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Minimum shift keying (MSK) is a digital modulation scheme which is suited to demanding applications requiring good bandwidth efficiency and error performance. It can be regarded as continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) with two signalling frequ
Briscoe, BJ & Thomas, PS 1994, 'Friction Energy Dissipation in Organic Films', Tribology Series, vol. 27, no. C, pp. 193-202.
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The paper speculates upon the molecular relaxation and dissipation mechanisms which may be responsible for the interface Theological characteristics of thin organic films. The molecular structure and interface rheology of a homologous series of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate)s are characterised for this purpose. These Theological properties are identified by the measurement of the interface shear strength, t as a function of the contact pressure. The molecular structure is deduced using vibrational spectroscopy. The Eyring model for molecular plastic flow is then applied and a correlation is drawn between the Theological and structural properties which are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms for the dissipation of the frictional energy. © 1994, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Catchpoole, DR & Stewart, BW 1994, 'Inhibition of topoisomerase II by aurintricarboxylic acid: implications for mechanisms of apoptosis.', Anticancer Res, vol. 14, no. 3A, pp. 853-856.
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Internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA, the most widely used biochemical indicator of apoptosis, is believed to contribute to loss of viability because the nuclease inhibitor, aurintricarboxylic acid, delays or prevents cell death in a range of experimental systems. We report here that auritricarboxylic acid inhibits topoisomerase II in vitro, the concentration required (< or = 0.2 microM) being less than that usually employed in studies of apoptosis. Since topoisomerase II mediates chromatin condensation during apoptosis, the efficacy of ATA in preventing or delaying cell death may not be the result of nuclease inhibition.
Chin-Teng Lin & Lee, CSG 1994, 'Reinforcement structure/parameter learning for neural-network-based fuzzy logic control systems', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 46-63.
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Dharmappa, HB, Fujiwara, O, Verink, J & Vigneswaran, S 1994, 'Water‐Treatment‐System Design for Turbidity Removal.', Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 921-942.
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Dharmappa, HB, Vigneswaran, S, Verink, J & Fujiwara, O 1994, 'Water‐Treatment‐System Design for Turbidity Removal.', Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 900-920.
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Dissanayake, MWMG & Phan‐Thien, N 1994, 'Neural‐network‐based approximations for solving partial differential equations', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 195-201.
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AbstractA numerical method, based on neural‐network‐based functions, for solving partial differential equations is reported in the paper. Using a ‘universal approximator’ based on a neural network and point collocation, the numerical problem of solving the partial differential equation is transformed to an unconstrained minimization problem. The method is extremely easy to implement and is suitable for obtaining an approximate solution in a short period of time. The technique is illustrated with the aid of two numerical examples.
Dyson, LE 1994, 'Schizophrenia as a poetic model in andrea zanzotto', Forum Italicum, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 342-357.
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Esselle, KP & Stuchly, MA 1994, 'Quasi-static electric field in a cylindrical volume conductor induced by external coils [human body application]', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 151-158.
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George, SR, Zastawny, RL, Brionesurbina, R, Cheng, R, Nguyen, T, Heiber, M, Kouvelas, A, Chan, AS & Odowd, BF 1994, 'Distinct Distributions of Mu, Delta and Kappa Opioid Receptor mRNA in Rat Brain', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 205, no. 2, pp. 1438-1444.
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We present a comprehensive comparison of the anatomical distributions of the cloned mu, delta and kappa opioid receptor mRNA in rat brain. Northern blot analysis revealed that mRNA species encoding the three receptors differed in size and were differentially localized in brain regions. In peripheral tissues analyzed, the 3 mRNA species were detected only in the spinal cord. The distributions of mu, delta and kappa receptor mRNA in rat brain were examined by in situ hybridization histochemistry using gene-specific probes. Mu receptor mRNA was predominately localized to thalamic, brainstem and reticular core nuclei and was highest in the habenular and thalamic nuclei. In contrast, kappa receptor mRNA was expressed in hippocampus including dentate gyrus, hypothalamic and some thalamic nuclei and also present in cortex, caudate putamen, olfactory tubercle and nucleus accumbens. Delta receptor mRNA was prominent in cerebral cortex, olfactory tubercle, hippocampus, caudate putamen and nucleus accumbens. These results show that the mRNA distribution for each opioid receptor subtype in brain is unique and correlate well with the known distribution of the corresponding opioid receptor binding sites. © 1994 Academic Press. Inc.
Guo, YJ 1994, 'Offset Fresnel lens antenna', IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 141, no. 6, pp. 517-517.
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An analysis of the offset Fresnel lens antenna is presented using the vectorial Kirchhoff diffraction theory. Equations for predicting the copolarized and crosspolarized radiation patterns are given. Two approaches to evaluating the far-field integration are introduced. Antenna performance such as the sidelobe and the crosspolarization levels is investigated. An experimental offset Fresnel lens is reported. Measured results agree well with the theoretical prediction.
Guo, YJ & Barton, SK 1994, 'Offset Fresnel zone plate antennas', International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 381-385.
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AbstractThe theory of offset Fresnel zone plate antennas is presented. Explicit formulae for the design of the zone boundaries for the offset Fresnel zone plate are given. Theorectical equations and numerical results for the far‐field analysis are presented. It is found that when the offset angle increases, the zone boundaries become more elliptic and the plate becomes more asymmetric in the E‐plane. With the number of full wave zones and the plate width in the W‐plane fixed, the plate width in the E‐plane increases with the offset angle, which keeps the projected aperture area constant. Within a limited range of offset angles, the offset configuration can be employed without degrading the radiation performance much. For large offset angles, however, the asymmetry of the configuration may lead to increased sidelobes and decreased antenna directivity. An experiment with one particular phase reversal zone plate antenna with 30° offset angle shows good agreement between the measured antenna pattern and the theoretical prediction.
Guo, YJ, Sassi, IH & Barton, SK 1994, 'Multilayer offset Fresnel zone plate reflector', IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 196-198.
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An offset phase-correcting Fresnel zone plate (FZP) reflector antenna based on the multilayer configuration is presented. The reflector consists of a conducting ground and four layers of conducting patterns separated by four dielectric substrates. An experimental prototype designed at 10.39 GHz was fabricated and tested. With a 0.32 m by 0.34 m elliptical reflector aperture and a pyramidal feedhorn, the antenna achieved –20-dB sidelobe level and 61% maximum efficiency. Compared with a phase reversal FZP of the same size, a 3.3-dB gain improvement and significant sidelobe reduction were obtained. © 1994 IEEE
Haines, P, Nielsen, J, Druery, B & Ball, JE 1994, 'The Salmon-Q Water Quality Model: A Murray Darling Application', Water, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 42-45.
HAWRYSZKIEWYCZ, I, KARAGIANNIS, D, MACIASZEK, L & TEUFEL, B 1994, 'RESPONSE — REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC OBJECT MODEL FOR WORKGROUP COMPUTING', International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, vol. 03, no. 03, pp. 293-318.
