisation and the photoactivity of TiO2 produced from Ti-salt flocculated sludge. Different case studies are discussed to highlighted recent advances in this field.
Shon, HK, Cho, DL, Na, SH, Kim, JB, Park, H-J & Kim, J-H 2009, 'Development of a novel method to prepare Fe- and Al-doped TiO2 from wastewater', JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 476-482.
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A simple and novel method to synthesize iron and aluminium-doped titanium dioxide (TiO2) was investigated. Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) was used as a coagulant to remove organic matter from wastewater. The settled floc (sludge) was dewatered and incinerated at 600 degrees C after TiCl4 flocculation. The resultant by-product from the waste sludge was valuable TiO2. TiCl4 coagulant was added with FeCl3 and Al-2(SO4)(3) coagulants to dope iron and aluminium on TiO2 in a flocculation process. The effect of iron and aluminium on TiO2 was investigated in terms of scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive Xray (SEM/EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical absorbance and photocatalytic activity. The majority of Fe/TiO2 and Al/TiO2 particles were found to be less than 1 mu m size formed by 0.1 mu m agglomerates using SEM analysis. Fe/TiO2 included Ti, O, C, P and Fe elements and Al/TiO2 consisted of Ti, O, C, P and Al elements as confirmed by EDX results. Remaining organic carbon from the settled organic matter was the source of C atom in TiO2 whereas the P atom in TiO2 came from phosphorus nutrient present in wastewater. The majority of acetaldehyde with Fe/TiO2 and AI/TiO2 was significantly removed under UV irradiation within 60 min. However, at higher iron concentration, acetaldehyde removal decreased by almost 50%. Under visible light irradiation, the photo-decomposition of acetaldehyde using the Fe/TiO2 and Al/TiO2 was marginal.
Shon, HK, Kim, SH, Vigneswaran, S, Ben Aim, R, Lee, S & Cho, J 2009, 'Physicochemical pretreatment of seawater: fouling reduction and membrane characterization', DESALINATION, vol. 238, no. 1-3, pp. 10-21.
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The pretreatment of raw seawater is necessary to minimize the organic fouling of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) membranes. To predict the membrane fouling of the pretreated seawater, the modified fouling index (MFI) with ultrafiltration (UF) was investigated in terms of molecular weight distribution (MWD) and membrane characterization. The study was conducted with seawater drawn from Collioure, France. The concentration of total dissolved solids was 32,760 mg/L. The molecular weight (MW) of the initial seawater organic matter (SWOM) ranged from about 14160 Da to 280 Da. FeCl3 flocculation removed the majority of SWOM, while PAC adsorption could not remove the lowest MW fraction of organic matter (1110, 750 and 280 Da). The UF membranes with 30 kDa and 100 kDa MW cut-off removed the majority of of organic matter corresponding to the peaks 14,160 Da and 6560 Da in MWD. The MFI values obtained when using UF membranes of 30 kDa and 100 kDa with MF pretreatment were 19,700 s/L2 and 31,000 s/L2, respectively. The MFI values after pretreatments of FeCl3 flocculation and PAC adsorption significantly decreased to 6900 s/L2 and 6700 for 30 kDa UF and to 2300 s/L2 and 2500 s/L2 for 100 kDa UF, respectively. Some relation does exist for both membranes between the MFIUF values and Spb values obtained during the first peiod of filtration (pore blocking). The pore blocking zone significantly decreased after flocculation and adsorption pretreatment. This suggests that the pore blocking can be used as an indicator to predict membrane propensity. The detailed membrane characterization on the clean and fouled membrane surface after MFIUF experiments was made in terms of contact angle, zeta potential, functional group and microscopy.
Shon, HK, Puntsho, S, Chon, K, Aryal, R, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, IS & Cho, J 2009, 'A study on the influence of ionic strength on the elution behaviour of membrane organic foulant using advanced separation tools', DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 38-45.
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Although membrane technology has become a reliable and viable alternative for water and wastewater treatment, membrane fouling is a serious challenge. In this case study, we report application of different techniques to extract foulant from the hollow fibre membrane and char-acterize the foulant into various components of organic, inorganic and different fractions. The organic foulant was subjected to high-pressure size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and flow field-flow fractionation (FlFFF) analysis to study the influence of ionic strength on its elution behaviour using NaCl and CaCl2 as carrier solutions. It was observed that an increase in ionic strength delayed the elution time of both the organic foulant and the Na-salt of Polysterene sulphone (PSS) with HPSEC. However, no such effect was observed with FlFFF analysis. Such study is significant because the characteristics of the membrane organic foulant are believed to be influenced by the carrier ionic conditions and pH and, therefore their subsequent interaction with the membrane and membrane fouling process. However with FlFFF, whether the influence of carrier ionic strength is limited to certain type of ionic carriers or certain groups of natural organic matter is a scope for further research. © 2009 Desalination Publications.
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, Kim, J-B, Park, HJ, Choi, SW & Kim, J-H 2009, 'Preparation of titanium oxide, iron oxide, and aluminium oxide from sludge generated from Ti-salt, Fe-salt and Al-salt flocculation of wastewater', JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 719-723.
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In this study, the settled floc (sludge) produced by aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3), ferric chloride (FeCl3) and titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) flocculation was recycled with a novel flocculation process, which has a significant potential to the lower cost of waste disposal, protect the environment and public health and yield economically useful by-products. Three coagulants removed 70% of organic matter in synthetic wastewater. The settled floc was incinerated in the range from 100 8C to 1000 8C. Alumina (Al2O3), hematite (Fe2O3), titanium oxide (TiO2) which are the most widely used metal oxides were produced from the wastewater sludge generated by the flocculation in wastewater with Al2(SO4)3, FeCl3 and TiCl4, respectively. TiO2 particles produced from the sludge consisted of the large amount of nano size particles. Hematite (Fe2O3) and grattarolaite (Fe3 (PO4)O3 or Fe3PO7) included the majority of micro size (40%) particles. Alumina (Al2O3) also consisted of micro size (40%). Due to TiO2 usefulness of the application, detailed characterisation of TiO2 after calcination at different temperatures were investigated in terms of X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray, surface area and photoactivity.
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, Zareie, MH, Kim, JB, Cho, DL & Kim, J-H 2009, 'Preparation and Characterization of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) from Sludge produced by TiCl4 Flocculation with FeCl3, Al-2(SO4)(3) and Ca(OH)(2) Coagulant Aids in Wastewater', SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1525-1543.
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In this study, TiCl4 coagulant together with coagulant aids such as FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3, and Ca(OH)2 were investigated to improve the photoactivity of titanium dioxide (TiO2) produced from sludge and to increase the resulting low pH value. After TiCl4 flocculation with three coagulant aids, the settled floc (sludge) was incinerated at 600°C to produce TiO2 doped with Fe, Al, and Ca elements. Fe-, Al-, and Ca-doped TiO2 was characterized in terms of structural, chemical, and photo-electronic properties. All the coagulant aids used together with Ti-salt flocculation effectively increased the pH values. The surface area of TiO2-WO (without any coagulant aids), Fe/TiO2, Al/TiO2, and Ca/TiO2 was 122 m2/g, 77 m2/g, 136 m2/g and 116 m2/g, respectively. The TiO2-WO, Fe/TiO2, Al/TiO2, and Ca/TiO2 was found to be of anatase phase. The XRD pattern on the Fe/TiO2 included an additional peak of hematite (α-Fe2O3). The majority of gaseous acetaldehyde with TiO2-WO and Ca/TiO2 for photocatalytic activity was completely removed within 40 minutes under UV irradiation.
Shuhong Wang, Xiangjun Meng, Ningning Guo, Haibo Li, Jie Qiu, Jian Guo Zhu, Youguang Guo, Dikai Liu, Yi Wang & Wei Xu 2009, 'Multilevel Optimization for Surface Mounted PM Machine Incorporating With FEM', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4700-4703.
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In this paper, Multilevel Genetic Algorithm (MLGA) is presented to solve the optimization of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine (SPMSM), which has features of mixed continuous and discrete design variables, multi-modal objective functions, etc. Firstly, the multilevel optimization problem is described by using the problem matrix. The values in the problem matrix are deduced by correlation analysis. Secondly, the architecture and implementation of MLGA are carried out. Thirdly, the new algorithm is applied to a bilevel optimization of SPMSM to verify this multilevel optimization. The results compared with those of traditional genetic algorithm (GA) and discussions of the multilevel optimization are presented. © 2009 IEEE.
Siddiquee, N, Parween, S, Quddus, M & Barua, P 2009, 'Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments at Ship Breaking Area of Bangladesh', ASIAN JOURNAL OF WATER ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 7-12.
Sim, K, Li, J, Gopalkrishnan, V & Liu, G 2009, 'Mining maximal quasi‐bicliques: Novel algorithm and applications in the stock market and protein networks', Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 255-273.
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AbstractSeveral real‐world applications require mining of bicliques, as they represent correlated pairs of data clusters. However, the mining quality is adversely affected by missing and noisy data. Moreover, some applications only require strong interactions between data members of the pairs, but bicliques are pairs that display complete interactions. We address these two limitations by proposing maximal quasi‐bicliques. Maximal quasi‐bicliques tolerate erroneous and missing data, and also relax the interactions between the data members of their pairs. Besides, maximal quasi‐bicliques do not suffer from skewed distribution of missing edges that prior quasi‐bicliques have. We develop an algorithm MQBminer, which mines the complete set of maximal quasi‐bicliques from either bipartite or non‐bipartite graphs. We demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of maximal quasi‐bicliques to discover highly correlated pairs of data in two diverse real‐world datasets. First, we propose to solve a novel financial stocks analysis problem using maximal quasi‐bicliques to co‐cluster stocks and financial ratios. Results show that the stocks in our co‐clusters usually have significant correlations in their price performance. Second, we use maximal quasi‐bicliques on a mining protein network problem and we show that pairs of protein groups mined by maximal quasi‐bicliques are more significant than those mined by maximal bicliques. Copyright © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
Simon, A, Nghiem, LD, Le-Clech, P, Khan, SJ & Drewes, JE 2009, 'Effects of membrane degradation on the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) by NF/RO filtration processes', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 340, no. 1-2, pp. 16-25.
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Singh, G & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Evaluating performance and effectiveness of water sensitive urban design', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 144-150.
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Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is something of a catch-all term for environmentally sustainable water resource management in urban areas. Water sensitive urban design offers an alternative to the traditional conveyance approach to stormwater management. It seeks to minimise the extent of impervious surfaces and mitigate changes to the natural water balance, through on-site reuse of water as well as through temporary storage. By integrating major and minor fl ow paths in the landscape and adopting a range of water sensitive design techniques, the size of the structural stormwater system required can be signifi cantly reduced. WSUD techniques include detention and retention basins to lower peak fl ows, grassed swales and vegetation to facilitate water infi ltration and pollutant fi ltration. WSUD has been adopted widely in Australia and is being implemented in varied local government areas. The major challenge to the success of WSUD is however its measure of effectiveness over the life cycle given that it demands high maintenance. The aim of this paper is to provide a snapshot of effectiveness of WSUD implemented in Kogarah Municipal Council using two case studies and presents results on improvement in water quality through both site specifi c and water quality monitoring of the bays.
Smallwood, A, Thomas, PS, Ray, AS & Simon, P 2009, 'Application of a Fickian model of diffusion to the dehydration of graded specimens of a precious Australian sedimentary opal derived from Coober Pedy', JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 685-688.
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A model developed for the estimation of the diffusion coefficient based on Fickian diffusion is applied to the dehydration of a Coober Pedy white play of colour (precious) opal using thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The model was originally applied to bulk and powdered opal (opal with no bulk). In this paper the opal was graded prior to TG analysis. The diffusion coefficient was calculated and is reported up to the critical point of water.
Smith, DB, Zhang, JA, Hanlen, LW, Miniutti, D, Rodda, D & Gilbert, B 2009, 'Temporal correlation of dynamic on-body area radio channel', Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 24, pp. 1212-1213.
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Smith, P & Vigneswaran, S 2009, 'Effect of backwash and powder activated carbon (PAC) addition on performance of side stream membrane filtration system (SSMFS) on treatment of biological treatment effluent', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 46-51.
