Adams, ED, Haley, RP & Ni, W 1996, 'Comment on “Nuclear Magnetic Ordering of3He Clusters in Solid4He”', Physical Review Letters, vol. 77, no. 26, pp. 5308-5308.
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Bawab, S, Kinzel, GL & Waldron, KJ 1996, 'Rectified Synthesis of Six-Bar Mechanisms With Well-Defined Transmission Angles for Four-Position Motion Generation', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 377-383.
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This paper describes a rectified synthesis method where a rigid body of a six-bar linkage with well-defined transmission angles is guided to pass through four precision positions. The procedure includes the elimination of circuit, branch, and order defects. This is achieved by decomposing the six-bar mechanism into groups of vector pairs called dyads and groups of three vectors called triads. The algebraic method of synthesis can be applied to rectify those chains. Although these defects can be eliminated, it has been a challenging task in the past. The procedure has been implemented for a Watt I crank-driven six-bar linkage in the interactive synthesis package RECSYN.
Bird, TS 1996, 'Cross-coupling between open-ended coaxial radiators', IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 143, no. 4, pp. 265-265.
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Bird, TS 1996, 'Improved solution for mode coupling in different-sized circular apertures and its application', IEE Proceedings: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 143, no. 6, pp. 451-464.
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A solution for the mutual admittance between modes in identical circular apertures is extended to the general case of coupling between different-sized apertures. Two alternative representations for the mode coupling integrals are derived. One is a gamma-function series representation with a limited range of application. The other is an improved integral formulation which is better suited to numerical calculation than the original integrals and was obtained by means of an integral transform in the complex plane. The accuracy of this improved integral formulation is demonstrated by comparing computed results with measured data for a three-element test array. Excellent agreement is obtained between theory and experiment for both coupling coefficients and radiation patterns. Results are also presented for an eight-horn feed cluster for a reflector.
Bird, TS 1996, 'Improved solution for mode coupling in different-sized circular apertures and its application', IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 143, no. 6, pp. 457-457.
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A solution for the mutual admittance between modes in identical circular apertures is extended to the general case of coupling between different-sized apertures. Two alternative representations for the mode coupling integrals are derived. One is a gamma-function series representation with a limited range of application. The other is an improved integral formulation which is better suited to numerical calculation than the original integrals and was obtained by means,of an integral transform in the complex plane. The accuracy of this improved integral formulation is demonstrated by comparing computed results with measured data for a three-element test array. Excellent agreement is obtained between theory and experiment for both coupling coefficients and radiation patterns. Results are also presented for an eight-horn feed cluster for a reflector. © IEE, 1996.
Bird, TS, Sprey, MA, Greene, KJ & James, GL 1996, 'Design of a high-performance, mid-sized, X-band earth station antenna', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 57-63.
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The reflector antenna and feed system of an 11-m diameter earth-station that operates in circular polarisation at X-band is described. The reflector-optics are required to have high G/T, sidelobes that satisfy the CCIR recommendation and low mismatch at the feed. The feed system is required to have high isolation between the transmit and receive ports (> 40 dB) at the centre of the band. This isolation is achieved by minimising reflections from all components forward of the polariser. The measured performance of the reflector and feed system is described.
Boyce, RR, Morton, JW, Houwing, AFP, Mundt, C & Bone, DJ 1996, 'Computational fluid dynamics validation using multiple interferometric views of a hypersonic flowfield', Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 319-325.
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Brichet, F, Roberts, J, Simonian, A & Veitch, D 1996, 'Heavy traffic analysis of a storage model with long range dependent On/Off sources', Queueing Systems, vol. 23, no. 1-4, pp. 197-215.
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Brown, K 1996, 'Imprinting mutation in the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome leads to biallelic IGF2 expression through an H19-independent pathway', Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 2027-2032.
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The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is genetically linked to chromosome 11p15.5, and a variety of observations suggest that deregulation of imprinted genes in this region is causally involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. It has been shown that in some patients without cytogenetic abnormalities the otherwise repressed maternal copy of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene is expressed, leading to biallelic expression of IGF2. In some of these cases, this is accompanied by repression and DNA methylation of the maternal (otherwise active) copy of the neighbouring H19 gene. Hence, it is attractive to think that mutations may interfere with some aspect of H19 imprinting, thus leading to an inactive maternal allele, and indirectly to activation of the maternal IGF2 allele as reported in mice with an H19 gene deletion. However, no mutations have been identified so far in these patients. The only known mutations associated with BWS are maternally transmitted translocations, which are clustered in two locations centromeric to IGF2. The first cluster is 200-400 kb from IGF2 and the second is several megabases away. Hence, genes located far from the translocation breakpoints are potentially deregulated by them. Here we provide the first evidence of alteration of imprinting in a translocation family, with biallelic expression of IGF2 and altered DNA replication patterns in the IGF2 region. Interestingly, H19 imprinting was normal, suggesting an H19-independent pathway to biallelic IGF2 transcription, DNA methylation in IGF2 remained monoallelic, suggesting that the mutation in this family had uncoupled allele-specific methylation from expression.
Burnett, IS & Gambino, PMB 1996, 'Pitch detection based on prototype waveforms', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA, vol. 1, pp. 73-76.
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This paper describes a pitch detection algorithm which builds on the `Composite Autocorrelation' method. By explicitly considering `prototype' waveforms within the constituent autocorrelation computations, and detecting the pitch at frequent (5 ms) intervals, the algorithm produces a robust and continuous pitch track. This leads to a reduced-delay algorithm that overcomes many of the difficulties encountered when using autocorrelation-based techniques in Prototype Waveform (PW) / Waveform Interpolation (WI) coders. In particular, the technique is able to rapidly track the onsets of voiced and unvoiced speech sections. The algorithm is also able to maintain track for both high and low pitch speakers with promising results at this reduced delay.
Burnett, IS & Parry, JJ 1996, 'On the effects of accent and language on low rate speech coders', Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. ICSLP '96, vol. 1, pp. 291-294.
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Carey, DG, Nguyen, TV, Campbell, LV, Chisholm, DJ & Kelly, P 1996, 'Genetic influences on central abdominal fat: a twin study.', Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 722-726.
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INTRODUCTION: Recent studies of regional fat distribution have focused on the clinical importance of central abdominal obesity. Central adiposity is strongly related to insulin resistance, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular disease. While significant genetic influences on body mass index (BMI), total body and subcutaneous fat have been demonstrated, the inheritance of central abdominal obesity, has not been studied. OBJECTIVE: To assess genetic effects on regional fat distribution and associated metabolic parameters. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: We directly measured total body, central abdominal (C-abd) and non-abdominal fat using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in 50 monozygotic (MZ) and 36 dizygotic (DZ) female twins, of age (mean +/- SD), 44 +/- 12 and 47 +/- 14 y; BMI 24 +/- 5 and 24 +/- 3 kg/m2; C-abd fat 33 +/- 9 and 32 +/- 9%, respectively. Total variance in all parameters was independent of zygosity and genetic analyses of regional adiposity were performed before and after adjusting for age and percentage total body fat. RESULTS: A genetic influence was observed on the population variance in total fat, C-abd fat (C-abd fat rMZ = 0.66 vs rDZ = 0.20, p = 0.03) and non abdominal fat. After adjusting C-abd fat for age and total body fat there was a independent genetic influence on C-abd fat accounting for approximately 70% of the population variance (rMZ = 0.61 vs rDZ = 0.40, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The majority of inter-subject variance in central abdominal fat in non-obese individuals is due to genetic factors. The inheritance of abdominal obesity, with its associated metabolic consequences, may contribute to the familial aggregation of insulin resistance, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Chang, J, Tsai, LJ & Vigneswaran, S 1996, 'Experimental investigation of the effect of particle size distribution of suspended particles on microfiltration', Water Science and Technology, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 133-140.
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Suspended particle size is one of the main factors which affect the performance of the microfiltration. Experimental results with bi and trimodal suspensions of latex particles clearly showed that the permeate flux and the quality were significantly affected by the particle size and its distribution, especially when the particle size was smaller than the pore size of the membrane.
Chang, JS, Tsai, LJ & Vigneswaran, S 1996, 'Experimental investigation of the effect of particle size distribution of suspended particles on microfiltration', Water Science and Technology, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 133-140.
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Suspended particle size is one of the main factors which affect the performance of the microfiltration. Experimental results with bi and trimodal suspensions of latex particles clearly showed that the permeate flux and the quality were significantly affected by the particle size and its distribution, especially when the particle size was smaller than the pore size of the membrane.
Chin-Teng Lin & Ya-Ching Lu 1996, 'A neural fuzzy system with fuzzy supervised learning', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 744-763.
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Dubeau, F & Shannon, AG 1996, 'A Fibonacci model of infectious disease', FIBONACCI QUARTERLY, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 257-270.
Eigenbrod, KD, Knutsson, S & Sheng, D 1996, 'Pore-Water Pressures in Freezing and Thawing Fine-Grained Soils', Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 77-92.
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Esselle, KP 1996, 'A low-profile rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1296-1297.
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Esselle, KP 1996, 'Circularly polarised higher-order rectangular dielectric-resonatorantenna', Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 150-151.
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Finn, GD, Lister, R, Szabo, T, Simonetta, D, Mulder, H & Young, R 1996, 'Neural networks applied to a large biological database to analyse dairy breeding patterns', Neural Computing & Applications, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 237-253.
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The paper recounts the investigation of a dairy sire prediction capability based on Cascade Correlation neural networks to study influences relating the performance of offspring to their parents. The context of the problem is the artificial insemination breeding program for the Australian dairy industry. The networks are used to screen observed information in the database to relate it to best combinations of dam and sire. The voluminous data is quite noisy and is subject to genetic and environmental influences. The intention is to extract linear and nonlinear relationships from among the input variables without specifying their form. A number of scenarios are employed which recast the data into different forms. In particular, it was discovered that the problem could be restructured and the data supplemented with transformed data to produce succinct input patterns of manageable dimensionality, which allowed for a substantially improved predictive capability. It was then found that reasonable daughter predictions could be obtained of about 10%, as measured by her milk production. Results are compared with those obtained using two alternate neural network methods. Crude statistical methods are employed to evaluate the performance of the neural networks.
