Abolhasan, M, Wysocki, T & Dutkeiwicz, E 2001, 'A review of current on-demand routing protocols', NETWORKING - ICN 2001, PART II, PROCEEDINGS, vol. 2094, pp. 186-195.
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Mobile ad hoc networks are data networks entirely made up of enduser communication terminals (known as nodes). Each node in the network can act as an information sink (i.e. a receiver), a source and a router. All nodes have a transmission range, which is limited by their transmission power, attenuation and interference. Mobile ad hoc networks have a number of disadvantages over wired networks. These include limited bandwidth in the wireless medium, limited power supply and mobility. The traditional routing algorithms such as DBF will not work in such networks due to lack of scalability and ability to cope with highly mobile networks. Recently, a number of routing protocols have been designed to overcome these issues. These protocols can be classified into three different categories: global, on-demand and hybrid routing. In this paper, we provide a performance comparison for on-demand routing protocols, which is based on a number of different parameters. This paper also considers which protocol characteristics will produce better performance levels in these networks, and what improvements can be made to further increase the efficiency of some of these routing protocols.
Ageron, M, Albert, A, Barvich, T, Beaumont, W, Beckers, T, Bernier, K, Blüm, P, Bouhali, O, Boulogne, I, Bouvet, D, Brom, JM, Charles, F, Coffin, J, Contardo, D, Daubie, E, Didierjean, F, Erdmann, M, De Lentdecker, G, Devroede, O, De Troy, J, Ernenwein, JP, Fahrer, M, Flügge, G, Fontaine, JC, Geist, W, Goerlach, U, Gottschalk, M, Helleboid, JM, Huss, D, Iacopi, F, Kärcher, K, Kühn, F, Juillot, P, Lounis, A, Maazouzi, C, Macke, D, Martin, C, Mirabito, L, Moreau, S, Müller, T, Neuberger, D, Nowack, A, Perries, S, Ripp-Baudot, I, Röderer, F, Schulte, R, Shekhtman, L, Simonis, HJ, Struczinski, W, Tatarinov, A, Thümmel, WH, Udo, F, Van Doninck, W, Van Dyck, C, Vander Velde, C, Vanlaer, P, Van Lancker, L, Weiler, T, Zander, A, Zghiche, A & Zhukov, V 2001, 'Robustness test of a system of MSGC+GEM detectors at the cyclotron facility of the Paul Scherrer institute', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 471, no. 3, pp. 380-391.
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Apkarian, P, Hoang Duong Tuan & Bernussou, J 2001, 'Continuous-time analysis, eigenstructure assignment, and H/sub 2/ synthesis with enhanced linear matrix inequalities (LMI) characterizations', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 1941-1946.
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Bell, NH, Morrison, NA, Nguyen, TV, Eisman, J & Hollis, BW 2001, 'Apa I polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor predict bone density of the lumbar spine and not racial difference in bone density in young men', Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, vol. 137, no. 2, pp. 133-140.
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Beydoun, G & Hoffmann, A 2001, 'Theoretical basis for hierarchical incremental knowledge acquisition', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 407-452.
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Bishop, DW, Thomas, PS, Ray, AS & Simon, P 2001, 'Two-stage kinetic model for the alpha-beta phase recrystallisation in nickel sulphide', JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 201-210.
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Toughened glass panels used as a glazing material in multistorey buildings are known to fracture prematurely when they contain nickel sulfide inclusions as a result of the phase recrystallisation in nickel sulfide. The kinetics of this recrystallisation were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. The recrystallisation was observed to be a two-step process with an induction period followed by the phase change. A two-stage kinetic model was used to estimate the recrystallisation time under ambient conditions. These values were found to correlate well with the observed time to failure for glass panels installed in multistorey buildings.
Blunden, B & Indraratna, B 2001, 'Pyrite Oxidation Model for Assessing Ground-Water Management Strategies in Acid Sulfate Soils', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 127, no. 2, pp. 146-157.
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Bonchis, A, Corke, PI, Rye, DC & Ha, QP 2001, 'Variable structure methods in hydraulic servo systems control', AUTOMATICA, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 589-595.
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In the general framework of hydraulic servo systems, this paper addresses the problem of position control in the presence of important friction nonlinearities. The accent falls on the variable structure methodology, as we try to use its intrinsic robustness properties. Several friction observers, including the one based on a variable structure approach, were incorporated and tested in an acceleration feedback control. Next, we present a novel implementation of a variable structure controller, which lumps friction and load as an external disturbance. Results of extensive experimental testing encourage the use of variable structure methods in a class of highly nonlinear hydraulic servo systems
Boumans, RM, Villa, F, Costanza, R, Voinov, A, Voinov, H & Maxwell, T 2001, 'Non-spatial calibrations of a general unit model for ecosystem simulations', Ecological Modelling, vol. 146, no. 1-3, pp. 17-32.
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Buffoli, F, Graffeo, M, Nicosia, F, Gentile, C, Cesari, P, Rolfi, F & Paterlini, A 2001, 'Peptic ulcer bleeding: Comparison of two hemostatic procedures', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 89-94.
Catchpoole, DR & Lock, RB 2001, 'The potential tumour suppressor role for caspase-9 (CASP9) in the childhood malignancy, neuroblastoma', European Journal of Cancer, vol. 37, no. 17, pp. 2217-2221.
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The clinical aggressiveness of neuroblastoma, a childhood embryonal tumour of neuroectodermal cells derived from the neural crest, is considered to be dictated by the competitive interactions between cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Caspase-9 is a central effector enzyme in the apoptotic mechanism. Recent studies with caspase-9 (CASP9) knockout mice indicate a primary defect in the brain caused by decreased apoptosis during the early stages of nervous system development. It is our hypothesis that silencing of CASP9 through genetic mutations may promote neuroblastoma tumorigenesis. Here, we report the outcome of screening neuroblastoma tumours for silencing mutations in CASP9. cDNA prepared from RNA isolated from 22 neuroblastoma tumours representing the full range of neuroblastoma clinicopathological disease stages was sequenced. Single nucleotide changes were detected in all neuroblastoma tumours, but were found not to represent silencing mutations, but rather sequence polymorphisms. These polymorphisms did not associate with the clinicopathological stages of disease or the predicted clinical outcomes of the patients. Silencing mutations of CASP9 are therefore unlikely to be causal to neuroblastoma tumorigenesis. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cetindamar, D 2001, 'The role of regulations in the diffusion of environment technologies: micro and macro issues', European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 186-193.
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Analyzes the impact of regulations on the process of the diffusion and development of environment technologies from the perspective of both firm and technology policies. Based on a case study in the Turkish fertilizer industry, observes that regulations and public pressures are the main determinants both in the transfer and in the diffusion of environment technologies, indicating the importance of the institutional infrastructure, namely the interplay among firms, government and non‐governmental organizations. Thus, attempts to integrate the findings of the study and concludes with some technology policy issues both at the micro and macro level.
Chakraverty, S & Wright, J 2001, 'Adverse events in British hospitals. 'Errors meetings' in radiology did not identify errors leading to complaints and litigation.', BMJ, vol. 322, no. 7299, pp. 1425-1426.
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Chan, J, Landfeldt, B, Liu, R & Seneviratne, A 2001, 'A home-proxy based wireless internet framework in supporting mobility and roaming of real-time services', IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E84-B, no. 4, pp. 873-884.
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Due to the lack of support in mobility and quality of service, today's IP-based networks have some inherent limitations for delivering multimedia services in a mobile environment. In the past few years, these issues have been addressed in the research community and the resulting techniques are being standardised. However, these developments have been done in isolation and become incompatible with each other. In addition to these technical issues, the future infrastructure for charging and accounting mobile multimedia services is expected to be increasingly complicated. In this paper we present a home-proxy based framework which can facilitate the integration of mobility support and QoS management. Furthermore, it enables centralised accounting, which simplifies the cost recovery processes of roaming services. To prove the viability of our design, we have built and tested this framework on a DiffServ wide-area backbone using an MP3 streaming application.
Chan, J, Landfeldt, B, Liu, R & Seneviratne, A 2001, 'A home-proxy based wireless Internet framework in supporting mobility and roaming of real-time services', IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, vol. E84B, no. 4, pp. 873-884.
Chia-Feng Juang & Chgin-Teng Lin 2001, 'Noisy speech processing by recurrently adaptive fuzzy filters', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 139-152.
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Chi-Hsu Wang, Han-Leih Liu & Chin-Teng Lin 2001, 'Dynamic optimal learning rates of a certain class of fuzzy neural networks and its applications with genetic algorithm', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 467-475.
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Costanza, R & Voinov, A 2001, 'Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part III', Ecological Modelling, vol. 143, no. 1-2, pp. 1-7.
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Cucchiara, R, Mello, P, Piccardi, M & Riguzzi, F 2001, 'An application of machine learning and statistics to defect detection', Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 151-164.
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de Cooman, G, Zhang, G & E. Kerre, E 2001, 'Possibility measures and possibility integrals defined on a complete lattice', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 120, no. 3, pp. 459-467.
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Der-Jenq Liu & Chin-Teng Lin 2001, 'Fundamental frequency estimation based on the joint time-frequency analysis of harmonic spectral structure', IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 609-621.
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Dissanayake, G 2001, 'Introduction', ROBOTICA, vol. 19, pp. 465-466.
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Dissanayake, G & Fang, G 2001, 'Minimum-time trajectories for reducing load sway in quay-cranes', ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 643-662.
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Dissanayake, G, Sukkarieh, S, Nebot, E & Durrant-Whyte, H 2001, 'The aiding of a low-cost strapdown inertial measurement unit using vehicle model constraints for land vehicle applications', IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 731-747.
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Dissanayake, MWMG, Newman, P, Clark, S, Durrant-Whyte, HF & Csorba, M 2001, 'A solution to the simultaneous localization and map building (SLAM) problem', IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 229-241.
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Dovey, K & Onyx, J 2001, 'Generating social capital at the workplace: a South African case of inside-out social renewal', International Journal of Lifelong Education, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 151-168.
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Dovey, K, Green, J & McQueen, M 2001, 'Academic Learning Revisited: Curriculum innovation in an Australian university', Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 383-397.
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The paper explores an attempt by a small team of staff within the School of Management at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to transform the only postgraduate third sector management programme offered in Australia, in response to powerful external and internal pressures for change. After analysing the nature of these contextual imperatives for the transformation of the programme, the paper outlines the rationale underpinning the new programme and the 'intrapreneurial' process that accompanied its implementation. Thereafter, the results of an evaluation of the transformed programme, conducted after the first phase of strategic action, are presented, with specific attention given to an analysis of the politics of its implementation and the nature of the learning gained by the participants in the programme.
Endo, MM, Barbour, PS, Barton, DC, Fisher, J, Tipper, JL, Ingham, E & Stone, MH 2001, 'Comparative wear and wear debris under three different counterface conditions of crosslinked and non-crosslinked ultra high molecular weight polyethylene.', Biomed Mater Eng, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 23-35.
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The wear debris generated from ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) have been recognised as one of the major causes of failure in total hip replacements (THR). It is essential to reduce the wear debris generated from UHMWPE acetabular cups in order to minimise this problem. Debris in the submicron size range is believed to have greater osteolytic potential. It is now known that crosslinked UHMWPE acetabular cups have reduced volumetric wear rates but little is known about the influence of crosslinking on the size and morphology of the wear debris. In this study, the wear of grade GUR 1020 crosslinked (vacuum gamma irradiated), GUR 1120 crosslinked (acetylene enhanced irradiated) and non cross linked (ethylene oxide sterilised) GUR 1020 UHMWPE was compared in multidirectional pin-on-plate wear tests under three different counterface conditions (smooth, isotropically rough and scratched counterfaces). Multidirectional motion was chosen because this motion was closer to the relative motion in the natural hip. From this study, better wear resistance of crosslinked UHMWPE compared with non-crosslinked UHMWPE was demonstrated for the smooth counterface conditions. However, in the rough and scratched counterface conditions, the vacuum gamma irradiated crosslinked material produced significantly higher wear rates than the non-crosslinked material. The analysis of the wear debris showed that the majority of the volume of the acetylene enhanced crosslinked UHMWPE wear debris was in the most biologically active size range (0.1 to 0.5 microm). In contrast, the non-crosslinked material and the vacuum gamma irradiated crosslinked material had a greater proportion of the volume of the debris in the larger size ranges which are less biologically active. This has important implications for its osteolytic potential.
Fang, FX & Johnston, AJ 2001, 'Oil containment by boom in waves and wind, I: Numerical model', JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 222-227.
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The effectiveness of a boom is associated with the hydrodynamics in the vicinity of the oil slick that it is attempting to contain, especially under open-sea conditions. A comprehensive investigation of oil containment is provided under various current, wave, and wind conditions. In this paper, a local two-phase nonlinear hydrodynamic numerical model is developed to simulate oil containment by a fixed boom under open-sea conditions. The shape of an oil slick is a function of time, and unstable waves may develop along the oil-water interfacial boundary. This paper describes a simulation of the behavior of the oil slick and deals with important interfacial boundary conditions. A nonhydrostatic pressure is introduced to accommodate the complicated local flow near the oil slick and a successive overrelaxation method is used to solve the pressure equation. A comparison is made of the oil slick shape with and without the hydrostatic pressure assumption. Some simple simulations of free-surface elevations under a number of wave conditions are performed to verify the numerical model. The computed results are in general agreement with those obtained from previous experiments.
Fang, FX & Johnston, AJ 2001, 'Oil containment by boom in waves and wind. II: Waves', JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 228-233.
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In the first of these companion papers, a two-phase numerical model was described and tested for some simple cases under wave conditions. This paper applies that numerical model to simulate the interfacial waves and oil free-surface waves under a number of key hydrodynamic conditions. The characteristics of oil-water interfacial waves and free-surface waves are discussed. Effects of currents and waves on the interfacial waves (interfacial elevation, oil-water relative velocity, and interfacial velocity components) are investigated. The variation of the oil thickness under current and wave conditions is also discussed. The computational results indicate that an increase in the incoming wave height and period may (1) cause instability of the oil-water interfacial waves near the front of the oil slick and this may promote entrainment failure: (2) increase the interfacial waves and free-surface waves at the boom: (3) lower the trough of the oil-water interface at the boom and thus promote drainage failure if the oil thickness exceeds the boom draft; and (4) decrease the freeboard of the boom and thus encourage oversplashing failure.
Fang, FX & Johnston, AJ 2001, 'Oil containment by boom in waves and wind. III: Containment failure', JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 234-239.
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The numerical simulation of interfacial waves and waves on the free surface of an oil slick under combined current and wave conditions is presented in a companion paper. The present paper focuses on the application of a numerical model developed by Fang and Johnston that numerically predicts the relationship between oil containment failure velocity and wave/wind parameters. Comparative laboratory experiments have been undertaken in a 24-m-long, 0.4-m-wide, 0.4-m-deep wave flume. Detailed comparisons and discussions of the computed and experimental results are provided. The effects of oil viscosity and density on oil containment failure velocity receive particular attention, and the influences of other parameters such as oil volume and boom draft are also quantified. It is concluded that the developed numerical model provides an economic, convenient, and effective method of predicting oil containment failure under various sea conditions.
Firkins, PJ, Tipper, JL, Ingham, E, Stone, MH, Farrar, R & Fisher, J 2001, 'A novel low wearing differential hardness, ceramic-on-metal hip joint prosthesis', Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 1291-1298.
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Firkins, PJ, Tipper, JL, Ingham, E, Stone, MH, Farrar, R & Fisher, J 2001, 'Influence of simulator kinematics on the wear of metal-on-metal hip prostheses', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 215, no. 1, pp. 119-121.
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There is now considerable interest in metal-on-metal bearings for hip prostheses. Extremely low wear rates (0.1 mm3/106 cycles) have been reported in some simulator studies, while in vivo studies, although still very low, have shown wear rates of the order of 1 mm3/106 cycles. The aim of this study was to compare wear rates of metal-on-metal bearings in two hip simulators with different kinematic inputs. In the simulator with three independent input motions which produced an open elliptical wear path with a low level of eccentricity, the wear rates were very low as recorded previously in other simulators. In the simulator with two input motions which produced an open elliptical wear path with greater eccentricity the wear rate was at least ten times higher and closer to clinical values. The motion and kinematic conditions in the contact are critical determinants of wear in metal-on-metal bearings.
Firkins, PJ, Tipper, JL, Saadatzadeh, MR, Ingham, E, Stone, MH, Farrar, R & Fisher, J 2001, 'Quantitative analysis of wear and wear debris from metal-on-metal hip prostheses tested in a physiological hip joint simulator.', Biomed Mater Eng, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 143-157.
