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Cherk Yong, DO, Saker, SR, Wadhwa, R, Chellappan, DK, Madheswaran, T, Panneerselvam, J, Tambuwala, MM, Bakshi, HA, Kumar, P, Pillay, V, Gupta, G, Oliver, BG, Wark, P, Hsu, A, Hansbro, PM, Dua, K & Zeeshan, F 2019, 'Preparation, characterization and in-vitro efficacy of quercetin loaded liquid crystalline nanoparticles for the treatment of asthma', Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, vol. 54, pp. 101297-101297.
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WO3/graphene composite minimizes the polysulfide dissolution problem in the lithium–sulfur (Li–S) battery systems while exhibiting an excellent battery performance.

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We present a novel on-line isotope dilution analysis (IDA) approach for the quantification of isotopically enriched metal labels used in immunohistochemical assisted imaging mass spectrometry.

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Multivalent metal ion hybrid capacitors are overviewed from the angle of design concept, configuration, electrochemical behavior and energy storage mechanism.

Dong, L, Yang, W, Yang, W, Wang, C, Li, Y, Xu, C, Wan, S, He, F, Kang, F & Wang, G 2019, 'High-Power and Ultralong-Life Aqueous Zinc-Ion Hybrid Capacitors Based on Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage', Nano-Micro Letters, vol. 11, no. 1.
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Donnelly, S, Dean, S, Razavy, S & Levett-Jones, T 2019, 'Measuring the impact of an interdisciplinary learning project on nursing, architecture and landscape design students’ empathy', PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. e0215795-e0215795.
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Ende, JA, Ahmadzada, S, Christensen, JM, Oliver, B, Estephan, T, Alvarado, R, Rimmer, J & Harvey, RJ 2019, 'An ALI culture well exhibiting well-differentiated respiratory epithelium with ciliary activity', ASVIDE, vol. 6, pp. 63-63.
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Ende, JA, Ahmadzada, S, Christensen, JM, Oliver, B, Estephan, T, Alvarado, R, Rimmer, J & Harvey, RJ 2019, 'Environmental responses of virally infected respiratory epithelial cells', Australian Journal of Otolaryngology, vol. 2, no. March, pp. 0-0.
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Gradient-sized spheroids can be simultaneously generated on a single chip using a liquid-dome method assisted by the surface tension. The facile method can be used for investigation of the size-dependent behaviors of spheroids in biomedical research.

Farjana, SH, Huda, N & Mahmud, MAP 2019, 'Impacts of aluminum production: A cradle to gate investigation using life-cycle assessment', Science of The Total Environment, vol. 663, pp. 958-970.
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Two-dimensional Sb@TiO2−x nanoplates with abundant voids deliver high reversible capacity, excellent rate capability and stable cycling performance.

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A wide band-gap photocatalyst SrNb2O6 was adjusted to response to visible light in H2 and O2 evolution due to the new electron state in its band gap created by the Sn(ii) dopant.

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Bio-waste Camellia oleifera shells (COS) are converted into porous carbon by a two-step method.

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Macha, IJ, Karacan, I, Ben-Nissan, B, Cazalbou, S & Müller, WH 2019, 'Development of antimicrobial composite coatings for drug release in dental, orthopaedic and neural prostheses applications', SN Applied Sciences, vol. 1, no. 1.
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The Li/PIAQ cell exhibits excellent electrochemical performances with a 16 Li-storage mechanism based on DFT calculations and experimental investigations.

Maniam, S, Higginbotham, HF, Bell, TDM & Langford, SJ 2019, 'Frontispiece: Harnessing Brightness in Naphthalene Diimides', Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 25, no. 29.
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Maniam, S, Higginbotham, HF, Bell, TDM & Langford, SJ 2019, 'Harnessing Brightness in Naphthalene Diimides', Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 25, no. 29, pp. 7044-7057.
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Mehta, M, Deeksha, Sharma, N, Vyas, M, Khurana, N, Maurya, PK, Singh, H, Andreoli de Jesus, TP, Dureja, H, Chellappan, DK, Gupta, G, Wadhwa, R, Collet, T, Hansbro, PM, Dua, K & Satija, S 2019, 'Interactions with the macrophages: An emerging targeted approach using novel drug delivery systems in respiratory diseases', Chemico-Biological Interactions, vol. 304, pp. 10-19.
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Mehta, M, Deeksha, Tewari, D, Gupta, G, Awasthi, R, Singh, H, Pandey, P, Chellappan, DK, Wadhwa, R, Collet, T, Hansbro, PM, Kumar, SR, Thangavelu, L, Negi, P, Dua, K & Satija, S 2019, 'Oligonucleotide therapy: An emerging focus area for drug delivery in chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases', Chemico-Biological Interactions, vol. 308, pp. 206-215.
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Mendelson, N, Xu, Z-Q, Tran, TT, Kianinia, M, Scott, J, Bradac, C, Aharonovich, I & Toth, M 2019, 'Engineering and Tuning of Quantum Emitters in Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride', ACS Nano, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 3132-3140.
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Menictas, M, Nolan, TH, Simpson, DG & Wand, MP 2019, 'Streamlined Variational Inference for Higher Level Group-Specific Curve Models', Statistical Modelling: An International Journal.
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Mi, C, Zhou, J, Wang, F & Jin, D 2019, 'Thermally enhanced NIR–NIR anti-Stokes emission in rare earth doped nanocrystals', Nanoscale, vol. 11, no. 26, pp. 12547-12552.
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Surface phonons enhancing the one-photon anti-Stokes fluorescence has been demonstrated in rare earth doped nanocrystals.

Mi, C, Zhou, J, Wang, F, Lin, G & Jin, D 2019, 'Ultrasensitive Ratiometric Nanothermometer with Large Dynamic Range and Photostability', Chemistry of Materials, vol. 31, no. 22, pp. 9480-9487.
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Nikolay, N, Mendelson, N, Sadzak, N, Böhm, F, Tran, TT, Sontheimer, B, Aharonovich, I & Benson, O 2019, 'Very Large and Reversible Stark-Shift Tuning of Single Emitters in Layered Hexagonal Boron Nitride', Physical Review Applied, vol. 11, no. 4.
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