[93]S. M., L, S. F., L & Lin, C 2006, 'A HVS-directed Neural-network-based Approach for Salt-pepper Impulse Noise Removal'.
Abolhasan, M & Lipman, J 2006, 'Load-balanced route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks', Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-45.
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This paper presents flow-aware routing protocol (FARP), a new routing strategy designed to improve load balancing and scalability in mobile ad hoc networks. FARP is a hop-by-hop routing protocol, which introduces a flow-aware route discovery strategy to reduce the number of control overheads propagating through the network and distributes the flow of data through least congested nodes to balance the network traffic. FARP was implemented in GloMoSim and compared with AODV. To investigate the load distribution capability of FARP new performance metrics were introduced to measure the data packet flow distribution capability of the each routing protocol. The simulation results obtained illustrate that FARP achieves high levels of throughput, reduces the level of control overheads during route discovery and distributes the network load more evenly between nodes when compared to AODV. This paper also describes a number of alternative strategies and improvements for the FARP.
Al-Dawod, M, Samali, B & Li, J 2006, 'Experimental verification of an active mass driver system on a five-storey model using a fuzzy controller', STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 917-943.
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This paper reports experimental tests conducted on a five-storey model using an active mass driver (AMD) system, where the control action was achieved by using a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and the UTS state-of-the-art shake table facility. The performance of the fuzzy controller was checked against El Centro 1940, Hachinohe 1968, Northridge 1994, and Kobe 1995 earthquakes to verify the potential of using the fuzzy controller in real applications for active control of structures. Fuzzy logic is one of few mathematical model-free approaches to system identification and control. Other advantages of fuzzy logic controllers are that they can be nonlinear, adaptive, admit a high degree of parallel implementation, and tolerate uncertainty in the system. The building model under consideration is a large-scale five-storey, 3.6-m-tall, steel frame designed and manufactured at the University of Technology, Sydney. The paper details the experimental set up of the five-storey model with AMD system and the instrumentation used to measure the response, the design process of the Fuzzy Controller, and the earthquake excitations used in the experimental tests. The results of the experimental tests confirm the potential of using the adopted fuzzy controller for the active structural control using, an active mass driver (AMD) system
Amielh, ME, Wan, EY, Devillers, S, Singer, DW & Burnett, IS 2006, 'MPEG-21 PART 17: URI-Based Fragment Identification of MPEG Resources', Proceedings of (VIE 2006) IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering, pp. 120-125.
Argent, RM, Voinov, A, Maxwell, T, Cuddy, SM, Rahman, JM, Seaton, S, Vertessy, RA & Braddock, RD 2006, 'Comparing modelling frameworks – A workshop approach', Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 895-910.
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ASLAM, M, MASJUKI, H, KALAM, M, ABDESSELAM, H, MAHLIA, T & AMALINA, M 2006, 'An experimental investigation of CNG as an alternative fuel for a retrofitted gasoline vehicle', Fuel, vol. 85, no. 5-6, pp. 717-724.
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Baheiraei, A, Ritchie, JE, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2006, 'Exploring factors influencing osteoporosis prevention and control: A qualitative study of Iranian men and women in Australia', Maturitas, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 127-134.
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Barakat, C, Iannaccone, G, Kurose, J & Veitch, D 2006, 'Sampling the Internet: Techniques and applications'.
Barakat, C, Iannaccone, G, Kurose, JIM, Veitch, D & Low, S 2006, 'Guest Editorial Sampling the Internet: Techniques and Applications', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 2165-2167.
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Bennett, NS, Cowern, NEB, Smith, AJ, Gwilliam, RM, Sealy, BJ, O’Reilly, L, McNally, PJ, Cooke, G & Kheyrandish, H 2006, 'Highly conductive Sb-doped layers in strained Si', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 89, no. 18, pp. 182122-182122.
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The ability to create stable, highly conductive ultrashallow doped regions is a key requirement for future silicon-based devices. It is shown that biaxial tensile strain reduces the sheet resistance of highly doped n-type layers created by Sb or As implantation. The improvement is stronger with Sb, leading to a reversal in the relative doping efficiency of these n-type impurities. For Sb, the primary effect is a strong enhancement of activation as a function of tensile strain. At low processing temperatures, 0.7% strain more than doubles Sb activation, while enabling the formation of stable, ∼10-nm-deep junctions. This makes Sb an interesting alternative to As for ultrashallow junctions in strain-engineered complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor devices.
Bergin, J, Lister, R, Owens, BB & McNally, M 2006, 'The first programming course', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 301-302.
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This panel will discuss ways to engage undergraduates in computing and then to keep them as majors. A special emphasis will be on attracting females to computing. The panelists will discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of four environments especially designed for the teaching of the first programming course.
Bian, Y, Li, J & Li, J 2006, 'Environmently-friendly synthesis of pinacols', PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY, vol. 18, no. 7-8, pp. 927-932.
Browne, M, Strauss, D, Castelle, B, Blumenstein, M, Tomlinson, R & Lane, C 2006, 'Empirical Estimation of Nearshore Waves From a Global Deep-Water Wave Model', IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 462-466.
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Global wind-wave models such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration WaveWatch 3 (NWW3) play an important role in monitoring the world's oceans. However, untransformed data at grid points in deep water provide a poor estimate of swell characteristics at nearshore locations, which are often of significant scientific, engineering, and public interest. Explicit wave modeling, such as the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN), is one method for resolving the complex wave transformations affected by bathymetry, winds, and other local factors. However, obtaining accurate bathymetry and determining parameters for such models is often difficult. When target data is available (i.e., from in situ buoys or human observers, empirical alternatives such artificial neural networks (ANNs) and linear regression may be considered for inferring nearshore conditions from offshore model output. Using a sixfold cross-validation scheme, significant wave height Hs and period were estimated at one onshore and two nearshore locations. In estimating H s at the shoreline, the validation performance of the best ANN was r = 0.91, as compared to those of linear regression (0.82), SWAN (0.78), and the NWW3 Hs baseline (0.54). © 2006 IEEE.
Browne, M, Strauss, D, Tomlinson, R & Blumenstein, M 2006, 'Objective Beach-State Classification From Optical Sensing of Cross-Shore Dissipation Profiles', IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 3418-3426.
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Remote sensing using terrestrial optical charge-coupled device cameras is a useful data collection method for geophysical measurement in the nearshore zone, where in situ measurement is difficult and time consuming. In particular, optical video sensing of the variability in human-visible surface refraction due to the nearshore incident wave field is becoming an established method for distal measurement of nearshore subtidal morphology. We report on the use of a low-mounted shore-normal camera for gathering data on cross-shore dissipative characteristics of a dynamic open beach. Data are analyzed for the purposes of classifying three of Wright and Shorts' intermediate classes of morphological beach state as determined by expert raters. Although these beach states are usually thought of as being distinctive in terms of their longshore bar variability, theory predicts that differences should also be observed in cross-shore dissipative characteristics. Three methods of generating features from statistical features from the archived optical data are described and compared in terms of their ability to discriminate between the beach states. Principal component scores of the percentile distributions were found to provide slightly better classification performance (i.e., 85%, while approximating the data using relatively fewer features), whereas classification using intensity distributions alone resulted in the worst performance, classifying 78% of beach states correctly. Class center moment profiles for each beach state were constructed, and results indicate that cross-shore wave dissipation becomes more disorganized as linear bars devolve into more complex transverse structures. © 2006 IEEE.
Brun, T, Devetak, I & Hsieh, M-H 2006, 'Correcting Quantum Errors with Entanglement', Science, vol. 314, no. 5798, pp. 436-439.
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We show how entanglement shared between encoder and decoder can simplify thetheory of quantum error correction. The entanglement-assisted quantum codes wedescribe do not require the dual-containing constraint necessary for standardquantum error correcting codes, thus allowing us to ``quantize'' all ofclassical linear coding theory. In particular, efficient modern classical codesthat attain the Shannon capacity can be made into entanglement-assisted quantumcodes attaining the hashing bound (closely related to the quantum capacity).For systems without large amounts of shared entanglement, these codes can alsobe used as catalytic codes, in which a small amount of initial entanglementenables quantum communication.
Buajarern, J, Mitchem, L, Ward, AD, Nahler, NH, McGloin, D & Reid, JP 2006, 'Controlling and characterizing the coagulation of liquid aerosol droplets', The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 125, no. 11, pp. 114506-114506.
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We demonstrate that optical tweezers can be used to control and characterize the coagulation and mixing state of aerosols. Liquid aerosol droplets of 2–14μm in diameter are optically trapped and characterized by spontaneous and stimulated Raman scatterings, which together provide a unique signature of droplet size and composition. From the conventional bright field image, the size of the trapped droplet can be estimated and compared with that determined from stimulated Raman scattering, and the motion of the particle within the trapping plane can be recorded. A maximum of four droplets can be manipulated in tandem by forming multiple optical traps through rapid beam steering. The coagulation of two droplets can be studied directly by controlling two droplets. The limiting conditions under which optical forces and capillary forces dominate the aerosol coagulation event are explored by varying the relative optical trap strengths and characterizing the coagulation of different droplet sizes. Finally, we demonstrate that the coagulation of different aerosol components can be compared and the mixing state of the final coagulated droplet can be investigated. In particular, we compare the outcome of the coagulation of an aqueous sodium chloride aerosol droplet with a second aqueous droplet, with an ethanol droplet or with a decane droplet.
Burnham, DR & McGloin, D 2006, 'Holographic optical trapping of aerosol droplets', Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4176-4176.
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We demonstrate the use of holographic optical tweezers for trapping particles in air, specifically aerosol droplets. We show the trapping and manipulation of arrays of liquid aerosols as well as the controlled coagulation of two or more droplets. We discuss the ability of spatial light modulators to manipulate airborne droplets in real time as well as highlight the difficulties associated with loading and trapping particles in such an environment. We conclude with a discussion of some of the applications of such a technique. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
Burnham, DR & McGloin, D 2006, 'Holographic optical trapping of aerosol droplets', Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4175-4175.
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Cao, YZ & Ying, MS 2006, 'Observability and decentralized control of fuzzy discrete-event systems', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 202-216.
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Fuzzy discrete-event systems as a generalization of (crisp) discrete-event systems have been introduced in order that it is possible to effectively represent uncertainty, imprecision, and vagueness arising from the dynamic of systems. A fuzzy discrete-event system has been modeled by a fuzzy automaton; its behavior is described in terms of the fuzzy language generated by the automaton. In this paper, we are concerned with the supervisory control problem for fuzzy discrete-event systems with partial observation. Observability, normality, and co-observability of crisp languages are extended to fuzzy languages. It is shown that the observability, together with controllability, of the desired fuzzy language is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a partially observable fuzzy supervisor. When a decentralized solution is desired, it is proved that there exist local fuzzy supervisors if and only if the fuzzy language to be synthesized is controllable and co-observable. Moreover, the infimal controllable and observable fuzzy superlanguage, and the supremal controllable and normal fuzzy sublanguage are also discussed. Simple examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical development. © 2006 IEEE.
Cao, YZ & Ying, MS 2006, 'Similarity-based supervisory control of discrete-event systems', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 325-330.
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Due to the appearance of uncontrollable events in discrete-event systems, one may wish to replace the behavior leading to the uncontrollability of pre-specified language by some quite similar one. To capture this similarity, we introduce metric to tradit
Castel, A, Vidal, T, Viriyametanont, K & François, R 2006, 'Effect of reinforcing bar orientation and location on bond with self-consolidating concrete', ACI Structural Journal, vol. 103, no. 4, pp. 559-567.
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In this paper, the effect of reinforcing bar orientation and location on steel-concrete bond behavior is studied. The investigations are performed on two self-consolidating concretes (SCCs) and two vibrated concretes (VCs) (25 and 40 MPa [3625 and 5800 psi]). Different casting conditions are used to study the effect of the reinforcement orientation (vertical or horizontal) in relation with the casting direction and the effect of the horizontal bars' location along the height of small and tall concrete elements. In this study, the concrete casting direction is always vertical. For small-size concrete elements, SCC25 shows a better resistance against bleeding than VC25. The difference, however, is not significant for SCC40 and VC40. For samples reinforced with ribbed bars, the orientation of the bars (horizontal or vertical) has a significant and equivalent influence on both 25 MPa (3625 psi) concretes. The VC40 and SCC40 bond strength values are almost equivalent and not affected by the orientation of the bars. For tall concrete elements, voids formation under the horizontal bars was clearly observed for every type of concrete. The size of the voids was almost equivalent for SCC25, SCC40, and VC40, but significantly larger in the case of VC25, especially near the top casting surface. Finally, the maximum ultimate bond strengths obtained were approximately 20% higher for SCC than for VC, regardless of the concrete strength. Copyright © 2006, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.
Cetindamar, D, Çatay, B & Serdar Basmaci, O 2006, 'Improving the performance of technology partnerships: a case study in the Turkish textile industry', Handbook of Business Strategy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 319-323.
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PurposeCollaboration is an advantageous strategy for technology‐based competition. Thus, it is of high concern to understand mechanisms behind the success of collaborations such as performance measurement system. This paper will present an empirical study conducted in the Turkish textile industry where performance measures are developed and applied.Design/methodology/approachThe paper utilizes a combination of interviews and surveys to collect data from 3T partners that are six technology supplying and ten dyeing and finishing companies. The findings indicate that besides trust, the existence of a performance measurement system is an extremely important bridge for effective supply chain collaboration (SCC). Such a system should cover metrics related to internal performance, perceptions of partners regarding the alliance performance, and the degree of inter‐firm relationship.FindingsThe paper is based on a technology partnership so the results need to be taken cautiously. However, it is clear that 3T is a successful technological partnership with six new technologies developed in two‐year period. There are some potential improvement areas, particularly in its internal activities and its relationship with the partners. The study shows that as the level of information sharing and communication among the partners increase, the performance and the benefits of the collaboration also increase.Originality/valueSCC can have long‐term goals like continuous product innovation as experienced in 3T and this might increase overall performance of an industry. That is why SCC might be particularly important tool for...
Chang, C-L, Fan, K-W, Chung, I-F & Lin, C-T 2006, 'A Recurrent Fuzzy Coupled Cellular Neural Network System With Automatic Structure and Template Learning', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 602-606.
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Chang, CY, Chang, JS, Lin, YW, Erdei, L & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Quantification of air stripping and biodegradation of organic removal in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) industry wastewater during submerged membrane bioreactor operation', DESALINATION, vol. 191, no. 1-3, pp. 162-168.
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With the rapid development of the petrochemical industry in Taiwan, a significant amount of nitrogenous organic wastewater is generated. Some of this wastewater contains volatile residual monomers, such as acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene (ABS) manufacturing wastewater. Because of the high volatility of the acrylonitrile monomer, this chemical will be partly removed from the aeration system by the air stripping effect. An empirical model was developed for evaluating BOD removal by air stripping and biodegradation when the wastewater was treated in an aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor (ASMBR). The results showed that the removal of BOD from ABS wastewater by air stripping was in the range of 2-10%. These results also showed that the estimation of contribution of air stripping and biodegradation in the BOD removal in the MBR is very important in the optimum design of the MBR for ABS wastewater. © 2006.
Chang, JS, Chang, CY, Chen, AC, Erdei, L & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Long-term operation of submerged membrane bioreactor for the treatment of high strength acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) wastewater: effect of hydraulic retention time', DESALINATION, vol. 191, no. 1-3, pp. 45-51.
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Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Chia, L-T 2006, 'FRACTURE mining: Mining frequently and concurrently mutating structures from historical XML documents', Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 320-347.
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Chen, Y & Luo, Z 2006, 'Structural and topological optimization approaches: Designing monolithic compliant mechanisms', Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 80-83.
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The updating scheme of design variables for topology optimization of monolithic compliant mechanism designs was derived by using variable density approach and optimality criteria method. Taking mechanical gain as the objective function of compliant mechanisms, the mathematical model for topological optimization designs was constructed. The objective function was described by artificial spring model and dummy load method and the sensitivity was analyzed by the adjoint sensitivity analysis method. The proposed methodologies are demonstrated through an example of a compliant gripper mechanism, and the prototype is manufactured to prove the validation of the conceptual design.
Chen, Y & Luo, Z 2006, 'Structural topology optimization with manufacturing constraints', Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 77-79.
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A new topology optimization approach by adding the manufacturability-based constraints to further narrow the searching space was presented. Therefore, the outcome of topology optimization problem with multiple constraints would be characterized by the advantages of both improving structural performances and satisfying the structural manufacturability. The optimization problem can be solved based on the density-stiffness interpolation scheme and the method of moving asymptotes belonging to sequential convex programming approaches.
Chin-Teng Lin, Chang-Mao Yeh, Sheng-Fu Liang, Jen-Feng Chung & Kumar, N 2006, 'Support-vector-based fuzzy neural network for pattern classification', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 31-41.
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Choudhury, D & Nimbalkar, SS 2006, 'Pseudo-dynamic approach of seismic active earth pressure behind retaining wall', Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1103-1113.
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Knowledge of seismic active earth pressure behind rigid retaining wall is very important in the design of retaining wall in earthquake prone region. Commonly used Mononobe-Okabe method considers pseudo-static approach, which gives the linear distribution of seismic earth pressure in an approximate way. In this paper, the pseudo-dynamic method is used to compute the distribution of seismic active earth pressure on a rigid retaining wall supporting cohesionless backfill in more realistic manner by considering time and phase difference within the backfill. Planar rupture surface is considered in the analysis. Effects of a wide range of parameters like wall friction angle, soil friction angle, shear wave velocity, primary wave velocity and horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations on seismic active earth pressure have been studied. Results are provided in tabular and graphical non-dimensional form with a comparison to pseudo-static method to highlight the realistic non-linearity of seismic active earth pressures distribution. © Springer 2006.
Choudhury, D, Nimbalkar, SS & Mandal, JN 2006, 'Comparison of Pseudo-Static and Pseudo-Dynamic Methods for Seismic Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall', JOURNAL OF INDIAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 263-271.
Cole, JH, Devitt, SJ & Hollenberg, LCL 2006, 'Precision characterization of two-qubit Hamiltonians via entanglement mapping', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol. 39, no. 47, pp. 14649-14658.
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Connan, H, Klimesch, D, Ray, A & Thomas, P 2006, 'Thermal characterisation of autoclaved cement made with alumina-silica rich industrialwaste', Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 521-525.
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The hydration products of hydrothermally cured OPC-quartz blends incorporating clay-brick waste were characterised using simultaneous DTA-TG, XRD and SEM. The exotherm above 800 degrees C on the DTA curve, due to the formation of beta-wollastonite (beta-
Coulin, C, Zowghi, D & Sahraoui, A 2006, 'A situational method engineering approach to requirements elicitation workshops in the software development process', Software Process: Improvement and Practice, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 451-464.
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AbstractThe elicitation of requirements for software systems is one of the most critical and complex activities within the development lifecycle. Although the subject has received some degree of attention in the research literature, there remains a need for situational methods and processes that can be easily utilized by the majority of practitioners in typical projects. In this paper we present a flexible yet systematic approach to the early stages of requirements elicitation in software development, based on collaborative workshops and the construction of a lightweight situational method, within a general process framework. The research provides practitioners with an approach to requirements elicitation that can be readily applied to real‐world projects in order to improve both the process and the results. The work also offers researchers an example of how lightweight situational method engineering can be applied to very practical activities and situations in the software process. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Curry, J, McGregor, C & Tracy, S 2006, 'A Communication Tool to Improve the Patient Journey Modeling Process', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 4726-4730.
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Quality improvement is high on the agenda of Health Care Organisations (HCO) worldwide. Patient Journey Modeling is a relatively recent innovation in healthcare quality improvement that models the patient's movement through the HCO by viewing it from a patient centric perspective. Critical to the success of the redesigning care process is the involvement of all stakeholders and their commitment to actively participate in the process. Tools which promote this type of communication are a critical enabler that can significantly affect the overall process redesign outcomes. Such a tool must also be able to incorporate additional factors such as relevant policies and procedures, staff roles, system usage and measurements such as process time and cost. This paper presents a graphically based communication tool that can be used as part of the patient journey modeling process to promote stakeholder involvement, commitment and ownership as well highlighting the relationship of other relevant variables that contribute to the patient's journey. Examples of how the tool has been used and the framework employed are demonstrated via a midwife-led primary care case study. A key contribution of this research is the provision of a graphical communication framework that is simple to use, is easily understood by a diverse range of stakeholders and enables ready recognition of patient journey issues. Results include strong stakeholder buy-in and significant enhancement to the overall design of the future patient journey. Initial results indicate that the use of such a communication tool can improve the patient journey modeling process and the overall quality improvement outcomes. © 2006 IEEE.
Darmawan, MS & Stewart, MG 2006, 'Effect of Spatially Variable Pitting Corrosion on Structural Reliability of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 147-158.
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Davis, AM & Zowghi, D 2006, 'Good requirements practices are neither necessary nor sufficient', REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-3.
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De Silva, P, Bucea, L, Moorehead, DR & Sirivivatnanon, V 2006, 'Carbonate binders: Reaction kinetics, strength and microstructure', CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 613-620.
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Deuse, J & Deckert, C 2006, 'Lean Steel Production - Lean production processes in the steel industry', Stahl und Eisen, vol. 126, no. 6, pp. 84-86.
Deuse, J, Petzelt, D & Sackermann, R 2006, 'Modellbildung im Industrial Engineering', Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 101, no. 1-2, pp. 66-69.
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Kurzfassung Der Begriff „Digitale Fabrik“ beschreibt den durchgängigen Einsatz von IT-Werkzeugen in allen Phasen der Produktentstehung. Insbesondere für das Aufgabenspektrum des Industrial Engineering erlangt der Einsatz digitaler Modelle, Methoden und Hilfsmittel zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die primäre Zielsetzung besteht in der Reduzierung des Planungsaufwands bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Planungsqualität. Digitale Modelle sind jedoch nicht geeignet, konventionelle, materielle Modelle vollständig zu substituieren. In diesem Beitrag werden die spezifischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowohl materieller als auch immaterieller, digitaler Modelle diskutiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle im Industrial Engineering bewertet.
Deyrich, M & Dyson, LE 2006, 'Integrating cultural language development with technology in curricular design', International journal of learning, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 103-112.
Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 2006, 'Correlation-Based Pattern Stability Analysis and a Figure of Merit for UWB Antennas', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3184-3191.
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Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 2006, 'Waveform optimisation of UWB radio systems over range of directions', Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 7, pp. 384-385.
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Duan, R, Feng, Y & Ying, M 2006, 'Partial recovery of quantum entanglement', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 3080-3104.
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Suppose Alice and Bob try to transform an entangled state shared between them into another one by local operations and classical communications. Then in general a certain amount of entanglement contained in the initial state will decrease in the process of transformation. However, an interesting phenomenon called partial entanglement recovery shows that it is possible to recover some amount of entanglement by adding another entangled state and transforming the two entangled states collectively. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the feasibility of partial entanglement recovery. The basic problem we address is whether a given state is useful in recovering entanglement lost in a specified transformation. In the case where the source and target states of the original transformation satisfy the strict majorization relation, a necessary and sufficient condition for partial entanglement recovery is obtained. For the general case we give two sufficient conditions. We also give an efficient algorithm for the feasibility of partial entanglement recovery in polynomial time. As applications, we establish some interesting connections between partial entanglement recovery and the generation of maximally entangled states, quantum catalysis, mutual catalysis, and multiple-copy entanglement transformation. © 2006 IEEE.
Duan, R-Y, Ji, Z-F, Feng, Y & Ying, M-S 2006, 'Some issues in quantum information theory', JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 776-789.
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Quantum information theory is a new interdisciplinary research field related to quantum mechanics, computer science, information theory, and applied mathematics. It provides completely new paradigms to do information processing tasks by employing the pri
Dyson, L & Underwood, J 2006, 'Indigenous People on the Web', Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 65-76.
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This paper explores the ways in which Indigenous people around the world are participating in the World Wide Web, through establishing their own websites or accessing services via the Web. Indigenous websites are remarkably diverse: in addition to those representing Indigenous organizations and promoting Indigenous e-commerce, many websites have also been established to further unique concerns of Indigenous communities such as the maintenance and revitalization of Indigenous cultures, intercultural dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, political advocacy and mobilization, community rebuilding and social support for disadvantaged communities. Despite the early involvement of Indigenous people on the Web, there still remain many unresolved issues, which include low levels of computer literacy and Internet connectivity, the cost of the technology, low levels of business understanding to support e-commerce, and concerns over the misappropriation of Indigenous knowledge and culture.
Dyson, LE 2006, 'Indigenous Australian cookery, past and present', Journal of Australian Studies, vol. 30, no. 87, pp. 5-18.
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It can be claimed that Indigenous Australian cookery is the world's oldest living culinary tradition. How ancient a tradition it can be considered depends on whether one has a scientific or a spiritual worldview. Most anthropologists' estimates of when Aboriginal people first set foot in Australia vary from 45,000 to 55,000 years ago. (1) Many Indigenous Australians, on the other hand, believe that they have been in Australia from time immemorial and therefore their culinary culture also dates ab origine, 'from the beginning'. People, culture and place are inextricably intertwined and bound together as far back in the past as human memory or imagination will reach.
Dyson, LE & Koruth, S 2006, 'Improving business performance through supply chain intelligence: An Australian perspective', ICFAI journal of supply chain management, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 31-40.
Eager, DM 2006, 'Childhood obesity', Journal Parks and Leisure Australia, vol. Spring, no. 2, pp. 1-1.
Eager, DM 2006, 'Injury rates in Australia 700% greater than UK', Journal Parks and Leisure Australia, vol. Winter, no. 2, pp. 1-1.
Eager, DM 2006, 'The impact of the new trampoline standard', Journal Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, vol. December, pp. 47-48.
Engels, BM & Hutvagner, G 2006, 'Principles and effects of microRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation', Oncogene, vol. 25, no. 46, pp. 6163-6169.
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are abundant regulatory RNAs involved in the regulation of many key biological processes. Recent advances in understanding the mechanism of RNA interference and miRNA-mediated mechanisms shed light on major principals of the formation of the regulatory complex and provide models to explain how these small regulatory RNA species interfere with gene expression and how they influence the translational status of the transcriptome. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Evelyn Dyson, L & Robertson, T 2006, 'Indigenous Participation in Information Technology Project: Achievements and Challenges of the First Three Years', The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 11-20.
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Abstract In 2002 the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Technology Sydney began a major initiative to improve the participation of Indigenous Australians in the Information Technology (IT) sector. This followed an initial study which showed that very few Indigenous students undertook studies in IT at university and therefore few found employment as IT professionals. As a result of the new programme, the Faculty’s first Indigenous staff were hired, an Indigenous resource centre was established and the first postgraduate students recruited. In addition, an IT tertiary preparation short course, the Indigenous Pre-IT Program, was launched successfully, the Faculty’s first Indigenous-specific course. With the project, Indigenous student enrolments have increased, mainly as part of the Pre-IT Program and as a result of recruitment of undergraduates from amongst successful Pre-IT Program students. However, retention of undergraduates recruited via special admission provisions has proved difficult despite attempts to secure scholarships and to provide academic support. This paper traces the development of the project and analyses the achievements and challenges in the first three years.
Feng, Y, Duan, R & Ji, Z 2006, 'Optimal dense coding with arbitrary pure entangled states', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 1-5.
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We examine dense coding with an arbitrary pure entangled state sharing between the sender and the receiver. Upper bounds on the average success probability in approximate dense coding and on the probability of conclusive results in unambiguous dense coding are derived. We also construct the optimal protocol which saturates the upper bound in each case. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Feng, Y, Duan, R & Ji, Z 2006, 'Optimal dense coding with arbitrary pure entangled states', Phys. Rev. A, vol. 74, no. 1, p. 012310.
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We examine dense coding with an arbitrary pure entangled state sharingbetween the sender and the receiver. Upper bounds on the average successprobability in approximate dense coding and on the probability of conclusiveresults in unambiguous dense coding are derived. We also construct the optimalprotocol which saturates the upper bound in each case.
Feng, Y, Duan, R & Ying, M 2006, 'Relation between catalyst-assisted transformation and multiple-copy transformation for bipartite pure states', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 1-7.
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We show that in some cases, catalyst-assisted entanglement transformation cannot be implemented by multiple-copy transformation for pure states. This fact, together with the result we obtained in R. Y. Duan, Y. Feng, X. Li, and M. S. Ying, Phys. Rev. A 71, 042319 (2005), namely that the latter can be completely implemented by the former, indicates that catalyst-assisted transformation is strictly more powerful than multiple-copy transformation. For the purely probabilistic setting we find, however, these two kinds of transformations are geometrically equivalent in the sense that the sets of pure states that can be converted into a given pure state with maximal probabilities not less than a given value have the same closure, regardless of whether catalyst-assisted transformation or multiple-copy transformation is used. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Feng, Y, Duan, R, Ji, Z & Ying, M 2006, 'Probabilistic bisimilarities between quantum processes', Information and Computation, vol. 2007, p. 205.
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Modeling and reasoning about concurrent quantum systems is very importantboth for distributed quantum computing and for quantum protocol verification.As a consequence, a general framework describing formally the communication andconcurrency in complex quantum systems is necessary. For this purpose, wepropose a model qCCS which is a natural quantum extension of classicalvalue-passing CCS with the input and output of quantum states, and unitarytransformations and measurements on quantum systems. The operational semanticsof qCCS is given based on probabilistic labeled transition system. Thissemantics has many different features compared with the proposals in literaturein order to describe input and output of quantum systems which are possiblycorrelated with other components. Based on this operational semantics, weintroduce the notions of strong probabilistic bisimilarity and weakprobabilistic bisimilarity between quantum processes and discuss someproperties of them, such as congruence under various combinators.
Feuerlicht, G 2006, 'Service granularity considerations based on data properties of interface parameters', Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 315-320.
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Service granularity is a key determinant of the reusability and maintainability of services. It is evident that mapping existing components directly to Web Services leads to suboptimal design with large number of message exchanges and correspondingly increased risk of partial failures. Most practitioners recommend the use of coarse-grained, message-oriented Web Service that minimize the number of messages and avoid the need to maintain state information between invocations. In this paper we argue that excessive use of coarse-grained, document-centric message structures results in poor reusability and high levels of data coupling between services. We describe a design approach that provides a framework for making decisions about service granularity based on data properties of interface parameters. We treat the problem of service interface design from a data engineering perspective and use data normalization to reason about service granularity. We consider the impact of increasing service granularity on cohesion and coupling of services and discuss the associated design tradeoffs. © 2006 CRL Publishing Ltd.
Feuerlicht, G & Vorisek, J 2006, 'Enterprise application service model', Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-gov and mobile commerce, vol. 1, pp. 431-436.
Fincher, S, Lister, R, Pears, A, Sheard, J, Tenenberg, J & Young, A 2006, 'Multi-institutional teaching communities in computer education', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 7-10.
Fisher, J, McEwen, H, Tipper, J, Jennings, L, Farrar, R, Stone, M & Ingham, E 2006, 'Wear-simulation analysis of rotating-platform mobile-bearing knees', ORTHOPEDICS, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. S36-S41.
Fisher, J, McEwen, H, Tipper, J, Jennings, L, Farrar, R, Stone, M & Ingham, E 2006, 'Wear-simulation analysis of rotating-platform mobile-bearing knees.', Orthopedics, vol. 29, no. 9 Suppl, pp. S36-S41.
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The wear and wear debris from rotating-platform mobile-bearing knees and fixed-bearing knees were compared in knee joint-simulator studies. The wear rate of the fixed-bearing knees was found to increase as the kinematics were increased because of an increase in internal-external rotation and an increase in anterorposterior (AP) translation. The wear rate of the rotating-platform mobile-bearing knees was found to be significantly lower than that of the fixed-bearing knees. The rotating-platform mobile-bearing knee was able to decouple the complex kinematics to pure rotation at the inferior tibial articulating surface and linear flexion-extension and AP sliding at the superior femoral articulating interface, substantially reducing cross-shear and wear. No difference was found in the wear debris between the rotating-platform and fixed-bearing knees. This resulted in a substantially reduced functional biological activity or osteolytic potential for the rotating-platform mobile-bearing knees due to the lower wear rates.
Fogelman, S, Blumenstein, M & Zhao, H 2006, 'Estimation of chemical oxygen demand by ultraviolet spectroscopic profiling and artificial neural networks', Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 15, no. 3-4, pp. 197-203.
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A simple method based on the mathematical treatment of spectral absorbance profiles in conjunction with artificial neural networks (ANNs) is demonstrated for rapidly estimating chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of wastewater samples. In order to improve spectroscopic analysis and ANN training time as well as to reduce the storage space of the trained ANN algorithm, it is necessary to decrease the ANN input vector size by extracting unique characteristics from the raw input pattern. Key features from the spectral absorbance pattern were therefore selected to obtain the spectral absorbance profile, reducing the ANN input vector from 160 to 10 selected inputs. The results indicate that the COD values obtained from the selected absorbance profiles agreed well with those obtained from the entire absorbance pattern. The spectral absorbance profile technique was also compared to COD values estimated by a multiple linear regression (MLR) model to validate whether ANNs were better and more robust models for rapid COD analysis. It was found that the ANN model predicted COD values closer to standard COD values than the MLR model.
Fogelman, S, Zhao, H & Blumenstein, M 2006, 'A rapid analytical method for predicting the oxygen demand of wastewater', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 386, no. 6, pp. 1773-1779.
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In this study, an investigation was undertaken to determine whether the predictive accuracy of an indirect, multiwavelength spectroscopic technique for rapidly determining oxygen demand (OD) values is affected by the use of unfiltered and turbid samples, as well as by the use of absorbance values measured below 200 nm. The rapid OD technique was developed that uses UV-Vis spectroscopy and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to indirectly determine chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels. It was found that the most accurate results were obtained when a spectral range of 190-350 nm was provided as data input to the ANN, and when using unfiltered samples below a turbidity range of 150 NTU. This is because high correlations of above 0.90 were obtained with the data using the standard COD method. This indicates that samples can be measured directly without the additional need for preprocessing by filtering. Samples with turbidity values higher than 150 NTU were found to produce poor correlations with the standard COD method, which made them unsuitable for accurate, real-time, on-line monitoring of OD levels. © Springer-Verlag 2006.
Francois, R, Castel, A & Vidal, T 2006, 'A finite macro-element for corroded reinforced concrete', MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 571-584.
Fujioka, K, Hayasaka, N, Miyanaga, Y & Yoshida, N 2006, 'Noise reduction of speech signals by running spectrum filtering', Systems and Computers in Japan, vol. 37, no. 14, pp. 52-61.
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AbstractThis paper proposes a new noise reduction method intended for noise reduction in speech. The method combines running spectrum filtering (RSF) based on the different time variations of the power spectrum between speech and noise, and postprocessing to reduce musical noise. RSF is a filter which is realized in the modulation spectrum and can effectively reduce noise when applied to the running spectrum of speech. In this paper, it is shown that the segmental SNR of the speech with noise used in the experiment can be improved. A subjective listening experiment shows that the quality of speech degraded by noise is improved. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Comp Jpn, 37(14): 52–61, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/scj.20529
Gabrys, B & Ruta, D 2006, 'Genetic algorithms in classifier fusion', Applied Soft Computing, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 337-347.
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Gallego-Ortega, D, Ramirez De Molina, A, Gutierrez, R, Ramos, M, Sarmentero, J, Cejas, P, Nistal, M, González Barón, M & Lacal, J 2006, 'Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against choline kinase α and their potential use as diagnostic tools in cancer', International Journal of Oncology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 335-340.
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Galvin, A, Kang, L, Tipper, J, Stone, M, Ingham, E, Jin, Z & Fisher, J 2006, 'Wear of crosslinked polyethylene under different tribological conditions', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 235-243.
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Gay, V, Jacquemin, S, Lecomte, C & Raffenot, D 2006, 'À propos de trois cas d'hémophilie acquise', La Revue de Médecine Interne, vol. 27, pp. S379-S380.
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Ge, Y, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 2006, 'A Compact E-Shaped Patch Antenna With Corrugated Wings', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2411-2413.
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Ge, Y, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 2006, 'A wideband probe-fed stacked dielectric resonator antenna', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1630-1633.
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Gens, A, Sánchez, M & Sheng, D 2006, 'On constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils', Acta Geotechnica, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 137-147.
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Giangrandi, S, Brijs, B, Sajavaara, T, Bender, H, Iacopi, F, Vantomme, A & Vandervorst, W 2006, 'Irradiation-induced damage in porous low-k materials during low-energy heavy-ion elastic recoil detection analysis', NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, vol. 249, pp. 189-192.
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Golab, AN, Indraratna, B & Peterson, MA 2006, 'Performance of alkaline reactive materials in the remediation of acidic groundwater', Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, vol. 25, no. S1, pp. 88-89.
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Golab, AN, Indraratna, B, Peterson, MA & Hay, S 2006, 'Design of a Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Acidic Groundwater', ASEG Extended Abstracts, vol. 2006, no. 1, pp. 1-3.
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Golab, AN, Peterson, MA & Indraratna, B 2006, 'Selection of potential reactive materials for a permeable reactive barrier for remediating acidic groundwater in acid sulphate soil terrains', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 209-223.
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A permeable reactive barrier is being designed to remediate leachate from acid sulphate soils. The current research relates to testing of alkaline materials for use in the barrier, with an emphasis on waste materials. Thirteen alkaline materials including recycled concrete, limestone, calcite-bearing zeolitic breccia, blast furnace slag, lime and fly ash were tested. The batch tests involved several phases, such as leaching in deionized water to characterize the soluble components of the materials and the pH that each material could achieve. Another phase involved testing with acidic water (pH 3) to determine the acid leachable components of the materials and the pH after neutralization. The pH achieved by each reactive material was controlled by the reaction kinetics of the dominant alkaline mineral. The concretes, fly ash, and air-cooled blast furnace slag (ACBFS) all achieved a pH that is consistent with the dissolution of lime (pH 11 to 12). The limestone and zeolitic breccias all achieved a pH consistent with the dissolution of calcite (pH c . 7.4). Based on the results of the batch tests, a short-list of materials was selected that included a recycled concrete, ACBFS, three zeolitic breccias and limestone. The short-listed materials were examined for exhaustion of neutralizing ability by repeatedly replacing the acidic water and monitoring the resultant pH. The precipitates that formed during this process were analysed to characterize the chemical reactions that occurred during the tests. Based on the results, the recycled concrete was selected for testing in columns that will simulate flow conditions through the barrier.
Goldsworthy, HM & Gardner, AP 2006, 'Feasibility study for blind-bolted connections to concrete-filled circular steel tubular columns', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 463-478.
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The design of structural frameworks for buildings is constantly evolving and is dependent on regional issues such as loading and constructability. One of the most promising recent developments for low to medium rise construction in terms of efficiency of construction, robustness and aesthetic appearance utilises concrete-filled steel tubular sections as the columns in a moment-resisting frame. These are coupled to rigid or semi-rigid connections to composite steel-concrete beams. This paper includes the results of a pilot experimental programme leading towards the development of economical, reliable connections that are easily constructed for this type of frame. The connections must provide the requisite strength, stiffness and ductility to suit gravity loading conditions as well as gravity combined with the governing lateral wind or earthquake loading. The aim is to develop connections that are stiffer, less expensive and easier to construct than those in current use. A proposed fabricated T-stub connection is to be used to connect the beam flanges and the column. These T-stubs are connected to the column using blind bolts with extensions, allowing installation from the outside of the tube. In general, the use of the extensions results in a dramatic increase in the strength and stiffness of the T-stub to column connection in tension, since the load is shared between membrane action in the tube wall and the anchorage of the bolts through the extensions into the concrete.
Goldweber, M, Bergin, J, Lister, R & McNally, M 2006, 'A comparison of different approaches to the introductory programming course', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 11-13.
Greco, VR 2006, 'Discussion: Seismic passive resistance by pseudo-dynamic method', Géotechnique, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 517-520.
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This paper presents an investigation into the detection and quantification of persons in real-world beach scenes for the automated monitoring of public recreation areas. Aside from the obvious use of video and digital imagery for surveillance applications, this research focuses on the analysis of images for the purpose of predicting trends in the intensity of public usage at beach sites in Australia. The proposed system uses image enhancement and segmentation techniques to detect objects in cluttered scenes. Following these steps, a newly proposed feature extraction technique is used to represent salient information in the extracted objects for training of a neural network. The neural classifier is used to distinguish the extracted objects between 'person' and 'non-person' categories to facilitate analysis of tourist activity. Encouraging results are presented for person classification on a database of real-word beach scene images.
Greentree, AD, Devitt, SJ & Hollenberg, LCL 2006, 'Quantum-information transport to multiple receivers', Physical Review A, vol. 73, no. 3.
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Guan, L 2006, 'Incorporating local statistics in image error measurement for adaptive image restoration', Optical Engineering, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 037001-037001.
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Gunes, H & Piccardi, M 2006, 'Assessing facial beauty through proportion analysis by image processing and supervised learning', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 1184-1199.
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Guo, WS, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Van Nguyen, TB & Ben Aim, R 2006, 'Influence of bioreaction on a long-term operation of a submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system', DESALINATION, vol. 191, no. 1-3, pp. 92-99.
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This study investigates the long-term performance of a submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) for organic matter removal from synthetic wastewater representing biologically treated wastewater by using a low dose of powdered activated carbon (PAC). A simple periodic backwash system is used to de-clog the hollow fiber membrane. In this reactor, bioreaction takes place due to the growth of the biomass in the system. This hybrid system was able to remove effectively the small- and large-molecular weight organic matters from 270 to 36,270 Da. The effect of PAC replacement in the reactor was also studied and it was shown that PAC replacement could enhance both biological activity and adsorption. With PAC replacement of 2.5%(total amount) per day, the total organic carbon (TOC) removal efficiency was 10% higher than without PAC replacement. In another long-term experiment, the TOC removal efficiency was maintained over 85% even after 55-day operation (with PAC replacement rate of 2.5%(total amount) every two days). © 2006.
Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Lin, Z, Zhong, J, Lu, H & Wang, S 2006, 'Calibration of Sensing Coils of a Three-Dimensional Magnetic Property Tester', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 3243-3245.
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For electrical machines with three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic fluxes, the magnetic properties of magnetic materials under 3-D excitations should be properly determined and applied in machine design and analysis. This paper presents the construction and c
Guo, Y, Zhu, JG, Watterson, PA & Wu, W 2006, 'Development of a PM Transverse Flux Motor With Soft Magnetic Composite Core', IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 426-434.
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This paper reports the design, performance analysis, fabrication, and experimental results of a three-phase, three-stack permanent magnet transverse flux motor with a soft magnetic composite stator core, which was designed to take advantage of the unique
Guo, YG & Zhu, JG 2006, 'Applications of soft magnetic composite materials in electrical machines', Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 37-46.
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Guo, YG, Zhu, JG & Lu, HY 2006, 'Accurate determination of parameters of a claw-pole motor with SMC stator core by finite-element magnetic-field analysis', IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 568-568.
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Effective and accurate prediction of key motor parameters, such as winding flux, back electromotive force, inductance and core losses, is crucial for design of high-performance motors. Particularly, for electrical machines with new materials and nonconve
Guo, YG, Zhu, JG & Zhong, JJ 2006, 'Measurement and modelling of magnetic properties of soft magnetic composite material under 2D vector magnetisations', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 302, no. 1, pp. 14-19.
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This paper reports the measurement and modelling of magnetic properties of SOMALOY (TM) 500, a soft magnetic composite (SMC) material, under different 2D vector magnetisations, such as alternating along one direction, circularly and elliptically rotating
Guo, YG, Zhu, JG, Lin, ZW & Zhong, JJ 2006, '3D vector magnetic properties of soft magnetic composite material', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 302, no. 2, pp. 511-516.
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Even under one-dimensional (1D) alternating or 2D rotating magnetic excitation, a magnetic material shows 3D magnetic property due to the rotation of magnetic domains. Only when the 3D properties are properly considered the understanding and modelling of
GUO, Z, HUANG, Z, KONSTANTINOV, K, LIU, H & DOU, S 2006, 'Electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of nonstoichiometric amorphous MgNi1+xMgNi1+x–carbon composites (x=0.05x=0.05–0.3)', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 31, no. 14, pp. 2032-2039.
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Guo, ZP, Huang, ZG, Zhao, ZW, Menard, X & Liu, HK 2006, 'Enhanced electrochemical properties of nonstoichiometric amorphous Mg2Ni1.3 electrodes', Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 11-16.
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Guo, ZP, Ng, SH, Wang, JZ, Huang, ZG, Liu, HK, Too, CO & Wallace, GG 2006, 'Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Paper', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 713-718.
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Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) papers were successfully prepared by dispersing SWNTs in Triton X-100 solution, then filtered by PVDF membrane (0.22 μm pore size). The electrochemical behavior and the reversible hydrogen storage capacity of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) papers have been investigated in alkaline electrolytic solutions (6 N KOH) by cyclic voltammetry, linear micropolarization, and constant current charge/discharge measurements. The effect of thickness and the addition of carbon black on hydrogen adsorption/desorption were also investigated. It was found that the electrochemical charge–discharge mechanism occurring in SWNT paper electrodes is somewhere between that of carbon nanotubes (physical process) and that of metal hydride electrodes (chemical process), and consists of a charge-transfer reaction (Reduction/Oxidation) and a diffusion step (Diffusion).
Guo, ZP, Yuan, L, Konstantinov, K, Huang, ZG & Liu, HK 2006, 'Preparation of spherical clusters of metal oxide nanorods and their hydrogen storage behavior', Materials Letters, vol. 60, no. 29-30, pp. 3891-3894.
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Haley Mackenzie, A & Gardner, A 2006, 'Beyond the lab report: Why we must encourage more writing in biology', AMERICAN BIOLOGY TEACHER, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 325-327.
Halkon, BJ & Rothberg, SJ 2006, 'Rotor Vibration Measurements Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry: Essential Post-Processing for Resolution of Radial and Pitch/Yaw Vibrations', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 8-20.
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Laser Doppler vibrometry is now a well established technique enabling noncontact vibration measurements in the most challenging of environments. Rotor vibration measurements are often highlighted as a major application of laser vibrometers due to their noncontact operation and inherent immunity to shaft runout. In such measurements, resolution of the individual axial and torsional vibration components is possible via particular arrangement of the laser beam(s). Resolution of the radial or pitch/yaw vibration components, however, can only be achieved by essential post-processing of the data from simultaneous orthogonal measurements. This paper describes the principle and rigorous examination of a novel, dedicated resolution algorithm enabling, for the first time, real-time post-processing of the outputs from standard commercial instruments. The system performed well, even in the presence of noise and other typical measurement errors, and was implemented successfully in an engine vibration study.
Halkon, BJ & Rothberg, SJ 2006, 'Vibration measurements using continuous scanning laser vibrometry: Advanced aspects in rotor applications', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1286-1299.
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This paper builds on previous work concerned with the development of a comprehensive velocity sensitivity model for continuous scanning Laser Vibrometry. This versatile model predicts the measured velocity for arbitrary mirror scan angles and arbitrary target motion and it has been especially valuable in revealing the sources of additional components seen in continuous scanning and tracking measurements on rotors. The application to vibration measurements on rotors is the particular focus of this paper which includes, for the first time, a three-dimensional consideration of the incident point on the target and validation of the DC component of measured velocity leading to evaluation of the individual components of the small but inevitable misalignments between the rotor and optical axes. This has not previously been possible. Misalignments in the region 0.5 mm and 0.5° were found and the model shows how additional components of the order 10-20 mm/s result for typical measurements. Such levels are significant as they are comparable with vibration levels likely in real applications and, if unexpected, may lead to data misinterpretation. The first thorough analysis of laser speckle effects in scanning Laser Vibrometer measurements on rotors is presented in the form of a speckle repeat map, together with experimental data quantifying the dramatic reduction in speckle noise found in tracking measurements. Finally, the velocity sensitivity model and the description of laser speckle effects are used to enable confident interpretation of data from a series of measurements on a rotating bladed disc. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hamalainen, M, Iinatti, J, Oppermann, I, Latva-aho, M, Saloranta, J & Isola, A 2006, 'Co-existence measurements between UMTS and UWB systems', IEE Proceedings - Communications, vol. 153, no. 1, pp. 153-153.
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Hao, H & Wu, C 2006, 'Numerical Simulation of Damage of Low-Rise RC Frame Structures with Infilled Masonry Walls to Explosive Loads', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 13-22.
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Hao, H, Wu, C, Li, Z & Abdullah, AK 2006, 'Numerical analysis of structural progressive collapse to blast loads', Transactions of Tianjin University, vol. 12, no. SUPPL., pp. 31-34.
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After the progressive collapse of Ronan Point apartment in UK in 1968, intensive research effort has been spent on developing guidelines for design of new or strengthening the existing structures to prevent progressive collapse. However, only very few building design codes provide some rather general guidance, no detailed design requirement is given. Progressive collapse of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City and the World Trade Centre (WTC) sparked again tremendous research interest on progressive collapse of structures. Recently, US Department of Defence (DoD) and US General Service Administration (GSA) issued guidelines for structure progressive collapse analysis. These two guidelines are most commonly used, but their accuracy is not known. This paper presents numerical analysis of progressive collapse of an example frame structure to blast loads. The DoD and GSA procedures are also used to analyze the same example structure. Numerical results are compared and discussed. The accuracy and applicability of the two design guidelines are evaluated.
He, X, Jia, W, Wu, Q & Hintz, T 2006, 'Description of the cardiac movement using hexagonal image structures', Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 30, no. 6-7, pp. 377-382.
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The most notable characteristic of the heart is its movement. Detection of dynamic information describing cardiac movement such as amplitude, speed and acceleration facilitates interpretation of normal and abnormal function. In recent years, the Omni-directional M-mode Echocardiography System (OMES) has been developed as a process that builds moving information from a sequence of echocardiography image frames. OMES detects cardiac movement through construction and analysis of Position-Time Grey Waveform (PTGW) images on some feature points of the boundaries of the ventricles. Image edge detection plays an important role in determining the feature boundary points and their moving directions as the basis for extraction of PTGW images-Spiral Architecture (SA) has proved efficient for image edge detection. SA is a hexagonal image structure in which an image is represented as a collection of hexagonal pixels. There are two operations called spiral addition and spiral multiplication defined on SA. They correspond to image translation and rotation, respectively. In this paper, we perform ventricle boundary detection based on SA using various defined chain codes. The gradient direction of each boundary point is determined at the same time. PTGW images at each boundary point are obtained through a series of spiral additions according to the directions of boundary points. Unlike the OMES system, our new approach is no longer affected by the translation movement of the heart. As its result, three curves representing the amplitude, speed and acceleration of cardiac movement can be easily drawn from the PTGW images obtained. Our approach is more efficient and accurate than OMES, and our results contain a more robust and complete description of cardiac motion. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heilbronn, LK, de Jonge, L, Frisard, MI, DeLany, JP, Larson-Meyer, DE, Rood, J, Nguyen, T, Martin, CK, Volaufova, J, Most, MM, Greenway, FL, Smith, SR, Deutsch, WA, Williamson, DA, Ravussin, E & Pennington CALERIE Team, FT 2006, 'Effect of 6-Month Calorie Restriction on Biomarkers of Longevity, Metabolic Adaptation, and Oxidative Stress in Overweight Individuals', JAMA, vol. 295, no. 13, pp. 1539-1539.
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Hohn, N & Veitch, D 2006, 'Inverting sampled traffic', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 68-80.
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Routers have the ability to output statistics about packets and flows of packets that traverse them. Since, however, the generation of detailed traffic statistics does not scale well with link speed, increasingly routers and measurement boxes implement sampling strategies at the packet level. In this paper, we study both theoretically and practically what information about the original traffic can be inferred when sampling, or "thinning", is performed at the packet level. While basic packet level characteristics such as first order statistics can be fairly directly recovered, other aspects require more attention. We focus mainly on the spectral density, a second-order statistic, and the distribution of the number of packets per flow, showing how both can be exactly recovered, in theory. We then show in detail why in practice this cannot be done using the traditional packet based sampling, even for high sampling rate. We introduce an alternative flow-based thinning, where practical inversion is possible even at arbitrarily low sampling rate. We also investigate the theory and practice of fitting the parameters of a Poisson cluster process, modeling the full packet traffic, from sampled data. © 2006 IEEE.
Huang, W, Fityus, S, Bishop, D, Smith, D & Sheng, D 2006, 'Finite-Element Parametric Study of the Consolidation Behavior of a Trial Embankment on Soft Clay', International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 328-341.
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The paper presents a case study for numerical analysis of the consolidation behavior of an instrumented trial embankment constructed on a soft soil foundation. Details are given to the geological profile, field instrumentation, laboratory test results, and determination of soil parameters for numerical modeling. Embankment settlement is estimated based on one-dimensional consolidation analysis and nonlinear finite-element analysis following Biot's consolidation theory. Finite-element results are calibrated against the measured field data for a period of more than 3years. Development and dissipation of excess pore pressure, long-term settlement, and horizontal displacement are predicted and discussed in light of sensitivity of embankment performance to some critical factors through a parametric study. © 2006 ASCE.
Huang, X & Li, Y 2006, 'Performance of Impulse-Train-Modulated Ultra-Wideband Systems', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 1933-1936.
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Huang, ZG, Guo, ZP, Calka, A, Wexler, D, Lukey, C & Liu, HK 2006, 'Effects of iron oxide (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) on hydrogen storage properties of Mg-based composites', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 422, no. 1-2, pp. 299-304.
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Huang, ZG, Guo, ZP, Wexler, D, Konstantinov, K & Liu, HK 2006, 'Thermal stability and hydrogen storage property of Mg1.9Cu0.1Nix (x=1.8, 1.9, 2.0 and 2.1) alloys', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 426, no. 1-2, pp. 335-340.
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Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK & Dillon, TS 2006, 'A methodology for Risk measurement in e-transactions', COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 17-31.
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Risk is present in almost every activity. Alternately speaking, almost every activity may have some undesired outcomes which the person doing the activity hopes that they do not occur when it undertakes that particular activity. The quantification of tho
Hutvagner, G 2006, 'Biography of Dr Gyorgy Hutvagner', Oncogene, vol. 25, no. 46, pp. 6153-6153.
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Hutvagner, G 2006, 'MicroRNAs and cancer: issue summary', Oncogene, vol. 25, no. 46, pp. 6154-6155.
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Iacopi, F, Travaly, Y, Eyckens, B, Waldfried, C, Abell, T, Guyer, EP, Gage, DM, Dauskardt, RH, Sajavaara, T, Houthoofd, K, Grobet, P, Jacobs, P & Maex, K 2006, 'Short-ranged structural rearrangement and enhancement of mechanical properties of organosilicate glasses induced by ultraviolet radiation', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 99, no. 5.
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Iacopi, F, Travaly, Y, Van Hove, M, Jonas, AM, Molina-Aldareguia, JM, Elizalde, MR & Ocana, I 2006, 'Extent of plasma damage to porous organosilicate films characterized with nanoindentation, x-ray reflectivity, and surface acoustic waves', JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 3161-3167.
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Indraratna, B & Raut, AK 2006, 'Enhanced Criterion for Base Soil Retention in Embankment Dam Filters', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 132, no. 12, pp. 1621-1627.
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Indraratna, B, Fatahi, B & Khabbaz, H 2006, 'Numerical analysis of matric suction effects of tree roots', PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 77-90.
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The use of native vegetation in the coastal regions of Australia has become increasingly popular for stabilising railway corridors built over expansive clays and compressive soft soils. The tree roots provide three stabilising functions: (a) they reinforce the soil; (b) they dissipate excess pore pressures; and (c) they establish sufficient matric suction to increase the shear strength. The matric suction generated within the tree root zone propagates radially into the soil matrix, as a function of the moisture content change. Considering soil conditions, the type of vegetation and atmospheric conditions, a mathematical model for the rate of root water uptake is developed. A conical shape is considered to represent the geometry of the tree root zone. Based on this model for the rate of root water uptake, the pore water pressure distribution and the movement of the ground adjacent to the tree are numerically analysed. Field measurements taken from the previously published literature are compared with the authors' numerical predictions. It is found that, given the approximation of the assumed model parameters, the agreement between the predicted results and field data is still promising. The study indicates that native vegetation improves the shear strength of the soil by increasing the matric suction, and also curtails soil movements.
Indraratna, B, Golab, AN & Banasiak, LJ 2006, 'Installation of a lime injection barrier for the remediation of acid sulphate soil problems', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 391-401.
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Oxidation of naturally occurring pyrite (FeS 2 ) in certain low-lying clayey soils generates sulphuric acid, hence the term acid sulphate soils. A horizontal alkaline barrier was installed by radial grouting, for the purpose of remediating leachate from acid sulphate soils and preventing further oxidation. The current research relates to a large-scale field trial of this technique and the effect on the groundwater composition. In coastal Australia, a pyritic layer commonly exists in the soil at shallow depth that is at risk of oxidation, hence the main objective was to inject the barrier above the pyritic layer to (1) stop infiltration of oxygen to the pyritic layer and (2) neutralize any acidity stored in the soil. Two fine-grained alkaline materials, lime and fly ash, were assessed in this study. Lime was selected for its neutralizing capacity, and the fly ash was selected to accompany the lime to enhance the pozzolanic reactions. The optimum mix ratio of lime, fly ash and water to form an ideal slurry and the optimum depth and pressure of injection were experimentally determined. For the large-scale field trial, the slurry was injected into a systematic grid of 22 holes to form the reactive barrier. The groundwater composition was monitored in a network of observation holes across the study site to determine the effectiveness of the barrier. The average groundwater pH was 3.25 prior to installation of the barrier, and it rose to 4.6 after the barrier was installed. The influence of the barrier on the groundwater pH was greater in observation holes close to the barrier than in those further away. The concentrations of aluminium and iron decreased in the groundwater after the installation of the alkaline barrier. The ratio of Cl/SO 4 in the groundwater increased after the barrier was installed, which confirmed that the barrier had successfully...
Indraratna, B, Khabbaz, H, Salim, W & Christie, D 2006, 'Geotechnical Properties of Ballast and the Role of Geosynthetics', Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Ground..., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 91-102.
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The ballast and its engineering behaviour have a key role in governing the stability and performance of railway tracks. The deformation and degradation behaviour of ballast under static and dynamic loads was studied based on large-scale triaxial testing. The possible use of different types of geosynthetics to improve the performance of fresh and recycled ballast was also investigated. The research findings showed that the inclusion of geosynthetics improves the performance of ballasted tracks.
Indraratna, B, Khabbaz, H, Salim, W & Christie, D 2006, 'Geotechnical properties of ballast and the role of geosynthetics in rail track stabilisation', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 91-101.
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The ballast and its engineering behaviour have a key role in governing the stability and performance of railway tracks. The deformation and degradation behaviour of ballast under static and dynamic loads was studied based on large-scale triaxial testing. The possible use of different types of geosynthetics to improve the performance of fresh and recycled ballast was also investigated. The research findings showed that the inclusion of geosynthetics improves the performance of ballasted tracks.Le ballast et son comportement mécanique ont une influence importante sur la stabilité et la performance des voies ferrées. Nous avons étudié le comportement de détérioration et de déformation du ballast sous charge statiques et dynamiques en nous basant sur des essais triaxiaux à grande échelle. Nous avons également étudié la possibilité d'utiliser divers types de géosynthétiques pour améliorer la performance du ballast neuf et recyclé. Les résultats de cette recherche ont montré que l'adjonction de géosynthétiques améliorait la performance des voies ballastées.
Indraratna, B, Rujikiatkamjorn, C & Sathananthan, I 2006, 'Reply to the discussion by T.A. Tran and T. Mitachi on 'Analytical and numerical solutions for a single vertical drain including the effects of vacuum preloading'', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 1404-1405.
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Janapsatya, J, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 2006, 'Compact wideband dielectric-resonator-on-patch antenna', Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 19, pp. 1071-1071.
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Jang, N, Shon, H, Ren, X, Vigneswaran, S & Kim, IS 2006, 'Characteristics of bio-foulants in the membrane bioreactor', DESALINATION, vol. 200, no. 1-3, pp. 201-202.
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Ji, ZF, Feng, Y, Duan, RY & Ying, MS 2006, 'Boundary effect of deterministic dense coding', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 1-3.
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We present a rigorous proof of an interesting boundary effect of deterministic dense coding first observed by S. Mozes, J. Oppenheim, and B. Reznik [Phys. Rev. A 71, 012311 (2005)]. Namely, it is shown that d2 -1 cannot be the maximal alphabet size of any isometric deterministic dense coding schemes utilizing d -level partial entanglement. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Ji, ZF, Feng, Y, Duan, RY & Ying, MS 2006, 'Identification and distance measures of measurement apparatus', PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 96, no. 20, pp. 1-4.
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We propose simple schemes that can perfectly identify projective measurement apparatuses secretly chosen from a finite set. Entanglement is used in these schemes both to make possible the perfect identification and to improve the efficiency significantly. Based on these results, a brief discussion on the problem of how to appropriately define distance measures of measurements is also provided. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Jia, Z, Fu, Q & Huang, J 2006, 'Synthesis of Amphiphilic Macrocyclic Graft Copolymer Consisting of a Poly(ethylene oxide) Ring and Multi-Polystyrene Lateral Chains', Macromolecules, vol. 39, no. 16, pp. 5190-5193.
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Jia, Z, Fu, Q & Huang, J 2006, 'Synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide) with pending 2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidine‐1‐oxyl groups and its further initiation of the grafting polymerization of styrene', Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 3836-3842.
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AbstractA new stratagem for the synthesis of amphiphilic graft copolymers of hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) as the main chain and hydrophobic polystyrene as the side chains is suggested. A poly(ethylene oxide) with pending 2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidine‐1‐oxyls [poly(4‐glycidyloxy‐2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidine‐1‐oxyl‐co‐ethylene oxide)] was first prepared by the anionic ring‐opening copolymerization of ethylene oxide and 4‐glycidyloxy‐2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidine‐1‐oxyl, and then the graft copolymerization of styrene was completed with benzoyl peroxide as the initiator in the presence of poly(4‐glycidyloxy‐2,2,6,6‐tetramethylpiperidine‐1‐oxyl‐co‐ethylene oxide). The polymerization of styrene was under control, and comblike, amphiphilic poly(ethylene oxide)‐g‐polystyrene was obtained. The copolymer and its intermediates were characterized with size exclusion chromatography, 1H NMR, and electron spin resonance in detail. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 44: 3836–3842, 2006
Jia, Z, Xu, X, Fu, Q & Huang, J 2006, 'Synthesis and self‐assembly morphologies of amphiphilic multiblock copolymers [poly(ethylene oxide)‐b‐polystyrene]n via trithiocarbonate‐embedded PEO macro‐RAFT agent', Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 6071-6082.
