Aaron, JE, Oliver, B, Clarke, N & Carter, DH 1999, 'Calcified microspheres as biological entities and their isolation from bone', Histochemical Journal, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 455-470.
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Ahmed, SF 1999, 'Balanced Translocation of 10q and 13q, Including the PTENGene, in a Boy with a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-Secreting Tumor and the Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 4665-4670.
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Ahmed, SF, Marsh, DJ, Weremowicz, S, Morton, CC, Williams, DM & Eng, C 1999, 'Balanced Translocation of 10q and 13q, Including the PTENGene, in a Boy with a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-Secreting Tumor and the Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome', The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 4665-4670.
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Ajani, PA, Roberts, D, Smith, A & Krogh, M 1999, 'The effect of sewage discharge on two bioindicators at Port Stephens, NSW', Ecotoxicology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 253-267.
Ajani, PA, Roberts, DE, Smith, AK & Krogh, M 1999, 'The effect of sewage on two bioindicators at Port Stephens, New South Wales, Australia', Ecotoxicology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 253-267.
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Alonso, MA, Asatryan, AA & Forbes, GW 1999, 'Beyond the Fresnel approximation for focused waves', JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1958-1969.
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By extension of the transitional operator method developed by Wunsche, the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld and Kirchhoff solutions to the diffraction of a converging spherical (or cylindrical) wave are expressed in terms of a series of derivatives of the field estim
Ammit, AJ, Kane, SA & Panettieri, RA 1999, 'Activation of K-p21ras and N-p21ras, but Not H-p21ras, Is Necessary for Mitogen-Induced Human Airway Smooth-Muscle Proliferation', American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 719-727.
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Anzenbacher, P, Jursíková, K, Lynch, VM, Gale, PA & Sessler, JL 1999, 'Calix[4]pyrroles Containing Deep Cavities and Fixed Walls. Synthesis, Structural Studies, and Anion Binding Properties of the Isomeric Products Derived from the Condensation of p-Hydroxyacetophenone and Pyrrole', Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 121, no. 47, pp. 11020-11021.
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Asatryan, AA, Robinson, PA, Botten, LC, McPhedran, RC, Nicorovici, NA & de Sterke, CM 1999, 'Effects of disorder on wave propagation in two-dimensional photonic crystals', PHYSICAL REVIEW E, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 6118-6127.
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The electromagnetic transmittance of disordered two-dimensional photonic crystals composed of circular cylinders is investigated as a function of wavelength and polarization. At short wavelengths, the transmittance shows a band structure similar to that
Ashton, PR, Boyd, SE, Brindle, A, Langford, SJ, Menzer, S, Pe´rez-García, L, Preece, JA, Raymo, IM, Spencer, N, Fraser Stoddart, J, White, AJP & Williams, DJ 1999, 'Diazapyrenium-containing catenanes and rotaxanes', New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 587-602.
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Atkinson, R, Harper, PAW, Ryce, C, Morrison, DA & Ellis, JT 1999, 'Comparison of the biological characteristics of two isolates of Neospora caninum', PARASITOLOGY, vol. 118, pp. 363-370.
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This study compared the biological and genetic properties of a bovine (NC-SweB1) and a canine (NC-Liverpool) isolate of Neospora caninum. A mouse model for CNS infection demonstrated marked differences in pathogenicity between the isolates. NC-Liverpool
Batty, J & Lim, R 1999, 'Morphological and Reproductive Characteristics of Male Mosquitofish ( Gambusia affinis holbrooki ) Inhabiting Sewage-Contaminated Waters in New South Wales, Australia', Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 301-307.
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The potential effects of exposure of fish to reproductive endocrine disruptors (REDs) is of major concern. This study reports on the effects of sewage effluent exposure on morphology of male mosquitofish (Gambusia a. holbrooki) in a tributary of the Hawksbury-Nepean River system in New South Wales, Australia. The growth and development of the modified anal fin (the gonopodium, GP) is a secondary sexual characteristic in males, forms under the influence of testosterone, and is critical for sperm transfer. The GP was reduced in length in males sampled downstream from a sewage treatment plant discharge point compared to GP fin length in males upstream or from other comparison sites. The reduction in size of this androgen-dependent structure suggests the presence of RED substances in the water. The presence or absence of spermatozeugmata (sperm packet) was not related to a reduction in GP length, which suggests spermatogenesis may not be reduced, but other measures of fertility remain to be evaluated. These results are discussed in the context of RED contaminants associated with sewage effluent.
Beebe, NW, Ellis, JT, Cooper, RD & Saul, A 1999, 'DNA sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region for the Anopheles punctulatus group of mosquitoes', INSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 381-390.
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The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) from the ribosomal DNA was sequenced and characterized for ten cryptic species in the Anopheles punctulatus group, the members of which are major vectors of malaria and filariasis in the south-west Pacific. The le
Beer, PD, Gale, PA & Chen, GZ 1999, 'Electrochemical molecular recognition: pathways between complexation and signalling', Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, no. 12, pp. 1897-1910.
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Beer, PD, Gale, PA & Chen, GZ 1999, 'Mechanisms of electrochemical recognition of cations, anions and neutral guest species by redox-active receptor molecules', Coordination Chemistry Reviews, vol. 185-186, pp. 3-36.
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Betensky, RA, Lindsey, JC, Ryan, LM & Wand, MP 1999, 'Local EM estimation of the hazard function for interval-censored data', BIOMETRICS, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 238-245.
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We propose a smooth hazard estimator for interval-censored survival data using the method of local likelihood. The model is fit using a local EM algorithm. The estimator is more descriptive than traditional empirical estimates in regions of concentrated information and takes on a parametric flavor in regions of sparse information. We derive two different standard error estimates for the smooth curve, one based on asymptotic theory and the other on the bootstrap. We illustrate the local EM method for times to breast cosmesis deterioration (Finkelstein, 1986, Biometrics 42, 845-854) and for times to HIV-1 infection for individuals with hemophilia (Kroner et al., 1994, Journal of AIDS 7, 279-286). Our hazard estimates for each of these data sets show interesting structures that would not be found using a standard parametric hazard model or empirical survivorship estimates.
Bilodeau, P, Udvardi, MK, Peacock, WJ & Dennis, ES 1999, 'A prolonged cold treatment-induced cytochrome P450 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana', PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 791-800.
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Bishop, R, Craig, DC, Dance, IG, Scudder, ML & Ung, AT 1999, 'Interpenetrating inclusion lattices: Comparison of the beta-hydroquinone and ellipsoidal clathrate structures', JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 663-671.
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Crystallization of 2,7-dimethyltricyclo[43.1.13,8]undecane-syn-2,syn-7-diol 2 from acetonitrile or dichloro-methane yields the compounds (2)4-(guest) in space group 141/acd which are further examples of the ellipsoidal clathrate structure. Both enantiomers of 2 are linked through (O-H)4 cycles of hydrogen bonds to form a three-dimensional sublattice. Two inversion related sublattices interpenetrate thereby generating a superlattice with guest-occupied voids situated between the two individual sublattices. The two X-ray structures are compared and contrasted with that of Powells (hydroquinone)3 (SO2) clathrate compound.
Booth, DJ & Hixon, MA 1999, 'Food ration and condition affect early survival of the coral reef damselfish, Stegastes partitus', OECOLOGIA, vol. 121, no. 3, pp. 364-368.
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The supply of larvae is a major determinant of population and community structure in coral reef fishes. However, spatial and temporal variation in condition (i.e. quality) of potential recruits, as well as their density (i.e. quantity), may influence sur
Braithwaite, DH, Holzapfel, C & Williams, DBG 1999, 'Stereoselective Thallium-induced Ring Contraction of Glycals', Journal of Chemical Research, no. 2, pp. 108-109.
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Brighton, TA, Dai, YP, Hogg, PJ & Chesterman, CN 1999, 'Microheterogeneity of beta-2 glycoprotein I: implications for binding to anionic phospholipids.', Biochem J, vol. 340 ( Pt 1), no. Pt 1, pp. 59-67.
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Considerable interest is currently focused on the interactions of beta-2 glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) and anti-phospholipid antibodies with anionic phospholipids in an attempt to understand the association between these antibodies and clinical diseases such as thrombosis. The interactions of beta2GPI and anionic phospholipids have only been characterized partially, and the physiological role of this glycoprotein remains uncertain. In this study we have explored in detail the physical and phospholipid-binding characteristics of a number of beta2GPI preparations. We have found (i) that perchloric acid-purification methods are damaging to beta2GPI during purification, (ii) that the dissociation constants of the various preparations for phosphatidylserine vary between 0. 1-2 microM and are considerably weaker than previously reported, (iii) that considerable differences in affinity of the various beta2GPI preparations for anionic phospholipids are obtained when comparing anionic phospholipids immobilized to a solid-phase versus phospholipid assembled in unilamellar vesicles, (iv) that the integrity of the fifth domain of beta2GPI is important for binding immobilized anionic phospholipid but not especially important in binding vesicular anionic phospholipid, and (v) that beta2GPI preparations with differing isoelectric species content bind anionic phospholipids differently, suggesting that varying glycosylation and/or protein polymorphisms impact upon phospholipid binding. These results highlight the importance of assessing the determinants of the interaction of beta2GPI with anionic phospholipids assembled in unilamellar vesicles.
Brown, JJ, Diamond, ID, Chambers, RL, Buckner, LJ & Teague, AD 1999, 'A Methodological Strategy for a One-Number Census in the UK', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 247-267.
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Summary As a result of lessons learnt from the 1991 census, a research programme was set up to seek improvements in census methodology. Underenumeration has been placed top of the agenda in this programme, and every effort is being made to achieve as high a coverage as possible in the 2001 census. In recognition, however, that 100% coverage will never be achieved, the one-number census (ONC) project was established to measure the degree of underenumeration in the 2001 census and, if possible, to adjust fully the outputs from the census for that undercount. A key component of this adjustment process is a census coverage survey (CCS). This paper presents an overview of the ONC project, focusing on the design and analysis methodology for the CCS. It also presents results that allow the reader to evaluate the robustness of this methodology.
Bruce, D, Fu, SL, Armstrong, S & Dean, RT 1999, 'Human apo-lipoprotein B from normal plasma contains oxidised peptides', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 1409-1420.
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Brumback, BA, Holmes, LB & Ryan, LM 1999, 'Adverse effects of chorionic villus sampling: a meta-analysis', STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, vol. 18, no. 16, pp. 2163-2175.
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Meta-analysis is a popular tool for combining evidence from several related studies. The technique is usually used to combine randomized clinical trials, case-control studies or prospective studies where each study has its own exposed and unexposed group
Brumback, BA, Ruppert, D & Wand, MP 1999, 'Comment', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 94, no. 447, pp. 794-797.
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Brumback, BA, Ruppert, D & Wand, MP 1999, 'Variable Selection and Function Estimation in Additive Nonparametric Regression Using a Data-Based Prior: Comment', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 94, no. 447, pp. 794-794.
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Canney, SA, Sashin, VA, Ford, MJ & Kheifets, AS 1999, 'Electronic band structure of magnesium and magnesium oxide: experiment and theory', JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, vol. 11, no. 39, pp. 7507-7522.
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Electron momentum spectroscopy (EMS) has been used to measure the valence band electronic structure of thin magnesium and magnesium oxide films. The band structures have also been calculated within the linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) approximation. The free-electronlike parabola characteristic of metallic solids was observed for magnesium with a bandwidth of approximately 6 eV, in agreement with previous measurements. The inclusion of energy broadening due to finite hole-lifetime effects and a Monte Carlo simulation of multiple scattering events gives good agreement between calculated and measured band structures. However, we measure a much higher intensity due to plasmon excitation compared with the simulated intensity. Upon oxidation the valence structure splits into two distinct, less dispersive bands typical of an ionic solid. Intensity due to plasmon excitation was almost completely absent in the experimental spectra for magnesium oxide. The LMTO calculation reproduces the overall structure and dispersion range of the oxide. The measured and calculated energy gap between upper and lower valence bands and their relative intensities do not agree quantitatively. This discrepancy may be due to a contribution of magnesium s states to the predominantly oxygen p states in the upper band.
Capes-Davis, A, Andrew, SD, Hyland, VJ, Twigg, S, Learoyd, DL, Dwight, T, Marsh, DJ & Robinson, BG 1999, 'Glucocorticoids differentially inhibit expression of the RET proto-oncogene.', Gene Expr, vol. 8, no. 5-6, pp. 311-326.
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The RET proto-oncogene encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase activated by the binding of factors from the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family to receptor-alpha components such as GDNF family receptor alpha-1 (GFR alpha-1). Mutations within the sequence of the RET proto-oncogene are associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2), an inherited tumor syndrome characterized by the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and other neuroendocrine tumors. Despite Northern analysis showing that RET is expressed in the majority of MTCs, the factors regulating this expression are poorly understood. To address this issue we examined RET expression in response to glucocorticoids in the TT cell line, derived from a metastatic MTC. The synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone was found to reduce RET expression at both mRNA and protein levels. This effect was dose responsive and maximal at 24 h. The reduction in RET mRNA was shown to be specific to glucocorticoids and was also seen in a primary MTC culture. Nuclear run-on studies revealed the reduction in steady-state RNA to be due to a decrease in RET mRNA transcription and the effect was shown to be independent of new protein synthesis or RNA stability. Dexamethasone was also found to exert an inhibitory effect upon cell growth, suggesting a potential use for glucocorticoids in the treatment of medullary carcinoma and MEN 2.
Carroll, R 1999, 'Nonparametric regression in the presence of measurement error', Biometrika, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 541-554.
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Carroll, RJ, Ruppert, D & Stefanski, LA 1999, 'Comment', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 94, no. 446, pp. 410-411.
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Carroll, RJ, Ruppert, D & Stefanski, LA 1999, 'Regression Depth: Comment', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 94, no. 446, pp. 410-410.
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Carter, JS, Bowden, FJ, Bastian, I, Myers, GM, Sriprakash, KS & Kemp, DJ 1999, 'Phylogenetic evidence for reclassification of Calymmatobacterium granulomatis as Klebsiella granulomatis comb. nov.', International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1695-1700.
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Chai, CS & Ben-Nissan, B 1999, 'Bioactive nanocrystalline sol-gel hydroxyapatite coatings', Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 465-469.
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Sol-gel technology offers an alternative technique for producing bioactive surfaces for improved bone attachment. Previous work indicated that monophasic hydroxyapatite coatings were difficult to produce. In the present work hydroxyapatite was synthesize
Chedid, A, Ryan, LM, Dayal, Y, Wolf, BC & Falkson, G 1999, 'Morphology and Other Prognostic Factors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma', Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, vol. 123, no. 6, pp. 524-528.
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Abstract Objective.—Hepatocellular carcinoma is a malignancy found worldwide that has typically poor prognosis despite treatment. Although several studies have dealt with prognostic factors, just a few detailed analyses of large series correlating the pathology of hepatocellular carcinoma with prognosis are available. The present study was undertaken to address this limitation. Patients and Methods.—Our prior clinical study described 432 patients, but sufficient tissue was available for evaluation in only 299 patients. Of these, 224 samples contained primary hepatocellular carcinoma, while the remainder contained only metastatic tumor. Characteristics evaluated included degree of tumor differentiation, associated cirrhosis or hepatitis, presence of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, and blood vessel invasion by the neoplasm. Results.—Of the 224 patients, 71% were male, 65% white, and 73% over the age of 45 years. Ninety-one percent were from North America. A total of 42 patients were found to have cirrhosis. Thirty-five percent had cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, and 25% showed evidence of blood vessel invasion. Tumor response rates (tumor shrinkage) were low (8%) regardless of treatment. Presence of cytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies and blood vessel invasion were not associated with increased survival. Some histopathologies (pelioid, spindle cell, fibrolamellar) were associated with a better prognosis. Patients with a predominant trabecular pattern (43%) did particularly poorly. Although sex was significantly associated with survival using a univariate analysis, this effect disappeared in a multivariate Cox model that adjusted simultaneously for other factors. Conclusion.—This investigation suggests that histologic subtype and clinical features may provide useful prognostic information in hepatocellular carcin...
Chiarella, C, El-Hassan, N & Kucera, A 1999, 'Evaluation of American option prices in a path integral framework using Fourier-Hermite series expansions', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL, vol. 23, no. 9-10, pp. 1387-1424.
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In this paper we review the path integral technique which has wide applications in statistical physics and relate it to the backward recursion technique which is widely used for the evaluation of derivative securities. We formulate the pricing of equity
Cho, S-I, Li, Q, Yang, J, Chen, C, Padungtod, C, Ryan, L, Christiani, DC & Xu, X 1999, 'Drinking Water Source and Spontaneous Abortion: A Cross-sectional Study in a Rural Chinese Population', International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 164-169.
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The authors examined the association between the risk of spontaneous abortion and the type of drinking water source in a rural Chinese population. Information about pregnancy outcomes and various exposures was collected by means of a detailed interview questionnaire. 2,876 pregnancies occurring in 1989-1993 among 2,201 nonsmoking and non-alcohol-drinking women were analyzed by logistic regression. Generalized estimating equations were used to adjust for correlations between multiple pregnancies in the same woman. The use of pond water as a drinking water source was associated with a higher risk of spontaneous abortion than the use of well or river water (odds ratio, 1.63; 95% confidence interval, 1.11 to 2.39), adjusting for potential confounders. More studies are needed to identify the agents responsible for the observed association. The results of this study emphasize the importance of monitoring potential drinking-water contamination in communities.
Christen, G, Stevens, G, Lukins, PB, Renger, G & Larkum, AWD 1999, 'Isolation and characterisation of oxygen evolving thylakoids from the marine prokaryote Prochloron didemni', FEBS Letters, vol. 449, no. 2-3, pp. 264-268.