Furukawa, T, Rye, DC, Dissanayake, MWMG & Barratt, AJ 1996, 'Automated polishing of an unknown three-dimensional surface', Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 261-270.
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Gambino, PMB & Burnett, IS 1996, 'Low delay pitch detection using dynamic-programming/Viterbi techniques', Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA, vol. 1, pp. 77-80.
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An algorithm for the detection of the Fundamental Pitch Period (F 0) at low delay, utilizing Dynamic Programming (DP) Techniques and those of the Viterbi Algorithm (VA) is presented. The algorithm results in a low delay, accurate pitch detector which is vital for low rate speech coders, such as those utilizing Prototype Waveform Interpolation (PWI) techniques. Current methods, based on autocorrelation incur a significant look-ahead delay and are therefore considered unsuitable for use in such speech coders. The algorithm described uses improved, non-linear Pitch Detection, with a substantial extension of a Viterbi-type tracking algorithm to maintain a smooth pitch track.
Glover, BM, Ishizuka, Y, Jeyakumar, V & Tuan, HD 1996, 'Complete Characterizations of Global Optimality for Problems Involving the Pointwise Minimum of Sublinear Functions', SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 362-372.
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Necessary and sufficient global optimality conditions are presented for certain nonconvex minimization problems subject to inequality constraints that are expressed as the pointwise minimum of sublinear (MSL) functions. A generalized Farkas lemma for ine
Guan, L 1996, 'Adaptive scaled mean square error filtering by neural networks', Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 460-460.
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Guo, YJ, Paez, A, Sadeghzadeh, RA & Barton, SK 1996, 'A patch antenna for HIPERLAN', Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 389-396.
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A patch antenna suited for indoor HIPERLAN is presented. The antenna operates in T M 02 mode and its radiation pattern is omnidirectional in azimuth and has a null in the normal direction. An experimental prototype has been designed and tested. A 6.1 % bandwidth of VSWR ≤ 2 and 4.2 dB antenna gain were measured at 5 GHz band. © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ha, QP 1996, 'Proportional-integral controllers with fuzzy tuning', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1043-1044.
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Some simple fuzzy logic schemes for online tuning of proportional-integral controller parameters to improve system robustness are outlined. Simulation results indicate that, with fuzzy tuning, the reference response is well damped with adequately fast dynamics, and the maximum deviation of the disturbance response is reduced even in the case of changing plant parameters.
Ha, QP 1996, 'Robust sliding mode controller with fuzzy tuning', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 32, no. 17, pp. 1626-1628.
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A new technique is presented for linearised systems with uncertainties using sliding mode control with fuzzy tuning. The validity of the proposed approach is verified by the control of a two-mass servo-system.
Ha, QP & Negnevitsky, M 1996, 'A neural network-based controller for servo drives', Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE IECON. 22nd International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, vol. 2, pp. 904-909.
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This paper outlines the design procedure of a neural network-based controller for tracking control systems. The neural net learns not to identify the inverse dynamics of the plant but to classify the feedback error and its time derivative. Correspondingly, the controller generates the appropriate control signal to cause the servo output to follow a prescribed trajectory. No a priori knowledge of the controlled object dynamics is required, thus enables the practicality of the proposed method for a variety of servo drive applications. The tracking performance and robustness are verified through the control of an overhead crane model.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1996, 'Chapter 12 A CSCW design tool based on generic objects', Human Factors in Information Technology, vol. 12, no. C, pp. 177-194.
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Hawryszkiewycz, IT, Maciaszek, LA & Getta, JR 1996, 'Coordination and artifact semantics in asynchronous distributed cooperation', Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 179-188.
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The trend towards an information-based society calls for computers to assist people to collaborate across time and space. Such collaboration is now frequently needed to bring expertise together to develop artifacts such as documents, project plans, or ot
Heiber, M, Marchese, A, Nguyen, T, Heng, HHQ, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 1996, 'A Novel Human Gene Encoding a G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPR15) Is Located on Chromosome 3', Genomics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 462-465.
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We used sequence similarities among G-protein-coupled receptor genes to discover a novel receptor gene. Using primers based on conserved regions of the opioid-related receptors, we isolated a PCR product that was used to locate the full-length coding region of a novel human receptor gene, which we have named GPR15. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of the receptor encoded by GPR15 with other receptors revealed that it shared sequence identity with the angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors, the interleukin 8b receptor, and the orphan receptors GPR1 and AGTL1. GPR15 was mapped to human chromosome 3q11.2-q13.1.
Hoffman, DM, Crampton, L, Sernia, C, Nguyen, TV & Ho, KK 1996, 'Short-term growth hormone (GH) treatment of GH-deficient adults increases body sodium and extracellular water, but not blood pressure.', J Clin Endocrinol Metab, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 1123-1128.
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Initiation of GH treatment in adults is frequently complicated by the development of symptomatic fluid retention. To investigate the mechanism and extent of fluid retention that occurs with dosages of GH used in the treatment of GH-deficient adults, we conducted a double blind study in which seven GH-deficient patients (aged 24-74 yr) each received in random order daily sc injections of placebo, a physiological dose of GH (0.04 U/kg, low dose), and a supraphysiological dose of GH (0.08 U/kg, high dose) for 7 days, separated by 21-day washout periods. On the seventh day, measurements were made of serum insulin-like growth factor I, body weight, exchangeable sodium, plasma volume, angiotensinogen, PRA, aldosterone, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and mean 24-h ambulatory heart rate and blood pressure. GH significantly increased mean insulin-like growth factor I levels from 105 +/- 11 to 304 +/- 45 micrograms/L during low dose treatment (P = 0.006) and 400 +/- 76 micrograms/L during high dose treatment (P = 0.004). High dose GH caused a 1.2 +/- 0.3 kg increase in body weight (P = 0.01) and a 193 +/- 65 mmol increase in exchangeable sodium (P = 0.008). Low dose GH had a lesser effect, with no significant increase in body weight, but an increase in exchangeable sodium of 113 +/- 37 mmol (P = 0.02). Plasma volume was not significantly affected by GH treatment. Mean supine angiotensinogen levels were significantly higher during both GH treatments compared to placebo (low dose, P = 0.017; high dose, P = 0.028) as were mean supine PRA levels (low dose, P = 0.0002; high dose, P = 0.0025). Supine angiotensin II, aldosterone, and ANP levels were not significantly affected by GH treatment. There was no significant change from placebo in any of the sodium-regulating hormones in the erect posture. The mean 24-h heart rate was significantly higher during low dose (82 +/- 2 beats/min; P = 0.0001) and high dose (88 +/- 3 beats/min; P = 0.0001) GH treatment than during ...
Howes, LG, Nguyen, T & Jackson, B 1996, 'SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF QUINAPRIL IN HYPERTENSIVE GERIATRIC PATIENTS', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1135-1135.
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Indraratna, B 1996, 'Utilization of lime, slag and fly ash for improvement of a colluvial soil in New South Wales, Australia', Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 169-191.
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In Australia, colluvial soils form large terrains which are often subjected to considerable erosion and mass movement. This study presents a laboratory evaluation of the improvement effected by hydrated lime, milled blast furnace slag and fly ash on a fine grained (erosive) colluvial soil in New South Wales, Australia. Geotechnical tests were conducted to determine the compaction and consolidation characteristics and the compressive and shear strength properties of the blended and natural soil specimens. The effect of these additives on the Atterberg limits and pH levels is also investigated. As large amounts of fly ash and steel slag are produced in New South Wales, it is economically attractive to utilize these industrial by-products for ground improvement rather than employing conventional methods such as lime treatment. This study demonstrates that for the colluvial soil tested, milled slag is the most effective in terms of improving the internal friction angle of the treated soil, while lime is the most suitable for achieving the optimum compressive strength. Non-pozzolanic fly ash is found to be inappropriate as a soil improving agent. The cost of ground treatment using the various additives is also estimated and compared. © 1996 Chapman & Hall.
Indraratna, B & Lasek, G 1996, 'Laboratory evaluation of the load-deflection behaviour of clay beams reinforced with galvanised wire netting', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 555-573.
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In Australia the utilisation of clay in the construction of landfill liners has recently come under criticism either due to the difficulty in reproducing the laboratory results on site, or because of the potential for cracking of the compacted liner after construction. Realising that clay is weak in tension and given the possibility of certain areas of the liner being subjected to flexure, a testing program was undertaken to determine the effects of placement (compaction), moisture content and internal reinforcement on the potential failure of clay liners. In particular, this paper discusses the load carrying capacity and deformation sustained by compacted clay beams in flexure, and the improvement gained through the introduction of an economical reinforcement in the form of galvanised steel wire netting. Results obtained by flexural bending tests are discussed in detail, and the extent of improvement provided by galvanised wire netting is evaluated. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
INDRARATNA, B, DILEMA, ELG & VAFAI, F 1996, 'AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE FILTRATION OF A LATERITIC CLAY SLURRY BY SAND FILTERS.', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 75-83.
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In many parts of the world, residual soils are used for the construction of impervious dam cores. This paper discusses the experimental details and design aspects of sand filters in the retention of a range of particle sizes in a clay slurry. Lateritic residual soil has a propensity to crack at relatively small tensile strains, if compacted either at low moisture content or at energy levels greater than the standard Proctor method. From laboratory results, a distinct demarcation between effective and noneffective filters was identified in considering the filter permeability and a specific particle size of the base soil (clay floes) retained by the filter. The equivalent of specific grain size <5g5, determined by hydrometer analysis was considered as the reference base particle, and the cation concentration of the base soil slurry was taken to represent the typical reservoir water chemistry of several dams in Thailand. The permeability of the filter was examined as a function of the sand grain sizes and the resulting empirical relationships are given in the paper. The performance of granular filters, including clogging behaviour, has'been studied according to~the particle sizes and uniformity coefficients of the filter media. The applicability of the proposed empirical relationships in practice is discussed in contrast to the conventional filter criteria.
Ishizuka, Y & Tuan, HD 1996, 'Directionally differentiable multiobjective optimization involving discrete inclusions', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 585-616.
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Jacobs, M & Leydekkers, P 1996, 'Specification of synchronization in multimedia conferencing services using the TINA lifecycle model.', Distributed Syst. Eng., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 185-196.