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AbstractAn amphiphilic multiblock copolymer [poly(ethylene oxide)‐b‐polystyrene]n [(PEO‐b‐PS)n] is synthesized by using trithiocarbonate‐embedded PEO as macro‐RAFT agent. PEO with four inserted trithiocarbonate (Mn = 9200 and Mw/Mn = 1.62) groups is prepared first by condensation of α, ω‐dihydroxyl poly(ethylene oxide) with S, S′‐Bis(α, α′‐dimethyl‐α″‐acetic acid)‐trithiocarbonate (BDATC) in the presence of pyridine, then a series of goal copolymers with different St units (varied from 25 to 218 per segment) are obtained by reversible addition‐fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. The synthesis process is monitored by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), 1H NMR and FT‐IR. The self‐assembled morphologies of the copolymers are strongly dependent of the length of PS block chains when the chain length of PEO is fixed, some new morphologies as large leaf‐like aggregates (LLAs), large octopus‐like aggregates (LOAs), and coarse‐grain like micelles (CGMs) are observed besides some familiar aggregates as large compound vesicles (LCVs), lamellae and rods, and the effect of water content on the morphologies is also discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 44: 6071–6082, 2006
Jiang, ZY, Tieu, AK, Sun, WH, Tang, JN & Wei, DB 2006, 'Characterisation of thin oxide scale and its surface roughness in hot metal rolling', Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 435-436, no. NA, pp. 434-438.
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The deformation of the thin oxide scale formed in hot metal rolling and its surface roughness characterisation are very important for the quality of the finished product. Finite element (FE) simulation of the thin oxide scale deformation and surface roughness transfer has been carried out. The authors focus on the surface asperity deformation of the thin oxide scale and strip. Surface characterisation and the mechanics of the thin oxide scale deformation are obtained from the FE simulation and experimental measurements. Simulation results are close to the measured values. The forming features of surface roughness transfer during hot metal rolling with lubrication are also discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jung, MY, Kim, CS, Tijing, LD, Pak, BC & Cho, YI 2006, 'A study of the onset of biofouling using quartz crystal nanobalance', International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 7-13.
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JUPP, J & GERO, JS 2006, 'Visual style: Qualitative and context-dependent categorization', Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 247-266.
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Style is an ordering principle by which to structure artifacts in a design domain. The application of a visual order entails some explicit grouping property that is both cognitively plausible and contextually dependent. Central to cognitive–contextual notions are the type of representation used in analysis and the flexibility to allow semantic interpretation. We present a model of visual style based on the concept of similarity as a qualitative context-dependent categorization. The two core components of the model are semantic feature extraction and self-organizing maps (SOMs). The model proposes a method of categorizing two-dimensional unannotated design diagrams using both low-level geometric and high-level semantic features that are automatically derived from the pictorial content of the design. The operation of the initial model, called Q-SOM, is then extended to include relevance feedback (Q-SOM:RF). The extended model can be seen as a series of sequential processing stages, in which qualitative encoding and feature extraction are followed by iterative recategorization. Categorization is achieved using an unsupervised SOM, and contextual dependencies are integrated via cluster relevance determined by the observer's feedback. The following stages are presented: initial per feature detection and extraction, selection of feature sets corresponding to different spatial ontologies, unsupervised categorization of design diagrams based on appropriate feature subsets, and integration of design context via relevance feedback. From our experiments we compare different outcomes from consecutive stages of the model. The results show that the model provides a cognitively plausible and context-dependent method for characterizing visual style in design.
Jupp, JR & Gero, JS 2006, 'A qualitative feature-based characterization of 2D architectural style', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 1537-1550.
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Architectural plans are design diagrams that describe building layout where space is planned according to design requirements. Style in architecture is generally characterized as common features appearing in a particular class of building design. This research seeks to address how to recognize architectural design style from a 2D plan diagram. We explore this question in a computational encoder-analyzer (E-A) model for 2D plans, where a characterization of 2D style is based on qualitative spatial representation and information theoretic measures. In a preliminary study of a prominent architect's plans, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. We conclude by discussing practical applications of automated plan recognition and classification in design support tools.
Kaiser, T, Oppermann, I & Porcino, D 2006, 'Wireless Location Technologies and Applications', EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2006, no. 1.
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Kanel, SR, Choi, H, Kim, J-Y, Vigneswaran, S & Shim, WG 2006, 'Removal of Arsenic(III) from Groundwater using Low-Cost Industrial By-products-Blast Furnace Slag', Water Quality Research Journal, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 130-139.
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Abstract Blast furnace slag (BFS), a steel industrial by-product, was tested for the removal of As(III), which is a highly toxic, mobile and predominant species in anoxic groundwater. Batch adsorption experiments were performed to determine the feasibility of BFS as an adsorbent for removing As(III) from groundwater as As(III) concentration and the pH of water were varied. The maximum As(III) adsorption capacity by BFS was 1.40 mg As(III)/g of BFS at 1 mg/L As(III) initial concentration, at 25°C, which was calculated using the Langmuir isotherm. The homogeneous surface diffusion model (HSDM) was successfully applied to predict the sorptive removal of As(III) onto the BFS. Kinetic studies indicated that the film diffusion as well as surface diffusion of As in the BFS was involved. It was found that the film diffusion coefficient (kf) was 5.27 × 10-5 to 4.06 × 10-6 m/s and surface diffusion coefficient (Ds) was 2.31 × 10-14 to 7.13 × 10-14 m2/s for the initial As(III) concentrations of 0.1 to 100 mg/L. Oxidation of As(III) to As(V) and its adsorption/precipitation onto BFS is involved during the As(III) removal mechanism. It was also found that H4SiO40, PO43-, NO3-, SO42- and HCO3- are potential interferences in the As(III) adsorption reaction. Results suggest that 99.9% As(III) at 1 mg/L can be removed by 10 g/L BFS, which can be used as a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) material to remove As(III) from groundwater. Details of As(III) adsorption and coprecipitation systems and interferences of As(III) molecular interactions were also studied.
Kau, L-J, Lin, Y-P & Lin, C-T 2006, 'Lossless image coding using adaptive, switching algorithm with automatic fuzzy context modelling', IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, vol. 153, no. 5, pp. 684-684.
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Kay, R & Dyson, L 2006, 'Learning to Collaborate and Collaborating to Learn: An Experiential Approach to Teaching Collaborative Systems', Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 36-44.
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This paper describes the use of experiential learning theory in the development of an undergraduate subject in collaborative systems. The purpose of the subject was to introduce students to the design, development and use of collaborative systems in organizational environments. Early in the subject’s development it was decided that in order for students to gain a deeper understanding of the issues involved in the development of collaborative systems, they should collaborate using an e-learning system so that they could experience these problems first hand. The paper provides an overview of the subject structure, the views of students with regard to the learning approach and some of the outcomes that were observed. The findings revealed that the experiential approach was successful in providing students with a good understanding of the issues associated with the design and use of collaborative systems. However, while many achieved deeper learning outcomes than would normally be provided by a traditional didactic approach, there were students who failed to achieve the desired learning levels. The findings not only provide support for Perry’s model of intellectual development and the value of setting unstructured problems, but also demonstrate the need for structure in early experiential events to which students are exposed.
Kazienko, P & Musiał, K 2006, 'Recommendation Framework for Online Social Networks', ADVANCES IN WEB INTELLIGENCE AND DATA MINING, vol. 23, pp. 111-120.
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Kecskeméthy, A, Waldron, K, Parenti-Castelli, V & Ceccarelli, M 2006, 'Mechanism and Machine Theory: Editorial', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-1.
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Kegen Yu & Oppermann, I 2006, 'Performance of decorrelating receivers in multipath Rician fading channels', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 2009-2016.
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This letter focuses on the performance analysis of the decorrelating receiver in multipath Rician faded CDMA channels. M-ary QAM scheme is employed to improve the spectral efficiency. Approximate expressions are first derived for the two performance indexes: the average symbol error rate (SER) and the average bit error rate (BER) when the decorrelating-first receiver perfectly knows the channel information of the user of interest. To achieve desirable closed-form expressions of the SER and the BER, we exploit results in large system analysis and make assumptions of a high signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and/or a small Rician K-factor. To measure the receiver performance in the practical scenario, we further derive expressions to approximate the average SER and BER of the decorrelating-first scheme with channel uncertainty. Simulation results demonstrate that the analytical results can also be employed to evaluate the performance of the combining-first receiver. © 2006 IEEE.
Khirani, S, Smith, PJ, Manero, M-H, Ben Aim, R & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Effect of periodic backwash in the submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) for wastewater treatment', DESALINATION, vol. 191, no. 1-3, pp. 27-34.
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The submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) is an attractive solution in treating wastewater; however it faces membrane fouling although to a less extent. In this study, different adsorbents and resins were investigated in order to find a sub
Kiani, GI, Weily, AR & Esselle, KP 2006, 'A novel absorb/transmit FSS for secure indoor wireless networks with reduced multipath fading', IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 378-380.
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Kim, J, Ong, LLS, Nettleton, E & Sukkarieh, S 2006, 'Decentralised approach to UAV navigation: without the use of GPS and preloaded maps', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, vol. 218, pp. 399-416.
King, CA, Knox, MS, Henninger, N, Nguyen, TA, Ghaziuddin, N, Maker, A & Hanna, GL 2006, 'Major depressive disorder in adolescents: Family psychiatric history predicts severe behavioral disinhibition', Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 90, no. 2-3, pp. 111-121.
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Kirchner, N, Paul, G, Liu, DK & PRESS, WUT 2006, 'Bridge maintenance robotic arm: Mechanical technique to reduce the nozzle force of a sandblastine rig', 1st International Symposium on Digital Manufacture, Vols 1-3, vol. 28, no. 164, pp. 12-18.
Knochel, RH, Oppermann, J & Wittneben, A 2006, 'Guest Editorial', IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1633-1636.
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Kodagoda, KRS, Wijesoma, WS & Balasuriya, AP 2006, 'CuTE: curb tracking and estimation', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 951-957.
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The number of road accident related fatalities and damages are reduced substantially by improving road infrastructure and enacting and imposing laws. Further reduction is possible through embedding intelligence onto the vehicles for safe decision making. Road boundary information plays a major role in developing such intelligent vehicles. A prominent feature of roads in urban, semi-urban, and similar environments, is curbs on either side defining the road's boundary. In this brief, a novel methodology of tracking curbs is proposed. The problem of tracking a curb from a moving vehicle is formulated as tracking of a maneuvering target in clutter from a mobile platform using onboard sensors. A curb segment is presumed to be the maneuvering target, and is modeled as a nonlinear Markov switching process. The target's (curb's) orientation and location measurements are simultaneously obtained using a two-dimensional (2-D) scanning laser radar (LADAR) and a charge-coupled device (CCD) monocular camera, and are modeled as traditional base state observations. Camera images are also used to estimate the target's mode, which is modeled as a discrete-time point process. An effective curb tracking algorithm, known as Curb Tracking and Estimation (CuTE) using multiple modal sensor information is, thus, synthesized in an image enhanced interactive multiple model filtering framework. The use and fusion of camera vision and LADAR within this frame provide for efficient, effective, and robust tracking of curbs. Extensive experiments conducted in a campus road network demonstrate the viability, effectiveness, and robustness of the proposed method. © 2006 IEEE.
Kutay, C & Lister, R 2006, 'Up close and pedagogical: Computing academics talk about teaching', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 125-134.
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This paper describes and enacts a process for bootstrapping a more systematic discussion of computing education within a school of computing at a researchintensive Australasian university. Thus far, the project has gone through three stages. In the first stage, some academics were interviewed about their approach to teaching. In the second stage, selected anonymous quotes from the interviews were presented and discussed by other interested members of the school at workshops. In the final stage, selected anonymous quotes from the interviews and workshops were placed on a web-based survey, to which interested members of the school responded. These forms of data will be used to drive further stages of debate within the school. The theoretical underpinnings of this project are Wenger's concept of a community of practice, phenomenography, and socially constructivism. The aim is not to instruct the academics in any 'right way' to teach. Instead, the aim is to facilitate debate, where the teachers identify the problems, and in finding the solutions they construct their own 'pedagogic reality'. As facilitators of this process, the authors of this paper highlighted dialectically opposed views in quotes from the teachers, and then allow the teachers to synthesise those views into a more sophisticated view. Our ultimate project aim is to grow a teaching community that balances reified theories of teaching and learning with participation in a community of practice. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Kwok, NM, Liu, DK & Dissanayake, G 2006, 'Evolutionary computing based mobile robot localization', ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 857-868.
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Evolutionary computing techniques, including genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and ants system (AS) are applied to the localization problem of a mobile robot. Salient features of robot localization are that the system is partially dynamic and information for fitness evaluation is incomplete and corrupted by noise. In this research, variations to the above three evolutionary computing techniques are proposed to tackle the specific dynamic and noisy system. Their performances are compared based on simulation and experiment results and the feasibility of the proposed approach to mobile robot localization is demonstrated.
LE, H, HOANG, D & SIMMONDS, A 2006, 'PARM: A PHYSICALLY-AWARE REFERENCE MODEL FOR PEER-TO-PEER OVERLAY INTERNETWORKING', Journal of Interconnection Networks, vol. 07, no. 04, pp. 451-474.
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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies developed rapidly in different directions with various applications and routing mechanisms. Each of them deals with a particular task, and/or provides a specific service. They were developed separately without a unified architecture taking into account all the performance factors of a P2P system. This makes the P2P systems incomplete and their performances far from optimal. This trend also restricts the interoperability amongst the systems because of the lack of standardization in functional architectures of the P2P systems. As a result, tangible benefits for Internet users are limited because the edge-Internet resources are not sharable amongst the systems. Inspired by TCP/IP model, this paper introduces PARM: a Physically-Aware Reference Model for Overlay Internetworking, which is an open reference structure for designing better performance P2P systems. PARM divides major functional P2P system tasks into layers so that they can be tackled individually and efficiently. A Peer Name Service was developed to evaluate the model. The service interprets peer names into their current locations. Simulation results indicate that PARM helps to produce excellent performance overlays. The overlays can achieve desirable features such as decentralization, self-organization, scalability, low overhead and minimal delay penalty.
Lee, GJ, Tijing, LD, Pak, BC, Baek, BJ & Cho, YI 2006, 'Use of catalytic materials for the mitigation of mineral fouling', International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 14-23.
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Lee, MJW & Chan, A 2006, 'Exploring the potential of podcasting to deliver mobile ubiquitous learning in higher education', Journal of Computing in Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 94-115.
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This paper addresses one of the main barriers to the widespread adoption of mobile learning in higher education, that of cost. Usage charges billed by telecommunications providers and the cost of mobile hardware are identified as the key cost issues. However, opportunities to overcome this barrier include the high rate of ownership of mobile phones by university students and technological solutions such as packet transmission technologies. The authors describe two experiments in low-cost mobile learning: one that uses packet technology (mobile WAP/WML) to build low-cost interactivity in the classroom and the second that involves mobile-supported fieldwork using several cost-saving strategies
Lee, S & Pradhan, B 2006, 'Probabilistic landslide hazards and risk mapping on Penang Island, Malaysia', Journal of Earth System Science, vol. 115, no. 6, pp. 661-672.
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Leung, C, Huang, S, Kwok, N & Dissanayake, G 2006, 'Planning under uncertainty using model predictive control for information gathering', Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 898-910.
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This paper considers trajectory planning problems for autonomous robots in information gathering tasks. The objective of the planning is to maximize the information gathered within a finite time horizon. It is assumed that either the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or the Extended Information Filter (EIF) is applied to estimate the features of interest and the information gathered is expressed by the covariance matrix or information matrix. It is shown that the planning process can be formulated as an optimal control problem for a nonlinear control system with a gradually identified model. This naturally leads to the Model Predictive Control (MPC) planning strategy, which uses the updated knowledge about the model to solve a finite horizon optimal control problem at each time step and only executes the first control action. The proposed MPC framework is demonstrated through solutions to two challenging information gathering tasks: (1) Simultaneous planning, localization, and map building (SPLAM) and (2) Multi-robot Geolocation. It is shown that MPC can effectively deal with dynamic constraints, multiple robots/features and a range of objective functions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Li, C & Dai, W 2006, 'The Application of Grey Relation Close Degree Model in the Fault Diagnosis', Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 614-619.
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In this paper, the dynamics of a system of two van der Pol oscillators with delayed position and velocity coupling is studied by the method of averaging together with truncation of Taylor expansions. According to the slow-flow equations, the dynamics of 1:1 internal resonance is more complex than that of non-1:1 internal resonance. For 1:1 internal resonance, the stability and the number of periodic solutions vary with different time delay for given coupling coefficients. The condition necessary for saddle-node and Hopf bifurcations for symmetric modes, namely in-phase and out-of-phase modes, are determined. The numerical results, obtained from direct integration of the original equation, are found to be in good agreement with analytical predictions. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Li, F, Vipulanandan, C, Zhou, YX & Salama, K 2006, 'Nanoscale Y2BaCuO5particles for producing melt-textured YBCO large grains', Superconductor Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 589-595.
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Formalization of topological relations between spatial objects is an important aspect of spatial representation and reasoning. The well-known 9-Intersection Method (9IM) was previously used to characterize topological relations between simple regions, i.e. regions with connected boundary and exterior. This simplified abstraction of spatial objects as simple regions cannot model the variety and complexity of spatial objects. For example, countries like Italy may contain islands and holes. It is necessary that existing formalisms, 9IM in particular, cover this variety and complexity. This paper generalizes 9IM to cope with general regions, where a (general) region is a non-empty proper regular closed subset of the Euclidean plane. We give a complete classification of topological relations between plane regions. For each possible relation we either show that it violates some topological constraints and hence is non-realizable or find two plane regions it relates. Altogether 43 (out of 512) relations are identified as realizable. Among these, five can be realized only between exotic (plane) regions, where a region is exotic if there is another region that has the same boundary but is not its complement. For all the remaining 38 relations, we construct configurations by using sums, differences and complements of discs. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Li, H, Li, J & Wong, L 2006, 'Discovering motif pairs at interaction sites from protein sequences on a proteome-wide scale', Bioinformatics, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 989-996.
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Abstract Motivation: Protein–protein interaction, mediated by protein interaction sites, is intrinsic to many functional processes in the cell. In this paper, we propose a novel method to discover patterns in protein interaction sites. We observed from protein interaction networks that there exist a kind of significant substructures called interacting protein group pairs, which exhibit an all-versus-all interaction between the two protein-sets in such a pair. The full-interaction between the pair indicates a common interaction mechanism shared by the proteins in the pair, which can be referred as an interaction type. Motif pairs at the interaction sites of the protein group pairs can be used to represent such interaction type, with each motif derived from the sequences of a protein group by standard motif discovery algorithms. The systematic discovery of all pairs of interacting protein groups from large protein interaction networks is a computationally challenging problem. By a careful and sophisticated problem transformation, the problem is solved using efficient algorithms for mining frequent patterns, a problem extensively studied in data mining. Results: We found 5349 pairs of interacting protein groups from a yeast interaction dataset. The expected value of sequence identity within the groups is only 7.48%, indicating non-homology within these protein groups. We derived 5343 motif pairs from these group pairs, represented in the form of blocks. Comparing our motifs with domains in the BLOCKS and PRINTS databases, we found that our blocks could be mapped to an average of 3.08 correlated blocks in these two databases. The mapped blocks occur 4221 out of total 6794 domains (protein groups) in these two databases. Comparing our motif pairs with iPfam consisting of 3045 interacting domain pairs derived from PDB, we found 47 matches occurring in 105 distinct PDB complexes. C...
Li, J & Hao, P-W 2006, 'Smooth interpolation on homogeneous matrix groups for computer animation', Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1168-1177.
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Li, S 2006, 'A complete classification of topological relations using the 9‐intersection method', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 589-610.
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Formalization of topological relations between spatial objects is an important aspect of spatial representation and reasoning. The well-known 9-Intersection Method (9IM) was previously used to characterize topological relations between simple regions, i.e. regions with connected boundary and exterior. This simplified abstraction of spatial objects as simple regions cannot model the variety and complexity of spatial objects. For example, countries like Italy may contain islands and holes. It is necessary that existing formalisms, 9IM in particular, cover this variety and complexity. This paper generalizes 9IM to cope with general regions, where a (general) region is a non-empty proper regular closed subset of the Euclidean plane. We give a complete classification of topological relations between plane regions. For each possible relation we either show that it violates some topological constraints and hence is non-realizable or find two plane regions it relates. Altogether 43 (out of 512) relations are identified as realizable. Among these, five can be realized only between exotic (plane) regions, where a region is exotic if there is another region that has the same boundary but is not its complement. For all the remaining 38 relations, we construct configurations by using sums, differences and complements of discs.
Li, S 2006, 'On Topological Consistency and Realization', Constraints, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 31-51.
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Topological relations are important in various tasks of spatial reasoning, scene description and object recognition. The RCC8 spatial constraint language developed by Randell, Cui and Cohn (1992) is widely recognized as of particular importance in both t
Li, S & Li, Y 2006, 'On the complemented disk algebra', The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 195-211.
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The importance of relational methods in temporal and spatial reasoning has been widely recognised in the last two decades. A quite large part of contemporary spatial reasoning is concerned with the research of relation algebras generated by the
Li, S & Wang, H 2006, 'RCC8 binary constraint network can be consistently extended', Artificial Intelligence, vol. 170, no. 1, pp. 1-18.
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The RCC8 constraint language developed by Randell et al. has been popularly adopted by the Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and GIS communities. The recent observation that RCC8 composition table describes only weak composition instead of composition raises questions about Renz and Nebel's maximality results about the computational complexity of reasoning with RCC8. This paper shows that any consistent RCC8 binary constraint network (RCC8 network for short) can be consistently extended. Given ?, an RCC8 network, and z, a fresh variable, suppose xTyset membership, variant? and T is contained in the weak composition of R and S. This means that we can add two new constraints xRz and zSy to ? without changing the consistency of the network. The result guarantees the applicability to RCC8 of one key technique, (Theorem 5) of [J. Renz, B. Nebel, On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the Region Connection Calculus. Artificial Intelligence 108 (1999) 69123], which allows the transfer of tractability of a set of RCC8 relations to its closure under composition, intersection, and converse.
Li, YC, Wang, J & Qian, LF 2006, 'Magnetorheological technology and its latent applications to military field', Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 68-73.
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The constitutions, characters, and late progress of the magnetorheological(MR) fluid were introduced. The applications of MR technology to military field were summarized. They are applications to military guard equipment, weapon buffer device, helicopter, military vehicle and fuze. The technology of applications was explained. The prospect of applications of MR technology to military field was recounted. The main factors that restrict the applications to military field include performance of MR fluid, the innovative structural design of MR device, control technology of MR device and system.
Li, YC, Wang, J & Qian, LF 2006, 'Nonlinear performance of MR damper under base excitation', Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 986-988.
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Magnetorheological damper is a typical nonlinear device; it has the characters such as nonlinearity, time-delaying and uncertainty. Nonlinearity of MR damper is of great influence on its behaviors. In this paper, the dynamic responses of nonlinear MR damper under base harmonic excitation is obtained; Characters of MR damper is analyzed using MATLAB software. It is shown that a multi-value performance appears in transmissibility when the damping ration is below 1. Some advices are suggested in design of MR damper.
Lin, C & C. L., C 2006, 'Using Fuzzy Inference and Cubic Curve to Detect and Compensate Backlight Image'.
Lin, CT 2006, 'ACM's 2006 general elections', Communications of the ACM, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 13-13.
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Lin, CT, Fan, KW, Yeh, CM, Pu, HC & Wu, FY 2006, 'High-accuracy skew estimation of document images', International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 119-126.
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This paper presents a new skew angle estimation algorithm for binary document images based on the FCRM (fuzzy c-regression models) clustering method with the aim to resolve the disadvantages of low accuracy and robustness of the existing approaches. This algorithm consists of four processes. The first process transfers the input image into parallel straight lines through image analysis. The second process uses the operating window selection to accelerate the executing time. The following process magnifies the image by fast interpolation to increase the accuracy of skew angle estimation. Finally, the FCRM method is applied to estimate the skew angle. A test set of 184 documents of different kinds is used to measure the performance of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed method has a high precision rate for different document types; it is able to accurately estimate the skew angles that range between -89° and +89°. © 2006 TFSA.
Lin, C-T, Ko, L-W, Chung, I-F, Huang, T-Y, Chen, Y-C, Jung, T-P & Liang, S-F 2006, 'Adaptive EEG-Based Alertness Estimation System by Using ICA-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 2469-2476.
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Lister, R 2006, 'Call me Ishmael', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 11-13.
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us ...[2].
Lister, R 2006, 'One room, four meetings', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 11-13.
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Over the last couple of years, I have attended regular meetings with a group of colleagues who share my interest in computer education. After two years, I've realized that my colleagues and I are all in the same room, at the same time, but there are four different meetings going on at once. Only one of the meetings is about education research. As an education researcher, I often find the other meetings frustrating, but I have also come to see that there are positives to all four types of meetings. Each meeting has its weaknesses, including the research meeting, and these respective weaknesses are ameliorated by the other meeting types.
Lister, R, Berglund, A, Clear, T, Bergin, J, Garvin-Doxas, K, Hanks, B, Hitchner, L, Luxton-Reilly, A, Sanders, K, Schulte, C & Whalley, JL 2006, 'Research perspectives on the objects-early debate', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 146-165.
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In March 2004, SIGCSE members contributed to a mailing list discussion on the question of whether programming should be taught objects first or imperative first. We analyse that discussion, exploring how the CS community debates the issue and whether contributors' positions are supported by the research literature on novice programmers. We applied four distinct research methods to the discussion: cognitive science, rhetorical analysis in the critical tradition, phenomenography and biography. We identify the cognitive claims made in the email discussion and find there is not a consensus in the research literature as to whether the objects first approach or the imperative approach is harder to learn. From the rhetorical analysis, we find that the discussion was not so much a debate between OO-first versus imperative-first, but instead was more for and against OO-first. Our phenomenographic analysis identified and categorized the underlying complexity of the discussion. We also applied a biographical method to explore the extent to which the participants' views are shaped by their own prior experience. The paper concludes with some reflections upon paradigms, and the manner in which the CS discipline community defines itself.
Lister, R, Schulte, C, Whalley, JL, Berglund, A, Clear, T, Bergin, J, Garvin-Doxas, K, Hanks, B, Hitchner, L, Luxton-Reilly, A & Sanders, K 2006, 'Research perspectives on the objects-early debate', Working group reports on ITiCSE on Innovation and technology in computer science education - ITiCSE-WGR '06, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 146-146.
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Lister, R, Simon, B, Thompson, E, Whalley, JL & Prasad, C 2006, 'Not seeing the forest for the trees', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 118-122.
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This paper reports on the authors use of the SOLO taxonomy to describe differences in the way students and educators solve small code reading exercises. SOLO is a general educational taxonomy, and has not previously been applied to the study of how novice programmers manifest their understanding of code. Data was collected in the form of written and think-aloud responses from students (novices) and educators (experts), using exam questions. During analysis, the responses were mapped to the different levels of the SOLO taxonomy. From think-aloud responses, the authors found that educators tended to manifest a SOLO relational response on small reading problems, whereas students tended to manifest a multistructural response. These results are consistent with the literature on the psychology of programming, but the work in this paper extends on these findings by analyzing the design of exam questions.
Liu, A, Hall, WJ, Yu, KF & Wu, C 2006, 'Estimation following a group sequential test for distributions in the one-parameter exponential family', Statistica Sinica, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 165-181.
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We consider unbiased estimation following a group sequential test for distributions in a one-parameter exponential family. We show that, for an estimable parameter function, there exists uniquely an unbiased estimator depending on the sufficient statistic and based on the truncation-adaptation criterion (Liu and Hall (1999)); moreover, this estimator is identical to one based on the Rao-Blackwell method. When completeness fails, we show that the uniformly minimum-variance unbiased estimator may not exist or might possess undesirable performance. A Phase-II clinical trial application with exponentially distributed responses is included.
Liu, A, Schisterman, EF & Wu, C 2006, 'Multistage Evaluation of Measurement Error in a Reliability Study', Biometrics, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1190-1196.
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SummaryWe introduce sequential testing procedures for the planning and analysis of reliability studies to assess an exposure's measurement error. The designs allow repeated evaluation of reliability of the measurements and stop testing if early evidence shows the measurement error is within the level of tolerance. Methods are developed and critical values tabulated for a number of two‐stage designs. The methods are exemplified using an example evaluating the reliability of biomarkers associated with oxidative stress.
Liu, DK, Wu, X, Paul, G, Dissanayake, G & PRESS, WUT 2006, 'Case studies on an approach to multiple autonomous vehicle motion coordination', 1st International Symposium on Digital Manufacture, Vols 1-3, vol. 26, no. 164, pp. 26-31.
Liu, Q, Loganathan, P, Hedley, MJ & Skinner, MF 2006, 'Root processes influencing phosphorus availability in volcanic soils under young Pinus radiata plantations', CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1913-1920.
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Liu, S, Xu, M, Yi, H, Chia, L-T & Rajan, D 2006, 'Multimodal Semantic Analysis and Annotation for Basketball Video', EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2006, no. 1, pp. 1-13.
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This paper presents a new multiple-modality method for extracting semantic information from basketball video. The visual, motion, and audio information are extracted from video to first generate some low-level video segmentation and classification. Domain knowledge is further exploited for detecting interesting events in the basketball video. For video, both visual and motion prediction information are utilized for shot and scene boundary detection algorithm; this will be followed by scene classification. For audio, audio keysounds are sets of specific audio sounds related to semantic events and a classification method based on hidden Markov model (HMM) is used for audio keysound identification. Subsequently, by analyzing the multimodal information, the positions of potential semantic events, such as "foul" and "shot at the basket," are located with additional domain knowledge. Finally, a video annotation is generated according to MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes (MDSs). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Liu, Z, Shi, B & Sheng, D 2006, 'A Micropenetrometer for Detecting Structural Strength Inside Soft Soils', Geotechnical Testing Journal, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 443-450.
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Abstract A micropenetrometer is developed to measure structural strength inside soft soils. Different from the traditional detective technology for soil structure, the micropenetrometer is an intrusion technology to estimate the characteristics of soft soils. The work principle and main configuration of the micropenetrometer are introduced, followed by its calibration and some operation techniques. Finally, two application tests are carried out. Different soil textures such as sandy soil or clayey soil have different types of penetration curves. Through the end resistance variation, detailed description of the structural strength along penetration depth can be obtained. In addition, three-dimensional strength distribution on the vertical or transverse sections can be achieved from the penetration data evenly arranged on the grid nodes of the same surface through interpolation method. Such a technique is of significance for checking the effectiveness of soil improvement or monitoring the moisture movement in soil.
Lu, J, Ruan, D, Wu, F & Zhang, G 2006, 'An α-Fuzzy Goal Approximate Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problems', Soft Computing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 259-267.
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Lu, J, Shi, C & Zhang, G 2006, 'On bilevel multi-follower decision making: General framework and solutions', INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol. 176, no. 11, pp. 1607-1627.
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Within the framework of any bilevel decision problem, a leader's decision is influenced by the reaction of his or her follower. When multiple followers who may have had a share in decision variables, objectives and constraints are involved in a bilevel decision problem, the leader's decision will be affected, not only by the reactions of these followers, but also by the relationships among these followers. This paper firstly identifies nine different kinds of relationships (S1 to S9) amongst followers by establishing a general framework for bilevel multi-follower decision problems. For each of the nine a corresponding bilevel multi-follower decision model is then developed. Also, this paper particularly proposes related theories focusing on an uncooperative decision problem (i.e., S1 model), as this model is the most basic one for bilevel multi-follower decision problems over the nine kinds of relationships. Moreover, this paper extends the Kuhn-Tucker approach for driving an optimal solution from the uncooperative decision model. Finally, a real case study of a road network problem illustrates the application of the uncooperative bilevel decision model and the proposed extended Kuhn-Tucker approach. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Lu, J, Yang, X & Zhang, G 2006, 'Support vector machine based approach in situation assessment', DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS, vol. 13, no. B52, pp. 41-45.
Luo, Q & Tong, L 2006, 'A sequential linear least square algorithm for tracking dynamic shapes of smart structures', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 66-88.
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Luo, Q & Tong, L 2006, 'High precision shape control of plates using orthotropic piezoelectric actuators', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 1009-1020.
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Topological optimization technology of continuum structures is extended to compliant mechanism designs. A kind of explicit updating scheme of design variables is worked out based on variable density method and optimality criteria. A new multi-criteria formulation is proposed for optimal topology design of compliant mechanisms using artificial spring model and dummy load method, in which the mechanical efficiency of mechanism problems and stiffness of structure problems are both involved. Sensitivity analysis of objective function is performed by applying adjoint sensitivity analysis method. Numerical examples have been presented for demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The influences of some optimal parameters upon the resulting mechanisms are discussed and the reasonable value scopes have been suggested. Prototype manufacturing methodology is also employed to manufacture the typical compliant mechanism to prove the validation of the conceptual design.
Luo, Z, Chen, L-P, Yang, J & Zhang, Y-Q 2006, 'Multiple stiffness topology optimizations of continuum structures', The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 30, no. 3-4, pp. 203-214.
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This paper presents a new multi-objective topology optimization algorithm for continuum structures under multiple loading cases. An expert evaluation method of weights based on grey system theory is proposed to calculate the objective weights when the compromise programming approach is employed as a multi-objective optimization scheme converting the multi-objective problem to a single objective problem. A modified updating scheme with a self-adaptive move limit for design variables is also suggested, SIMP is regarded as density-stiffness interpolation scheme and the optimality criteria method is used as the optimizer. Numerical instabilities, such as checkerboards and mesh dependencies, are also discussed. The validities of these methods in this paper are demonstrated by some numerical applications.
Luo, Z, Chen, L-P, Yang, J, Zhang, Y-Q & Abdel-Malek, K 2006, 'Fuzzy tolerance multilevel approach for structural topology optimization', Computers & Structures, vol. 84, no. 3-4, pp. 127-140.
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This paper presents a novel methodology, fuzzy tolerance multilevel programming approach, for applying fuzzy set theory and sequence multilevel method to multi-objective topology optimization problems of continuum structures undergoing multiple loading cases. Ridge-type nonlinear membership functions in fuzzy set theory an. applied to embody fuzzy and uncertain characteristics essentially involved by the objective and constraint functions. Sequence multilevel method is used to characterize the different priorities of loading cases at different levels making contribution to the final optimum solution, which is practically beneficial to reduce the subjective influence transferred by using weighted approaches. The solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) is adopted as the density-stiffness interpolation scheme to relax the original optimization problem and indicate the dependence of material properties with element pseudo-densities. Sequential linear programming (SLP) is used as the optimizer to solve the multi-objective optimization problem formulated using fuzzy tolerance multilevel programming scheme. Numerical instabilities, such as checkerboards and mesh dependencies are summarized and a duplicate sensitivity filtering method, in favor of contributing to the mesh-dependent optimum designs, is subsequently proposed to regularize the singularity of the optimization problem. The validation of the methodologies presented in this work has been demonstrated by detailed examples of numerical applications
Luo, Z, Du, Y, Chen, L, Yang, J & Abdel-Malek, K 2006, 'Continuum topology optimization for monolithic compliant mechanisms of micro-actuators', Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 58-68.
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A multi-objective scheme for structural topology optimization of distributed compliant mechanisms of micro-actuators in MEMS condition is presented in this work, in which mechanical flexibility and structural stiffness are both considered as objective functions. The compliant micro-mechanism developed in this way can not only provide sufficient output work but also have sufficient rigidity to resist reaction forces and maintain its shape when holding the work-piece. A density filtering approach is also proposed to eliminate numerical instabilities such as checkerboards, mesh-dependency and one-node connected hinges occurring in resulting mechanisms. SIMP is used as the interpolation scheme to indicate the dependence of material modulus on element-regularized densities. The sequential convex programming method, such as the method of moving asymptotes (MMA), is used to solve the optimization problem. The validation of the presented methodologies is demonstrated by a typical numerical example.
Luo, Z, Yang, J & Chen, L 2006, 'A new procedure for aerodynamic missile designs using topological optimization approach of continuum structures', Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 364-373.
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This paper presents a multi-objective programming scheme for the conceptual design of aerodynamic missile's structure using topological optimization approaches, in which both the compliance and eigenfrequency are regarded as static and dynamic optimization objectives, respectively. During the conceptual design of the aerodynamic missile with multiple loadings, both the multilevel sequential programming approach and the compromising programming method are coupled together to settle the associated difficulties when the whole structure of the missile body is considered as a pre-defined design domain. The compromise programming method is first applied to describe the statically loaded multi-stiffness topology optimization, and the dynamic formulation is used to establish the subsequent optimization problem mainly concerned with free vibration. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is the flexibility of dealing with optimal topology designs for the whole structures of aerodynamic missiles with complicated loading cases. Solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) is used as the interpolation scheme to indicate the dependence of material modulus upon regularized element densities. The sequential convex programming approach is applied to solve the optimization problem. An engineering application is used to demonstrate the characteristics of the presented methodologies based on the commercial software package of Hyperworks.OptiStruct at Altair(R
Luo, Z, Yang, J, Chen, L-P, Zhang, Y-Q & Abdel-Malek, K 2006, 'A new hybrid fuzzy-goal programming scheme for multi-objective topological optimization of static and dynamic structures under multiple loading conditions', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 26-39.
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This work presents a hybrid fuzzy-goal multiobjective programming scheme for topological optimization of continuum structures, in which both static and dynamic loadings are considered. The proposed methodology for topological optimization first employs a fuzzy-goal programming scheme at the top level for multi-objective problems with static and dynamic objectives. For the static objective with multi-stiffness cases in the fuzzy-goal formulation, a hybrid approach, involving a hierarchical sequence approach or a hierarchical sequence approach coupled with a compromise programming method, is especially suggested for the statically loaded multi-stiffness structure at the sub-level. Concerning dynamic optimization problems of free vibration cases, nonstructural mass, oscillation of the objective function, and repeated eigenvalues are also discussed. Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization density-stiffness interpolation scheme is used to indicate the dependence of material modulus upon regularized element densities. The globally convergent version of the method of moving asymptotes and the sequential linear programming method are both employed as optimizers. Several applications have been applied to demonstrate the validation of the presented methodologies
Maghrebi, MF & Ball, JE 2006, 'New method for estimation of discharge', JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 132, no. 10, pp. 1044-1051.
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A new technique for drawing isovel patterns in an open or closed channel is presented. It is assumed that the velocity at each arbitrary point in the conduit is affected by the hydraulic characteristics of the boundary. While any velocity profile can be applied to the model, a power-law formula is used here. In addition to the isovels patterns, the energy and momentum correction factors (α and β), the ratio of mean to maximum velocity (V/umax), and the position of the maximum velocity are calculated. To examine the results obtained, the model was applied to a pipe with a circular cross section. A comparison between the profiles of the proposed model and the available power-law profile indicated that the two profiles were coincident with each other over the majority of the cross section. Furthermore, the predicted isovels were compared with velocity measurements in the main flow direction obtained along the centerline and lateral direction of a rectangular flume. The estimated discharge, based on measured points on the upper half of the flow depth away from the boundaries was within ±7% of the measured and much better in comparison to the prediction of one- and two-point methods. The prediction of the depth-averaged velocity values for the River Severn in the United Kingdom shows a good agreement with the measured data and the best analytical results obtained by the depth-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. © 2006 ASCE.
McGloin, D 2006, 'Optical tweezers: 20 years on', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 364, no. 1849, pp. 3521-3537.
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In 1986, Arthur Ashkin and colleagues published a seminal paper in Optics Letters , ‘Observation of a single-beam gradient force optical trap for dielectric particles’ which outlined a technique for trapping micrometre-sized dielectric particles using a focused laser beam, a technology which is now termed optical tweezers. This paper will provide a background in optical manipulation technologies and an overview of the applications of optical tweezers. It contains some recent work on the optical manipulation of aerosols and concludes with a critical discussion of where the future might lead this maturing technology.
McGregor, C, Schiefer, J & Muehlen, MZ 2006, 'A shareable web service-based intelligent decision support system for on-demand business process management', International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 156-156.
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The monitoring of business processes for performance measurement is challenged by the variety of inter and intra organisational units and information systems involved in the execution of these processes. In this paper we present a shareable, web service-based Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) for on-demand business process management, that we call the Solution Manager Service (SMS). The SMS allows organisations to outsource the collection, accumulation and transformation of information about their business processes from multiple distributed systems across multiple organisations in a centralised repository and share them among authorised parties, such as supply chain partners, clients or government agencies. Copyright © 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Meier, C, Meinhardt, U, Greenfield, JR, De Winter, J, Nguyen, TV, Dunstan, CR & Seibel, MJ 2006, 'Serum cathepsin K concentrations reflect osteoclastic activity in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis and patients with Paget's disease.', Clin Lab, vol. 52, no. 1-2, pp. 1-10.
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INTRODUCTION: Cathepsin K, a cysteine protease, plays an essential role in osteoclast-mediated collagen degradation. Recently, an immunoassay to quantify cathepsin K in serum has been developed. We assessed the usefulness of serum cathepsin K as a marker of bone turnover in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of patients with metabolic bone disease. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 40 healthy subjects, 21 women with postmenopausal osteoporosis [66.1 +/- 7.9 yrs] and 10 patients with Paget's disease of bone [67.1 +/- 11.6 yrs]. All patients were started on oral or intravenous bisphosphonate treatment and were followed prospectively over 6 months. Circulating cathepsin K levels were determined by a specific sandwich enzyme immunoassay (Biomedica, Vienna, Austria). In addition, serum carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (betaCTX-I) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) were measured for comparison. RESULTS: When compared to healthy subjects, mean serum cathepsin K levels were significantly elevated in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis (3.1 +/- 1.9 vs. 11.3 +/- 13.1 pmol/L, p = 0.01) and in patients with Paget's disease of bone (6.2 +/- 4.4 pmol/L, p = 0.04). In postmenopausal osteoporotic women, both oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment resulted in a significant reduction in serum cathepsin K levels (p = 0.03) with most of the effect occurring after one month (mean% change: -33%). In patients with mild Paget's disease, serum cathepsin K levels decreased during bisphosphonate treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Serum concentrations of cathepsin K appear to reflect osteoclastic activity in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis and Paget's disease of bone and may hold promise as a marker of osteoclast activity.
Migliorini, C & Siahpush, M 2006, 'Smoking, not smoking: how important is where you live?', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 226-232.
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Mitchell, R, Cavanagh, M & Eager, D 2006, 'Not all risk is bad, playgrounds as a learning environment for children', International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 122-124.
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The article discusses the implications of risk-free playgrounds on the development of children's social, cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Some experts would argue that children do not lose interest in playgrounds that is not challenging, while school-aged children indicate that risk free environment is not enjoyable. It concludes that it is important that playgrounds should provide opportunities to allow children to extend themselves in a challenging yet semi-controlled environment.
Moiseenko, TI, Voinov, AA, Megorsky, VV, Gashkina, NA, Kudriavtseva, LP, Vandish, OI, Sharov, AN, Sharova, Y & Koroleva, IN 2006, 'Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: The case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake', Science of The Total Environment, vol. 369, no. 1-3, pp. 1-20.
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Nathaporn, A, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH & Ong, SL 2006, 'Photocatalytic hybrid system in degradation of herbicide (metsulfuron-methyl)', Drinking Water Treatment, Supply and Management in Asia (IWA-ASPIRE 2005), vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 109-114.
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Photocatalytic oxidation is becoming an emerging technology in water and wastewater Photocatalysis often leads to complete degradation of organic pollutants without any need for chemicals. this study, the removal of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl (MM)
Nazem, M, Sheng, D & Carter, JP 2006, 'Stress integration and mesh refinement for large deformation in geomechanics', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 1002-1027.
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AbstractThis paper first discusses alternative stress integration schemes in numerical solutions to large‐ deformation problems in hardening materials. Three common numerical methods, i.e. the total‐Lagrangian (TL), the updated‐Lagrangian (UL) and the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) methods, are discussed. The UL and the ALE methods are further complicated with three different stress integration schemes. The objectivity of these schemes is discussed. The ALE method presented in this paper is based on the operator‐split technique where the analysis is carried out in two steps; an UL step followed by an Eulerian step. This paper also introduces a new method for mesh refinement in the ALE method. Using the known displacements at domain boundaries and material interfaces as prescribed displacements, the problem is re‐analysed by assuming linear elasticity and the deformed mesh resulting from such an analysis is then used as the new mesh in the second step of the ALE method. It is shown that this repeated elastic analysis is actually more efficient than mesh generation and it can be used for general cases regardless of problem dimension and problem topology. The relative performance of the TL, UL and ALE methods is investigated through the analyses of some classic geotechnical problems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nelson, AE, Howe, CJ, Nguyen, TV, Leung, K-C, Trout, GJ, Seibel, MJ, Baxter, RC, Handelsman, DJ, Kazlauskas, R & Ho, KK 2006, 'Influence of Demographic Factors and Sport Type on Growth Hormone-Responsive Markers in Elite Athletes', The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 91, no. 11, pp. 4424-4432.
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AbstractContext: GH-responsive markers of the IGF system and of collagen turnover hold promise as the basis of a GH doping test.Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of age, gender, body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, and sporting type on GH-responsive serum markers in a large cohort of elite athletes from different ethnic backgrounds.Design: The study was designed as a cross-sectional study.Participants: A total of 1103 elite athletes (699 males, 404 females), aged 22.2 ± 5.2 yr, from 12 countries and 10 major sporting categories participated in this study.Main Outcome Measures: Serum IGF-I, IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), acid labile subunit (ALS), and collagen markers [N-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PINP), C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen (PIIINP)] were measured.Results: There was a significant negative correlation (r = −0.14 to −0.58, P < 0.0005) between age and each of the GH-responsive markers. Serum IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and ALS were all lower (P < 0.05), whereas the collagen markers PINP, ICTP, and PIIINP were higher (P < 0.05) in men than in women. Multiple regression analysis indicated that age, gender, BMI, and ethnicity accounted for 23–54% of total between-subject variability of the markers. Age and gender cumulatively accounted for 91% of the attributable variation of IGF-I and more than 80% for PINP, ICTP, and PIIINP. Gender exerted the greatest effect on ALS (48%), and BMI accounted for less than 12% attributable variation for all markers. The influence of ethnicity was greatest for IGFBP-3 and ALS; however, for the other markers, it accounted for less than 6% attributable variation. Analysis of 995 athletes indicated that sporting type contributed 5–19% of attributable variation.Conclu...
NGHIEM, L, MORNANE, P, POTTER, I, PERERA, J, CATTRALL, R & KOLEV, S 2006, 'Extraction and transport of metal ions and small organic compounds using polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs)', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 281, no. 1-2, pp. 7-41.
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Nghiem, LD & Schäfer, AI 2006, 'Critical risk points of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes in water recycling applications', Desalination, vol. 187, no. 1-3, pp. 303-312.
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Nghiem, LD & Schäfer, AI 2006, 'Fouling autopsy of hollow-fibre MF membranes in wastewater reclamation', Desalination, vol. 188, no. 1-3, pp. 113-121.
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Nghiem, LD, Oschmann, N & Schäfer, AI 2006, 'Fouling in greywater recycling by direct ultrafiltration', Desalination, vol. 187, no. 1-3, pp. 283-290.
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Nghiem, LD, Schäfer, AI & Elimelech, M 2006, 'Role of electrostatic interactions in the retention of pharmaceutically active contaminants by a loose nanofiltration membrane', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 286, no. 1-2, pp. 52-59.
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Ngo, AD, Taylor, R, Roberts, CL & Nguyen, TV 2006, 'Association between Agent Orange and birth defects: systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1220-1230.
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Background The association between parental exposure to Agent Orange or dioxin and birth defects is controversial, due to inconsistent findings in the literature. The principal aim of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of relevant epidemiological
Ngo, HH, Nguyen, MC, Sangvikar, NG, Hoang, TTL & Guo, WS 2006, 'Simple approaches towards the design of an attached-growth sponge bioreactor (AGSB) for wastewater treatment aind reuse', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 54, no. 11-12, pp. 191-197.
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Wastewater treatment and reuse is being emphasized due to the shortage of water sources and the continuous deterioration of the aquatic environment. In this study, a novel sponge bioreactor was studied as a low cost, high efficiency alternative for an attached growth biological system. This was designed by combining of number of sponge trays. This emerging technology has many beneficial properties in wastewater treatment and reuse. The approaches towards the conditions for system design were: (i) selection of sponge types; (ii) selection of sponge shapes; and (iii) selection of designated slope of sponge tray. They were determined through a series of experiments using a laboratory-scale unit with synthetic wastewater. It was then tested with a pilot-scale unit at the predetermined optimum conditions. The results indicate that the highest biomass growth was found at the sponge type with a cell count of 7090 cells/in2 (6.45 cm2) The relationship between biomass growth and biological oxygen consumption was well established. The prism-shaped sponge (triangular polyurethane sponge of 7090 cells/in2 with designated slope of sponge tray at 10 degrees) led to the best performance in terms of both organic and nutrient removal efficiency.
Nguyen, HB & Corbett, SW 2006, 'In reply', Academic Emergency Medicine, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 999-1000.
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Nguyen, HB, Corbett, SW, Menes, K, Cho, T, Daugharthy, J, Klein, W & Wittlake, WA 2006, 'Early Goal-directed Therapy, Corticosteroid, and Recombinant Human Activated Protein C for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock in the Emergency Department', Academic Emergency Medicine, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 109-113.
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Objectives: To describe our experience with early goal-directed therapy (EGDT), corticosteroid administration, and recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) administration in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score ≥25 in the emergency department (ED). Methods: This was a retrospective case series of a prospectively maintained ED sepsis registry. Data are presented as median (25th, 75th percentile). The setting was an academic tertiary ED with approximately 60,000 annual patient visits. Patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and an APACHE II score ≥25 entered in an ED sepsis registry over a four-month period were included. Patients who received rhAPC in the intensive care unit were excluded. Central venous catheterization for central venous pressure and central venous oxygen saturation monitoring, antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, vasopressors, inotropes, corticosteroids, and rhAPC were initiated by the emergency physicians and continued in the intensive care unit by intensivists. Results: Twenty-four patients were enrolled. Patient characteristics were as follows: age, 79.5 (68.0, 83.5) years; APACHE II score, 31.5 (29.8, 36.0); ED length of stay, 6.5 (4.0, 10.5) hours; predicted mortality, 76.7% (71.9, 86.4); and in-hospital mortality, 45.8%. All patients received broad-spectrum antibiotics, 54.2% completed EGDT, 33.3% received corticosteroids, and 33.3% received rhAPC. Time of antibiotic administration was 1.5 (1.0, 2.0) hours, time of central venous pressure/central venous oxygen saturation monitoring was 1.0 (0.5, 2.5) hour, and time of rhAPC administration was 9.5 (6.8, 10.5) hours after patients met criteria for severe sepsis or septic shock. In-hospital mortality of patients who received rhAPC in addition to other therapies was 25.0%. Conclusions: EGDT, corticosteroid administration, and rhAPC administration are feasible in the ED setting. While th...
Nguyen, HB, Losey, T, Rasmussen, J, Oliver, R, Guptill, M, Wittlake, WA & Corbett, SW 2006, 'Interrater reliability of cardiac output measurements by transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound: implications for noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in the ED', The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 828-835.
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Introduction: Hemodynamic monitoring is an important aspect of caring for the critically ill patients boarding in the emergency department (ED). The purpose of this study is to investigate the interrater agreement of noninvasive cardiac output measurements using transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound technique. Methods: This is a prospective observational cohort study performed in a 32-bed adult ED of an academic tertiary center with approximately 65 000 annual patient visits. Patients were enrolled after verbal consent over a 7-month period. The raters were ED personnel involved in patient care. Paired measurements of cardiac index (CI) and stroke volume index (SVI) were obtained from a transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound cardiac output monitor. Results: A convenience sample of 107 (50 women and 57 men) patients with a median age of 49 (32, 62) years was enrolled. One hundred two paired measurements were performed in 91 patients in whom adequate Doppler ultrasound signals were obtainable. The raters included 35 emergency medicine attending physicians, 31 emergency medicine residents, 80 medical students, 47 nurses, and 11 emergency medical technicians. Cardiac index range was 0.6 to 5.3 L/min per square meter, and SVI range was 7.7 to 63.0 mL/m2. The correlation of CI measurements between 2 raters was good (r2 = 0.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.86-1.00; P < .001). Likewise, SVI measurements between 2 raters also showed acceptable correlation (r2 = 0.84; 95% confidence interval, 0.81-0.96; P < .001). Interrater reliability was strong for CI (κ = 0.83 with 92.2% agreement) and SVI measurements (κ = 0.72 with 88.2% agreement). Most patients had an interrater difference below 10% in CI and SVI measurements. Conclusions: Emergency department personnel, regardless of their role in patient care, are able to obtain reliable cardiac output measurements in ED patients over a wide range of CI and SVI. Transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound technique may be an alternative to traditiona...
Nguyen, HB, Rivers, EP, Abrahamian, FM, Moran, GJ, Abraham, E, Trzeciak, S, Huang, DT, Osborn, T, Stevens, D & Talan, DA 2006, 'Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Review of the Literature and Emergency Department Management Guidelines', Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 54.e1-54.e1.
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Severe sepsis and septic shock are as common and lethal as other acute life-threatening conditions that emergency physicians routinely confront such as acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and trauma. Recent studies have led to a better understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and the development of new or newly applied therapies. These therapies place early and aggressive management of severe sepsis and septic shock as integral to improving outcome. This independent review of the literature examines the recent pathogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic advances in severe sepsis and septic shock for adults, with particular relevance to emergency practice. Recommendations are provided for therapies that have been shown to improve outcomes, including early goal-directed therapy, early and appropriate antimicrobials, source control, recombinant human activated protein C, corticosteroids, and low tidal volume mechanical ventilation. © 2006 American College of Emergency Physicians.
Nguyen, HB, Rivers, EP, Abrahamian, FM, Moran, GJ, Abraham, E, Trzeciak, S, Huang, DT, Osborn, T, Stevens, D & Talan, DA 2006, 'Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Review of the Literature and Emergency Department Management Guidelines', Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 48, no. 1.
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Severe sepsis and septic shock are as common and lethal as other acute life-threatening conditions that emergency physicians routinely confront such as acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and trauma. Recent studies have led to a better understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and the development of new or newly applied therapies. These therapies place early and aggressive management of severe sepsis and septic shock as integral to improving outcome. This independent review of the literature examines the recent pathogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic advances in severe sepsis and septic shock for adults, with particular relevance to emergency practice. Recommendations are provided for therapies that have been shown to improve outcomes, including early goal-directed therapy, early and appropriate antimicrobials, source control, recombinant human activated protein C, corticosteroids, and low tidal volume mechanical ventilation. © 2006 American College of Emergency Physicians.
Nguyen, HT, Kim, JH, Nguyen, AT, Nguyen, LT, Shin, JC & Lee, B-W 2006, 'Using canopy reflectance and partial least squares regression to calculate within-field statistical variation in crop growth and nitrogen status of rice', Precision Agriculture, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 249-264.
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For the site-specific prescription of fertilizer topdressing in rice cultivation, a non-destructive diagnosis of the rice growth and nutrition status is necessary. Three experiments were done to develop and test a model using canopy reflectance for the non-destructive diagnosis of plant growth and N status in rice. Two experiments for model development were conducted, one in 2000 and another in 2003 in Suwon, Korea, including two rice varieties and four nitrogen (N) rates in 2000 and four rice varieties and 10 N treatments in 2003. Hyperspectral canopy reflectance (300-1,100 nm) data recorded at various growth stages before heading were used to develop a partial least squares regression (PLS) model to calculate plant biomass and N nutrition status. The 342 observations were split for model calibration (75%) and validation (25%). The PLS model was then tested to calculate within-field statistical variation of four crop variables: shoot dry weight (SDW), shoot N concentration (SN), shoot N density (SND) and N nutrition index (NNI) using measured canopy reflectance data from a field of 6,500 m2 in 2004. Results showed that PLS regression using logarithm reflectance had better performance than both the PLS and multiple stepwise linear regression (MSLR) models using original reflectance data to calculate the four plant variables in year 2000 and 2003. It produced values with an acceptable model coefficient of determination (R 2) and relative error of calculation (REC). The model R 2 and REC ranged from .83 to .89 and 13.4% to 22.8% for calibration, and .76 to .87 and 14.0% to 24.4% for validation, respectively. The PLS regression model R 2 was reduced in the test data of year 2004 but the root mean square error of calculation (RMSEC) was smaller, suggesting that the PLS regression model using canopy reflectance data could be a promising method to calculate within-field spatial variation of rice crop growth and N status. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 2006, 'Anti-Hip Fracture Efficacy of Bisphosphonates: A Bayesian Analysis of Clinical Trials', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 340-349.
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Abstract In postmenopausal women, the efficacy of bisphosphonates on hip fracture risk is not clear. This Bayesian meta-analysis quantitatively reviewed data from 12 randomized clinical trials with 18,667 patients and found that bisphosphonate treatment was associated with a reduced risk for hip fracture by 42%. Introduction: The efficacy of antiresorptive bisphosphonates therapy on reducing hip fracture is not clear, because evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) is inconclusive. This study was undertaken to quantitatively assess the effect of bisphosphonates on hip fracture using literature review and meta-analysis. Materials and Methods: Bayesian methods of meta-analysis were applied to synthesize data from 12 RCTs available between 1990 and 2004. The trials involved 18,667 postmenopausal women with low BMD or osteoporosis who have been followed or treated for between 1 and 4 years. The medications used were etidronate (two trials) alendronate (six trials), risedronate (three trials), and clodronate (one trial). The primary endpoint was the incidence of hip fracture. Results: When data from all 12 studies were pooled, treatment with bisphosphonates was associated with a reduced risk for hip fracture by 42% (relative risk {RR}, 0.58; 95% credible interval {CrI}, 0.42-0.80). The absolute rate reduction was 52 hip fractures per 10,000 women (95% CrI, 4–110) for a period of 3-year treatment. The probability that bisphosphonates are better than placebo (in reducing hip fracture risk by at least 30%) was 0.90. Conclusions: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or low BMD, bisphosphonate treatment is associated with reduced risk of hip fracture.
Nguyen, SD, Jeong, T-S, Kim, MR & Sok, D-E 2006, 'Broad-spectrum antioxidant peptides derived from His residue-containing sequences present in human paraoxonase 1', Free Radical Research, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 349-358.
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Nguyen, TN & Goodrich, JA 2006, 'Protein-protein interaction assays: eliminating false positive interactions', Nature Methods, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 135-139.
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Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 2006, 'Pharmacogenomics of osteoporosis: opportunities and challenges.', J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 62-72.
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The genetics of osteoporosis can be considered in two broad areas: disease susceptibility and drug activity. While the former has been studied, the latter is still largely untouched. Pharmacogenomics is the utilization of genetic information to predict outcome of drug treatment, with respect to both beneficial and adverse effects. The pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis is characterized by variability in therapeutic response with limited prediction of response on a patient-by-patient basis. This is particularly problematic in a clinical situation where therapy is typically required for several years before outcomes can be evaluated for an individual. Thus, the emerging field of pharmacogenomics holds great potential for refining and optimising pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis. Key components for future development of the pharmacogenomics of osteoporosis should include improved understanding of mechanisms of drug action, identification of candidate genes and their variants and expansion of clinical trials to include genetic profiling. This approach could provide clinicians and scientists with powerful tools to dissect novel molecular pathways involved in osteoporosis and to identify new drug targets. The iterative combination of innovative genomics with classical endocrinological approaches in osteoporosis research can be examined as a model of biological research and innovate therapeutical approaches in a continuing interaction between clinical science and basic research.
Nguyen, TV, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Pokhre, D & Viraraghavan, T 2006, 'Iron-coated sponge as effective media to remove arsenic from drinking water', WATER QUALITY RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CANADA, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 164-170.
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Arsenic (As) contamination in drinking water is a serious problem in a number of countries in the world, especially in small communities and developing countries. Arsenic is related to many health diseases. Several technologies such as coagulation, adsorption, ion exchange and membrane processes, etc., are used in removing arsenic from water. In this study, a new material, namely iron-coated sponge (IOCSp), was developed and used to remove As, and it was found that IOCSp has a high capacity for removing both As(V) and As(III). Each gram of IOCSp adsorbed about 160 μg of As upon a 9-h contact of IOCSp with As solution. A dynamic filter column conducted showed that even a small quantity of IOCSp (8 g) could reduce As from 156 μg/L to a concentration of less than 50 μg/L while treating 75 L of groundwater contaminated with arsenic. Both the filtration rate and the size of the sponge had an effect on effluent quality, and the amount of water treated to the acceptable quality. Copyright © 2006, CAWQ.
Nguyen, TV, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Pokhrel, D & Viraraghavan, T 2006, 'Specific treatment technologies for removing arsenic from water', ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 86-90.
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Arsenic (As) is a highly toxic metalloid found in ground and surface water. Arsenic contamination in drinking water leads to harmful effects on human health. To eliminate arsenic from drinking water, several technologies such as coagulation, adsorption, ion exchange, filtration, membrane processes, etc., have been used. In this study, three technologies were evaluated for arsenic removal. Results from batch kinetic experiments showed that iron coated sand (IOCS-2) can remove more than 90% of As from synthetic water. Experiments were conducted with three different pH values (6, 7, and 8) and an initial As concentration of 260 μg/L. A new material, developed in this study, namely iron coated sponge (IOCSp), was found to have a high capacity in removing both As (V) and As (III). Each gram of IOCSp adsorbed about 160 μg of As within a 9-hour contact period of IOCSp with As solution. Low pressure nanofiltration removed more than 94% of As from an influent containing 440 μg/L As. The applied pressure was varied from 85 to 500 kPa. © 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Niazi, M, Wilson, D & Zowghi, D 2006, 'Critical success factors for software process improvement implementation: an empirical study', Software Process: Improvement and Practice, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 193-211.
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AbstractIn this article, we present findings from our recent empirical study of the critical success factors (CSFs) for software process improvement (SPI) implementation with 34 SPI practitioners. The objective of this study is to provide SPI practitioners with sufficient knowledge about the nature of issues that play a positive role in the implementation of SPI programmes in order to assist them in effectively planning SPI implementation strategies.Through our empirical study we identified seven factors (higher management support, training, awareness, allocation of resources, staff involvement, experienced staff and defined SPI implementation methodology) that are generally considered critical for successfully implementing SPI. We also report on a literature survey of CSFs that impact SPI and identify six factors (senior management commitment, staff involvement, staff time and resources, training and mentoring, creating process action teams and reviews). We compared our empirical study results with the literature and confirmed the factors identified in the literature, and also identified two new CSFs (SPI awareness and defined SPI implementation methodology) that were not identified in the literature. Finally, we analyzed the CSFs identified by different groups of practitioners and found that they are aware of what is imperative for the successful implementation of SPI programmes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nimbalkar, SS, Choudhury, D & Mandal, JN 2006, 'Seismic stability of reinforced-soil wall by pseudo-dynamic method', Geosynthetics International, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 111-119.