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In this study, a pilot scale Side Stream Membrane Filtration System (SSMFS) was used to demonstrate the need for optimization of backwash conditions and the addition of PAC. Through an investigation of the amount of fouling each cycle that can be restored through backwashing over a short-term, a good operating point for long-term operation was developed. Periodic removal of 1.5% of the PAC slurry mixture (7.5 L out of 500 L) and PAC replacement (15 g/d) was found to have a positive impact on the reduction of membrane fouling. © 2009 Desalination Publications.
Sprinkle, J, Eklund, JM, Gonzalez, H, Grotli, EI, Upcroft, B, Makarenko, A, Uther, W, Moser, M, Fitch, R, Durrant-Whyte, H & Sastry, SS 2009, 'Model-based design: a report from the trenches of the DARPA Urban Challenge', SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 551-566.
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Stausberg, JR, Deuse, J & Baudzus, B 2009, 'Didaktische Hilfsmittel zur Umsetzung schlanker Produktionssysteme', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 104, no. 10, pp. 847-852.
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Kurzfassung Die Einführung eines schlanken Produktionssystems zur Produktivitätssteigerung in einem Wertstrom führt in der Organisation eines Betriebs und in den Arbeitsaufgaben der Mitarbeiter zu großen Veränderungen. Für das übergeordnete Verständnis und die Akzeptanz dieser Veränderungen sind alle Mitarbeiter in integrierten Schulungsmaßnahmen vorzubereiten und zu qualifizieren. In der primären Schulung werden Prinzipen und Methoden des Produktionssystems zusammenhängend erläutert. Darauf aufbauend können vertiefende Schulungen durchgeführt werden. Da neben der rein fachlichen Wissensvermittlung auch eine positive Erwartungshaltung gegenüber dem Produktionssystem erreicht werden soll, können traditionelle Schulungsmethoden ohne didaktische Hilfsmittel diese Anforderungen nicht mehr erfüllen. Das Planspiel erweist sich im Vergleich zu anderen didaktischen Instrumenten für diese Anforderungen als geeignete Ergänzung. Es integriert handlungsorientierte Ansätze, zielgruppenspezifische Unterstützung und die Möglichkeit einer umfassenden Verdeutlichung von Zusammenhängen und deren Auswirkungen.
Stewart, M & Reid, S 2009, 'Disaster & hazard mitigation', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1.
Stewart, MG 2009, 'Mechanical behaviour of pitting corrosion of flexural and shear reinforcement and its effect on structural reliability of corroding RC beams', Structural Safety, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 19-30.
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A spatial time-dependent reliability model is developed for a RC beam subject to corrosion-induced pitting corrosion, for shear and flexural limit states. The analysis considers the spatial and time-dependent variability of pitting corrosion, structural resistance and load effects. The amount of corrosion loss can significantly affect the mechanical behaviour of reinforcement, namely low corrosion loss can result in ductile yielding, whereas a higher corrosion loss can result in brittle fracture. The progression from ductile to brittle behaviour is spatially and time-dependent. To estimate how such phenomena affects structural reliability the structural resistance of reinforcement is modelled as either (i) perfectly ductile parallel system or (ii) perfectly brittle parallel system. It was found that the probability of failure assuming brittle reinforcement behaviour is up to 450% higher than assuming ductile behaviour. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stewart, MG & Suo, Q 2009, 'Extent of spatially variable corrosion damage as an indicator of strength and time-dependent reliability of RC beams', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 198-207.
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A spatial time-dependent reliability model is developed for a RC beam subject to corrosion-induced pitting corrosion. The analysis considers the spatial and time-dependent variability of pitting corrosion and its effect on cover cracking and shear and flexural resistance. The model uses extreme value theory to predict maximum pit depth as a function of bar diameter and reinforcing bar length. The effect of corrosion on the mechanical behaviour of reinforcement and associated loss of ductility is also considered. A 1D spatial model is included where concrete properties, concrete cover and the surface chloride concentration are treated as random fields. The model is then used to predict the likelihood and extent of corrosion-induced cracking (corrosion damage). The spatial time-dependent reliability model allows the loss of structural capacity and reliability to be calculated conditional to the observed extent of corrosion damage. This allows the interaction between corrosion damage and loss of structural safety to be inferred for a deteriorating RC beam. It was found that the crack width at time of structural collapse is often well in excess of 1 mm. It was also found that the extent and location of severe cover cracking is an important indicator of structural reliability. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Styrkarsdottir, U, Halldorsson, BV, Gretarsdottir, S, Gudbjartsson, DF, Walters, GB, Ingvarsson, T, Jonsdottir, T, Saemundsdottir, J, Snorradóttir, S, Center, JR, Nguyen, TV, Alexandersen, P, Gulcher, JR, Eisman, JA, Christiansen, C, Sigurdsson, G, Kong, A, Thorsteinsdottir, U & Stefansson, K 2009, 'New sequence variants associated with bone mineral density', Nature Genetics, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 15-17.
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Su, SW, Celler, BG, Savkin, AV, Nguyen, HT, Cheng, TM, Guo, Y & Wang, L 2009, 'Transient and steady state estimation of human oxygen uptake based on noninvasive portable sensor measurements', MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1111-1117.
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The main motivation of this study is to establish an ambulatory cardio-respiratory analysis system for the monitoring and evaluation of exercise and regular daily physical activity. We explored the estimation of oxygen uptake by using noninvasive portable sensors. These sensors are easy to use but may suffer from malfunctions under free living environments. A promising solution is to combine sensors with different measuring mechanisms to improve both reliability and accuracy of the estimation results. For this purpose, we selected a wireless heart rate sensor and a tri-axial accelerometer to form a complementary sensor platform. We analyzed the relationship between oxygen uptake measured by gas analysis and data collected from the simple portable sensors using multivariable nonlinear modeling approaches. It was observed that the resulting nonlinear multivariable model could not only achieve a better estimate compared with single input single output models, but also had greater potential to improve reliability.
Subramony, SH, Nguyen, TV, Langford, L, Lin, X, Parent, AD & Zhang, J 2009, 'Identification of a new form of autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia', Clinical Genetics, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 113-116.
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Suo, Q & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Corrosion cracking prediction updating of deteriorating RC structures using inspection information', Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 94, no. 8, pp. 1340-1348.
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It is well known that the corrosion-induced cracking of reinforced concrete (RC) structures varies in time and space due to the inherent spatial variability of concrete cover, concrete strength, surface chloride concentration and other material, environmental and dimensional properties. A model for predicting the likelihood and extent of RC corrosion-induced cracking considering spatial variability is reviewed. The uncertainties of predictions can be reduced by the effective use of information obtained from visual inspections regarding structural performance, such as cracking proportion and crack width. The paper uses a spatial time-dependent reliability analysis combined with visual inspection data to predict the likelihood and extent of RC corrosion-induced cracking. In this study, RC slabs and beams are used to illustrate the influence of inspection information updating on the future likelihood and extent of corrosion-induced cracking. Concrete strength, concrete cover and the surface chloride concentrations are modelled as spatial variables. Monte-Carlo simulation is employed to calculate the updated cracking proportions. The analysis considers various inspection scenarios which include different inspection intervals, inspection times, cracking proportion and crack width. It was found that the occurrence or observance of cracking changes the future cracking prediction significantly. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tang, X, Ma, M, Ostry, D, Jiao, B & Guo, Y 2009, 'Characterizing impulsive network traffic using truncated α-stable processes', IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 980-982.
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It has been recently recognized that aggregated traffic in a variety of networks exhibits a similar impulsiveness over a wide range of aggregation levels, but approaches a Gaussian distribution in the limit as the aggregation level grows. Although several traffic models have been proposed in the past decade, their accuracy in simultaneously characterizing the above properties still needs to be further improved. In this letter, we propose a truncated α-stable process model which is able to capture the impulsiveness of observed network traffic as well as its tendency toward the Gaussian distribution with aggregation. An inherent physical mechanism is also proposed to give insight into the underlying meaning of the proposed model. Simulation results show that the proposed process achieves close agreement with real traffic and outperforms previous models. © 2006 IEEE.
Taylor, JG, Cheuk, AT, Tsang, PS, Chung, J-Y, Song, YK, Desai, K, Yu, Y, Chen, Q-R, Shah, K, Youngblood, V, Fang, J, Kim, SY, Yeung, C, Helman, LJ, Mendoza, A, Ngo, V, Staudt, LM, Wei, JS, Khanna, C, Catchpoole, D, Qualman, SJ, Hewitt, SM, Merlino, G, Chanock, SJ & Khan, J 2009, 'Identification of FGFR4-activating mutations in human rhabdomyosarcomas that promote metastasis in xenotransplanted models', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, vol. 119, no. 11, pp. 3395-3407.
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Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a childhood cancer originating from skeletal muscle, and patient survival is poor in the presence of metastatic disease. Few determinants that regulate metastasis development have been identified. The receptor tyrosine kinase FGFR4 is highly expressed in RMS tissue, suggesting a role in tumorigenesis, although its functional importance has not been defined. Here, we report the identification of mutations in FGFR4 in human RMS tumors that lead to its activation and present evidence that it functions as an oncogene in RMS. Higher FGFR4 expression in RMS tumors was associated with advanced-stage cancer and poor survival, while FGFR4 knockdown in a human RMS cell line reduced tumor growth and experimental lung metastases when the cells were transplanted into mice. Moreover, 6 FGFR4 tyrosine kinase domain mutations were found among 7 of 94 (7.5%) primary human RMS tumors. The mutants K535 and E550 increased autophosphorylation, Stat3 signaling, tumor proliferation, and metastatic potential when expressed in a murine RMS cell line. These mutants also transformed NIH 3T3 cells and led to an enhanced metastatic phenotype. Finally, murine RMS cell lines expressing the K535 and E550 FGFR4 mutants were substantially more susceptible to apoptosis in the presence of a pharmacologic FGFR inhibitor than the control cell lines expressing the empty vector or wild-type FGFR4. Together, our results demonstrate that mutationally activated FGFR4 acts as an oncogene, and these are what we believe to be the first known mutations in a receptor tyrosine kinase in RMS. These findings support the potential therapeutic targeting of FGFR4 in RMS.
Teymourtash, AR & Ebrahimi Warkiani, M 2009, 'Natural convection over a non-isothermal vertical flat plate in supercritical fluids', Scientia Iranica, vol. 16, no. 6 B, pp. 470-478.
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In many applications, convection heat transfer is coupled with conduction and radiation heat transfer, which generate temperature gradients along the walls and may greatly affect natural convection heat transfer. The main objective of this study is to calculate the heat-transfer characteristics for natural convection from a non-isothermal vertical flat plate into a supercritical fluid. The influence of the non-uniformity of wall temperature on the heat transfer by natural convection along a vertical plate, having a linearly distributed temperature (characterized by the slope S) is also investigated. The thermal expansion coefficient is considered as a function of the temperature, the pressure, the van der Waals constants and the compressibility factor. The trends of the curves obtained with this equation and with values from tables of thermodynamic properties were similar and diverged at a critical point. These features confirmed the validity of this equation. Then, the governing systems of partial differential equations are solved numerically using the finite difference method. The local Nusselt number was then calculated and plotted as a function of the local Rayleigh number. It was observed that a positive slope of temperature distribution increases the heat transfer rate and a negative slope decreases it. © Sharif University of Technology, December 2009.
Teymourtash, AR & Warkiani, ME 2009, 'Natural Convection over a Non-Isothermal Vertical Flat Plate in Supercritical Fluids', SCIENTIA IRANICA TRANSACTION B-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 470-478.
Thongkam, J, Xu, G, Zhang, Y & Huang, F 2009, 'Toward breast cancer survivability prediction models through improving training space', Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 12200-12209.
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Due to the difficulties of outlier and skewed data, the prediction of breast cancer survivability has presented many challenges in the field of data mining and pattern precognition, especially in medical research. To solve these problems, we have proposed a hybrid approach to generating higher quality data sets in the creation of improved breast cancer survival prediction models. This approach comprises two main steps: (1) utilization of an outlier filtering approach based on C-Support Vector Classification (C-SVC) to identify and eliminate outlier instances; and (2) application of an over-sampling approach using over-sampling with replacement to increase the number of instances in the minority class. In order to assess the capability and effectiveness of the proposed approach, several measurement methods including basic performance (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity), Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC) and F-measure were utilized. Moreover, a 10-fold cross-validation method was used to reduce the bias and variance of the results of breast cancer survivability prediction models. Results have indicated that the proposed approach leads to improving the performance of breast cancer survivability prediction models by up to 28.34% due to the improved training data space.