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Multimedia conferencing services have specific performance requirements with respect to the exchange of continuous media. One of these requirements is the synchronization within and between related streams. This article identifies synchronization requirements and solutions relevant for conferencing services that operate in an open distributed environment as defined in TINA-C. Based on the TINA service lifecycle, synchronization requirements and policies are described from different stakeholder perspectives. Synchronization is then specified in detail using the TINA information, computational and engineering languages. Finally, a description of the implementation of synchronization for a multimedia conferencing service is provided using a DPE platform. The synchronization object is proposed as an additional component available for the DPE that needs to deal with real-time audio-visual streams.
Johnson, AG, Nguyen, TV & Day, RO 1996, 'Evaluation of the Takeda TM-2420 in the elderly.', J Hum Hypertens, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 61-61.
Johnson, AG, Nguyen, TV, Owe-Young, R, Williamson, DJ & Day, RO 1996, 'Potential mechanisms by which nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs elevate blood pressure: the role of endothelin-1.', J Hum Hypertens, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 257-261.
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To determine whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) contributes to hypertension associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) usage in healthy, elderly, normotensive individuals a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of indomethacin was undertaken in 41 healthy, elderly individuals with stable normotension or controlled hypertension (blood pressure (BP) < or = 160/90 mm Hg). The main outcome measures were systolic and diastolic BP, heart rate, cardiac output, weight, creatinine clearance, plasma renin activity, aldosterone, endothelin-1 and arginine vasopressin concentrations and 24 h urinary endothelin-1 and 6 keto prostaglandin F1 alpha outputs. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluate the effect of indomethacin on BP and related parameters. Indomethacin treatment for 1 month increased systolic (+/- s.e.m.: 4.1 +/- 2.2 mm Hg; 95% confidence interval 0 to 8.3 mm Hg) and diastolic BP (2.7 +/- 1.1 mm Hg; 0.4 to 4.9 mm Hg) without altering cardiac output (P = 0.59), implying an increase in total peripheral resistance. Indomethacin treatment produced a small increase in weight (1.4 +/- 0.4 kg; 0.6 to 2.2 kg), a small reduction in renal function (creatinine clearance: 6.8 +/- 1.8 mis/min; 3.3 to 10.3 mis/min) but a significant (83%) increase in daily urinary endothelin-1 production (13.1 +/- 3.4 ng/ml; 6.4 to 19.8 ng/ml) without altering plasma ET-1 concentration, suggesting increased renal synthesis. In conclusion, renal paracrine effects of ET-1 may contribute to NSAID-induced blood pressure elevation in humans.
Jones, G, White, C, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1996, 'Prevalent vertebral deformities: Relationship to bone mineral density and spinal osteophytosis in elderly men and women', Osteoporosis International, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 233-239.
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Juang, CF & Lin, CT 1996, 'Self-organizing neural fuzzy inference network for indentification and control', Journal of Control Systems and Technology, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 269-280.
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A Self-Organizing Neural Fuzzy Inference Network (SONFIN) with on-line learning ability is proposed in this paper. The SONFIN in inherently a fuzzy rule-based model possessing neural network's learning ability. In contrast to the general adaptive neural fuzzy networks, where the rules should be decided in advance before parameter learning is performed, there are no rules initially in the SONFIN. They are created and adapted as on-line learning proceeds via simultaneous structure and parameter identification. In this structure identification of the precondition part, the input space is partitioned in a flexible way according to an aligned clustering-based algorithm. As to the structure identification of the consequent part, only a singleton value selected by a clustering method is assigned to each rule initially. Afterwards, some additional terms (a linear combination of input variables) are added to the consequent part when necessary. Furthermore, to enhance the knowledge representation ability of the SONFIN, a linear transformation for each input variable can be incorporated into the network so that much fewer rules are needed or higher accuracy can be achieved. Proper linear transformation are also learned dynamically in the parameter identification phase of the SONFIN. To demonstrate the capability of the proposed SONFIN, simulations in identification and control problems are done. Effectiveness of the SONFIN is verified from these simulations.
Keen, RW, Nguyen, T, Sobnack, R, Perry, LA, Thompson, PW & Spector, TD 1996, 'Can biochemical markers predict bone loss at the hip and spine?: A 4-year prospective study of 141 early postmenopausal women', Osteoporosis International, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 399-406.
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Kolakowski, LF, Jung, BP, Nguyen, T, Johnson, MP, Lynch, KR, Cheng, R, Heng, HHQ, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 1996, 'Characterization of a human gene related to genes encoding somatostatin receptors', FEBS Letters, vol. 398, no. 2-3, pp. 253-258.
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We report the identification of a gene, named SLC‐11, encoding a novel G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR). A customized search procedure of a database of expressed sequence tags (dbEST) retrieved a human cDNA sequence that partially encoded a GPCR. A genomic DNA fragment identical to the cDNA was obtained and used to screen a library to isolate the full‐length coding region of the gene. This gene was intronless in its open reading frame, and encoded a receptor of 402 amino acids, and shared −40% amino acid identity in the transmembrane (TM) regions to the five known human somatostatin receptors. Northern blot analysis revealed that SLC‐1 is expressed in human brain regions, including the forebrain and hypothalamus. Expression in the rat was highest in brain, followed by heart, kidney, and ovary. Expression of SLC‐1 in COS‐7 cells failed to show specific binding to radiolabelled Tyr1‐somatostatin‐14, naloxone, bremazocine, 1,3‐di(2‐tolyl)‐guanidine (DTG), or haloperidol. A repeat polymorphism of the form (CA)n was discovered in the 5′‐untranslated region (UTR) of the gene and SLC‐1 was mapped to chromosome 22, q13.3.
Kovoor, P, Eipper, VE, Dewsnap, BI, McKinley, S, Nguyen, HT, Uther, JB & Ross, DL 1996, 'The effect of differing frequencies on lesion size during radiofrequency ablation', CIRCULATION, vol. 94, no. 8, pp. 3953-3953.
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Lam, S, Shen, Y, Nguyen, T, Messier, TL, Brann, M, Comings, D, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 1996, 'A Serotonin Receptor Gene (5HT1A) Variant Found in a Tourette's Syndrome Patient', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 219, no. 3, pp. 853-858.
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Serotonergic pathway disturbances have been implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders such as Tourette's syndrome (TS), substance abuse, and depression. In order to search for the presence of an association between these neuropsychiatric disorders and particular serotonin receptors isolated from these patients, we have started to analyze the structure of these receptor genes. We now report that a missense nucleotide change in the 5HT1A receptor gene produces a variant form of the 5HT1A receptor (Arg219 to Leu) identified in DNA extracted from a TS patient. Also, in several DNA samples examined, both in controls and in the patients, we found a second missense nucleotide change which resulted in an amino acid change (Asn417 to Lys) located in the carboxyl tail of the receptor. Several other polymorphic changes have been reported previously in the human 5HT1A receptor and we have also confirmed these findings in our samples.
Lee, S, Vigneswaran, S & Bajracharya, K 1996, 'Phosphorus transport in saturated slag columns: Experiments and mathematical models', Water Science and Technology, vol. 34, no. 1-2, pp. 153-160.
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Excessive phosphorus (P as orthophosphate) is one of the major pollutants in natural water that are responsible for algal blooms and eutrophication. P removal by slag is an attractive solution if the P sorption capacity of slag is significant. To design an efficient land treatment facility, basic information on the behaviour of P in the media-water environment is required. In this study, detailed column experiments were conducted to study the P transport under dynamic condition, and mathematical models were developed to describe this process. The column experiments conducted with dust and cake waste products (slag) from a steel industry as adsorbing media indicated that they had higher sorption capacity of P than that of a sandy loam soil from North Sydney, Australia. P transport in the dust and cake columns exhibited characteristic S-shaped or curvilinear breakthrough curves. The simulated results from a dynamic physical non-equilibrium sorption model (DPNSM) and Freundlich isotherm constants satisfactorily matched the corresponding experimental breakthrough data. The mobility of P is restricted by the adsorbents and it is proportional to the sorption capacity of them.
Li, J & Yu, Y 1996, 'Studies on the approximation capability of the second-order neural network', Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yingyong/Control Theory and Applications, vol. 13, no. 4.
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The approximation capability of the second-order neural network is investigated in this paper and the following results have been obtained: 1)It has been proved that the second-order neural network can approximate any continuous function with any degree of accuracy; 2) the BP algorithm for second-order neural network and the simulated results are given in this paper. The simulated experiments show that when the number of hidden neurons in the second-order neural network is equal to the first-order one's, the error of the second-order neural network decreases faster than the first-order one's; when the accuracies of both of the second-order and first-order neural networks are equal, the number of hidden neurons in the second-order is far smaller than the first-order one's.
Li, JY & Chow, TWS 1996, 'Functional Approximation of Higher-Order Neural Networks', Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 6, no. 3-4, pp. 239-260.
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LIN, C-T 1996, 'Adaptive subset hood for neural fuzzy control', International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 937-955.
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LIN, C-T, KAN, M-C & CHUNG, I-F 1996, 'A NEURAL NETWORK THAT LEARNS FROM FUZZY DATA FOR LANGUAGE ACQUISITION', International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 04, no. 06, pp. 581-603.
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This paper proposes a four-layered fuzzy language acquisition network (FLAN) for acquiring fuzzy language. It can catch the intended information from a sentence (command) spoken in natural language with fuzzy terms. The intended information includes a meaningful semantic action and the fuzzy linguistic information of that action (for example, the phrase “move forward” represents the meaningful semantic action and the phrase “very high speed” represents the linguistic information in the fuzzy command “Move forward in a very high speed.”). The proposed FLAN has two important features. First, we can make no restrictions whatever on the fuzzy language input which is used to specify the desired information, and the network requires no acoustic, prosodic, grammar and syntactic structure. Second, the linguistic information of an action is learned automatically and it is represented by fuzzy numbers based on α-level sets. A supervised learning scheme is proposed to train the FLAN on fuzzy training data. This learning scheme consists of the mutual-information (MI) supervised learning algorithm for learning meaningful semantic actions, and the fuzzy backpropagation (FBP) learning algorithm for learning linguistic information. An experimental system is constructed to illustrate the performance and applicability of the proposed FLAN.
