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Aljabali, AAA, Zoubi, MSA, Al-Batanyeh, KM, Alqudah, A, Obeid, MA, Prasher, P, Mishra, V, Gupta, G, Negi, P, Kapoor, DN, Dureja, H, Satija, S, Chellappan, DK, Dua, K & Tambuwala, MM 2021, 'Designing and Synthesis of Green Polymeric Nanomaterials for Pharmaceutical Applications' in Green Nanomaterials, Apple Academic Press, pp. 47-64.
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Blanes, L, Gabriel, EFM, Saito, RM, Coltro, WKT, Cole, N, Doble, P, Roux, C & dos Santos, RO 2021, 'Capillary and Microchip Electrophoresis' in Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science, Wiley, pp. 407-423.
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Bodachivskyi, I, Kuzhiumparambil, U & Williams, DBG 2021, 'Biomass Processing via Acid Catalysis', Wiley, pp. 23-55.
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Bodachivskyi, I, Kuzhiumparambil, U & Williams, DBG 2021, 'Biomass Processing via Acid Catalysis' in Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals, pp. 25-55.
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Boonyaratanakornkit, V, McGowan, EM, Márquez-Garbán, DC, Burton, LP, Hamilton, N, Pateetin, P & Pietras, RJ 2021, 'Progesterone Receptor Signaling in the Breast Tumor Microenvironment' in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer International Publishing, pp. 443-474.
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Bray, K, Regan, B & Aharonovich, I 2021, 'Chapter Five Diamond membranes for photonic devices' in Diamond for Quantum Applications Part 2, Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp. 173-217.
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Bray, K, Regan, B & Aharonovich, I 2021, 'Diamond membranes for photonic devices' in Semiconductors and Semimetals, Elsevier, pp. 173-217.
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Campàs, M, Alkassar, M, Gaiani, G, Leonardo, S, Rambla-Alegre, M & Diogène, J 2021, 'The wide spectrum of methods available to study marine neurotoxins' in Advances in Neurotoxicology, Elsevier, pp. 275-315.
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Chen, C, Liao, J & Jin, D 2021, 'Lanthanide-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles for Super-Resolution Imaging' in Phosphor Handbook, CRC Press, pp. 247-284.
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Crispino, F, Mousseau, V, Baechler, S, Delémont, O, Roux, C & Ribaux, O 2021, 'Forensic Science Understanding by Police Managers: New Opportunities to Re-think Its Involvement in Policing' in Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, Springer International Publishing, pp. 117-131.
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Cwiklinski, K, Verissimo, CDM, McVeigh, P, Donnelly, S & Dalton, JP 2021, 'Applying 'omics' technologies to understand Fasciola spp. biology.' in Fasciolosis, CABI, pp. 338-378.
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This book chapter explains how to: sequence and annotate genes and analyse their structure and evolution (genome); set which genes and when transcribed during parasite development (transcriptomics); profiling and characterizing proteins translated from the transcribed mRNA, especially those related to the parasitic host such as interactive (proteomics); and to describe events after interpretation, such as such as glycosylation (glycomic) and phosphorylation.

Devkota, HP, Adhikari-Devkota, A, Paudel, KR, Panth, N, Chellappan, DK, Hansbro, PM & Dua, K 2021, 'Tea (Catechins Including (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) and Cancer' in Jafari, SM, Nabavi, SM & Silva, AS (eds), Food Bioactive Ingredients, Springer International Publishing, pp. 451-466.
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Dhanjal, DS, Mehta, M, Chopra, C, Singh, R, Sharma, P, Chellappan, DK, Tambuwala, MM, Bakshi, HA, Aljabali, AAA, Gupta, G, Nammi, S, Prasher, P, Dua, K & Satija, S 2021, 'Novel Controlled Release Pulmonary Drug Delivery Systems: Current updates and Challenges' in Modeling and Control of Drug Delivery Systems, Elsevier, pp. 253-272.
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Donnelly, S, Flynn, R, Mulcahy, G & O'Neill, S 2021, 'Immunological interaction between Fasciola and its host.' in Fasciolosis, CABI, USA, pp. 278-307.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Uranium Extraction Processes' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 85-113.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 1-13.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Life Cycle Assessment in Mining Industries' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 15-59.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Life Cycle Assessment of Copper–Gold– Lead–Silver–Zinc Beneficiation Process' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 115-140.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Life cycle Assessment of Ilmenite and Rutile Production in Australia' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 61-83.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Process Heating System Integrated in Mining Process' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. 141-168.
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Farjana, SH, Mahmud, MAP & Huda, N 2021, 'Preface' in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, Elsevier, pp. ix-ix.
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Jarocki, VM & Djordjevic, SP 2021, 'Diversity of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains.' in Maes, D, Sibila, M & Pieters, M (eds), Mycoplasmas in swine, CABI, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 47-71.
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This chapter provides a summary of the literature regarding diversity in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains, pointing out discrepancies, and highlighting that there is still much to be gleaned from this genome reduced, yet highly complex pathogen.