Thornton-Benko, E, Nguyen, HT, Hung, WT & Thornton, BS 2009, 'Improved observer dependent perception of weak edges when scanning an image in real time indicated by introducing 1/f noise into the primary visual cortex V1. Theory and experimental support', AUSTRALASIAN PHYSICAL & ENGINEERING SCIENCES IN MEDICINE, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 136-149.
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We present results of a new process for generating 1/f type noise sequences and introducing the noise in the primary visual cortex which then enables improved perception of weak edges when an observer is scanning a complex image in real time to detect detail such as in mammogram reading sessions. It can be explained by an adaptation of information theory for functional rather than previous task-based methods for formulating processes for edge formation in early vision. This is enabled from a two "species" classification of the interaction of opposing on-centre and off-centre neuron processes. We show that non-stationary stochastic resonances predicted by theory can occur with 1/f noise in the primary visual cortex VI and suggest that signalling exchanges between VI and the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus can initiate neural activity for saccadic action (and observer attention) for weak edge perception. Improvements predicted by our theory were shown from 600 observations by two groups of observers of limited experience and an experienced radiologist for reference (but not for diagnosis). They scanned and rated the definition of microcalcification in clusters separately rated by the experienced radiologist. The results and supporting theory showed dependence on the observer's attention and orderly scanning. Using a compact simplified equipment configuration the methodology has important clinical applications for conjunction searches of features and for detection of objects in poor light conditions for vehicles.
TIAN, H-D, YU, Z-Y, HAN, L-H & LIU, Y-M 2009, 'Effect of the structural parameters of photonic crystal fibers on propagation characteristics', The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 89-128.
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Using a full-vector finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, this article explores the propagation characteristics of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) theoretically. The dependence of structural parameters on the effective index of the fundamental guided mode, effective index of the fundamental cladding mode, mode field diameter, confinement loss, effective mode area, and chromatic dispersion in PCF have been studied, respectively. The research presents a reference for designing of PCF with a specific purpose. © 2009 The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications.
TIAN, L, YANG, Y-B, FANG, G-F, SHI, J-L & DUTKIEWICZ, E 2009, 'A Scheduling Set Based Integrated Scheduling Algorithm for Unicast and Multicast Traffic *', Journal of Software, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 3196-3206.
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A new problem is addressed, which is how to improve energy efficiency for both unicast and multicast services without violating QoS requirements of mobile stations in 802.16e wireless networks. To solve this problem, a scheduling set based integrated scheduling (SSBIS) algorithm is proposed. SSBIS partitions all the mobile stations into multicast scheduling sets and a unicast scheduling set. All the unicast data of the mobile stations in the multicast scheduling sets are transmitted in the adjacent intervals of their multicast data transmission periods, and for the mobile stations in the unicast scheduling set, longest sleep duration based (LSDB) scheduling scheme is obtained using convex optimization to improve energy efficiency of the whole system. Numerical results show that SSBIS can save overall energy significantly and guarantee the minimum data rates of mobile stations at the same time. © 2008 by Journal of Software.
Tijing, LD, Kim, HY, Lee, DH, Kim, CS & Cho, YI 2009, 'Use of an Oscillating Electric Field to Mitigate Mineral Fouling in a Heat Exchanger', Experimental Heat Transfer, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 257-270.
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To, WK, Paul, G, Kwok, NM & Liu, D 2009, 'An efficient trajectory planning approach for autonomous robots in complex bridge environments', International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 185-185.
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This paper presents an efficient trajectory planning approach for a 6DOF robotic manipulator conducting grit-blasting in complex bridge structural environments. The proposed approach extends upon robotic grit-blasting planning and incorporates joint movement minimisation in addition to path length minimisation. A genetic algorithm is implemented to optimise initial path plans based on a heuristic pattern for the coverage of surface areas to be blasted. A customised gradient based method is applied for the generation of collision-free joint configurations for grit-blasting based on the identified path plan. A grit-blasting coverage model is developed for discrete non-planar 3D coverage determination to verify the performance of the plan. Extensive simulation and experimental results are also presented in this paper. © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Tomamichel, M, Colbeck, R & Renner, R 2009, 'Duality Between Smooth Min- and Max-Entropies', IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, 56 (2010) 4674-4681, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 4674-4681.
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In classical and quantum information theory, operational quantities such asthe amount of randomness that can be extracted from a given source or theamount of space needed to store given data are normally characterized by one oftwo entropy measures, called smooth min-entropy and smooth max-entropy,respectively. While both entropies are equal to the von Neumann entropy incertain special cases (e.g., asymptotically, for many independent repetitionsof the given data), their values can differ arbitrarily in the general case. In this work, a recently discovered duality relation between (non-smooth)min- and max-entropies is extended to the smooth case. More precisely, it isshown that the smooth min-entropy of a system A conditioned on a system Bequals the negative of the smooth max-entropy of A conditioned on a purifyingsystem C. This result immediately implies that certain operational quantities(such as the amount of compression and the amount of randomness that can beextracted from given data) are related. Such relations may, for example, haveapplications in cryptographic security proofs.
Tran, BNH, Nguyen, ND, Center, JR, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2009, 'Enhancement of Absolute Fracture Risk Prognosis with Genetic Marker: The Collagen I Alpha 1 Gene', Calcified Tissue International, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 379-388.
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Tran, N 2009, 'Fast and Simple microRNA Northern Blots', Biochemistry Insights, vol. 2, pp. BCI.S2257-BCI.S2257.
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RNA northern blots provide robust measurements of gene expression. The simple northern blot technique described in this report has been optimised to provide rapid, reproducible detection and analysis of mature and precursor forms of microRNAs. This protocol economises on the use of commercially available components and secondly reduces the hybridisation step to 2 hours.
Tran, N 2009, 'Fast and Simple micro-RNA Northern Blots', BIOCHEMISTRY INSIGHTS, vol. 2, pp. 1-3.
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RNA northern blots provide robust measurements of gene expression. The simple northern blot technique described in this report has been optimised to provide rapid, reproducible detection and analysis of mature and precursor forms of microRNAs. This protocol economises on the use of commercially available components and secondly reduces the hybridisation step to 2 hours.
Tran, NN, Pham, DH, Hoang Duong Tuan & Nguyen, HH 2009, 'Orthogonal Affine Precoding and Decoding for Channel Estimation and Source Detection in MIMO Frequency-Selective Fading Channels', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1151-1162.
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A new affine precoding and decoding method for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channels is proposed. The optimal design of the affine precoder consists of a linear precoder and a training sequence, which is superimposed o
Upitis, A, Peterson, J, Lukey, C & Nghiem, LD 2009, 'Metallic ion extraction using polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs): Optimising physical strength and extraction rate', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 6, no. 1-3, pp. 41-47.
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Val, DV & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Reliability Assessment of Ageing Reinforced Concrete Structures—Current Situation and Future Challenges', Structural Engineering International, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 211-219.
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This paper provides a brief description of the framework for reliability-based analysis/assessment of ageing reinforced concrete structures. The main emphasis is made on modelling deterioration due to corrosion of reinforcing steel. A critical overview of existing models for corrosion initiation, corrosion-induced cracking, and effects of corrosion on deflections and strength of reinforced concrete (RC) structures is presented, including discussion of future research needs. Recent accomplishments of the authors in this area are described. Special attention is paid to the role of spatial variability of deterioration on results of reliability assessment, which is illustrated by two examples.
Val, DV, Chernin, L & Stewart, MG 2009, 'Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Corrosion-Induced Cover Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Structures', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 135, no. 4, pp. 376-385.
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In the paper corrosion-induced crack initiation and propagation are investigated experimentally and numerically, with particular emphasis on quantifying the proportion of corrosion products that are dissipated within the concrete pores and cracks, thus reducing the pressure exerted by corrosion products on the surrounding concrete. Initially, experimental data on crack initiation and propagation obtained from accelerated corrosion tests of reinforced concrete slabs are presented. A comparison of finite-element model results and experimental data is used to estimate the amount of corrosion products penetrating into concrete pores and cracks, which is an essential parameter for prediction of corrosion initiation and propagation. It was found that the amount of corrosion products penetrating into the concrete pores before crack initiation is larger than that obtained by other researchers. The paper also showed that corrosion products do not fully fill corrosion-induced cracks in concrete immediately after their initiation as the cracks are being filled gradually over time and the thicker the concrete cover the longer it will take to fully fill a crack. © 2009 ASCE.
Valdés-Mora, F, Gómez del Pulgar, T, Bandrés, E, Cejas, P, Ramírez de Molina, A, Pérez-Palacios, R, Gallego-Ortega, D, García-Cabezas, MA, Casado, E, Larrauri, J, Nistal, M, González-Barón, M, García-Foncillas, J & Lacal, JC 2009, 'TWIST1 Overexpression is Associated with Nodal Invasion and Male Sex in Primary Colorectal Cancer', Annals of Surgical Oncology, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 78-87.
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van Boerdonk, K, Tieben, R, Klooster, S & van den Hoven, E 2009, 'Contact through canvas: an entertaining encounter', PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 551-567.
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When meeting someone new, the first impression is often influenced by someoneâs physical appearance and other types of prejudice. In this paper, we present TouchMeDare, an interactive canvas, which aims to provide an experience when meeting new people, while preventing visual prejudice and lowering potential thresholds. The focus of the designed experience was to stimulate people to get acquainted through the interactive canvas. TouchMeDare consists of a flexible, opaque canvas, which plays music when touched simultaneously from both sides. Dynamic variation of this bodily contact is reflected through real-time adaptations of the musical compositions. Two redesigns were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated and a final version was placed in the Lowlands Festival as a case study. Evaluation results showed that some explanation was needed for the initial interaction with the installation. On the other hand, after this initial unfamiliarity passed, results showed that making bodily contact through the installation did help people to get acquainted with each other and increased their social interaction.
Van Landingham, M, Nguyen, TV, Roberts, A, Parent, AD & Zhang, J 2009, 'Risk factors of congenital hydrocephalus: a 10 year retrospective study', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 213-217.
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Veitch, D 2009, 'Scale Invariance in Computer Network Traffic', Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets, pp. 413-436.
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Veitch, D, Ridoux, J & Korada, SB 2009, 'Robust Synchronization of Absolute and Difference Clocks Over Networks', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 417-430.
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Vessalas, K, Ray, AS, Thomas, P, Sri Ravindrarajah, R, Joyce, PA & Haggman, J 2009, 'Pitchstone Fines - A New Naturally Occuring Pozzolan from North Queensland', Concrete Forum, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 11-15.
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Global warming presents an ever-challenging battle to humankind, as emissions arising from industrially produced gteenhouse gases are predicted to alter the long-term climatic patterns of earth. Harmful environmental emissions arising during the manufactute of Portland cements (C) can be effectively reduced by incorporating siliceous-aluminous based supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), as partial cement replacements. In Australia, mined pitchstone fines (PF), derived as waste material from expandable perlire production, area viable SCM for reducing cement consumption using an eco-friendly approach. This paper reports on the results of an experimental investigation into the pozzolanic activity of PP. Up to 40% cement was replaced with PF in mortar mixes. In addition, PP was used to partially replace sand. Strength activity index (SM) values for PP were evaluated using accelerated 28-day compressive strengths for all PP substitution levels, with flows and wet densities of mortar mixes reported.
Vessalas, K, Thomas, PS, Ray, AS, Guerbois, J-P, Joyce, P & Haggman, J 2009, 'Pozzolanic reactivity of the supplementary cementitious material pitchstone fines by thermogravimetric analysis', JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 71-76.
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Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis was applied to the characterisation of the pozzolanic reaction in mortars containing the supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) pitchstone fines (PF) and fly ash (FA) as partial replacements for Portland cement (PC). TG analysis was used to determine the proportion of calcium hydroxide (CH) present from the hydration of the PC based on the dehydroxylation of the CH present in the blended PC-SCM mortars. The consumption of CH indicated that both SCMs underwent the pozzolanic reaction and that PF was found to compare favourably in its pozzolanic reactivity of FA, the industry and globally accepted standard artificial pozzolan.