Liu, ZM, Mohan, AS & Aubrey, TA 1996, 'Em scattering using nonuniform mesh fdtd, pml and mur's abc', Electromagnetics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 341-358.
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In this paper, techniques are presented to extend FDTD, PML and Mur's second order ABC to the non-uniform mesh case for scattering problems from a consideration of improving the efficiency of computer codes to run on parallel computers. An alternative method to obtain the space derivatives in non-uniform mesh FDTD and non-uniform mesh PML ABC is presented which provides a second order accuracy. Mur's second order ABC has also been extended to the non-uniform mesh case with a First order accuracy which is an improvement over an existing method. A method of extending the pure scattered-field formulation to the PML medium is described. The electric fields inside a single layer dielectric sphere as well as a three layer dielectric sphere illuminated by a sinusoidal uniform plane wave have been computed which compare well with the results from an exact formulation. © 1996 Taylor & Francis.
Liu, ZM, Mohan, AS & Aubrey, TA 1996, 'EM Scattering Using Nonuniform Mesh FDTD, PML and Mur's ABC', Electromagnetics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 341-358.
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In this paper, techniques are presented to extend FDTD, PML and Murs second order ABC to the non-uniform mesh case for scattering problems from a consideration of improving the efficiency of computer codes to run on parallel computers. An alternative met
Lui, AK & Bone, D 1996, 'Graphical raster based data editors', AUSTRALIAN COMPUTER SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 18, pp. 592-601.
Manoharan, V, Loganathan, P, Tillman, RW & Parfitt, RL 1996, 'Assessing aluminum phytotoxicity in long-term phosphate fertilized pasture soils', COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS, vol. 27, no. 5-8, pp. 1731-1748.
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Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 1996, 'Application of downflow floating medium flocculator/prefilter (DFF) - Coarse sand filter (CSF) in nutrient removal', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 63-70.
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In this study, the applicability and the advantages of the downflow floating medium filter (DFF) in wastewater treatment were examined. The experimental results indicated that the DFF with in-line fiocculation addition is a good pretreatment unit to reduce phosphorus load (up to 80â89% removal). The DFF also resulted in uniform filterable-floes of 32â42 (am throughout the filter run. Thus it can also successfully be used as a flocculator. The backwashing of floating medium was achieved with a small quantity of water and at low backwash velocity. The introduction of floating medium filter bed on top of a coarse sand filter unit (CSF) increased the filter run time and removal efficiency (more than 87 and 94% of NH3-N and T-P removal respectively), particularly at a low filtration rate (5 m3/m2.h).
Ngo, HH & Vigneswaran, S 1996, 'Application of downflow floating medium flocculator/prefilter (DFF) - coarse sand filter (CSF) in nutrient removal', Water Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 63-70.
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In this study, the applicability and the advantages of the downflow floating medium filter (DFF) in wastewater treatment were examined. The experimental results indicated that the DFF with in-line flocculation addition is a good pretreatment unit to reduce phosphorus load (up to 80-89% removal). The DFF also resulted in uniform filterable-flocs of 32-42 µm throughout the filter run. Thus it can also successfully be used as a flocculator. The backwashing of floating medium was achieved with a small quantity of water and at low backwash velocity. The introduction of floating medium filter bed on top of a coarse sand filter unit (CSF) increased the filter run time and removal efficiency (more than 87 and 94% of NH3-N and T-P removal respectively), particularly at a low filtration rate (5 m3/m2.h).
Ngo, HH, Vigneswaran, S & Jegatheesan, V 1996, 'Mathematical modelling of downflow floating medium filter (DFF) with in-line flocculation arrangement', WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 34, no. 3-4, pp. 355-362.
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A laboratory-scale set-up consisting of rapid mixing device and floating medium filter was used to study the use of a downflow floating medium filter (DFF) with an in-line flocculation arrangement as a static flocculator and a prefilter. The semi-empirical mathematical model formulated incorporates flocculation within the filter, particle/floc attachment onto the filter and the detachment of flocs from the medium. The mathematical model for filtration takes into account the expansion of the filter bed. The removal efficiency of DFF and headloss development were successfully simulated for different conditions of filtration velocity, filter depth and influent suspended solids (SS). The values of attachment coefficient ap and headloss coefficient were found to be independent of filtration velocity, filter depth and influent SS concentration.
Ngugyen, TV, Eisman, JA, Kelly, PJ & Sambroak, PN 1996, 'Risk Factors for Osteoporotic Fractures in Elderly Men', American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 144, no. 3, pp. 255-263.
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Nguyen, HT, Luzio, SD, Dolben, J, West, J, Beck, L, Coates, PA & Owens, DR 1996, 'Dominant risk factors for retinopathy at clinical diagnosis in patients with type II diabetes mellitus', Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 211-219.
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A study of 270 newly presenting, previously untreated, type II diabetic patents revealed that 38 patients (14%) had already developed diabetic retinopathy (DR). Among this group, 26 patients had lesions of background diabetic retinopathy and 12 patients
Nguyen, TV, Morrison, NA, Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1996, 'Vitamin D receptor gene and osteoporosis.', J Clin Endocrinol Metab, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 1674-1675.
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O'Dowd, BF, Nguyen, T, Lynch, KR, Kolakowski, LF, Thompson, M, Cheng, R, Marchese, A, Ng, G, Heng, HHQ & George, SR 1996, 'A novel gene codes for a putative G protein‐coupled receptor with an abundant expression in brain', FEBS Letters, vol. 394, no. 3, pp. 325-329.
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Following the cloning of the dopamine receptors we continued a search of the human genome for related genes. We searched an EST data base and discovered cDNA fragments encoding novel G protein‐coupled receptor genes. The available GenBank sequence of one of these EST fragments showed that it encoded a receptor with closest similarity to the D2 dopamine and adrenergic receptors. This cDNA was used to isolate the gene (GPR19), and the encoded receptor also demonstrated similarity with the neuropeptide Y receptor. The gene was mapped to chromosome 12, in region p13.2–12.3. Northern blot analysis revealed expression of GPR19 in peripheral regions, and brain regions significantly overlapping with the D2 receptor gene expression. A sequence of the rat orthologue of GPR19 was obtained and in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated a very abundant expression in rat brain.
ONO, E, HOSOE, S, TUAN, HD & HAYASHI, Y 1996, 'NonlinearH∞Control of Active Suspension', Vehicle System Dynamics, vol. 25, no. sup1, pp. 489-501.
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Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1996, 'Capacity of a coded direct sequence spread spectrum system over fading satellite channels using an adaptive LMS-MMSE receiver', IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E79-A, no. 12, pp. 2043-2049.
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This paper examines the performance of a direct sequence, spread spectrum (DSSS) multiple access (MA) system used over two typical, frequency-selective, fading satellite channels. In an attempt to increase the system efficiency, an adaptive receiver described by Rapajic and Vucetic [1] has been implemented. This system has been combined with soft-decision convolutional coding in order to improve the system performance under the fading conditions relative to the uncoded system and to allow as many simultaneous users as possible. Various code rates have been examined and the results are given. This paper specifically focuses on DSSS-MA systems with low spreading ratios. The satellite channels used in this paper were produced by models developed as a result of experimental measurements of fading satellite channels for rural and urban environments.
Oppermann, I, White, B & Vucetic, BS 1996, 'A Markov model for wide-band fading channel simulation in micro-cellular systems', IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, vol. E79B, no. 9, pp. 1215-1220.
Perry, SW & Guan, L 1996, 'A Partitioned Modified Hopfield Neural Network Algorithm for Real-Time Image Restoration', Real-Time Imaging, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 215-224.
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Pham, DH & Burnett, IS 1996, 'Quantisation techniques for Prototype Waveforms', ISSPA 96 - FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2, vol. 1, pp. 53-56.
Pocock, NA, Noakes, KA, Howard, GM, Nguyen, TV, Kelly, PJ, Sambrook, PN, Eisman, JA & Freund, J 1996, 'Screening for osteoporosis: what is the role of heel ultrasound?', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 164, no. 6, pp. 367-370.
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Pocock, NA, Noakes, KA, Howard, GM, Nguyen, TV, Kelly, PJ, Sambrook, PN, Eisman, JA & Freund, J 1996, 'Screening for osteoporosis: What is the role of heel ultrasound?', Maturitas, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 82-82.
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Saleh, A & Parsanejad, S 1996, 'Application of orthogonalised load/deflection states to the collapse behaviour of grout-filled damaged tubular members', Structural engineering review, vol. 8, no. 2-3, pp. 269-275.
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Framed off-shore structures are normally made of tubular members. These members are prone to damage by collision from supply boats or by the impact of dropped objects. Experimental and theoretical work has indicated that such damage can cause a significant loss of member strength and the grouting is an effective way of repair for tubular members with a moderate degree of damage. An existing numerical approach based on the method of orthogonalised load/deflection states has been successfully employed to establish the pre- and post-ultimate force/displacement relationships of damaged tubes and grout-filled damaged tubes. The paper comprises an explanation of the analytical method used, adaptation of the method for analysis of fully grout-filled damaged tubes and the presentation of the results. A comparison is made between the experimental and analytical results.
Smith, CL & Voinov, A 1996, 'Resource management: Can it sustain pacific northwest fishery and forest systems?', Ecosystem Health, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 156-158.
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The relative effectiveness of resource management regimes is widely discussed. Sustainability and ecosystem health are two dimensions upon which the effect of management is judged. Evaluating resource management requires long time spans. We look at the impact of management on fish and forest resources by taking a life cycle approach to the exploitation of natural capital. Russian ethnographer Gumilev (1990) describes the process of how human systems go through a set of phases that parallel the birth, growth, maturity, and death stages of the life cycle. The process of adaptive renewal proposed by Holling (1992), too, has life cycle characteristics. The primary variables used to represent the phases of the renewal cycle are the amount of capital that is accumulated and the connectedness in the system. We apply the renewal cycle to a fishery and forestry example in the U.S. Pacific Northwest to see how management regimes alter the capital stock of these systems. In these two examples, 90% of the natural capital is lost or projected to be lost over a century and a half of exploitation. The management regime in both cases evolves toward greater inflexibility. Based on these two examples, resource management does not seem to lead to sustainability or ecosystem health. © 1996 Blackwell Science, Inc.