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The present study describes the first successful attempt to isolate oxygen evolving thylakoids and thylakoid fragments from the marine prokaryote Prochloron didemni, a member of the recently discovered group of prochlorophytes. Oxygen evolving thylakoid membranes and fragments were isolated from seawater suspended cells of Prochloron didemni by passage of the cells through a Yeda press and subsequent differential centrifugation of the broken material. Three fractions were collected at 1000×g, 5000×g, and 30 000×g and identified by light microscopy as cells (and their fragments), thylakoids and membrane fragments, respectively. Pigment content, oxygen evolution rate and 77 K fluorescence spectra of these fractions were virtually identical. This finding indicates that the membrane fragments obtained are not enriched in photosystem II. The P680+ reduction kinetics of thylakoid membrane fragments were determined by monitoring flash induced absorption changes at 830 nm and analysing the time course of their decay. The multiphasic relaxation kinetics and their modification by NH2OH were found to be similar to those observed in cyanobacteria and plants. These findings provide an independent line of evidence for the idea of a high conservation of the basic structural and functional pattern of the water oxidising complex in all organisms that perform oxygenic photosynthesis.
Christiani, DC, Ye, T, Zhang, S, Wegman, DH, Eisen, EA, Ryan, LA, Olenchock, SA, Pothier, L & Dai, H 1999, 'Cotton dust and endotoxin exposure and long-term decline in lung function: Results of a longitudinal study', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 321-331.
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Background: To evaluate the relationship between long-term exposure to cotton dust and Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin on lung function, we conducted an 11-year follow-up study of cotton textile workers in Shanghai, China. Methods: Workers at a nearby silk-thread manufacturing mill were used as a referent population. Ninety percent of the original cohort of 445 cotton and 467 silk textile workers - both active and retired - were identified for testing in the 11th year. Questionnaires and spirometric testing were performed, as well as cotton dust and endotoxin sampling at three points over the 11-year follow-up period: at baseline, at Year 5, and at Year 11. After excluding deaths and subjects on sick-leave, 84% of the original cohort had complete health and environmental data. Results: The data were reanalyzed using generalized estimating equations feedback model which allow for subject transfer over time between work areas, various exposure levels to dust and endotoxin, and FEV1. Cotton workers had a larger loss of FEV1 during the first 5 years of study (-40 mls/yr) as compared with the second 6 years of follow-up (-18 mls/yr). During the same periods, the average decline among silk workers was slightly higher in the first period, but was more consistent (-30 mls/yr vs. -27 mls/yr), and these differences could not be explained by worker selection or dropout. When cumulative exposure to dust and endotoxin were estimated and used in a multivariate model (GEE) for FEV1 loss, cumulative dust, but not endotoxin, was associated with 11-year loss in FEV1 after adjustments for confounders. There was evidence of feedback between dust-exposure levels and FEV1, indicating the existence of a healthy-worker survivor effect. After accounting for a healthy-worker survivor effect, we found a significant relationship between dust exposure and FEV1 decline. Conclusions: Our results suggest that cotton dust is more strongly associated with chronic airflow limitation th...
Combes, V, Simon, A-C, Grau, G-E, Arnoux, D, Camoin, L, Sabatier, F, Mutin, M, Sanmarco, M, Sampol, J & Dignat-George, F 1999, 'In vitro generation of endothelial microparticles and possible prothrombotic activity in patients with lupus anticoagulant', Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 93-102.
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Comolli, JC, Hauser, AR, Waite, L, Whitchurch, CB, Mattick, JS & Engel, JN 1999, 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa gene products PilT and PilU are required for cytotoxicity in vitro and virulence in a mouse model of acute pneumonia', INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 3625-3630.
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Type TV pill of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediate twitching motility and act as receptors for bacteriophage infection. They are also important bacterial adhesins, and nonpiliated mutants of P. aeruginosa have been shown to cause l
Craddock, M, Heath, D & Platen, E 1999, 'Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms: A Survey of Techniques with Applications to Derivative Pricing', Journal of Computational Finance, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 57-81.
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We consider different approaches to the problem of numerically inverting Laplace transforms in finance. In particular, we discuss numerical inversion techniques in the context of Asian option pricing.
Dahia, P 1999, 'PTEN is inversely correlated with the cell survival factor Akt/PKB and is inactivated via multiple mechanismsin haematological malignancies', Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 185-193.
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Davies, MJ, Fu, SL, Wang, HJ & Dean, RT 1999, 'Stable markers of oxidant damage to proteins and their application in the study of human disease', FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, vol. 27, no. 11-12, pp. 1151-1163.
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Davison, HC, Guy, F, Trees, AJ, Ryce, C, Ellis, JT, Otter, A, Jeffrey, M, Simpson, VR & Holt, JJ 1999, 'In vitro isolation of Neospora caninum from a stillborn calf in the UK', RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 103-105.
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Neospora caninum was isolated in Vero cell culture from the brain of a stillborn calf. This isolate (designated NC-LiVB1) is the first to be obtained from cattle in the United Kingdom and was confirmed as N. caninum by immunofluorescence with specific an
De Lucca, S, Sporik, R, O’Meara, TJ & Tovey, ER 1999, 'Mite allergen (Der p 1) is not only carried on mite feces', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 174-175.
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De Lucca, SD, Taylor, DJM, O’Meara, TJ, Jones, AS & Tovey, ER 1999, 'Measurement and characterization of cockroach allergens detected during normal domestic activity', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 672-680.
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Background: Cockroach allergen is recognized as a causal factor for asthma. However, airborne cockroach allergen has not been detected in undisturbed conditions, and therefore the behavior and properties of airborne cockroach allergen have been poorly characterized. A new aeroallergen sampling method and sensitive system of immunoassay have been used to examine cockroach allergen exposure. Objective: Our purpose was to measure and characterize airborne cockroach allergens during normal domestic exposure in the homes of Sydney, Australia. Methods: Air sampling with Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh (IOM) samplers was performed in the living rooms of 10 houses during low- and no-disturbance environments. In addition, inhaled particles were collected by each home occupant during low domestic exposure with use of intra-nasal samplers that impact particles onto an adhesive surface. The particles collected on the IOMs and the intranasal samplers were immunostained with Bla g 1 monoclonal antibodies. Particle size, morphologic characteristics, and the relative Bla g 1 content of particles were estimated. Reservoir dust samples from the kitchen, living room, and bedroom were assayed by an ELISA. Two forms of repeatability of IOM air sampling were examined. The first measure tested the repeatability of 2 IOM samples collected simultaneously in the same room during low- and no-disturbance activities. The second measure examined the repeatability of IOM sampling over time on 10 consecutive days. Results: Bla g 1 was detected in reservoir dust samples taken from all homes (geometric mean 1.5 U/g, range 0.2-9.4 U/g). Inhaled particles containing Bla g 1 were detected during 1 hour of intra-nasal sampling in 8 of 10 homes during low disturbance. Cockroach particles were detected on all of the IOM samples collected for both 4-hour low-disturbance and overnight no-disturbance sampling environments. Particles containing Bla g 1 collected with the IOM samplers during l...
Decroocq, V, Zhu, XM, Kauffman, M, Kyozuka, J, Peacock, WJ, Dennis, ES & Llewellyn, DJ 1999, 'A TM3-like MADS-box gene from Eucalyptus expressed in both vegetative and reproductive tissues', GENE, vol. 228, no. 1-2, pp. 155-160.
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Delatycki, MB, Paris, DBBP, Gardner, RJM, Nicholson, GA, Nassif, N, Storey, E, MacMillan, JC, Collins, V, Williamson, R & Forrest, SM 1999, 'Clinical and genetic study of Friedreich ataxia in an Australian population', American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 168-174.
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Delatycki, MB, Paris, DBBP, Gardner, RJMK, Nicholson, GA, Nassif, N, Storey, E, Macmillan, JC, Collins, V, Williamson, R & Forrest, SM 1999, 'Clinical and genetic study of friedreich ataxia in an Australian population', American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 168-174.
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Friedreich ataxia is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the FRDA gene that encodes a 210-amino acid protein called frataxin. An expansion of a GAA trinucleotide repeat in intron 1 of the gene is present in more than 95% of mutant alleles. Of the 83 people we studied who have mutations in FRDA, 78 are homozygous for an expanded GAA repeat; the other five patients have an expansion in one allele and a point mutation in the other. Here we present a detailed clinical and genetic study of a subset of 51 patients homozygous for an expansion of the GAA repeat. We found a correlation between the size of the smaller of the two expanded alleles and age at onset, age into wheelchair, scoliosis, impaired vibration sense, and the presence of foot deformity. There was no significant correlation between the size of the smaller allele and cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus, loss of proprioception, or bladder symptoms. The larger allele size correlated with bladder symptoms and the presence of foot deformity. The duration of disease is correlated with wheelchair use and the presence of diabetes, scoliosis, bladder symptoms and impaired proprioception, and vibration sense but no other complications studied.
Doble, P & Haddad, PR 1999, 'Indirect photometric detection of anions in capillary electrophoresis', Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 834, no. 1-2, pp. 189-212.
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Indirect photometric detection (absorbance and fluorescence) of anions by capillary electrophoresis is reviewed. Factors which influence the displacement process of analyte ions in background electrolytes containing one or more co-ions are discussed and
Doble, P & Haddad, PR 1999, 'Use of electrolytes containing multiple co-anions in the analysis of anions by capillary electrophoresis using indirect absorbance detection', ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 15-22.
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Background electrolytes (BGEs) containing more than one W-absorbing probe co-anion were investigated as possible means to control peak symmetries and improve the sensitivity of indirect detection in the separation of a mixture of inorganic and organic an
Doblin, MA, Blackburn, SI & Hallegraeff, GM 1999, 'Comparative study of selenium requirements of three phytoplankton species: Gymnodinium catenatum, Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyta) and Chaetoceros cf. tenuissimus (Bacillariophyta)', JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1153-1169.
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This study investigated the selenium (Se) requirements of three phytoplankton species which commonly bloom in southern Australian estuaries. The present study showed that the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum Graham had an obligate requirement f
Doblin, MA, Blackburn, SI & Hallegraeff, GM 1999, 'Growth and biomass stimulation of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum (Graham) by dissolved organic substances', JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, vol. 236, no. 1, pp. 33-47.
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Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum are annually recurrent events in south-east Tasmanian waters. Extensive blooms are preceded by a rainfall trigger and the associated influx of dissolved organic matter (DOM; otherwise known as humi
Donnelly, S, Loscher, C, Mills, KHG & Lynch, MA 1999, 'Glycerol-induced seizure: involvement of IL-1 beta and glutamate', NEUROREPORT, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1821-1825.
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Dooley, AH & Gupta, SK 1999, 'The contraction of S2p-1 to Hp-1', MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK, vol. 128, no. 3, pp. 237-253.
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Dooley, AH & Wildberger, NJ 1999, 'Global character formulae for compact Lie groups', TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, vol. 351, no. 2, pp. 477-495.
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Dooley, AH & Zhang, G 1999, 'Spherical functions on harmonic extensions ofH-type groups', The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 247-255.
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We consider the harmonic extension AN of an H-type group N with Lie algebra n = v + 3, and [v, v] = 3. We characterize the positive definite spherical functions on AN. © 1999 The Journal of Geometric Analysis.
dos Remedies, NJ, Ramsland, PA, Hook, JW & Raison, RL 1999, 'Identification of a homologue of CD59 in a cyclostome: implications for the evolutionary development of the complement system', DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
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We have employed a COS cell expression cloning procedure to isolate a full length cDNA clone encoding a hagfish leukocyte-associated membrane protein (HLMP1). The protein. which is identified by a monoclonal antibody (JB3) generated in our laboratory, is
Dowd, A, Elliman, RG, Samoc, M & Luther-Davies, B 1999, 'Nonlinear optical response of Ge nanocrystals in a silica matrix', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 239-241.
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Time-resolved degenerate-four-wave-mixing measurements were used to study the nonlinear optical response (intensity-dependent refractive index) of Ge nanocrystallites embedded in a silica matrix. Nanocrystals were fabricated by ion-implanting silica with 1.0 MeV Ge ions to fluences in the range from 0.6 to 3 × 1017 Ge cm-2, followed by annealing at 1100°C for 60 min. For the highest fluence, this resulted in nanocrystals with a log-normal size distribution, having a geometric mean diameter of 3.0 nm and a dimensionless geometric standard deviation of 0.25. The intensity-dependent refractive index |n2| was measured at a wavelength of 800 nm and found to increase linearly with increasing Ge fluence. For the highest fluence, |n2| was determined to be in the range 2.7-6.9 × 10-13 cm-2 W-1, depending on the duration of the excitation pulse; values were consistently smaller for shorter pulse lengths. Relaxation of the nonlinear response was found to have two characteristic time constants, one <100 fs and the other ∼1 ps. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
Dowd, A, Samoc, M, Luther-Davies, B & Elliman, RG 1999, 'Nonlinear optical properties of semiconducting nanocrystals in fused silica', NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, vol. 148, no. 1-4, pp. 964-968.
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Degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) is used to examine the nonlinear optical response of Ge nanocrystals in a silica matrix. The nanocrystals are formed by implanting 1.0 MeV Ge ions into silica to a dose of 3.0x10(17) Ge cm(-2) and annealing at 1100 degr
Duggin, IG, Andersen, PA, Smith, MT, Wilce, JA, King, GF & Wake, RG 1999, 'Site-directed mutants of RTP of Bacillus subtilis and the mechanism of replication fork arrest', JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 286, no. 5, pp. 1325-1335.
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DNA replication fork arrest during the termination phase of chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis is brought about by the replication terminator protein (RTP) bound to speci®c DNA terminator sequences (Ter sites) distributed throughout the terminus region. An attractive suggestion by others was that crucial to the functioning of the RTP-Ter complex is a speci®c interaction between RTP positioned on the DNA and the helicase associated with the approaching replication fork. In support of this was the behaviour of two site-directed mutants of RTP. They appeared to bind Ter DNA normally but were ineffective in fork arrest as ascertained by in vitro Escherichia coli DnaB helicase and replication assays. We describe here a system for assessing the fork-arrest behaviour of RTP mutants in a bona ®de in vivo assay in B. subtilis. One of the previously studied mutants, RTP.Y33N, was non-functional in fork arrest in vivo, as predicted. But through extensive analyses, this RTP mutant was shown to be severely defective in binding to Ter DNA, contrary to expectation.
Eamus, D 1999, 'Ecophysiological traits of deciduous and evergreen woody species in the seasonally dry tropics', TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 11-16.
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Seasonally dry tropical ecosystems occur in the Americas, Africa, India and Australia. They sustain large human populations, determine regional climate, are sites of biological and cultural conservation, and have significant economic value. Evergreen, deciduous and semi- and brevideciduous trees frequently co-occur. Recent research reveals how these various phenological groups respond to changes in soil and atmospheric water content. Cost-benefit analyses of evergreen and deciduous species show how leaves of deciduous species live fast and die young, whereas leaves of evergreen species live slowly but for longer.
Eamus, D, Myers, B, Duff, G & Williams, D 1999, 'Seasonal changes in photosynthesis of eight savanna tree species', TREE PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 665-671.
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Seasonal variations in carbon assimilation of eight tree species of a north Australian tropical savanna were examined over two wet seasons and one dry season (18 months). Assimilation rates (A) in the two evergreen species, Eucalyptus tetrodonta F Muell.
Eamus, D, Myers, B, Duff, G & Williams, R 1999, 'A cost-benefit analysis of leaves of eight Australian savanna tree species of differing leaf life-span', PHOTOSYNTHETICA, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 575-586.
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Cost-benefit analyses of foliar construction and maintenance costs and of carbon assimilation of leaves of differing life-span were conducted using two evergreen, three semi-deciduous, and three deciduous tree species of savannas of north Australia. Rate
Ellis, JT, McMillan, D, Ryce, C, Payne, S, Atkinson, R & Harper, PAW 1999, 'Development of a single tube nested polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of Neospora caninum DNA', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1589-1596.
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Sensitive detection techniques are required to study the life cycle of Neospora caninum and to diagnose infections, In this study, we describe the development of a PCR assay for N. caninum based on two successive amplification steps within a single tube.
Ellis, JT, Morrison, DA, Liddell, S, Jenkins, MC, Mohammed, OB, Ryce, C & Dubey, JP 1999, 'The genus Hammondia is paraphyletic', PARASITOLOGY, vol. 118, pp. 357-362.
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The phylogenetic relationships amongst Hammondia, Neospora and Toxoplasma were investigated by DNA sequence comparisons of the D2perD3 domain of the large subunit ribosomal DNA and the internal transcribed spacer 1. The results obtained allow us to rejec
Ellis, MH, Dennis, ES & Peacock, WJ 1999, 'Arabidopsis roots and shoots have different mechanisms for hypoxic stress tolerance', PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 57-64.
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Fagan, PK, Hornitzky, MA, Bettelheim, KA & Djordjevic, SP 1999, 'Detection of Shiga-Like Toxin ( stx 1 and stx 2 ), Intimin ( eaeA ), and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) Hemolysin (EHEC hlyA ) Genes in Animal Feces by Multiplex PCR', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 868-872.
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ABSTRACT A multiplex PCR was developed for the rapid detection of genes encoding Shiga toxins 1 and 2 ( stx 1 and stx 2 ), intimin ( eaeA ), and enterohemolysin A ( hlyA ) in 444 fecal samples derived from healthy and clinically affected cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats. The method involved non-solvent-based extraction of nucleic acid from an aliquot of an overnight culture of feces in EC (modified) broth. The detection limit of the assay for both fecal samples and pure cultures was between 18 and 37 genome equivalents. stx 1 and hlyA were the most commonly encountered virulence factors.