VEXLER, A & WU, C 2009, 'An Optimal Retrospective Change Point Detection Policy', Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 542-558.
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Abstract. Since the middle of the twentieth century, the problem of making inferences about the point in a surveyed series of observations at which the underlying distribution changes has been extensively addressed in the economics, biostatistics and statistics literature. Cumulative sum‐type statistics have commonly been thought to play a central role in non‐sequential change point detections. Alternatively, we present and examine an approach based on the Shiryayev–Roberts scheme. We show that retrospective change point detection policies based on Shiryayev–Roberts statistics are non‐asymptotically optimal in the context of most powerful testing.
Vexler, A, Wu, C, Liu, A, Whitcomb, BW & Schisterman, EF 2009, 'An extension of a change-point problem', Statistics, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 213-225.
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We consider a specific classification problem in the context of change-point detection. We present generalized classical maximum likelihood tests for homogeneity of the observed sample in a simple form which avoids the complex direct estimation of unknown parameters. This paper proposes a martingale approach to transformation of test statistics. For sequential and retrospective testing problems, we propose the adapted Shiryayev-Roberts statistics in order to obtain simple tests with asymptotic power one. An important application of the developed methods is in the analysis of exposure's measurements subject to limits of detection in occupational medicine. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.
Vilariño, DL, Ferrer, DC, Sánchez, VMB, Tetzlaff, R & Lin, C-T 2009, 'CNN Technology for Spatiotemporal Signal Processing', EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2009, no. 1.
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Voinov, A & Cardwell, H 2009, 'The Energy‐Water Nexus: Why Should We Care?', Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 17-29.
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Vu, NA, Castel, A & François, R 2009, 'Effect of stress corrosion cracking on stress–strain response of steel wires used in prestressed concrete beams', Corrosion Science, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1453-1459.
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Waldron, K 2009, 'The state of the art of climbing and walking robots', Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 36, no. 4.
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Waldron, KJ, Estremera, J, Csonka, PJ & Singh, SPN 2009, 'Analyzing Bounding and Galloping Using Simple Models', Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, vol. 1, no. 1.
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This paper focuses on modeling the gait characteristics of a quadrupedal gallop. There have been a number of studies of the mechanics of the stance phase in which a foot is in contact with the ground. We seek to put these studies in the context of the stride, or overall motion cycle. The model used is theoretical, and is kept simple in the interest of transparency. It is compared to empirical data from observations of animals, and to data from experiments with robots such as our KOLT machine, and results from sophisticated simulation studies. Modeling of the energy loss inherent in the interaction between the system and the environment plays a key role in the study. Results include the discovery of a hidden symmetry in the gait pattern, usually regarded as being completely asymmetrical. Another result demonstrates that the velocities with which the two front feet impact and leave the ground are different, and similarly for the rear feet. The velocities of the foot pairs mirror each other. This is consistent with empirical observation, but is at variance with the assumption used almost universally when modeling stance. A further result elicits the importance of the pitch moment of inertia and other effects that make the mammalian architecture, in which the center of mass is closer to the shoulders than to the hips, beneficial..
Walker, R & Indraratna, B 2009, 'Consolidation analysis of a stratified soil with vertical and horizontal drainage using the spectral method', Géotechnique, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 439-449.
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A novel use of the spectral method to determine excess pore water pressure during vertical consolidation of multi-layered soil with time constant material properties is presented, considering a unit cell with combined vertical and radial drainage. Equal strain conditions are assumed in the analysis. The novel adoption of material properties that vary in a linear fashion with depth allows arbitrary distributions of properties to be modelled. By incorporating surcharge and vacuum loading that vary with both depth and time, a wide range of consolidation problems can be analysed. The spectral method is a meshless approach producing a series solution to the consolidation problem based on matrix operations. Accuracy can be improved by increasing the number of terms used in the series solution. The model is verified by the analysis of selected case studies characterised by: analytical free strain consolidation with thin sand layers (surcharge only); laboratory test and embankment trial with surcharge and vacuum loading; and ground subsidence caused by groundwater pumping.
Walker, R, Indraratna, B & Sivakugan, N 2009, 'Vertical and Radial Consolidation Analysis of Multilayered Soil Using the Spectral Method', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 135, no. 5, pp. 657-663.
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Wang, C, Lu, J & Zhang, G 2009, 'Web ontology data matching for integration: method and framework', International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 220-238.
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PurposeMatching relevant ontology data for integration is vitally important as the amount of ontology data increases along with the evolving Semantic web, in which data are published from different individuals or organizations in a decentralized environment. For any domain that has developed a suitable ontology, its ontology annotated data (or simply ontology data) from different sources often overlaps and needs to be integrated. The purpose of this paper is to develop intelligent web ontology data matching method and framework for data integration.Design/methodology/approachThis paper develops an intelligent matching method to solve the issue of ontology data matching. Based on the matching method, it also proposes a flexible peer‐to‐peer framework to address the issue of ontology data integration in a distributed Semantic web environment.FindingsThe proposed matching method is different from existing data matching or merging methods applied to data warehouse in that it employs a machine learning approach and more similarity measurements by exploring ontology features.Research limitations/implicationsThe proposed method and framework will be further tested for some more complicated real cases in the future.Originality/valueThe experiments show that this proposed intelligent matching method increases ontology data matching accuracy.
Wang, L, Dimitrijev, S, Han, J, Iacopi, F & Zou, J 2009, 'Transition between amorphous and crystalline phases of SiC deposited on Si substrate using H3SiCH3', Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 311, no. 19, pp. 4442-4446.
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Wang, L, Su, SW, Celler, BG, Chan, GSH, Cheng, TM & Savkin, AV 2009, 'Assessing the human cardiovascular response to moderate exercise: feature extraction by support vector regression', PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 227-244.
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This study aims to quantitatively describe the steady-state relationships among percentage changes in key central cardiovascular variables (i.e. stroke volume, heart rate (HR), total peripheral resistance and cardiac output), measured using non-invasive means, in response to moderate exercise, and the oxygen uptake rate, using a new nonlinear regression approachâsupport vector regression.
WANG, L, WU, Q, LI, M, GONZÀLEZ, J & GENG, XIN 2009, 'EDITORIAL', International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 23, no. 07, pp. 1221-1222.
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Wang, L, Wu, Q, Wang, H, Geng, X & Li, M 2009, 'Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications', Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1047-1047.
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Wang, Y, Yue, DW, Wang, Q & He, RX 2009, 'Channel statistics based cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios', Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1049-1054.
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Cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios was studied with the assumption that the control channels between cognitive radios and the fusion center are Nakagami-m fading channels. The likelihood ratio test equation with the knowledge of the channel statistics was derived. With this method, the fusion center can perform cooperative spectrum sensing without the instantaneous channel state information, and the spectrum sensing process is simplified and more suitable for practical applications. The performance of the proposed cooperative spectrum sensing was analyzed through simulation, the results of which show that the performance of the proposed channel statistics based spectrum sensing method degrades performance slightly compared with the channel state information based likelihood ratio test, but when the average receive SNR is high or the fading effect is weak, the performance of the proposed method can approach that of the channel state information based likelihood ratio test. In addition, the number of cognitive radios has almost no influence on the performance difference between the two methods.
Watt, DJ, Kayis, B & Willey, K 2009, 'Identifying key factors in the evaluation of tenders for projects and services', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 250-260.
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Clients select contractors on the basis of the relative importance of tender evaluation criteria, such as, experience, expertise, past performance, and cost. This paper presents the results of a recent study that sought to identify a suite of representative (principal) tender evaluation and contractor selection criteria for use in future research. The study included an examination of management literature on contractor selection and tender evaluation, and an exploratory survey. For each we developed a separate master list and mapped all identified and reported criteria into one of 16 defined categories. Threshold tests were applied to identify common and unique categories and an absolute difference test to determine the principal categories of criteria used in the evaluation of tenders. The study, using a pragmatic and heuristic approach, resulted in the identification of eight principal categories suitable for our research program. The findings indicate that the preferred criteria for evaluating tenders are those which provide a measure of contractors' ability in terms of their management and technical capability, past experience and performance, reputation, and the proposed method of delivery or technical solution.
Wei, D, Huang, J, Zhang, A, Jiang, Z, Tieu, AK, Wu, F, Shi, X & Jiao, S 2009, 'Deformation of oxide scale and surface roughness transfer during hot rolling of stainless steel 304L', International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5/6, pp. 459-459.
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The oxidation characteristic of stainless steel 304L in humid air and the deformation behaviour of the oxide scale during hot rolling at 1050 degrees C were investigated. The surface roughness transfer during hot rolling was discussed. With ail increase of reduction, the oxide scale thickness decreases linearly, the Surface roughness also decreases obviously and the integrity of oxide scale increases. The thickness decrease of thick oxide scale is more rapid than a thin oxide scale. The surface roughness always decreases with an increase of reduction, and the oxide scale thickness affects the surface roughness transfer during hot rolling.
Wei, DB, Huang, JX, Zhang, AW, Jiang, ZY, Tieu, AK, Shi, X, Jiao, SH & Qu, XY 2009, 'Study on the oxidation of stainless steels 304 and 304L in humid air and the friction during hot rolling', WEAR, vol. 267, no. 9-10, pp. 1741-1745.
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In rolling process, the contact friction is of crucial importance for accurate modeling, optimum design and control of industrial rolling processes. It is important to characterize the features of the oxide scale of stainless steel in hot strip rolling because the scale on the strip surface affects friction coefficient and thermal conductivity coefficient. To some extent, the rolling force and friction condition depend on the thickness and the microstructure of the oxide scale. Oxidation tests of stainless steels 304 and 304L were carried out in a high temperature electric resistance furnace. The humid air in which the water vapour content can be controlled was generated and remained to flow into the chamber of the furnace in 2.5 x 10(-4) m(3)/s to study the effect of humidity on the oxidation of stainless steels. The microstructure and thickness of oxide scale layer of stainless steels were obtained and two or three oxide layers can be found. The humid air has a significant effect on the growth of oxide scale. Hot rolling tests were carried out on Hille 100 rolling mill. The friction condition at the roll-strip interface during hot rolling of stainless steel was determined and the transfer of surface roughness was discussed.
Wei, DB, Jiang, ZY, Lu, C, Tang, Y & Tieu, AK 2009, 'Experimental study of the effects of rough texture on surface deformation during cold metal forming', Wear, vol. 267, no. 9-10, pp. 1746-1751.
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Both longitudinal and transverse frictions arising from plane strain during cold metal forming are of crucial importance for the accurate modelling, optimum design, and control of industrial processes. However, the influence of the friction and roughness along the transverse direction has been neglected in much previous research. Oblique roughness textures are considered, and the scale of roughness asperities is enlarged in this study. Four types of prism patterns, in which the angles between the longitudinal direction and the top line of prism are 90 degrees, 60 degrees, 30 degrees, and 0 degrees, and three types of pyramid patterns, in which the top angles are 151.9 degrees, 161.1 degrees, and 168.6 degrees, were designed and manufactured using samples of annealed Al 6060T5. All compression tests were completed in 10 passes, and the total displacement of the pressure head was 5.4 mm. The first five passes were carried out on an Instron 8033 Materials Testing Machine, and the last five passes on a 500-ton compression-testing machine. The surface morphologies of the deformed peak were analysed, and the top areas of the deformed peak were measured. The effects of the angle between the longitudinal direction and the top line of the prism texture or the top angle of the pyramid texture on the surface morphology of the deformed peak are not obvious. The angles have a relatively significant effect on the deformation behaviour of the surface layer during cold metal forming when the deformation is small. The pattern with a top angle of 161.1 degrees, which is the closest to the real value, shows the highest deformation resistance when the displacement of the pressure head is less than 1.2 mm. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Weily, AR & Jay Guo, Y 2009, 'Circularly Polarized Ellipse-Loaded Circular Slot Array for Millimeter-Wave WPAN Applications', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2862-2870.