Sprey, MA & Bird, TS 1996, 'Minimise pattern degradation when subreflector vertexshaping is used to improve feed match', Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 781-782.
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Sreenivasan, SV & Waldron, KJ 1996, 'Displacement Analysis of an Actively Articulated Wheeled Vehicle Configuration With Extensions to Motion Planning on Uneven Terrain', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 312-317.
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This manuscript presents a displacement analysis of actively articulated wheeled vehicles on uneven terrain. These vehicles are distinct from traditional wheeled systems since they have the ability to actively adapt to variations in the terrain and they can actively influence the forces at the wheel-terrain contact locations. They also possess special mobility capabilities such as obstacle climbing and self-recovery from an over-turn failure. The problem of solving for the configuration of these vehicles on uneven terrain has been addressed in detail. The displacement analysis leads to multiple solutions due to the inherent nonlinearity in the position kinematic equations. Geometric reasoning has been used to identify the particular configuration that represents the “correct” vehicle geometry on the terrain. Applications of the displacement analysis algorithms to vehicle planning on uneven terrain have been discussed. An obstacle climbing maneuver of a three-module actively articulated wheeled vehicle has been described.
Sreenivasan, SV, Waldron, KJ & Mukherjee, S 1996, 'Globally Optimal Force Allocation in Active Mechanisms With Four Frictional Contacts', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 353-359.
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Mechanisms interacting with their environments that possess complete contact force controllability such as multifingered hands and walking vehicles are considered in this article. In these systems, the redundancy in actuation can be used to optimize the force distribution characteristics. The resulting optimization problems can be highly nonlinear. Here, the redundancy in actuation is characterized using geometric reasoning which leads to simplifications in the formulation of the optimization problems. Next, advanced polynomial continuation techniques are adapted to solve for the global optimum of an important nonlinear optimization problem for the case of four frictional contacts. The algorithms developed here are not suited for real-time implementation. However, these algorithms can be used in off-line force planning, and they can be used to develop look-up tables for certain applications. The outputs of these algorithms can also be used as a baseline to evaluate the effectiveness of sub-optimal schemes.
Staveley-Smith, L, Wilson, WE, Bird, TS, Disney, MJ, Ekers, RD, Freeman, KC, Haynes, RF, Sinclair, MW, Vaile, RA, Webster, RL & Wright, AE 1996, 'The Parkes 21 cm Multibeam Receiver', Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 243-248.
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Several extragalactic HI surveys using a λ21 cm 13-beam focal plane array will begin in early 1997 using the Parkes 64 m telescope. These surveys are designed to detect efficiently nearby galaxies that have failed to be identified optically because of low optical surface brightness or high optical extinction. We discuss scientific and technical aspects of the multibeam receiver, including astronomical objectives, feed, receiver and correlator design and data acquisition. A comparison with other telescopes shows that the Parkes multibeam receiver has significant speed advantages for any large-area λ21 cm galaxy survey in the velocity range range 0–14000 km s−1.
Stewart, MG 1996, 'Optimization of serviceability load combinations for structural steel beam design', Structural Safety, vol. 18, no. 2-3, pp. 225-238.
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In Australia, typical design load combinations for serviceability are ψsQ and G + ψsQ (D and D + L in the US) where G and Q are design dead and live loads, respectively, and ψs is a short-term live load factor. Code calibration is conducted herein for Australian and US serviceability load combinations, for structural steel beams in flexure. The effects that office, retail, domestic and car parking loads and tributary areas have on serviceability reliability is described. It was found that serviceability reliabilities for different floor uses vary considerably for Australian and US serviceability load combinations; whereas the differences between serviceability reliabilities for one year and duration of a single tenancy reference periods were not great. Short-term live load factors for most floor uses were adjusted (sometimes significantly) to ensure that serviceability reliabilities exceed the minimum target level of 1.65. Consequently, the present paper provides suggested values for short-term live load factors that may be used in Australian and possibly in US codes. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Stewart, MG 1996, 'Serviceability Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures', Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 122, no. 7, pp. 794-803.
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A probabilistic model is developed to estimate immediate, creep, and shrinkage deflections. Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate deflections and probabilities of serviceability failure (lifetime and for each 8 yr tenancy) for reinforced concrete beams sized according to the span-to-depth ratio serviceability requirements of Australian, British, and American Concrete Structures Codes. Serviceability failure is denned to occur when a deflection exceeds an allowable deflection limit as a result of flexure. It was found that the span-to-depth ratio serviceability requirements of these codes produce significantly different serviceability reliabilities. This is probably a consequence of the fact that the serviceability specifications of these codes have not been subjected to code calibration. A code-calibration exercise considering load factors, loading combinations, and/or allowable deflection limits may minimize these variations in serviceability reliabilities.
Szuladzinski, G & Saleh, A 1996, 'Analysis of braking a cylindrical boulder and application to bench blasting', Acta Mechanica, vol. 115, no. 1-4, pp. 79-85.
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Tellambura, C, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1996, 'Co-channel and self-interference analysis for indoor wireless channels', Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 411-419.
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To achieve a user data rate of 20 Mbit/s in the high performance local area network (HIPERLAN) system operating in indoor environments, channel equalization must be used to mitigate the effects of multipath propagation. If, however, the indoor channel impulse response length is too long, then the multipath power outside of the equalisation capability of the equalizer acts as a form of self interference. Moreover, co-channel interference may also be present at the detector input. Considering these two effects as well as the rms delay spread, this paper derives analytical expressions for the probability of outage. © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tellambura, C, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1996, 'Equaliser Performance for HIPERLAN in indoor channels', Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 397-410.
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In order to accomplish practical deployment modelling for system performance evaluation and comparison for possible modulation and equalisation schemes to be used in HIPERLAN, a wide band tapped delay line (WTDL) channel model has been adopted by ETSI to characterise the multipath fading in the indoor radio environment. Based on this statistical channel model, and using Monte Carlo method, this paper evaluates the average probability of error for linear and decision feedback equalisers as a function of signal-to-noise ratio. It also evaluates the matched filter bound for this channel model. The results show the optimum performance levels achievable via the use of any equaliser. © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Thomas, PS 1996, 'Dependence of the friction process on the molecular structure and architecture of thin polymer films', Tribology International, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 631-637.
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Tuan, HD 1996, 'On solution sets of nonconvex Darboux problems and applications to optimal control with endpoint constraints', The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 354-391.
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AbstractWe prove a continuous version of a relaxation theorem for the nonconvex Darboux problem xlt ε F(t, τ, x, xt, xτ). This result allows us to use Warga's open mapping theorem for deriving necessary conditions in the form of a maximum principle for optimization problems with endpoint constraints. Neither constraint qualification nor regularity assumption is supposed.
Tuan, HD & Hosoe, S 1996, 'Comments on consistency of quadratic forms', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1215-1216.
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Tuan, HD & Hosoe, S 1996, 'On linearization technique in robust nonlinear ∞ control', Systems & Control Letters, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 21-27.
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Vigneswaran, S, Boonthanon, S & Prasanthi, H 1996, 'Filter backwash water recycling using crossflow microfiltration', Desalination, vol. 106, no. 1-3, pp. 31-38.
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Experiments were carried out using crossflow microfiltration (CFMF) for treating filter backwash water from a water treatment plant, It was found that CFMF with backflush is technically feasible and highly efficient. The condition of the backflush freque
Vigneswaran, S, Prasanthi, H & Dharmappa, HB 1996, 'Implications of particle size to transient stage of deep bed filtration', Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 565-572.
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This study was aimed at investigating the effect of particle size, mostly in the submicron range, on break-through stage of filtration. Latex beads, with diameters ranging from 0.46- to 2.967-μm were filtered through filter grains of diameters 0.1-, 0.175- and 0.45-mm. Experimental conditions were chosen so as to obtain breakthrough curves. The experimental results showed that the initial efficiency follows the pattern reported by previous experimental and theoretical studies, i.e., lower efficiency for 0.825-μm particles which fall in the range of critical size. However, the particle removal during the transient stage increased with an increase in particle size for the range of sizes studied. This pattern is qualitatively confirmed by the theoretical predictions of Vigneswaran and Chang (1986) model. This study also provides experimental verification of the effect of the ratio of particle size and grain size at different stages of filtration.
Vinh, H, Wain, J, Vo, TN, Cao, NN, Mai, TC, Bethell, D, Nguyen, TT, Tu, SD, Nguyen, MD & White, NJ 1996, 'Two or three days of ofloxacin treatment for uncomplicated multidrug-resistant typhoid fever in children', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 958-961.
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An open randomized comparison of 2 days (Ofx2) versus 3 days (Ofx3) of oral ofloxacin treatment (15 mg/kg/day) was conducted with Vietnamese children between 1 and 15 years of age with suspected typhoid fever. Of 108 children enrolled, 100 were blood culture positive for Salmonella typhi, and 86% of the isolates were multidrug resistant. There were no significant adverse effects. The therapeutic responses were similar in both groups, with mean (+/- standard deviation) fever clearances of 107 +/- 60 h in the Ofx3 group and 100 +/- 64 h in the Ofx2 group (P > 0.2). There were six 'clinical' failures in the Ofx2 group and two clinical failures in the Ofx3 group (P > 0.2), in which fever and symptoms persisted for more than 1 week after the start of treatment, but only one of these was culture positive (Ofx3). There was one suspected relapse, and one carrier was identified. Short courses of ofloxacin are simple, inexpensive, safe, and effective for the treatment of uncomplicated multidrug-resistant typhoid fever.
Waldron, KJ & Sreenivasan, SV 1996, 'A Study of the Solvability of the Position Problem for Multi-Circuit Mechanisms by Way of Example of the Double Butterfly Linkage', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 390-395.
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It is frequently forgotten that the common methods of position analysis of planar linkages, which are based on dyadic decomposition, are not general. This is true regardless of whether a graphical or analytical approach is used. It is demonstrated in this paper that relatively simple linkages can give rise to problems that cannot be addressed by dyadic decomposition methods, and that solution of these problems can be far more complex.