Field, CD 1999, 'Mangrove rehabilitation: Choice and necessity', Hydrobiologia, vol. 413, pp. 47-52.
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The concept of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation is considered. Four main reasons for rehabilitating mangroves are identified: conservation, landscaping, sustainable production and coastal protection. Practical aspects of mangrove rehabilitation, such as the causes of site degradation, site selection, source of seedlings and planting, monitoring and maintenance are then briefly mentioned. Future developments that may impact on mangrove ecosystem restoration such as the importance of biodiversity, biotechnology, ecological modelling, mapping, human ecology and data bases, are then briefly reviewed. Finally, the matter of choice and necessity is addressed.
Field, CD 1999, 'Rehabilitation of Mangrove Ecosystems: An Overview', Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 8-12, pp. 383-392.
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The concept and goals of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation are considered and contrasted with ideas of ecosystem restoration. Three reasons for mangrove rehabilitation: conservation and landscaping; multiple use systems for high sustainable yield and protection of coastal areas, are then examined in detail. In each case, the underlying philosophy and limitations are presented. The practical problems of site selection for mangrove planting and techniques for regenerating mangroves are then considered. Some comments and data are then offered on mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation that is being carried out world-wide. Comment is made on the paucity of information. The practice and importance of monitoring and maintaining rehabilitated mangrove ecosystems is then presented. Finally, there is a discussion on the future management and research needs of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation.
Fischer, P & Platen, E 1999, 'Applications of the Balanced Method to Stochastic Differential Equations in Filtering', Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 19-38.
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The paper studies the application of the balanced method in hidden Markov chain filtering, an important practical area that requires the strong numerical solution of stochstic differential equations with multiplicative noise. Numerical experiments are conducted to enable comparisons between the balanced method and standard alternative methods in the context of filtering. Both the mean global error and the sample path properties of the approximate solutions are compared in a numerical study.
Fleischer, K, Toth, M, Phillips, MR, Zou, J, Li, G & Chua, SJ 1999, 'Depth profiling of GaN by cathodoluminescence microanalysis', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 74, no. 8, pp. 1114-1116.
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We present the results of a depth-resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) and transmission electron microscopy study of autodoped GaN grown on sapphire. Depth-resolved CL analysis can be used for depth profiling of the yellow luminescence (YL) center concentra
Furukawa, H, Carroll, RJ, Swift, HH & Steiner, DF 1999, 'Long-term elevation of free fatty acids leads to delayed processing of proinsulin and prohormone convertases 2 and 3 in the pancreatic beta-cell line MIN6.', Diabetes, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1395-1401.
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To explore the role of chronically elevated free fatty acids (FFAs) in the pathogenesis of the hyperproinsulinemia of type 2 diabetes, we have investigated the effect of FFAs on proinsulin processing and prohormone convertases PC2 and PC1/PC3 in MIN6 cells cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with or without 0.5 mmol/l FFA mixture (palmitic acid:oleic acid = 1:2). After 7 days of culture, the percent of proinsulin in FFA-exposed cells was increased (25.9 +/-0.3% intracellular and 75.4 +/- 1.2% in medium vs. 13.5 +/-0.2 and 56.2 +/- 4.1%, respectively, in control cells). The biosynthesis and secretion of proinsulin and insulin were analyzed by comparing the incorporation of [3H]Leu and [35S]Met. In pulse-chase studies, proinsulin-to-insulin conversion was inhibited, and proinsulin in the medium was increased by 50% after 3 h of chase, while insulin secretion was decreased by 50% after FFA exposure. Levels of cellular PC2 and PC3 analyzed by Western blotting were decreased by 23 and 15%, respectively. However, PC2, PC3, proinsulin, and 7B2 mRNA levels were not altered by FFA exposure. To test for an effect on the biosynthesis of PC2, PC3, proinsulin, and 7B2, a protein required for PC2 activation, MIN6 cells were labeled with [35S]Met for 10-15 min, followed by a prolonged chase. Most proPC2 was converted after 6 h of chase in control cells, but conversion was incomplete even after 6 h of chase in FFA-exposed MIN6 cells. Media from chase incubations showed that FFA-exposed cells secreted more proPC2 than controls. Similar inhibitory effects were noted on the processing of proPC3, proinsulin, and 7B2. In conclusion, prolonged exposure of beta-cells to FFAs may affect the biosynthesis and posttranslational processing of proinsulin, PC2, PC3, and 7B2, and thereby contribute to the hyperproinsulinemia of type 2 diabetes. The mechanism of inhibition of secretory granule processing by FFAs may be through changes in Ca2+ concentration, the pH i...
Gale, PA, Gale, PA, Twyman, LJ, Handlin, CI & Sessler, JL 1999, 'A colourimetric calix[4]pyrrole–4-nitrophenolate based anion sensor†', Chemical Communications, no. 18, pp. 1851-1852.
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Garrett, Q, Garrett, RW & Milthorpe, BK 1999, 'Lysozyme sorption in hydrogel contact lenses', INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 897-903.
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To examine the processes involved in formation of protein deposits on hydrogel contact lenses. METHODS: The adsorption and/or penetration of lysozyme on or into three types of contact lenses, etafilcon A, vifilcon A, and tefilcon, were investigated in vitro using a radiolabel-tracer technique, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and laser scanning confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Binding of lysozyme to high-water-content, ionic contact lenses (etafilcon A and vifilcon A) was dominated by a penetration process. The extent of this penetration was a function of charge density of the lenses, so that there was a higher degree of penetration of lysozyme in etafilcon A than in vifilcon A lenses. In contrast, the binding of lysozyme to tefilcon lenses was a surface adsorption process. The adsorption and desorption kinetics showed similar trends to those found in human serum albumin (HSA) adsorption on lens surfaces. However, the extent of lysozyme adsorption on tefilcon is much higher than HSA adsorption, probably because of the self-association of lysozyme on the tefilcon lens surface. Furthermore, either penetration or adsorption of lysozyme involved reversible and irreversible processes and were both time dependent. CONCLUSIONS: Binding of lysozyme to hydrogel lenses involves surface adsorption or matrix penetration. These processes may be reversible or irreversible. The properties of the lens materials, such as charge density (ionicity) and porosity (water content) of the lenses, determine the type and rates of these processes.
Garrett, Q, Griesser, HJ, Milthorpe, BK & Garrett, RW 1999, 'Irreversible adsorption of human serum albumin to hydrogel contact lenses: a study using electron spin resonance spectroscopy', BIOMATERIALS, vol. 20, no. 14, pp. 1345-1356.
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Genger, RK, Kovac, KA, Dennis, ES, Peacock, WJ & Finnegan, EJ 1999, 'Multiple DNA methyltransferase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana', PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 269-278.
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Geys, H, Molenberghs, G & Ryan, LM 1999, 'Pseudolikelihood Modeling of Multivariate Outcomes in Developmental Toxicology', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 94, no. 447, pp. 734-734.
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Geys, H, Molenberghs, G & Ryan, LM 1999, 'Pseudolikelihood modeling of multivariate outcomes in developmental toxicology', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, vol. 94, no. 447, pp. 734-745.
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The primary goal of this article is to determine benchmark doses based on the ethylene glycol study, which comprises data from a developmental toxicity study in mice. Because the data involve a vector of malformation indicators, a flexible model for multivariate clustered data is required. An exponential family model is considered and pseudolikelihood-based inferential tools are proposed, hence avoiding excessive computational requirements.
Gijbels, I, Pope, A & Wand, MP 1999, 'Understanding Exponential Smoothing Via Kernel Regression', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 39-50.
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Summary Exponential smoothing is the most common model-free means of forecasting a future realization of a time series. It requires the specification of a smoothing factor which is usually chosen from the data to minimize the average squared residual of previous one-step-ahead forecasts. In this paper we show that exponential smoothing can be put into a nonparametric regression framework and gain some interesting insights into its performance through this interpretation. We also use theoretical developments from the kernel regression field to derive, for the first time, asymptotic properties of exponential smoothing forecasters.
Gimm, O, Gössling, A, Marsh, DJ, Dahia, PLM, Mulligan, LM, Deimling, AV & Eng, C 1999, 'Mutation and deletion analysis of GFRα-1, encoding the co-receptor for the GDNF/RET complex, in human brain tumours', British Journal of Cancer, vol. 80, no. 3-4, pp. 383-386.
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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) plays a key role in the control of vertebrate neuron survival and differentiation in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. GDNF preferentially binds to GFRα-1 which then interacts with the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. We investigated a panel of 36 independent cases of mainly advanced sporadic brain tumours for the presence of mutations in GDNF and GFRα-1. No mutations were found in the coding region of GDNF. We identified six previously described GFRα-1 polymorphisms, two of which lead to an amino acid change. In 15 of 36 brain tumours, all polymorphic variants appeared to be homozygous. Of these 15 tumours, one also had a rare, apparently homozygous, sequence variant at codon 361. Because of the rarity of the combination of homozygous sequence variants, analysis for hemizygous deletion was pursued in the 15 samples and loss of heterozygosity was found in 11 tumours. Our data suggest that intragenic point mutations of GDNF or GFRα-1 are not a common aetiologic event in brain tumours. However, either deletion of GFRα-1 and/or nearby genes may contribute to the pathogenesis of these tumours.
Gimm, O, Neuberg, DS, Marsh, DJ, Dahia, PLM, Hoang-Vu, C, Raue, F, Hinze, R, Dralle, H & Eng, C 1999, 'Over-representation of a germline RET sequence variant in patients with sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma and somatic RET codon 918 mutation', Oncogene, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1369-1373.
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Gladstone, W, Tawfiq, N, Nasr, D, Andersen, I, Cheung, C, Drammeh, H, Krupp, F & Lintner, S 1999, 'Sustainable use of renewable resources and conservation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: issues, needs and strategic actions', OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 671-697.
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Gleeson, MT & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Physical characterisation of the plastid DNA in Neospora caninum', International Journal for Parasitology, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1563-1573.
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Gorrie, C, Duflou, J, Brown, J & Waite, PME 1999, 'Fatal head injury in children: a new approach to scoring axonal and vascular damage', Child's Nervous System, vol. 15, no. 6-7, pp. 322-328.
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As part of a multidisciplinary study of brain damage in children fatally injured in motor vehicle accidents, a simple method to quantify and visualise the distribution and extent of injury has been developed. Vascular and axonal injury were assessed usin
Haddad, PR, Doble, P & Macka, M 1999, 'Developments in sample preparation and separation techniques for the determination of inorganic ions by ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis', JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, vol. 856, no. 1-2, pp. 145-177.
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A review is presented of sample preparation and separation techniques for the determination of inorganic ions by ion chromatography (IC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). Emphasis has been placed on those sample treatment methods which are specific to
Harry, EJ, Rodwell, J & Wake, RG 1999, 'Co‐ordinating DNA replication with cell division in bacteria: a link between the early stages of a round of replication and mid‐cell Z ring assembly', Molecular Microbiology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
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Spores of a thymine‐requiring strain of Bacillus subtilis 168, which is also temperature sensitive for the initiation of chromosome replication, were germinated and allowed to grow out at the permissive temperature in a minimal medium containing no added thymine. Under these conditions, there was no or very limited progression into the elongation phase of the first round of replication. In a significant proportion of the outgrown cells, a Z ring formed precisely at mid‐cell and over the centrally positioned nucleoid, leading eventually to the formation of a mature division septum. When initiation of the first round of replication was blocked through a temperature shift and with thymine present, the Z ring was positioned acentrally. The central Z ring that formed in the absence of thymine was blocked by the presence of a DNA polymerase III inhibitor. It is concluded that the very early stages of a round of replication (initiation plus possibly limited progression into the elongation phase) play a key role in the precise positioning of the Z ring at mid‐cell and between replicating daughter chromosomes.
Hassanzadeh Gh, G, De Silva, KSK, Dambly-Chaudière, C, Brys, L, Ghysen, A, Hamers, R, Muyldermans, S & De Baetselier, P 1999, 'Corrigendum to: Isolation and characterization of single‐chain Fv genes encoding antibodies specific for Drosophila Poxn protein (FEBS 20963)', FEBS Letters, vol. 443, no. 1, pp. 80-80.
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Heath, D, Hurst, S & Platen, E 1999, 'Modelling the Stochastic Dynamics of Volatility for Equity Indices', Asia Pacific Financial Markets, vol. 8, pp. 179-195.
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The paper is based on the observations that stockk index returns of major equity markets are likely to be Student t distributed. It then develops a class of continuous time stochastic volatility models that is consistent with such empirical findings. Furthermore, applying the criterion of local risk minimisation in an incomplete market setting, option prices are computed. Finally it is shown that implied volatility smile and skew patterns of the type observed in the markets can be recovered from the resulting stochastic volatility model.
Helfrich, M, Ross, A, King, GC, Turner, AG & Larkum, AWD 1999, 'Identification of [8-vinyl]-protochlorophyllide a in phototrophic prokaryotes and algae: chemical and spectroscopic properties', Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, vol. 1410, no. 3, pp. 262-272.
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[8-vinyl]-Protochlorophyllide a1 was isolated from a Prochloron sp. associated with the host ascidian, Lissoclinum patella. To obtain sufficient amounts for identification of the purified pigment, suitable extraction procedures and HPLC systems were developed. The structure was finally elucidated by UV-VIS and fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and NMR (rotating-frame Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy). [8-vinyl]-Protochlorophyllide a was originally detected only as an intermediate in chlorophyll biosynthesis. Although its presence as a light-harvesting pigment was previously suggested in some prochlorophytes and eukaryotic algae, this is the first unequivocal demonstration of [8-vinyl]-protochlorophyllide a in an oxygenic phototroph. We also show that [8-vinyl]-protochlorophyllide a occurs in Prochloron species of four other ascidians as well as in Micromonas pusilla and Prochlorococcus marinus. The possible role of this pigment in photosynthesis is discussed. Copyright (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
Helliwell, CA, Poole, A, Peacock, WJ & Dennis, ES 1999, 'Arabidopsis ent-kaurene oxidase catalyzes three steps of gibberellin biosynthesis', PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 507-510.
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Heness, GL, Ben-Nissan, B, Gan, LH & Mai, YW 1999, 'Development of a finite element micromodel for metal matrix composites', COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 259-269.
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A finite element micromodel has been developed based on real microstructures. The method of modelling is unique in that displacements calculated from large-specimen models are used as boundary conditions to model more accurately at the microstructural le
Henry, BK, Atkin, OK, Farquhar, GD, Day, DA, Millar, AH & Menz, RI 1999, 'Calculation of the oxygen isotope discrimination factor for studying plant respiration', Functional Plant Biology, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 773-773.
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Measurement of discrimination against 18O during darkrespiration in plants is currently accepted as the only reliable method ofestimating the partitioning of electrons between the cytochrome andalternative pathways. In this paper, we review the theory of the technique andits application to a gas-phase system. We extend it to include samplingeffects and show that the isotope discrimination factor,D, is calculated as –dln(1 +δ)/dlnO*, where δ is isotopiccomposition of the substrate oxygen andO*=[O2]/[N2]in a closed chamber containing tissue respiring in the dark. It is notnecessary to integrate the expression but, if the integrated form is used, theresultant regression should not be constrained through the origin. This isimportant since any error in D will have significanteffects on the estimation of the flux of electrons through the two pathways.
Hertzberg, MS, Facey, SL & Hogg, PJ 1999, 'An Arg/Ser Substitution in the Second Epidermal Growth Factor–Like Module of Factor IX Introduces an O-Linked Carbohydrate and Markedly Impairs Activation by Factor XIa and Factor VIIa/Tissue Factor and Catalytic Efficiency of Factor IXa', Blood, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 156-163.
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Factor IXR94S is a naturally occurring hemophilia B defect, which results from an Arg 94 to Ser mutation in the second epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like module of factor IX. Recombinant factor IXR94S was activated by factor XIa/calcium with an ≈50-fold reduced rate and by factor VIIa/tissue factor/phospholipid/calcium with an ≈20-fold reduced rate compared with wild-type factor IX. The apparent molecular mass of the light chain of factor IXaR94S was ≈6 kD higher than that of plasma or wild-type factor IX, which was not corrected by N-glycosidase F digestion. This result indicated the presence of additional O-linked carbohydrate in the mutant light chain, probably at new Ser 94. The initial rate of activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S in the presence of polylysine was 7% ± 1% of the initial rate of activation of factor X by plasma factor IXa, and the kc/Km for activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S/factor VIIIa/phospholipid/calcium was 4% ± 1% of the kc/Km for activation of factor X by plasma factor IXa/factor VIIIa/phospholipid/calcium. The reduced efficiency of activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S in the tenase enzyme complex was due to a 58-fold ± 12-fold decrease in kcat with little effect on Km. In conclusion, the R94S mutation had introduced an O-linked carbohydrate, which markedly impaired both activation by factor XIa and turnover of factor X in the tenase enzyme complex.
Holden, MTG, Ram Chhabra, S, De Nys, R, Stead, P, Bainton, NJ, Hill, PJ, Manefield, M, Kumar, N, Labatte, M, England, D, Rice, S, Givskov, M, Salmond, GPC, Stewart, GSAB, Bycroft, BW, Kjelleberg, S & Williams, P 1999, 'Quorum‐sensing cross talk: isolation and chemical characterization of cyclic dipeptides from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Gram‐negative bacteria', Molecular Microbiology, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1254-1266.