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Determination of the internal stability of reinforced soil walls under earthquake conditions is an important part of seismic design. The horizontal method of slices is used for determining internal stability or for tieback analysis of the reinforced soil wall. A pseudo-dynamic method is adopted in the present analysis, which considers the effect of phase difference in both the shear and primary waves travelling through the backfill due to seismic excitation. Reinforced soil walls with cohesionless backfill material have been considered in the analysis. Results are presented in graphical and tabular form to show the required tensile force and length of geosynthetic reinforcement to maintain the stability of the reinforced soil wall under seismic conditions. The effects of variation of parameters such as soil friction angle and horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations on the stability of the reinforced soil wall have been studied. With an increase of seismic accelerations in both the horizontal and vertical directions the stability of the reinforced soil wall decreases significantly, and thus greater strength and length of the geosynthetic reinforcement are required to maintain stability of the wall. The seismic vertical acceleration in an upward direction gives higher values of the required geosynthetic tensile strength, and the seismic vertical acceleration in the downward direction yields higher values of the length of geosynthetic reinforcement. Comparisons of the present results with available pseudo-static results are shown, and the limitations of the pseudo-static results are highlighted.
Novak, A, Taylor, P & Veitch, D 2006, 'The distribution of the number of arrivals in a subinterval of a busy period of a single server queue', Queueing Systems, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 105-114.
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Oi, DKL, Devitt, SJ & Hollenberg, LCL 2006, 'Scalable Error Correction in Distributed Ion Trap Computers', Phys. Rev. A., vol. 74, no. 5, p. 052313.
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A major challenge for quantum computation in ion trap systems is scalableintegration of error correction and fault tolerance. We analyze a distributedarchitecture with rapid high fidelity local control within nodes and entangledlinks between nodes alleviating long-distance transport. We demonstratefault-tolerant operator measurements which are used for error correction andnon-local gates. This scheme is readily applied to linear ion traps whichcannot be scaled up beyond a few ions per individual trap but which have accessto a probabilistic entanglement mechanism. A proof-of-concept system ispresented which is within the reach of current experiment.
Oppermann, I, Hämälainen, M, Iinatti, J, Rabbachin, A, Allen, B, Ghorashi, SA, Ghavami, M, Albert, O & Mecklenbräuker, CF 2006, 'Signal processing', Eurasip Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications, vol. 5, pp. 143-203.
Pan, W & Hawrysiewycz, I 2006, 'Assisting Learners to Dynamically Adjust Learning Processes through Software Agents', International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1-15.
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To make online learning more productive, software agent technology has been applied to provide services for learners in order to assist them to construct knowledge in constructivist ways. This paper is focused on the application of software agents in assisting learners to dynamically adjust learning processes. Unlike pedagogical agents, the agents in this application do not hold domain knowledge but simply assist learners to get through learning processes by a variety of supportive services. They assist learners to develop personalized preferred learning plans and to guide them to dynamically adjust learning toward their goals. In this article, the online learning process is first investigated, and an approach to assisting learners to dynamically adjust learning is outlined. Then, the structure of the UOL (unit of learning) database that provides links between a practical learning scenario and the required services is explored. A multi-agent architecture for realizing the services is configured, and the roles of the involved agents are described. After that, the related agent algorithms for guiding learners to dynamically adjust learning are described.
Peng, Z, Zhang, J, Wang, S & Qin, L 2006, 'TreeCluster: Clustering Results of Keyword Search over Databases.', WAIM, vol. 4016, pp. 385-396.
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A critical challenge in keyword search over relational databases (KSORD) is to improve its result presentation to facilitate users' quick browsing through search results. An effective method is to organize the results into clusters. However, traditional clustering method is not applicable to KSORD search results. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering method named TreeCluster. In the first step, we use labels to represent schema information of each result tree and reformulate the clustering problem as a problem of judging whether labeled trees are isomorphic. In the second step, we rank user keywords according to their frequencies in databases, and further partition the large clusters based on keyword nodes. Furthermore, we give each cluster a readable description, and present the description and each result graphically to help users understand the results more easily. Experimental results verify our method's effectiveness and efficiency. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Pongchaiyakul, C, Apinyanurag, C, Soontrapa, S, Soontrapa, S, Pongchaiyakul, C, Nguyen, TV & Rajatanavin, R 2006, 'Prevalence of osteoporosis in Thai men.', J Med Assoc Thai, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 160-169.
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BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a growing health problem not only in women but also in men. However, there is a scarcity of epidemiologic data to study osteoporosis in Thai men. OBJECTIVES: To examine the bone mineral density (BMD) and to determine the prevalence of osteoporosis in Thai men. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A total of 412 men (159 from Bangkok and 253 from Khon Kaen, respectively) averaging 51 +/- 16 years of age, were measured for BMD at the femoral neck and lumbar spine by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (LUNAR Corporation, WI, USA). RESULTS: The peak BMD was observed in men 20-29 years of age at both the femoral neck (mean +/- SD, 1.10 +/- 0.15 g/cm2) and lumbar spine (mean +/- SD, 1.17 +/- 0.13 g/cm2). The prevalence of osteoporosis in the entire group of subjects was 12.6, 4.6 and 3.9 per cent at the femoral neck, lumbar spine and both sites, respectively. The prevalence of osteoporosis increased with advancing age and was significantly higher at the femoral neck in urban men than rural men (18.2 vs 9.2 per cent, p < 0.05) but comparable at the lumbar spine (5.0 vs 4.3 per cent, p = 0.81). The correlation between femoral neck and lumbar spine BMDs was 0.53 (p < 0.001). In univariate analysis, increased age, lower weight and lesser height were each associated with lower femoral neck BMD, whereas only lower weight and lesser height were associated with lower lumbar spine BMD. However, when the three factors were entered simultaneously, only increased age and lower weight were significantly associated with lower femoral neck BMD and only lower weight had a significant association with lower lumbar spine BMD. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated descriptive BMD data, normal BMD reference values for diagnosis and reported the prevalence of osteoporosis in Thai men.
Pongchaiyakul, C, Nguyen, TV, Kosulwat, V, Rojroongwasinkul, N, Charoenkiatkul, S, Pongchaiyakul, C, Sanchaisuriya, P & Rajatanavin, R 2006, 'Defining obesity by body mass index in the Thai population: an epidemiologic study.', Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 293-299.
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The objective of this study was to develop cut-off values and evaluate the accuracy of body mass index (BMI) in the definition of obesity in the Thai population. A cross-sectional, epidemiologic study in 340 men and 507 women aged 50 +/- 16 yr (mean +/- SD; range: 20-84 yr), were sampled by stratified clustering sampling method. Body composition, including percentage body fat (%BF), was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Corp, Madison, WI). BMI was obtained by dividing weight (in kg) by height (in m2). The 'golden standard 'for defining obesity was %BF > or =25% in men and %BF > or =35% in women. The %BF-based prevalence of obesity in men and women was 18.8% and 39.5%, respectively. However, using the BMI cut-off of > or =30, only 2.9% of men and 8.9% of women were classified as obese. In the cubic regression model, BMI was a significant predictor of %BF, such that in men a BMI of 27 kg/m2 would predict a %BF of 25%, and in women a BMI of 25 kg/m2 would correspond to a %BF of 35%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for BMI was approximately 0.87 (95% CI: 0.82-0.92) and 0.86 (95% CI: 0.83-0.90) in men and women, respectively. In conclusion, for the Thai population, BMI is a reasonably useful indicator of obesity; however, the cut-off values of BMI for diagnosing obesity should be lowered to 27 kg/m2 in men and 25 kg/m2 in women.
Pongchaiyakul, C, Pongchaiyakul, C, Wanothayaroj, E, Nguyen, TV & Rajatanavin, R 2006, 'Association between waist circumference and percentage body fat among rural Thais.', J Med Assoc Thai, vol. 89, no. 10, pp. 1592-1600.
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OBJECTIVE: Determine the association between waist circumference (WC) and percentage body fat (%BF) and to develop cut-off values and evaluate the accuracy of WC in the definition of obesity in rural Thai population. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A cross-sectional, epidemiologic study in 181 men and 255 women aged 50+/-16 yr (mean+/-SD; range: 20-84 yr) sampled by stratified clustering sampling method, was designed. Percentage body fat was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Corp, Madison, WI). The 'golden standard'for defining obesity was%BF > or = 25 in men and%BF > or = 35 in women. Waist circumference in centimeter was measured. RESULTS: In this study, the %BF-based prevalence of obesity in men and women was 8.3% and 44%, respectively. However using the WC cut-off (WHO) of 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women, only 1.7% of men and 24% of women were classified as obese. WC was a significant predictor of %BF, such that in men, a WC of 93 cm would predict a %BF of25%, and in women a WC of 84 cm would correspond to a %BF of 35%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0. 87 and 0. 88 in men and women, respectively. In conclusion, waist circumference is a reasonably useful indicator of obesity. CONCLUSION: The cut-off values of WC for diagnosing obesity should be lower in Thailand than in Western countries.
Pradhan, B, Kumar, S, Mansor, S, Ramli, AR & Sharif, ARBM 2006, 'Spatial data compression and denoising via wavelet transformation', Applied GIS, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6.1-6.16.
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Pradhan, B, Sandeep, K, Mansor, S, Ramli, AR & Sharif, ARBM 2006, 'A Fast Processing Algorithm for Lidar Data Compression Using Second Generation Wavelets', KOREAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 49-61.
Pradhan, B, Tham, LG, Yue, ZQ, Junaideen, SM & Lee, CF 2006, 'Soil–Nail Pullout Interaction in Loose Fill Materials', International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 238-247.
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A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the behavior of soil nails embedded in loosely compacted sandy fills. By varying the overburden pressure, the peak pullout force and the load-displacement behavior were determined by carrying out pullout tests in a displacement-rate controlled manner. The test results were compared to other published ones. The present results show that the pullout resistance can be interpreted with conventional soil parameters. The effect of retrained dilatancy, which is considered to be the reason for high pullout resistance in dense materials, is negligible in loose fill materials except under very low stress level. Furthermore, pullout resistance increases with overburden pressure opposed to some field test results reported in the literature which show no systematic trend in pullout resistance with overburden pressure. A numerical model was developed to simulate the mobilization of pullout force in soil nails. It has been shown that a simple one-dimensional spring model can be used to simulate the pullout load-displacement relationship. © 2006 ASCE.
Raad, W, Burnett, IS & Raad, I 2006, 'A Variable Length Linear Array for Smart Antenna Systems', 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, vol. 2, pp. 2213-2217.
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Rabbachin, A & Oppermann, I 2006, 'Comparison of UWB transmitted reference schemes', IEE Proceedings - Communications, vol. 153, no. 1, pp. 136-136.
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Rhodes, DP, Gherardi, DM, Livesey, J, McGloin, D, Melville, H, Freegarde, T & Dholakia, K 2006, 'Atom guiding along high order Laguerre–Gaussian light beams formed by spatial light modulation', Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 547-556.
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RIZZO, D, MOUSER, P, WHITNEY, D, MARK, C, MAGAREY, R & VOINOV, A 2006, 'The comparison of four dynamic systems-based software packages: Translation and sensitivity analysis', Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 1491-1502.
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Rong, L & Burnett, IS 2006, 'Adaptive resource replication in a ubiquitous peer to peer based multimedia distribution environment', Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2006, vol. 1, pp. 65-68.
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Rose, B, Wilkins, D, Li, W, Tran, N, Thompson, C, Cossart, Y, McGeechan, K, O'Brien, C & Eris, J 2006, 'Human Papillomavirus in the Oral Cavity of Patients with and without Renal Transplantation', Transplantation, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 570-573.
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This study investigates human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the oral cavities of 88 Australian renal transplant recipients and 88 immunocompetent controls. Oral cavities were examined for lesions and brushings collected for HPV analysis by consensus PCR. No warts were identified; HPV DNA was detected in 18% of transplant versus 1% control samples (P<0.001). Cutaneous HPVs predominated. One patient had HPV16 in samples taken four years apart without evidence of associated lesions or malignancy. Transplant recipients were more likely than controls to have current cutaneous warts (P<0.001), fewer sexual partners (P=0.001), and to have never consumed alcohol (P=0.01). Among the transplant group, the risk of an HPV-positive sample was higher among older patients (P=0.05), and those with past cutaneous warts (P=0.04). This study extends previous surveys by encompassing overt and asymptomatic infection, a broad spectrum of cutaneous and genital HPVs, and by providing new data on risk factors for oral HPV infection. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Saco, PM, Willgoose, GR & Hancock, GR 2006, 'Spatial organization of soil depths using a landform evolution model', Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, vol. 111, no. F2.
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The evolution of soil depths is investigated by modeling the interaction between soil production and surface erosion within a landform evolution model. An enhanced version of the landform evolution model SIBERIA that incorporates a soil evolution module is used to simulate evolving landforms and soils depths over geologic timescales. The spatial and temporal evolution of soil depths are examined at the hillslope scale. Though it is widely accepted among the geomorphology community that soil water enhances chemical, physical and biological weathering processes, its effect has not been explicitly included in published models of soil production. The main scientific questions that we address are (1) what are the implications of incorporating soil moisture dependency in the soil production function and (2) what type of soil production dynamics is needed to generate a bedrock topography that has a different spatial pattern from that of the ground surface. A range of physics for the soil production model is explored. The effect of soil moisture is included using the wetness index obtained from drainage analysis of either surface elevations or the bedrock topography. The results show that the various soil production functions that incorporate either a wetness index or subsurface flow depth based on the bedrock topography give rise to soils that self‐organize with well‐defined spatial patterns and bedrock elevations with spatial organization significantly different from that of the surface. The model that incorporates the influence of subsurface water on soil production is able to naturally generate a soil production rate with a maximum value for a nonzero soil depth and overcomes an inconsistency of previously published “humped” soil production models.
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Sathananthan, I & Indraratna, B 2006, 'Laboratory Evaluation of Smear Zone and Correlation between Permeability and Moisture Content', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 132, no. 7, pp. 942-945.
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Sathananthan, I & Indraratna, B 2006, 'Plane-strain lateral consolidation with non-Darcian flow', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 119-133.
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New plane-strain lateral consolidation equations are formulated that neglect the well resistance of vertical drains but are applicable for both Darcian and non-Darcian flow. The results of consolidation analyses using conventional Darcian (linear) flow and the new solution based on non-Darcian (exponential) flow are compared. A good match has been obtained between equivalent plane-strain and axisymmetric solutions. The advantage of the equivalent plane-strain procedure is that it not only matches the average degree of radial (axisymmetric) consolidation but also yields a more realistic excess pore pressure distribution in the lateral direction than the Darcian flow condition. The relevant parameters are illustrated graphically for convenience. Good agreement was obtained between the prediction of the new equivalent plane-strain solution and field data from a test area in Ska-Edeby, Sweden.Key words: plane strain, consolidation, soft clay, vertical drains.
Schäfer, AI, Nghiem, LD & Oschmann, N 2006, 'Bisphenol A retention in the direct ultrafiltration of greywater', Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 283, no. 1-2, pp. 233-243.
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Seelsaen, N, McLaughlan, R, Moore, S & Stuetz, RM 2006, 'Pollutant removal efficiency of alternative filtration media in stormwater treatment', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 54, no. 6-7, pp. 299-305.
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Sorption experiments were used to assess the ability of various materials (sand, compost, packing wood, ash, zeolite, recycled glass and Enviro-media) to remove heavy metal contaminants typically found in stormwater. Compost was found to have the best physicochemical properties for sorption of metal ions (Cu, Zn and Pb) compared with sand, packing wood, ash, zeolite and Enviro-media. The compost sorption of these metal ions conformed to the linear form of the Langmuir adsorption equation with the Langmuir constants (qm) for Zn(II) being 11.2 mg/g at pH 5. However, compost was also found to leach a high concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC, 4.31 mg/g), compared with the other tested materials. Various combinations of sand, compost and other materials were observed to have excellent heavy metal removal (75-96% of Zn and 90-93% of Cu), with minimal DOC leaching (0.0013-2.43 mg/g). The sorption efficiency of the different Enviro-media mixes showed that a combination of traditional (sand) and alternative materials can be used as an effective medium for the treatment of dissolved metal contaminants commonly found in stormwater. The application of using recycled organic materials and other waste materials (such as recycled glass) also provides added value to the products life cycle. © IWA Publishing 2006.
Shahin, MA & Indraratna, B 2006, 'Modeling the mechanical behavior of railway ballast using artificial neural networks', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 1144-1152.
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Ballast is one of the most commonly used construction materials in railway tracks. Under heavy train loads, ballast is subjected to a high stress level that is always associated with significant track deformation. Consequently, an accurate prediction of the mechanical behavior of ballast under static and dynamic loading conditions is important for the stability of railway tracks. In this paper, the feasibility of using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for modeling the mechanical behavior of railway ballast under static loading is investigated. The database used for the development of the ANN model is obtained from selected literature and comprises a series of 29 large-scale drained triaxial compression tests conducted on three types of commonly used ballast (i.e., basalt, dolomite, and granite). Predictions from the ANN model are compared with the results of experimental tests and with those obtained from the hardening-soil constitutive model in PLAXIS finite-element code. The results indicate that the ANN model is able to accurately predict the stress–strain and volume change behavior of ballast. The plastic dilation and contraction of ballast at various confining pressures and the strain-hardening and postpeak strain-softening behavior of ballast are also well simulated.Key words: ballast, modeling, neural networks, prediction, railway, triaxial tests.
Shannon, A, Langova-Orozova, D, Sotirova, E, Atanassov, K, Melo-Pinto, P & Kim, T 2006, 'Generalized Net Model for Adaptive Electronic Assessment, Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations', Advances in Soft Computing, vol. 33, pp. 291-297.
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A generalized net model with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations has been constructed in order to simulate electronic adaptive assessment of students. The final mark is determined on the basis of a set of such assessment units as the problem, the test, or the examination. Each assessment unit has been associated with weight coefficients, represented by intuitionistic fuzzy estimations, determining the unit's importance. © 2006 Springer.
Shannon, AG, Anderson, PG & Horadam, AF 2006, 'Properties of Cordonnier, Perrin and Van der Laan numbers', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 825-831.
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This paper aims to explore some properties of certain third-order linear sequences which have some properties analogous to the better known second-order sequences of Fibonacci and Lucas. Historical background issues are outlined. These, together with the number and combinatorial theoretical results, provide plenty of pedagogical opportunities for further development. © 2006 Taylor & Francis.
Sharma, A & Agrawal, A 2006, 'A new finite-difference-based method for wide-angle beam propagation', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 944-946.
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Sharma, A & Agrawal, A 2006, 'Non-paraxial Split-step Finite-difference Method for Beam Propagation', Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 38, no. 1-3, pp. 19-34.
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Sheng, D, Sun, D-A & Matsuoka, H 2006, 'Cantilever Sheet-Pile Wall Modelled by Frictional Contact', Soils and Foundations, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 29-37.
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Sheng, D, Wriggers, P & Sloan, SW 2006, 'Improved numerical algorithms for frictional contact in pile penetration analysis', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 33, no. 6-7, pp. 341-354.
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Shi, C, Lu, J, Zhang, G & Zhou, H 2006, 'An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming', APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol. 180, no. 2, pp. 529-537.
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For linear bilevel programming, the branch and bound algorithm is the most successful algorithm to deal with the complementary constraints arising from Kuhn-Tucker conditions. However, one principle challenge is that it could not well handle a linear bilevel programming problem when the constraint functions at the upper-level are of arbitrary linear form. This paper proposes an extended branch and bound algorithm to solve this problem. The results have demonstrated that the extended branch and bound algorithm can solve a wider class of linear bilevel problems can than current capabilities permit. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Shon, H, Erdei, L & Kim, J 2006, 'Constituent of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and its effect in water', Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 119-124.
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Natural organic matter (NOM) should be carefully considered in terms of its constituent and effect because NOM is complex substances that occur in spatially and seasonally varying concentrations in natural water. This review presents characteristics of natural organic matter present in water. These compounds mainly include humic substances, carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), hexosamines, fats, oils, greases, and trace organic compounds (endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals and personal care products)
Shon, H-K, Kim, S-H, Erdei, L & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Analytical methods of size distribution for organic matter in water and wastewater', KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 581-591.
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Organic matter (OM), such as natural organic matter (NOM) in surface waters, and effluent organic matter (EfOM) in wastewaters causes many problems. For example, color, taste and odor derogate potable water quality, while the presence of endocrine disrup
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S & Ngo, HH 2006, 'Effect of partial flocculation and adsorption as pretreatment to ultrafiltration', AICHE JOURNAL, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 207-216.
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In this study, the sufficiency of flocculation and adsorption with reduced doses of ferric chloride and powdered activated carbon (PAC) as pretreatment to ultrafiltration. (UF) was investigated. A 50 mg/L dose of FeCl3 and 0.5 g/L of PAC removed a majori
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S & Snyder, SA 2006, 'Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) in Wastewater: Constituents, Effects, and Treatment', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 327-374.
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Wastewater reuse is being increasingly emphasized as a strategy for conservation of limited resources of freshwater and as a mean of safeguarding the aquatic environment due to contaminants present in wastewater. Although secondary and tertiary treated wastewater is often discharged into surface waters, it cannot be reused without further treatment. One of the parameters of concern for human and environmental health is components of organic matter originating from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. This effluent organic matter (EfOM) should be carefully characterized in order to find an optimum treatment method for water reuse. This review presents the components of EfOM present in WWTP effluents and various treatment methods that may be employed for reduction of EfOM. These processes include flocculation, adsorption, biofiltration, ion exchange, advanced oxidation process, and membrane technology. The removal efficiency is discussed in terms of removal of total organic carbon, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), different polarity fractions (such as hydrophobic and hydrophilic), and molecular weight distribution of organic matter. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Kim, IS, Cho, J & Ngo, HH 2006, 'Fouling of ultrafiltration membrane by effluent organic matter: A detailed characterization using different organic fractions in wastewater', JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, vol. 278, no. 1-2, pp. 232-238.
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Membrane fouling caused by hydrophobic (HP), transphilic (TP), and hydrophilic (HL) fractions in biologically treated sewage effluent (BTSE) are still not well understood. Some researches reported that the HP fraction (humic substances) were the major pr
Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Johnston, A, Kim, IS & Cho, J 2006, 'Performance of flocculation and adsorption pretreatments to ultrafiltration of biologically treated sewage effluent: The effect of seasonal variations', SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 41, no. 16, pp. 3585-3596.
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The effect of seasonal variations on ultrafiltration (UF) following pretreatment was investigated in terms of organic removal, removal of fraction, and molecular weight (MW) distribution. The MW range of effluent organic matter (EfOM) in biologically treated sewage effluent during winter (BTSE-W) consisted of large MW. However, the MW ranged from 3000 to 200 daltons in biologically treated sewage effluent in the summer (BTSE-S). During filtration experiments of BTSE-S, the UF NTR 7410 filter showed rapid flux decline with time without pretreatment. FeCl3 flocculation removed the hydrophobic (HP) and hydrophilic (HL) fractions with different trends. In winter the HP fraction was removed up to 68.5%, whereas during the summer season, the HL fraction was removed by up to 59.8%. Flocculation removed large MW organics together with small MW, while PAC removed the majority of small MW organics. The flux decline with adsorption was also more severe than that with flocculation. Considering MW distribution, when large MW was removed by flocculation, the flux decline was minimized, whereas PAC adsorption which removed small MW still decreased the permeate flux.
Silverman, BG, Bharathy, G, O'Brien, K & Cornwell, J 2006, 'Human Behavior Models for Agents in Simulators and Games: Part II: Gamebot Engineering with PMFserv.', Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 163-185.
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Many producers and consumers of legacy training simulator and game environments are beginning to envision a new era where psycho-socio-physiologic models could be interoperated to enhance their environments' simulation of human agents. This paper explores whether we could embed our behavior modeling framework (described in the companion paper, Part 1) behind a legacy first person shooter 3D game environment to recreate portions of the Black Hawk Down scenario. Section 1 amplifies the interoperability needs and challenges confronting the field, presents the questions that are examined, and describes the test scenario. Sections 2 and 3 review the software and knowledge engineering methodology, respectively, needed to create the system and populate it with bots. Results (Section 4) and discussion (Section 5) reveal that we were able to generate plausible and adaptive recreations of Somalian crowds, militia, women acting as shields, suicide bombers, and more. Also, there are specific lessons learned about ways to advance the field so that such interoperabilities will become more affordable and widespread.
Simon, Cutts, Q, Haden, P, Sutton, K, Box, I, Hamer, J, Lister, R, Tolhurst, D, Fincher, S, Robins, A, Baker, B, de Raadt, M, Hamilton, M, Petre, M & Tutty, J 2006, 'The ability to articulate strategy as a predictor of programming skill', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 181-188.
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A multi-national, multi-institutional study investigating introductory programming courses drew on student participants from eleven institutions, mainly in Australasia, during the academic year of 2004. A number of diagnostic tasks were used to explore cognitive, behavioural, and attitudinal factors such as spatial visualisation and reasoning, the ability to articulate strategies for commonplace search and design tasks, and attitudes to studying. This paper reports in detail on the task that required participants to articulate a commonplace search strategy. The results indicate that increasing measures of richness of articulation of a search strategy are associated with higher marks in the course. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Simon, Fincher, S, Robins, A, Baker, B, Cutts, Q, Haden, P, Hamilton, M, Petre, M, Tolhurst, D, Box, I, de Raadt, M, Hamer, J, Lister, R, Sutton, K & Tutty, J 2006, 'Predictors of success in a first programming course', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 189-196.
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This paper describes a multi-national, multi-institutional study that investigated introductory programming courses .. Student participants were drawn from eleven institutions, mainly in Australasia, during the academic year of 2004. A number of diagnostic tasks were used to explore cognitive, behavioural, and attitudinal factors such as spatial visualisation and reasoning, the ability to articulate strategies for commonplace search and design tasks, and attitudes to studying. The results indicate that a deep approach to learning was positively correlated with mark for the course, while a surface approach was negatively correlated; spatial visualisation skills are correlated with success; a progression of map drawing styles identified in the literature has a significant correlation with marks; and increasing measures of richness of articulation of a search strategy are also associated with higher marks. Finally, a qualitative analysis of short interviews identified the qualities that students themselves regarded as important to success in programming. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Smith, AJ 2006, 'Continued Psychometric Evaluation of an Intuition Instrument for Nursing Students', Journal of Holistic Nursing, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 82-89.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a revised intuition instrument developed for nursing students. Method: Principal component factor analysis was used to establish construct validity, and the Cronbach’s alpha was used to examine reliability. Findings: Statistical analysis resulted in a 26-item intuition instrument with 6 factors accounting for 62% of the variance. The factors were labeled as Feelings That Reassure (27.7%), Spiritual Connections (10.9%), Feelings That Alert (8.4%), Feelings That Forewarn (5.8%), Physical Sensations That Alert (4.7%), and Reading Physical Cues (4.2%). Eigenvalues ranged from 1.100 to 7.225, and factor loadings ranged from .572 to .848. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was .89 with a range of .73 to .85 for each factor. Conclusions: The 26-item intuition instrument showed evidence of construct validity and reliability. Implications: The intuition instrument can serve as a stimulus to foster students’ intuitive abilities.
Smith, D, Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 2006, 'An analysis of the limitations of blind signal separation application with speech', Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 353-359.
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Smith, PJ, Shon, HK, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH & Nguyen, H 2006, 'Productivity enhancement in a cross-flow ultrafiltration membrane system through automated de-clogging operations', JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, vol. 280, no. 1-2, pp. 82-88.
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A membrane system only has a limited operational lifetime, whereby it becomes so severely fouled that continued operation must be stopped. In the cross-flow configuration of membrane filtration of wastewater, both increased cross-flow velocities and decr
Smith, PJ, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Ben-Aim, R & Nguyen, H 2006, 'A new approach to backwash initiation in membrane systems', JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, vol. 278, no. 1-2, pp. 381-389.
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Smith, PJ, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH, Nguyen, HT & Ben-Aim, R 2006, 'Application of an automation system and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for the optimal operation of a membrane adsorption hybrid system', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 53, no. 4-5, pp. 179-184.
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The application of automation and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems to municipal water and wastewater treatment plants is rapidly increasing. However, the application of these systems is less frequent in the research and developmen
Sood, SC & Pattinson, HM 2006, 'Urban renewal in Asia-Pacific: A comparative analysis of brainports for Sydney and Kuala Lumpur', Journal of Business Research, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 701-708.
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This paper reviews the concept of brainports and application to a South-East Asian context. The brainport concept is relevant for analysing transformation of an existing physical and information infrastructure, but a key finding of the research project i
Stallings, RL, Nair, P, Maris, JM, Catchpoole, D, McDermott, M, O'Meara, A & Breatnach, F 2006, 'High-resolution analysis of chromosomal breakpoints and genomic instability identifies PTPRD as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in neuroblastoma', CANCER RESEARCH, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 3673-3680.
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Although neuroblastoma is characterized by numerous recurrent, large-scale chromosomal imbalances, the genes targeted by such imbalances have remained elusive. We have applied whole-genome oligonucleotide array comparative genomic hybridization (median probe spacing 6 kb) to 56 neuroblastoma tumors and cell lines to identify genes involved with disease pathogenesis. This set of tumors was selected for having either 11q loss or MYCN amplification, abnormalities that define the two most common genetic subtypes of metastatic neuroblastoma. Our analyses have permitted us to map large-scale chromosomal imbalances and high-level amplifications at exon-level resolution and to identify novel microdeletions and duplications. Chromosomal breakpoints (n = 467) generating imbalances >2 Mb were mapped to intervals ranging between 6 and 50 kb in size, providing substantial information on each abnormality. For example, breakpoints leading to large-scale hemizygous loss of chromosome 11q were highly clustered and preferentially associated with segmental duplications. High-level amplifications of MYCN were extremely complex, often resulting in a series of discontinuous regions of amplification. Imbalances (n = 540) <2 Mb long were also detected. Although the majority (78%) of these imbalances mapped to segmentally duplicated regions and primarily reflect constitutional copy number polymorphisms, many subtle imbalances were detected that are likely somatically acquired alterations and include genes involved with tumorigenesis, apoptosis, or neural cell differentiation. The most frequent microdeletion involved the PTPRD locus, indicating a possible tumor suppressor function for this gene. ©2006 American Association for Cancer Research.
Stewart, MG 2006, 'Risk assessment and optimization of blast mitigation strategies for design and strengthening of built infrastructure', Transactions of Tianjin University, vol. 12, no. SUPPL., pp. 8-15.
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A probabilistic risk assessment procedure is developed which can predict risks of explosive blast damage to built infrastructure, and when combined with life-cycle cost analysis, the procedure can be used to optimize blast mitigation strategies. This paper focuses on window glazing since this is a load-capacity system which, when subjected to blast loading, has caused significant damage and injury to building occupants. Structural reliability techniques are used to derive blast reliability curves for annealed and toughened glazing subjected to explosive blast for a variety of threat scenarios. The probabilistic analyses include the uncertainties associated with blast modeling, glazing response and glazing failure criteria. Damage risks are calculated for an individual window and for windows in the facade of a multi-story commercial building. An illustrative example is given, showing that how this information, when combined with risk-based decision-making criteria, can be used to optimize blast mitigation strategies.
Stewart, MG 2006, 'Spatial variability of damage and expected maintenance costsfor deteriorating RC structures', Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 79-90.
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Stewart, MG & Netherton, MD 2006, 'Performance, Reliability and Security Risks of Glazing Subject to Explosive Blast Loading', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 23-36.
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Stewart, MG, Netherton, MD & Rosowsky, DV 2006, 'Terrorism Risks and Blast Damage to Built Infrastructure', Natural Hazards Review, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 114-122.
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There is increasing interest in the use of risk management techniques for assessing vulnerability of built infrastructure to the 'new' (man-made) hazard of terrorism. As such, the various uncertainties and risks associated with terrorism must be quantified and then used as the basis for assessing the viability and relative benefits of different mitigation measures, such as the use of blast-resistant technologies and other protective measures. In this paper, a probabilistic risk assessment procedure is developed to predict risks of damage arising from blast damage to built infrastructure. Issues related to risk assessment, including the concept of 'risk transfer' and comparisons with natural hazards, are also discussed. To illustrate the concepts described, a preliminary reliability analysis is conducted, where fragility and blast reliability curves are developed for common glazing systems subject to explosive blast. The probabilistic analyses include the uncertainties associated with blast modeling, glazing response, and glazing failure criteria, and these are used to assess the effectiveness of various glazing systems. © ASCE.
Su, SW, Anderson, BDO & Brinsmead, TS 2006, 'Minimal multi realization of MIMO linear systems', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 690-695.
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This note explores the minimal multirealization problem, which is the determination of a minimal degree, parameter-dependent, state variable description to express a finite set of linear multivariable systems. The form of the parameter-dependent state va
Su, SW, Bao, J & Lee, PL 2006, 'A hybrid active-passive fault-tolerant control approach', ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 54-62.
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This paper presents a hybrid active-passive approach to fault-tolerant control (FTC). It combines the existing active fault-tolerant control techniques with the newly developed passive decentralized unconditionally stabilizing (DUS) control. The FTC system is developed to achieve optimized performance under sensor failures that are most frequently encountered and/or have significant impact on the process, while guaranteeing the stability under any other failures. This approach can significantly reduce the level of complexity of FTC systems, leading to costeffective designs. A stability condition for control systems based on reconstructed virtual sensor outputs is developed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by control of a distillation column
Su, SW, Bao, J & Lee, PL 2006, 'Conditions on input disturbance suppression for multivariable nonlinear systems on the basis of feedforward passivity', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 225-233.
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In this paper, we consider the problem of input disturbance suppression for nonlinear systems based on feedforward passivity. First, we show that integral control can sufficiently suppress a class of slowly variant (including constant) input disturbance and track constant references provided certain closed-loop stability is achieved. Then, sufficient conditions of integral controllability for nonlinear processes are presented. These conditions are further relaxed by using an input and output transformation.
Su, SW, Bao, J & Lee, PL 2006, 'Decentralized Control for Multivariable Processes with Actuator Nonlinearities', Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, vol. 14, no. 1-2, pp. 163-172.
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AbstractDecentralized control is the most widely used control strategy in the process industries because of the simplicity to design and implement the controller, and the potential to achieve failure tolerant control. Actuator nonlinearities are often encountered in many chemical processes. This paper presents a decentralized control method for processes which have static actuator nonlinearities, such as saturation and dead zone. The proposed decentralized integral controller is designed based on feedforward passivation, which can be applied to nonminimum phase processes and/or processes of high relative degree. The concept of marginally stable positive real systems is used to analyse the stability of a closedloop system. The feedforward system is constructed to attain dynamic performance on the basis of frequency based passivity analysis. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated using an example of a quadruple tank control problem.
Summers, MD, Reid, JP & McGloin, D 2006, 'Optical guiding of aerosol droplets', Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 6373-6373.
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Tan, D, Darmasetiawan, S, Haines, CJ, Huang, K-E, Jaisamram, U, Limpaphayom, KK, Lin, SQ, Ling, YS, Nguyen, TNP, Park, K-H, Shah, D, Subramaniam, R, Taechakraichana, N, Xing, SM, Tan, D, Darmasetiawan, S, Haines, CJ, Huang, K-E, Jaisamram, U, Limpaphayom, KK, Lin, SQ, Ling, YS, Nguyen, TNP, Park, K-H, Shah, D, Subramaniam, R, Taechakraichana, N & Xing, SM 2006, 'Guidelines for hormone replacement therapy of Asian women during the menopausal transition and thereafter', Climacteric, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 146-151.
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Tavakoli, J, Jabbari, E, Khosroshahi, ME & Boroujerdi, M 2006, 'Swelling characterization of anionic acrylic acid hydrogel in an external electric field', Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 891-900.
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A polymer gel is a cross-linked polymer which undergoes a reversible volume and/or sol-gel phase transition in response to physiological (temperature, pH and presence of ion in organism fluids) or other external (electric field, light) stimuli. In structurally soft gels, the motion of polymer network and the diffusion of ions easily take place by an external stimulus. A typical function of gel containing ionic groups is to swell under the influence of an electric field, making it useful for wide biomedical applications. In this study, poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) hydrogel network was prepared by free radical polymerization whose average molecular weight between crosslinkes was calculated as 18500 g/mol and its homogeneity assessment evaluated by comparing 30 samples swelling ratios after 48 h soaking in distilled deionized water. The swelling behaviour of PAA under an electric field application was also investigated as a function of cross-linking agent and electric field intensity variation. It is seen that equilibrium swelling ratio of PAA gel increases from 16 (no electric field) to 30 (by application of 300 V/m electric field), however this variation is dependent on the sample location relative to electrodes. The normalized swelling ratio of sample changes by 4.8 to 0.9 relative to its distance from positive electrode. Increasing the concentration of cross-linking agent (EGDMA) from 0.14 to 0.71 molar percent of monomer resulted in 45% decrease of gel volume fraction. It is proven that applying an external electric field can make an improvement in the time-response of the hydrogel expansion phase and swelling behaviour.
Thomas, PS, Brown, LD, Ray, AS & Prince, KE 2006, 'A SIMS study of the transition elemental distribution between bands in banded Australian sedimentary opal from the Lightning Ridge locality', NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN, vol. 182, no. 2, pp. 193-199.
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The elemental distribution of trace elements in banded Australian sedimentary opals from the Lightning Ridge region was investigated using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Data were acquired using both spot analysis and spatial analysis by steppin
Tijing, LD, Pak, BC, Baek, BJ & Lee, DH 2006, 'A study on heat transfer enhancement using straight and twisted internal fin inserts', International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 719-726.
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Tipper, JL, Galvin, AL, Ingham, E & Fisher, J 2006, 'Estimation of the Osteolytic Potential of Noncrosslinked and Crosslinked Polyethylenes and Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Prostheses', Journal of ASTM International, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1-16.
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Abstract There is currently considerable interest in the wear debris and osteolytic potential of different types of bearings used in total joint replacements. The aim of this study was first to characterize the wear and wear particles generated from two different grades of UHMWPE acetabular cups with different levels of crosslinking in a hip joint simulator. Secondly, the results for the polyethylenes were compared to an alumina ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis. The wear rates of the two noncrosslinked material types were very similar at 49±8 mm3 per million cycles for the GUR 1020 and 45.6±1.4 mm3 per million cycles for the GUR 1050. Moderate crosslinking (4 MRad) significantly (P<0.05) reduced the wear rate of the GUR 1020 material by 30 % to 35±9 mm3 per million cycles. High levels of crosslinking of GUR 1050 (10 MRad) produced a highly significant (P<0.01) 80 % reduction in wear volume. Although reduced wear volumes were observed with moderate levels of crosslinking for the 4 MRad GUR 1020 material, little benefit was conveyed by crosslinking, in terms of predicted overall biocompatibility and estimated osteolytic potential. Introducing high levels of crosslinking (10 MRad) into the GUR 1050 material reduced wear and osteolytic potential by up to five-fold compared to the other GUR 1050 materials. However, compared to the noncrosslinked and moderately crosslinked GUR 1020 materials, the highly crosslinked GUR 1050 UHMWPE had only a two-fold lower osteolytic potential. The alumina ceramic-on-ceramic hip prostheses produced extremely low wear rates under both standard and microseparation simulation conditions, and consequently the osteolytic potential of the alumina bearings was estimated to be >20-fold lower than the highly crosslinked polyethylene.
Tipper, JL, Galvin, AL, Williams, S, McEwen, HMJ, Stone, MH, Ingham, E & Fisher, J 2006, 'Isolation and characterization of UHMWPE wear particles down to ten nanometers in size from in vitro hip and knee joint simulators', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, vol. 78A, no. 3, pp. 473-480.
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AbstractThere is currently considerable interest in the wear debris and osteolytic potential of different types of bearings used in total joint replacements. The biological activity of the wear debris is dependent on the size and volume of the particles produced. Wear volume also plays an important role in the functional biological activity of a joint replacement. In vitro studies have shown that crosslinking of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cups and tibial trays produces a reduction in wear volume, and crosslinking has now been introduced clinically for both types of prostheses. Previous studies have identified both micron and submicron‐sized polyethylene wear particles. The aim of this study was to characterize the wear and wear particles generated from moderately crosslinked GUR 1020 GVF UHMWPE acetabular cups and tibial trays in hip and knee joint wear simulators down to 10 nanometers in size. The wear rates of the two prosthesis types were very similar at 25.6 ± 5.3 mm3 per million cycles for the hip prostheses and 22.75 ± 5.95 mm3 per million cycles for the knee prostheses. Nanometer‐sized wear particles were isolated and characterized from both hip and knee simulator lubricants for the first time. Significantly higher numbers (p < 0.05) of particles in the nanometer (<0.1 μm) size range were produced by the hip prostheses compared to the knee prostheses. The knee prostheses produced larger particles, with the mode of particle size in the 0.1–1.0 μm size range, compared to <0.1 μm size range for the hip prostheses. In addition, the knee prostheses produced a greater volumetric concentration of wear particles in the 1.0–10 μm size range, and consequently lower specific biological activity and functional biological activity indices. These results indicated that the knee prostheses ha...
Tiuraniemi, S, Stoica, L, Rabbachin, A & Oppermann, I 2006, 'A VLSI Implementation of Low Power, Low Data Rate UWB Transceiver for Location and Tracking Applications', Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video technology, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 43-58.
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Tolhurst, D, Baker, B, Hamer, J, Box, I, Cutts, Q, de Raadt, M, Fincher, S, Haden, P, Hamilton, M, Lister, R, Petre, M, Robins, A, Simon, Sutton, K & Tutty, J 2006, 'Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? A multi-national, multi-institutional study', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 213-222.
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In this paper, we present the results of one aspect of a multinational, multi-institutional study of computer programming students. Specifically, this paper reports on an exploration of relationships between novice programmers' map-drawing styles (landmark, route or survey) and success in a first programming course at tertiary level. Relationships were found between map-drawing style and success of students in introductory programming courses, but there were mediating factors that resulted in some mixed findings between the countries in which data was collected. The results of this study identify some rich areas for further exploration, and suggests how this line of research might progress. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Tran, QNN, Low, G & Beydoun, G 2006, 'A methodological framework for ontology centric oriented software engineering', COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 117-132.
Travaly, Y, Bamal, M, Carbonell, L, Iacopi, F, Stucchi, M, Van Hove, M & Beyer, GP 2006, 'A novel approach to resistivity and interconnect modeling', MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, vol. 83, no. 11-12, pp. 2417-2421.
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Tsang, IW & Kwok, JT 2006, 'Efficient Hyperkernel Learning Using Second-Order Cone Programming', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 48-58.
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Tsang, IWH, Kwok, JTY & Zurada, JA 2006, 'Generalized Core Vector Machines', IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1126-1140.
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Varman, M, Mahlia, TMI & Masjuki, HH 2006, 'Method for calculating annual energy efficiency improvement of TV sets', Energy Policy, vol. 34, no. 15, pp. 2429-2432.
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Vexler, A, Liu, A, Schisterman, EF & Wu, C 2006, 'Note on distribution-free estimation of maximum linear separation of two multivariate distributions', Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 145-158.
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We consider the linear separation of two continuous multivariate distributions. Under mild conditions, the optimal linear separation exists uniquely. A kernel-smoothed approach is proposed to estimate the optimal linear combination and the corresponding separation measure. The proposed method yields consistent estimators allowing the construction of confidence intervals.
Vieira, CS 2006, 'Discussion and Response: Seismic stability of reinforced-soil wall by pseudo-dynamic method', Geosynthetics International, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 277-278.
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Vieira, CS, Nimbalkar, SS, Choudhury, D & Mandal, JN 2006, 'Seismic stability of reinforced-soil wall by pseudo-dynamic method', GEOSYNTHETICS INTERNATIONAL, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 277-277.
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Walker, R & Indraratna, B 2006, 'Vertical Drain Consolidation with Parabolic Distribution of Permeability in Smear Zone', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 132, no. 7, pp. 937-941.
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Wan, D, Fu, Q & Huang, J 2006, 'Synthesis of a thioether modified hyperbranched polyglycerol and its template effect on fabrication of CdS and CdSe nanoparticles', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 3679-3684.
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AbstractA thioether‐containing hyperbranched polyglycerol (PG) was synthesized by a simple and effective two‐step reaction; first a part of the hydroxyls of PG was transformed to carbamates by the reaction with the highly reactive 2‐chloroethyl isocyanate, and then the chlorine group was S‐alkylated with HS(CH2)nOH (n = 2, 6, 11). The resulting PGs with various molecular weights were successfully used as template for synthesis of nanoscale cadmium chalcogenide quantum dots (QDs). It was found that the size of these QDs was dependent on the polymer template. Moreover, after solvent evaporation, the polymer was assembled into large cluster, and a variety of morphologies were formed by the cluster inside the QDs. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 3679–3684, 2006
Wan, D, Fu, Q & Huang, J 2006, 'Synthesis of amphiphilic hyperbranched polyglycerol polymers and their application as template for size control of gold nanoparticles', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 509-514.
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AbstractAmphiphilic thioether‐containing core‐shell polymers were synthesized by two‐step reaction of hyperbranched polyglycerol (PG): first the hydroxyls of PG were O‐alkylated with 1‐bromo‐3‐chloropropane by improved Williamson reaction, and 31.6% of the hydroxyls were transformed to allyl groups and 22.4% of hydroxyls to 3‐chloropropyl; then the residual 3‐chloropropyl groups were efficiently S‐alkylated with 1‐dodecanethiol. Thus the amphiphilic polymers composed of hydrophobic thioether‐containing shell and hydrophilic PG core were formed and could be used as template for the synthesis of zero‐valent gold nanoparticles by the coordination interaction between gold species and thioether. The resulting colloids were stable and the size of the encapsulated gold nanoparticles could be adjusted by changing the molecular weight/size of the PG core of the amphiphilic derivatives. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 509–514, 2006
Wang, CY, Nguyen, ND, Morrison, NA, Eisman, JA, Center, JR & Nguyen, TV 2006, 'β3-adrenergic receptor gene, body mass index, bone mineral density and fracture risk in elderly men and women: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (DOES)', BMC Medical Genetics, vol. 7, no. 1.
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Abstract Background Recent studies have suggested that the Arg allele of β3-adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) gene is associated with body mass index (BMI), which is an important predictor of bone mineral density (BMD) and fracture risk. However, whether the ADRB3 gene polymorphism is associated with fracture risk has not been investigated. The aim of study was to examine the inter-relationships between ADRB3 gene polymorphisms, BMI, BMD and fracture risk in elderly Caucasians. Methods Genotypes of the ADRB3 gene were determined in 265 men and 446 women aged 60+ in 1989 at entry into the study, whose BMD were measured by DXA (GE Lunar, WI USA) at baseline. During the follow-up period (between 1989 and 2004), fractures were ascertained by reviewing radiography reports and personal interviews. Results The allelic frequencies of the Trp and the Arg alleles were 0.925 and 0.075 respectively, and the relative frequencies of genotypes Trp/Trp, Trp/Arg and Arg/Arg 0.857, 0.138 and 0.006 respectively. There was no significant association between BMI and ADRB3 genotypes (p = 0.10 in women and p = 0.68 in men). There was also no significant association between ADRB3 genotypes and lumbar spine or femoral neck BMD in either men and women. Furthermore, there were no significant association between ADRB3 genotypes and fracture risk in both women and men, either before or after adjusting for and, BMD and BMI. Conclusion
Wang, GM & Ying, MS 2006, 'Unambiguous discrimination among quantum operations', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 1-5.
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We address the problem of unambiguous discrimination among a given set of quantum operations. The necessary and sufficient condition for them to be unambiguously distinguishable is derived in the cases of single use and multiple uses, respectively. For the latter case we explicitly construct the input states and corresponding measurements that accomplish the task. It is also found that the introduction of entanglement can improve the discrimination. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Wang, JN & Li, YC 2006, 'Dynamic simulation and test verification of MR shock absorber under impact load', JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 309-314.
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The magnetorheological (MR) shock absorber is one of the most promising new devices for vibration reduction. Many investigations have been carried out on low velocity and frequency applications of MR devices. The use of the MR shock absorber under impact load is of great interest. The now widely used MR damper models, such as the Bingham model, cannot explain sufficiently the shear thinning behavior under impact loads. However, the HerschelBulkley model can be used to explain the same. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of the MR shock absorber under impact load and to verify the analytical conclusions and experiments. First, some dynamic simulations on the MR shock absorber under impact loads in Matlab and Simulink are carried out. The model describes the dynamic characteristics especially the shear thinning behavior of the shock absorber, based on this model, then analyzes the variations of piston acceleration and back cavity pressure of MR shock absorber at both same and different flow indices. A test rig is developed to test the characteristics of the long-stroke MR shock absorber under impact loads. Comparisons between the simulation and the test results are made to validate our conclusions. The results indicate that the peak acceleration value of the piston rod and the pressure of the back cavity are decided by the peak value and the duration of the impact force. The peak value of the acceleration and the cavity pressure cannot be changed, but the transitional time of the acceleration of the piston and the pressure of the back cavity of MR shock absorber can be controlled by changing the applied current in the electromagnetic coil. MR shock absorbers will be the most promising shock reduction device under an impact environment.
Wang, S, Dash, M, Chia, L-T & Xu, M 2006, 'Efficient data reduction in multimedia data', Applied Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 359-374.
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As the amount of multimedia data is increasing day-by-day thanks to cheaper storage devices and increasing number of information sources, the machine learning algorithms are faced with large-sized datasets. When original data is huge in size small sample sizes are preferred for various applications. This is typically the case for multimedia applications. But using a simple random sample may not obtain satisfactory results because such a sample may not adequately represent the entire data set due to random fluctuations in the sampling process. The difficulty is particularly apparent when small sample sizes are needed. Fortunately the use of a good sampling set for training can improve the final results significantly. In KDD'03 we proposed EASE that outputs a sample based on its 'closeness' to the original sample. Reported results show that EASE outperforms simple random sampling (SRS). In this paper we propose EASIER that extends EASE in two ways. (1) EASE is a halving algorithm, i.e., to achieve the required sample ratio it starts from a suitable initial large sample and iteratively halves. EASIER, on the other hand, does away with the repeated halving by directly obtaining the required sample ratio in one iteration. (2) EASE was shown to work on IBM QUEST dataset which is a categorical count data set. EASIER, in addition, is shown to work on continuous data of images and audio features. We have successfully applied EASIER to image classification and audio event identification applications. Experimental results show that EASIER outperforms SRS significantly. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006.
Wei, D, Han, J, Jiang, ZY, Lu, C & Tieu, AK 2006, 'A study on crack healing in 1045 steel', Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 177, no. 1-3, pp. 233-237.
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Wei, Z & Ying, M 2006, 'A relation between fidelity and quantum adiabatic evolution', PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol. 356, no. 4-5, pp. 312-315.
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Recently, some quantum algorithms have been implemented by quantum adiabatic evolutions. In this Letter, we discuss the accurate relation between the running time and the distance of the initial state and the final state of a kind of quantum adiabatic ev
Wei, Z, Ji, Z & Ying, M 2006, 'Majorization in quantum adiabatic algorithms', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 1-7.
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The majorization theory has been applied to analyze the mathematical structure of quantum algorithms. An empirical conclusion by numerical simulations obtained in the previous literature indicates that step-by-step majorization seems to appear universally in quantum adiabatic algorithms. In this paper, a rigorous analysis of the majorization arrow in a special class of quantum adiabatic algorithms is carried out. In particular, we prove that for any adiabatic algorithm of this class, step-by-step majorization of the ground state holds exactly. For the actual state, we show that step-by-step majorization holds approximately, and furthermore that the longer the running time of the algorithm, the better the approximation. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Wei, ZH & Ying, MS 2006, 'A modified quantum adiabatic evolution for the Deutsch-Jozsa problem', PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol. 354, no. 4, pp. 271-273.
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Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm has been implemented via a quantum adiabatic evolution by S. Das et al. [S. Das, R. Kobes, G. Kunstatter, Phys. Rev. A 65 (2002) 062310]. This adiabatic algorithm gives rise to a quadratic speed up over classical algorithms. We sh
Weily, AR, Bird, TS, Esselle, KP & Sanders, BC 2006, 'Woodpile EBG phase shifter', Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 25, pp. 1463-1463.
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A phase shifter in an alumina woodpile electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) defect waveguide that operates at microwave frequencies is demonstrated. The phase shift is introduced by sequentially adding low dielectric constant rods to the voids directly above the defect waveguide. The addition of the extra rods creates selected phase delay without significantly affecting the transmission performance of the woodpile waveguide. Measured and computed results in Ku-band are presented to confirm the performance of the device. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2006.
Weily, AR, Bird, TS, Esselle, KP & Sanders, BC 2006, 'Woodpile EBG phase shifter', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 42, no. 25, pp. 1463-1464.
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Weily, AR, Esselle, KP, Bird, TS & Sanders, BC 2006, 'Experimental woodpile EBG waveguides, bends and power dividers at microwave frequencies', Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 32-32.
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Weily, AR, Esselle, KP, Bird, TS & Sanders, BC 2006, 'High gain circularly polarised 1-D EBG resonator antenna', Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 18, pp. 1012-1012.
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Weily, AR, Esselle, KP, Bird, TS & Sanders, BC 2006, 'Linear Array of Woodpile EBG Sectoral Horn Antennas', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2263-2274.
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Whalley, JL, Lister, R, Thompson, E, Clear, T, Robbins, P, Ajith Kumar, PK & Prasad, C 2006, 'An Australasian study of reading and comprehension skills in novice programmers, using the bloom and SOLO taxonomies', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 243-252.
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In this paper we report on a multi-institutional investigation into the reading and comprehension skills of novice programmers. This work extends previous studies (Lister 2004, McCracken 2001) by developing a question set within two key pedagogical frameworks: the Bloom and SOLO taxonomies. From this framework of analysis some interesting emergent patterns relating the cognitive level of the questions to student performance have been identified. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
White, R, Phillips, MR, Thomas, P & Wuhrer, R 2006, 'In-situ investigation of discolouration processes between historic oil paint pigments', MICROCHIMICA ACTA, vol. 155, no. 1-2, pp. 319-322.
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Discolouring interactions between paint pigments have been observed since the mid 19th century. The source of some of these discolourations is the production of copper sulfides from an interaction between cadmium sulfide pigments and copper containing pigments. In this work, the discolouring interaction between cadmium yellow and malachite pigments was observed dynamically using the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM).
Willey, K & Freeman, M 2006, 'Improving teamwork and engagement: the case for self and peer assessment', Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 2006-02, pp. 1-19.
Wu, C & Hao, H 2006, 'Derivation of 3D masonry properties using numerical homogenization technique', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 1717-1737.
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AbstractLots of research work has been conducted on homogenization technique, which derives global homogenized properties of masonry from the behaviour of the constitutive materials (brick and mortar). Such a technique mainly focused on two‐dimensional media in the previous studies with the out‐of‐plane properties of masonry material neglected. In this paper, homogenization technique and damage mechanics theory are used to model a three‐dimensional masonry basic cell to numerically derive the equivalent elastic properties, strength envelope, and failure characteristics of masonry material. The basic cell is modelled with distinctive consideration of non‐linear material properties of mortar and brick. Various displacement boundaries are applied on the basic cell surfaces in the numerical simulation. The detailed material properties of mortar and brick are modelled in a finite element program in the numerical analysis. The stress–strain relations of masonry material under various conditions are obtained from the simulation. The homogenized elastic properties and failure characteristics of masonry material are derived from the simulation results. The homogenized 3D model is then utilized to analyse the response of a masonry panel to airblast loads. The same panel is also analysed with distinctive material modelling. The efficiency and accuracy of the homogenized model are demonstrated. The homogenized material properties and failure model can be used to model large‐scale masonry structure response. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wu, C & Hao, H 2006, 'Numerical prediction of rock mass damage due to accidental explosions in an underground ammunition storage chamber', Shock Waves, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 43-54.
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Wu, C, Oehlers, DJ & Xia, S 2006, 'Retrofitting of RC slabs against explosive loads', Transactions of Tianjin University, vol. 12, no. SUPPL., pp. 88-93.
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With the increase of terrorist bomb attacks on buildings, there is a need to develop advanced retrofitting techniques to strengthen structures against blast loads. Currently, several guidelines including an Australian version for retrofitting reinforced concrete (RC) structures are available for the design of retrofitting systems against seismic and monotonic loads using steel or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) plates that can be either adhesively bonded to the surface or near surface mounted to the concrete cover. However, none of these guidelines provide advice suitable for retrofitting structures subjected to blast loads. Numerical models are used to simulate the performance of retrofitted RC slabs subjected to blast loads. Airblast pressure distributions on the surface of the slabs estimated in a previous study are used as input in the analysis. A material damage model developed previously for concrete and an elastoplastic model for steel bars are employed for modeling reinforced concrete behavior due to explosive loads. The material models and blast loading are coded into a finite element computer program LS-DYNA3D to do the analysis. With the numerical model, parametric studies are conducted to investigate RC slabs retrofitted by either externally bonded or near-surface mounted plates or glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets subjected to blast loads. Discussion is made on the effectiveness of the retrofitting system for RC slabs against blast loads.
Wu, FJ, Lu, J & Zhang, GQ 2006, 'A new approximate algorithm for solving multiple objective linear programming problems with fuzzy parameters', APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol. 174, no. 1, pp. 524-544.
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Many business decision problems involve multiple objectives and can thus be described by multiple objective linear programming (MOLP) models. When a MOLP problem is being formulated, the parameters of objective functions and constraints are normally assigned by experts. In most real situations, the possible values of these parameters are imprecisely or ambiguously known to the experts. Therefore, it would be more appropriate for these parameters to be represented as fuzzy numerical data that can be represented by fuzzy numbers. In this paper, a new approximate algorithm is developed for solving fuzzy multiple objective linear programming (FMOLP) problems involving fuzzy parameters in any form of membership functions in both objective functions and constraints. A detailed description and analysis of the algorithm are supplied. In addition, an example is given to illustrate the approximate algorithm. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Wu, M & Ergun, G 2006, 'Using 10-Point Scale for Measuring E-Commerce Satisfaction In Survey Research'.
Wu, M & Yu, P 2006, 'Challenges and opportunities facing Australian universities caused by the internationalisation of Chinese higher education', INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL-COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211-221.
Wu, M, Ergun, G & Q.D, X 2006, 'The Strategies for Promoting The Development Of E-Commerce In-Service SMEs In China Using Australian Experiences For Reference'.
Wu, Q, He, S, Hintz, TB & Ye, Y 2006, 'A novel and uniform image partitioning on spiral architecture', International journal of computational science and engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 57-63.
Wu, Q, He, X, Hintz, T & Ye, Y 2006, 'A novel and uniform image partitioning on spiral architecture', International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1/2, pp. 57-57.
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Uniform image partitioning based on spiral architecture plays an important role in parallel image processing in many aspects such as uniform data partitioning, load balancing, zero data exchange between the processing nodes et al. However, when the number of partitions is not the power of seven like 7, 49, every sub-image except one is split into a few fragments which are mixed together. We could not tell which fragments belong to which subimage. It is an unacceptable flaw to parallel image processing. This paper proposes a method to resolve the problem mentioned above. From the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed method correctly identifies the fragments belonging to the same subimage and successfully collects them together to be a complete subimage. Then, these subimages can be distributed into the different processing nodes for further processing. Copyright © 2006, Inderscience Publishers.
Xia, L & Li, S 2006, 'On minimal models of the Region Connection Calculus', Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 427-446.
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Region Connection Calculus (RCC) is one primary formalism of qualitative spatial reasoning. Standard RCC models are continuous ones where each region is infinitely divisible. This contrasts sharply with the predominant use of finite, discrete models in applications. In a recent paper, Li et al. (2004) initiate a study of countable models that can be constructed step by step from finite models. Of course, some basic problems are left unsolved, for example, how many non-isomorphic countable RCC models are there? This paper investigates these problems and obtains the following results: (i) the exotic RCC model described by Gotts (1996) is isomorphic to the minimal model given by Li and Ying (2004); (ii) there are continuum many non-isomorphic minimal RCC models, where a model is minimal if it can be isomorphically embedded in each RCC model.
Yadav, NN, Maheswaran, S, Shutthanandan, V, Thevuthasan, S, Hart, TR, Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Comparison of analytical techniques for analysis of arsenic adsorbed on carbon', WATER QUALITY RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CANADA, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 185-189.
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Activated carbon (AC) has been used extensively to treat arsenic-contaminated groundwater for a number of years. To date, attempts to quantify directly the amount of arsenic removed by the activated carbon using nondestructive methods has been limited. H
Yadav, NN, Maheswaran, S, Shutthanandan, V, Thevuthasan, S, Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 2006, 'Quantification of arsenic in activated carbon using particle induced X-ray emission', NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, vol. 251, no. 1, pp. 191-196.
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To date, the trace elemental analysis of solids with inhomogencous internal structure has been limited, particularly in the case of adsorbents. High-energy ion beam based particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is an ideal analytical too] suitable for sim
Yang Wang & Rajapakse, JC 2006, 'Contextual modeling of functional MR images with conditional random fields', IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 804-812.
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Yang Wang, Kia-Fock Loe & Jian-Kang Wu 2006, 'A dynamic conditional random field model for foreground and shadow segmentation', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 279-289.
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Ying, MS 2006, 'Linguistic quantifiers modeled by Sugeno integrals', ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, vol. 170, no. 6-7, pp. 581-606.
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Since quantifiers have the ability of summarizing the properties of a class of objects without enumerating them, linguistic quantification is a very important topic in the field of high level knowledge representation and reasoning. This paper introduces
YOSHIZAWA, S & MIYANAGA, Y 2006, 'Tunable Wordlength Architecture for a Low Power Wireless OFDM Demodulator', IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E89-A, no. 10, pp. 2866-2873.
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Yoshizawa, S, Wada, N, Hayasaka, N & Miyanaga, Y 2006, 'Scalable architecture for word HMM-based speech recognition and VLSI implementation in complete system', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 70-77.
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Yousef, B, Hoang, DB & Rogers, G 2006, 'Serviter: A service-oriented programmable network platform for shared infrastructure', COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 642-659.
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Active Networks propose a new approach for dynamic service deployment through the introduction of extensible software components and per-packet processing in the forwarding plane. By doing so, this approach causes serious degradation to performance, scal
Yu, K & Oppermann, I 2006, 'Performance of decorrelating receivers in multipath Rician fading channels', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 2009-2016.
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Yu, K, Montillet, J-P, Rabbachin, A, Cheong, P & Oppermann, I 2006, 'UWB location and tracking for wireless embedded networks', Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2153-2171.
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Zhang, C, Feng, YA & Ying, MS 2006, 'Unambiguous discrimination of mixed quantum states', PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol. 353, no. 4, pp. 300-306.
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The problem of unambiguous discrimination between mixed quantum states is addressed by isolating the part of each mixed state which has no contribution to discrimination and by employing the strategy of set discrimination of pure states. A necessary and sufficient condition of unambiguous mixed state discrimination is presented. An upper bound of the efficiency is also derived. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zhang, C, Ying, M & Qiao, B 2006, 'Universal programmable devices for unambiguous discrimination', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 1-9.
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We discuss the problem of designing unambiguous programmable discriminators for any n unknown quantum states in an m -dimensional Hilbert space. The discriminator is a fixed measurement that has two kinds of input registers: the program registers and the data register. The quantum state in the data register is what users want to identify, which is confirmed to be among the n states in program registers. The task of the discriminator is to tell the users which state stored in the program registers is equivalent to that in the data register. First, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for judging an unambiguous programmable discriminator. Then, if m=n, we present an optimal unambiguous programmable discriminator for them, in the sense of maximizing the worst-case probability of success. Finally, we propose a universal unambiguous programmable discriminator for arbitrary n quantum states. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Zhang, G & Lu, H 2006, 'Hybrid Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with Quasi-Simplex Technique', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 246-255.