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Osteolysis and loosening of artificial joints caused by UHMWPE wear debris has prompted renewed interest in metal-on-metal (MOM) hip prostheses. This study investigated the wear and wear debris morphology generated by MOM prostheses in a physiological anatomical hip simulator for different carbon content cobalt chrome alloys. The low carbon pairings demonstrated significantly higher 'bedding in' and steady state wear rates than the mixed and high carbon pairings. The in vitro wear rates reported here were up to one or two orders of magnitude lower than the clinical wear rates for first-generation MOM hip prostheses. Two methods for characterising the metal wear debris were developed, involving digestion, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The metal wear particles characterised by the two methods were similar in size, 25-36 nm, and comparable to particles isolated from periprosthetic tissues from first and second-generation MOM hip prostheses. Due to the small size of the metal particles, the number of particles generated per year for MOM prostheses in vitro was estimated to be up to 100 times higher than the number of polyethylene particles generated per year in vivo. The volumetric wear rates were affected by the carbon content of the cobalt chrome alloy and the material combinations used. However, particle size and morphology was not affected by method of particle characterisation, the carbon content of the alloy or material combination.
Francois, R & Castel, A 2001, 'Influences of bending crack and water-cement ratio on chloride-induced corrosion of main reinforcing bars and stirrups. Discussion', ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 276-278.
François, R, Castel, A, Otsuki, N, Miyazato, SI, Diola, NB & Suzuki, H 2001, 'Influences of bending crack and water-cement ratio on chloride-induced corrosion of main reinforcing bars and stirrups. Paper by Nobuaki Otsuki, Shin-Ichi Miyazato, Nathaniel B. Diola, and Hirotaka Suzuki', ACI Materials Journal, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 276-278.
Ge, Y & Esselle, KP 2001, 'A fast and general complex image method for evaluating the Sommerfeld integrals', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 24-26.
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AbstractThis paper presents an efficient technique for evaluating the Sommerfeld integrals. It has the advantages of speed and simplicity over numerical techniques, and it is more general than previous methods based on the Sommerfeld identity. Numerical examples are given and compared with those from numerical integration. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 30: 24–26, 2001.
Gin-Der Wu & Chin-Teng Lin 2001, 'A recurrent neural fuzzy network for word boundary detection in variable noise-level environments', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 84-97.
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Gorrie, C, Duflou, J, Brown, J, Gibson, T & Waite, PME 2001, 'Extent and Distribution of Vascular Brain Injury in Pediatric Road Fatalities', Journal of Neurotrauma, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 849-860.
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This study used a multidisciplinary approach to examine the brains of pediatric road trauma fatalities in the Sydney area over a 3-year period. The brains of 32 children (0-16 years) were examined: 20 pedestrians, nine passengers, and three cyclists. The
Guo, YG, Zhu, JG & Ramsden, VS 2001, 'Design and construction of a single phase claw pole permanent magnet motor using composite magnetic material', RENEWABLE ENERGY, vol. 22, no. 1-3, pp. 185-195.
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To investigate the application of composite magnetic material in electrical machines, a small single phase claw pole permanent magnet motor using this soft material as the stator iron core has been designed and constructed. Based on the three dimensional magnetic analysis the output performance, efficiency, power factor, output and cogging torque are computed.
Ha, QP, Nguyen, QH, Rye, DC & Durrant-Whyte, HF 2001, 'Fuzzy sliding-mode controllers with applications', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 38-46.
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AbstractâThis paper concerns the design of robust control systems using sliding-mode control that incorporates a fuzzy tuning technique. The control law superposes equivalent control, switching control, and fuzzy control. An equivalent control law is first designed using pole placement. Switching control is then added to guarantee that the state reaches the sliding mode in the presence of parameter and disturbance uncertainties. Fuzzy tuning schemes are employed to improve control performance and to reduce chattering in the sliding mode. The practical application of fuzzy logic is proposed here as a computational-intelligence approach to engineering problems associated with sliding-mode controllers. The proposed method can have a number of industrial applications including the joint control of a hydraulically actuated mini-excavator as presented in this paper. The control hardware is described together with simulated and experimental results. High performance and attenuated chatter are achieved. The results obtained verify the validity of the proposed control approach to dynamic systems characterized by severe uncertainties.
Hagare, P, Thiruvenkatachari, R & Ngo, H 2001, 'A feasibility study of using haematite to remove dissolved organic carbon in water treatment', Separation Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 2547-2560.
Hagare, P, Thiruvenkatachari, R & Ngo, HH 2001, 'A feasibility study of using hematite to remove dissolved organic carbon in water treatment', SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 2547-2559.
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Hao, H & Wu, C 2001, 'Scaled-Distance Relationships For Chamber Blast Accidents in Underground Storage of Explosives', Fragblast, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 57-90.
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Common approaches in practice to predict underground explosion-induced stress wave intensity are based on some empirical formulae. Those empirical formulae were obtained by different researchers based on their testing data at various sites. They can predict the peak particle velocities (PPV) and / or peak particle accelerations (PPA) of propagating stress wave at various locations. They usually include the effect of explosion loading density in terms of a decoupling factor, but do not take into consideration the effects of other explosion conditions, such as the charge chamber geometry, explosive location and distribution. In this paper, a previously calibrated numerical model is used to perform parametric calculations to investigate the effects of underground explosion conditions on stress wave propagation and damage at a granite site. Based on the numerical results, some formulae, which include the effects of various explosion conditions, are derived to predict peak particle acceleration (PPA), peak particle velocity (PPV) and principal frequency of stress wave in the granite mass. The proposed formulae are also compared with the empirical formulae obtained from blasting tests conducted at the site under consideration.
Hoang Duong Tuan, Ono, E, Apkarian, P & Hosoe, S 2001, 'Nonlinear H/sub ∞/ control for an integrated suspension system via parameterized linear matrix inequality characterizations', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 175-185.
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Hossain, NB & Stewart, MG 2001, 'Probabilistic Models of Damaging Deflections for Floor Elements', Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 135-140.
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In this paper a number of serviceability issues related mainly to excessive deflections of structural floor elements (beams and slabs) are discussed. Field data of serviceability damage caused by excessive deflections of structural floor elements have been collected from various sources and probabilistic models are developed. Current serviceability specifications for allowable deflection limits in Australian, U.S., and other concrete structure codes have been compared against these probabilistic distributions of damaging deflections. Preliminary results confirm that allowable deflection limits in these design codes represent realistic lower-bound values of damaging deflections.
Howling, GI, Barnett, PI, Tipper, JL, Stone, MH, Fisher, J & Ingham, E 2001, 'Quantitative characterization of polyethylene debris isolated from periprosthetic tissue in early failure knee implants and early and late failure Charnley hip implants', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 415-420.
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AbstractThis study isolated and characterized UHMWPE particles from 3 explant groups: early Charnley hip failures (ECE; < 10 years), late Charnley hip failures (LCE; > 10 years) and early knee failures (EKE; < 10 years). Debris isolated from the 3 groups had percentage particle number and percentage volumetric concentration distributions that were not significantly different. The greatest number of particles were found in the 0.1–0.5 μm size range and 19–20.6% of the volumetric concentration was below 1 μm in size in all groups. However, there were significant differences in the total volumetric concentration of debris isolated per g of tissue. LCE had significantly higher volumes of debris than ECE and EKE, there was no significant difference in the volume of debris from the EKE and ECE. The mean aspect ratio and mean irregularity ratio of the LCE group were also significantly higher than the ECE and EKE, suggesting that different wear mechanisms were occurring in the late Charnley group compared to the early Charnley and knee groups. These results also suggest that early knees, with normal surface wear, may have similar wear mechanisms to early Charnley hips and indicate that similar volumes of biologically active micrometer and sub‐micrometer UHMWPE particles were produced. This may have important implications in the longer‐term outcome of total knee arthroplasties, because it indicates a similar potential for osteolysis induced by wear debris. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res (Appl Biomater) 58: 415–420, 2001
Hsi-Wen Nein & Chin-Teng Lin 2001, 'Incorporating error shaping technique into LSF vector quantization', IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 73-86.
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Huang, S, Lam, J & Yang, GH 2001, 'Reliable linear-quadratic control for symmetric composite systems', International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 73-82.
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Hutvágner, G, Bánfalvi, Z, Milánkovics, I, Silhavy, D, Polgár, Z, Horváth, S, Wolters, P & Nap, J-P 2001, 'Molecular markers associated with leptinine production are located on chromosome 1 in Solanum chacoense', Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 102, no. 6-7, pp. 1065-1071.
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Leptines of Solanum chacoense are effective natural deterrents against the Colorado potato beetle. Leptines are the acetylated forms of the glycoalkaloids solanine and chaconine and are supposed to be synthesised via hydroxylated derivatives, called leptinines. Inheritance of leptinine production was studied in crosses of closely related S. chacoense genotypes. The segregation data supported a single-gene model for the inheritance of leptinine production. In the segregating F1 population of a S. chacoense cross, AFLP, RFLP and RAPD markers segregating with the leptinine production have been identified. The locus involved in leptinine synthesis was localised to the short arm of chromosome 1 of the potato where a major QTL for solanidine production, and markers with tight linkage to leptine production, have been mapped before. Our data further support the previous finding that the short arm of chromosome 1 is involved in steroid alkaloid synthesis in potato, and suggest that the genes involved in leptinine and leptine production are tightly linked in S. chacoense.
Hutvágner, G, McLachlan, J, Pasquinelli, AE, Bálint, E, Tuschl, T & Zamore, PD 2001, 'A Cellular Function for the RNA-Interference Enzyme Dicer in the Maturation of thelet-7Small Temporal RNA', Science, vol. 293, no. 5531, pp. 834-838.
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The 21-nucleotide small temporal RNA (stRNA)let-7regulates developmental timing inCaenorhabditis elegansand probably in other bilateral animals. We present in vivo and in vitro evidence that inDrosophila melanogastera developmentally regulated precursor RNA is cleaved by an RNA interference-like mechanism to produce maturelet-7stRNA. Targeted destruction in cultured human cells of the messenger RNA encoding the enzyme Dicer, which acts in the RNA interference pathway, leads to accumulation of thelet-7precursor. Thus, the RNA interference and stRNA pathways intersect. Both pathways require the RNA-processing enzyme Dicer to produce the active small-RNA component that represses gene expression.
Iacopi, F, Devroede, O, Pins, R, Van Hoof, R, Honore, M, Zhukov, V, Van Lancker, L, Van Doninck, W & Beyne, E 2001, 'An optimized process for the production of advanced planar wire grid plates as detectors for high energy physics experiments', SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 76-83.
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Im, D-S, Heise, CE, Nguyen, T, O'Dowd, BF & Lynch, KR 2001, 'Identification of a Molecular Target of Psychosine and Its Role in Globoid Cell Formation', The Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 153, no. 2, pp. 429-434.
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Globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) is characterized histopathologically by apoptosis of oligodendrocytes, progressive demyelination, and the existence of large, multinuclear (globoid) cells derived from perivascular microglia. The glycosphingolipid, psychosine (d-galactosyl-β-1,1′ sphingosine), accumulates to micromolar levels in GLD patients who lack the degradative enzyme galactosyl ceramidase. Here we document that an orphan G protein–coupled receptor, T cell death–associated gene 8, is a specific psychosine receptor. Treatment of cultured cells expressing this receptor with psychosine or structurally related glycosphingolipids results in the formation of globoid, multinuclear cells. Our discovery of a molecular target for psychosine suggests a mechanism for the globoid cell histology characteristic of GLD, provides a tool with which to explore the disjunction of mitosis and cytokinesis in cell cultures, and provides a platform for developing a medicinal chemistry for psychosine.
Indraratna, B & Ranjith, PG 2001, 'Laboratory Measurement of Two-Phase Flow Parameters in Rock Joints Based on High Pressure Triaxial Testing', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 127, no. 6, pp. 530-542.
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Indraratna, B, Aziz, NI & Dey, A 2001, 'Behaviour of joints containing clay infill under constant normal stiffness, with and without bolting', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 149, no. 4, pp. 259-267.
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The shear behaviour of bolted and non-bolted joints containing infill material was studied under the constant normal stiffness condition. More than 40 sawtooth-shaped samples having an asperity angle of 18·5° were tested. The shear behaviour of bolted and non-bolted joints containing infill material, up to 7·5 mm in thickness, was studied under various initial normal stress levels between 0·13 and 3·25 MPa, at a constant strain rate of 0·5 mm/min and a constant stiffness of 8·5 kN/mm. Significant reduction in shear strength was observed when the joint contained a layer of clay infill of 1·5 mm. Bolting contributed to increasing the strength and stiffness of the joint composite, except at large normal stress levels and at high infill thickness. The dilation and overall friction angle for bolted and non-bolted joints were also compared along with stress profiles. At high infill thickness, the shear behaviour under both constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) conditions was found to be similar for both bolted and non-bolted joints, while at low infill thickness the CNL strength envelope plotted significantly above the CNS envelope.
Indraratna, B, Tularam, GA & Blunden, B 2001, 'Reducing the impact of acid sulphate soils at a site in Shoalhaven Floodplain of New South Wales, Australia', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 333-346.
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Oxidation of sulphide minerals in acid sulphate soils has acidified a substantial part of the low-lying coastal land in Australia. Such sulphides, including pyrite (FeS 2 ) formed thousands of years ago during saline inundation of soils rich in iron. They do not pose a serious concern when submerged by the water table, because this prevents atmospheric oxygen reacting with the pyritic layer. However, flood protection of low-lying coastal land through the installation of deep surface drains has caused a general lowering of the water table elevation, that in turn has exposed the pyritic layers to atmospheric oxygen. High rainfall following droughts causes acid pollution of the surrounding flood mitigation drains, creeks and river systems. Large ground areas are affected by the transport of acid constituents during seepage. One way of controlling new acid production is through the installation of weirs in the flood mitigation drains in order to raise the water table elevation. In this paper, the acid pollution in New South Wales is reviewed, and the effect of groundwater elevation is examined. Relationship between acid production and groundwater table is examined. Mathematical models are developed to simulate acid production and transport, and two groundwater management regimes are examined. Weir based control of the groundwater table is shown to be successful in controlling acid production.
J. J., W, S. H., L, Lin, C & J. H., H 2001, 'Modeling the arterial unloaded situation in oscillometric blood pressure waveform measurement using fuzzy logic control'.
Jia, W 2001, 'Dynamic Analysis of Cardio Echocardiography Images and its Implementation', Journal of Fuzhou University (Natural Science Edition), vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 32-35.
Johnson, AG, Nguyen, TV & Davis, D 2001, 'Blood pressure is linked to salt intake and modulated by the angiotensinogen gene in normotensive and hypertensive elderly subjects', Journal of Hypertension, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1053-1060.
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Kennedy, PJ & Osborn, T 2001, 'A Model of Gene Expression and Regulation in an Artificial Cellular Organism', Complex Systems, vol. 13, no. 1.
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Gene expression and regulation may be viewed as a parallel parsing algorithm---translation from a genomic language to a phenotype. We describe a model of gene expression and regulation based on the operon model of Jacob and Monod. Operons are groups of genes regulated in the same way. An artificial cellular metabolism expresses operons encoded on a genome in a parallel genomic language. This is accomplished using an abstract entity called a spider. A genetic algorithm is used to evolve the simulated cells to adapt to a simple environment. Genomes are subjected to recombination, mutation, and inversion operators. Observations from this experiment suggest four areas to explore: dynamic environments for the evolution of regulation, advantages of time lags inherent in the expression algorithm, sensitivity of our genomic language, and noncoding regions on the genome. Issues relating to the application of the expression model to evolutionary computation are discussed.
Khor, EH, Rosowsky, DV & Stewart, MG 2001, 'Probabilistic analysis of time-dependent deflections of RC flexural members', Computers & Structures, vol. 79, no. 16, pp. 1461-1472.
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This paper presents a procedure for the probabilistic analysis of time-dependent deflection of a reinforced concrete flexural member subject to a time-varying load process. Particular consideration is given to simply supported, singly reinforced rectangular beams. The algorithm takes into account concrete maturation, nonlinear creep and shrinkage behavior, and stochastic load process models for both construction and service. While this paper describes some practical implications of early-age effects (i.e., high early-age construction loads on immature concrete) for serviceability design, the emphasis of this paper is on the probabilistic time-dependent deflection analysis technique. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kim, SH, Bidkar, A, Ngo, HH, Vigneswaran, S & Moon, H 2001, 'Adsorption and mass transfer characteristics of metsulfuron-methyl on activated carbon', KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 163-169.
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Larkin, KG, Bone, DJ & Oldfield, MA 2001, 'Natural demodulation of two-dimensional fringe patterns I General background of the spiral phase quadrature transform', Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1862-1862.
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Lavian, T, Wang, P, Travostino, F, Subramanian, S, Hoang, D, Sethaput, V & Culler, D 2001, 'Enabling active flow manipulation in silicon-based network forwarding engines', Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 78-87.
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Law, SS, Chan, THT, Zhu, QX & Zeng, QH 2001, 'Regularization in Moving Force Identification', Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol. 127, no. 2, pp. 136-148.
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Lee, DK, George, SR, Cheng, R, Nguyen, T, Liu, Y, Brown, M, Lynch, KR & O’Dowd, BF 2001, 'Identification of four novel human G protein-coupled receptors expressed in the brain', Molecular Brain Research, vol. 86, no. 1-2, pp. 13-22.