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In cell‐free Pseudomonas aeruginosa culture supernatants, we identified two compounds capable of activating an N‐acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) biosensor. Mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy revealed that these compounds were not AHLs but the diketopiperazines (DKPs), cyclo(ΔAla‐l‐Val) and cyclo(l‐Pro‐l‐Tyr) respectively. These compounds were also found in cell‐free supernatants from Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter freundii and Enterobacter agglomerans [cyclo(ΔAla‐l‐Val) only]. Although both DKPs were absent from Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas alcaligenes, we isolated, from both pseudomonads, a third DKP, which was chemically characterized as cyclo(l‐Phe‐l‐Pro). Dose–response curves using a LuxR‐based AHL biosensor indicated that cyclo(ΔAla‐l‐Val), cyclo(l‐Pro‐l‐Tyr) and cyclo(l‐Phe‐l‐Pro) activate the biosensor in a concentration‐dependent manner, albeit at much higher concentrations than the natural activator N‐(3‐oxohexanoyl)‐l‐homoserine lactone (3‐oxo‐C6‐HSL). Competition studies showed that cyclo(ΔAla‐l‐Val), cyclo(l‐Pro‐l‐Tyr) and cyclo(l‐Phe‐l‐Pro) antagonize the 3‐oxo‐C6‐HSL‐mediated induction of bioluminescence, suggesting that these DKPs may compete for the same LuxR‐binding site. Similarly, DKPs were found to be capable of activating or antagonizing other LuxR‐based quorum‐sensing systems, such as the N‐butanoylhomoserine lactone‐dependent swarming motility of
Holmdahl, OJM, Morrison, DA, Ellis, JT & Huong, LTT 1999, 'Evolution of ruminant Sarcocystis (Sporozoa) parasites based on small subunit rDNA sequences', MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 27-37.
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We present an evolutionary analysis of 13 species of Sarcocystis, including 4 newly sequenced species with ruminants as their intermediate host, based on complete small subunit rDNA sequences. Those species with ruminants as their intermediate host form
Holt, SA & White, JW 1999, 'The molecular structure of the surface of commercial cow's milk', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 1, no. 22, pp. 5139-5145.
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Holt, SA, Foran, GJ & White, JW 1999, 'Observation of Hexagonal Crystalline Diffraction from Growing Silicate Films', Langmuir, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 2540-2542.
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Holzapfel, CW, Portwig, M & Williams, DBG 1999, 'Carbohydrates as spiroketal precursors', South African Journal of Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 165-167.
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The preparation of some chiral spiroketals from carbohydrate precursors is described. The reversibility of the Lewis acid-catalysed ketalisation reaction ensured the dominance of the anomeric effect in determining the stereochemical outcome of the spiroketalisation step. In this way, enantiomerically pure products could be obtained from readily available starting materials.
Hurst, JK, Wormell, P, Reimers, JR & Lacey, AR 1999, 'Nature of nonbonding molecular orbitals: Application to two symmetric tetraazanaphthalenes', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 16, pp. 3089-3096.
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Hurst, SR, Platen, E & Rachev, ST 1999, 'Option pricing for a logstable asset price model', MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, vol. 29, no. 10-12, pp. 105-119.
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The paper generalises the celebrated Black and Scholes [1] European option pricing formula for a class of logstable asset price models. The theoretical option prices have the potential to explain the implied volatility smiles evident in the market. (C) 1
Hutter, MC, Hughes, JM, Reimers, JR & Hush, NS 1999, 'Modeling the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center. 2. A combined quantum mechanical molecular mechanical study of the structure of the cofactors in the reaction centers of purple bacteria', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, vol. 103, no. 23, pp. 4906-4915.
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Hyde, GJ, Davies, D, Perasso, L, Cole, L & Ashford, AE 1999, 'Microtubules, but not actin microfilaments, regulate vacuole motility and morphology in hyphae of Pisolithus tinctorius', Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 114-124.
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Hyde, GJ, Davies, D, Perasso, L, Cole, L & Ashford, AE 1999, 'Microtubules, but not actin microfilaments, regulate vacuole motility and morphology in hyphae ofPisolithus tinctorius', Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 114-124.
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Ian R., W, Andrew M., M, Mark G., H & Samoc, M 1999, 'Organometallic Complexes in Nonlinear Optics II: Third-Order Nonlinearities and Optical Limiting Studies', Advances In Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 43, vol. 43, pp. 349-405.
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Iturria, SJ, Carroll, RJ & Firth, D 1999, 'Polynomial Regression and Estimating Functions in the Presence of Multiplicative Measurement Error', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 547-561.
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Summary We consider the polynomial regression model in the presence of multiplicative measurement error in the predictor. Two general methods are considered, with the methods differing in their assumptions about the distributions of the predictor and the measurement errors. Consistent parameter estimates and asymptotic standard errors are derived by using estimating equation theory. Diagnostics are presented for distinguishing additive and multiplicative measurement error. Data from a nutrition study are analysed by using the methods. The results from a simulation study are presented and the performances of the methods are compared.
Jarrard, DF, Sarkar, S, Shi, Y, Yeager, TR, Magrane, G, Kinoshita, H, Nassif, N, Meisner, L, Newton, MA, Waldman, FM & Reznikoff, CA 1999, 'p16/pRb pathway alterations are required for bypassing senescence in human prostate epithelial cells.', Cancer Res, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 2957-2964.
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The cell cycle regulatory genes p16/CDKN2 and RB are frequently deleted in prostate cancers. In this study, we examined the role of alterations in p16 and pRb during growth, senescence, and immortalization in vitro of human prostate epithelial cells (HPECs). HPECs are established from normal prostate tissues and cultured on collagen-coated dishes. Our results show that p16 is reproducibly elevated at senescence in HPECs. HPECs are immortalized using human papilloma virus 16 E6 and/or E7 as molecular tools to inactivate p53 and/or pRb, respectively. Immortalization occurs infrequently in this system and only after a latent period during which additional genetic/epigenetic changes are thought to occur. Notably, all of the E6-immortalized HPEC lines but none of the E7 lines show inactivation of p16/CDKN2 (by deletion, methylation, or mutation) in association with immortalization. In contrast, E7 lines, in which pRb function is abrogated by E7 binding, retain the high levels of p16 observed at senescence. Thus, all lines show either a p16 or pRb inactivation. Analysis of six independent lines from metastatic prostate cancers reveals a similar loss of either p16 or pRb. Comparative genomic hybridization of HPECs shows that gains of chromosomes 5q, 8q, and 20 are nonrandomly associated with bypassing senescence (probability = 0.95). These results suggest that high levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 mediate senescence G1 arrest in HPECs and that bypassing this block by a p16/pRb pathway alteration is required for immortalization in vitro and possibly tumorigenesis in vivo. Our results further indicate that inactivation of the p16/pRb pathway alone is not sufficient to immortalize HPECs and that additional genetic alterations are required for this process.
Jenkins, MC, Ellis, JT, Liddell, S, Ryce, C, Munday, BL, Morrison, DA & Dubey, JP 1999, 'The relationship of Hammondia hammondi and Sarcocystis mucosa to other heteroxenous cyst-farming coccidia as inferred by phylogenetic analysis of the 18S SSU ribosomal DNA sequence', PARASITOLOGY, vol. 119, pp. 135-142.
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The complete sequence of the 18S small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA of Hammondia hammondi and Sarcocystis mucosa was obtained and compared to SSU rDNA sequences of Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, Besnoitia besnoiti, 2 species of Frenkelia, 3 species
Jeoffreys, GR, Ung, AT, Pyne, SG, Skelton, BW & White, AH 1999, 'Synthesis of thiazole analogues of the immunosuppressive agent (1R,2S,3R)-2-acetyl-4(5)-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)imidazole', JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-PERKIN TRANSACTIONS 1, vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 2281-2291.
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Jiang, X-M, Fitzgerald, M, Grant, CM & Hogg, PJ 1999, 'Redox Control of Exofacial Protein Thiols/Disulfides by Protein Disulfide Isomerase', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 274, no. 4, pp. 2416-2423.
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Johnson, KA, Rogers, GJ, Roe, SC, Howlett, CR, Clayton, MK, Milthorpe, BK & Schindhelm, K 1999, 'Nitrous acid pretreatment of tendon xenografts cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and sterilized with gamma irradiation', BIOMATERIALS, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1003-1015.
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Johnson, MS, Broady, KW & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Differential recognition of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase isoforms by naturally infected human sera', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1893-1905.
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Toxoplasma gondii possesses a highly active nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase, which has been shown to be an immunodominant antigen in mice and humans. Two isoforms (I and II) which exhibit different activities with respect to hydrolysis of ATP exist. Past studies suggest that all strains of T. gondii contain the less active nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase II, whilst only virulent strains contain the nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I isoform. In order to further investigate the correlation between nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase isoform and biological significance, we cloned and expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins the full-length nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I and II isoforms and two truncations of the nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I isoform in Escherichia coli. We then used ELISAs with the full-length recombinant nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases as antigens to examine 188 naturally infected T. gondii-positive sera and 83 T. gondii-negative sera for antibody reactivity. All positive sera reacted to T. gondii whole tachyzoite lysate antigen, 31 sera reacted to both nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase isoforms, three sera reacted specifically to nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I and two sera reacted to only nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase II. Immunoblot analysis of the five sera reacting to either nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I or II revealed both quantitative and qualitative differences in reactivity to the two isoforms. Comparative immunoblot analysis using the truncations of the nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I isoform, and one of these positive sera identified a presumptive differential epitope between the nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I and II isoforms within an 81-aa region (aa 445-526) at the C-terminus of the nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase I isoform. This differential reactivity was further localised to the 12-residue region of greatest variability between the two isoforms (residues 488-499) using synthet...
Johnson, MS, Broady, KW & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Studies on epitope recognition of the toxoplasma nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase', Journal of Protozoology Research, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 135-141.
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The nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase (NTPase) of Toxoplasma gondii demonstrates an unusually high level of ATP hydrolysis, which, among the apicomplexan parasites, has only been observed in T. gondii and the closely related Neospora caninum. In T. gondii, NTPase has been shown to be highly expressed (constituting up to 8% of the tachyzoite protein) and is an immunodominant antigen in mice and humans. Two isoforms exist - NTPasel and NTPasell. NTPasel demonstrates a 4.5 fold greater activity than NTPasell with respect to ATP hydrolysis. Past studies suggest that only virulent strains possess the highly active NTPasel isoform. We have recently identified a B cell epitope (aa 484-502) on the NTPase isoforms which, despite some cross reactivity, is differentially recognised by a naturally infected human serum sample. In this study we used competitive antigen ELISAs and have identified that this serum sample reacts specifically to the NTPasel epitope, whilst the corresponding region on NTPasell isoform is the less specific cross reactive epitope. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that this patient has been infected with a virulent strain of T. gondii. Copyright© 1999, The Research Center for Protozoan Molecular Immunology.
Jolliffe, KA, Langford, SJ, Oliver, AM, Shephard, MJ & Paddon-Row, MN 1999, 'A New Class of Giant Tetrads for Studying Aspects of Long-Range Intramolecular Electron Transfer Processes: Synthesis and Computational Studies', Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 2518-2530.
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Jolliffe, KA, Langford, SJ, Oliver, AM, Shephard, MJ & Paddon-Row, MN 1999, 'A New Class of Giant Tetrads for Studying Aspects of Long-Range Intramolecular Electron Transfer Processes: Synthesis and Computational Studies', Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 2518-2530.
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A modular approach for synthesising the giant multichromophoric systems 19, 20 and 5 · 2PF6 is presented which involves the sequential Diels-Alder reactions of tetraene 7 with the chromophore-based dienophiles 6, 8 and 23. The π-facial stereoselectivity of the Diels-Alder reactions between such building blocks enables the isolation of two major stereoisomers, namely syn,-syn-5·2PF6 and anti,syn-5·2PF6, which differ substantially in their shape. This geometrical difference offers a unique opportunity for the delineation of two mechanisms of photoinduced electron transfer (ET): solvent-mediated ET and through-bridge-mediated ET. The stereochemical assignments of syn,syn-5· 2PF6 and anti,syn-5·2PF6were secured on the basis of 1H NMR and photophysical studies, namely the observation of NOE effects and strong upfield chemical shifts of the bipyridine proton resonances in syn,syn-19, and the observation of photoinduced ET in syn,syn-5·2PF6, but not in anti,syn-5·2PF6. The results of gas-phase semi-empirical (AM1) and ab initio (HF/3-21G) MO calculations also lend support to the interpretation of the NMR studies and to the stereochemical assignments for the two isolated stereoisomers of 5· 2PF6. Importantly, 19 and 52+ are not as rigid as might be expected and give rise to the existence of two conformers for syn,syn-19, and the formation of a closed form for syn,syn-52+ in which the terminal chromophores are separated by a distance of only ≈4 Å in the gas phase.
Jolliffe, KA, Langford, SJ, Ranasinghe, MG, Shephard, MJ & Paddon-Row, MN 1999, 'Design and Synthesis of Two (Pseudo)symmetric Giant Trichromophoric Systems Containing the C60 Chromophore', The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1238-1246.
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Jones, DR, Hannan, CM, Russell-Jones, GJ & Raison, RL 1999, 'Selective B cell non-responsiveness in the gut of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)', AQUACULTURE, vol. 172, no. 1-2, pp. 29-39.
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In order to assess the potential for the development of economically viable and effective oral vaccines we have examined the humoral immune response resulting from the anal administration of a hapten-carrier conjugate in the posterior intestine of the ra
Jones, P 1999, 'Subunit interactions in ABC transporters: towards a functional architecture', FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 179, no. 2, pp. 187-202.
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Jones, PM & George, AM 1999, 'Subunit interactions in ABC transporters: towards a functional architecture', FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 179, no. 2, pp. 187-202.
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Kalman, JR, Morgan, J, Pinhey, JT & Sternhell, S 1999, 'Electrophilic metal-alkyl bond cleavage in tetraorganosilicon and tetraorganotin compounds by lead tetracarboxylates and aryllead tricarboxylates', TETRAHEDRON, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 3615-3624.
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Kim, DG, Seong, TY, Baik, YJ, Kalceff, MAS & Phillips, MR 1999, 'Cathodoluminescence of diamond films grown on pretreated Si(001) substrates by microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition', DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, vol. 8, no. 2-5, pp. 712-716.
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Diamond films were grown on a.c. bias-enhanced nucleated Si(001) wafers using different CH4 concentrations by microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition. Cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra from the films exhibit emission components which are associated wi
Král, V, Sessler, JL, Shishkanova, TV, Gale, PA & Volf, R 1999, 'Molecular Recognition at an Organic−Aqueous Interface: Heterocalixarenes as Anion Binding Agents in Liquid Polymeric Membrane Ion-Selective Electrodes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 121, no. 38, pp. 8771-8775.
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Kravtsov, YA, Forbes, GW & Asatryan, AA 1999, 'Theory and applications of complex rays', PROGRESS IN OPTICS, VOL XXXIX, vol. 39, pp. 1-62.
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Ku, CH, Burge, HA, Ryan, LM, Pai, L, Liou, SH & Christiani, DC 1999, 'Rice field fungal exposures in young male workers: Short-term exposure assessment for fungi', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 159, no. 3, pp. A298-A298.
Lee, AP & Reedy, BJ 1999, 'Temperature modulation in semiconductor gas sensing', SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 35-42.
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Leon, R, Lobo, C, Liao, XZ, Zou, J, Cockayne, DJH & Fafard, S 1999, 'Island shape instabilities and surfactant-like effects in the growth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots', Thin Solid Films, vol. 357, no. 1, pp. 40-45.
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Leon, R, Okuno, JO, Lawton, RA, Stevens-Kalceff, M, Phillips, MR, Zou, J, Cockayne, DJH & Lobo, C 1999, 'Dislocation-induced changes in quantum dots: Step alignment and radiative emission', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 74, no. 16, pp. 2301-2303.
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Leonard, AW, Hyne, RV, Lim, RP & Chapman, JC 1999, 'Effect of endosulfan runoff from cotton fields on macroinvertebrates in the Namoi River', ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 125-134.
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Of the several pesticides used in the pest management strategy for cotton, endosulfan is ranked as having the greatest impact on the riverine ecosystem. A survey of changes in the densities of six abundant macroinvertebrate taxa (ephemeropteran nymphs Ja
Liang, H, Härdle, W & Carroll, RJ 1999, 'Estimation in a semiparametric partially linear errors-in-variables model', The Annals of Statistics, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1519-1535.
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We consider the partially linear model relating a response Y to predictors (X,T) with mean function XTβ + g(T) when the X's are measured with additive error. The semiparametric likelihood estimate of Severini and Staniswalis leads to biased estimates of both the parameter β and the function g(·) when measurement error is ignored. We derive a simple modification of their estimator which is a semiparametric version of the usual parametric correction for attenuation. The resulting estimator of β is shown to be consistent and its asymptotic distribution theory is derived. Consistent standard error estimates using sandwich-type ideas are also developed.
Liao, XZ, Zou, J, Cockayne, DJH, Leon, R & Lobo, C 1999, 'Indium Segregation and Enrichment in CoherentInxGa1−xAs/GaAsQuantum Dots', Physical Review Letters, vol. 82, no. 25, pp. 5148-5151.
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Liao, XZ, Zou, J, Duan, XF, Cockayne, DJH, Leon, R & Lobo, C 1999, 'Transmission electron microscopy determination of quantum dot profile', 1998 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX140), pp. 106-108.
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Investigation of the morphology of buried and unburied In xGa 1-xAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) has been carried out using cross-section transmission electron microscopy and the [001] on-zone bright-field imaging technique with image simulation. The study shows that both the buried and unburied QDs are lens-shaped.
Lin, AE, Herring, AH, Amstutz, KS, Westgate, M, Lacro, RV, Al-Jufan, M, Ryan, LM & Holmes, LB 1999, 'Cardiovascular malformations: Changes in prevalence and birth status, 1972-1990', American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 102-110.