Kretschmer, K, Sun, B & Schröder, D 2021, 'Nanomaterials for alkali metal/oxygen batteries' in Frontiers of Nanoscience, Elsevier, pp. 199-227.
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Murray, ML & Bugdayli, K 2021, 'Sustainable origin-sorbents for heavy metal contamination: Research progress within an Australian context' in Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution, Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp. 33-48.
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Obeid, MA, Aljabali, AAA, Alshaer, W, Charbe, NB, Chellappan, DK, Dua, K, Satija, S & Tambuwala, MM 2021, 'Targeting siRNAs in cancer drug delivery' in Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer, Elsevier, pp. 447-460.
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Phillips, C, Amigo, J, McNevin, D, de la Puente, M, Cheung, EYY & Victoria Lareu, M 2021, 'Online Population Data Resources for Forensic SNP Analysis with Massively Parallel Sequencing: An Overview of Online Population Data for Forensic Purposes' in Forensic DNA Analysis, Apple Academic Press, USA, pp. 241-287.
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Ribaux, O, Delémont, O, Baechler, S, Roux, C & Crispino, F 2021, 'Digital Transformations in Forensic Science and Their Impact on Policing' in Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, Springer International Publishing, pp. 173-191.
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Roland, VO, Szkuta, B, Meakin, G, Kokshoorn, B & Goray, M 2021, 'Aspects of DNA transfer relevant to forensic investigations' in Budowle, B, van Oorschot, R, Morling, N, Martinez de Pancorbo, M, Piters, A, Esponda, A, Monique, G & Doutremepuich, C (eds), Progrès récents en empreintes génétiques [Recent progress on forensic sciences and DNA transfer], Librairie Mollat, France, pp. 16-42.

Saxena, A, Kumar, R, Bansal, RC & Mahmud, MA 2021, 'Bidding strategies of a power producer in power market: measurement indices and evaluation' in Uncertainties in Modern Power Systems, Elsevier, pp. 635-652.
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Shaikh, MA, Gilhotra, R, Singh, SK, Rawat, S, Gupta, G, Hussain, S, Singh, Y, Satija, S, Mehta, M & Dua, K 2021, 'Introduction to cancer cell biology' in Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer, pp. 1-7.
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Shaikh, MA, Hussain, S, Gilhotra, R, Singh, SK, Rawat, S, Singh, Y, Satija, S, Mehta, M, Dua, K & Gupta, G 2021, 'Introduction to cancer cell biology' in Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer, Elsevier, pp. 1-7.
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Tripathi, A, Kruk, S, Shang, Y, Zhou, J, Kravchenko, I, Jin, D & Kivshar, Y 2021, 'Topological nanophotonics for photoluminescence control' in Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, De Gruyter, pp. 447-454.
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Wadhwa, R, Paudel, KR, Shukla, S, Shastri, M, Gupta, G, Devkota, HP, Bebawy, M, Chellappan, DK, Hansbro, PM & Dua, K 2021, 'Epigenetic Therapy as a Potential Approach for Targeting Oxidative Stress–Induced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer' in Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Mechanistic Aspects, Springer Singapore, pp. 1-16.
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Journal articles