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We report the discovery and tissue distributions of four novel human genes, GPR61, GPR62, GPR63 and GPR77, all of which encode G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPR61 was discovered in a search of the patent literature which retrieved a rabbit DNA sequence partially encoding a novel GPCR. This sequence was used to obtain a full-length human cDNA encoding GPR61, a receptor of 417 amino acid length. A search of the GenBank genomic sequence databases revealed three previously unrecognized intronless genes encoding the orphan GPCrs (oGPCRs) GPR62, GPR63 and GPR77, with respective amino acid lengths of 368, 419 and 337. Sequence analysis revealed that GPR61 and GPR62, and a published orphan receptor p47MNR, shared the highest level of identities to each other, ranging from 36 to 45% in the transmembrane (TM) domains. Together, these three oGPCRs appear to comprise a novel subfamily of GPCRs, most closely related to the serotonin 5-HT6 receptor. Sequence analysis of GPR63 and GPR77 revealed highest sequence identities in the TM regions with the oGPCR PSP24 (58%) and the anaphylatoxin C5a receptor (49%) respectively. Tissue distribution analyses detected the expression of all four novel genes in the human brain. GPR61 mRNA expression was detected in the caudate, putamen and thalamus of human brain, with a more widespread expression pattern in rat brain, with mRNA signals in areas of the cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus and midbrain. GPR62 mRNA expression was detected in the basal forebrain, frontal cortex, caudate, putamen, thalamus and hippocampus. GPR63 mRNA expression was detected in the frontal cortex, with lower levels in the thalamus, caudate, hypothalamus and midbrain. Analysis of GPR77 mRNA expression revealed signals in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus with high transcript levels in the liver. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
Lee, DK, Nguyen, T, Lynch, KR, Cheng, R, Vanti, WB, Arkhitko, O, Lewis, T, Evans, JF, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 2001, 'Discovery and mapping of ten novel G protein-coupled receptor genes', Gene, vol. 275, no. 1, pp. 83-91.
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We report the identification, cloning and tissue distributions of ten novel human genes encoding G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) GPR78, GPR80, GPR81, GPR82, GPR93, GPR94, GPR95, GPR101, GPR102, GPR103 and a pseudogene, ψGPR79. Each novel orphan GPCR (oGPCR) gene was discovered using customized searches of the GenBank high-throughput genomic sequences database with previously known GPCR-encoding sequences. The expressed genes can now be used in assays to determine endogenous and pharmacological ligands. GPR78 shared highest identity with the oGPCR gene GPR26 (56% identity in the transmembrane (TM) regions). ψGPR79 shared highest sequence identity with the P2Y2 gene and contained a frame-shift truncating the encoded receptor in TM5, demonstrating a pseudogene. GPR80 shared highest identity with the P2Y1 gene (45% in the TM regions), while GPR81, GPR82 and GPR93 shared TM identities with the oGPCR genes HM74 (70%), GPR17 (30%) and P2Y5 (40%), respectively. Two other novel GPCR genes, GPR94 and GPR95, encoded a subfamily with the genes encoding the UDP-glucose and P2Y12 receptors (sharing >50% identities in the TM regions). GPR101 demonstrated only distant identities with other GPCR genes and GPR102 shared identities with GPR57, GPR58 and PNR (35-42% in the TM regions). GPR103 shared identities with the neuropeptide FF 2, neuropeptide Y2 and galanin GalR1 receptors (34-38% in the TM regions). Northern analyses revealed GPR78 mRNA expression in the pituitary and placenta and GPR81 expression in the pituitary. A search of the GenBank databases with the GPR82 sequence retrieved an identical sequence in an expressed sequence tag (EST) partially encoding GPR82 from human colonic tissue. The GPR93 sequence retrieved an identical, human EST sequence from human primary tonsil B-cells and an EST partially encoding mouse GPR93 from small intestinal tissue. GPR94 was expressed in the frontal cortex, caudate putamen and thalamus of brain while GPR95 was expressed in the huma...
Lee, KY & Dissanayake, MWMG 2001, 'Dynamic modelling and motion planning for a hybrid legged—wheeled mobile vehicle', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 215, no. 1, pp. 7-25.
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This paper presents the dynamic modelling and energy-optimal motion planning of a hybrid legged-wheeled mobile vehicle. The equations describing the dynamic behaviour of such vehicles are complex. Kane's method and the Autolev symbolic manipulation package was used in the dynamic modelling. A state parameterization method is used to synthesize the leg trajectories for the hybrid vehicle. The resulting energy-optimal gait is experimentally evaluated to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the path planned.
Leung, AWT, Tam, CM & Liu, DK 2001, 'Comparative study of artificial neural networks and multiple regression analysis for predicting hoisting times of tower cranes', Building and Environment, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 457-467.
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Li, J & Wong, L 2001, 'Emerging patterns and gene expression data.', Genome Inform, vol. 12, pp. 3-13.
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One important purpose of conducting gene expression experiments is to understand the correlation of gene expression profiles to disease states. Based on the notion of emerging patterns and an entropy-oriented discretization method, we discover groups of genes that are correlated to disease states in a significant way. In each group, every member gene constrained by a specific expression interval, unanimously occurs only in one type of cells with a maximally large frequency, but never unanimously happens in the other types of cells. According to our studies on the colon tumor dataset, such gene groups (also called patterns) can reach a frequency of 90%, providing good insight into the correlation of gene expression profiles to disease states. The patterns can be used to correctly predict whether a new cell is normal or cancerous.
Lin, C-T, Chung, I-F & Huang, S-Y 2001, 'Improvement of machining accuracy by fuzzy logic at corner parts for wire-EDM', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 122, no. 3, pp. 499-511.
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Locke, M, Indraratna, B & Adikari, G 2001, 'Time-Dependent Particle Transport through Granular Filters', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 127, no. 6, pp. 521-529.
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Lu, J 2001, 'An Assessment for Internet-Based Electronic Commerce Development in Businesses of New Zealand', Electronic Markets, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 107-115.
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Luk, KC, Ball, JE & Sharma, A 2001, 'An application of artificial neural networks for rainfall forecasting', MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, vol. 33, no. 6-7, pp. 683-693.
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Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 2001, 'Low rate WI SEW representation using a REW-implicit pulse model', IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 228-230.
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Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 2001, 'Source Enhanced Linear Prediction of Speech Incorporating Simultaneously masked Spectral Weighting', Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, vol. 3, pp. 15-23.
Lukasiak, J, Burnett, IS & Ritz, CH 2001, 'Low rate speech coding incorporating simultaneously masked spectrally weighted linear prediction', EUROSPEECH 2001 - SCANDINAVIA - 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pp. 1989-1992.
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Linear prediction (LP) is the cornerstone of most modern speech compression algorithms. Previously it has been shown that incorporating a weighting function based on the simultaneous masking property of the ear into the calculation of the LP coefficients (SMWLPC) allows the filter to better model the unmasked sections of the input spectrum. This paper conducts a detailed analysis of the implementation of SMWLPC in low rate speech codecs. The analysis allows the cause of inconsistencies in the technique to be identified and solutions formulated. Experimental results show that when combined with the proposed changes, the SMWLPC technique is suitable for implementation in any low rate LP based speech codec and the net result is an improvement in the perceptual quality of synthesised speech for all speakers.
Luo, QZ, Li, QS, Liu, DK & Yang, LF 2001, 'A modified finite segment method for thin-walled single-cell box girders with shear lag', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, vol. 146, no. 1, pp. 41-46.
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This paper presents a modified finite segment method for shear-lag analysis of thin-walled box girders. The method is based on the hypothesis that the warping displacement of a flange plate is governed by a third-order parabolic curve. Based on the principle of minimum potential energy, the governing differential equations with two unknown displacement functions are derived. The homogeneous solutions of the differential equations are used to represent the displacement functions of the finite element. By mean of the variational principle, the element stiffness equation is developed and the normal longitudinal stresses taking into account the shear lag are obtained. To verify the accuracy of the proposed method, three experiments are conducted so that the present results are compared with those obtained by the model tests and other methods.
Luo, QZ, Li, S, Liu, DK & Yang, LF 2001, 'A modified finite segment method for thin-walled single-cell box girders with shear lag', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, vol. 146, no. 1, pp. 41-46.
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This paper presents a modified finite segment method for shear-lag analysis of thin-walled box girders. The method is based on the hypothesis that the warping displacement of a flange plate is governed by a third-order parabolic curve. Based on the principle of minimum potential energy, the governing differential equations with two unknown displacement functions are derived. The homogeneous solutions of the differential equations are used to represent the displacement functions of the finite element. By mean of the variational principle, the element stiffness equation is developed and the normal longitudinal stresses taking into account the shear lag are obtained. To verify the accuracy of the proposed method, three experiments are conducted so that the present results are compared with those obtained by the model tests and other methods.
Mahlia, TMI, Abdulmuin, MZ, Alamsyah, TMI & Mukhlishien, D 2001, 'An alternative energy source from palm wastes industry for Malaysia and Indonesia', Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 42, no. 18, pp. 2109-2118.
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Mahlia, TMI, Masjuki, HH, Choudhury, IA & Saidur, R 2001, 'Potential CO2 reduction by implementing energy efficiency standard for room air conditioner in Malaysia', Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 42, no. 14, pp. 1673-1685.
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Masjuki, HH, Kalam, MA, Maleque, MA, Kubo, A & Nonaka, T 2001, 'Performance, emissions and wear characteristics of an indirect injection diesel engine using coconut oil blended fuel', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 215, no. 3, pp. 393-404.
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Dynamometer tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance, emissions and wear characteristics of an indirect injection diesel engine when fuelled by 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 per cent blends of ordinary coconut oil (COCO) with ordinary diesel fuel (OD). The test was conducted for 100 h using each of the test fuels to monitor the effect of COCO blends on the wear and lubricating oil performance. OD fuel was also used for comparison purposes. The operating performance of the engine and the emission characteristics of exhaust gases were compared. The effect of blended fuel on the engin's wear and lubrication characteristics in terms of wear metal (Fe), water concentration, oxidation, viscosity, total base number and additive depletion was analysed. The performance and emissions characteristics results showed that 10-30 per cent coconut oil blends produced slightly higher performance in terms of brake power than OD. All the COCO blends produced lower exhaust emissions including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulate matter. The wear and lubrication oil characteristics results showed that COCO blends up to 30 per cent produced similar results to OD. This programme will give useful information for further research and development in the future if COCO is used as an alternative to OD.
Masjuki, HH, Mahlia, TMI & Choudhury, IA 2001, 'Potential electricity savings by implementing minimum energy efficiency standards for room air conditioners in Malaysia', Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 439-450.
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Masjuki, HH, Saidur, R, Choudhury, IA, Mahlia, TMI, Ghani, AK & Maleque, MA 2001, 'The applicability of ISO household refrigerator–freezer energy test specifications in Malaysia', Energy, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 723-737.
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Mayne, M, Ni, W, Yan, HJ, Xue, M, Johnston, JB, Del Bigio, MR, Peeling, J & Power, C 2001, 'Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibition of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Expression Is Neuroprotective After Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 240-248.
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Background and Purpose —Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) expression is increased in brain after cerebral ischemia, although little is known about its abundance and role in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). A TNF-α–specific antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ORF4-PE) was used to study the extent to which TNF-α expression influenced neurobehavioral outcomes and brain damage in a collagenase-induced ICH model in rat. Methods —Male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized, and ICH was induced by intrastriatal administration of heparin and collagenase. Immediately before or 3 hours after ICH induction, ORF4-PE was administered directly into the site of ICH. TNF-α mRNA and protein levels were measured by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot analyses. Cell death was measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated uridine 5′triphosphate-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL). Neurobehavioral deficits were measured for 4 weeks after ICH. Results —ICH induction (n=6) elevated TNF-α mRNA and protein levels ( P <0.01) at 24 hours after the onset of injury compared with sham controls (n=6). Immunohistochemical labeling indicated that ICH was accompanied by elevated expression of TNF-α in neutrophils, macrophages, and microglia. Administration of ORF4-PE (2.0 nmol) directly into striatal parenchyma, 15 minutes before (n=4) or 3 hours after (n=6) ICH, decreased levels of TNF-α mRNA ( P <0.001) and protein ( P <0.01) in the brain tissue surrounding the hematoma compared with animals treated with saline alone (n=6). Mean±SEM striatal cell death (cells pe...
McGloin, D, Fulton, DJ & Dunn, MH 2001, 'Electromagnetically induced transparency in N-level cascade schemes', Optics Communications, vol. 190, no. 1-6, pp. 221-229.
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Mello, P, Milano, M, Gavanelli, M, Lamma, E, Piccardi, M & Cucchiara, R 2001, 'From eager to lazy constrained data acquisition: A general framework', New Generation Computing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 339-367.
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Mengkang Peng, Yingjie Jay Guo & Barton, SK 2001, 'Multiuser detection of asynchronous CDMA with frequency offset', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 952-960.
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This letter presents a near-far resistant detection scheme for asynchronous code-division multiple access with frequency offset. Based on a one-shot technique and Taylor expansion, a zeroth-order and a first-order one-shot linear decorrelating detector (LDD) are proposed. The zeroth-order LDD has simple architecture but suffers performance degradation for large frequency offset. The first-order one-shot LDD, with increased complexity, has very good near-far resistant property even for large frequency offset. Two versions of the first-order one-shot LDD are investigated according to different Taylor expansion approaches. The feasibility of the proposed detectors is demonstrated by computer simulations.
Miyanaga, Y 2001, 'Special section on noise cancellation and reduction techniques - Foreword', IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, vol. E84A, no. 2, pp. 389-389.
Nguyen, T, Shapiro, DA, George, SR, Setola, V, Lee, DK, Cheng, R, Rauser, L, Lee, SP, Lynch, KR, Roth, BL & O'Dowd, BF 2001, 'Discovery of a Novel Member of the Histamine Receptor Family', Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 427-433.
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We report the discovery, tissue distribution and pharmacological characterization of a novel receptor, which we have named H4. Like the three histamine receptors reported previously (H1, H2, and H3), the H4 receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor and is most closely related to the H3 receptor, sharing 58% identity in the transmembrane regions. The gene encoding the H4 receptor was discovered initially in a search of the GenBank databases as sequence fragments retrieved in a partially sequenced human genomic contig mapped to chromosome 18. These sequences were used to retrieve a partial cDNA clone and, in combination with genomic fragments, were used to determine the full-length open reading frame of 390 amino acids. Northern analysis revealed a 3.0-kb transcript in rat testis and intestine. Radioligand binding studies indicated that the H4 receptor has a unique pharmacology and binds [3H]histamine (Kd = 44 nM) and [3H]pyrilamine(Kd = 32 nM) and several psychoactive compounds (amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, cyproheptadine, mianserin) with moderate affinity (Ki range of 33-750 nM). Additionally, histamine induced a rapid internalization of HA-tagged H4 receptors in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells.
Nguyen, TT, Taylor, PWJ, Brouwer, JB, Pang, ECK & Ford, R 2001, 'A novel source of resistance in lentil (Lens culinaris ssp culinaris) to ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta lentis', Australasian Plant Pathology, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 211-211.
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Nguyen, TV 2001, 'Adverse events in British hospitals', BMJ, vol. 322, no. 7299, pp. 1425-1425.
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Nguyen, TV & Hillman, KM 2001, 'On the Analysis and Interpretation of Spontaneous Variability of Cardiac Output', Critical Care Medicine, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 220-221.
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Nguyen, TV & Sambrook, PN 2001, 'Clinical role of quantitative ultrasound in the assessment of osteoporosis in individual patients', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 174, no. 6, pp. 310-311.
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Nguyen, TV, Center, JR, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 2001, 'Risk Factors for Proximal Humerus, Forearm, and Wrist Fractures in Elderly Men and Women The Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 153, no. 6, pp. 587-595.
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Abstract Fractures of the proximal humerus, forearm, and wrist account for approximately one third of total osteoporotic fractures in the elderly. Several risk factors for these fractures were evaluated in this prospective study of 739 men and 1,105 women aged ≥60 years in Dubbo, Australia. During follow-up (1989–1996), the respective incidences of humerus and of forearm and wrist fractures, per 10,000 person-years, were 22.6 and 33.8 for men and 54.8 and 124.6 for women. Independent predictors of humerus fracture were femoral neck bone mineral density (FNBMD) (relative risk (RR) = 2.3, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2, 4.5) in men and FNBMD (RR = 2.4, 95% CI: 1.7, 3.5) and height loss (RR = 1.1, 95% CI: 1.0, 1.2) in women. For forearm and wrist fractures, risk factors were FNBMD (men: RR = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.0, 2.3; women: RR = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.2, 1.9) and height loss (men: RR = 1.2, 95% CI: 1.0, 1.3; women: RR = 1.1, 95% CI: 1.0, 1.2). In addition, dietary calcium (men: RR = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.0, 3.6) and a history of falls (women: RR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.4, 2.6) were also significant. These data suggest that elderly men and women largely share common risk factors for upper limb fractures and that FNBMD is the primary risk factor.