Zhang, R, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH & Nguyen, H 2006, 'Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX®) resin as a pre-treatment to a submerged membrane system in the treatment of biologically treated wastewater', Desalination, vol. 192, no. 1-3, pp. 296-302.
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Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX®) resin can remove a majority of hydrophilic compounds and a significant amount of hydrophobic compounds from biologically treated secondary effluent within a short contact time of 20 min. It removed a majority of small molecular weight organic compounds from the wastewater. MIEX® resin can easily be regenerated and even after several regenerations, it gives almost the same organic removal efficiency. MIEX® process, when used as pre-treatment to a submerged membrane reactor, resulted in a very high organic removal while significantly reducing the membrane fouling. The membrane fouling was further reduced by an addition of a small dose of powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the submerged membrane reactor. Combining MIEX® process with other pre-treatment methods such as adsorption, very high removal of organic matter can be achieved. © 2006.
Zhang, Y, Shao, KR, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lavers, JD 2006, 'Multiquadrics Collocation Method for Transient Eddy Current Problems', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 3183-3185.
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This paper presents the multiquadrics collocation method (MQCM) for transient eddy current problems. Both the implicit scheme and Crank-Nicolson time matching scheme are used here for time discretization. An example on analyzing transient eddy current of
Zhang, YQ, Luo, Z, Chen, LP & Zhao, YS 2006, 'Topological optimization design for multiple stiffness structures using method of moving asymptotes', Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1209-1216.
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A hybrid multi-objective programming scheme for multi-stiffness continuum topology optimization subject to complex loading cases has been proposed and developed in this paper by using artificial power law, in which sequential hierarchical optimization method and compromising programming method are combined. Multi-stiffness topological optimization is actually a nonlinear mathematical programming problem. A mathematical programming method with globally convergent and monotonous characteristics is presented based on convex approximations of the method of moving asymptotes, which is theoretically well-founded for advanced topology optimization with complicated objectives and multiple constraints. Numerical application is applied to demonstrate the validity of the presented methodologies.
Zhao, J & Sheng, D 2006, 'Strain gradient plasticity by internal-variable approach with normality structure', International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 43, no. 18-19, pp. 5836-5850.
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Zhao, J, Sheng, D & Collins, I 2006, 'Thermomechanical formulation of strain gradient plasticity for geomaterials', Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 837-863.
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Zhao, Q, Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Madria, S 2006, 'XML structural delta mining: Issues and challenges', Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 627-651.
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Zhong, JJ, Guo, YG, Zhu, JG & Lin, ZW 2006, 'Characteristics of soft magnetic composite material under rotating magnetic fluxes', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 299, no. 1, pp. 29-34.
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This paper reports the measurement of magnetic properties of the soft magnetic composite material SOMALOY(TM) 500 in a square sample under different patterns or flux density with 2D magnetic excitations. The test system, principle of measurement, magneti
Zhu, XQ & Law, SS 2006, 'Moving load identification on multi-span continuous bridges with elastic bearings', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1759-1782.
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Zhu, XQ, Law, SS & Bu, JQ 2006, 'A State Space Formulation for Moving Loads Identification', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 509-520.
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A new moving load identification method formulated in state space with regularization on the solution is presented. The bridge deck is modeled as an orthotropic rectangular plate, and the loads are modeled as a group of loads moving on top of the bridge deck at a fixed distance and at a constant speed. The Hamilton principle and the modal superposition principle are included in the formulation. Numerical simulations and experimental tests are employed for the verification and illustration on the effectiveness of the proposed method. The effects of different sensor location, different load path eccentricity, different types of measured information, and measurement noise have been investigated, and the effect of the aspect ratio of the bridge deck is also studied. It is concluded that nine sensors collecting information from nine vibration modes would give reasonably accurate identified results over the practical range of aspect ratio of a modern bridge deck. Acceleration responses are preferred over the velocity and strain responses in this study, and the same type of response should be collected for the same supporting beam in the longitudinal direction.
Abolhasan, M & Lipman, J 1970, 'Self-selection route discovery strategies for reactive routing in ad hoc networks', Proceedings of the first international conference on Integrated internet ad hoc and sensor networks - InterSense '06, the first international conference, ACM Press, Nice, France, pp. 21-21.
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Routing in Ad hoc Networks has received a significant amount of attention. In recent years, the focus of research has been in on-demand (or reactive) routing protocols due to the recognition that these protocols have the potential to achieve higher levels of scalability than proactive routing strategies. However, most on-demand routing protocols proposed to date attempt to increase routing efficiency by using existing knowledge about the destination or by increasing the stability of the routes. Little research has been done to reduce route discovery overhead when no previous destination information is available. We present a number of different strategies, which encourage a more distributed and localised approach to route discovery by allowing each intermediate node during route discovery to make forwarding decisions using localised knowledge and self-selection. The use of self-selection for route discovery enables nodes to independently make route request (RREQ) forwarding decisions based upon a selection criterion or by satisfying certain conditions. The nodes which do not satisfy the selection criterion do not rebroadcast the RREQs. This provides a more effective and efficient search strategy than the use of traditional brute force blind flooding. We implemented our self-selecting route discovery strategies over AODV using the GloMoSim network simulation package, and compared the performance with existing routing protocols. Our simulation results show that a significant drop in the number of control packets can be achieved by giving each intermediate node more authority for self-selection during route discovery. Furthermore, a significant increase in routing performance is achieved as the number of nodes in the network is increased. © 2006 ACM.
Abolhasan, M, Wysocki, T, Franklin, DR & Lipman, J 1970, 'Capacity of Single-Radio Ad-hoc Networks for Handling High Bit Rate Real-time Internet Applications', Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing, WITSP '06, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-6.
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Until now, the main focus in ad hoc networking has been improving Routing and Medium Access Control (MAC) Strategies. As a result, a diverse range of routing and MAC protocols have been proposed. To evaluate these protocols, much of the existing research has been based on simulation scenarios which assume ideal channel conditions and low node and traffic densities. Therefore, despite a few studies which have shown the performance limitations of ad hoc networks theoretically, there has not been many simulation studies performed which investigate the performance of ad hoc networks under a high node and traffic density. This paper investigates the performance of ad hoc networks under a high node density and high-bit rate real-time traffic such as VoIP. Our results show that the performane of single radio ad hoc networks drops significantly as traffic density is increased. To improve the performance of ad hoc networks, a number of different strategies and research areas are described.
Alem, L, Hansen, S & Li, J 1970, 'Evaluating clinicians' experience in a telemedicine application', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 47-47.
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The Virtual Critical Care Unit, (ViCCU®) is a telemedicine system that allows a specialist at a major referral hospital to direct a team in a rural hospital. ViCC® allows remote consultation to take place based on the transmission of multiple channels of real-time video/audio information of the patient, the clinical team, x-ray/paper documents and patient vital signs from the remote site to the specialist. This paper explores clinicians' experience of presence in a telemedicine application. In this study we used a modified version of the Slater-Usoh-Steed (SUS) presence questionnaire to measure clinicians' sense of presence when using ViCC®. We also explored the relationship between presence felt when using ViCCU® and personal, usability and media factors. Initial results indicate that in this context, personal factors influenced clinicians experience of presence and that there was a positive relationship between presence and both usability and media factors. Reflection on some of the challenges in conducting this study in an emergency department and the appropriateness of the SUS presence measure in this real setting are also included. Copyright the author(s) and CHISIG.
Alempijevic, A, Kodagoda, S, Underwood, J, Kumar, S, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Mutual information based sensor registration and calibration', 2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 25-30.
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Knowledge of calibration, that defines the location of sensors relative to each other, and registration, that relates sensor response due to the same physical phenomena, are essential in order to be able to fuse information from multiple sensors. In this paper, a Mutual Information (MI) based approach for automatic sensor registration and calibration is presented. Unsupervised learning of a nonparametric sensing model by maximizing mutual information between signal streams is used to relate information from different sensors, allowing unknown sensor registration and calibration to be determined. Experiments conducted in an office environment are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Two laser sensors are used to capture people mobbing in an arbitrarily manner in the environment and MI from a number of attributes of the motion are used for relating the signal streams from the sensors. Thus the sensor registration and calibration is achieved without using artificial patterns or pre-specified motions. © 2006 IEEE.
Al-Obaisat, Y & Braun, R 1970, 'On wireless sensor networks: Architectures, protocols, applications, and management', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 73-59.
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With the recent technological advances in wireless communications, integrated digital circuits, and micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS); development of wireless sensor networks has been enabled and become dramatically feasible. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are large networks madeof a numerous number of sensor nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless communications capabilities. Many various routing, power management, and data disseminationprotocols have been designed for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) dependent on both the network architecture and the applications that it is designed for. In this paper, we present the state of the art of wireless sensor networks' architecture and design features. Also, in this paper, we introduce recent work on routing protocols for WSNs and their design goals and challenges. Also, an overview of the applicationthat WSNs assist in is presented. Finally, several open research questions of wireless sensor networks management and issues are suggested and put forward.
Al-Oqaily, A & Kennedy, PJ 1970, 'Using a kernel-based approach to visualize integrated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome datasets', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, Australian Data Mining Conference, ACS, Sydney Australia, pp. 53-61.
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We describe the use of a kernel-based approach using the Laplacian matrix to visualize an integrated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome dataset comprising symptom and fatigue questionnaire and patient classification data, complete blood evaluation data and patient gene expression profiles. We present visualizations of the individual and integrated datasets with the linear and Gaussian kernel functions. An efficient approach inspired by computational linguistics for constructing a linear kernel matrix for the gene expression data is described. Visualizations of the questionnaire data show a cluster of non-fatigued individuals distinct from those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that supports the fact that diagnosis is generally made using this kind of data. Clusters unrelated to patient classes were found in the gene expression data. Structure from the gene expression dataset dominated visualizations of integrated datasets that included gene expression data. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Apeh, ET & Gabrys, B 1970, 'Clustering for Data Matching', KNOWLEDGE-BASED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Bournemouth, ENGLAND, pp. 1216-1225.
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Armand, S, Blumenstein, M & Muthukkumarasamy, V 1970, 'Off-line Signature Verification based on the Modified Direction Feature', 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), IEEE, pp. 509-512.
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Signature identification and verification has been a topic of interest and importance for many years in the area of biometrics. In this paper we present an effective method to perform off-line signature verification and identification. To commence the process, the signature's contour is first determined from its binary representation. Unique structural features are subsequently extracted from the signature's contour through the use of a novel combination of the Modified Direction Feature (MDF) in conjunction with additional distinguishing features to train and test two Neural Network-based classifiers. A Resilient Back Propagation neural network and a Radial Basis Function neural network were compared. Using a publicly available database of 2106 signatures containing 936 genuine and 1170 forgeries, we obtained a verification rate of 91.12%. © 2006 IEEE.
Armand, S, Blumenstein, M & Muthukkumarasamy, V 1970, 'Off-line Signature Verification using the Enhanced Modified Direction Feature and Neural-based Classification', The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, IEEE, pp. 684-691.
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Signatures continue to be an important biometric for authenticating the identity of human beings. This paper presents an effective method to perform off-line signature verification using unique structural features extracted from the signature's contour. A novel combination of the Modified Direction Feature (MDF) and additional distinguishing features such as the centroid, surface area, length and skew are used for classification. A Resilient Backpropagation (RBP) neural network and a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network were compared in terms of verification accuracy. Using a publicly available database of 2106 signatures (936 genuine and 1170 forgeries), verification rates of 91.21% and 88.0% were obtained using RBF and RBP respectively. © 2006 IEEE.
Athapornmongkon, C, Deuse, J & Wong, C 1970, 'Pull Production Cycle-Time under Varying Product Mixes', Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE, pp. 1997-2002.
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To satisfy customer requirements and simultaneously fully utilize the production machines, there is a need to determine appropriate cycle time. Especially in pull systems with varying product mixes, accurate cycle time is even more crucial. Accurate cycle time also reduces the need for buffers. When the product mix varies, especially in a pull production system with parallel flow, determination of accurate cycle time becomes problematic. Hence this paper studies the relations between cycle times and product mixes in a parallel pull production system using discrete event simulation. Experiments with varying product mixes for parallel production systems are simulated. The simulation results show that optimal cycle time is inversely proportional to product mixes, when the product mix is 50:50 e.g. 120 sec. should be set to each parallel machine to obtain overall cycle time of 60 sec. However, when the mixes are more than 50:50, the proportional rule is not valid. © 2006 IEEE.
Azadeh, A, Ghaderi, SF, Tarverdian, S & Saberi, M 1970, 'Integration of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm to predict electrical energy consumption', IECON 2006 - 32ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-11, 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society, IEEE, Paris, FRANCE, pp. 4834-+.
Azadeh, A, Ghaderi, SF, Tarverdian, S & Saberi, M 1970, 'Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm to Predict Electrical Energy consumption', IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, pp. 2552-2557.
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This study presents an integrated genetic algorithm (GA) and artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate and predict electricity demand using stochastic procedures. The economic indicators used in this paper are price, value added, number of customers and consumption in the previous periods. This model can be used to estimate energy demand in the future by optimizing parameter values. The GA applied in this study has been tuned for all its parameters and the best coefficients with minimum error are identified, while all parameter values are tested concurrently. The estimation errors of genetic algorithm model are less than that of estimated by regression method. Neural network is used to forecast each independent variable and then electricity consumption is forecasted up to year 2008.It is shown that neural networks dominate time series approach form the point of yielding less Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) error.. In addition, another unique feature of this study is utilization of ANN instead of time series to obtain better predictions for energy consumption. Electricity consumption in Iranian agriculture sector from 1981 to 2005 is considered as the case of this study. © 2006 IEEE.
Azadeh, A, Moghadam, RT, Ghaderi, SF, Tarverdian, S & Saberi, M 1970, 'Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm to Predict Electrical Energy Consumption in Energy Intensive Sector', 2006 1ST IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, 2006 1ST IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Hammamet, TUNISIA, pp. 58-63.
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Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Anvari, M & Saberi, M 1970, 'Measuring performance electric power generations using artificial neural networks', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, IEEE, INDIA, Bombay, pp. 379-+.
Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Anvari, M & Saberi, M 1970, 'Measuring Performance Electric Power Generations Using Artificial Neural Networks', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, IEEE, pp. 7-12.
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efficiency frontier analysis has been an important approach of evaluating firms' performance in private and public sectors. There have been many efficiency frontier analysis methods reported in the literature. However, the assumptions made for each of these methods are restrictive. Each of these methodologies has its strength as well as major limitations. This study proposes a non-parametric efficiency frontier analysis method based on the adaptive neural network technique for measuring efficiency as a complementary tool for the common techniques of the efficiency studies in the previous studies. The proposed computational method is able to find a stochastic frontier based on a set of input-output observational data and do not require explicit assumptions about the function structure of the stochastic frontier. In this algorithm, for calculating the efficiency scores, a similar approach to econometric methods has been used. Moreover, the effect of the return to scale of decision making unit (DMU) on its efficiency is included and the unit used for the correction is selected by notice of its scale (under constant return to scale assumption). An example using real data is presented for illustrative purposes, in the application to the power generation sector of Iran, we find that the neural network provide more robust results and identifies more efficient units than the conventional methods since better performance patterns are explored. Moreover, principle component analysis (PCA) and numerical taxonomy (NT) are used to verify the findings of the purposed algorithm.
Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Anvari, M & Saberi, M 1970, 'Measuring performance electric power generations using artificial neural networks and fuzzy clustering', IECON 2006 - 32ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-11, 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society, IEEE, FRANCE, Paris, pp. 4595-+.
Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Anvari, M & Saberi, M 1970, 'Measuring Performance Electric Power Generations Using Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Clustering', IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, pp. 4761-4766.
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Efficiency frontier analysis has been an important approach of evaluating firms' performance in private and public sectors. There have been many efficiency frontier analysis methods reported in the literature. However, the assumptions made for each of these methods are restrictive. Each of these methodologies has its strength as well as major limitations. This study proposes a non-parametric efficiency frontier analysis method based on the adaptive neural network technique for measuring efficiency as a complementary tool for the common techniques of the efficiency studies in the previous studies. The proposed computational methods are able to find a stochastic frontier based on a set of input-output observational data and do not require explicit assumptions about the function structure of the stochastic frontier. In purposed algorithm, for calculating the efficiency scores, a similar approach to econometric methods has been used and the effect of the scale of decision making unit (DMU) on its efficiency is included and the unit used for the correction is selected by notice of its scale. For increasing homogeneousness, the algorithm is proposed that use Fuzzy C-means method to cluster DMUs. An example using real data is presented for illustrative purposes. In the application to the power generation sector of Iran, we find that the neural network provide more robust results to rank decision making units than the conventional methods. © 2006 IEEE.
Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Guitiforooz, A & Saberi, M 1970, 'Improved Estimation of Electricity Demand Function by Integration of Fuzzy System and Data Mining Approach', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, IEEE, pp. 2160-2165.
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This paper presents an integrated fuzzy system and data mining approach for estimation of electricity demand function in Iran. To construct fuzzy systems, a rule base is needed. Because a rule base is not available, for the case of demand function, look up table which is one of the extracting rule methods is used to extract the rule base. But the extraction by look up table in this case (demand function) operates poorly. Therefore, decision tree method which is a data mining approach is utilized to extract the rule base. It can be seen that this method provides better solution. The case study is based on the total electricity consumption in Iran from 1992 to 2004. The prescribed approach may be an ideal substitute for fuzzy regression. At last, relative results of the mentioned methods are compared with ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model, which is one of the most famous time series models.
Azadeh, MA, Ghaderi, SF, Guitiforooz, A & Saberi, M 1970, 'Improved estimation of electricity demand function by integration of fuzzy system and data mining approach', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, IEEE, Bombay, INDIA, pp. 2742-+.
Baccelli, F, Machiraju, S, Veitch, D & Bolot, JC 1970, 'The role of PASTA in network measurement', ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM, pp. 231-242.
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Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA) is a well known property applicable to many stochastic systems. In active probing, PASTA is invoked to justify the sending of probe packets (or trains) at Poisson times in a variety of contexts. However, due to the diversity of aims and analysis techniques used in active probing, the benefits of Poisson based measurement, and the utility and role of PASTA, are unclear. Using a combination of rigorous results and carefully constructed examples and counter-examples, we map out the issues involved, and argue that PASTA is of very limited use in active probing. In particular, Poisson probes are not unique in their ability to sample without bias. Furthermore, PASTA ignores the issue of estimation variance, and the central need for an inversion phase to estimate the quantity of interest ased on what is directly observable. We give concrete examples of when Poisson probes should not be used, and explain why, and offer initial guidelines on suitable alternative sending processes.
Bachfischer, A, Lawrence, EM, Culjak, G & Prior, JR 1970, 'Online Teaching of large Groups in Information Technology: a survey of strategies', Proceedings of IADIS Internatoinal Conference e-Society 2006, IADIS International Conference e-Society, IADIS Press, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 201-209.
Bajaj, HL & Sharma, D 1970, 'Electricity Reforms in the Asian Region', 16 Conference of the Electric Power Supply Industry, Mumbai, Mumbai, India.
Bajaj, HL & Sharma, D 1970, 'Power Sector Reforms in India', 2006 International Conference on Power Electronic, Drives and Energy Systems, 2006 International Conference on Power Electronic, Drives and Energy Systems, IEEE, Delhi, India, pp. 1-5.
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Power sector reforms in India were initiated in the face of mounting commercial losses due to poor fiscal health of State Utilities, endemic capacity and energy shortages and increasing subsidy burden on the states. Investment in the sector was falling far short of demand in power supply. The Government of India, in 1991 embarked upon an ambitious program for reforming the sector with the prime objective of transforming the electricity industry into an efficient enterprise. This paper analyses the pre-reform era and identifies the key concerns which led to the initiation of the reform process. The paper delineates the major policy and regulatory initiatives that have been undertaken since 1991 including the provisions of the new enactment which has come into force in the form of the Electricity Act, 2003 and seek a paradigm shift. Several key elements of the reform program have been implemented by the various states, with varying degree of success, during the period 1991-2005. This paper reviews the performance of the Indian power sector in the last one and half decade since the reforms had been initiated, while undergoing restructuring. The study also examines how far the reform process during this period has been effective in realizing its set objectives and benefited the development of the power sector and the nation at large. The paper briefly discusses the issue involved in introduction of competition in the power sector primarily through development of a market for bulk power.
Ball, JE 1970, 'Uncertainty Analysis on Spatially Variable Control Parameters: An Application of the Genetic Algorithm Coupled with SWMM', International Conference on Hydrology in Asia, International Conference on Hydrology in Asia, Guangzhou, China.
Beauregard, M & Kennedy, PJ 1970, 'Robust Simulation of Lamprey Tracking', Parallel problem solving from nature - PPSN, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Rejkavik, Iceland, pp. 641-650.
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Biologically realistic computer simulation of vertebrates is a challenging problem with exciting applications in computer graphics and robotics. Once the mechanics of locomotion are available it is interesting to mediate this locomotion with higher level behavior such as target tracking. One recent approach simulates a relatively simple vertebrate, the lamprey, using recurrent neural networks to model the central pattern generator of the spine and a physical model for the body. Target tracking behavior has also been implemented for such a model. However, previous approaches suffer from deficiencies where particular orientations of the body to the target cause the central pattern generator to shutdown. This paper describes an approach to making target tracking more robust.
Beauregard, M, Kennedy, PJ & Debenham, J 1970, 'Fast simulation of animal locomotion: lamprey swimming', IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, World Computer Congress, Springer US, Santiago, Chile, pp. 247-256.
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© 2006 by International Federation for Information Processing. All rights reserved. Biologically realistic computer simulation of vertebrate locomotion is an interesting and challenging problem with applications in computer graphics and robotics. One current approach simulates a relatively simple vertebrate, the lamprey, using recurrent neural networks for the spine and a physical model for the body. The model is realized as a system of differential equations. The drawback with this approach is the slow speed of simulation. This paper describes two approaches to speeding up simulation of lamprey locomotion without sacrificing too much biological realism: (i) use of superior numerical integration algorithms and (ii) simplifications to the neural architecture of the lamprey.
Bennett, N, Smith, AJ, Beer, CS, O'Reilly, L, Colombeau, B, Dilliway, GD, Harper, R, McNally, PJ, Gwilliam, R, Cowern, NEB & Sealy, BJ 1970, 'Enhanced Antimony Activation for Ultra-Shallow Junctions in Strained Silicon', MRS Proceedings, Symposium on Sub Second Rapid Thermal Processing for Device Fabrication held at the 2006 MRS Spring Meeting, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, San Francisco, CA, pp. 59-+.
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AbstractSheet resistance (Rs) reductions are presented for antimony and arsenic doped layers produced in strained Si. Results re-emphasise the Rs reduction for As comes purely as a result of mobility improvement whereas for Sb, a superior lowering is observed from improvements in both mobility and activation. For the first time, strain is shown to enhance the activation of dopant atoms whilst Sb is seen to create stable ultra-shallow junctions. Our results propose Sb as a viable alternative to As for the creation of highly activated, low resistance ultra-shallow junctions for use with strain-engineered CMOS devices.
Bennett, NS, O’Reilly, L, Smith, AJ, Gwilliam, RM, McNally, PJ, Cowern, NEB & Sealy, BJ 1970, 'Strain-Enhanced Activation of Sb Ultrashallow Junctions', AIP Conference Proceedings, ION IMPLANTATION TECHNOLOGY: 16th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology - IIT 2006, AIP, Marseille, FRANCE, pp. 54-57.
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Bergin, J, Lister, R, Owens, BB & McNally, M 1970, 'The first programming course', Proceedings of the 11th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, ITiCSE06: 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM, pp. 301-302.
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This panel will discuss ways to engage undergraduates in computing and then to keep them as majors. A special emphasis will be on attracting females to computing. The panelists will discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of four environments especially designed for the teaching of the first programming course.
Beydoun, G, Gonzalez-Perez, C, Henderson-Sellers, B & Low, G 1970, 'Developing and evaluating a generic metamodel for MAS work products', SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOR MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS IV: RESEARCH ISSUES AND PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, International Conference on Software Engineering, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Saint Louis, USA, pp. 126-142.
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MAS development requires an appropriate methodology. Rather than seek a single, ideal methodology, we investigate the applicability of method engineering, which focuses on project-specific methodology construction from existing method fragments and provides an appealing approach to organize, appropriately access and effectively harness the software engineering knowledge of MAS methodologies. In this context, we introduce a generic metamodel to serve as a representational infrastructure to unify the work product component of MAS methodologies. The resultant metamodel does not focus on any class of MAS, nor does it impose any restrictions on the format of the system requirements; rather, it is an abstraction of how the work product elements in any MAS are structured and behave both at design time and run-time. Furthermore, in this paper we validate this representational infrastructure by analysing two wellknown existing MAS metamodels. We sketch how they can be seen as subtypes of our generic metamodel, providing early evidence to support the use of our metamodel towards the construction of situated MAS methodologies. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Beydoun, G, Tran, N, Low, G & Henderson-Sellers, B 1970, 'Foundations of ontology-based MAS methodologies', AGENT-ORIENTED INFORMATION SYSTEMS III, Agent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop, Springer, Netherlands and Austria, pp. 111-123.
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Support for software extensibility, interoperability and reuse are critical concerns for long term commercial viability of any MAS and they underpin the eventual adoption of agent technology by industry. Existing AOSE methodologies lack adequate support for these concerns. We argue in this paper that a methodology that uses ontologies as a central modelling artifact, beyond the analysis phase, is better equipped to address those concerns. We observe that the influence of ontologies in Knowledge-based Systems (KBS) methodologies extended well beyond the initial analysis phase, leading to domain-independent KBS methodologies in the 90s. We reflect on those lessons and on the roles of ontologies in KBS development. We analyse and identify which of those roles can be transferred to an ontology-based MAS development methodology. We identify ontology-related inter-dependencies between the analysis and design phases. We produce a set of recommendations towards creating a domain-independent MAS methodology that incorporates ontologies beyond the analysis phase. We identify the essential features and sketch the characteristic tasks within both the analysis and design phases.
Bliuc, D, Nguyen, TV, Eisman, JA & Center, JR 1970, 'Increased mortality following all major osteoporotic fractures: A 15 year follow-up study.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S68-S68.
Bo Yin, Ambikairajah, E & Fang Chen 1970, 'Combining Cepstral and Prosodic Features in Language Identification', 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), IEEE, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 254-257.
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Braun, R 1970, 'Objectives', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, pp. xii-xiii.
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Brennan, J & Martin, E 1970, 'Membership Functions for Spatial Proximity', AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Hobart, Australia, pp. 942-949.
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Formalising nearness has been the subject of extensive work, resulting in many membership functions based on absolute distance metrics, relative distance metrics, and combinations of those. The possible strengths and weaknesses of these functions have been discussed and argued at length, but strangely enough, no experiment seems to have been conducted to assess the merits and shortcomings of competing approaches. Conducting such experiments can be expected not only to provide an objective evaluation of the various measures that have been proposed, but also to suggest new measures that outperform all those being analysed. This paper fulfills these expectations, and gives further evidence that fuzzy logic provides fruitful and powerful methods to formalise qualitative reasoning and capture fundamental qualitative notions. The proposed fuzzy membership functions can be directly used in qualitative reasoning about spatial proximity in Geographic Information Systems, which are becoming more and more important in software development for diverse purposes such as Tourist Information Systems or property development.
Brongersma, SH 1970, 'Stress in Next Generation Interconnects', AIP Conference Proceedings, STRESS-INDUCED PHENOMENA IN METALLIZATION: Eighth International Workshop on Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization, AIP, pp. 157-163.
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Stress is becoming an increasingly critical parameter for all steps in back-end-of-line integration. As the k-value of dielectric spacers decreases their mechanical integrity scales accordingly, making the interconnect stack increasingly sensitive to barrier and copper stresses. These stresses need to be studied not only for as-deposited layers, but also during thermal processing. Stress relaxation of the barrier can for instance occur at elevated temperatures and result in severe dielectric deformation. Copper typically relaxes at elevated temperatures during thermal cycling and then builds-up thermal stress when cooled back to room temperature. However, the initial stress state can have a strong effect on the final microstructure. An example is shown here where a new growth mode, named 'super-secondary-grain-growth, is stress induced and leads to grains of many tens of microns. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Brun, T, Devetak, I & Hsieh, M 1970, 'Entanglement-assisted quantum error correction', The 6th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS06), BeiJing, China.
Bu, JQ & Zhu, XQ 1970, 'Bridge damage identification by dynamic response of the passing vehicle based on response sensitivity', Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2005, 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Shenzhen, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 869-874.
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This paper presents the bridge damage detection from the response of the vehicle moving on a simply supported bridge discretized into m Euler beam elements based on dynamic response sensitivity analysis respect to bridge damage indices. The moving vehicle is modeled as a one-degree-of-freedom system comprising three parameters. The response of the vehicle and its sensitivity respect to bridge parameters can be solved by Newmark method. The bridge damage described as reduction of bridge bending stiffness of each element. Starting with zero initial damage indices vector, the identification can be realized based on the combination of least-squares method and regularization technique from the simulated measured vehicle acceleration measurements. Simulation studies indicate that the identified results are acceptable and the identification method is practicable and effective. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.
Burnham, DR & McGloin, D 1970, 'Controlled aerosol manipulation using holographic optical tweezers', SPIE Proceedings, SPIE Optics + Photonics, SPIE, San Diego, CA, pp. 63261I-63261I.
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Cabrera, D, Ferguson, S & Maria, R 1970, 'Sonification of sound: Auditory display for acoustics education', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Acoustical Society of America (ASA), pp. 3073-3073.
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Sonification is concerned with data representation to the ear using nonspeech audio. While auralization is routinely used in architectural acoustics, the broader processes encompassed by sonification are not so commonly applied, but can enhance the appreciation of acoustical properties of materials and structures, audio signals, and acoustic system measurements. We present examples of sonifications such as (i) auditory graphs of reflection and transmission coefficients and reverberation times; (ii) auditory graphs of percentiles and moments, applied to time-varying sound levels and to magnitude spectra; (iii) conditioning of room impulse responses for sonification using techniques such as time stretching, signal reversal, filtering and auto-convolution/correlation; (iv) sonification of complex frequency response or signal spectra; and (v) applications of the Hilbert transform for audio signal sonification. Compared to graphic or numeric representation, such sonifications have the advantage of providing an aural experience of the aspect of sound that is sonified, and so directly convey to a listener something of the meaning of the data.
Cabrera, D, Ferguson, S & Maria, R 1970, 'Using sonification for teaching acoustics and audio', 1st Australasian Acoustical Societies' Conference 2006, ACOUSTICS 2006: Noise of Progress, pp. 383-390.
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In this paper we develop examples of how the understanding of acoustic and audio phenomena can be enhanced through sonification, especially with a view to application in education. The term sonification refers to the process of converting data into non-speech audio, and is distinct from auralization in that the process does not aim to simulate an actual or imagined sound environment. Measurements of audio and acoustical systems are most commonly represented numerically and graphically, and these two methods each have distinct advantages. However, display of such data using sound not only conveys important information, but also may provide an experience of important aspects of the phenomenon under consideration. When used in an education context, this method of data display should improve listening skills. We demonstrate various data transformations that allow a sonification of acoustical measurements or phenomena to bring out features of interest. We also demonstrate more abstract sonifications (auditory graphs) that can be usefully applied to this context. Copyright © (2006) by the Australian Acoustical Society.
Cai Yi-Bing, Hai-Bo Li, Zhong-Cheng Li & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'A New Method of Selecting Stable Paths in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing - Vol 2 - Workshops, IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing - Vol 2 - Workshops, IEEE, pp. 38-45.
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Node mobility is one of dominant factors causing decreased performance in mobile ad hoc networks and restricting network scalability. Selecting stable paths is an effective way to reduce the impact of node mobility. Current methods of selecting stable paths suffer from several shortcomings. They may need a hardware function support for geographical position location or cross-layer function support for sending signal strength information to upper layers. In this paper a new simple method for selecting stable paths is proposed. This method uses a Neighbor Change Ratio metric and does not require any hardware function or cross layer support. The method selects paths which have small hop counts and stable local topologies. An extension to the AODV routing protocol is used as an example of using the Neighbor Change Ratio metric. The resulting NCR-AODV protocol is simulated under various mobility and traffic scenarios. The results show that the NCR-AODV protocol has a lower long path break probability and improved network performance compared to the AODV protocol. © 2006 IEEE.
Cao, L 1970, 'Activity Mining: Challenges and Prospects', Advanced Data Mining And Applications, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Xi'an, China, pp. 582-593.
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Activity data accumulated in real life, e.g. in terrorist activities and fraudulent customer contacts, presents special structural and semantic complexities. However, it may lead to or be associated with significant business impacts. For instance, a seri
Cao, L & Zhang, C 1970, 'Domain-Driven Actionable Knowledge Discovery in the Real World', Advances In Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Singapore, pp. 821-830.
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Actionable knowledge discovery is one of Grand Challenges in KDD. To this end, many methodologies have been developed. However, they either view data mining as an autonomous data-driven trial-and-error process, or only analyze the issues in an isolated a
Cao, L, Luo, D & Zhang, C 1970, 'Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms for Pairs Mining', PRICAI 2006: Trends In Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Guilin, China, pp. 711-720.
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Pairs mining targets to mine pairs relationship between entities such as between stocks and markets in financial data mining. It has emerged as a kind of promising data mining applications. Due to practical complexities in the real-world pairs mining suc
Cao, L, Ni, J & Luo, D 1970, 'Ontological Engineering in Data Warehousing', Frontiers Of WWW Research And Development - Apweb 2006, Proceedings - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Asia Pacific Web Conference, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Harbin, China, pp. 923-929.
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In our previous work, we proposed the ontology-based integration of data warehousing to make existing data warehouse system more user-friendly, adaptive and automatic. This paper further outlines a high-level picture of the ontological engineering in dat
Cavedon, L, Dale, R, Chen, F & Traum, D 1970, 'Workshop on effective multimodal dialogue interfaces', Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, IUI06: 11th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, ACM, pp. 17-17.
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This workshop addresses the issue of evaluating multimodal dialogue systems, and in particular the characteristics and interaction styles that are particularly effective for human-machine collaborative task performance.
Center, JR, Bliuc, D, Nguyen, TV & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Similar subsequent fracture risk following initial osteoporotic fracture in men and women: A 15 year follow-up study.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S54-S54.
Cetindamar, D, Can, O & Pala, O 1970, 'Technology Management Activities and Tools: The Practice in Turkey', 2006 Technology Management for the Global Future - PICMET 2006 Conference, 2006 Technology Management for the Global Future - PICMET 2006 Conference, IEEE, pp. 92-98.
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The diffusion of management techniques is as difficult as the diffusion of technologies. This paper aims to find out how technology management is perceived and utilized in Turkish firms. The research is based on a survey that consists of 89 company responses out of the biggest 500 firms in the Turkish industry. The investigation consists of 1) the degree of diffusion in terms of technology management activities such as technology planning as well as 2) the techniques and tools used in technology management such as simulation. The literature review indicates 11 technology management activities ranging from strategy to utilization and 36 technology management techniques / tools. The results show that Turkish managers try to utilize technologies rather than creating them and they use 11 techniques more often than others and many important tools such as technology life cycle are not diffused yet. The paper ends with a discussion of findings. (c) 2006 PICMET.
Cha, D, Jeng, DS, Blumenstein, M & Zhang, H 1970, 'Evaluation of wave-induced liquefaction in a porous seabed: Using an artificial neural network and a genetic algorithm -based model', Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp. 302-308.
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The evaluation of wave-induced liquefaction is one of the key factors for analysing seabed characteristics and the design of marine structures. Numerous investigations of wave-induced liquefaction have been proposed. However, most previous research has focused on complicated mathematical theories and laboratory work. In this study, we contribute an alternative approach for the prediction of the waveinduced liquefaction using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based model. Combined ANN and GA-based models are still a newly developed area in coastal engineering. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm-based approach is proposed to find optimal weights for the ANN model. It reduces the training time, and improves the forecasting accuracy for wave-induced maximum liquefaction depth, compared to using the normal ANN training procedure. Simulation results demonstrate the capacity of the proposed ANN model for the prediction of wave induced maximum liquefaction depth in addition to the proposal of GAs for training the ANN model. Copyright ©2006 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.
Chaczko, Z & Sinha, S 1970, 'Teaching Software Analysis&Design: An iTV based interactive approach', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, pp. 49-54.
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The essence of a University is realized through the quality of education it delivers to the students and how useful they find it in their lives. To fulfil this quest recently the University of Technology, Sydney added a new subject to the existing curriculum for Master of Software Engineering - Software Analysis and Design. The primary goal of the subject was to promote skills and understanding about software engineering practices, project management, and scheduling and resource management. In doing so the students were also exposed to a hands-on learning experience in development of Interactive Digital TV application in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation - using the MHP middleware. The response to this program has proven to be very encouraging as it provides a very effective approach to increasing the software development capability. © 2006 IEEE.
Chaczko, Z, Dobler, H, Jacak, W, Klempous, R, Maciejewski, H, Nikodem, J, Nikodem, M, Rozenblit, J, Araujo, CPS & Sliwinski, P 1970, 'Assessment of the Quality of Teaching and Learning Based on Data Driven Evaluation Methods', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, pp. nil21-nil36.
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The data-driven decision support tool built around the SAS technology has been developed to support the evaluation and monitoring of the quality of educational process. The tool forms an integrated framework that can be used for managing of teaching and learning processes and for performing comparative studies in the participating institutions. The tool includes: the engine for the comparative statistical analysis of the quality of teaching, the mechanism for dissemination of analytical results and the reporting facility. The main aim of our study is to extract and to compare the information on the quality of courses and teaching obtained from the different sets of databases at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering (FEE) of the Wroclaw, University of Technology (WUT), Poland; the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) at University of Las Palmas de Grand Canaria (ULPGC), Spain; the Faculty of Engineering, Software, the Polytechnic University of Upper Austria in Hagenberg, Austria; the Electrical and Computer Science Department at the University of Arizona in Tucson, USA and Software Engineering Group at the Faculty of Engineering University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia. In this paper we describe the process involved, the methodology, the tools for the analysis; and we present the results of our study. © 2006 IEEE.
Chaczko, Z, Klempous, R, Nikodem, J & Rozenblit, J 1970, '24/7 Software Development in Virtual Student Exchange Groups: Redefining the Work and Study Week', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, pp. 698-705.
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A concept of time zone driven, 24/7-week software development in a Virtual Student Exchange (VSX) environment is being defined, developed and applied to explore reliable and efficient continuous modes of work/study processes. The overall goal is to assess the suitability and benefits of this innovative approach to teaching and learning in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes. This new methodology aims to address industry needs for training in international teaming, to enrich students' experience, and to improve the quality of education in the participating institutions. The techniques and tools discussed here create an integrated framework for international collaboration among teaming groups of students in practice and team oriented engineering education. This paper also aims to justify the need, merits, and feasibility of the virtual collaboration student exchange teaching program between educational institutions separated by three 8-hour time zones: the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland (WUT), the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA (UA) and the Faculty of Engineering, Software Engineering Group at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (UTS). The paper defines the proposed methodology, reviews the tools and processes involved, and finally reports preliminary results. © 2006 IEEE.
Chaczko, Z, Klempous, R, Nikodem, J, Nikodem, M & Rozenblit, J 1970, 'An improvement of energy aware routing in wireless sensors network', International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, I3M, International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, EMSS, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 599-604.
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This paper presents results of wireless sensors networks protocols simulations. In such an infrastructure set-up sensors are left unattended, form network and its main goal is to increase network operation lifetime. At first we discuss the role and importance of a clustering protocol in setting up communication routes between cluster heads in wireless sensors networks. Then we propose effective routing algorithms that increase network lifetime, improve its security and robustness to sensor's faults.
Chaczko, ZC & Sinha, SN 1970, 'Innovative Strategies of Teaching Software Analysis and Design - Interactive Digital Television Games', 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 7th Internationalk Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. ITHET '06, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 38-56.
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The essence of a University is realized through the quality of education it delivers to the students and how useful they find it in their lives. To fulfil this quest recently the University of Technology, Sydney added a new subject to the existing curriculum for Master of Software Engineering - Software Analysis and Design. The primary goal of the subject was to promote skills and understanding about software engineering practices, project management, and scheduling and resource management. In doing so the students were also exposed to a hands-on learning experience in development of Interactive Digital TV application in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation - using the MHP middleware. The response to this program has proven to be very encouraging as it provides a very effective approach to increasing the software development capability.
Chaczko, ZC, Klempous, R, Nikodem, J & Rozenblit, J 1970, '24/7 Software Development in Virtual Student Exchange Groups: redefining the work and study week', 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training ITHET'06, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 30-38.
Chaczko, ZC, Klempous, R, Nikodem, J, Rozenblit, J, Jacak, W & Araujo, C 1970, 'Assessment of the quality of teaching and learning based on data driven evaluation methods', 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training ITHET '06, IEEE 2006, Sydney, Australia, pp. 39-55.
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The data-driven decision support tool built around the SAS technology has been developed to support the evaluation and monitoring of the quality of educational process. The tool forms an integrated framework that can be used for managing of teaching and learning processes and for performing comparative studies in the participating institutions. The tool includes: the engine for the comparative statistical analysis of the quality of teaching, the mechanism for dissemination of analytical results and the reporting facility. The main aim of our study is to extract and to compare the information on the quality of courses and teaching obtained from the different sets of databases at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering (FEE) of the Wroclaw, University of Technology (WUT), Poland; the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) at University of Las Palmas de Grand Canaria (ULPGC), Spain; the Faculty of Engineering, Software, the Polytechnic University of Upper Austria in Hagenberg, Austria; the Electrical and Computer Science Department at the University of Arizona in Tucson, USA and Software Engineering Group at the Faculty of Engineering University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia. In this paper we describe the process involved, the methodology, the tools for the analysis; and we present the results of our study.
Chang, E, Hussain, FK & Dillon, T 1970, 'Reputation ontology for reputation systems', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, Pt 2, Proceedings, pp. 1724-1733.
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The growing development of web-based reputation systems in the 21 century will have a powerful social and economic impact on both business entities and individual customers, because it makes transparent quality assessment on products and services to achieve customer assurance in the distributed web-based Reputation Systems. The web-based reputation systems will be the foundation for web intelligence in the future. Trust and Reputation help capture business intelligence through establishing customer trust relationships, learning consumer behavior, capturing market reaction on products and services, disseminating customer feedback, buyers' opinions and end-user recommendations. It also reveals dishonest services, unfair trading, biased assessment, discriminatory actions, fraudulent behaviors, and un-true advertising. The continuing development of these technologies will help in the improvement of professional business behavior, sales, reputation of sellers, providers, products and services. Given the importance of reputation in this paper, we propose ontology for reputation. In the business world we can consider the reputation of a product or the reputation of a service or the reputation of an agent. In this paper we propose ontology for these entities that can help us unravel the components and conceptualize the components of reputation of each of the entities. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006. st
Cheah, C & Ball, JE 1970, 'An Alternative Approach to Modelling Stormwater Runoff From Small Urban Catchments', Environmental Research Event 2006, Environmental Research Event Conference, James Cook University, Sydney, Australia, pp. 48-55.
Chen Jiaxin, Guo Youguang & Zhu Jianguo 1970, 'A generalized dynamic model for flyback switching converter based on nonlinear finite element analysis', International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006 (ITIC 2006), International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006 (ITIC 2006), IEE, pp. 771-776.
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This paper presents a generalized dynamic model for flyback switching AC-DC converters. Comparing with the current model in the published literatures, several important factors are taken into account, including the anomalous loss in magnetic cores, differential inductance and leakage inductance. In order to obtain accurate parameters, nonlinear finite element analysis method is used to calculate some key parameters of transformer: differential inductance and leakage inductance. Furthermore, a modified flyback transformer model is built. The systematic method to build the hybrid model-system switching state based on time sequence is also introduced. A simulation model in MATLAB/Simulink, in which all three operational modes are included, is built. The developed model is validated by executing the model on an existing converter, and several performances are obtained.
Chen Jiaxin, Guo Youguang & Zhu Jianguo 1970, 'Design and performance simulation of a high speed brushless DC motor for embroidery machine application', International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006 (ITIC 2006), International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006 (ITIC 2006), IEE, pp. 777-781.
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This paper presents an improved phase variable model and field-circuit coupling method for the design and performance analysis of a high speed surface mounted permanent magnet brushless DC motor. In the design of the motor, magnetic field finite element analysis is conducted to calculate the key motor parameters such as the air gap flux, back electromotive force, and inductance, etc. Based on the numerical magnetic field solutions, a modified incremental energy method is employed to effectively calculate the self and mutual inductances of the stator windings. An equivalent electrical circuit is derived to predict the motor characteristics. In order to study the comprehensive performance of the motor at the design stage, especially the motor output speed and torque at high speeds, which are affected by the dynamic inductances, an improved phase variable model is introduced to simulate the motor performance. The motor prototype has been constructed and tested with both a dynamometer and a high speed embroidery machine, which validates successfully the theoretical calculations.
Chen, D, Shao, K, Hu, X, Guo, Y & Lavers, J 1970, 'A Subregion Expansion Method for Computational Electromagnetics', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 337-337.
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Chen, J, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 1970, 'A Generalized Dynamic Model for Flyback Switching Converter Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis', Proceedings of the International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Hangzhou, China, pp. 1-6.
Chen, J, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 1970, 'Design and Performance Simulation of a High Speed Brushless DC Motor for Embroidery Machine Application', Proceedings of the International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Hangzhou, China, pp. 1-5.
Chen, J, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 1970, 'Development of a High Speed Permanent Magnet Motor for Driving Embroidery Machines', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 775-775.
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Chen, J, Shen, J-L, Zhang, J & Wangsa, K 1970, 'A Novel Multimedia Database System for Efficient Image/Video Retrieval Based on Hybrid-Tree Structure', 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE, Dalian, pp. 4353-4358.
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With recent advances in computer vision, image processing and analysis, a retrieval process based on visual content has became a key component in achieving high efficiency image query for large multimedia databases. In this paper, we propose and develop
Chen, J, Zhu, J & Guo, Y 1970, 'Calculation of Power Loss in Output Diode of a Flyback Switching DC-DC Converter', 2006 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IEEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1-5.
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Chen, J, Zhu, J & Guo, Y 1970, 'Calculation of Power Loss in Output Diode of a Flyback Switching DC-DC Converter', 2006 CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006 CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IEEE, Shanghai, China, pp. 1-5.
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Based on the mathematical model of flyback switching DC-DC converter in the continuous current mode and the simulation model under heavy loads, this paper presents a study of the steady-state power loss in the output diode, including the loss calculation models under three operational modes (voltage control, under-voltage, and overcurrent modes), the relations of the diode loss versus the input and output voltages, and a comparison of the losses under different modes. By the heavy load simulation model, the effects of time delay on the diode loss are also investigated. Finally, the proposed models are applied to calculate the power losses of output diode of an existing flyback switching DC-DC converter.
Chen, J, Zhu, J, Guo, Y & Jin, J 1970, 'Modeling and Simulation of Flyback DC-DC Converter under Heavy Load', 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Guilin, China, pp. 2757-2761.
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Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Li, J 1970, 'COWES: Clustering Web Users Based on Historical Web Sessions', DATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, 11th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 541-556.
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Chen, L, Bhowmick, SS & Li, J 1970, 'Mining Temporal Indirect Associations', ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, PROCEEDINGS, 10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 425-434.
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Chen, S, Yan, B, Zic, J, Liu, R & Ng, A 1970, 'Evaluation and Modeling of Web Services Performance', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), IEEE, Chicago, IL, pp. 437-444.
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Cheng, E & Piccardi, M 1970, 'Matching Moving Objects by parts with a maximum likelihood criterion', Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2006, Image and Vision Computing Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 373-378.
Cheng, E, Burnett, I & Ritz, C 1970, 'Investigating spatial audio coding cues for meeting audio segmentation', Audio Engineering Society - 120th Convention Spring Preprints 2006, pp. 2175-2186.
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As multiparty meetings involve participants that are generally stationary when actively speaking, participant location information can be used to segment the recorded meeting audio into speaker 'turns.' In this paper, speaker location information derived from 'spatial cues' generated by spatial audio coding techniques is investigated. The validity of using spatial cues for meeting audio segmentation is explored through investigating multiple microphone meeting audio recording techniques and different spatial audio coders. Experimental results show that the statistical relationship between speaker location and interchannel level and phase-based spatial cues strongly depends on the microphone pattern. Results also indicate that interchannel correlation-based spatial cues represent location information that is ambiguous for meeting audio segmentation.
Cheng, E, Burnett, I & Ritz, C 1970, 'Using Spatial Audio Cues from Speech Excitation for Meeting Speech Segmentation', 2006 8th international Conference on Signal Processing, 2006 8th international Conference on Signal Processing, IEEE.
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Multiparty meetings generally involve stationary participants. Participant location information can thus be used to segment the recorded meeting speech into each speaker's 'turn' for meeting 'browsing'. To represent speaker location information from speech, previous research showed that the most reliable time delay estimates are extracted from the Hubert envelope of the Linear Prediction residual signal. The authors' past work has proposed the use of spatial audio cues to represent speaker location information. This paper proposes extracting spatial audio cues from the Hubert envelope of the speech residual for indicating changing speaker location for meeting speech segmentation. Experiments conducted on recordings of a real acoustic environment show that spatial cues from the Hilbert envelope are more consistent across frequency subbands and can clearly distinguish between spatially distributed speakers, compared to spatial cues estimated from the recorded speech or residual signal. © 2006 IEEE.
Cheng, E, Burnett, I & Ritz, C 1970, 'Using spatial audio cues from speech excitation for meeting speech segmentation', 2006 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-4, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, IEEE, Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 3067-+.
Cheng, E, Burnett, I & Ritz, C 1970, 'Varying Microphone Patterns for Meeting Speech Segmentation Using Spatial Audio Cues', ADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION PROCESSING - PCM 2006, PROCEEDINGS, 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 221-228.
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Cheng, E, Davis, S, Burnett, I & Lukasiak, J 1970, 'Efficient delivery of hierarchically structured meeting audio metadata with a bi-directional XML protocol', 2006 International Conference on Computing & Informatics, Informatics (ICOCI), IEEE, pp. 1-6.
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This paper explores user-centered metadata delivery through the example of hierarchically organized meeting audio metadata. Audio annotations that describe meeting scenarios can vary from low-level signal-based descriptors to high-level semantics. Users of meeting metadata also have widely varying requirements and hence want metadata at varying levels and detail. Thus, for efficient metadata access, it is vital to provide customization or choice of the metadata to be delivered using e.g. regions of interest and annotation detail specification. As well as proposing a user-centered metadata organization strategy, this paper introduces the use of a bi-directional XML protocol for metadata delivery. The combination provides advantages in terms of bandwidth efficiency when an example meeting metadata browser application is examined with practical user interfaces. ©2006 IEEE.
Cheng, E, Davis, S, Burnett, I & Lukasiak, J 1970, 'Efficient Delivery of Hierarchically Structured Meeting Audio Metadata with a Bi-Directional XML Protocol', 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING & INFORMATICS (ICOCI 2006), International Conference on Computing and Informatics, IEEE, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, pp. 229-+.
Cheng, ED & Piccardi, M 1970, 'Matching of Objects Moving Across Disjoint Cameras', 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, Atlanta, USA, pp. 1769-1772.
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Matching of single individuals as they move across disjoint camera views is a challenging task in video surveillance. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm capable of matching single individuals in such a scenario based on appearance features. In order to reduce the variable illumination effects in a typical disjoint camera environment, a cumulative color histogram transformation is first applied to the segmented moving object. Then, an incremental major color spectrum histogram representation (IMCSHR) is used to represent the appearance of a moving object and cope with small pose changes occurring along the track. An IMCHSR-based similarity measurement algorithm is also proposed to measure the similarity of any two segmented moving objects. A final step of post-matching integration along the object's track is eventually applied. Experimental results show that the proposed approach proved capable of providing correct matching in typical situations. ©2006 IEEE.
Cheng, ED, Madden, C & Piccardi, M 1970, 'Mitigating the Effects of Variable Illumination for Tracking across Disjoint Camera Views', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 32-32.
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Tracking people by their appearance across disjoint camera views is challenging since appearance may vary significantly across such views. This problem has been tackled in the past by computing intensity transfer functions between each camera pair during an initial training stage. However, in real-life situations, intensity transfer functions depend not only on the camera pair, but also on the actual illumination at pixel-wise resolution and may prove impractical to estimate to a satisfactory extent. For this reason, in this paper we propose an appearance representation for people tracking capable of coping with the typical illumination changes occurring in a surveillance scenario. Our appearance representation is based on an online K-means color clustering algorithm, a fixed, data-dependent intensity transformation, and the incremental use of frames. Moreover, a similarity measurement is proposed to match the appearance representations of any two given moving objects along sequences of frames. Experimental results presented in this paper show that the proposed methods provides a viable while effective approach for tracking people across disjoint camera views in typical surveillance scenarios. © 2006 IEEE.
Cheong, CY, Tan, KC, Liu, DK & Xu, JX 1970, 'A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1370-1377.
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This paper considers the routing of vehicles with limited capacity from a central depot to a set of geographically dispersed customers where actual demand is revealed only when the vehicle arrives at the customer. The solution to this vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand (VRPSD) involves the optimization of complete routing schedules with minimum travel distance, driver remuneration, and number of vehicles, subject to a number of constraints such as vehicle time window and capacity. To solve such a multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem, this paper presents a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that incorporates two VRPSD-specific heuristics for local exploitation and a route simulation method to evaluate the fitness of solutions. A novel way of assessing the quality of solutions to the VRPSD on top of comparing their expected costs is also proposed. It is shown that the algorithm is capable of finding useful tradeoff solutions which are robust to the stochastic nature of the problem.
Cheong, CY, Tan, KC, Liu, DK & Xu, JX 1970, 'A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for solving vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand', 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2006, pp. 1370-1377.
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This paper considers the routing of vehicles with limited capacity from a central depot to a set of geographically dispersed customers where actual demand is revealed only when the vehicle arrives at the customer. The solution to this vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand (VRPSD) involves the optimization of complete routing schedules with minimum travel distance, driver remuneration, and number of vehicles, subject to a number of constraints such as vehicle time window and capacity. To solve such a multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem, this paper presents a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that incorporates two VRPSD-specific heuristics for local exploitation and a route simulation method to evaluate the fitness of solutions. A novel way of assessing the quality of solutions to the VRPSD on top of comparing their expected costs is also proposed. It is shown that the algorithm is capable of finding useful tradeoff solutions which are robust to the stochastic nature of the problem. © 2006 IEEE.
Chiang, F & Braun, R 1970, 'A Nature Inspired Multi-Agent Framework for Autonomic Service Management in Pervasive Computing Environments', 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS 2006, 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS 2006, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1-4.
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This paper describes the design of a scalable biomimetic framework that addresses several key issues of autonomous agents in the management domain of complex Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Networks. We propose an autonomous network service management platform - SwarmingNet, which is motivated by observations of the swarm intelligence in biological systems (e.g., Termite, Ant/Bees colonies, or Locusts). In this SwarmingNet architecture, the required network service processes are implemented by a group of highly diverse and autonomie objects. These objects are called TeleService Solons (TSSs) as elements of TeleService Holons (TSHs), analogue to individual insects as particles of the whole colony. A single TSS is only able to pursue simple behaviors and interactions with local neighbors, however, a group of TSSs have the capabilities of fulfilling the complex tasks relating to service discovery and service activation. We simulate a service configuration process for Multimedia Messaging Service, and a performance comparison between the bio-agents and normal agents is analyzed. Finally, we conclude that through bio-swarming intelligence behaviors, this infrastructure develops the enhanced self-X capabilities which give IP networks advantages of instinctive compatibility, efficiency and scalability.
Chiang, F & Braun, R 1970, 'A Nature Inspired Multi-Agent Framework for Autonomic Service Management in Pervasive Computing Environments', 2006 IEEE/IFIP NETWORK OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE, Vancouver, CANADA, pp. 979-982.
Chiang, F & Braun, R 1970, 'A nature inspired multi-agent framework for autonomic service management in pervasive computing environments', IEEE Symposium Record on Network Operations and Management Symposium.
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This paper describes the design of a scalable biomimetic framework in the management domain of complex Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Networks. An autonomous network service management platform - SwarmingNet is proposed. In this SwarmingNet architecture, the required network service processes are implemented by a group of highly diverse and autonomic objects. These objects are called TeleService Solons as elements of TeleService Holons, analogue to individual insects as particles of the whole colony. A group of TSSs have the capabilities of fulfilling the complex tasks relating to service discovery and service activation. We simulate a service configuration process for Multimedia Messaging Service, and a performance comparison is made between the bio-agents scheme and normal multi-agents scheme. © 2006 IEEE.
Chiang, F, Braun, R & He, S 1970, 'Towards a Management Paradigm with a Constrained Benchmark for Autonomic Communications', 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, IEEE, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 520-523.
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Chin-Teng Lin, Hung-Yi Hsieh, Li-Wei Ko, May Lin & Sheng-Fu Liang 1970, 'Development of portable wireless brain computer interface with embedded systems', 2006 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2006 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference - Healthcare Technology (BioCas), IEEE, pp. 226-229.
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In this paper, we propose an embedded multi-task scheduling system to make the wireless brain computer interface to real-time receive electroencephalogram signal more accurate. This method we propose also can increase the flexibility of the system. Base on the method, we can change the peripheral devices easily. And the tasks are taken as modules, so it also can increase the flexibility of system programs. The proposed system integrates electroencephalogram signal amplifier technique, wireless transmission technique, and embedded real-time system. The OMAP (Open Multimedia Architecture Platform) is used as a development platform and an embedded operating system is also used. © 2006 IEEE.
Choi, FC, Crews, K, Samali, B & Li, J 1970, 'Calibration of a laboratory timber bridge finite element model using the experimental modal data', 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2006, WCTE 2006, pp. 879-886.
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In recent years, a great deal of attention has been focused on the condition and safety of aging timber bridges in Australia. Vibration-based damage identification techniques to detect structural deterioration at an early stage have significant potential to reduce the costs and down-time associated with repair of damaged members as well as enhancing the safety and reliability of timber bridges. In this paper, the process of developing and calibrating a scale timber bridge, which accurately simulates the behaviour of a 'real' bridge under laboratory conditions, is presented. A finite element (FE) model has been developed and calibrated with experimental modal data. The FE model shows acceptable correlations when compared to the experimental data, with minor adjustment of the actual material properties. It forms a tool for predicting the behaviour of the damaged laboratory bridge, as well as potential identification of damage in real timber bridges.
Choi, FC, Li, J, Samali, B & Crews, K 1970, 'Impact of different numerical techniques on damage identification in structures', Materials, Experimentation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation - Proceedings of the 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC 2010, East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 111-116.
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Damage identification techniques have been widely investigated and used for structural damage evaluation. Many researchers have shown good results in detecting, locating and quantifying damage in structures using various damage identification algorithms and methods. One of the popular and promising damage identification methods is modified damage index (MDI) which utilises modal strain energy (MSE) and a statistical approach. However, when using this damage identification method, numerical techniques used in realising the damage detection algorithm plays an important role for the final outcome. The use of different techniques in detection of damage has not been widely investigated. In this paper, a finite element (FE) model of a timber beam was developed as a test structure. Modal responses of the test structure were generated using a FE software package. The damage index algorithm, utilising modal strain energy as its damage indicator, was computed. In the computation process, different numerical techniques at different stages were utilised to process the data. Since in practice, the number of modal data is usually limited, it is recommended that the mode shape data to be expanded using mode shape reconstruction technique. Thus, the raw data was reconstructed using two different mode shape reconstruction techniques, namely Shannon's sampling theorem and cubic spline. The computation of MDI is enabled by numerical integration method. In this paper, two numerical integration methods were performed viz trapezoidal and rectangular rules. The manipulated data is subsequently transformed into standard normal space. The mode shape was mass normalised and the mode shape curvature was normalised with respect to the maximum value of each considered mode. For practicality purposes, the first two flexural mode shapes were used in the algorithms computation. Among the two proposed numerical integration methods, the rectangular rule has shown greater potential. The ...
Choudhury, D, Nimbalkar, SS & Mandal, JN 1970, 'Influence of soil-wall interface friction on pseudo-dynamic earth pressure', 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006, pp. 6466-6475.
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Knowledge of the dynamic earth pressure is essential for the safe design of retaining wall in the seismic zone due to the devastating effect of earthquake. In this paper the seismic earth pressure on a rigid retaining structure for both active and passive conditions are determined by pseudo-dynamic method. Conventional pseudo-static approach gives the linear distribution of seismic earth pressure behind retaining wall in an approximate way. However, the proposed pseudodynamic method gives the non-linear distribution of seismic earth pressure in more realistic manner by considering the variation of shear and primary wave velocities along the depth of the wall combined with the horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations. Movement of the wall with respect to soil guides the formation of active or passive earth pressure along with the frictional force at soil-wall. Results are presented in graphical form for non-dimensional seismic earth pressure distribution for different cases of wall friction angle under both active and passive conditions. Design values of the seismic earth pressure coefficients are found to change significantly under seismic conditions. Comparison of present results with pseudo-static approach describes the necessity and merits of the present solution. Copyright © (2006) by Earthquake Engineering Research Institute All rights reserved.
Christen, P, Kennedy, PJ, Li, J, Simoff, SJ & Williams, G 1970, 'Data Mining 2006: Proceedings of the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2006)', Data Mining 2006: Proceedings of the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2006), Australian Data Mining Conference, Australian Computer Society, Sydney.
CHUA, HC, LEONG, EC, JAYANATHAN, M, INDRARATNA, B, WELIDENIYA, HS, KAWAKITA, M, OHTSUKA, I, IWANO, M, SHIMAYA, S, MATSUBARA, M, VALUER, F, BOULON, M, MITANI, Y, ESAKI, T, ZHANG, FM, CHEN, ZY, WANG, XG, JIA, ZX, DONG, YF, ZHANG, FM, LI, J, WU, L, WANG, XG & CHEN, ZY 1970, 'EXTENDED ABSTRACTS: 8. DISCONTINUITIES – 8.1. General', Rock Mechanics in Underground Construction, Proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium 2006 and the 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, pp. 361-366.
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Collier, K & Leigh, EE 1970, 'Developing an enquiry-based experiential curriculum for 21st century learning', ICEL 2006 Inspiring Leadership, ICEL, Brathay, Lancaster UK, pp. 42-48.
Corchado, E, Baruque, B & Gabrys, B 1970, 'Maximum Likelihood Topology Preserving Ensembles', INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2006, PROCEEDINGS, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Univ Burgos, Burgos, SPAIN, pp. 1434-1442.
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Craig, DA, Nguyen, HT & Burchey, HA 1970, 'Two channel EEG thought pattern classifier', 2006 28TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, New York, NY, pp. 3342-+.
Cuixia Zhao, Shuhong Wang, Jie Qiu, Jian Guo Zhu, Youguang Guo, Weizhi Gong & Zhengjian Cao 1970, 'Transient Simulation and Analysis for Saturated Core High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 503-503.