Abayarathna, T & Webb, JK 2021, 'Do Incubation Temperatures Affect the Preferred Body Temperatures of Hatchling Velvet Geckos?', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 9, p. 727602.
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Abiero, AR & Bradfield, LA 2021, 'The contextual regulation of goal-directed actions', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, vol. 41, pp. 57-62.
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Aboulkheyr Es, H, Bigdeli, B, Zhand, S, Aref, AR, Thiery, JP & Warkiani, ME 2021, 'Mesenchymal stem cells induce PD‐L1 expression through the secretion of CCL5 in breast cancer cells', Journal of Cellular Physiology, vol. 236, no. 5, pp. 3918-3928.
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Abraham, J, Ng, R, Morelato, M, Tahtouh, M & Roux, C 2021, 'Automatically classifying crime scene images using machine learning methodologies', Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, vol. 39, pp. 301273-301273.
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Abuel, L, Bartsch, F, Berry, A, Buffet, J-C, Cuccaro, S, van-Esch, P, Guerard, B, Holt, SA, Marchal, J, Mutti, P, Ollivier, K, Pentenero, J, Platz, M, Robert, A, Roulier, D & Spedding, J 2021, 'First measurements with the new 3He-filled Monoblock Aluminium Multitube neutron detector developed at the ILL for ANSTO PLATYPUS reflectometer', Journal of Neutron Research, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 53-67.
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Acharya, SK, Galli, E, Mallinson, JB, Bose, SK, Wagner, F, Heywood, ZE, Bones, PJ, Arnold, MD & Brown, SA 2021, 'Stochastic Spiking Behavior in Neuromorphic Networks Enables True Random Number Generation', ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 13, no. 44, pp. 52861-52870.
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Adams, FG, Pokhrel, A, Brazel, EB, Semenec, L, Li, L, Trappetti, C, Paton, JC, Cain, AK, Paulsen, IT & Eijkelkamp, BA 2021, 'Acinetobacter baumannii Fatty Acid Desaturases Facilitate Survival in Distinct Environments', ACS Infectious Diseases, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 2221-2228.
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Adil, M, Mahmud, MAP, Kouzani, AZ & Khoo, S 2021, 'Energy trading among electric vehicles based on Stackelberg approaches: A review', Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 75, pp. 103199-103199.
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Ahmadi, VE, Butun, I, Altay, R, Bazaz, SR, Alijani, H, Celik, S, Warkiani, ME & Koşar, A 2021, 'The effects of baffle configuration and number on inertial mixing in a curved serpentine micromixer: Experimental and numerical study', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 168, pp. 490-498.
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Ahmed, W, Sheikh, JA, Ahmad, S, Farjana, SH & Mahmud, MAP 2021, 'Impact of PV system orientation angle accuracy on greenhouse gases mitigation', Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 23, pp. 100815-100815.
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Ahmed, W, Sheikh, JA, Nouman, M, Ullah, MF & Mahmud, MAP 2021, 'Techno-economic analysis for the role of single end energy user in mitigating GHG emission', Energy, Sustainability and Society, vol. 11, no. 1.
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Ahrens, CW, Challis, A, Byrne, M, Leigh, A, Nicotra, AB, Tissue, D & Rymer, P 2021, 'Repeated extreme heatwaves result in higher leaf thermal tolerances and greater safety margins', New Phytologist, vol. 232, no. 3, pp. 1212-1225.
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Ajani, PA, Petrou, K, Larsson, ME, Nielsen, DA, Burke, J & Murray, SA 2021, 'Phenotypic trait variability as an indication of adaptive capacity in a cosmopolitan marine diatom', Environmental Microbiology, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 207-223.
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Ajani, PA, Verma, A, Kim, JH, Woodcock, S, Nishimura, T, Farrell, H, Zammit, A, Brett, S & Murray, SA 2021, 'Using qPCR and high-resolution sensor data to model a multi-species Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) bloom in southeastern Australia', Harmful Algae, vol. 108, pp. 102095-102095.