Nguyen, TV, Hillman, KM, Buist, MD, Chakraverty, S, Wright, J, Plowman, R, Roberts, JA, Graves, N, Griffin, MAS, Cookson, B, Taylor, L, Collopy, BT, McDonald, IG, Griffith, D, Diggory, P, Mehta, A, Vincent, C, Neale, G, Woloshynowych, M, Ferner, RE, Aronson, JK & Bezruchka, S 2001, 'Adverse events in British hospitals [2] (multiple letters)', British Medical Journal, vol. 322, no. 7299, pp. 1425-1427.
Nguyen, TV, Maynard, LM, Towne, B, Roche, AF, Wisemandle, W, Li, J, Guo, SS, Chumlea, WC & Siervogel, RM 2001, 'Sex Differences in Bone Mass Acquisition During Growth', Journal of Clinical Densitometry, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 147-157.
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Peaston, AE, Gardaneh, M, Franco, AV, Hocker, JE, Murphy, KM, Farnsworth, ML, Catchpoole, DR, Haber, M, Norris, MD, Lock, RB & Marshall, GM 2001, 'MRP1 gene expression level regulates the death and differentiation response of neuroblastoma cells', British Journal of Cancer, vol. 85, no. 10, pp. 1564-1571.
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We have previously reported a strong correlation between poor prognosis in childhood neuroblastoma (NB) patients and high-level expression of the transmembrane efflux pump, Multidrug Resistance-associated Protein (MRP1), in NB tumour tissue. In this study, we inhibited the endogenous expression of MRP1 in 2 different NB tumour cell lines by stably transfecting an MRP1 antisense expression vector (MRP-AS). Compared with control cells, MRP-AS transfectant cells demonstrated a higher proportion of dead and morphologically apoptotic cells, spontaneous neuritogenesis, and, increased synaptophysin and neurofilament expression. Bcl-2 protein expression was markedly reduced in MRP-AS cells compared to controls. Conversely, we found that the same NB tumour cell line overexpressing the full-length MRP1 cDNA in sense orientation (MRP-S) demonstrated resistance to the neuritogenic effect of the differentiating agent, all-trans-retinoic acid. Taken together, the results suggest that the level of MRP1 expression in NB tumour cells may influence the capacity of NB cells for spontaneous regression in vivo through cell differentiation and death. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.
Raad, M, Burnett, LS & Mertins, A 2001, 'Scalable audio coding employing sorted sinusoidal parameters', Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (Cat.No.01EX467), vol. 1, pp. 174-177.
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Rahman, M & Stuchly, MA 2001, 'Transmission line–periodic circuit representation of planar microwave photonic bandgap structures', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 15-19.
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AbstractPlanar photonic bandgap structures have been modeled using the theory of transmission lines and periodic circuits. The method allows for fast and accurate computation of the dispersion diagram, and thus prediction of the stopbands for two directions of propagation. Results obtained by the proposed analytic method are in agreement with previously published numerical data for two structures. Additional numerical evaluations of the reflection phase with the finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method confirm the validity of the analytic model within the limits of its applicability. They also further confirm previous observations that wave propagation in directions other than two principal axes results in a narrower stopband. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 30: 15–19, 2001.
Ramsden, VS, Watterson, PA, Hunter, GP, Zhu, JG, Holliday, WM, Lovatt, HC, Wu, W, Kalan, BA, Collocott, SC, Dunlop, JB, Gwan, PB & Mecrow, BC 2001, 'High-performance electric machines for renewable energy generation and efficient drives', RENEWABLE ENERGY, vol. 22, no. 1-3, pp. 159-167.
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Ritz, CH & Burnett, IS 2001, 'Temporal decomposition for low rate wideband speechcompression', Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 542-543.
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Ritz, CH & Burnett, IS 2001, 'Temporal decomposition: A promising approach to low rate wideband speech compression', EUROSPEECH 2001 - SCANDINAVIA - 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pp. 2315-2318.
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In this paper, we present new results on Temporal Decomposition (TD) applied to the Line Spectral Frequencies (LSFs) derived for wideband speech. The paper shows that by incorporating a dynamic programming search algorithm into TD, near transparent quantisation of wideband LSFs can be obtained at approximately 1 kbps. We also show that TD performs significantly better than Split Vector Quantisation at low bit rates. We propose that TD is a promising approach to low rate wideband speech coding for applications such as unicast streaming.
Rosowsky, DV & Stewart, MG 2001, 'Probabilistic Construction Load Model for Multistory Reinforced-Concrete Buildings', Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 145-152.
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This paper develops a probabilistic construction load process model for multistory reinforced-concrete building construction. This model considers loads causing peak structural actions on floor slabs for two widely used shoring procedures and includes probability distributions and temporal characteristics of slab self-weight, sustained construction live loads, 'material stacking' loads, and 'move-in' loads. Construction load statistics derived from Monte Carlo simulation show that the mean of maximum construction loads exceeds nominal (design) service (occupancy) loads whenever the nominal live-to-dead load ratio is less than approximately 1.0. A Type I extreme value distribution provided the best fit to the inferred distributions of construction live loads.
Sharma, S, Granot, R, Thomas, N, Wilcsek, GA, White, C, Fitzsimons, R, Tidmarsh, J & Tuch, BE 2001, 'Visual disturbances and weight gain', Postgraduate Medical Journal, vol. 77, no. 913, pp. 732-733.
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Abstract A 51 year old man presented with a two year history of gradually deteriorating vision in his left eye, accompanied by 34 kg weight gain, easy bruising, and hypertension which was relatively resistant to conventional treatment. The patient denied any history of headaches. On examination, his general appearance was as shown (fig 1). On ocular examination his visual acuity was 6/6 in the right and 6/12 in the left eye. A left relative afferent pupillary defect was present and fundoscopically there was left optic nerve atrophy. Numerous investigations were performed, including Humphrey's field analysis (fig 2), and a cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan (fig 3). Eye positions on left lateral gaze were as shown (fig 4).
Sheng, D & Sloan, SW 2001, 'Erratum to the ‘Load stepping schemes for critical state models’ International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2001; 50:67–93', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 2441-2441.
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AbstractThe original article to which this Erratum refers was published in Interntational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2001; 50:67–93.
Sheng, D & Sloan, SW 2001, 'Load stepping schemes for critical state models', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 67-93.
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Sheng, D & Sloan, SW 2001, 'Load stepping schemes for critical state models', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 67-93.
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This paper investigates the performance of various load-stepping schemes for finite element analysis with critical state soil models. The accuracy of simple incremental schemes is found to be strongly influenced by the load increment size, the type of flow rule, and the overconsolidation ratio. Similarly, these factors are shown to have a pronounced effect on the efficiency and stability of some classical iterative schemes. Unless they are performed with small load steps, critical state analyses with fixed increment sizes frequently exhibit non-convergent behaviour or lead to inaccurate solutions. The automatic incrementation schemes developed by Abbo and Sloan (International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1996; 39: 1737-1759; Proceedings of 5th International Conference, Owen DRJ, Onate E, Hinton E. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, 1997; 1:325-333), which are based on standard methods for integrating systems of ordinary differential equations, are shown to be efficient, accurate and robust solution techniques for a wide variety of critical state problems. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Shing-Hong Liu & Chin-Teng Lin 2001, 'A model-based fuzzy logic controller with Kalman filtering for tracking mean arterial pressure', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 676-686.
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Sloan, SW, Abbo, AJ & Sheng, D 2001, 'Refined explicit integration of elastoplastic models with automatic error control', Engineering Computations, vol. 18, no. 1/2, pp. 121-194.
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Stanley, C, Temkin, B, Dev, P, Heinrichs, WL, Srivastava, S & Waldron, K 2001, 'Networked stereoscopic virtual environment system', Proceedings 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. CBMS 2001, pp. 400-406.
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Advanced collaborative display systems allow users to view a computing 'desktop' environment in a platform and location independent fashion. For real-time considerations, these systems become computationally very challenging, especially when video-streaming is included. The addition of stereoscopic video streaming is desirable in Virtual Environments (VE) created for the teaching of anatomy and surgery with real-time collaborative audio and video interactions at many locations. However this stresses the real-time requirements to the point at which realistic video is difficult to assure. For such a system to work, it is imperative that timing data be collected, analyzed, and understood. In this paper, we describe an experimental system designed primarily for collection of timing data required for robust collaborative medical training applications. The networked stereoscopic system uses a server-swappable multicast network protocol to stream real-time manipulations of 3D Virtual Body Structures (VBS) at th e server site to all clients participating in the multicast session. The three visual modes (mono, psa, and asi) have dynamic tuning parameters for adjusting the parallax and the focal point for the rendered scene, allowing users to define individual stereoscopic comfort zones. Our main result demonstrates that optimizing the graphics module is critical in achieving the necessary rendering rates. Different techniques of utilizing various memory resources increased the number of polygons rendered per second by over seven million. Depending on the type of memory used the number of polygons rendered per second varies from 2.25 to 9.12 million.
Stewart, MG 2001, 'Effect of Construction and Service Loads on Reliability of Existing RC Buildings', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 127, no. 10, pp. 1232-1235.
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For existing structures, information about 'safe' past performance (such as prior load history) may be used to update the probability distribution of resistance and hence reliability. This technical note investigates the effect of realistic construction loading with sustained dead and live loads and extraordinary live loads on time-dependent probabilities of failure. Structural configurations considered include RC floor beams and slabs designed to ACI 318, for various live-to-dead load ratios and construction periods for typical RC multistory buildings. The results show, for example, that the probability of failure for an existing structure after 5-10 years of occupancy is one or more orders of magnitude lower than that prior to the application of construction loads. This suggests that, if a structure survives construction and early service (occupancy) loads, then its reliability is increased significantly. Finally, for cases where prior service live loads are unknown, the inclusion of construction dead loads alone will still lead to significant increases in structural reliability.
Stewart, MG 2001, 'Reliability-based assessment of ageing bridges using risk ranking and life cycle cost decision analyses', Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 263-273.
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Information about present and anticipated bridge reliabilities, in conjunction with decision models, provides a rational and powerful decision-making tool for the structural assessment of bridges. For assessment purposes, an updated reliability (after an inspection) may be used for comparative or relative risk purposes. This may include the prioritisation of risk management measures (risk ranking) for inspection, maintenance, repair or replacement. A life-cycle cost analysis may also be used to quantify the expected cost of a decision. The present paper will present a broad overview of the concepts, methodology and immediate applications of risk-based assessments of bridges. In particular, two practical applications of reliability-based bridge assessment are considered - risk ranking and life-cycle cost analysis. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stewart, MG, Rosowsky, DV & Val, DV 2001, 'Reliability-based bridge assessment using risk-ranking decision analysis', Structural Safety, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 397-405.
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Information about present and anticipated bridge reliabilities can be used in conjunction with decision models to provide a rational decision-making tool for the assessment of bridges and other structural systems. The present paper presents a broad overview of reliability-based assessment methods and will then focus on decision-making applications using updated time-dependent estimates of bridge reliabilities considering a risk-ranking decision analysis. A practical application of reliability-based safety assessment is illustrated herein which relates the effects of bridge age, current and future (increasing) traffic volume and loads, and deterioration on the reliability and safety of ageing RC bridges. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 2001, 'Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 351-409.
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Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 2001, 'Wastewater collection and treatment technologies for semi-urban areas of India: a case study', Water Science and Technology, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 329-336.
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Sanitation and wastewater management problems in small and medium towns in India (referred to as “semi-urban areas” - SUAs) are distinctly different from those of large cities or rural villages. There is an apparent lack of choices of appropriate sanitation options for these semi-urban areas, leading them to adopt on-site sanitation technologies. A field study of four such small towns in India was conducted to evaluate the suitability of available low-cost wastewater collection and treatment technologies, in light of their current practice. Based on the field study, this paper suggests a system comprising “combined surface sewers” and “reed-bed channel” for collection and treatment of wastewater for semi-urban areas, that can utilize all the existing infrastructure to effect better sanitation at lower costs. The suggested system involves converting the existing open wastewater collection drains on the road sides, as “decentralized” networks of covered drains with simple structural modifications to collect both wastewater and stormwater; and, converting the large open drains on the outskirts of SUAs that carry wastewater to agricultural fields, as gravel media filled beds planted with local reeds. Cost estimates for the towns studied indicate this system to be over 70% cheaper compared to conventional collection and treatment systems.
Thomas, PS, Guerbois, J-P, Russell, GF & Briscoe, BJ 2001, 'FTIR study of the thermal degradation of poly(vinyl alcohol)', Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 501-508.
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The degradation of poly(vinyl alcohol) was investigated using TG analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine the effect of atmosphere on the process of degradation. In the spectra, four vibrational modes were identified that characterised the major steps of the degradation process. These were the O-H, C-H, C=O and C=C stretching modes. The mechanism observed for degradation in an inert atmosphere was in accordance with the accepted mechanism of elimination followed by pyrolisation. Evidence of conjugated polyenes, however, was not observed. For the air atmosphere, oxidation in both steps of the degradation process was observed.
Tipper, JL, Firkins, PJ, Besong, AA, Barbour, PSM, Nevelos, J, Stone, MH, Ingham, E & Fisher, J 2001, 'Characterisation of wear debris from UHMWPE on zirconia ceramic, metal-on-metal and alumina ceramic-on-ceramic hip prostheses generated in a physiological anatomical hip joint simulator', Wear, vol. 250, no. 1-12, pp. 120-128.
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Törjék, O, Kiss, E, Mázik-Tőkei, K, Hutvágner, G, Silhavy, D, Bánfalvi, Z, Kertész, Z, Pauk, J & Heszky, L 2001, 'Comparative Molecular Analysis of Winter Wheat Cultivars and Their Doubled Haploid Derivatives', Cereal Research Communications, vol. 29, no. 1-2, pp. 41-48.
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Genetic stability of doubled haploid (DH) lines of androgenetic origin is the prerequisite of their breeding value. In our investigations GK Gobe: a traditional cultivar, GK Delibab: a cultivar of doubled haploid origin, various DH lines of GK Gobe (firs
Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P & Nguyen, TQ 2001, 'Robust and reduced-order filtering: new LMI-based characterizations and methods', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2975-2984.
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Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P, Narikiyo, T & Yamamoto, Y 2001, 'Parameterized linear matrix inequality techniques in fuzzy control system design', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 324-332.
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Tularam, GA & Indraratna, B 2001, 'A cylindrical model of pyrite oxidation in coastal acidic soils', Australian Geomechanics Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 5-12.
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Detailed analyses of acid sulphate soils in coastal areas of Berry (New South Wales, NSW) indicate that pyrite (FeS2) oxidation generally occurs very close to narrow root channels. The root channels have been caused by extant organic activity and allow oxygen to diffuse through to the pyritic layers. From the wall of the root channels in the pyritic layers, oxygen diffuses laterally into the acid soil matrix, oxidizing the pyrite present. Such a simultaneous process can be modeled cylindrically. In this paper, a new cylindrical model is developed and solved using approximations to pyrite consumption kinetics. An adapted PDE2D code based on finite element methods is used to solve a linear approximation and Michaelis-Menten uptake kinetics. Pyrite oxidation produces acid in the soil 'matrix that is subsequently transported to the estuarine waterways, following high rainfall sessions causing a number of environmental disasters. An estimate of the new acid produced in the field is often required before remediation work is possible, and such an estimate may be determined easily using the new model. The results of pyrite oxidation based on the cylindrical approach demonstrate that the new model can accurately predict pyrite oxidation and acid production. The total acid production calculated using the new approach was found to be close to the actual field amount at the Berry site. The new results also compare well with the predictions made by previous models developed for the Berry site.
Veich, D & Abry, P 2001, 'A statistical test for the time constancy of scaling exponents', IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2325-2334.
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Wang, LJ, Liu, LZ & Wei, DB 2001, 'Dynamic Respond of Internal Crackle Spread in Steel 45 Cylinder', Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 36-38.
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The dynamic respond behavior of internal crack spread for steel 45 at high impact speed was analysed by artificially manufacturing internal crack and the crack spread mechanism can be explained by the elastic-plastic wave theory. The results showed that the internal crack has stable spread characteristics and its plastic strain speed ratio is relatively stable.
Williams, S, Dissanayake, G & Durrant-Whyte, H 2001, 'Towards terrain-aided navigation for underwater robotics', ADVANCED ROBOTICS, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 533-549.
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Williams, SB, Newman, P, Rosenblatt, J, Dissanayake, G & Durrant-Whyte, H 2001, 'Autonomous underwater navigation and control', ROBOTICA, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 481-496.
Wu, C, Hao, H, Zhao, J & Zhou, YX 2001, 'Statistical Analysis of Anisotropic Damage of the Bukit Timah Granite', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 23-38.
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Wu, SJ & Lin, CT 2001, 'Optimal fuzzy tracking controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems', Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 477-494.