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Assisted by the client-server architectures, power of contemporary workstations, and new multimedia, database and communication techniques, the workgroup computing (perhaps better known as CSCW — Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) is bound to change the way people in organizations collaborate to achieve common goals. New computer technologies change the way the cooperative work is conducted and they frequently lead to new practices that increase inter-personal productivity and business efficiency. This article defines a conceptual and technological framework for a class of workgroup computing applications characterized by an asynchronous distributed interaction (different-time/different-place) during the development of shared artifacts. The proposed object model is called RESPONSE (REquirements SPecific Object Network System Environment). The model is 'requirements specific' as it aims specifically at one, albeit dominant, class of workgroup applications. A particular workgroup application, chosen as representative of our model and used in examples, is the co-authoring of documents. The proposed model determines functions and support required from hardware/ software platforms for workgroup computing. The object database component of such a platform is emphasized. A distributed management of versioned objects using four levels of workspaces is proposed. The model supports long transactions with persistent locks, checkout/checkin of versioned and unversioned objects, social and technical protocols to enhance the cooperation between users, etc. The workgroup interface for the RESPONSE model is also addressed.
Hoffman, D, Nguyen, T, O'Sullivan, A, Baxter, R & Ho, KY 1994, 'ITT and IGF-I in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in adults', The Lancet, vol. 344, no. 8922, pp. 613-614.
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Hoffman, D, Nguyen, T, O'Sullivan, A, Baxter, R, Ho, KY, Weissberger, AJ, Verikiou, K & Sönksen, PH 1994, 'Diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in adults', The Lancet, vol. 344, no. 8920, pp. 482-483.
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Horita, E, Miyanaga, Y & Tochinai, K 1994, 'Adaptive method analyzing analytic speech signals', IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E77-A, no. 5, pp. 800-803.
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An adaptive method analyzing analytic speech signals is proposed in this paper. The method decreases the errors of finite precision on calculation in a method with real coefficients. It is shown from the results of experiments that the proposed method is more useful than adaptive methods with real coefficients.
Hsiao, C, Lin, C & Cassidy, M 1994, 'Application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks to Automatically Detect Freeway Traffic Incidents', Journal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 120, no. 5, pp. 753-772.
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Husain, M & Waldron, KJ 1994, 'Position Kinematics of a Three-Limbed Mixed Mechanism', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 924-929.
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Although robotics has traditionally focused on the serial chain structures typical of industrial robots, fully parallel structures such as the Stewart Platform have also found considerable industrial use. Actively coordinated mechanisms which have combinations of serial and parallel characteristics have been practically employed, and can be expected to become more important in the future. There has been very little study of the kinematic and static characteristics of these mechanisms which have combinations of the characteristics of fully serial and fully parallel structures. This work addresses the direct and inverse position kinematics of such a hybrid mechanism with combination of serial and parallel structure which has multiple, actively controlled actuators. While not the most general possible configuration, this particular case does include many important features of the general mechanism, and the solution obtained gives useful insight for developing a general theory of forward and inverse kinematics which will be equally applicable to serial, parallel and combination structures. Such a theory is necessary for rational design of hardware and software for such systems.
Indraratna, B 1994, 'Geotechnical characterization of blended coal tailings for construction and rehabilitation work', Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 353-361.
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Abstract Coarse and fine refuse is produced by various coal processing equipment. For instance, fine tailings (100-500µm) are produced by froth flotation cells, whereas coarse fractions (up to 50 mm) constitute cyclone rejects. The relatively wet fine tailings have limited use in construction activities and they are generally pumped as slurries into tailings ponds. The coarse rejects have a greater engineering applicability and are utilized in the construction of tailings dams, mine access roads as well as for landfill and ballast. This study investigates the fundamental engineering properties of blended tailings, where- by appropriate fractions of flotation tailings are mixed with cyclone rejects to produce an acceptable construction or rehabilitation fill. In particular, a practical procedure to optimize the blended ratios is proposed on the basis of fundamental geotechnical testing. The applications of relevant tests are described, including Proctor compaction, California Bearing Ratios, triaxial and consolidation tests. The results confirm that blending of fines with coarse rejects enables enhanced dry densities associated with reduced permeabilities, higher shear and compressive strengths, lower consolidation settlements and increased bearing capacities. The addition of a small quantity of cement (2-5%) further improves the engineering properties of the blended matrix. The practical findings of this study should encourage coal processing plants to modify their existing disposal methods to adopt more efficient co-disposal schemes. Optimization of procedures for discarding fine and coarse rejects together would generate substantial savings, with regard to dewatering of wet tailings and rehandling of distinctly different waste gradations.
Indraratna, B 1994, 'The effect of normal stress-friction angle relationship on the stability analysis of a rockfill dam', Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 113-121.
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Accurate stability analysis must consider the variation of the angle of friction of rockfill with the confining pressure. In reality, with increasing depth of a rockfill dam, the apparent friction angle decreases, whereas near the surface it tends to be higher. Conventional methods which employ a constant friction angle throughout the depth of a rockfill shell often yield a lower factor of safety (conservative) for shallow slip planes. On the contrary, they produce a higher factor of safety for deepseated slips subjected to increased normal (confining) stresses. This paper compares the constant friction angle approach with the variable friction angle method based on the stability analysis of a large rockfill dam, and the associated practical implications are discussed. In the latter analysis, the effect of normal stress on the friction angle of rockfill is incorporated through experimental observations. © 1994 Chapman & Hall.
Indraratna, B, Balasubramaniam, AS & Ratnayake, P 1994, 'Performance of Embankment Stabilized with Vertical Drains on Soft Clay', Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 257-273.
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Indraratna, B, Gasson, I & Chowdhury, RN 1994, 'Utilization of compacted coal tailings as a structural fill', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 614-623.
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Detailed laboratory investigations were conducted on coal tailings produced at Westcliff Colliery, New South Wales, Australia. Geotechnical tests were conducted to determine the particle-size distribution, mineralogy, compaction characteristics, compressive strength (California bearing ratio), shear resistance, and collapse potential. The tests show that compacted tailings have good potential as effective fill for embankments, tailings dams, mine access roads, and pavements. Large-scale utilization of these tailings for rehabilitation of subsidence-affected areas and mine backfill is particularly encouraging. It is demonstrated that this waste material can be efficiently compacted to produce acceptable engineering properties over a wide range of water contents. Although the behaviour of one specific type of tailings cannot be generalized to the diverse composition of other coal tailings, the results of this study assist in the interpretation of geotechnical data associated with nonconventional fill. The use of geotextiles in the stabilization of tailings is presented. The effect of moisture content and the number of geotextile layers on the shear strength parameters is investigated, and the influence of geotextiles on the failure modes of triaxial specimens is also discussed. Key words : California bearing ratio, coal tailings, compaction, geotextiles, structural fill, triaxial testing.
Indraratna, B, Wijewardena, LSS & Balasubramaniam, AS 1994, 'Discussion: Large-scale triaxial testing of greywacke rockfill', Géotechnique, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 539-543.
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Jaque, DT & Ball, JE 1994, 'Numerical Simulation of Advective-Diffusion Mass Transport', Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 49-56.
Johnson, AG 1994, 'Do Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Affect Blood Pressure? A Meta-Analysis', Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 121, no. 4, pp. 289-289.
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Johnson, AG, Crawford, GA, Kelly, D, Nguyen, TV & Gyory, AZ 1994, 'Arginine Vasopressin and Osmolality in the Elderly', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 399-404.