Xu, G, Wang, N & Wang, J 1996, 'Determination of particle size distribution and mass concentration from the forward light flux scattered within two solid angles', Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 432-436.
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Based on Fraunhofer diffraction theory a method was proposed to determine the size distribution as well as the absolute mass concentration of solid particles from the forward light flux scattering within two solid angles. The results of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were given and the feasibility of this method and the prospect of its application were also indicated.
Ying, M 1996, 'Initial and terminal semantics for glued theories in institutions', Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 360-363.
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In this paper, the correspondence among initial (terminal) semantics of glued theories and factor theories in institutions is clarified under certain intuitive conditions.
Ying, MS 1996, 'An open logic system admitting modification of inference rules', CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, vol. 41, no. 13, pp. 1069-1071.
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Ying, MS 1996, 'When is the ideal completion of abstract basis algebraic', THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 355-356.
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The concepts of abstract basis and its ideal completion play an important role in domain theory because the category of bases (and approximable relations) is equivalent to the category of continuous domains (and continuous mappings) (cf. [1, Theorem 2.2.
Adil, MA, Sharma, D & Parkin, J 1970, 'Electricity sector decision making and performance: A case study in Pakistan', WATER & ENERGY 2001 - NEEDS, DEVELOPMENT, UTILISATION, International Research and Development Conference on Water and Energy 2001, A A BALKEMA, NEW DELHI, INDIA, pp. 389-394.
Alkussayer, HM, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1970, 'Low-cost multi-user receiver for synchronous CDMA systems', Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, pp. 1588-1591.
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The effect of noise enhancement of the linear decorrelating detector (LDD) is investigated by studying a low complexity receiver for synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems. Using Gold codes as the spreading sequences a general formula of the decorrelating matrix is obtained, which leads to a simplified receiver structure and explicit expression of the bit error ratio (BER). It is shown that even with multiple access interference (MAI) reduced, the BER of the system is still dependent on the bandwidth efficiency. For a given bandwidth, efficiency, the system performance improves when the processing gain is increased.
Alkussayer, HM, Zheng, FC, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1970, 'Time diversity decorrelator (TDD); a near-far resistant detector for asynchronous CDMA system', IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 564-568.
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In this paper a near-far resistance detector for asynchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access (CDMA) systems operating in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels is presented. The multi-user interference caused by K users transmitting simultaneously, each with a specific signature sequence, is completely removed at the receiver. The complexity of this detector grows only linearly with the number of users, as compared to the optimum multi-user detector which requires exponential complexity in the number of users. A modified algorithm based on time diversity is described. It performs detection on a bit-by-bit basis and overcomes the complexity of using a sequence detector. The performance of this detector is shown to be superior to that of the conventional receiver.
Ball, JE & Luk, KC 1970, 'Determination of the rainfall distribution over a catchment using hydroinformatic tools', HYDROINFORMATICS '96, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2nd International Conference on Hydroinformatics (Hydroinformatics 96), A A BALKEMA, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, pp. 369-376.
Baweja, D, Roper, H & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'Corrosion of steel in marine concrete: Long-term half-cell potential and resistivity data', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 89-110.
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This paper presents some results from a major research project carried out on corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete. The performance of a range of Portland and blended cement concretes containing fly ash and blast furnace slag exposed to simulated marine conditions was evaluated over a period of six years. A large amount of data relating to corrosion of embedded steel in concrete was obtained in this project. Long-term half cell potential data on reinforcement within concrete slabs and resistivity data on the same concrete specimens has been considered in detail in this paper. Rates of corrosion of steel in concrete were also measured using potentiodynarnic anodic polarization procedures. Trends observed in the data were different for the portland and blended cement concretes investigated. It was found that concrete resistivity may influence the measured half cell potential of steel in concrete. This factor needs to be taken into account for half cell potential data interpretations.
Bird, TS 1970, 'Modelling arrays of circular horns with choke rings', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), pp. 226-229.
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Arrays of circular waveguides or horns are commonly used in directly radiating arrays or as feeds for reflectors. An application of the latter that holds continuing interest is the production of shaped beams with satellite antennas and the ability to design cycling time. Arrays of circular horns was modeled for satellite antennas taking into account coaxial-choke rings. This paper outlines methods in computer software that has been developed to take this factor into account. Some results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the software and its application.
Bone, D, Veldkamp, P & Horowitz, FG 1970, 'Wavelet Based Image Coding with Interscale Linear Prediction', Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 209-213.
Braun, RM, Horwitz, R & Kaplan, D 1970, 'Reform of the South African telecommunications sector - some ramifications thereof', IEEE AFRICON Conference, 1996 IEEE AFRICON / 4th AFRICON Conference in Africa - Electrical Energy Technology, Communication Systems, Human Resources, I E E E, STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA, pp. 68-72.
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This paper describes the background to the present regulatory framework of the South African telecommunications sector. The paper considers the present infrastructure, its ownership and its capabilities. The paper then goes on to discuss the process followed in the creation of a new regulatory framework. It discusses the details of what is proposed, and the ramifications. The effect of technological advancement is put into the context of a new de-regulated market.
Brookes, W & Indulska, J 1970, 'Teaching internet literacy to a large and diverse audience', Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Computer science education - ACSE '97, the second Australasian conference, ACM Press, pp. 7-15.
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© 1997 ACM. Very large and diverse audiences pose a variety of problems for lecturers and students alike [l]. This paper presents an approach used in the School of Information Technology at The University of Queensland to teach an Internet literacy course to a diverse student audience. The course provides an introduction to computer networks and teaches students from various university faculties how to effectively use a variety of Internet services. The subject integrates efforts on teaching Internet literacy at the university in order to minimise teaching effort and to maximise quality of teaching. The paper discusses the variety of means deployed in order to provide a flexible, self-directed learning environment for the course. This led to: The inclusion of QUIKF'ro!, a specially developed Computer Based Training package on Internet services and resources; providing easy access to learning materials from campus or from home; and using innovative assessment methods which aim at improving the process and quality of assessment. Assessment was carried out online and used anonymous assessment, peer assessment and criterion-referenced marking.
Burnett, IS & Parry, JJ 1970, 'On the effects of accent and language on low rate speech coders', International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, Proceedings, pp. 291-294.
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Telecommunications networks are exposed to a plethora of accents and languages. Fundamental to current and future systems are low rate speech coders. This paper examines the problems associated with speech coding of different languages and accents. Our investigations show that most low-rate (8 kb/s and below) speech coders show bias towards non-accented English. When the coders are used for heavily accented English or other languages, significant performance degradation is noted. This paper examines the reasons for such variations and some approaches for improving coder performance.
Carrie, J, Esselle, K, Roscoe, DJ, Ittipiboon, A, Sebak, A & Shafai, L 1970, 'A K-band circularly polarized cavity backed dielectric resonator', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 1996 Digest, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 1996 Digest, IEEE, pp. 734-737.
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Recent, research in circularly polarized dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) has shown that a wide axial ratio bandwidth can be achieved from a single point fed DRA. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the performance of the dielectric cross within a cavity structure. The optimization of the geometry and the effects on overall operation are discussed.
Center, J, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, P, Kelly, P & Eisman, J 1970, 'Hormonal factors in male osteoporosis.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. S573-S573.
Chin-Teng Lin & Chia-Feng Juang 1970, 'An adaptive neural fuzzy filter and its applications', Proceedings of IEEE 5th International Fuzzy Systems, IEEE 5th International Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, pp. 564-569.
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A new kind of nonlinear adaptive filter, the adaptive neural fuzzy filter (ANFF), based upon neural network's learning ability and fuzzy if-then rule structure is proposed in this paper. The ANFF is inherently a feedforward multilayered connectionist network which can learn by itself according to numerical training data or expert knowledge represented by fuzzy if-then rules. The adaptation here includes the construction of fuzzy if-then rules (structure learning), and the tuning of the free parameters of membership functions (parameter learning). There are no hidden nodes (i.e., no membership functions and fuzzy rules) initially, and both the structure learning and parameter learning are performed concurrently as the adaptation proceeds. Two major advantages of the ANFF are: 1) a priori knowledge can be incorporated into the ANFF which makes the fusion of numerical data and linguistic information in the filter possible; and 2) no predetermination, like the number of hidden nodes, must be given, since the ANFF can find its optimal structure and parameters automatically. To demonstrate the performance of the ANFF, two applications, the nonlinear channel equalization and the adaptive noise cancellation, are simulated.
Chin-Teng Lin, Chia-Feng Juang & Chung-Ping Li 1970, 'Temperature control with a neural fuzzy inference network', Soft Computing in Intelligent Systems and Information Processing. Proceedings of the 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Soft Computing in Intelligent Systems and Information Processing. 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, IEEE, KENTING, TAIWAN, pp. 91-96.
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Cucchiara, R & Piccardi, M 1970, 'DARPA benchmark image processing on SIMD parallel machines', Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Second International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA/sup 3/PP '96, 1996 IEEE Second International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA/sup 3/PP '96, IEEE, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, pp. 171-178.
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Cucchiara, R & Piccardi, M 1970, 'Detection of luminosity profiles of elongated shapes', Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, pp. 635-638.
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Cuthbert, J & Braun, RM 1970, 'Multi-h modulation indexes selection using the PBIL algorithm', Proceedings of IEEE. AFRICON '96, IEEE. AFRICON '96, IEEE, STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA, pp. 1109-1114.
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Epaarachchi, D, Stewart, MG & Rosowsky, DV 1970, 'System risk for multi-storey reinforced concrete building construction', Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural and Geotechnical Reliability, Proceedings of the Specialty Conference, pp. 230-233.
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The paper develops a preliminary probabilistic model to estimate the probability of structural collapse during the construction of typical multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings. Results suggest that low concrete compressive strength is more detrimental to system risk than shortening the construction cycle by a few days.
Esselle, KP 1970, 'Circularly polarised low-profile rectangular dielectric-resonator antenna: FD-TD and experimental results', IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 1996 Digest, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 1996 Digest, IEEE, BALTIMORE, MD, pp. 577-580.
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Esselle, KP 1970, 'Dielectric resonator antenna analysis and design using the FD-TD method', Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, pp. 826-831.