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In this paper, we propose a systematic and theoretically sound way to design a global optimal fuzzy tracking controller for discrete-time fuzzy systems with the aim of solving the discrete-time quadratic tracking problems with moving or model-following targets under finite or infinite horizon (time). A linear-like dynamical system representation of discrete-time fuzzy system is proposed to mature the theoretical design scheme of the discrete-time optimal fuzzy tracking controller which can achieve global minimum effect. A multistage decomposition of optimization scheme is proposed to simplify the computation, and then a segmental recursive Riccati-like equation and a difference equation in tracing the variation of the target are derived. Moreover, in the case of time-invariant fuzzy tracking systems, we show that the optimal tracking controller can be obtained by just solving discrete-time algebraic Riccati-like equations and algebraic matrix equations. An example is given to illustrate the proposed opti mal fuzzy tracker design scheme.
Wyeth, P & Purchase, HC 2001, 'Exploring the learning potential of an artificial life simulation', International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 229-229.
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Xu, S, Lam, J, Huang, S & Yang, C 2001, 'H8model reduction for linear time-delay systems: Continuous-time case', International Journal of Control, vol. 74, no. 11, pp. 1062-1074.
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Yang Wang, Yi-Sheng Zhu, Thakor, NV & Yu-Hong Xu 2001, 'A short-time multifractal approach for arrhythmia detection based on fuzzy neural network', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 989-995.
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Ying, MS 2001, 'Fuzzy topology based on residuated lattice-valued logic', ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 89-102.
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We use a semantical method of complete residuated lattice-valued logic to give a generalization of fuzzy topology as a partial answer to a problem by Rosser and Turquette.
Ying, MS & Wirsing, M 2001, 'Recursive equations in higher-order process calculi', THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 266, no. 1-2, pp. 839-852.
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Regarding behaviour equivalence in higher-order process calculi, Sangiorgi (Inform. and Comput. 131 (1996) 141) and Thomsen (Inform. and Comput. 116 (1995) 38) introduced context and higher-order bisimulations, respectively. In this paper, uniqueness of
ZHANG, G, KERRE, EE, WU, Y & TEO, KL 2001, 'NECESSITY MEASURES AND NECESSITY INTEGRALS ON A COMPLETE LATTICE', International Journal of General Systems, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 241-260.
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Zhang, S, Feng, Y, Sun, X & Ying, M 2001, 'Upper bound for the success probability of unambiguous discrimination among quantum states', Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol. 64, no. 6.
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The general prediction of n quantum states was examined. An upper bound for success probability of unambiguous discrimination was established. The bound coincides with the known extended IDP limit when two states are concerned.
Zhang, SY, Feng, Y, Sun, XM & Ying, MS 2001, 'Upper bound for the success probability of unambiguous discrimination among quantum states', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 3-3.
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One strategy to the discrimination problem is to identify the state with certainty, leaving a possibility of undecidability. This paper gives an upper bound for the maximal success probability of unambiguous discrimination among n states. This bound coincides with the known IDP limit when two states are considered. © 2001 The American Physical Society.
Zhao, L & Wu, C 2001, 'Central limit theorem for integrated square error of kernel estimators of spherical density', Science in China Series A: Mathematics, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 474-483.
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Let X1, ⋯, Xn be iid observations of a random variable X with probability density function f(x) on the q-dimensional unit sphere Ωq in in Rq+1, q ≥ 1. Let fn (x) = n-1 c(h) ∑ni = 1 K[(1 -x′ Xi)/h2] be a kernel estimator of f(x). In this paper we establish a central limit theorem for integrated square error of fn under some mild conditions.
Zharova, N, Sfriso, A, Voinov, A & Pavoni, B 2001, 'A simulation model for the annual fluctuation of Zostera marina biomass in the Venice lagoon', Aquatic Botany, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 135-150.
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Zheng, L, Huang, S & Liu, X 2001, 'Robust H∞ output feedback control for a class of uncertain linear systems with time-delay', Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yingyong/Control Theory and Applications, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 935-938.
Zhou, JL, Maskaoui, K, Qiu, YW, Hong, HS & Wang, ZD 2001, 'Polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and organochlorine insecticides in the water column and sediments of Daya Bay, China', Environmental Pollution, vol. 113, no. 3, pp. 373-384.
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Samples of sub-surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediments collected from Daya Bay, China have been analysed for 12 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 18 organochlorine insecticides, using gas chromatography electron capture detection. Total PCB levels varied from 91.1 to 1355.3 ng l-1 in water and from 0.85 to 27.37 ng g-1 dry weight in sediments. The levels of total organochlorine insecticides were in the range 143.3-5104.8 ng l-1 in water and 2.43-86.25 ng g-1 dry weight in sediment. None of the target compounds were detected in SPM. The levels of total hexachlorocyclohexanes in water varied from 35.5 to 1228.6 ng l-1, whilst in sediments they ranged from 0.32 to 4.16 ng g-1 dry weight. For the sum of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), their levels were in the range 26.8-975.9 ng l-1 in water, and 0.14-20.27 ng g-1 dry weight in sediments. The distribution profiles of these contaminants in water and sediments suggest that there are a number of sources contributing to total contaminant burden in the bay, including soil runoffs, wastewater discharges, sewage outfalls and shipping activities. Ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in the water and sediments indicate recent inputs of such chemicals into the bay. The results, therefore, provide important information on the current contamination status of a key aquacultural area in China, and point to the need for urgent actions to stop the use of persistent agrochemicals such as DDT and lindane. Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Zhou, JL, Salvador, SM, Liu, YP & Sequeira, M 2001, 'Heavy metals in the tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) stranded on the Portuguese coast', Science of The Total Environment, vol. 273, no. 1-3, pp. 61-76.
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The concentrations of Hg, Sn, Cr, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd, Mn, Fe and Cu were determined in the liver, kidney and muscle of 24 common dolphins stranded on the Portuguese coast between 1995 and 1998. Nitric acid was used to extract the metals from the tissues for analysis by inductively-coupled plasma/atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP/AES). Those metals with relatively higher concentrations included Fe, Zn and Hg, particularly in liver. Other metals including Cr, Ni and Cd tended to show much lower levels, or were even undetected (e.g. Co). Different metals seemed to show different temporal trends, although due to substantial variations of the mean concentrations for each year obtained, such temporal pattern has to be studied further. Total Hg concentration in the kidney, muscle and particularly liver, were higher in females than in males. Total Hg concentrations in all the organs increased with body length of dolphins, whilst those of Zn and Cu in muscle decreased with dolphin length. A strong correlation was found between essential metals Zn and Cu in muscle, possibly resulting from sequestration of these metals by metallothionein. In addition, significant co-associations existed between the same metal (e.g. Hg, Sn and Zn) in different organs. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
Zhu, XQ & Law, SS 2001, 'Identification of Moving Loads on an Orthotropic Plate', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 238-244.
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A method is presented to identify indirectly loads moving on an orthotropic plate. The loads are in a group of two forces or four forces. The dynamic behavior of the plate under the action of these moving loads is analyzed. A method to identify these moving forces from the dynamic responses of the plate is developed basing on the modal superposition principle, and Tikhonov regularization procedure is applied to provide bounds to the solution in the time domain. Prior knowledge on the modal properties of the plate and the velocity of loads is required. The errors in the identified individual loads are discussed. The effect of different combinations of measuring locations on the identification is studied. Numerical results show that acceleration responses would give better and acceptable results than strain measurements.
ZHU, XQ & LAW, SS 2001, 'ORTHOGONAL FUNCTION IN MOVING LOADS IDENTIFICATION ON A MULTI-SPAN BRIDGE', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 245, no. 2, pp. 329-345.
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Zozulya, S, Echeverri, F & Nguyen, T 2001, 'The human olfactory receptor repertoire', Genome Biology, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. research0018.1-research0018.1.
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BACKGROUND: The mammalian olfactory apparatus is able to recognize and distinguish thousands of structurally diverse volatile chemicals. This chemosensory function is mediated by a very large family of seven-transmembrane olfactory (odorant) receptors encoded by approximately 1,000 genes, the majority of which are believed to be pseudogenes in humans. RESULTS: The strategy of our sequence database mining for full-length, functional candidate odorant receptor genes was based on the high overall sequence similarity and presence of a number of conserved sequence motifs in all known mammalian odorant receptors as well as the absence of introns in their coding sequences. We report here the identification and physical cloning of 347 putative human full-length odorant receptor genes. Comparative sequence analysis of the predicted gene products allowed us to identify and define a number of consensus sequence motifs and structural features of this vast family of receptors. A new nomenclature for human odorant receptors based on their chromosomal localization and phylogenetic analysis is proposed. We believe that these sequences represent the essentially complete repertoire of functional human odorant receptors. CONCLUSIONS: The identification and cloning of all functional human odorant receptor genes is an important initial step in understanding receptor-ligand specificity and combinatorial encoding of odorant stimuli in human olfaction.
ANDREW, LLH & RANASINGHE, RS 1970, 'OPTIMISING THE POLLING SEQUENCE IN EMBEDDED ROUND ROBIN WLANS', Wireless LANs and Home Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, pp. 177-186.
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Aziz, NI, Dey, A & Indraratna, B 1970, 'New approach to study load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted bolts', PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL MINING CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION OF TURKEY, 17th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET 2001), KOZAN OFSET MALBAACILIK SAN VETIC LTD STI, TURKEY, ANKARA, pp. 143-153.
Ball, JE 1970, 'Parameter Estimation for Urban Stormwater Models', Urban Drainage Modeling, Specialty Symposium on Urban Drainage Modeling at the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 713-721.
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Current trends in catchment management and the desire of the community for an enhanced aquatic environment require information about the water environment within the catchment. This information may be obtained from environmental monitoring programs or from the application of catchment modelling systems. Where an assessment of the effects of potential changes to the management protocol is required, the application of a catchment modelling system is necessary. An important component of the implementation of a catchment modelling system is the definition of values for the system control parameters; these control parameters are the input data to the modelling system. Historically, many of these parameters have been assumed to have an average value across the catchment which has the effect of reducing variability and, hence, inhibits simulation of catchment processes influencing the quality of stormwater runoff. When these parameters are allowed to vary spatially, the number of parameters requiring calibration becomes excessive and, in general, the available data are insufficient to enable definition of a unique set of control parameter values. New developments in information technology, however, can be used to mitigate the problems associated with definition of spatially variable control parameters for catchment modelling systems. Presented in this paper are the results of a study investigating inference of the control parameters for an urban catchment modelling system using information stored in temporal and spatial databases. It will be shown that inference of parameters using this information improves the system performance.
Bell, J, Tipper, JL, Ingham, E, Stone, MH & Fisher, J 1970, 'The influence of phospholipid concentration in protein-containing lubricants on the wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene in artificial hip joints', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, SAGE Publications, pp. 259-263.
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There is considerable interest in the wear of polyethylene and the resulting wear-debrisinduced osteolysis in artificial hip joints. Proteins play an important role as boundary lubricants in vivo in the pseudosynovial fluid, and these are reproduced in in vitro tests through the use of bovine serum. Little is known, however, about the effect of phospholipid concentrations within proteinaceous solutions on the wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). The effects of protein-containing lubricants with 0.05, 0.5 and 5 per cent (w/v) phosphatidyl choline concentrations on the wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) were compared with 25 per cent (v/v) bovine serum which had 0.01 per cent (w/v) lipid; the effects were compared in a hip joint simulator with smooth (n = 4) and scratched (n = 3) femoral heads. The control bovine serum lubricant produced UHWMPE wear of 55 and 115mm3/106 cycles on the smooth and rough heads respectively. The increased phospholipid concentration significantly reduced the wear rate. At the higher concentration (5% w/v phosphatidyl choline) the average wear was reduced to less than 2 mm3/106 cycles. Even with the relatively low concentrations of 0.05% w/v phosphatidyl choline the wear was reduced by at least threefold compared with the bovine serum tests for both the smooth and rough femoral heads. There may be considerable differences in the phospholipid concentrations in patients' synovial fluid and this is highly likely to produce considerable variation in wear rates. In vitro, differences in the phospholipid concentration of lubricants may also cause variation in wear rates between different simulator tests.
Benítez, MF, Bakoss, S, Crews, K & Samali, B 1970, 'To develop new cost-effective procedures for testing the structural response of short/medium span bridge decks', IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Finland, pp. 257-262.
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Bishop, DP, Thomas, P, Ray, AS & Simon, P 1970, 'Crystallisation of nickel Sulphide by Non-isothermal Cooling', Proceedings of Challenges for Coordination Chemistry in the new Century, Challenges for Coordination Chemistry in the new Century, Slovak Technical University Press, Slovakia, pp. 397-402.
Blumenstein, M & Verma, B 1970, 'Analysis of segmentation performance on the CEDAR benchmark database', Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, IEEE Comput. Soc, pp. 1142-1146.
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the performance of our improved segmentation algorithm tested on the CEDAR benchmark database. Segmentation is achieved through the extraction of a wide range of information adjacent to or surrounding suspicious segmentation points. Initially, a heuristic technique is employed to search for structural features and to over-segment each word. For each segmentation point that is located, the left character (preceding the segmentation point), and centre character (centred on the segmentation point) are extracted along with other features from the segmentation area. The aforementioned features are presented to trained character and segmentation point validation neural networks to evaluate a number of confidence values. Finally, the confidence values are fused to obtain the final segmentation decision. Based on a detailed analysis, it was observed that the left and centre character networks increased the accuracy of the segmentation algorithm.
Boardman, G, Zhu, JG & Ha, QP 1970, 'Dynamic and steady state modelling of brushless doubly fed induction machines', ICEMS'2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND SYSTEMS, VOLS I AND II, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS'2001), Shenyang China, pp. 412-416.
Bone, D & Popescu, DC 1970, 'Scanned multiresolution imaging using binary Hadamard masks', pp. 23-41.
Brown, RR, Ryan, R & Ball, JE 1970, 'A Participative Planning Methodology: Urban Stormwater Quality Management at the Watershed', Watershed Management and Operations Management 2000, Watershed Management and Operations Management Conferences 2000, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-10.
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Contemporary Australian policy for 'stormwater quality planning', advocates best practice by adopting the principles of ecological sustainable development. The purpose of the policy is engendering community ownership and reducing stormwater contaminants at the source, reflecting the preventative paradigm. Research into the resultant plans has demonstrated that these best practice notions have not been fully realised. This is attributed to the both the policy framework and the planning rationale which demonstrate the characteristic limitations of a traditional top-down technical response to a social problem. A bottom-up citizen driven 'participative planning methodology' is offered. This methodology is an attempt to more fully realise the policy intent and address the complexities of communities' expectations and behaviours that impact water quality. The key activity is to reconceptualise the problem frame through enabling shared understandings of the causes and responses to stormwater. Copyright 2004 ASCE.
Buist, M, Moore, G, Bernard, S, Waxman, B, Anderson, J & Nguyen, T 1970, 'The effect of the medical emergency team in the reduction of the incidence and mortality from unexpected in hospital cardiac arrest', CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, pp. A174-A174.
Cao, HT, Bucea, L, Khatri, RP & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'The resistance of mortar with supplementary cementitious materials to caustic attack', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 415-431.
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The long-term performance of concrete slabs in alumina refineries has been found to be mostly unsatisfactory. The effect of exposure of concrete to sodium hydroxide (NaOH) of various concentrations has been reported. Failure of slabs accidentally exposed to hot caustic has been observed to be associated with cracking, crystallisation of salts in the crack and seepage of caustic into subgrade, resulting in its expansion and uplift of the slabs. This deterioration mechanisms of concrete in caustic are, however, not well understood. This paper presents findings into the interaction between a range of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), such as blast furnace slag and silica fume, and NaOH solutions. The influence of the type of cementitious material, water-to-cementitious material ratio, concentration and temperature of NaOH on their interaction was investigated by examining the change in length of unrestrained mortar and concrete prisms exposed to NaOH solutions. The likely effect of the deterioration mechanism on the performance of restrained structural components, such as industrial slabs, is also examined by monitoring model slabs exposed to NaOH. The choice of cementitious material and its implications on the caustic resistance of concrete slabs subject to NaOH attack are presented.
Castel, A, Francy, O, Franois, R & Arliguie, G 1970, 'Chloride diffusion in reinforced concrete beam under sustained loading', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 647-661.
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The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of mechanical loading on the transport properties of concrete. The test specimen (B I CL) used for chloride measurement, was a three-meter long reinforced beam kept in a loading state, in a confined salt fog (35 g/1 of NaCI) for fourteen years. Because of corrosion of reinforcement, the characterisation of mechanical loading was made on an other old beam (B 1 T) cast at the same time but stored in a nonaggressive environment. The measurement of tensile concrete strains using strain gauges showed two parts in the bottom of the beam: the first one is characterised by an elastic behaviour and the second one by non elastic one which is still controlled by the steel reinforcement. Total chloride profiles in relation to the depth were measured in different locations of the tensile zone of reinforced beam B I CL. Until 15 mm depth, the chloride content is constant and corresponds to the maximum chloride content available, taking into account both concrete porosity (where free chloride content corresponds to 35 g/1 of NaCI) and concrete binding capacity. Beyond 15 mm depth, total chloride profiles appear to be pure diffusion profiles allowing to calculate the effective diffusion coefficient by using a saturated model of chloride motion taking into account the non-linear binding capacity of concrete. The evolution of effective diffusion coefficient in the beam field (B I CL) is strongly correlated with the field of non elastic strains in concrete (BIT) and can increase up to 40% in the part of the beam where the non elastic damage is the more important.