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Ajmal, AB, Alam, M, Khaliq, AA, Khan, S, Qadir, Z & Mahmud, MAP 2021, 'Last Line of Defense: Reliability Through Inducing Cyber Threat Hunting With Deception in SCADA Networks', IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 126789-126800.
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Akkaya Hocagil, T, Cook, RJ, Jacobson, SW, Jacobson, JL & Ryan, LM 2021, 'Propensity Score Analysis for a Semi-Continuous Exposure Variable: A Study of Gestational Alcohol Exposure and Childhood Cognition', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, vol. 184, no. 4, pp. 1390-1413.
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Akter, A, Itabashi, E, Kakizaki, T, Okazaki, K, Dennis, ES & Fujimoto, R 2021, 'Genome Triplication Leads to Transcriptional Divergence of FLOWERING LOCUS C Genes During Vernalization in the Genus Brassica', Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 11.
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AlAjmi, MF, Khan, S, Choudhury, A, Mohammad, T, Noor, S, Hussain, A, Lu, W, Eapen, MS, Chimankar, V, Hansbro, PM, Sohal, SS, Elasbali, AM & Hassan, MI 2021, 'Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Structure, Function and Stability of Serum/Glucocorticoid Regulated Kinase 1: A Gene to Diseases Correlation', Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, vol. 8, p. 780284.
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Alder, R, Xiao, L & Fu, S 2021, 'Comparison of commercial surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates for the analysis of cocaine', Drug Testing and Analysis, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 944-952.
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Alderdice, R, Suggett, DJ, Cárdenas, A, Hughes, DJ, Kühl, M, Pernice, M & Voolstra, CR 2021, 'Divergent expression of hypoxia response systems under deoxygenation in reef‐forming corals aligns with bleaching susceptibility', Global Change Biology, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 312-326.
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Alemao, CA, Budden, KF, Gomez, HM, Rehman, SF, Marshall, JE, Shukla, SD, Donovan, C, Forster, SC, Yang, IA, Keely, S, Mann, ER, El Omar, EM, Belz, GT & Hansbro, PM 2021, 'Impact of diet and the bacterial microbiome on the mucous barrier and immune disorders', Allergy, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 714-734.
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Alhamami, T, Chowdhury, P, Gomes, N, Carr, M, Veltman, T, Khazandi, M, Mollinger, J, Deutscher, A, Turni, C, Mahdi, L, Venter, H, Abraham, S, Djordjevic, S & Trott, D 2021, 'First Emergence of Resistance to Macrolides and Tetracycline Identified in Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida Isolates from Beef Feedlots in Australia', Microorganisms, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1322-1322.
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Ali, S, Gupta, A, Shafiei, M & Langford, SJ 2021, 'Recent Advances in Perylene Diimide-Based Active Materials in Electrical Mode Gas Sensing', Chemosensors, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 30-30.
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Ali, S, Jameel, MA, Gupta, A, Langford, SJ & Shafiei, M 2021, 'Capacitive humidity sensing performance of naphthalene diimide derivatives at ambient temperature', Synthetic Metals, vol. 275, pp. 116739-116739.
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Ali, S, Jameel, MA, Harrison, CJ, Gupta, A, Evans, RA, Shafiei, M & Langford, SJ 2021, 'Enhanced Capacitive Humidity Sensing Performance at Room Temperature via Hydrogen Bonding of Cyanopyridone-Based Oligothiophene Donor', Chemosensors, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 320-320.
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Alijani, H, Rezk, AR, Khosravi Farsani, MM, Ahmed, H, Halim, J, Reineck, P, Murdoch, BJ, El-Ghazaly, A, Rosen, J & Yeo, LY 2021, 'Acoustomicrofluidic Synthesis of Pristine Ultrathin Ti3C2Tz MXene Nanosheets and Quantum Dots', ACS Nano, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 12099-12108.
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Allam, VSRR, Faiz, A, Lam, M, Rathnayake, SNH, Ditz, B, Pouwels, SD, Brandsma, C, Timens, W, Hiemstra, PS, Tew, GW, Neighbors, M, Grimbaldeston, M, van den Berge, M, Donnelly, S, Phipps, S, Bourke, JE & Sukkar, MB 2021, 'RAGE and TLR4 differentially regulate airway hyperresponsiveness: Implications for COPD', Allergy, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 1123-1135.