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A circularly polarized slot array suitable for millimeter wave WPAN applications is presented. The array uses a new type of circularly polarized element, comprising a circular slot loaded with an elliptical patch, and is fed by a microstrip line. The array is implemented on liquid crystal polymer (LCP), which is both low-loss and low-cost. A total of 8 array elements are used in a 4 × 2 configuration to achieve a maximum gain target of greater than 14 dBic. Sequential rotation of the elements within each of the 2 × 2 sub-arrays is used to increase the axial ratio bandwidth. Other novel features of the array are the finite ground plane, and open cavity structure used to support the LCP substrate of the slot array above a reflector plate. Measured and computed results presented for the packaged array confirm its wide impedance, axial ratio, and gain bandwidths. The effect of the packaged array back-short on the measured axial ratio is also discussed. © 2009 IEEE.
Wen, H, Lin, C, Chen, Z-J, Yin, H, He, T & Dutkiewicz, E 2009, 'An Improved Markov Model for IEEE 802.15.4 Slotted CSMA/CA Mechanism', Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 495-504.
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IEEE 802.15.4 protocol is proposed to meet the low latency and energy consumption needs in low-rate wireless applications, however, few analytical models are tractable enough for comprehensive evaluation of the protocol. To evaluate the IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA channel access mechanism in this paper, we propose a practical and accurate discrete Markov chain model, which can dynamically represent different network loads. By computing the steady-state distribution probability of the Markov chain, we obtain an evaluation formula for throughput, energy consumption, and access latency. Then we further analyze the parameters that influence performance including packet arrival rate, initial backoff exponent and maximum backoff number. Finally, NS2 simulator has been used to evaluate the performance of the 802.15.4 CSMA/CA mechanism under different scenarios and to validate the accuracy of the proposed model. © 2009 Springer.
Willey, K & Gardner, A 2009, 'Developing team skills with self‐ and peer assessment', Campus-Wide Information Systems, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 365-378.
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PurposeSelf‐ and peer assessment has proved effective in promoting the development of teamwork and other professional skills in undergraduate students. However, in previous research approximately 30 percent of students reported that its use produced no perceived improvement in their teamwork experience. It was hypothesised that a significant number of these students were probably members of a team that would have functioned well without self‐ and peer assessment and hence the process did not improve their teamwork experience. This paper aims to report the testing of this hypothesis.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reviews some of the literature on self‐ and peer assessment, outlines the online self‐ and peer assessment tool SPARKPLUS, and analyses the results of a post‐subject survey of students in a large multi‐disciplinary engineering design subject.FindingsIt was found that students who were neutral as to whether self‐ and peer assessment improved their teamwork experience cannot be assumed to be members of well‐functioning teams.Originality/valueTo increase the benefits for all students it is recommended that self‐ and peer assessment focuses on collaborative peer learning, not just assessment of team contributions. Furthermore, it is recommended that feedback sessions be focused on learning not just assessment outcomes and graduate attribute development should be recorded and tracked by linking development to categories required for professional accreditation.
Willey, K & Gardner, A 2009, 'Improving self‐ and peer assessment processes with technology', Campus-Wide Information Systems, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 379-399.
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PurposeAs a way of focusing curriculum development and learning outcomes universities have introduced graduate attributes, which their students should develop during their degree course. Some of these attributes are discipline‐specific, others are generic to all professions. The development of these attributes can be promoted by the careful use of self‐ and peer assessment. The authors have previously reported using the self‐ and peer assessment software tool SPARK in various contexts to facilitate opportunities to practise, develop, assess and provide feedback on these attributes. This research and that of the other developers identified the need to extend the features of SPARK, to increase its flexibility and capacity to provide feedback. This paper seeks to report the results of the initial trials to investigate the potential of these new features to improve learning outcomes.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reviews some of the key literature with regard to self‐ and peer assessment, discusses the main aspects of the original online self‐ and peer assessment tool SPARK and the new version SPARKPLUS, reports and analyses the results of a series of student surveys to investigate whether the new features and applications of the tool have improved the learning outcomes in a large multi‐disciplinary Engineering Design subject.FindingsIt was found that using self‐ and peer assessment in conjunction with collaborative peer learning activities increased the benefits to students and improved engagement. Furthermore it was found that the new features available in SPARKPLUS facilitated efficient implementation of additional self‐ and peer assessment proces...
Wirth, MA, Klotz, C, Deffenbaugh, DL, McNulty, D, Richards, L & Tipper, JL 2009, 'Cross-linked glenoid prosthesis: A wear comparison to conventional glenoid prosthesis with wear particulate analysis', Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 130-137.
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Wolf, SJ, Wakelin, LPG, He, Z, Stewart, BW & Catchpoole, DR 2009, 'In vitro assessment of novel transcription inhibitors and topoisomerase poisons in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines', Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1059-1069.
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Purpose: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children. Current chemotherapy regimes include the topoisomerase II poison etoposide and the transcription inhibitor actinomycin D. Poor clinical response necessitate identification of new agents to improve patient outcomes. Methods: We assessed the in vitro cytotoxicity (MTT assay) of DNA intercalating agents in five established human RMS cell lines. These include novel classes of transcription inhibitors and topoisomerase poisons, previously shown to have potential as anti-cancer agents. Results: Amongst the former agents, bisintercalating bis(9-aminoacridine-4-carboxamides) linked through the 9-position, and bis(phenazine-1-carboxamides) linked via their side chains, are compared with established transcription inhibitors. Amongst the latter, monofunctional acridine-4-carboxamides related to N-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl] acridine-4-carboxamide, DACA, are compared with established topoisomerase poisons. Conclusions: Our findings specifically highlight the topoisomerase poison 9-amino-DACA, its 5-methylsulphone derivative, AS-DACA, and the bis(phenazine-1-carboxamide) transcription inhibitor MLN944/XR5944, currently in phase I trial, as candidates for further research into new agents for the treatment of RMS. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
Wong, MHW, Dobbins, TA, Tseung, J, Tran, N, Lee, CS, O’Brien, CJ, Clark, J & Rose, BR 2009, 'Oestrogen receptor β expression in pleomorphic adenomas of the parotid gland', Journal of Clinical Pathology, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 789-793.
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Aims:Pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary gland have gender and age distributions suggesting that oestrogen has a causal role. However, oestrogen receptor (ER)α is expressed at low levels in normal salivary gland tissues and data from salivary gland tumours are conflicting. There is preliminary evidence that the recently described ERβ may be the major ER in salivary gland tissue. The aim of this study was to determine the nature and extent of ERβ expression in pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary gland.Methods:Pleomorphic adenomas and normal tissues of the parotid gland from 49 patients were tested for ERα and ERβ expression by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry. Associations were sought with patient age and gender.Results:ERα and ERβ expression was localised mainly to the nuclei of ductal cells in normal tissues and the epithelial components in pleomorphic adenomas. Within each tissue and receptor type there were no associations between ER positivity and patient age or gender. ERβ was expressed in almost twice as many normal tissues and pleomorphic adenomas as ERα. Expression of ERβ was also significantly higher in tumour compared with normal tissues.Conclusions:This is thought to be the first study of ERβ in pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary gland. Findings support ERβ as the major ER in salivary glands, and provide evidence that ERβ may have a role in the development of pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary gland.
Wood, MDK, Liyong Tong, Quantian Luo, Xiannian Sun, Katzos, A & Rispler, AR 2009, 'Failure of Stitched Composite L-Joints Under Tensile Loading — Experiment and Simulation', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 715-742.
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This article presents an experimental and numerical investigation into the influence of transverse stitching on failure of composite L-joints under tensile loading. Six unstitched and six stitched L-joint specimens were manufactured and tested under quasi static tensile loading. It was observed that the average measured failure load and the associated crosshead displacement for the stitched L-joint specimens are increased significantly compared to those for the unstitched specimens. Full 3D and 2D plane strain finite element (FE) models were developed to simulate both stitched and unstitched L-joints with an implemented stitch element. The load—displacement curves and results predicted via FE models compare favorably with the experimental results. For the stitched L-joints, it is shown that the observed delamination in the elbow region of the flange can be modeled by using a softening model for epoxy layer.
Wu, C, Chen, W & Oehlers, DJ 2009, '10.4028/0-87849-349-2.795', Key Engineering Materials, vol. 400-402, pp. 795-800.
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Currently, there are adequate guidelines available for FRP retrofitting RC structures against static and seismic loads. However, there is still limited information on retrofitting RC structures against short-duration dynamic loading effects such as blast loading. Due to the increasing threat of terrorism in recent years, retrofitting of RC structures against blast loading is of paramount importance in structural engineering. In this paper, a dynamic model that is based on single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) approach is developed for the analysis of the response of retrofitted fixed end supported RC slabs subjected to blast loads. A previously validated layered capacity analysis method is used to determine the yielded and ultimate blast resistant capacity of a cross-section of a RC slab which allows varying strain rates with time along the depth of the member. The corresponding deflections are determined by plastic hinge analysis. To simplify the calculation process, a tri-linear resistance-deflection function which consists of elastic, elasto-plastic and plastic region for fixed end supported RC slabs is converted to an equivalent bilinear function. This developed model can adequately predict the retrofitted members' response to blast loading. It is then is used to conduct a parametric study to optimise the retrofitting of RC slabs subjected to blast loading by varying the quantity, material type and technique of retrofitting.
Wu, C, Nurwidayati, R & Oehlers, DJ 2009, 'Fragmentation from spallation of RC slabs due to airblast loads', International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1371-1376.
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Wu, C, Oehlers, DJ & Day, I 2009, 'Layered Blast Capacity Analysis of FRP Retrofitted RC Member', Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 435-449.
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Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) retrofitting of RC structures against blast loading is an emerging research area of major significance. Currently, several guidelines are available for the FRP retrofitting of RC structures against monotonic and seismic loads. However, no advice is provided from these guidelines for the retrofit RC structures against blast loading. This paper formulates a layered model that allows for both FRP strengthening and the consideration of strain rate effects on the blast resistant capacity of flexural structural members. The layered model is incorporated into a single degree of freedom model for dynamic analyses and it is validated with blast tests. The validated model is then used in a parametric study which investigates the changes in strength, ductility and energy absorption capacities of flexural FRP strengthened members under blast loads. It is found that the capacity of a flexural member to resist a blast load can be increased greatly with the use of compressive face plating with the ductility of the flexural member being the key factor.
Wu, C, Oehlers, DJ, Rebentrost, M & Leach, J 2009, '10.4028/0-87849-349-2.107', Key Engineering Materials, vol. 400-402, pp. 107-112.
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Displacement-controlled design method is now being used by current guidelines such as TM5 and ASCE to design RC members against airblast load. If the maximum deflection of the designed member under airblast loads is less than the allowable deflection, the designed member is considered to be safe. Although the displacement-controlled design method is easy to use, it may not result in a design having maximum energy-absorption capacity against airblast loads, especially for a design of a reinforced ultra-high performance fibre concrete (RUHPFC) member which is of both high strength and high ductility, that is, high energy-absorption capacity. In this paper, a layered analysis model allowing for varying strain rates with time as well as along the depth of the member was used to calculate energy-ab sorption of a simple supported RUHPFC slab under airblast loads. An optimal reinforcement ratio of the slab was achieved by maximizing the energy absorption of the slab under different reinforcement ratios. The energy-controlled design method was validated by field blast tests. Using the validated design method, a designed slab with the optimal reinforcement ratio was also tested and the effectiveness of the design was demonstrated.
Wu, C, Oehlers, DJ, Rebentrost, M, Leach, J & Whittaker, AS 2009, 'Blast testing of ultra-high performance fibre and FRP-retrofitted concrete slabs', Engineering Structures, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 2060-2069.
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Wuthnow, A & Deuse, J 2009, 'Production control at high type diversity in the electronic production', PPS Management, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 43-46.
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Conwip: An alternative to classical pull The continuous rise of type diversity, long throughput times as well as high demand fluctuations coin many value streams in the electronic industry. The implementation of levelling and pull principles shall help enable regular sequences and standardized work in production. In this article a solution is pointed out by presenting a case study which describes the implementation of a hybrid Conwip production control combined with levelling. © GITO-Verlag.
Wuthnow, A & Deuse, J 2009, 'Production Control at High Type Diversity in the Electronic Production Conwip: An alternative to classical pull', PPS MANAGEMENT, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 43-46.
Wuthnow, A & Deuse, J 2009, 'Systematische Nivellierung von Wertströmen', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 229-234.