Center, JR, Nguyen, TV, Henderson, NK, Pocock, NA & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Volumetric bone density and fracture risk in men and women in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (DOES).', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, pp. S390-S390.
Cetindamar, D 1970, 'Turkish entrepreneurs in information and communication industry', PICMET '01. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Proceedings Vol.1: Book of Summaries (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37199), PICMET '01. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Technology Management in the Knowledge Era. Selected Papers, PICMET - Portland State Univ, PORTLAND, OR, pp. 100-106.
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Chandran, D, Kang, K & Leveaux, R 1970, 'Internet Culture in Developing Countries with Special Reference to E-Commerce.', PACIS, AISeL, pp. 45-45.
Chandran, D, Kang, K & Leveaux, RR 1970, 'Internet Culture in Developing Countries with special reference to E-Commerce', Proceedings of PACIS 2001 Information Technology for eStrategy, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, N/A, Seoul, Korea, pp. 656-664.
Chin-Teng Lin, I-Fang Chung & Jiann-Yow Lin 1970, 'Multipurpose virtual-reality-based motion simulator', 2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. e-Systems and e-Man for Cybernetics in Cyberspace (Cat.No.01CH37236), IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, IEEE, pp. 2846-2851.
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Public security has become an important issue everywhere. Especially, the safe manipulation and control of various machines and vehicles has gained special attention such that the authorities keep emphasizing the strict training and censoring of human operators. Currently, such training and censoring process usually relies on the actual machines, equipment, or vehicles in the real sites. This not only has high demands in space, time and cost, but also causes another phase of public security problem. In this connection, the world-wide trend is to tackle the above dilemma by using virtual reality (VR). However, the current researches or products on VR are more matured in the software display part of VR. How to combine 3D VR display with motion platform to achieve the aforementioned training and censoring purposes is an important research issue. This paper focuses on this research issue, and the goal is to develop a multipurpose virtual-reality-based motion simulation system to meet the requirements of public security in training and censoring of human operators.
Crews, K 1970, 'An Overview of the Development of Stress Laminated Cellular Timber Bridge Decks for Short to Medium Span Applications in Australia', High Performance Materials in Bridges, High Performance Materials in Bridges, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Hawaii, USA, pp. 162-172.
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An overview of the development of stress laminated cellular timber bridge decks for short to medium span applications in Australia was presented. The testing program for both plate and cellular deck systems was based on 'full scale' laboratory testing, involving application of loads that modeled both the design serviceability and design ultimate conditions. The field performance of four prototype bridges utilizing the cellular deck system demonstrated the structural efficiency and cost effectiveness of the technology.
Crews, K 1970, 'Development of high performance timber bridges in Australia', IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Finland, pp. 251-256.
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Crews, K 1970, 'Overview of developments and research in wooden structures in Australia and New Zealand', IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, IABSE Conference, Lahti 2001: Innovative Wooden Structures and Bridges, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Lahti, FINLAND, pp. 19-32.
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Crews, KI 1970, 'Overview of development and resarch in wooden structure', Proceedings of IABSE Conference Lahti 2001 - Innovative woodened structures and Bridges, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineers, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Finland, pp. 19-32.
Cucchiara, R, Crana, C, Piccardi, M, Prati, A & Sirotti, S 1970, 'Improving shadow suppression in moving object detection with HSV color information', ITSC 2001. 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8585), 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings, IEEE, Oakland, CA, USA, pp. 334-339.
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Cucchiara, R, Grana, C, Piccardi, M & Prati, A 1970, 'Detecting objects, shadows and ghosts in video streams by exploiting color and motion information', Proceedings 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001. 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, IEEE Comput. Soc, Palermo, Italy, pp. 360-365.
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Cucchiara, R, Piccardi, M & Prati, A 1970, 'Temporal analysis of cache prefetching strategies for multimedia applications', Conference Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37210), 2001 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference, IEEE, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp. 311-318.
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Cui, P, Zhu, JG, Ha, QP, Hunter, GP & Ramsden, VS 1970, 'Simulation of non-linear switched reluctance motor drives with PSIM', ICEMS'2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND SYSTEMS, VOLS I AND II, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS'2001), Shenyang China, pp. 1061-1064.
Darwood, P, Alexander, P & Oppermann, I 1970, 'LMMSE chip equalisation for 3GPP WCDMA downlink receivers with channel coding', ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37240), International Conference on Communications, IEEE, HELSINKI, FINLAND, pp. 1421-1425.
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Darwood, PB, Alexander, PD, Wacker, K & Oppermann, J 1970, 'Iterative multi-user detection and channel estimation for CDMA with non-binary modulation', GLOBECOM'01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37270), GLOBECOM '01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE, SAN ANTONIO, TX, pp. 3168-3172.
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Dev, P, Heinrichs, WL, Srivastava, S, Montgomery, KN, Senger, S, Temkin, B, Hasser, C, Latombe, JC, Heegaard, J, Youngblood, P, Friedman, CP & Waldron, K 1970, 'Simulated learning environments in anatomy and surgery delivered via the Next Generation Internet', MEDINFO 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON MEDICAL INFORMATICS, PTS 1 AND 2, World Congress on Medical Informatics, London, UK, pp. 1014-1018.
Dovey, KA, Green, J & McQueen, M 1970, 'Partnerships in educational networks in community organisations', Conference working papers: the Third Sector: For what and for whom?, ISTR Fourth International Conference, International Society for Third Sector Research, Dublin, Ireland.
Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'Impact of transmit range on throughput performance in mobile ad hoc networks', ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37240), International Conference on Communications, IEEE, pp. 2933-2937.
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Mobile ad hoc networking offers the promise of connecting mobile nodes without the need for a fixed infrastructure. Performance limitations of these networks under real network and traffic conditions are still largely unknown. In this paper we present a simulation study which investigates the impact of transmit range of nodes on resulting throughput performance. Although this aspect has previously been studied analytically in stationary packet radio networks, those studies were based on a number of simplifying assumptions. Our aim is to find out the optimum transmit range to maximise data throughput in mobile ad hoc networks which use the channel contention of the 802.11 MAC layer. Contrary to the available analytical results, we find that under a wide set of network and load conditions multi-hop networks have lower performance than single hop networks. Data throughput is maximised when all nodes are in range of each other. Moreover, the addition of relay only nodes does not significantly improve through put performance of multi-hop networks.
Eisman, JA, Taneri, B, Nguyen, TV & Ott, J 1970, 'Linkage in extended pedigree studies of bone phenotypes.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, pp. S351-S351.
Esselle, KP 1970, 'A dielectric-resonator-on-patch (DROP) antenna for broadband wireless applications: concept and results', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Cat. No.01CH37229), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest, IEEE, pp. 22-25.
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A new antenna concept, dielectric-resonator-on-patch (DROP), is presented as a way of improving the bandwidth of dielectric-resonator antennas. Driven by the objective of developing a simple low-profile antenna (height < 1 cm) for 5GHz UNII-band wireless portable computers, an example DROP antenna was designed and an excellent input return loss (> 15dB) was achieved over the entire band from 5.150 - 5.825 GHz. This design not only validates the DROP concept but also highlights its potential as a small, low-cost, lightweight antenna for mobile and wireless applications.
Fisher, J, Bell, J, Barbour, PSM, Tipper, JL, Mattews, JB, Besong, AA, Stone, MH & Ingham, E 1970, 'A novel method for the prediction of functional biological activity of polyethylene wear debris', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, SAGE Publications, pp. 127-132.
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The comparative performance of artificial hip joints has been extensively investigated in vitro through measurements of wear volumes. in vivo a major cause of long-term failure is wear-debris-induced osteolysis. These adverse biological reactions are not simply dependent on wear volume, but are also controlled by the size and volumetric concentration of the debris. A novel model is presented which predicts functional biological activity; this is determined by integrating the product of the biological activity function and the volumetric concentration function with the wear volume over the whole particle size range. This model combines conventional wear volume measurements with particle analysis and the output from in vitro cell culture studies to provide a new indicator of osteolytic potential. The application of the model is demonstrated through comparison of the functional biological activity of wear debris from polyethylene acetabular cups articulating under three different conditions in a hip joint simulator.
Fitch, R, Butler, Z, Rus, D, IEEE & IEEE 1970, '3D rectilinear motion planning with minimum bend paths', IROS 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2001 IEEE/RJS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-4, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2001), IEEE, MAUI, HI, pp. 1491-1498.
Fun-Bin Duh & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'Tracking a maneuvering target using neural fuzzy network', 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. (Cat. No.01CH37297), 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1255-1258.
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Ghevondian, N, Nguyen, HT & Colagiuri, S 1970, 'A novel fuzzy neural network estimator for predicting hypoglycaemia in insulin-induced subjects', 2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering n Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, pp. 1657-1660.
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Ghevondian, N, Nguyen, HT & Colagiuri, S 1970, 'A novel fuzzy neural network estimator for predicting hypoglycaemia in insulin-induced subjects', Proceedings of 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 0-0.
Gin-Der Wu & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'Noisy speech segmentation with multiband analysis and recurrent neural fuzzy network', Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference (Cat. No. 01TH8569), Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, IEEE, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 540-544.
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Guo, YG & Zhu, JG 1970, 'Improved methods for force and torque calculation in electrical machines by 3D finite element analysis', ICEMS'2001. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (IEEE Cat. No.01EX501), ICEMS 2001. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Int. Acad. Publishers, Shenyang China, pp. 1191-1194.
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Ha, QP 1970, 'Integration of fuzzy logic and sliding mode in ariable structure control', Proceedings SCI2001 / ISAS20001 Volume II: Information Systems, World Multiconference on Sydtematics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI2001, The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Ha, QP & Rye, D 1970, 'Robotic excavator swing control using fuzzy global control for complex systems', The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems : meeting the grand challenge:machines that serve people, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., Melbourne, Australia.
Ha, QP & Rye, DC 1970, 'Robotic excavator swing control using fuzzy rotating sliding mode', 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. (Cat. No.01CH37297), 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 332-335.
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Ha, QP, Li, J, Hong, G & Samali, B 1970, 'Active structural control using dymanic output feedback sliding mode', Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation ACRA'01, Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Australian Robotics & Automation Association, Sydney, pp. 20-25.
Ha, QP, Santos, M, Rye, D & Durrant-Whyte, H 1970, 'A task-oriented control architecture for robotic excavation', Proceedings SCI2001 / ISAS20001 Volume II: Information Systems, World Multiconference on Sydtematics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI2001, The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Ha, QP, Trinh, HM, Zhu, J & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Dynamic output feedback on single link flexible manipulators', Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation ACRA'01, Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Australian Robotics & Automation Association, Sydney, pp. 7-12.
Hao, H & Wu, C 1970, 'Numerical investigation of effects of underground chamber geometry and loading density on blasting-induced stress wave propagation in anisotropic rock mass', FRONTIERS OF ROCK MECHANICS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY, ISRM International Symposium/2nd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ISRM 2001-2nd ARMS), A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp. 381-384.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'A metamodel for virtual enterprises', Proceedings Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises. ITVE 2001, Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises. ITVE 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, Gold Coast, Queensland, pp. 91-97.
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© 2001 IEEE. Virtual enterprises are characterized by their dynamic nature and transient work arrangements. This in turn requires computer support systems that go beyond workflow systems to provide support for process emergence and transient team members in such enterprises. Such support systems must be based on a metamodel that is sufficiently powerful to describe virtual work arrangements and present an interface that allows users to quickly form teams, allocate responsibilities, and carry out joint work. The paper describes a metamodel, which provides a foundation for building systems to support virtual enterprises, and a prototype system that supports this model. It then describes the use of the prototype in a teaching environment.
He, XJ, Wu, Q & Hintz, T 1970, 'Spiral object recognition on clusters', PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGING SCIENCE, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY, VOLS I AND II, International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST 2001), C S R E A PRESS, LAS VEGAS, NV, pp. 605-611.
Horn, G, Milne, AK, Dong, Y & Finlayson, M 1970, 'Mapping seasonal vegetation changes with multi-temporal radar segmentation', International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 474-476.
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The wet/dry cycle particular to the Northern Australian climate creates a distinctively harsh environment for the vegetation species present. At a particular location a species adapted to immersion in water may flourish whilst the site is inundated but as the water dries up will be replaced by a species capable of surviving in the drier conditions. In this way particular species continually replace one another as the cycle progresses. For this highly complex environment single date image classification does not do justice to the constantly changing patchwork of vegetation as the drying cycle progresses. As moisture is a major determinant of the dielectric properties of most non-metallic materials, and vegetation in particular, any change with time may be mapped. A multi temporal approach to the situation is well suited to highlight not only the changes in vegetation community between seasons, but also that occurring between years. A region of the South Alligator River floodplain, within Kakadu National Park was surveyed to ascertain if these changes could be accurately mapped. Analysis of three multi temporal radar images obtained by Radarsat during the period of 1998-1999 were co-registered and subjected to GMRFM segmentation. The results of this segmentation were then used in a statistical clustering algorithm in order to regroup spatially separate segments into a smaller number of classes. Subsequent air photo interpretation and ground truth information have shown that the technique is invaluable in determining the timing and location of ecological classes in a highly variable climate.
Huang, W, Sheng, D, Yu, H-S & Sloan, SW 1970, 'Finite Element Simulation of Cone Penetration with Finite-Sliding Contact Interface', COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Elsevier, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 351-356.
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Huynh, P 1970, 'Influence of temperature boundary conditions in the wire-coated process', 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia.
I-Fang Chung & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'A neuro-fuzzy combiner for multiobjective control', Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference (Cat. No. 01TH8569), Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, IEEE, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 1384-1389.
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Indraratna, B & Salim, W 1970, 'Shear strength and degradation characteristics of railway ballast', GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING MEETING SOCIETY'S NEEDS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 14th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, PEOPLES R CHINA, HONG KONG, pp. 521-526.
Indraratna, B, Bamunawita, C & Redana, IW 1970, 'Mathematical and numerical modeling of pore pressure dissipation and deformation of soft clay foundations stabilised with synthetic band drains and sand compaction piles', COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, pp. 1347-1356.
Indraratna, B, Salim, W, Ionescu, D & Christie, D 1970, 'Stress-strain and degradation behaviour of railway ballast under static and dynamic loading, based on large-scale triaxial testing', PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING VOLS 1-3, 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, TURKEY, ISTANBUL, pp. 2093-2096.
Indraratna, BN, Ranjith, PG, Price, JR & Gale, W 1970, 'A preliminary study of the relationship between two-phase flow (airwater) characteristics and fracture roughness', DC Rocks 2001 - 38th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), pp. 191-196.
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The study of hydromechanics has identified that surface roughness has an impact on the flow characteristics of single and two-phase fluids. Technical developments in the field of two-phase flow are of great importance for improving the understanding of underground inundation and gas outbursts, in order to reduce the risks to personnel. The paper describes recent advances in the understanding of two-phase (air-water) stratified flow. A new constitutive model is presented, based upon an extension of Darcy's Law and using the concept of relative permeability. The proposed model is verified by experimental results using 'state of the art' Two Phase High Pressure Triaxial Apparatus (TPHPTA). This study presents the results of laboratory testing that will enable the development of a relationship between roughness (Joint Roughness Coefficient, JRC) and the flow rate for steady state conditions.
Jackson, MA & Burnett, IS 1970, 'Fuzzy clustering evaluation of time-frequency distribution (TFD) schemes for audio stream segregation', IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 553-556.
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Audio stream segregation is a task performed constantly by the human auditory system, yet is difficult to reproduce with a computer. The research detailed in this paper looks at performing just one method of stream segregation, the temporal coherence boundary, using a fuzzy clustering system. The main focus of the paper is to examine the effectiveness of several time-frequency distributions as the features vectors for the system. Three time-frequency distributions are examined and their effectiveness evaluated in terms of correct separation and computational complexity. The main evaluation compares the popular gamma-tone filterbank with the MPEG-7 Audio Spectrum Envelope. The results are promising indicating the less computationally expensive MPEG-7 descriptor performs well; implying stream segregation may be possible using the MPEG-7 Audio low-level description scheme.
Johnston, SF, Eager, DB, SOCIETY, IC, SOCIETY, IC & SOCIETY, IC 1970, 'Engineering as social and ethical practice: The role of new course accreditation requirements.', INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, Stamford, Connecticut, USA, pp. 221-225.
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Kalam, MA, Masjuki, HH & Maleque, MA 1970, 'Gasoline engine operated on liquefied petroleum gas', ADVANCES IN MALAYSIAN ENERGY RESEARCH 2000, Seminar on Advances in Malaysian Energy Research 2000, INST TENAGA MALAYSIA, SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA, pp. 307-316.
Kang, K 1970, 'Cultural Issues of User Interface Design in Implementing Web-site Design', Proceedings of OZCHI 2001, Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Perth, WA, pp. 205-209.