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Through an ongoing hospital-based active malformation surveillance program, we identified cardiovascular malformations (CVMs) in 3.3 per 1,000 liveborn and stillborn infants, and fetuses from pregnancies terminated electively during a 15-year period. We excluded the children of mothers who had planned delivery elsewhere, but were transferred for care of anomalies that had been detected in prenatal screening, Birth status changed markedly during the study with a significant increase in elective terminations of fetuses with a CVM from 0 to 22% (P < 0.01 based on a test for trend). The proportion of liveborn infants with CVMs decreased from 90% to 73% (P < 0.01); the frequency of stillbirths did not change, During the study period, there was a significant increase in the prevalence of CVMs in all births (P < 0.01) and elective terminations (P < 0.01), The increase in liveborn prevalence was not statistically significant (P = 0.08), Stillborn prevalence was unchanged. The number of mothers having prenatal ultrasonography (P < 0.01 for trend) and amniocentesis (P < 0.01 for trend) increased steadily. There were significant increases in the pro-portion of mothers having any ultrasound examination (P < 0.01 for trend), the number of initial ultrasound examinations occurring in the second trimester (P < 0.01 for trend), and the proportion of mothers having amniocentesis (P < 0.01 for trend), There was a significant increasing trend in the proportion of mothers who were 35 years and older (10% in 1972-1974, 26% in 1988-1990, P < 0.01), This hospital-based active surveillance program suggests that more frequent elective terminations had a significant effect on overall birth prevalence of CVMs, This trend would not have been detected by most other surveillance systems which determine prevalence of common birth defects from birth certificates and other forms of administrative reporting, and exclude elective terminations of pregnancy
Lindsey, JC 1999, 'Correction', Statistics in Medicine, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 890-890.
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Lindsey, JC & Ryan, L 1999, 'Tutorial in biostatistics: methods for interval-censored data (vol 17, pg 219, 1998)', STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 890-890.
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Lobo, C, Leon, R, Marcinkevic̆ius, S, Yang, W, Sercel, PC, Liao, XZ, Zou, J & Cockayne, DJH 1999, 'Inhibited carrier transfer in ensembles of isolated quantum dots', Physical Review B, vol. 60, no. 24, pp. 16647-16651.
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Lockhart, PJ, Howe, CJ, Barbrook, AC, Larkum, A & Penny, D 1999, 'Spectral Analysis, Systematic Bias, and the Evolution of Chloroplasts', Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 573-576.
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Logan, P & Hazel, E 1999, 'Language Background and Assessment in the Physical Sciences', Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 53-65.
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A project was initiated at the University of Technology, Sydney to look at the role of language and gender in assessment of first-year university students in Physics. Research on student learning has shown that assessment, to a large extent, determines the curriculum for students and their approaches to learning. Assessment plays a crucial role in students' interest and motivation in a subject and the quality of their learning outcomes. In this paper, we report on a three-part study. The first involved an analysis of assessment items. The second involved the use of paired questions to investigate the effect of the format of the question. The third involved investigating the effects of including a range of assessment types. The effects of language background were important and were found to interact with gender. Strategies will be discussed for changing assessments in the physical sciences to make them more equitable.
Long, MC, Leong, V, Schaffer, PA, Spencer, CA & Rice, SA 1999, 'ICP22 and the UL13 Protein Kinase Are both Required for Herpes Simplex Virus-Induced Modification of the Large Subunit of RNA Polymerase II', Journal of Virology, vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 5593-5604.
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ABSTRACT Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection alters the phosphorylation of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), resulting in the depletion of the hypophosphorylated and hyperphosphorylated forms of this polypeptide (known as IIa and IIo, respectively) and induction of a novel, alternatively phosphorylated form (designated IIi). We previously showed that the HSV-1 immediate-early protein ICP22 is involved in this phenomenon, since induction of IIi and depletion of IIa are deficient in cells infected with 22/ n 199, an HSV-1 ICP22 nonsense mutant (S. A. Rice, M. C. Long, V. Lam, P. A. Schaffer, and C. A. Spencer, J. Virol. 69:5550–5559, 1995). However, depletion of IIo still occurs in 22/ n 199-infected cells. This suggests either that another viral gene product affects the RNAP II large subunit or that the truncated ICP22 polypeptide encoded by 22/ n 199 retains residual activity which leads to IIo depletion. To distinguish between these possibilities, we engineered an HSV-1 ICP22 null mutant, d 22- lacZ , and compared it to 22/ n 199. The two mutants are indistinguishable in their effects on the RNAP II large subunit, suggesting that an additional viral gene product is involved in altering RNAP II. Two candidates are UL13, a protein kinase which has been implicated in ICP22 phosphorylation, and the virion host shutoff (Vhs) factor, the expression of which is positively regulated by ICP22 and UL13. To test whether UL13 is involved, a UL13-deficient viral mutant, d 13- lacZ , w...
Luo, M, Bilodeau, P, Koltunow, A, Dennis, ES, Peacock, WJ & Chaudhury, AM 1999, 'Genes controlling fertilization-independent seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 296-301.
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Marsh, DJ, Kum, JB, Lunetta, KL, Bennett, MJ, Gorlin, RJ, Ahmed, SF, Bodurtha, J, Crowe, C, Curtis, MA, Dasouki, M, Dunn, T, Feit, H, Geraghty, MT, Graham, JM, Hodgson, SV, Hunter, A, Korf, BR, Manchester, D, Miesfeldt, S, Murday, VA, Nathanson, KL, Parisi, M, Pober, B, Romano, C, Tolmie, JL, Trembath, R, Winter, RM, Zackai, EH, Zori, RT, Weng, L-P, Dahia, PLM & Eng, C 1999, 'PTEN Mutation Spectrum and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome Suggest a Single Entity With Cowden Syndrome', Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 1461-1472.
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Martin, PJ, Bendavid, A, Netterfield, RP, Kinder, TJ, Jahan, F & Smith, G 1999, 'Plasma deposition of tribological and optical thin film materials with a filtered cathodic arc source', Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 112, no. 1-3, pp. 257-260.
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McDonagh, AM, Humphrey, MG, Samoc, M & Luther-Davies, B 1999, 'Organometallic Complexes for Nonlinear Optics. 17.1 Synthesis, Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities, and Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section of an Alkynylruthenium Dendrimer', Organometallics, vol. 18, no. 25, pp. 5195-5197.
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A soluble, oxidatively and thermally very stable alkynylruthenium dendrimer 1,3,5-C6H3(4-C≡C-C6H 4C≡C-trans-[Ru(dppe)2]C≡C-3,5-C 6H3-{4-C≡CC6-H 4C≡C-trans-[Ru(C≡CPh)(dppe)2]} 2)3, containing a large two-dimensional π-delocalized system, has been prepared using an experimentally straightforward convergent synthetic approach. The first third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) measurements of an organometallic dendrimer have been obtained using the Z-scan technique at a wavelength of 800 nm. Progression from 1,3,5-C6H3-(4-C≡CC6H 4C≡C-trans-[Ru(dppe)2]C≡CPh)3 to the dendrimer results in (i) no loss of optical transparency, (ii) an increase in the second hyperpolarizability, γ, which is proportionately greater than either the increase in the number of phenylethynyl groups or the extinction coefficient for the important MLCT band, and (iii) a dramatic enhancement of two-photon absorption.
McDonagh, AM, Humphrey, MG, Samoc, M, Luther-Davies, B, Houbrechts, S, Wada, T, Sasabe, H & Persoons, A 1999, 'Organometallic Complexes for Nonlinear Optics. 16.1 Second and Third Order Optical Nonlinearities of Octopolar Alkynylruthenium Complexes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 121, no. 6, pp. 1405-1406.
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Mcdougald, D, Rice, SA & Kjelleberg, S 1999, 'New perspectives on the viable but nonculturable response', Biologia, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 617-623.
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It has been demonstrated that numerous species of bacteria enter a viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state in response to environmental stress. There have been numerous reports on the physiology of these cells as well as the conditions which induce nonculturability. There have been fewer convincing reports of resuscitation. Thus, our knowledge of the processes involved in induction of the VBNC state has increased significantly while the processes involved in resuscitation of these cells has been less forthcoming. Nonetheless, it is apparent that VBNC formation and resuscitation are important adaptive responses to environmental stress, much like starvation and outgrowth responses. Research in the field of nonculturability has recently seen a shift from the purely physiological characterization of VBNC cells to the examination of the genetic regulation involved in the induction of nonculturability and to the factors required for resuscitation. It has become apparent, that factors such as oxidative stress may play a large role in both the entry into and exit from the VBNC state. In addition, recent evidence indicates that signaling molecules play an important role in adaptive responses. This review will summarize the current research in the field of nonculturability and discuss current directions being taken to further our knowledge of such adaptive responses.
McGowan, EM 1999, 'Effect of Overexpression of Progesterone Receptor A on Endogenous Progestin-Sensitive Endpoints in Breast Cancer Cells', Molecular Endocrinology, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1657-1671.
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McGowan, EM & Clarke, CL 1999, 'Effect of Overexpression of Progesterone Receptor A on Endogenous Progestin-Sensitive Endpoints in Breast Cancer Cells', Molecular Endocrinology, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1657-1671.
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The human progesterone receptor (PR) is expressed as two isoforms, PRA and PRB, which differ in the N-terminal region and exhibit different activities in vitro, with PRA demonstrating dominant negative inhibitory effects on the activity of PRB and other nuclear receptors. PRA and PRB are expressed in target tissues at comparable levels although cells expressing a predominance of one isoform can be identified. In breast cancers, PRA is expressed at high levels in some tumors, and this may be associated with features of poorer prognosis. To investigate the role of PRA overexpression in PR-positive target cells, the effect of PRA induction on cell proliferation and expression of endogenous progestin-sensitive genes, SOX4 and fatty acid synthetase (FAS), was examined using PR-positive T-47D cell lines, which express a pre-dominance of PRB, in which PRA could be increased 2- to 20-fold over basal levels. No effect of PRA induction was noted on cell proliferation, but marked changes in morphology, consistent with loss of adherent properties, were observed. Increases up to 4-fold in the relative PRA levels augmented progestin induction of SOX4 mRNA expression, and RU486 treatment revealed a progestin agonist effect. There was no consistent effect of PRA induction on progestin-mediated increases in FAS mRNA levels under these conditions. Clones with PRA:PRB ratios greater than 15 were associated with diminished progestin responses on both SOX4 and FAS mRNA expression. These data show that PRA overexpression is associated with alteration in adhesive properties in breast cancer cells and effects on endogenous progestin targets that were dependent on the cellular ratio of PRA:PRB. The results of this study are consistent with the view that PRA expression can fluctuate within a broad range in target cells without influencing the nature of progestin action on downstream targets, but that overexpression of PRA, such as is seen in a proportion of breast cancers, may be associat...
McNevin, D, Barford, J & Hage, J 1999, 'Adsorption and biological degradation of ammonium and sulfide on peat', Water Research, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1449-1459.
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McPhedran, RC, Botten, LC, Asatryan, AA, Nicorovici, NA, de Sterke, CM & Robinson, PA 1999, 'Ordered and disordered photonic band gap materials', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 791-809.
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We discuss a formulation and computer implementation of a new method that can be used to determine the electromagnetic properties of ordered and disordered dielectric and metallic cylinders, using periodic boundary conditions in one direction. We show re
McPhedran, RC, Botten, LC, Asatryan, AA, Nicorovici, NA, Robinson, PA & de Sterke, CM 1999, 'Calculation of electromagnetic properties of regular and random arrays of metallic and dielectric cylinders', PHYSICAL REVIEW E, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 7614-7617.
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A method is developed to calculate electromagnetic properties of arrays of metallic and dielectric cylinders. It incorporates and exploits cylindrical boundary conditions and Rayleigh identities for efficient, high-accuracy calculation of scattering off
McPhedran, RC, Nicorovici, NA, Botten, LC, de Sterke, CM, Robinson, PA & Asatryan, AA 1999, 'Anomalous absorptance by stacked metallic cylinders', OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 168, no. 1-4, pp. 47-53.
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We study the transmission, reflection and absorptance of light by stacked periodic gratings consisting of circular metallic wires. We show that the absorptance by such structures of light that is polarized with its electric field parallel to the wires ca
Melander, A, Olsson, J, Lindberg, G, Salzman, A, Howard, T, Stang, P, Lydick, E, Emslie-Smith, A, Boyle, DIR, Evans, JMM, Macdonald, TM, Bain, J, Sullivan, F, Juhl, C, Pørksen, N, Sturis, J, Hollingdal, M, Pincus, S, Veldhuis, J, Dejgaard, A, Schmitz, O, Kristensen, JS, Frandsen, KB, Bayer, T, Müller, P, Dunning, BE, Paladini, S, Gutierrez, C, Deacon, R, Valentin, M, Grunberger, G, Weston, WM, Patwardhan, R, Rappaport, EB, Sargeant, LA, Wareham, NJ, Khaw, KT, Zethelius, B, Lithell, H, Hales, CN, Berne, C, Lakka, H-M, Oksanen, L, Tuomainen, T-P, Kontula, K, Salonen, JT, Dekker, JM, de Boks, P, de Vegt, F, Stehouwer, CDA, Nijpels, G, Bouter, LM, Heine, RJ, Bruno, G, Cavallo-Perin, P, Bargero, G, D’Errico, N, Borra, M, Macchia, G, Pagano, G, Newton, RW, Ruta, DA, New, JP, Wallace, C, Roxburgh, MA, Young, RJ, Vaughan, NJA, Elliott, P, Brennan, G, Devers, M, MacAlpine, R, Steinke, D, Lawson, DH, Decallonne, B, Casteels, K, Gysemans, C, Bouillon, R, Mathieu, C, Linn, T, Strate, C, Schneider, K, Funda, DP, Jirsa, M, Kozáková, H, Kaas, A, Kofronová, O, Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H, Buschard, K, Wanka, H, Hartmann, A, Kuttler, B, Rasmussen, SB, Sørensen, TS, Markholst, H, Petersen, JS, Karounos, D, Dyrberg, T, Mabley, JG, Haskó, G, Szabó, C, Seissler, J, Nguyen, TBT, Steinbrenner, H, Scherbaum, WA, Cipriani, R, Gabriele, A, Sensi, M, Guidobaldi, L, Pantellini, F, Cerrito, MG, Scarpa, S, Di Mario, U, Morano, S, Ceolotto, G, Iori, E, Baritono, E, Del Prato, S, Semplicini, A, Trevisan, R, Zerbini, G, Meregalli, G, Asnaghi, V, Tentori, F, Maestroni, A, Mangili, R, Marescotti, C, Vedovato, M, Tiengo, A, Tadjieva, J, Mankovsky, BN, Van Aken, S, Raes, A, Vande Walle, J, Matthys, D, Craen, M, Hansen, HP, Lund, SS, Rossing, P, Jensen, T, Parving, H-H, Andersen, S, Tarnow, L, Hansen, BV, Trautner, C, Haastert, B, Ennenbach, N, Willich, S, Tabák, ÁG, Orchard, TJ, Spranger, J, Preissner, KT, Schatz, H, Pfeiffer, A, Cantón, A, Burgos, R, Hernández, C, Lecube, A, Mesa, J, Segura, RM, Mateo, C, Simó, R, Fathallah, L, Greene, DA, Obrosova, I, Gilbert, RE, Kelly, DJ, Cox, AJ, Berka-Wilkinson, JL, Taylor, HR, Panagiotopoulos, S, Lee, V, Jerums, G, Cooper, ME, Hitman, GA, Aganna, E, Ogunkolade, WB, Rema, M, Deepa, R, Shanthi-Rani, CS, Barakat, K, Kumarajeewa, TR, Cassell, PG, McDermott, MF, Mohan, V, Ways, K, Bursell, S, Devries, T, Woodworth, J, Alatorre, C & et al. 1999, '35th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes', Diabetologia, vol. 42, no. S1, pp. A1-A330.
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Miller, CM, Smith, NC, Luton, K, Dobbin, CA & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Immunogenicity of toxoplasma gondii heat shock protein 70', Journal of Protozoology Research, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 113-121.
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Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins involved in maintaining cell homeostasis. Their synthesis is increased dramatically in response to stimuli such as temperature shifts, changes in concentrations of glucose and calcium and also in response to immune factors. HSP70 has been found to be strongly expressed in virulent strains of Toxoplasma gondii taken from immunocompetent mice but poorly expressed in avirulent strains taken from immunocompromised mice or virulent and avirulent strains cultivated in vitro. Hence, T. gondii HSP70 may help protect parasites against the host's immune response, allowing the virulent strains to persist as tachyzoites without the enforced encystation found in avirulent strains. This makes T. gondii HSP70 an attractive subunit candidate. To investigate the immunogenicity of this protein it was affinity purified from tachyzoites of the virulent RH strain and injected into BALB/c mice along with Freund's Complete Adjuvant (FCA). A booster shot with Freund's Incomplete Adjuvant (FIA) was given 4 weeks after the initial injection and blood was collected at 8 weeks. The RH strain HSP70 DNA was cloned as a GST fusion protein, expressed and also injected into BALB/c mice to see if the immune response generated by the recombinant protein matched that of the native protein. Antibody response was measured by ELISAs to detect IgGl, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3. An elevation of IgGl antibodies, but not other IgG subsets, was observed in the mice immunised with native or recombinant HSP70. This suggests that the immune response seen with the recombinant protein is similar to that seen with the native protein. However, the response to either protein was weak, suggesting that the T. gondii HSP70 may not be a particularly good immunogen.Copyright© 1999, The Research Center for Protozoan Molecular Immunology.
Miller, CMD, Smith, NC & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Cytokines, nitric oxide, heat shock proteins and virulence in Toxoplasma', PARASITOLOGY TODAY, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 418-422.