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Objectives: To evaluate the influence of age on plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations and the relationship between plasma AVP and serum osmolality in younger and older subjects, and in the elderly, to assess the effect of gender on plasma AVP concentration and to determine the impact of prostaglandin blockade on renal responsiveness to AVP.Design: Cross‐sectional study; randomized, double‐blind, crossover, placebo‐controlled study.Setting: The Renal Laboratory, Royal North Shore Hospital (younger adults) and Clinical Room, St Vincents Hospital (elderly subjects).Participants: 45 younger adults (35 ± 9 years) and 41 elderly subjects (29 males, 12 females; 78 ± 3 years). All subjects were healthy and non‐institutionalized. The elderly subjects were screened to exclude significant pathology (clinical assessment, multiple investigations).Intervention: Blood samples were drawn from all younger and elderly subjects. The elderly subjects were randomly allocated indomethacin or placebo for 1 month. Following a 1 to 2‐week washout, the alternative was administered for a further 1 month.Main Outcome Measures: Plasma AVP and serum osmolality and plasma AVP, serum, and urine osmolality at baseline were measured on indomethacin and placebo.Results: In the elderly subjects, baseline plasma AVP concentration was significantly higher than in the younger subjects studied (4.7 ± 0.7 vs 2.1 ± 0.2 pg/mL respectively; P = 0.0003). Plasma AVP was strongly correlated with serum osmolality in the younger subjects (r = 0.76, P = 0.0001) but not in the elderly cohort (r = –0.18, P
Jones, G, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, P, Kelly, PJ & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Progressive loss of bone in the femoral neck in elderly people: longitudinal findings from the Dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study', BMJ, vol. 309, no. 6956, pp. 691-695.
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Jones, G, Nguyen, T, Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ, Gilbert, C & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Symptomatic fracture incidence in elderly men and women: The Dubbo osteoporosis epidemiology study (DOES)', Osteoporosis International, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 277-282.
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K. Kwan, PY & Shannon, AG 1994, 'Reliability and validity of the estimates of the Rasch latent trait model', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 811-821.
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The reliability and validity of the Rasch latent trait model is examined when it is used in an educational environment. Effects of the size of candidature and of the variability of the difficulties of test items are considered. It is shown that a compromise has to be reached between these two criteria in order to assess the abilities of a wide range of candidatures. © 1994 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
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Remote procedure call (RPC) provides a useful paradigm for developing distributed applications. The growing use of RPC in developing distributed applications has resulted in international efforts to standardize RPC mechanisms to ensure future interoperab
Lord, SR, Webster, IW, Sambrook, PN, Gilbert, C, Kelly, PJ, Nguyen, T & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Postural stability, falls and fractures in the elderly: results from the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 160, no. 11, pp. 684-691.
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Marchese, A, Docherty, JM, Nguyen, T, Heiber, M, Cheng, R, Heng, HHQ, Tsui, L-C, Shi, X, George, SR & O'Dowd, BF 1994, 'Cloning of Human Genes Encoding Novel G Protein-Coupled Receptors', Genomics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 609-618.
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We report the isolation and characterization of several novel human genes encoding G protein-coupled receptors. Each of the receptors contained the familiar seven transmembrane topography and most closely resembled peptide binding receptors. Gene GPR1 encoded a receptor protein that is intronless in the coding region and that shared identity (43% in the transmembrane regions) with the opioid receptors. Northern blot analysis revealed that GPR1 transcripts were expressed in the human hippocampus, and the gene was localized to chromosome 15q21.6. Gene GPR2 encoded a protein that most closely resembled an interleukin-8 receptor (51% in the transmembrane regions), and this gene, not expressed in the six brain regions examined, was localized to chromosome 17q21.1-q21.3. A third gene, GPR3, showed identity (56% in the transmembrane regions) with a previously characterized cDNA clone from rat and was localized to chromosome 1p35-p36.1. © 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
Miller, SC, Fujiwara, O, Verink, J & Vigneswaran, S 1994, 'Water-treatment System-design For Turbidity Removal .2. Optimization', Journal Of Environmental Engineering-asce, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 921-942.
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In this second part of the paper, optimization models for design of water treatment plants for turbidity removal are discussed. Application of the models is illustrated with a case study. The results from the case study indicate cost differences of about 16â64%, solely due to change in the influent particle size distribution (PSD), with higher cost of treatment for the influents with relatively greater fraction of fine particles. The system configuration, level of treatment, and design and operating parameters are found to be different for each influent PSD. Use of other parameters like turbidity units, suspended solids and volume average diameter are unable to explain this variation. The influence of PSD on the total cost decreases with inflow. Integration of process optimization in system optimization is justified as the different design and operating parameters are selected under each level of treatment. The cost of sludge treatment accounts to about 30â50% of the total plant cost
Miller, SC, Vigneswaran, S, Verink, J & Fujiwara, O 1994, 'Water-treatment System-design For Turbidity Removal .1. Simulation', Journal Of Environmental Engineering-asce, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 900-920.
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Although a number of optimization models have been developed for the least-cost design of wastewater-treatment systems, very few models are available for water-treatment systems. The present study proposes a method toward optimal design of water-treatment systems, considering integration of process optimization in system optimization; particle-size distribution (PSD) for process design and selection; relatively general simulation models; membrane processes in the alternative evaluation; sludge treatment/handling processes; multicriteria for alternative evaluation; and algorithms for process and system optimization. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part presents the important features of simulation models along with the simulation results and the second part highlights the optimization models and algorithms used for the optimal design. Results from the simulation study indicate the importance of influent particle-size distribution on the performance of flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration processes. Recycling of the sludge sidestreams from gravity/centrifugal separation processes to the head of the water-treatment plant and the filtrate disposal into sewers are economically and environmentally justified.
Miyanaga, Y, Horita, E, Shimizu, J & Tochinai, K 1994, 'Design of time-varying ARMA models and its adaptive identification', IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E77-A, no. 5, pp. 760-770.
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This paper introduces some modelling methods of time-varying stochastic process and its linear/nonlinear adaptive identification. Time-varying models are often identified by using a least square criterion. However the criterion should assume a time invariant stochastic model and infinite observed data. In order to adjust these serious different assumptions, some windowing techniques are introduced. Although the windows are usually applied to a batch processing of parameter estimates, all adaptive methods should also consider them at difference point of view. In this paper, two typical windowing techniques are explained into adaptive processing. In addition to the use of windows, time-varying stochastic ARMA models are built with these criterions and windows. By using these criterions and models, this paper explains nonlinear parameter estimation and the property of estimation convergence. On these discussions, some approaches are introduced, i.e., sophisticated stochastic modelling and multi-rate processing.
Morrison, NA, Qi, JC, Tokita, A, Kelly, PJ, Crofts, L, Nguyen, TV, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Prediction of Bone Density from Vitamin D Receptor Alleles', The Endocrinologist, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 320-320.
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Morrison, NA, Qi, JC, Tokita, A, Kelly, PJ, Crofts, L, Nguyen, TV, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Prediction of bone density from vitamin D receptor alleles', Nature, vol. 367, no. 6460, pp. 284-287.
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Nanua, P & Waldron, KJ 1994, 'Instability and Chaos in Quadruped Gallop', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 116, no. 4, pp. 1096-1101.
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A dynamic model for the two-dimensional quadruped has been developed. The main body is modelled as a rigid bar and each leg consists of a constant stiffness spring, a viscous damper and a force actuator. Based on symmetry principles, a controller has been devised that will enable the quadruped to gallop at constant speed. The controller consists of two parts: an energy controller which will apply the required amount of force through the legs, and the speed controller that will control the forward speed by appropriately placing the legs. It will be shown that the body pitch need not be explicitly controlled. The stability of this controller will be examined using Poincare maps. Stable systems show either periodic or quasi-periodic response. This system also exhibits chaotic behavior and chaotic response results in instability. The stability of the system with changes in the initial conditions, as well as variations in the system parameters, will also be examined. It will be shown that the system is stable for a range of leg stiffnesses. Outside this range, the system shows chaotic behavior.