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In this paper, the transient performance of a magnetic core fault current limiter (FCL) saturated by high temperature superconducting (HTS) DC bias winding is investigated by using 3-dimensional (3D) field-circuit coupled simulation. A high voltage is induced on the DC HTS winding during the fault current state. The induced voltage is computed and some possible methods to reduce it are studied. The numerical computations are verified by the experiment results on an FCL prototype. © 2006 IEEE.
Curry, J, McGregor, C, Tracy, S & IEEE 1970, 'A communication tool to improve the patient journey modeling process', 2006 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, New York, NY, pp. 901-905.
Davis, S & Burnett, I 1970, 'On-Demand Partial Schema Delivery for Multimedia Metadata', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEE, Toronto, CANADA, pp. 1513-1516.
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Deaho Cha, Blumenstein, M, Hong Zhang & Dong-Sheng Jeng 1970, 'Improvement of an Artificial Neural Network Model using Min-Max Preprocessing for the Prediction of Wave-induced Seabed Liquefaction', The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, IEEE, pp. 4577-4581.
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In the past decade, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely applied to the engineering problems with a complicated system. ANNs are becoming an important alternative option for solving problems in comparison to traditional engineering solutions, which are usually involved in complicated mathematical theories. In this study, we apply an ANN model to the wave-induced seabed liquefaction problem, which is a key issue in the area of coastal and ocean engineering. Furthermore, we adopted an ANN model with preprocessing (MIN-MAX) on difficult training data. This paper demonstrates the capacity of the proposed ANN model using MIN-MAX pre-processing to provide coastal engineers with another effective tool to analyse the stability of seabed sediment. © 2006 IEEE.
Dezhi Chen, Shao, KR, Hu, XW, Xie, DX, Youguang Guo & Lavers, JD 1970, 'A Subregion Expansion Method for Computational Electromagnetics', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 17-17.
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A new semi-analytical method, subregion expansion method (SEM), is presented for computational electromagnetics. In this scheme, the entire field domain is divided into subregions; in each subregion, a semi-analytical expansion is constructed to approximate the solution. Then all these subregions are jointed together at the fictitious boundaries, and all the boundary conditions are satisfied to determine the coefficients of the expansions. The 2D Laplace equation was investigated, and numerical examples are given to verify the validity of the method. ©2006 IEEE.
Ding, GK 1970, 'Assessing environmental performance of housings in Australia - A BASIX approach', BEAR Construction Sustainability and Innovation 2006 CIB W89 - International Conference on Building Education and Research, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) Meetings, Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, pp. 1-124.
Ding, GK 1970, 'Towards sustainable construction - Implementing sustainability education at university level', AUBEA 2006 Conference Proceedings, Australian Universities Building Education Association Annual Conference, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-72.
Dissanayake, G, Paxman, J, Miro, JV, Thane, O & Thi, H-T 1970, 'Robotics for Urban Search and Rescue', First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, IEEE, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, pp. 294-298.
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This paper describes a team of robots that are designed for urban search and rescue applications. The team CASualty consists of four tele-operated robots and one autonomous robot. A brief description of the capabilities of the robot team is presented together with the details of capabilities of the autonomous robot HOMER. In particular, the software architecture, user interface, strategies used for mapping, exploration and the identification of human victims present in the environment are described. The team participated in an international competition on urban search and rescue (RoboCup Rescue) held in Bremen, Germany in June 2006 where HOMER was placed second in the autonomy challenge
Dissanayake, G, Paxman, J, Miro, JV, Thane, O & Thi, H-T 1970, 'Robotics for Urban Search and Rescue', 2006 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 2006 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, IEEE, Peradeniya, SRI LANKA, pp. 294-298.
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This paper describes a team of robots that are designed for urban search and rescue applications. The team CASualty consists of four tele-operated robots and one autonomous robot. A brief description of the capabilities of the robot team is presented together with the details of capabilities of the autonomous robot HOMER. In particular, the software architecture, user interface, strategies used for mapping, exploration and the identification of human victims present in the environment are described. The team participated in an international competition on urban search and rescue (RoboCup Rescue) held in Bremen, Germany in June 2006 where HOMER was placed second in the autonomy challenge. ©2006 IEEE.
Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 1970, 'A method to include antenna pattern characteristics in UWB system design', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, pp. 275-280.
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In UWB system design and optimization, antennas are usually represented by a single transfer function relating the input voltage to the radiated electric field in the free space. However, the transfer function of planar ultra-wideband antennas depends on not only frequency but also direction. In this paper we present a strategy that helps the UWB system designer to select the best transfer function (and the best reference direction) for the antenna. In the process we demonstrate that good pattern stability of a UWB antenna within a particular band is advantageous to ease the complexities in the selection of the transfer function. We have thus emphasized the importance of having stable patterns for UWB antennas. Pulse optimization algorithms that meet FCC spectrum requirements are presented as examples.
Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Assessment of antenna performance for ultra-wideband systems', European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP.
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In ultra-wideband (UWB) system development, antennas have to be assessed with respect to their impedance matching and radiation performance. Impedance matching is easily expressed as return loss but the quantification of radiation performance is not so obvious. Nevertheless it is crucial to ensure that the antenna has a sufficiently stable pattern in the directions of interest, over the operating bandwidth, or in other words the antenna transfer function does not vary significantly over the range of operating directions. It has been proposed that this assessment can be conducted with the help of the Pattern Stability Factor (PSF), PSF enables one to compare two or more antennas for pattern stability, define pattern-stable bandwidth of an antenna as well as overall bandwidth of an antenna, and assess the effect of antenna device integration on radiation performance. Calculation of PSF can be done easily with either the impulse response in the time domain or directional transfer functions in the frequency domain. Transfer functions are acquired through time domain electromagnetic simulation followed by Fourier transform or wide-band sweeps in a frequency-domain simulation. Experimental determination of PSF can be done with conventional antenna range measurements or with two port scattering parameter measurements using a vector network analyzer. In this paper we will present preliminary results of the former.
Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Comparison of UWB Antennas Considering Pattern Variation with Frequency', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 4665-4668.
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Dissanayake, T & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Pulse correlation and UWB antenna pattern stability', Antem/URSI 2006 - 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference, Proceedings.
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The waveform of the electric field radiated by an antenna in a UWB system is usually a distorted form of the input pulse applied at the terminals. This distortion can be expressed in terms of the antenna impulse response in the time domain or directional transfer function in the frequency domain. Even for a simplest antenna like a linear dipole, the impulse response can be direction dependent. However, if the antenna's response in different directions are unrelated, modeling of such antennas with other elements of the UWB system can be complicated. Therefore, it is better to design antennas with consistent performance in all the directions of interest as far as possible. As the radiation patterns of UWB antennas can be measured easily, using standard antenna testing methods, it is useful to establish the link between the correlation of far-field waveforms in different directions and the frequency stability of the radiation pattern, when designing antennas with good UWB performance.
Dodd, C, Eager, DM & Connor, J 1970, 'Playground Safety Compliance', The Next Decade, Parks and Leisure Australia 2006 Annual Conference, Parks and Leisure Australia, Sydney, Australia.
Dou, Y, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 1970, 'Study of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator Using Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Finite Element Analysis', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 198-199.
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Dou, Y, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Zhongwei, J 1970, 'Study on the Static Characteristics of a Hybrid Stepping Motor by Combining the Magnetic Circuit Method and Numerical Magnetic Field Analysis', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, IEEJ(Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) Industry Applications Society, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1-4.
Dou, Y, Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Haizhen, C & Yangguang, Y 1970, 'Study on Reducing the Inherent Voltage Regulation Rate of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) Industry Applications Society, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1-6.
Doyle, BJ & Lister, RF 1970, 'Apreliminary phenomenographic study concerning student experiences of UNIX', Proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the national advisory comittee on computing qualifications, National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, National advisory comittee on computing qualifications, Wellington, pp. 73-78.
Dyson, LE & Leggett, MG 1970, 'Towards a metadesign approach for building indigenous multimedia cultural archives', Proceedings of the 12th ANZSYS Conference, Sustaining Our Social and Natural Capital, Annual ANZSYS conference, ISCE Publishing, Katoomba, Australia, pp. 82-87.
Dyson, LE, Salazar, F, Hendriks, M, Underwood, J & Kay, RJ 1970, 'ICTS for intercultural dialogue: an overview of UNESCO's indigenous communication project', Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication, Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communications, Murdoch University, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 340-359.
Eager, DM 1970, 'Safe and sound kids and indoor play', 2006 AALARA Annual Conference, Australian Amusement, Leisure & Recreation Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
Eager, DM & Chapman, C 1970, 'Humpty Dumpty had a bad fall', RoSPA International Playsafety Conference, RoSPA International Playsafety Conference, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Loughborough, England.
Eager, DM & Chapman, C 1970, 'Undersurfacing impact attenuation theory', 4th Kidsafe National Playground Conference, Kidsafe NSW, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-16.
Ellekilde, L, Valls Miro, J & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Fusing range and intensity images for generating dense models of three-dimensional environments', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Man-Machine Systems (ICoMMS 2006), IEEE International Conference on Man-Machine Systems, IET, Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 1-5.
Enedah, CC & Waldron, K 1970, 'Robotic Perception of Mechanical Properties of the Human Skin: A Validation Study', Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Long Beach, CA.
Ergun Gide 1970, 'A Study of E-Commerce Business Satisfaction Model to Measure E-Commerce Success in Service SMEs', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 223-228.
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Ergun Gide 1970, 'The Key Strategies for E-Commerce Success in Service SMEs in China', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 229-234.
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Eslava-Fernandez, S, Baklanov, MR, Iacopi, F, Brongersma, SH, Kirschhock, CEA & Maex, K 1970, 'Zeolite low-k film properties dependence on nanocrystal size', Materials, Technology and Reliability of Low-k Dielectrics and Copper Interconnects, Symposium on Materials, Technology and Reliability of Low-k Dielectrics and Copper Interconnects held at the 2006 MRS Spring Meeting, MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC, San Francisco, CA, pp. 421-426.
Estremera, J & Waldron, KJ 1970, 'Leg Thrust Control for Stabilization of Dynamic Gaits in a Quadruped Robot', Proceedings of ROMANSY 2006, Springer Vienna, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 213-220.
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Fang Chen, Eades, P, Epps, J, Lichman, S, Close, B, Hutterer, P, Takatsuka, M, Thomas, B & Mike Wu 1970, 'ViCAT: Visualisation and Interaction on a Collaborative Access Table', First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (TABLETOP '06), First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (TABLETOP '06), IEEE, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA, pp. 59-62.
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Fang, G, Sun, Y, Zhou, J, Shi, J & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'Generic Scheduling Framework and Algorithm for Time-Varying Wireless Networks', IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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In this paper, the problem of scheduling multiple users sharing a time varying wireless channel is studied, in networks such as in 3G CDMA and IEEE 802.16. We propose a new generic Wireless Packet Scheduling Framework (WPSF), which takes into account not only the quality of service (QoS) requirements but also the wireless resource consumed. The framework is generic in the sense that it can be used with different resource constraints and QoS requirements depending on the traffic flow types. Subsequently, based on this framework a Minimum Rate and Channel Aware (MRCA) scheduling algorithm is presented. MRCA attempts to greedily enhance wireless channel efficiency by making use of multi-user channel quality diversity, while providing acceptable QoS in term of users' minimum rate constraints. Simulation results show the desirable properties identified in the algorithm. © 2006 IEEE.
Fang, G, Sun, Y, Zhou, J, Shi, J, Li, Z & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'WLC27-2: Subcarrier Allocation for OFDMA Wireless Channels Using Lagrangian Relaxation Methods', IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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In this paper, we propose a practically efficient Subcarrier Allocation scheme based on Lagrangian relaxation to solve the problem of subcarrier allocation in OFDMA wireless channels. The problem of subcarrier allocation is formulated into an Integer Programming (IP) problem, which is relaxed by replacing complicating constraints with Lagrange multipliers using Lagrangian Relaxation. A subgradient method is used to optimize the Lagrangian dual function and a heuristic is designed to obtain the feasible solution. Lagrangian Relaxation Subcarrier Allocation (LRSA) is proven to be of polynomial complexity and it provides bounds on the value of channel efficiency. Numerical results show that compared with other algorithms proposed in the literature, LRSA can result in a significant improvement in channel efficiency, while at the same time guaranteeing minimum data rates of users. ©2006 IEEE.
Farookh Khadeer Hussain 1970, 'Comparative Analysis of Trust and Security', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 1019-1023.
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In the literature, there is a lot of confusion regarding the relationship between the 'trust' and 'security'. Most of the times, these terms are regarded as being synonymous with each other. The existing literature does not draw a clear line how and when the terms of 'trust' and 'security' are synonymous and when they are not synonymous. In this paper we address this issue and discuss when the distinct terms of 'trust' and 'security' can be regarded as being synonymous with each other and when they could be regarded as not being synonymous with each other. © 2006 IEEE.
Farookh Khadeer Hussain 1970, 'Trust Issues in Service Oriented Environment', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 790-793.
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Service Oriented Environment (SOE) is new paradigm for carrying out business activities on the internet. In this paper I give an introduction to the concept of service oriented environment and discuss the different activities carried out in the SOE and different entities involved in SOE. The issues related to trust in service oriented environment and proposed and explained. © 2006 IEEE.
Fatahi, B, Indraratna, B & Khabbaz, H 1970, 'Modelling of soil improvement induced by tree root suction', Soft Ground Engineering: Proceedings of the Sydney Chapter 2006 Symposium, Sydney Chapter Symposium, Engineers Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 155-166.
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Feuerlicht, G 1970, 'Design of BPEL compositions based on data properties of service interfaces', Proceedings of the 5th workshop on e-business, Workshop on e-business, Westing Publishing INC, Milwaukee, USA, pp. 1-7.
Feuerlicht, G 1970, 'Enterprise SOA: What are the benefits and challenges', Proceedings of System Information 2006, System Integration, PUE, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 36-40.
Feuerlicht, G 1970, 'System development life-cycle support for service-oriented applications', Proceedings of 5th International Conference on New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, SoMeT_06, International Conference on Software Methods and Tools, IOS Press, Quebec, Canada, pp. 116-126.
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The emergence and wide adoption of Web Services standards and technologies represents a shift from component-based development that dominated enterprise computing over the last decade towards service-oriented architectures that are more suited to the highly distributed inter-enterprise applications. This trend towards service-oriented computing necessitates the re-evaluation of software development methodologies that are used in the construction of enterprise applications. With growing acceptance of service-oriented computing and increasing number of large-scale Web Services projects there is evidence that practitioners involved in implementing these solutions are paying only limited attention to how such applications should be designed. Frequently, the design of Web Services applications is driven by performance and scalability considerations, rather than sound software engineering principles. A comprehensive methodological framework is required to guide designers and developers of service-oriented applications through the various phases of software development life cycle with specific emphasis on producing stable, reusable and extendable services. In this paper we first describe the characteristics of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and then consider the requirements for methodological support for the development of service-oriented applications. We identify the key differences between SOA and earlier software development approaches and comment on the suitability of existing analysis and design methods in the context of SOA. The main contribution of this paper is a clear analysis of the differences between component-based and service-oriented methodologies and the identification of key design objectives and guidelines for the development of service-oriented applications.
Feuerlicht, G, White, R & MacLarty, G 1970, 'Using data replication techniques to maintain data consistency in supply chain applications', ICE-B 2006 - International Conference on e-Business, Proceedings, International Conference on e-Business, INSTICC PRESS, Setubal, Portugal, pp. 209-214.
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Supply chain applications typically involve sharing of large amounts of information across a number of partner organizations. Examples of supply chain applications are common in manufacturing, healthcare and global trade. Such applications can involve a large number of partners in different locations with various levels of connectivity, ranging from high-speed Internet to unreliable and slow dial-up connections. Maintaining data consistency in supply chain applications is an essential requirement as the loss of data consistency results in poor quality and unreliable information. Current supply chain applications mostly rely on EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or similar electronic messaging standards to ship data between partner organizations. In general, little attention is paid to ensuring that data remains consistent as it is propagated and updated along the supply chain. In this paper we first discuss the requirements for data consistency in supply chain applications and then briefly describe a data consistency management framework based on data replication. We use Freight Forwarding and Customs Brokerage (FFCB) applications examples to illustrate our discussion.
Fischer, K & Sheng, D 1970, 'Different aspects of large deformation contact formulations applied to pile-soil FE-analysis', Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, 6th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, Graz, AUSTRIA, pp. 613-618.
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Fisher, J, Jin, Z, Tipper, J, Stone, M & Ingham, E 1970, 'PRESIDENTIAL GUEST LECTURE: Tribology of Alternative Bearings', Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), pp. 25-34.
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Fortnow, L, Lee, T & Vereshchagin, N 1970, 'Kolmogorov Complexity with Error', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 137-148.
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François, R, Castel, A & Vidal, T 1970, 'Modeling of the behavior of corroded reinforced concrete members', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 399-416.
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This paper proposes a model of the mechanical behavior of corroded reinforced concrete members subjected to bending under service load. The model is based on the formulation of a macro-element to be used in finite element analysis, having a length equal to the distance between two consecutive flexural cracks and a cross-section equal to the member cross-section. The mechanical formulation is based on the concept of the transfer length necessary for the transmission of tensile load from the reinforcement to tensile concrete through bond. It is thus possible to take into account the effect of reinforcement corrosion on the bond between the steel and concrete by increasing the transfer length as a function of the intensity of corrosion. The variation of the transfer length with degree of corrosion is expressed using a scalar damage parameter. Experimental validation is performed on a 17-year-old beam kept in a chloride environment under its service load.
François, R, Castel, A, Vidal, T & Vu, N-A 1970, 'Long term corrosion behavior of reinforced concrete structures in chloride environnement', Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings), NUCPERF 2006, International Workshop, EDP Sciences, Cadarache, FRANCE, pp. 285-293.
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Frost, SA, Nguyen, ND, Center, JR, Eisman, JE & Nguyen, TV 1970, 'The progression to osteoporosis due to bone loss.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S224-S224.
Gabrys, B, Baruque, B & Corchado, E 1970, 'Outlier Resistant PCA Ensembles', KNOWLEDGE-BASED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, PT 3, PROCEEDINGS, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Bournemouth, ENGLAND, pp. 432-440.
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Gay, V & Leijdekkers, P 1970, 'Around the Clock Personalized Heart Monitoring Using Smart Phones', SMART HOMES AND BEYOND, International conference on smart homes and health telematics, IOS Press, Belfast, UK, pp. 82-89.
Ge, Y, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 1970, 'An ultra-wide-band dielectric resonator antenna', Antem/URSI 2006 - 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference, Proceedings.
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In this paper, the broadband concept in stacked patch antennas is applied to designing broadband rectangular dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) with a small patch feed. Unlike the previous multi-segment DRA designs that have a DRA of a lower permittivity above one or more thin segments of higher permittivity, the top DR in this antenna has a higher permittivity than the lower segment. Theoretical and experimental results exhibit good agreement.
Gerber, C, Crews, K & Sigrist, C 1970, 'On the service responses and failure mechanisms of stressed-skin panels - Experimental approach', 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2006, WCTE 2006, World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2006, Portland, USA, pp. 1800-1807.
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In 2002 a large-scale investigation on stressed-skin panels (SSP) commenced at the University of Technology, Sydney. 27 full-scale specimens, manufactured according to Australian practices, were investigated under bending conditions with various load configurations. The tests also considered the effects of boundary conditions such as blocking and the influence of defects. The laboratory investigation comprised a series of non-destructive and destructive tests, which enabled identifying the serviceability and ultimate responses of SSP specimens. Procedures capable of predicting/simulating the behaviours of SSP systems have also been developed, including a finite element model (FEM) and a mathematical procedure. Both numerical approaches are capable of predicting serviceability responses of SSP structures accurately and have led to development of a recommended amendment to section 5 of AS 1720.1.
Ghevondian, N, Nguyen, H, Siafarikas, A, Ratnum, N & Jones, T 1970, 'Predicting hypoglycemia non-invasively in type 1 adolescent diabetics using the HypoMon (R)', DIABETES, 66th Annual Meeting of the American-Diabetes-Association, AMER DIABETES ASSOC, Washington, DC, pp. A92-A92.
Ghevondian, N, Nguyen, HT, Jones, TW, Siafarikas, A & Ratnam, N 1970, 'Predicting Hypoglycemia Non-invasively in Type 1 Adolescent Diabetes Using the HypoMon', The American Diabetes Association's 66th Scientific Session, The American Diabetes Association Scientific Session, ADA, Washington, USA, pp. 1-1.
Ghevondian, N, Nguyen, HT, Jones, TW, Skladnev, V, Siafarikas, A & Ratnam, N 1970, 'Detecting Hypoglycemia Qualitatively - is it possible?', Diabetes Technology Meeting, Diabetes Technology Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
Gide, E & Wu, MX 1970, 'A Study of E-Commerce Business Satisfaction Model to Measure E-Commerce Success in Service SMEs', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 223-228.
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Gide, E & Wu, MX 1970, 'The Key Strategies for E-Commerce Success in Service SMEs in China', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 229-234.
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Gill, AQ & Henderson-Sellers, B 1970, 'Measuring agility and adaptibility of agile methods: A 4 dimensional analytical tool', Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on applied computing 2006, The IADIS international conference on applied computing 2006, IADIS Press, San Sebastian Spain, pp. 503-507.
Goyal, M, Lu, J & Zhang, G 1970, 'A novel fuzzy attitude based bidding strategy for multi-attribute auction', 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Workshops Proceedings, IEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Conference publicity services, Hong Kong, China, pp. 535-539.
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Auctions have recently commanded a lot of attention in the field of multi-agent systems. To be successful in open multi-attribute auctions, agents must be capable of adapting different strategies and tactics to their prevailing circumstances. This paper presents a software test-bed for studying autonomous bidding strategies in simulated auctions for procuring goods. It shows that agents' bidding strategy explore the attitudes and behaviors that help agents to manage dynamic assessment of alternative prices of goods given the different scenario conditions. Our agent also uses fuzzy techniques for the decision making: to make decisions about the outcome of auctions, and to alter the agent's bidding strategy in response to the different criteria and market conditions
Green, S & Blumenstein, M 1970, 'An Exhaustive Search Strategy for Detecting Persons in Beach Scenes using Digital Video Imagery and Neural Network-based Classification', The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, IEEE, pp. 2439-2444.
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This paper presents an investigation of a neural-based technique for detecting and quantifying persons in beach imagery for the purpose of predicting trends of tourist activities at beach sites. The proposed system uses various pre-processing and segmentation techniques to initially isolate potential objects in cluttered scenes. A structural feature extraction technique is then used to represent objects of interest for training a neural classifier. An exhaustive search strategy, incorporating a neural network, is proposed to effectively scan beach images to determine whether objects are "person" or "non-person". Encouraging results are presented for person detection using video imagery collected from a beach site on the coast of Australia. ©2006 IEEE.
Gunes, H & Piccardi, M 1970, 'A bimodal face and body gesture database for automatic analysis of human nonverbal affective behavior', 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol 1, Proceedings, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Soc, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1148-1153.
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To be able to develop and test robust affective multimodal systems, researchers need access to novel databases containing representative samples of human multi-modal expressive behavior. The creation of such databases requires a major effort in the defin
Gunes, H & Piccardi, M 1970, 'Observer Annotation of Affective Display and Evaluation of Expressivity: Face vs. Face-and-body', Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: Proceedings of the HCSNet Workshop on the use of vision in human-computer interaction, the HCSNet Workshop on the use of vision in human-computer interaction, Australian Computer Society, Canberra, Australia, pp. 35-42.
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A first step in developing and testing a robust affective multimodal system is to obtain or access data representing human multimodal expressive behaviour. Collected affect data has to be further annotated in order to become usable for the automated systems. Most of the existing studies of emotion or affect annotation are monomodal. Instead, in this paper, we explore how independent human observers annotate affect display from monomodal face data compared to bimodal face-and-body data. To this aim we collected visual affect data by recording the face and face-and-body simultaneously. We then conducted a survey by asking human observers to view and label the face and face-and-body recordings separately. The results obtained show that in general, viewing face-and-body simultaneously helps with resolving the ambiguity in annotating emotional behaviours.
Gunes, H, Piccardi, M & IEEE 1970, 'Creating and annotating affect Databases from face and body display: A contemporary survey', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-6, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2426-2433.
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Databases containing representative samples of human multi-modal expressive behavior are needed for the development of affect recognition systems. However, at present publicly-available databases exist mainly for single expressive modalities such as facial expressions, static and dynamic hand postures, and dynamic hand gestures. Only recently, a first bimodal affect database consisting of expressive face and upper-body display has been released. To foster development of affect recognition systems, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of the current state-of-the art in affect database creation from face and body display and elicits the requirements of an ideal multi-modal affect database
Guo, W 1970, 'Application of biological activated carbon for organic removal in wastewater reuse', . The Symposium of Centre of Excellence on Global Renaissance by Green Energy Revolution, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan.
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In this study, both biological activated carbon (Powdered activated carbon (PAC) and granular activated carbon (GAC)) used in a submerged membrane â adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) and a biological filtration system was evaluated for organic removal in wastewater reuse. The results indicated that the application of biological activated carbon in low strength wastewater treatment produced effluent of high quality that can be used for various reuse purposes. The adsorption and biological activity lead to a consistent effluent organic concentration over a long period of time. The submerged membrane adsorption hybrid system (SMAHS) was very effective in removing dissolved organic substances from the synthetic wastewater even with a low dosage of biological powdered activated carbon (BPAC). The adsorbed organics on the BPAC is biodegraded with time, and hence it creates sites for further adsorption of organics on the BPAC. The BPAC replacement in BPAC-MF reactor could stimulate both biological activity and adsorption, as well as optimize the operation of the hybrid system. Biological granular activated carbon (BGAC) consistently maintained an organic removal efficiency of 60% even with a shallow filter depth of 300 mm and after 42 days of operation. The growth of biomass onto BGAC experiments indicated that the attachment of biomass was quite consistent with about 85 mg/g GAC after 15 days in contact with synthetic wastewater. It was found that the amount of fixed biomass on filter media was proportionally related to biological dissolved oxygen consumption rate.
Guo, Y, Chen, J, Zhu, J, Lu, H, Lu, H & Jin, J 1970, 'An Improved Phase Variable Model for Dynamic Performance Analysis of a PM Claw Pole SMC Motor with Brushless DC Control', Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-6.
Guo, Y, Jin, J, Zhu, J & Lu, H 1970, 'Design and Performance Evaluation of a PM Linear Synchronous Motor for Maglev Transportation', Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Victoria, University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-5.
Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Chen, J & Jin, J 1970, 'Performance Analysis of a PM Claw Pole SMC Motor with Brushless DC Control Scheme', 2006 CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006 CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IEEE, International Power Electronic and Motion Control Conference, pp. 1-5.
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Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Chen, J & Jin, J 1970, 'Performance Analysis of a PM Claw Pole SMC Motor with Brushless DC Control Scheme', 2006 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IEEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1-5.
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Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Dou, Y & Jin, J 1970, 'Design Aspects of SMC Electrical Machines', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan) Industry Applications Society, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1-4.
Guo, Y, Zhu, J, Lin, Z & Zhong, J 1970, 'Calibration of Sensing Coils of a Three-dimensional Magnetic Property Tester', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 588-588.
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Guo, YG, Zhu, JG, Lin, ZW, Zhong, JJ, Lu, HY & Wang, SH 1970, '3D Magnetic Reluctivity Tensor of Soft Magnetic Composite Material', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 91-91.
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Soft magnetic composite (SMC) materials are particularly suitable for construction of electrical machines with complex structure and 3D magnetic flux. For design and analysis of such 3D flux machines, 3D magnetic properties of the magnetic materials should be properly determined, modeled and applied for calculating the magnetic field distribution, parameters and performance. This paper presents the 3D magnetic property measurement and determination of 3D reluctivity tensor of SMC. The reluctivity tensor is a key factor for the numerical analysis of magnetic field in a 3D flux SMC motor. ©2006 IEEE.
Guoli Zhang, Hai Yan Lu, Gengyin Li & Hong Xie 1970, 'A New Hybrid Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm and Application in Dynamic Economic Dispatch', 2006 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, IEEE, Dalian, China, pp. 3627-3632.
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Guoqiang Zhang & Wong, K-YK 1970, 'Motion Estimation from Spheres', 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Volume 1 (CVPR'06), 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Volume 1 (CVPR'06), IEEE, pp. 1238-1243.
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This paper addresses the problem of recovering epipolar geometry from spheres. Previous works have exploited epipolar tangencies induced by frontier points on the spheres for motion recovery. It will be shown in this paper that besides epipolar tangencies, N2 point features can be extracted from the apparent contours of the N spheres when N > 2. An algorithm for recovering the fundamental matrices from such point features and the epipolar tangencies from 3 or more spheres is developed, with the point features providing a homography over the view pairs and the epipolar tangencies determining the epipoles. In general, there will be two solutions to the locations of the epipoles. One of the solutions corresponds to the true camera configuration, while the other corresponds to a mirrored configuration. Several methods are proposed to select the right solution. Experiments on using 3 and 4 spheres demonstrate that our algorithm can be carried out easily and can achieve a high precision. © 2006 IEEE.
Ha, QP, Ha, HM & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Robotic formation control using variable structure systems approach', DIS 2006: IEEE WORKSHOP ON DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Soc, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, pp. 37-42.
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This paper addresses robust control of multiple mobile robots moving in desired formations. A rigorous control technique for such an agent-based robotic system may encounter problems of singularity, parameter sensitivity and inter-robot collision. Our pr
Hamilton, JJ, Collart, EJH, Bersani, M, Giubertoni, D, Gennaro, S, Bennett, NS, Cowern, NEB & Kirkby, KJ 1970, 'Optimal preamorphization conditions for the formation of highly activated ultra shallow junctions in Silicon-On-Insulator', AIP Conference Proceedings, ION IMPLANTATION TECHNOLOGY: 16th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology - IIT 2006, AIP, Marseille, FRANCE, pp. 73-75.
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Hamilton, TJ, Jin, C & Van Schaik, A 1970, 'An analysis of matching in the Tau Cell log-domain filter', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 421-424.
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Using various layout techniques and circuit configurations, the effects of matching on a log-domain filter were analyzed. It is shown here that one of three possible Tau Cell configurations to implement the same 2nd order low pass filter clearly outperforms the others. Furthermore, application of a common centroid layout technique has had no noticeable improvement on filter matching. © 2006 IEEE.
Han, C, Iuchi, M, Lerkvaranyu, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'New Effective Equalization Method in Powerline Communication System', 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications, 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications, IEEE.
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Han, C, Iuchi, M, Lerkvaranyu, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'New effective equalization method in Powerline Communication system', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT SIGNAL PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1 AND 2, International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications, IEEE, Yonago, JAPAN, pp. 171-174.
Han, D, Xiao, C, Zhou, R, Wang, G, Huo, H & Hui, X 1970, 'Load Shedding for Window Joins over Streams', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 472-483.
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Hao, Z, Wen, W, Yang, X, Lu, J & Zhang, G 1970, 'A fast data preprocessing procedure for support vector regression', INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2006, PROCEEDINGS, International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Springer-Verlag, BURJOS, Spain, pp. 48-56.
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A fast data preprocessing procedure (FDPP) for support vector regression (SVR) is proposed in this paper. In the presented method, the dataset is firstly divided into several subsets and then K-means clustering is implemented in each subset. The clusters are classified by their group size. The centroids with small group size are eliminated and the rest centroids are used for SVR training. The relationships between the group sizes and the noisy clusters are discussed and simulations are also given. Results show that FDPP cleans most of the noises, preserves the useful statistical information and reduces the training samples. Most importantly, FDPP runs very fast and maintains the good regression performance of SVR.
Hawryszkiewycz, I 1970, 'A Framework for Raising Collaboration Levels on the Internet', E-Commerce And Web Technologies, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Krakow, Poland, pp. 82-91.
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People in most business processes still use the basic technologies such as e-mail or intranet information portals to collaborate on the Internet. Collaboration is thus primarily restricted to sharing of documents and comments between individuals or withi
Hawryszkiewycz, I 1970, 'Design Methods for Collaborative Emergent Processes', Business Process Management Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Conference in Business Process Management, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vienna, pp. 15-24.
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Organizations are often faced with managing a variety of processes. These range from predefined to emergent. There has been very little work on supporting emergent processes many of which are founded on collaboration between process workers. A variety of
Hawryszkiewycz, I 1970, 'Specifying Agent Support for Collaboration', International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS'06), International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS'06), IEEE, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 109-116.
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Adoption of leading edge collaborative technologies requires considerable facilitation. There are two options to provide such support. The most common is by special human coordination roles. Another is by software agents. The paper describes a method to provide facilitation using software agents. It emphasizes the need to develop reusable agents and proposes an ontology as a basis for discovering such reusable agents. It then describes a framework for developing agents with increasing collaborative capabilities and describes a prototype implementation.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT, Henderson-Sellers, B & Tran, N 1970, 'Fragments for Composing Collaborative Systems', Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI), International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Application, Kollen Druck and Verlag, Klagenfurt, Austria, pp. 95-106.
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Collaborative systems are characterized by groups or communities jointly working to accomplish some organizational goal. Members of the communities must coordinate their efforts to ensure that such goals are met. Development of collaborative systems can be facilitated by identifying common aspects of such coordination and by constructing product method fragments that can be composed into working systems. This paper uses a metamodel to provide a basis for such fragments, describing the metamodel and defining typical fragments.
Hayasaka, N & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'Spectrum filtering with FRM for robust speech recognition', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 3285-3288.
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When a speech recognition system is used in real environment, noises have a serious problem in the system. In this paper, we propose a method which normalizes feature parameters after filtering the time trajectories of both the power spectra and the log power spectra. In order to improve the recognition accuracy, the designed FIR filter become considerably high order. Using a FRM filter, we can develop the robust speech recognition whose recognition ability is high enough and whose filtering order can be reduced low. As a result of the isolated word recognition experiment where fifteen kinds of noises were added, higher recognition rates was obtained than conventional method by Spectrum Subtraction(SS) and RelAtive SpecTrAl(RASTA). © 2006 IEEE.
Hayasaka, N, Khankhavivone, K, Miyanaga, Y & Songwatana, K 1970, 'New robust speech recognition by using nonlinear running spectrum filter', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 1001-+.
Hayasaka, N, Khankhavivone, K, Miyanaga, Y & Songwatana, K 1970, 'New Robust Speech Recognition By Using Nonlinear Running Spectrurn Filter', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE.
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He, X, Hintz, T, Wu, Q, Wang, H & Jia, W 1970, 'A new simulation of spiral architecture', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV'06, International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 570-575.
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Spiral Architecture is a relatively new and powerful approach to machine vision system. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on Spiral architecture can be described in terms of a hexagonal grid. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on rectangular architecture. It has become a serious problem affecting the advanced research on Spiral Architecture. In this paper, a new approach to mimicking Spiral Architecture is presented. This mimic Spiral Architecture almost retains image resolution and does not introduce distortion. Furthermore, images can be smoothly and easily transferred between the traditional square structure and this new hexagonal structure. In this paper, we also perform a fast way to locate hexagonal pixels. Another contribution in this paper is a novel construction of hexagonal pixels that are four times as big as the virtual hexagonal pixels. This construction of larger hexagonal pixels does not change the axes of symmetry, and does not create any spaces or overlaps between hexagons.
He, X, Jia, W, Hur, N, Wu, Q & Kim, J 1970, 'Image Translation and Rotation on Hexagonal Structure', The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'06), The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'06), IEEE, Seoul, Korea, pp. 141-141.
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Image translation and rotation are becoming essential operations in many application areas such as image processing, computer graphics and pattern recognition. Conventional translation moves image from pixels to pixels and conventional rotation usually comprises of computation-intensive CORDIC operations. Traditionally, images are represented on a square pixel structure. In this paper, we perform reversible and fast image translation and rotation based on a hexagonal structure. An image represented on the hexagonal structure is a collection of hexagonal pixels of equal size. The hexagonal structure provides a more flexible and efficient way to perform image translation and rotation without losing image information. As there is not yet any available hardware for capturing image and for displaying image on a hexagonal structure, we apply a newly developed virtual hexagonal structure. The virtual hexagonal structure retains image resolution during the process of image transformations, and almost does not introduce distortion. Furthermore, images can be smoothly and easily transferred between the traditional square structure and the hexagonal structure. © 2006 IEEE.
He, X, Jia, W, Hur, N, Wu, Q, Kim, J & Hintz, T 1970, 'Bilateral Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), International Symposium on Visual Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, United States, pp. 176-185.
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Edge detection plays an important role in image processing area. This paper presents an edge detection method based on bilateral filtering which achieves better performance than single Gaussian filtering. In this form of filtering, both spatial closeness and intensity similarity of pixels are considered in order to preserve important visual cues provided by edges and reduce the sharpness of transitions in intensity values as well. In addition, the edge detection method proposed in this paper is achieved on sampled images represented on a newly developed virtual hexagonal structure. Due to the compact and circular nature of the hexagonal lattice, a better quality edge map is obtained on the hexagonal structure than common edge detection on square structure. Experimental results using proposed methods exhibit encouraging performance. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
He, X, Wang, H, Hur, N, Jia, W, Wu, Q, Kim, J & Hintz, T 1970, 'Uniformly Partitioning Images on Virtual Hexagonal Structure', 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 1-6.
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Hexagonal structure is different from the traditionnal square structure for image representation. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on hexagonal structure can be described in terms of a hexagonal grid. Uniformly separating image into seven similar copies with a smaller scale has commonly been used for parallel and accurate image processing on hexagonal structure. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square architecture. It has become a serious problem affecting the advanced research based on hexagonal structure. Furthermore, the current techniques used for uniform separation of images on hexagonal structure do not coincide with the rectangular shape of images. This has been an obstacle in the use of hexagonal structure for image processing. In this paper, we briefly review a newly developed virtual hexagonal structure that is scalable. Based on this virtual structure, algorithms for uniform image separation are presented. The virtual hexagonal structure retains image resolution during the process of image separation, and does not introduce distortion. Furthermore, images can be smoothly and easily transferred between the traditional square structure and the hexagonal structure while the image shape is kept in rectangle. © 2006 IEEE.
He, X, Zhang, H, Hur, N, Kim, J, Kim, T & Wu, Q 1970, 'Complete Camera Calibration Using Line-Shape Objects', TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE, Honk Kong, China, pp. 1-4.
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Most of object-based calibration methods used 3D or 2D pattern. A novel and more flexible 1D object-based calibration was introduced only a couple of years ago, and merely for estimation of intrinsic parameters without consideration camera distortion. Estimation of extrinsic papers is essential when multiple cameras are involved for simultaneously taking images from different view angles and when the knowledge of relative locations between the cameras is required. Estimation of distortion parameters is critical for precise estimation of all calibration parameters. In this paper, we will perform a multi-layer camera calibration involving both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters including distortion parameters based on a line-shape calibration object. © 2006 IEEE.
He, X, Zhang, H, Hur, N, Kim, J, Wu, Q & Kim, T 1970, 'Estimation of Internal and External Parameters for Camera Calibration Using 1D Pattern', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 93-93.
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Camera calibration is to estimate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a camera. Most of object-based calibration methods used 3D or 2D pattern. A novel and more flexible 1D object-based calibration was introduced only a couple of years ago, but merely for estimation of intrinsic parameters. The estimation of extrinsic papers is essential when multiple cameras are involved for simultaneously taking images from different view angles and when the knowledge of relative locations between the cameras is required. Though it is relatively simple using 2D or 3D calibration pattern, the estimation of extrinsic parameters is not obvious using 1D pattern. In this paper, we will perform a 1D camera calibration involving both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. © 2006 IEEE.
Herath, DC, Kodagoda, KRS & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Modeling Errors in Small Baseline Stereo for SLAM', 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 1-6.
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In the past few years, there has been significant advancement in localization and mapping using stereo cameras. Despite the recent successes, reliably generating an accurate geometric map of a large indoor area using stereo vision still poses significant challenges due to the accuracy and reliability of depth information especially with small baselines. Most stereo vision based applications presented to date have used medium to large baseline stereo cameras with Gaussian error models. Here we make an attempt to analyze the significance of errors in small baseline (usually <0.1m) stereo cameras and the validity of the Gaussian assumption used in the implementation of Kalman Filter based SLAM algorithms. Sensor errors are analyzed through experimentations carried out in the form of a robotic mapping. Then we show that SLAM solutions based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) could become inconsistent due to the nature of the observation models used. © 2006 IEEE.
Herath, DC, Kodagoda, KRS & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Modeling errors in small baseline stereo for SLAM', 2006 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION, VOLS 1- 5, 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 2034-+.
Herath, DC, Kodagoda, S, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Simultaneous localisation and mapping: A stereo vision based approach', 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vols 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 922-927.
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With limited dynamic range and poor noise performance, cameras still pose considerable challenges in the application of range sensors in the context of robotic navigation, especially in the implementation of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) with sparse features. This paper presents a combination of methods in solving the SLAM problem in a constricted indoor environment using small baseline stereo vision. Main contributions include a feature selection and tracking algorithm, a stereo noise filter, a robust feature validation algorithm and a multiple hypotheses adaptive window positioning method in 'closing the loop'. These methods take a novel approach in that information from the image processing and robotic navigation domains are used in tandem to augment each other. Experimental results including a real-time implementation in an office-like environment are also presented. © 2006 IEEE.
Hidayat, R, Dejhan, K, Moungnoul, P & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A 0.18 ¿m CMOS Gaussian Monocycle Pulse Circuit Design for UWB', APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, pp. 89-92.
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This paper proposes a new method of monocycle pulse generation by generating the Gaussian pulse, and generate first derivative of the pulse to get a Scholtz's monocycle pulse. The simulation result of the generation is based on 0.18 μn CMOS technology which achieved using HSPICE (Level 49). The Gaussian pulse is generated by using CMOS inverter of which is applied the delay time to perform the Gaussian pulse. ©2006 IEEE.
Hidayat, R, Dejhan, K, Mounpoul, P & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A 0.18 mu m CMOS Gaussian monocycle pulse circuit design for UWB', 2006 IEEE ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 89-+.
Hoang, HG, Tuan, HD & Vo, B 1970, 'Large Array Beamforming via Semidefinite Programming', 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 857-862.
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Bounding the sidelobe and mainlobe levels of an array with complex weights is attractive in that it allows direct control of the radiation pattern. In this paper we propose an efficient beamforming technique for synthesizing the patterns of large arrays
Hollenberg, LCL, Greentree, AD, Wellard, CJ, Fowler, AG, Devitt, SJ & Cole, JH 1970, 'Qubit Transport and Fault-tolerant Architectures in Silicon', 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, IEEE, pp. 348-350.
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We review a new adiabatic scheme - coherent spin transport by adiabatic passage (CSTAP) - for physical qubit transport particularly suited to atomic and solid-state systems. Several applications immediately follow, including a 2D Si:P donor electron spin architecture for quantum computing, and protocols for generating entangled states across non-local qubits. © 2006 IEEE.
Hollenberg, LCL, Greentree, AD, Wellard, CJ, Fowler, AG, Devitt, SJ & Cole, JH 1970, 'Qubit Transport and Fault-tolerant Architectures in Silicon', 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2, International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, IEEE, AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, pp. 655-+.
Hossain, MJ, Hoque, MA, Ali, MA & Rahman, MA 1970, 'Fuzzy-Logic-Based Control for Induction Motor Drive with the Consideration of Core Loss', 2006 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE, Dhaka, BANGLADESH, pp. 333-336.
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Hossain, MJ, Hoque, MA, Ali, MM & Rahman, MA 1970, 'Design and Implementation of a Simplified Fuzzy Logic Based IPMSM Drive', 2006 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2006 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE, Dhaka, BANGLADESH, pp. 337-340.
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Hsieh, H-Y, Liang, S-F, Ko, L-W, Lin, M & Lin, C-T 1970, 'Development of a Real-Time Wireless Embedded Brain Signal Acquisition/Processing System and its Application on Driver's Drowsiness Estimation', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 4374-4379.
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In this paper, a portable real-time wireless embedded brain signal acquisition/processing system is developed. The proposed system integrates electroencephalogram signal amplifier technique, wireless transmission technique, and embedded real-time system. The development strategy of this system contains three parts: First, the Bluetooth protocol is used as a transmission interface and integrated with the bio-signal amplifier to transmit the measured physiological signals wirelessly. Second, the OMAP (Open Multimedia Architecture Platform) is used as a development platform and an embedded operating system for OMAP is also designed. Finally, DSP Gateway is developed as a mechanism to deal with the brain-signal analyzing tasks shared by ARM and DSP. A driver's cognitive-state estimation program has been developed and implemented on the proposed dual core processor-based real time wireless embedded system for demonstration. © 2006 IEEE.
Huaifeng Zhang, Wenjing Jia, Xiangjian He & Qiang Wu 1970, 'Learning-Based License Plate Detection Using Global and Local Features', 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), IEEE, Hong Kong, pp. 1102-1105.
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This paper proposes a license plate detection algorithm using both global statistical features and local Haar-like features. Classifiers using global statistical features are constructed firstly through simple learning procedures. Using these classifiers, more than 70% of background area can be excluded from further training or detecting. Then the AdaBoost learning algorithm is used to build up the other classifiers based on selected local Haar-like features. Combining the classifiers using the global features and the local features, we obtain a cascade classifier. The classifiers based on global features decrease the complexity of the system. They are followed by the classifiers based on local Haar-like features, which makes the final classifier invariant to the brightness, color, size and position of license plates. The encouraging detection rate is achieved in the experiments. © 2006 IEEE.
Huang, C-H & Lin, C-T 1970, 'Image Enhancement Algorithm for Hexagonal Cellular Neural Networks', APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 386-389.
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Huang, C-H, Koeppl, H & Lin, C-T 1970, 'A Bio-inspired Computer Fovea Model based on Hexagonal-type Cellular Neural Networks', The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, IEEE, Vancouver, CANADA, pp. 5189-5195.
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Huang, S, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Convergence analysis for extended Kalman filter based SLAM', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), VOLS 1-10, IEEE International Conference on Robots and Automation, IEEE, Orlando, USA, pp. 412-417.
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The main contribution of this paper is a theoretical analysis of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based solution to the simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) problem. The convergence properties for the general nonlinear two-dimensional SLAM are provided. The proofs clearly show that the robot orientation error has a significant effect on the limit and/or the lower bound of the uncertainty of the landmark location estimates. Furthermore, some insights to the performance of EKF SLAM and a theoretical analysis on the inconsistencies in EKF SLAM that have been recently observed are given. © 2006 IEEE.
Huang, S, Wang, Z, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Mapping large scale environments using relative position information among landmarks', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), VOLS 1-10, IEEE International Conference on Robots and Automation, IEEE, Orlando, FL, pp. 2297-2302.
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The main contribution of this paper is a new SLAM algorithm for the mapping of large scale environments by combining local maps. The local maps can be generated by traditional Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based SLAM. Relationships between the locations of the landmarks in the local map are then extracted and used in an Extended Information Filter (EIF) to build a global map. An important feature is that the information matrix for the global map is exactly sparse, leading to significant computational advantages. This paper thus presents an algorithm that combines the advantages of both the existing local map joining SLAM algorithms, which reduces the linearization error in EKF SLAM and allows computationally demanding global map fusion to be scheduled off-line, and the Decoupled SLAM (D-SLAM) algorithm, which provides an efficient strategy for building large maps using relative location information. The effectiveness of the new algorithm is illustrated through computer simulations. © 2006 IEEE.
Huang, X 1970, 'Arbitrary ratio sample rate conversion using B-Spline interpolation for software defined radio', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, pp. 402-407.
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Arbitrary ratio sampling rate conversion (SRC) structure using B-spline interpolation is proposed for software defined radio (SDR) in this paper. By combining SRC with SDR's transmitter/receiver filter, the constraint on SRC reconstruction filter can be relaxed, and an overall computational reduction can be achieved. The mixed-width B-spline is introduced so that both antiimaging and anti-aliasing requirements for SRC are satisfied. The passband droop introduced by the B-spline interpolation is compensated by a linear phase digital filter incorporated in the SRC structure so that the overall frequency response approaches the desired frequency response of the SDR's transmitter/receiver filter. To make the proposed SRC structure applicable in practice, the mixed-width B-spline is further converted into uni-width B-spline, and the simplified implementation of the uniwidth B-spline interpolation is also derived. A design example of the linear phase digital filter for the proposed SRC structure is given for an IEEE 802.11g wireless local area network (WLAN) SDR receiver, and the overall SRC complexity is analyzed.
Huang, X 1970, 'Complementary Properties of Hadamard Matrices', 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 588-592.
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Huang, X 1970, 'Effect of DC Offset on OFDM System with Zero-Padded Suffix', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 503-506.
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The effect of direct current (DC) offset on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with zero-padded (ZP) suffix is analysed in this paper. It is found that the ZP appended OFDM system suffers more from DC offset than a cyclic prefix inserted OFDM system and even demonstrates bit error flooring if the DC power exceeds a maximum allowed threshold. Simple algorithms are also proposed for DC offset estimation and compensation. The analysis is confirmed by simulation using multiband OFDM specification for ultra-wideband application. © 2006 IEEE.
Huang, X 1970, 'Effect of DC offset on OFDM system with zero-padded suffix', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 553-556.
Huang, X, Dutkiewicz, E, Gandia, R & Lowe, D 1970, 'Ultra-Wideband Technology for Video Surveillance Sensor Networks', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, IEEE, pp. 1012-1017.
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Wireless sensor networks have received a lot of attention in recent years both in the research community and in standards organizations. The emphasis of most sensor network research activities has been on the development of low cost and low power technologies for low bit rate applications. In this paper, we describe our work on ultra-wideband (UWB) sensor network technology targeted for video surveillance applications that require high immunity to noise, interference and jamming, high bit rate, and quality of service support. Such sensor networks are expected to find primary applications in the public safety and military fields. Our emphasis in this paper is on the design of the physical layer that can support such requirements and provide high end-to-end throughput when multi-hopping is used. ©2006 IEEE.
Huang, X, Kwoh, L, Yuan, B & Tan, Y 1970, 'An Efficient Platform for 3D City Model Visualization', 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE, Denver, CO, pp. 917-920.
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Huang, X, Lowe, D, Gandia, R & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'An Impulse Ultra-wideband System Capable of Concurrent Transmission and Reception, Part I: Requirements and Innovations', 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1251-1255.
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Huang, X, Lowe, D, Gandia, R & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'An Impulse Ultra-wideband System Capable of Concurrent Transmission and Reception, Part II: Design and Performance', 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1256-1260.
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Huaqing Wang, Qiang Wu, Xiangjian He & Hintz, T 1970, 'A Novel Interactive Progressive Decoding Method for Fractal Image Compression', First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control - Volume I (ICICIC'06), First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control - Volume I (ICICIC'06), IEEE, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 613-617.
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Fractal image compression is an efficient and effective technique in image coding. This paper presents a novel interactive progressive fractal decoding method, with which the compressed file can be transmitted incrementally and reconstructed progressivel
Hui, X, Wang, G, Huo, H, Xiao, C & Zhou, R 1970, 'Region-Based Coding for Queries over Streamed XML Fragments', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 487-498.
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Hung, TQ, Tuan, HD, Vo, B & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'SDP for 2-d Filter Design: General Formulation and Dimension Reduction Techniques', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, France, pp. 1869-1872.
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In this paper, a new technique for designing linear phase 2-D filter based on semi-definite programming (SDP) is proposed. This approach allows the design of 2-D filters with accurate cut-off frequency, subject to hard bounds on the frequency response to
Hung, TQ, Tuan, HD, Vo, B & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'SDP for 2-D filter design: General formulation and dimension reduction techniques', ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings.
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In this paper, a new technique for designing linear phase 2-D filter based on semi-definite programming (SDP) is proposed. This approach allows the design of 2-D filters with accurate cut-off frequency, subject to hard bounds on the frequency response to be achieved on a standard computer. Using the notion of 2-D trigonometric curves, we generalize the 2-D trigonometric Markov-Lukacs theorem to identify the pass-band and the stop-band in the region of support. The 2-D filter specifications are expressed as linear matrix inequalities. We also exploit convex duality to derive SDP formulations of reduced dimensions. Numerical examples illustrating the advantages of our method are also presented. © 2006 IEEE.
Huo, H, Wang, G, Hui, X, Xiao, C & Zhou, R 1970, 'Document Fragmentation for XML Streams Based on Query Statistics', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 350-356.
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Huo, H, Wang, G, Hui, X, Zhou, R, Ning, B & Xiao, C 1970, 'Efficient Query Processing for Streamed XML Fragments', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 468-482.
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Huo, H, Zhou, R, Wang, G, Hui, X, Xiao, C & Yu, Y 1970, 'Efficient Evaluation of Multiple Queries on Streamed XML Fragments', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 61-72.
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Hussain, F, Chang, E & Dillon, T 1970, 'Ontological Manifestation of Trust for Service Oriented Environment', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 593-598.
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Trust and reputation are vital components for trusted e-business. In the literature however there has been no effort in proposing ontology for trust. The trusted agent in service oriented environment may trust a software agent or human agent or a service or a product. Based on this distinction, trust ontology could be proposed for different domains .The trust ontology for the individual domains is proposed and discussed.
Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Aspects Influencing Trustworthiness In Service Oriented Environments', 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), IEEE, pp. 99-99.
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© 2006 IEEE. Transactions have moved away from faceto- face encounters to more being on the Internet. The infrastructure for the business and information exchange activities could be client-server, peer-To-peer (P2P), or mobile networks. In this paper we refer to 'peer' as an entity involved in a transaction. Trust between two interacting peers involved in an electronic transaction is a major issue that needs to be addressed in order to make the internet a safe medium for carrying out transactions. In this paper, we propose the aspects that can influence the trustworthiness assigned to the trusted peer. Furthermore we catalogue these factors into three classes and discuss the relationship between these factors.
Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Comparative Analysis of Trust and Security', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 1019-1023.
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Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Defining Reputation in Service Oriented Environment', Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT-ICIW'06), Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT-ICIW'06), IEEE, pp. 177-177.
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Reputation has a profound impact on the Trusting Agent and Trusted Agent in business interactions. Moral, ethical and legal guidelines are implemented as a result of the promotion of fair trading practices, honesty from all parties, consumer protection legislation, service quality assessment, and assurance for customers, e-businesses and service-oriented environments. In this paper we propose a definition of reputation that is more suited to service oriented environments. Additionally we explain in detail, all the terms in the definition. © 2006 IEEE.
Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Defining Trustworthiness in Service Oriented Environment', 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, IEEE, pp. 3616-3621.
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© 2006 IEEE. In the existing literature we note that there has been no effort in proposing a definition of trustworthiness. In this paper, we propose a definition of trustworthiness with focus on service oriented environments. In addition, we propose and discuss in detail the various factors which can affect the trustworthiness assigned by the trusting agent to the trusted agent.
Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Quantification of the effectiveness of the Markov model for trustworthiness prediction', Computational Intelligence, Theory and Application, International Conference on Dortmund Fuzzy Days, Springer-verlag Berlin, Dortmund, GERMANY, pp. 191-200.
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In this paper we propose a method for determining the effectiveness of the Markov Model for predicting the future trustworthiness value of a given agent by utilizing simulation methods. This paper presents in detail the simulation method that we employed
Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Trust Issues in Service Oriented Environment', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, pp. 790-793.
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Hussain, FK, Chang, E & Dillon, TS 1970, 'Trustworthiness Measurement methodology for e-business', Advances in Web Intelligence and Data Mining, International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, Springer-verlag Berlin, Beer Sheva, ISRAEL, pp. 21-30.
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The purpose of the Trustworthiness Measure is to (a) to determine the quality of the Trusted Agents and (b) once the trusting agent has determined and recorded the trustworthiness of the trusted agent or the quality of the trusted agent, the trusting age
Hussain, FK, Chang, E, Dillon, TS & IEEE 1970, 'Reputation relationship and its inner relationships for service oriented environments', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 641-646.
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Trust and Reputation are vital components for trusted e-business. In this paper, we propose a definition of trust relationship. Additionally we discuss in depth about the concept of trust relationship. A definition for reputation relationship is proposed
Hussain, FK, Chang, E, Dillon, TS & IEEE 1970, 'Trust ontology for service-oriented environment', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 320-325.
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Trust and Reputation are vital components for trusted e-business. In the literature however there has been no effort in proposing ontology for trust. The trusted agent in service oriented environment may trust a software agent or human agent or a service
Hussain, FK, Chang, E, Dillon, TS & IEEE 1970, 'Trust relationships and reputation relationships for service oriented environments', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 508-510.
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Trust and Reputation are vital components for trusted e-business. In this paper, we propose a definition of trust relationship. Additionally we discuss in depth about the concept of trust relationship. A definition for reputation relationship is proposed
Hussain, FK, Sidhu, AS, Dillon, TS & Chang, E 1970, 'Engineering trustworthy ontologies: Case study of protein ontology', 19TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE Computer Soc, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 617-620.
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Biomedical Ontologies are huge. It is not possible for any one person to manage and engineer a complete ontology. They would need the help of Research Assistants and other people to develop and maintain the ontology. In the process of developing and main
Hussain, O, Chang, E, Hussain, F & Dillon, T 1970, 'Quantifying Risk in Financial Terms in an e-Transaction', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 587-592.
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An outcome of risk is the possible loss that could incur in an interaction. In a peer-to-peer financial interaction, the possible loss that could incur is usually the financial loss in the resources of the trusting agent that are involved in the interaction. Hence, a consideration for the trusting agent to analyze the risk in interacting with any probable trusted agent in order to decide whether to interact with it or not, is to determine the potential loss in its resources that may occur. In this paper, we will propose a methodology by which the trusting agent can determine beforehand the possible loss that could be incurred to it as a result of interacting with a probable trusted agent.
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK & Dillon, TS 1970, 'A fuzzy approach to risk based decision making', ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS 2006: OTM 2006 WORKSHOPS, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems Workshops, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Montpellier, France, pp. 1765-1775.
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Decision making is a tough process. It involves dealing with a lot of uncertainty and projecting what the final outcome might be. Depending on the projection of the uncertain outcome, a decision has to be taken. In a peer-to-peer financial interaction, the trusting agent in order to analyze the Risk has to consider the possible likelihood of failure of the interaction and the possible consequences of failure to its resources involved in the interaction before concluding whether to interact with the probable trusted agent or not. Further it might also have to choose and decide on an agent to interact with from a set of probable trusted agents. In this paper we propose a Fuzzy Risk based decision making system that would assist the trusting agent to ease its decision making process.
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK & Dillon, TS 1970, 'A methodology for determining the creditability of recommending agents', KNOWLEDGE-BASED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, PT 3, PROCEEDINGS, International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Springer-verlag Berlin, Bournemouth, ENGLAND, pp. 1119-1127.
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The trusting agent in order to analyze the Risk that could be present in its future interaction with a trusted agent might solicit for its recommendations from other agents. Based on the recommendations achieved the trusting agent can decide whether to i
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK & Dillon, TS 1970, 'A methodology for risk based decision making in a service oriented environment', IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, Vol 1, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, IEEE Computer Soc, Tai Chung, TAIWAN, pp. 506-513.
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Decision making is a complex process. It involves in dealing with a lot of uncertainty and projecting in mind what the final outcome might be at the end. Based on the Projection of the final outcome a decision is taken. Decision making in a peer-to-peer
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK, Dillon, TS & IEEE 1970, 'Towards ascertaining risk in digital business ecosystem interactions', 2006 Innovations in Information Technology, Innovations in Information Technology Conference, IEEE, Dubai, U ARAB EMIRATES, pp. 227-231.
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In digital business ecosystem architecture, it is rational for the trusting agent to analyse the possible risk in interacting with a probable trusted agent beforehand. Doing so would assist the trusting agent in its decision process. The possible risk in
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK, Dillon, TS & Soh, B 1970, 'Context and Time Based Riskiness Assessment for Decision Making', Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT-ICIW'06), Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT-ICIW'06), IEEE, pp. 104-104.
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In an e-commerce interaction carried out in a Peer-to-Peer environment it is rational for the trusting peer to analyze the Risk that could be involved in dealing with a trusted peer as there is a lack of central management in these type of interactions. Risk analysis can be done by assimilating recommendations from other peers if there is no previous interaction history between the trusting peer and the trusted peer. But the assimilated recommendations might be according to the criteria of the recommending peer with the trusted peer, and it is not necessary for the trusting peer to have the same criteria in its interaction with the trusted peer as that of the recommending peer even thought it is interacting in the same context. Further it might interact in a different time as that of the recommending peer. The Risk that was present in a particular context and at a particular time might not be the same at a different time. Hence in this paper we discuss the process of the trusting peer assimilating the recommendations from the recommending peers according to the context, criteria and time of its interaction in order to determine the Riskiness value of the trusted peer, which would help it considerably in decision making. © 2006 IEEE.
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK, Dillon, TS, Soh, B & IEEE 1970, 'Predicting the dynamic nature of risk', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 500-507.
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The trusting peer in order to determine the likelihood of the loss in its resources might analyze the Risk before engaging in an interaction with any trusted peer. This likelihood of the loss in the resources is termed as Risk in the interaction. Risk an
Hussain, OK, Chang, E, Hussain, FK, Dillon, TS, Soh, B & Society, IEEEC 1970, 'Context and time dependent risk based decision making', 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vol 1, Proceedings, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, IEEE, Vienna, AUSTRIA, pp. 585-590.
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As there is a lack of central management in an e-commerce interaction carried out based on peer-to-peer architecture, it is obvious for the trusting peer to analyze the Risk beforehand that could be involved in dealing with a trusted peer in these types
Huynh, P 1970, 'Free Convection Cooling of a Horizontol Cylinder Positioned Above a Plane', Proceedings - 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, International Heat Transfer Conference, Begell House Inc, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-12.
I.T. Hawryszkiewycz 1970, 'Service Oriented Design Methodologies for Mobile Applications', 2006 International Conference on Mobile Business, 2006 International Conference on Mobile Business, IEEE, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 24-24.
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Iacopi, F, Brongersma, SH, Mazurenko, A, Antonelli, GA & IEEE 1970, 'Use of SAWs for sub-micron detection of dielectric damage in interconnects for microelectronics', 2006 IEEE ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-5, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE, Vancouver, CANADA, pp. 269-272.
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Iacopi, F, Richard, O, Van Aelst, J, Mannaert, G, Talanov, VV, Scherz, A, Schwartz, AR, Bender, H, Travaly, Y, Brongersma, SH, Antonelli, GA, Moinpour, M & Beyer, G 1970, 'Understanding integration damage to low-k films: mechanisms and dielectric behaviour at 100kHz and 4GHz', Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 International Interconnect Technology Conference, 9th International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), IEEE, ELECTRON DEVICES SOC & RELIABILITY GROUP, Burlingame, CA, pp. 12-14.
Ikeda, A, Travaly, Y, Humbert, A, Hoofman, RJOM, Li, Y-L, Tokei, Z, Iacopi, F, Michelon, J, Bruynseraede, C, Willegems, M, Hendrickx, D, Van Aelst, J, Struyf, H, Versluijs, J, Heylen, N, Carbonell, L, Richard, O, Bender, H, Kaiser, M, Weemaes, RGR, Verheyden, G, Kemeling, N, Fukazawa, A, Matsuki, N, Sprey, H, Ciofi, I, Beyer, G & Van Hove, M 1970, 'Low-k properties and integration processes enabling reliable interconnect scaling to the 32 nm technology node', Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 International Interconnect Technology Conference, 9th International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), IEEE, ELECTRON DEVICES SOC & RELIABILITY GROUP, Burlingame, CA, pp. 42-44.