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Elucidating the factors that play important roles in the expression of virulence by parasites is crucial to understanding disease pathogenesis and to developing control strategies rationally. Here, Kate Miller, Nick Smith and Alan Johnson, using Toxoplas
Miyaji, H, Anzenbacher Jr, P, Sessler, JL, Bleasdale, ER & Gale, PA 1999, 'Anthracene-linked calix[4]pyrroles: fluorescent chemosensors for anions', Chemical Communications, no. 17, pp. 1723-1724.
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Molenberghs, G & Ryan, LM 1999, 'An exponential family model for clustered multivariate binary data', ENVIRONMETRICS, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 279-300.
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This paper focuses on the analysis of clustered multivariate binary data that arise from developmental toxicity studies. In these studies, pregnant mice are exposed to chemicals to assess possible adverse effects on developing fetuses. Multivariate binary outcomes arise when each fetus in a litter is assessed for the presence of malformations and/or low birth weight. We analyse the data using a multivariate exponential family model which is flexible in terms of allowing response rates to depend on duster size. Maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters and the construction of score tests for dose effect are discussed. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mote, PA 1999, 'Colocalization of Progesterone Receptors A and B by Dual Immunofluorescent Histochemistry in Human Endometrium during the Menstrual Cycle', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 84, no. 8, pp. 2963-2971.
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Mugridge, NB, Morrison, DA, Heckeroth, AR, Johnson, AM & Tenter, AM 1999, 'Phylogenetic analysis based on full-length large subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence comparison reveals that Neospora caninum is more closely related to Hammondia heydorni than to Toxoplasma gondii1Note: Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the EMBL, GenBank™ and DDJB databases under the accession numbers AF159240 (Hammondia heydorni), AF101077 (Hammondia hammondi), AF076899 (Sarcocystis tenella) and AF076901 (Toxoplasma gondii ME49 strain).1', International Journal for Parasitology, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1545-1556.
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Since its first description in the late 1980s, Neospora caninum has been recognised as a prominent tissue cyst-forming parasite due to its ability to induce congenital disease and abortion in animals, especially cattle. It is found worldwide and is a cause of significant economic losses for the livestock industry. However, its place within the family Sarcocystidae, like that of several other taxa, remains unresolved. Neospora caninum shares several morphological and life cycle characters with Hammondia heydorni, although it is most commonly thought of as being a close relative of Toxoplasma gondii. This study presents information regarding the phylogenetic relationship of N. caninum to species currently classified into the genus Hammondia, as well as to two strains (RH and ME49) of T. gondii based on the full-length large subunit ribosomal RNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses using two alignment strategies and three different tree-building methods showed that the two species in the genus Hammondia are paraphyletic. Neospora caninum was shown to form a monophyletic clade with H. heydorni instead of T. gondii, which in turn was shown to be most closely related to H. hammondi. The finding that N. caninum and H. heydorni are closely related phylogenetically may aid the elucidation of currently unknown aspects of their biology and epidemiology, and suggests that H. heydorni should be considered in the differential diagnosis of N. caninum from other apicomplexan parasites.
Munro, SC & Johnson, AM 1999, 'Isolation of the plastid DNA of toxoplasma gondii', Journal of Protozoology Research, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 122-134.
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The plastid DNA from different strains of Toxoplasma gondii has been isolated using a variety of techniques. The relative effectiveness of these isolation techniques is compared. Initially, clones were isolated from genomic DNA libraries, but 100% positive identification of these clones proved difficult, due to variations in the plastid sequences and the lack of comparable sequences. Purification techniques using commercial columns gave eluates highly enriched in plastid DNA, but other contaminating DNA was also shown to be present. Finally, the novel long polymerase chain reaction technique (long-PCR) was trialed and was found to be the most efficient isolation and purification method. Copyright® 1999, The Research Center for Protozoan Molecular Immunology.
Murray, BR, Dickman, CR, Watts, CHS & Morton, SR 1999, 'The dietary ecology of Australian desert rodents', WILDLIFE RESEARCH, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 421-437.
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Very little systematic information has been collected on the diets of Australian rodents in arid and semiarid regions. The information that is available is restricted generally to short periods of sampling and small sample sizes. Here we review the diets
Murray, BR, Rice, BL, Keith, DA, Myerscough, PJ, Howell, J, Floyd, AG, Mills, K & Westoby, M 1999, 'Species in the tail of rank-abundance curves', ECOLOGY, vol. 80, no. 6, pp. 1806-1816.
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At focal sites within dry sclerophyll woodland and temperate rain forest, species were identified that were of low local abundance and hence in the tail of the rank-abundance curve. We then asked the question: What proportion of tail species within a giv
Murray, F, Llewellyn, D, McFadden, H, Last, D, Dennis, ES & Peacock, WJ 1999, 'Expression of the Talaromyces flavus glucose oxidase gene in cotton and tobacco reduces fungal infection, but is also phytotoxic', MOLECULAR BREEDING, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 219-232.
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Murray, S & Suthers, IM 1999, 'Population ecology of Noctiluca scintillans Macartney, a red-tide-forming dinoflagellate', MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 243-252.
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The population ecology of the large heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans Macartney was examined in the coastal ocean and two estuaries in south-eastern Australia from July 1996 to June 1997. High concentrations (>100 cells LÂ1) occurred in spring and again in late summer, and low concentrations (<5 cells LÂ1) in mid summer and mid winter. Abundances were greater in coastal waters than in the estuaries during all months in which concentration exceeded 1 cell LÂ1. During the spring bloom, Noctiluca cells from coastal stations had small diameters (340Â450 mm), a high nutritional status and a high proportion of division stages, indicative of good condition. During the late summer blooms, poor-condition cells were found in coastal waters and especially in the near-surface concentrations of red tides (>104 cells LÂ1), and were characterized by large diameters (400Â1200 mm), cell lysis and uniformly low nutritional status; at this time, Noctiluca cells from estuaries were generally fewer, smaller and in better condition. Overall, cell concentrations were higher in coastal waters than in the estuaries, and red tides of Noctiluca probably developed along the local coast (in spring) or were advected into the area from northern regions (in late summer).
Nassif, NT, Kok, C, Lobo, GP & Nicholson, GA 1999, 'Prostate cancer risk and repeat (CAG and GGN) polymorphism of the androgen receptor gene in an Australian population.', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. A312-A312.
Novik, Y, Ryan, LM, Haller, DG, Asbury, R, Dutcher, JP & Schutt, A 1999, 'Phase II protocol for the evaluation of new treatments in patients with advanced gastric carcinoma: results of ECOG 5282', Medical Oncology, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 261-266.
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Novikov, A & Valkeila, E 1999, 'On some maximal inequalities for fractional Brownian motions', Statistics & Probability Letters, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 47-54.
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We prove some maximal inequalities for fractional Brownian motions. These extend the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequalities for fractional Brownian motions. The methods are based on the integral representations of fractional Brownian motions with respect to a certain Gaussian martingale in terms of beta kernels. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
Novikov, A, Frishling, V & Kordzakhia, N 1999, 'Approximations of boundary crossing probabilities for a Brownian motion', Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 36, no. 04, pp. 1019-1030.
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Using the Girsanov transformation we derive estimates for the accuracy of piecewise approximations for one-sided and two-sided boundary crossing probabilities. We demonstrate that piecewise linear approximations can be calculated using repeated numerical integration. As an illustrative example we consider the case of one-sided and two-sided square-root boundaries for which we also present analytical representations in a form of infinite power series.
Novikov, A, Frishling, V & Kordzakhia, N 1999, 'Approximations of boundary crossing probabilities for a Brownian motion', Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1019-1030.
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Using the Girsanov transformation we derive estimates for the accuracy of piecewise approximations for one-sided and two-sided boundary crossing probabilities. We demonstrate that piecewise linear approximations can be calculated using repeated numerical integration. As an illustrative example we consider the case of one-sided and two-sided square-root boundaries for which we also present analytical representations in a form of infinite power series.
Novikov, AA 1999, 'Hedging of Options with a Given Probability', Theory of Probability & Its Applications, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 135-143.
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We consider a model of a complete market with two assets under the suggestion that an investor may hedge the payoff function with the given probability; in othei words, the investor should have capital not less than the given payoff function with probability not less than 1 - α (α is a given significance level). Under some limitations on a class of hedging strategies we find a lower bound for an option price (that it, for the initial capital of the investor) and construct a hedge (the investor strategy) for which this lower bound is achieved. For examples, we calculate the price and hedge of a European call option and also an American call option with a barrier condition.
Oakey, HJ, Gibson, LF & George, AM 1999, 'DNA probes specific forAeromonas hydrophila(HG1)', Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 187-193.
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O'Grady, AP, Eamus, D & Hutley, LB 1999, 'Transpiration increases during the dry season: patterns of tree water use in eucalypt open-forests of northern Australia', TREE PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 591-597.
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Australian savannas exhibit marked seasonality in precipitation, with more than 90% of the annual total falling between October and May. The dry season is characterized by declining soil water availability and high vapor pressure deficits (up to 2.5 kPa)
Opsomer, JD, Ruppert, D, Wand, MP, Holst, U & Hössjer, O 1999, 'Kriging with Nonparametric Variance Function Estimation', Biometrics, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 704-710.
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Summary. A method for fitting regression models to data that exhibit spatial correlation and heteroskedas‐ticity is proposed. It is well known that ignoring a nonconstant variance does not bias least‐squares estimates of regression parameters; thus, data analysts are easily lead to the false belief that moderate heteroskedas‐ticity can generally be ignored. Unfortunately, ignoring nonconstant variance when fitting variograms canseriously bias estimated correlation functions. By modeling heteroskedasticity and standardizing by estimated standard deviations, our approach eliminates this bias in the correlations. A combination of parametric and nonparametric regression techniques is used to iteratively estimate the various components of the model. The approach is demonstrated on a large data set of predicted nitrogen runoff from agricultural lands in the Midwest and Northern Plains regions of the U.S.A. For this data set, the model comprises three main components: (1) the mean function, which includes farming practice variables, local soil and climate characteristics, and the nitrogen application treatment, is assumed to be linear in the parameters and is fitted by generalized least squares; (2) the variance function, which contains a local and a spatial component whose shapes are left unspecified, is estimated by local linear regression; and (3) the spatial correlation function is estimated by fitting a parametric variogram model to the standardized residuals, with the standardization adjusting the variogram for the presence of heteroskedasticity. The fitting of these three components is iterated until convergence. The model provides an improved fit to the data compared with a previous model that ignored the heteroskedasticity and the spatial correlation.
Otto, LR, Boriack, RL, Marsh, DJ, Kum, JB, Eng, C, Burlina, AB & Bennett, MJ 1999, 'Long-chain L 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency does not appear to be the primary cause of lipid myopathy in patients with Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS)', American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 3-5.
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Padungtod, C, Hassold, TJ, Millie, E, Ryan, LM, Savitz, DA, Christiani, DC & Xu, X 1999, 'Sperm aneuploidy among Chinese pesticide factory workers: Scoring by the FISH method', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 230-238.
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Background: A study of the prevalence of sperm aneuploidy among pesticide factory workers was conducted in Anhui, China. Methods: We recruited 75 men: 32 subjects from a large pesticide-manufacturing plant and 43 subjects from a nearby textile factory free of pesticide exposure. Each subject met the following criteria: age of 20-40 years; continuous work in the plant for 3 months prior to the study, no congenital anomalies or acquired disease of the external genitalia and no history of recent febrile illness or mumps. Within one hour after collection firm each subject, semen was evaluated in terms of several parameters and smear slides were prepared. Results: Exposure assessment revealed that workers in the pesticide plant were exposed to ethyl parathion or methamidophos, each of which is a potent organophosphate pesticide, at a median level of 0.02 mg/m3 (8-hour time weighted average as measured by personal pump) while workers in the control plant had no such occupational exposure. Twenty-nine semen slides (13 from the exposed group and 16 from the unexposed group) were randomly chosen for aneuploidy scoring by the three-color fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) method with scorers being unaware of exposure status. Median semen parameters were as follows for exposed (and unexposed) men: abstinence period, 3 days (4 days): sperm concentration, 52.8 x 106/ml (53.1 x 106/ml), proportion of sperm with normal motility 50.5% (61.3%); and proportion of sperm with normal morphology, 59% (61.5%). The specific chromosome abnormalities of interest were disomy for chromosome 18 and the three different types of sex chromosome disomy (i.e. XX, XY, YY disomy). The crude proportion of all aneuploidy combined was 0.30% and 0.19% for sperm from exposed and unexposed men, respectively. Poisson regression with overdispersion adjustment yielded significantly different crude risks of alleuploidy - 3.03 and 1.94 per 1,000 sperm from exposed and unexposed men, respectiv...
Padungtod, C, Niu, TH, Wang, ZX, Savitz, DA, Christiani, DC, Ryan, LM & Xu, XP 1999, 'Paraoxonase polymorphism and its effect on male reproductive outcomes among Chinese pesticide factory workers', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 379-387.
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Background: Serum paraoxonase has been associated with the metabolism of organophosphate pesticides in humans. Molecular analysis of the human paraoxonase gene (PON1) has revealed that Arg192 homozygotes have a greater detoxifying capability than Gln192 homozygotes. We examined the effects of PON1 genotypes on male reproductive outcomes and its interaction with exposure to organophosphate pesticides. Methods: We studied 60 Chinese pesticide-factory workers and 89 textile-factory workers who were unexposed to pesticides. The respective allele frequencies of Arg192 and Gln192 were 0.62 and 0.38. Pesticide exposure among 36 exposed subjects and 12 unexposed subjects, regardless of gender, was assessed by personal measurement of pesticide residues over an entire 8-hr shift and measurement of urinary p-nitrophenol level over a 24-hr period. We analyzed semen and hormone data collected from male subjects. Results: When the three PON1 genotypes were analyzed separately, a gene dose effect was not detected. We used the unexposed Arg192 homo/heterozygotes as the reference group, and re-analyzed the data. Exposed Arg192 homo/heterozygotes had significantly lower sperm count (χ2 = 9.01, P < 0.01) and lower percentage of sperm with normal morphology (χ2 = 4.18, P < 0.05) than the reference group. Both unexposed Gln192 homozygotes (χ2 = 4.90, P < 0.05) and exposed Arg192 homo/heterozygotes (χ2 = 10.00, P < 0.01) showed significantly lower sperm concentrations than the reference group. In addition, exposed Arg192 homo/heterozygotes had significantly higher serum LH levels (χ2 = 7.94, P < 0.01) than the reference group. Conclusions: Because of a small sample size, our findings are highly preliminary. Nevertheless, it calls for further investigation of the interaction between the PON1 genotype and organophosphate pesticide exposure on male reproductive outcomes.
Patiag, D, Qu, X, Wilkes, M, Gray, S, Seale, JP & Donnelly, R 1999, 'Effects Of Angiotensin Ii And At(1) & At(2) Receptor Blockade On Glucose And Lipid Metabolism In Vivo And In Vitro.', Diabetologia, vol. 42, pp. 1-1.
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Petterd, CI, Hamshere, J, Stewart, S, Brinch, K, Masi, T & Roux, C 1999, 'Glass particles in the clothing of members of the public in south-eastern Australia – a survey', Forensic Science International, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 193-198.
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This study was undertaken to test the validity of the proposal that there is a natural background level of glass particles on the surface of clothing of members of the community. A total of 2008 upper outer garments collected from random members of the p
Phillips, MR & Ott, DM 1999, 'Crosstalk due to optical fiber nonlinearities in WDM CATV lightwave systems', JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1782-1792.
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CrosstaIk in a two-wavelength 1550-nm standard fiber system at subcarrier frequencies 50-800 MHz is investigated. The dependence of the crosstalk on subcarrier frequency, wavelength spacing, and optical power is measured and analyzed. The observed crosst
Phillips, MR & Ott, DM 1999, 'WDM lightwave system crosstalk by optical Kerr effect with polarisation-dependent loss', ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol. 35, no. 20, pp. 1764-1765.
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WDM-system crosstalk is generated by nonlinear polarisation modulation (the optical Kerr effect) followed by polarisation dependent loss (PDL). Theory and experiment Show that at typical PDL values, this crosstalk. can exceed that from stimulated Raman s
Phillips, MR, Toth, M & Drouin, D 1999, 'Depletion layer imaging using a gaseous secondary electron detector in an environmental scanning electron microscope', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 76-78.
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We present a method for imaging depletion layers using the gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED) employed in environmental scanning electron microscopes. GSED images of a p-n junction were obtained from a Si P+PN power diode. Behavior of the junction contrast as a function of imaging conditions is unrelated to reported GSED contrast formation mechanisms [ A. L. Fletcher, B. L. Thiel, and A. M. Donald, J. Phys. D 30, 2249 (1997)]. Optimum imaging conditions are presented, and the contrast behavior is interpreted in terms of a previously unreported induced current component in GSED images. The presented technique is unique as it will enable imaging of depletion layers in uncoated semiconductor/oxide devices in controlled gaseous environments at elevated specimen temperatures. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
Platen, E 1999, 'Axiomatic principles for a market model', Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 295-300.
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Poulos, O'Meara, Sporik & Tovey 1999, 'Detection of inhaled Der p 1', Clinical & Experimental Allergy, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 1232-1238.