Kang, K 1970, 'Dynamically constructed virtual spaces - the loose integration framework', Proceedings of OzCHI2001, Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Perth, WA, pp. 136-142.
Kennedy, PJ & Osborn, T 1970, 'A double-stranded Encoding Scheme with inversion operator for Genetic Algorithms', Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, USA, pp. 398-407.
Khatri, RP & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'Optimum Fly Ash content for lower cost and superior durability', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 205-219.
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Superior durability of fly ash concretes have been very well established by many research works throughout the world. However, the decision to use the fly ash concrete or not and also the fly ash content in the concrete is based on the cost of the concrete in most of the cases, if not all. Thus a methodology has been developed to estimate the optimum fly ash content for the lowest cost and maximum durability of the concrete. Concrete of different fly ash content were prepared and their costs were calculated. Durability properties of some of the concrete were determined by experimental measurement of their relative service life. The type of environment was also considered. Optimum fly ash content was determined based on cost, durability of the concrete, and the type of environment. The price structure of concretemaking materials in Australia was used as an example in the calculation of optimum fly ash content for the lowest price. It is expected that the price structure found in other countries would be different and accordingly the optimum fly ash content will be also different. However the methodology has been presented and this methodology can be used to calculate the optimum fly ash content for any price structure. This methodology provides scientific way of estimating the fly ash content which would give the lowest cost for an environment.
Kidav, EU, Soo, TP, Sirivivatnanon, V & Khatri, R 1970, 'Advances in Malaysian fly ash concrete technology', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 343-359.
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The potential use of Malaysian fly ash cement in concrete has been studied in terms of its influence on elastic properties, volume stability and durability properties. In durability studies, the resistance to chloride ingress, sulfate attack, and suppression of alkali-aggregate reactivity were examined. The results are presented and discussed. The role of the fly ash on heat of hydration, production of roller-compacted concrete, and high-strength, highperformance concrete have been proven in practice. Understanding the influence of fly ash on both fresh and hardened properties of concrete has led to its appropriate use in many important structures in Malaysia. They include the Petronas Twin Towers, the second Malaysia Singapore Causeway, and more recently considered for the construction of a major RCC dam. Properties of fly ash concrete are discussed with examples of application.
Kim, JH, Sukkarieh, S, Nebot, EM & Guivant, J 1970, 'On the effects of using heading information during inflight alignment of low-cost IMU/GPS integrated system', International Conference of Field and Service Robotics, pp. 55-60.
Lam, HK, Ling, SH, Leung, FHF, Tam, PKS, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Optimal and stable fuzzy controllers for nonlinear systems subject to parameter uncertainties using genetic algorithm', 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 908-911.
Lam, HK, Ling, SH, Leung, KF, Leung, FHF, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'On interpretation of graffiti commands for eBooks using a neural network and an improved genetic algorithm', 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1464-1467.
Lavian, T, Wang, P, Travostino, F, Subramanian, S, Hoang, D & Sethaput, V 1970, 'Intelligent network services through active flow manipulation', IEEE Intelligent Network 2001 Workshop. IN 2001 Conference Record (Cat. No.01TH8566), IEEE Intelligent Network 2001 Workshop. IN 2001 Conference Record, IEEE, Boston, USA, pp. 73-82.
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A significant challenge in today's Internet is the ability to efficiently introduce intelligent network services into commercial high-performance network devices. This paper tackles the challenge by introducing the active flow manipulation (AFM) mechanism, a key enabling technology of the programmable networking platform Openet. AFM enhances the control functionality of network devices through programmability. With AFM, customer network services can exercise intelligent network control by identifying specific flows and applying particular actions thereby altering their behavior in real time. These services are dynamically deployed in the CPU-based control plane and are closely coupled with the silicon-based forwarding plane of the network node, without negatively impacting forwarding performance. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by several experimental applications on a commercial network node
Leaney, J, Rowe, D, O'Neill, T, Hoye, S & Gionis, P 1970, 'Measuring the effectiveness of computer based systems: an open system measurement example', Proceedings. Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop On the Engineering of Computer Based Systems-ECBS 2001, Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop On the Engineering of Computer Based Systems-ECBS 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, Washington DC USA, pp. 179-188.
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Lin, Q, Jia, WJ & Zhang, L 1970, 'A method for detecting dynamic information of sequential images - Omnidirectional gray similar to time waveform and its applications in echocariography images', PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGING SCIENCE, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY, VOLS I AND II, International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST 2001), C S R E A PRESS, LAS VEGAS, NV, pp. 760-763.
Ling, SH, Lam, HK, Leung, FHF, Tam, PKS, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'A neural fuzzy network with optimal number of rules for short-term load forecasting in an intelligent home', 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1456-1459.
Ling, SH, Leung, FHF, Tam, PKS, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Daily load forecasting with a fuzzy-input-neural network in an intelligent home', 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 449-452.
Lister, R 1970, 'Objectives and objective assessment in CS1', ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 292-296.
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When designing a first semester 'CS1' programming subject, I advocate 'truth in sentencing'. That is, the objectives should be explicit, and the assessment tasks should reflect the objectives. This may appear to be a statement of the obvious, but few subjects satisfy these criteria. The traditional CS1 approach is to set students the task of writing extensive code, as early as possible. On closer inspection of such subjects, one finds marking schemes for exams and assignments that are generous to the point of being inconsistent with the subject objectives. Instead, students should not write any original code in CS1, and should be examined by multiple choice question.
Lister, R & Jerram, P 1970, 'Design for Web-based on-demand multiple choice exams using XML', Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, IEEE Comput. Soc, pp. 383-384.
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We describe a Web based system for the delivery and marking of multiple-choice questions. While other Web systems exist that deliver such exams, those systems require either the manual mark-up of static exam questions, or generate different versions of an exam with limited variability. Such approaches result in exams that should only be administered once to a specific student. Our system is more general in how it generates different versions of an exam, using XML. © 2001 IEEE.
Lister, RF & Jerram, P 1970, 'Minimal Mark-Up of multiple choice exams using XML', Proceedings of ASCILITE 2001, Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, Biomedical Multimedia Unit, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 101-104.
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We describe a minimal XML mark-up for multiple choice exams. In our system, exams may be generated at anytime, by choosing a subset of questions from a pool. Furthermore, the system randomises the order of the choices within each chosen question. Thus a student may sit the exam many times. Our first version of this system has been described elsewhere. In this paper, we discuss the limitations of our first system that led to our current work, and give a description of the new system features, including XML tags for supporting collaborative authoring.
Lu, DDC, Cheng, DKW & Lee, YS 1970, 'A novel single-phase power-factor-corrected voltage regulator', PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC 2001), IEEE, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 936-941.
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This paper presents a new single-phase power-factor-corrected (PFC) AC/DC voltage regulator using the parallel power processing scheme. By combining a PFC cell and a DC/DC cell into a new converter structure, higher conversion efficiency than those of the conventional cascaded configurations can be achieved while maintaining good power factor and fast output voltage regulation. Moreover, the storage capacitor voltage is kept reasonably low. Experimental results a given to verify the converter characteristics. This converter formation concept can also be extended to generate other useful topologies.
Lu, DDC, Cheng, DKW & Lee, YS 1970, 'A single-switch power-factor-corrected converter with reduced repeated power processing', Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 26-32.
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By adding an auxilliary winding in series with the input boost inductor of a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) boost/flyback single-switch power-factor-corrected converter (SSPC), the storage capacitor voltage and its range of voltage fluctuation under line variations can be reduced while maintaining high power factor. Furthermore, the flyback transformer provides a direct energy transfer path to output to increase the conversion efficiency of the converter. It is also found that the power factor, the storage capacitor voltage and the conversion efficiency are controlled by the inductance ratio between the input boost inductor, the auxiliary winding and the output transformer. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the converter operating in DCM. Experimental results for a 15V/60W prototype with wide input voltage range (90-235Vrms) are given to confirm the theoretical analysis of the converter.
Lu, J 1970, 'Measuring Costs/Benefits of E-Business Applications & Customer Satisfaction', 2nd International We-B Conference '01, 2nd International We-B Conference '01, We-B Centre, School of Management Information systems, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, Australia.
Lukasiak, J & Burnett, IS 1970, 'SEW representation for low rate WI coding', ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, pp. 697-700.
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This paper considers low-rate Waveform Interpolation (WI) coding. It compares the existing, common Slowly Evolving Waveform (SEW) quantisation scheme with two new schemes for representing and quantising the SEW. The first scheme uses a minimum phase estimate to reconstruct the SEW whilst the second scheme uses a pulse model whose parameters are implicitly transmitted in the quantised rapidly evolving waveform (REW). These new schemes maintain or reduce the bit rate required for transmission of the SEW. Results indicate that, for low rate WI coding, necessarily coarse SEW magnitude spectrum quantisation limits the contribution of the SEW to perceptual quality. Perceptual tests indicate that avoiding coarse spectral shape quantisation and using a fixed shape model that lends itself to smooth interpolation, maintains the perceptual quality of the synthesized speech. The proposed fixed shape model requires no bits for transmission, allowing a 12 percent reduction in the overall coder bit rate.
Marjanovic, O & Milosevic, Z 1970, ''Figaro Should Be in Sydney by the 2nd of July' - Contracting in Many-To-Many e-Services.', I3E, 1st IFIP International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government (I3E 2001), Kluwer, UNIV ZURICH, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, pp. 431-443.
Marjanovic, O & Milosevic, Z 1970, 'Towards Formal Modeling of e-Contracts.', EDOC, 5th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, IEEE Computer Society, SEATTLE, WA, pp. 59-68.
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Martinez-Coll, A & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signal quantitation by multilinear regression and neural networks', 2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering n Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, pp. 1625-1628.
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Martinez-Coll, A & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) signal quantitation by multilinear regression and neural networks', Proceedings of 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 0-0.
Mirchandani, V & Dutkiewicz, E 1970, 'Performance Evaluation and Implementation of QoS Support in an 802.11b Wireless LAN', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 720-726.
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001. The availability of wireless technologies such as HomeRF, WaveLAN and Bluetooth have propelled the demand for their use in the office, home and public spaces. These technologies can provide wireless multimedia services. QoS for these services can be provided by means of a MAC level QoS or a network level QoS. In this paper we describe the implementation of a network level QoS for the 802.11b technology by using the Windows 2000 Operating System. The testbed is used to obtain throughput of UDP flows created by applications such as iperf and qtcp for different number of active stations, packet sizes and packet loss. These performance evaluation results are validated by means of stochastic simulation of the testbed by using GloMoSim.
Nguyen, HT, Hung, A, Thornton, BS, Lee, WB, Rickard, MT & Berry, M 1970, 'Detection of stellates and masses in digitised mammograms', Proceedings of 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 23th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 0-0.
Nguyen, HT, Hung, WT, Thornton, BS, Lee, W, Rickard, M, Berry, MW, IEEE, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Detection of stellates and masses in digitised mammograms', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-4, 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, IEEE, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, pp. 2709-2711.
Noblet, CMH 1970, 'Assessing the effects of GSM cell location re-use for UMTS network', Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (3G 2001), Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (3G 2001), IEE, pp. 82-86.
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O'Neill, T & Leaney, J 1970, 'Risk management for an open CBS project', Proceedings. Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop On the Engineering of Computer Based Systems-ECBS 2001, Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop On the Engineering of Computer Based Systems-ECBS 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, Washington DC, pp. 45-53.
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Parmigiani, H, Revel, A & Huynh, P 1970, 'Residual Swiral in Axial-Flow Pump', 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia.
Perry, S & Guan, L 1970, 'Detection of small man-made objects in multi-range sector scan imagery using neural networks', CADCAC 2001, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Perry, SW & Ling Guan 1970, 'Detection of small man-made objects in sector scan imagery using neural networks', MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001. An Ocean Odyssey. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37295), Oceans 2001. An Ocean Odyssey., Marine Technol. Soc, HONOLULU, HI, pp. 2108-2114.
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Raad, M & Burnett, IS 1970, 'Audio coding using sorted sinusoidal parameters', ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.01CH37196), ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE, pp. 401-404.
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This paper describes a new audio coding scheme based on sinusoidal coding of signals. Sinusoidal coding permits the representation of a given signal through the summation of sinusoids. The parameters of the sinusoids (the amplitudes, phases and frequencies) are transmitted to allow the signal reconstruction. In the proposed scheme, the sinusoidal parameters are sorted according to energy content and perceptual significance. The most significant parameters are transmitted first allowing the use of only a small set of the parameters for signal reconstruction. The proposed scheme incurs a low delay and uses a 20 ms frame length. Results show that the coder operating at a mean rate of 39 kb/s, performs favorably in comparison with the MPEG-4 coder at 42 kb/s. © 2001 IEEE.
Ranasinghe, RS, Andrew, LLH & Everitt, D 1970, 'Distributed contention-free traffic scheduling in IEEE 802.11 multimedia networks', 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. Selected Papers (IEEE Cat. No.99EX512), 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. Selected Papers, IEEE, COOGEE BEACH, AUSTRALIA, pp. 18-28.
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Ranasinghe, RS, Andrew, LLH, Hayes, DA & Everitt, D 1970, 'Scheduling disciplines for multimedia WLANs: embedded round robin and wireless dual queue', ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37240), International Conference on Communications, IEEE, HELSINKI, FINLAND, pp. 1243-1248.
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Rasmussen, LK & Oppermann, IJ 1970, 'Convergence behaviour of linear parallel cancellation in CDMA', GLOBECOM'01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37270), GLOBECOM '01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE, SAN ANTONIO, TX, pp. 3148-3152.
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Renaudier, P, Adeleine, P, Brunie, J, Vial, J, Campergue, L, Augey, L, Arnuti, B, Gay, V, Garin, L, Pleyber, M & Guinard, S 1970, 'Febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR): A search for clinico-biological correlations.', TRANSFUSION, AMER ASSOC BLOOD BANKS, pp. 112S-112S.
Robertson, TJ, Lueg, CP & Brookes, WC 1970, 'Learning HCI in the Lost World', Proceedings of OZCHI 2001, November 20-23, 2001, Fremantle, WA, Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Fremantle, WA, pp. 115-120.
Rogers, G, Minhazuddin, M & Ren Liu 1970, 'Mixing UDP and TCP in a Diffserv assured forwarding PHB - a programmable networks scenario', Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON 2001., Ninth IEEE International Conference on Networks. ICON 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, BANGKOK, THAILAND, pp. 529-534.
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Rogers, G, Ren Liu, Minhazuddin, M & Argyros, J 1970, 'Matching differentiated services PHBs to ATM service categories-the AF to VBR case', 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. Selected Papers (IEEE Cat. No.99EX512), 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. Selected Papers, IEEE, COOGEE BEACH, AUSTRALIA, pp. 37-43.
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Roux, S, Veitch, D, Abry, P, Huang, L, Micheel, J & Flandrin, P 1970, 'Statistical scaling analysis of TCP/IP data using cascades', 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37221), 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings, IEEE, IEEE, pp. 3425-3428.
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Roux, S, Veitch, D, Abry, P, Huang, L, Micheel, J & Flandrin, P 1970, 'Statistical scaling analysis of TCP/IP data using cascades', icassp, IEEE, pp. 3425-3428.
Ruta, D & Gabrys, B 1970, 'Application of the Evolutionary Algorithms for Classifier Selection in Multiple Classifier Systems with Majority Voting', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 399-408.
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001. In many pattern recognition tasks, an approach based on combining classifiers has shown a significant potential gain in comparison to the performance of an individual best classifier. This improvement turned out to be subject to a sufficient level of diversity exhibited among classifiers, which in general can be assumed as a selective property of classifier subsets. Given a large number of classifiers, an intelligent classifier selection process becomes a crucial issue of multiple classifier system design. In this paper, we have investigated three evolutionary optimization methods for the classifier selection task. Based on our previous studies of various diversity measures and their correlation with majority voting error we have adopted majority voting performance computed for the validation set directly as a fitness function guiding the search. To prevent from training data overfitting we extracted a population of best unique classifier combinations, and used them for second stage majority voting. In this work we intend to show empirically, that using efficient evolutionary-based selection leads to the results comparable to absolutely best, found exhaustively. Moreover, as we showed for selected datasets, introducing a second stage combining by majority voting has the potential for both, further improvement of the recognition rate and increase of the reliability of combined outputs.
Saidur, R, Masjuki, HH, Choudhury, IA & Mahlia, TMI 1970, 'The effect of usage condition on energy consumption of two household refrigerator freezer', ADVANCES IN MALAYSIAN ENERGY RESEARCH 2000, Seminar on Advances in Malaysian Energy Research 2000, INST TENAGA MALAYSIA, SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA, pp. 297-306.
Samali, B, Djajakesukma, S & Nguyen, HT 1970, 'A four-node hybrids stress finite element with penalized functions', Proceedings of Computational Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Elservier Science Ltd., Sydney, pp. 1697-1702.
Samali, B, Djajakesukma, SL & Nguyen, H 1970, 'Effectiveness of semi-active stiffness damper in a five-storey model', COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1425-1430.