Nguyen, HT 1994, 'State-variable feedback controller for an overhead crane', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 75-84.
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A state-variable feedback controller has been designed for the set-point tracking control of both the trolley position and the rope length of a multimotor crane while minimising the load swing. The overhead crane system is modelled using Lagrangian extended equations of motion, and the overall multivariable system model is simulated using MATLAB. For real-time implementation, a state-variable feedback controller is developed and implemented using a digital control system. In particular, this state-variable feedback controller varies with rope length during crane operation to ensure closed-loop stability throughout the operating space. The controller is successfully implemented using a scale model of an overhead crane.
Nguyen, HT & Prince, MP 1994, 'Power starter with low output current harmonics', Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-7.
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This paper describes the development and implementation of a new power starter which may be used for smooth starting of induction motors but without the high harmonics associated with standard power starters. Based on the selected-harmonic-elimination technique, this power starter generates lower output current harmonics, and produces a higher input power factor compared to the standard power starter. As a consequence, the new power starter has two important features: minimisation of heat loss in the motors and continuous power saving during starting operation.
Nguyen, T, Jones, G, Sambrook, P, Kelly, P, Lord, S, Freund, J & Eisman, J 1994, 'Authors' reply', BMJ, vol. 308, no. 6923, pp. 274-275.
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Ni, W, Xia, JS & Adams, ED 1994, 'Spin-wave velocity, entropy, and magnetization in bcc solidHe3', Physical Review B, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 336-339.
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Parfitt, AM, Nguyen, TV, Kelly, PJ, Morrison, NA, Sambrook, PN, Eisman, JA, Melhus, H, Kindmark, A & Ljunghall, S 1994, 'Vitamin D receptor genotypes in osteoporosis', The Lancet, vol. 344, no. 8936, pp. 1580-1581.
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Hematite (-Fe2O3) suspension was used in this study to investigate the effects of aggregate size and solution chemical characteristics on particle removal and headloss development in a deep bed filter. When electrolyte (KCl) concentration in the suspension was increased from 0-80 mM, the size of hematite aggregates in suspension increased from 85 to 990 nM but had no significant effect on zeta potential. It was found that at low KCl concentrations (0-10 mM), the initial removal is governed by surface chemical properties while at higher concentrations (40-80 mM), the effect of particle size (steric effect) predominates. The transient stage filter performance was found to be controlled by the favourable chemical conditions prevailing in the filtration system rather than the size of the particles. Studies of the effect of a natural organic material (fulvic acid) on particle removal indicated that fulvic acid at low concentrations (less than 0.75 mg/L) enhanced particle aggregation and improved filtration efficiency. At concentrations higher than 2 mg/L, it was found to increase the stability of particles thus affecting filtration efficiency.
Sambrook, PN, Kelly, PJ, Fontana, D, Nguyen, T, Keogh, A, Macdonald, P, Spratt, P, Freund, J & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Mechanisms of rapid bone loss following cardiac transplantation', Osteoporosis International, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 273-276.
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Shannon, AG & Horadam, AF 1994, 'Arrowhead curves in a tree of Pythagorean triples', International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 255-261.
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Pythagorean triples and recurrence relations occur in many parts of mathematics. This paper links them in a way which reveals an underlying pattern of 'arrowhead curves', © 1994 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
SHANNON, AG & OWENS, DR 1994, 'MODELING METABOLIC CURVES', DIABETES CARE, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1225-1225.
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Shimizu, J, Miyanaga, Y & Tochinai, K 1994, 'Decimation ratio in subband adaptive identification of a time‐varying AR model', Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science), vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 78-90.
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AbstractThis paper presents some conditions to determine decimation ratio in subband adaptive identification of a time‐varying system. It has been reported in some experiments that a large decimation ratio is not suitable for subband identification of a time‐varying system. However, theoretical conditions for a maximally decimated ratio in a time‐varying system have not to date been reported.A short‐time invariant model is the starting point for this research. The relation between a forgetting factor used in the recursive weighted least‐squares (RWLS) algorithm and a time variation of the time‐varying system are derived. Then, new forgetting factors are derived for the multirate processing case. Using a convergence property provided by these forgetting factors, theoretical conditions are obtained having parameters estimated from decimated signals that are as accurate as those from all observed signals. The propriety of these conditions is demonstrated using simulations.
Sreenivasan, SV & Waldron, KJ 1994, 'A Drift-Free Navigation System for a Mobile Robot Operating on Unstructured Terrain', Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 894-900.
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The orientation and the angular rates of the body of a robotic vehicle are required for the guidance and control of the vehicle. In the current robotic systems these quantities are obtained by the use of inertial sensing systems. Inertial sensing systems involve drift errors which can be significant even after the vehicle has traversed only short distances on the terrain. A different approach is suggested here which guarantees accurate, drift-free sensing of the angular position and rates of the vehicle body. A camera system consisting of two cameras in fixed relationship to one another is made to continuously track two stationary objects (stars or the sun). The camera system is mounted on the vehicle body through an actuated three-degree-of-freedom joint. The angular positions and rates of these joints can be used to evaluate the angular positions and rates of the vehicle body. An estimate of the absolute position of the vehicle on the terrain can also be obtained from this sensing system. This can serve as the primary system for estimating the position of a vehicle on a planet, or as an inexpensive alternative/backup to a more accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) for estimating the position of a vehicle on earth.
Sreenivasan, SV, Waldron, KJ & Nanua, P 1994, 'Closed-form direct displacement analysis of a 6-6 Stewart platform', Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 855-864.
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The direct displacement analysis of a class of 6-6 Stewart platforms is considered here. Even though this is not the most general possible configuration, it has many of the advantages of the general configuration, and includes several useful arrangements
Tokita, A 1994, 'Genetic influences on type I collagen synthesis and degradation: further evidence for genetic regulation of bone turnover', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 78, no. 6, pp. 1461-1466.
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Tokita, A, Kelly, PJ, Nguyen, TV, Qi, JC, Morrison, NA, Risteli, L, Risteli, J, Sambrook, PN & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Genetic influences on type I collagen synthesis and degradation: further evidence for genetic regulation of bone turnover.', The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 78, no. 6, pp. 1461-1466.
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Circulating osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation, is under strong genetic influence, and this effect is related to the genetic influence on bone density. To examine genetic influences on bone turnover further, other markers of bone formation (serum carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen, PICP), bone resorption (serum pyridinoline cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen, ICTP), and nonosseous connective tissue synthesis (serum aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen, PIIINP) were studied in 82 female twin pairs: 42 monozygotic (MZ) and 40 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (mean age, MZ; 48.4 yr; DZ; 45.6 yr). The intraclass correlation coefficients of MZ twin pairs, rMZ, for serum PICP (0.78) and serum ICTP (0.68) were significantly greater than the corresponding rDZ (0.31 and 0.36, respectively), but a genetic effect on serum PIIINP was not demonstrable. Within DZ twin pair differences in serum PICP predicted differences in lumbar spine bone density (r = -0.37); higher serum PICP levels indicating the twin with the lower lumbar spine bone density. Also within pair differences in serum ICTP and PICP predicted differences in bone density at the lumbar spine independent of serum osteocalcin. These data indicate that both synthesis and degradation of type I collagen are genetically determined and that this phenomenon is related to the genetic regulation of bone density. © 1994 by The Endocrine Society.