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A technique, based on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FD-TD) method, is used for the analysis and design of aperture-coupled dielectric-resonator (DR) antennas. Computed far-field patterns are presented for a linearly polarised antenna, a circularly polarised antenna and a linearly polarised array. They compare well with measured patterns.
Fuente, MP, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1970, 'New scheme for direct sequence spread spectrum radio LANs', IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications, pp. 1320-1324.
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A new direct sequence spread spectrum scheme for ISM band Radio Local Area Networks using BPSK modulation and matched filter receivers is presented. It employs an optimized 22-chip sequence whose two 11-chip segments are alternately used as spreading sequences for adjacent symbols. Owing to the low cross-correlation between the two 11-chip segments, the inter-symbol interference caused by long delays in multipath channels is significantly reduced. In the paper, a receiver structure using the optimized sequence and time diversity is described and simulation results are given. Compared with the schemes using the short 11-chip Barker code and long M-sequences, the new scheme offers superior system performance.
Gorton, I, Hawryszkiewycz, I & Fung, L 1970, 'Enabling software shift work with groupware: a case study', Proceedings of HICSS-29: 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Proceedings of HICSS-29: 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, pp. 72-81 vol.3.
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Describes a software development trial to evaluate the use of a groupware support environment for widely geographically separated software development teams. A four-person dislocated team, working in (simulated) disjoint time zones, was assigned a development task to carry out over a two-week period. Due to the time and location displacement, the developers were denied almost all opportunities for synchronous communications and had to rely on support from a prototype software engineering support system developed in Lotus Notes for interactions and coordination. In addition, the tasks in the trial were allocated such that productivity gains could be experienced through positive exploitation of time-zone differences, effectively giving around-The-clock working. This paper describes the design and organisation of the trial, reports on the progress of the trial, and presents both quantitative and qualitative results regarding the use of the Notes prototype.
Ha, QP, Negnevitsky, M & Man, Z 1970, 'Sliding mode control with fuzzy tuning', 1996 Australian New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. Proceedings. ANZIIS 96, 1996 Australian New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. Proceedings. ANZIIS 96, IEEE, ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 216-219.
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This paper presents a new technique for linearized systems with uncertainties using sliding mode control with fuzzy tuning. The control signal consists of three components: the equivalent control for assigning the sliding eigenvalues of the nominal closed-loop system, the robust control for driving the representative point to the sliding hyperplane in the reaching phase, and the fuzzy tuned control for accelerating the reaching time and reducing the influence of unstructured uncertainty. Chattering is also taken into account. The validity of the proposed approach is verified by the control of a two-mass servo system. Simulation results show that the controlled system is highly robust against parameter and load variations, and backlash nonlinearity.
Haley, RP, Ni, W & Adams, ED 1970, 'Melting curve of3He droplets in phase-separated3He-4He mixtures', Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT 21), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, CZECH REPUBLIC, PRAGUE, pp. 477-478.
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Harris, M, Kelly, PJ, Walsh, BR, Nguyen, TV, Howard, GM & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Relationship between bone thickness, true bone density, and ultrasonic velocity.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. S623-S623.
Hayes, JG, Nguyen, TV, Kelly, PJ, Qi, JC, Morrison, NA, Pocock, NA, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Heritability of hip geometry and association with the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene alleles.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. S488-S488.
Hoang, DB & James, MR 1970, 'AMI: A model of intelligence', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 181-192.
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996. It is reasonable to say that so far neural networks have performed very well on many specific tasks of reasonable size, but their performance is far from satisfactory when applied to realistic but complex tasks such speech recognition and language processing. Yet the brain can perform these tasks efficiently and effortlessly (seemingly) using its optimized mechanisms. It is believed crucial to discover these mechanisms. In this paper, a neural network model of the isocortex as basic building block of intelligent systems is consolidated. The model incorporates mechanisms extracted from cortical circuit as suggested from the study of neuroanatomy. The learning rule compatible with what is known about synaptic adaptation in the neocortex is introduced. Simulations results, which verify the mathematical proof of the model stability and robustness, are presented.
Horowitz, FG, Bone, D & Veldkamp, P 1970, 'Karhunen-loeve based iterated function system encodings', International Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 409-413.
Horowitz, FG, Hornby, P, Bone, D & Craig, M 1970, 'Fast multidimensional interpolations', 26TH PROCEEDINGS OF THE APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTERS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY, 26th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM), SOC MIN ENGINEERS AIME, PENN STATE UNIV, UNIVERSITY PK, PA, pp. 53-56.
Howard, GM, Nguyen, TV, Harris, M, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Heritability of calcaneal and digital ultrasound and bone mineral density in twins.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. S617-S617.
Indraratna, B & Chowdhury, RN 1970, 'Improvement of a residual soil with industrial by-products', ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, VOL 2, 2nd International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, A A BALKEMA, JAPAN, OSAKA, pp. 733-738.
Jordaan, GD, Du Plooy, CE & Braun, RM 1970, 'Clock recovery scheme for 7PRS signals', IEEE AFRICON Conference, pp. 397-401.
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Baseband PRS signals do not contain any spectral components at the symbol rate or submultiples thereof. For this reason difficulty is frequently experienced in synchronizing a PRS receiver with the data transmitter. This is a description of a novel synchronization scheme developed for such signals - using digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. A channel filter with a response derived from the raised cosine (RC) frequency response is used. This is followed by a limited amount of processing, resulting in a substantial signal at the required frequency.
Keshavarzy, A & Ball, JE 1970, 'Characteristics of turbulent shear stress applied to bed particles in an open channel flow', STOCHASTIC HYDRAULICS '96, 7th IAHR International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, A A BALKEMA, MACKAY, AUSTRALIA, pp. 451-458.
Khor, EH, Rosowsky, DV & Stewart, MG 1970, 'Effect of concrete workmanship on strength reliability of R/C beams', Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural and Geotechnical Reliability, Proceedings of the Specialty Conference, pp. 238-241.
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A human reliability analysis (HRA) is performed which incorporates microtask models for human error during construction of a reinforced concrete beam. An existing model is extended to include a performance model for concrete workmanship. Consideration is given to the effect of human performance (error) on concrete mix quality, pouring activities, and curing. The model is calibrated using data collected from surveys of practicing engineers. The effect of human error in workmanship on the lifetime (strength) reliability of flexural beams is investigated.
Marjanovic, O & Cecez-Kecmanovic, D 1970, 'Collaborative distance learning', 1996 IEEE International Conference on Multi Media Engineering Education. Conference Proceedings, 1996 IEEE International Conference on Multi Media Engineering Education. Conference Proceedings, IEEE, UNIV MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 59-64.
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Negrier, C, Lienhart, A, Tardy, JC, Durdilly, R, Gay, V, Goudemand, J, Chambost, H, Trepo, C & Dechavanne, M 1970, 'A marker of aggression and progression of hepatitis C in hemophilic patients: Reactivity against NS5 antigen.', BLOOD, W B SAUNDERS CO, pp. 1299-1299.
Nel, EJ & Braun, RM 1970, 'Development of a directional coupler to be used on the two-wire sections of dial-up telephone lines', IEEE AFRICON Conference, 1996 IEEE AFRICON / 4th AFRICON Conference in Africa - Electrical Energy Technology, Communication Systems, Human Resources, I E E E, STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA, pp. 570-575.
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This project aims to develop a directional coupler for use on dial-up telephone lines. The need for such a coupler originated with the acceptance of the CCITT's (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) V.32 bis recommendation regarding the operation of high-speed modems. This standard allows modems to communicate on the telephone network both simultaneously as well as within the same frequency band. The modems involved use a mechanism called echo cancellation to overcome this problem (with echo cancellation the modem subtracts that which it transmits from the signal on the line to get the signal it wishes to receive). However, a third party surveying the (two-wire sections of the) line is unable to interpret the signals on the line as there appears to be only one garbled signal. This paper develops the theoretical basis necessary for a directional coupler that will separate this garbled signal into its constituent signals and thus enable interpretation of such signals by a third party.
Ngo, HH, Vigneswaran, S & BenAim, R 1970, 'Effect of floc size on the applicability of direct filtration in water and tertiary wastewater treatment', 7TH WORLD FILTRATION CONGRESS, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS I AND II, 7th World Filtration Congress, HUNGARIAN CHEMICAL SOC, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, pp. 157-161.
Nguyen, TV, Sambrook, PN, Center, JR & Eisman, JA 1970, 'Predictors of fractures in the forearm and proximal humerus.', JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. M736-M736.
Ono, E, Hosoe, S, Tuan, HD & Doi, S 1970, 'Robust stabilization of vehicle dynamics by active front wheel steering control', Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, KOBE, JAPAN, pp. 1777-1782.
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A control strategy of the active front wheel steering system is presented to protect the vehicle from spin and to realize improved cornering performance. Vehicle spin behavior is analyzed using bifurcation theory. The saturation characteristics of rear tires are modeled by a linear function with uncertainty terms of a special structure. The vehicle unstability is caused by a saddle-node bifurcation and depends heavily on the rear tire side force saturation.
Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Capacity of a coded direct sequence spread spectrum system over fading satellite channels using an adaptive LMS-MMSE receiver', IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, IEEE 4th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (IEEE ISSSTA 96), IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG, MAINZ, GERMANY, pp. 2043-2049.
Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Coded direct sequence spread spectrum systems over satellite channels using an adaptive receiver', Proceedings of ISSSTA'95 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, ISSSTA'95 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, IEEE, MAINZ, GERMANY, pp. 940-944.
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Oppermann, I, Vucetic, BS & Talvitie, J 1970, 'Capacity of a low mobility spread spectrum system over a wireless local loop', Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE, QUEEN ELIZABETH II CONFERENCE CTR, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, ENGLAND, pp. 1761-1765.
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Peng, M, Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1970, 'One-shot linear decorrelating detector for asynchronous CDMA', Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, pp. 1301-1305.
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A one-shot linear decorrelating detector(LDD) for the detection of asynchronous CDMA is presented. By treating every user as two independent users and using maximal ratio combining, a bit-by-bit detection is obtained. By applying a phase estimation algorithm on the output of the one-shot LDD, it is shown that the proposed detector can be used for the detection of asynchronous CDMA without the knowledge of carrier phase of any user. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed detector approaches that of the optimum detector for single user transmission.