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Alqudah, A, Eastwood, K-A, Jerotic, D, Todd, N, Hoch, D, McNally, R, Obradovic, D, Dugalic, S, Hunter, AJ, Holmes, VA, McCance, DR, Young, IS, Watson, CJ, Robson, T, Desoye, G, Grieve, DJ & McClements, L 2021, 'FKBPL and SIRT-1 Are Downregulated by Diabetes in Pregnancy Impacting on Angiogenesis and Endothelial Function', Frontiers in Endocrinology, vol. 12.
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Alqudah, A, Wedyan, M, Qnais, E, Jawarneh, H & McClements, L 2021, 'Plasma Amino Acids Metabolomics' Important in Glucose Management in Type 2 Diabetes', Frontiers in Pharmacology, vol. 12, p. 695418.
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Alsahafi, S & Woodcock, S 2021, 'Local analysis for a mutual inhibition in presence of two viruses in a chemostat', Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 337-359.
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Alsahafi, S & Woodcock, S 2021, 'Mathematical Study for Chikungunya Virus with Nonlinear General Incidence Rate', Mathematics, vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 2186-2186.
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Alsahafi, S & Woodcock, S 2021, 'Mutual inhibition in presence of a virus in continuous culture', Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 3258-3273.
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Al-Sanea, MM, Al-Ansary, GH, Elsayed, ZM, Maklad, RM, Elkaeed, EB, Abdelgawad, MA, Bukhari, SNA, Abdel-Aziz, MM, Suliman, H & Eldehna, WM 2021, 'Development of 3-methyl/3-(morpholinomethyl)benzofuran derivatives as novel antitumor agents towards non-small cell lung cancer cells', Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 987-999.
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al-Zubaidi, Y, Chen, Y, Khalilur Rahman, M, Umashankar, B, Choucair, H, Bourget, K, Chung, L, Qi, Y, Witting, PK, Anderson, RL, O'Neill, GM, Dunstan, CR, Rawling, T & Murray, M 2021, 'PTU, a novel ureido-fatty acid, inhibits MDA-MB-231 cell invasion and dissemination by modulating Wnt5a secretion and cytoskeletal signaling', Biochemical Pharmacology, vol. 192, pp. 114726-114726.
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Amerizadeh, A, Mashhadian, A, Farahnak-Ghazani, M, Arjmandi, H, Rad, MA, Shamloo, A, Vosoughi, M & Nasiri-Kenari, M 2021, 'Bacterial Receiver Prototype for Molecular Communication Using Rhamnose Operon in a Microfluidic Environment', IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 426-435.
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An, H, Richardson, A, Rajasekariah, P, Zhong, L, Fernando, BSM, Macmillan, A, Klotzsch, E, Bryant, K, Kaakoush, NO & Tedla, N 2021, 'Nuclear Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-like Receptor A3 Is Monomeric and Is Involved in Multiple Layers of Regulated Gene Expression and Translation', Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 3078-3089.
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Anburajan, P, Kim, Y, Rice, SA & Oh, H-S 2021, 'Bacterial signaling and signal responses as key factors in water and wastewater treatment', Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 44, pp. 102434-102434.
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Andersson, J, Fuller, M, Ashenden, A, Holt, SA & Köper, I 2021, 'Increasing Antibiotic Susceptibility: The Use of Cationic Gold Nanoparticles in Gram-Negative Bacterial Membrane Models', Langmuir, vol. 37, no. 32, pp. 9735-9743.
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Ansari, S, Walsh, JC, Bottomley, AL, Duggin, IG, Burke, C & Harry, EJ 2021, 'A Newly Identified Prophage Gene, ymfM , Causes SOS-Inducible Filamentation in Escherichia coli', Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 203, no. 11.
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Argyle, PA, Walworth, NG, Hinners, J, Collins, S, Levine, NM & Doblin, MA 2021, 'Multivariate trait analysis reveals diatom plasticity constrained to a reduced set of biological axes', ISME Communications, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 59.