Indraratna, B & Fatahi, B 1970, 'Sensitivity analysis to examine tree root effectiveness in soft ground stabilisation', Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, Austria, pp. 735-741.
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ABSTRACT: Native vegetation in Australia is becoming increasingly popular for stabilising railway corridors built over soft soils. A model previously developed to measure the rate of tree root water uptake and a computer model are used to investigate the effect of a wide range of soil, tree, and atmospheric parameters on partially saturated ground. First, sensitivity analysis is used to investigate the affect of different parameters on the maximum initial rate of root water uptake, and then a reference example is simulated using finite element analysis. The influence of parameters such as time, potential transpiration rate and its distribution factor, wilting point suction, the coefficient of permeability, and the distribution of root length density are studied. Soil suction and settlement was found to increase over time, with the effect being more significant in the first stages of transpiration. The most sensitive parameters are wilting point suction, the coefficient of saturation permeability at higher values, the rate of potential transpiration at lower values, and vertical root distribution when the coefficient is high.
Indraratna, B, Fatahi, B & Khabbaz, H 1970, 'Numerical Prediction of Vadose Zone Behaviour Influenced by Vegetation', Unsaturated Soils 2006, Fourth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arizona, USA, pp. 2256-2267.
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Bioengineering aspects of native vegetation are currently, and rapidly, being evolved to improve soil stiffness, slope stabilisation, and erosion control. Apart from the reinforcement effect, tree roots establish sufficient matric suction to increase the shear strength and stiffness of the soil. This paper looks at the way, vegetation influences soil matric suction, shrinkage, and ground settlement. A mathematical model for the rate of root water uptake that considers ground conditions, type of vegetation and climatic parameters, has been developed. Based on this proposed model, the distribution of moisture and the matric suction profile adjacent to the tree are numerically analysed. The model formulation is based on the general effective stress theory of unsaturated soils. Field measurements taken from literature published previously are compared with the authors' numerical model. The predicted results calculated using the soil, plant, and atmospheric parameters contained in the numerical model, compared favourably with the measured results, justifying the assumptions upon which the model was developed. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Indraratna, B, Fatahi, B & Khabbaz, H 1970, 'Parametric Study on Suction Effects Induced by Tree Roots on Ground Conditions', GeoCongress 2006, GeoCongress 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 1-6.
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A model developed for the rate of tree root water uptake is applied numerically based on finite element analysis, to investigate the effects of the soil, tree and atmospheric parameters on the ground behaviour. The influences of potential transpiration rate, permeability coefficient, and the maximum root length density are studied and quantified. Although the rate of transpiration increases the soil matric suction and the ground settlement, permeability (saturated) decreases the matric suction generated and the corresponding settlement. The maximum root density also affects the change in peak matric suction as demonstrated in the paper. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Indraratna, B, Shahin, MA, Rujikiatkamjiorn, C & Christie, D 1970, 'Stabilization of Ballasted Rail Tracks and Underlying Soft Formation Soils with Geosynthetic Grids and Drains', Ground Modification and Seismic Mitigation, GeoShanghai International Conference 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 143-152.
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Railway ballast deforms and degrades progressively under heavy cyclic loading. Ballast degradation is influenced by several factors including the amplitude and number of load cycles, gradation of aggregates, track confining pressure, angularity and fracture strength of individual grains. The degraded ballast is usually cleaned on track, otherwise, fully or partially replaced by fresh ballast, depending on the track settlement and current density. The use of composite geosynthetics at the bottom of recycled ballast layer is highly desirable to serve the functions of both drainage and separation of ballast from subballast. Construction of the rail track also requires appropriate improvement of the subgrade soils to achieve an adequately stiff surface layer prior to placing the ballast and subballast. Based on extensive research at University of Wollongong, it is found that the gradation of ballast plays a significant role in the strength, deformation, degradation, stability and drainage of rail tracks. Results from large-scale triaxial testing indicate that a small increase in confining pressure improves track stability with less ballast degradation. Bonded geogrids-geotextiles also decrease differential settlements of tracks, ballast degradation and lateral movement, and the risk of subgrade pumping. Stabilization of soft subgrade soils is also essential for improving the overall stability of track and to reduce the differential settlement during the operation of trains. This paper also highlights the effectiveness of using prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) for improving the behavior of soft formations underlying rail tracks. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Isik, O, Ge, Y & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Novel spiral EBG structures', Antem/URSI 2006 - 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference, Proceedings.
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A new Spiral Electromagnetic Band-Gap (SEBG) structure is proposed in this paper. The monofilar, bifilar, quadrifilar spiral geometries are investigated by full-wave numerical simulations. The new structure has many degrees of freedom for close-fit designs. Only two unit cells of SEBG structure are sufficient in order to achieve a relatively good band-gap performance, which makes it compact in overall size.
Janapsatya, J & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Multi-Band WLAN Antennas based on the Principle of Duality', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 2679-2682.
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Jia, W, He, X & Tien, D 1970, 'Automatically detecting road sign text from natural scene video', TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-4, IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2006), IEEE, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1660-+.
Jia, W, He, X & Tien, D 1970, 'Automatically Detecting Road Sign Text from Natural Scene Video', TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE, Hong Kiong, pp. 1-4.
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Automatic detection of text on road signs can help drivers keep aware of the traffic situation and surrounding environments by reminding them of the signs ahead. Current systems can only detect constrained road signs or produce unsatisfying performance when dealing with complex scenes in practical use. This paper firstly reviews the existing techniques used for text detection from natural scene. A novel system which detects text on road signs from natural scene video is then proposed. Our detailed approaches and methodology give a promising solution to this problem in order to reduce the running time and improve the recognition rate. © 2006 IEEE.
Jia, W, Zhang, H, He, X & Wu, Q 1970, 'A Comparison on Histogram Based Image Matching Methods', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 97-97.
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Using colour histogram as a stable representation over change in view has been widely used for object recognition. In this paper, three newly proposed histogram-based methods are compared with other three popular methods, including conventional histogram intersection (HI) method, Wong and Cheung's merged palette histogram matching (MPHM) method, and Gevers' colour ratio gradient (CRG) method. These methods are tested on vehicle number plate images for number plate classification. Experimental results disclose that, the CRG method is the best choice in terms of speed, and the GWHI method can give the best classification results. Overall, the CECH method produces the best performance when both speed and classification performance are concerned. © 2006 IEEE.
Jia, W, Zhang, H, He, X & Wu, Q 1970, 'Image Matching Using Colour Edge Cooccurrence Histograms', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2413-2419.
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In this paper, a novel colour edge cooccurrence histogram (CECH) method is proposed to match images by measuring similarities between their CECH histograms. Unlike the previous colour edge cooccurrence histogram proposed by Crandall et al. in [2], we only investigate those pixels which are located at the two sides of edge points in their gradient direction lines and at a distance away from the edge points. When measuring similarities between two CECH histograms, a newly proposed Gaussian weighted histogram intersection (GWHI) method is extended for this purpose. Both identical colour pairs and similar colour pairs are taken into account in our algorithm, and the weights are decided by the larger distance between two colour pairs involved in matching. The proposed algorithm is tested for matching vehicle number plate images captured under various illumination conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can be used to compare images in real-time, and is robust to illumination variations and insensitive to the model images selected. © 2006 IEEE.
Jia, W, Zhang, H, He, X & Wu, Q 1970, 'Symmetric Color Ratio in Spiral Architecture', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Hyderabad, India, pp. 204-213.
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Color ratio gradient (CRG) is a robust method used for color image retrieval and object recognition. It has been proven to be illumination-independent and geometry-insensitive when tested on scenery images. However, the color ratio gradient produces unsatisfying matching results when dealing with an object which appears rotated by a certain relative angle in the model and target images. In this paper, we adopt the idea of color ratio gradient and develop a new method called Symmetric Color Ratio (SCR) based on a hexagonal image structure, the Spiral Architecture (SA). We focus on license plate images and our aim is to achieve a higher matching rate between the SCR histogram of the images within same class in order to separate different classes of images. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SCR is robust to changes over view angles. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Jianbo Sun, Qionghua Zhan, Youguang Guo & Jianguo Zhu 1970, 'Back Propagation Neural Network Applied to Modeling of Switched Reluctance Motor', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 151-151.
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This paper presents a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) application for modeling of SRM, incorporating finite element analysis. Firstly, the magnetic curve of ferromagnetic material is smoothed by a BPNN. Secondly, this paper deduces the formula of magnetic force based on the local Jacobian derivative method and the magnetic vector potential. Thirdly, the determination of the optimal BPNN structures and learning times is introduced. At last, a dynamic model of SRM based on BPNNs is constructed. The validity of the model is proved by comparing the simulation results with the experimental results. © 2006 IEEE.
Jiang, ZY, Zhu, HT, Wei, DB & Tieu, AK 1970, 'An approach to analyse the special rolling of thin strip', Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 11th International Conference on Metal Forming 2006, Elsevier BV, Birmingham, ENGLAND, pp. 130-133.
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Work roll edge contact may affect the mechanics of cold rolling of thin strip and the crown of the rolled strip. In this paper, the authors developed a modified influence function method to simulate this special rolling. The rolling force, intermediate force, roll edge contact force, the crown of the rolled strip and the edge contact length for different strip widths and traverse friction coefficients are obtained. The calculated rolling forces are compared to experimental values. The developed model is effective and applicable in the cold rolling of thin strip with work roll edge contact. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jiang, ZY, Zhu, HT, Wei, DB & Tieu, AK 1970, 'An influence function method to analyse thin strip rolling with work roll edge contact', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology.
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In this paper, based on the theory of the slit beam, the cold rolling of thin strip with work roll edge contact was calculated using an influence function method. A comparison of the forces and the strip shape with or without the work roll edge contact was carried out. The effect of the different rolling parameters, such as the reduction, strip width, friction coefficient and transverse friction distribution, on the mechanics and deformation of the cold rolling of thin strip were analysed. The developed model is useful to improve the shape and profile quality of thin strip in cold rolling process. According to the developed method, a comprehensive model which is suitable for simulating work roll edge contact or not can be obtained. © 2006 Civil-Comp Press.
Jianxun, J, Youguang, G, Jiaxin, C, Luhai, Z & Jianguo, Z 1970, 'HTS Levitation and Transportation with Linear Motor Control', 2007 Chinese Control Conference, 2007 Chinese Control Conference, IEEE, Zhangjiajie, China, pp. 10-14.
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High temperature superconductor (HTS) bulk can produce strong levitation force and has attracted strong interest of application in maglev transportation systems, to which a linear motion drive has advantages to be incorporated. This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a linear synchronous motor drive for a levitated object by HTS bulks. The analysis results show that the developed linear motor scheme can effectively drive and control the HTS levitated transporter.
Jin, J, Zhang, C, Guo, Y & Zhu, J 1970, 'Power Electronic-Controlled High Q Resonator Theory with HTS Technology', 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Guilin, China, pp. 2752-2756.
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Jin-Chern Chiou, Li-Wei Ko, Chin-Teng Lin, Chao-Ting Hong, Tzyy-Ping Jung, Sheng-Fu Liang & Jong-Liang Jeng 1970, 'Using novel MEMS EEG sensors in detecting drowsiness application', 2006 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2006 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference - Healthcare Technology (BioCas), IEEE, pp. 33-36.
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Electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis has been widely adopted for the monitoring of cognitive state changes and sleep stages because abundant information in EEG recording reflects changes in drowsiness, arousal, sleep, and attention, etc. In this study, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based silicon spiked electrode array, namely dry electrodes, are fabricated and characterized to bring EEG monitoring to the operational workplaces without requiring conductive paste or scalp preparation. An isotropic/anisotropic reactive ion etching with inductive coupled plasma (RIE-ICP) micromachining fabrication process was developed to manufacture the needle-like micro probes to pierce the stratum corneum of skin and obtain superior electrically conducting characteristics. This article reports a series of prosperity testing and evaluations of continuous EEG recordings. Our results suggest that the dry electrodes have advantages in electrode-skin interface impedance, signal intensity and size over the conventional (wet) electrodes. In addition, we also developed an EEG-based drowsiness estimation system that consists of the dry-electrode array, power spectrum estimation, Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based EEG signal analysis, and multivariate linear regression to estimate driver's drowsiness level in a virtual-reality-based dynamic driving simulator to demonstrate the potential applications of the MEMS electrodes in operational environments. ©2006 IEEE.
Johnston, AJ, Marks, B & Edmonds, EA 1970, 'Charmed circle - an interactive toy for musicians', ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts, ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts, Research Publishing Services, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-7.
Johnston, AJ, Marks, B, Candy, L & Edmonds, EA 1970, 'Partial reflections: interactive environments for musical exploration', ENGAGE: Interaction, Art and Audience Experience, ENGAGE: Interaction, Art and Audience Experience, Creativity and Cognition Studios Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 100-109.
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This paper describes an ongoing project to develop interactive environments for musicians that encourage musical exploration. A process of developing software such as this, where requirements are highly dynamic and unclear is outlined and two musical compositions and associated interactive environments entitled 'Partial Reflections' are described.
Jonghyuk Kim & Sukkarieh, S 1970, 'Robust multi-loop airborne SLAM in unknown wind environments', Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006., 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006., IEEE, IEEE, pp. 1536-1541.
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Kalam, MA, Masjuki, HH, Syazly, M, Redzuan, M, Ramang, H & Mahlia, TMI 1970, 'Fuel Additive that Cuts Emission and Increases Brake Power in a Small Bio-Fuel Diesel Engine', SAE Technical Paper Series, Small Engine Technology Conference & Exposition, SAE International.
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Copyright © 2006 SAE International and Copyright © 2006 SAE Japan. This paper presents experimental test results of a diesel engine using additive added bio Diesel oil obtained from palm oil. The test results obtained are brake power, specific fuel consumption (SFC) and exhaust emissions. In addition, antiwear characteristics of fuel's contaminated lubricants were observed using a tribometer test. A computer control dynamometer-engine test bed was used to measure engine brake power and SFC at half throttle condition with speed range of 1000 rpm to 4000 rpm. The emission test was done with dynamometer fixed load of 50 Nm and constant engine speed of 2250 rpm. A total of three fuels or 100% diesel fuel (B0); 20% palm oil diesel (POD) and 80% B0 (B20); and B20 with X% additive (B20X) were selected for this investigation. The B20X is the additive added bio Diesel oil where X is the percentage (in this investigation X=1% of B20) of additive in B20 fuel. Anti wear characteristics in terms of coefficient of friction, wear scar diameter and flash temperature parameter (FTP) of fuel's contaminated lubricants were measured using a tribometer test. It was found that B20X fuel showed better overall performance such as cut emissions and increased engine brake power as well as increased anti-wear characteristics as compared to other test fuels. The specific objective of this investigation is to improve the performance of B20 fuel with an antioxidant additive. Detailed results have been presented with discussions.
Kang, K 1970, 'Culture and Web Design Issues in E-Commerce', 7th World Congress on the Management of e-business July 2006, Seventh World Congress on the Management of e-Business, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada, pp. 1-8.
Kang, K 1970, 'Innovative design in ebusiness for global customers - a cultural aspect', ECEI 2006 European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, ECEI European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Academic Conference Ltd, Paris, France, pp. 89-94.
Kang, K & Araujo, J 1970, 'Cultural and requirement aspects on international ecommerce', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, E-Government and Outsourcing, International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, E-Government and Outsourcing, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 104-110.
Kang, K, Underwood, J & Wong, B 1970, 'Electronic commerce for customers from different language groups', Managing Information in the Digital Economy: Issues and Solutions - Proceedings of the 6th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2006, International Business Information Management, International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Bonn, Genmany, pp. 21-25.
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This paper discusses considerations of user preferences in global e-commerce. In global ecommerce, companies need to focus on users and implement web design solutions to address this issue. This paper presents an exploratory study relating to customer preferences for design features in popular global sites, and through it identifies a number of cultural factors related to design and understanding of users' preferences in the B2C contextual domain. The outcomes of this study are issues identified as design features in global web sites that contribute to their popularity. This study will promote an understanding of design features that engage user's attention and lead to success of e-commerce through global sites.
Kazienko, P & Musiał, K 1970, 'Social Capital in Online Social Networks', KNOWLEDGE-BASED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Bournemouth, ENGLAND, pp. 417-424.
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Kha, HH, Tuan, HD, Vo, B & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Symmetric orthogonal complex-valued filter bank design by semidefinite programming', ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings.
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A new design method for complex-valued two-channel FIR filter banks with both orthogonality and symmetry properties is developed. Based on a novel linear matrix inequality (LMI) characterization of trigonometric curves, the optimal design of the perfect reconstruction filter bank is reformulated as a semi-definite programme. The dimension of the resulting semi-definite programme is further reduced by exploiting the strong convex duality. Consequently, the globally optimal solution can be effectively found for any practical filter length and desired regularity order. © 2006 IEEE.
Kha, HH, Tuan, HD, Vo, B & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Symmetric Orthogonal Complex-Valued Filter Bank Design by Semidefinite Programming', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, France, pp. 2672-2675.
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A new design method for complex-valued two-channel FIR filter banks with both orthogonality and symmetry properties is developed. Based on a novel linear matrix inequality (LMI) characterization of trigonometric curves, the optimal design of the perfect
Khoa, PT, Son, TT, Tuan, HD & Tuy, H 1970, 'Monotonic Optimization Based Decoding for Linear Codes', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, FRANCE, pp. 3867-3870.
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A new efficient method is developed for optimal maximum likelihood (ML) decoding of an arbitrary binary linear code based on data received from a Gaussian channel. The decoding algorithm is based on minimization of a difference of two monotonic objective
Khoa, PT, Son, TT, Tuan, HD & Tuy, H 1970, 'Monotonic optimization based decoding for linear codes', ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, FRANCE, pp. 197-+.
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A new efficient method is developed for optimal maximum likelihood (ML) decoding of an arbitrary binary linear code based on data received from a Gaussian channel. The decoding algorithm is based on minimization of a difference of two monotonic objective functions subject to the 0-1 constraint of bit variables. The iterative process converges to the global optimal ML solution after a finite number of steps. The proposed algorithm's computational complexity depends on the input sequence length k which is much less than the codeword length n, especially for codes with small code rates. The viability of the developed method is verified through simulations on different coding schemes. © 2006 IEEE.
Ki, S-K, Cheng, DK-W & Lu, DD-C 1970, 'High efficiency and PF capability of Single Phase Power Factor Corrector', TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE, pp. 1-4.
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This paper presents enhanced power conversion efficiency of power factor correction pre-regulator with high power factor capability. The circuit employs both active and passive power factor correction techniques in different time durations. The advantages of this approach are high power conversion efficiency and low output voltage stress on MOSFET and bulk capacitor. The discussion covers design consideration and circuit operation. Experiments were performed to verify the approach whether effective. © 2006 IEEE.
Kiani, GI, Weily, AR & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Frequency Selective Surface Absorber using Resistive Cross-Dipoles', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 4199-4202.
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Kim, J-H, Sukkarieh, S & Wishart, S 1970, 'Real-Time Navigation, Guidance, and Control of a UAV Using Low-Cost Sensors', Field and Service Robotics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 299-309.
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King, LM, Nguyen, HT & Lal, SKL 1970, 'Early Driver Fatigue Detection from Electroencephalography Signals using Artificial Neural Networks', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, pp. 2187-2190.
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This paper describes a driver fatigue detection system using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Using electroencephalogram (EEG) data sampled from 20 professional truck drivers and 35 non professional drivers, the time domain data are processed into alpha, beta, delta and theta bands and then presented to the neural network to detect the onset of driver fatigue. The neural network uses a training optimization technique called the Magnified Gradient Function (MGF). This technique reduces the time required for training by modifying the Standard Back Propagation (SBP) algorithm. The MGF is shown to classify professional driver fatigue with 81.49% accuracy (80.53% sensitivity, 82.44% specificity) and non-professional driver fatigue with 83.06% accuracy (84.04% sensitivity and 82.08% specificity). © 2006 IEEE.
King, LM, Nguyen, HT & Lal, SKL 1970, 'Early driver fatigue detection from electroencephalography signals using artificial neural networks.', Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, United States, pp. 2187-2190.
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This paper describes a driver fatigue detection system using an artificial neural network (ANN). Using electroencephalogram (EEG) data sampled from 20 professional truck drivers and 35 non professional drivers, the time domain data are processed into alpha, beta, delta and theta bands and then presented to the neural network to detect the onset of driver fatigue. The neural network uses a training optimization technique called the magnified gradient function (MGF). This technique reduces the time required for training by modifying the standard back propagation (SBP) algorithm. The MGF is shown to classify professional driver fatigue with 81.49% accuracy (80.53% sensitivity, 82.44% specificity) and non-professional driver fatigue with 83.06% accuracy (84.04% sensitivity and 82.08% specificity).
King, LM, Nguyen, HT, Lal, SKL & IEEE 1970, 'Early driver fatigue detection from electroencephalography signals using artificial neural networks', 2006 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, New York, NY, pp. 730-733.
Kirchner, N, Liu, D & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Bridge Maintenance Robotic Arm: Capacitive Sensor for Obstacle Ranging in Particle Laden Air', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 596-601.
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This paper describes an Adaptive Capacitive Sensor Network for Obstacle Ranging (ACSOR) that is intended to provide entire arm encompassing obstacle range data for a robotic arm conducting the task of sandblasting a bridge. A multi-channel capacitive sensor capable of dynamic obstacle ranging in air heavily laden with lead contaminated sandblasting refuse has been developed. Experimental results have shown the ACSOR's working range to be 50cm, that it is relatively immune from airborne lead contaminated sandblasting refuse and that it is capable of ranging an obstacle 21cm away whilst fitted to a robotic arm moving at 2cm/s with an obstacle range error of less than 1cm.
Kitchenham, B, Al-Khilidar, H, Babar, MA, Berry, M, Cox, K, Keung, J, Kurniawati, F, Staples, M, Zhang, H & Zhu, L 1970, 'Evaluating guidelines for empirical software engineering studies', Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering, ISESE06: ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering 2006, ACM, ACM, pp. 38-47.
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Kocaballi, AB & Kocyigit, A 1970, 'Granular Best Match Algorithm for Context-Aware Computing Systems', 2006 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 2006 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, IEEE, Lyon, FRANCE, pp. 143-149.
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Kodagoda, KRS, Alempijevic, A, Underwood, J, Kumar, S & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Targets', 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 1-6.
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Multimodal sensor registration and calibration are crucially important aspects in distributed sensor fusion. Unknown relationships of sensors and joint probability distribution between sensory signals make the sensor fusion nontrivial. In this paper, we adopt a Mutual Information (MI) based approach for sensor registration and calibration. It is based on unsupervised learning of a nonparametric sensing model by maximizing mutual information between signal streams. Experiments were carried out in an office like environment with two laser sensors capturing arbitrarily moving people. Attributes of the moving targets are used. Problems due to target occlusions are alleviated by the multiple model tracker. The registration and calibration methodology does not require any artificially generated patterns or motions unlike other calibration methodologies. © 2006 IEEE.
Kodagoda, S, Hemachandra, EASM, Jayasekara, PG, Peiris, RL, De Silva, AC & Munasinghe, R 1970, 'Obstacle Detection and Map Building with a Rotating Ultrasonic Range Sensor using Bayesian Combination', 2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, 2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, IEEE, pp. 98-103.
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Kodagoda, S, Hemachandra, EASM, Pannipitiya, PAAR, Bartholomeuz, LS & Pasqual, AA 1970, 'Minimal Invasive Headband for Brain Computer Interfacing and Analysis', 2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, 2006 International Conference on Information and Automation, IEEE, pp. 109-114.
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Kulatunga, AK, Liu, DK, Dissanayake, G & Siyambalapitiya, SB 1970, 'Ant colony optimization based simultaneous task allocation and path planning of autonomous vehicles', 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, CIS 2006, IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 823-828.
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This paper applies a meta-heuristic based Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique for simultaneous task allocation and path planning of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) in material handling. ACO algorithm allocates tasks to AGVs based on collision free path obtained by a proposed path and motion planning algorithm. The validity of this approach is investigated by applying it to different task and AGV combinations which have different initial settings. For small combinations, i.e. small number of tasks and vehicles, the quality of the ACO solution is compared against the optimal results obtained from exhaustive search mechanism. This approach has shown near optimal results. For larger combinations, ACO solutions are compared with Simulated Annealing algorithm which is another commonly used meta-heuristic approach. The results show that ACO solutions have slightly better performance than that of Simulated Annealing algorithm. © 2006 IEEE.
Kulatunga, AK, Liu, DK, Dissanayake, G, Siyambalapitiya, SB & IEEE 1970, 'Ant colony optimization based simultaneous task allocation and path planning of autonomous vehicles', 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1 and 2, IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 727-732.
Kurian, JC, Barnaghi, PM & Hartley, MI 1970, 'User mediated hypermedia presentation generation on the semantic web framework', ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL REALITY AND TELE-EXISTENCE, PROCEEDINGS, 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, PEOPLES R CHINA, Hangzhou, pp. 901-+.
Kwok, NM, Ha, QP, Liu, DK, Fang, G & IEEE 1970, 'Intensity-preserving contrast enhancement for gray-level images using multi-objective particle swarm optimization', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Vols 1 and 2, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE, Shanghai, China, pp. 21-26.
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This paper addresses the enhancement of the contrast of gray-level digital images while preserving the mean image intensity, thus, providing better viewing consistence and effectiveness. The contrast enhancement is achieved by maximizing the information content carried in the image with a continuous intensity transform function and the mean image intensity is preserved, by using the gamma-correction approach. Since the contrast enhancement and intensity preservation are contradicting, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm is developed to resolve this trade-off. Benchmark images, street senses and skyline images are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2006 IEEE.
Kwok, NM, Liu, DK, Tan, KC & Ha, QP 1970, 'An empirical study on the settings of control coefficients in particle swarm optimization', 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2006, pp. 823-830.
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The effects of randomness of control coefficients in Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are investigated through empirical studies. The PSO is viewed as a method to solve a coverage problem in the solution space when the global-best particle is reported as the solution. Randomness of the control coefficients, therefore, plays a crucial role in providing an efficient and effective algorithm. Comparisons of performances are made between the uniform and Gaussian distributed random coefficients in adjusting particle velocities. Alternative strategies are also tested, they include: i) pre-assigned randomness through the iterations, ii) selective hybrid random adjustment based on the fitness of the particles. Furthermore, the effect of velocity momentum factor is compared between a constant and random momentum. Numerical results show that performances of the proposed variations are comparable to the conventional implementation for simple test functions. However, enhanced performances using the selective and hybrid strategy are observed for complicate functions. ©2006 IEEE.
Kwok, NM, Liu, DK, Tan, KC, Ha, QP & IEEE 1970, 'An empirical study on the settings of control coefficients in Particle Swarm Optimization', 2006 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1-6, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 823-830.
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The effects of randomness of control coefficients in particle swarm optimization (PSO) are investigated through empirical studies. The PSO is viewed as a method to solve a coverage problem in the solution space when the global-best particle is reported as the solution. Randomness of the control coefficients, therefore, plays a crucial role in providing an efficient and effective algorithm. Comparisons of performances are made between the uniform and Gaussian distributed random coefficients in adjusting particle velocities. Alternative strategies are also tested, they include: i) pre-assigned randomness through the iterations, ii) selective hybrid random adjustment based on the fitness of the particles. Furthermore, the effect of velocity momentum factor is compared between a constant and random momentum. Numerical results show that performances of the proposed variations are comparable to the conventional implementation for simple test functions. However, enhanced performances using the selective and hybrid strategy are observed for complicate functions.
Laplante, S, Lee, T & Szegedy, M 1970, 'THE QUANTUM ADVERSARY METHOD AND CLASSICAL FORMULA SIZE LOWER BOUNDS', computational complexity, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, pp. 163-196.
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Latu, S & Dyson, LE 1970, 'ICT-The perception of the Togan minority in New Zealand', Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication 2006, Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communications, Murdoch University, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 360-371.
Lau, H, Huang, S, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Probabilistic search for a moving target in an indoor environment', 2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 3393-3398.
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We consider a search for a target moving within a known indoor environment partitioned into interconnected regions of varying sizes. The knowledge of target location is described as a probability distribution over the regions, and the searcher can only move from one region to another as the structure allows. The objective is to find a feasible path through the regions that maximizes the probability of locating the target within fixed time. This problem generalizes the existing optimal searcher path problem (OSP) by additionally stipulating a minimum amount of time that a finite-speed searcher must spend to travel through a region before reaching the next. We propose a technique to obtain the upper bound of detection for solving the problem in a branch and bound framework. Comparisons show that the technique is also superior to known bounding methods for the original optimal searcher path problem. © 2006 IEEE.
Lautenbach, S, Voinov, A & Seppelt, R 1970, 'Localization effects of land use change on hydrological models', Proceedings of the iEMSs 3rd Biennial Meeting,' Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software'.
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Semi-distributed hydrological models generally have the advantages of short calculation times, comparative low calibration needs and high model efficiency, but lack the ability to consider localization effects of land use change. A regionalisation of these models allows a sensitivity analysis of the localization effects. HBV-D, a conceptual hydrological model is used in this study. The regionalization for the German watershed Parthe (∼317 km 2) is coded in the framework of SME (spatial modeling environment) which allows a fast grid based regionalization of the model. Additional complexity at the finer scale is handled by downscaling of calibration parameters fromthe semi-distributedmodel by using auxiliary information (soil, relief). This allows a better representation of the heterogeneity in the watersheds without the need of grappling with hundreds of calibration parameters. A Monte-Carlo analysis is used to simulate the effects of the different spatial pattern of land use changes on discharge. This allows a better forecasting of land use change effects and can be used to generate uncertainty estimates for existing semi-distributed models. We focus here on the following major questions: 1. how can we downscale the calibration parameters from the semi-distributed model to the distributed model, 2. how do downscaling approaches differ, 3. how does land use composition and configuration influence discharge and 4. how do these results depend on catchment characteristics?
Law, SS, Li, XY & Zhu, XQ 1970, 'Wavelet packet sensitivity in damage assessment', Computational Methods, Pts 1 and 2, 1st International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM04), SPRINGER, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 525-529.
Le Chung Tran, Xiaojing Huang, Dutkiewicz, E & Chicharo, J 1970, 'STC-MIMO Block Spread OFDM in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels', 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), IEEE, pp. 277-282.
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In this paper, we expand the idea of spreading the transmitted symbols in OFDM systems by unitary spreading matrices based on the rotated Hadamard or rotated Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrices proposed in the literature to apply to Space-Time Coded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM (STC-MIMO-OFDM) systems. We refer the resulting systems to as STC-MIMO Block Spread OFDM (STC-MIMO-BOFDM) systems. In the proposed systems, a multi-dimensional diversity, including time, frequency, space and modulation diversities, can be used, resulting in better bit error performance in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels compared to the conventional OFDM systems with or without STCs. Simulations carried out with the Alamouti code confirm the advantage of the proposed STC-MIMO-BOFDM systems. © 2006 IEEE.
Le Liu, Shuhong Wang, Jie Qiu, Ruilei Gong, Jianguo Zhu & Youguang Guo 1970, 'Optimization of Material and Structural Parameters of Nonlinear Stress Control Tubes in Cable Terminations', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 471-471.
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The response surface method (RSM) is applied in the parameter optimization of nonlinear stress control tubes in power cable terminations. A local approximation method, called moving least square method (MLSM), is adopted to reduce the approximation errors. The electric field intensity is calculated by the transient finite element method. A comparison of the parameters before and after optimization reveals that the RSM is constructed efficiently and accurately by using the MLSM. © 2006 IEEE.
Le, H, Hoang, D & Simmonds, A 1970, 'PARM: a physically-aware reference model for overlay internetworking', 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Volume 1 (AINA'06), 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Volume 1 (AINA'06), IEEE, Vienna, Austria, pp. 6 pp.-424.
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Peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies developed rapidly in different directions with various applications and routing mechanisms. However, the lack of standardization in functional architectures of the P2P systems makes their performances far from optimal. This trend also restricts the interoperability amongst the systems, and limits the exploitation of the edge-Internet resources and tangible benefits for Internet users. Inspired by the TCP/IP model, this paper introduces PARM: a physically-aware reference model for overlay internetworking. PARM is a layered model that enables a more modular communications approach to solve P2P problems and to optimize systems more efficiently. Simulation results indicate that PARM helps to produce better performance overlays with desirable features such as decentralization, self-organization, and minimal delay penalty.
Lee, JA & Brennan, J 1970, 'Intelligent GIS: Automatic Generation of Qualitative Spatial Information', Advances In Applied Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, France, pp. 898-907.
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This paper reports on an extension to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that can intelligently analyse and record qualitative information of the surrounding area when adding a feature to a map. This recorded qualitative spatial information can be util
Leijdekkers, P & Gay, V 1970, 'Personal Heart Monitoring and Rehabilitation System using Smart Phones.', ICMB, International Conference on Mobile Business, IEEE Computer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 29-29.
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Leijdekkers, P & Gay, V 1970, 'Personal heart monitoring system using smart phones to detect life threatening arrhythmias', 19TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE Computer Soc, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 157-162.
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This paper discusses a personalized heart monitoring system using smart phones and wireless (bio) sensors. We combine ubiquitous computing with mobile health technology to monitor the wellbeing of high risk cardiac patients. The smart phone analyses in r
Lemass, B & Gardner, AP 1970, 'Stranded Structural Analysis And Design: An Alternative Teaching Approach', Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, AAEE - Annual Conference of Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1-10.
Leong, TW 1970, 'Designing for experiences: Randomness as a resource', Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, DIS, ACM Press, University Park, pp. 346-347.
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Studies which I carried out recently of users of digital music players revealed that the element of randomness plays a role in influencing the user experience (UX). Apart from being generally positive, some users even report rich experiences such as serendipity. I propose a longitudinal study to further explicate the phenomena. In doing so, I aim to produce a theoretical framework which will provide a richer characterization of the randomness-influenced UX. This will add to our understanding of UX and may serve to inform designers of interactive systems on how randomness can be used as an innovative design resource for supporting rich and novel UX.
Leong, TW, Vetere, F & Howard, S 1970, 'Randomness as a resource for design', Proceedings of the 6th conference on Designing Interactive systems, DIS06: Designing Interactive Systems 2006, ACM, University Park, pp. 132-139.
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Letian Rong & Burnett, IS 1970, 'Adaptive resource replication in a ubiquitous peertopeer based multimedia distribution environment', CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006., CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006., IEEE, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 65-68.
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Leung, C, Huang, S, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Active SLAM using model predictive control and attractor based exploration', 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vols 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 5026-5031.
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Active SLAM poses the challenge for an autonomous robot to plan efficient paths simultaneous to the SLAM process. The uncertainties of the robot, map and sensor measurements, and the dynamic and motion constraints need to be considered in the planning process. In this paper, the active SLAM problem is formulated as an optimal trajectory planning problem. A novel technique is introduced that utilises an attractor combined with local planning strategies such as Model Predictive Control (a.k.a. Receding Horizon) to solve this problem. An attractor provides high level task intentions and incorporates global information about the environment for the local planner, thereby eliminating the need for costly global planning with longer horizons. It is demonstrated that trajectory planning with an attractor results in improved performance over systems that have local planning alone. © 2006 IEEE.
Leveaux, RR 1970, 'An Examination of Taekwondo Instruction Using Traditional and Sports Education Formats', An Examination of Taekwondo Instruction Using Traditional and Sports Education Formats, WTF Scientific Congress, Korea.
Lezana, P, Rodrguez, J, Aguilera, R & Silva, C 1970, 'Fault Detection on Multicell Converter Based on Output Voltage Frequency Analysis', IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006. 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, pp. 1691-1696.
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Multilevel converters uses a large amount of semiconductors. This allows to reconfigurate the converter to work even on internal fault condition. This paper presents a method to detect faulty cells in a cascaded multicell converter requiring just one voltage measurement per output phase. The method is based on high frequency harmonic analysis, using a dynamic prediction of their behavior, avoiding false detection on transients while keeps the precision under fault events. Once the faulty cell is detected, it can be shortcircuited allowing the converter to keep working according to previously reported techniques. © 2006 IEEE.
Lezana, P, Rodriguez, J, Aguilera, R & Silva, C 1970, 'Fault detection on multicell converter based on output voltage frequency analysis.', IECON 2006 - 32ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-11, 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society, IEEE, Paris, FRANCE, pp. 4450-+.
Li Li & Paganini, F 1970, 'LMI relaxation to Riccati equations in structured H2 control', 2006 American Control Conference, 2006 American Control Conference, IEEE, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 644-649.
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This paper addresses the problem of designing a decentralized control of interconnected power systems, with OLTC and SVCs, under large changes in real and reactive loads that cause large structural changes in the system model. In addition to this, small changes in load are regulated by small disturbance controllers whose gains are adjusted for variations in power system model due to large changes in loads. The only feedback needed by subsystem controllers is the state of the subsystem itself. The design is carried out within a large-scale Markov jump parameter systems framework. In this paper, unlike other control schemes, OLTC transformers are used to damp power-angle oscillations. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the designed controller. © 2006 IEEE.
Li, J, Choi, F, Samali, B & Crews, KI 1970, 'Damage Detection in a Timber Beam', Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair 2006, International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, U.K., pp. 1-10.
Li, J, Choi, F, Samali, B & Crews, KI 1970, 'Damage Localisation and Severity Evaluation of a Beam-like timber Structure based on modal strain energy and flexibility approaches', Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair 2006, International Conference on Structural Faults and Repairs, Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, U.K., pp. 1-9.
Li, J, Li, H, Wong, L, Pei, J & Dong, G 1970, 'Minimum description length principle: Generators are preferable to closed patterns', Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 409-414.
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The generators and the unique closed pattern of an equivalence class of itemsets share a common set of transactions. The generators are the minimal ones among the equivalent itemsets, while the closed pattern is the maximum one. As a generator is usually smaller than the closed pattern in cardinality, by the Minimum Description Length Principle, the generator is preferable to the closed pattern in inductive inference and classification. To efficiently discover frequent generators from a large dataset, we develop a depth-first algorithm called Gr-growth. The idea is novel in contrast to traditional breadth-first bottom-up generator-mining algorithms. Our extensive performance study shows that Gr-growth is significantly faster (an order or even two orders of magnitudes when the support thresholds are low) than the existing generator mining algorithms. It can be also faster than the state-of-the-art frequent closed itemset mining algorithms such as FPclose and CLOSET+. Copyright © 2006, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
Li, J, Samali, B, Crews, KI, Choi, F, Brown, PW, Al-Dawod, M & Shrestha, R 1970, 'theoretical and Experimental Studies on Assessment of Bridges Using Simple Dynamic Procedures', Australian Structural Engineering Conference 2005: Structural Engineering - Preserving and Building Into the Future, Australian Structural Engineering Conference, Tour Hosts Pty Ltd, Newcastle, Australia.
Li, L, Paganini, F & IEEE 1970, 'LMI relaxation to Riccati equations in structured H-2 control', 2006 American Control Conference, Vols 1-12, American Control Conference, IEEE, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 644-649.
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In this paper we discuss structured Hscr2 control methods for large-scale interconnected systems. Based on a relaxation of Riccati equations, we derive some LMI conditions for suboptimal controllers in which information structure can be imposed. In particular, we derive controllers by solving low-dimensional LMIs, which are decentralized except for the sharing information between neighbors, as determined by the plant interconnection, and for which we optimize a performance bound
Li, L, Ugrinovskii, VA & IEEE 1970, 'Decentralized robust control of uncertain Markov jump parameter systems via output feedback', 2006 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-12, American Control Conference, IEEE, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 1340-1345.
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We address the problem of decentralized robust control of uncertain Markov jump parameter systems via output feedback, which extends recent results on decentralized state feedback control. It is shown that the feasibility of a parametrized collection of mode-dependent coupled algebraic Riccati equations and inequalities are both sufficient and necessary for the existence of a robust decentralized switching controller. A guaranteed upper bound on robust performance is also obtained.
Li, L, Ugrinovskii, VA & IEEE 1970, 'On necessary and sufficient conditions for H-infinity output feedback control of Markov jump linear systems', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 45TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL, VOLS 1-14, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, San Diego, USA, pp. 5525-5530.
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This note addresses the output feedback H∞ control problem for continuous-time Markov jump linear systems. It is shown that the feasibility of a set of linear matrix inequalities is both sufficient and necessary for the existence of a solution. Under standard assumptions, we also give a Riccatitype sufficient and necessary condition for an H∞ -suboptimal controller to exist. © 2006 IEEE.
Li, S 1970, 'Combining Topological and Directional Information: First Results', Knowledge Science, Engineering And Management : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol 4092, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Guilin, China, pp. 252-264.
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Representing and reasoning about spatial information is important in artificial intelligence and geographical information science. Relations between spatial entities are the most important kind of spatial information. Most current formalisms of spatial relations focus on one single aspect of space. This contrasts sharply with real world applications, where several aspects are usually involved together. This paper proposes a qualitative calculus that combines a simple directional relation model with the well-known topological RCC5 model. We show by construction that the consistency of atomic networks can be decided in polynomial time.
Li, Z, Chen, H & Yu, S 1970, 'Performance optimization for energy-aware adaptive checkpointing in embedded real-time systems', Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE.
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Using additional store-checkpoinsts (SCPs) and compare-checkpoints (CCPs), we present an adaptive checkpointing for double modular redundancy (DMR) in this paper. The proposed approach can dynamically adjust the checkpoint intervals. We also design methods to calculate the optimal numbers of checkpoints, which can minimize the average execution time of tasks. Further, the adaptive checkpointing is combined with the DVS (dynamic voltage scaling) scheme to achieve energy reduction. Simulation results show that, compared with the previous methods, the proposed approach significantly increases the likelihood of timely task completion and reduces energy consumption in the presence of faults.
Lim, CC, Gowripalan, N & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'Predicting chloride content profile in concrete using a concrete mix design parameter', Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting - Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR 2005, pp. 125-127.
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Many service life prediction models for concrete require information from existing structure, for example, chloride concentration value at a known depth in concrete and the period of chloride exposure before a prediction can be made. Those models are useful when dealing with service life of existing concrete structures. In the case of designing a new concrete structure for service life, the prediction may be hindered because the required field information is not available at the time of design. Hence, a model which can give an estimate of the service life of a structure at the design stage is necessary. In the present study, a chloride concentration prediction model based on a concrete mix design parameter is proposed. The model is developed based on results of chloride immersion tests conducted in a controlled laboratory environment. The model is verified using data obtained from the present study and from the literature. The model can reasonably predict the chloride concentration profile in Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concretes having a water to cement ratio between 0.40 and 0.67. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Lin, CT & Chin, CL 1970, 'Using fuzzy inference and cubic curve to detect and compensate backlight image', International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, pp. 2-13.
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This paper proposes a new algorithm method for detection and compensation of backlight images. The proposed technique attacks the weaknesses of conventional backlight image processing methods, such as over-saturation and diminished contrast. This proposed algorithm consists of two operational phases, the detection phase and the compensation phase. In the detection phase, we use the spatial position characteristic and the histogram of backlight images to obtain two image indices which can determine the backlight degree of an image. The fuzzy inference method is then used to integrate these two indices into a final backlight index which determines the final backlight degree of an image more precisely. The compensation phase is used to solve the over-saturation problem which usually exists in conventional image compensation methods. In this phase, we propose the adaptive cubic curve method to compensate and enhance the brightness of backlight images. The luminance of a backlight image is adjusted according to the cubic curve equation which adapts dynamically according to the backlight degree indicated by the backlight index estimated in the detection phase. The performance of the proposed technique was tested against 300 backlight images covering a variety of backlight conditions and degrees. A comparison of the results of previous experiments clearly shows the superiority of our proposed technique in solving over-saturation and backlight detection problems. © 2006 TFSA.
Lin, CT, Chen, SA, Cheng, YC & Chung, JF 1970, 'CNN-based local motion estimation chip for image stabilization processing', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Kos, GREECE, pp. 2645-2648.
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This paper is to investigate a novel design for local motion vectors (LMVs) of image sequences, which are often used in a digital image stabilization (IS) system. The IS technique removes unwanted shaking phenomenon in image sequences captured by hand-held camcorders. It includes two main parts such as motion estimation and compensation. Most of computation power occurs in the part of motion estimation. In order to reduce this complexity, an idea, which integrates an adaptive-threshold method and cellular neural networks (CNN) architecture, is designed to improve this problem. The design only implements the most important local motion estimation with the array size of 19×25 pixels. Experimental results with HSPICE simulation and CNNUM are shown that the proposed architecture fast searches the location of possible LVMs and has the capability of real-time operations. The complete design has integrated into the total area of 8.1mm 2 by using TSMC 0.35μm mixed-signal process. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, C-T, Chen, S-A, Cheng, Y-C & Hong, C-T 1970, 'CNN-Based Local Motion Estimation for Image Stabilization Processing and its Implementation', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 1816-1819.
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The objective of this paper is to investigate a novel design for local motion vectors (LMVs) of image sequences, which are often used in a digital image stabilization (IS) system. The IS technique removes unwanted shaking phenomenon in image sequences captured by hand-held camcorders. It includes two main parts such as motion estimation and compensation. Most of computation power occurs in the part of motion estimation. In order to reduce this complexity, an idea, which integrates an adaptive-threshold method and cellular neural networks (CNN) architecture, is designed to improve this problem. The design only implements the most important local motion estimation with the array size of 19×25 pixels. Experimental results with HSPICE simulation and CNNLM are shown that the proposed architecture fast searches the location of possible LVMs and has the capability of real-time operations. ©2006 IEEE.
Lin, C-T, Huang, Y-C, Mei, T-W, Pu, H-C & Hong, C-T 1970, 'Multi-objects Tracking System Using Adaptive Background Reconstruction Technique and Its Application to Traffic Parameters Extraction', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 2057-2062.
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In this paper, we present a real-time multi-objects tracking system which can detect various types of moving objects in image sequences of traffic video obtained from a stationary video camera. Using the adaptive background reconstruction technique can effectively handle with environmental changes and obtain good results of objects extraction. Besides, we introduce a robust region- and feature-based tracking algorithm with plentiful features to track correct objects continuously. After tracking objects successfully, we can analyze the tracked objects' properties and recognize their behavior for extracting some useful traffic parameters. According to the structure of our proposed algorithms, we implemented a tracking system including the functions of objects classification and accident prediction. Experiments were conducted on real-life traffic video of some intersection and testing datasets of other surveillance research. The results proved the algorithms we proposed achieved robust segmentation of moving objects and successful tracking with objects occlusion or splitting events. The implemented system also extracted useful traffic parameters. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, C-T, Liang, S-F, Chao, W-H, Ko, L-W, Chao, C-F, Chen, Y-C & Huang, T-Y 1970, 'Driving Style Classification by Analyzing EEG Responses to Unexpected Obstacle Dodging Tasks', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 4916-4919.
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Driving safely has received increasing attention of the publics due to the growing number of traffic accidents that the driver's driving style is highly correlated to many accidents. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between driver's driving style and driver's ERP response. In our research, a virtual reality (VR) driving environment is developed to provide stimuli to subjects. Independent component analysis (ICA) is used to decompose the electroencephalogram (EEG) data. The power spectrum analysis of ICA components and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the EEG activities related to driving style. Experimental results demonstrate that we may classify the drivers into aggressive or gentle styles based on the observed ERP difference corresponding to the proposed unexpected obstacle dodging tasks. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, CT, Liang, SF, Chen, YC, Hsu, YC & Ko, LW 1970, 'Driver's drowsiness estimation by combining EEG signal analysis and ICA-based fuzzy neural networks', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Kos, GREECE, pp. 2125-2128.
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The public security has become an important issue in recent years, especially, the safe manipulation and control of vehicles in preventing the growing number of traffic accident fatalities. Accidents caused by drivers' drowsiness have a high fatality rate due to the decline of drivers' abilities in perception, recognition, and vehicle control abilities while sleepy. Preventing such an accident requires a technique for detecting, estimating, and predicting the level of alertness of a driver and a mechanism to maintain the driver's maximum performance of driving. The ICAFNN is a fuzzy neural network (FNN) capable of parameter self-adapting and structure selfconstructing to acquire a small number of fuzzy rules for interpreting the embedded knowledge of a system from the given training data set. Our experiments show that the ICAFNN can achieve significant improvements in the accuracy of drowsiness estimation compared with our previous works. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, CT, Yu, AC & Van, LD 1970, 'A low-power 64-point FFT/IFFT design for IEEE 802.11a WLAN application', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Kos, GREECE, pp. 4523-4526.
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In this paper, we propose a cost-effective and low-power 64-point fast Fourier transform (FFT)/inverse FFT (IFFT) architecture and chip adopting the retrenched 8-point FFT/IFFT (R8-FFT) unit and an efficient data-swapping method based output buffer unit The whole chip systematic performance concerning about the area, power, latency and pending cycles for the application of IEEE 802.11a WLAN standard has been analyzed. The proposed R8-FFT unit utilizing the symmetry property of the matrix decomposition achieves half computation-complexity and less power consumption compared with the recently proposed FFT/IFFT designs. On the other hand, applying the proposed data-swapping method, a low-cost and low-power output buffer can be obtained. So as to further increase system performance, we propose one scheme: the multiplication-afler-write (MAW) method. Applying MA W method with R8-FFT unit, the resulting FFT/IFFT design not only leads to the balancing pending cycle, but also abbreviating computation latency to 8 clock cycles. Consequently, adopting the above proposed two units and one scheme, the whole chip consumes 22.36mW under 1.2V@20 MHz in TSMC 0.13 1P8M CMOS process. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, P, Sugawara, T, Hayasaka, N & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A New e-Learning System Based on Cooperative Methods - Next-generation Extra University-education System', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 727-730.
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A new e-Learning system is proposed in this paper. It is called NEXUS (Next-generation Extra University-education System). NEXUS is an on-line learning system that is focus on undergraduate course. This system includes virtual lectures, question confirm pages, application sharing, keywords and reference data sharing and cooperative discussion tool. The feature of NEXUS is based on cooperative discussion tool. Wherever students are studying, they can discuss together, have a net meeting at the same time via NEXUS. The procedure is not difficult that even students who are not familiar with computer knowledge can use this system simply. In addition, another function that video-streaming data is converted to text data by the technology of Speech Recognition is developing. That means students will be able to pick up any scene of video they want to review from researching by text data. © 2006 IEEE.
Lin, P, Sugawara, T, Hayasaka, N & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A new e-learning system based on cooperative methods - Next-generation extra university-education system', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 777-+.
Ling, SH, Leung, FHF, Lam, HK & IEEE 1970, 'A variable node-to-node-link neural network and its application to hand-written recognition', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORK PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-10, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network, IEEE, Vancouver, CANADA, pp. 921-928.
Lister, R, Simon, B, Thompson, E, Whalley, JL & Prasad, C 1970, 'Not seeing the forest for the trees', Proceedings of the 11th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, ITiCSE06: 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM, pp. 118-122.
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This paper reports on the authors use of the SOLO taxonomy to describe differences in the way students and educators solve small code reading exercises. SOLO is a general educational taxonomy, and has not previously been applied to the study of how novice programmers manifest their understanding of code. Data was collected in the form of written and think-aloud responses from students (novices) and educators (experts), using exam questions. During analysis, the responses were mapped to the different levels of the SOLO taxonomy. From think-aloud responses, the authors found that educators tended to manifest a SOLO relational response on small reading problems, whereas students tended to manifest a multistructural response. These results are consistent with the literature on the psychology of programming, but the work in this paper extends on these findings by analyzing the design of exam questions.
Lister, RF 1970, 'Computer Science Teachers as Amateurs, Students and Reseachers', Koli Calling 2005- Proceeding of the Fifth Koli Calling Conference on Computer Science Education, Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Koli NAtional Park Eastern Finland, pp. 3-12.
Lister, RF 1970, 'Driving learning via criterion-referenced assessment using Bloom's taxonomy', UniServe Science 2006, Uniserve Science Symposium, UniServe Science, Sydney, Australia, pp. 80-88.
Liu, DK, Wang, D & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'A Force Field Method Based Multi-Robot Collaboration', 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-6.
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A force field (F2) based multi-robot collaboration method is presented in this paper. In this method, a virtual force field is generated for every moving robot and continuously changing based on the robot status including its traveling speed, dimension, priority, location and environment, etc. The interactions among robots' force fields and obstacles provide a natural way for collision avoidance and collaboration while robots are on their way to goals. In this paper, the definition of reaction force direction is modified to reduce robot orientation oscillations which occur when a robot approaches obstacles or other robots. Then the influence of task priority on motion planning and the problem of deadlock in multi-robot cases are discussed. Simulations in a real indoor environment were carried out and demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. © 2006 IEEE.
Liu, DK, Wu, X, Kulatunga, AK & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Motion coordination of multiple autonomous vehicles in dynamic and strictly constrained environments', 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 204-209.
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With the increasing applications of fully autonomous vehicles, efficient motion coordination of multi-autonomous vehicles becomes a very important problem as it significantly affects the productivity. This problem is even harder to solve with the increases of the number of autonomous vehicles employed in a dynamic changing environment and constraints to vehicle movement. This paper presents a simultaneous path and motion planning (SiPaMoP) approach to coordinate motions of multi-autonomous vehicles in dynamic and strictly constrained environments. This approach integrates the path planning, collision avoidance and motion planning into a comprehensive model, which has so far not attracted a lot of attention in the academic literature, and optimizes vehicles' path and speed to minimize the completion time of a set of tasks. Simulation results demonstrated that this approach can effectively coordinate the motion of a team of vehicles, and solve the problems of traffic congestion and collision under various traffic conditions. © 2006 IEEE.
Liu, DK, Wu, X, Kulatunga, AK, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Motion coordination of multiple autonomous vehicles in dynamic and strictly constrained environments', 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1 and 2, IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 683-688.
Liu, G, Sim, K & Li, J 1970, 'Efficient Mining of Large Maximal Bicliques', DATA WAREHOUSING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, PROCEEDINGS, 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Cracow, POLAND, pp. 437-448.
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Liu, M, Li, Z-C, Guo, X-B, Dutkiewicz, E & Wang, M-H 1970, 'WLC14-4: SAVA: A Novel Self-Adaptive Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks', IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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The next generation wireless networking (4G) is envisioned as a convergence of different wireless access technologies with diverse levels of performance. Vertical handoff (VHO) is the basic requirement for convergence of different access technologies and has received tremendous attention from the academia and industry all over the world. During the VHO procedure, handoff decision is the most important step that affects the normal working of communication. In this paper, we propose a novel vertical handoff decision algorithm, Self-Adaptive VHO Algorithm (SAVA), and compare its performance with conventional algorithms. SAVA synthetically considers the long term movement region and short term movement trend of mobile hosts, and achieves a good integrative handoff performance. © 2006 IEEE.
Liu, M, Li, Z-C, Guo, X-B, Dutkiewicz, E & Zhang, D-K 1970, 'WLC14-1: Performance Evaluation of Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithms in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks', IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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In recent years, many research works have focused on vertical handoff (VHO) decision algorithms. However, evaluation scenarios in different papers are often quite different and there is no consensus on how to evaluate performance of VHO algorithms. In this paper, we address this important issue by proposing an approach for systematic and thorough performance evaluation of VHO algorithms. Firstly we define the evaluation criteria for VHO with two metrics: matching ratio and average ping-pong number. Subsequently we analyze the general movement characteristics of mobile hosts and identify a set of novel performance evaluation models for VHO algorithms. Equipped with these models and evaluation criteria, we evaluate and analyze two types of decision algorithms: hysteresis based and dwelling-timer based algorithms. The results show a good match between simulation and analytical results. © 2006 IEEE.
Liu, R, Rogers, G & Argyros, J 1970, 'IP/ATM QoS Solutions for VoIP Traffic', 2006 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2006 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, IEEE, Busan, SOUTH KOREA, pp. 1-4.
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Liu, RP, Rogers, G & Zhou, S 1970, 'WSN14-3: Honeycomb Architecture for Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks', IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1-5.
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Livolsi, D, O'Neill, T, Leaney, J, Denford, M & Dunsire, K 1970, 'Guided architecture-based design optimisation of CBSs', 13TH ANNUAL IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AND WORKSHOP ON ENGINEERING OF COMPUTER BASED SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, IEEE Computer Soc, Potsdam, GERMANY, pp. 247-256.
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Computer-Based Systems (CBS) are becoming increasingly pervasive throughout society, continually increasing in complexity and cost as they are called upon to fulfil more and more complicated tasks. Unfortunately, multi-million dollar projects often fail
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-wave mixing in colloidal media', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
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Degenerate four wave mixing and phase conjugation in a colloidal crystal are demonstrated using an artifical structure formed by the ordered arrangement of dielectric particles in a colloidal suspension as the nonlinear medium. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-wave mixing in colloidal media', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
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Degenerate four wave mixing and phase conjugation in a colloidal crystal are demonstrated using an artifical structure formed by the ordered arrangement of dielectric particles in a colloidal suspension as the nonlinear medium. ©2006 Optical Society of America.
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-wave mixing in colloidal media', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
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Degenerate four wave mixing and phase conjugation in a colloidal crystal are demonstrated using an artifical structure formed by the ordered arrangement of dielectric particles in a colloidal suspension as the nonlinear medium. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-wave mixing in colloidal media', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
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Degenerate four wave mixing and phase conjugation in a colloidal crystal are demonstrated using an artifical structure formed by the ordered arrangement of dielectric particles in a colloidal suspension as the nonlinear medium. © 2006 Optical Society of America.
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-Wave Mixing in Colloidal Media', Frontiers in Optics, Frontiers in Optics, OSA, pp. JSuA66-JSuA66.
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López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Four-Wave Mixing in Colloidal Media', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
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Degenerate four wave mixing and phase conjugation in a colloidal crystal are demonstrated using an artifical structure formed by the ordered arrangement of dielectric particles in a colloidal suspension as the nonlinear medium.
López-Mariscal, C, Gutiérrez-Vega, JC, McGloin, D & Dholakia, K 1970, 'Phase conjugation and four-wave mixing in a colloidal medium', SPIE Proceedings, SPIE Optics + Photonics, SPIE, San Diego, CA, pp. 63262I-63262I.
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Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Adaptive low-complexity MMSE channel estimation for OFDM', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 688-+.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Adaptive Low-Complexity MMSE Channel Estimation for OFDM', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 638-643.
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In this paper we present extremely low-complexity adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) filters that approximate minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. We show how the packet error rate (PER) can be significantly improved over conventional zero-forcing (ZF) estimation without incurring a significant increase in computational complexity. All quantitative results are provided in the context of multi-band OFDM (MB-OFDM) ultra-wideband (UWB) with standard IEEE channel models. © 2006 IEEE.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Adaptive Overlap-Add Equalization for MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 644-648.
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A zero-pad can be used with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for low-complexity robustness against multipath interference. In this paper, we use adaptive overlap-add (OLA) equalization for improvements of up to 1 dB when used with multi-band OFDM (MB-OFDM) ultra-wideband. A theoretical model that relates the size of OLA window to post-equalizer signal-to-noise ratio is derived. An approximating algorithm is then developed that is suitable for low-complexity implementation, with Monte Carlo simulations used to quantify the performance improvements. We conclude that adaptive OLA equalization is computationally simple and can be implemented while remaining fully compliant with the MB-OFDM standard. © 2006 IEEE.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Adaptive overlap-add equalization for MB-OFDM ultra-wideband', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 694-+.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Low-complexity generation of scalable complete complementary sets of sequences', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 941-+.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Low-Complexity Generation of Scalable Complete Complementary Sets of Sequences', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 73-77.
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This paper presents extremely low-complexity boolean logic for the generation of coefficients suitable for filtering or correlation of scalable complete complementary sets of sequences (SCCSS). As the unique auto- and cross-correlation properties of SCCSS are of broad interest, the simplicity of the proposed coefficient generation technique allows arbitrarily long SCCSS to be used in resource constrained applications. © 2006 IEEE.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Ultra-Wideband MB-OFDM Channel Estimation with Complementary Codes', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 623-628.
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In this paper, we design complementary codesets that significantly improve the quality of channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems, with a focus on the recent MB-OFDM ultrawideband (UWB) standard. The proposed time-domain OFDM channel estimation technique incurs only a nominal increase in computational complexity and is able to be readily retrofitted into the existing MB-OFDM standard. The underlying complementary codesets, found via an evolutionary algorithm, combine with the existing preamble synchronization sequences to yield asymptotically ideal auto-correlation functions (ACFs). We show how improvements exceeding 1 dB can be achieved in end-to-end packet error rate relative to conventional zero-forcing OFDM equalization. © 2006 IEEE.
Lowe, D & Huang, X 1970, 'Ultra-wideband MB-OFDM channel estimation with complementary codes', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 673-+.
Lu, H, Zhu, J & Guo, Y 1970, 'Calculation of Differential Inductances for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of A Tubular Linear PM Actuator', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 766-766.
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Lu, H, Zhu, J & Guo, Y 1970, 'Non-linear Inductances of a Premanent Magnet Linear Motor', Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Victoria, University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-6.
Lu, J & Zhang, G 1970, 'Information integration based team situation assessment in an uncertain environment', Applied Artificial Intelligence, International Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference, World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Genova, ITALY, pp. 441-448.
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Understanding a situation requires integrating many pieces of information which can be obtained by a group of data collectors from multiple data sources. Uncertainty is involved in situation assessment. How to integrate multi-source multi-member uncertai
Lu, S, Zhang, J & Feng, D 1970, 'A Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages in Surveillance Video', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, Sydney, NSW, pp. 110-110.
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This paper describes a novel approach for detecting unattended packages in surveillance video. Unlike the traditional approach to just detecting stationary objects in monitored scenes, our approach detects unattended packages based on accumulated knowled
Lu, SM, Liang, SF & Lin, CT 1970, 'A HVS-directed neural-network-based approach for salt-pepper impulse noise removal', Journal of Information Science and Engineering, INST INFORMATION SCIENCE, pp. 925-939.
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In this paper, a novel two-stage noise removal algorithm to deal with salt-pepper impulse noise is proposed. In the first stage, the decision-based recursive adaptive noise-exclusive median filter is applied to remove the noise cleanly and to keep the uncorrupted information as well as possible. In the second stage, the fuzzy decision rules inspired by human visual system (HVS) are proposed to classify image pixels into human perception sensitive class and non-sensitive class. A neural network is proposed to compensate the sensitive regions for image quality enhancement. According to the experimental results, the proposed method is superior to conventional methods in perceptual image quality as well as the clarity and the smoothness in edge regions of the resultant images.
Lu, Z, Lu, J, Bai, C & Zhang, G 1970, 'Customer online shopping behaviours analysis using Bayesian networks', AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Hobart, Australia, pp. 1293-1297.
