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Field, CD 1996, Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystems.


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Journal articles

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Catalano, PJ, Ryan, LM & Kaden, DA 1996, 'Statistical design aspects of the NTP/HEI collaborative study on the health effects of chronic ozone inhalation', INHALATION TOXICOLOGY, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 229-249.
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Chapple, RM, Chaudhury, AM, Blomer, KC, Farrell, LB & Dennis, ES 1996, 'Construction of a YAC contig of 2 megabases around the MS1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 453-465.
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ChinAtkins, AN, Craig, S, Hocart, CH, Dennis, ES & Chaudhury, AM 1996, 'Increased endogenous cytokinin in the Arabidopsis amp1 mutant corresponds with de-etiolation responses', PLANTA, vol. 198, no. 4, pp. 549-556.

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Cortie, MB, McEwan, JJ & Enright, DP 1996, 'Materials selection in the mining industry: Old issues and new challenges', JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 145-157.
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CronjéGrové, JJ, Holzapfel, CW & Williams, DBG 1996, 'One-pot SmI2-promoted transformation of carbohydrate derivatives into cyclopentanols', Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 37, no. 32, pp. 5817-5820.
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CronjéGrové, JJ, Holzapfel, CW & Williams, DBG 1996, 'Stereoselective SmI2-mediated conversion of carbohydrates into cyclopentanols', Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 1305-1308.
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Dennis, ES, Finnegan, EJ, Bilodeau, P, Chaudhury, A, Genger, R, Helliwell, CA, Sheldon, CC, Bagnall, DJ & Peacock, WJ 1996, 'Vernalization and the initiation of flowering', SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 441-448.
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Dooley, A & Gupta, S 1996, 'On norms of trigonometric polynomials on SU(2)', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 175, no. 2, pp. 491-505.
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Dooley, AH & Eigen, SJ 1996, 'A family of generalized Riesz products', CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS-JOURNAL CANADIEN DE MATHEMATIQUES, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 302-315.
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Fisher, AT, Zwart, G, Shipley, T, Ogawa, Y, Ashi, J, Blum, P, Bruckmann, W, Filice, F, Goldberg, D, Henry, P, Housen, B, Jurado, MJ, Kastner, M, Labaume, P, Laier, T, Leitch, E, Maltman, A, Meyer, A, Moore, JC, Moore, G, Peacock, S, Rabaute, A, Steiger, T, Tobin, H, Underwood, M, Xu, Y, Yin, H & Zheng, Y 1996, 'Relation between permeability and effective stress along a plate-boundary fault, Barbados accretionary complex', GEOLOGY, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 307-310.
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Harcourt, RL, Llewellyn, D, Morton, R, Dennis, ES & Peacock, WJ 1996, 'Effectiveness of purified Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner insecticidal proteins in controlling three insect pests of Australian eucalypt plantations', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 1392-1398.
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Hogg, PJ, Jackson, CM, Labanowski, JK & Bock, PE 1996, 'Binding of Fibrin Monomer and Heparin to Thrombin in a Ternary Complex Alters the Environment of the Thrombin Catalytic Site, Reduces Affinity for Hirudin, and Inhibits Cleavage of Fibrinogen', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 271, no. 42, pp. 26088-26095.
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Housen, BA, Tobin, HJ, Labaume, P, Leitch, EC, Maltman, AJ & Ocean Drilling Program Leg 156 Shipboard Science Party 1996, 'Strain decoupling across the decollement of the Barbados accretionary prism', Geology, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 127-130.
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Housen, BA, Tobin, HJ, Labaume, P, Leitch, EC, Maltman, AJ, Shipley, T, Ogawa, Y, Ashi, J, Blum, P, Bruckmann, W, Felice, F, Fisher, A, Goldberg, D, Henry, P, Jurado, MJ, Kastner, M, Laier, T, Meyer, A, Moore, JC, Moore, G, Peacock, S, Rabaute, A, Steiger, T, Underwood, M, Xu, Y, Yin, H, Zheng, Y & Zwart, G 1996, 'Strain decoupling across the decollement of the Barbados accretionary prism', Geology, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 127-130.
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Kaden, DA, Warren, J, Ryan, L, Boorman, G & Mellick, P 1996, 'The NTP/HEI collaborative ozone project on the health effects of chronic ozone inhalation', INHALATION TOXICOLOGY, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 213-227.
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Kalceff, MAS, Phillips, MR & Moon, AR 1996, 'Electron irradiation-induced changes in the surface topography of silicon dioxide', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 80, no. 8, pp. 4308-4314.
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Kloeden, PE, Platen, E, Schurz, H & Sorensen, M 1996, 'On effects of discretization on estimators of drift parameters for diffusion processes', JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1061-1076.
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Kloeden, PE, Platen, E, Schurz, H & Sørensen, M 1996, 'On effects of discretization on estimators of drift parameters for diffusion processes', Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1061-1076.
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Langford, SJ & Stoddart, JF 1996, 'Self-assembly in chemical systems', Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 1255-1260.
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Le Marshall, JF, Leslie, LM & Spinoso, C 1996, 'The impact of spatial and temporal distribution of satellite observations on tropical cyclone data assimilation: Preliminary results', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, vol. 60, no. 1-3, pp. 157-163.
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