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Kurzfassung Im Toyota Production System bildet die Nivellierung der Produktion die Basis für kontinuierliche Verbesserung. Jedoch fehlen hinsichtlich der Nivellierung bis dato die notwendige methodische Durchdringung und das Verständnis bezüglich der Anwendung, um die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für ein verbesserungsfähiges Umfeld zu schaffen. In diesem Artikel wird eine Methodik zur Nivellierung vorgestellt, die verschiedene Methoden vereint und ergänzt, um Unternehmen durch den Umsetzungsprozess zu führen. Die Methodik dient als Leitfaden und zeigt neben der systematischen Vorgehensweise auch die Integration in einen geführten Verbesserungsprozess auf. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit stellt die theoretischen Grundlagen dar und beschreibt die Notwendigkeit der Definition einer Regelsystematik. Teil zwei erläutert die drei Hauptstufen der Methodik mit ihren Primärmerkmalen und fokussiert dabei die möglichen Arten der Umsetzung.
Xu, YL, Zhang, J, Li, JC & Xia, Y 2009, 'Experimental Investigation on Statistical Moment-based Structural Damage Detection Method', Structural Health Monitoring, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 555-571.
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Although vibration-based structural damage detection methods have demonstrated various degrees of success, the damage detection of civil structures still remains as a challenging task. The main obstacles include the insensitivity to local damage and the high sensitivity to measurement noise. A new structural damage detection method based on the statistical moments of dynamic responses of a structure has been recently proposed by the authors, and the numerical study manifested that the proposed method is sensitive to local structural damage but insensitive to measurement noise. The experimental investigation on this method is presented in this article. Three shear building models with and without damage were built and subjected to ground motions generated by a shaking table. The displacement and acceleration responses of each building model at each floor were recorded. The recorded ground motion and building responses as well as identified structural damping ratios were then used to identify damage locations and severities using the statistical moment-based damage detection method. The identified damage locations and severities were compared with the theoretical values. The comparison is found satisfactory, and the method proposed is effective and feasible.
Yafi, E, Al-Hegami, AS, Alam, MA & Biswas, R 2009, 'Incremental mining of shocking association patterns', World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 37, pp. 801-805.
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Association rules are an important problem in data mining. Massively increasing volume of data in real life databases has motivated researchers to design novel and incremental algorithms for association rules mining. In this paper, we propose an incremental association rules mining algorithm that integrates shocking interestingness criterion during the process of building the model. A new interesting measure called shocking measure is introduced. One of the main features of the proposed approach is to capture the user background knowledge, which is monotonically augmented. The incremental model that reflects the changing data and the user beliefs is attractive in order to make the over all KDD process more effective and efficient. We implemented the proposed approach and experiment it with some public datasets and found the results quite promising.
Yang Wang 2009, 'Real-Time Moving Vehicle Detection With Cast Shadow Removal in Video Based on Conditional Random Field', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 437-441.
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Yang, D, Liu, X, Jin, Y, Zhu, Y, Zeng, D, Jiang, X & Ma, H 2009, 'Electrospinning of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanofibrous Membrane: Fabrication and Application in Protein Microarrays', Biomacromolecules, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 3335-3340.
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Yang, G, Zhang, Y, Lei, G, Shao, KR, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lavers, JD 2009, 'A Novel Superposition RBF Collocation Method to Solve Moving Conductor Eddy Current Problems', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3977-3980.
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This paper presents a novel radial basis function (RBF) collocation method to solve the moving conductor eddy current problem. The magnetic field is considered an addition of two fields generated respectively by the excitation current and the eddy current according to the source superposition principle. The corresponding governing equations are decoupled and solved with the RBF. Moving coordinate systems in which the separate fields are computed are also constructed to avoid the model reconfiguration caused by the motion. Electromagnetic field equations are analyzed with kinetic equations and circuit equations together to simulate the motion process. A practical engineering problem is computed to verify the method.
Yanti, PAA & Mahlia, TM 2009, 'Market Transformation Due to Implementation of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels Implementation for Electric Motor', Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 14, pp. 2630-2634.
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This study attempts to investigate about the market transformation of electric motor due to implementation of minimum energy efficiency standards and energy labels. The study found that efficiency of electric motor will increase from 90.0 to 92.5% due to implementation of standards and will increase further to 93.5% due to energy labels, this study is only investigate electric motor, however the method is also applicable for predicting market transformation for other product without major modification. © 2009 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
Yanti, PAA & Mahlia, TMI 2009, 'Considerations for the selection of an applicable energy efficiency test procedure for electric motors in Malaysia: Lessons for other developing countries', Energy Policy, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 3467-3474.
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Yao, AM, Keen, SAJ, Burnham, DR, Leach, J, Leonardo, RD, McGloin, D & Padgett, MJ 2009, 'Underdamped modes in a hydrodynamically coupled microparticle system', New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 053007-053007.
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Yao, S, Li, J & Shi, Z 2009, 'Phosphate Ion Removal from Aqueous Solution Using an Iron Oxide-Coated Fly Ash Adsorbent', Adsorption Science & Technology, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 603-614.
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The ability of an iron oxide/fly ash composite adsorbent prepared with municipal solid waste fly ash and iron nitrate to remove phosphate ions from aqueous solutions has been tested. The characteristics and physicochemical performances of the composite were investigated via nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies. The comparative adsorption of phosphate ions by the composite adsorbent and fly ash was investigated using batch experiments. It was found that the adsorption properties of the composite adsorbent towards phosphate ions depended on the pH value of the solution and the anion concentration in the same. The equilibrium data were analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, from which it was shown that the adsorption capacities for phosphate ions at pH 3.0 were 27.39 mg/g for iron oxide/fly ash and 18.90 mg/g for fly ash. The results showed the adsorption patterns for phosphate ions with fly ash and iron oxide/fly ash composite adsorbent showed a better match to the Freundlich model rather than the Langmuir model. The adsorption kinetic data could be well described by the Lagergren pseudo-second-order kinetic equation. The effect of temperature on the adsorption phenomena was investigated, the results indicating that phosphate ion removal by iron oxide/fly ash composite adsorbent was endothermic in nature.
Yi Wang, Jianguo Zhu, Shuhong Wang, Youguang Guo & Wei Xu 2009, 'Nonlinear Magnetic Model of Surface Mounted PM Machines Incorporating Saturation Saliency', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4684-4687.
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In this paper a comprehensive nonlinear model of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine (SPMSM) is proposed considering both the structural and the saturation saliencies to enable the numerical simulation of new rotor position detection algorithms. With an identifiable parameter matrix, a numerical nonlinear inductance model is developed, in which the rotor position and the stator current are taken as the variables. After experimentally identifying out all the parameters, a nonlinear mathematic model of SPMSM is built up. With all the machine dimensions and physical parameters, finite-element analysis (FEA) is applied to calculate the magnetic field of the machine. FEA and performance simulation results are used to verify the new nonlinear model, which can be further used as a virtual model to develop, simulate, and verify the saturation saliency detection strategies.
Ying, M & Feng, Y 2009, 'An Algebraic Language for Distributed Quantum Computing', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 728-743.
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A classical circuit can be represented by a circuit graph or equivalently by a Boolean expression. The advantage of a circuit graph is that it can help us to obtain an intuitive understanding of the circuit under consideration, whereas the advantage of a Boolean expression is that it is suited to various algebraic manipulations. In the literature, however, quantum circuits are mainly drawn as circuit graphs, and a formal language for quantum circuits that has a function similar to that of Boolean expressions for classical circuits is still missing. Certainly, quantum circuit graphs will become unmanageable when complicated quantum computing problems are encountered, and in particular, when they have to be solved by employing the distributed paradigm where complex quantum communication networks are involved. In this paper, we design an algebraic language for formally specifying quantum circuits in distributed quantum computing. Using this language, quantum circuits can be represented in a convenient and compact way, similar to the way in which we use Boolean expressions in dealing with classical circuits. Moreover, some fundamental algebraic laws for quantum circuits expressed in this language are established. These laws form a basis of rigorously reasoning about distributed quantum computing and quantum communication protocols. © 2009 IEEE.
Ying, M, Feng, Y, Duan, R & Ji, Z 2009, 'An Algebra of Quantum Processes', ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1-36.
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We introduce an algebra qCCS of pure quantum processes in which communications by moving quantum states physically are allowed and computations are modeled by super-operators, but no classical data is explicitly involved. An operational semantics of qCCS is presented in terms of (nonprobabilistic) labeled transition systems. Strong bisimulation between processes modeled in qCCS is defined, and its fundamental algebraic properties are established, including uniqueness of the solutions of recursive equations. To model sequential computation in qCCS, a reduction relation between processes is defined. By combining reduction relation and strong bisimulation we introduce the notion of strong reduction-bisimulation, which is a device for observing interaction of computation and communication in quantum systems. Finally, a notion of strong approximate bisimulation (equivalently, strong bisimulation distance) and its reduction counterpart are introduced. It is proved that both approximate bisimilarity and approximate reduction-bisimilarity are preserved by various constructors of quantum processes. This provides us with a formal tool for observing robustness of quantum processes against inaccuracy in the implementation of its elementary gates. © 2009 ACM.
Yong Zhang, Guangyuan Yang, Shao, KR, Youguang Guo, Jianguo Zhu & Lavers, JD 2009, 'Multiscale Combined Radial Basis Function Collocation Method for Eddy Currents Analysis in High-Speed Moving Conductors', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3973-3976.
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A novel multiscale combined radial basis function (RBF) collocation method, as a truly meshless method, is presented to overcome the shortage of general RBF collocation method and is applied to analyze eddy currents in high-speed moving conductors in this paper. A typical example is set here to illustrate the accuracy and affectivity of the proposed method, including a comparison with general RBF collocation method and finite element method (FEM).
Youssef, AM, Pradhan, B, Gaber, AFD & Buchroithner, MF 2009, 'Geomorphological hazard analysis along the Egyptian Red Sea coast between Safaga and Quseir', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 751-766.
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Abstract. Geomophological hazard assessment is an important component of natural hazard risk assessment. This paper presents GIS-based geomorphological hazard mapping in the Red Sea area between Safaga and Quseir, Egypt. This includes the integration of published geological, geomorphological, and other data into GIS, and generation of new map products, combining governmental concerns and legal restrictions. Detailed geomorphological hazard maps for flooding zones and earth movement potential, especially along the roads and railways, have been prepared. Further the paper illustrates the application of vulnerability maps dealing with the effect of hazard on urban areas, tourist villages, industrial facilities, quarries, and road networks. These maps can help to initiate appropriate measures to mitigate the probable hazards in the area.
Yu, K & Guo, YJ 2009, 'Anchor Global Position Accuracy Enhancement Based on Data Fusion', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1616-1623.
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The location information of sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks is crucial for various applications such as emergency rescue operations, environmental monitoring, home automation, and traffic control. In this paper, a new method to improve the anchor location accuracy in wireless sensor networks is proposed based on fusion of Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements and anchor-to-anchor parameter estimates. Novel algorithms are derived to increase the accuracy of anchor locations using both anchor-to-anchor distance and angle-of-arrival (AOA) estimates for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios. When using anchor-to-anchor distance estimates in LOS conditions, an optimization-based algorithm is developed. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is derived to benchmark positioning accuracy in 3-D environments with both GPS measurements and anchor-to-anchor parameter estimates, which has not been studied in the literature. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can substantially improve anchor position accuracy, and the performance of the proposed algorithms approaches the CRLB. © 2008 IEEE.
Yu, K & Guo, YJ 2009, 'Anchor-free localisation algorithm and performance analysis in wireless sensor networks', IET Communications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 549-560.
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A hybrid anchor-free localisation scheme for multihop wireless sensor networks is presented. First, a relatively dense group of nodes is selected as a base, which are localised by using the multidimensional scaling method. Secondly, the robust quads (RQ) method is employed to localise other nodes, following which the robust triangle and radio range (RTRR) approach is used to perform the localisation task. The RQ and the RTRR methods are used alternately until no more nodes can be localised by the two approaches. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid localisation algorithm performs well in terms of both accuracy and the success rate of localisation. To evaluate the accuracy of anchor-free localisation algorithms, the authors derive two different accuracy measures: the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) to benchmark the coordinate estimation errors and the approximate lower bound to benchmark the distance errors. Simulation results demonstrate that both the CRLB and the distance error lower bound provide references for the accuracy of the location algorithms. © 2009 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Yu, K & Guo, YJ 2009, 'Statistical NLOS Identification Based on AOA, TOA, and Signal Strength', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 274-286.