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Ashcroft, SP, Fletcher, G, Philp, AM, Jenkinson, C, Das, S, Hansbro, PM, Atherton, PJ & Philp, A 2021, 'Diet-induced vitamin D deficiency reduces skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration', Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 249, no. 2, pp. 113-124.
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Augustine, R, Dan, P, Hasan, A, Khalaf, IM, Prasad, P, Ghosal, K, Gentile, C, McClements, L & Maureira, P 2021, 'Stem cell-based approaches in cardiac tissue engineering: controlling the microenvironment for autologous cells', Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, vol. 138, pp. 111425-111425.
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Augustine, R, Kalva, SN, Ahmad, R, Zahid, AA, Hasan, S, Nayeem, A, McClements, L & Hasan, A 2021, '3D Bioprinted cancer models: Revolutionizing personalized cancer therapy', Translational Oncology, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 101015-101015.
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Awal, MA, Hossain, MS, Debjit, K, Ahmed, N, Nath, RD, Habib, GMM, Khan, MS, Islam, MA & Mahmud, MAP 2021, 'An Early Detection of Asthma Using BOMLA Detector', IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 58403-58420.
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Badal, FR, Sarker, SK, Fahim, SR, Das, SK, Islam, MR, Kouzani, AZ & Mahmud, MAP 2021, 'Robust Controller Design for Tracking Enhancement of a Grid-Tied PV-Battery Microgrid Under Industrial Loads', IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1-5.
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Baffour, B, Brown, JJ & Smith, PWF 2021, 'Latent Class Analysis for Estimating an Unknown Population Size – with Application to Censuses', Journal of Official Statistics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 673-697.
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Bagheri, S, Huang, Y, Walker, PD, Zhou, JL & Surawski, NC 2021, 'Strategies for improving the emission performance of hybrid electric vehicles', Science of The Total Environment, vol. 771, pp. 144901-144901.
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Bake, A, Rezoanur Rahman, M, Evans, PJ, Cortie, M, Nancarrow, M, Abrudan, R, Radu, F, Khaydukov, Y, Causer, G, Callori, S, Livesey, KL, Mitchell, D, Pastuovic, Z, Wang, X & Cortie, D 2021, 'Structure and magnetism of ultra-small cobalt particles assembled at titania surfaces by ion beam synthesis', Applied Surface Science, vol. 570, pp. 151068-151068.
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Bao, G, Wen, S, Lin, G, Yuan, J, Lin, J, Wong, K-L, Bünzli, J-CG & Jin, D 2021, 'Learning from lanthanide complexes: The development of dye-lanthanide nanoparticles and their biomedical applications', Coordination Chemistry Reviews, vol. 429, pp. 213642-213642.
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Bao, G, Wen, S, Wang, W, Zhou, J, Zha, S, Liu, Y, Wong, K-L & Jin, D 2021, 'Enhancing Hybrid Upconversion Nanosystems via Synergistic Effects of Moiety Engineered NIR Dyes', Nano Letters, vol. 21, no. 23, pp. 9862-9868.
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Bao, T, Damtie, MM, Wei, W, Phong Vo, HN, Nguyen, KH, Hosseinzadeh, A, Cho, K, Yu, ZM, Jin, J, Wei, XL, Wu, K, Frost, RL & Ni, B-J 2021, 'Simultaneous adsorption and degradation of bisphenol A on magnetic illite clay composite: Eco-friendly preparation, characterizations, and catalytic mechanism', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 287, pp. 125068-125068.
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Bao, W, Wang, R, Qian, C, Zhang, Z, Wu, R, Zhang, Y, Liu, F, Li, J & Wang, G 2021, 'Porous Heteroatom-Doped Ti3C2Tx MXene Microspheres Enable Strong Adsorption of Sodium Polysulfides for Long-Life Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries', ACS Nano, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 16207-16217.
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Mitochondrial uncouplers decrease caloric efficiency and have potential therapeutic benefits for the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders. Herein we investigate the metabolic and physiologic effects of a recently identified small molecule mitochondrial uncoupler named SHC517 in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity.