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This study applies Bayesian network technique to analyse the relationships among customer online shopping behaviours and customer requirements. This study first proposes an initial behaviour-requirement relationship model as domain knowledge. Through conducting a survey customer data is collected as evidences for inference of the relationships among the factors described in the model. After creating a graphical structure, this study calculates conditional probability distribution among these factors, and then conducts inference by using the Junction-tree algorithm. A set of useful findings has been obtained for customer online shopping behaviours and their requirements with motivations. These findings have potential to help businesses adopting more suitable online system development.
Luu, J & Kennedy, PJ 1970, 'Investigating the size and value effect in determining performance of Australian listed companies: A neural network approach', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, Australian Data Mining Conference, ACS, Sydney, Australia, pp. 155-161.
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This paper explores the size and value effect in influencing performance of individual companies using backpropagation neural networks. According to existing theory, companies with small market capitalization and high book to market ratios have a tendency to perform better in the future. Data from over 300 Australian Stock Exchange listed companies between 2000-2004 is examined and a neural network is trained to predict company performance based on market capitalization, book to market ratio, beta and standard deviation. Evidence for the value effect was found over longer time periods but there was less for the size effect. Poor company performance was also observed to be correlated with high risk. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Machiraju, S & Veitch, D 1970, 'A measurement-friendly network (MFN) architecture', Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCOMM workshop on Internet network management, SIGCOMM06: ACM SIGCOMM 2006 Conference, ACM, ACM, pp. 53-58.
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Mahadevan, V, Agbinya, J & Braun, R 1970, 'Analyzing Usability Alternatives in Multi-criteria Decision Making During ERP Training', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 296-309.
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Lack of high-level usability awareness often leads the e-business communities to a missing relative assessment of capability of collaborative businesses effectively in terms of achieving strategic and competitive advantages. In this paper, we propose a new strategic framework for an evolutionary Collaborative Space of Opportunities (CSO) whilst using a Telecollaboration (TC) business system during Enterprise Resource Planning (ERF) training. Initially, we apply Callos's General System Theory (GST) with the description of logistics elements of this framework. Next, we provide a business logistics management perspective within CSO, addressing organizational effectiveness, technology integration control efficiency and user satisfaction. This includes formation of coevolutionary loops to induce the apparent system usability objectives to explore the emergence of business logistics portfolios and technology integration control profiles of the users. We then describe our proposed Collaborative Space of Opportunities Matrices (CSOM) to analyse the apparent usability alternatives in this multi-criteria decision making environment. In this context, we apply the general form of Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to demonstrate how these matrices could be used as a generic elicitation tool. It is here, we provide a set of systematic, explicit, rigorous and robust reinforcement mechanisms for quantifying and prioritizing the Decision elements (De) involved. We assume that the exposition on AHP has the Business process Reengineering (BPR) effect to measure and synthesize the often conflicting apparent usability objectives and alternatives of a TC business system during ERP training. © 2006 IEEE.
Mahadevan, V, Agbinya, J & Braun, R 1970, 'Analyzing Usability Alternatives in Multi-criteria Decision Making During ERP Training', 2006 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BASED HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING, VOLS 1 AND 2, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, pp. 314-327.
Marjanovic, O, Skaf-Molli, H, Molli, P, Rabhi, FA & Godart, C 1970, 'Supporting Complex Collaborative Learning Activities - The Libresource Approach.', ICEIS (4), 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2006), INSTICC-INST SYST TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION CONTROL & COMMUNICATION, Paphos, CYPRUS, pp. 59-65.
Markovits, S & Braun, R 1970, 'Information Model: a Centerpiece for Teaching Telecoms Network Management', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, pp. 363-366.
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Teaching Telecoms Network Mgmt can be very challenging. The aspiration is to give our students an end to end view of the Telecom Service Provider domain. The emphasis is on the understanding of the Service Provider's(SP) needs, exploring technology solution sets, and developing an integrated approach to Network Mgmt. The background knowledge required to appreciate the course content is wide. The use of an Information Model (IM) has been found to be useful in giving the students the understanding of the interaction of the components within a SP as well as the end to envision while allowing to appreciate the detail when required. This paper details our course, its content and usage of the TMF's IM to facilitate the teaching of the course. Our paper discusses one method, usage of developing industry Information Models (IM), as a method we have employed to overcome this. We discuss how we have structured the content, assessments tasks and assessment reviews to give a unified view into the course goals. ©2006 IEEE.
Markovits, S, Braun, R & IEEE 1970, 'Information model: a centerpiece for teaching telecoms network management', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Vols 1 and 2, pp. 381-384.
Masjuki, HH, Kalam, MA, Syazly, M, Mahlia, TMI, Rahman, AH, Redzuan, M, Varman, M, Saidur, R & Yau, YH 1970, 'Experimental Evaluation of an Unmodified Diesel Engine using Biodiesel with Fuel Additive', 2006 International Forum on Strategic Technology, 2006 International Forum on Strategic Technology, IEEE, Ulsan, SOUTH KOREA, pp. 96-99.
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Massimo Piccardi 1970, 'Human-Focused Computer Vision Applications', International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), IEEE, pp. 5-5.
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Recent years have seen an increasing number of computer vision applications focusing on humans as their objects of interest. Such applications include video surveillance, domotics, multimedia semantic annotation and indexing, human-computer interfaces, affective computing, just to cite a few. What exactly are their "objects of interest"? A broad range of human-related features: motion, gestures, actions, interactions, activities, attitudes, behaviours, identity. This keynote will offer a survey of this field and present some current work from the speaker and his collaborators in the areas of emotion recognition and people tracking within camera networks. © 2006 IEEE.
Maxwell, C, O'Neill, T & Leaney, J 1970, 'A framework for understanding heuristics in architectural optimisation', 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'06), 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'06), IEEE, Potsdam, Germany, pp. 8 pp.-72.
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McDonald, D, Lazarus, R, Leung, A, Hussain, T, Bharathy, G, Eidelson, RJ, Pelechano, N, Sandhaus, E & Silverman, BG 1970, 'Interoperable human behavior models for simulations', Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization - 15th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation 2006, pp. 273-280.
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Modern simulations and games have limited capabilities for simulated characters to interact with each other and with humans in rich, meaningful ways. Although significant achievements have been made in developing human behavior models (HBMs) that are able to control a single simulated entity (or a single group of simulated entities), a limiting factor is the inability of HBMs developed by different groups to interact with each other. We present an architecture and multi-level message framework for enabling HBMs to communicate with each other about their actions and their intents, and describe the results of our crowd control demonstration system which applied it to allow three distinct HBMs to interoperate within a single training-oriented simulation. Our hope is that this will encourage the development of standards for interoperability among HBMs which will lead to the development of richer training and analysis simulations.
McIntosh, BS, Voinov, A, Smith, C & Giupponi, C 1970, 'Bridging the gaps between design and use: Developing appropriate tools for environmental management and policy', Proceedings of the iEMSs 3rd Biennial Meeting,' Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software'.
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Integrated assessment models, decision support systems (DSS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are examples of a growing number of computer-based tools designed to provide scientific decision and information support to people within environmental management and policy organizations. It is recognized that end-user organizations are often not as receptive to using such tools as desired but that little research has been done to uncover and understand the reasons why. As part of the process to understand what tools are used and why, and conversely what tools are not used and why, this paper presents some views on the issues involved. No claim is made regarding the completeness of the issues covered, rather the purpose of the paper is to instigate discussion about how to improve tool design practices in such a way as to benefit environmental management and policy. Conflict between the aims of tool designers to develop usable and useful tools which also contain some degree of technological innovation is highlighted as a potential cause of problems. A call for clarity of purpose in tool design is made to make it clearer both to the designer and the client organization what the main aim of the design process is as a means of uncovering mismatches in expectation. Further, a call is made for designers to move from a technology-push to a demand-pull perspective as a necessary step towards designing more appropriate tools. A range of social dimensions of relevance to tool design are also discussed including the need to involve clients and stakeholders early in the design process, whether a model should present a simple and engaging story and to what extent good science can be implemented through the use of computer models, and the need to build trust between tool designers and tool users as a necessary part of making tools useful.
McIntyre, DG, Liu, D, Lasky, V & Murray, SJ 1970, 'A Remote Water-Level Rig Laboratory for e-Learning', Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology base Higher Education and Training, International Confernce on Information Technology Base Higher Education and Training, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-5.
McIntyre, DG, Liu, DK, Lasky, VL, Murray, SJ & IEEE 1970, 'A remote water-level rig laboratory for e-learning', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Vols 1 and 2, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, pp. 77-81.
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Meier, C, Nguyen, TV, Handelsman, DJ, Center, JR, Eisman, JA & Seibel, MJ 1970, 'Serum testosterone is associated with subsequent fracture risk over 5 years in elderly men.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S6-S7.
Memis, OG, Kong, SC, Katsnelson, A, Tomamichel, MP & Mohseni, H 1970, 'A Novel Avalanche Free Single Photon Detector', 2006 Sixth IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 2006 Sixth IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE, pp. 742-745.
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We have conceived a novel single photon detector for IR wavelengths above 1 μm. The detection mechanism is based on carrier focalization and nano-injection. Preliminary measured data from unpassivated devices show a very high internal gain and low dark current at 1.55 μm at room temperature © 2006 IEEE.
Milne, D, Medelyan, O & Witten, I 1970, 'Mining Domain-Specific Thesauri from Wikipedia: A Case Study', 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings)(WI'06), 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings)(WI'06), IEEE, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 442-448.
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Min Xu, Liang-Tien Chia, Haoran Yi & Rajan, D 1970, 'Affective Content Detection in Sitcom Using Subtitle and Audio', 2006 12th International Multi-Media Modelling Conference, 2006 12th International Multi-Media Modelling Conference, IEEE, pp. 129-134.
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From a personalized media point of view, many users favor a flexible tool to quickly browse the affective content in a video. Such affective content may cause audiences' strong reactions or special emotional experiences, such as anger, sadness, fear, joy and love. This paper attempt to extract affective content for digital videos by analyzing the subtitle files of DVD/DivX videos and utilizing audio event to assist affective content detection. Firstly, video are segmented by dialogue script partition. Compared to traditional video shot, video segmented by scripts is not affected by camera changes and shooting angles and easy to include video segments with compact content. Secondly, emotion-related vocabularies in video script are detected to locate affective video content. Using script to directly access video content avoids complex video analysis. Thirdly, audio event detection is utilized to assist affective content detection. Compared with traditional video semantic analysis, affective content analysis puts much more emphasis on the audience's reactions and emotions. Initial experiments are carried on sitcom videos because its simple video structure provides useful domain knowledge. The experimental results demonstrate that subtitle file analysis and audio event detection provides effective and efficient clues to determine the emotional content of the videos. © 2006 IEEE.
Miro, JV, Zhou, W, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'Towards vision based navigation in large indoor environments', 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vols 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 2096-2102.
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The main contribution of this paper is a novel stereo-based algorithm which serves as a tool to examine the viability of stereo vision solutions to the simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) for large indoor environments. Using features extracted from the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) and depth maps from a small vision system (SVS) stereo head, an extended Kalman fllter (EKF) based SLAM algorithm, that allows the independent use of information relating to depth and bearing, is developed. By means of a map pruning strategy for managing the computational cost, it is demonstrated that statistically consistent location estimates can be generated for a small (6 m × 6 m) structured office environment, and in a robotics search and rescue arena of similar size. It is shown that in a larger office environment, the proposed algorithm generates location estimates which are topologically correct, but statistically inconsistent. A discussion on the possible reasons for the inconsistency is presented. The paper highlights that, despite recent advances, building accurate geometric maps of large environments with vision only sensing is still a challenging task. ©2006 IEEE.
Mittra, R & Volakis, J 1970, 'Message from the international advisory committee chairs', 2006 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology, IWAT 2006 - Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials.
Molina-Aldareguia, JM, Elizalde, MR, Ocan˜a, I, Gil-Sevillano, J, Marti´nez-Esnaola, JM, Iacopi, F, Travaly, Y & Van Hove, M 1970, 'Use of Nanoindentation to Characterise the Plasma Damage Region in Low-k Dielectric Films', Applied Mechanics, ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, ASMEDC.
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The thermo-mechanical robustness of interconnect structures is a key reliability concern for integrated circuits. The introduction of new low dielectric constant (low-k) materials with deteriorated mechanical strength (i.e., Young Modulus decreases exponentially with film porosity, which is needed to lower the k value of the dielectric materials) to meet the RC delay goals increase the risk of mechanical adhesive and/or cohesive failure of the device during packaging or even in service. Therefore, the mechanical properties of low-k dielectrics must be studied in detail. This is made very challenging by the fact that they have submicron thickness and that they often display a graded structure due to the damage introduced by exposure to different plasmas during processing. In this context, we demonstrate that nanoindentation is very well suited to study this type of materials. We will show how conventional depth sensing nanoindentation is of limited value to characterise the extent of the plasma induced damage because this extents just a few tens of nanometres and the graded structure can not be sampled with enough depth resolution. However, nanoindentation in modulus mapping mode can achieve enough depth resolution to characterise such nanoscale graded structures. In this technique, the electrostatic force acting on the indenter tip is sinusoidally modulated, while contact mode imaging at a very small force is performed. The dynamical response is then analyzed to extract the local indentation modulus of the sample at each pixel. By using this technique, we have depth profiled the mechanical properties of the plasma induced damage region of OSG films exposed to different plasmas, by acquiring modulus maps as a function of thickness removed in wear experiments. The results correlate well with the density depth profiles derived from X-Ray Reflectivity measurements.
Mueller, FF, Kethers, S, Alem, L & Wilkinson, R 1970, 'From the certainty of information transfer to the ambiguity of intuition', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 63-63.
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Handovers between shifts are known causes of preventable adverse events in hospitals. In order to gain an insight into the information transfer that occurs between shifts of senior staff in an emergency department, we observed handovers, interviewed practitioners and distributed questionnaires. We found that merely considering the transfer of "hard data", such as patients' heart rate, blood pressure, etc. can be insufficient: the transfer of "soft data" such as the ambiguity of intuition is also a central aspect in this type of work environment and vital for successful crosscoverage. We describe design concepts that address capture, visualization and transfer of intuition for the handover process. Addressing the issue of intuition support can be a challenge but also a rewarding opportunity for human-computer interaction research in supporting health care handovers. Copyright the author(s) and CHISIG.
N. Singh, S, Csonka, P & Waldron, K 1970, 'Optical Flow Aided Motion Estimation for Legged Locomotion', 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 1738-1743.
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Dynamic legged locomotion entails navigating terrain at high speed. The impact shocks from rapid footfalls, pivotal for such mobility, introduce large impulses that saturate motion measurement. A biomimetic approach is presented in which visual information, in the form of optical flow, complements information from inertial sensors. The motion is then determined using a two-phase Hybrid Extended Kalman Filter. Experimentation in determining attitudes on a robotic leg platform shows a reduction in drift over inertial approaches and in delay over visual approaches. In tests with 6g impulses, pose was recovered within 5 deg rms with angular rate errors limited to 10 deglsec at frequencies up to 250 Hz.
Nanda, P & Simmonds, AJ 1970, 'Policy Based QoS support using BGP routing', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Communications in Computing, CIC 2006, International Conference on Communications in Computing, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 63-69.
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Routing protocols are important to exchange routing information between neighboring routers. Such information is used to update routing tables and to share in formation about status of the network so that traffics to appropriate destinations will be fast and efficient. Different types of routing protocols are in widespread use across the Internet. Apart from determining optimal routing paths and canying traffics through the networks, these routing protocols should have additional functionalities to support network policies, traffic engineering and security'. In this paper we discuss the use of one such routing protocol the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) which is the industry standard. We also present an algorithm in which each Autonomous System (AS) decides how to forward its traffic satisfying end-to-end- QoS for its users and services. Our proposed algorithm is dynamic in that network status and route advertisements, which change with time and based on naffic loads in the network, are monitored and taken as input to the final decision on n affic fomwding between ASs. Copyright © 2006 CSREA Press.
Nasimuddin, Esselle, K & Verma, AK 1970, 'High gain compact circularly polarized microstrip antenna', TENCON 2005 - 2005 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5, IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2005), IEEE, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. 2355-+.
Nasimuddin, Esselle, KP & Verma, AK 1970, 'Improving the axial-ratio bandwidth of circularly polarized stacked microstrip antennas and enhancing their gain with short horns', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 1545-1548.
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A systematic technique is developed to improve the AR bandwidth of circularly polarized stacked microstrip antennas (CPSMAs) to about 14% by optimizing the location of the feed and a few other parameters. A new C-type single feed is explored for this proposes. Then a CPSMA is integrated with a quasi-planar short horn to enhance its gain. Our results indicate that it is possible to increase the gain by 4.5 dB without compromising the 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth or the 10dB return loss bandwidth of the CPSMA. The final design has a gain of 11.5 dBi, 3dB AR bandwidth of 15.2%, minimum AR of 0.27dB and a 10dB return loss bandwidth of 21.5%. The proposed techniques simplify the design of wideband circularly polarized antennas for medium to high gain applications. © 2006 IEEE.
Nasimuddin, Esselle, KP & Verma, AK 1970, 'Study of various Slots in Circular Patch for Circularly Polarized Antennas and Enhancing their Gain by Short Horns', 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, IEEE, pp. 1519-1522.
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A new combination of proximity coupled circular microstrip antenna and integrated square quasi-planer surface mounted short horn (SMSH) is proposed for high gain with circular polarization. The circular polarized gain is 10.02 dBic, axial ratio (AR) is 0.1dB and 3dB AR bandwidth is 2.22% from the newly proposed circular dumbbell crossed- slots in patch antenna on low permittivity substrate. The total thickness of the antenna is only 12.58 mm. Copyright 2006 IEICE.
Nataatmadja, I & Dyson, LE 1970, 'ICT and its impact on managing global virtual teams', INTERNET & INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE DIGITAL AGE: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS, International Business Information Management, IBIMA, Brescila, Italy, pp. 498-504.
Nguyen, HT, Ghevondian, N & Jones, TW 1970, 'Neural-Network Detection of Hypoglycemic Episodes in Children with Type 1 Diabetes using Physiological Parameters', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, pp. 6053-6056.
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The most common and highly feared adverse effect of intensive insulin therapy in patients with diabetes is the increased risk of hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia arise from the activation of the autonomous central nervous systems and from reduced cerebral glucose consumption. HypoMon is a non-invasive monitor that measures some physiological parameters continuously to provide detection of hypoglycemic episodes in Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients (T1DM). Based on heart rate, corrected QT interval of the ECG signal and skin impedance, a neural network detection algorithm has been developed to recognize the presence of hypoglycemic episodes. From a clinical study of 21 children with T1DM, associated with hypoglycemic episodes, their heart rates increased (1.16±0.16 vs. 1.03±0.11, P<0.0001), their corrected QT intervals increased (1.09±0.09 vs. 1.02±0.07, P<0.0001) and their skin impedances reduced significantly (0.66±0.19 vs. 0.82±0.21, P<0.0001). The overall data were obtained and grouped into a training set, a validation set and a test set, each with 7 patients randomly selected. Using a feed-forward multi-layer neural network with 9 hidden nodes, and an algorithm developed from the training set and the validation set, a sensitivity of 0.9516 and specificity of 0.4142 were achieved for the test set. A more advanced neural network algorithm will be developed to improve the specificity of test sets in the near future. © 2006 IEEE.
Nguyen, HT, Ghevondian, N & Jones, TW 1970, 'Neural-network detection of hypoglycemic episodes in children with type 1 diabetes using physiological parameters.', Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, United States, pp. 6053-6056.
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The most common and highly feared adverse effect of intensive insulin therapy in patients with diabetes is the increased risk of hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia arise from the activation of the autonomous central nervous systems and from reduced cerebral glucose consumption. HypoMon is a non-invasive monitor that measures some physiological parameters continuously to provide detection of hypoglycemic episodes in Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients (T1DM). Based on heart rate, corrected QT interval of the ECG signal and skin impedance, a neural network detection algorithm has been developed to recognize the presence of hypoglycemic episodes. From a clinical study of 21 children with T1DM, associated with hypoglycemic episodes, their heart rates increased (1.16 +/- 0.16 vs. 1.03 +/- 0.11, P<0.0001), their corrected QT intervals increased (1.09 +/- 0.09 vs. 1.02 +/- 0.07, P<0.0001) and their skin impedances reduced significantly (0.66 +/- 0.19 vs. 0.82 +/- 0.21, P<0.0001). The overall data were obtained and grouped into a training set, a validation set and a test set, each with 7 patients randomly selected. Using a feedforward multi-layer neural network with 9 hidden nodes, and an algorithm developed from the training set and the validation set, a sensitivity of 0.9516 and specificity of 0.4142 were achieved for the test set. A more advanced neural network algorithm will be developed to improve the specificity of test sets in the near future.
Nguyen, HT, Ghevondian, N & Jones, TW 1970, 'Non-invasive neural network detection of hypoglycemia in children with Type 1 Diabetes', The American Diabetes Association's 66th Scientific Session, The American Diabetes Association's 66rh Scientific Session, ADA, Washington, USA, pp. Paper 404-P.
Nguyen, HT, Grevondian, N & Jones, TW 1970, 'Non-invasive neural-network detection of hypoglycemia in children with type 1 diabetes', DIABETES, 66th Annual Meeting of the American-Diabetes-Association, AMER DIABETES ASSOC, Washington, DC, pp. A95-A95.
Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, T 1970, 'Indirect comparison of anti-vertebral fracture efficacy among available therapies: A bayesian analysis', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 7th International Symposium on Osteoporosis, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, Washington, DC, pp. S218-S218.
Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 1970, 'Comparison of anti-vertebral fracture efficacy among available therapies: A Bayesian analysis.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S114-S114.
Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA, Center, JR & Nguyen, T 1970, 'Incremental prognostic values of risk factors-based model for the prediction of fracture', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 7th International Symposium on Osteoporosis, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, Washington, DC, pp. S149-S149.
Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA, Center, JR & Nguyen, TV 1970, 'Incremental prognostic values of Non-BMD factors for the assessment of fracture risk.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S18-S18.
Nguyen, ND, Wang, CY, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, TV 1970, 'Statin and fracture risk.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 28th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, Philadelphia, PA, pp. S407-S407.
Nguyen, ST, Nguyen, HT & Taylor, PB 1970, 'Bayesian neural network classification of head movement direction using various advanced optimisation training algorithms', 2006 1ST IEEE RAS-EMBS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ROBOTICS AND BIOMECHATRONICS, VOLS 1-3, 1st IEEE RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2006), IEEE, ITALY, Pisa, pp. 544-+.
Nguyen, ST, Nguyen, HT & Taylor, PB 1970, 'Bayesian Neural Network Classification of Head Movement Direction using Various Advanced Optimisation Training Algorithms', The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006., The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006., IEEE, Pisa, Italy, pp. 1014-1019.
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Head movement is one of the most effective hands-free control modes for powered wheelchairs. It provides the necessary mobility assistance to severely disabled people and can be used to replace the joystick directly. In this paper, we describe the development of Bayesian neural networks for the classification of head movement commands in a hands-free wheelchair control system. Bayesian neural networks allow strong generalisation of head movement classifications during the training phase and do not require a validation data set. Various advanced optimisation training algorithms are explored. Experimental results show that Bayesian neural networks can be developed to classify head movement commands by abled and disabled people accurately with limited training data.
Nguyen, ST, Nguyen, HT, Taylor, PB & Middleton, J 1970, 'Improved Head Direction Command Classification using an Optimised Bayesian Neural Network', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, pp. 5679-5682.
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Assistive technologies have recently emerged to improve the quality of life of severely disabled people by enhancing their independence in daily activities. Since many of those individuals have limited or non-existing control from the neck downward, alternative hands-free input modalities have become very important for these people to access assistive devices. In hands-free control, head movement has been proved to be a very effective user interface as it can provide a comfortable, reliable and natural way to access the device. Recently, neural networks have been shown to be useful not only for real-time pattern recognition but also for creating user-adaptive models. Since multi-layer perceptron neural networks trained using standard back-propagation may cause poor generalisation, the Bayesian technique has been proposed to improve the generalisation and robustness of these networks. This paper describes the use of Bayesian neural networks in developing a hands-free wheelchair control system. The experimental results show that with the optimised architecture, classification Bayesian neural networks can detect head commands of wheelchair users accurately irrespective to their levels of injuries. © 2006 IEEE.
Nguyen, ST, Nguyen, HT, Taylor, PB & Middleton, J 1970, 'Improved head direction command classification using an optimised Bayesian neural network', 2006 28TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, New York, NY, pp. 398-401.
Nguyen, ST, Nguyen, HT, Taylor, PB & Middleton, J 1970, 'Improved head direction command classification using an optimised Bayesian neural network.', Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, United States, pp. 5679-5682.
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Assistive technologies have recently emerged to improve the quality of life of severely disabled people by enhancing their independence in daily activities. Since many of those individuals have limited or non-existing control from the neck downward, alternative hands-free input modalities have become very important for these people to access assistive devices. In hands-free control, head movement has been proved to be a very effective user interface as it can provide a comfortable, reliable and natural way to access the device. Recently, neural networks have been shown to be useful not only for real-time pattern recognition but also for creating user-adaptive models. Since multi-layer perceptron neural networks trained using standard back-propagation may cause poor generalisation, the Bayesian technique has been proposed to improve the generalisation and robustness of these networks. This paper describes the use of Bayesian neural networks in developing a hands-free wheelchair control system. The experimental results show that with the optimised architecture, classification Bayesian neural networks can detect head commands of wheelchair users accurately irrespective to their levels of injuries.
Nguyen, T, Nguyen, ND, Center, JR & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Risk factors for fracture in non-osteoporotic men and women', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 7th International Symposium on Osteoporosis, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, Washington, DC, pp. S158-S158.
Nguyen, TH, Kwok, NM, Ha, QP, Li, J & Samali, B 1970, 'Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Civil Structures Using Magnetorheological Dampers', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 636-641.
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An adaptive sliding mode controller for vibration control is proposed in this paper for structures embedded with magnetorheological (MR) dampers. Civil structures and buildings are liable to damages during earthquake periods. The application of structural control methodologies is important in order to suppress vibrations due to seismic phenomena and dynamic loading. The use of sliding mode control is accounted for by its robustness to system uncertainties and external disturbances while a MR damper is technologically-efficient for its vibration control and also fail-safe for an ideal semiactive device. The control performance is enhanced by implementing an adaptive control law in estimating the system parameters. Simulation results are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in a building model under earthquake-like excitations.
Ni, J, Cao, L & Zhang, C 1970, 'Agent Services-Oriented Architectural Design of a Framework for Artificial Stock Markets', Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 4th International Conference on Active Media Technology, IOS PRESS, Queensland Univ Technol, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, pp. 396-399.
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Artificial stock markets (ASMs) are very complex. Agent-based ASMs (ABASMs) have become quite popular in the research of ASMs. However, it is very hard and time consuming to design and implement an ABASM from scratch. This paper proposes a novel design of a framework for ABASMs based on our previous work on agent services-oriented architectural design (ASOAD). This design integrates service-oriented computing (SOC) and agent-based computing (ABC) to achieve a more powerful and flexible framework for ABASMs. The resulting system makes it easy to build actionable ASMs for experiments.
Ni, W & Wu, X 1970, 'A design of optical fiber microcoupler with laser-fused biconical tapers', SPIE Proceedings, ICO20:Optical Communication, SPIE, PEOPLES R CHINA, Changchun, pp. 60251P-60251P.
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Niazi, M, Wilson, D & Zowghi, D 1970, 'Implementing software process improvement initiatives: An empirical study', PRODUCT-FOCUSED SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT, PROCEEDINGS, Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Netherlands, pp. 222-233.
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In this paper we present findings from our empirical study of software process improvement (SPI) implementation. We aim to provide SPI practitioners with insight into designing appropriate SPI implementation initiatives in order to achieve better results
Onishi, A, Thomas, P, Stuart, BH, Guerbois, JL & Forbes, SL 1970, 'TGMS analysis of the thermal decomposition of compact pig bone', 9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Krakow.
Otuski, N, Yosfuzawa, S & Miyanaga, Y-A 1970, 'A new adaptive modulation and coding applied on a 400-Mbps OFDM wireless communication system', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 966-+.
Otuski, N, Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A New Adaptive Modulation and Coding Applied on a 400-Mbps OFDM Wireless Communication System', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 98-101.
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In this report, a new technology of adaptive modulation and coding is proposed. This technique is designed for a cognitive radio system. The proposed technique is implemented into an ultra high speed wireless system. The system has maximum 400 Mbps throughput with 80 MHz bandwidth. It is considered as an expanded model of the standard systems on IEEE 802.11a and 802.11n. When the throughput becomes high such as our designed wireless system, it is not easy to keep its throughput high enough under various circumstances. In order to obtain the optimum throughput under these circumstances, the proposed technique determines adaptively the specification of modulation and coding where several specifications of modulation can be designed and can be adaptively selected in our system. This report presents its evaluation of our proposed techniques. It is shown that the optimum condition is usually obtained in our system. © 2006 IEEE.
Park, C, Shen, H, Marron, JS, Hernández-Campos, F & Veitch, D 1970, 'Capturing the elusive poissonity in web traffic', Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's Annual International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, MASCOTS, IEEE, pp. 189-196.
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Numerous studies have shown that the process of packet arrivals from Web traffic exhibits strong long-range dependence, which makes it not amenable to be described using the convenient but necessarily short-range dependent framework of Poisson modeling. However, Web traffic is ultimately driven by independent human behavior, so it seems natural to search for an underlying 'seed process', consistent with Poissonity, indirectly driving the packet arrivals of Web traffic. Our study examines Web traffic at different levels of packet aggregation, using powerful statistical analysis tools for identifying the finest level that can be effectively modeled using a homogeneous Poisson process. We show that the arrivals of HTTP responses, TCP connections and Web pages do not provide a satisfactory seed process. However, we find Poissonity in the arrivals of 'navigation bursts'. A navigation burst is a tightly-spaced sequence of Web pages downloaded by the same Web client, which can be explained by fast navigation through several pages before reaching relevant content. Our analysis suggests that the start times of such navigation bursts, which we identify by detecting user think times between 12 and 30 seconds, can be effectively modeled as a homogeneous Poisson process. We believe that our methodology can be extended to other complex modeling problems where finding Poissonity can greatly simplify parsimonious modeling. © 2006 IEEE.
Parnell, J & Samuels, S 1970, 'A comparison of tyre/road noise generated on NSW pavements to international studies', 1st Australasian Acoustical Societies' Conference 2006, ACOUSTICS 2006: Noise of Progress, pp. 369-375.
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A study of the tyre/road noise generated by 20 pavements surfaces representing a wide range of construction materials, techniques and surface textures constructed in NSW was undertaken and compared against the results of similar studies of 75 pavements constructed overseas. A range of more than 14 dB in passby noise levels was reported over the pavement types investigated with the NSW data being consistent with international data for similar pavement types. In general a range of low noise asphalts were found to return the lowest overall noise levels followed by concrete pavements that had minimal surface texture. Dense grade and stone mastic asphalts, and exposed aggregate concrete were found to perform better than randomly transverse tyned concrete pavements. Longitudinally tyned concrete pavements are not a design that is used in NSW however in international studies they were found to return noise levels similar to that of dense graded asphalts. Uniformly tyned pavements and those which generate acoustic energy in discrete frequency bands were found to be amongst the loudest pavements. Copyright © (2006) by the Australian Acoustical Society.
Parnell, J & Samuels, S 1970, 'Pavement surfaces and in-cabin noise levels', 1st Australasian Acoustical Societies' Conference 2006, ACOUSTICS 2006: Noise of Progress, pp. 363-367.
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This paper deals with a Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW funded study of the resultant in-cabin noise levels generated by a passenger vehicle travelling under controlled conditions. The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between externally and internally measured noise levels and to compare the internally measured noise levels with those recorded in overseas studies. The study investigated 20 pavement surfaces that represented a wide range of construction materials and techniques and surface textures adopted in NSW. A range of purportedly low noise asphalt and a dense graded asphalt were found to return the lowest overall noise levels followed by a concrete pavement that had minimal surface texture. A stone mastic asphalt along with an exposed aggregate concrete were found to perform better than randomly transverse tyned concrete pavements. Uniformly tyned concrete pavements and chip seal pavements were found to be amongst the loudest pavements. The present study found that generally, trends in internal noise levels followed those measured externally; however there were some exceptions such as chip seal pavements that recorded higher internal noise levels than did concrete pavements with comparable external noise levels. Copyright © (2006) by the Australian Acoustical Society.
Pasha, A, Vo, B, Tuan, HD & Ma, W-K 1970, 'Closed Form PHD Filtering for Linear Jump Markov Models', 2006 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2006 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, IEEE, Florence, Italy, pp. 1-8.
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In recent years there has been much interest in the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filtering approach, an attractive alternative to tracking unknown numbers of targets and their states in the presence of data association uncertainty, clutter, noise
Paul, G & Liu, DK 1970, 'Replanning of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles in Material Handling', 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-6.
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The fully automated docks in Australia present opportunities for applications of autonomous vehicles and engineering innovation. When planning tasks to be done by multi-autonomous vehicles in an enclosed area with a known dynamic map (i.e. bi-directional path network), there are many issues that have not yet been comprehensively solved. The real world presents more complexity than the initial algorithms addressed. There are problems that occur due to interaction with the real-world. This means autonomous vehicles can stop, are affected, or face problems, and hence tasks and vehicles' paths and motion need to be replanned. In order to replan, a greater understanding of the state of vehicles, the state of the map, and importantly the importance of tasks and vehicles is definitely needed. This paper explores the improvements made to replanning by gaining a thorough understanding of the map and then utilising map information to make the best, most efficient replanning decision. Five replanning Methods are investigated and four Options which combine the Methods in different ways, are tested in this research. A map analysis Method is also presented. Simulation studies show that map information based replanning is the most efficient Method out of those tested. © 2006 IEEE.
Paul, G & Liu, DK 1970, 'Replanning of multiple autonomous vehicles in material handling', 2006 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 721-+.
Pham, DH, Tuan, HD, Ba-Ngu Vo & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Jointly Optimal Precoding/Postcoding for Colored MIMO Systems', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, France, pp. 4415-4418.
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The problem of designing a jointly optimal linear precoder and decoder for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel has received much interest recently. However, most existing works only deal with white input signal. When the input signal is color
Pham, DH, Tuan, HD, Vo, BN & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Jointly optimal precoding/postcoding for colored mimo systems', ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, FRANCE, pp. 745-+.
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The problem of designing a jointly optimal linear precoder and decoder for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel has received much interest recently. However, most existing works only deal with white input signal. When the input signal is colored, prewhitening and its inverse operation are often applied prior to preceding and after decoding, respectively. Consequently, the precoder and decoder are no longer optimal with respect to the original colored signal. In this paper, we propose a closed-form solution for optimal linear precoder and decoder for colored input signal. Our approach is based on minimizing the symbol mean squared error under an average output power constraint, and is applicable to both MIMO flat fading and frequency selective fading channels. Simulations show the advantage of our solution over prewhitening-based method. © 2006 IEEE.
Phan, HT, Hoang, DB & Society, IEEEC 1970, 'Extension of BGP to support multi-domain FICC-diffserv architecture', 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vol 1, Proceedings, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN), IEEE, Vienna, Austria, pp. 269-274.
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The Internet is composed of many separate administrative domains called Autonomous Systems (ASs). To enable the end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) for Internet applications, the inter-autonomous system QoS routing plays an important role in advertising
Piccardi, M 1970, 'Video Surveillance at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: The Viewpoint of Research, Industry, Government Bodies, Research Funding Agencies and the Community', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, pp. 71-71.
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Piccardi, M & Cheng, ED 1970, 'Multi-Frame Moving Object Track Matching Based on an Incremental Major Color Spectrum Histogram Matching Algorithm', 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05) - Workshops, 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05) - Workshops, IEEE, New York, USA, pp. 19-19.
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Pileggi, SF, Palau, CE, Esteve, M & Esteve, M 1970, 'Grid Sensor/Actuator Network Architecture', 2006 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC'06), 2006 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC'06), IEEE, pp. 3-3.
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Low cost and low power sensor concept is logically extended by sensor network idea. Large-scale intelligent systems, sensor networks based, can be developed integrating sensor networks and high level distributed computational paradigms as Grid Computing. © 2006 IEEE.
Platt, G, Jones, T, James, G & Guo, Y 1970, 'Distributed energy management and control- Experiences in Australia', 41st International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2006, CIGRE 2006.
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This paper describes CSIRO's research and deployment work in technologies for the management and control of distributed energy devices. This work is designed to provide real-time, two-way communication and decision making between distributed energy (DE) resources- loads and generators- in electricity distribution networks. The general DE management and control concept is based on a decentralised architecture, which is a significant shift from the control architectures normally employed in electrical distribution systems. This architecture has a number of advantages, including scalability, improved economics of installation, inherent reliability by removing central points of failure, and improved granularity of data gathering and control functions. The applications of our decentralised management and control architecture are many, but include improving grid reliability, allowing consumers to play a more active role in their energy usage, and benefiting the network by alleviating the effects of peak wholesale prices and network constraints. The technology is aimed deployment in the Australian National Electricity Market within the next five years, and this paper details our latest work in this area. It includes a discussion of CSIRO's theoretical and simulation research efforts into multi-agent distributed systems, whilst also detailing work trialling the distributed energy management and control system in a real-world context.
Pocock, NA, Nicholson, G, Nguyen, T, Henry, MJ, Yu, W, Pasco, JA & Xu, L 1970, 'Peak bone density in Chinese and Caucasian women: Effects of body size', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 7th International Symposium on Osteoporosis, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, Washington, DC, pp. S179-S179.
Pontt, J, Rodriguez, J, Martin, J, Aguilera, R, Bernal, R & Newman, P 1970, 'Resonance mitigation and dynamical behavior of systems with harmonic filters for improving reliability in mining plants', Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, IEEE, Tampa, FL, pp. 1298-1302.
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Pontt, J, Rodriguez, J, Martin, JS, Aguilera, R, Rebolledo, J, Caceres, E, Illanes, I & Newman, P 1970, 'Interharmonic currents assessment in high-power cycloconverter-fed drives', 2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, IEEE, pp. 1-6.
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Large drives fed by Cycloconverters (CCVs) are extensively applied in industrial and traction drives. For 12-pulse configurations, multi-winding transformers are employed. For high-power applications, three separated three-phase transformers with two secondary windings with starand delta connection are used. In this paper, a study and evaluation of the interharmonics currents behavior injected by CCV in the transformer windings is presented. Field measurements and simulations support the analysis. Results supports further improvements concerning design, engineering and operation issues.
Pontt, J, Rodriguez, J, San Martin, J, Aguilera, R, Rebolledo, J, Caceres, E, Illanes, I & Newman, P 1970, 'Interharmonic currents assessment in high-power cycloconverter-fed drives', 2006 IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC 2006), IEEE, Cheju Isl, SOUTH KOREA, pp. 2714-+.
Pota, HR, Athanasius, GX, Ugrinovskii, V, Li, L & IEEE 1970, 'Control design for interconnected power systems with OLTCs via robust decentralized control', 2006 American Control Conference, Vols 1-12, American Control Conference 2006, IEEE, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 3469-3474.
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Pradhan, B, Mansor, S, Rahman Ramli, A, Rashid Mohd Sharrif, A & Kumar, S 1970, 'Compression of LIDAR Data for Web Based Visualization Using Second Generation Wavelets', 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.
Pradhan, B, Mansor, S, Ramli, AR, Sharif, ARBM & Sandeep, K 1970, 'A new robust data comprssor for lidar data', Asian Association on Remote Sensing - 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2006, pp. 527-533.
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For a realistic representation of a terrain Light Detection and Ranging data (LiDAR) requires trillion numbers of points. These points connected in triangles that represent the surface of the terrain ultimately increase the data size. For online GIS interactive programs it has become highly essential to reduce the number of triangles in order to save more storing space. In this paper, it is extended to the LiDAR data compression. A newly developed data compression approach to approximate the LiDAR surface with a series of non-overlapping triangles has been presented. Generally a Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN) are the most common form of digital surface model that consists of elevation values with x, y coordinates that make up triangles. Compression of TIN is needed for efficient management of large data and good surface visualization. This approach covers following steps: First, by using a Delaunay triangulation, an efficient algorithm is developed to generate TIN, which forms the terrain from an arbitrary set of data. A new interpolation wavelet filter for TIN has been applied in two steps, namely splitting and elevation. In the splitting step, a triangle has been divided into several sub-triangles and the elevation step has been used to 'modify' the point values (point coordinates for geometry) after the splitting. Then, this data set is compressed at the desired locations by using second generation wavelets. The quality of geographical surface representation after using proposed technique is compared with the original LIDAR data. The results show that this method can be used for significant reduction of data set.
Pradhan, B, Sandeep, K, Mansor, S, Ramli, AR & Mohamed Sharif, ARB 1970, 'Mulitiresolution Spatial Data Compression Using Lifting Scheme', Birkhäuser Basel, pp. 503-513.
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Pradhan, B, Singh, RP & Buchroithner, MF 1970, 'Estimation of stress and its use in evaluation of landslide prone regions using remote sensing data', Advances in Space Research, Elsevier BV, pp. 698-709.
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Pradhan, B, Talib, JA & Lee, S 1970, 'Application of remote sensing data in determining regional landslide hazard analysis by using logistic regression model and GIS', Asian Association on Remote Sensing - 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2006, pp. 1053-1059.
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This paper presents the use of remote sensing data for landslide hazard analysis around Penang Island area, Malaysia. The study area consider as one of the frequent occurrence landslide zone in Malaysia. Efforts have been made to use a linear logistic regression model for landslide hazard delineation by using remote sensing and GIS data. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs, high resolution satellite imageries and from field surveys. Terrain information such as land cover, topographic slope, topographic aspect and topographic curvature has been derived from the satellite imageries; and the existing thematic information has been updated to enable the quantification of landslide causative parameters. The other factors chosen that influence landslide occurrence were: lithology, soil, distance from lineament, and distance from drainage and the vegetation index value from SPOT 5 image. Spatial and temporal multi-layered information have been used for landslide hazard analysis. The qualitative hazard analysis has been carried out using the map overlying techniques using the logistic regression model in GIS environment. Landslide locations were used to verify results of the landslide hazard map and the verification results showed 86.62% accuracy. The verification results showed sufficient agreement between the presumptive hazard map and the existing data on landslide areas.
Prior, J, Robertson, T & Leaney, J 1970, 'Technology designers as technology users', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 353-353.
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This paper is about the developer as technical user interacting with computer technology as part of the infrastructure that makes possible their 'real work' of developing a large and complex software product. A longitudinal ethnographic study of work practice in a software development company that uses an Agile development approach found that the developers spend a large part of their working time designing, creating, modifying and interacting with infrastructure to enable and support their software development work. This empirical work-in-progress shows that an understanding of situated technology design may have implications for the future development of HCI methods, tools and approaches
Prior, JR, Robertson, TJ & Leaney, JR 1970, 'Programming Infrastructure and Code Production: An Ethnographic Study', Team Ethno-Online Journal, Issue 2 June 2006, Ethnographies of Code: Computer Programs as Lived Work of Computer Programming, TeamEthno-Online, Lancashire, UK, pp. 112-120.
Qumer, A & Henderson-Sellers, B 1970, 'A Framework to Support Non-fragile Agile Agent-Oriented Software Development', NEW TRENDS IN SOFTWARE METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES, International Conference on Software Methods and Tools, IOS Press, Quebec, Canada, pp. 84-100.
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Agile software development methods support mainly object-oriented, feature-oriented and component-oriented software development and do not address agent-oriented and aspect-oriented software development. The concepts of agents and objects are in many ways dissimilar; and an object-oriented approach is not immediately suitable for the development of a multiagent system. In our current research, we extend agile software development methods originating primarily in object-oriented technology to support agent-orientation in the context of the development of multiagent systems. This research paper introduces a new agile agent-oriented framework to create or tailor situation-specific non-fragile agile agent-oriented software development processes (using a method engineering approach) to support multi-agent software development.
Qumer, A & Henderson-Sellers, B 1970, 'Comparative evaluation of XP and scrum using the 4d analytical tool (4-DAT)', Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2006.
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The emergence of agile software development methods provides a contribution to contemporary software engineering practices. Agile methods have several benefits over traditional plan-based methods, in particular their ability to handle projects where requirements are not fixed. In the last few years, a number of agile software development methods have been developed but a detailed evaluation (which is essential) of these methods is not available. This paper presents a detailed comparative analysis of two well known agile methods (XP and Scrum), using the previously published 4- Dimensional Analytical Tool (4-DAT), based on four characterization perspectives: those of scope, agility, agile values and software process. A report generated with the help of 4-DAT will assist organizations in making decisions about the selection or adoption of an agile method.
Qumer, A, Henderson-Sellers, B & INSTICC 1970, 'Crystallization of agility - Back to basics', ICSOFT 2006: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Vol 2, International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, INSTICC, Setubal, Portugal, pp. 121-126.
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There are a number of agile and traditional methodologies for software development. Agilists provide agile principles and agile values to characterize the agile methods but there is no clear and inclusive definition of agile methods; subsequently it is not feasible to draw a clear distinction between traditional and agile software development methods in practice. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of agility in detail; and then to suggest a definition of agile methods that would help in the ranking or differentiation of agile methods from other available methods.
Raad, IS & Huang, X 1970, 'Exploiting time diversity to improve block spread OFDM', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, pp. 341-345.
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This paper presents a new method to improve on block spread OFDM by exploiting time diversity to ensure that the blocks are independent and uncorrelated. Simulation results have shown significant improvement over conventional OFDM and Block Spread OFDM.
Raad, IS & Xiaojing Huang 1970, 'Exploiting Time Diversity to Improve Block Spread OFDM in a Multipath Environment', 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, IEEE, Damascus, Syria, pp. 2444-2449.
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© 2006 IEEE. This paper presents a new method to improve on block spread OFDM by exploiting time diversity to ensure that the blocks are independent and uncorrelated in a multipath environment. While BSOFDM utilizes frequency diversity to significantly improve on OFDM in frequency selective channel, this did not improve during flat fading channel which does occur during transmission. Our work has also shown that this improvement is also true in multipath transmission. By exploiting time and frequency diversity, BSOFDM is improved significantly over conventional BSOFDM and conventional OFDM.
Raad, IS, Huang, X & Lowe, D 1970, 'Study of spread codes with block spread OFDM', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, pp. 346-350.
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This paper presents the study undertaken with block spread OFDM and compares three spreading matrices. The matrices include the Hadamard, Rotated Hadamard and Mutually Orthogonal Complementary Sets of Sequences (MOCSS). The study is carried out for block lengths of M = 2, M = 4 and M = 8 and it shows that all the spreading matrices show improvement and a better performance over the conventional OFDM over frequency selective channel as expected. As the size ofM increased the spreading matrices which have better orthogonal qualities show greater improvement.
Raad, IS, Huang, X & Raad, R 1970, 'A New Spreading Matrix for Block Spread OFDM', 2006 10th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, 2006 10th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 1-5.
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Raad, W & Burnett, I 1970, 'A Variable Length Linear Array for Smart Antenna Systems using Partial Optimization', 2006 10th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, 2006 10th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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Adaptive Arrays have been used extensively in wireless communications applications to reduce interference between desired users and interfering signals. Significant research has been directed at the Uniform Linear Array (ULA), however, generally a fixed array length is used. In a mobile environment this has the disadvantage of producing a fixed beamwidth due to the fixed array lengths. The Variable Linear Array (VLA) algorithm is a proposed algorithm that allows the beamwidth to be varied by activating and deactivating elements depending on the interferers present. This approach uses the LMS algorithm for adaptation, in an embedded system this could prove costly. This paper proposes an alternative approach based on partial optimization techniques that remove the LMS from the optimization process. Furthermore studies into the cost of having such a system is presented and compared to the operational cost of the LMS algorithm. © 2006 IEEE.
Rabbachin, A, Oppermann, I & Denis, B 1970, 'GML ToA Estimation Based on Low Complexity UWB Energy Detection', 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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Energy detection receiver is one of the most interesting solution for non-coherent low data rate and low complexity UWB systems. In order to keep the complexity of the receiver structure low the same approach should be used also for ToA (time of arrival) estimation purposes. In this paper, after showing that a generalized maximum likelihood estimator for ToA is a sliding window energy based estimator, an improved version of it that uses partial channel state information is proposed in order to improve the accuracy of the estimation overcoming the hardware limitation related to the minimum integration time of the integration circuit and to the available number of integrators. © 2006 IEEE.
Rabbachin, A, Oppermann, I & Denis, B 1970, 'ML Time-of-Arrival estimation based on low complexity UWB energy detection', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, IEEE, pp. 599-604.
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Many different techniques for time-of-arrival (ToA) estimation have been described for UWB signals however they are typically highly complex. Energy detection based architectures have recently been seen as an interesting, low complexity solution for non-coherent ToA estimation. This paper presents a maximum likelihood (ML) ToA estimation strategy based on an energy detection approach utilizing a relatively long integration window. The technique offers improved estimation accuracy whilst overcoming the practical hardware limitation associated with the need for very short integration times in the receiver. © 2006 IEEE.
Rabbachin, A, Oppermann, I & Denis, B 1970, 'ML Time-of-Arrival estimation based on low complexity UWB energy detection', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRA-WIDEBAND, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, IEEE, Waltham, MA, pp. 663-+.
Rahman, BMA, Somasiri, N, Wongcharoen, T, Agrawal, A, Grattan, KTV & Rakocevic, V 1970, 'Characterization of high-index contrast silica guided-wave devices', SPIE Proceedings, Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2006, SPIE.
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Ramos, RA, Li, L, Ugrinovskii, VA, Pota, HR & IEEE 1970, 'Design of switching damping controllers for power systems based on a Markov Jump Parameter System approach', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 45TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL, VOLS 1-14, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, San Diego, USA, pp. 4014-4019.
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The application of a new technique, based on the theory of Markov Jump Parameter Systems (MJPS), to the problem of designing controllers to damp power system oscillations is presented in this paper. This problem is very difficult to address, mainly because these controllers are required to have an output feedback decentralized structure. The technique relies on the statistical knowledge about the system operating conditions to provide less conservative controllers than other modern robust control approaches. The influence of the system interconnections over its modes of oscillation is reduced by means of a proper control design formulation involving Integral Quadratic Constraints. The discrete nature of some typical events in power systems (such as line tripping or load switching) is adequately modeled by the MJPS approach, therefore allowing the controller to withstand such abrupt changes in the operating conditions of the system, as shown in the results. © 2006 IEEE.
Ridoux, J, Nucci, A & Veitch, D 1970, 'Seeing the Difference in IP Traffic: Wireless Versus Wireline', Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE, pp. 1-12.
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Roy, K, Sharma, N, Pal, T & Pal, U 1970, 'Online Bangla Handwriting Recognition System', Advances in Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
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Ruiz, N, Taib, R & Chen, F 1970, 'Examining the redundancy of multimodal input', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 389-389.
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Speech and gesture modalities can allow users to interact with complex applications in novel ways. Often users will adapt their multimodal behaviour to cope with increasing levels of domain complexity. These strategies can change how multimodal constructions are planned and executed by users. In the frame of Baddeley's Theory of Working Memory, we present some of the results from an empirical study conducted with users of a multimodal interface, under varying levels of cognitive load. In particular, we examine how multimodal behavioural features are sensitive to cognitive load variations. We report significant decreases in multimodal redundancy (33.6%) and trends of increased multimodal complementarity, as cognitive load increases. Copyright the author(s) and CHISIG.
Rujikaitkamjorn, C & Indraratna, B 1970, 'Improvement of Soft Clays Using Vacuum-Assisted Consolidation Method', GeoCongress 2006, GeoCongress 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-6.
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In this study, the analytical modeling of one-dimensional consolidation by vertical drains with vacuum preloading considering both vertical and horizontal drainage is presented. In this method, the total degree of consolidation based on excess pore water pressure dissipation is related to the time factor (T h), drain configuration and anisotropic soil permeability. The analytical predictions are compared with the observed data from consolidation testing. Three different test series were conducted in a large-scale consolidation apparatus designed and installed at the University of Wollongong. It is shown that the authors' analytical model can accurately predict the laboratory behavior. Finally, the analysis of a selected case history employing the authors' model demonstrates the applicability of this approach for typical field conditions. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Rujikiatkamjorn, C & Indraratna, B 1970, 'Elastic visco-plastic consolidation modelling of soft clays improved by geosynthetic vertical drains', GEOSYNTHETICS, VOLS 1-4, 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics (8ICG), MILLPRESS SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Yokohama, JAPAN, pp. 439-+.
Rujikiatkamjorn, C & Indraratna, B 1970, 'Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Soft Soil Consolidation Improved by Prefabricated Vertical Drains', Ground Modification and Seismic Mitigation, GeoShanghai International Conference 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 161-168.
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A system of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) with a surcharge load is an effective method for accelerating soil consolidation by promoting radial flow. This study presents a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model for soft soil improved by a single drain. In the finite element analysis, the actual rectangular PVD cross-section is considered, and the equivalent drain diameter is then back calculated based on the consolidation curves. The numerical predictions are then compared to previous studies. The settlements observed in the laboratory are subsequently compared with the three-dimensional finite element analysis incorporating the modified Cam-Clay model and Hansbo's theory. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Sakhaee, E, Jamalipour, A & Kato, N 1970, 'Multipath Doppler Routing with QoS Support in Pseudo-linear Highly Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, pp. 3566-3571.
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Sealy, BJ, Smith, AJ, Alzanki, T, Bennett, N, Li, L, Jeynes, C, Colombeau, B, Collart, EJH, Emerson, NG, Gwilliam, RM & Cowern, NEB 1970, 'Shallow junctions in silicon via low thermal budget processing', 2006 International Workshop on Junction Technology, 2006 International Workshop on Junction Technology, IEEE, pp. 10-15.
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The paper summarises recent findings concerning the fabrication of ultra-shallow junctions in silicon for future generations of CMOS devices. In particular we concentrate on vacancy engineering to achieve carrier concentrations of 5-6 × 1020 cm-3 for boron in silicon without diffusion and report for the first time preliminary data for antimony implants into strained silicon in which even higher carrier concentrations were obtained. All of this can be produced at temperatures below 800°C for annealing times of 10 seconds, without the need for spike annealing, fast ramp rates or laser processing. © 2006 IEEE.
Secombe, C, Steele, R & Brookes, W 1970, 'Perceptions of the elderly on the use of wireless sensor networks for health monitoring', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 55-55.
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Shahin, MA & Indraratna, B 1970, 'Parametric Study on the Resilient Response of Ballasted Railway Track Substructure Using Numerical Modeling', GeoCongress 2006, GeoCongress 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-6.
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Ballasted rail track substructure usually consists of graded layers of granular media of ballast and subballast (capping) placed above a compacted subgrade (formation soil). The optimum design of railway track substructure relies on many factors that affect the performance of the track. In this paper, the response of railway track to various factors affecting track performance is investigated by carrying out a parametric study using the finite element analysis (PLAXIS). A plane strain finite element model of railway track section is developed and used for the parametric study. The feasibility of the developed finite element model is examined by comparing its results with measured field test data. The various track factors investigated include the thickness and stiffness of different track layers, shoulder width, and track modulus. The results demonstrate that the subgrade stiffness seems to be the most significant factor affecting track response, thus, the numerical model and experimental data are used to investigate the capability of different stabilization techniques, such as geosynthetics and grout columns, for improving track subgrade behavior. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Shannon, A, Langova-Orozova, D, Sotirova, E, Petrounias, I, Atanassov, K, Krawszak, M, Melo-Pinto, P, Kim, T & Tasseva, V 1970, 'A Generalized Net Model of the Separate Information Flow Connections within a University', 2006 3rd International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, 2006 3rd International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, IEEE, pp. 760-763.
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The research expounded in this paper is a continuation of previous investigations into the modelling of information flow with a typical university. The framework in which this is done is the theory of Generalized Nets (GNs) (and sub-GNs where appropriate). While the order of procedure might vary from one institution to another, the processes are almost invariant, so that the development of the GN in this paper can be readily adapted or amended to suit particular circumstances, since each transition is constructed in a transparent manner. ©2006 IEEE.
Sharma, N, Pal, U & Kimura, F 1970, 'Recognition of Handwritten Kannada Numerals', 9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06), 9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06), IEEE, pp. 133-136.
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This paper deals with a quadratic classifier based scheme for the recognition of off-line handwritten numerals of Kannada, an important Indian script. The features used in the classifier are obtained from the directional chain code information of the contour points of the characters. The bounding box of a character is segmented into blocks and the chain code histogram is computed in each of the blocks. Here we have used 64 dimensional and 100 dimensional features for a comparative study on the recognition accuracy of our proposed system. This chain code features are fed to the quadratic classifier for recognition. We tested our scheme on 2300 data samples and obtained 97.87% and 98.45% recognition accuracy using 64 dimensional and 100 dimensional features respectively, from the proposed scheme using five-fold cross-validation technique. © 2006 IEEE.
Sheridan-Smith, N, O'Neill, T, Leaney, J & Hunter, M 1970, 'A Policy-based Service Definition Language for Service Management', 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS 2006, 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS 2006, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 282-293.
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In a competitive environment, Service Providers wish to deliver services in a lean and agile manner, despite the rising complexity and heterogeneity within the network. The desire to support personalised customer experiences and differentiated services requires that management systems are increasingly flexible, adaptable and dynamic. Policy-based Management (PBM) systems can be helpful in reducing complexity and enhancing flexibility, but they have not typically been involved in end-to-end management of the services, leading to only the partial management of different network functions. By using a policy-based service definition language, a Service Provider is able to specify the structure of services and the manner in which they are to be dynamically managed for each customer over time in response to different network events. Combined with a generic PBM system that supports different management models, policies can be used to describe all of the functional aspects of a service. As a result, Service Providers have the potential to deliver new and modified services quickly and easily, since the definitions can be altered as their needs evolve in the medium- or long-term. © 2006 IEEE.
Sherker, S, Ritchie, J, Eager, DM & Dennis, R 1970, 'Soft Landings: Encouraging compliance with playground safety standards in local government', 8th Australian Injury Prevention Conference, Australian Injury Prevention Network, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-10.
Shi, J, Fang, G, Sun, Y, Zhou, J, Li, Z & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'WLC17-5: Improving Mobile Station Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.16e WMAN by Burst Scheduling', IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE Globecom 2006, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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In this paper, we tackle the packet scheduling problem in IEEE 802.16e Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN), where the Sleep Mode is applied to save energy of Mobile Stations (MSs). Our objective is to design an energy efficient scheduling policy which works closely with the Sleep Mode mechanism so as to maximize battery lifetime in MSs. To the best of our knowledge no power saving scheduling algorithms based on Sleep Mode defined in IEEE 802.16e have been proposed so far in the literature. We propose a Longest Virtual Burst First (LVBF) scheduling algorithm which schedules packets of MSs in a virtual burst mode where there is one primary MS and multiple secondary MSs sharing the wireless link resource. LVBF prolongs MSs' lifetime by reducing the average time when MSs stay in the idle state and the number of state transitions between the awake and sleep states. Simulation results show that, in comparison with the round robin scheduling scheme, LVBF can produce significant overall energy saving, while guaranteeing the QoS requirements of MSs in terms of their minimum data rates. © 2006 IEEE.
Sidhu, AS, Dillon, TS, Hussain, FK, Chang, E & SOC, IC 1970, 'Accomplishments and challenges of protein ontology', 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vol 1, Regular Papers/Panels, Proceedings, pp. 71-76.
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Recent progress in proteomics, computational biology, and ontology development has presented an opportunity to investigate protein data sources from a unique perspective that is, examining protein data sources through structure and hierarchy of Protein Ontology (PO). Various data mining algorithms and mathematical models provide methods for analyzing protein data sources; however, there are two issues that need to be addressed: (1) the need for standards for defining protein data description and exchange and (2) eliminating errors which arise with the data integration methodologies for complex queries. Protein Ontology is designed to meet these needs by providing a structured protein data specification for Protein Data Representation. Protein Ontology is a standard for representing protein data in a way that helps in defining data integration and data mining models for Protein Structure and Function. We report here our development of PO; a semantic heterogeneity framework based on relationships between PO concepts; and analysis of resultant PO Data of Human Proteins. We also talk in this paper briefly about our ongoing work of designing a trustworthy framework around PO. © 2006 IEEE.
Sim, K, Li, J, Gopalkrishnan, V & Liu, G 1970, 'Mining Maximal Quasi-Bicliques to Co-Cluster Stocks and Financial Ratios for Value Investment', Sixth International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'06), Sixth International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'06), IEEE, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 1059-1063.
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Simon, B, Lister, R & Fincher, S 1970, 'Multi-Institutional Computer Science Education Research: A Review of Recent Studies of Novice Understanding', Proceedings. Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, Proceedings. Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, IEEE, pp. 12-17.
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There has been a recent proliferation of multi-national, multi-institutional computer science education research exploring issues surrounding novice computer science student understanding. The large numbers of students studied in these efforts and their breadth in terms of student background (both technically and culturally) has led to significant interest in the work. In this paper, we summarize each study, identifying the populations studied, the types of data collected, the analyses performed and review the primary results. We also report on current ongoing work related to and derived from these efforts. © 2006 IEEE.
Singh, SPN & Waldron, KJ 1970, 'Towards High-Fidelity On-Board Attitude Estimation for Legged Locomotion via a Hybrid Range and Inertial Approach', Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics: Experimaental Robots IX, International Symposium On Experimental Robots, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 589-598.
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Legged robots display a characteristically periodic motion. Measuring and tracking this motion has traditionally been performed using general inertial measurement techniques. While widely applied in robotics, this approach is limited in dynamic legged locomotion due to the excessive accumulation of drift from severe impact shocks (nearly 9 g in single leg experiments). This paper introduces the attitude estimation problem for legged locomotion and shows preliminary results from a more powerful combined range and inertial sensing approach. Based on a modified Extended Kalman Filter the method uses ground-directed range sensors, the stride period, and other periodic features of legged locomotion in order to address inertial drift. Together this provides rapid, robust estimates of flight phases and attitude necessary for extended dynamic legged operations.
Sixsmith, A, Dyson, LE & Nataatmadja, I 1970, 'Improving class participation in it tutorials and small lectures', ACIS 2006 Proceedings - 17th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Australasia Association of Informaton Systems, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1-10.
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The aim of this paper is to present some initial findings from an investigation into strategies for improving class participation in tutorials and small lectures in the Information Technology (IT) context. The research used a qualitative approach and data collection was undertaken using student focus groups and semistructured interviews with academics in an Australian IT Faculty. The findings highlight various reasons why students do or don't participate. Also strategies which academics can utilise to encourage student participation in IT tutorials and small lectures were discovered. © 2006 Alan Sixsmith, Laurel Evelyn Dyson & Indrawati Nataatmadja.
Skaf-Molli, H, Molli, P, Marjanovic, O & Godart, C 1970, 'LibreSource: Web Based Platform for Supporting Collaborative Activities', 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 2006 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, IEEE, pp. 3309-3313.
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The existing Collaborative Distributed Environments (CDE) have several important drawbacks. Consequently, users need to rely on very few of installation like Source Forge and accept all the associated riskss. The main objectives of this paper are to describe collaborative technology called Libre Source and to illustrate how this technology can be used to support a collaborative software design process. Libre Source' is an open source software platform that provides a framework and the associated services designed to support different kind collaborative processes, in particular design projects.