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Nonline-of-sight (NLOS) propagation is one of the challenges in radio positioning. Significant attention has been drawn to the mitigation of the NLOS effect in recent years. This paper focuses on the identification of NLOS conditions by employing the statistical decision theory. A Neyman-Pearson (NP) test method is first derived for scenarios where either 1-D or 2-D angular measurements are provided. A time-of-arrival (TOA) based method is then developed under idealized conditions to provide a performance reference. In the presence of both TOA and received signal strength (RSS) measurements, a joint identification method is derived to efficiently exploit the TOA and RSS measurements. Analytical expressions of the probability of detection (POD) and the probability of false alarm (PFA) are derived for all the scenarios considered. Two theorems and one corollary regarding the line-of-sight (LOS) conditions based on the angle of arrival (AOA) are also presented, and the proofs are provided. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods perform well, and the joint TOA- and RSS-based method considerably outperforms the TOA-based methods. The proposed methods are robust to the model errors, as demonstrated through simulations. It is also shown that the analytical results agree well with the simulated ones. © 2009 IEEE.
Yu, K, Guo, YJ & Hedley, M 2009, 'TOA-based distributed localisation with unknown internal delays and clock frequency offsets in wireless sensor networks', IET Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 106-118.
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Locating sensor nodes in an ad hoc wireless sensor network (WSN) is a challenging task. In general, the network nodes are not synchronised and the internal delays within the nodes are unknown. Here, time-of-arrival (TOA)-based localisation is investigated when practical parameters such as clock time offset, clock frequency offset and system internal delay are all involved. The TOA measurements are made between each pair of nodes that are within radio range. First, an efficient frequency offset (FO) estimation algorithm is derived. Then, a two-stage localisation scheme is proposed. In the first stage, localisation starts from the nodes with the largest numbers of neighbouring anchors and priority is always given to nodes with more neighbouring anchors and/or localised nodes. In the second stage, the locations of all neighbouring nodes are exploited to improve location accuracy. Two iterative algorithms are developed: the Taylor series-based least squares (TS-LS) method and the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) optimisation method. During the localisation process, a number of measures are taken to ensure the reliability of each location estimate to avoid abnormal errors and reduce error propagation. The Cramer-Rao lower bound is also derived to benchmark the location accuracy. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009.
Yu, N, Chitambar, E, Guo, C & Duan, R 2009, 'The Tensor Rank of the Tripartite State $\ket{W}^{\otimes n}$}', Phys. Rev. A, vol. 81, no. 1, p. 014301.
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Tensor rank refers to the number of product states needed to express a givenmultipartite quantum state. Its non-additivity as an entanglement measure hasrecently been observed. In this note, we estimate the tensor rank of multiplecopies of the tripartite state$\ket{W}=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(\ket{100}+\ket{010}+\ket{001})$. Both an upperbound and a lower bound of this rank are derived. In particular, it is proventhat the tensor rank of $\ket{W}^{\otimes 2}$ is seven, thus resolving apreviously open problem. Some implications of this result are discussed interms of transformation rates between $\ket{W}^{\otimes n}$ and multiple copiesof the state $\ket{GHZ}=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\ket{000}+\ket{111})$.
Yuan, C, Jin, Z, Tipper, JL & Yan, X 2009, 'Numerical surface characterization of wear debris from artificial joints using atomic force microscopy', Science Bulletin, vol. 54, no. 24, pp. 4583-4588.
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Yucheng Dong, Yinfeng Xu & Shui Yu 2009, 'Computing the Numerical Scale of the Linguistic Term Set for the 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Representation Model', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1366-1378.
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Yue Li, Archer, JW, Tello, J, Rosolen, G, Ceccato, F, Hay, SG, Hellicar, A & Guo, YJ 2009, 'Performance Evaluation of a Passive Millimeter-Wave Imager', IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2391-2405.
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A cross-correlating 186-GHz passive millimeter-wave imager has been built. The key components in the signal processing hardware are two 186-GHz receivers and a broadband complex correlator. To evaluate the performance of this imager, its point-spread function, beam pattern, baseline vector, and their variations with the scanning direction have been experimentally measured and derived. Some of these results are needed for optimizing the imager’s parameter settings. Others are required for implementing the modulated-beam and modulated-scene algorithms proposed in a previous paper dealing with the imager’s fringe in its point-spread function. These results will also reveal any problems in the construction process of the imager. The theoretical bases for these measurements are analyzed. Novel algorithms for deriving each antenna’s point-spread function and beam pattern, as well as the imager’s baseline vector from the measurement results of the imager’s point-spread function and beam pattern are proposed and successfully applied in the measurements. Experimental results are presented and discussed. © 2009 IEEE.
Yue, D & Wang, Q 2009, 'Capacity of orthogonal space-time block codes in MISO fading channels with co-channel interference and noise', Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 1697-1703.
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Orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) are an efficient mean in order to exploit the diversity offered by the wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel. This paper considers capacity problems of OSTBCs over spatially correlated multiple-input single-out (MISO) Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of spatially correlated Rayleigh co-channel interference and additive Gaussian noise, and derives exact expressions of the ergodic capacity and outage probability (capacity distribution) for such OSTBCs. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate the effect of co-channel interference on the ergodic and outage capacity of OSTBCs. © 2009 Science in China Press and Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Yun, Y-H, Shon, H-K & Yoon, S-D 2009, 'Preparation and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymers for the selective separation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid', Journal of Materials Science, vol. 44, no. 22, pp. 6206-6211.
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As a method of preparing ligand-selective cavities in a synthetic polymer matrix, molecular imprinting technique has been attracting significant interest from a large number of areas in chemistry and analytical sciences. In this study, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were prepared with styrene, 4-vinylpyridine (4-VPy), and divinylbenzene (DVB) for the separation of hazardous 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and the selectivity of MIPs as adsorbed 2,4-D and structurally similar materials was evaluated. The template was removed through the swelling process of toluene/ethanol, and the removal ratio was about 95-99%, respectively. MIPs synthesized in this study had good adsorption selectivity in the presence of other materials, although there was a difference of adsorption quantities (uptake) in the functional monomer (4-VPy contents) and the cross-linker (DVB contents). The results exhibit that the selectivity of MIPs was improved significantly by controlling the cross-linker. We expect that molecular imprinting technique will serve as a novel method for selective separation of specific materials in various fields, especially in the fields of environment and pharmaceutics. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Yunkai Huang, Jianguo Zhu & Youguang Guo 2009, 'Thermal Analysis of High-Speed SMC Motor Based on Thermal Network and 3-D FEA With Rotational Core Loss Included', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4680-4683.
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This paper presents the thermal analysis of a high-speed motor with soft magnetic composite (SMC). Due to the high operation frequency, the core loss is much greater than the other losses and, hence, is the major heat source in the high-speed motor. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to be able to calculate the core loss accurately. In this paper, the rotational core-loss model is employed and implemented by using 3-D magnetic-field analysis (FEA). Two methods to model the thermal behavior are presented. The first method uses a combination of lumped and distributed thermal parameters, which are obtained from motor dimensions and thermal constants. The second method employs 3-D FEA to accurately calculate the temperature distribution. Core losses are directly coupled into the thermal calculation by keeping the same hexahedral meshing for magnetic-field analysis and thermal analysis. A testing bench for the high-speed SMC motor prototype has been set up to measure the core loss. The temperature rises were measured by thermal probes. The calculation and measurement results are compared and discussed.
Zandieh, M, Azadeh, A, Hadadi, B & Saberi, M 2009, 'Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Airline Number of Passenger Estimation in Time Series State', Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1001-1013.
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This study presents an integrated Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to estimate and predict airline number of passenger in Iran. All type of ANN-Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) is examined to this estimation. The ANN models are implemented on MATLAB software. Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) is utilized to define input variables. Finally, the best type of ANN-MLP is determined with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Kruskal-Wallis test is used for asses the impact of raw data, preprocessed data and post process method on ANN performance. Monthly airline number of passenger of Iran airline from 1993 to 2005 is considered as the case of this study. © 2009 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
Zeng, X, Pei, J, Wang, K & Li, J 2009, 'PADS: a simple yet effective pattern-aware dynamic search method for fast maximal frequent pattern mining', Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 375-391.
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While frequent pattern mining is fundamental for many data mining tasks, mining maximal frequent patterns efficiently is important in both theory and applications of frequent pattern mining. The fundamental challenge is how to search a large space of ite
Zhang, G & Lu, J 2009, 'A linguistic intelligent user guide for method selection in multi-objective decision support systems', INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol. 179, no. 14, pp. 2299-2308.
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Some multi-objective decision-making (MODM) methods are more effective than others for particular decision problems and/or particular decision makers. It is therefore necessary to provide a set of MODM methods in a multi-objective decision support system (MODSS) to support a wide range of problem solving. However, it is always difficult for decision makers to select the most suitable method for individual cases because MODM methods involve a deep knowledge of mathematics. To handle this difficulty, this study develops a MODM method selection guide supported by a fuzzy matching optimization method. In this paper, we first present the modelling process for the knowledge of characteristics of the main MODM methods. We then present related matching techniques between the characteristics of a real-world decision-making situation and a set of predefined situation descriptions (characteristics of a MODM method) where the elements of the two sets may be expressed by linguistic terms. Based on this process, a fuzzy matching optimization-based MODM method selection approach is proposed. The approach applies general fuzzy numbers, fuzzy distance, fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making concepts, and rule-based inference techniques to recommend the most suitable method from a MODM method-base. The approach is adopted in a linguistic intelligent user guide within a MODSS. Experiments have shown that the development of the linguistic intelligent user guide can increase the ability of the MODSS to support decision makers in arriving at a satisfactory solution in a most effective way. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Zhang, G, Dillon, TS, Cai, K-Y, Ma, J & Lu, J 2009, 'Operation properties and delta-equalities of complex fuzzy sets', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 1227-1249.
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A complex fuzzy set is a fuzzy set whose membership function takes values in the unit circle in the complex plane. This paper investigates various operation properties and proposes a distance measure for complex fuzzy sets. The distance of two complex fuzzy sets measures the difference between the grades of two complex fuzzy sets as well as that between the phases of the two complex fuzzy sets. This distance measure is then used to define δ-equalities of complex fuzzy sets which coincide with those of fuzzy sets already defined in the literature if complex fuzzy sets reduce to real-valued fuzzy sets. Two complex fuzzy sets are said to be δ-equal if the distance between them is less than 1 - δ. This paper shows how various operations between complex fuzzy sets affect given δ-equalities of complex fuzzy sets. An example application of signal detection demonstrates the utility of the concept of δ-equalities of complex fuzzy sets in practice. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Zhang, G, Ma, J & Lu, J 2009, 'Emergency management evaluation by a fuzzy multi-criteria group decision support system', STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 517-527.
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Emergency risk management (ERM) is a process which involves dealing with risks to the community arising from emergency events. Emergency management evaluation as one of the important parts of ERM aims assessing and improving social preparedness and organizational ability in identifying, analyzing, and treating emergency risks. This study first develops an emergency management evaluation model. It then proposes an extended fuzzy multi-criteria group evaluation method, which can deal with both subjective and objective criteria under multi-levels by a group of evaluators, for emergency management evaluation. A fuzzy multi-criteria group decision support system (FMCGDSS) is then developed to implement the proposed method for the case of emergency operating center/system evaluation. © Springer-Verlag 2008.
Zhang, H, Zhao, Y, Cao, L, Zhang, C & Bohlscheid, H 2009, 'Customer Activity Sequence Classification for Debt Prevention in Social Security', Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1000-1009.
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From a data mining perspective, sequence classification is to build a classifier using frequent sequential patterns. However, mining for a complete set of sequential patterns on a large dataset can be extremely time-consuming and the large number of patterns discovered also makes the pattern selection and classifier building very time-consuming. The fact is that, in sequence classification, it is much more important to discover discriminative patterns than a complete pattern set. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical algorithm to build sequential classifiers using discriminative sequential patterns. Firstly, we mine for the sequential patterns which are the most strongly correlated to each target class. In this step, an aggressive strategy is employed to select a small set of sequential patterns. Secondly, pattern pruning and serial coverage test are done on the mined patterns. The patterns that pass the serial test are used to build the sub-classifier at the first level of the final classifier. And thirdly, the training samples that cannot be covered are fed back to the sequential pattern mining stage with updated parameters. This process continues until predefined interestingness measure thresholds are reached, or all samples are covered. The patterns generated in each loop form the sub-classifier at each level of the final classifier. Within this framework, the searching space can be reduced dramatically while a good classification performance is achieved. The proposed algorithm is tested in a real-world business application for debt prevention in social security area. The novel sequence classification algorithm shows the effectiveness and efficiency for predicting debt occurrences based on customer activity sequence data.