Tuan, HD 1994, 'Contingent and Intermediate Tangent Cones in Hyperbolic Differential Inclusions and Necessary Optimality Conditions', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 185, no. 1, pp. 86-106.
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Veitch, D 1994, 'Renormalization of C0 bimodal maps', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 269-284.
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Voinov, A, Cibuzar, A & Nawrocki, T 1994, 'Sustainable Development on a Watershed Scale Russian Case Study—Pronya River', Lake and Reservoir Management, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 46-50.
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Walker, JS, Nguyen, TV & Day, RO 1994, 'Clinical response to non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs in urate‐ crystal induced inflammation: a simultaneous study of intersubject and intrasubject variability.', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 341-347.
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1. It is well known that an individual subject often responds preferentially to a particular nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug (NSAID) and clinical response to these drugs is characterised by considerable variability between individuals. Variability in response has often been attributed to the episodic nature of musculoskeletal disease. Few studies have studied intrasubject variability in response to these drugs using a multiple crossover design. A major difficulty has been the lack of objective, validated measures of inflammation sensitive to NSAIDs. The primary aim of the present study was to test the utility of urate‐crystal induced inflammation as a tool to predict NSAID response in humans. 2. An inflammatory reaction was established in twenty‐five healthy subjects with intradermal injection of urate crystals on four separate occasions separated by 1 week. Each subject was randomly assigned to receive either ibuprofen on two of these occasions (800 mg four times over 36 h) or matched placebo on the other two occasions using a double‐blind, cross‐over design. Decrease in the area under the wheal size‐time curve was used to indicate anti‐ inflammatory response. 3. Peak inflammatory response was observed at about 32 h and had dissipated by 56 h post‐urate injection. The logarithmic mean wheal area was significantly lower after ibuprofen (mean +/‐ s.e. mean; 6.74 +/‐ 0.09) compared with placebo (6.96 +/‐ 0.07 mm h); a difference of 20% (95% confidence interval for difference: 1 to 35%; P < 0.05). 4. There was marked intra‐ and intersubject variability in response to ibuprofen over the four treatment periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Wan, SW & Nguyen, HT 1994, '50Hz interference and noise in ECG recordings--a review.', Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 108-115.
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In this review paper, a simplified model is used to explain the various ways by which 50Hz interference can disturb electrocardiogram recordings. From the model, noise expressions are also derived which explain sources of noise in recordings. Means of minimising the 50Hz interference and noise with emphasis placed on skin abrasion and right-leg drive circuits are discussed. An add-on circuit which can be used with existing amplifiers to improve their performance is shown. Previous interference analysis has concentrated on 2-input differential amplifiers, however in modern hospitals, a wide variety of amplifier configurations are used. An example is the Wilson Central Terminal which is used to obtain a zero potential in body surface mapping applications. In this review it is shown with an example for an ECG amplifier incorporating a Wilson Central Terminal, how it is easy to extend the interference model to other applications.
White, CP, Morrison, NA, Gardiner, EM & Eisman, JA 1994, 'Vitamin D receptor alleles and bone physiology', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 307-314.
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AbstractThe vitamin D endocrine system is central to the control of bone and calcium homeostasis. The active hormonal aform of vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol), the circulating level of which is tightly regulated, acts through a specific receptor to mediate its genomic actions on almost every aspect of calcium homeostasis. Because of its transactivation function, it possible that a small difference in vitamin D receptor level could be amplified into a biologically significant alteration in physiological setpoint. The recent finding that polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene are predictive of bone density (morrison et al., Nature 367:284–287, 1994) is the first example of an allelic effect in such a homeostatically controlled system. This raises the possibility that such central operators may exist in other regulatory pathways, and could expllain a large part of the observed “ormal” population distribution that exists for all physiological paraameters.
Xuecheng, L & Guangquan, Z 1994, 'Lattice-valued fuzzy measure and lattice-valued fuzzy integral', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 319-332.
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In this paper, we revivify the theory of neighborhood systems in fuzzy topology with the method used to develop fuzzifying topology and find another kind of reasonable neighborhood structure in fuzzy topology except quasi-neighborhood systems of Pu and L
ZHANG, C, YANG, JIE, CHEN, X & GUO, Y 1994, 'A NEW DESIGN PRINCIPLE FOR POLE-CHANGING WINDING-THE THREE-EQUATION PRINCIPLE', Electric Machines & Power Systems, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 187-199.
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Ball, JE, Hogan, PM, Batley, GE & Brockbank, C 1970, 'Assessing the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff from road surfaces', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 299-304.
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The community is concerned about many aspects of the aquatic environment. Recently the focus of this attention has been the contamination of water bodies arising from stormwater runoff. Discussed herein is a project currently being undertaken by the Department of Water Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering at the University of New South Wales and the Centre for Advanced Analytical Chemistry, CSIRO which is studying stormwater runoff from road surfaces. A particular focus of this study is development of an understanding of the removal of heavy metal pollutant constituents such as Pb, Cu, Zn. A review of available data concluded that insufficient data were available to enable the processes involved to be understood and hence there was a need to establish a field gauging station specific to this problem. Presented in this paper are some details of the field gauging station installed as part of this project and some preliminary information obtained from it.
BAWEJA, D, SIRIVIVATNANON, V, GROSS, W & LAURIE, G 1970, 'High-performance Australian concretes for marine applications', HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE - PROCEEDINGS, ACI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, ACI International Conference on High-Performance Concrete, AMER CONCRETE INST, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, pp. 363-377.
Biggs, CJ, Brookes, W & Indulska, J 1970, 'Enhancing interoperability of DCE applications: a type management approach', Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Services for Distributed and Networked Environments, IEEE Workshop on Services for Distributed and Networked Environments, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, pp. 50-57.
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© 1994 IEEE. The paper presents an enhancement to the OSF DCE platform for distributed computing that is designed to enhance interoperability of applications. Concepts from Open Distributed Processing have been taken, extended and applied to DCE to improve the capacity for late binding, system evolution, resource discovery and software reusability. The paper analyzes approaches to application interoperability in a number of distributed computing platforms and based on the results, describes an enhancement for the DCE platform. The paperfocuses on one component of this enhancement: a type manager that will be able to canonically describe types of interacting objects and types of relationships between them.
Boyce, RR, Morton, JW, Houwing, AFP, Mundt, C & Bone, DJ 1970, 'CFD validation using multiple interferometric views of three dimensional shock layer flows over a blunt body', Proceedings of the 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,Reno, NV, USA, p. 1282.
Cao, HT, Bucea, L, Wortley, BA & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'Corrosion behaviours of steel embedded in fly ash blended cements', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 215-227.
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In this paper corrosion characteristics of steel embedded in hardened cement pastes and mortars were investigated by using data obtained from potentiodynamic anodic polarization and polarization resistance techniques. One normal portland cement and one fly ash were used. The dosages of fly ash as cement replacement material were 0, 20, 40 and 60 percent. The results indicate that there was no negative effect of pozzolanic reaction of fly ash on steel passivation even at a high replacement dosage of 60 percent and after 2 years of curing. In fact, with prolonged curing, steel embedded in fly ash blended cement pastes was found to have higher degree of passivation with greater stability than that embedded in plain cement paste. Chloride binding capacity of 40 percent fly ash blended cement paste as indicated by the measured corrosion rate of steel was found to be very effective after 3 days of curing. In accelerated carbonation condition, corrosion rates of steel were initially high in fly ash blended cement mortars. When fully carbonated, the results indicate that the corrosion rate of steel can be higher in plain cement in comparison to 40 percent flyash blend. In the case of chloride penetration, the corrosion rate of steel was found to be consistently less than that of equivalent plain cement when compared on equal water-to-binder ratio.