SHC517 was administered as an admixture in food. The effect of SHC517 on in vivo energy expenditure and respiratory quotient was determined by indirect calorimetry. A dose-finding obesity prevention study was performed by starting SHC517 treatment concomitant with high fat diet for a period of 12 days. An obesity reversal study was performed by feeding mice western diet for 4 weeks prior to SHC517 treatment for 7 weeks. Biochemical assays were used to determine changes in glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and cholesterol. SHC517 concentrations were determined by mass spectrometry.


SHC517 increased lipid oxidation without affecting body temperature. SHC517 prevented diet-induced obesity when administered at 0.05% and 0.1% w/w in high fat diet and reversed established obesity when tested at the 0.05% dose. In the obesity reversal model, SHC517 restored adiposity to levels similar to chow-fed control mice without affecting food intake or lean body mass. SHC517 improved glucose tolerance and fasting glucose levels when administered in both the obesity prevention and obesity reversal modes.


SHC517 is a mitochondrial uncoupler with potent anti-obesity and insulin sensitizing effects in mice. SHC517 reversed obesity without altering food intake or compromising lean mass, effects that are highly sought-after in anti-obesity therapeutics.

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Clases, D, Ueland, M, Gonzalez de Vega, R, Doble, P & Pröfrock, D 2021, 'Quantitative speciation of volatile sulphur compounds from human cadavers by GC-ICP-MS.', Talanta, vol. 221, pp. 1-8.
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Clases, D, Ueland, M, Gonzalez, DVR, Doble, P & Pröfrock, D 2021, 'Quantitative speciation of volatile sulphur compounds from human cadavers by GC-ICP-MS.', Talanta, vol. 221, pp. 1-8.
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The aim of this study was to examine the associations between the injury risk and the acute (AL) to chronic (CL) workload ratio (ACWR) by substituting the original CL with contrived values to assess the role of CL (i.e., the presence and implications of statistical artefacts).


Using previously published data, we generated a contrived ACWR by dividing the AL by fixed and randomly generated CLs, and we compared these results to real data. We also reproduced previously reported subgroup analyses, including dichotomising players' data above and below the median CL. Our analyses follow the same, previously published modelling approach.


The analyses with original data showed effects compatible with higher injury risk for ACWR only (odd ratios, OR: 2.45, 95% CI 1.28-4.71). However, we observed similar effects by dividing AL by the 'contrived' fixed and randomly generated CLs: OR 1.95 (1.18-3.52) dividing by 1510 (average CL); and OR ranging from 1.16 to 2.07, using random CL 1.53 (mean). Random ACWRs reduced the variance relative to the original AL and further inflated the ORs (mean OR 1.89, from 1.42 to 2.70). ACWR causes artificial reclassification of players compared to AL alone. Finally, neither ACWR nor AL alone confer a meaningful predictive advantage to an intercept-only model, even within the training sample (c-statistic 0.574/0.544 vs. 0.5 in both ACWR/AL and intercept-only models, respectively).


ACWR is a rescaling of the explanatory variable (AL, numerator), in turn magnifying its effect estimates and decreasing its variance despite conferring no predictive advantage. Other ratio-related transformations (e.g., reducing the variance of the explanatory variable and unjustified reclassifications) further inflate the OR of AL alone with injury risk. These results also disprove the etiological theory behind this ratio and its components. We suggest ACWR be dismissed as a framework and model, and...

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NLRP1 is an innate immune sensor that can form cytoplasmic inflammasome complexes. Polymorphisms in NLRP1 are linked to asthma; however, there is currently no functional or mechanistic explanation for this.


We sought to clarify the role of NLRP1 in asthma pathogenesis.


Results from the GALA II cohort study were used to identify a link between NLRP1 and asthma in Mexican Americans. In vitro and in vivo models for NLRP1 activation were applied to investigate the role of this inflammasome in asthma at the molecular level.


We document the association of an NLRP1 haplotype with asthma for which the single nucleotide polymorphism rs11651270 (M1184V) individually is the most significant. Surprisingly, M1184V increases NLRP1 activation in the context of N-terminal destabilization, but decreases NLRP1 activation on dipeptidyl peptidase 9 inhibition. In vitro studies demonstrate that M1184V increases binding to dipeptidyl peptidase 9, which can account for its inhibitory role in this context. In addition, in vivo data from a mouse model of airway inflammation reveal a protective role for NLRP1 inflammasome activation reducing eosinophilia in this setting.


Linking our in vitro and in vivo results, we found that the NLRP1 variant M1184V reduces inflammasome activation in the context of dipeptidyl peptidase 9 inhibition and could thereby increase asthma severity. Our studies may have implications for the treatment of asthma in patients carrying this variant of NLRP1.

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