Zhang, J & Du, Q 2009, 'Numerical Studies of Discrete Approximations to the Allen–Cahn Equation in the Sharp Interface Limit', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3042-3063.
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Zhang, J, Das, S & Du, Q 2009, 'A phase field model for vesicle–substrate adhesion', Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, no. 20, pp. 7837-7849.
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Zhang, J, Luo, L & Shi, Z 2009, 'Quadrature OFDMA systems based on layered FFT structure', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 850-860.
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Zhang, J, Yang, C, Huang, C, Li, Y, Dai, N, Lu, P, Jiang, Z, Chen, W & Li, J 2009, '10 W CW ytterbium-doped fiber laser with 4 × 1 fused fiber bundle combiner', Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 61-63.
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Zhang, JA, Kennedy, RA & Abhayapala, TD 2009, 'Reduced-Rank Shift-Invariant Technique and Its Application for Synchronization and Channel Identification in UWB Systems', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2008, no. 1, pp. 38-38.
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Zhang, R, Castel, A & François, R 2009, 'Serviceability Limit State criteria based on steel–concrete bond loss for corroded reinforced concrete in chloride environment', Materials and Structures, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 1407-1421.
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Zhang, R, Castel, A & François, R 2009, 'The corrosion pattern of reinforcement and its influence on serviceability of reinforced concrete members in chloride environment', Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 1077-1086.
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Zhang, R, Khorshed, C, Vigneswaran, S & Kandasamy, J 2009, 'Submerged microfiltration coupled with physcio-chemical processes as pretreatment to sea water desalination', Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 11, no. 1-3, pp. 52-57.
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In this study, the critical fl ux of the submerged membrane system was experimentally evaluated when it was used for seawater with and without pre-treatment. In this study, different processes such as fl occulation with ferric chloride (FeCl3) and different doses of PAC adsorption were used as a pre-treatment. The pretreatment of fl occulant of 2 mg/L of FeCl3 and adsorption with the dose of 1 g/L PAC showed an improvement in the critical fl ux from 5 L/m2.h to 6.7 L/m2.h and 13.3 L/m2.h respectively. The performance of these pretreatments was also determined in terms of modifi ed fouling index using ultrafi lter membrane (UF-MFI). UF-MFI and SDI indicated that PAC adsorption was a better pretreatment than fl occulation for the seawater used in this study. Molecular weight distribution (MWD) of seawater organic matter was also examined after different pretreatments. MWD of the raw seawater was mainly in the range from 1510 to 130 Da. It is observed that FeCl3 fl occulation and PAC adsorption as pretreatments partially removed the organic matter of 1510 Da and 130Da respectively
Zhang, X, Cairns, M, Rose, B, O'Brien, C, Shannon, K, Clark, J, Gamble, J & Tran, N 2009, 'Alterations in miRNA processing and expression in pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary gland', International Journal of Cancer, vol. 124, no. 12, pp. 2855-2863.
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AbstractGenome‐wide microRNA (miRNA) expression profiling of salivary gland pleomorphic adenomas revealed a distinct expression signature consisting largely of upregulated miRNAs compared with matched normal tissue. Microarray data were confirmed by quantitative real time RT‐PCR (q‐RTPCR). Five miRNA genes upregulated in the tumours were found in close proximity to fragile sites and/or cancer associated genomic regions. Interestingly, q‐RTPCR revealed an increase in the expression of components of the miRNA processing machinery (Dicer, Drosha, DGCR8 and p68) in tumours suggesting that the deregulation of miRNA expression may result from increased miRNA biogenesis. Target gene prediction analysis of the altered miRNAs indicated that genes in a number of signalling pathways important in tumourigenesis including WNT, MAPK and JAK‐STAT were overrepresented. Significantly, the oncogene PLAG1 was overexpressed in our cohort and may be potentially regulated by these miRNAs. This is the first study to examine changes in the miRNA milieu in pleomorphic adenoma, the most common salivary gland tumour. This study has demonstrated an upregulation of both miRNAs genes and an upregulation of the miRNA processing machinery. These changes may be potential underlying mechanisms for the development of these benign tumours. © 2009 UICC
Zhang, Y & Xu, G 2009, 'On web communities mining and recommendation', Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 561-582.
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AbstractBecause of the lack of a uniform schema for web documents and the sheer amount and dynamics of web data, both the effectiveness and the efficiency of information management and retrieval of web data are often unsatisfactory when using conventional data management and searching techniques. To address this issue, we have adopted web mining and web community analysis approaches. On the basis of the analysis of web document contents, hyperlinks analysis, user access logs and semantic analysis, we have developed various approaches or algorithms to construct and analyze web communities, and to make recommendations. This paper will introduce and discuss several approaches on web community mining and recommendation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Zhang, Y, Wang, D, Lee, R-P, Henning, SM & Heber, D 2009, 'Absence of Pomegranate Ellagitannins in the Majority of Commercial Pomegranate Extracts: Implications for Standardization and Quality Control', Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 57, no. 16, pp. 7395-7400.
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Zhao, B-H, Yue, Z-B, Ni, B-J, Mu, Y, Yu, H-Q & Harada, H 2009, 'Modeling anaerobic digestion of aquatic plants by rumen cultures: Cattail as an example', Water Research, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2047-2055.
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Zhao, HY, Zheng, W, Meng, ZX, Zhou, HM, Xu, XX, Li, Z & Zheng, YF 2009, 'Bioelectrochemistry of hemoglobin immobilized on a sodium alginate-multiwall carbon nanotubes composite film', Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 2352-2357.
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Zhao, Y, Shapiro, D, Mcgloin, D, Chiu, DT & Marchesini, S 2009, 'Direct observation of the transfer of orbital angular momentum to metal particles from a focused circularly polarized Gaussian beam', Optics Express, vol. 17, no. 25, pp. 23316-23316.
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Zheng, Z, Fan, H, Feng, W, Zhang, S, Yuan, X, Wang, L, Song, Y & Hu, S 2009, 'Surgery of left ventricular aneurysm: a propensity score-matched study of outcomes following different repair techniques', Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 431-436.
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Zheng, Z, Lu, J, Zhang, G & He, Q 2009, 'Rule sets based bilevel decision model and algorithm', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 18-26.
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Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers, each tries to optimize their individual objectives under certain constraints, act and react in an uncooperative, sequential manner. As bilevel decision making often involves many uncertain factors in real world problems, it is hard to formulate the objective functions and constraints of the leader and the follower in modelling a real bilevel decision problem. This study explores a new approach that uses rule sets to formulate a bilevel decision problem. It first develops related theories to prove the feasibility to model a bilevel decision problem by rule sets. It then proposes an algorithm to describe the modelling process. A case study is discussed to illustrate the functions and effectiveness of the proposed rule sets based bilevel decision modelling algorithm. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zhi Wei Lin, Jian Guo Zhu, Youguang Guo, Johansen, TH & Yoshizawa, Y 2009, 'Flux Distribution at the Cross Section of Stacked Nanostructured Magnetic Ribbon', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3912-3914.
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Conventional magnetization methods only measure the average magnetic properties over the whole sample. The information is insufficient to understand the local character. This paper presents the visualized magnetization process and its profiles in detail at the cross section of the FINEMET ribbon using advanced magnetooptical imaging technique. External magnetic fields were applied parallel to the surface of the ribbon. A magnetization curve was plotted by interpreting the profile of intensity of magnetooptical images. The profile indicates that the flux densities are higher at the cross section of the ribbons compared with those at the gaps between the ribbons. The flux lines mainly transmit inside the FINEMET ribbons though there are some stray fields between the ribbons.
Zhou, A & Sheng, D 2009, 'Yield stress, volume change, and shear strength behaviour of unsaturated soils: validation of the SFG model', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1034-1045.
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The model recently presented by Sheng, Fredlund, and Gens, known as the SFG model, provides a consistent explanation of yield stress, shear strength, and volume change behaviour of unsaturated soils as functions of suction. All these functions are based on one single equation that defines the volume change with suction and stress changes. This paper provides a systematic validation of the equation and the derived shear strength criterion against experimental data. The experimental data used include those for samples prepared from slurry soils and compacted soils. It is shown that (i) the method currently used to determine yield stresses of unsaturated soils is incorrect, (ii) volume change behaviour of unsaturated soils can be well predicted by the SFG model, and (iii) shear strength behaviour of unsaturated soils can be represented very well by the criterion in the SFG model.
Zhou, JL, Zhang, ZL, Banks, E, Grover, D & Jiang, JQ 2009, 'Pharmaceutical residues in wastewater treatment works effluents and their impact on receiving river water', Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 166, no. 2-3, pp. 655-661.
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Various pharmaceutical residues are being discharged from wastewater treatment works (WTW) effluents, the impact of which on river water quality is of high relevance to environmental risk assessment. The concentrations of eleven pharmaceutical compounds were determined in three WTWs in England, and the river Ouse receiving effluents from Scaynes Hill WTW. Results show that five compounds propranolol, sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, indomethacine and diclofenac were detected in all wastewater and river water samples, with carbamazepine showing the highest concentrations (up to 2336 ng L-1) in WTW influent. Different compounds were removed to different extent in the WTWs, varying from 43 to 92%, with the highest performance obtained by the WTW with tertiary treatment (sand filtration). The pharmaceutical residues from Scaynes Hill WTW were eventually discharged into the river Ouse, causing an elevation in their concentrations downstream of the outfall. This was confirmed by the good agreement between measured concentrations and those predicted by a simple dilution model. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zhu, JG, Lin, ZW, Guo, YG & Huang, Y 2009, '3D measurement and modelling of magnetic properties of soft magnetic composite', Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 11-15.
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The soft magnetic composite (SMC) is a new type of soft magnetic material made of insulated iron powders. Its special characteristics could enable the development of low cost high performance electrical machines. This paper presents the measurement and modelling of magnetic properties of SMC under 3D magnetizations. Detailed descriptions of the 3D magnetic property tester, principle of measurement, core loss models, and experimental results are included and discussed.
Zihlif, M, Catchpoole, DR, Stewart, BW & Wakelin, LPG 2009, 'Effects of DNA threading bis(9-aminoacridine-4-carboxamides) on global gene expression.', Cancer Genomics Proteomics, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 317-323.
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The capacity of series of DNA-threading bis(9-aminoacridine-4-carboxamides) comprising ethylmorpholino, ethylpiperidine and N-methylpiperidin-4-yl sidechains joined by different linkers, to modulate gene expression in human leukaemia cells was investigated. The chosen compounds provided the opportunity for probing the relationships between the structure ligand structure and the drug effects on transcription, information that might lead to a greater understanding of their potential as antitumour agents. As revealed by DNA microarray analysis of 6000 genes, at equitoxic doses, 5xIC(50) values for growth inhibition, all of the drugs perturb transcription, resulting in both up- and down-regulation of many hundreds of genes, 24 h after drug exposure. Under these conditions, the capacity to inhibit transcription decreases in the order C3NC3 morpholino > C2pipC2 morpholino > C8 piperidine > C8NMP > C2pipC2 piperidine. Cluster analysis segregated the examined agents into two groups: the first included C2pipC2 morpholino and C3NC3 morpholino and the second C2pipC2 piperidine, C8 piperidine and C8NMP. This classification agreed with the ontological analysis for the markedly up-regulated genes that showed a relatively specific profile for each group. Interestingly, the general up-regulation responses for the first group (C3NC3 morpholino and C2pipC2 morpholino) indicated marked up-regulation amongst the transcription gene set, which suggests that the transcription machinery is the main target for the members of this group. While in the second group (C2pipC2 piperidine, C8 piperidine, C8NMP), the general up-regulation responses for the three agents are dominated by the protein modification process ontological class, implying at least involvement of topoisomerase poisoning in their mode of action.