Cheng-Jian Lin & Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'An ART-based fuzzy adaptive learning control network', NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference. The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technology Wo, NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94. First International Joint Conference of The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference. The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, IEEE, pp. 357-362.
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This paper addresses the structure and associated on-line learning algorithms of a feedforward multilayered connectionist network for realizing the basic elements and functions of a traditional fuzzy logic controller. The proposed Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network (FALCON) can be contrasted with the traditional fuzzy logic control systems in their network structure and learning ability. An on-line structure/parameter learning algorithm, called FALCON-ART, is proposed for constructing the FALCON dynamically. The FALCON-ART can partition the input/output space in a flexible way based on the distribution of the training data. Hence it can avoid the problem of combinatorial growing of partitioned grids in some complex systems. It combines the backpropagation learning scheme for parameter learning and the fuzzy ART algorithm for structure learning. More notably, the FALCON-ART can on-line partition the input/output spaces, tune membership functions and find proper fuzzy logic rules dynamically without any a priori knowledge or even any initial information on these.
Chin-Teng Lin 1970, 'FALCON: a fuzzy adaptive learning control network', NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference. The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technology Wo, NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94. First International Joint Conference of The North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference. The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, IEEE, pp. 228-232.
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This paper proposes a Reinforcement Fuzzy Adaptive Learning COntrol Network (RFALCON) for solving various reinforcement learning problems. The proposed RFALCON is constructed by integrating two Fuzzy Adaptive Learning COntrol networks (FALCON), each of which is a connectionist model with a feedforward multilayered network developed for the realization of a fuzzy logic controller. An on-line structure/parameter learning algorithm, called RFALCON-ART, is proposed for constructing the RFALCON dynamically. The proposed R-FALCON also preserves the advantages of the original FALCON, such as the ability to do on-line partition the input/output spaces, tune membership functions, and find proper fuzzy logic rules. In its initial form, there is no membership function, fuzzy partition, and fuzzy logic rule. They are created and begin to grow as the first reinforcement signal arrives. The users thus need not give it any a priori knowledge or even any initial information on these.
Cucchiara, R, Di Stefano, L, Monacelli, M, Piccardi, M & Rustichelli, G 1970, 'A parallel vision subsystem for robotic inspection and manipulation', Proceedings of IECON'94 - 20th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON'94 - 20th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE, pp. 862-866.
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The paper describes an SIMD massively parallel computer conceived for robot vision, and presents an application where the system is installed on a mobile robot to support inspection and manipulation tasks. The system consists of a scalable array of up to 4K single-bit processors controlled by a general-purpose microcomputer through a dedicated interface. The system's architecture is overviewed, addressing the available prototype as well as the functional units currently under design. We provide examples of image analysis goals that can be efficiently reached using spatially-organized parallel architectures such as SIMD array and give measurements of present performances. Using code profiles we also evaluate the speedup associated with the configuration being designed.
Cuthbert, J, Crawford, B & Braun, RM 1970, 'A multi-oscillator approach to CPFSK signal creation', Proceedings of COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, IEEE, pp. 20-23.
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The development of a MSK modulator/demodulator by Massey [1] and the Hodgart and Schoones implementation [2] has prompted the development of a multi-oscillator multi-h modulator/demodulator. The approach taken has been an investigation and extension of basic CPFSK multi-oscillator modulator/demodulator design using digital logic. In this paper the multi-oscillator MSK modulator as developed by Massey [1] is first re-examined before introducing the scheme developed by Crawford [3]. Thereafter elements of the related digital logic demodulator design are discussed.
Davidson, AM, van de Groenendaal, J & Braun, RM 1970, 'A novel code phase synchronization network for direct sequence spread spectrum', Proceedings of COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, IEEE, pp. 95-98.
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Direct sequence spread spectrum systems require that the receiver's replica of the spreading waveform be in code-phase and frequency lock with that of the transmitter's. Present methods of achieving synchronization involve correlation and energy detection. This paper presents the development of an alternative synchronization network. The network is a novel robust feedback loop where the input is the differentiated transmitter pseudo-noise sequence. The effects of these positive and negative going voltage spikes modulate the receiver clock until lock is achieved. The loop is further adapted to a data driven environment.
EISMAN, JA, MORRISON, NA, KELLY, PJ, SAMBROOK, PN, HOWARD, G, QI, JC, TOKITA, A, CROFTS, L, NGUYEN, TV & BIRMINGHAM, J 1970, 'Vitamin D receptor gene alleles and genetics of osteoporosis', VITAMIN D, 9th Workshop on Vitamin D, WALTER DE GRUYTER, ORLANDO, FL, pp. 812-816.
Golda, PJ, Benzakein, A, van de Groenendaal, JG & Braun, RM 1970, 'VLSI appropriate design of a trace-back Viterbi decoder', Proceedings of COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, IEEE, pp. 76-80.
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This paper concerns the research into the implementation of an efficient Viterbi algorithm for the decoding of convolutional codes. The original algorithm, as presented by Truong in his 1992 paper, is described, with many new points being noted. A detailed discussion of the improvements made to the algorithm follows, along with a full example of the operation of the algorithm.
Guirguis, S, Cao, HT & Baweja, D 1970, 'Minimizing corrosion of steel reinforcement-implementation of research into practice', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 263-281.
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In Australia, the Cement and Concrete Association has sponsored a number of research projects addressing aspects relating to deterioration of concrete structures caused by corrosion of the reinforcement. The overall objectives of these projects were to identify the factors influencing steel corrosion and to quantify their effect on initiating corrosion and on the rate of corrosion. The ultimate objective was to provide practising engineers with the relevant parameters that can be used in the design and specification of concrete structures to minimise the risk of corrosion of reinforcing steel. This paper reviews the major corrosion research carried out in Australia. It attempts to correlate research findings to the conditions in practice and to quantitatively predict design life of reinforced concrete structures in an environment simulating severe exposure conditions in Australia. The design life predictions presented should be considered within the context of the assumptions and approximations made. Data presented in this paper showed that the influence of binder type is more in the medium - strength concretes in terms of time to potential jump (initiation) and corrosion rate (propagation). Therefore, it is recommended to optimise concrete mixture proportioning with respect to binder type in this range of concrete strengths to utilise the benefits possible from different binders.
Hawryszkiewycz, I 1970, 'A generalized semantic model for CSCW systems', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 93-102.
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The paper describes a method for modeling CSCW systems. The method is general in the sense that it caters for the entire spectrum of CSCW work and is based on both theoretical foundations as well as empiric principles. A three level model is proposed, a high level interaction model, a detailed elaboration of model constructs and behaviour based on state transitions.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'CSCW as a basis for interactive design semantics', Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced visual interfaces - AVI '94, the workshop, ACM Press, pp. 213-215.
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Katergaris, J & Hadgraft, R 1970, 'Uncertainty in basic data and its effect on hydrological studies', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 199-204.
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The objective of this study was to estimate the uncertainty in basic streamflow data through the use of confidence limits. The intention was to then determine how this uncertainty propagates through a typical hydrological study - in this case, a simple flood frequency analysis. Based on rating curves from several stations, the uncertainty was of the order of 10-20% of the flow values. When these errors were passed through a flood frequency study, the width of the confidence intervals increased in width by 15-30%. This paper is one step in drawing attention to the importance of uncertainty in hydrological investigations. Although some papers have attempted to assign uncertainty in the results of particular studies, few also consider the uncertainty associated with the basic data on which the study rests.