Solomon, A, Santamaria, D & Lister, R 1970, 'Automated Testing of Unix Command-line and Scripting Skills', 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 120-125.
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Sood, S, Woodside, AG & Miller, K 1970, 'Analysing iconic consumer brand weblogs', AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report, pp. 206-210.
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The stories consumers report and tell in which they use brands as props or anthropomorphic actors increasingly form a key part of personal and community Weblogs. These stories are drama enactments enabling the storytellers to experience powerful myths. The brand stories consumers tell on purchasing-consumption requires a protagonist consumer to experience an 'inciting incident' (McKee 2003) that focuses her attention and results in action in response to this incident. Since stories help to make sense of the world around us it is not surprising that consumer storytelling about brands extends beyond highly risky consumption acts to the more mundane and improvisational presentations of self (to self and others) in everyday life. With an understanding of the structure of the brand stories consumers report and tell on Weblogs this study compares the application of semantic analysis software (Smith 2000) automating the text analysis with a manual interpretation involving the human mind using Heider's balance theory to examine the stories consumers report about two well known clothing brands in naturally occurring contexts on Weblogs. Taking this approach, one can gain insights in determining if market researchers can automatically process Weblogs to obtain brand story abstractions. Copyright © 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
Sood, SC & Pattinson, HM 1970, 'The open source marketing experiment: Using wikis to revolutionize marketing practice on the web.', Opening the network - New perspectives in industrial marketing and purchasing: 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, The IMP Group, Milan, Italy, p. CD no page.
Steele, R, Secombe, C & Brookes, W 1970, 'Using Wireless Sensor Networks for Aged Care: The Patient's Perspective', 2006 Pervasive Health Conference and Workshops, 2006 Pervasive Health Conference and Workshops, IEEE, Austria, pp. 1-10.
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Stoica, L & Oppermann, I 1970, 'Modelling and Simulation of a Non-Coherent IR UWB Transceiver Architecture with ToA Estimation', 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE, pp. 1-5.
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Lately, impulse-radio (IR) based ultra wideband (UWB) has emerged as a leading candidate for short range data communications with positioning capabilities. This paper examines the performance of time of arrival (TOA) position estimation techniques of an IR UWB non-coherent energy collection receiver. We present the performance of two different algorithms, namely, the threshold-crossing (TC) and the maximum selection (MAX) algorithms in terms of time of arrival (TOA) estimation error in IEEE 802.15.3 channel models. The architectures of TOA MAX and TC algorithms, suitable for implementation into IR-UWB based non-coherent receivers are presented and evaluated in a top-down design methodology using a hardware description language. The goal is to evaluate the UWB IR energy collection receiver with TOA capabilities on a complete simulation platform. © 2006 IEEE.
Stoica, L, Rabbachin, A & Oppermann, I 1970, 'A low-complexity noncoherent IR-UWB transceiver architecture with TOA estimation', IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1637-1646.
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Stoica, L, Rabbachin, A & Oppermann, I 1970, 'Impulse radio based non-coherent UWB transceiver architectures - An example', 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRA-WIDEBAND, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, IEEE, Waltham, MA, pp. 547-+.
Stoica, L, Rabbachin, A & Oppermann, I 1970, 'Impulse Radio based Non-Coherent UWB Transceiver Architectures - An Example', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, IEEE, pp. 483-488.
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This paper presents an overview of performance of non-coherent, ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse radio (IR) receivers specifically focussing on Auto-correlation (AC) and energy detection (ED) receivers. In this paper, we use the term non-coherent receiver to denote a system where the phase of the received signal is not used in the detection and synchronization. The performance comparison is based on a simplified analysis of the bit error rate (BER) of different receivers for different modulation types; specifically binary pulse position modulation and binary pulse amplitude modulation. Compared with AC receivers, the ED receiver is significantly lower complexity supporting ease of implementation. An example implementation of one ED receiver architecture is presented. The test circuits of the transceiver are designed for 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The noise figure of the front-end of the ED receiver is 7.3dB while the receiver gain is 34dB. The power consumption of UWB-IR transceiver circuits is 136mW with 100% duty cycle with a 3.3V power supply. © 2006 IEEE.
Su, SW, Lu Wang, Celler, BG & Savkin, AV 1970, 'Estimation of Oxygen Consumption for Moderate Exercises by Using a Hammerstein Model', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, New York City, USA, pp. 3427-3430.
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This paper aims to establish block-structured nonlinear model (Hammerstein model) to predict oxygen uptake during moderate treadmill exercises. In order to model the steady state relationship between oxygen uptake (oxygen consumption) and walking speed, six healthy male subjects walked on a motor driven treadmill at six different speed (2,3,4,5,6, and 7 km/h). The averaged oxygen uptake of exercisers at steady state was measured by a mixing chamber based gas analyzer (AEI Moxus Metabolic Cart). Based on these reliable experiment data, a nonlinear static function was obtained by using Support Vector Regression. In order to capture the dynamics of oxygen uptake, a suitable Pseudo Random Binary Signal (PRBS) input was designed and implemented on a computer controlled treadmill. Breath by breath analysis of all exercisers' dynamic responses (PRBS responses) to treadmill walking was performed. A useful ARX model is identified to justify the measured oxygen uptake dynamics within the aerobic range. Finally, a Hammerstein is achieved, which is useful for the control system design of oxygen uptake regulation during treadmill exercises
Su, SW, Lu Wang, Celler, BG, Savkin, AV & Guo, Y 1970, 'Modelling and Control for Heart Rate Regulation during Treadmill Exercise', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, New York City, USA, pp. 4299-4302.
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This paper proposes a novel integrated approach for the identification and control of Hammerstein systems to achieve desired heart rate tracking performance for an automated treadmill system. The pseudo-random binary sequence input is employed to decouple the identification of dynamic linear part from static nonlinearity. The powerful e-insensitivity support vector regression is adopted to obtain sparse representations of the inversion of static nonlinearity in order to obtain an approximated linear model of the Hammerstein system. An H infin controller is designed for the approximated linear model to achieve robust tracking performance. This new approach is applied to the design of a computer-controlled treadmill system for the regulation of heart rate during treadmill exercise. Minimizing deviations of heart rate from a preset profile is achieved by controlling the speed of the treadmill. Both conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and the proposed approaches have been employed for the controller design. The proposed algorithm achieves much better heart rate tracking performance
Su, SW, Wang, L, Celler, BG & Savkin, AV 1970, 'Estimation of oxygen consumption for moderate exercises by using a Hammerstein model', 2006 28TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, NY, New York, pp. 2776-+.
Su, SW, Wang, L, Celler, BG, Savkin, AV & Guo, Y 1970, 'Modelling and control for heart rate regulation during treadmill exercise', 2006 28TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-15, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, NY, New York, pp. 2757-+.
Sugawara, T & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'Doppler Frequency Estimation Schemes for Multi-carrier Systems', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 649-652.
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Sugawara, T & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'Doppler frequency estimation schemes for multi-carrier systems', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 699-+.
Summers, MD, Reid, J & McGloin, D 1970, 'Optical guiding of aerosols', SPIE Proceedings, SPIE Optics + Photonics, SPIE, San Diego, CA, pp. 63261E-63261E.
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Sun, DA & Sheng, DC 1970, 'Collapse Behavior of Unsaturated Compacted Soils', Advances in Unsaturated Soil, Seepage, and Environmental Geotechnics, GeoShanghai International Conference 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 102-110.
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This paper presents comprehensive results of a series of collapse tests on unsaturated compacted clay using a suction-controllable triaxial apparatus for identifying the collapse behaviour, which includes deformation characteristics such as volume changes and hydraulic characteristics such as degree of saturation changes. The collapse tests were conducted by decreasing the imposed matric suction from 147 to 0kPa step by step under constant isotropic net stresses. Experimental data show that the wetting-induced collapse deformation mainly depends on the initial density and mean net stress at which the collapse occurs, i.e., the denser the specimen or the larger the mean net stress, the smaller the collapse deformation. In addition, the soil-water characteristic curve obtained for an initial denser specimen tends to shift upwards in the Sr - lns plane, compared to an initially looser specimen. It is shown that the collapse mainly occurs in the suction range from 20 to 80 kPa for the tested soil. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Sun, DA, Sheng, DC, Cui, HB & Li, J 1970, 'Effect of Density on the Soil-Water-Retention Behaviour of Compacted Soil', Unsaturated Soils 2006, Fourth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1338-1347.
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This paper presents a series of experimental results obtained from wetting and/or drying cyclic tests and constant suction triaxial tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities using two suction-controllable triaxial apparatus. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the influence of the soil density on the soil-water-retention behaviour. The initial density and initial degree of saturation were controlled by changing the compaction energy using clay powders with almost the same water content. The test results contain the water-retention curves and deformation behavior at different initial densities using different specimens and one specimen before and after collapse. The test data indicate that the measured water-retention curves vary with the current specimen density. A denser specimen results in a higher degree of saturation at the same imposed suction, which implies that the water-retention curve shifts to the right in the ln s-Sr plane. Copyright ASCE 2006.
Sun, Y, Chen, F, Shi, YD & Chung, V 1970, 'A novel method for multi-sensory data fusion in multimodal human computer interaction', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 401-401.
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Multimodal User Interaction (MMUI) technology aims at building natural and intuitive interfaces allowing a user to interact with computer in a way similar to human-to-human communication, for example, through speech and gestures. As a critical component in MMUI, Multimodal Input Fusion explores ways to effectively interpret the combined semantic interpretation of user inputs through multiple modalities. This paper presents a novel approach to multi-sensory data fusion based on speech and manual deictic gesture inputs. The effectiveness of the technique has been validated through experiments, using a traffic incident management scenario where an operator interacts with a map on a large display at a distance and issues multimodal commands through speech and manual gestures. The description of the proposed approach and preliminary experiment results are presented. Copyright the author(s) and CHISIG.
Sundravadivivel, M, Kandasamy, JK & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'Policy and Design Issues in Rainwater Harvesting: Case Study in South Asia', Rainwater Harvesting and Management Vision: Multipurpose and Proactive - Workshop of IWA World Water Congress, IWA World Water Congress, IWA, Beijing, China, pp. 69-78.
Taha, T, Miro, J & Liu, D 1970, 'An Efficient Path Planner for Large Mobile Platforms in Cluttered Environments', 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-6.
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This paper presents a one step smooth and efficient path planning algorithm for navigating a large robotic platform in known cluttered environments. The proposed strategy, based on the generation of a novel search space, relies on non-uniform density sampling of the free areas to direct the computational resources to troubled and difficult regions, such as narrow passages, leaving the larger open spaces sparsely populated. A smoothing penalty is also associated to the nodes to encourage the generation of gentle paths along the middle of the empty spaces. Collision detection is carried out off-line during the creation of the configuration space to speed up the actual search for the path, which is done on-line. Results prove that the proposed approach considerably reduces the search space in a meaningful and practical manner, improving the computational cost of generating a path optimised for fine and smooth motion. © 2006 IEEE.
Taha, T, Valls Miro, J & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Sampling based time efficient path planning algorithm for mobile platforms', Proceeding of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Man-Machine Systems (ICoMMS 2006), IEEE International Conference on Man-Machine Systems, IET, Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 1-6.
Takezawa, S, Ishimoto, T & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Optimal Control for Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Problems in Indoor Environments with Stereo Vision', IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, pp. 4749-4754.
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This paper proposes a optimal control method for simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) in an indoor environment using stereo vision. Specially designed artificial landmarks distributed in the environment are observed and extracted from a camera image. The disparity map obtained from the stereo vision system is used to obtain the ranges to these landmarks. The main contribution of the paper is the formulation of the mathematical framework for SLAM for a robot moving on a planar surface among landmarks distributed in three dimensional space. The paper also presents the results of experiments for optimal control conducted using a Pioneer robot and a Triclops stereo vision system. It is demonstrated that accurate robot and feature locations can be obtained using the proposed technique. © 2006 IEEE.
Thomas-Kerr, J, Burnett, I & Ritz, C 1970, 'Generic, Scalable Multimedia Streaming and Delivery with Example Application for H.264/AVC', ADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION PROCESSING - PCM 2006, PROCEEDINGS, 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 349-356.
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Thompson, E, Whalley, J, Lister, RF & Simon, B 1970, 'Code classification as a learning and asssessment exercise for novice programmers', Proceeding of the 19th annual conference of the ational advisory committee on computing qualifications, National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications, National advisory comittee on computing qualifications, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 291-298.
Tijing, LD, Pak, BC, Baek, BJ & Lee, DH 1970, 'An experimental study on the flocculation mechanism of physical water treatment for the mitigation of mineral fouling', 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, pp. 128-133.
Tran, LC, Huang, X, Dutkiewicz, E & Chicharo, J 1970, 'STC-MIMO block spread OFDM in frequency selective rayleigh fading channels', Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, AusWireless 2006, pp. 461-466.
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In this paper, we expand the idea of spreading the transmitted symbols in OFDM systems by unitary spreading matrices based on the rotated Hadamard or rotated Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrices proposed in the literature to apply to Space-Time Coded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output OFDM (STC-MIMO-OFDM) systems. We refer the resulting systems to as STC-MIMO Block Spread OFDM (STC-MIMO-BOFDM) systems. In the proposed systems, a multi-dimensional diversity, including time, frequency, space and modulation diversities, can be used, resulting in better bit error performance in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels compared to the conventional OFDM systems with or without STCs. Simulations carried out with the Alamouti code confirm the advantage of the proposed STC-MIMO-BOFDM systems.
Tran, N, Pham, D & Tuan, H 1970, 'Affine Precoding and Decoding MIMO Frequency-selective Fading Channel for Estimation and Source Detection', 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 749-754.
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A new affine precoding and decoding method for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-selective fading channel is proposed. Based on a concept of orthogonal superimposed training on linear precoding, the optimal design of an affine precoder cons
Tsang, IW, Kocsor, A & Kwok, JT 1970, 'Diversified SVM Ensembles for Large Data Sets', MACHINE LEARNING: ECML 2006, PROCEEDINGS, 17th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, GERMANY, pp. 792-800.
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Tsang, IW, Kocsor, A & Kwok, JT 1970, 'Efficient kernel feature extraction for massive data sets', Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, KDD06: The 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM, pp. 724-729.
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Maximum margin discriminant analysis (MMDA) was proposed that uses the margin idea for feature extraction. It often outperforms traditional methods like kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFD). However, as in other kernel methods, its time complexity is cubic in the number of training points m, and is thus computationally inefficient on massive data sets. In this paper, we propose an (1 + ε) 2-approximation algorithm for obtaining the MMDA features by extending the core vector machines. The resultant time complexity is only linear in m, while its space complexity is independent of m. Extensive comparisons with the original MMDA, KPCA, and KFD on a number of large data sets show that the proposed feature extractor can improve classification accuracy, and is also faster than these kernel-based methods by more than an order of magnitude. Copyright 2006 ACM.
Tsang, IW, Kwok, JT & Shutao Li 1970, 'Learning the Kernel in Mahalanobis One-Class Support Vector Machines', The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, IEEE, Vancouver, CANADA, pp. 1169-1175.
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Tsang, IW, Kwok, JT, Mak, B, Kai Zhang & Pan, JJ 1970, 'Fast Speaker Adaption Via Maximum Penalized Likelihood Kernel Regression', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing, IEEE, Toulouse, FRANCE, pp. 997-1000.
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Maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) has been a popular speaker adaptation method for many years. In this paper, we investigate a generalization of MLLR using non-linear regression. Specifically, kernel regression is applied with appropriate regularization to determine the transformation matrix in MLLR for fast speaker adaptation. The proposed method, called maximum penalized likelihood kernel regression adaptation (MPLKR), is computationally simple and the mean vectors of the speaker adapted acoustic model can be obtained analytically by simply solving a linear system. Since no nonlinear optimization is involved, the obtained solution is always guaranteed to be globally optimal. The new adaptation method was evaluated on the Resource Management task with 5s and 10s of adaptation speech. Results show that MPLKR outperforms the standard MLLR method. © 2006 IEEE.
Tu, P, Huang, X & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'A Novel Approach of Spreading Spectrum in OFDM Systems', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 487-491.
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A method for spectrum spreading in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed in this paper, resulting in a Spread Spectrum OFDM (SS-OFDM) system suitable for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. By modifying the IFFT module in a conventional OFDM transmitter and interleaving the modulated signal samples within an OFDM symbol, the transmitted signal spectrum is spread greatly to realize spread spectrum communications. This method of spectrum spreading is also compared with that of the Multiband OFDM (MB-OFDM) system. The SS-OFDM signal has the characteristics of a white noise, and its power spectrum density is constant within the desired bandwidth. One of the main advantages of the proposed system is that it can be used for UWB communication without the need for frequency hopping. In addition, the transmitted signal bandwidth can be selected flexibly to meet different system requirements. © 2006 IEEE.
Tu, P, Huang, X & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'A novel approach of spreading spectrum in OFDM systems', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 537-+.
Tuan, HD, Hoang, NT, Ngo, HQ, Tuy, H & Vo, B 1970, 'A dual frequency-selective bounded real lemma and its applications to IIR filter design', Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, San Diego, CA, pp. 1478-1485.
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Uppu, S, Hoang, DB, Hintz, T & IEEE 1970, 'A Mobile Hand Held Computing System for Out Patient Workflow in Hospital Environment', 2006 IEEE 63RD VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-6, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 751-755.
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Hospitals around the world are taking advantage of wireless LAN-based computing technologies in view of their mobility, flexibility, and speed to improve the quality and reduce the cost of patient care. The handheld computers have evolved into a viable platform for these organizations to access and manage the patients' information wirelessly from any point of care. However, the deployment of the handheld technology is hindered by the lack of automation of workflows in the present hospital system architecture. In this paper, thin client architecture with workflow decision making is presented by considering the outpatient workflow. The prototype is not intended to replace the workflows in the healthcare but to facilitate the health care professionals to receive useful and relevant information on time with greater flexibility than before. The prototype focuses on exchanging information with existing legacy systems, updating data in real time, and making them available to healthcare professionals by organizing daily routines in the ward
Vellaisamy, K & Li, J 1970, 'Bayesian Approaches to Ranking Sequential Patterns Interestingness', PRICAI 2006: TRENDS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS, 9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2006), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 241-250.
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Vidal-Calleja, T, Davison, AJ, Andrade-Cetto, J & Murray, DW 1970, 'Active control for single camera SLAM', Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006., 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006., IEEE, Orlando, FL, pp. 1930-1936.
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In this paper we consider a single hand-held camera performing SLAM at video rate with generic 6DOF motion. The aim is to optimise both the localisation of the sensor and building of the feature map by computing the most appropriate control actions or mo
Visvanathan, C, Kandasamy, JK & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'Rainwater Collection and Storage in Thailand: Design, Practices and Operation', Rainwater Harvesting and Management Vision: Multipurpose and Proactive - Wortkshop of the IWA World Water Congress, IWA World Water Congress, IWA, Beijing, China, pp. 69-78.
Vo, B-N, Pasha, A & Tuan, HD 1970, 'A Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter for Nonlinear Jump Markov Models', Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, San Diego, CA, pp. 3162-3167.
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Voinov, A, Hood, RR & Daues, JD 1970, 'Building a community modeling and information sharing culture', Proceedings of the iEMSs 3rd Biennial Meeting,' Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software'.
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By copying information from sources and distributing it to new destinations we do not lose information at the sources. Nevertheless, exchange of information is still restricted by patent law, as well as by institutional, cultural and traditional hurdles that create protective barriers hindering the free flow of this valuable commodity. We believe that one of the greatest challenges we face in creating a new research paradigm will be building the community modeling and information sharing culture. How do we get engineers and scientists to put aside their traditional modes of doing business? How do we provide the incentives that will be required to make these changes happen? How do we get our colleagues to see that the benefits of sharing resources far outweigh the costs? We argue that timely sharing of data and information is not only in the best interest of the research community, but that it is also in the best interest of the scientist who is doing the sharing.
Vorisek, J & Feuerlicht, G 1970, 'Impact of global trends on changing needs of ICT specicalists', Proceedings of the 14th international conference on systems integration, Systems Integration, Prauge University of Economics, Prague, Czech Rep., pp. 337-350.
Wang, C, Lu, J, Zhang, G & SOC, IC 1970, 'Integration of ontology data through learning instance matching', 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, (WI 2006 Main Conference Proceedings), IEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, IEEE Computer Society, HK, China, pp. 536-539.
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Information integration with the aid of ontology can roughly be divided into two levels: schema level and data level. Most research has been focused on the schema level, i.e., mapping/matching concepts and properties in different ontologies with each other. However, the data level integration is equally important, especially in the decentralized semantic Web environment. Noticing that ontology data (in the form of instances of concepts) from different sources often have different perspectives and may overlap with each other, we develop a matching method that utilizes the features of ontology and employs the machine learning approach to integrate those instances. By exploring ontology features, this method performs better than other general methods, which is revealed in our experiments. Through the process that implements the matching method, ontology data can be integrated together to offer more sophisticated services
Wang, CY, Nguyen, ND, Eisman, JA & Nguyen, T 1970, 'On the association between statin and fracture: A Bayesian consideration', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 7th International Symposium on Osteoporosis, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, Washington, DC, pp. S230-S230.
Wang, D, Liu, D, Dissanayake, G & IEEE 1970, 'A Variable Speed Force Field method for multi-robot collaboration', 2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems, IEEE, Beijing, China, pp. 2697-2702.
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A novel Force Field (F2) method with variable speed for multi-robot motion planning and collaboration is presented in this paper. The basic concept of the F2 method is to generate a force field for every robot based on and continuously changing according to its status including traveling speed, dimension, priority, location and environmental factor, etc. The interactions among robots' force fields and obstacles provide a natural way for collision avoidance and collaboration while robots are on their way to goals. Previous F2 method assumes that robots travel with constant speeds and can react instantly to the resultant force to change their orientations. Starting from a problematic situation brought out by this hypothesis, this paper remedies the F2 method by taking robots' dynamics and kinematics characteristics into consideration. In the Variable Speed Force Field method (VSF2), a robot can change its own speed according to environment information and its own status. Simulations in a real indoor environment were carried out and demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. © 2006 IEEE.
Wang, H, He, S, Wu, Q & Hintz, TB 1970, 'Improvement of fractual image coding base on the different image', WISTSP '06 proceedings, Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices, DSP for communication systems, Hobert, Australia, pp. 1-5.
Wang, H, Wu, Q, He, X & Hintz, T 1970, 'A New Approach for SA-Based Fractal Image Compression', 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, Atlanta, USA, pp. 3101-3104.
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Spiral Architecture based fractal image compression is proposed in this paper. Perceptually, a new definition of range block and domain block is presented on such enhanced image structure. Compared with the common square image architecture, spiral architecture provides higher fidelity to fractal image compression, which is demonstrated by the experimental results. ©2006 IEEE.
Wang, H, Wu, Q, He, X & Hintz, T 1970, 'Preliminary research on fractal video compression on spiral architecture', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV'06, International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 557-562.
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Fractal Video Compression (FVC) is of extensive interest for over 20 years. Instead of being implemented on square image structure, Spiral Architecture (SA) based fractal image compression is proposed in this paper to illustrate the great potential of FVC on SA. Conceptually, a new definition of range block and domain block is presented on this enhanced image structure. Compared with the conventional square image architecture, spiral architecture provides higher fidelity to fractal image compression, which is demonstrated by the experimental results.
Wang, J, ElGindy, H & Lipman, J 1970, 'On Cache Prefetching Strategies For Integrated Infostation-Cellular Network', Proceedings. 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, IEEE, Tampa, FL, pp. 185-192.
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Wang, L, Su, SW & Celler, BG 1970, 'Time constant of heart rate recovery after low level exercise as a useful measure of cardiovascular fitness', 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Conference Proceedings. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, New York City, USA, pp. 1799-1802.
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In this study we aimed to establish the usefulness of the time constant of heart rate recovery (Tr) in the evaluation of cardiovascular fitness. 15 male subjects exercised on recumbent bicycle at three different workloads (75W, 100W 125W) where R-R intervals were monitored to determine Tr. In order to find the maximal oxygen uptake ( 2 max V..O ) of each subject, oxygen consumption rate ( 2 V..O ) was recorded throughout the treadmill exercise (10km/h). Based on 2 max V..O , we classified the subjects into two groups: the fit group and the unfit group. We found a significant difference in Tr between these two groups only existed when the workload was 75W (p .. 0.01) and only at this workload did the R-R intervals achieve stability during the 5 minutes of exercise. Furthermore, we found the cut-off value for predicting cardiovascular fitness at this workload was 55 seconds, with an associated sensitivity of 85.7% and specificity of 87.5%.
Wang, S, Peng, Z, Zhang, J, Qin, L, Wang, S, Yu, JX & Ding, B 1970, 'NUITS: A Novel User Interface for Efficient Keyword Search over Databases.', VLDB, ACM, pp. 1143-1146.
Wang, S, Qiu, J, Zhao, Z, Liu, X, Zhu, J, Guo, Y & Lin, Z 1970, 'Robust Optimization of Multilayer Conductors of HTS AC Cable Using PSO and Perturbation Analysis', Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, IEEE, Tampa, USA, pp. 293-299.
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For a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cable, a non-uniform AC current distribution among the multilayer conductors gives rise to increased AC losses. To get a uniform current distribution among the multilayer conductors, a constrained optimization model is constructed with continuous and discrete variables, such as the winding angle, radius and the winding direction of each layer. Under the constraints of the mechanical properties and critical current of the tape, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is employed for structural parameter optimization in both warm and cold dielectric type HTS cables. A uniform current distribution among layers is realized by optimizing the structural parameters. The perturbation analysis is employed to evaluate the parameters after optimization. It is found that the robust stabilizations are different among the various optimal results. The PSO is proved to be a more powerful tool than the Genetic Algorithm (GA) for structural parameter optimization. © 2006 IEEE.
Wang, Z, Huang, S & Dissanayake, G 1970, 'Implementation issues and experimental evaluation of D-SLAM', Field and Service Robotics, International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Port Douglas, Australia, pp. 155-166.
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D-SLAM algorithm first described in [1] allows SLAM to be decoupled into solving a non-linear static estimation problem for mapping and a threedimensional estimation problem for localization. This paper presents a new version of the D-SLAM algorithm that uses an absolute map instead of a relative map as presented in [1]. One of the significant advantages of D-SLAM algorithm is its O(N) computational cost where N is the total number of features (landmarks). The theoretical foundations of D-SLAM together with implementation issues including data association, state recovery, and computational complexity are addressed in detail. Evaluation of the D-SLAM algorithm is provided using both real experimental data and simulations. © Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2006.
Watt, DJ & Willey, K 1970, 'A Preference Structuring Framework for Appraising Complex Engineering', 3rd International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2006), Transformative Project and Program Management for the Advancement of Organisations, through Government Agencies and Communities, Australian Institute of Project Management, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-8.
Weily, A, Esselle, KP, Bird, TS & Sanders, BC 1970, 'Experimental and Theoretical Results for Woodpile Photonic Crystal Components in the Microwave Region', Photonic Metamaterials: From Random to Periodic, Photonic Metamaterials: From Random to Periodic, OSA, pp. ThC9-ThC9.
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Weily, AR, Esselle, KP, Bird, TS & Sanders, BC 1970, 'High gain antenna with improved radiation bandwidth using dual 1-D EBG resonators and array feed', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 3-6.
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A high gain antenna made from dual 1-D electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) resonators is described. The combination of dual resonators with an array feed achieves a wide radiation bandwidth, thereby addressing a major limitation of EBG resonator antennas in general. The proposed antenna uses an array of 32 slots and a stripline corporate feed network to deliver energy to the dual resonator structure. Preliminary theoretical results on radiation patterns and gain of the antenna are discussed. Performance is compared with a classical 1-D EBG resonator antenna containing a single source to highlight the improvement in radiation bandwidth of the proposed configuration. © 2006 IEEE.
Wenjing Jia, HZ 1970, 'Refined Gaussian Weighted Histogram Intersection and Its Application in Number Plate Categorization', International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), IEEE, Sydney Australia, pp. 249-255.
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This paper proposes a refined Gaussian weighted histogram intersection for content-based image matching and applies the method for number plate categorization. Number plate images are classified into two groups based on their colour similarities with the model image of each group. The similarities of images are measured by the matching rates between their colour histograms. Histogram intersection (HI) is used to calculate the matching rates of histograms. Since the conventional histogram intersection algorithm is strictly based on the matching between bins of identical colours, the final matching rate could easily be affected by colour variation caused by various environment changes. In our recent paper [9], a Gaussian weighted histogram intersection (GWHI) algorithm has been proposed to facilitate the histogram matching via taking into account matching of both identical colours and similar colours. The weight is determined by the distance between two colours. When applied to number plate categorization, the GWHI algorithm demonstrates to be more robust to colour variations and produces a classification with much lower intra-class distance and much higher interclass distance than previous HI algorithms. However, the processing speed of this GWHI method is still not satisfying. In this paper, the GWHI method is further refined, where a colour quantization method is utilized to reduce the number of colours without introducing apparent perceptual colour distortion. New experimental results demonstrate that using the refined GWHI method, image categorization can be done more efficiently. © 2006 IEEE.
Willey, K & Freeman, M 1970, 'Completing the learning cycle: The role of formative feedback when using self and peer assessment to improve teamwork and engagement', Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, AAEE - Annual Conference of Australasian Association for Engineering Education, School of Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1-9.
Willey, K & Freeman, M 1970, 'Narrated Visual Answers to FAQs: leveraging student learning and academic productivity with accessible technology', Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, AAEE - Annual Conference of Australasian Association for Engineering Education, School of Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, Auckalnd, Newzealand, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1-12.
Wu, C & Hao, H 1970, 'Numerical derivation of homogenized 3D masonry properties', Computational Methods, Pts 1 and 2, 1st International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM04), SPRINGER, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 399-403.
Wu, C-Q & Hao, H 1970, 'Dynamic response analysis of solid brick and hollow concrete block masonry panels to airblast load', Advances in Structural Engineering:Theory and Applications Vols 1 and 2, 9th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, SCIENCE PRESS BEIJING, Fuzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 994-1000.
Wu, M 1970, 'A Model for an Effective Measure of E-Commerce Business Satisfaction (EBS) of Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Service Industries in Australia and China', Australasian Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium (ACIS2006), Australasian Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium (ACIS2006), Adelaide, Australia.
Wu, M & Gide, E 1970, 'The Strategies for Promoting The Development Of E-Commerce In Service SMEs In China Using Australian Experiences For Reference', 2006 International Conference of Business, Economics and Management, Beijing, China.
Wu, Q, Zhang, H, Jia, W, He, X, Yang, J & Hintz, T 1970, 'Car Plate Detection Using Cascaded Tree-Style Learner Based on Hybrid Object Features', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 15-15.
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Car plate detection is a key component in automatic license plate recognition system. This paper adopts an enhanced cascaded tree style learner framework for car plate detection using the hybrid object features including the simple statistical features and Harr-like features. The statistical features are useful for simplifying the process on cascade classifier. The cascaded tree-style detector design will further reduce the false alarm and the false dismissal while retaining a high detection ratio. The experimental results obtained by the proposed algorithm exhibit the encouraging performance. © 2006 IEEE.
Wu, S-J, Wu, C-T, chiou, Y-Y, Lin, C-T & Chung, Y-N 1970, 'Balancing Control of Sliding Inverted-Wedge System: classical-method-based compensation', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 1349-1354.
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Root-locus-based PID controller and LQR-based controller always fail as system nonlinearity increases. We here propose the optimization-compensated block/diagram to reinforce the stabilization ability of these two classical control methods for nonlinear system, and besides, to achieve other performance requirements such as constrained overshoot and fast response. The controller design of a nonlinear sliding weights balancing mechanism is based on optimization-compensated root locus and LQR method. First, according to root-locus of the linearized dynamic system, we propose extra poles and zeros addition to roughly draw the locus shifting to left to achieve stabilization requirement. The poles and zeros are realized by P/PD/PID controllers. For LQR approach, we choose performance parameters to meet stabilization and minimum energy requirement. The controller is realized as feedback controller. Further, to compensate the model-error from nonlinearity and to meet other performance such as overshoot and setting time, some P/PID parameters for root-locus method and the feedback gain for LQR method are optimized via optimal parameter searching in NCD/Matlab toolbox. The simulation results demonstrate the stability and the constrained performances of the entire closed-loop system can be ensured by the proposed compensated control block diagrams. © 2006 IEEE.
Wyeth, P 1970, 'Ethnography in the kindergarten', Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI06: CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 1225-1228.
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Wyeth, P 1970, 'Ethnography in the kindergarten: Examining children's play experiences', Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, pp. 1225-1228.
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This paper describes an ethnographic study completed within a kindergarten environment with the view of gaining insights into the development of new technology for young children. Ethnography within HCI has primarily focused on studies of work practices. This project explored the effectiveness of ethnography in supporting the design of playful technology for a constantly changing, creative, and (sometimes) messy environment. The study was effective in drawing out patterns in observations and as such provides useful suggestions for the development of technology for kindergarten settings. Copyright 2006 ACM.
Wyeth, P & Diercke, C 1970, 'Designing cultural probes for children', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 385-385.
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Wyeth, P, Diercke, C & Viller, S 1970, 'Design for inspiration', Proceedings of the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia on Computer-human interaction: design: activities, artefacts and environments - OZCHI '06, the 20th conference of the computer-human interaction special interest group (CHISIG) of Australia, ACM Press, pp. 365-365.
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Xiangjian He, HW 1970, 'Fractal Image Compression on Spiral Architecture', International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 76-83.
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Image compression has many applications. For example, it is an important step for distributed and network based pattern recognition. For real time object recognition or reconstruction, image compression can greatly reduce the image size, and hence increase the processing speed and enhance performance. Fractal image compression is a relatively recent image compression method. Its basic idea is to represent images as a fixed point of a contractive Iterated Function System (IFS). Spiral Architecture (SA) is a novel image structure on which images are displayed as a collection of hexagonal pixels. The efficiency and accuracy of image processing on SA have been demonstrated in many recently published papers. We have shown the existence of contractive IFS's through the construction of a Complete Metric Space on SA. The selection of range and domain blocks for fractal image compression is highly related to the uniform image separation specific to SA. In this paper, we will review the current research work on fractal image compression based on SA. We will compare the results obtained on SA and the traditional square structure in terms of compression ratio and PSNR. © 2006 IEEE.
Xiangjian He, WJ 1970, 'Basic Transformations on Virtual Hexagonal Structure', International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), IEEE, Sydney, Australia, pp. 243-248.
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Hexagonal structure is different from the traditional square structure for image representation. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on hexagonal structure can be described in terms of a hexagonal grid. Hexagonal structure provides an easy way for image translation and rotation transformations. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square architecture. It has become a serious problem affecting the advanced research based on hexagonal structure. In this paper, we introduce a new virtual hexagonal structure. Based on this virtual structure, a more flexible and powerful image translation and rotation are performed. The virtual hexagonal structure retains image resolution during the process of image transformations, and does not introduce distortion. Furthermore, images can be smoothly and easily transferred between the traditional square structure and the hexagonal structure. © 2006 IEEE.
Xiao Wang, Shuhong Wang, Jie Qiu, Jian Guo Zhu & Youguang Guo 1970, 'A Finite Element Analysis System Based on World Wide Web', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 222-222.
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Finite element method is an important tool in science and engineering computing. In this paper, an environment of finite element analysis (FEA) of electromagnetic fields based on World Wide Web (WWW) is developed. This WWW-based system can be utilized in distance education of numerical analysis. The web services technology is utilized in the development of this system. Several examples reveal the convenience of the WWW-based FEA system. © 2006 IEEE.
Xing, QD, Dai, L & Wu, M 1970, 'Service Industry and Information Science: Experiences of E-Commerce Applications in Australian SMEs for Implicating to China Businesses', China Society for Information Economics 2006 Annual Academic Conference (in Mandarin), Harbin, China.
Xu, G, Zhang, Y & Begg, R 1970, 'Mining Gait Pattern for Clinical Locomotion Diagnosis Based on Clustering Techniques', Advanced Data Mining And Applications, Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 296-307.
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Scientific gait (walking) analysis provides valuable information about an individual's locomotion function, in turn, to assist clinical diagnosis and prevention, such as assessing treatment for patients with impaired postural control and detecting risk o
Xu, G, Zhang, Y & Zhou, X 1970, 'Discovering task-oriented usage pattern for web recommendation', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 17th Australasian Database Conference, Australian Computer Society, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 167-174.
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Web transaction data usually convey user task-oriented behaviour pattern. Web usage mining technique is able to capture such informative knowledge about user task pattern from usage data. With the discovered usage pattern information, it is possible to recommend Web user more preferred content or customized presentation according to the derived task preference. In this paper, we propose a Web recommendation framework based on discovering task-oriented usage pattern with Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) model. The user intended tasks are characterized by the latent factors through probabilistic inference, to represent the user navigational interests. Moreover, the active user's intuitive task-oriented preference is quantized by the probabilities, by which pages visited in current user session are associated with various tasks as well. Combining the identified task preference of current user with the discovered usage-based Web page categories, we can present user more potentially interested or preferred Web content. The preliminary experiments performed on real world data sets demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Xu, M, Li, J, Chia, L-T, Hu, Y, Lee, B-S, Rajan, D & Jin, JS 1970, 'Event on demand with MPEG-21 video adaptation system', Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimedia, MM06: The 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2006, ACM, pp. 921-930.
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In this paper, we present an event-on-demand (EoD)video adaptation system. The proposed system supports users in deciding their events of interest and considers network conditions to adapt video source by event selection and frame dropping.Firstly, events are detected by audio/video analysis and annotated by the description schemes (DSs)provided by MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes (MDSs). And then, to achieve a generic adaptation solution, the adaptation is developed following MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA)framework. We look at early release of the MPEG-21 Reference Software on XML generation and develop our own system for EoD video adaptation in three steps:1) the event information is parsed from MPEG-7 annotation XML file together with bitstream to generate generic Bitstream Syntax Description (gBSD). 2) Users' preference, Network Characteristic and Adaptation QoS (AQoS) are considered for making adaptation decision. 3) adaptation engine automatically parses adaptation decisions and gBSD to achieve adaptation.Unlike most existing adaptation work, the system adapts video of events with interest according to users' preference. Implementation following MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards provides a generic video adaptation solution. gBSD based adaptation avoids complex video computation. 30 students from various departments were invited to test the system and their responses has been positive. Copyright 2006 ACM.
Xu, M, Li, J, Hu, Y, Chia, L-T, Lee, B-S, Rajan, D & Cai, J 1970, 'An Event-Driven Sports Video Adaptation for the MPEG-21 DIA Framework', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEE, pp. 1245-1248.
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We present an event-driven video adaptation system in this paper. Events are detected by audio/video analysis and annotated by the description schemes (DSs) provided by MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes (MDSs). And then, adaptation take account of users' preference of events and network characteristic to adapt video by event selection and frame dropping as following three steps: 1) the event information is parsed from MPEG-7 annotation XML file together with bitstream to generate generic Bitstream Syntax Description (gBSD). 2) Users' preference, Network Characteristic and Adaptation QoS (AQoS) are considered for making adaptation decision. 3) adaptation engine automatically parses adaptation decisions and gBSD to achieve adaptation. Different from most existing adaptation work, the system adapts video by interesting events according to users 'preference. To achieve a generic adaptation solution, the system is developed following MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards. gBSD based adaptation avoids complex video computation. 30 students from various departments test the system with satisfaction. Although, the system is tested on basketball video adaptation so far, it is easy to extend to other video domains. © 2006 British Crown Copyright.
Xu, XX & Zheng, YF 1970, 'Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Reinforcement in Polyurethane Film', Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., pp. 659-662.
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Magnetic nanoparticles have attracted intensive attention for their wide applications as biomaterials and magnetic storage materials. Polyurethane is one of the most biocompatible polymers and has been used widely in vivo. In this paper, the magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical precipitation under different conditions. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, and their magnetic properties were evaluated on a vibrating sample magnetometer. Then the magnetite nanoparticles with different amounts were doped into polyurethane directly and composite films were made. Reinforced by the inorganic particles, PU composite films were also characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra and mechanical tests., and the surface morphology of the composite film was observed by Atomic Force Microscope The results showed the composite material was reinforced by magnetic nanoparticles and also showed magnetic behavior. This kind of composite materials have the potential to be used as hyperthermia treatment in biomedical field, like coatings on cardiovascular stents.
Yamauchi, Y, Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A new decision feedback compensation technique of carrier frequency offset and IQ imbalance in wireless OFDM systems', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 962-+.
Yamauchi, Y, Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'A New Decision Feedback Compensation Technique of Carrier Frequency Offset and IQ Imbalance in Wireless OFDM Systems', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE.
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Yan Tong, Yang Wang, Zhiwei Zhu & Qiang Ji 1970, 'Facial Feature Tracking using a Multi-State Hierarchical Shape Model under Varying Face Pose and Facial Expression', 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), IEEE, pp. 283-286.
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Yan, Y, Zhu, J, Guo, Y & Lu, H 1970, 'Modeling and Simulation of Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive System Incorporating Structural and Saturation Saliencies', Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, IEEE, IEEExplorer, pp. 76-83.
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The direct torque controlled (DTC) permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive has become competitive compared with other types of drive systems because of its simple and sensorless control algorithm. The application of the system, however, is handicapped by the difficulty of starting under full load due to the unknown initial rotor position. This paper presents a nonlinear model of PMSMs which incorporates both the structural and saturation saliencies to enable the numerical simulation of initial rotor position detection algorithms. In this model, the phase inductances are expressed by Fourier series as functions of the stator current and rotor position. The inductances of a surface mounted PMSM is measured with different rotor positions and DC offset currents, which emulate the effect of the three phase stator currents. By using the proposed model, the DTC PMSM is simulated and the results are compared with those obtained by the PMSM model in the Simulink library. With the model, an initial rotor position estimation scheme using voltage pulses is investigated by numerical simulation. The scheme is also experimentally tested and the results are compared with the inductance variation to verify the validity of the method. The effectiveness of the scheme to estimate the initial rotor position for the testing SPMSM is analyzed and verified by numerical simulation before physical implementation
Yan, Y, Zhu, J, Hunter, G & Guo, Y 1970, 'Initial Rotor Position Estimation of a Surface Mounted PMSM', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Machines, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers Japan) Industry Applications Society, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1-6.
Ying Zhang, Xuemin Lin, Jian Xu, Korn, F & Wei Wang 1970, 'Space-efficient Relative Error Order Sketch over Data Streams', 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'06), 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'06), IEEE, pp. 51-51.
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We consider the problem of continuously maintaining order sketches over data streams with a relative rank error guarantee ε. Novel space-efficient and one-scan randomised techniques are developed. Our first randomised algorithm can guarantee such a relative error precision ε with confidence 1 - δ using O(1/ε 2 log 1/δ loge ε 2 N) space, where N is the number of data elements seen so far in a data stream. Then, a new one-scan space compression technique is developed. Combined with the first randomised algorithm, the one-scan space compression technique yields another one-scan randomised algorithm that guarantees the space requirement is O(1/∈ log(1/ε log 1/δ (1/ε log 1/δ) log 2+α εN/1-1/2 α) (for α > 0) on average while the worst case space remains O(1/ε 2 log 1/δ log ε 2 N). These results are immediately applicable to approximately computing quantiles over data streams with a relative error guarantee ε and significantly improve the previous best space bound O( 1/ε 3 log 1/δ log N). Our extensive experiment results demonstrate that both techniques can support an on-line computation against high speed data streams. © 2006 IEEE.
Yong Zhang, Shao, KR, Youguang Guo, Xie, DX & Lavers, JD 1970, 'A Comparison of Point Interpolative Boundary Meshless Method Based on PBF and RBF for Transient Eddy Current Analysis', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 45-45.
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This paper presents boundary polynomial point interpolation meshless method (BPPIM) and boundary radial point interpolation meshless method (BRPIM) based on polynomial basis function (PBF) and radial basis function (RBF) respectively for transient eddy current analysis, and their interpolation shape functions satisfy the Kronecker delta function, thus the essential boundary conditions can be directly imposed on the boundary nodes. An example on analyzing transient eddy current of a square metal column is set to prove the validity of the proposed methods, and a comparison on accuracy between BPPIM and BRPIM is analyzed as well. © 2006 IEEE.
Yong Zhang, Shao, KR, Youguang Guo, Xie, DX & Lavers, JD 1970, 'An Improved Multiquadric RBF Method for 3D Electromagnetic Problems', 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, IEEE, pp. 109-109.
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The multiquadric radial basis function method (MQ RBF or, simply, MQ) developed recently is a truly meshless method with global basis functions. It was introduced for solving many 1D and 2D PDEs, including linear and nonlinear problems. However, few works are found for electromagnetic PDEs, say nothing of 3D problems. This paper presents an improved MQ method for 3D electromagnetic problems. Numerical results show a considerable improvement in accuracy over the traditional MQ method, although both methods are direct collocation method with exponential convergence. © 2006 IEEE.
Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'Tunable wordlength architecture for low power wireless OFDM demodulator', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Kos, GREECE, pp. 2789-2792.
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This paper proposes a low power architecture that dynamically controls a wordlength in a wireless OFDM demodulator. Finding the optimum wordlength for digital systems is a difficult problem because the trade-off between hardware cost and system performance is not conclusive. Actual digital systems prepare a more than enough wordlength in circuit design level to avoid the worst condition caused by lack of dynamic range. It indicates that they still have room to reduce power during better conditions. We propose a tunable wordlength architecture (TWA) that dynamically changes its own wordlength according to communication environments. The proposed OFDM demodulator measures error vector magnitude (EVM) from de-modulated signals and tunes a wordlength to satisfy required quality of communication by monitoring the EVM performance. Our result reports that the demodulator reduced dissipated energy by the maximum 32% and 24% in AWGN and multipath fading channels, respectively, compared to use of a fixed wordlength. © 2006 IEEE.
Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'VLSI Implementation of a 600-Mbps MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System', APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, pp. 93-96.
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Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'VLSI implementation of high-throughput SISO-OFDM and MIMO-OFDM transceivers', 2006 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES,VOLS 1-3, International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, Bangkok, THAILAND, pp. 533-+.
Yoshizawa, S & Miyanaga, Y 1970, 'VLSI Implementation of High-Throughput SISO-OFDM and MIMO-OFDM Transceivers', 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE, pp. 483-486.
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Yoshizawa, S, Miyanaga, Y, Ochit, H, Itho, Y, Hataoka, N, Sai, B, Takayama, N & Hirata, M 1970, '300-Mbps OFDM baseband transceiver for wireless LAN systems', Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, Kos, GREECE, pp. 5455-5458.
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This paper presents an OFDM transceiver for wireless LAN systems and its baseband transceiver architecture. We study the optimum parameters about DFT size, guard interval, symbol duration, and number of subcarriers in an 80-MHz bandwidth by extending the IEEE802.11a standard. The proposed transceiver has a maximum 300-Mbps transmit rate and achieves 600 Mbps by use of a 4×2 MIMO system. We have designed the SISO-OFDM transceiver in a 0.25-μm CMOS technology. The transceiver consumes about 800 mW at 2.5-V power supply and 80-MHz clock frequency. For verification, the architecture has been implemented to a FPGA prototype. We describe the parameters of our proposal and the TGn Sync optional proposal by comparison. © 2006 IEEE.
Yu Shi, Taib, R, Choi, E & Fang Chen 1970, 'Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces for Incident Handling in Metropolitan Transport Management Centre', 2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, IEEE, pp. 554-559.
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Efficient road traffic incident management in metropolitan areas is crucial for the smooth traffic flow and the mobility and safety of community. Traffic incident management requires fast and accurate collection and retrieval of critical data, such as incident conditions, and contact information for the intervention crew, public safety organisations and other resources. Access to critical data by traffic control operators can be facilitated through various human-computer interfaces. This paper describes the judicious introduction of a multimodal interaction paradigm to the user interfaces for incident handling in a metropolitan transport management centre. Prototypes supporting speech and gestural interaction have been built based on user-centred design methodology and their evaluations have been conducted through user studies. The presented innovative user interfaces provide traffic control operators with intuitive, cognitively efficient ways to record traffic incident conditions, facilitate fast retrieval of contact details, and support time-critical incident handling. © 2006 IEEE.
Yu, K, Hedley, M, Sharp, I & Guo, Y 1970, 'Node Positioning in Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, IEEE, pp. 641-646.
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Locating the sensor nodes in an ad hoc wireless sensor network (WSN) is a very challenging task. In general, the network nodes are not synchronised and the internal delays within the sensor nodes may be unknown. As a result, the positioning problem can not be solved by simply using the triangulation method and certain prior information must be provided. In this paper, we consider a scenario where there are a number of nodes whose positions are known, and it is required to locate the other mobile or static sensor nodes within the radio range of each other by measuring the time of arrival (TOA) in the whole system. Two algorithms are employed, the direct method and the linear least squares (LS) estimator. The performance of the two algorithms is investigated. In particular an analytical formula is derived to estimate the performance of the LS estimator. Simulation results agree well with theoretical predictions. © 2006 IEEE.
Yu, P, Wu, MX, Yu, H & Xiao, GQ 1970, 'The Challenges for the Adoption of M-Health', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE.
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Yu, S, Li, Z & Liu, B 1970, 'Online Algorithm for Application Layer Anycast', Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 340-345.
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Application layer anycast possesses the property of flexibility, however, all the proposed application layer anycast routing algorithms are based on probing so far. One disadvantage of probing algorithms is that there are too many probing packets, which degrade the network performance, wast network bandwidth. In this paper, we propose an online algorithm, balance algorithm, for application layer anycast. Compared with the probing algorithms, the proposed algorithm has no probing cost at all. We model the two kinds of algorithms, and analyse the performance of the two algorithms. The results show that the online balance algorithm is better than the probing algorithms in terms of performance. A simulation is conducting as future work.
Yuedong, Z, Jianguo, Z, Youguang, G & Jianxun, J 1970, 'Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Based on Fuzzy Logic', 2007 Chinese Control Conference, 2007 Chinese Control Conference, IEEE, Zhangjiajie, China, pp. 345-349.
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This paper presents a control strategy suitable for hydrogen/air proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), based on the process modeling using fuzzy logic. The control approach is tested using a PEMFC stack consisting of 32 cells with parallel channels. An optimal fuzzy-PI controller is designed to mainly control the hydrogen and air/oxygen mass flows, and auxiliary variables such as the temperature, pressure, humidity of the membrane, and proportion of stoichiometry. The fuzzy logic controller possesses many advantages over the PID controllers, such as a higher performance/cost ratio. It is shown experimentally that the optimal fuzzy-PI controller can improve the voltage and current performance of the system when the load changes.
Yuehe Ge & Esselle, KP 1970, 'Design of Single-Band and Dual-Band AMC Surfaces by combining a Micro-genetic Algorithm with the Spectral FDTD Method', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 3853-3856.
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Yuehe Ge, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 1970, 'A Spiral-Shaped Printed Monopole Antenna for Mobile Communications', 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, pp. 3681-3684.
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Yuehe Ge, Esselle, KP & Bird, TS 1970, 'Compact Triple-Arm Multi-Band Monopole Antenna', IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, 2006., IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, 2006., IEEE, White Plains, NY, pp. 172-175.
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Yusop, N, Lowe, DB & Zowghi, D 1970, 'A survey of issue resolution on the incremental refinement of the system scope in web system development', Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web engineering - ICWE '06, the 6th international conference, ACM Press, Palo Alto, CA, USA, pp. 313-313.
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Increasingly, IT systems and Web systems in particular, fall into the class of applications where the scope of the application to be developed cannot be clearly articulated a priori. This is for a range of reasons, but is at least in part due to the complex inter-dependencies which exist between different aspects of the problem domain. While Whereas the core system requirements might be clear, the domain inter-dependencies lead to ancillary requirements which are only identified as the emerging system and its relationship to the domain are understood. A key mechanism in supporting the development of this understanding is the exploration of application pilots or prototypes, and the subsequent identification of solution or problem domain issues. The resolution of these issues will often play a crucial role in supporting the development of domain understanding and hence project scope. In this paper we explore this phenomenon by analysing issue handling across a range of case studies. We describe a model of the issue resolution process and highlight those issues which are most likely to assist in clarification of project scope.
Yusop, N, Zowghi, D & Lowe, D 1970, 'The impacts of non-functional requirements in web system projects', Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2006, European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, Brunel University, Alicante, Spain, pp. 1-8.
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In Web system development, the non-functional requirements (NFRs) are typically considered only briefly during the requirements elicitation stage and not rigorously articulated by either Web developers or the client. This paper reports on an investigation into this issue involving interviews with Web developers who were engaged in commercial Web development projects. The results from this qualitative research highlight that Web developers commonly do not pay sufficient attention to NFRs. This arises due to uncertainty, lack of time, lack of knowledge in the importance of NFRs and partly because NFRs are not readily available and documented from previous similar projects. Web developers also do not elicit NFR at the same time and at the same level of details as functional requirements (FRs). This study highlights that a lack of rigor in articulating NFRs may significantly impact on the development effectiveness and the quality of the resulting Web system.
Zao, JK, Hu, J-S, Chiou, J-C, Huang, Y-L, Li, S-C, Kuo, Z-Y, Chuang, M-C, Hsu, S-H, Tseng, Y-C, Liu, JWS & Lin, C-T 1970, 'Kannon: Ubiquitous Sensor/Actuator Technologies for Elderly Living and Care: A Multidisciplinary Effort in National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 4297-4303.
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A team of researchers including computer scientists, electrical and control engineers, architects, industrial designers, human factor engineers, and cognitive scientists in the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan, along with their overseas collaborators launched the project Kannon, a multidisciplinary effort to develop Adaptive Assistive Technologies that can be deployed incrementally into existing private/public spaces and collaborate opportunistically to offer monitoring, assisting, communicating and rejuvenating services to healthy elders. The team combined the state-of-art information, communication and robotic know-how with the activity oriented method for product design and the modular functional approach in modern architecture in order to devise a holistic support for successful aging. This paper presents the philosophy, approach and first fruits of this project. © 2006 IEEE.
Zhan, Y, Zhu, J & Guo, Y 1970, 'Parameter control for Improving he Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack', Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Victoria, University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-6.
Zhang, G, Lu, J & Dillon, T 1970, 'An approximation branch-and-bound algorithm for fuzzy bilevel decision making problems', Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, IMCSIT, Autumn meeting point of Polish information processing society, PTI, Wisla, Poland, pp. 223-231.
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Organizational decision making often involves two decision levels. When the leader at the upper level attempts to optimize his/her objective, the follower at the lower level tries to find an optimized strategy according to each of possible decisions made by the leader. Furthermore, such bilevel decision making may involve uncertain parameters which appear either in the objective functions or constraints of the leader or the follower. Following our previous work on fuzzy bilevel decision making, this study proposes a solution concept and related theorems for general- fuzzy-number based fuzzy parameter bilevel programming problems. It then develops an approximation Branch-and-bound algorithm to solve the proposed problem. © 2006 PIPS.
Zhang, G, Lu, J & Dillon, T 1970, 'An extended Branch-and-Bound algorithm for fuzzy linear bilevel programming', Applied Artificial Intelligence, International Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference, World scientific, Genova, Italy, pp. 291-298.
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This paper presents an extended Branch-and-Bound algorithm for solving fuzzy linear bilevel programming problems. In a fuzzy bilevel programming model, the leader attempts to optimize his/her fuzzy objective with a consideration of overall satisfaction,
Zhang, G, Zhang, G, Lu, J & Lu, H 1970, 'Environmental/economic dispatch using genetic algorithm and fuzzy number ranking method', Applied Artificial Intelligence, International Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference, World Scientific, Genova, Italy, pp. 59-66.
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Zhang, G, Zhang, H & Wong, KYK 1970, '1D camera geometry and its application to circular motion estimation', BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, pp. 67-76.
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This paper describes a new and robust method for estimating circular motion geometry from an uncalibrated image sequence. Under circular motion, all the camera centers lie on a circle, and the mapping of the plane containing this circle to the horizon line in the image can be modelled as a 1D projection. A 2 × 2 homography is introduced in this paper to relate the projections of the camera centers in two 1D views. It is shown that the two imaged circular points and the rotation angle between the two views can be derived directly from the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of such a homography respectively. The proposed 1D geometry can be nicely applied to circular motion estimation using either point correspondences or silhouettes. The method introduced here is intrinsically a multiple view approach as all the sequence geometry embedded in the epipoles is exploited in the computation of the homography for a view pair. This results in a robust method which gives accurate estimated rotation angles and imaged circular points. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the simplicity and applicability of the new method.
Zhang, H, Jia, W, He, X & Wu, Q 1970, 'A Fast Algorithm for License Plate Detection in Various Conditions', 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE, Taibei, China, pp. 2420-2425.
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This paper proposes a fast algorithm detecting license plates in various conditions. There are three main contributions in this paper. The first contribution is that we define a new vertical edge map, with which the license plate detection algorithm is extremely fast. The second contribution is that we construct a cascade classifier which is composed of two kinds of classifiers. The classifiers based on statistical features decrease the complexity of the system. They are followed by the classifiers based on Haar-features, which make it possible to detect license plate in various conditions. Our algorithm is robust to the variance of the illumination, view angle, the position, size and color of the license plates when working in complex environment. The third contribution is that we experimentally analyze the relations of the scaling factor with detection rate and processing time. On the basis of the analysis, we select the optimal scaling factor in our algorithm. In the experiments, both high detection rate (with low false positive rate) and high speed are achieved when the algorithm is used to detect license plates in various complex conditions. © 2006 IEEE.
Zhang, H, Jia, W, He, X & Wu, Q 1970, 'Real-Time License Plate Detection Under Various Conditions', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), International Conference on Ubiquitous and Intelligence Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Wuhan, China, pp. 192-199.
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This paper proposes an algorithm for real-time license plate detection. In this algorithm, the relatively easy car plate features are adopted including the simple statistical feature and Harr-like feature. The simplicity of the object features used is very helpful to real-time processing. The classifiers based on statistical features decrease the complexity of the system. They are followed by the classifiers based on Haar-like features, which makes the final classifier invariant to the brightness, color, size and position of license plates. The experimental results obtained by the proposed algorithm exhibit the encouraging performance. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Zhang, J, Lu, J, Zhang, G & Yan, X 1970, 'An integrated analysis method for bank customer classification', Applied Artificial Intelligence, International Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference, World Scientific, Genova, Italy, pp. 247-252.
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Zhang, R, Vigneswaran, S, Ngo, HH & Nguyen, H 1970, 'Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX (R)) resin as a pre-treatment to a submerged membrane system in the treatment of biologically treated wastewater', DESALINATION, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, pp. 296-302.
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Zhang, Y, Shao, K, Guo, Y & Lavers, J 1970, 'Multiquadrics Collocation Method for Transient Eddy Current Problems', INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, IEEE, pp. 663-663.
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Zhao, N, Song, YH & Lu, H 1970, 'Risk assessment of strategies using total time on test transform', 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 8 pp.-8 pp..
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Zhao, Y, Cao, L, Morrow, Y, Ou, Y, Ni, J & Zhang, C 1970, 'Discovering Debtor Patterns of Centrelink Customers', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, Australian Data Mining Conference, ACS Inc, Sydney, Australia, pp. 135-144.
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Data mining is currently becoming an increasingly hot research field, but a large gap still remains between the research of data mining and its application in real-world business. As one of the largest data users in Australia, Centrelink has huge volume of data in data warehouse and tapes. Based on the available data, Centrelink is seeking to find underlying patterns to be able to intervene earlier to prevent or minimize debt. To discover the debtor patterns of Centrelink customers and bridge the gap between data mining research and application, we have done a project on improving income reporting to discover the patterns of those customers who were or are in debt to Centrelink. Two data models were built respectively for demographic data and activity data, and decision tree and sequence mining were used respectively to discover demographic patterns and activity sequence patterns of debtors. The project produced some potentially interesting results, and paved the way for more data mining applications in Centrelink in near future. © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Zheng, L, He, X, Wu, Q & Hintz, T 1970, 'Learning-Based Number Recognition on Spiral Architecture', 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Grand Hyatt, Singapore, pp. 1-5.
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In this paper, a number recognition algorithm is proposed on Spiral Architecture, a hexagonal image structure. This algorithm employs RULES-3 inductive learning method to recognize numbers. The algorithm starts from a collection of samples of numbers from number plates. Edge maps of the samples are then detected based on Spiral Architecture. A set of rules are extracted using these samples by RULES-3. The rules describe the frequencies of 9 different edge masks appearing in the samples. Each mask is a cluster of 7 hexagonal pixels. In order to recognize a number plate, all numbers are tested one by one using the extracted rules. The number recognition is achieved by counting the frequencies of the 9 masks. In this paper, a comparison between results based on rectangular structure and the results based on Spiral Architecture is given. From the experimental results, we can make the conclusion that Spiral Architecture is better than rectangular structure for inductive learning-based number recognition. © 2006 IEEE.
Zheng, L, He, X, Wu, Q & Hintz, T 1970, 'Learning-based number recognition on spiral architecture', 2006 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION, VOLS 1- 5, 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 2148-+.
Zheng, L, Jin, J, Guo, Y, Lu, H & Zhu, J 1970, 'Technology and Development of High Temperature Superconducting Linear Motors Conference', Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Victoria, University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-6.
Zheng, Z, Zhang, G, He, Q, Lu, J & Shi, Z 1970, 'Rule sets based bilevel decision model', Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, Australasian Computer Science Conference, ACM Digital Library, Hobart, Australia, pp. 113-120.
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Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers, each tries to optimize their individual objectives under constraints, act and react in an uncooperative, sequential manner. Such a bilevel optimization structure appears naturally in many aspects of planning, management and policy making. However, bilevel decision making may involve many uncertain factors in a real world problem. Therefore it is hard to determine the objective functions and constraints of the leader and the follower when build a bilevel decision model. To deal with this issue, this study explores the use of rule sets to format a bilevel decision problem by establishing a rule sets based model. After develop a method to construct a rule sets based bilevel model of a real-world problem, an example to illustrate the construction process is presented. Copyright © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
Zhong, J, Guo, Y, Zhu, J & Lin, Z 1970, 'Magnetic Characteristics of Magneto-rheological Material with 2D Fluxes', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) Industry Applications Society, Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 1-4.
ZHOU, J, WANG, Z & TÖNNIES, KD 1970, 'FOCAL REGION-BASED VOLUME RENDERING', International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt, pp. 665-677.
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In this paper, a new approach named focal region-based volume rendering for visualizing internal structures of volumetric data is presented. This approach presents volumetric information through integrating context information as the structure analysis of the data set with a lens-like focal region rendering to show more detailed information. This feature-based approach contains three main components: (i) A feature extraction model using 3D image processing techniques to explore the structure of objects to provide contextual information; (ii) An efficient ray-bounded volume ray casting rendering to provide the detailed information of the volume of interest in the focal region; (iii) The tools used to manipulate focal regions to make this approach more flexible. The approach provides a powerful framework for producing detailed information from volumetric data. Providing contextual information and focal region renditions at the same time has the advantages of easy to understand and comprehend volume information for the scientist. The interaction techniques provided in this approach make the focal region-based volume rendering more flexible and easy to use.