Perry, S & Guan, L 1970, 'Image Restoration using a Neural Network with an Adaptive Constraint Factor', 1996 Computational Engineering in Systems Applications Conference, Lille, France, pp. 854-859.
Perry, S & Guan, L 1970, 'Segmentation and Visualisation of 3D Underwater Ultrasonic Images', 1996 Australian Pattern Recognition Society Workshop, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 69-74.
Purchase, H, Hussey, A, Brookes, W & Leadbetter, D 1970, 'Fostering interest in information technology', Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Computer science education - ACSE '97, the second Australasian conference, ACM Press, pp. 126-134.
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© 1997 ACM. Fostering an interest in Information Technology (IT) in school students is important both for the IT industry and for universities: We therefore enthusiastically welcomed the opportunity to hold an Information Technology vacation school for year 12 students in April 1996. Initiated and sponsored by the Australian Computer Society and Rotary International, the school enabled 60 secondary students who were in the process of making decisions about tertiary study to spend three days participating in a variety of computer-related activities at The University of Queensland Department of Computer Science, and experiencing life as a university student. The students developed skills in programming in Smalltalk, and using information systems and Internet resources. In addition, they visited other departments on campus and companies in the city to see a variety of uses of IT. We hoped to give the students the opportunity to make an informed decision about their future careers. A follow-up survey in early 1997 revealed that 80% of the students felt that attendance at the school helped them with their post-school career decisions. This paper describes our experiences with running the school: The program, components, feedback, and future plans. It was a very rewarding and worthwhile experience: We hope that this paper will encourage other universities to attempt similar programs.
Rauch, F, Radermacher, A & Schonau, E 1970, 'Prediction of bone density from vitamin D receptor alleles', PAEDIATRIC OSTEOLOGY, 1st International Workshop on Paediatric Osteology, ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBL B V, COLOGNE, GERMANY, pp. 59-65.
Rowe, D, Leaney, J & Lowe, D 1970, 'Development of a systems architecting process for computer based systems', Proceedings of ICECCS '96: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (held jointly with 6th CSESAW and 4th IEEE RTAW), ICECCS '96: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (held jointly with 6th CSESAW and 4th IEEE RTAW), IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, MONTREAL, CANADA, pp. 200-203.
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Sauermann, G, Uhlmann, B, Dohle, M, Mann, T, Oberst, S & Hoppe, U 1970, 'Cutaneous formation of thio-nitroso compounds and sun burn cells following topical application of l-arginine', JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, BLACKWELL SCIENCE INC, pp. 322-322.
Scheding, S, Dissanayake, G, Nebot, E & Durrant-Whyte, H 1970, 'Inertially aided navigation system for an LHD', Proceedings of the Australian Data Fusion Symposium, 1st Australian Data Fusion Symposium (ADFS-96), I E E E, ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA, pp. 77-82.
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This paper describes the theoretical development and experimental evaluation of a guidance system for an autonomous Load, Haul and Dump truck (LHD) for use in underground mining. The particular contributions of this paper are in designing the navigation system to be able to cope with vehicle slip in rough uneven terrain using information from an Inertial Navigation System (INS) and a bearing only laser. Results are presented using data obtained during field trials.
Scheding, S, Dissanayake, G, Nebot, E & Durrant-Whyte, H 1970, 'Inertially aided navigation system for an LHD', Proceeding of 1st Australian Data Fusion Symposium, Proceeding of 1st Australian Data Fusion Symposium, IEEE, pp. 77-82.
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© 1996 IEEE. This paper describes the theoretical development and experimental evaluation of a guidance system for an autonomous load, haul and dump truck (LHD) for use in underground mining. The particular contributions of this paper are in designing the navigation system to be able to cope with vehicle slip in rough uneven terrain using information from an inertial navigation system (INS) and a bearing only laser. Results are presented using data obtained during field trials.
Sirivivatnanon, V, Marsh, P & Nelson, P 1970, 'Field performance of portland cement and fly ash concrete subjected to flowing seawater', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 463-479.
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The concrete lining the outfall canal of Munmorah Power Station, built by the Electricity Commission of New South Wales (now operating as Pacific Power) in the mid-1960s, has been subjected to flowing sea water for 30 years. Two type of concretes, a portland-cement concrete and a fly-ash concrete, were used for the construction of the canal. This presented an ideal opportunity for a comparison to be made of the performance of the two binders in concretes which were subjected to the same aggressive environment. Limited information was available on the concretes from trial mixture records. A recent field investigation revealed similar chloride ingress into the two concretes in the tidal zone. This was so despite the fact that the fly-ash concrete had a lower binder content than the portland-cement concrete. As such, a lower strength grade and hence a fly-ash concrete with higher water permeability can perform as well as a portland-cement concrete. In the dry area above the high tide mark, the carbonation depth of the fly-ash concrete was greater than the portland-cement concrete. No corrosion was found in any reinforcing steel as there were sufficient cover in both concretes to prevent the chloride ions or carbonation front reaching the steel. The effectiveness of a number of investigative techniques was evaluated during the investigation. It was found that the apparent chloride diffusion coefficients, determined from short-term immersion, the water permeability coefficients, and copper to copper sulfate half-cell potential measurements were poor indicators of the real long-term performance.
Talvitie, J, Hovinen, V, Hamalainen, M & Oppermann, I 1970, 'Wideband channel measurement and characterisation for wireless local loops', Proceedings of PIMRC '96 - 7th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Communications, PIMRC '96 - 7th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Communications, IEEE, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, pp. 5-9.
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van de Groenendaal, JG & Braun, RM 1970, 'Novel low cost direct sequence spread spectrum synchroniser', Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1996 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - Glimpse into the 21st-Century, I E E E, UNIV CALGARY, CALGARY, CANADA, pp. 36-39.
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This paper presents a novel spread spectrum synchroniser that may be simpler and more cost effective than other synchronisation system. Acquisition and tracking is achieved using one network, and the decision as to whether the system is in lock only occurs once the two sequences are aligned. No intermediate decision is required on the state of synchronisation. This feature of the synchroniser makes it cost effective and easy to implement. Although the synchroniser is not suitable for low signal-to-noise applications, it does highlight that it is possible to simplify the overall synchronisation process, while still having the benefits of spread spectrum.
Venkataraman, SC & Waldron, KJ 1970, 'Coordination Strategy for a Straight Line Split-μ Braking Maneuver', Dynamic Systems and Control, ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 53-60.
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Abstract A four-wheel steered vehicle is considered in which the front and rear steering angles and the brake torques at the wheels are assumed to be actively actuated. A split −μ braking maneuver is one in which the wheels on one side of the vehicle run into a surface with a low value of μ (coefficient of adhesion). In this situation the wheels on the high-μ side generate much larger braking forces than those on the low-μ side resulting in a yaw moment disturbance. Thus there is a direct conflict between achieving a short stopping distance against maintaining directional stability. It is common philosophy among ABS designers that in this situation directional stability is considered to be of higher priority than a short stopping distance. Several ABS design principles are used to enhance directional stability while compromising on the stopping distance. In this work, we develop a coordination strategy that does not sacrifice the stopping distance while maintaining directional stability.
Wan, E & Bone, DJ 1970, 'A neural network approach to covariation model fitting and the interpolation of sparse earth-science data', The Australian Conference on Neural Networks.
Wang, JG, Mohan, AS & Aubrey, TA 1970, 'Angles-of-arrival of multipath signals in indoor environments', IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference - Mobile Technology for the Human Race (VTC 96), I E E E, ATLANTA, GA, pp. 155-159.
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In this work, an attempt is made to estimate the (AOA) Angles-of-Arrival) of multipath signal propagation in both azimuth and elevation inside a classroom and a convention hall using partially smoothed MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) algorithm. The MDL (Minimum Descriptive Length) criterion is used to decide the number of significant multipath components. The algorithms used in obtaining AOA from measured data are validated by computer simulations. Measurement results indicate that for the same transmitter power, a small room has more significant multipath reflections than a big room and such multipath reflections decrease as the distance between the transmitter and a receiver increases.
Wang, NN & Xu, GD 1970, 'Optical on-line measurements of particulate mass concentration and particle size pollutant emission', Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Environment, ICEE, pp. 777-781.
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In this paper, an optical measuring technique which can be used in in-situ measurements and gives the full particle size information as well as the absolute mass concentration of pollutant emissions is presented, according to the light scattering theory. Based on the Fraunhofer diffraction theory, the information about the particle size can be obtained by measuring the forward light flux at two small solid angles, and the mass concentration from the extinction measurement. Theoretical calculations and computer simulation are made to verify the validity and applicability of the presented method. Results show that it can be used to monitor and supervise the pollutant emissions in different industrial processes.
Wong, EPK, Guan, L & Perry, SW 1970, '<title>Neural network implementation of the SMSE filter for imaging processing</title>', SPIE Proceedings, Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology, SPIE, SAN JOSE, CA, pp. 77-85.
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Woodward, G, Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Adaptive techniques for increased satellite cellular mobile system capacity', Proceedings of Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC, Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC, IEEE, ATLANTA, GA, pp. 1235-1239.
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Yacef, K & Alem, L 1970, 'Student and expert modelling for simulation-based training: A cost effective framework', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 614-622.
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Ying, MS & BouchonMeunier, B 1970, 'Quantifiers, modifiers and qualifiers in fuzzy logic', SOFT COMPUTING IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION PROCESSING, IEEE, Kenting, Taiwan, pp. 490-495.
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In this paper, we propose a formalization of fuzzy logic and obtain some interesting results on fuzzy quantifiers, modifiers and qualifiers in this setting.
Yue Xu & Chengqi Zhang 1970, 'An improved critical diagnosis reasoning method', Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 8th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, pp. 170-173.
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Zhang, C & Lukose, D 1970, 'Distributed artificial intelligence: Architecture and modelling: First Australian workshop on DAI Canberra, act, Australia, november 13, 1995 proceedings', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
Zhang, DM & Alem, L 1970, 'Using case-based reasoning for exercise design in simulation-based training', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 560-568.
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Zowghi, D, Ghose, AK & Peppas, P 1970, 'A framework for reasoning about requirements evolution', Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI’96), Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Cairns, Australia, pp. 157-168.
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