Kervella, B, Gay, V & Horlait, E 1970, 'Towards a complete multimedia mail: Use of MHEG in standard messaging systems', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-13.
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© 1994, Springer Verlag. All Rights Reserved. This paper addresses multimedia aspects in messaging services. It highlights the functionalities that are missing to provide what we call a complete multimedia mail service and it gives standard solutions to integrate those additional functionalities in standard messaging systems. A complete multimedia messaging system does not provide only means to exchange simple multimedia messages having a reasonable size. It should first enable the transfer of multimedia information, directly or by references (e.g. for huge message). In case it uses a reference, files may be retrieved in connected mode. This is, in fact, already included in most messaging systems. Second, it should also be open to the introduction of new media types. This requires the introduction of functionalities to prevent the fact some workstations cannot support those media types. Third, it should enable the composition, the exchange and the presentation of formatted multimedia messages. MIME and X.400-based solutions are presented for the two first issues. For the third issue, we have chosen MHEG as a basis. This future standard is promising and this paper presents how to implement MHEG functionalities in messaging systems.
Leydekkers, P & Gay, V 1970, 'Multimedia Conferencing Services in an Open Distributed Environment.', IWACA, Springer, pp. 339-352.
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© 1994, Springer Verlag. All rights reserved. Distributed Processing Environments (DPE) or platforms are regarded as the future telecommunication architecture [1] on which distributed applications such as Multimedia Conferencing (MMC) services will operate. Using the DPE as target telecommunication platform, an important issue for MMC designers is the specification of generic MMC interfaces. This enables MMC users to access, in a distribution transparent way, a wide range of MMC services, that conform to these interface specifications. This paper proposes a classification of MMC services by means of three generic interface templates. These interface templates describe in an implementation independent way the functionality and management related to MMC services. The paper discusses also a possible implementation of these interfaces. Techniques and concepts are used as proposed by RM-ODP [2] and TINA-C [1].
Lin, CJ & Lin, CT 1970, 'ART-based fuzzy adaptive learning control network', IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1-5.
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This paper addresses the structure and associated on-line learning algorithms of a feedforward multilayered connectionist network for realizing the basic elements and functions of a traditional fuzzy logic controller. The proposed Fuzzy Adaptive Learning COntrol Network (FALCON) can be contrasted with the traditional fuzzy logic control systems in their network structure and learning ability. An on-line structure/parameter learning algorithm, called FALCON-ART, is proposed for constructing the FALCON dynamically. The FALCON-ART can partition the input/output space in a flexible way based on the distribution of the training data. Hence it can avoid the problem of combinatorial growing of partitioned grids in some complex systems. It combines the backpropagation learning scheme for parameter learning and the fuzzy ART algorithm for structure learning. More notably, the FALCON-ART can on-line partition the input/output spaces, tune membership functions and find proper fuzzy logic rules dynamically without any a priori knowledge or even any initial information on these.
Logé, C, Gay, V & Horlait, E 1970, 'Computational components for synchronous cooperation on multimedia information', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 89-102.
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© 1994, Springer Verlag. All Rights Reserved. Nowadays, the design of cooperative applications is becoming more complex due to the introduction of real time cooperation and multimedia aspects. To ease and accelerate the development of these applications it is necessary to build modular and reusable functional components that can be used by application designers. The objective of this paper is to define some of those functional components. They will be integrated in the cooperative applications to ensure the synchronous cooperation on multimedia objects. For openness and possible wide use in an open distributed heterogeneous environment, the specification of those components is based on the computational language of the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RMODP).
Ni, W, Xia, JS & Adams, ED 1970, 'Thermodynamic properties of bcc solid3He near the ordering transitions', Physica B: Condensed Matter, 20th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Elsevier BV, OR, EUGENE, pp. 941-942.
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Nkambule, VO & Braun, RM 1970, 'Power spectral density of duobinary-signalled minimum shift keying (MSK) with arbitrary pulse shaping', pp. 16-19.
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We present a general method for computing the power spectral density (PSD) of a partial-response, continuous phase modulated (CPM), constant-envelope signal. The modulation scheme employed is minimum shift keying (MSK). The frequency modulating signals are a random baseband pulse train in which the arbitrary pulse is time limited. Random data symbols transmitted during different time slots are assumed to be identically distributed and statistically independent.
Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Complex pseudo random spreading sequences with a wide range of correlation properties', 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM. Communications: The Global Bridge, 1994 IEEE GLOBECOM. Communications: The Global Bridge, IEEE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, pp. 1738-1742.
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Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Complex valued spreading sequences with good cross-correlation properties', IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications, pp. 500-504.
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This paper examines the performance of sets of Pseudo Random (PR) Sequences using the criterion of least mean-square (MS) values of the aperiodic cross-correlation (CC). The MS correlation values are averaged over all elements in the set rather than the more traditional approach of taking the MS correlation values of randomly selected elements as representative. This is intended to give an indication of the performance of the set as a whole. This paper introduces a new family of constant amplitude, complex valued sequences designed using the criterion of least MS value of the CC values of all sequences in the set. This family of sequences is compared with well known sequences on the basis of correlation values and frequency characteristics and is shown to offer a wider range and better combination of correlation values. The paper also provides a limit on the lower bound of the value of the MS CC for the new family of complex sequences and members of the family are given for which the average MS value of the CC asymptotically approaches this bound. The potential tradeoff of CC values for auto-correlation (AC) is also illustrated.
Oppermann, I & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Spread spectrum multiple-access system using orthogonal PN sequences and convolutional coding', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 103-108.
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This paper considers the performance of a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) system in which each user has multiple pseudo-noise (PN) sequences available for the spreading process. Information is thus transmitted through phase modulation of the sequence and the choice of the sequence itself. The sequences used are Orthogonal Gold (OG) sequences and are described in this paper. This paper also considers the performance of this M-ary sequence system with convolutional encoding. The code rates are chosen so that for each data bit, the number of coded bits produced matches the number of bits associated with the choice of spreading sequence. Simulation shows that using this method, it is possible to not only increase the capacity of the system over the conventional 'uncoded' DSSS-MA system, but also allow more independent users to share the system at any time.
Oppermann, I, Rapajic, P & Vucetic, BS 1970, 'Pseudo random sequences with good cross-correlation properties', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 1001-1006.
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This paper examines the performance of particular sets of Pseudo Random (PR) Sequences constructed using the criterion of least mean-square values of the aperiodic cross-correlation. The criterion is modified slightly from previous publications to involve the average mean-square correlation values of the sequences in the set rather than simply taking the mean-square correlation values of randomly selected elements as representative. This paper introduces a new set of constant amplitude, poly-phase sequences designed using the criterion of least mean-square value of the cross-correlation values of all sequences in the set. The paper also provides a limit on the lower bound of the value of the mean-square cross-correlation for the new set of poly-phase sequences. It is shown that a subset of one of these new sequence sets asymptotically approaches this lower bound.
Prasanthi, H, Vigneswaran, S, Waite, TD & Aim, RB 1970, 'Filtration of submicron particles: effect of ionic strength and organic substances', Water Science and Technology, IWA Publishing, pp. 149-158.