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BackgroundMeasurement of personal exposure to Der p 1 aeroallergen has previously been limited by the low quantity of material collected by sampling systems and the assay sensitivity. This has meant that exposure could only be detected if long sampling periods were used or reservoir dust was artificially disturbed. We have developed a sampling method to sample true personal exposure and combined it with a novel method which is sensitive enough to measure allergen exposure over shorter time frames.ObjectiveTo describe normal domestic exposure to dust mite allergen during a range of activities in houses in Sydney, Australia.MethodsInhaled particles containing mite allergen Der p 1 were collected using a nasal air sampler which impacts particles (> ≈5 μm) onto a protein‐binding membrane coated with a thin, porous, adhesive film. The allergen is bound to the membrane in the immediate vicinity of the particle and detected by immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies specific for Der p 1. In addition, samples were collected using a standard Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) personal air sampler and the amount of eluted Der p 1 was assayed by ELISA.ResultsThe median number (range) of inhaled particles containing Der p 1 collected in each 10‐min sampling period was: dust raising 5 (2–10); lying in bed, 0 (0–2); sitting on the bed, 1 (0–2); walking around the bedroom, 0 (0–2). This represented 0–5.1% of all particles captured. The Der p 1 concentration of floor and bed dust was 19.4 and 55.1 μg/g, respectively. The standard IOM personal sampler and ELISA were unable to detect Der p 1 for any of the activities performed.ConclusionsWe were able to count individual ...
Poulton, CG, Botten, LC, McPhedran, RC & Movchan, AB 1999, 'Source-neutral Green's functions for periodic problems in electrostatics, and their equivalents in electromagnetism', PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, vol. 455, no. 1983, pp. 1107-1123.
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We consider source-neutral problems for periodic problems in electrostatics. These may be used to derive an identity due to Lord Rayleigh entirely within the context of the unit cell, and without use of reasoning based on contributions from charges at an
Prior, LD & Eamus, D 1999, 'Seasonal changes in leaf water characteristics of Eucalyptus tetrodonta and Terminalia ferdinandiana saplings in a northern Australian savanna', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 587-599.
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The monsoonal areas of northern Australia experience extreme seasonal variations in rainfall, with an annual dry season of 7 months or more. Seasonal changes in leaf water relations were investigated for saplings of two tree species common in northern Au
Qi, L, Leslie, LM & Zhao, SX 1999, 'Cut-off low pressure systems over southern Australia: climatology and case study', International Journal of Climatology, vol. 19, no. 15, pp. 1633-1649.
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Ralph, PJ 1999, 'Light-induced photoinhibitory stress responses of laboratory-cultured Halophila ovalis', BOTANICA MARINA, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 11-22.
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This paper details experiments performed to investigate the short-term stress effects of both high and low-light regimes on laboratory-cultured Halophila ovalis using chlorophyll fluorescence. Increasing irradiance up to 400 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1) on
Ralph, PJ 1999, 'Photosynthetic response of Halophila ovalis (R-Br.) Hook. f. to combined environmental stress', AQUATIC BOTANY, vol. 65, no. 1-4, pp. 83-96.
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Combinations of stresses showed an additive effect in comparison to the individual stress responses. It is apparent from these results that thermal, elevated-light or osmotic stress increases the sensitivity of Halophila ovalis to any of the other stress
Ralph, PJ, Gademann, R, Larkum, AWD & Schreiber, U 1999, 'In situ underwater measurements of photosynthetic activity of coral zooxanthellae and other reef-dwelling dinoflagellate endosymbionts', MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 180, pp. 139-147.
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Chlorophyll fluorescence was used to assess the iu situ photosynthesis of a range of reef-dwelling endosymbionts. Such non-intrusive in situ measurements became possible after the recent development of a submersible pulse modulated fluorometer (DIVING-PA
Ramsland, PA, Brock, CR, Moses, J, Robinson, BG, Edmundson, AB & Raison, RL 1999, 'Structural aspects of human IgM antibodies expressed in chronic B lymphocytic leukemia', IMMUNOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 217-229.
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Background: Malignant B cells from patients with chronic B lymphocytic leukemia (B CLL) generally express both surface IBM and the pan T cell antigen CD5, a characteristic of the B1 population of B lymphocytes. The IgM on the surface of these B CLL cells
Reid, HJ & Leslie, LM 1999, 'Modeling Coastally Trapped Wind Surges over Southeastern Australia. Part I: Timing and Speed of Propagation', Weather and Forecasting, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 53-66.
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Reimers, JR & Hall, LE 1999, 'The solvation of acetonitrile', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 121, no. 15, pp. 3730-3744.
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Reimers, JR & Hush, NS 1999, 'Electron and energy transfer through bridged systems. 9. Toward a priori evaluation of the intermetallic coupling in bis-metal complexes', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 16, pp. 3066-3072.
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Reimers, JR & Hush, NS 1999, 'Vibrational Stark spectroscopy 3. Accurate benchmark ab initio and density functional calculations for CO and CN-', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 49, pp. 10580-10587.
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Reimers, JR, Hall, LE, Crossley, MJ & Hush, NS 1999, 'Rigid fused oligoporphyrins as potential versatile molecular wires. 2. B3LYP and SCF calculated geometric and electronic properties of 98 oligoporphyrin and related molecules', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 22, pp. 4385-4397.
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Roux, C, Langdon, S, Waight, D & Robertson, J 1999, 'The transfer and persistence of automotive carpet fibres on shoe soles', Science & Justice, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 239-251.
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The transfer and persistence of automotive carpet fibres to shoe soles was investigated. It was found that fibres were transferred with the normal activity of a car passenger. Carpet type and shoe sole parameters were significant determinants in the numb
Roux, C, Novotny, M, Evans, I & Lennard, C 1999, 'A study to investigate the evidential value of blue and black ballpoint pen inks in Australia', Forensic Science International, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 167-176.
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The aim of this project was to investigate the evidential value of blue and black ballpoint pen inks in Australia. For this purpose, 49 blue and 42 black ballpoint pen inks, of different brands, models and batches, representative of those ballpoint pens
Ruggles, JL, Holt, SA, Reynolds, PA, Brown, AS, Creagh, DC & White, JW 1999, 'Observation of a cubic phase in mesoporous silicate films grown at the air/water interface', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 323-328.
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Ryan, L & Molenberghs, G 1999, 'Statistical methods for developmental toxicity - Analysis of clustered multivariate binary data', UNCERTAINTY IN THE RISK ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS, vol. 895, pp. 196-211.
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This paper discusses some of the statistical issues that arise from developmental toxicity studies, wherein pregnant mice are exposed to chemicals in order to assess possible adverse effects on developing fetuses. We begin with a review of some current approaches to risk assessment, based on NOAELs, and provide justification for the use of methods based on dose-response models. Due to the hierarchical nature of the data, such models are more complicated in the present context than, say, in cancer studies. For example, multivariate binary outcomes arise when each fetus in a litter is assessed for the presence of malformations and/or low birth weight. We describe a multivariate exponential family model that works well for these data and that is flexible in terms of allowing response rates to depend on cluster size. Maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters and the construction of score tests for dose effect are briefly discussed. Results are illustrated with data from several NTP studies.
Sammel, M, Lin, XH & Ryan, L 1999, 'Multivariate linear mixed models for multiple outcomes', STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, vol. 18, no. 17-18, pp. 2479-2492.
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We propose a multivariate linear mixed (MLMM) for the analysis of multiple outcomes, which generalizes the latent variable model of Sammel and Ryan. The proposed model assumes a flexible correlation structure among the multiple outcomes, and allows a global test of the impact of exposure across outcomes. In contrast to the Sammel-Ryan model, the MLMM separates the mean and correlation parameters so that the mean estimation will remain reasonably robust even if the correlation is misspecified. The model is applied to birth defects data, where continuous data on the size of infants who were exposed to anticonvulsant medications in utero are compared to controls.
San Gil, F, Turner, B, Walker, MJ, Djordjevic, SP & Chin, JC 1999, 'Contribution of adjuvant to adaptive immune responses in mice against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae', Microbiology, vol. 145, no. 9, pp. 2595-2603.
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Sanni, LA, Fu, SL, Dean, RT, Bloomfield, G, Stocker, R, Chaudhri, G, Dinauer, MC & Hunt, NH 1999, 'Are reactive oxygen species involved in the pathogenesis of murine cerebral malaria?', JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol. 179, no. 1, pp. 217-222.
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To investigate the involvement of oxidative tissue damage in the pathogenesis of murine cerebral malaria (CM), brain levels of protein carbonyls, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine(DOPA), 0-tyrosine, and dityrosine were measured during Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) and P. berghei K173 (PbK) infections. During PbA infection in a CM model, brain levels of the substances were similar to those in uninfected mice. The role of phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species in the pathogenesis of CM was examined in $gp91_{phox}$ gene knockout mice. The course of CM in these mice was the same as in their wild type counterparts. To examine whether superoxide production in the central nervous system could have occurred via increased xanthine oxidase activity, brain concentrations of urate were measured in CM mice and in mice infected with PbK (which does not cause CM). Brain urate concentration increased significantly in both groups of mice, suggesting that purine breakdown is not specific to CM. These results indicate that reactive oxygen species probably do not contribute to the pathogenesis of murine CM
Sano, EE, Huete, AR & Moran, MS 1999, 'Estimation of surface roughness in a semiarid region from C-band ERS-1 synthetic aperture radar data', Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 903-908.
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In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using the C-band European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to estimate surface soil roughness in a semiarid rangeland. Radar backscattering coefficients were extracted from a dry and a wet season SAR image and were compared with 47 in situ soil roughness measurements obtained in the rocky soils of the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, southeastern Arizona, USA. Both the dry and the wet season SAR data showed exponential relationships with root mean square (RMS) height measurements. The dry C-band ERS-1 SAR data were strongly correlated (R² = 0.80), while the wet season SAR data have somewhat higher secondary variation (R² = 0.59). This lower correlation was probably provoked by the stronger influence of soil moisture, which may not be negligible in the wet season SAR data. We concluded that the single configuration C-band SAR data is useful to estimate surface roughness of rocky soils in a semiarid rangeland.
Saunders, Frank & Orme 1999, 'Granuloma formation is required to contain bacillus growth and delay mortality in mice chronically infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis', Immunology, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 324-328.
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Previous studies in this laboratory have shown that mice with a gene disruption to the intracellular adhesion molecule‐1 (ICAM‐K/O) express normal cell‐mediated immunity but cannot mount delayed‐type hypersensitivity reactions following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. However, even in the absence of any appreciable granuloma formation, these mice control bacterial growth for at least 90 days. While not required to control the infection initially, we hypothesized that granuloma formation was required to control chronic infection, acting by surrounding infected cells to prevent bacterial dissemination. To test this, ICAM‐1 knockout mice were infected with a low dose aerosol of M. tuberculosis Erdman and were found to succumb to infection 136±30 days later, displaying highly elevated bacterial loads compared to wild‐type mice. Lung tissue from ICAM‐K/O mice displayed extensive cellular infiltration and widespread tissue necrosis, but no organized granulomatous lesions were evident, whereas the control mice displayed organized compact granulomas. These data demonstrate that while a granulomatous response is not required initially to control M. tuberculosis infection, absence of granulomas during chronic infection leads to increased bacterial growth and host death. Thus these data support the hypothesis that granuloma formation is required to control chronic infection, acting by surrounding and walling off sites of infection to prevent bacterial dissemination and maintain a state of chronic infection.
Schlogl, E 1999, 'A Multicurrency Extension of the Lognormal Interest Rate Market Models', Finance and Stochastics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 173-196.
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Semmler, ABT, Whitchurch, CB & Mattick, JS 1999, 'A re-examination of twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa', MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 2863-2873.
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Twitching motility is a form of solid surface translocation which occurs in a wide range of bacteria and which is dependent on the presence of functional type IV fimbriae or pili. A detailed examination of twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa und
Sessler, JL, Anzenbacher, J, Jursikova, K, Miyaji, H, Genge, JW, Tvermoes, NA, Allen, WE, Shriver, JA, Gale, PA & Kral, V 1999, 'ChemInform Abstract: Functionalized Calix[4]pyrroles', ChemInform, vol. 30, no. 39, pp. no-no.
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AbstractChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
Sheldon, CC, Burn, JE, Perez, PP, Metzger, J, Edwards, JA, Peacock, WJ & Dennis, ES 1999, 'The FLF MADS box gene: A repressor of flowering in Arabidopsis regulated by vernalization and methylation', PLANT CELL, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 445-458.
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Simpson, AM, Szymanska, B, Tuch, BE & Marshall, GM 1999, 'Secretion and storage of insulin from a human hepatoma cell line (HUH7-INS)', TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, vol. 31, no. 1-2, pp. 812-812.
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Singleton, CB, Valenzuela, SM, Walker, BD, Tie, H, Wyse, KR, Bursill, JA, Qiu, MR, Breit, SN & Campbell, TJ 1999, 'Blockade by N‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid of the Kv4.3 current stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells', British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 941-948.
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The Kv4.3 gene is believed to encode a large proportion of the transient outward current (Ito), responsible for the early phase of repolarization of the human cardiac action potential. There is evidence that this current is involved in the dispersion of refractoriness which develops during myocardial ischaemia and which predisposes to the development of potentially fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias.Epidemiological, clinical, animal, and cellular studies indicate that these arrhythmias may be ameliorated in myocardial ischaemia by n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n‐3 PUFA) present in fish oils.We describe stable transfection of the Kv4.3 gene into a mammalian cell line (Chinese hamster ovary cells), and using patch clamp techniques have shown that the resulting current closely resembles human Ito.The current is rapidly activating and inactivating, with both processes being well fit by double exponential functions (time constants of 3.8±0.2 and 5.3±0.4 ms for activation and 20.0±1.2 and 96.6±6.7 ms for inactivation at +45 mV at 23°C). Activation and steady state inactivation both show voltage dependence (V1/2 of activation=−6.7±2.5 mV, V1/2 of steady state inactivation=−51.3±0.2 mV at 23°C). Current inactivation and recovery from inactivation are faster at physiologic temperature (37°C) compared to room temperature (23°C).The n‐3 PUFA docosahexaenoic acid blocks the Kv4.3 current with an IC50 of 3.6 μmol L−1. Blockade of the transient outward current may be an important mechanism by which n‐3 PUFA provide p...
Singleton, CB, Walker, BD, Bursill, JA, Wyse, KR, Valenzuela, SM, Breit, SN & Campbell, TJ 1999, 'Potential cellular mechanism for the antifibrillatory properties of fish oils: Potent blockade of Kv4.3 current (I-to)', CIRCULATION, vol. 100, no. 18, pp. 279-279.
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Skinner, TCL & Leslie, LM 1999, 'Numerical Prediction of the Summertime Ridge–Trough System over Northeastern Australia', Weather and Forecasting, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 306-325.
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Smith, AK, Ajani, PA & Roberts, DE 1999, 'Spatial and temporal variation in fish assemblages exposed to sewage and implications for management', Marine Environmental Research, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 241-260.
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Marine Environmental Research
Volume 47, Issue 3, April 1999, Pages 241-260
Spatial and temporal variation in fish assemblages exposed to sewage and implications for management (Article)
Smith, A.K.ab , Ajani, P.A.c, Roberts, D.E.d
a Ctr. for Marine and Coastal Studies, University of NSW, 2052, Sydney, NSW, Australia
b NSW Fisheries, Locked Bag 9, NSW, 2009, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia
c Water Studies Section, Environ. Protect. Auth., Locked B., Bankstown, NSW 2200, Australia
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Underwater visual surveys, involving a Before/After/Control/Impact (BACI) experimental design, were used to investigate the abundance and species richness of temperate rocky reef fishes and the abundance of a sea urchin following the discharge of sewage effluent from a deepwater outfall. Multivariate analyses indicated that fish assemblages were significantly different at the outfall and control locations, and these differences were largely attributed to the declines in relative abundance of several common, resident species of reef fish, such as the eastern hulafish, Trachinops taeniatus and yellowtail Trachurus novaezelandiae and the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Univariate analysis indicated that the abundance and richness of groups of fish and individual species varied over times, periods and locations. The abundance and species richness of fish from the outfall location were generally less than for fish assemblages at the control locations. We detected decreases of 33% in the species richness of fish and 50% in the abundance of Centrostephanus rodgersii at the outfall location and, conversely, the abundances of some cryptic (small, cave dwelling or camoflagued) fishes increased over time at the outfall. This study indicates that the discharge of sewage effluent resu...
Smith, GB & Dligatch, S 1999, 'Ellipsometric studies of nanocomposite cermets', NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS, vol. 12, no. 1-4, pp. 535-538.
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The three pairs of complex refractive indices and the direction of the optical axis for metal insulator thin film composites in which the very small metal particles form narrow tilted columns I-which are arranged asymmetrically have been found using a co
Smith, GB & Reuben, AJ 1999, 'Normal mode analysis of optical polarisation response in nanocomposite particles', NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS, vol. 12, no. 1-4, pp. 353-356.
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A new technique for establishing the spectral density and resonance positions of normal optical modes in fine particle systems is outlined and applied to finite chains of closely spaced aluminium cylinders. The method uses multiple conformal frames and a
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Using cathodic arc deposition with 700 eV nitrogen ion assistance, metallic response in TiNx thin films to at least NperTiequals1.3 is found. Metallic behavior is usually limited to NperTi ratios just above 1.1. Defects are almost exclusively Ti vacancie
Stathakis, P, Lay, AJ, Fitzgerald, M, Schlieker, C, Matthias, LJ & Hogg, PJ 1999, 'Angiostatin Formation Involves Disulfide Bond Reduction and Proteolysis in Kringle 5 of Plasmin', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 274, no. 13, pp. 8910-8916.
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Stoler, JM, McGuirk, CK, Lieberman, E, Ryan, L & Holmes, LB 1999, 'Malformations reported in chorionic villus sampling exposed children: A review and analytic synthesis of the literature', GENETICS IN MEDICINE, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 315-322.