Sheng, D, Lewis, T & Smith, DW 1970, 'Effects of Equilibria and Kinetics on Contaminant Transport', COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Elsevier, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 789-794.
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Sheng, DC, Smith, DW & Sloan, SW 1970, 'Alternative finite element formulation for unsaturated soils', COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1389-1394.
Shing-Hong Liu, Chin-Teng Lin & Jia-Jung Wang 1970, 'A model-based fuzzy logic controller for tracking mean arterial pressure', 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. (Cat. No.01CH37297), 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 1495-1497.
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Smith, I, Lister, R, Ray, M & Hawson, G 1970, 'Naive Bayesian prediction of bleeding after heart by-pass surgery', The Seventh Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, 2001, ANZIIS 2001. Proceedings of the Seventh Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, IEEE, Perth, WA, pp. 317-321.
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© 2001 ARCME, Univ of WA. Excessive post-operative bleeding occurs in approximately one out of eight patients who undergo heart bypass surgery. Earlier workers have identified laboratory parameters that are correlated with post-operative blood loss but these correlations are not strong enough to be clinically useful. This paper describes a predictor that combines several of these parameters using Naive Bayesian Reasoning, to produce a clinically useful predictor of blood loss.
Stewart, T, Tipper, J, Streicher, R, Ingham, E & Fisher, J 1970, 'Long-term wear of HIPed alumina on alumina bearings for THR under microseparation conditions', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 16th Conference of the European-Society-for-Biomaterials, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, LONDON, ENGLAND, pp. 1053-1056.
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Su, SW, Anderson, BDO, Brinsmead, TS, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'Constant disturbance suppression for nonlinear systems design using singular perturbation theory', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 40TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL, VOLS 1-5, IEEE, Orlando, USA, pp. 3272-3277.
Suk Kim Chin & Braun, R 1970, 'A survey of UDP packet loss characteristics', Conference Record of Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat.No.01CH37256), Conference Record. Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, California, pp. 200-204 vol.1.
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Suk Kim Chin & Braun, R 1970, 'Improving perceptual quality for Internet video streaming', Conference Record of Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat.No.01CH37256), Conference Record. Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, PACIFIC GROVE, CA, pp. 523-528 vol.1.
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Suk Kim Chin & Braun, R 1970, 'Improving video quality using packet interleaving, randomisation and redundancy', Proceedings LCN 2001. 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2001. 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, IEEE Comput. Soc, Tampa, florida, USA, pp. 405-413.
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Careful examination of packet traces taken front the MBone reveals a significant number of multiple successive packet losses, even though losses are predominantly isolated. This paper presents a method for reducing the number of burst losses by transforming them into single isolated losses. In this method, the first step is to separate critical video information from non-critical video signals, assuming the availability of an efficient layered coder. Secondly, by exploiting the unordered delivery feature of UDP, packets are interleaved and randomized so as to spread out the loss of critical video information. Finally, in order to reduce the number of random losses, redundant packets of essential video data are included in the interleaved/randomized packet sequence. To prove the effectiveness of this method, experiments were conducted on packet traces collected front the MBone. Results indicate that interleaving/randomization alone, significantly reduces consecutive packet burst losses. Furthermore, results are even better with the inclusion of essential redundant video data, which dramatically reduces the number of disjoint losses.
Sukkarieh, S, Nebot, E, Kim, J, Stevens, M & Grocholsky, B 1970, 'The Implementation of GPS in Field Robotics', International Symposium on Satellite Navigation Technology and Applications, Brisbane.
Sundaravadivel, M & Vigneswaran, S 1970, 'Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology, Singapore, pp. 351-409.
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In the field of wastewater treatment, energy-intensive and highly mechanized technologies are giving way to nature-based technologies that utilize solar energy and living organisms. Constructed treatment wetland (CTW) technology has played an important role in bringing about the change. Wetland technology can provide cheap and effective wastewater treatment in both temperate and tropical climates, and are suitable for adoption in both industrialized as well as developing nations. Currently, CTWs are being utilized for removal of a range of pollutants and a broad variety of wastewaters worldwide. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the CTW technology and to present the pollutant removal performance experiences gathered through the application of this technology around the world.
Tuan, HD, Apkarian, P & Nguyen, TQ 1970, 'Robust filtering for uncertain nonlinearly parameterized plants', Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.01CH37228), 40th Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, ORLANDO, FL, pp. 2568-2573.
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Usui, M, Zhao, QW, Kataoka, C, Hiasa, KI, Ni, W, Kitamoto, S, Inoue, S, Ishibashi, M & Egashira, K 1970, 'Blockade or absence of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 signals suppress neointimal hyperplasia after perivascular injury in mice', CIRCULATION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, pp. 90-90.
van den Hoven, E & Eggen, B 1970, 'A Graspable User-Interface for an Ambient-Intelligent Photo Browser', I3 Spring Days 2001, I3 Spring Days 2001, I3 Spring Days, Porto, Portugal.
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A novel intuitive user interface has been created for a context-aware, portable Photo Browser. When brought into an Ambient Intelligent room, the Photo Browser is able to recognize the presence of people and objects, and to discover available output devices and services. Photos can be associated with everyday ornaments, like holiday souvenirs. When such an ornament is placed near the Photo Browser the associated selection of photos is immediately presented.
Waeterloos, JJ, Struyf, H, Van Aelst, J, Castillo, DW, Lucero, S, Caluwaerts, R, Alaerts, C, Mannaert, G, Boullart, W, Sleeckx, E, Schaekers, M, Tokel, Z, Vervoort, I, Steenbergen, J, Sijmus, B, Vos, I, Meuris, M, Iacopi, F, Donaton, RA, Van Hove, M, Vanhaelemeersch, S & Maex, K 1970, 'Integration feasibility of porous SiLK* semiconductor dielectric', Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Interconnect Technology Conference (Cat. No.01EX461), Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Interconnect Technology Conference, IEEE, BURLINGAME, CA, pp. 253-254.
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Wijesoma, WS & Kodagoda, KRS 1970, 'Experimental Evaluation of Fuzzy Controllers for an Outdoor AGV', Proceedings of the International Conference, 7th Fuzzy Days on Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications, International Conference, 7th Fuzzy Days on Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 103-117.
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Wijesoma, WS, Kodagoda, KRS, Balasuriya, AP & Teoh, EK 1970, 'Laser and camera for road edge and mid-line detection', Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control. RoMoCo'01 (IEEE Cat. No.01EX535), Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control. RoMoCo'01, Poznan Univ. Technol, Poland, pp. 269-274.
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Presents a methodology for extracting road edge and lane information for smart and intelligent navigation of vehicles. The range information provided by a fast 2D laser range-measuring device is processed by an extended Kalman filter to extract the road edge or curb information. The resultant road edge information is used to aid in the extraction of the mid-line from a CCD camera image using an extended Kalman filter. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined laser and vision strategy for road-edge and lane detection
Wijesoma, WS, Kodagoda, KRS, Balasuriya, AP & Teoh, EK 1970, 'Laser and camera for road edge and mid-line detection', Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control. RoMoCo'01 (IEEE Cat. No.01EX535), Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control. RoMoCo'01, Poznan Univ. Technol, BUKOWY DWOREK, POLAND, pp. 269-274.
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Wijesoma, WS, Kodagoda, KRS, Balasuriya, AP & Teoh, EK 1970, 'Road edge and lane boundary detection using laser and vision', Proceedings 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Expanding the Societal Role of Robotics in the the Next Millennium (Cat. No.01CH37180), RSJ/IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Maui, USA, pp. 1440-1445.
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This paper presents a methodology for extracting road edge and lane information for smart and intelligent navigation of vehicles. The range information provided by a fast laser range-measuring device is processed by an extended Kalman filter to extract the road edge or curb information. The resultant road edge information is used to aid in the extraction of the lane boundary from a CCD camera image. Hough Transform (HT) is used to extract the candidate lane boundary edges, and the most probable lane boundary is determined using an Active Line Model based on minimizing an appropriate Energy function. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined Laser and Vision strategy for road-edge and lane boundary detection.
Willey, K 1970, 'Rapid Pedestal Calibration For Transportable Earth Stations', Proceedings 7th Ka Band Utilization Conference, 7th Ka Band Utilization Conference, Instituto Internazionale Delle Comunicazioni, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy.
Wu, Q, Hintz, TB & He, S 1970, 'Image Edge Detection in a Mimre Spiral Architecture', Proceedings of The 9th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2001, International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic, pp. 320-327.
Wu, YM, Samali, B, Li, J & Mayol, E 1970, 'Experimental modal analysis of a five-storey benchmark model', Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc., Florida, USA, pp. 1579-1584.
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This paper reports the results of experimental modal analysis of a five-storey benchmark model with impact excitation using HP-VXI data acquisition system and LMS CADA-X software. A numerical was also conducted. The benchmark building model was identified both in terms of its dynamic parameters, namely, natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios as well as its structural properties, namely, the mass, stiffness and damping matrices. The results showed a good agreement between the analytical and experimental results. These parameters enabled further analysis and modeling of the building frame in the presence of various control devices using different control algorithms, aimed at reducing earthquake-induced building vibrations.
Wyeth, P & Wyeth, G 1970, 'Electronic blocks: Tangible programming elements for preschoolers', HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - INTERACT'01, IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 01), I O S PRESS, JAPAN, TOKYO, pp. 496-503.
Xiangjian He, Hintz, T & Qiang Wu 1970, 'A skeleton algorithm on clusters for image edge detection', Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2001, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IEEE Comput. Soc, San Francisco, USA, pp. 1359-1364.
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© 2001 IEEE. Image edge detection in computer vision and image processing is a process which detects one kind of significant feature in an image that appears as large delta values in intensities. In this paper, a parallel algorithmic skeleton for edge detection is proposed based on the Spiral Architecture and the Gaussian multi-scale theory. UNIX-based network programming mechanisms in C are used for the implementation on a cluster of Sun-workstations. Our work provides an efficient algorithm for edge detection and is robust to noise.
Xiaojing Huang & Yunxin Li 1970, 'Generating near-white ultra-wideband signals with period extended PN sequences', IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2001. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37202), IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference. Proceedings, IEEE, RHODES, GREECE, pp. 1184-1188.
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Xiaojing Huang & Yunxin Li 1970, 'The multicode interleaved DSSS system for high speed wireless digital communications', ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37240), International Conference on Communications, IEEE, HELSINKI, FINLAND, pp. 2990-2994.
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Xiaomei Yu, Hoang, DB & Dagan Feng 1970, 'A QoS control protocol for rate-adaptive video traffic', Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON 2001., Ninth IEEE International Conference on Networks. ICON 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, pp. 434-438.
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In this paper, we present an application layer quality of service (QoS) control protocol (QCP), which employs an additive-increase bandwidth feedback algorithm. The protocol enhances the communication between end nodes and "the network" by a QoS packet sent from the source for per n video frames. The destination calculates the delay jitter, throughput for per QoS interval, and sends a backward QoS packet to the source. Upon the receipt of a QoS packet, the source use the delay and the bandwidth contained in the QoS packet to adjusts its sending rate. The protocol is well suited for real-time rate-adaptive video streams. The primary goal is to be easy to implement and provide an efficient application layer QoS control. Through extensive simulations, we conclude that the protocol could be able to control the jitter, delay and loss very efficiently. © 2001 IEEE.
Yang, PH & Waldron, KJ 1970, 'Massively parallel actuation', IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, IEEE, Como, Italy, pp. 868-873.
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The objective of the work described in this paper is the examination of the design and control opportunities presented by systems with large numbers of small, two-state actuators acting in parallel. An array of two-state actuators, i.e. a bundle of binary actuators, can be regarded as a simplified model of biological muscle. In recent years, the development of MEMS (Micro-Electromechanical Systems) has shown a great potential for building mechanical elements in a very small scale. However, there are sortie other issues for integrating a parallel array system that cannot be solved by advances of material research alone. From the mechanical designer's point of view, large numbers of active elements have to be deployed at appropriate locations in the system. For control purposes, if a binary system is intended, the mathematical model can be very different from that of hyper-redundant manipulators. In addition to theoretical development, two experiments, one for investigating static problems and one for inve stigating dynamic problems, will also be described in the paper.
Yu, XM, Hoang, DB, Feng, DD, HKCSP, I & HKCSP, I 1970, 'An allocation algorithm for transporting compressed video', PROCEEDINGS OF 2001 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT MULTIMEDIA, VIDEO AND SPEECH PROCESSING, International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, IEEE, Hong Kong, pp. 137-140.
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n this paper, we proposed a novel weight-based bandwidth allocation algorithm (WBA) for transporting compressed video traffic using feedback. Extensive simulation using a modified NIST simulator is conducted to evaluate its performance under a general weight-based share policy. Our results demonstrate that the WBA algorithm is capable of allocating bandwidth fairly for the minimum cell rate (MCR) plus weighted allocation fairness criteria among competitive compressed video sources, and is capable of reallocating smoothly when there are renegotiations of the minimum guaranteed cell rate and weight by some connections. We also show that WBA algorithm is flexible for the reallocation when a new connection is admitted. Furthermore, when unutilized network bandwidth becomes available, our algorithm is capable of exploiting it to dynamically allocate unused bandwidth
Yu, XM, Hoang, DB, Feng, DD, HKCSP, I & HKCSP, I 1970, 'PCR-based fair intelligent bandwidth allocation for rate adaptive video traffic', PROCEEDINGS OF 2001 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT MULTIMEDIA, VIDEO AND SPEECH PROCESSING, International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, IEEE Press, Hong Kong, pp. 141-145.
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In this paper, we propose a network bandwidth sharing algorithm, Peak Cell Rate (PCR)-based Fair Intelligent Bandwidth Allocation (PFIBA) for transporting rate-adaptive video traffic using feedback, and report on its performance under a general PCR-based share policies. Through extensive simulations, we obtained following results. The PFIBA algorithm is capable of allocating bandwidth fairly for the minimum cell rate (MCR) plus PCR-proportional fairness criteria among competitive rate-adaptive video sources, is capable to reallocate smoothly when there are renegotiations of the minimum guaranteed cell rate or PCR by some connections, is able to reallocate smoothly when a new connection is admitted, and is able to reallocate smoothly when a connection is throttled somewhere earlier along the connection path. Furthermore, we show the algorithm prevents congestion, especially during the initial periods when buffer queues can build up significantly
Yu, XM, Hoang, DB, Feng, DG, IEEE & IEEE 1970, 'A novel QoS feedback control for supporting compressed video', GLOBECOM '01: IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-6, IEEE Globecom, IEEE Press, pp. 2484-2488.
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Yuehe Ge & Esselle, KP 1970, 'A fast method of moments based on a new closed-form Green's function for microstrip structures', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Cat. No.01CH37229), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest, IEEE, pp. 794-797.
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This paper presents a fast Method of Moments (MoM) to analyze microstrip circuits and antennas. The method is based on a new closed-form Green's function derived by the authors. Using the new Green's function, one can evaluate analytically the matrix elements involved in the MoM and improve the computational efficiency significantly without compromising the precision.
Zhongwen Li, Shui Yu & Leming Li 1970, 'A new safety mechanism of active networks', 2001 International Conferences on Info-Tech and Info-Net. Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX479), 2001 International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net., IEEE, pp. 779-785.
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© 2001 IEEE. Security and safety are important factors that baffle the development and practicality of active networks. However, most research on active networks focuses on security. Based on the analysis of safety requirements of active networks and possibility of using the safety kernel that is a new concept of safety assurance, this paper presents a safety assurance mechanism SKAN for active networks. We design it from several important aspects of safety policy, practice of SKAN, reuse and effect. SKAN can address common problems found in active networks, such as lack of the effective support of application variety and expressiveness of safety policy, etc.
Zhu, XQ & Law, SS 1970, 'Identification of moving loads on a rectangular orthotropic plate from strains', Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 19th International Model Analysis Conference, SOC EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS INC, KISSIMMEE, FL, pp. 158-164.
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A time domain method is presented to identify the moving loads on the bridge deck from measuring strains. The bridge deck is modelled as a rectangular orthotropic plate. The vehicle is modelled as two axle loads moving on the bridge deck. Like all inverse problems, the identification is an ill-posed problem, so a regularization technique is employed to stabilize the solution. This paper gives a demonstration on the robustness of the solution technique to the effects of measurement noise and in the identification of eccentric moving loads. Numerical examples show that the method is effective and practical for moving load identification.
Zowghi, D & Gervasi, V 1970, 'Why is RE for web-based software development easier?', Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’01), International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, Essener Informatik Beitrage, Interlaken-Switzerland, pp. 215-220.
Zowghi, D, Damian, DE & Offen, R 1970, 'Field studies of requirements engineering in a multi-site software development organization: research in progress', Proceedings of 6th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering, Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering, UNSW, UNSW, Sydney, pp. 14-20.
Zowghi, D, Gervasi, V, McRae, A, SOCIETY, IC, SOCIETY, IC & SOCIETY, IC 1970, 'Using default reasoning to discover inconsistencies in natural language requirements', APSEC 2001: EIGHTH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS, Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, IEEE, Macau, pp. 133-140.
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