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Hematite (α-Fe2O3) suspension was used in this study to investigate the effects of aggregate size and solution chemical characteristics on particle removal and headloss development in a deep bed filter. When electrolyte (KCl) concentration in the suspension was increased from 0-80 mM, the size of hematite aggregates in suspension increased from 85 to 990 nM but had no significant effect on zeta potential. It was found that at low KCl concentrations (0-10 mM), the initial removal is governed by surface chemical properties while at higher concentrations (40-80 mM), the effect of particle size (steric effect) predominates. The transient stage filter performance was found to be controlled by the favourable chemical conditions prevailing in the filtration system rather than the size of the particles. Studies of the effect of a natural organic material (fulvic acid) on particle removal indicated that fulvic acid at low concentrations (less than 0.75 mg/L) enhanced particle aggregation and improved filtration efficiency. At concentrations higher than 2 mg/L, it was found to increase the stability of particles thus affecting filtration efficiency.
Roper, H, Sirivivatnanon, V & Baweja, D 1970, 'Long-term performance of portland and blended cement concretes under morine conditions', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 331-351.
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Specifications relating to concrete durability have been emphasised in many recent codes of practice governing the design of concrete structures. Typical examples of this trend are noted in Australian Standard AS 3600, British Standard BS 8110 and a Guide to Durable Concrete reported by ACI Committee 201. Apart from the requirements of higher strength grades to ensure required minimum water: Cement ratios for aggressive environment exposures, some advantages offered by the use of blended cements have been recognised in these documents. The use of blended slag and fly ash cements is increasing worldwide and specific information on the long-term performance of such concretes in high chloride environments is needed. This paper presents data on the long-term corrosion characteristics in high chloride environments of reinforcement within a series of concretes individually incorporating a high C3A ordinary portland cement, a low C3A cement, a slag blended cement and an ASTM Class F fly ash blended cement. The concrete performance has been assessed using electrochemical monitoring of corrosion of the embedded reinforcement by potentiodynarnic anodic polarisation and the concrete resistivity. Factors that significantly influence the corrosion rate of the reinforcement include the concrete water: Binder ratio, the binder type and the resistivity. Comments are made regarding current North American, British and Australian specifications for concrete under marine service conditions. From the data presented, the specification for long-term durability of concrete for marine conditions could be based on concrete resistivity with a suggested limit of around 5000 ohm cm at 28 days.
Sheng, D, Axelsson, K & Knutsson, S 1970, 'Estimation of frost heave for stratified soil profile', GROUND FREEZING 94, 7th International Symposium on Ground Freezing, A A BALKEMA, LAB REG PONTS & CHAUSSEES, NANCY, FRANCE, pp. 129-141.
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An operational model for estimation of frost heave in field where stratified soil profile occurs is presented. The model is developed from the research model described and verified by Sheng and Knutsson (1993). Soil layers are first classified into frost-susceptible layers (FSL) or non-frost-susceptible layers (NFSL). In an FSL, both heat flow and water flow are considered and ice lensing can occur. In a NFSL, only heat flow is possible and no ice lensing is allowed. The governing equations for heat and mass transfer are established for the time period when the frost front is moving within FSL. Capillarity and unsaturation are also considered. The operational model is verified by field measurements of heave amounts. The computed values of heave are in good agreement with the measured data. The applicability of the model to solving practical problems is demonstrated through example problems. The effectiveness of the commonly-used insulating materials in reducing frost heave is evaluated. The differential frost heave caused by the snow cover on road shoulders is estimated, as a function of the snow thickness. The effect of the ground water table on frost heave is also studied.
Sirivivatnanon, V, Trinh Cao, H & Nelson, P 1970, 'Mechanical and durability properties of high volume fly ash concrete', American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, pp. 967-984.
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In this study, structural grade concretes with characteristic strength of 20 to 45 MPa were made with general purpose portland cement (ASTM Type I} and with fly ash blends. High volumes of fly ash (ASTM Class F) in the range of 40-50 percent by weight of total binder were used. It was found that for an equivalent 28-day strength and slump, structural concretes containing high volume fly ash can provide a number of advantages over plain cement concretes including lower drying shrinkage and better creep characteristics. Similar flexural strength and elastic modulus were observed between equivalent plain cement and high volume fly ash concretes. Experience obtained in field trials of high volume fly ash concretes showed that they can be mixed, transported, placed and finished using conventional concreting equipment and technique. Laboratory studies of blended cements containing high percentages of fly ash as cement replacement material indicated that steel passivation characteristics improved with age of hydration and there was no negative effect caused by pozzolanic reaction. Electrochemical data using polarization resistance techniques on paste samples immersed in 0.5 M NaCl solution are given. The results indicated that even with limited initial curing of 7 days, the corrosion rates of steel in 40 wt% fly ash blend were very similar to that of plain cement at high water-to-binder ratio (>0.6) and were lower than that of plain cement at low water-to-binder ratio ( <=0.6). Data obtained from mortar samples subjected to sulphate environments suggested that the use of blended cements with high fly ash replacement could be beneficial in the case where the pH of the environment was low such as that experienced by concrete structures in sewerage works.
Siriwardena, L & Hadgraft, R 1970, 'Regional flood frequency in Victoria', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 247-252.
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This study shows the difficulty in incorporating regional skews in flood frequency analysis in Australia, as they are inconsistent, unstable and very subjective to elimination of low outliers, especially when estimated from short records. A regional procedure of flood estimation was also developed by regression of standardised 100-yr flood estimates against mean annual rainfall. Only 30% of stations yielded better estimates from the regional procedure compared to the at-site procedure of a fitted LP-III distribution.
van de Groenendaal, JG & Braun, RM 1970, 'Phase-plane analysis of phase-locked loops used for clock recovery', Proceedings of COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, COMSIG '94 - 1994 South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing, IEEE, pp. 99-104.
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The transient analysis of phase-locked loops is not an easy analytical task. Although linearisation of these devices is common practice, the exact nature of the loop is not obtained. Using phase-plane techniques it is possible to determine both the transient and steady-state responses of phase-locked loops. In this paper we investigate the application of phase-plane techniques to a second-order phase-locked loop and to a more complex clock-recovery loop. A number of interesting results were obtained and are discussed.
Vucetic, B, Zhang, L & Oppermann, I 1970, 'Modelling and simulation of ICO satellite communication channels', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 493-497.
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The channel models for Intermediate Circular Orbit (ICO) satellite links are developed for tripod mounted and hand-held receivers with a stationary and moving user in various propagation environments. The channel model is based on a linear combination of Rice, Rayleigh and log-normal faded signals to represent the signal variations over an area with constant environment characteristics while an M-state Markov chain is applied to model environment parameter variations. The model parameters are estimated from the experimental data and used to simulate signal amplitude variations. The simulated and experimental data are compared on the basis of probability density functions.
Zaman, S & Ball, JE 1970, 'Simulation of small events in an urban catchment', National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 353-358.
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In general, stormwater runoff from an urbanised catchment is the result of a complex interaction of processes which influence the generation of rainfall on both the pervious and impervious areas within the catchment. When the rainfall depth is small, however, the rainfall excess will be generated primarily on the impervious surfaces with a consequent reduction in the complexity of the interaction of the processes. To investigate the processes influencing the generation of rainfall excess and, hence, the development of stormwater runoff, a number of storm events with small rainfall depths were simulated on the Salt Pan Creek catchment. Presented herein are the results obtained from these simulations. Also presented is a discussion of the interaction between alternative processes occurring on impervious surfaces.