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Nonstoichiometric amorphous Mg-Ni and Mg-Ni-V alloys were synthesized by mechanical milling the crystalline Mg2Ni alloy with Ni and/or V powders. All the nonstoichiometric amorphous Mg-based alloys result in Mg-based alloy electrodes with very high discharge capacities by comparison with crystalline Mg2Ni alloys. The results indicate that nonstoichiometric amorphous Mg-based alloys can be obtained either by increasing the Ni content, adding a range of other elements, or both, using a mechanical milling method. The nonstoichiometric Mg-based alloy electrodes studied have shown improved initial discharge capacities compared with the stoichiometric amorphous MgNi alloy. These results describe a method of achieving better Mg-based alloy electrodes with high discharge capacities and improved cycle life. The method enables a larger composition range to be achieved with a range of vanadium additions.
Thomas, DS & Eamus, D 1999, 'The influence of predawn leaf water potential on stomatal responses to atmospheric water content at constant Ci and on stem hydraulic conductance and foliar ABA concentrations', Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 50, no. 331, pp. 243-251.
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Stomatal and photosynthetic responses to increasing leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (V) were investigated in watered and droughted Eucalyptus tetrodonta when either ambient CO2 (C-a) or internal CO2 concentration (C-i) were constant, Stem hydrauli
Thomas, DS, Eamus, D & Bell, D 1999, 'Optimization theory of stomatal behaviour - II. Stomatal responses of several tree species of north Australia to changes in light, soil and atmospheric water content and temperature', JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, vol. 50, no. 332, pp. 393-400.
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Thomas, DS, Eamus, D & Bell, D 1999, 'Optimization theory of stomatal behaviour: I. A critical evaluation of five methods of calculation', Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 50, no. 332, pp. 385-392.
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There are two principal aims in this first manuscript, first, to compare five methods for calculating the marginal unit water cost of plant carbon gain (partial derivative E/partial derivative A) of leaves of two Australian tropical tree species, and sec
Thomas, DS, Eamus, D & Bell, D 1999, 'Optimization theory of stomatal behaviour: II. Stomatal responses of several tree species of north Australia to changes in light, soil and atmospheric water content and temperature', Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 50, no. 332, pp. 393-400.
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In a companion paper several methods of calculating the marginal unit water cost of plant carbon gain (partial derivative E/partial derivative A) were tested to determine whether stomata were behaving optimally in relation to regulating leaf gas exchange
Ton-That, C, Teare, DOH, Campbell, PA & Bradley, RH 1999, 'Surface characterisation of ultraviolet-ozone treated PET using atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy', SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 433, pp. 278-282.
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Torpy, FR, Morrison, DA & Bloomfield, BJ 1999, 'The influence of fire frequency an arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in the shrub Dillwynia retorta (Wendland) Druce (Fabaceae)', MYCORRHIZA, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 289-296.
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Toth, M & Phillips, MR 1999, 'Detection of Cr impurities in GaN by room temperature cathodoluminescence spectroscopy', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 75, no. 25, pp. 3983-3985.
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Trace levels of Cr impurities in epitaxial GaN grown on sapphire substrates were investigated using cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy. CL emissions characteristic of Cr in an octahedral crystal field were observed from beta-Ga2O3 overlayers produced
Toth, M, Fleischer, K & Phillips, MR 1999, 'Direct experimental evidence for the role of oxygen in the luminescent properties of GaN', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 1575-1578.
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We present experimental evidence of electron-beam-induced diffusion of O and H in unintentionally doped n-type GaN grown on a sapphire substrate. Impurity diffusion was investigated using cathodoluminescence kinetics and imaging at 4 and 300 K and by wav
Toth, M, Fleischer, K & Phillips, MR 1999, 'Electron beam induced impurity electro-migration in unintentionally doped GaN', MRS INTERNET JOURNAL OF NITRIDE SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH, vol. 4, pp. 1-6.
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Electron beam induced electromigration of O-N(+) and H+ impurities in unintentionally n-doped GaN was investigated using cathodoluminescence (CL) kinetics profiling, CL imaging of regions pre-irradiated with a stationary electron beam, and wavelength dis
Tuch, BE, Wright, DC, Martin, TE, Keogh, GW, Deol, HS, Simpson, AM, Roach, W & Pinto, AN 1999, 'DIFFERENTIATION OF FETAL PIG ENDOCRINE CELLS AFTER ALLOGRAFTING INTO THE THYMUS GLAND1', Transplantation, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 1184-1187.
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Background. The thymus of large animals, such as the pig, is thought to be an appropriate site for transplanting adult islets, which contain numerous beta cells, for the purpose of reversing diabetes, Whether fetal islet-like cell clusters (ICCs), which
Tuch, BE, Wright, DC, Martin, TE, Keogh, GW, Deol, HS, Simpson, AM, Roach, W & Pinto, AN 1999, 'Fetal pig endocrine cells develop when allografted into the thymus gland', Transplantation Proceedings, vol. 31, no. 1-2, pp. 670-670.
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Vachirapatama, N, Doble, P, Yu, ZS & Haddad, PR 1999, 'Determination of niobium(V) and tantalum(V) as 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (Br-PADAP)-citrate ternary complexes in geological materials using ion-interaction reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography', CHROMATOGRAPHIA, vol. 50, no. 9-10, pp. 601-606.
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A method for the simultaneous separation and determination of Nb(V) and Ta(V) as ternary complexes with 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (Br-PA-DAP) and citrate using ion-interaction reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography on a
van Reyk, DM & Jessup, W 1999, 'The macrophage in atherosclerosis: modulation of cell function by sterols', JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 557-561.
van Reyk, DM, Jessup, W & Dean, RT 1999, 'Prooxidant and antioxidant activities of macrophages in metal-mediated LDL oxidation - The importance of metal sequestration', ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1119-1124.
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Walker, BD, Singleton, CB, Bursill, JA, Wyse, KR, Valenzuela, SM, Qiu, MR, Breit, SN & Campbell, TJ 1999, 'Inhibition of the human ether‐a‐go‐go‐related gene (HERG) potassium channel by cisapride: affinity for open and inactivated states', British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 444-450.
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Cisapride is a prokinetic agent which has been associated with QT prolongation, torsades de pointes and cardiac arrest. The cellular mechanism for these observations is high affinity blockade of IKr (encoded by HERG).In a chronic transfection model using CHO‐K1 cells, cisapride inhibited HERG tail currents after a step to +25 mV with similar potency at room and physiological temperatures (IC50 16.4 nM at 20–22°C and 23.6 nM at 37°C).Channel inhibition exhibited time‐, voltage‐ and frequency‐dependence. In an envelope of tails test, channel blockade increased from 27±8% after a 120 ms depolarizing step to 50±4% after a 1.0 s step. These findings suggested affinity for open and/or inactivated channel states.Inactivation was significantly accelerated by cisapride in a concentration‐dependent manner and there was a small (−7 mV) shift in the voltage dependence of steady state inactivation.Channel blockade by cisapride was modulated by [K+]o, with a 26% reduction in the potency of channel blockade when [K+]o was increased from 1 to 10 mM.In conclusion, HERG channel inhibition by cisapride exhibits features consistent with open and inactivated state binding and is sensitive to external potassium concentration. These features may have significant clinical implications with regard to the mechanism and treatment of cisapride‐induced proarrhythmia.British Journal of P...
Walker, BD, Valenzuela, SM, Singleton, CB, Tie, H, Bursill, JA, Wyse, KR, Qiu, MR, Breit, SN & Campbell, TJ 1999, 'Inhibition of HERG channels stably expressed in a mammalian cell line by the antianginal agent perhexiline maleate', British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 127, no. 1, pp. 243-251.
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Perhexiline has been used as an anti‐anginal agent for over 25 years, and is known to cause QT prolongation and torsades de pointes. We hypothesized that the cellular basis for these effects was blockade of IKr.A stable transfection of HERG into a CHO‐K1 cell line produced a delayed rectifier, potassium channel with similar properties to those reported for transient expression in Xenopus oocytes.Perhexiline caused voltage‐ and frequency‐dependent block of HERG (IC50 7.8 μM).The rate of inactivation was increased and there was a 10 mV hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage‐dependence of steady‐state inactivation, suggestive of binding to the inactivated state.In conclusion, perhexiline potently inhibits transfected HERG channels and this is the probable mechanism for QT prolongation and torsades de pointes. Channel blockade shows greatest affinity for the inactivated state.British Journal of Pharmacology (1999) 127, 243–251; doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0702502
Wand, M 1999, 'Miscellanea. On the optimal amount of smoothing in penalised spline regression', Biometrika, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 936-940.
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Wand, MP 1999, 'A Central Limit Theorem for Local Polynomial Backfitting Estimators', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 57-65.
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Wand, MP 1999, 'Correction: Data-Based Choice of Histogram Bin Width', The American Statistician, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 174-174.
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Wang, G 1999, 'LiAlδNi1−δO2 solid solutions as cathodic materials for rechargeable lithium batteries', Solid State Ionics, vol. 116, no. 3-4, pp. 271-277.
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Wang, G 1999, 'Structure characterisation and lithium insertion in La0.33NbO3 perovskite', Solid State Ionics, vol. 124, no. 1-2, pp. 37-43.
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Wang, GX, Bradhurst, DH, Dou, SX & Liu, HK 1999, 'Spinel Li[Li1/3Ti5/3]O4 as an anode material for lithium ion batteries', Journal of Power Sources, vol. 83, no. 1-2, pp. 156-161.
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Wang, GX, Bradhurst, DH, Liu, HK & Dou, SX 1999, 'Improvement of electrochemical properties of the spinel LiMn2O4 using a Cr dopant effect', Solid State Ionics, vol. 120, no. 1-4, pp. 95-101.
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Wang, GX, Sun, L, Zhong, S, Yao, P, Bradhurst, DH, Dou, SX & Liu, HK 1999, 'Electrochemical performance of orthorhombic LiMnO2 as cathode in lithium ion batteries', Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 215-219.
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Two types of orthorhombic LiMnO2 of different stoichiometry were synthesised using a solid-state reaction at high temperature. Their electrochemical performance is dependent on the synthesis conditions. It was found that a few charge/discharge cycles were necessary to activate the electrochemical reactivity of o-LiMnO2, which is related to the transformation from the orthorhombic phase to a spinel-like phase. AC impedance spectroscopy confirmed this phenomenon, which showed that initially the charge-transfer resistance (RCT)for the o-LiMnO2 electrode is much larger than that for the electrode in the charged state. A maximum discharge capacity of 180-190 mAh/g was achieved for the o-LiMnO2 electrode.
Wang, GX, Yao, P, Zhong, S, Bradhurst, DH, Dou, SX & Liu, HK 1999, 'Electrochemical study on orthorhombic LiMnO2 as cathode in rechargeable lithium batteries', Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1423-1426.
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Wang, GX, Zhong, S, Bradhurst, DH, Dou, SX & Liu, HK 1999, 'Rare Earth Element (La) Doped LiNiVO<sub>4</sub> as a Cathode Material for Secondary Lithium Ion Cells', Materials Science Forum, vol. 315-317, pp. 105-112.
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Wang, S 1999, 'High-order accurate methods for retrospective sampling problems', Biometrika, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 881-897.
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Weber, P & Reimers, JR 1999, 'Ab initio and density functional calculations of the energies of the singlet and triplet valence excited states of pyrazine', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 48, pp. 9821-9829.
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Weber, P & Reimers, JR 1999, 'Ab initio and density-functional calculations of the vibrational structure of the singlet and triplet excited states of pyrazine', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, vol. 103, no. 48, pp. 9830-9841.
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Wei, M, Ruys, AJ, Milthorpe, BK & Sorrell, CC 1999, 'Solution ripening of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: Effects on electrophoretic deposition', JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 11-19.
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Electrophoretic deposition is a low-cost, simple, and flexible coating method for producing hydroxyapatite (Hap) coatings on metal implants. However, densification requires heating the coated metal to high temperatures, which, for commercial HAp powders, generally means at least 1200°C. At such temperatures, the metal tends to react with the HAp coating, inducing decomposition, and the strength of titanium and stainless steel implants is severely degraded. With the use of raw uncalcined nanoparticulate Hap, densification can occur at 900°-1050°C; however, such coatings are prone to cracking due to the high drying shrinkage. This problem was solved by precipitating nanoparticulate HAp by the metathesis process [10Ca(NO3)2 + 6NH4H2PO4 + 8NH4OH] and optimizing the 30 nm of nanoprecipitates by an Ostwald ripening approach, that is, by boiling and/or ambient aging in the mother liquor. While the as-precipitated nanoparticles produced severely cracked coatings, 2 h of boiling or 10 days of ambient aging ripened the gel-like mass into unagglomerated nanoparticles, which produced crack-free coatings. Since boiling enhanced particle size but ambient aging did not, crack elimination probably was due to the transition from the highly agglomerated gel-like state to the dispersed nanoparticulate state rather than to particle growth. Furthermore, boiling only reduced the amount of cracking whereas aging completely eliminated cracking.
Wei, M, Ruys, AJ, Swain, MV, Kim, SH, Milthorpe, BK & Sorrell, CC 1999, 'Interfacial bond strength of electrophoretically deposited hydroxyapatite coatings on metals', JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 401-409.
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Weller, E, Long, N, Smith, A, Williams, P, Ravi, S, Gill, J, Henessey, R, Skornik, W, Brain, J, Kimmel, C, Kimmel, G, Holmes, L & Ryan, L 1999, 'Dose-rate effects of ethylene oxide exposure on developmental toxicity', TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 259-270.
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In risk assessment, evaluating a health effect at a duration of exposure that is untested involves assuming that equivalent multiples of concentration (C) and duration (T) of exposure have: the same effect. The limitations of this approach (attributed to F. Haber, Zur Geschichte des Gaskrieges [On the history of gas warfare], in Funf Vortrage aus den Jahren 1920-1923 [Five lectures from the years 1920-1923], 1924, Springer, Berlin, pp. 76-92), have been noted in several studies. The study presented in this paper was designed to specifically look at dose-rate (C x T) effects, and it forms an ideal case study to implement statistical models and to examine the statistical issues in risk assessment. Pregnant female C57BL/6J mice were exposed, on gestational day 7, to ethylene oxide (EtO) via inhalation for 1.5, 3;, or 6 h at exposures that result in C x T multiples of 2100 or 2700 ppm-hi EtO was selected because of its short half-life, documented developmental toxicity, and relevance to exposures that occur in occupational settings. Concurrent experiments were run with animals exposed to air for similar periods. Statistical analysis using models developed to assess dose-rate effects revealed significant effects with respect to fetal death and resorptions, malformations, crown-to-rump length, and fetal weight. Animals exposed to short, high exposures of EtO on day 7 of gestation were found to have more adverse effects than animals exposed to the same C x T multiple but at longer, lower exposures. The implication for risk assessment is that applying Haber's Law could potentially lead to an underestimation of risk at a shorter duration of exposure and an overestimation of risk at a longer duration of exposure. Further research, toxicological and statistical, are required to understand the mechanism of the dose-rate effects, and how to incorporate the mechanistic information into the risk assessment decision process.
Williams, RJ, Myers, BA, Eamus, D & Duff, GA 1999, 'Reproductive phenology of woody species in a north Australian tropical savanna', BIOTROPICA, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 626-636.
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Interspecific and interannual variation in reproductive phenology was quantified for 50 common species of trees and shrubs from a mesic savanna near Darwin, northern Australia. The presence of buds, Bowers, and fruit was noted over a 30-month period, fro
Worland, S, Guerreiro, N, Yip, L, Djordjevic, MA, Weinman, JJ, Djordjevic, SP & Rolfe, BG 1999, 'Rhizobium purine auxotrophs, perturbed in nodulation, have multiple changes in protein synthesis', Functional Plant Biology, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 511-511.
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We investigated the infectivity, growth ability and the overall biochemicalstatus of Rhizobium purine auxotrophs to determine whythese strains show varied nodulation phenotypes on their host plants. StrainsANU2861 (purM::Tn5) and ANU2866(purY::Tn5), both derivatives ofANU280, are unable to nodulate siratro plants. In contrast, strain L1(purF::Tn5ssgusA40), a derivativeof ANU843, is able to induce fully-developed nodules and normal levels ofnodulation on several clover hosts. To our knowledge, strain L1 is the onlygenetically-defined pur–mutant capable of inducing fully-developed nodules on a legume host. None ofthe pur– mutants are able togrow at normal rates in vitro even in the presence ofpurine pathway supplements including AICA-riboside. Further, the nodulationability of the strain ANU280pur– mutants is unable to berestored by the addition of AICA-riboside. Full growth and nodulation abilitycan only be restored to thepur– mutants by geneticcomplementation. We confirmed that supplementation ofpur intermediates failed to fully restore wild-typegrowth by using proteome analysis to examine the overall biochemical status ofthe mutants. Proteome analysis demonstrated that the purine mutants possessmultiple changes in the protein species present. In addition, strain ANU2866but not strains ANU2861 or L1 could not tolerate the effects of nutrientstep-up or step-down transitions, and failed to produce any colonies onlaboratory media. Collectively, these data show that purine auxotrophs sufferpleiotropic effects at the level of protein synthesis and their overallmetabolism is compromised. Therefore, care should be exercised in concludingthat purine intermediates or by-products of this pathway are requiredper se for nodule development.
Yardley, JG, McPhedran, RC, Nicorovici, NA & Botten, LC 1999, 'Addition formulas and the Rayleigh identity for arrays of elliptical cylinders', PHYSICAL REVIEW E, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 6068-6080.
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We apply the Rayleigh method to solve the problem where a uniform electrostatic held is imposed upon a rectangular array of elliptical cylinders embedded in a matrix of unit dielectric constant. This new formulation overcomes geometric restrictions inher
Yeh, JJ, Marsh, DJ, Zedenius, J, Dwight, T, Delbridge, L, Robinson, BG & Eng, C 1999, 'Fine‐structure deletion mapping of 10q22–24 identifies regions of loss of heterozygosity and suggests that sporadic follicular thyroid adenomas and follicular thyroid carcinomas develop along distinct neoplastic pathways', Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 322-328.
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