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Barraud, N, Kardak, BG, Yepuri, NR, Howlin, RP, Webb, JS, Faust, SN, Kjelleberg, S, Rice, SA & Kelso, MJ 2012, 'Cephalosporin‐3′‐diazeniumdiolates: Targeted NO‐Donor Prodrugs for Dispersing Bacterial Biofilms', Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 51, no. 36, pp. 9057-9060.
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Barraud, N, Kardak, BG, Yepuri, NR, Howlin, RP, Webb, JS, Faust, SN, Kjelleberg, S, Rice, SA & Kelso, MJ 2012, 'Cephalosporin‐3′‐diazeniumdiolates: Targeted NO‐Donor Prodrugs for Dispersing Bacterial Biofilms', Angewandte Chemie, vol. 124, no. 36, pp. 9191-9194.
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Bates, GW, Davidson, JE, Forgan, RS, Gale, PA, Henderson, DK, King, MG, Light, ME, Moore, SJ, Tasker, PA & Tong, CC 2012, 'A dual host approach to NiSO4 extraction', Supramolecular Chemistry, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 117-126.
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Bhosale, SV, Hackbarth, S, Langford, SJ & Bhosale, SV 2012, 'Light‐Induced Electron Transfer over Distances of 5, 10, and 15 Å within Water‐Filled Yoctowells', Chemistry – An Asian Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 176-182.
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Bishop, J, Toth, M, Phillips, M & Lobo, C 2012, 'Effects of oxygen on electron beam induced deposition of SiO2 using physisorbed and chemisorbed tetraethoxysilane', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, no. 21, pp. 211605-211605.
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